Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Who Stole My Cheese?!

Here are the results of a recent poll of business executives in the United States. They were asked to name the worst offenses in the workplace that lead to termination. 35% - drinking on the job
38% - cursing and other lewd behavior                                                                                                        

28% - making too many personal calls

The same question was asked of NONE executives within the companies. They overwhelming responded (98%) that stealing from the office refrigerator is the worst offense.
What do you think is the worst offense in the workplace?


  1. Leslie B. 49
    Since I have been on both sides of the coin, I would have to say that theft of company time is one of the worst offenses coupled with theft of company property. When I was young and stupid, I wasted a lot of time visiting with co-workers, on the phone, doing personal stuff, etc. Facebook was not around yet, or that would have been a big problem. I have since written a letter of apology to my former boss. Even though it was not his money, and I was not the only offender, I am responsible for ME. Owning my own business really made me appreciate a good, hard worker. I paid well for people who did not waste time on my dime.
    For anyone who is going out to get a job, don't think your employer won't know if you are STEALING time from them, they do. Stealing supplies follows behind that. As a Christian, the way I look at it is that I don't want to have to stand before God one day and answer for why I intentionally stole pens, paper, tape, staplers, etc. If you think they won't mind if you have it, then ask permission and you are off the hook.

    1. Frances M. 847 in response to Leslie B. 49
      I like you mentioned stealing time because this can often be overlooked. I believe we are all at fault at this. And with you mentioning the office supplies and coming before God....very true statement. Being a Christian myself I want to show a good example to peers and to please the Almighty. All sin is equal and we need to have the self control to whine ourselves away from untruthful things. Good point Leslie.

  2. Ken T.49
    I would agree with stealing and add a deeper explanation: lying is a form of stealing too; lying is stealing someone’s faith and trust in you. You are lying if you enter inaccurate time on your time care; fail to enter the correct lunch break, showing up late and still reporting 8 hours.

    1. Tokunbo N44 in response to ken T49
      i agree stealing is a big problem is a work place but other factors like tadiness, nonchalant attitude to work and fighting in the workplace also gets pple fired.

    2. Victoria S. 43 in response to Ken T. 49

      I really can't believe that stealing and lying is one of the main issues in some peoples work place? I can't imagine having to deal with that and hope I never have too.

    3. Gbenga A.43 in response to ken T.49

      I'm totally in support of your view as to the fact that lying is a form of stealing. Lying is something that must have been well thought out before executed. A liar is definitely one without a conscience, and the result of one day's lie could take several years to salvage.

    4. Kristel B Online 43 in response to Tokunbo N 44

      I think you just hit a very prevalent point, fighting in the work place. Whether its catty women in the office or men in the warehouse throwing punches. When there is conflict, that leads to another whole host of issues.

  3. Candace Brown 49
    I think the worst offence in the office is drinking on the job simply because that can lead to the other reasons listed. When you drink it can cause you to cuss and use lewd comments at the work place and it can promote your behavior to do ten times worst things on the job.

  4. Chandis Cagle
    I think the worst offense on the job would definately have to be making personal phone calls while working. When you make personal phone calls on the job it is very distracting and very rude to others around you. Because basically you are getting you own personal break to chat when you should be working. Everyone gets the same amount of breaks. it is only fair. One thing I know is that they dont allow it at my workplace because it is very disturbing and unprofessional. Nobody needs to know the conversation about you and your boyfriend!!! lol

  5. Danielle D. 49 I would have to say the worst offense in the work place would have to be stealing. If you are a "lower ranking employee" you may think that what you are stealing may not be noticeable to the CEO's of the company but it is not just what you are stealing, but that says a lot about your personality. On the other side CEO's can also steal from the company, but if they are in charge what does that say about the operations within that company. Stealing creates trust issues, if you have no trust within a company or with people that deal with the company, you have nothing.

  6. i would think that drinking on the job would be the worst ofeense. If you're going to drink, thats fine, but do it at home. drinking can lead to other explicit behavior while at work. And some coworkers may not feel comfortable at their place of work with someone drinking on the job.

    1. Maile F. 44 response to Brie-Lenn Harkins

      I laughed when I read this because my Ex-father-in-law use to tell stories all the time how they would drink at work and their supervisor would send them home and they never got fired for it...HUMMM...no wonder GM had to borrow money from the goverment to get bailed out (that is where he worked) He would always say his union representive could get him out of anything. I agree 100% with you on this, work is work and play is play and that should always stay seperated. If you want to drink do it on your dime!!!

  7. Samantha B: Stealing office supplies as well as stealing time would be the biggest offense to me. It is your place of employment, not your grocery store or a place to go and surf the web, take phone calls, file your nails....you are getting paid to work.

    1. I have worked with people that have done the same things as this. I try my best to do my personal things at home so that it does not involve my job. There aresome people that just take advantage of it.

    2. Erelin R- 44 in response to Samantha B
      I think people forget that work is work. You do what the boss tells you to do not what you want to do when you are at home. I will admit when I was younger I did these dumb things but learned to respect my job when I got fired for doing these things.

  8. Maile F. 44

    Considering I worked as a manager for 12 years I would have to say it was split in half. ATTENDANCE and PORDUCTIVITY. That was a majority of the termination that I seen working in a warehouse enviorment. We had a very strictly attendance policy and if you exhausted all of your sick time (48 hours) for the year then you were only allowed 3 occurences (Verbal, Wriiten, then Final Warning) and on the 4th...well you were FIRED!!! The productivity was the same. You had to go through a 90 trainging period with weekly stretch goals and if you didn't meet it at the end of the 90 days you were FIRED!! If you did meet it, well you were expected to maintain it or you got the Verbal, Written, and then Final Warning and then you were out the door.

    1. Marci K. 09 in response to Maile F. 44

      I would agree, one of the worst offense's is productivity. Many believe if they complete the task at hand, not matter the time spent, then all should be well. Unfortunately there is a large amount of individuals live by the motto " Work the job, don't let the job work you." I worked for a company that had a very strict "accountability" program that gave the three strikes and you are out policy, and I was always shocked by those who felt that they were blindsided by their termination after all of the warnings.

  9. Tammy B.44
    I think that Attendance is the worst offense in the work place. I have worked with several people that call into work all the time. I know that sometimes people cant help having to miss owrk when they have sick children or a family member that has an illness. But i do know people that just stya out of work.

  10. Christy W online 43

    In response to Candace Brown 49

    Drinking on the job, I would hope is a automatic dismissal. I think I would agree. I know the obvious things stand out. But, what about sexual harrassment? Although it's less obvious than the above mentioned, I find it the worst offense, that does occurs in the workplace. While often it may go unreported www.alliancetc.com reports over 12,000 claims and over 48.4 million dollars in financial damages. Both males and females are affected regarding sexual harrassment. And these are the reported cases. Imagine how many cases go unreported. I know some of these cases are not valid, but proving sexual harrassment is difficult.

    1. Leslie B 49 in response to Christy
      Believe me, I thought of sexual harassment as well! I was in the military from 1985-1996 and what went on there was unreal. Bosses drinking at work, people grabbing my behind, you name it, it was going on. I just know there is a lot of training now days,so hoped it was better.

  11. Dana Y43
    One of the worse offenses at the workplace is stealing. Not only are you breaking the law but making the company look bad and making yourself an untrustworthy employee

  12. Jeff M -34
    Dishonesty...theft of time, materials, and services. I have been an employee, a manager, and a small business owner. I have seen the cost to companies from employees (and management) that affects the bottom line. When an employee steal any of the above, it costs everyone in the company and its clients. Your employer gives you wages in exchange for production. It should be an amicable exchange. Often, people think that they deserve more so they simply take (or waste) what they want to.

  13. Sabrina Page(Online)

    I can not speak for myself on this blog because I have no been through this or done it. Although from what I have learned growing up, that would be considered an offense of stealing. Someone in the office could be going into debt and can barely afford food, and all they can have is a sandwhich a day. That person just ate away their meal, and now that person is going to go hungry. This may not be the best prime example but it could very well happen. You or that person would be the result of irt. Its just rediculous. I know as a worker, money is hard to come by and food these days are getting very expensive. Even eating healthy cost more than fast food, but the point is, we need to take others situations into consideration, even though we may not realize what they are going through. Bring your own food. Also, it falls under respect. You were hired at this place to do work, and to help the production of that specific companys goal. Why would you take advantage of your own job. You do not deserve more just because you were hired there, or have worked there for a long time period. You were hired to do one thing, and that is the one task your were provided at your interview. Respect it.

  14. Karen S.49
    I think the worst offense on a job would be stealing company time and being on the company clock but,taking care of personal business.I have seen people online looking for apartments placing customers on hold for a long period of time. I have also seen employess taking a long lunch break with out signing out. I think that it take advantage of a company and if you are working for a mom and pop business it could ultimately cost them their business if it is really abused.

  15. Frances M. 847
    The worst offense that can happen at the workplace is between stealing and being untruthful. Both can crumple a company. Stealing should not be tolerated this provides no truth worthy personnel. A company should possess the best among the best to keep the company running.

  16. Tokunbo N44.
    I would say stealing is a big issue in the work. i would say enbezzling funds is a bigger and more serious crime than taking your co worker food from the refridgerator.
    Its better is in united states because the systems allows for checks and balances unlike some african coutries were those in authority spend public funds for personal needs and nobody is accountable

  17. Victoria S. 43

    Theft has NEVER been an issue in my work place, but we do eat each others food. Of course, we always ask before doing so, but it's still a habit we all have. Honestly we don't have any issues in my work place. It's a pahrmacy so we are all pretty loyal towards each other.

    1. Erelin R-44 in response to Victoria S.-43
      You are one of the lucky ones. I used to work at a doctor office and we had the same atmosphere. Then we had a new employee come in and began taking things without asking and stealing company time and not admitting to it which made us all doubt each other. Thankfully she left after 3 months and thing went back to normal.

  18. first and foremost, everyone steals time on the job and off. Frequent restroom breaks to get on the cell phone or having is redundent. Personal phone calss should not be that big of a deal being the Managers do it all the time, however they earned that right to do so. Everyone Steals from there company whether it is a pencile, pen, highlighter or just paper for that matter. Employees tend to get to comfortable with one another and start using vulgar language on the job which is not tolerable by no means.
    To me the worst thing that anyone can do as being a customer service rep and being the person who needs customer service is abide by what they tell the customer. even if one speaks before checking you should still honor what was agreed. Lying about clients or internal business matter is the worst that can happen.

  19. Elizabeth M. 44
    My computer won’t let me reply to a post. This is a response to Maile F. 44.
    I cannot believe that they have an allotted amount of sick time at your job and if you go over you are fired! How can you control if you are sick more than 48 hours a year? I do agree with you about attendance. Showing up late or playing hooky on a regular should not be tolerated in the work place but I don’t think anyone should be punished for being sick.

  20. Kayla F. 49
    I think that stealing is a very big deal.Not only food,but anything.Stealing other co-workers food is one thing,but stealing other things is another.If someone that works so close to you every day steals from you,what else would they do?I do not think that someone eating someone else's food is the worst offense that there is.I feel like if it became a problem,then it could be serious.

  21. Elizabeth M. 44
    Executive or non-executive, If I packed myself a really yummy lunch and brought it to work with me and someone stole it out of the company fridge I would be bummed!! So yeah, that one ranks pretty high on the worst offense list! My work history has mainly been in the food/beverage and retail industry. Environments where you work as a group and the workload is distributed among employees. One of the worst offenses in my opinion is when an employee slacks off on his duties and leaves extra work for his teammates.

  22. Erelin R-44
    The worst offense is in my book stealing company time. Not only does it steal from the company but it also steals from your co workers. This also cause conflict among co-workers and employers. Having to tell your employer off the offense going on makes the person look like a taddle tale and it makes the person doing the offense resentful despite the are in the wrong.

    1. JimellaB43 in response to ErelinR44
      What you are saying is completely true.I feel that It doesn't matter how the person committing the offense feels. They never considered how their fellow co-works or the company as a whole would feel about them stealing from the work place so how they feel is a non factor.!

    2. Mia A. In response to Erelin R 44
      Yes, I think finding ways to steal company time is not only wrong but it affects the company and other employees.

  23. JimellaB43
    I think the worst offense in the work place is robbing the company blind. Its really a disgusting thing too do and not only are you cheating yourself,your cheating the entire company as a whole. Even if you take little items or money it's still wrong and you should be ashamed of yourself. You know that you are doing is wrong and you should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law

  24. Kitrina B49
    I think as a recovering addict that Coming into work high is a great offense. It hinders your work preformance and your attention is rarely on your job anyway which isn't fair to your employers and co-workers.

  25. Gbenga A.43

    I think that lying is the worst offense. One lie can destroy a company. A liar is capable of anything. A liar is a very dangerous person. They can't be trusted. Just one single lie can destroy an establishment. A liar can bring about discord and dissension between co-workers, thereby breaching trust.

  26. The Worst Offense to a worker's teammates is absence and being incredibly late. There's absolutely no worse way to do your job and pull your weight than not being there to do it. If Super-Lateness and Absence were usual factors in a business then it would see some major faults.

    1. In response to Alex McCaleb

      My thoughts exactly, people dont usually think about how there actions effect others. They are more thinking about how they can ensure their story sounds good enough for the excuse.

      The next poll I think they should have is:

      Prior to the economic down fall and after, what percentage of people were late. I think the results would astound some people.

  27. I think its laziness, I have been everything from the peon to the manager. I have had to let people go many times for being late or just didnt care enough about the job to try. Its different when your late one or two times a month, but when you are late at least once every week, not good.
    I also saw where people would slack off on the job, or they would have to be constantly reminded to get to work. Taking to many breaks also came up alot. People who smoke tend to take quiet a bit more breaks during the day than people who dont.

    If your speaking of quantity its laziness would happen the most. If ranked in a list from least offensive to most, sexual harassment would rank #1.

    1. Also a pretty good observation. XD
      Worse than not being there to do the job, is doing it poorly.
      Noooooobody wants that, now.

  28. I think the worst offense in the workplace is not dressing presentably. In the workplace, appearance is everything.

  29. Bernadette M43
    I have had two businesses in my life time. I strongly beleive theft, is a problem. I think there is a bigger problem businesses face today.
    I beleive worker apathy kills a business faster than anything else. Customer service is more important than ever. When I go into a store and have to deal with a worker who does not care about their job or who does not want to do his job I leave. This seems to be happening more and more these days. Customer service can make or break a business.

  30. Bernadette M 43 online to
    AnonymousJuly 25, 2012 6:17 PM
    Leslie B 49 in response to Christy
    I agree sexual harrasement is a terrible thing to have to deal with in the work place. I have experenced it in the past, and have done all the approiate reporting, and nothing was done, mainly because others were afraid to talk up in my defense as well as their own. I left the job and glad I did, but other women could not leave and were afraid to stand up for themselves. Not a pleasent situtation

  31. Christsandra G. 44

    l think the worst offense is not being reliable and calling out of work all the time. The other offense is some people not being professional and acting like they hate there jobs so they take it out on the customers, and the other offense is stealing from the job, I haven't witnessed it while working but I have witnessed it in my personal life and it wasn't pretty.

  32. Meredith N.44

    The worst offense in the workplace may depend on where you work. Everyone should have professional behavior no matter where they are or what type of work. I have worked in the daycare setting. In fact, that is the desire for my career. I have had different experiences in different daycares. In my opinion, the behavior of some of the workers was questionable. We have been taught in our ECCE courses on how to care and talk to very young children. At times, I observed behavior that was not the best for a child to see or hear. The workers should not have made such negative responses. The behavior was not professional for this particular workplace.

  33. Meredith N.44 in response to Clint Wiley. 44

    I agree that laziness is a problem. People need to show up to do the job they are paid for. It seems that they don't care about the quality of their work but only collecting a paycheck.

  34. Bernina W. 44

    The worst offense in a work place , would be cursing and lewd behavior, and also stealing.

    1. Christsandra G.44 in response to Bernina W. 44

      I agree with you about the cursing its like everywhere I work you have someone using bad language especially in front of the customers, that is very unprofessional back then if you used a curse word in the workplace that was an automatic suspension,they don't care now.

  35. Kristel B Online 43

    I think one of the worst offenses is not conducting yourself in a professional manner. Whether that be dress, or interactions with customers, communication with co-workers or even time spent on the job, I think it all should be done in a professional manner. I think so many people forget that are fortunate to have a job and they lose the mentality that they should be grateful for a chance to enhance the company and provide the best. I think a level of respect has been lost in the work force and its resulting in a non-professional alternative.

    1. Jordan P. 43 in response to Kristel B. 43

      I agree. When people first get jobs, they are always on their best behavior and doing their best, but as time goes on and they get more comfortable in their position they tend to slack off a little bit.

  36. Jordan P. 43

    I think it depends what kind of setting you work in, but I'll talk about healthcare, for example. I was getting my wisdom teeth removed and the nurses prepping me were acting like they weren't paying attention to what they were doing at all. They were talking amongst themselves about what they wanted for lunch and what happened last night on their dates and it didn't even look like they were looking at what they were doing. It made me very nervous and uncomfortable. Therefore I think one of the worst offenses in the workplace is not giving your all or trying your best.

  37. Christy Williams online 43

    Most importantly of all I'd have to say the all encompassing discrimination in the work place can and should get someone fired. Discrimination comes in many forms; age, race, gender, dability and religion. www.smallbuisnesshr.com states 100,000 cases are filed per year according to the (EEOC)Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. In order:
    1 retaliation 36,258
    2. race 35,890
    3.sex 29,029
    4. disability 25,165
    5. age 23,264
    6. National origin 11,304
    7. Religion 3,790
    8.Equal pay 1,044
    I personally find the disrimination of equal pay among the sexes to be the most frustrating. I think this is becoming better, but really!
    Steal my lunch Mr., but pay me equally.

  38. Katarzyna C. online 33
    I think that the worst offense in the workplace would be surfing the net. Surfing on the internet during work hours is a form of stealing..it’s actually steeling company time. You are getting paid to do your job during work hours and not use the internet for personal interests. One of my past employers had to block certain sites once people visited them a certain amount of times in order to prevent internet surfing during work hours. I’ve seen people paying their bills on line while at work, watching movies, shopping for Christmas gifts, and that’s just to name a few.

  39. Katarzyna C. online 33 in response to Jordan P. 43
    I have to agree with you that it does depend on what setting you work in… for example.. if I drop my child off at daycare, I would want the staff there to act like they care. If I see the staff not trying or giving it their all, like you stated, I would be reluctant about leaving my child there. I also believe that if the staff does not give it their all at their job, the employer is the one that suffers in the end both financially and their reputation can be tarnished in their industry.

  40. I think that the worst offense on a job is stealing. There is two things that i do not like that is someone who tell lies and someone who steals. If someone is stealing from their job then that say alot about a person charater.If someone will steal from their work placae they will still from anywhere.

  41. Chris C.
    i would say drinking on the job would be the worst because if you drink enough on the job who knows what you could damage or disrupt. It's selfish because you are being trusted to do a job and manage company resources and your DRUNK!

  42. Eric D.49
    I think that it varies from company to company. Since I work in a restaurant where food is prepared fresh on a daily basis, carelessness in the sanitation department is definitely the worst. I mean, you can easily cross-contaminate lots of foods which could then poison other people. I think that getting fired for stealing a pint of chocolate is the absolute worst, especially from my own personal standpoint.

    1. jalaacya .m43 online in response to eric d.49
      I most definitely agree because i use to work in food service. I would never feel right serving someone food that i didn't even feel wasn't prepared in a sanitary manor.

  43. Eric Deaux 49 inresponse to atarzyna C.
    I agree with what you're saying. Childhood is the roots of life and can be easily tweeked to the wrong direction by just one instance in a daycare center.

  44. jalaacya m.43 online
    For the worst offense is stealing from your fellow coworkers. You to work alongside these people and for you or a boss to steal from them is wrong. Whether it be food, messing with peoples pay checks or even stealing someones stapler off their desk. The line has to drawn somewhere. I'd rather people not steal at all but let's face it thet will never happen.

  45. Kathryn C. 43 online
    I would have to say stealing is the worst thing that can happen to someone. No matter what you will have to answer for that at some point and time in your life or the life here after. I worked in various fields, and have been a cook in a child care center. When they told me that I was responsible for employee lunches in the company refrigerator, I quickly found something else to do. I come from a family that will give you the shirt off of my back, but you have to ask for it. Things are not just there for the taking.If you are hungry, then I will gladly either give you my lunch, or at least gladly share it.

  46. Kathryn C 43. online in reponse to Jalen J. 49
    I wish I could say that I had not seen where this was a problem.It is sad that we live in a society that people need to be told how to dress and how to act.It is sad to think that we have to have others tell us what is acceptable, and that we can not think for ourselves!

  47. Annsley B 75

    I think the worst offense in the workplace is not being on time. Being on time to work shows responsibility. If you are late, it shows you are not responsible and that you just don't care. Being on time is important for many more reasons than just showing up on time. Time is set so things can go in a smoothly order. If you are not there, than things will get behind. For instance like being on time for a meeting, sending crews out for jobs, being late can put all of these things back and can mess up a whole day. Not only does is look bad, it truely means your not held accountable. I feel that being late is the worst.

    1. Arveolla M.43

      There are those who set out to be on time to work, but things happen to make them fall behind in their timing. I think that if you take the initiative and call in and tell them that you are running behind schedule that it shows a greater responsibilty and lets them know that you are just a hard worker.

  48. Annsley B 75 in response to Jalaacya m 43

    I do think that stealing is also very bad. I don't know why people would not ask to use something off someones desk, like a stapler, or something so little as taking someone else's food in the refridgerator. Why not just ask instead of taking it. It wouldn't be so hard. Clearly stealing in the workplace happens way to often. This just shows disrespect and is uncalled for.

  49. AnissaG43 online
    I think stealing is the worse because people will steal office supplies like copy paper, staplers, pens, and toliet tissue from the washroom. Making to many personel phone calls is a big one also some people spend half the day on the work day on personal calls.

  50. AnissaG43 online in response to AnnsleyB75
    I agree with you being on time is important. That one late person can throw off the flow of work for everyone.

  51. Vann H. 88

    I do not think taking food out of the refrigerator is the worse offense, although that does sound pretty funny. I would think stealing from the company or any kind of harassment would be the worse.

  52. Vann H. 88 in response to Eric D.49

    That's a really good point. It could vary from job to job. In a resturant, poisoning people would probably be the worst.

  53. Jessica F. 44
    I believe that one of the worst offences is the workers management of their productivity and time. I have seen were the employees gather together to manage what type of passé the workday will bring. They are aware of the workload and if they want over time they will band together to slow down so that they can have longer shifts so that they are paid over time. Then if you tell them that they will have to work the weekend they will get together and mange to produce three times high output than they manage in a three week average. Yet this people know that they are being measured on this and know if they all are doing poorly than they cannot all be punished. This is truly horrifying to managers that watch this numbers.

  54. Jessica F. online In response to Christsandra G. 44
    I would have to agree with the reliability of the attendance at a work place is a bad offence. To the second one you mention what about how people conduct themselves. I would have to ask are the employees being told or taught how to conduct themselves in front of particular groups. So companies give different standards but the management does not follow through with the corrective action if behavior is not being conduct properly.

  55. Marci K. 09

    I think one of the worst offense in the work place is lack of responsibility. Allowing others to pick up your slack due to the fact that your are not putting your best foot forward is so incredibly inconsiderate. It puts extra work on others, and sends the message that your time is more important that others.

    1. Mia A 44 reply to Marci K. 09
      Yes, Marci! I agree with you. I think you should help out your coworkers when they need you. But when they take advantage of the situation and find ways to put their slack onto others is low work ethic.

  56. Mia A. 44
    I think when your boss is unethical, it is a great offence. When he or she does not follow what he or she preaches to the customers, clients, ect. When he/she puts on a front to the clients but does not practice his/her own work ethic. And penalizing his/her employees for their actions but not following them his or herself.

  57. Arveolla M.43

    Theft is definitely an underlying cause of people being dishonest in the workplace. Some steal to provide for their families and others do it because they see it as an opportunity and think of themselves as being to highly to get caught.

  58. Quadarius Higgins online

    I would have to say that the cursing at the work place would have to be the most offense to me. Being that i work at walmart, it doesnt bother too many people when something is missing out of the refrigerator, because there is not much you can do about it. But they do take the cursing very seriously.

  59. Mark W. 49
    If you don't like people coming into work drunk or people cursing, please do not join the Navy. Afar as eating someones food at work, I once at a sandwich named Kevin. All kidding aside, I hated coming to work every day and having to work on aircraft with people that were completely obliterated from the night before. It was not only a safety issue but also took a huge toll on productivity.

  60. I would also agree that stealing from the company you work for is the most offensive thing one could do to the place that provides them with the privilege and ability to maintain their livelihood.
