Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Power of Suggestion

Marketing and advertising are very powerful agents of socialization. A recent study compiled this list of leading media outlets for advertising: television, magazines, Internet, newspapers, radio, billboards and social networking sites.

Which one (1) do you think is the most influential form of advertising? Please state the reasoning behind your selection.   


  1. Ken T.49
    I would believe that television is still the most influential based on television shows more than commercials; commercials are no longer being watched due to TiVo type options. In supporting this, I pose the questions: who wouldn't want to look like this actor/actress, wear what they wear, drive what they drive, drink what they drink, etc. Commercials are not needed as much anymore, because the advertising is subtly placed into the shows. I remember the old Jell-O and Sanka advertisements at the end of The Andy Griffith Show; Andy would always say "I appreciate it and goodnight."

  2. Bernadette M43 online
    I would have to say than Television would be the most influential form of advertising. Since its begining most people watch tv on a daily basis, even though they complain about the commercials, they continue to sit and watch them. Through the years commercials have been entertainment in themselves. Improving through time, they catch your attention with either a sight,sound, or catch phrase. They can be serious, or funny, on target or outrageous, but we still watch.

  3. In response to Bernadette M43 Though television is a number one activity the human race choose to do, advertisment itself even tells you to go out side and get involved to avoid obesity. However, I would have to say the best way of advertising is by bill boards. While riding in the car people tend to notice there surroundings and bill boards will catch anyones attention no matter what it says. It will always have some type of sexual, sensual or delicous foods, that grabs your attention and then you notice yourself giving in because you want to try it, or check it out.

  4. Q.Higgins T49 I think for the younger generation it would have to social networking. Most of us dont watch as much tv like we used to being that we are always on social networks, either twitter or facebook. Alot of current events are discussed on these sites. Sometimes i find things out on twitter or facebook before i hear them anywhere else

    1. Tammy B.44
      I do think that they younger generation uses social networking more than anything else. I beleive that our would chnages with each generation and who knows what it will be next.

  5. Bernina W. 44
    I would say the the Internet would be the most effective marketing agent. Because everyone has accsess to it , from laptops to handheld moble devices, and of course youtube is so popular now . So yep I would say Internet would be more influential in advertising.

    1. Maile F. 44 reponse to Bernina W. 44

      I thought the same thing at first too. But what about all the "elderly" people who are not technology friendly. My mother is constantly buying things off the internet but it is because she seen some ad on the television. Don't get me wrong if it wasn't for the internet should would of never of found the best deal for it, but if it wasn't for the television in the first place she would of never of even thought to look for it. Just a thought :)

    2. Mia A. 44 response to maile F 44
      I agree with you in that there is a growing population of seniors who don't have access or does not want access to commuters and internet. I think for this population, TV would be a great marketable tactic.

  6. Meredith N.44
    I think television is the most influential form of advertising. Television programming is on 24/7. The ads are generally colorful, may have catchy music and a slogan that is read and heard. The more senses and repitions you use the more you remember. An ad on TV can even be effective if you walk out of the room and can still hear it. Every year companies spend millions of dollars for a Super Bowl ad. I haven't heard of the other media outlets charging such high prices to advertise. I would think that television has the most possibility of influencing our society.

    1. Gbenga A.43 in response to Meredith N.44

      I am of the same opinion that TV is the most influential form of advertising. TV helps viewers to be able to relate to a very large extent what the commercial or advertisement is talking about. TV is available, affordable, and accessible. I completely agree with your thoughts.

  7. Sopheak P49
    My guess would be the internet as the most influential form of advertising because most people I know just google whatever product they want and also read the reviews before purchasing it.

  8. Bernadette M43 online to H. Israel
    It may be a generational thing, since I grew up with TV. But I also grew up with bill boards, Many more in my day than today. Yes they do catch your eye when driving down the road, but are soon forgotten, where as commercials you see the same ones over and over and over again. Bill boards were a lot of fun on trips but you dont see as many in cities either. I would think the second best in advertising would be on social sites, because even us older folks use them. But the advertisements pop up and are gone and if you have a pop up blocker set right you dont even see them. I don't know but when I am on face book I do not even look at the advertisments on the side of the page. Maybe more young people do? Interesting question, is this a generational difference or a personal one?

  9. Ken T.49
    In response to my original entry: Wow, I did not realize the irony behind my entry. Andy Griffith passed away at 7 this morning; I had no idea until a minute ago...

  10. Kitrina B49
    I would definately think that television is the most influential form of advertising.The ranges are endless and of course there are certain times, such as: Super Bowl Sunday, World Series, Play off games, NBA, etc... when the advertising goes into over drive with their various products. Then you have the work out plans, diet products, anything and everything to help make yourself more desirable. Everyone says that they don't have time to watch T.V anymore but I believe that most of us make time at some point in our day, therefore subjecting ourselves to every kind of advertisement there is.

    1. JimellaB43 in response to KitrinaB49
      Although I said the internet I would have to agree 100% with what you said. I didn't even think about the super bowl and all the new commercials they create just for that purpose. Television is one of the best advertising methods.

  11. JimellaB43
    I would say that the internet would be the most influential form of advertising. I say this because everyone uses the internet. People even rely on the internet for the news. Every company has an internet site and it is the most convenient to access no matter where you are. There is so much out there on the internet and most people only buy or try a product because they saw it advertised in some way on the internet.

  12. I believe that social networking sites are becoming the number 1 advertisement technology. Think of facebook, and twitter. You can add millions of friends, and follow the top leaders of the world. When someone has something important coming up, all they have to do it post a tweet, or a status referring to that event and all of your friends know about it. Then it will spread like wild flowers because your friends will then forward it or like it and it becomes visible on their walls, and TL. So many people are turning to these sites, that most people dont even use the regular internet. A business friend may need to get a project notice out to her staff and or partners and so on facebook, she can create a group for those specific people. It's the quickest form of blogging, notifying and responding America has experienced so far.

  13. Sabrina Page (online student)
    the above anonymous post is mine. I forgot my name at the top. So i copied it from my original post and putting it on here.Sorry about that.

    I believe that social networking sites are becoming the number 1 advertisement technology. Think of facebook, and twitter. You can add millions of friends, and follow the top leaders of the world. When someone has something important coming up, all they have to do it post a tweet, or a status referring to that event and all of your friends know about it. Then it will spread like wild flowers because your friends will then forward it or like it and it becomes visible on their walls, and TL. So many people are turning to these sites, that most people dont even use the regular internet. A business friend may need to get a project notice out to her staff and or partners and so on facebook, she can create a group for those specific people. It's the quickest form of blogging, notifying and responding America has experienced so far.

  14. Candace Brown 49
    I think that tv is the most influential advertizing. Almost everyone watches tv and every tv shows have commercials. Some stations even do the paid advertizing early in the mornings. TV is very powerful.

  15. Carmen G. 87 Online

    I would have to say that television is still one of the most powerful forms of advertisement. Most people watch some form for television at some point in the day and they repetitively show the same commercials over and over. Eventually, these advertisements start to stick with you on a subconscious level. I have even had dreams about commercials that I have seen on television.

    1. Elizabeth M. 44
      I agree with you about T.V. advertising sticking with you on a subconscious level. I always get stupid commercial jingles stuck in my head! There are some company’s phone numbers that I will never forget because they sing it to a catchy melody in the commercial.

  16. Carmen G. 87 Online in response to Q.Higgins T49

    I agree. I think that with the newer generation social media has become a large part of daily life and it is a fertile ground for advertising. I think in the future it may be able to keep a competitive rate with television advertisements.

  17. Leslie B. 49
    I think a fair question would be, "What are you marketing, and to whom?". The answers would help to know the best outlet to use to advertise. My first guess would be the social media outlets such as facebook and twitter, followed by the internet in general, and then TV. The reason I think social media might be the largest outlet is because so many people have internet on their phones, wifi on laptops, tablets, etc. and when they are logging on, many are doing so to check their social media pages. Many no longer even read their e-mail. They will check their social media pages 10-20 times a day and maybe more. The more mature (older) generation is more apt to see an ad on TV.

  18. Meredith N.44 in response to Kirtina B.49
    Television offers so many different kinds of programs. Some are just to advertise and sell products. They try to make us believe that we can't live without it. I tend to ignore ads on the internet. I agree that television is most influential.

    1. Eric D.44 in response to Meredith N.44.
      Although I agree that television can be influential in some respect, people have such short attention spans these days that when an ad appears, they just flip the channel and focus on something else. The internet, however, cannot be ignored.

  19. Eric D.44
    I'm gonna have to say the internet is the most influential media source. Sites like google, yahoo, msn, etc. etc always have links for new stories and products and the best jobs available. I get on to check my e-mail and before I have a chance to sign on I'm stuck reading "The top 10 reasons why men eat in the middle of the night." I don't actually care about the article but the fact that someone took the time to compile the list intrigues me enough to read it. Then, out of my peripheral vision I see a yogurt ad and BOOM! next thing I know I'm at the store looking for activia. The internet's ads work with my subconscious and send messages to me to perform certain tasks and think certain things.

    1. Tokunbo N44, In response to Eric D44.I would agree with Eric since the would is fast becoming a global village internet has taken over advertising communication .the consumer is just a click away from the message.

    2. Lizzy A.44online in response to Eric D.44
      Though internet has an impact but we should not forget that not household has internet connection especially in the developing nations and even in developed nations many do not know how to use internet search engines.But TV has its vast impact in any group,age or nation.

  20. Tracey E. 49

    I think television is still the most influential. Even though social networks are on the rise television still has an upper hand. I still believe that tv is the first source people go to for information. Television will always be firsthand entertainment because everyone has a favorite show, sport, or movie that they love to watch weekly, if not daily. During that time there are commercials(advertisements)that are shown and peaks interest to consumers.

  21. chandis cagle
    I think Social Networking is the best way to advertise. Only because everyone is on some type of social network. Plus they are very addicting. People check their social networks everyday, every minute to sec. Much is mentioned on that specific source so I think thats the best source to advertise with.

  22. Lizzy A.44
    I think Television will always be the most influential form of advertisement because it involve the visual and audio which are always attracting and compelling. TV is being watched everywhere and by everybody ranging from young to old, so this makes the TV the most influential means of advertising.

  23. Tokunbo N44 advertising is a very powerful tool to advertisers.The main idea is to build a top of mind awareness of the product and service being advertised.
    I would say the most effective is relative but for this i would say Television because it has audio and visual so the consumers can see what they are advertising and posibly how it works.

  24. i would have to say that television is the most powerful form of advertising. Yes, alot of people get on the internet and social networking sites, but almost everyone has a television. People are constantly laughing and talking about how funny commercials are, humming the songs, and quoting the people in these commercials. You really dont see many people talking about advertisements they have seen on the internet.

    1. Christsandra G 44. in response to Brieleen H.

      I agree with Brielenn you don't really hear about people hearing an advertisement on the internet, you hear it from something that was from the t.v..

  25. Kayla F. 49
    Technology is what makes the world go round anymore.Most people cannot go a day without some kind of electronic device.Businesses have it easy these days,because they can advertise anywhere.I think that the internet is the most powerful tool in advertising.We have internet on our computers,phones and televisions.We basically have internet 24/7.Some sites give us daily news,so we do not need to watch t.v.In such a time consuming world,no one wants to stop and watch television,when they can just pull out their phones.Advertising is a big part of the internet.Once you log into Facebook,there is an advertisment.There are lots of ways to the word out,but Ithink that the World Wide Web is the most influencial.

  26. Corey M 44
    I would have to say TV would be the most influential. Every since the invention of it people have watched it on a daily basis.even though they complain about commercials they still sit their and watch them anyways and the commercials are getting to them.

    1. Jordan P. 43 in response to Corey M 44

      I agree with you. People of all ages and genders watch television, whereas only a certain group of people might read a magazine, for example.

  27. KathrynC.43 online

    I would have to say that social networking is the most powerful marketing tool to reach a diverse group of consumers. Facebook is a prime example of how to reach many people through one site. Many companies have realized that the younger generations spend a great deal of time on the internet today. Many companies will offer you special online only deals!

  28. Kathryn C. 43 online in response to Corey M. 44

    Although television is influental, many people choose to get up and go to the bathroom, get something from another room, or do something else when a commercial comes on! I have done this myself when watching something that I thought was interesting, and my children would let me know when it was back on! However, television is a powerful tool to advertise to a broad group of people.

  29. Jordan P. 43

    I believe television is the most influential part of advertising. I know I always have the TV on at least some point of every day and whenever I go to other people's houses they usually have the TV on as well. Also, most waiting rooms or offices have televisions on. Therefore, I think television is the most used form of advertising and the most influential.

  30. Christy W. online 43
    In response to Tracey E. 49, I do agree that television is currently the most influential form of advertising. I base this on the competative nature of "time spots" with regards to sports like the Super Bowl. Millions of dollars are spent to advertise during this event and others like it. Lots of research and creativity goes into the advertising and marketing of these commercials. And the talk after may not provoke you to purchase their product it still succeeded in getting out the name of their product.

    1. In response to Christy W 43
      I also agree that the television is a good source of advertising and grasping an audience. I like how you gave the example of the Superbowl and there many commercials that always have the biggest audiences watching. Another example of this is is around holidays when they aways have big sales which the eyes of many as well. Television has come a long way and has expanded alot.

  31. Frances M 847

    I believe television is the most influential way of advertising nowadays. With this reasoning everyone pretty much has one and makes it easy to advertise a product or products. Even if you dont have a television there is always access to one whether it be in the doctor's office or a friend's home it is easily accessible which makes advertising so much easier.

    1. Jalaacya M.43 online in response to Frances M 847
      Television definitely has more of an influence than any of the others. Our generation is basically ran by television and is the most effective way to advertise, especially when big events are going on and are showing on tv.

  32. Christy W. online 43
    I would like to expand further on why I think television is still the most influential form of advertising. While according to statistics many Americans have internet on their phone www.statista.com shows that many do not have a computer in their home. And while I know that getting past the commercials is hard to do on TV, it is just a "click", on the internet. It's much easier to avoid advertising on the internet in my opinion. Regardless of how many cable channels you have or have not in your home, they all have commercials.
    Illiteracy in the United States alone is estimated between 21 - 23% and globally in some places it is worse. But watching television doesn't always require the ability to read, the internet however, usually does.

  33. Christsandra G. 44

    I would say that television would be the best advertising because everyone has a television. I would also say that it should go on local channels because not everyone has cable, it should be something that would attract the eye, maybe an attractive person, or something that is comedy that would make people laugh, but it all depends on what is being advertised.

  34. Danielle D. 49
    I think that the most effective form of advertising is tv. The majority of Americans have tv but not all have internet access, or cars to drive by billboards. Children just learning to talk and adults in nursing homes see tv, and most, without the help of Tivo, cannot fast forward through commercials, thus making commercials a very effective form of advertising

  35. Jalaacya M.43 online
    Television is definitely the most influential form of advertising. Most people have access to it and enjoy watching it. The ads on television draw so much attention from the viewers so they will buy their product. Older people people are usually the ones who read new papers not too many people read them today.

  36. Mark W. 49
    Television is without a doubt the most influential form of advertising.If it were not, you would not see companies paying three million for a thirty second spot during the Super Bowl. I haven't seen anyone paying Facebook three large for an ad.

  37. Chris C.
    Absolutely agree with most of the comments. Television is by far the most powerful advertising tool in America today. Everytime you turn on the TV its commercial after commercial all trying to get you to buy something and it seems to work.

    1. Michaelia B. 43 in response to Chris C.
      I agree classmate. I cant remember a time when there wasn't advertisements on television. If it isn't law firms its restaurants and car lots all begging for your business. Television is definitely the most well known and influential form of marketing.

  38. Elizabeth M. 44
    I think that television is still the most influential form of advertising. Products are not only advertised in commercials, but in the T.V. programs as well. Often you will see the characters in a sitcom drinking a Pepsi or eating Doritos. These images are embedded into our subconscious and next thing we know, we are craving these products.

    1. Kristel B 43 Online in response to Elizabeth M. 44

      You are absolutely right. I never even thought about the fact that advertising is embedded all throughout shows as well. Subconsciously we crave the objects simply because we saw the celebrities utilizing them, then we feel the need to as well. I don't know how many times I have been watching a movie or TV show and had the desire to eat just because I saw the characters eating.

    2. Marci K. 09 in response to Elizabeth M. 44

      I don't think I have ever actually payed any attention to the advertisements that are subconsciously placed in TV shows. However, our society is so caught up in emulating the lives of celebrities that we do find ourselves mimicking the actions, clothing and lifestyles of what we see on TV. What a perfect place to put a advertisement subconsciously!!

  39. Kristel B 43 Online

    I would have to say TV is the most influential. Although some of the commercials only last 30 seconds, they often find their way back into our lives at some point. For example, Super Bowl commercials, people talk about those 30 second clips for weeks on end, playing and replaying them. They are short, but they are powerful. A Subway commercial is enough to make your mouth water while a US Army commercial is enough to get you riled up for your nation. It doesn't take much, either a stupid plot or a horrible script, if its on screen, it somehow will grab your attention.

  40. Michaelia B. 43
    I believe television is the most influential source of marketing because more people watch television compared to those that may order the morning paper or not have access to the internet for the social networking sites. I would rather just turn on the TV anyway rather than to flip through pages or search online. I have no interest in reading magazines and I really don't pay attention to the advertisements when I am on social networking sites.

  41. Gbenga A.43

    TV is without a doubt the most influential form of advertising. The TV as a medium of advertisement is helpful in conveying the message of the advert to both the literates and the illiterates. Sometimes, all you need to see to catch a glimpse of the advert is visuals. Television is very easy to flip through, very comfortable to watch, easily accessible, and readily available. Most people enjoying watching the TV than most of the other advertising media, as it is able to provide them with a visual aid of the whole advertisement.

  42. Well honestly all of these are great forms of advertising. Each one is a area of focus for different people. Its whatever choice a person divulges themselves in, in order to stay up in current events or entertainment. Each decade one is greater than another, I would say one that has stayed constant the most is TV.

    TV commercials and info-mercials have been a very lucrative development for sometime now. One government study showed that in 2002 a record 30sec Superbowl commercial topped out at 5.8 million, and the highest year accumulation for a network was 75 million. Im sure that the over paid advertising executives who work for those companies buying the commercial spots have done the math and agree that its worth spending that much for a 30 sec commercial, in comparison to how much sales or profit they gain. So comparing time and money to the gain a company would spent the most on tv commercials. If they spend the most on tv commercials this must means the results must be the highest if they continue to use this outlet and pay that much.

  43. At first I wasn't entirely sure, but now I figure it's the Television Advertisements. In fact I could use myself as an example, I'm not the only one, but I watch a LOT of TV. And there have been direct times when I saw a desirable product advertised and acted on it pretty fast. I know they spend crazy money to procure times on Primetime and more famously the Super Bowl. This is because billions of people are watching at such a time, so it's a big deal. It costs so much money for a reason, working as well as it does, a visual and auditory presentation by TV is the best

  44. Maile F. 44

    I am going to have to say television. At first I was going to say the internet, but that is more a socializing tool for the younger generation than an advertising toll. Don't get me wrong you can find and buy anything you want on the internet but that is you searching for it unlike a television where you actually are just subjected to it. A good example would be the show "Shark Tank." These people have tried various marketing tricks and they get there products out there by more or less television exposure.

  45. Vann H. 88
    I would say while my generation was growing up TV was the most influential, and It still may be, but the power of internet has grown tremendously in the past few years. People have started to look to facebook to find "true" information about peoples' lives, as well as local, and world news.

  46. Tammy B.44
    I think that TV is the most leading way of advertising. Almost all people watch tv at some point. Some people still do not have internet these days and still do not travel far away from home so this can limit them to see those advertisments. Marketing is a big deal in our world today becuase thats the way that every business gets out what they want to sell. I do think that everything changes in different generations but still tv will be the most leading one.

  47. Vann H. 88 in response to Gbenga A.43

    I feel like people who are aware of all of the tricky advertising techniques are less susceptible to their intent. The real dangers of being influenced by tv lie in watching the news. All forms of media that are based on telling people local and world happeneings are owned by very wealthy people that have a very specific set of ideas they want to instill in their viewers minds. We are also more likely to beleive everything we see on the news because it is socially common to veiw the news stations as trustworthy.

  48. Jessica F. 44
    If you chose today’s generation of young adults I would have to say that the Internet is the most powerful socialization over today’s youth. I can also say that these entire media source have some influence on different generations. The grandparents would be newspaper. Your parents would be television. People early 30’s to late-twenties would be radio and television. People mid 20’s to late teens these would include internet and radio. Today’s teenage population this would be social media. The influences change with the advancement in technology. Eventually it will be interment and social media based influence.

  49. Jessica F. online in response to Tracey E. 49
    I would agree that yes television is a very influential media type. On the other hand how many people are actually setting down in front of the television and watching the televisions program at the time that they are aired. Most of today society mid 20’s to 30’s are watching the television program on some type of TiVo devices.

  50. Marci K. 09

    I believe that internet media sites are the most influential type of advertisement. At one time commercials use to be the prominent source of advertisement, however, with DVR most people don't watch commercials anymore. With Google, Yahoo, MSN, Facebook there is a constant stream of advertisement to the left of the page, regardless of what you are searching for. Internet media also has advanced in such a way that the advertisements are tailored to fit the consumer based on previous searches.

  51. Quatis S online 43
    My first thought was the internet because i don't watch TV often but then I thought about my children. I would say the the TV would be the best way to market because it reaches young and old alike depending on the business.

    1. Victoria S. 43 in response to Anvahuje

      I was going to say Internet at first, but my little sister is constantly giving me Christmas ideas just from ads on television. Disney, Nickelodeon, and other kids channels have every toy possible advertised.

  52. Quatis S online43 in Response to Bernina W 44

    I agree with you to an extent. I believe it depends on the business. There are so many saerch engines online that you have to have money or a good marketing team to reach billons of people and word of mouth.

  53. Mia A. 44
    I think the most influential type of advertisement is commercials in between sport breaks. I know a lot of people now tend to skip or fast forward the commercials but tend to watch the ones in between sports breaks. And also, I think using popular TV shows to promote certain advertisement is also powerful.

  54. Annsley Baldwin 75

    I feel that the most influential form of advertising is television. The clothes, hair, make-up, housing, cars, gadgets, etc.... definitely make one want. Television continues to change and update and represent the newest and best of everything in order to keep us desiring.

  55. Annsley Baldwin 75 in response to Michaelia B 43

    I couldn't agree with this more. I do not read the paper, pay attention to adds on social networking sites, or enjoy magazines either. I feel that television is easier and therefore the best form of advertising.

  56. Victoria S. 43

    Television! Without a doubt! It seems that's where I see all advertisements..restaurant ads, clothing, exercise equipment, gardening tools, anything and everything you can imagine. And all include a contact number for ordering purposes. That would certainly be the main marketing of the U.S.

  57. Karen S.49

    I believe that social networking would be a great way to advertise like facebook.Facebook always have Target or some short of website they are asking you to like. Especially if there will be a coupon attached it always start a buzz..Therfore I will go will social networking

  58. I think that the most effective way to advertise is television.Because most of Americans watches television and they have no choice but to watch the advertisements. Verse online advertisement because people can just block them messages. If people advertise by phone people can just hang up the phone.

  59. JeffM-34
    I believe by far that the internet is the most powerful advertising tool available at this time. Anyone who is searching for a thing or service merely needs to type a word or two and behold, all information becomes available. The flip side is that no matter where you search within the internet, advertisments are always there.

  60. Samantha B: I believe that TV is the most powerful. When you sit down to watch your favorite TV show, you are forced to watch the commercials that are shown during your show.

    1. Arveolla M.43

      They are always showing commercials. And for those of us who have kids it is even more difficult because it seems like they are advertising a new toy everyday.

  61. Tokunbo N 44
    In as much as i beleive in the power of television advertising,social media is so powerful now that it seems to be taking over television.

    1. Erelin R-44 in Responce to Tokunbo 44
      I like you believe television is fading as the most powerful form of advestiment. Things like TIVO has taking out the commercial part of watching TV. I also believe internet is fast becoming part of infuening force.

  62. Katarzyna C. 33 online
    I think that television advertizing is the most influential form of advertizing. Television is our main form of entertainment, and because of this all age groups are exposed to televised advertizing. This type of media has a great influence on our society, especially in teenagers.

  63. Katarzyna C. 33 online in response to Tokunbo N. 44
    I also think that television is the most influential type of advertizing. It is all over our televisions and therefore influencing our outlook on how we should dress, what we should, eat, and even what we should drive. This type of advertising,I think, can be very dangerous to our self esteems, especially for teenagers.

  64. Dana Y43
    Social networking sites are the #1 source of advertising at the moment. Anytime someone whats to know something the first thing they do is go to facebook or twitter and people are spending more time on social networking sites than watching television

  65. Michelle G.44
    Television still a great deal of advertisement. Everyone dont have acess to the internet, espesially the elder who just like the old ways. We all watch t.v. at some point.

  66. Erelin R-44
    I think radio is the most influential since most people live in their car. Advertisers use our wasted time sitting in traffic and driving to influence us to buy things that we dont need or we do. The best part for them is they dont have to pay actors or spend money on a set to sell us what ever they are trying.

  67. Arveolla M.43

    I think that television is very influential. The reason why is because kids in todays society rather sit in the house and watch television day in and day out instead of getting out and playing in the neighborhood.

  68. AnissaG43
    I would have say internet. The internet is so worldwide now that you can look up anything or find anything on the internet. Children use the internet to help with homework, social networking, and information. There is so much advertising on almost every page you open. People spend more time on the internet than watching T.V. now.

  69. AnissaG43 online in response to LeslieB49
    I agree with you people come home and go straight to the computer or constantly surfing on there cell phone. More people are on the social network dailey.

  70. I think the best way to try to reach a large number of people is to televise it. I would not say the internet because more people have TV's than laptops or PC's. Watching television requires no effort at all, so energetic, lazy, bored, old, young people and dogs can all watch TV.
