Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Road to Success

Radio and television talk shows, newspapers, E-zines and blogs are all a twitter due to recent comments from the president. As we have just covered the chapter on politics it seems appropriate that we weigh in on the conversation.


The point of this blog discussion is to hear your point of view. Some suggest the underlined statement below gets at the basic ideology of American principals and the capitalist system. It nearly sums up the differences between the two major political parties in this country. Thus, we can comment on the statement without talking about the president.

Do you think on the continuum of small businesses to large corporations, as well as individuals from college students to entrepreneurs that this statement is true or not?  As always state your reasons.

Here is a transcript. Below is a Youtube link to the speech

There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me — because they want to give something back. They know they didn’t — look, if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something — there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there.

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.


  1. Ken T.49
    I could understand the valid point when he indicates that a great teacher may have helped you in your life, perhaps providing the educational drive and interest; however, I cannot agree that all small businesses should be lumped together within what he is trying to explain. There is different government grants to help start a business, but not everyone has used these; there are small business loans, but not everyone uses these either.

  2. Eric D. 49
    Wow, this has got to be one of the most unresearched and unstatistically valid speeches I've ever heard anybody make, let alone a man of such high authority.

    First of all, the internet was not invented by the government. An employee of Steve Jobs' old company NeXT, created the internet. It started off as a small project and has grown to be what it is today. The only thing the government has contributed to it is the BIG BROTHER act where all computers everywhere are constantly being monitored for the "safety of Americans."

    Secondly, not everybody uses student loans and business loans. Some of us, like myself for instance, just started to receive federal aid for my school costs. I have 30 credits now and only the last 7 had any government contributions. The rest came from my own pocket. I'm against government intervention on my life on a personal level and so are a lot of young people these days. So, with that in mind, how could we do it with the help of someone else?

    I'd like to know what point he was getting at when he made this speech because I see nothing gained from having read his current point of view on the matter.

  3. Bernina W.
    I was looking at the comments on utube. WOWWW!! , so much Hate toward this President. I can relate to what he is saying, I'm sure that someone helped Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs , Donalt Trump, to get to where they are today. So taxing the rich is good, They will survive.

    1. Frances M 847 in response to Bernina W 44

      I agree everyone had some kind of help to get to wherever they are in their life. I do not understand why wealthy people cannot admit they received help to get to where they are instead of people being selfish and stingy we could all progress. Its sad the world cannot work as one to meet in the middle.

    2. Jalaacya M43. online in response to bernina w.44
      No matter how big the name or organization no has gotten to be so great without help somewhere along the line. The underlined statement can be tugged and pulled so many different ways so, of course some may take it as them saying this certain business etc. was not created by them themselves alone. I don't think that's what it's saying at all. Everyone needs help to make there idea something great.

    3. In Response to Bernina W.

      I look at it this way, just because they make more money doesnt mean they should be taxed. Look at Doctors for example, they have hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans, they are paying for there dues. I dont know if you know how expensive 300K in student loans costs, but I can tell you its more than just about everyones house payments, and sometimes double or triple. So just because they make good money they should be taxed more.... Doesnt seem fair to me. Most people who make good money have earned their way to make it, and now just because they make more money they should get taxed twice as much?

    4. Erelin R-44 in response to Bernina W.
      Yeah I was thinking the same thing about all the negative comments. I wonder has there been any other president that has receive soo much negativty or is it still a racial issue in the US.

    5. Mia A 44 reply to bernina w. 44
      Someone might have helped bill gates but he was the one who initiated his ideas, and built his company. And plus, many small business owners might have needed or had the help to start their business. But they were the one who got up early, had little sleep, managed their business, and made themselves successful. And if they didn't, did government come rescue them if they failed? No.

  4. Eric D. in response to Bernina W.44
    I understand how you can assume that Steve Jobs and Bill Gates have had help over the years to get to the point where they are, however; pushing for higher taxes on the rich will only impede others from working hard to get to that point in their lives. I, for one, hope to one day have at least a million dollars and with that I hope that somebody doesn't assume it was given to me and then tax me because "I will survive."

    I think that the best measure we can implement here is the fair tax. Not sure what it is, www.fairtax.org for your Q&A. It's the best thing we can do in writing and rewriting our system of taxation. Progressive taxing is where we are now and it's not doing us any good. Taxing everyone the same will not only create jobs, but it will HELP EVERYBODY. Everyone that pays taxes that is.

    Here's another interesting point. Illegal immigrant are given grants that natural born citizens aren't eligible for. That's doesn't sound like naturalism to me. So, yes Mr. Obama, many of us have had help to become successful and if you break down the definition further you could point out that without a man and woman fornicating, that we wouldn't exist. Without the alcoholic beverage companies, some of them may not have been as successful.

  5. Karen S.49
    I understand what he is saying. He is saying that although your business maybe successful you had some type of help getting there. I think anyone conversation could be disected to get out of it what you want. I think If you have your own business you may have talk to someone or seen something that was created or done by someone else that may have influenced your idea or the direction and which you wanted your business to go.

  6. Sabrina Page(Online)

    I would deffinately agre with this statement. Yes, I would credit myself with the majority of my accomplishments only because no matter the help you recieve, you have to do the work. This is true for my specific goals, and I do take into consideration of other situations such as people franchising a business together, and then signing over full ownership to one of the people. On a sigular basis, as far as I have come, the encounters i've had are numerous. People I dont even know or have a close relationship with, have made some sort of impact of encouragement in where I want to go. For the most part, I believe everyone has had this happen, and those who would dissagee are only saying so because they never realized the help they got. Lots of credit thought should be given to everyone in your past walks through life because I guarentee some words from at least one of those people have imprinted on your heart and mind.

    1. Tammy B.44
      I agree with you that you need to credit yourself but know that others along the way helped with your success. I have met alot of great people along the way and I woned a small business for a while but I had to havede alot of help from others.

    2. Arveolla M.43

      I agree with giving yourself credit, but don't leave the ones out who also pushed you to do better.

  7. Leslie B. 49
    As a small business owner myself, I take GREAT offense at the comment that was made by our president. Yes, I had some good teachers, (had some bad ones too and still do!-sorry, I'm in a mood tonight!) Yes I drive on the roads that were built and I use telephones, the internet, and I wear clothes. Look at all the help I get! BUT I did NOT get a grant or a loan from the government to open my small business, even though I could have as a woman business owner. We put our home up as collateral and did it ourselves. I paid people that helped me and I paid them WELL above minimum wage. I said please and thank you and I appreciated the good, honest, fair job they did for me. I treated my customers with respect, was polite, courteous, and helpful. I did the best job I could for them, whether it was sewing patches on their shirt sleeves or ordering gear. I told my kids that in this economy, people can choose to spend their money anywhere and we want them to WANT to spend it with us. We reinvested everything we profited to grow our business and never had a paycheck in 8 years. Every time we would start to see a little light, another tax would come up and if you think I'm kidding, you open a retail shop and see. You pay tax on inventory at the end of the year as if it was your personal property and then pay tax again when you sell it to a customer. There are city, county, state, and federal taxes as well and that does not take into consideration any overhead like rent, utilities, etc.

    Did I ever have help in my life, of course I did. But to say that 'if you have a business, you didn't do that'(paraphrase) is one of the biggest insults I have heard in quite a while. I'm sure his speech writers were in shock, because he did come off the teleprompter and those thoughts were his own. If President Obama wants to win this election, he better stick to the prepared speeches and leave the impromptu ideas to his handlers.

  8. Frances M 847

    Alot of my classmates have different views points in how the President's message came across. In summary he is just simply saying that wherever we are in our life right whether it be owning a business to simply living the American dream raising a family we got some kind of help getting there. Help can be from financial help or just simply encouragement with support and confidence any goal can be reached. But as far as taxing the upper class it can benefit by not putting more of our economy in poverty.

    1. Gbenga A.43 in response to France M.847

      I completely subscribe to your interpretation of what the president said. What baffles me is the way people are twisting his comment upside down. A lot of people have different opinions about this statement, but my own personal opinion is that the road to success is one that requires the helping hand of others. If given the opportunity to ask every successful American whether it was their sole efforts that made them whom they are, am sure they would give you a straight answer.....NO!

  9. Leslie B 49
    Just another thought, good teachers were pointed out by President Obama. Since people have good teachers, does that mean we all succeed. If we have a poor teacher, do we all fail? If we were all given similar businesses, would we all thrive? I would submit to you that it is the individual effort that makes all the difference. I am in classes where people are failing, or have withdrawn for one reason or another. Some of my instructors are great, and some not so much. The difference is, I choose to get good grades and I put in a ton of hours to achieve it. My kids are now teens, and anyone who is doing this with little bitty ones, God bless you, cause this is hard enough with young adults. My point is, saying that the teachers are the reason I get good grades would be a joke. Our best teachers on campus give extremely hard test and without a lot of effort, they would be hard to pass. To say that successful businesses 'did not do that [themselves]' shows Mr. Obama's contempt for private business, free enterprise, and the capitalist system. Let me assure all of you that think taxing the rich is a great idea, the rich already pay the lions share of the tax burden. If they are taxed into the ground, there will be no new jobs anytime soon. The people who would like to create jobs are afraid to do so because of the uncertainty with benefits, taxes, etc. Those two things, on top of the economic crash lead us to close our retail location. This is not greed, but survival.

  10. Israel in response to many!July 18, 2012 at 8:28 AM

    I can some what agree to what is being said. i have read everyone's blog i i must say i am neutral about the situation due to the fact of; from horrible teachers in life we gain a strenght to never be like them, but prceeded exceedingly in ones career doing the complete opposite. On the other hand sure you have people waiting for something to be handd to them and you have otheres who work really hard to accomplish great things, the truth of the matter is, is that though we may recieve help from others to get where we are going in life, but the helpers know that they are truely appreciated and are commended for being there.

    I totally agree with Leslie B when saying determing the leader we have does that mean we will end up like our teachers?

    Also Eric's reponse to Brenina i really understand. if knowing I worhke hard to make my earnings, i would not want someone saying "oh your wealthy enough to pay more taxes." This is the main reason now days why shopping places are going out of business. the economy is in it's lowerst standing point since yester-years. if i too were to make all my dreams come true, i damn sure do not expect to pay more taxes than the norm.
    Encouraging, support, smpathy, and many more things such as these ones can help a person. for me the statement can be true or false, it simply depeds on how anyone wants to look at and be defensive whether he said wrong or not. but seriously everyone has had help from someone!!

  11. Meredith N.44

    I believe that if you've been successful there are many factors that you can point to. The government has provided roads and bridges. Teachers have invested in their students. The resources available have been used. I think the big difference in someone being successful or not is the self- motivation and determination a person has. I can point to an example in my own family. My dad and brother both were very smart. My dad had personal goals and the drive to be successuful in his career. My brother could have been anything he wanted to be but didn't want to apply himself to achieve. He has a job but is not totally happy with what he is doing or how much he makes. Personal responsibility and drive will play a huge part in achieving the success you desire.

  12. Samantha B:
    I agree with a lot of what Leslie said. I believe that everyone has had help along the way – whether it was the encouragement from friends and family members, a teacher sparking your interest of a subject….. BUT that encouragement and spark of interest does not walk you step by step in every aspect of being successful. Being successful is determined by how motivated YOU are and the steps that YOU take and accomplish.

    1. Mia A 44 reply to Samantha b
      I agree with you in that people do receive help but it is up to the individual to make it or try.

  13. Jake C.55

    President Obama is making a simple but true statement. Yes, everyone was helped by someone at some point, BUT in order to be succesfull, one must eventually go out on their own. At some point, we must leave the teat for meat. What Obama wants is for the commonwealth of America to spend their lives being DEPENDANT on the government instead of the other way around. The people should become INDEPENDANT, and the government should DEPEND ON US the people to keep it moving.

  14. Bernadette M43

    What makes a successful businessperson? Is it because of his talent, his drive, or his decision making skills? Was he just in the right place at the right time, or did he made the right choices at the right time? If given these opportunities, would most people be able to achieve the same success? Why did he make the decisions he made? The one thing that is evident is that no one handed him these things. Many people believe that successful people are given special help along the way. A person who comes from nothing and becomes a successful businessperson has a winning lifestyle. He develops and nurtures this life style. He does not rely on others to do this for him. They always strive to be the best and to know when the best is not good enough. They know that it is equally as important to understand that when the best has been achieved in one area, it may be time to switch gears and head in a new direction.
    These people attack life with a winning attitude and it becomes a never-ending challenge for them. The ones at the top will never be satisfied with mediocrity. Instead, they will always insist on excellence, and no manner of resistance will dissuade them from their goal. The top businesspeople quit only when they see the direction they are taking is fruitless. They will then channel all their energy in another direction to achieve a new aspiration, and they will keep changing directions as long as it takes to get where they want to go.
    They chose to meet or exceed their goals and then moved on to new ones and that is what makes them successful. Therefore, do we penalize them for working smarter and harder than the rest of us or do we applaud them for making life better for us all. It should be their choice when and where to give back to others, just like it is our choice to give of ourselves by volunteering or giving to our churches or charities. Our country was built on capitalism and it works if we allow it. I believe we all need to give back to our communities whatever way we can, but it is our choice and also should be theirs.

  15. Bernadette M43 in response Leslie B 49
    I agree with you, business needs to be allowed to thrive if we want this economy to turn around. Our forefathers did not have thin in mind when they fought so hard for our independence.

  16. Kayla F.49
    I agree that everyone,at some point has had some sort of help bettering themselves.Whether we have had financail help or emotional help, we all need people there for us, by our sides, to guide us along the way.I am sure that Obama had some sort of support along his journey tp presidency.I think that taxing the rich is a great way to help out our economy.In monetary terms, the rich are far better off than the lower-class, so why cant they help out?

  17. Gbenga A.43

    There is a saying and i quote..."No man is an island of himself". Another one says that "a tree cannot make a forest". This two statements say it all! I also want to add that behind every successful man or woman, there is/was a successful woman or man. It could have been someone's advice, motivation, prayers or counseling that helped to climb up that ladder of success. After climbing up the ladder of success, it requires the help of many people to stay up there. No man can single-highhandedly manage a business, build a house, run a government or even run a home. It takes the joint effort of a lot of people with a common goal and a common vision to make things happen.

    1. Kristel B 43 Online in response to Gbenga A.

      You said that quite poetically. And yes, I do agree that behind every person is someone who helped along the way in some way. Although, I believe that a huge factor in one's success is their drive and determination, not necessarily help they have received along the way. Just because someone encouraged you along the way, doesn't mean the actually put effort into the process.

  18. Sopheak P49
    From my perspective. What Obama is saying is true. Everybody had some sort of help becoming successful, to not credit the teachers, families or friends that helped us along the way is arrogant. I think Obama has the right ideas to raise taxes on the wealthy because in reality, they are not the ones hurting. From my personal experience, the wealthy employers who I worked for in the past are always mistreating and taking advantages of their employees and customers. They deserve to pay more taxes anyway. Obama is like a modern-day Robin Hood.

    1. TNasamu N44 in response to Sopheak p49
      I agreee with you everybody has ben helped in one point in life. even when then are taxed more they dont feel it because they are so rich.it is so funny how most rich people even get tax exception.

  19. Jalaacya M43. online
    Yes, everyone has help to get where they are today there is no denying that at all. Yes, it may be your creation and your effort but not you alone. There's always a helping hand whether it's realized or not.

    1. Maile F. 44 response to Jalaacya M. 43

      I am in total agreement with you on this. It could be your parents, a teacher, and really great boss or even a good friend. A lot of times they will go unnoticed but they def leant a helping hand.

  20. Eric D.49 in response to Jake C.55
    Your response is the most clear and rational definition that anybody should interpret. Bring back Reaganomics. The president wants us to think that we NEED their support to thrive. But we don't. For everything that they do for us, they take away twice as much.

  21. Tokunbo N44
    The gap between the rich and the poor is so wide that i dont think there is anything wrong in taxing the rich to help the poor.so many people have benefitted from Goverentment funded programmes such as food stamps, medicaiad and so on.If they can do this, every body would have a taste of a decent life.

  22. Candace Brown 49
    Not everyone has used loans to creat what they have started in their life and i didnt agree with what or most of what he said.

  23. chandis cagle
    I think its a great idea to tax the fortunate. Many people are struggling to day. everyone needs to live a good equal financial life.

  24. Kristel B 43 Online

    Although I see the point Obama was trying to make, I think correlating taxation with receiving help along the road to success wasn't the best way to describe that. You don't have to be rich or poor to "help someone on the road to success." Sometimes people who have nothing still offer everything and that is more of a help than someone who has everything yet offers nothing. How does that relate to taxing the rich more?

  25. Well, it's correct that nobody gets where they are without some kind of help. It's an ingenious observation that this is the case and that we ought to give back to the help of society. To tax the wealthy a little extra, keyword LITTLE, is a smart idea. I emphasize LITTLE because we have to preserve the hard work ethic that also helps someone get to the position they're in as well. It sounds like a nice way for the economy to 'help itself'.

  26. Christy W online 43
    In response to Ken T 49
    I agree that we cannot lump (all into one group). However I think that an interesting point, perhaps being missed here is that the "ruling class" or power elite (1% of wealthy) are being asked to check their status. I think especially in this economy, at this time it is unlikely that many will make a successful fortune. Joblessness is at a recession level. If you have just graduated college in this error your chances of independent success is more narrow than for those who found success in a more stable economy. I think this speech reflects the conflicts theory that the "power elite" determine the economy and it is hopeful that they will see this tax as a way to solve eonomic problems we are facing from a mutual interest.

  27. Christy W online 43
    I learned that pluralism is a diffusion of power. I think that is what this speech is conveying. Functionalist theory teaches that in order to have social order we need to ban together. "We need help", from one another. "Checks and Balances", are needed. I think this is the message of this speech. In this economy more than ever,we need to ban together or the seperation could lead to anarchy. I think we should all check our ego's at the door. Rarely can we say, "all". But we have "all", had help in some form. I think this is a brave speech, and I think this speech should appeal to the American standard, to help one another.

  28. Kathryn C. 43 online
    I can not fathom what he was thinking. My father came to this country in 1959. Through hard work and education, he raised a family of 5, my mother never worked a day in her life outside of the home. He and my mother worked and saved and paid for school out of their pockets. What was the source of this motivation and great achievement? My father lived through WW II in Germany. So his motivation was that his children never suffered like that. The only help my father ever got was from my mother, and vice versa. If that is what Obama is talking about fine, that I understand. However I feel that he is talking about something totally different and I take offense to what he said.

  29. Christy W online 43
    I really meant to say "band", as in together. In each of the used "ban" Early AM typo. Please accept my apology for the error.

  30. Eric D.49 in response to Tokunbo N44
    You obviously have no idea how these government-funded programs work. So, here's the gist of it: we (as in everyone that pays taxes) pays into a large "pot" and all of these people that are on medicare, medicaid, and food stamps pulls from this pot. Only 30% of the people who are on food stamps actually need it. Single mothers trying to raise a kid on a one-income home NEED IT. There are too many government-controlled organizations out there that supply lazy people with everything that they "need." This has nothing to do with taxing the rich. What you're thinking about it is communism. Let's even the playing field. Let all of the harder workers pick up the slack for the people that wanna live on the government. The world doesn't work well in these situations.

    We DON'T need the government's help. This country was built by hard-working individuals. Stop skewing his words.

  31. Annsley B 75

    I feel that there are some smarter than others. I agree that somewhere down the road someone has had help from someone. I think that others have had more help than some and people just get lucky knowing someone higher up that helps them along the way get even further. It is never easy for anyone although like I said some get luckier than others.

  32. Maile F. 44

    Yes...this statement is completely true. Everyone owes somebody some sort of gratitude for getting them to where there are in life especially in business. The speech seem to be rather truthfully even though some of it was exxxagerated!!!!!!!!!!!

  33. Annsley B 75 in response to Alex McCaleb

    I disagree with you. I dont feel that just because they make more, they should be taxed more, even Little more. Just my opinion. I dont feel that it would help others out.

    1. Christsandra G.44 response to Annsley B.75

      I disagree with you because they wouldn't have it unless it was help from other people. That's where selfishness comes into play because if it wasn't for people that helped the rich then there would be no rich. That's just my opinion.

  34. Tammy B.44
    I do beleive this statement is true. I had a small business of my own for a while and it was successful both in profit and values until the economy crashed. Bit I could not have done that on my own without the help of great people. I think that you can strive and make yourself better and build a future for yourself but it does happen with alot of help.

  35. Kathryn C. 43 online in response to JakeC.55
    I could not have said it better than how you did! I believe that the government wants us to become dependant on them and that is just one step away from why the Revolutionary War began! We all need help from people every now and then but if you want something you do have to earn it! Respect is automatically given at first, if you ever lose it, it is almost impossible to reattain it!

  36. Michelle G. 44
    At one point or two in our life someone gave us encourgement to try to be successful in our life just by words. There is some help from the goverment to some aspect of sucess but it all depend on you how far you take it. Program should only be a crutch to lean on till youare stable to be off and going, weather its a loan, collateral, grants or whatever the case help is help.But people tend to forget how they got started and the folks who stood by their side with loyality.

  37. Vann H. 88

    I agree that no one can be successful by themselves. There is so much involved with becoming successful. Even if you started your own company, invented a product, manafactured it from scratch, and marketed it yourself, you would still be no where if you couldn't get other people to purchase it. Everyone should be taxed the same percentage of what they make no matter how much they make.

  38. Katarzyna C. 33 online
    My personal interpretation of the presidents’ speech and the particular line “if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own” is somewhat of agreement. Although I did not agree with a lot of the things that the president was saying in that speech, I do believe that we all had some form or fashion of help getting to where we are today. This help does not necessarily have to have been financial, moral support and encouragement could have been the help. I also think that he was trying to say that we all help one another in our success. For example a store owner becomes successful because of the customers, not on its own, it is dependent on the customers to turn a profit.

  39. Vann H. in response to Eric D. 49

    The way I understand it, the internet was contributed to by thousands of people, including government establishments. And like many other inventions, the person who shows the world the final product is the one credited with its creation.
    Either way, I am a strong believer that the government should not meddle in everyones bussiness 24/7, and I too wonder the purpose of this speech. It sounds like this guy just wants to tax the hell out of the rich. Haha, I do not see any other point of making this speech.

  40. Katarzyna C. 33 online in response to Maile F. 44
    I also think that everyone gets some sort of help along the line…there is no way that one person can succeed without anyone’s help..whether it be a parent, teacher, paying customer, anyone. We all function together and without one another, I think , no one would be successful.

  41. Mia A. 44
    I believe that people can encourage you or help you achieve your success but in the end, it was the individual who did it. There are people who have talent and some people might help them get to the "right" people, but in the end, that individual works hard to make it happen. I strongly believe that in America if you work hard, you can achieve your dreams. And many people put hours and hours of work into their dreams and make it happen. And others choose not to work that much and are satisfied with where they are. And both are ok. But it's the individual who mostly make it happen. Some people get lucky and things are made for them. But mostly, in America, one individual can make anything happen with hard work.

  42. Christsandra G. 44

    I believe that you cant get nowhere without someone to help you, rather it was help from a book, or teacher maybe someone from the street you cannot gain knowledge without reading or being taught. People who have large a large or mid-size to small business could not have that business unless they're people out there to buy their product. I feel that everyone should be taxed equally.

  43. Jessica F. 44
    I do believe that we the government has taken budget cut were they was possible. Now we need to be able to get money from somewhere else to help the America get out of the hole. I believe that if the wealthier potion of our nation pays a little more than they currently are than it could help. We have already provide once that it has help know why not try it again. Instead of making the poor pay more and the poverty line keep raising.

    1. Marci K. 09 in response to Jessica F. 44

      I totally disagree with you. The government mismanaged the financial budget of our country. Why should the wealthy bail the country out? The wealthy are taxed just as everyone else, and should not have to carry a larger burden just because they have the money and can "afford" to loose a few pennies for the greater good. Irresponsibility on the part of our government is not the responsibility of the 1% of wealthy Americans to fix. If the mentality is again to take no responsibility then we will continue to live in this vicious cycle.

  44. Jessica F. response to Mia A. 44
    I do agree with you on your point of view for the business world. Unfortunately the speech was direct toward the deficit and having the wealth pay more to the government to help with the deficit. People help each other to get help be successful so why cannot the wealthier part of society help in a larger proportion of money going to the government. Help America out of the hole that was created. We did it before. Would you rather everybody have tax raised even though we have the poverty portion that cannot afford the currently bare minimum and take more form them.

  45. Danielle D. 49
    I agree that we are all one "people", an everyone has had someone help them to get where they are, no one person has done everything on their own. However, I also believe with all the equality we talk about in this country, that we should be equal in every possible aspect, that includes taxation.

  46. Everyone does get help at one point in their lives that contributes to their success. Most I guess have a skewed since of pride and feel it would incriminate it by admitting they received help. As for the taxation for people who are classified as "rich" (which to me is a stereotype, people can be rich in many different ways) I feel its not going to solve anything other than make more people mad. These people earned their paychecks, they paid their dues. To me its only fair for everyone get taxed equally in ratio of their pay.

    I guess since we will be taxing the people who make more money than most. Americas new slogan can be, "Land of the opportunity, until you make to much money then we will tax you more for it". Yeah sounds real smart to me.

    1. Jordan P. 43 in response to Clint W. 44.

      Lol. I love your slogan and I completely agree with you that's what it should be.

  47. Mark W. 49
    I think the main point of this speech was missed by most. The point that the president is making is that we need revenue to get out of this defecit. There has not been one economist that has said that we could erase the defecit without some increase in taxes. Congress wants you to believe this and so does Grover Norquist. The only people that this protects is the rich. Even Warren Buffet, one of the world's most wealthy businessmen, has said that the super rich pay less taxes than the middle class. There is no way to reduce this defecit without raising taxes. The last time the U.S. had a surplus was when Clinton was in office. He raised taxes. I'm not making all this up, these are facts.

  48. Jordan P. 43

    I believe this statement is somewhat true but I don't agree with it 100%. I believe people can become successful on their own. Do they have good influences and teachers in their lives that inspire them to become successful? Yes, but there are also people who have those people in their lives that end up not being successful. I think the word "help" is probably the wrong word to use in that speech. You have people in your life that give you the necessary tools needed to do well in life. It is up to YOU whether you want to do something with that and it is YOUR decision.

  49. Chris C. i think that the speaker makes an accurate statement, if you have a successful anything, SOMEBODY helped you along the way. whether you learned a trade through your husband or families careers, or someone showed you the ropes in a particular business or you read a self help book, whatever the case SOMEBODY helped you.

    1. Victoria S. in response to Chris C.

      I couldn't agree more. At some point along the way someone has helped you. Not saying you didn't accomplish that dream on your own, just saying individuals and material helped provide those ideas.

  50. Jeff M -34
    This is likely one oof the most ridiculous statements ever made by a president. Yes, someone built the road to my business...it was built (in part) with MY tax dollars...yes, I had influential teachers...their salary and the building they were in was paid for with my parents tax dollars...I put in the time to develop my business...I went to the bank for the funds to but my building...my mortage was based on mY credit rating, not the government. I put up the sheetrock with my hands, the sheetrock I purchased with the money I earned for MY services. The government has tried repeatedly to interfere with my business by rules and regulations, fees and taxes, and UNCERTAINTY of what the future holds, but I prevail because of MY determination and perseverence...not the government! I could hire 5-10 people (with pay in the $15-20/hour range) but not until I know what is going to happen with Health Care, 1099's, and other taxation. I want to make a couple million a year so that I can share it with other like minded, hard working, future seeking people.

  51. Victoria S. 43

    I really don't have much to say about this video other than I agree with the fact that someone has helped these people get where they are along the way. Whether it was a teacher, professor, parent, or even a co worker...they have not just done it on there own. We all need guidance at some point in our lives.

  52. Elizabeth M. 44
    I do agree that in most cases hard work alone does not ensure success. And in most cases the successful have had help along the way. What I don’t believe to be true is the statement “If you’ve got a business – you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen”. If you own a business, chances are that you did build it. You did make it happen. I do believe that you had help along the way but that doesn’t discredit all the hard work you put in to make it happen!

  53. Erelin R-44
    I think many people forget that we all need a helping hand every now and then. I think President Obama was just reminding them to not forget to say Thank you once they are on the top. He wasnt trying to discredit anyone from the hardwork the put in.

  54. Kitrina B49
    I would have to say that I definately agree with this statement. Although the accomplishments I have made in my life are definately mine, it is true that other people have helped me along the way. Believing in me, helping me believe in myself.

    1. JimellaB43 in response to KitrinaB49
      I agree with you what success you have is yours and no one can take that away. You don't owe it to anyone but I like how you acknowledged that other people helped you along the.

  55. JimellaB43
    I agree with the president whole hearty. Its evident in religion and even on award shows. People thank God everyday for helping them reach goals. Entertainers have list of people to thank when they receive awards for people who help then get where they are. Someone paved the way for you. I know someone had that one teacher in school who went the extra mile to ensure you got the tools you needed to make it to the next level. I know there was this one coach who pushed you and encouraged you to reach your full potential! If you didn't have one of those surely you had a family member to help you get that extra mile. Think of the people who paid for college for you or where you received your scholarships or when you got a loan for your business. Someone help you in one way or another. You don't have to owe your success to think but you should acknowledge you didn't do it on your own!

  56. What the president said is so very true. Because if their were an award show for everday people, I would have so many people to thank because if it was not for them I would not be the person that I am today. My list would read I like to thank my mama for giving me life and the tools I need in life, I would like to thank my grandparents for always being there for me and providing me with all my WANTS, my aunt for being the shoulder and the ear that I could lean on, and finally my husband for being my support system and allowing me to live my dream.

  57. Marci K. 09

    I think the statement made by our current president was only semi-true. All of have received guidance along the way, but it is what you do with the guidance that determines your outcome. So with that being said, to assume because someone has been successful and made more money than others, that they should have to pay more taxes is ludicrous. Taxes are a mandatory part of our economy but I do not believe is an opportunity of capitalizing on the wealthy to alleviate the burden of those who have not managed their own money properly. Those who are wealthy have worked really hard to make their money, why should it be taken away to give to others who haven't worked for it,

  58. Arveolla M.43

    Everyone has had some type of help to pave the road to their success. Rather it be a teacher, mentor, or a complete stranger. Most do not give credit to where it is due when it comes to their success. Thus giving off that it was ME who got Me to where I'm at now.

  59. Quadarius Higgins 49 I dont have much to say about this video other than the fact that everyone needs help, or is influcened by someone on thier way to success, no one can do it alone. At some point of time you are going to need help.

  60. I would have to agree with what this gentleman is saying about everyone needing help at some point in their life. The people that are really famous and successful had to have had a foundation to build on; the foundation is a very significant person or people in their life.
