Tuesday, August 31, 2010

You can never have too much money

A current Gallup Poll reports a “majority of U.S. workers are completely satisfied with several aspects of their work environment, including their relations with coworkers, the flexibility of their hours, and the amount of work required of them. Of 13 job characteristics rated, they are the least satisfied with their on-the-job stress, followed by their pay.”

Do you think the dissatisfaction with pay is due to the current economy or a cultural desire to always want more?

The complete article can be read here.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Equal Playing Field?

Women have made tremendous strides in professional sports, particularly in individual events like golf and tennis.

Why do women’s professional team sports (baseball, basketball, soccer) struggle or fail?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

America…United or Divided?

It has been suggested that people who use a hyphen to describe themselves (example: Asian-American or Mexican-American) create a divided America AND split loyalties.

Please say if you agree or disagree AND tell why.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Personal Preference

Greetings! Here is a simple question. Please think carefully and respond honestly.

How do you MEASURE Social Class?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Deviant Today Tame Tomorrow

Deviance can be defined as violation of cultural norms. However, over time what we define as “normal” changes. American society used to recognize the following behaviors as deviant:

Having visible tattoos
Exposing bra straps or boxer shorts
Interracial relationships
Childbirth out of wedlock

Granted the above examples are not completely socially acceptable by all people or in all places, but the Norm Police will not get a 911 call for these behaviors.

Give at least two (2) examples of behaviors that we currently recognize as deviant you predict will become normal in the next 25 years.