Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Atlanta Icon

This is from a story on NPR. “Many cities have statues of icons that represent the spirit of those towns. New York has the Statue of Liberty. Metropolis, Ill., has a statue of Superman. And, of course, Philadelphia has statues of Ben Franklin and Rocky Balboa. Detroit's thinking of getting a statue, too: of RoboCop.”

If we were to place a new statue in Atlanta’s Piedmont Park, what should it be and why?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Soc Fest

Greetings! Namaste! Chao! Saludos! Merhaba! Howdy!

What did you find most interesting about Soc Fest? Was it the display or story of a classmate, or was it information you discovered about yourself and your heritage as you worked on the project?

I have included a link to (too many) pictures below.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Booze in the Bible Belt

For years legislators have talked about allowing alcohol sales on Sunday. Last week a proposal to do just that got a stamp of approval from a State Senate committee. Now the bill is off to the Senate rules committee.

If passed by the full legislature, the bill will give local governments the right to let the public decide if they want Sunday sales in their community.

What’s your opinion of alcohol sales on Sunday?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Socially Acceptable?

I conducted a non-scientific survey about children who leave the table with their families and roam around restaurants unattended. I found the following results: an overwhelming majority of diners at restaurants (in the Outback genre) claimed unattended children (ages 4-10) had a negative impact on their dinning experience. Nearly all the women in the study noted a concern for the well being of unattended children in restaurants.

Allowing children to leave the table appears to be a growing social trend so much so that many restaurants have posted signs prohibiting the behavior.

What factors contribute to parents and families to allow children to mill about restaurants unattended?