Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Stream Cheating

Harris Interactive conducted a survey for Netflix and found that fifty-one percent (51%) of people watched a show without waiting for their significant other (who also wanted to see it). Twelve percent (12%) said they would watch the show again with their significant other and pretend it was the first time.

1.      Would it bother you to have your partner watch a show without waiting for you?

2.      How would you respond if you learned your partner lied to you about something as trivial as watching a show without you?

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

National pride and cultural heritage

Last week an 11 year old boy sang National Anthem prior to the game 3 of the NBA finals in San Antonio, TX.  The Mexican-American boy’s performance led to raging debates on social media because he wore a Mariachi outfit for the performance.  Some people feel the Mexican cultural apparel was inappropriate. Others suggest comments about the young man’s clothing are racist.

What is your opinion in this debate? 

Links to the story:

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Are you prepared?

There are television shows, movies, websites, books and lots of merchandise related to surviving a Zombie Apocalypse.  This is not just a catch phrase, many people believe in the possibility of flesh eating, living dead beings bringing about the end of humanity.

Do you believing that zombie preparation is prudent or extreme?
This link is to the state of Kansas Ready website: http://www.ksready.gov/default.asp?PageID=9