Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Social Network Sites...Friend or Foe

This week we study Social Groups and Formal Organizations. My Space, Facebook and other online communities have allowed us to connect with friends and family and reconnect with people from the past. Our textbook clearly delineates the difference between intimate groups (Gemeinshaft) and impersonal associations (Gesellschaft). In your opinion are online communities making social progress OR are they creating systemic problems?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Summer Foods

We are in the middle of our Culture Chapter, so I thought it appropriate to discuss food. You don’t have to be a sociologist to know that regardless of culture, life happens around food. We celebrate, we mourn, we bond and we share precious moments around meals. Summer time is no exception. In the United States it seems as though we have foods specifically enjoyed at this time of the year. However, they may differ across regions of the U.S. and among cultural practices within the same state.

In your comment list your favorite summer activity and the food that goes along with it.


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Picking a Politician

This time next week Georgia will hold its primary election for Governor, Secretary of State, Congressional seats and a host of other offices. By now you have certainly seen the numerous advertisements on television and received a mountain of political advertisements.

The primaries offer several candidates for an office within the same political party. So how do you select a candidate? Do you hear/see an advertisement? Do you read web sites or information in the newspaper? Do you rely on the recommendation of someone else? Do you attend rallies, meetings or forums? Do you make your decision based on televised debates?

I am not looking for you to reveal your political affiliation or to name who you will vote for in the primary. The goal is to determine how you gather information before you cast your vote for a person and or a referendum on the ballot.

Even if you are not registered to vote in GA please still respond based on experiences in your home state or country.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Truth Is Out There

Do you believe? Whether you do or not, many people across the globe believe in UFOs. According a NPR story (link posted below) a member of the European Union is calling for ALL governments to release information related to aliens and unidentified flying object sightings. Interestingly he has only garnered a little support.

Please answer the following two questions.

Do you think the United States government is keeping secrets from its citizens related to life beyond our planet?

Why would the US or any government keep such information hidden from the people?

The full NPR story can be accessed here.