Monday, August 26, 2013

Crime, punishment and gender change

Chelsea Manning, better known as Bradley Manning, the Army Private who released classified information to wikileaks, was recently sentenced to 35 years at Fort Knox for violation of the Espionage Act. Manning has announced a desire to live as a woman and wants to begin hormone therapy immediately.
A precedent has been set in the civil system of law whereas courts have decided that NOT providing hormone therapy to inmates is tantamount to cruel and unusual punishment, a violation of Constitutional rights. This is not the case for the US military system.
What is your position with regard to whose responsibility it is to provide hormone treatment, therapy and surgeries as related to gender reassignment in the Manning case and/or others?

Here is a link to a related story:


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

1st post Fall 2013- Doggie CSI

Dogs are a very popular pet in the U.S. However, many people refuse to pick up after their pooch when walking in public areas. This has become such an issue in some condos and subdivisions that the home owners associations have taken drastic measures.   They want all canines swabbed to put their DNA on file. When messes are found on property the doggie dropping will be tested to find the person who failed to clean up after her/his dog. Fines are set to follow when discovered.
Do you think this is acceptable, extreme or just plain weird? 

Feel free to share experiences in your neighborhood.

Below is a link to a related story.