Monday, August 13, 2012

1st Blog Fall 2012- I Only Sweat Socially

My position as a sociologist is the vast majority of humans are social beings. As part of that we regularly strive for belonging. The following quote comes from a New York Daily News article: "People are starved for connection in the world…” I tend to agree, but I never would have imagined the method mentioned in the article. It’s about Karaoke Yoga. I used to think of yoga as a solitary contemplative activity. Then nearly ten years ago I learned about a fitness program called Yoga Booty Ballet (This is for real. It was the top selling fitness program.), four years ago I was introduced to hot yoga, and now sing while you stretch. The latter seems a bit like a modern “twist” on Sweatin’ to the Oldies with Richard Simmons J

People involved in Karaoke Yoga suggest that the program is not so much about hard work as it is about hanging out and having fun in a group. Given there are tons of places to participate in karaoke, do you think people involved in fitness programs like Karaoke Yoga are more interested in cardio or community? State your reasoning for your answer. You may be one of the “community” people, feel free to share your story.


  1. Buffie M. 40
    Karaoke Yoga sounds like a very fun way to get a workout and meet new people. I believe that most people start the Karaoke Yoga class to get into a fun cardio fitness program but continue in the program because of the fellowship and fun that insues. I believe that mankind needs outside relationships in this world to help them through many situations, such as keeping an fitness routine. Also, I believe that being in a group helps people continue in many areas where the person would have given up.For example if a group member has transportation problems or is just not feeling that they are not getting the results they feel they should from the fitness program; they can get ride to the classes or get that encouragment they need to continue. Isn't it easier to sweat with friends than alone ?

    1. Holly G.38
      Holly G.38 in response to Buffie M.40
      I agree with you in that people need outside relationships in order to help them get through many situations. Motivation and encouragement are important factors in sticking with such programs. It is much easier to participate in strenuous activities such as a yoga class, when you're not doing it alone. Companionship and competition can make all the difference.

    2. Lori Baumgardner 36
      I definitely agree that working out with a friend is a lot more fun, and less redundant. I think you get a lot more accomplished when you have a partner and that goes for all aspects of life as well.

    3. Kristen Durbin,26
      I completely agree that working out in a class or with friends definitely helps. I think you end up pushing each other harder than you would by yourself but I am way to shy to mix working out with anything else that would bring more attention to myself.

  2. Holly G. 38
    I believe that humans thrive off of social and personal relationships and are therefore likely to be involved in social activities. Activities such as Karaoke Yoga give people the change to meet and interact with others while simultaneously doing something active and healthy for their bodies. Exercise programs such as yoga, can be very challenging. Being able to participate in these kinds of programs with other people, may help to motivate some to stick with it. In today's society, exercise programs such as Karaoke Yoga are becoming more popular. I believe that it is a combination of both health and companionship that motivates people to join these kinds of activities. I personally hate doing cardio exercises. However, if I were in a group of people that were both social and encouraging, I would much rather sweat with the group!

    1. Angelina V.38
      in response to Holly G.38.
      I couldn't agree with you more! Ever since we are born we strive for encouragement and unity with other people. I'm also not a fan of cardio, and I know that if I have someone there pushing me I will go a lot farther then I would have without them. The influence of social relationships are really amazing!

    2. Carrie B. Online38
      Ditto to both of you! Holly that was well put! I do think that we as humans were designed to move and socializing is an inherent nature. We were not designed to sit all day in isolation. Those who have in the past go insane and muscle began to atrophy as well as their skeletons. I personally love group exercise and experiencing new things.

  3. Dana B.38
    I personaly believe that people would do this for the community and for exercise. With Karaoke Yoga, you get the best of both worlds because your able to interact with others and get your work out on. People might need moral support from the people they meet to carry on with their excercises. If I have my friends by my side it makes it so much easier for me to excercise. Also if there is some good music playing, I could exercise all day.


    1. AnonymousAugust 19, 2012 6:33 AM

      Chris Y.
      In response to Dana's post I still believe that my music, while upbeat and uplifting can cause you to lose focus during your session. You might enjoy it more, but finding yourself doesnt always have to be an uplifting experience.

    2. Wendy C Online 39
      I couldn't agree more! It's absolutely the best of both worlds! Perhaps we should start a karaoke yoga class for the sociology group...

  4. Dana B.38
    in response to Buffie M.40
    I agree with you when you said being in groups makes it easier for you to continue with your exercise. When I Work out alone, I always want to give up. When I Have friends to work out with, they give me words of encouragment. It makes me want to push even harder. I also relized that exercise helps relieve some of my stress, which I have lots of.

    1. Ryan 35
      In response to Dana

      If it motivates you to exercise, then it is a good idea. I used to workout with friends, but life started getting in the way and nobody could ever meet up at the same time. I started working out alone and I guess it's just what I'm used to.

    2. Buffie M . 40
      In response to Dana B. 38
      I think I may need to start a karoke yoga class here where I live. I just moved here and need to get to know people in the community and get rid of some stress at the same time. I tried working out alone and never made it through the first week.

  5. Angelina V.38
    Karaoke Yoga seems like the perfect getaway in an otherwise stressful life. Involving yourself in groups like these not only satisfies the basic human need of social connection, but you also get a fun work out in! Maybe even meet new people and broaden your horizons. On a seperate note, I've done Yoga for quite a while, and for me it is the silence and cocentration that not only makes me feel conneceted with the people around me but with the world itself. It's a way to free your mind for a while and put your main focus on you. I think it is equally as important to not only to participate in activties that introduce you to new people and new places, but also take that time to refelct on yourself.

    1. Buffie M. 30
      In response to Angelina V. 38
      Do you think that karaoke yoga or traditional yoga is the best for of exercise for ones health and concentration?

  6. I believe in my personal opinion, that yoga is an exercise used to clear one's mind as well as focus on expanding the person's flexibility. By adding karaoke to the yoga, I believe the point of yoga becomes deluded with this new form of yoga.

    1. I agree with your opinion, Chris. To me, the whole experience of yoga is to add some type of calmness to your body and mind. By introducing karaoke to the environment, I believe it not only causes lack of focus, but it disturbs the overall quiet and serene atmosphere that yoga is suppose to entitle. Though I do understand the appeal to a music-singing-working out type of class, it doesn't seem to fit the "usual" yoga requirements for creating a peaceful, relaxing mood.

  7. Chris Y.
    In response to Dana's post I still believe that my music, while upbeat and uplifting can cause you to lose focus during your session. You might enjoy it more, but finding yourself doesnt always have to be an uplifting experience.

  8. I have done yoga only a few times, but the calm and quiet atmosphere is what intrigues me to it. With a busy toddler at home and plenty of noise to fill my hectic life, having a place to just mentally relax while working out is very beneficial in keeping me sane. Though I do enjoy a nice energized, up-beat group exercise, having friends around tends to hinder my focus. Without ever going to a class, I think overall that Karaoke Yoga is a good pick-me-up when you get a little bored with your usual work-out routine, but I don’t know how well you would keep your focus when you’re singing out loud with a community of people.

    1. In response to Megan K's post I feel a community of people around me while I am excercising is comforting in a way that their expressions show enjoyment in the work out.

    2. Jordan D. 40
      In response to Megan K, I agree. The idea of Yoga involves a quiet atmosphere that allows you to focus on reaching your mental and spiritual balance. Add singing and a group of laughing people to it and you lose what the original purpose was. Not that there is anything wrong with having a good time, it's just that you'd not be experiencing what Yoga really is.

    3. Kelly S. 34
      In response to Megan K. I agree completely with you. The whole reason that I am involved in yoga is that it gives me a chance to relax and get rid of stress. I feel as though it would be almost impossible to do that in a loud group setting.

  9. Angela J. 39.
    There are certainly many locations that provide opportunities to participate in Karaoke in a socially active environment. I have never thought of yoga as a cardio workout, however, I understand there is now a yoga spinning class that does offer a good cardio workout. I think people involved in programs like Karaoke Yoga are more interested in the community aspect. You can participate in few exercise programs that engage people to socially interact with one another. In most exercise classes you are still very isolated in your workout following the leader without much if any interactions with your fellow exercise enthusiasts. Karoke Yoga seems to be an excellent idea for engaging people in movement and verbalization. I would think once you sing out loud with others you feel a bond begin to develop. Once you feel that bond begin to develop the workout becomes more fun and friendships develop. The more fun you’re having the more likely you will continue the program.

  10. Dana B.38
    in response to Buffie M.40
    I agree with you when you said being in groups makes it easier for you to continue with your exercise. When I work out alone, I always want to give up. When I have friends to work out with, they give me words of encuragment. It makes me push even harder. I also relized that exercise helps relieve some of my stress, which I have lots of.

  11. William B.39
    Coming from someone who is thinking about trying to become more fit, trying to do it in a solo setting just does not have its motivation with it. Doing something like Karaoke Yoga, a physical workout with the benefits of being fun and in a social environment, makes it enjoyable, and something to look forward to instead of just that same old workout.

    1. I also agree with you that motivation is a huge factor to consider. Karaoke Yoga seems fun and you would probably not notice how hard you were working if you were focusing on something else, such as the lyrics. On the other hand, running by yourself can be a great way to clear your head and get in a great workout.

  12. I believe Karaoke Yoga is a helpful, exciting and a calming way to excercise but it also allows you to meet new people and excercise together. I've done yoga before but that was before having a baby now actually finding the time to do anything is hard.With the combination of karaoke and Yoga this type of excercise is more appealing and probably less stressful. People involved in this type of excercise allows a fun way of working out and meeting new people at the same time.

  13. Alicia H. 38.
    I believe people involved in a fitness program like Karaoke Yoga are more interested in the sense of community it offers than the cardio benefits. “Going to the gym” has become an activity that people often do together. The idea of making exercise a group activity is also known to help people commit to regular exercise. The idea of singing while exercising is silly, but if it helps people stay healthy by working out, it is a good thing.

  14. Anonymous
    Ivy M.40
    I would have to say that I think people choose to do Karaoke Yoga are more intested in the community. Almost every exercise program is available to do "in home". When a class is offered within the community, not only is the class being offered but a support system is being offered as well. I know that for myself it is much easier to achieve a goal when someone else has their eye on the same prize. Thinking more into the aspects of Karaoke and Yoga, they are both a "feel good" activity that brings out your inner person and does just that..makes you feel good! Communities are developed to have a sense of unity. Community classes give people the opportunity to feel like they belong to something as opposed to being "home alone".

    1. Stephen G. online 40 in response to Ivy M. 40
      I think you make a great point by talking about how people want to "win". But I think you are forgetting about when people are much to busy to try to "win", or people who don't want to be in a crowd of people. I guess that my question is what about those people and what are they more interested in?

  15. Ivy M.40
    In response to Alicia H.38
    I agree that the gym is a great place where people connect well with other people and are able to bond. You are so right about the singing and exercise. I love it. Singing makes the work out fun and seems to keep it going when you feel like you are about to give up!

  16. Jordan D. 40
    I think that the original purpose of Yoga becomes somewhat diminished when you add singing with a group of people to it. The idea of Yoga was originally defined more as a science, one which was focused on the clearing of the mind and spirit to reach a balanced mental state. This program sounds much more suited to people who are looking to have a good laugh and meet new folks, rather than those who are seeking a more focused mind.

  17. Kelly S. 34
    Having been involved in both karaoke and yoga, I very strongly believe that programs such as karaoke yoga are for community purposes rather than the cardio benefit. Yoga is a very controlled form of cardio that is internally focused and relaxes the body while karaoke is stimulating and externally focused on having fun with a large group of people. When put together you lose the internal focus of the yoga from all of the external stimulus. Therefore the only purpose to combine these two would be to try something new or for the social benefits rather than the cardio benefits.

    1. Ashley M Online 38

      I would have to disagree. Yes it is a more social way for yoga to be done but i believe you would get the same cardio workout. Singing and doing yoga together wont limit the amount of exercise you get. Just makes it more fun for people who need a change from doing regular solitary yoga.

  18. Ryan R 35

    I tend to avoid workout classes because working out is when I get away from daily life and relieve stress. I also like to get into a zone and be as intense as possible during my workouts. Personally, I have found that socializing takes away from the intensity of my workouts. Too many individuals want their trip to the gym to be social hour, instead of focusing on why they are there in the first place.

    If it's the only way to get folks to exercise, then I can see the benefit. It wouldn't be for me though.

    1. Tranita J. online 40
      In response to Ryan R 35
      I would have to disagree with socializing taking away from someone's intensity of their workout. Going to workout with a partner could still be considered being social. Even though you would rather work alone what if your workout partner could motivate you more than you motivate yourself?

  19. Allison S. Online 39

    I believe that yoga class is a great way to gather people together, to meet one another, and also to work out. However, personally I rather work out alone. I do not get carried away socializing and am able to remain focused. However meeting in groups for some people can help them to remain disciplined and be more apt to stay on schedule knowing they are expected to be there.

    1. Ashley M. 39. in response to Allison S. 39.
      I see why you like to work out alone, when I do yoga I like to be completely concentrated on breathing and just myself to be honest. For a lot of people I know they love to work out with people because it helps them to be motivated.

  20. Wendy C Online 39

    I believe that the Karaoke Yoga participants are more interested in community. If their interest was cardio, they would be in a traditional yoga class. I'm a more social person and can definitely see benefits for me through the Karaoke yoga class beyond just the exercise. I'm definitely someone that is more motivated to exercise when I have the support of my friends.

    1. Kellianne B online 38 in response to Wendy C online 39

      I completely agree with you, Wendy! For example, when I get excited about school I am more interested in meeting new people and finding new relationships and interacting with new people. It balances you mentally so you are not constantly focusing on your schoolwork. A mental break is always much needed and when it comes to exercise, sometimes switching up your routine by going to a karaoke yoga class, can be more stimulating and a great psychological change to keep you going.

  21. Angela J. 39. In response to Wendy C. 39.
    I agree with your comment about Karaoke Yoga participants being more interested in community. I tend to be a very social person in everyday life experiences with the exception of my workout. During exercise I tend to be more internally focused so yoga without the karaoke would be more appealing to me. However, I do understand how other individuals could be more motivated to exercise with support from their friends.

  22. Ashley M. 39.
    I do think people who are involved in these fitness programs are more interested in cardio and community. When individuals participate in Karaoke Yoga they have an easier time connecting with other people and can have the feeling of belonging. Also with hot yoga you are getting in shape but with a group, which for many people is more ideal because it is a social involvement. I believe we need these sorts of outings because right now most people are on facebook or twitter, but where is the face time with that. In my opinion, participating in Karaoke yoga and hot yoga is a great way to get people apart of the community while being healthy.

  23. Tranita J. Online 40

    From what I've collected about yoga, it is a form of exercise that mentally and physically disciplines the body while finding union of the self. Karaoke is a type of entertainment that involves singing the lyrics of songs from a machine in front of an audience/ large group. While one activity differs from the other, putting the two together adds flavor that creates an interest in the community. Karaoke yoga grants an opportunity to indulge in socializing and possibly networking. As a former track and field athlete, I'm not an expert on the art of exercising, however i love the idea of dancing, singing, and being physically fit at the same time.

    1. I love your choice of words "it adds flavor that creates an interest..." Very descriptive!

      ~Wendy Williams

    2. The previous comment should have started with "Wendy W 40 in response to Tranita J 40"

  24. Ashley M online 38

    i believe this provides a good alternative to the independent, work on your own self yoga. Many people like to be active while working out and Karaoke yoga provides a fun easy way to keep people entertained and sociable. People who like to do dance sing or other activities would like to do karaoke yoga just due to the fact that they like to have fun and remain on a social level. this will help spread yoga to other people who usually wouldn't want to try yoga.

    1. That's right! Karaoke yoga will attract more people to exercise yoga because yoga alone is limited to repetitive actions and karaoke will make it more dynamic by taking annoyances away.karaoke yoga is more interested in group outcomes than yoga.

  25. Kellianne B online 38

    In my opinion, karaoke yoga sounds like it has a lot of pros as opposed to cons. I am the type of person who loves to workout. I try to keep a steady workout schedule, but some days it's hard to keep pushing through it when you tend to do the same workouts almost everyday. It sounds to me like karaoke yoga is a nice way to workout when you are looking for a different way to get exercise. Not only are you exercising, you are socializing and potentially meeting new people with similar interests. Sometimes it makes the workouts go by faster while having friends to enjoy it with, so who wouldn't enjoy singing and doing yoga with friends all at the same time? Karaoke yoga sounds new and interesting to me and I would definitely give it a try!

  26. I remember watching good ol' Richard Simmons on tv... (THAT, is probably giving a hint to my age!) So anything reminescent of his fun and quirky ways of getting everyone involved and to not worry about how you look, but to just exercise, and most of all, have FUN sounds right up my alley! I have taken a few yoga classes in my days, but nothing like what you have described. It is very calming to perform yoga on your own. But to do it in a group is much more encouraging and will keep you on track in your fitness progress I believe. Plus, it's always great fun to do something sort of goofy, and to laugh with everyone around you. Laughing is just plain good for the soul!
    ~Wendy Williams

    1. I should have ended this comment with "Wendy W 40" ! I'll do better next time! :)

      ~Wendy W 40

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Matt P40 to Wendy W.40

      I remember "good ol' Richard Simmons" too. I sure don't remember what he was doing just that he was doing it the way he did it. Wow. He must have been very comfortable with who he is, was. Yoga pants don't look great on everybody, and most of us can't sing, EX: American Idol. Nobody looks good or sane dressed like Richard Simmons, but most of us remember him motivating people and being to face of a movement to exercise for better health. I don't remember his competition thats for sure. Everybody is motivated by something different, and if laughing and having fun is a way to get a person into Yoga/exercising then it doesn't seem to be a new trend.

      PS. I Googled Richard Simmons, he is still alive. He reminds me of a hybrid of Bob Ross and Gallagher.

    4. Sam C. 40 in response to Wendy W. 40

      I remember Richard Simmons as well so don't feel too old. I agree that mixing these type of exercises with a social aspect is much more encouraging than doing it alone or just following an instructor and not interacting with others.

  27. William B. Online 39

    In response to Chris Yount.

    I agree with you that the point of "traditional" yoga is more focused on clearing one's mind and is a bit more spiritual. Adding karaoke into the mix, I think, is more of a modern spinoff of the concept, relieving the stress from day to day life, while getting a workout and staying fit.

  28. William B. Online 39

    In response to Wendy W.

    I agree. Keeping trach of your progress with friends of much more rewarding I think when you do it in a group, and doing something goofy makes it something you want to come back to again and again, keeping you on track and helping you stay fit, rather than trying to do it all on your own.

  29. Aaron J. Online 91

    A function like this named after two activities that are opposites may just serve to bring together groups of people who normally would not be together. The title can intice people who are yoga advocates that may not normally participate in karaoke. Although the purpose of yoga, being to relax and a form of meditation, might be lost in the process the opportunity to meet people who do not normally do yoga is there. Yoga and karaoke (Karayogi) is more of a social event than a purposful meditation or singing contest. Much like skydive reading... how much can you really accomplish? Is it more for the event or the good literature?

  30. Kandi B Online 45
    I find this topic very intriguing.This blog has started a thinking process which I can use to my advantage. I have never tried yoga because I think it may be boring for me, and I love to sing but won't do karaoke because I am too shy. Maybe if I tried combining the two together I would accomplish a workout and doing something I enjoy like singing. As an extra benefit, I would get used to doing karaoke and have the confidence to get in front of people.

  31. Kandi B Online 45
    In response to Wendy W.
    I remember Richard Simmons as well. I participated with him via videos and sang along while moving myself to the beat. Maybe I have done karaoke before it was called karaoke and didn't even realize it. (gives an idea of my age as well)
    I wonder where those videos are now?

  32. KristynM online 38
    In response to Aaron j.91

    I agree how much "yoga" or "karaoke" is actually accomplished at the same time when both are essentially opposite. It's obviously for a social reason rather than a workout. Singing while working out does not usually work well together but it does make a workout go by more quickly when you are engage in having fun at the same time. I dont think its for me but I can see how alot of people would not only benefit physically but also socially.

    1. Susan W.55
      In response to Kristyn M.91
      As much as this too activities are involved,l would classify yoga as a workout program more than karaoke,and karaoke more entertainment activity."yes",they both can create social environment because people interact by exchanging conversations when the meet at different locations for this activities.

  33. I think this is really for the community interest; which I do find karaoke yoga to be very no traditional that the yoga I have grown to know. I feel this would be very fun and could have an big impact on fitness in a community with the addition of karaoke. I like karaoke myself among millions of others.. and with a twist of yoga..why not.

  34. In response to KristyM online 38

    Your statement about both are essentially opposite stands the term of so true. But In a social reason opposite do attract in most cases. I don't think I will try it either; but I can see it becoming big in the surburban communities.

  35. William S. Online 39

    I believe that karaoke yoga can be a great way to achieve excercise and complete physical goals. I personally have never tried it but, I have served in the military and experienced PT (physical training)as a group with singing as we ran several miles together and it seemed to take you mind away from the distances that we ran. It was a little difficult at first, but as time went on it was second nature.

  36. William S.Online.39 In resosponse to Ashley M.39

    I agree with your comments, about people having a feeling of belonging. I also beleive most people have simular goals and when in a group, they can feel a since of security knowing that others are seeking or have the some goals that they may have.

  37. Sam C. 40

    I think many people initially get involved in fitness programs like Karaoke Yoga because it sounds like a fun and different way to get their daily exercise in. Once they start taking the classes, I believe they stick with it for the social aspect. I was dragged along to a Zumba class one time, and the way the instructor made it a social activity by interacting with all of us individually and playing made me go back for many months until that particular instructor moved to Hawaii. It started as a great cardio program that turned into a wonderful social activity.

  38. Susan W.55

    l love to listen and watch people singing karaoke.l have never performed karaoke but i find it very entertaining and fun.especially when you are out with friends at your leisure time.l have never done yoga.l have seen people do it at the gym and it seems relaxing.My friend does yoga and she claims it helps in meditating,and makes the mind and body feel relaxed after the session.

    1. Both are interesting and challenging activities. Although I'm not sure how the two mesh when combined, it does seem like a fun alternative to your regular workout.

    2. Charisse A39
      Both activities can be fun and a great way to exercise. I can see why Karaoke Yoga would appeal to some people. However, consistently combining the two may be counterproductive for some individuals.

  39. Ryan B. 38

    As far as cardio or community... There was a previous study done (cant quote statistics cant find the author) that 67% of the community that takes place in a fitness program away from there own home, is merely in it for the social aspect of it only. I workout at the gym every single morning and I witness first hand people only showing up to gossip. So my opinion is that yoga is strictly community!

  40. From personal experience, working out with a group of people is much more motivating for me. I thrive on competition and although sometimes it's stressful to aim for first place, the feeling of accomplishment is well worth the hardwork. Having said that, I have a mild case of social anxiety and have a hard time walking into a class the first few sessions. I am great at appearing confident so I quickly fit in and step it up a notch to not be outdone by the best in the class. When I'm able to find time, whether it's on the treadmill, in Zumba class or at a park, I use my neighbor's pace to burn those calories. To answer your question, my exercising with a group of people is more about competition than "social time." I'm not certain there are many out there like me, but I feel confident there are many people who push themselves harder when they have someone to beat.

  41. Matt P40

    I am very grateful that none of my social network is into Karaoke Yoga. Those are two activities individually that made me feel very self conscience. Im in good physical shape and can carry a tune, but Matt P40 would be a hot mess at Karaoke Yoga. No thanks. I've been around long enough to know that it takes all kinds of people to keep this world going and interesting. If you asked a class of Karaoke Yoga our question I bet most are there for socialization, a health dose of exercise, and to laugh at Matt P40 singing Hotel California in downward dog. A Yoga purest does their craft on a mat in a serene setting, Karaoke purest frequent bars/clubs on Thursday nights. These people have nothing in common but breathing air. Thank God there are Karaoke Yoga people in this world to keep the purest from taking themselves too serious.

  42. I feel that a sense of community while working out is extremely beneficial. Not only does it provide entertainment, but it also sparks competition causing you to work harder. Karaoke Yoga seems like a fun and effective workout.

  43. Jessica W39

    Karaoke Yoga... hmmm.. Not sure if I would be willing to do this, but it is an interesting concept. When I was first learning about yoga it was definitely preached as a solitary thing. A calming activity, but the more it progresses it has turned into a more social adventure. (At least from my experience) Now for me personally, I am not the best singer, so Karaoke may not be the best thing, but if it were yoga while singing as a group, I may be able to be talked into that.

  44. Jessica W.39 in response to Ashley M.39

    I agree, I think people are always looking for community or a place to fit in. I have also noticed that when you have a goal, be it fitness or weightloss or whatever the case may be, you tend to stay on top of it more when you have a group that you belong to. People cheering you on. A lot of people now a days get caught up in the social networking side of things, and we lose that human connection, that feeling of community.

    1. Danyelle N.07 I totally agree that it helps because I enjoy working out with another person than by myself it helps me to push myself more.

  45. Daniel Q Online 40

    I think this is just another option that is being given in order to get more people physically active. This way when they are working out they still have something else going on so that the person working out still feels like they are having fun and that it's not so much work but something that they enjoy doing.

  46. Jillian D. 36

    I agree with many of the comments here that Karaoke Yoga is definitely an interesting concept. I do believe that it is more than likely that the people attending this karaoke yoga session are more interested in the community and social aspects while the physical benefit is just a bonus. I believe this because in order for karaoke to be going on, I don't imagine the intensity level of the exercise to be very intense or strenuous. I also don't believe that the atmosphere would even suit for that level of activity. After all, people are usually laughing and having a good time when there is karaoke going on! I think that yoga is intended for clearing of the mind but if you're in need of a good stretch and a good laugh, I bet karaoke yoga is the perfect match for you.

  47. Shaylynn S. 49

    I would have to say i agree. I think that Karaoke Yoga is more of a social gathering and may be a way to meet others from the community. Not saying that Karaoke Yoga is a bad thing, i think it might even be fun. Although, if you have ever had a yoga class before than you would look at this topic a little differently. Yoga is about the peacful place and some what of a quite relaxing time where as i feel as if they are completly changing the concept of taking a yoga class.

  48. Stephen G. Online 40

    Well i have to say people are more worried about the social. What do most movies show as the beautiful people? Young fit and friendly. So its obvious that to be accepted socially you must be fit and friendly. (at least that is the lie we tell to our self)If you are not fit you are most likely ashamed of your body and you do not want god and everyone looking at you work out. But you also want to feel like you have friends, so companies send out work out videos with "friends".
    Where as a programs such as Jenny Creig is very much involved with the community and real people. They also encourage you to be happy with who you are. So regardless it all leads to wanting to be accepted. Therefore people really want to be in the community.

  49. This is in response to Stephen G.'s post: I find it interesting that you brought up the point about working out in front of other people. I remember now, hearing my friends telling me they need to lose 10 more pounds to join a gym. It is sad that people worry about their image even while trying to improve it. I can say for myself, when I see someone who is overweight working out at the gym, I am proud of them. What a much better place to be seen, than at Mcdonalds with a Coke in one hand and a Big Mac in the other! A gym class or any other athletic environment should be open and welcome for all shapes and sizes, free from judgement and ridicule. I would also agree that suppport groups such as Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers are great for this country.

    1. I see what you are saying, but sadly our whole lives we have been told were ugly; therefore most people can not enjoy getting fit because they think everyone is looking at them

  50. Wanda B. 40
    I think the decision to attend a class like Karaoke Yoga, originally stem from both community and cardio. If a sense of fun is incorporated with health improvement, most individuals would at least be interested in a trial. After the fun subsides it’s the friendships, camaraderie, encouragement and competitiveness from the community, which drives an individual to continue, until it’s routine. There are individuals that do not require a partner. I’m just one of those individuals that do not enjoy anything unless I have someone with me going through the same situation. This reminds me of my journey through school and life in general.

  51. Whitney H. Online 38
    I have personally never tried yoga, although I have heard that it is very relaxing. I think I would really enjoy it if I gave it a shot. One thing that I know helps me relax and de-stress is to sing, whether I am in the car singing along with the radio or at home singing while I clean, it always seems to help me relax. I can imagine that combining the two activities would be a great thing to do! The singing to help open up and enjoy yourself while the yoga helps to control your breathing and relax your body. I would definitely give it a try if there was a class around my house to participate in.

  52. Wanda B. 40 in response to Wendy C.39
    I agree, I need more than a yearly contract to a gym to motivate me to continue any workout. I have been paying for a membership to a gym that I never go to. I have access to a gym at my apartment complex; I couldn’t tell you what it looks like. To my surprise I have been researching a boot camp type workout; because I have a friend that says she may be interested in going with me. Everything seems more fulfilling and fun to me when I have someone to share it with.

  53. I believe that people start karaoke yoga for the great work out, but eventually it becomes about the community.Working out with a community of people helps to motivate you.I think that the karaoke yoga might bring out a different side of you that helps to bring you closer to your group. I give great credit to people who can sing in front of other and exercise, because I could not do both.I would be more likely to exercise in front of a group then sing.

  54. Danyelle N.07
    I believe that people start karaoke yoga for the great work out, but eventually it becomes about the community.Working out with a community of people helps to motivate you.I think that the karaoke yoga might bring out a different side of you that helps to bring you closer to your group. I give great credit to people who can sing in front of other and exercise, because I could not do both.I would be more likely to exercise in front of a group then sing.

  55. LaTia W. Online 39
    I believe that majority of the individuals who participate in karaoke yoga are more than likely more interested in the community and socializing than cardio. However, the twist that has been put on yoga prevents it from being boring and repetitious. By doing this it will interest more people to participate and could really be a useful exercise.

  56. LaTia W online 39 in response to Whitney H online 38...
    I, like yourself have never participated in yoga but have heard great things about it. I am what you call a "shower singer". So I think putting the 2 together would be very interesting and fun. You're working towards a goal of exercise and fitness as well as enjoying yourself and having fun. This shows that working out does not have to be boring.

  57. i think they are looking for a community atmosphere. Doing yoga, in my opinion is relaxing, streching, and getting away from your stress. karaoke i guess is a similar way of doing that but in a more fun and exciting/embarrassing way. so if people are trying to get relaxed and rid of there stress and have fun i think this is the way to do it...

  58. Kelly S. 40
    Having been involved in both karaoke and yoga, I very strongly believe that programs such as karaoke yoga are for community purposes rather than the cardio benefit. Yoga is a very controlled form of cardio that is internally focused and relaxes the body while karaoke is stimulating and externally focused on having fun with a large group of people. When put together you lose the internal focus of the yoga from all of the external stimulus. Therefore the only purpose to combine these two would be to try something new or for the social benefits rather than the cardio benefits.

    1. I agree with you that karaoke and yoga are to very different things, yoga is for relaxing and karaoke is for hanging out and laughing and meeting people. When you put them together it kind of cancel each other out. So the people that sign up for this class are seeking a more social scene then an exercise one.

    2. IN reply to Kelly S. 40, I completely understand what you mean. Yoga seems very relaxing and self indulging while karaoke is very externally motivated. Seems like a clash between the two, to be honest.

  59. Buffie M, 40
    In response to Angela J. 39
    I also was thinking that yoga didn't see like a cardio program, but I have never done it either. It sounds like fun though and I would not mind having a karokee yoga in my town. I just moved here and I don't know anyone .

  60. Buffie M, 40
    In response to Kelly S. 40.
    I totally agree that karaoke yoga is a new concept and is directed more towards someone looking to have a community to work out with. I didn't realize that yoga was a controlled form of cardio . I take medication for a rapid heart rate that does not allow me to do much strenuous cardio , so maybe yoga would be for me.

  61. Buffie M, 40
    In response to Daneille N. 07
    I was thinking the same thing as you, which is how hard would it be to sing and exercise. I do not know if I would do it either.

  62. From a personal perspective, I would find this form of social activity to be very intimate, and engaging. I have done some yoga before, and I think it requires some help for beginners. Given there are tons of places to participate in karaoke, I think people involved in fitness programs like Karaoke Yoga are more interested in community. There are plenty of classes that can be taken to get more cardio and still have fun, however karaoke is more about having fun, laughing at yourself, and meeting others, more than it is about improving your skill, or learning how to sing. I think the same opinion would apply to karaoke yoga, except that the yoga part must actually be of some benefit.

    1. Meredith Hunton

      I agree with you that karaoke and yoga are to very different things, yoga is for relaxing and karaoke is for hanging out and laughing and meeting people. When you put them together it kind of cancel each other out. So the people that sign up for this class are seeking a more social scene then an exercise one.

  63. Sakeenah E. 47

    Karaoke Yoga sounds like an oxymoron. Yoga is an exercise normally practiced in small groups or alone, as karaoke is basically an obnoxious contest. Anyone that's interested in publicly humiliating themselves in order to engage in conversation with people they've never met are probably not putting cardio first. Though it does seem like a fun way to knock cardio out while having some fun, if karaoke is your thing. It's clear that people that participate in Karaoke Yoga are more interested in the social aspect of it all. Which makes my point clear, participants are more about community,not the cardio.

    1. Brandi M. 38 in response to Sakeenah E. 47

      I'm not so sure that people who go for Karaoke think they're publicly humiliating themselves, though most of the time they are. You nailed it in saying that surely if someone is going to humiliate themselves just to socialize, obviously aren't as concerned with the cardio, while at the same time they are getting in some aspect of cardio if not but by singing. Though, wouldn't you agree that the purpose of yogo is omitted? How can you hear yourself breath if you're busy belting out tunes to the BeeGee's?

  64. Whitney H Online 38in response to Wanda B 40
    I completely agree that you are much more motivated to begin working out and continue to do so if you have a great support system to work out with. Most people do not like to work out alone and do not have anybody to make it fun and hold them accountable. I believe that if you are enjoying the workout along with the company that you have, you will be willing to continue working out.

    1. Tacile B. 40 In response to Whitney H.

      I totally agree with you. It's so much easier to workout with people that you're comfortable with. Even if it's someone that you just met, the thought of them trying to achieve the same goal gives you a since of comfort.
      When you have another person there to motivate you and you can motivate them when one get tired is an awesome thing.

  65. Cassie H.

    I believe that yoga is more for individual relaxation and meditation, and when involved with karaoke it becomes more of a cardio group workout. Karaoke yoga seems as if it would be more for the community and interaction with others, than it would for a personal work out. I am personally more of a group exerciser and prefer to work out with others or in a class. I feel that classes are designed more for social interaction and motivation for others to join in on fitness and well being rather than working out alone. Karaoke yoga seems to be designed for people who would like to reach out of their comfort zone, try something new, and meet some new people.

  66. Cassie H.
    Yoga Karaoke is more of a community affair, people enjoy the interaction with people more so than the actual activity. The social event is more of the thrill and people like meeting and having the company of other people.Some people with the career they have don't get a lot of the social interaction as they would like but use activities outside their careers such as karoke yoga as a way to interact with others.

  67. It's Awesome how Yoga can create a community of people sharing the same spirit and energy through communication.Although Cardio and/or fitness are part of Yoga benefits,I do believe that the social outcomes of this exercise are the most important. I think the combination of karaoke and yoga is perfect for individuals in group who express themselves in one accord with songs.I had for several times followed my friend John to his yoga class and i noticed that the introduction of Karaoke in the last three sections brought remarkable changes: people are more involved than before.Just because music is socially powerful.

  68. Adrian C.

    My own personal opnion is that people stayed involved in the Karaoke Yoga because it is a great cardio exercise and because music has a way of affecting peoples moods. An example of this would be when my highschool started playing music in the halls in between our classes because a study showed that it improved students grades. Why because the students mood were lifted up and thier minds stimulated by the music. In return by this, the students were more likely to stay awake during class. If you are having fun and motivated you more likely to stick with an exercise regime. People use their IPods and MP3 players all the time while they work out. So why not get more people engaged in yoga by adding karaoke to the exercise plan?

  69. Brandi M. 38
    From a personal perspective, I would find this form of social activity to be very intimate, and engaging. I have done some yoga before, and I think it requires some help for beginners. Given there are tons of places to participate in karaoke, I think people involved in fitness programs like Karaoke Yoga are more interested in community. There are plenty of classes that can be taken to get more cardio and still have fun, however karaoke is more about having fun, laughing at yourself, and meeting others, more than it is about improving your skill, or learning how to sing. I think the same opinion would apply to karaoke yoga, except that the yoga part must actually be of some benefit.

  70. Meredith Hunton

    I agree with what the article said about people starving to connect with the world, you can obviously see that its true starting from the invention of the phone all the way to the creation of Facebook. Hundreds of millions of people are one Facebook today desperately seek to connect with other people, its our nature. I think that when a person joins some kind of fitness class they are looking for community as well as daily exercise, but with Karaoke Yoga I feel like the people that join that kind of class are probably seek more of a community then anything else. Finding community while working out is great, it is good to have support to push forward in their workout.

  71. Tinashe Mahachi -online 20 I totally agree. I think that singing yoga is definitely interesting and would be a great combination. for me however,I Think that I would need the community or people because i just think I wouldn't be able to finish the class by myself. I do workout frequently, and I go to a community gym and i have been a member for five months. Singing and Yoga is new to me but i would try it for new experience it sounds like it works.

    1. Tinashe Mahachi -online 20 I totally agree. I think that singing yoga is definitely interesting and would be a great combination. for me however,I Think that I would need the community or people because i just think I wouldn't be able to finish the class by myself. I do workout frequently, and I go to a community gym and i have been a member for five months. Singing and Yoga is new to me but i would try it for new experience it sounds like it works.


  72. Elizabeth N - Online 38

    Karaoke yoga seems like a great way for people to socialize. Singing together is good way for people to have fun and especially if also working out to keep fit. A community will be able to motivate each other while doing this together. In my opinion, I believe people going to the karaoke yoga will initially be interested in working out, but eventually realize that they actually want to be with other people socializing than working out. Delete ReplyReply ForwardSpamMovePrint Actions NextPrevious

  73. Jake W 70:
    I can't imagine trying to hold yoga poses while belting out my favorite songs! Lets be honest here, yoga takes quite a bit of concentration, and if you're anything like me, so does remembering all the words to songs. I feel like this singing yoga class is definitely for the more "community-oriented" folks out there. That said, I'm intrigued by the combination. Through my previous experiences with yoga, I've commonly found myself laughing out loud in a usually quiet and concentrated room, so maybe eliminating some of the tension between myself and the class by singing in a unified fashion would prove positive. Even though music has a way of lifting people's spirits, as mentioned above by Adrian C. it just seems as though the social draw to the class would far outweigh the amount of actual exercise being accomplishhed.

  74. Elizabeth N - Online 38

    In response to Cassie H. I agree with you totally. I believe some people would like to interact and socilize with other people but their careers do not give this opportunity. Hence being in a community where you have the same goals help better their lives.

  75. Blake P
    At first glance, I thought karaoke yoga was a joke. Quite honestly, the concept has all the ingredients of a Saturday Night Live sketch. That being said, while karaoke yoga is not for me, I can see it appealing to a middle-aged female demographic, i.e. my mom and her friends.

  76. Anthony M. 36 I think that it is a good thing for everyone to do excerise in what ever way they fell they will enjoy their time excerising. I'm not a Yoga person myself. I will stick to the old walk, or jog.

  77. Mika S. 89

    From what I understand about yoga is that it was originally designed for meditation or spiritual reflection. However, not everyone practices yoga for those aspects. There are those who perform in sports, such as football, ballet, and other sports that require exercising flexibility.
    With that being said, there are those who don't particularly enjoy the silent focus that comes with practicing yoga. I can see karaoke yoga to be incorporated into the weekly schedule of any eccentric.
    In my personal opinion as a young male, I wouldn't perform karaoke yoga under regular circumstances. The only time I would allow myself is if I had a very random physical therapist.

  78. Tacile B. 40

    I've never done karaoke or yoga, but both activities seem to be very fun and interesting. I would like try both activities one day. I'm sure it has to be motivating. I enjoy singing. singing makes me feel free so if i can sing and stretch at the same time I really would be stress free. Not to mention exercise is the best thing going these days (once your motivated). So why not do something that you enjoy and that will keep you healthy....

    1. I have taken a few yoga classes myself and after while everyone keeps coming back mainly because they have made friends within the workout group. As far as karaoke, I have been, but i don't sing hehe. Both are easy ways to meet new people and enjoy the atmosphere.

  79. Eiryn M - Online 40 Karaoke
    yoga seems like something that could work, but i don't know if a vast amount of people are willing to try it socially. Most gyms in the U.S. have classes like yoga, zumba, and other music oriented classes that help people exercise, but some people are self conscience about themselves singing in front of people.

  80. I believe that for most individuals that maybe the both are dependent on one another. Most people are looking to change their lives and they would like someone to be there to support them - to experience and achieve the same goals as their friend/spouse. However, there are some who don't need the motivation if cardio/working out has become a habit for them already. But I think defintely starting something new like kareoke yoga, you'd want someone to do that activity with. I know if I was singing in front of random strangers while bending in weird poses, I'd want someone their I know pertty well!

    1. Stacey Morris
      In response to JESSICA BALL
      I agree with this post because, people who already have working out habits rarely need motivation to workout. Although, people who do not exercise consistently need a little push, being in the community really helps. Also, it would be a little awkward singing in front of strangers,being with someone you are comfortable with can make the experience amusing.

  81. Patrick Cameron Curley.

    I believe more people do the Karaoke Yoga so they can be more socially active while getting some sort of exercise, mostly in an open manner and in a fashion that everyone can all laugh and have a good time. Not only would they have an enjoyable experience, they'd benefit in more than one way. Socially they would benefit by making new friends, perhaps. Being accepted into a group of people who all don't mind making each other laugh would definitely be something of interest, because no one enjoys making a complete fool of themselves, by themselves. This is why I think the Karaoke Yoga place would be more interested in the community and entertainment factor, rather than the cardio side of things.

  82. Ryan Kroeger

    I believe this would be an awesome way to have fun while getting exercise. People probably go to these events to hang out with friends, but then they realize they start to lose weight. i think that when they find out they are losing weight they keep going to actually keep up the workout. so they start to have fun, meet people, and hang with friends. But they keep going because they love having fun while shedding off the pounds.

  83. Yoga is used as an exerise to feel good and also to find relaxation. Although, I personally have never done yoga I have heard great things about it. People find it peaceful and relaxing. I belive people in fitness programs are interested in Karaoke Yoga because of both cardio and community. People are working out as well as having a good time with friends. In my opinion I think that people like Karaoke Yoga because they are having a good time with friends while getting a good workout. In conclusion, I think its a great idea so much so I'll tell people I know that do yoga about it and see what they think.

  84. Christopher Bowdich

    I think the main reason people go to things like karaoke yoga is to have fun and hangout with friends.After all if you just wanted the exercise benifits you could just do the yoga at home. The addition of karaoke is just an added incentive to hang out with your friends while doing something you enjoy or are good at.

    1. Bart S. Online 39 in reply to Christopher Bowdich

      I agree with you. Like I said in my post, it starts off as a strict cardio thing but as you meet people and form a relationship with them, the class turns into a community thing. The addition of karaoke just lets people show off their personality as they exercise and this will also lead to friendships.

  85. Bart S. online 39

    I've never done Yoga. If you asked me, I'd say I'm more of a Pilates man, seeing as my mother owns and operates her own studio here in Woodstock, GA. Karaoke is always a good time though. If you add Yoga with that,it would be hilarious. There's no way you can go wrong with that! My choice of song to limber up with would have to be TLC's "Chasing Waterfalls." Hilarious. I'm a 90's kid so that's my jam. Not really. To answer the question on this blog post, I'd say more people start a Yoga class with intentions of getting some Cardio work in and while those intentions never quite fade, I believe they return once they meet other people in the class. It becomes a community thing as you progress in the class! People make friends.

    1. Faith Nollie

      I totally agree. I think that initially its something to do that will help you stay in shape. And I think as the class continues people get to know each other and communicate more which leads to more social relationships.

  86. Valentina T. 36
    I have mever done Karaoke Yoga before, but I have done regular Yoga and really enjoyed it. It takes a lot of strength to do it and gives you an amazing feeling of accomplishment. To me Karaoke Yoga sounds like a very nice way to connect with other people, which is probably why people decide to do it in the first place. However, I like to do exercise at home, on my own. I have never been part of a gym. I would really like to try Karaoke though, becuase my exercise routine is getting pretty boring! So, why not? :)

    1. I agree with you, I think people would do this to connect with others. I think that a lot of people work out at home because they either don't have the money for classes or lack of confidence in themselves. I think that people should do this because just like you said..why not?

      -Renee' Hodgson, 39

  87. Quiyana M. Online 40

    I think that it's more for the community feel. I work at a gym in the child watch area, and many parents bring their children not because they have to, but because of the social interaction the child gets, as well as the time the parent gets to spend with other friends or workout buddies. Its something fun to do, as well as stimulating your mind and body.

  88. Brittany C. 36
    Now this is something I might have to try!
    Seeing how Karaoke Yoga has been successful, I believe people are interested in both cardio and the community. The instructor wants you to have the "work out of your life", so she combined two things that she thought would do just that. I looked over some comments saying that yoga is a very serious exercise and that this class wouldn't benefit in that area, but the instructor does mention that this class isn't a "strict alignment-based yoga class". If you like mediating and concentrating spiritually while doing yoga, then I wouldn't recommend this class for you.
    All and all I believe the people enjoy both the cardio and community aspect of this class.

  89. Ariacna L.36
    It doesn't seem like a bad idea to do Karaoke Yoga. If you can exercise and sing at the same time more props to you.Its always nice to get to know people while exercising, that way you don't have to feel lonely when exercising.It is NO fun exercising by yourself!

  90. Kimberly M.
    I believe that people that attend Karaoke Yoga are there for the community feel. If people wanted Karaoke or if they wanted Yoga, there are other places they could be. However, if you want to try something new, and meet new interesting people, you would want to be in the Karaoke Yoga atmosphere. I think it is more about the people than the activity. However, it could very well be both. But, if it were just the activity, you could do that by yourself.

  91. Priscille F.P online
    I believe karaoke is just another community thing. If people want to do karoke than they should go to a bar. Same goes if people intend to work out, go to the gym. This is just another way for people with no life to get attention from there peers and try to sound unique.

    1. I agree with you. People have a need to belong.I know a lot of people who try new things to meet people.It's all about finding an environment that you fit in with people you enjoy.

  92. Priscille F.P. online
    responds to Quiyana
    I could not agree with you anymore. I believe people attend these activities for social approval from peers. I know many single moms who admitt to bringing there children places in hopes of making friends.

  93. Stacey Morris online
    I think that people join a lot of different groups to be considered apart of the community. Whether it is joining a sports team, a gym membership, or even yoga. Many people do enjoy the practice of yoga but also interacting with people as a whole plays a conscious role. It makes people feel apart of something and it also makes them feel as if they are interacting in their community. I personally feel connected to the people I am with and myself when I interact in such groups.

  94. Faith Nollie

    I feel as though Karaoke and Yoga is like knocking out two birds with one stone. If you just so happen to like doing both of these things then you have just found the perfect place to meet people that you have something in common with. I totally agree that these events are designed for social acceptance. If you like singing and yoga why wouldn't you sign up? Everyone likes to interact with people they can relate to.

    1. I totally agree Faith, it is very enjoyable especially for people that are very upbeat and enjoy socializing. It is also good for you if you want to try something a bit different from your old exercise routines. So at the end of the day its all based on how you want to spend your time whether it is in a social or quite environment.

    2. Adriane M. Online 40
      I totally agree Faith, it is very enjoyable especially for people that are very upbeat and enjoy socializing. It is also good for you if you want to try something a bit different from your old exercise routines. So at the end of the day its all based on how you want to spend your time whether it is in a social or quite environment.

  95. Carrie B. Online 38
    I think any version of group exercise is more fun and you are more likely to reach your goals quicker. People in groups wonder where you are and may even call you if you don't show up. They also are all going through some sort oh physical triumph and share your joy and pain with you literally.Group exercises tend to be more fun and many times they can push you harder that you may be able to on your own. Many times you get to experience different styles of dance, music and clothing you thought you never would. At first it is for the workout but then it usually becomes first the community and the workout second.

  96. I agree with Carrie B. Group exercises can definitely push you to work harder. They often do become more about the group than the activity though. That's the way it's been since gradeschool, and that's the way it probably always be too in group settings. It's important to feel comfortable around your peers, and singing is probably one of the fastest ways to "let go of it all", but it seems as though you probably do lose much of the focus on exercise.

  97. LaTia W. online 39. Some people enjoy yoga for the calm and peacefulness it brings. However, some enjoy yoga but desire for it to be a little more entertaining. This is the perfect combination of both. Some people relax more in a karaoke setting, whereas others may like a quiet atmosphere. I think that this is an interesting combination that many may enjoy. Not only are you getting a work out you are also having fun, which is what it is all about. Most people enjoy working out with others as opposed to working out by yourself.

  98. LaTia W. online 39 in response to Faith Nollie... I agree this is like knocking out 2 birds with 1 stone. If you enjoy both this will be an amazing experience. You will accomplish the things you enjoy in a work out atmosphere.

  99. Adriane M. Online 40

    I've tried Karaoke yoga and trust me it can be very entertaining.It allows you to meet and greet with other people and it is a very upbeat atmosphere that allows you to burn a lot of calories which is very healthy in a lot of ways. As for me I prefer a quiet and peaceful environment which gives you room to relax and think while you are finding different ways to stay healthy. But either way you go its a win, win situation, so please try Karaoke I think that you will really enjoy it.

    1. I like the way you put that. When I think of yoga, I think of quietness and peacefulness. Its cool that you can socialize but I just imagine no disturbances while one does yoga. I think of karaoke as being a fun group outing. Combining them together sounds oddly interesting.

  100. Lacey K.

    I believe that people choose to go to the exercise class for more of the community. People can exercise anywhere the choose to, but when you have others around to keep you motivated and to have fun while your getting healthy, it's much more fun.

  101. Charisse A39
    I think people involved in Karaoke Yoga participate mainly for community interaction. Most forms of yoga are practiced to enhance meditation, balance, strength, flexibility, and focus. While Karaoke Yoga may be appealing to some, the concept almost defeats the fundamental purpose of this ancient alternative therapy.

  102. Hayes. B 38
    I believe that people enjoy the community aspect of it because most people tend to work out better in groups rather then at home alone.People feel more accompished and in a possitive mood when they work out in groups or with friends. Some people enjoy yoga to relax their mind when others enjoy karaoke yoga because it is fun and also relaxing for them. Also, getting out of the house to go workout with a group of people who all enjoy the same workout, helps people relax no matter what workout it is.

  103. Shaquanna Brown

    I believe people enjoy both the community and workoutaspect of Karaoke Yoga because it a great y to workout and meet new people. I, myself, enjoy workout with other people because it provides great motivation for you. Working out alone can cause people to become lazy, lose motivation and they will not continue to workout. With a groupof people wo share the same goal as you, which is working out and meeting new people, it will make the workout more enjoyable and more likely for the workouts to continue.

  104. I believe that people enjoy the workout aspect of Karaoke Yoga more than the community aspect of it. I say this because yoga in general is normally a personal / solo type of relaxing workout. Its normally meant for one to just be "chill". Adding a twist to yoga and making it karaoke adds a socializing side to it. But Id say that people like cardio more.

  105. I believe that people engage in the Karaoke yoga because as a society in a whole we do not exercise. So with that being said we have found innovative ways to exercise to make it fun and maybe gain some friends. While you are working out it does not seem to be as much of a strain cause your mind is not concentrating on you working out but you having fun.

  106. Sumpter B 44 at Lacey K. I agree with you it is more fun cause i think you workout longer and harder cause you are not just exercising but having fun.

  107. I believe when people work out with a partner the time goes by faster, you get a lot more accomplished, and you are also more motivated by your partner. I think this applies to most areas in your life and not just exercise. Most people dont like to exercise and feel it is such a task. When you make it fun then you will be more willing to stick to a routine when you have a partner.

  108. Renee Hodgson, 39:

    I think that people would want to do karaoke yoga because they like the interaction with others. They either have the common factor of yoga or karaoke. Yoga is supposed to be relaxing and its about meditation. If someone truly wanted to do yoga I think that they would take a organic yoga class rather than mixing it with anything else like karaoke.

  109. Lakin C. 36

    When the idea of working out comes to mind, I usually push it away due to lack of motivation. Exercising alone just seems so boring, but with Karaoke Yoga, not only are you getting your exercise, but your also making new friends. To me, working out isn't fun, but with a friend by your side, time flys by much faster.

  110. I believe Karaoke Yoga pushes more toward the community aspect. It's an activity where you can meet others and workout at the same time. But the point of Yoga for some is the quietness and relaxation of the exercise. Therefore if Karaoke Yoga is not a peaceful and quiet environment one can speculate that it's more of a social gathering.

  111. AqueelahK.39
    I feel that some people who participate in Karaoke Yoga do it to escape routine life and to explore a whole new venue. It may expose them to a brand new social realm that is just as satisfying. As for the work out I believe that Yoga is to help with inner peace within oneself. So if you happen to meet a group of people who are seeking the same purpose think it is pretty cool.

  112. Aqueelahk 39 in response to Lackin C. 36..I agree working out takes alot of motivation But if joined by a few fellow "YOG-ers" that karaoke well to me that just sounds like a recipe for FUN!

  113. I agree with a few other comments I've seen in regards to the idea of Karaoke Yoga, while I am all for working out in classes or with friends I agree that most people (including myself) consider yoga to be relaxing and peaceful so i dont know if it would be beneficial for people other than the social aspect.

  114. Tiffany R. 36
    Karaoke yoga definately sounds like it would be quite an experience.But I also thought that yoga was intended for a person to achieve clarity of mind and excersise only as an individual. I do see that exercising with others can give you more benefits such as having their support to help push your exercise further.Through karaoke yoga I think that it can raise someones self-esteem. I feel that singing and exercising as a group would help a persons confidence level increase because some people may be ashamed to sing in front of others. But this class seems that it would not be right for just anyone.

  115. i think Karaoke yoga is an excellent idea for shy people.The fact that they can sing along with others should be beneficial for them.It is something i would love to try for sure!. i do not think they get to sing much because yoga requirements lots of psychical strength.
