Monday, February 4, 2013

What Makes Wrestling Successful?

Professional Wrestling’s WWE Raw broadcasts live from Atlanta Monday, February 4. Many people ridicule wrestling referring to it as “fake.” Wrestling is allotted little to no space in the sports section of newspapers or on ESPN.  Wrestling promoters make no secret about the fact that in ring activity and commentary are all scripted.  Even so, professional wrestling continues to draw big crowds to live events, and huge ticket sales for pay per view events.

In your opinion, what accounts for the continued success of professional wrestling?


  1. S. Castro online 12
    You may have heard recently that David Hester, a main character of the show "storage wars" came out admitting that the entire show is scripted. From the amounts they pay for a storage unit to the high dollar items found in the unit themselves. After that was publicized, a report came out claiming that a large percentage of reality based TV shows are scripted as well with no serious ramifications to viewer ratings. When it comes to pro wrestling, these guys are still professional athletes that have to maintain a ridiculous physique, as well as be a decent actor in front of a live crowd and a camera. My point is, the type of people who enjoy pro wrestling don't care if the material scripted. They buy into the character development and will pay good money to be a part of live action.

    1. Megan N. 08
      That is a very good point you made about most TV shows being scripted. I guess if it didn't have such a reoccurring plot it would make WWE more interesting. There is only so much they can do before they are repeating something silly. I still don't understand why people are obsessing over fake wrestlers when they could actually be following real athletes and getting to know them for everything they do.

    2. Brittany S. Online Soc. 1101

      I have always had a superstition about reality t.v. anyways, yet I continue to watch certain shows if it holds my interest. You make a valid point on the fictional aspect of reality shows, which doesn't seem to phase the audience, regardless of these whistle-blowers that have come forth. Entertainment is entertainment! :-)

    3. I agree with u, its sort of like going to the movies and paying to see something that you know isnt real life but actors putting on a show, it tugs at the imagination of people who pay money to b entertained whether its real or not

  2. Howard C. 01

    Although wrestling is fake in the fact of being an actual fight, the moves that these guys pull off are quite amazing and can be extremely dangerous. Just like anything else, I guess for those who love the acting/sport it makes for good entertainment. Not exactly my cup of tea, but hey, to each his own. I have actually been to one live wrestling event with a friend a long time ago. I found it rather amusing; however, he took it extremely serious as did much of the crowd. I do respect the sport even though I do not care to watch it myself. The training and diet these guys stick to has to be intense. Lastly, I call it a sport even though it is scripted because I feel like there is true athletic talent being displayed.

    1. Tatrika H.12 In response to Howard C.01

      I Agree. Unfortunately, the action behind the scenes is more bizarre and complicated than what actually goes on in the ring. The skills of the wrestlers do not determine the outcome of the match. Who wins and who loses is all in the script, just as everything else. These wrestlers are athletic, but their use of talent seems to be less concerned by the league owners because its only used for entertainment and a check. Unlike amateurs, only the pro wrestlers get paid. Therefore, they all work year round to improve their skills.

    2. It really is more of a sport even it is part of reality TV. The athletes do train every day for hours a day to stay fit for the camera of course but also for the very complex moves in which they pull off. Also with being an athlete does come a very strict diet, no desert for a year.....not in my house.

    3. The last anonymous post is from C.Spears (41210). sorry I kinda suck at remembering the whole you have to say who you are thing.

    4. Megan C. 21 in response to Howard C. 01:

      I agree with your saying that WWE wrestlers have " true athletic talent". I also cannot get into the sport, but I do tend to watch UFC sometimes.
      I believe that the reason Pro-Wrestling, despite its obvious flaws (being fake, and all), is so successful is because of the fact that it is a reality TV show. People know it's fake, and yet they watch because it does take athletic ability to be able to pull off such stunts, and I suppose all people (especially the young kids who idolize these wrestlers) need something/one to look up to.

  3. I have never been a fan of wrestling. In my opinion it is a dumb show. The keyword in that statement is show. Why do people pay to go see fake fights? For the show. People are amused by anything that seems out of the ordinary. Therefore often pay to see anything. I'm guilty of it. I've been to the North Georgia State Fair, paid $1.00 to see a giant bull...yeah. Pointless. But as long as it's something out of the ordinary people will pay. It's a show that is marketed well. I won't be going to any wrestling event unless I was forced too.

    1. Porchia Holden Online 10
      I agree. In my post I said that we are attracted to drama, and I think your post is true as well! Your normal average Amercian doesn't wrestle or fight (whether that be real or fake) for a living. Most of us go our entire lives without every seeing a fight. Whether that be a bull or a bunch of men pretending to fight we are definitely attracted to what is abnormal!

    2. C.Spears (41210)The abnormal is definitely intriguing to the mind which wrestling is now days. I do think that it is in our human nature to fight as our deeply rooted ancestors did before us. I do think people are also attracted to the drama, most of the reality TV shows we have today would not exist is people were not attracted to the drama.

  4. Selena C
    I have always thought of wrestling as fake. My mom and stepdad were into it heavy going to shows and buying the gear that was sold. They knew it was fake but they always said it was a good time,and the atmosphere is something you would never experience at any other venue. The wrestlers have true ride or die fans like any other real sport. I guess for most it is the anticipation of who is gonna win the scripted fight. Myself personaly would never pay the amount of money they ask for tickets to see something so ridiculous as a scripted fight.

  5. Maricela E. 10
    I've never understood why some people go crazy for that show, but then again I don't see the point in the real housewives of whatever city....I guess some people are just atracted to the drama the shows bring. I mean I remember that when a fight happened in high school people would go crazy cheering or booing for the people in the fight. Although I must say "The Rock" is not a bad looking guy, I guess I would put up with the fake stunts just to see him for a bit, but Iwould not pay to see him in real life.

  6. Tatrika H.12
    In my opinion, the idea of wrestling is somewhat misleading; certain scenarios are predetermined and it's obvious that the stunts are choreographed. Wrestlers aren't really trying to beat and injure each other, i don't think. Sometimes, they make it seem as if there are many enemies in the league of pro wrestling, whereas, the vicious enemies in the ring are really friends of some sort.The special effects crews work hard to make those scenes seem real, yet harsh and left up to viewers' discretion. The experience of viewing it in-person and seeing how the wrestlers accomplish superhuman stunts without killing themselves or each other, is unbelievable to some people. They get more and more interested as they watch each event.

  7. Kirsten H. Online 10 in response to S. Castro Online 12

    I feel the same way. At the end of the day, all shows are scripted to some extent. The whole point of watching shows is for what S. Castro referred to as "character development." & I believe that is a perfect term for it. If you're like me, who grew up watching WWE with all of your boy cousins -you grow to love or hate certain characters. It's just like any t.v. show. You have your favorites based on the character traits the producers choose for them. I believe it is still showing continued success because WWE has been a show around for what? ...Decades now? I like to think of it like Star has a large, long lasting fan base- so will wrestling. As fake as it is true fans love to see what the Rock is cooking!

    1. Michelle L.Online.08 in response to Kirsten H. online.10
      lol i agree with you. i have a lot of guy cousins and i was a tom-boy growing up, we would watch WWE "religiously" , trying to imitate the moves. it was fun until we found out it that its scripted. Now, i have a best friend who resembles the Rock and he sometimes raises that one eyebrow and says, " do you smmmeelll what the Rock is cooking". he is still a fan of WWE

  8. Cristina H. 01

    I grew up watching these shows, with my brother and dad. Our dad was the one who got us into watching the shows just like his dad did when he was younger. I eventually grew out of watching wrestling. I like to think of it as a soap opera for the males, though there are females who watch it as well just like me.
    I agree with everyone above me, it is good for character developement.

  9. Michelle L. Online. 08
    As a kid, i was a die hard fan of WWE until i found out that it was all fake. i felt betrayed lol but now i watch mostly all the reality TV shows. As we all know, reality TV is all fake but its entertaining. I'm guessing that's why WWE is still popular today, most people find it entertaining.

  10. David H. 01
    I think WWE attracts so much publicity because for one, its faking one of the most violent "sports". I don't think that it would be so popular if these Rugby players in speedos were actually killing each other. At least to the younger audiences, which seems to make up a large part of the fan base. However if t was real, it would probably attract MORE older audience members. It is America after all. Secondly, WWE has done more Make a Wish Foundation Donations than any other "Sport Franchise". I think WWE is so popular because no one is actually getting hurt, young audiences that it caters too, and the plain old fact that its awesome.

    1. I think you make a very valid point about who they appeal too. I don't know anyone my own age (40's) that watches this or attends the live shows. But I do know several people, both men and women, 10 years younger than me, that DO watch this stuff. Personally, it has never appealed to me.

  11. Sonya R. 08
    As a child , my grandfather would take me to a wrestling match everytime one would come to town. I would cry the whole time becuse I thought it was real. As I grew older, I realized that it all was fake. But wrestling never was one of my sports. So, in my opinion wrestling was fake then and now. Continue the fakeness and it will continue to be successful

  12. Megan N. 08
    I have a very close friend who is obsessed with WWE. I've been around when he watches it and I can never seem to stop laughing when it's on. It's not necessarily the fact that it's scripted that makes me hate it, but the fact that the acting is horrible. It is very obviously what is going to happen next at every point. I think the main reasoning that people like it so much is the revealing outfits and violence. Growing up I've noticed sex appeal and violence has had a big impact on many people's lives because that is all television is about. When you can find a show that has plenty of each it is perfect for those people who crave those things in entertainment. I dislike all types of fighting so WWE is definitely not for me in any aspect.

  13. Sonya R 08, in response to Maricelo E 10
    I totally agree with you. Some people just like drama. I nerver did understand why people spent money on fake wrestling, not even my grandfather.

  14. Jon Walker

    I think that professional wrestling is still big because they show what a lot of the country wants to see. Those are action, guys, and women. The guys are swole and the women are rather attractive. The WWE league is entertaining and that's what America wants. I will never pay to go to a WWE event. I know it is fake and I am not into drama.

  15. Kyle Rhoades
    I think that professional wrestling is still big because it is entertaining and lots of people in the country watch it. and it brings in a lot of money each year.

  16. Tate F. Online 08
    There are many reasons that professional wrestling is still a success these days. A main reason it is still successful is because of the crazy antics of wrestlers. Many men can relate to them too, by the fact that they are a body builder and look at professionals as their role models. People like to go and watch "fights" against others even if they are fake. Some people just get a kick out of that type of entertainment. In my opinion, I think preofessional wrestling is just pointless to watch.

  17. Tate F. In response to Jon Walker
    I agree with you. There are so many people who are into watching fights for entertainment. Some people are even serious about it too. I would never pay to watch a fight that is played out either. I think it is pointless and also think that WWE is old school now. But yes, I also think it is more about men or women showing their big muscles and showing off their bodies.

  18. Jenn L. 08
    This is very difficult for me to form an opinion on because I honestly know very little about this subject matter. From a general prospective, I think most are just drawn to the drama of such shows, like most reality TV shows. I personally gave up TV four years ago. My kids and I have never looked back! We never even missed it. The commercials were the worst, especially for my kids to see. Now, when I visit my parents or someone else and they are watching TV, I feel aggravated and frustrated and, if I have to sit with it blaring away in my ear for too long, I will actually develop a headache. These kind of shows, along with the commercials played during the shows on TV and the advertisements at the live events is so permeated with sex and violence, you don't even realize it until it is missing from your life. TV overwhelms me now, you could not pay me enough to sit through something like this. Now, we do stream Netflix and I will order a movie through iTunes from time to time, but I am very selective about what that is for my kids. Media has such a large impact on our lives, especially the lives on young kids, I try hard to limit my kids' exposure to too much. The gender roles and messages such show and live events portray, I think are awful for both sexes. The only thing I can fathom is that most of society has become so addicted to such drama, they don't care that it is fake as long as they get their "fix".

  19. Victor V. 01

    From what I've seen, this kind of wrestling is just as "real" as any reality tv show, I think people enjoy it as a "show", like some sort of play, why they root for anyone is beyond my comprehension as it is decided by the producers/directors. I wish I could understand why, but my guess is because people love drama, and a lot of WWE is drama in and out of the ring.

    1. Joan M.08 in response to Victor v.01
      I do agree with you. It is just another show, another way to attract people . In this case, they use brutality, fight between men and make it seem real , stupid and funny at the same time with a lot of drama. In a word, developping as much as possible addiction from people interested in any type of drama.

  20. Derek S. Soc 1101

    As a kid, not so much now, I loved watching professional wrestling! I can remember my favorite wrestlers, "Sting and Goldberg." I eventually figured out that some things were rehearsed. Inspite of that, I still loved it. The acrobatics and action were fun to watch; I think that's why it is still popular. Even though there are things that are staged, it's still fun to watch. You don't focus on the fact that some things aren't real.

  21. Derek S. in response to Jen L.08

    I kind of agree with you. People have become very desensitized by all the shows on T.V. that it has no effect on them anymore. But, everybody has their different opinions and see things differently.

  22. Elia V.12
    Unfortunately, I grew up in a different country (Mexico) and we have professional wrestling there too! It's called AAA (or triple A) I love it, they are good looking guys and some females too. I had the opportynity to attend many presentatuon "lucha libre" I'm not familiar with WWE, my brother is a big fan (he grew up here) if he can't go he and my nephew have PPV at home, is well known that is fake, however they do a great job! I enjoy watching them on TV. Nothing wrong with a nice show.

  23. Reply to Megan N. 08

    People can invest or waste their good earned money however they want, nothing wrong with fake wrestling, or why would you go to the circus if you know everything is fake and they are not "real athletes" I'm not saying that wrestling is a circus, it is a show and people enjoys it. At least I do.

  24. Brittany S. Soc. 1101

    As far as my opinion on the continuing success of professional wrestling, is somewhat surprising. I wasn't even aware of it still holding it's popularity, at least in comparison to when I was a teenager and posters of "The Rock" filled every suburban home. I remember back in 1997 attending a WWF wrestling match, and it was the most impelling experience I had ever encountered. It wasn't necessarily the pleasure of being in the midst of a crowded room with grown men yelling at the top of their testosterone filled lungs, or the copious amount of draft Budweiser that filled ever flailed hand; but what made it a great experience, whether fictional or not, was the energy of the crowd and its melodramatic effect. Two guys giving each other the double-whammy can be quite enthralling. So regardless of growing out of the trend of being a pro-wrestling fan from the 90's, I could see why it still keeps people entertained today and continues to create a new generation of fans. Although, nowadays, I tend to enjoy more simple-minded television hits like Honey Boo Boo. :-)

    1. Christine W. Soc. 1101

      I have no desire to watch Honey Boo Boo, but as soon as it comes on, a second turns into a minute; a minute turns into 30; 30 minutes turns into hours. I don't know what it is about awful mindless tv shows like this, but they are so mind consuming!

    2. Briana S. (12)
      I'm not exactly sure of the popularity of staged wrestling today either, but perhaps staged wrestling has set up a platform for scripted television, and made violence more acceptable on television.

  25. Christine W. Soc.1101

    Honestly I had no idea pro-wrestling was still considered popular. I have never seen it or heard anyone I was close with talk about it, so I really have no experience to form an opinion on this topic. Regardless of not having the pleasure of seeing a "fake" wrestling match, I have watched plenty of other mindless reality t.v. and action packed dramas that I wouldn't consider any of them more or less entertaining. I would say it applies to preference and the audience it captures. So if someone wants to see a guy punch another guy in the face (even if it is fake), why not?

  26. Joan M.08
    Wrestlin which is a type a combat from 12th or 13th Century BC used to be considered as honorable and the fighters could find themselves invited in the high society (babylonian, egyptian, greek I do believe that it transforms over the years in somewhat less honorable and just with the objective of entertainment and money maker. People enjoy that sport because it involves brutality, fight , and somehow wildness in a world too civilised for them.

  27. Jordanna C
    Maybe it's an escape from the real world. Everyone daydreams about things. I know iv'e daydreamed about punching someone and winning a fight. So people go and watch this because it's almost like a lil story they thought about. Except these wrestlers are actually being physical and really doing it. Even if it is script.

    1. Amy H 08 in reply to Jordanna C
      I totally appreciate your statement of "escape from the real world" comment. Isn't that what television is designed for? I used to love the show "Charmed", but my husband couldn't understand why? I told him I enjoyed watching things that are not real but relate-able. What's so great about the real world anyway? Isn't that why I sat down to watch television in the first place? It doesn't really matter what the subject is-including the news-the things we watch on television are just another persons imagination at work. So, though I don't care for you wrestling-rock on!

  28. Eric B.12

    I have never been a fan of or taken wrestling seriously as a form of entertainment personally. However, given that it is a performance that could be viewed by some as an escape that is what makes it marketable and popular. If it is done well enough to be believable and given that it is a competition it makes it something that can draw in an audience. It follows a similiar reasoning why the Roman Coliseum and Gladiator Competitions were so popular in Ancient Rome.

    1. Beatrice W 34 In response to Eric B.12

      Same here, i am not a wrestling fan nor do i find it Entertaining. I don't mind it being Aired on TV since there are other people to them it is a daily show. Most people classify wrestling as a sport which is kind of true but will never recommend it for anyone to be in it.

  29. Adetola M.10
    I grew up watching WWE with my grandmother, it sounds weird right!, but that is the truth. We never missed any of the action packages, THE ROCK and HULK HORGAN was her favorite then. When I heard it was scripted show, I felt angry and betrayed. I loss interest when my grandmother almost had an attack due to anxiety for her favorites wrestler to give his opponent the final knockout and win. My opinion on the continuing success of professional wrestling is that the show is quite entertaining, so lovers who want to view the life show will spare nothing to be there.

  30. Adetola M.10. In response to Derek S

    I agree with you. It’s as if we both outgrown it, because I love watching it as a kid too. The viewers or lovers of the show doesn’t care if the fight is been rehearsed as you point, but what they focus on is the fulfillment they derived from watching it

  31. Briana S. 12.
    The continued success of wrestling, stems from the love of entertainment. People love to be entertained, and violence, scripted or not, has always been able to hold viewers attention. I have never actually watched wrestling, however I have watched scripted reality television and I'm sure the same way I engage in my shows, is mirrored by those who
    enjoy watching WWE wrestling. At the end of the day everyone is just looking for a little escape when they sit down if front of the television, they aren't worried about the authenticity of their favorite wrestlers, instead viewers are focused on the action and flair surrounding the arena.

  32. Amy H 08
    Though I am not a fan a wrestling, I can understand why it is still so successful.There are a lot of rough, tough guys out on the stage to draw the crowd. They are not wimps. They are ripped "athletes" who spend time taking care of their bodies. They may enjoy acting, whether or not they are an good at it, and definitely putting on a show. They are not much different than anything else people watch on television. And face it, at least they are interesting.

  33. Mandy B. Online 10
    The answer is very simple as to why wrestling remains successful, and that is because of the fact that it is entertainment. I have never been a fan, but I do realize that millions of people love it. Yes it is scripted and full of terrible acting, but these men and women are still athletes who have to stay in phenomenal shape. I am sure that as long as people enjoy the craziness that comes along with wrestling that it will remain a success.

  34. Mandy B. Online 10 in response to Maricela E. 10
    I agree. I would never spend a penny of my money to see a wrestling match, but for someone who enjoys it I guess it's a real treat. I have to believe that some people only watch it because of how these people look. The Rock, for instance, is very attractive, so it would not hurt my feelings if I had to tolerate it for a few minutes.

  35. I don't understand it myself. I can only imagine that it is the masculine adrenaline that keeps people watching. Its competitive and there is always a winner.

  36. Tanya W. 01 I don't understand it myself. I can only imagine that it is the masculine adrenaline that keeps people watching. Its competitive and there is always a winner.

  37. Porchia Holden Oniline 10
    I believe the reason it is so popular is because it is drama, and people are attracted to drama. That is why shows like "Honey Boo Boo" and "Teen Mom" have been so huge. Regardless of whether or not it is real or scripted, we are attracted to drama. Even if you think about the huge t.v. shows (Law and Order, NCIS, The Walking Dead) all have drama in them.

    1. Megan M. Online 12

      I agree with your idea about the "drama", but I think it's more about the violence. I've watched many matches before and not many of them include drama. If you look at all the popular video games, movies, tv shows, rap songs, etc they all include violence. Pro wrestling is just another form of entertaining violence, and our generation eats it up.

    2. This is a good point. All humans want is to be sucked into an adventure of sorts. If the show provides what we ask for, then we will provide what they ask for: Support! As I previously said, as long as it is interesting, whether it is scripted or not, I am fine with the show.
      And as a side note, I LOVE THE WALKING DEAD! There is a lot of drama, action, and adventure that I am a die-hard fan!

    3. me too, the drama is exciting.

    4. Megan M. Online 12
      in response to Mattias E 41210

      THE WALKING DEAD is a prefect example (also, read the comic book before you get any further in the show the comic book is SO MUCH BETTER)
      A lot of people enjoy it because of the drama, but I know that a lot more people were attracted to it because it's a zombie show and they expected violence. As in Chapter 3 of our text book and in my response to the post about wrestling...violence is just so attractive to people nowadays.

      Also, seriously read the comic book.

  38. I think people pay to watch wrestling because like everything else that is scripted it is still entertaining to someone and people dont care if its real or not, they just want to b entertained. Although it is fake, you have to give them credit for being so well rehearsed in their routines and the presentation being so dramatic. In this day and age, people just want to see a good show whether it be real or fake.

  39. Nate Baker t/r 6pm put it short, I think people just like a little drama with a "smackdown". I also know a lot of boys like it growing up so it's probably a fun father son bonding experience. It's softcore fighting for all ages as opposed to MMA, which in my opinion is a little too hardcore for children.

  40. We may agree that those stagings are fake and are for entertainment. What about the rankings, how do they do the clasification? Certainly there is some reality in it because though you think the fights are staged, some people are being wounded.

  41. Megan M. Online 12

    When it comes down to it, pro wrestling is still popular because its entertaining and violent. Plain and simple. I even still enjoy watching a match every now and then. Nothing is original anymore in any sort of media. Movies are made from books that are already written, movie sequels are unnecessarily made, songs are riped off of eachother every year, and television shows are made from comic books. It's what media is and that is entertainment.

    I compare pro wrestling to watching a broadway play. They are both scripted, rehearsed, advertised, and put on stage to entertain. The only reason why wrestling is more popular is because of it's violence. The modern times loves violence. Violent movies, video games, you name it and we eat it up.

    1. John Marchant Online 08
      Considering that a lot more work goes into putting and planning a Broadway performance than a wrestling match, I will have to completely disagree with you. One thing that I do like that you brought up is that people love violence, and it doesn't matter what you put it in...people eat it up.

  42. Tracy Herman 01 I don't see why wrestling is so popular.To me it's so fake , I don't see how it's entertaining, but alot of shows that are popular now days are scripted. Including some reality shows, that are suppose to be real. I think it's more popular with males than females, because of the action and violence in it.Not to say there aren't any females who watch it.

  43. wrestling will always be a success, simply because its like a real life soap opera. we all know plenty of people who are "addicted" to soaps, its something about the format of a constantly changing plot that draws viewers in.
    sean collins

    1. In reply to Sean Collins, LOL... yes well said; it is like a real life soap opera and, yes there are plenty of family and friends who enjoy a life soap opera.

      M.Williams Online 10

    2. Leightonia B. 12 in response to Sean Collins
      I agree with you. Wrestling is like a soap opera, just a little more violent. It could also be compared to a circus (in a way) due to the stunts that are performed, but as long as the fans are still getting what they pay for, the show will be around for many more years to come.

  44. (C.Spears 41210) I myself was into wrestling when I was younger and just kind of grew out of it. Once in awhile if I am flipping through the channels it may catch my eye for a few minutes. As others have all ready stated most reality TV is scripted but we as society are nosy people and want to watch other peoples lives. Now wrestling is whole different ball game. First, these men and women are actually actors, such as the rock, (Dewayne Johnson). Secondly, these individuals have to keep a high physical physic.... very high, ( which come on ladies some of you find that very attractive). Finally I think the aspect of wrestling is deeply rooted into our human nature. If you look at this from the Nature V. Nurtrue argument people use to fight for everything. We fought to eat, fought to sleep in the same cave or place every night, even fought for our mates. The physical aggression is something that I think will always appease people and that I think is the main reason Pro Wrestling stays popular.

  45. Ronald McGuire

    Fans. Fans play a huge role in anything, you can have one of the crappiest television shows in the world but if you have a good fan base, the show can almost last as long as it wants

    1. That it is true, the show doesn't need to be quality to stay on air.

  46. Marcia W. Online 10 Online

    I grew up watching wrestling with my brothers when we came to the US. It was fun then and now my grandson is a big wrestiling enthusiast. Althought the sport does not get what some may thing should be more or less attention, because it is scripted. There is still enough fans to keep wrestling going for many more years. If I remeber this was a sport of my brothers over 32 years ago, and it is still well liked. Be bless

  47. I personally feel that the authenticity of wrestling decreased when I had found out that it was scripted for the most part, but I still find the action engaging and riveting. It is very exciting to see two men at it, and as long as it captivates it's audiences and keeps them enthralled, I see no problem with it. I still love watching wrestling and I don't feel partial against it at all.

  48. Anthony H. Soc 1101

    I personally like professional wrestling, I think that is all fake and you can guess who is automatically going to win. Just by looking at each oppenents body structure. My little brother is a die hard "Undertaker" fan and he believes that he can win aganist anybody. I'm all for wrestling and think that it is a great sport and it draws alot of childrens attention in very postive ways.

  49. Natalie P. online 10

    Professional wrestling is professional entertainment. Fights are to some, very exciting and even more entertaining when no one is really getting hurt. There also is a story behind the staged match,making it more interesting.

    1. That is true and at least they do not get hurt that bad like in UFC.

  50. Leightonia B. 12
    I believe that wrestling is successful because of the loyal fans and dramatic story lines. Although some scenes are over exaggerated, it does not seem to deter the show’s fan base. Wrestling is similar to shows like Housewives of wherever they are filming, Bad Girls Club, and South Beach Tow to name a few. Although most people understand that these shows are scripted and for entertainment purposes, some viewers are still drawn to watch for their own personal reasons. There was even a short lived “reality show” for aspiring performers that explained some of the choreography that the professionals use. Despite the fact that wrestling is not real, it still makes money off of the charismatic performers, video games and other merchandise. As long as wrestling is still giving the fans what they want to see, they will continue to have large crowds at events and huge ticket sales.

  51. Desmond Hawkins Eng 1101

    i believe that wrestling is like movies even though we know that its fake we still go to see the movie because of the entertainment that it brings the people. wrestling is the exact same way. even though you know its all scripted they will still bring that great atmosphere and its so welcoming that you can't help but to love it.

  52. Megan C. 21
    Honestly, I cannot stand WWE and wrestling shows and such. My fiance, on the other hand, tends to get a kick out of it every now and then. I'm beginning to wonder if it's something like a "male soap opera". It really appears that way, the little of it that I can tolerate to watch. I believe this is why it is still a succeeding broadcast. I also believe that it is due to young boys. I worked at a Boys & Girls Club, and I can't count the number of boys in grades K-5 who knew the names of at least 10 "professional" wrestlers. They look at them as if they're heroes.

    1. Julian L. 09
      I'm not surprised that the boys idolize them, it's very easy for children to make a role-model out of anyone. Honestly though, it could be a lot worse. The "male soap opera" was on the nail, some people are heavily intrigued by the conflicts even though they know it's fake. It's all about how immersing the viewer in the end, they do a good job.

  53. Julian L. 09

    The WWE used to be the WWF, which stood for World Wrestling Federation. Now, the F is an E which stands for Entertainment, which is exactly what they intend to offer. I used to watch wrestling when I was younger, and my favorite parts had nothing to do with wrestling at all. Watching The Rock punk some guy out or seeing Stone Cold Steve Austin ruin a good liver was entertaining to say the least. The WWE doesn't promise anyone real wrestling, however, it's still fun to watch the high-flying moves and different types of fighting styles even if they're made up. The wrestling audience consists of both adults and children hence the PG 13 script and behavior (No Swearing or blood). Wrestling may seem hollow to us, but to a child it's an entire world of spontaneous and creative possibilities (Much like any cartoon). Let's put it this way; would you rather let your child watch UFC over WWE? Probably not. Real fighting has a home, as does entertainment wrestling.

  54. Emilee A. 12
    Just as with any other t.v. show if it intrest someone then they will continue to watch it over and over. I was a springboard and platform diver growing up and still to this day love the sport. I will watch it everytime there is an event on t.v. and my husband huffs and goes to watch something else on another television. So although the WWE shows might be scripted people that really like it will continue to pay to watch it irregardless.

  55. Emilee A. 12 in response to Julian L. 09
    I completely agree that WWE is just that entertainment to its fans. I would rather my 10 watch it than UFC, although he likes watching UFC with his daddy occationally. I also have a nephew that has started wrestling in high school and he also says that WWE is great entertainment. :)

  56. Taiwo O.Online 08
    Wrestling is entertainment at its very best.It contains all aspects of every other entertainment medium. Action, drama, humor, love stories, betrayal, overcoming adversity, facing obstacles, pain, joy, happiness,all these make it entertaining and people love it. I beleive the continued success of professional wrestling is simply for the fun of it and the fans have held true of their beliefs by continuing to suppport their favorites in the ring.

    1. I agree with you Taiwo. It the simplest terms, it is great entertainment! It is fun where there is a great contest and the viewer is taken through a multitude of human emotions, like someone else described as a roller coaster. It is popular because people want to go along for the thrill of the ride. When it over, no one got hurt and everyone had fun.

  57. Beatrice W 34

    I see wrestling as an Entertainment sport to People and its fan. Why i just referred to it as a sport is because most of them actually start wrestling when they are young. They tend to take wrestling while in high school and going ahead to major in it while in college as a body builder. Most people, wrestling to them its a regular show for them to watch everyday. As for me im not a wrestling fan, i don't find it as an interesting show/sport. I also don't think children should be watching wrestling, since most of the kids end up trying the moves they see with on to their friends.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. kaitlin booth online 1101
    i think wrestling is a source of entertainment just like anything else just like music performers, theater performers, actors and such. it all depends on what one likes some are into wrestling just like some of us enjoy listening to music or watching tv. I see it growing every year. as a kid it was big but seemed to fade for a few years and then come back like a wild fire.

    1. Raygan D. Online 08 in response to Kaitlin B. Online 01

      Yeah I agree it's just a form of entertainment and hey if it works it works. If there are still people out there who love it and want to keep seeing more of it then there is gonna be more of it. Yeah it's staged people know it but really what isn't? And here it just goes to show that the fans don't mind it at all wrestling is doing it's job by keeping it's fans happy and entertained.

  60. Jessica H

    I think that wrestling is almost like a form of theater or live show that people get simple entertainment from, much like the people who watched the gladiators of old. That is also why I think prices are able to continue to rise just like the prices of any other type of entertainment such as going to the movies or other "shows."

    1. Bola T. online 12
      I agree with you that professional wrestling is entertaining and a lot of people like to watch the live show and also the TV show. As a result, just like the price of any other type of entertainment can increase, the price of watching the professional wrestling can also increase.

  61. Jane N 73 I think wrestling is just like any other TV shows or movie. When I was younger, I enjoyed watching it and I had also my favorites.Now I cannot stand it especially the violent part of it. To others that the part they like, thats why it has many viewers. People like drama which seems to be real.They don't focus on the fact that some things are not real.

  62. Jane N 73 In response to Kyle Rhodes,
    I agree with you that professional Wrestling is still big because it entertains a lot of people in the country and it brings in a lot of money each year. Thats all matters.

  63. Lucinda S online 08

    I was a die hard fan in the late 70's. My man was "Nature Boy Ric Flair. He drew crowds from all over the world. However, wrestling has changed and became more scripted but I don't think that hurt the industry at all. Wrestling is a thriller much like roller coasters. Roller coasters go up and down hills with a few curves, but we scream with excitement and anticipate the next hill. Well, wrestling takes us on the same ride, they constantly take us to the highest points and then drop us...and we scream and yell for more, and we can only anticipate the next move....longing for the next show.

  64. Lucinda S online 08
    In reply to Amy H and Jordana C

    Jordana wrote,"Maybe it's an escape from the real world". I do believe it can be an escape from everyday life. We all seek some sort of thrill, why not watch it on TV, kinda like Amy's last statement, "It doesn't really matter what the subject is-including the news-the things we watch on television are just another persons imagination at work. So, though I don't care for you wrestling-rock on!"

  65. It seems like to me that it is a classic good vs. evil thing. There are good guys and bad guys - each wrestler falls in to one category or the other and people get hooked in to that universal type of contest. They want to see if the good guy will win. And if so, how much will he triumph over the bad guy. There is also something so basic or elemental about these big brawny men fighting each other face to face. Perhaps there is a component for some people of being an underdog (like the good guy) and seeing him win over the bad guy that they can relate to in their own lives. The fact that it is scripted just lends to the consistency of the experience, like eating at McDonald's. When you watch you know what to expect.

    1. Giana Deleon
      CRN (41210)

      Wow! This is a perfect way to view this! I agree the fact that they advertise competitors good and bad representing good versus evil are definitely a key factor in why wrestling has its continued success! I guess a lot of people like watching exactly what they expected with the winner being the only unexpected factor which may be what they want to see who wins! I think your thoughts on this are correct and I agree completely!

  66. Clint A online 58
    Professional Wrestling continues to stay a success in today generation is simply because it is entertaining. I have watched it occasionally still not knowing many of the wrestlers names, but something about fighting without us getting involved is apart of that fun factor. Unnecessary violence in which we know is staged is hilarious to watch. The younger generations seem to keep it alive, as many boys look up to each wrestler as a true athlete. To back that up you even see Wrestling action figures. As wrestling is 'fake' many enjoy to spectate it at home or next to the ring. In the end it all depends on you as an individual, what you are about and your sources of entertainment.

  67. Clint A online 58
    In response to Kaitlin Booth
    I completely agree, wrestling is just like any other sport. It takes dedication and hours to grind in preparation for the day you will claim that belt. In order for you to achieve that, you need fans. Young, Old, Short, Tall, we all draw in to cheer our favorite wrestler. It does tend to get old unless you are a true fan of the ring, heck you could even become on if you wanted! Wrestling in its own funny way is entertainment at its finest no matter who you are.

  68. Natasha E. Online 12

    Even though wrestling is a script it is still entertainment. Wrestling is like any other T.V. show or entertainment that has fans and as long as it has fans the show will continue to grow and be watch. Some people have these super-egos and wrestling feeds that for them. There is always something new and people love that about wrestling.

    1. Cameron R.210 in response to Natasha E.
      Its not just for super-egos young kids are some of the biggest fans of wrestling. So are you saying that every kid as a super-ego that needs to be attended to? I think that you do not know much about this topic and are blowing hot air.

    2. Kristina Williams-Martin SOCI1101 900244483 in response to Natasha E.

      I agree that Professional Wrestling is valued more for its entertainment value than it would be as a sport. I think the survival or it very much depend on it's fan base and the subcultures these fan bases come from.

  69. Cameron R. 210
    What little boy doesn't fantasize about becoming a professional wrestler some day. This leads parents to taking kids to these events just so the can get a first persons point of view of what they fantasize about. Another thing you can consider is the drama that these things have, its like a live soap show. We all know how people are drawn to drama so how could this not become an enormous success.

  70. Taiwo O. online 08
    In response to Nate, I agreed with you wrestling is all fun and children love fun. As they grow up they develop more interest in it.

  71. Bola T. online 12
    The reason why professional wrestling has continued to be a success is because it is a lucrative business. The big leagues are where the real money is made and according to ranking based on available information including salary, real estate, royalties and endorsements. Results include hypothetical deduction for taxes, lifestyle and agent fees. Professional wrestlers has been rate as the twenty wealthiest in the world as of September 2012. This ranking is from Celebrity Net Worth.

  72. Crystal White CRN 41210 Crystal W 10

    It's ironic that we have this as a blog post because my husband and I recently had this discussion. I asked him the same question. Why do many men like wrestling although it's clearly fake? My husband gave me an answer I didn't expect he said the same reason why people watch "reality," shows and any other show on television. They are all fake but we still find them entertaining. I feel men are more drawn to wrestling because like our book talks about from young children men are afffected by the media in relation to their roles and men. Wrestling encompasses that, the fighting, the sexy women, and the strong muscles and power eluded by the wrestlers. For example I know that most of the reality shows I watch are scripted from Operation Repo to the housewives, to all the "lightly scripted," reality shows. I watch them for pure amusement.

  73. John Marchant Online 08
    I believe the continued success of pro-wrestling can mainly be attributed to the dedicated fan-base that it has had in the South. I can remember when my dad would talk about Atlanta wrestling like it was the greatest thing ever (he still does sometimes). I also used to work with one of my old managers, who actually was a referee for almost 15 years! After talking to both of these individuals about wrestling and going over it's all fake and scripted, I came to a conclusion. Even though it is all "fake" most people don't care and like pro-wrestling because its what their parents and grandparents liked, and that it's just something fun to watch. People like to watch their favorite shows on TV and those are all scripted so I don't really see what it matters if it's scripted or not. Personally I don't really care for wrestling, but if someone wants to watch it because they find it entertaining, and because it a kind of "family tradition" to watch it then by all means more power to them.

  74. Crystal White Crystal W 10 in RESPONSE TO: Natasha E. Online 12

    I totally agree wrestling is the same as any other television show it's nothing but pure entertainment and as long as we find it amusing and interesting people will tune in and pay to see it.

  75. Whitney C. 10
    I think what makes wresteling successful is a number of things. I think for adults (men and women) that it is entertaining, its like a "fake" reality show they get to watch a bunch of greasy ladies and men in tiny clothing all over each other fighing and wresteling. And for kids, I think mostly all little boys at some point want to be wrestelers and think its cool

    1. Edens T. 29 response to Whitney C. 10
      I agree because most people nowadays do like fake things seen on tv and prefer that to be more entertaining

    2. Leslie T. 08

      I do agree with you on it attracts people cause it being entertaining, but I do not feel it to be fake. A ton of pro wrestlers get hurt very easily, and people will run outside to watch someone fight some might try to intervene but if they do not know the person most wont.

    3. Heather S 08
      in reply to Whitney C 10
      I agree with you. It is mindless entertainment many find enjoyable. It isnt any different from the Walking Dead or a soap opera. It also definitely holds a "cool" card with young boys.

  76. Whitney C. 10 in response to Jane N 73
    I agree that people like the violent part of wresteling and thats why they watch it but I think its better for them to watc someone on tv do it than going out doing it themselves

    1. TrinaH12 in response to WhitneyC.10
      Sometimes watching violence in the media creates even more tendencies in some, especially teenage boys, to copy that behavior. As a teenager, my best friend's family was hooked on wrestling. They traveled to events, hosted parties around televised events, bought groceries for that purpose, etc. Oftentimes, this led to wrestling matches at their home that turned into more violence later, not always by the teenage boys either.

  77. S. Castro online 12 in response to Kristin H.
    After a little research, I found that the wrestler Kurt Angle is an actual olympic gold medal wrester. In an interview, he even claims that there are very few tallented pro wrestlers that know what there doing. He ads that the characters usually standing out as "World Champions" have more to do with how many fans chant the wrestlers last name (John Cena)than actual wrestling skill and ability.

  78. Edens T No. 29
    I think the reason wrestling is so successful because of the promotions and ads to watch a big match sometimes even celebrities make and appearance to get more seats

  79. Brooke T 08

    I feel the reason a lot of people like wrestling because it is a way for people to be entertained. Even in high school every one would line up to watch two kids fight outside.

  80. Kristina Williams-Martin SOCI1101 900244483

    I believe people are interested in professional wrestling because of it's reflection of society and the sub-cultures within it. It provides characters for people to identify with and emulate. These days it seems that although Professional Wrestling like WWE has similarity to sports the emphasis is on the relations between individual characters and the display or the conflicts cause by those relationships.

  81. TrinaH.12
    Despite it's reputation for being fake, professional wrestling is so successful because people are still drawn to the 'sex and violence' image that it has created. The outlandish costumes and bare skin. Yes, some of these men and women really are body builders, but they unfortunately have to continue on a road created for them in the industry because that's what the fans continue to want. They each have to create a 'persona' that is reflected so that fans can relate.

    1. Cyntha H. 44 I Totally agree "sex sells" I think it's the half naked men in their costumes along with their buff bodies. Kids and people are drawn to such entertainment.

  82. Cynthia H. 44 I feel like "sex sells" the costumes, buffed and oiled bodies is what people like and it's also a form of entertainment. I'm not a big wrestling fan because I know that it's fake and it's hard for me to enjoy it knowing that. People have been following wrestling for years and I just think it's just a form of entertainment like any other sport.

  83. I believe it feeds off of our "animal" side. We love to watch people get hurt. They play off of that to get everyone worked up, which then brings in more money for them.

    1. Sheri P. Online 12

      This is absolutely true that we love watching other people in pain. Just like some of these reality shows that fight and argue and scream and call each other names. We shouldn't have any desire to watch this stuff but most of us are entertained by it.

  84. Shanna S. 08
    The first reason I believe so many people like it is sex sells. People enjoy watching other "attractive people" run around and bounce all over the place. The second reason is it fake so they can add any kind of drama they want whatever they think will sell. I for one think it’s very unappealing, and the acting is bad.

  85. Jeremy, I think you are on to something.

  86. Heather S 08
    I am actually perplexed by this phenomenon actually. However, I believe it isnt any different from soap operas or TV drama series. While people are aware it is not real, it is used as an escape and for entertainment purposes. While obviously it isnt real, the entertainment value is not lessened. Everyone can use an escape from real life once in a while and this provides just that.

    1. Marie P.Laguerre 08 Online

      Response to Heather S. 08

      You have a good point Heather about the fact that Pro Wrestling is not different than any other TV Drama series. We all know that soap opera is just a show; there is nothing real about it but most of us can't miss even one episode. Wrestling is the same way some may like it because of its athletic aspect, others because it fun.

  87. Raygan D. Online 08

    I believe that the reason behind it's continued success is that it's pretty much "Manly Theater". It's a common fact that it's staged and it's just like a play, you have the characters and their personal drama there is always a "hero" in the fight that people would cheer for and there is always the "villain" of the fight that people hate. And usually there is a story or a grudge against these to wrestlers so you get your basic story along with the fighting and thats what many of the fans love they want to see i think it's something of a guilty pleasure. It's like Shakespeare but with body slams and chair throws.

  88. Marie P Laguerre. Online 08

    In my opinion, the continued success of professional wrestling is due to the athletic aspect of the show. Wrestlers have to be constantly in good shape and people doesn't care about whether it is fake or not they like it anyway because it is fun and entertaining.

    1. I completely agree with you. We enjoy doing things that we find fun and entertaining whether they be real or not it doesn't really matter to us.

  89. Courtney Wintzell online o8
    In my opinion the continued success of professional wrestling is because of the show even though the show is scripted. All the wrestling fans love it so it gets good views. The wrestlers have to be in shape and do all the stunts that are scripted and they get paid good money for that. Even though the show is scripted, people still find it entertaining

    1. Cam S. 12
      I agree the entertainment side keeps viewers watching. Its fun and unpredictable to watch if you know what the new drama is. The sports side is more stamina then anything else.

  90. In response to Raygan D online o8
    i think you are totally right about your opinion. The whole wrestling thing is just a staged act of athletics, but our fans love it. Even though the whole thing is staged there are alot of people who will go watch wrestling.

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. Heather L Online 08

    In my opinion the continuous success of professional wrestlers is solely due to the people who love this sport. Whether it is real or scripted it gives them an adrenaline rush and leaves them wanting more. A feeling most Americans strive for. Take most tv shows and movies for example, all of those are scripted, have made up plots and fake people but yet we spend tons of money each year at movie theaters and movie rentals just to be a part of the action. Its like our own little getaway from real everyday life, and I believe that we will continue to spend money on these things and make them successful because it is a part of our character. We are human and we enjoy doing certain things

  93. Cam S. 12

    In my opinion most people watch wrestling because they get into it at a young age. As people get older is when they usually accept that its fate and by that point they are sucked into the drama aspect. wrestling is fun to watch just for entertainment but from a sports perspective its to scripted to be on espn or other sports channels. its mostly a long story between the different wrestlers and hosts.

  94. Sheri P. Online 12

    Although I know that this so-called sport is fake, I have grown up around a Grandfather and numerous other friends who bought into the antics of pro wrestling. I do understand how some may find this entertaining as we do many reality shows today. It isn't any different than some of the crap that is on TV today. I think the success of wrestling is not due to the sportmanship, but to the entertainment aspect. I have come across many people including my Grandfather who would swear that this form of wrestling was real, but there is in no way shape form or fasion that hitting someone with a chair would not damage them for life. As long as their are people to watch these shows they will continue to entertain.

  95. sandra f. 86
    I think wrestling is still successful because people like to watch violence. People know wretling is real whereas if you watch a movie its probably fictional. To watch people fight and violently hit people. I think thats why people watch wrestling. because its real. people stive for real in their lives because most things arent real.

  96. Wrestling is succesful because viewers are unable to distinguish between reality and fiction. The fictions are well arrange and carry the caption "DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME" because for sure if you do, you might not be able to do fiction in it.


  97. Chynna Boggs 01
    I ask myself this same question, why do people watch wrestling if it is scripted, i believe its beacuse though the act is predetermined the pain is not, i believe that wwe would suceed further if the acts were real and not fake.

  98. James A 75
    Wrestling on tv is meant to be a show not a sport. People are intrigued to see unfair fights, random objects used to hit people. Real wrestling is full of rules and would mostly be interesting to only those who actually wrestle or have loved ones who do.

  99. In my perspective I think that wrestling is a fake because they are basically cheating people money to see what they think is real action. However, it could inspire people to want to get paid for an activity that prevents people from getting hurt. Wrestling is meant to be on tv and have people pay for fake action.

  100. Giana Deleon
    CRN 41210

    I believe what makes wrestling so real is the pure entertainment of it all. Virtual games are not real either but that is a field that gains a lot of profit because it is a form of entertainment that feed the people what they like, a character against another in a battle. That could be placed into many different themes games and forms to make a profit. The fact that it is real live individual people who partake in this to be watched I think is what draws people into it making it so successful.
