Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Cyber Spies

Investigators have alleged the Chinese government may have sponsored hackers who have stolen information from companies around the world, including American defense contractors.

How do you think the United States should respond, if this is true?
link to story:


  1. Tracy Parkinson 01 I think we should fight back if not then why wouldn't they do it. We should start sending malware back to the computers the attacks originated from. I think the U.S. is scared to make tension between us, but if we do nothing, what's to stop them.

  2. Selena C.
    I think they should send hackers to shoot viruses all through their systems. So they cant have our info or even their info anymore!! I feel if they know and let it go again it will be another iraq situation.

  3. Tate F. Online 08
    I think the United States should make laws more strict to where the Chinese cannot hack into our computer softwares stealing information. We ought to be able to prosecute them. We could maybe even cut ties with certain things from them. We should find a way to prove the hacking they have done. I don't think we should go to war over this, but we ought to fine them or do something in that nature. They need to be forced to get rid of the information they have hacked.

    1. bylia j08 responds to Tate f08

      I totally agree with you that something needs to be done. I all so agree that its not worth going to war over.
      however I am not sure what steps the United States could take to prevent this from happening again. From my understanding China has a lot of hate towards THE United States , so I doubt this will end peacefully.

    2. michelle l.online 08
      i also agree with you. china has alot of animosity towards america and no matter what america says or does .. the chinese will take it the wrong way.

    3. I don't think that stricter laws will make a difference. Hacking into our systems is already illegal so I am not sure that it will have any impact at all to make the laws tighter. Also, I am not certain how we would pursue a Chinese citizen, living in China in our courts?

  4. Tate F. Online 08 In Response to Selena C.
    I think we should send hackers to shoot viruses through the Chinese government's and even the hacker's computers too. We should get them back for what they have done, if this is true. If they have stolen information from defense contractors, they should have their information stolen too, and then we should prosecute them.

  5. Howard C. 01

    Even if this is true, I have no idea how we (The United States) should respond. These issues I find seem to always steal the liberties of American citizens rather than to punish the culprit. With internet legislation lingering around like CISPA, SOPA, and PIPA, I get a little concerned that internet censorship could affect everyday Americans all in the name of fighting enemies abroad. With that being said, I think the U.S. could punish China in the form of slowing down trade relations with the intention of slowing their economic growth, putting a stop to sending jobs over there, and to quit borrowing their money. All in all though, I really do not feel qualified to answer this question. I'm sure someone could punch holes in my response.

    1. Shanna s. 08

      I agree with you about slowing down trade relations between us and china. I have read stories before about dog food that was made in china and it was killing dogs. Im sure that isn't the only tainted products we have gotten from over there that was harmful to Americans.

    2. Trina H 12 in response to Howard C 01
      I think you make a good point regarding stealing the liberties of the Americans rather than punishing the culprit. Sometimes it could just be made worse for us as Americans if they retaliate. Who's to say there aren't American hackers doing the same thing to them already? If the case were proven, then maybe slowing the growth in trade relations would be a big answer for alot of issues at the same time.

    3. Megan C. in response to Howard C. 01

      You're absolutely right! I've never 100% agreed with someone on this blog, but I do on yours!

    4. Megan M. Online 12

      There needs to be cyber security program that isnt filled with addition legislation like the SOPA act. Perhaps the government just needs to grand more cyber security funds.

  6. Sonya R o8
    If all of the information is corect, then the United States should find a way to retaliate back on the Chinese. And for the American Defense Contractors, each individual should be fired.

  7. In response to Howard 01
    If you are an American citizen, then you are qualified to answer this question.You have already answered the question three times, and they were very good.
    Sonya R o8

  8. Bylia J08

    I believe that the United States should address the problem in a proper manner. It needs to be nipped in the bud so that the Chinese Government will not try to hack Americans personally.

    1. Leightonia B, Online 12 in response to Bylia J08
      I agree with you. The issue needs to be addressed in a proper manner. I am unsure what would be the proper way to handle this situation, but it should definitely not be an issue that gets pushed under the rug.

  9. I think all cyber information is open to whoever is smart enough to hack it, Chinese Goverment is very smart and this can be true, if they want to damage they will, I don't see how they need US private information to do it. If the US goverment wants to address anything, they should fix the problem first, maybe internet should have more privacy settings or something more specific so everyone could benefit from it. After they fix whatever they think is not working then it would be great having a decent conversation whit the chinese goverment and get to an agreement, why should we fight? we all need each other!

  10. Elia V.12
    I think all cyber information is open to whoever is smart enough to hack it, Chinese Goverment is very smart and this can be true, if they want to damage they will, I don't see how they need US private information to do it. If the US goverment wants to address anything, they should fix the problem first, maybe internet should have more privacy settings or something more specific so everyone could benefit from it. After they fix whatever they think is not working then it would be great having a decent conversation whit the chinese goverment and get to an agreement, why should we fight? we all need each other!

    1. Bola T. online 12

      I agree with you that U.S Government should fix the problem first before having a meeting with the Chinese Government on this issue of hackers stealing information from us. The U.S Government should also work on making their defense more secure via the internet and to have more privacy settings.

  11. In response to Bylia Jo8
    Agree! I think they should talk and get to an agreement, I don't like how we are fighting with a lot of countries, what is all this about!

  12. Tatrika H.12 Online

    These attacks go largely unreported, and they don't only happen in the U.S, they happen EVERYWHERE to whomever is smart enough to pull it off. The government needs to debate on introducing an international cyber agreement to stop ALL hackers from hacking. In order for the U.S government to fix any problem, they must address it and come up with some type of plan to prevent it from happening again, such as this!

  13. Tatrika H.12 Online In response to Tracy Parkinson 01

    Agree! It is so unclear about how well the U.S government is prepared to address issues and attacks like this if they should become more frequent UNLESS, these type of attacks are already common than reporters suggest.

  14. Kirsten H. Online 10 in response to Tatrike H. 12 Online

    Exactly! I'm sure this is a common thing, however, clearly it is becoming more of a concern since information such as this is starting to leak. Without proper action- such as the international cyber agreement you mentioned- this problem will only grow and manifest into something larger. I've seen a few comments about how we should "get them back" by doing the same thing- I disagree. I believe the U.S. should take the time to handle this as calmly and professionally as possible. Also, I think it is important to not only think about the U.S. alone in a situation like this. As Tatrika said...it happens everywhere, therefore, all nations experiencing this problem should be involved in creating preventative actions.

  15. Anthony Hubert . Soc 1101

    I think that the United States should call a meeting with all countries and should let them know that "What is ours is ours" and" What is yours is yours". The government has to get better control over the things that we lack on the most, because one day it could be the one thing that ends our country.

    1. Megan N. 08
      This is very true. I don't think government has complete control over everything. They definitely need to find better ways to do things so they don't get stolen.

  16. Shanna S. 08

    It would not surprise me if this was true. It makes me sick to my stomach that this could be going on and our government should take action quickly. I don't know what we could do to keep hackers out of our secret information, but I do think we could code it in such a way that if they were able to get into our top secret info that they would not know what the info was talking about.

  17. Michelle L.Online 08
    i think America needs to address the problem with the Chinese. they also need to make it in a way that its hard for anyone to hack into their systems.

  18. Tanya W. 01
    America needs to do whatever it takes to resolve the problem. This is and should be illegal. There should be a way to keep this from happening. Investigation should take place,and these people need to be put away.

    1. Marie P L. 08 online

      In response to Tanya W. 01

      I feel the same way Tanya, America should get to the bottom of this and find out who did it and how they get to the system. Open an investigation to bring the responsible party or parties to justice.

  19. Megan N. 08
    In my opinion, I don't think there is anything we can do about the hackers. Once you put something on the computers, which could easily hacked by any computer wiz, you might as well assume that someone can find it. Who knows, there may be other countries doing the same thing, but we haven't figured it out yet. I think that the government should just keep things the old fashion way on paper. No harm in that.

  20. Nate Baker T/R 6pm

    Our government needs to shift to UNIX based systems. UNIX is the foundation of Mac OSX that runs on Apple computers. Hackers will even admit that hacking a Mac is a pain in the ass and most don't even attempt to hack a mac because it takes far too much time and work. Not to mention that pretty much all of China uses Windows, most of them know nothing about macs. UNIX is very hard to break because there are simply no points of entry except the one password. Not to mention it uses techniques such as "Sandboxing" which do not let applications carry out actions without permission from the user. UNIX while being the oldest, has evolved in so many ways in terms of security over the years. It's the best course of immediate action we can take to increase our security. In the mean time we should try to invent new proprietary systems that only our government understands. That way no one besides them can get into the systems.

  21. Derek S. Soc 1101

    I think the Unites States Government should confront the Chinese government face to face. It needs to stop now or there will be serious consequences. I don't think the U.S. needs to be a "people pleaser." We need to firm with them and inform them that we are NOT going to take it.

    1. Natasha E. Online 12
      I agree to a certain extent, but american does not need to be in another war. We need to be civil and we can be a people pleaser and get things done the right way. America is very intelligent and we can come up with a way to stop them from hacking.

  22. Derek S. in response to Elia V.12

    I don't think we should be nice about it at all and I don't believe we need China either. This is not the first time someone from China, whether with the Chinese government or not, has hacked into our systems. We need to stop trying to be everyone's friend. There are lines and you don't cross them!

  23. David H. 01
    Got to love the modern world. If it is proved to be true that the Chinese Government hired hackers to hack the Department of Defense, I'm not sure how you could not take that as almost an act of war. If the U.S. was found hacking into the Chinese Defense systems, I'm sure they'd be hot about it too. I do not personally like wars, but you have to ask, Why the Department of Defense? why not just blackmail a senator or something fun? To me, it just seems like there could be alternate intentions. Build Firewalls!!!!!

  24. Mandy B. Online 10
    Even if the allegations are true, I do not believe there will ever be a way to successfully stop hackers. There should be consequences for their actions though. The U.S. should definitely determine whether or not this is a matter of national security, in order to keep citizens protected. I have to think that if the shoe was on the other foot that China would be less than ok with the situation.

  25. Mandy B. Online 10 in response to Megan N. 08
    I agree. I think once information is entered into a computer, then it is at risk of being stolen. Hackers will always exist and continue to be a problem. I am certain that other countries do it as well, including ours.

  26. Adetola M.10

    If it is true, i think United State should go back on the board and make laws more strictly for the chinese government, by slowing down trade interaction between them. This is will surely affect their economic status. This should go on until chinese government fish out the rotten heads among them that hacked into american defence contractors.

  27. Adetola M.10 in respond to Michelle L.08

    I strongly agree with your point. There is a need for America to address the issue and henceforth make it difficult to hacker to gain access into their system.

  28. Bailey Glines

    I think that we need to do everything that we can to stop it because a hacker will get a lot of confidential information. I think that more laws should be made specifically for hackers and have stricter laws against them.

  29. Natasha E. Online 12

    I do not believe there is anything that we can do and if so there would be controversy and maybe another way. If the chinese government knows about it, i do not understand why they are not stoping it considering the impact america has on china with all the things we buy from them. I feel that we should talk to china and see what is going on and if they are not going to help, then we can just build our computers and make them so they cannot be hacked into. These days everybody wants to fight and cause a war. It is not a very good idea starting a war now with china since we are already in one now.

  30. Megan C. 21
    I think the United States is too involved with other countries' affairs as it is. It seems to me that we help out other countries more than our own people. Just because our preamble states that we'll "establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility...", does that mean we've gotta do it for every country?
    On the other hand, somebody in China stole my mom's credit card information and ordered some things online... So... I guess I'm on the fence.

    1. Reply to Megan c. 21
      Well I mean, if they stole OUR information then it does make it a domestic problem, but when you put something on the internet where people can find it (even by hacking) they are going to do it because money talks.

  31. M Williams online;Reply to Tate F. online

    An eye for an eye and the whole world would be blind, Ghandi. We should first get the facts right, these were once our enemies, and now trading allies; we don't need to start another war, we can not afford the one we are in right now.

    1. C sparks 10 reply to m williams online
      I agree with you.
      we can't just start a war on a hunch.

  32. M Williams online 10

    If they have stolen information from companies around the world,including the US and this can be proven, then the countries including the US that are their allies should decided on the type of punishment they deserve. China may have some power but all the other countries working together with the US can definitely slow their growth.

  33. C Sparks 10

    I guess it would depend on what the Chinese government is going to do with the information if they even have it to begin with. I believe information leaks all the time. If someone can see something, they can tell someone else and I am sure the government has processes that overcome things like this. The best thing in my opinion would be to change the security systems and make the information invalid by writing new information.

    1. Briana S. online 12
      I definitely agree that the security systems should be changed since they have been compromised, however now that they have tried hacking into American databases, I am sure others are soon to follow.

  34. Megan M. Online 12

    Well, theres no real easy solution because we cant go to war and we cant stop trading with China. The only thing I could suggest is to encourage businesses to invest in more cyber security.

  35. Briana S. 12
    If it can be proven that China hacked American systems, the first step America should to take would be reevaluating our relationship with China and its leaders. The businesses that were hacked should be informed, as well as given the information that was taken by hackers. Security systems should be revised and teams should be put into place that directly monitor suspicious activities on the network for these companies, as well as our government. We also should start monitoring the Chinese to see what exactly the Chinese government has planned for the future.

  36. Bola T. online 12
    The American Government should try to block all defense information that is not meant for the public consumption that may have been stolen. Also monitor closely any unusual behavior of Chinese citizen both within and outside United State, their influx and what they produce in terms of technology. Furthermore, the America Government should monitor how often the Chinese disseminate information within their network to determine if there are any alert from them or perhaps they might not launch any attack due to lack of more evidence of what they might have stolen.

  37. Lucinda S online 08
    Although President Obama has issued strengthening efforts to prevent such actions of hacking. It will never be a full proof method of containing secrets on electronic files. Now if China is responsible for the Hacking, there should be some sort of responsible action taken. However, I personally believe that caution should carefully be taken in reevaluating the business relations with China. Wars have been started over situations a lot less invasive than the hacking. We are not on even grounds.

  38. Lucinda S online 08
    In response to Nate Baker,I am not fully aware of just how deep the world of electronics really go. But I believe that you have a better understanding of the new world of electronics than I ever will. I remember when I saw the first TV in color...!

  39. Jane N 73
    United States should not fight them because they still do businesses/trade with China.What they need is to change the security systems and make the information invalid. Then do whatever it takes to protect the new information.

    1. Beatrice W 34 In-response to Jane N 73

      I agree they should change there security systems to be invalid so that they wont be able to hack in, but the United States should also fight back, if they don't the Chinese government will never stop hacking in our systems. They will get used to it and still be able to hack in again without being stopped.*

  40. Jane N 73 In reponse to Natasha E 12
    I agree that American does not need another war. They are intelligent and they can come up with better solution to stop hacking.

  41. Natalie P 10

    China is vry advanced society, it wouldnt take much for them to infiltrate our systems. We as citizens of the United States are constantly have our computers, and "privacy" monitored . I dont believe that the informaiton is really being protected to avoid potential hackers.

  42. I think that we should focus on technology solutions that would prevent hackers from having access. More laws will only infringe our rights and would not be enforceable in another country. We seem to be slipping behind in the technology world. We need to promote education early (in elementary school and on up) in technology fields and reward students who excel in the kind of thinking outside the box required to develop new technology and solutions to these types of attacks. Maybe scholarships?

  43. Jessica H
    I have no idea how the US should respond. I think that people rely too much on the supposed safety of firewalls and other internet security. If we didn't put the information out there to be taken, it might not be hacked. In truth, if someone really wants the information, then they are probably going to get it somehow. It probably doesn't matter what we do.

    1. Julian L. 09

      I'm pretty sure the government runs on better software than Firewalls. And you couldn't suggest that we stop communicating through technology (Not like pen and paper would be any safer), the entire country would be flipped upside down. Though I do agree that no information is private, it can all be compromised.

  44. Beatrice W 34

    The United States should make their security system much tighter so they wont be able to hack in. If they still do this, the government should stop trading with them since they will be the one losing market trade. By doing that the Chinese government will finally surrender and eventually stop their hacking.

    1. That has nothing to do with security as much as it has to do with it being the cyber world. So rules are different in cyber world. But what you were getting at, was that they should better protect their information accross the internet.
      Giana Deleon
      crn 41210

    2. Amy H-01 replying to Beatrice W. How tight does a security system have to be? It has been proven for many years that, technology or not, information can and will be acquired by whatever means possible between countries. And I don't believe we are going to scare off China by threatening to stop trade with them-they already own the United States-all they have to do is come collect.

  45. Christine W. 01

    I think the only thing that can be done is to strengthen our security and keep a close eye on the situation. There probably isn't much else anyone can do. I'm sure this isn't the first time this has been a problem and it sure won't be the last. There have been hackers as long as there has been computers and neither will be slowing down there forward progress. As sad as it is, crime pays and pays well at that. As much as I hate to think of other countries invading our personal information, I am not too naive to believe my own country is not doing the exact same thing to others. Most all countries have their own secret intelligence agencies and sub agencies that are not technically on the books who can and do whatever they deem appropriate. All we can do is make sure we have the best and the strongest.

    1. Brittany S. Soc. 1101 Online

      I completely agree.

  46. Brittany S. Soc. 1101 Online

    As we know, cyber crime has been going on since the late 1990s. It is becoming more fluent now for numerous reasons. But why would a government associated group in China be involved in questionable cyber hacking? Compared to most Western nations, it’s development is growing stronger. It has a lot to gain technology wise and even in the industrial aspect, if they can gather the right information, so it’s not much of a stretch for me to believe they are responsible for these alleged cyber invasions. At the same time it’s not hard for me to believe the U.S. and other Western nations aren't accountable for said hacking in the same furtive manner. In the end, it really isn't my expertise to give an opinion on what to do, but I would suggest we approach the situation circumspectly and civilized. We should aim our focus on more security and use the technology that I'm sure most government institutions use, that we aren't even aware of. We all know there is a lot of garbage on the internet, and it’s no different when it comes to what some organization might want to allow an attacker to discover. This type of stuff goes on between competing businesses, so you can bet government play the same game.

    1. Christine W. 01

      Well said.. I can't comprehend why people would be shocked by this or would think our country isn't doing the same thing.

    2. Jenn L. 08
      I completely agree. To me, this issue isn't a big deal. It really isn't what we should be focusing on at this time in our country's economic crisis. I think we should focus on what is actual broken within our OWN country, like the educational system. That is the bases of all things that are going wrong in this country, in my opinion.

  47. Marie L P. 08 Online

    I think the best way to address this situation is for the United States to upgrade their security system so things like that doesn't happen in the future. Open an investigation to find out what happen and bring who ever is responsible to justice.

  48. Julian L. 09

    We owe them money, they better not get hasty and accuse them before being sure about this. I think the United States should upgrade their computer security, it's too late to do anything about it now, they know what they know. I'm sure most of China would agree that they wouldn't like us tapping into their information, so finding out who started this operation should be a team effort between Us and China.

  49. Trina H. 12
    We all live in this world together and because of internet growth, along with it comes more opportunity to steal information. There has and always will be spies for every country. I would find it hard to believe that American doesn't do the same. There isn't much we can do other than strengthen our own resources so information isn't leaked. Oftentimes, I think it is human error or negligence that causes the leaks, not just hackers obtaining the info. Using our own resources as much as possible would make us less dependent on other countries and their resources. This alone would help us to have leverage when something like this happens. Is the United States still known for it's strength? I'm not so sure sometimes, and we have no one really to blame but ourselves. We can't always point the finger in the other direction, can we?

    1. Cynthia H. 44 I totally agree that Americans has done the same to them as well.Strengthening our internet security is definitely a start. I'm honestly not shocked or surprised by the allegations.

  50. Emilee A. 12
    Every country has spies. And I'm almost certain that every country has stole there fair share of information. We live in a pretty tech savy world. There are so many people that can hack stuff that I'm pretty sure nothing is safe from anyone. Remember when you point one finger at someone then you have 3 pointing back at you. The U.S. can up the security and try to find out who is responsible and with the right proof punish as needed. But when you going digging for dirt on someone else you are bound to find something on yourself or someone unsuspected.

  51. Emilee A. 12 in response to Trina H. 12

    I agree, the boom of the internet and all this technology should have been a clue that there would be an increase in cyber crime and nothing would safe.

  52. Cynthia H. 44 I feel like the United States should step up their internet security first, I also feel like there should be some type of investigation into whether this was a inside job or not, I know that the article states that the hackers were in China but this could have been someone hired to spy and steal the information from inside. I feel like China should be confronted with the allegation as well. I feel that U.S. is too relaxed sometimes and when their guard is down other countries strike.

  53. Taiwo O online 08
    There is no need for United States to strick back against the Chinese government but tighten up the security on cyber; focusing more on how to deter hackers and the nations that are backing them.

    1. Leslie T online 08
      I agree with you I don't think we should try to make China an enemy just increase our security so we are not able to be hacked.

  54. Jenn L. 08

    Has anyone thought about how they, the Chinese, seems to be MUCH more educated, especially in mathematics, than the US?

    Maybe instead of worrying so much about what China, or anyone else in the world, might find out about the US, we should worry more about catching up with the rest of the industrialized world. We are falling behind and this is just a by-product of that. A good, strong education is the most important thing a country can do for its people to keep it on top or keep it competitive and keep it from being taken over. We are no longer on top.

  55. Taiwo O online 08
    I agreed with Christine, United State should strenthen thier security and keep close eyes.

  56. Leslie T online 08

    I feel if China is sponsoring someone to hack into our security, maybe we should sponsor a hacker to help keep them out. Basically help up our security system.

  57. Leightonia B, Online 12
    If the reports on the alleged Chinese hacking situation are true, security should be increased in effort to keep our secure information confidential. There are people that are employed by the American government to ensure that this information is kept classified, and the idea that it may have been compromised should prompt them to revamp their programs and procedures to prevent it from occurring.

  58. Whitney C.10
    I honestly think there isnt a whole lot the United States can do. China basically owns us anyway with as much money as we owe them (billions) if not more. Plus we get a lot of products from them for cheap prices and if we were to make them mad and they stop, our prices for everything start going up. And is it really a good idea to start something with these people whos population is way more than ours? I guess if anything were to be done peacefully maybe they could join up and find ways to improve the security of China and America together if its that easy to get into.

  59. Whitney C.10 in response to Julian L. 09
    I completely agree with you that they do not need to go starting stuff without even for sure knowing and that they should get together to improve the systems they have.

  60. Crystal White CRN 41210 ONLINE
    I believe that if the allegations are true we should increase our cyber defense and protection. We should decrease the number of people who are privey to potentially harmful information and assign people to monitor their actions. With that said it is almost impossible to be fully protected as long as we have computers and advanced technology there will always be someone who know more and is more advanced and willing to figure out a way to hack into our system. That is one of the many cons to having this great thing we call the internet. It helps us find information faster, connect with people throught the world but we have grown to depend on it in order to sustain and if something were to happen to our cyber world here in the U.S it could definetly lead to destruction and/or severe damage.

  61. Crystal White CRN 41210 ONLINE Crystal W.10 Online

    In response to Whitney C.10

    I totally agree with you Whitney there isn't much the U.S can do. You brought up a great point if we did try to retaliate it could end up hurting us more than them since we depend on them for so many of our products. It is an awesome idea to peacefully join teams with them and see what we could accomplish as a team.

  62. Cameron R.10
    I think that it would be a mistake to start anything with China. If they did hack into our system then this is a lesson learned to stop putting such valuable files online in a place to where people such as this hacker can aquire them. I mean if China can do it then theres no reason that other countries cant. Maybe some things should be kept in a very secure location with gaurds in paper work so they can not be accessed online.

    1. John M. Online 08
      Either putting them in a more secure location, or if they are going to post them online they should have them on a closed loop that isn't accessible from the outside.

  63. Cameron R.10 in response to Beatrice W 34
    I think you are way off on what you think should be done. If we were to stop trade with them it wouldnt hurt them nearly as much as it would us and they would never surrender to us, im not positive on the exact number but I think China has twice the amount of people we do. You cant really blame them for going through our stuff when we are the ones who put it on there in the first place.

  64. Amy Hedrick-1101 I believe that the technological advances we have experienced over the last few decades have invited this type of behavior.It is not morally right to hack into other systems, assume identities, or any other myriad things that can be done on the computer but the reality is, if it can be done someone is going to do it! Why not China? These things are being done all over the United States-by Americans! Are we sure the United States government does not participate in these types of activities? Until there is a moral turn around in this world-which will be never-there is nothing safe from whoever wants to find it. What should the consequences be? Your guess is as good as mine. Maybe we should go back to pencil and paper. I do remember a time when life was much simpler, one couldn't be contacted 24 hours a day, and where people actually communicated face to face regularly.

  65. John M. 08 Online
    I think that there are really only two options that the U.S. can do at this time and they are to either increase our cyber security, or to come up with concrete evidence that the Chinese Government is directly involved and use that as a basis to get sanctions in the U.N. against China. While both of these may not be the most effective options, but they are the only ones we currently have available to us at the moment.

  66. Joan M. 08 in response to John M. 08
    I do agree with you. A better cyber security would be good , the only cloud would be that the US form a lot of computer technician especially from China so how will we prevent those form by our services to go and hack the systems?

  67. Kristina Williams Martin 900244483 online SOC1101

    I think that this is awful. This is an attack on our country and we should certainly be cautious in our dealings with China. I do not like this at all.

    Though I don't think war is appropriate I certainly think we should strengthen our security and hack into their government. I think we would be better at it then they are, figuratively they threw the first punch.

    1. Edens T 900376729 online SOc1101
      I agree with Kristina Williams Martin 900244483 online SOC1101 that before pointing fingers and going to war we should up our security but we shouldn't stoop to their level and hack back

  68. Joan M. 08
    It is a really hard period and I do believe that we are going toward an electronic war which is really hard to prevent because mainly everything in electronised and computerised nowadays. Unfortunately, it is possible for the Chinese people to have hacked into the US systems, they are really smart people and good computer technicians. I believe that much more investigations should be pursued and government, public and private companies should restrain access to their files to very few people.

  69. Edens T No.29
    I think that The US should find hard proof that the Chinese are the ones responsible because it could be very well a can be another country maybe trying to cause trouble between the two power houses of the world

    1. Raygan D. Online 08 in response to Edens T. 29

      Yes i fully agree with you on this point, we can not act out and accuse the Chinese of these crimes without evidence that it was them who had committed this crime. Especially when there are other countries who would gain a far greater benefit from this chaos than China.

  70. S. Castro online 12
    Before we respond in any way, we would have to be absolutely positive Chinese government where involved. Words like allegedly and could have, don't make me very comfortable going in front of the United Nations accusing the Chinese of such big crimes. If it's true, I am all for boycotting of Chinese imports. That would mean much higher totals on our receipts at the store but it would also remind them how much they need and rely on us.

  71. S. Castro online 12
    I agree but think American's are just as smart and respected for their tech knowledge around the world. I feel sorry for any one that tries to go head to head with our countries brightest technological minds.

    1. heather s 08
      in response to s castro 12
      I agree with the fact that we have brilliant technological people in our country. In saying that, I believe they need to protect the information better, or do not place it out there! It doesnt seem any more complicated than that!

  72. Jon Walker.

    I honestly think that the United States should investigate to see if it is true first of all. We do have the technology and intelligence to have the best firewall, software, ect. We need to up our defense on our corporate websites. At the same time this could cause conflict with China if we actually do catch them stealing our information. That would not be good considering that they "own us". I think that the United States has many worse things to worry about. If it brings conflict then come with a plan B stating that the debt that is owed to them will drastically decrease with every attempt of hacking us. That might teach China to back off.

  73. Heather S 08
    While this is an internet problem, I believe it is primaraly a defense issue. I don't think the laws surrounding the web should be changed, perhaps just the ways our government protects their information out there. If we are sharing information through the internet than you should be aware of the possibilites. Certainly this isnt any different than internal spies of years passed. I dont pretend to have much knowledge of the way it works, but on a very basic level I would say not to put things out there that you dont want known! There are brilliant hackers all over the world, and I am sure that the US has used them as well. It seems to me that using all your resourses to protect your country is what each and every one of us will do.

  74. Well its tough. The one thing the US is serious about is security. They need to take action and protect their data even more. That's the only logical solution to this problem.

  75. Victor V. 01

    I believe we should either take this opportunity and do the same thing in return, OR train people who can stop/reverse said hacks (I am not really an expert, so I have no idea if this is possible). I believe China is using it as some sort of training, so why don't we?

  76. I think we need to upgrade more of our cyber security to make it beefier to prevent stuff like this happening. We are severely lacking in that area and we need to upgrade and stay with the best type of defenses.

  77. Porchia Holden Online 01
    I think our investigative services should find out the information that they have gathered, and then go about trying to find new ways to conduct the actions that they have discovered. And if they are actions that have already been done, they should do preventative damage control in order to be prepared should China ever decide to leak the information. I believe the services should also find out how it was that they were able to hack into our software, and go about finding a way to develop software that would not allow that to happen again in the future.

  78. Courtney Wintzell Online o8
    I believe that our detectives that we have for the goverment should find out all the information that chinese goverment has hacked from the united states. I mean are we going to let foriegn countries just run all over us just because were possibly scared of what they would do. We need to get a better control of our goverment

  79. Courtney Wintzell In response to Jeremy brey. i totally agree with what you are saying because we really need to get control of our countrys security

  80. Cam S. 12
    In my opinion we should find out exactly what they were looking for and what they found before we react. It is definitely a threat risk so i think we should change up and also bump up our national defenses. if chinese did do this there needs to be some sort of punishment but i couldnt really decide what to do until i knew exactly what really occured.

  81. Cam S. 12
    In response to Tracy Parkinson. i do agree that we need to toughin up how we react but we need to react to the truth. Before we blow things out of proportion we need the facts. Then we handle the guilty as needed.

  82. Raygan D. 08
    I think the matter should be held delicately especially if there is no actual proof at the moment that the Chinese are indeed responsible for this. I would feel it would be unwise to start potential war with another nation when there are only allegations and nothing has come into light. I believe the best course of action would be to find out what information has been taken and how it could have been hacked and work on improving our defenses from any more hackings.

  83. Jessica Anthuis

    I believe that the facts of this occurring should be proven before any action is taken. Our world seems to be on high alert and every country seems to be on edge, waiting for something to happen. We have the means and technology to figure out the facts. If this is true, however, I don't think there is any excuse for this happening because we should have the proper security on our defenses, especially our defense contractors!

  84. sandra f. 86
    I dont see out of all the technology that we have that this can happen. If it did indeed happen how come we didnt send a virus to knockout their entire hard drives? If we let the chinease push us around they will not stop. I dont think we should just look the other way. Things need to be done. Freedoms not free

  85. The United States should try as much as possible to b block spies from stealing their techology. I recommend that they send a virus to all their technologies so that any stealling will be imposible


  86. Giana Deleon
    I would hope America would not respond with war. I hope they learn how to secure their information a little better and as far as the Chinese, I'd hope they recieve penalties somehow or a form of repayment for violating and hacking them!

  87. Maricela E. 10

    I think that the information should be air tight because jumping to conclusions will only make things go bad.

  88. Maricela E. 10 in response to Giana Deleon

    I agree about the war response. If US can prove the the wrong doing for sure the hackers and their sponsers should be punished.

  89. Jordanna C
    I'm surprised.You would think that the government would protect their information a bit more. They need to crack down or do some kind of super spy ware on it.

  90. James A 75
    If this is possible then it's our own fault. The U.S. could either fight fire with fire or work on better security.

  91. Chynna Boggs 01
    Not only should these laws be passes, but also enforced, it shouldnt be as easy as it obviously is to hack and steal the ideas of our companies i think there should be punishment for these hackers, its not fair to those who come up with the ideas.

  92. The government should fix the problem because the hackers need to be punished. It is not right hacking people who do not derserve to be hacked.
