Monday, January 28, 2013

Women in Combat

The US pentagon has confirmed the “Ban of Women in Combat” will be lifted. What are some key concerns (pro or con) related to this issue?


  1. Howard C. 01

    From an equality standpoint I do not feel that it is my place to tell a woman not to fight in combat if that was her desire; however, for me it just seems morally wrong. Not that it is really much better to send any young soul off to war, but the thought of mothers and young girls being subjected to the brutality of war again just does not sit well with me. Another issue that makes a significant difference in how I perceive this is whether the war is offensive or defensive. If a war of defense were to be fought on American soil and women joined in as Russian women did during WWII to fight off the Germans in Stalingrad, in other words to protect the homeland, I could see this as admirable, but to send women into controversial wars like Vietnam or any other war that has questionable characteristics of being unethical and offensive, no way. The pros of this would be nothing more than more boots on the ground. The cons could potentially be astronomical or maybe not so bad, I do not know. I think that the psychological effects could possibly affect a generation of how the children of these potential mothers raise their kids. Of course one could argue that this could happen with men as well, which is true, but I believe that women carry a different bond with children than men do. All in all, I'm not qualified to say from a professional standpoint the effects here, I can only share my thoughts. Lastly, in our country I feel that war can be a touchy subject with many people. Saying the wrong thing can portray one as a butcher or a pacifist in which both have been frowned upon at certain times. With this said, my intentions have been NOT to offend anyone, I just think that as a nation we should take heed to Eisenhower's warning of the military industrial complex.

    1. I agree with you on the fact that a young soul shouldnt be subjected to war but if the young soul, male or female, decides to fight for their country they should feel free to do so.

    2. Brittany S. Soc. 1101
      While I enjoyed your open-minded appeal in the beginning, I have to point out your statement, " I think that the psychological effects could possible affect a generation of how the children of these potential mothers raise their kids." While it is certainly an argument of concernment, I can only sympathize if you deemed only a mother responsible for the psyche of a child. I can't even imagine the numbers of children to take into accountability with "daddy issues." The numbers if tallied, would be astronomical. This seems somewhat simpleminded, and only fuels the forceful roles one must uphold in our society.

  2. Kirsten H. Online 10
    In response to Howard C. 01 -

    Women have been fighting for equality in all aspects of their lives and despite the fact that there are still clear inequalities between men and women today...they are gradually recieving the response they have been working for. It seems as if noone can be satified in a case like this. Either the "Ban of Women in Combat" is wrong and discriminatory or it's wrong to put such "gentle beings" out there. It seems that many women no longer WANT that image anymore. They want to represent strength and clearly their country in the same ways men can. Although I personally don't see anything wrong with the act being lifted-I do agree that it is likely that the psychological effects of women in battle would trickle down into later generations. However, as you mentioned- the same can happen with a man. What makes this topic so difficult is that we still have the people from previous generations that already have their idea of what a woman should and shouldn't be set. Meanwhile, the more recent generations don't see much wrong with it. Personally, I don't think America would be considered a country ran "by the people and for the people" if the people can't make their own choices...especially when it comes to SERVING the country. I believe we are taking a simple concept and making it more complex than it is. Men participate in battle, now women want to. By doing so, each sex is putting themselves in danger either way-mentally or physically-& that's really all there is to it. People can be upset about women joining battle, but at the end of the day noone is forcing these women to. Overall, there are pros and cons for everyone involved whether they are male or female.

  3. Natalie P. Online 10
    In response to Kristen H.10

    Lifting the ban for women to serve for their country in combat is controversial. Yes, women have been fighting for equality throughout history and have prevailed in gaining recognition for their efforts. I respect and applaud the women that fight for their country. However, I don't think that women consider all aspects when making the decision to serve in ground combat. Two questions that I have no answer for. Should certain military detail be designated to women or men? Who is emotionally stronger,physically stronger and mentally stronger of the two? The physiology of women and men are proof of at least one undeniable set of differences , which equates to some obvious level of inequality. Women and men have been classified by a set of rules and responsibilities that have been designed by men throughout history. I agree the trickle effect will taint generations and has already made an impact on the psychological effect on both men and women and will continue. Yes, women should have the right to choose to fight in ground combat. Personally, I would not.

    1. Briana S. Online 12
      I also would never personally choose to fight in ground combat. However just as that is not something I desire or aspire to ever do, I'm sure there are women out there who may feel as if that is their calling regardless of their personal strength, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

    2. Tatrika H.12 Online In response to .. Briana S. Online 12

      Many women have made the sacrifice of dedicating their lives to the military and armed forces. Just as women in the police force and the fire department should be subject to the same tests of strength as their male counterparts, so should women entering the military. These careers sacrifice just as the military does & women should NOT be limited in based off of their strengths and assumptions of women in general. The milestone they've created reflects the courageous and patriotic service of women in American history.

  4. Briana S. online 12
    I don't really see any cons to women specifically taking part in combat. A life lost is a life lost no matter the gender. However some of the pro's would be that woman would be one step closer to being considered equal. Also if America starts the trend of women being able to do the same jobs as men, other countries are sure to follow. This is part of the progression of women's rights, and the stepping stone for greater things, dare I say it, possibly a woman President. I for one do not understand why women were banned from combat. Even if research ever came out saying that women are not meant for combat, I don't think that should change if women can actually fight.

  5. Jessica H

    I have varying opinions about this issue. If a woman wants to go to combat then more power to her, but if not then they shouldn't be forced to go. I feel that this is just another way for women to try to feel equal to men, when in fact they are not. Women will never be equal to men and they shouldn't be. Men have many biological advantages that women do not have just as women have biological weaknesses that men do not have. I am not saying that women are weak or do not belong in combat - I am only saying that women and men are not equals. There are definitely women out there that can take and give as much as any man, but that is rare. Like I said, if a woman wants to go to combat then, by all means, let her go. I do not think women should be banned because there are some tough women out there that would love nothing more than to defend their country and that is an amazing thing. At the same time, I don't think that this should have anything to do with women's rights because, in truth, EVERY woman could NOT go to combat and some should never be allowed to even get close.

    1. Amy H-08 Replying to Jessica H. I agree with the points you have made-that women want the same equality as men but that women will never be equal to men. We were made to complement each other. Though men and women should not be looked at as unequal, we should be looked at as playing different parts in the same game. I am not saying that women are the weaker gender, but that women are stronger in other roles which we were designed to carry out.

  6. Anthony H. Soc 1101

    I personally believe if a woman decides to stand up for her country, she should be allowed to do that. But on the other hand forcing a woman to fight in combat is ridiculous, we need a woman at home to stay and watch after the kids so maybe one day they could fight for our country.

    1. Beatrice W 34 In response to Anthony H
      I agree with you, everyone has their right to stand for what they believe in. If women are willingly to go fight for their country let them be. They should go while there are mentally and physically prepared. Some women opt to stay behind and watch after their kids as the men go to combat but others they prefer to go, since they want to fight for their country.

  7. Tatrika H.12

    Today, by moving to open more military positions, including ground combat units, the armed forces have taken another historic step towards exercising the talents and skills of all our citizens. In my opinion, this was calling a woman the weaker sex; this is assassinating the character of women in general. It is man's injustice to women. Lifting the ban on women in combat is most beneficial because it actually encourages more people to join the military or armed forces; there are female attributes that could prove useful in combat scenarios. But, of course, by nature the majority of women are simply not strong enough to meet the requirements set by the military. Personally, if a woman is as physically capable as a man in EVERY required way, I believe she should be allowed on the front lines. It's that simple.

    1. John Marchant 08
      I don't know if I necessarily agree with you on, "In my opinion, this was calling a woman the weaker sex; this is assassinating the character of women in general." but I do agree with what you said on saying that women possess attributes that could be useful in combat scenarios. I think it will be interesting to see how the battlefield changes as the old ban is lifted.

  8. Desmond H soc 1101

    i personally do not like this my girlfriend wants to be in the military and i already didn't like that idea, and the fact that now they can be shot as well or blown up i don't feel comfortable with. I am already sketchy with the military as is i'm not particularly found of it but i know its necessary but if at all possible let the men do it. that last sentence was in no way shape or form meant to be sexist.

    1. Megan M. Online 12 in response to Desmond

      I understand where you're coming from and I dont see you as sexist at all. People have their own opinions and feelings on the matter but I wish you would give more reasons why you dont like women on the front lines other than you just dont.

  9. Megan M. Online 12

    My boyfriend just finished his fourth deployment and has FINALLY left the Army after four years of dedicated service as a Ranger. He tells me stories about some of the women who were in the Army with him. My opinion is that if a woman is mentally and physically capable of doing the job, she can do it just as god as a man. We trust our women to be firefighters and cops so I dont understand why we cant trust them to fight for our country like they fight for our safety. My boyfriend is very proud of everything he has done while in the Army, and his family and myself are so so proud of him. No patriotic woman should be stripped of the priviledge to make her country, family, and friends proud.

    1. Leightonia B,12 in response to Megan M. 12
      I agree with you. The woman was allowed to join the military because she was able to do the tasks required of her. They train her to do her job, so why not allow her to experience to use what she has learned. You made a valid point also. If women are fully trusted in positions such as fire fighters and police officers, there is no reason why they cannot be fully trusted in any military position.

  10. David H. 01
    Personally, i don't see anything wrong with it. If Women are allowed to join the Military, and wish to stand up for your their country and fight, why shouldn't they? If anyone, male or female is joining the Military, and wishes to risk paying the ultimate price for their home, let them. That's more of a calling than a "job" or "career".

  11. Leightonia B, 12
    There are pros and cons to the ban on women in combat being lifted. A pro for this lift would be that women would be able to serve their country fully without being discriminated against because of their gender. A con would be the conflict that will occur when women fight in countries that have strict rules preventing women from having many if any rights at all. Another con would be if the women engages in an intimate relationship while away in combat and becomes pregnant, if she dies than that is two lives lost instead of one. I believe the lifting of the ban is a good thing. If any woman or man feels the desire to serve their country, they should be allowed to. Especially when they have been trained to do so.

  12. Women in combat can be a complicated subject. As a member of the U.S. Military, I went through my Basic Military Training along side women. They recieve the same training in basic that the men do, as do other women in the other branches. The pros of the ban being lifted gives women the opportunity to prove themselves on the battle field on a deployment. But, there are a lot of cons to this. Most women, i believe, wouldn't be able to handle a combat situation. It's hard enough on the men seeing a fellow comrade die in action; I do not believe that a women would be able to cope with it very well. For men, there would be too much of an emotional aspect tied to women in combat. No man wants to see a woman die fighting right beside him. Men have been raised to be the protectors; to give his life to let the woman live.

    1. Megan N. o8
      I agree when you say men have been raised to be protectors. Obviously they had a ban for the women in the first place. Sure, women can be just as capable as men to fight in battle but emotionally I don't think they would be able to handle it. Women wouldn't be the same after seeing many close comrads being killed all around them. It just doesn't seem right.

    2. Megan C. 21 in response to Derek S.

      I also agree with the pros/cons you have mentioned. I am a woman, and I know exactly what you're talking about. I would not be emotionally capable of seeing someone whom I have been trained to see as my brother be killed beside me, despite the fact that there may not have been anything that I could have done to prevent it from happening.
      I am seeing that most females responding to this post are either on one side of the fence or the other. They are either all the way for or against. It's interesting to see what women believe when it comes down to the nitty-gritty.

  13. Derek S. Soc 1101
    In response to Kirsten H. Online 10

    There are pros and cons for both, but in the end, I dont believe that combat is meant for women. No man wants to see a woman die. There would be too much of an emotional aspect tied to it and I also belive that MOST, not all, but most women wouldn't be able to handle a combat situation.

  14. I don't see an issue with women serving in combat. I don't think all combat positions should be opened to them like the special forces, but any other position I think if they can handle it then they should be able to do it. The only con I can really think of is that women are over all more emotional then men. I think on the emotional/mental level they will probably have more issues after a combat tour or if not more issues then more likely to show the issues and damages.

  15. I don't necessarily think that it is bad for women to fight in combat although if it were up to me, I still wouldn't let women fight. Biologically speaking, they are less at an advantage in general concerning combat as males were more... engineered to do so. I mean no offense and I apologize if I offend someone. I think the heat of combat will have more of a psychological effect on women than men, and would be more at risk of PTSD due to their more, emotional nature. Also men are more physically fit in general and are able to keep fighting harder and longer than most women. After all, men are supposed to protect the women, and to have women fight and die on the battlefield, might be a little psychologically disorienting the men (if you understand what I mean.)

    1. Joan M.08 in response to Mattias E 41210
      In reply to you I do think that this type of thinking should evolved. Unfortunately , you are not the only one who still believe that women are the weakest pole in the human race and should sit at home sewing clothes, polishing pots and caring for the children. I do believe that both subjects men and women complete each other which is why more than ever women should be allowed all the aspects of our society.

  16. Adetola M.Online 10
    My view is that everyone either man or woman personally can determine their ability, and also the aspect they choose to impact people’s life. The Pros to this issue is that lifting of this ban will encourage and give room to more women who long to serve their nation join the military. The cons has more impact than the pros, naturally people’s view or opinion is that woman are weaker vessel, and it will be difficult for them to meet up with the rigorous requirement set up in military. Also I think equality sake being considered on both gender accomplishes nothing on this matter. The risk and danger posed could be enormous. My opinion is that if any woman feels she is upright and capable physically to scale the military requirement, she should be given the opportunity to serve her country.

  17. In response to Leightonia B.12.

    There are cons and pros on this issue, but at the end i still dont think most woman can physically handle the combat situation, you outline a good example of a woman being pregnant and eventually die at the warfront.

  18. Tate F. Online 08
    I think lifting the "Ban of Women in Combat" is great. There are women out there that want to fight front line just like the men do out there. Now women can go further in the special forces. I don't think there is anything wrong with what the US pentagon has allowed, because the women are not forced to go into combat. It is their choice. I think it is great that women are now allowed to take the tests and do the military tasks that are mandatory to do anything the military offers.

  19. Tate F. In response to Briana S Online 12
    I agree with you. It just gives women their right to make their choice of whether or not they want to be in combat. In my opinion, I do not think there is anything wrong with this. This could be to show even more equal rights of men and women too. Who knows. So, this just gives women their right to do what they please in the army and fight in combat if thats what they want to do.

  20. Selena C.
    I don not think that women should have been ban in the first place. From my stand point it seems like banning the women is a form of discrimination. Why let women join the armed forces and not let them go do what they were trained to do. Women are just as strong as most men, so to stop them from going is crazy.

    1. I would have to agree with you on that, I feel like why is this such a big thing to be even debating on in the first place, men and women in the military should have the same opportunities.

  21. Joan M.08
    I am thrilled by this decision of our government and expect that all the others countries will follow. Women need to be involve more than ever in every aspect of our society. They can lead, follow or be the best advisers. Men are and will always be protectors; and fighting side to side with women should not be taken as a diminish of their position but the object and source in which they could relate and concentrate all their energy.

  22. Megan N. 08
    I think women should have the choice whether or not they want to stand front line in combat. I think lifting the ban shows a great change in the way the world views women as equals. On the other hand, I would never submit myself to war or any other type of combat related matters. I appreciate everything that our soldiers do for our country, but the constant controversies that the government has brought to our attention has just made me not want to think twice about the situations. There are so many things that are being hidden from the people of the U.S. that I wouldn't want to give up the few things I do have in life for them. I've seen how it tears families about and I don't want any part of it. If women want to risk the future of their children or even having children then more power to them.

  23. Eric B. 12

    I do not see any negative in letting women fight in the front lines. In part due to the fact that modern warfare does not necessarily have a specific front line of combat. But also because if a woman same as a man chooses to enlist in the military they are(and should be) willing to protect themselves and their country in any means necessary.

  24. I feel like it was something that was long overdue. In this day and time it is wrong to deny women who willingly enlist in the military to fight for their country the right to fight in combat. If it was there choice to join the military, they obviously wanted to BE in the military and everything that it consists of. I'm sure they have the same concerns as men who go into combat do but female or male, they are both soldiers and want the opportunity to defend their country so they should be given that the same as men are

  25. EliaV.12
    in response to EricB.12
    Completely agree with you! we are equal in almos every other aspect, and they let women enroll so they should treat them equally.

  26. Elia V.12
    The question is why they let them (women) enroll if they wont give them the same opportunities of service? They are capable to perform any job as good as males and they are willing to serve equally, they go through extensive health and physical exams, let them do it!

  27. John Marchant 08
    I for one don't have a problem with the ban being lifted on women in combat. If a woman wants to put herself in harms way in order to provide security for her country then she should be allowed to do just that. To answer the question; however, I believe there are really only two big concerns that should be noticed. One, women may have the capacity to be just as physically fit as a man in the military, but they are still statistically weaker than their male counterparts. Two, it would be a major change of environment for the male front-line soldiers, who have been in a male only environment for quite sometime, and could put tension between male and female front-line soldiers.

    1. Heather S 08
      In reply to John M 08

      I agree with you on the basis of the dynamics would be difficult for men and women to be on the front line together. There are several reasons that this would be true. To begin with, the relationship between the sexes will always be more emotional than that of men alone. Most men are raised from childhood to protect and care for women, however this relationship could compromise the combat field. Another example you gave is of physical differences. I support that statement because it is a fact of nature that can not be changed because people want to be treated equal. This is not any different than being turned down for a position on the basketball team if you are five feet tall. This isnt discrimination, it is simply not being qualified for the position.

  28. Jane N.73
    To my opinion woman should be allowed to go to combat.They choose to be there.If it is their calling let it be.There are women who are strong physically than men and they should be given a chance.Although, women are good at taking care of the family especially the children.They also want to protect their future.

  29. Heather S 08

    I have mixed feelings about women in combat. I do not believe it has anything to do with gender, just the ability to withstand the pressure mentally and physically. It would be foolish to say we are created equally; we are not physically or emotionally equal. For example, I believe woman have more compassion and empathy. I do not state these traits to belittle thier strength and convictions, it is in fact a testament to the power of women in our world. Men are physically stronger than your average women. People's lives are at stake with this decision.Social reform of equality for men and women in war seems to be a politically correct decision, however not a wise decision for safety. There are many careers women excel beyond or are equal to men, but I do not believe this is one of them. However, if all physical and mental test required are passed by each individual, than soldiers should be placed accordingly. Perhaps there just needs to be more stringent criteria for sending individuals to combat to protect all service men and women alike.

    1. Julian L. 09

      Heather, I find this post very respectable, you're very honest about the statistics in women/men strength. However, if the military is as I feel it should be, then everybody on the field should be assigned to their best fit position. It's obvious to say that some women may be more dexterous than some men as well as possibly being faster, more keen and even stronger in some cases. Who's to say there isn't strict placement and criteria, though? Let's just be glad that we're not denying anybody's career path.

  30. sean collins
    women who are eligable for combat should be seasoned veterans who are war tested. i say this because women tend to be more emotional than men, and that could get them killed. i believe it should be the best of the best women who are in combat

  31. Tracy Parkinson 01 I believe that woman should be aloud to combat. Even though most men are physically stronger than women, if thats what the want to do it should be aloud. It is a free country for both woman and men.

  32. Ronald McGuire
    Now and days, people are able to do whatever they want to, and one of the biggest things for anyone is becoming a member of our military. If you love our country and wanting to serve for the military, why should gender play apart of joining? We are always asking people to join and it's not right to exclude people from joining, so if you are female you should have all the rights to join in the military than anyone else

  33. Bailey Glines 41101

    I believe that women can do anything that men can do. I think that as long as a woman knows what shes getting into, then i support whatever they would like to do in life. My brother is in the Army and when he came back from Afganistan, he developed PTSD, as well as anger issues because of the intense and horrible things that he had to go through and see. I think women need to know what they are getting into before they go. It is very dangerous, yes, but I think women can do it serve this country just as good as the men.

  34. Jon Walker

    I am happy that the ban was lifted. Everyone should be treated equal in the United States. Men and Women should be able to choose their life. If either of the sexes want to join the forces then they should be able to. I'm not sure what concerns may be because of the ban being lifted. I'm sure there will be more husbands and wives joining together. The only concern at that point are their children if they have any. Women are capable of doing anything that a man can do. It's their choice to live how they want. I support the lift.

  35. kyle Rhoades

    i am Okay with the ban of women in the armed forces being lifted. i think if a women wants to go fight for our country than they should be able to. but the only thing i can think of that would be a problem is haven women in a squad and the men getting in a fight over the women and not working together as a close team.

  36. Nate Baker T/R 6pm

    I think that women in combat is a double sided issue

    1.adds to our quantity of battle ready troops
    2.Breaks another barrier of gender segregation
    3.Allows women to contribute in the same ways as men

    1.battle "buddies" having sexual relations in combat situations
    2.Just a question, not an insult. How well do women fare in a combat situation?
    3.Will emotions have an effect on how women engage in combat? will it be good or bad?

    1. Cori S 10
      reply to nate baker
      I highly agree with on the point that women may let their emotions interfere with their duties in combat. Being a woman myself, I completely understand the strain emotions put on any situation, and I couldn't imagine being in combat and having to deal with that strain and focus on what I have to do.

  37. Jordanna C.
    Women can do whatever they want. But, if you want to go to combat then do ALL the training required for it. Women go through training easier than men. I think they should do everything single thing the men do if they really want to go to combat like the men do. So no half ass push ups. No tents with heaters in the rain during basic while the men sleep in holes in the dirt. There are so many things women get away with in the military, because they are a female. I think its wrong for them to get treated different. Prove that you are just as strong in every way as man. Then once/if you pass just like a man, you deserve to go to combat.

    1. Raygan D. Online in reply to Jordanna C.

      I highly agree with you on this point the military is not some kind of sport. They're not gonna create some all women military branches like they make all women leagues. Lives are in stake when you are in any part of the military you are not only fighting for your country but also for your fellow soldiers. By letting women get off easier in training your not only putting them at a disadvantage but your endangering everyone else out in the battle field.

  38. Cori S. 10
    There are more people who can fight, women and men are completely equal on military grounds, women who are trained to do things such as disarm explosives, fly planes, and other special ops will be able to bring their skills to a situation that is in high need of them.
    There will still be sexual discrimination. I don't know if anyone has seen it, but there is a documentary called the secret war about the large amount of women who have been raped while deployed on duty and reported it, but the military swept it under the rug. Allowing women into combat situations could fuel this and make the statistic even bigger and cause problems with in the military.

  39. Beatrice W 34
    Allowing a mixed gender force keeps the military strong. The all-volunteer forces are severely troubled by falling retention and recruitment rates.Also widening the applicant pool for all jobs guarantees more willing recruits.Having a wider personnel base allows military to have the best and most diplomatic soldiers working to end conflicts quickly.
    Both male and female prisoners are at risk of torture and rape from their enemy. Also majority of the jobs in the armed forces are open equally to men and women, there are some which women are just not physically suited neither mentally.

  40. Megan C 21

    I'm all for women in the military! They are just as competent as men to fight for our country as men are. However, because women aren't physically built the same as men, it would be more difficult for women to provide assistance to an injured fellow soldier. To get an injured brother to safety is one of the key requirements in the army, as far as I'm concerned, and a man fighting beside a man would be much more relevant.
    Another issue that comes into play would be that, and this is a well-known fact, women are often bigger-hearted and more sensitive than men. Therefore, as in the aforementioned example (the injured brother), a woman would be more likely to hesitate to sympathize with her friend who was just wounded, and would be most likely be more sensitive to his injury than a man would. This puts herself and the man fighting along side her in danger. As my U.S. History instructor said, no sexism intended, "If I'm shot with an AK-47 and my leg is blown off, who do you think I would feel safer with to get me to where I need to be? A 250 pound, 6 foot 3 man, or a 150 pound 5 foot 4 woman?"
    So, although the military is attempting to remove the issue of, "Is not allowing women to fight in front-line combat sexism?", I must strongly disagree with the lifting of the ban.

    1. Sean B Online 12

      I agree with you, Megan, that in some cases women could be better fit to handle certain situations, but the physical requirements maybe lacking for some women. For example, your squad mate just received shrapnel damage from an IED (Improvised Explosive Device), would the 150 pound 5 foot 4 woman be able to carry her partner, who is 225 pounds and 5 foot 11, to cover while receiving gun fire, without endangering others? I'd say that in due time this ban could lifted, but until the government can solve this problem, the ban should not be lifted.

  41. Sean B Online 12

    Although I believe women deserve equal opportunity to defend our country, their welfare is one of the reasons they were not allowed to fight in direct combat. The United States government believed and so do I, that many women might be taken advantage of: if taken captive, or by their own squad mates. I’m not saying it will happen, but the chances are higher if they are placed on the front lines away from bases. There will be sexual discrimination, because there will always be some form of discrimination from a party wherever one goes. I just don’t think that the modern military is ready to embrace this in it’s current state.

    1. Trina H 12 in response to Sean B 12
      You may be right. The implications that women may be taken advantage of both by others if in captivity and by our own soldiers may bring about even more need for policies to be implemented. No matter the policies, we all know that there are times when those are completely ignored as well. The government and military in essence has to be willing to make this total change and be wholehearted about it. If the soldiers aren't ready, then women aren't ready. Are women ready to take that chance? Our soldiers sacrifice to the fullest, and if women aren't completely ready to do that then this change must not happen. Also, if the draft is put in place, would women be willing to register and be drafted?

  42. Mandy B. Online 10
    I'm not so sure how I feel about the ban being lifted. As a woman, I know that is not a situation I would choose to be in. I can't imagine taking someone's life, even in self-defense or in defense of our country. I can only imagine the emotional toll it would have on anyone (not just women). I hear so many 'horror' stories of what happens in combat, and what it does to a person. I understand that most people want equal rights, but the fact is that we are not equal to men. We were created differently for a reason and that is what makes us genetically, physically, and emotionally able to handle situations in an opposing manner than men.
    I also think that women in combat could be distracting to a lot of men becaue I feel most men would feel the need to be 'protective' and could possibly put themselves in more danger.

    1. Your point about women being distracted is a situation that will not be any different. There are already women in the military, and while they may not be in combat, they are still present in other roles in the same parts of the world where men are engaged in combat. What about gay men? Would you say that they are distracted from their jobs by other men? Soldiers are trained to be disciplined and to focus on the task at hand, and while there are always exceptions, I think that if one has made it through the training to be a soldier at this level - the best of the best - they will perform the job at hand.

      Also - what do you think about women who are police officers? Have they been proven to distract their male counterparts? It is almost a bit demeaning to think that a man is not capable of doing his job isn't it, if he is unable to think straight and not be distracted or feel an overwhelming need to protect a colleague because she was female? i am interested in your further thoughts.

    2. Christine W. response 01

      I can definitely agree with you on not wanting to be one of these women going into combat, but that doesn't mean that all women should be subjected to the same idealism. while overall women are made different then men, every person is different from another. Women might not be stronger physically or emotionally as a whole, but as individuals some can defiantly measure up or exceed what is required of a man to do in combat. As for the men being distracted... Men have always been distracted by women. This didn't stop the female race from entering all other professions that were once considered to be a "mans job." Men will just have to focus, keep there hands to themselves, and do there job as they were trained to do.

  43. Mandy B. Online 10 in response to Sean B. Online 12
    I agree with you 100%. I do not feel the military is ready to deal with this change. I feel women would be put in situations that can otherwise be prevented. It is unfortunate, but true that some men would take advantage of these women if given the opportunity. I understand that women want to be treated equally, but we just are not equal to men.

  44. Trina H 12
    Lifting the ban on women in combat comes with so many controversial issues. A few positives in doing so include the right for women to make that decision if they are physically fit to do so. There are many women who are more mentally and physically capable of doing this than some men who are already granted the right. For years the perception has been that men are more capable just because of physical power. Well, part of combat will include mentally dealing with it, and women may absolutely be more capable of strategizing than some men. A negative to women being in combat would be that if strict measures were not taken to ensure their physical ability to carry the wounded then it could be more lives lost. They can't be given any special treatment if they sign up for this. Our men soldiers would have to be willing to be side by side and share the load the same as with other men. Are the soldiers ready for it?

    1. Bola T. Online 12
      I agree with you that women should be allowed to serve in combat because there are many women who are mentally and physically stronger than some men. I disagree with you that women cannot carry the wounded soldiers in combat. Yes they can because there are some women in weight lifting championship who has the power to lift heavy weight.

  45. Marcia W 10 online in response to Briana S online 10

    As a woman there are a lot of equality that we are looking for; From the social upheaval in the 1800s to now when we fought for education;I myself have never aspired to do what God has enabled a man do, however; men are still more physically capable of fighting in comabat that women are. I am not a Feminist, but I still believe there somethings men a just suited for.
    Be bless

    1. Shacklett C. 12
      I agree with you completely. Men are just more aggressive and rugid born. But women are fiesty and can be very hard core. dont be to quick to judge a book by its cover.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. One of the concerns is that women (the weaker sex, right?)will not be physically or emotionally capable of performing as well as men in battle. I think that lifting the ban on women fighting in combat is a positive change. One of the things we should remember is that any soldier who qualifies for battle, has been through extreme training and must be one of the best at the skills required. Women in the military also receive the training required for battle, and are also trained for circumstances such as capture and being held as a prisoner. One may say women are more susceptible to sexual brutality, but men are just as likely to be sexually tortured and in fact have been. It is just that we have been trained to think that women are more fragile and less powerful and should be protected. I think that while physically that may be true, those who qualify will be well prepared - jut like their male counterparts. Shouldn't a qualified woman have the right to protect her country if that is her decision? I think she should have that right.

    1. Maricela E. 10 in response to Rachel W.
      I really like how u said that we have been trained to think that women are fragile. It is so true. Woman have always been put in a lower level them men. and I too think it is every soldier's choice to fight regardless of their sex.

  49. Lucinda S online 08
    After reading all of the comments, I took a complete different approach. I truely feel as if I have no place to comment on the pros nor cons to the Ban on women in combat. I can't provide an insite on a place or situation that I have not ever been in or chose to have been. So I went straight to a source, my daughter. She chose the Military, and She feels that the ban being lifted on speaks for a very few women. With the ban being lifted, it will force all women to be prone to possibly heading to the front line in combat. My daughter choose the military life for an education that she could not afford, and she believes a huge percentage of women made that same decision.
    Women do have a right to equality in the military, lifting the ban will be great for the women who join the military for that basic reason and a nightmare for the women in the military that did not join to fight.

  50. Lucinda S online 08

    In reply to Mandy B,
    I can appreaciate the realism of your responses. They to seem to be very similar to the conversation I had with my daughter. In my opinion, women from my generation were and are very fiesty, but I know of none of them wanting to been involved in combat, today's generation of women are different. If women in the military want to be a part of combat that is their choice, but all women should not have to go into combat just because another does.

  51. Shacklett C. 12
    In my personal opinion, i think its only right to allow women to fight in their countries fights. Women are more than capable to make the decision whether they want to join to fight or not. Some women out there now a days could take a grown man in combat. women are becoming more and more independent as the years pas and who knows one day women might have more power in the world over men. As of now men are just naturally more rugid but women can definitely put up the same fight if put in the position.

    1. Your right. Women should be allowed to do all that a man can do since shes allowed to be in the military with men.

  52. Jane N.73 in response to Shacklett C.12
    I agree with you that women are now more independent. They are capable of doing the same jobs as men.If they are willing to fight for their countries let it be.

  53. Kaitlin Booth 01
    I think that its good that women are allowed in combat. Granted, I do not support war and killing of innocent people, but if we are and since we as a country are women should be allowed to do what men do. We are in the 21st century and to be honest its about time we join it on this issue. Since women are allowed in the military they should be allowed to do what men do. I feel that this issue would be like allowing a man of one race to be in combat but not allow another into combat. If the women wants to be fighting for her country and doing the honourable thing then all the more power to her.

    1. I completely agree with you! I feel like this is a great thing for us women and that we should have just as many opportunities as our male figures do. I liked your comparison of this issue being like allowing one race of man in combat but not another race. And I am sure that that was probably an issue at some point in the past also. But just like we are now accepting this into our world, we accepted that. And I also don't much care for war or fighting but I do thank them so much for all that they do!

  54. Heather L. Online 08

    I think that it is a wonderful think that women are allowed to serve in our wars and fight for our country. I believe that women should have just as equal rights as everyone else in the world and slowly but surely we are making that rise for ourselves. Although I am not very fond of war and death or even fighting in general, I know that it is thanks to all of our soldiers at home and over seas who fight for us everyday that see to us having this beautiful free country. I appreciate what they do for us more than anything and they are always in my prayers, whether it be male or female.

  55. Taiwo O. online 08
    I believe that as long as an application is qualified for a position, one's gender is arbitrary.It keeps the military strong by allowing mixed gender force.I think allowing women to serve doubles the talent pool for delicate and sensitive jobs that require interpersonal skills.On the other hand,women on average do not have the physical capability to lift someone who has been wounded in other to save his life. Also women are limited because of pregnancy or personal issues that could affect a unit before it is sent to the battlefield.The fear of being targeted by the enemies and risk of sexual harrasment or assault is the cons of women combat.

    1. Kristina Williams-Martin Soc1101 (900244483) online

      I agree with this statement. The issue isn't gender equality but practicality. It will be interesting to see if the inclusion of women in combat has any latent dysfunctions, I predict that it might.

    2. Shanna S. online 08

      I also agree with this statement women being in the military can weaken it therefore putting more lives in danger.

  56. Julian L. 09

    It would be foolish to even try to ban women from the military. A law like that would simply contradict our equality rights, furthermore, women have fought in the past for rights such as these (We're not moving backwards, are we?). A fully capable and spirited person shouldn't be denied the opportunity to defend the country they love and the people in it. I can't see any cons in this topic because the military wouldn't recruit a person to the army without testing their capabilities and ensuring their physical and mental stability first anyway. Of course, a captured woman soldier would likely face some worse sexual abuse, but that's needless to say.

    1. Cameron R. 410 in response to Julian L.
      We are not banning women from the military, a ban is being lifted for combat women so we are actually moving forward. If you watched the media you might would kow whats going on in the world every now and then.

  57. Christine W. 01

    I believe there should be a lift on the ban against women in combat. If a woman is willing and able to fill that position then there should be no reason to ban her from doing so. That being said, I do not believe that just anyone is qualified to be in this position. Man or woman doesn't matter. The bar should be set high for those who are put up to fight in battle and if one can meet those standards or succeed them then the sex of that person should not come into play. Women can be just as tough as men are assumed to be, just as men can be as weak as women are portrayed. A person should be measured by there abilities, not by there sex.

    1. Brittany S. Soc. 1101
      I completely agree. The qualifications of any job should not be denied to an individual based on gender.

    2. I agree whoever is in combat should be there because of their abilities, mostly physically of course. I do think that psychological screening should be included also, for both men and women. we do not need people in combat who are high risk for mass murders or suicide.

  58. Brittany S. Soc. 1101

    Military should be based on training and ability, not gender. I have witnessed second hand women whom are just as phsycally and mentally capable as men. So why not let them? To have otherwise, deflates the argument of equality. I can sympathize to specific concerns for certain situations, yet the archaic idea that we need to shield only women from the evils of our enemies is nonsensical. For the arguments of anatomy, women aren't the only ones who are victims of rape or other stereotypical abuse. Regardless of the physical make-up that may deem us insubstantial, it is irrelevant to make decisions for the willing. To the contrary, I could easily come up with the argument of women being more compassionate and nurturing; in context, making an extremely beneficial addition for the sake of innocent civilians from being injured or killed.

    1. Jenn L. 08
      I agree with you, Brittany. It absolutely should not be based on gender. As a Buddhist, I would like to shield ALL from "the evils or our enemies". But I cannot, nor can I force MY personally beliefs on others, therefore I want everyone, every gender, to decide on their own how they wish to live their life. I personally think, since not having armed forces isn't really even an option, having the balance of women in our armed forces, having women bring what they bring, will make our armed forces better. Just like in a marriage, you have to have balance and it doesn't matter if that marriage consists of male/male, female/female or female/male, you MUST have balance for it to work. Each person brings a different element and I think by FINALLY allowing everyone to decide to be apart of our country's armed forces, you will find that our nation will start to have more of a balance.

    2. Natasha E. Online 12.

      I agree also that gender should not be an issue. I feel like if a person wants to fight for their country then they should. Men are going to be better than women in some things and women are going to be better than men in other things. It is up to the military to utilize the skills and talents that we have and get the job done.

  59. Cameron R. 410
    The only bad thing I see about this is how will Americans react to females getting killed, are we really ready to deal with that?I also think that if a female has rank over a group of guys that the men may feel as they shouldn't have to listen because she is of the opposite sex which could lead to some casualties. I love the idea of women in combat because their are some women that are tougher than men so maybe we do need some women to show the men how its done.

    1. I think that the country might be more cautious about where they send their troops which would be a major plus. Having been in the military and serving under females I don't think troops ignoring orders from females would be a problem. Troops ignore a lot of orders from men anyways. A good leader garners respect and people listen, a bad leader does not, regardless of sex.

  60. Emilee A. 12
    I am all for womens right and I feel that women can do anything they set their minds to. Women have a choice, just as men do, as to what they choose to be their career. If that choice is to be in the military then great! I feel that there are certain places though that women just shouldn't be and combat, in my opinion, is one of those places. Now having said that, I do not agree with the government placing bans on things the government thinks women shouldn't do. A couple of pros to women in combat would be: Women would be able to work out their aggression and they would be able to feel their superiority. Some cons are: The more women in combat less men die so build up the male population, needless to say you need women to birth these soliders. Women are nurturing and if you put them in combat I feel that over time you will lose the nurturing side of women and have more of the hardcore mothers and women. With women in combat they will be out numbered by the men and think this will lead to bigger issues, such as lust. I personally feel that the human race in general is not geered for combat. Men are less nurturing and have more of a tendancy to fight than women. Like I said to start with, I am all for womens rights so I am all for the ban being lifted.

    1. Spears C. (41210) I don't know what kind of military people you know or are ACTUALLY FRIENDS with but most people who have been in combat are more loving and nurturing than anyone else on the planet. They are in situations days after days and months after months where all they want is to be with the people they love and want to love and nurture them. Also I do not think we will see a drastic increase of women who decide to join the military and chose to be involved in combat so losing baby makers should not be a huge problem. Their will still be wonderful mothers and wonderful fathers.I am interested to see how the ideal house wife image will change though.

  61. Emilee A 12 in response to Marcia W 10
    I agree men are more physically and emotionally capable of fighting in comabat that women. I also feel that if they choose to be in the military and in combat then that's there choice. But there are still places and jobs that I feel God intended the man have.

    1. Edens T No. 29 in response to Emilee A 12
      I dont agree and im man myself i believe that men and women are completely equal agree with you on the choice matter but if think women are weaker then men your wrong

    2. Jenn L. 08
      Can you please clarify for me where in the Bible God intended the man to have certain jobs and women to have certain jobs? Can you also clarify for me how forcing that ONE view on the rest of the world's female and male population is okay? I understand this is your personal view and the way you may do things in your personal family as that is your right and your choice, but to decide to makes laws and govern this country based on those opinions is not allowing our nation to be free. Not that we are "free" anyway.

  62. Edens T No. 29
    I think the pentagon lifting the “Ban of Women in Combat” is a great thing because in protecting our country its not government sacrifice and choice to make i believe if your willing to serve our country and taking the biggest sacrifice its your choice.

  63. Spears C. (41210) I agree that allowing women into combat is great! It is every individuals person right to fight and protect our country in combat from the comfort of a desk in the United states. It does not matter what role you play as long as you are playing. I will not lie that this will change the way our combat forces exist. They will have to have a female medical officer at all stations to support women's physical needs and not to mention emotional needs. I am interested to see how much furthur this changes the "ideal women" ( the house wife mother of two).

  64. As a woman and a mother of both boys and girls, I view this issue as a non-issue. I honestly do not understand why a woman choosing to go into the armed services and then off to war is headline news. It is a personal, individual choice. It follows, for me, along the same lines as a woman deciding to stay at home with her kids or having the dad stay at home with her kids OR both working. Just like some men make better stay at home parents, some women make good soldiers. Why must we pigeon-hold genders into certain roles? Why is this still being done in 2013? If my own daughter decided to join the armed forces, if that was truly her calling, I would support it. The same for my two sons. I could not imagine telling my daughter NOT to do something because she is a woman! That is just absurd and it is something I will never understand. Society and their little rules when it comes to the roles of different genders baffle me. Now I will say that men and women ARE made differently and it has been scientifically proven that our brains do work differently, but that does not mean that a woman cannot do what a man can do and vice verse (outside the physical act of child birth). Humans are way too complicated to say we must have a "one size fits all" mentality. Time to move on and away from that way of thinking.

  65. Jenn L. 08 for Jenn Le Roy comment. Sorry!

  66. Whitney C. 10
    I think that if a woman chooses to enter the military then it is her choice. Everyone knows the pros and cons to joing the military and just because you are a female doesnt mean you should be treated like your life is any more valuable than a man who enters,and is sent off to war. I think this makes things a little more equal for everyone for the fact that every one has a choice to decide what they want to do. Some people are born to be heros and whether its a man or a woman shouldnt matter.

    1. Giana Deleon
      CRN (41210)
      You have a point that it creates equal opportunities but if we are at war I would want my strongest healthiest people to combat. Most women just are not as fit and able to do what men can physically. If you had to select a team for a game of foot ball would you choose a team of women and men or a team of men? Now the team with women do you think they would be able to keep up and take the blows the opposing teams hand out? I do not think women would be able for the most part to keep up with the men in combat. They may magnify the emotions the men are going through they may distract the men from making a move that could result in life or death. I do not feel women who are in the military to go to combat unless they offer themselves to do that because there are a ton of women who are a part of the military who are not fit and who does not have the stamina to keep up. Now if the ban allows and makes just any women go to combat i do not agree because I simply do not see how they would fight or combat better than a man unless that is what they wanted and thoroughly trained for the position to combat.

  67. Whitney C. 10 in response to Emilee A 12
    I think that your wrong. Im not any kind of womens advocate or anything but I dont think that fighting in the military is a "man" job. Thats like telling you to get in the kitchen and cook a man his food because thats your job or go clean thats your job. I think some people are old fashioned living in the past and its 2013, sometimes you have to drop the ignorant beliefs and realize that anyone can do anything if you actually try...

  68. Kristina Williams-Martin SOC1101 (900244483)

    As a women I would be concerned about being surrounded by many men in a violent mind-set. The military culture is understandably very harsh and catered toward the testosterone in a man. I don't believe a woman would do well in this environment and may even jeopardize those around her.

    Not to mention that there has been a number of cases where women get raped. So not only is she in a combat zone, she is also vulnerable to her peers that may assault her sexually. She may be able to trust her male peers however the possibility would create distrust which would cause even more danger and discontent within the group.

    1. Leslie T. 08

      I do agree with your reasons why some women should not go to combat for it being to harsh, but do keep in mind that some men now are very girly and vice versa there are some women also who are more macho than other men so the harshness should not bother those women.

  69. Leslie T. 08

    I believe women and men should both have the same rights. if per chance though a father and mother both go to combat and die who would take care of there kids, which leaves the parents trying to fight over who is better to go the man or woman. While most families will probably choose the woman it does create a dispute that was not there before.

  70. Dustin S 12
    I think that woman should be allowed in front line combat. While logistical problems due exist they can be solved and overcome. I also think that women should be required to register for the Selective Service just as men are required to. Perhaps the loss of female lives will impact society enough to make them realize the high cost of wars. Being a Veteran myself, I see no reason why women shouldn't be expected to shoulder the responsibilities than men are expected to. With equal rights comes equal responsibilities.

  71. Victor V - 01

    I am all for letting people decide what they want to do, but from what I have heard, having a woman in a combat group can sometimes change their mentality. It may cause them to believe the women are more important and may do unusual things to protect her above others. The military is all about being a "unit" and the "same" but having a woman there makes this impossible due to the fact that women and men are NOT the same. Now in the case of PoW's it may be more worrisome for women to get captured due to worries of rape and torture, due to different societies views toward women, they may be inclined to torture woman (the more misogynistic countries). Now, I am going to say something about physical ability, THIS DOES NOT mean that women cannot do it, it just means they are naturally less able to so without training. There are some things that may require a great deal of strength that many women would not be able to do just due to the fact that they are not naturally physically suited to do so (these are not necessarily common but may show up in a combat situation).

    Anyways, those are just my reasons not to go through with this, but I may type the reasons why we should later when I have time.

    1. I can agree with you on the fact that in some individuals a woman may be a distraction, but that's not the fault of the woman. I also agree when you stated that the women will be viewed as important and the counterparts may do more to protect them. I still think it's a choice a woman should be able to make and that the men and women have to have some common ground and get the job done.

  72. Bola T. online 12
    The U.S. pentagon has confirmed the “Ban of Women in Combat” will be lifted. Some key
    concerns are as follows: women are seen as a sexual distraction for men in combat. I think any
    man that will be sexually distracted can be distracted even by a civilian in the combat area. To
    that, I believe it is a personal thing and not the fault of women in combat. Moreover, both
    women and men are in the military to do their job.
    Women are seen as a weaker vessel, in the sense that it is believe that they are not physically
    capable of doing what men can do in combat. To that, I say there are some men who are not
    capable of doing what some women can do physically and mentally.
    More so, the fear that allowing women in combat may bring down morale, cohesion, efficiency
    and tradition of the country. The prospect is that for some years now women have been fighting
    next to men in the military and they have been doing so successfully without any lost of cultural
    The consequences is that women are more emotional and compassionate, they are meant to be
    with their families especially their children and not to be trained and seen in the war front as
    hard hearted and fierce combatant defending the nation.
    Equality of opportunity is part of ideal culture that any country should imbibe into
    her system. Therefore, allowing women in combat is a brilliant leap for equality.

    1. Giana Deleon
      CRN (41210)
      I think you have pointed out some very important facts and I agree with your perspective on this matter! Some women can push the barrios that can keep up and fight like men but other who joins will possibly hold them back. I do not see how the states will benefit more from allowing this I think this is like having someone walking innocently into the lion’s den, allowing women to combat I think it will cause more problems than it solves.

  73. Cynthia H. 44 I believe that a woman has the right to chose if she wants to take a combat position or not, it shows that we are finally being treated as equals. Some of the cons that may arise is how to make the roles between the genders neutral, and how to accommodate the women in combat. Will the physical standards of combat jobs be equal for both men and women?

  74. Bola T. online 12
    The U.S. pentagon has confirmed the “Ban of Women in Combat” will be lifted. Some key
    concerns are as follows: women are seen as a sexual distraction for men in combat. I think any
    man that will be sexually distracted can be distracted even by a civilian in the combat area. To
    that, I believe it is a personal thing and not the fault of women in combat. Moreover, both
    women and men are in the military to do their job.
    Women are seen as a weaker vessel, in the sense that it is believe that they are not physically
    capable of doing what men can do in combat. To that, I say there are some men who are not
    capable of doing what some women can do physically and mentally.
    More so, the fear that allowing women in combat may bring down morale, cohesion, efficiency
    and tradition of the country. The prospect is that for some years now women have been fighting
    next to men in the military and they have been doing so successfully without any lost of cultural
    The consequences is that women are more emotional and compassionate, they are meant to be
    with their families especially their children and not to be trained and seen in the war front as
    hard hearted and fierce combatant defending the nation.
    Equality of opportunity is part of ideal culture that any country should imbibe into
    her system. Therefore, allowing women in combat is a brilliant leap for equality.

  75. Taiwo O. online 08
    In response to Cynthia H. 44, I agreed that it is a matter of choice to take a combat position if a woman is qualify without discrimination which is the truth of equal opportunity.

  76. Bola T. Online 12

    In response to Trinia H.12

    I agree with you that women should be allowed to serve in combat because there are many women who are mentally and physically stronger than some men. I disagree with you that women cannot carry the wounded soldiers in combat. Yes they can because there are some women in weight lifting championship who has the power to lift heavy weight.

  77. Natasha E. Online 12

    One concern is male soldiers being accused of sexual harassment and raping the women in military. Men are stronger than women and women cannot fight a man. The women are out numbered so raping a woman would be no problem. Another con is some women want to be treated like girls and want special treatment, well in war you can’t get that special treatment and the people we are fighting don’t care either. They say that a woman is not physically or emotionally capable, but men can become just as emotional as a female. Men cry or get upset when they are sick or hurt more than a woman does. But that is an opinion that many people have. With women in the military this will increase our army size and the workload decreases. Woman may be better at covert ops such as spies, assassins, intelligence gathering. Women may not be best for the strength for the battlefield, but they can be used in different was to help our country and the war.

  78. Shanna S. Online 08

    At first when I read the topic for this blog the only thing I could think of as a con was if a female soldier was captured and raped. But after I talked to my boyfriend who was in the air force, he changed my opinion somewhat. He told me that the units which mostly consisted of men would naturally try to protect the female in the unit instead of doing what they were trained to do. And also, that it is very easy to form romantic relationships while you are away like that for an extended amount of time and that can weaken a unit as well.

  79. I think it' great that they have lifted the ban. Women should be able to go into combat if that it was they think is right. Obviously there are some risks such as a rape, but I would assume that they also realize that is a risk. If a woman wants to fight for her country and she is mentally and physically strong enough. Then she should definitely be allowed to go.

  80. S. Castro online 12
    The way wars are fought are always changing. Think about the Trojans charging into battle with swords or an axe. Or early Americans facing off with the red coats, all standing in a line waiting to for an order to fire their muskets. Now a serious killer can hit targets from thousands of miles away with a drone or see every detail through the scope of a rifle. I have known plenty of women who could handle the situation (both physically and mentally). If women want to fight, I applaud them. As a country that is hated by plenty, we need the best and brightest defending what she stands for, regardless of the sex.

  81. S.Castro online 12 in response to Kristina W-M
    Most soldiers create a bond with the group they go to war with. As situations worsen, bonds grow stronger. If there was one in the platoon so crazed that he would rape a fellow soldier, a good majority would beat his ass.
    As far trust issues, there are homosexual soldiers in all branches. Should male soldiers not trust the entire platoon out of fear of being raped?

  82. Although some women will argue they can be like Tomb Raider, Women don't have the same physical strength as man do. Therefore some might get in the way. (I know harsh.) I would opt to leave women out of the fight. UNLESS we run out of man. My argument would be that women have kids to take care of, their family, etc.

  83. Maricela E. 10
    I believe that if a woman wants to fight fpr her country, she has the right to be treated as an equal and do the jobs men do. People choose to join the military and if they are willing to fight and maybe die for their country why does it matter where it happens.

    1. Marie L. 08

      Response to Marcela

      That is a good point Marcela, if women choose the military life, they accept the whole package including fighting in combat.They are aware of the dangers, but wants to do it anyway. So,they deserve the respect to fight without any type of discrimination.

  84. Cristina H. 01
    I don't think women should fight on the front lines or be in combat. I am not trying to be sexist but there are certain jobs a man should only do and this is one of them. I do believe in equality. In combat sitiuations men are on a mission a few weeks at a time no bathroom no bed. As a woman I know I would be miserable with out a proper bathroom or shower, I wouldn't be able to perform to the best of my ablity.

  85. K.Dindlebeck
    I believe women have a right to defend this country if they so choose to. I do think that things should be taken into consideration when the job is chosen when entering, physical strength, mental status, weather or not they have children, a husband , a supportive family. I for one cant see a Mother in the Military choosing to be on the front lines of battle knowing her children need her to come home! That could also in the event of a hostile situation lean her to make a decision that could cause lives that may not had been lost of a man had been in her place.Not saying Men dont care or think about their children but there are different bonds between mother and child vs father and child. Men are also built different physically, the testosterone in their bodies makes them more angry as well and that can come inn handy during war. I for one am for the ban release. If a woman wants to fight let her fight. We are all equal and should be able to have the same opportunities. No matter what there a physical standards that are set for the military and the different job that are offered and they have to be passed, depending on the job the standard should be the same. Not one different for a man then a woman. Especially if it is a very physically demanding job (infantry, paratrooper etc). If its less physically demanding you could set the bar lower for woman then men but not too much ;)

  86. Marie L. 08

    I honestly think women in the military is a personal choice to serve their country. Therefore, It shouldn't be an issue as far as who is fighting in combat.Women should not be treated differently than men because a life is a life.

  87. Courtney W online o8
    i believe that women have the right to fight for this country. Women can do anything a man can do. i also dont believe that if a woman is in combat that they should be treated any different from a man. We should all be treated equal whether we are a man or a woman. We should all have the respect for one another. I think that some guys are just full of themselves that they think that women cant do the things that men do but alot of women show doing mans work.

  88. Courtney w online 08 in response to Marie L. 08 i totally agree with you. it should be a womens choice if we want to fight in a war or not. It shouldnt be an issue but i feel like this has always been an issue. We should all be treated equal man or woman

  89. Amy H-08
    My response to women fighting on the front lines for our country may seem contradictory. On one hand I believe that women should be given the same opportunities that men are afforded. Just because we are women does not mean we do not have the same capacity to carry out the duties normally attributed to men. Women are perceived to be the weaker sex but I have seen many circumstances where women have met tremendous obstacles/circumstances head on and have battled and won victoriously in areas that men have not had to deal with. We have proven over and over again that we are a strong sex, but that doesn't mean our strength needs to be proved on the front lines of the battlefield. We fight for that right so that we may become more equal to men. Is that right then going to become mandatory? I am a strong woman and believe that if necessary I could fight on the front lines, but I don't believe that is where women belong. I believe we need to step back and see what we were created to be-a compliment to man. We are capable but our job does not lie in the fore-front of the battle but behind it, supporting our men and being the backbone of our homes. In saying this, I don't believe every man is cut out for the front line either.

  90. Crystal White CRN 41210 Crystal W.10

    Although women haven fought for equal rights since the beginning of time I feel there are certain areas where it would be unsafe for women to placed in positions against male opponents. What I mean by that is, war is not separated by sex, women won't go to combat only against other women. Regardless how strong, big,or tall a women is men are naturally stronger than us. Of course there are a few exceptions but for the most part. A man could do severe harm to a woman. Our sports are not co-ed: we have separate womens basketball,football, fighting etc. and the reasons are obvious war should be no different. As a woman I am all for women having equal rights but I feel certain things we are unable to equally compete with men. Placing women in the front line may also portray a weakness to our opponents and/or give them an advantage over us. As women we bare children and could unknowningly be placing our unborn child at risk and not only ourselves.

  91. Crystal White CRN 41210 Crystal W 10 RESPONSE TO: Cristina H. 01

    I totally agree with you Cristina although I believe in equality there are certain areas in which women can not adequately compete with men. This does not make them better it just means that our natural strengths are just very different.Women and men have very different needs that must be met.

  92. Sheri P. 12
    I agree in giving women the option to choose whether or not to go into combat but unfortunately if women continue to push the issue, it will become mandatory. Even though I am a women, I still believe that women are the primary caretakers of their children and therefore it would be harder for their children to lose them. I have read some comments refering to the psycological effects combat can have on women, but look how many men are coming out of the military with PTSD. Most women can handle conflict better than most men so I don't think this should be an issue. Also I don't think most military women with children would chose to fight in combat, but I'm sure there are a lot of single women who will chose to do so. Mostly it should come down to what is right for the individual person and not whether they are male or female.

  93. Sheri P. 12 In response to Amy H.
    I totally agree with you, your comments were right on the line as mine were. I definately think it depends on the individual person as to whether or not they should fight in combat whether they are male or female.

  94. Raygan D. Online 08
    I feel that women should be given the option to enlist into the military if they wish to do that, though i am against the idea of lowering military physical standards just to allow more women in especially since it can potentially endanger the other members. Though my feelings are mixed on the issue mainly due to the fact that children are usually more dependent on mother figures and therefore it would be a harder thing for a child to cope with should the mother die in combat.
    Though i would not think it would become mandatory for women to enlist in the military, I think it should fall more into an individual's decision wether they are a man or a woman.

  95. Adetola M.10

    In response to Leightonia B.12.

    There are cons and pros on this issue, but at the end i still dont think most woman can physically handle the combat situation, you outline a good example of a woman being pregnant and eventually die at the warfront

  96. sandra f. 86
    I think that women should have the same rights as men. I think that the country has been sexist. Whos to say how different the world could be if we had the same rights as men. Not many women want to play a mans role. But there are some that would. I myself like to work like a man. But you dont see women constructionists or roofers or remodelers. I think we should be able to fight.

    1. m
      i agree, America is very sexiest!! your right, i have seen a women constructing, roofing,remodeling anything. im pretty sure a lot of women enjoy or want to do those things , as well as fighting for our country.

  97. What will happen to a pregnant woman in combat? The kind of molestation that is inflicted on male prisoners will be worst for female prisoners and so I do not think it is a good idea.


    1. James A 75
      Obviously pregnant women won't be allowed to fight.

  98. M Labbe.Online 08
    I don't think a ban should've been there in the first place. i thought this was a free country? it should be a women choice if she wants to fight for her country or not. im pretty sure they realize the risks they're putting themselves into. If she is mentally and physically strong enough. Then she should definitely be allowed to go into combat.

  99. Chynna Boggs01
    my roomate was in combat and its not all fun ang games, expecially for women, its proven that wpmen get more emotional attachment and women in combat have to lose that attachment for many things. it doesnt make the toughness any easier

  100. James A 75
    Men are more suited for combat but women can also be as lethal as men. If someone wants to defend the country they love then why stop them.

  101. Giana Deleon

    Some of my concerns on this is would the women be able to keep up knowing some men have more endurance and strength then them no matter how much training is given. Also women could be a distraction in combat or more dead weight then help. Now not to say this does for all women who join but I do feel not all women who join would be fit and suitable to combat. If I had the comfort in knowing those women were fully trained and as capable as the men then I would have comfort in knowing she would be okay to combat. Just as a woman must go through certain steps to be a part of a swat team, I would like to assume something similar is what determines which female is allowed to combat and who would benefit from doing something else.
