Monday, February 11, 2013

Make a new cultural celebration

What a week!  Tomorrow from Savannah, GA to New Orleans, LA millions will indulge in hedonism for Mardi Gras. Then, Orthodox, Catholics and Protestant Christians worldwide will somberly observe Ash Wednesday. Thursday brings a time to acknowledge relationships on Valentine’s Day, and then we go into Presidents’ Day weekend.  Wow, cultural, religious, personal and political occasions all back-to-back.

If you could institute a brand new holiday (your birthday doesn’t count J), what would it be?

Feel free to add how it would be celebrated. For example people eat King Cake for Mardi Gras, have ashes place on the forehead for Ash Wednesday, exchange cards for Valentines and fly the American Flag for Presidents’ day.

Be creative and have fun!


  1. Lucinda S online 08

    "To Give A Life", this would be the title of the new Holiday. It will celebrate all of the people that became organ donors, whether living or deceased, and also celebrate the lives of those recipients that received the donor's gift.
    The symbol would be a white heart with a purple ribbon running through it. The white heart represents the purity of the donor's gift and the purple ribbon represents the honor they deserve for becomming the donor.
    Each year on this great holiday, we would recognize the donors and the recipients (with approval)and also hold a donor sign up drive and each person deciding to become a donor receives the "Heart of Honor".

    People when you are gone, you can take them with you, your organs can go in the trash or they can go into someone to extend their life.
    Think about you know someone who is dieing and needs a transplant?

    1. Michelle L.Online.08 in response to Lucinda S.Online 08
      i love this idea!! even though i haven't donated anything but blood, i am a organ donator. those who has donated organs should be appreciated more.

    2. Maricela E. 10 in response to Lucinda S. 08

      I think this would be a great holiday. My father has kidney failure and I know that our lives would be much simpler and filled less doctor appointment if more people donated. I would gladly wear that white heart.

  2. Kirsten H. Online 10 in response to Lucinda S Online 08 I love that idea! Mine isn't quite as deep though.

    My holiday would be "Student Appreciation Day."
    On this holiday, anyone enrolled in college can get a free coffee from ANY place of business along with a meal of the provider's choice.

    This holiday would take place during finals week. Once during Fall, once during Spring.

    Maybe it's because I am an avid coffee drinker and a tired student, but I think that'd be something to look forward to! haha

  3. Jenn L. 08
    My holiday would be Children's Day. This would be a day when every single child, despite income level, race, gender, education, would get to go to an amusement park for free, for ONE DAY. So many kids do not ever get to experience that magic that is surrounded with theme and amusement parks.


    1. Bola T. online 12

      I agree with you that there should be Children’s Day, one day holiday for the children. Children are the most precious gift every family should celebrate irrespective of their social class and social status. One day free ticket for each child to enjoy the amusement park will be a good way to celebrate the holiday.

    2. Kristina M-W online SOCI1101 900244483 in response to Jenn L. 08

      I love this idea, I think that all children deserve the same amount of fun. Even if it is for only one day a year. I wonder how we value our children affects us as a society.

  4. Lucinda S online 08

    In response to Kristen H. I love coffee, and I truely can appreciate the Holiday of celebrating college students...Bring on the free coffee!
    Jenn L
    My heart goes out to your holiday, I would help sponsor it. Children learn so much from the negative side of life, teach them some fun and let them be children for one whole day!

  5. Selena C
    My Holiday would be a WEEKEND OFF for parents. Parents would be able to pick one weekend per year to drop their kids with someone of their choice, and go do whatever they feel like doing. Only reason for contact would be near death or death. Most parents never get time to themselves, and they need it. Parents need an outlet to just let go and act like a teenager again!!

    1. Megan N 08
      I really like your idea Selena. I'm not a parent myself, but I know my mom could use a weekend like that! She would have a ton of fun!

    2. Leightonia B (online) 12 in response to Selena C
      Yes I totally agree!!!! Sometimes parents need a break away from the chaos of raising children. As a mom I know I would definitely appreciate this day. A weekend break away from the cooking, cleaning, 21 questions, refereeing, and homework tutor…etc would be an excellent stress reliever. I got excited just thinking about it!

  6. Cristina Hawk 01

    Amazing ideas already! Mine would be to celebrate the men and women who work in police and fire departments. They put there lives on the line for us every day and they deserve a free meal and day to go along with that.

    1. Heather S 08
      reply to Cristina H 01
      I think this is a wonderful idea. We often take this job for granted, as if it were our right to be protected. We don't think of all the people who risk thier saftey to protect ours. The hours are grueling, and the work is exhausing. They deserve to be celebrated at least one day!! Maybe every day! Dispatchers included!

    2. C. Spears (40102) I thought about this Holiday but for some reason couldn't make it work in my head but i am happy you did. I would diffidently support this holiday.

  7. Michelle L.Online.08
    My Holiday would be Care Giver day. Care Givers usually go unnoticed and no one appreciates them and all that they do. On this day, they should be granted a free day at the spa and a free meal at restaurants.


  8. Heather S 08
    My holiday would be for both daughters and sons. We have Mothers Day and Fathers day, but what about all our children do for us. They deserve to hear the blessing they are and how much we appreciate them in spite of our continual unwanted advice and expectations! Certainly you show this as much as possible, but they deserve a day for themselves! ( and ourselves as sons and daugters) It is wonderful to be acknowledged as someone special in this world for at least one day and it not just be for the day you were born! This holiday would celebrate the joy you bring to the family as a whole...especially your parents!

  9. Mandy B. Online 10
    If I could institute a new holiday, it would be called "National Random Act of Kindness Day." It would be a day for everyone to take the time to something kind for someone else, and not for recognition, just to make someone's day a little brighter. This should happen more than one day a year, but to have it nationally recognized would be awesome!There is nothing like the feeling you get when you help someone.

  10. Mandy B. Online 10 in response to Heather S. 08
    I love the idea of a day for recognizing sons and daughters. Although I try to constantly tell my children what they mean to me, it would be great to have a designated day for them to feel 'extra' special :) I love being a mommy, and I make sure my little ones know that...

  11. Anthony Hubert. Soc 1101
    If I could choose a holiday it would be for every NBA basketball player to take a child around with them. Throughout their whole day just to show children what it feels like to be a professional basketball player.

  12. Tatrika H.12 online

    If I could create my own holiday, it would be a National Cancer Day. This would be the day that EVERYONE could celebrate the survivors or deceased family members and friends who've had some sort of cancer, men and women. We would wear the colors of each gender; baby blue for men and light pink for women. Not only that, but there would one huge cake to symbolism both genders. Supporters of this cause would wear their personal color and the opposite of the other gender. For example, women would wear light pink shirts with baby blue ribbons and men would wear baby blue hats with light pink ribbons pinned to their shirt. That way, cancer is supported both ways!!

  13. Tatrika H.12 In response to Heather S 08

    That's BRILLIANT!! I think that day would show appreciation to the sons and daughters just like they show their appreciation to their parents on Mother's and Father's Day. That way, everyone is appreciated and nothing is taken for granted.

  14. Let's be honest, we all want Holidays where we don't do anything. We want our Holidays to be full of nothing, and yet something. I think every Holiday has been made up already. Maybe not implemented, but it's there (Just yesterday it was Pancake Day..Really? lol). Maybe National STOP PLAYING CRAP MUSIC ON THE RADIO DAY would be a good idea. A day where there is no Rap, no Pop, none of the crap meaningless music playing on your local radio station. No Sex, No Drugs, none of that, just good music that carries a good positive message. That would make a good Holiday in my book.

  15. Emilee A. 12 in response to Selena C
    This would be a great holiday but I think for the most part we can do that without it being a holiday. I would take advatage of this though :)

  16. Emilee A. 12
    So we have Mother's Day and Father's Day and Grandparent's Day, where's that speical day that honors all the wonderful step-parents? Some step-parents take on the role of mom or dad but then on Mother's Day or Father's Day it's the actual biological mother or father who get the appreciation.... or maybe this has just been my experience. Here is a quote that circulated on Facebook "A Step Parent is a truly amazing person. They made a choice to love another's child as their own." ~Unknown
    There are enough step-parents in the world that I think this would love this. :)

    1. Megan C. 21 in response to Emille A. 12
      You are absolutely right! My step-dad's been there for me a lot more than my real dad has in the past. On Father's Day, he gets the card/present first!
      I think it'd be great to have a day just for him!

  17. Adetola M.10
    The brand new holiday I will invent would be “Fathers and Sons” day. On this holiday father and son will be together. The father will have an open heart convention talk with their sons, lecture them the reality of being a responsible father and man, and how to be a useful person to one’s family and society at large.

  18. Adetola M.10.In response to Heather S .08
    I agree with you. You made an awesome point. Holiday should be set aside for our daughters and son, so that we can tell him and show them how blessed we are to have them in our lives.

  19. Tate F. Online 08
    If I could invent a new holiday, I would probably make it "National Half Off Car Fuel Fill Up Day". Who wouldn't like to get half off on a fill up? We spend so much money now paying to put gasoline or diesel in our vehicles. Some people can not even afford to fill their vehicles up. So, on this holiday, if you fill your car up, you get half off the total price you pay at the pump. I think this would be a great holiday. I would definitely be going to a gas station on this holiday to get free gasoline for my car!

  20. Megan N. 08
    I think if I were to create a new holiday it would be called "National NO Electronics Day." This would be a day that everyone would stop taking advantage of their electronics and actually spend quality time with their families. Maybe have a camp fire and do everything that day without the use of their cell phones or Ipads. Families could turn it into a game if they would like something fun like that.

  21. Tate F. Online 08 In Response to Kirsten H. Online 10

    I like your thoughts on what "Student Appreciation Day" would consist of. If this became a holiday, I would definitely take advantage of it, and go get some free coffee, which would be from Starbucks of course. This would be pretty cool to have during finals week. It would be like we get something free for accomplishing to make it through another semester in college.

  22. Leightonia B Online 12
    If I were to create a brand new cultural holiday it would be called Debt Forgiven Day or DFD for short. One day out of the year you would be able to wipe away one of your personal debts forever. In honor of this holiday, everyone would get together by a huge bonfire, and burn the bill they have been relieved from.

  23. Victoria N. Soc. 1101
    The holiday that I would institute is already a religious holiday for some but I do not see why it couldn't be made national. The celebration of a full moon. I'm not religious and I celebrate it every month. You can get super creative with traditions for this holiday or you could just take a moment once a month to sit beneath the moon and take in nature's beauty which I believe that these days not so many people take the time to do so. And for all of us Americans that, according to my class, use holidays as an excuse to drink, that right there is an excuse every month. :P

  24. S. Castro online 12

    One holiday that I would create would be Family Day. It may sound kind of bland or uninteresting, but if people would use it for how I intend it I think it would be good. In my line of work I am very often the last person to lay hands on someone before they pass away. In most cases a spouse, parent, child, etc. are present in the room with my team and I. More times than I'd like to remember, I've heard the cries of that loved one begging for one more chance to talk to that person. Family Day would have to be pretty close to the importance of Christmas (or whatever biggest holiday) to carry the importance of how I mean it, and would manly be spent with the few who are the absolute closest to one’s household. Travel accommodations would be federally regulated to ensure that at least one day of the year parents, children, whoever could spend time with family if desired. Perhaps several days off (of work and school) in a row would suffice to prepare for the festivities. This would be the biggest meal of the year because everyone present would have their favorite food included in the family spread. The rest of the day would be spent sharing pictures, playing games, telling stories of the past as well as future plans and life goals. No TV unless spent watching family videos or a favorite movie. It may be unrealistic but that’s my idea of a good holiday.

  25. S.Castro online 12 in response to Lucinda S. 08

    Great thought. I like the idea of rewarding a person to sign up on that day while the impact of what it can do is fresh in people's minds. That could boost the number of donors to really save a lot of lives. That's a Holiday worth celebrating.

  26. Bailey Glines

    If I had to come up with a new holiday, it would be National Art and Music day. Art and music day could be very influencial to people and bring peace to many people. I love to paint, and it would be amazing to have a day to do what I love to do. Art and Music are not as important to people now a days, so I think it would bring happiness as well as make people more creative and imaginative.

    1. Brittany S. Soc. 1101

      That would be awesome! I play guitar and paint as well, and I feel as if I never have time to really express my artistic abilities that often. It is one of the few things I find comfort and relaxation in. If there were a day to actually influence this, I'd definitely find the time! :-)

    2. C. Spears (40102)I think National Art and Music day would be great to implement into schools. Especially public schools where some times the funds just are not there to educate the children and let them have the experience of art and music.

  27. Bailey Glines

    I agree with Megan N. and think that national NO Electronics day would be awesome because people, (especially kids) are so consumed in there phones and computers.

  28. Derek S. Soc 1101

    If I could create a holiday, it would be National Musician Day. On this holiday, all musicians would gather; they would play, sing, and have an all around good time sharing their talents with everyone else.

  29. Derek S. in response to Megan N. 08

    I love that idea! It seems like everybody's always so preoccupied with cellphones and computers that they forget about spending time with family, or going outside and enjoying nature. I think sitting around a campfire with a guitar would be a perfect way to do that.

  30. Nate B t/r 6pm

    My holiday would be "Respect for Technology" day. Everyone would be instructed on all the hidden popular features of any devices they used. Major contributors to technology would be celebrated and awarded on this day. Free software would be given out and heavy discounts on hardware.

    1. reply to Nate b.
      Cor S. 10
      I am amazed by technology, but this kind of reminds me of the first day of highschool, and in every class the teacher reads you the dress code. By the end of the day you just wish you could do class work. I think I would be interested for the first couple years, but then I would just be like I am staying home.

  31. Tracy Herman 01 my new holiday would be free week off of responsibilities with no consequences. Off From kids, work and school, without getting field or getting points off for missing school, but you could only participate if you work or go to school or have kids. I think people who work and go to school or raise kids year round deserve that once a year.

  32. Chynna Boggs 01 If i were to create a new holiday it would be Me day. A day celebrated by treating yourself. And yourself only. For example on my me day i would get a massage and enjoy some shopping. In our hectic lives it is hard enough to find time for ourselves.

  33. I would have a Quiet day. A day in which you take a break from your busy lives and look at your life in retrospect. What have you done to improve your life? What have you done that has made it worse? How can you change this. This should be a day in which you take a break from life, recharge, and relax. This should be a day in which you look forward too, a day in which you can get out of the meaningless monotony of life and do something sporadic and memorable!

  34. sean collins
    i would create a national camping holiday, where milions of people across the us enjoy the great outdoors for a whole weekend.

  35. Tanya W.01
    We should have nurses day. A day off to celebrate our dedication and compassion to all the time we give to our wonderful patients.

    1. In response to Tanya W.01

      I don't think the Nurses day holiday will be beneficial to everyone. Not everybody is a nurse and when the holiday is passed it is going to be a loss to some of the people since they wont get paid that day.

    2. Beatrice W 34 in response to Tanya W.01

      I don't think the Nurses day holiday will be beneficial to everyone. Not everybody is a nurse and when the holiday is passed it is going to be a loss to some of the people since they wont get paid that day.

    3. Eric B.12

      I would like to play devil's advocate for a moment and point out that by this same line of logic it would follow that Black History Month is not a beneficial celebration or time of remembrance for everyone since not everyone in America is African-American. And it is the only ethnicity with a month set aside for reflection. Now before I am chastised for this thought, I myself am Asian-American and do recognize the influence the African-American culture plays in America's history and present day. However, this country was also built on Irish-Americans, Asian-Americans, and a multitude of other groups who themselves also suffered segregation and prejudice in their own ways.

      All that being said, a holiday doesn't have to be all inclusive, or benefit everyone. If there is an event, person(s), or time for celebrating then celebrate.

  36. Brittany S. Soc. 1101 Online

    Considering myself a complete animal nut, I would want to implement a full day in which you can bring your pets anywhere with you; regardless if service pet or not. Yes, I know that you can bring them to stores such as PetSmart or Petco, but I think it would be wonderful to at least be able to bring them to stores and restaurant patios where it wouldn't be a liability as far as sanitation goes. I do understand establishments that serve food wouldn't exactly be an appropriate place for a pack of dogs to be dwelling, but I don't think a book store or similar niche would be troublesome.I also understand, some people do not properly train their pets, but why do the rest of us suffer for their irresponsibility? Pets are family for many people as myself, why do we have to keep our kids at home, even if it were just for a day? :-)

    1. Reply to Brittany s.
      Cori S. 10
      Your holiday sounds awesome, I love animals! I would totally celebrate this everyday if I could!

    2. Christine W. online 01
      Reply to Brittany S.

      I for one would LOVE this holiday! I would personally take a day off from my normal job just so I could spend the day with my dogs. I would take them everywhere! Very good choice for a special day.

  37. Megan C. 21
    I would create a holiday for forgiveness.
    Maybe the holidays we pick represents something we're feeling at the time? Hmmm..
    Forgiveness. A day where we stop and realize that we may not be here tomorrow! There's people in our lives that we currently aren't speaking to, or refuse to forgive them because of something they've done in the past. A day to let go of all grudges!
    Bake a cake for the neighbor whose dog constantly pees on your flowers. Send a card to the chick who was trash-talking you last week but wanted to make amends yesterday. Let go of the argument you had with your girlfriend a week ago.

    This may be a crappy use of making my own holiday. But, oh well. I'd say it's the next step to Peace on Earth. Ha!

    1. Megan, this is really a great idea. People are unaware of how toxic it is to oneself to not forgive. I have learned that people rarely care if you haven't forgiven them or not. You wind up wasting energy on what you cant change.

  38. Sonya R 08
    If I could institute a new holiday, I would call it "paid in full day". Each individual person would chose a bill that day to be paid by the state.

    1. Julian L. 09

      There are way too many ways for this day to get ugly and unorthodox, what I mean is, Anything given away for free gets taken advantage of. It definitely sounds good but in reality it would fall apart.

    2. That's great Sonya, I would definitely support that holiday.

  39. In response to Chynna B 08. I totall agree with the Me Day. We all need some me time for ourselves.

  40. Cori S. 10
    My Holiday would be National bring your dog to work or school day, and if you're allergic to dogs or you just don't like them you are by law allowed to stay home and get paid for it.

  41. Julian L. 09

    My holiday would be "Compliment Day" where everyone would go about their average day but include countless compliments towards everyone else. A lot of people could use a confidence boost, and you can't argue that it lightens up your day. Maybe people will be more positive and do less negative things if they feel better about themselves. This holiday could also lead to further social interaction, or not, but that's what's great about it.

  42. M Williams 10 online

    My holiday would be "love Everyone Day", This would be a day of love,regarless of race, religion, ethnic backgroud. As America becomes more diversified, we are still not loving each other like we should. we are still judgemental without knowing someone's story, and everyone has a story. If we could have a love everyone day maybe some of us could get out of our little box and realize that there is a big world with people of all different race. Some people just need more love and some people are able to give more love than others. Be bless...

  43. Natalie P. 10
    I would institute a holiday to acknowledge people in the medical field, specifically doctors. I know that a doctor constantly receives praise form patients and the families of patients for their hard work and effort. I am also aware that they probably have a feeling of self gratification for the service they perform. However, I feel that once the patient is treated and feeling better, people forget the hard work and dedication that helped them achieve better health. The public acknowledges Breast Cancer , AIDS awareness, Heart Disease. Perhaps we can celebrate the people who help manage these illnesses. "Phenomenal Physicians Day"

  44. Beatrice W 34

    I would create a "giving back" holiday. People to just take time off and go give back to the orphans. For example, the clothes you don't wear, shoes and toys for children to play with.

    1. Trina H.12 in response to Beatrice W 34
      That is an awesome idea. How many times do we just sit back and let all of our 'stuff' just accumulate while there are others that are just barely scraping and wishing for the basics. Having a day designated specifically for this would make us even more aware of others' needs and look forward to helping them. This may also help children realize just how much they have.

  45. Howard C. 01

    The holiday I would institute would be "Bill of Rights Day". With the progression of technology, such as tv's, computers, cell phones, video games, etc., many people have lost touch with what freedom is all about. July 4th touches base with the American spirit, but "Bill of Rights Day" would be all about education rather than partying. It would be a day for the older folks to school the young bucks on history and the meanings behind our essential constitutional rights. There would be games such as "Name that Amendment" and "History Trivia". Sounds cheesy, but one day it could be appreciated.

  46. Taiwo O. 08 online
    I would institute "National Heroes Day". This will be a day that everybody will honor thier personal heroes, wear best costume of a simple t-shirt with a picture of their heroes. Heroes could be mother, father, veteran, leaders but not celebraties.The goal is to plant seeds for the growth of real heroes for the future.

    1. Jordanna C
      I think that's a good idea.

  47. Taiwo O. 08online
    In response to Williams,I agreed that if there will be a day instituted for love everyone and accept everyone the way he or she is, probably prejudice will reduce.

  48. I would have a world wide "Human Day". The world would come together, put all differences aside, and celebrate being humans. I feel that people tend to forget that just because we are the dominant species now, doesn't mean that we always were. We should appreciate the accomplishments of the human race. I think it would be a great way to unite different cultures and have one day out of the year where all that matters is celebrating the life of people! There would be parades showing how the dinosaurs once ruled, then the ice age, followed by mammals and humans. There would be ceremonies celebrating all the great societies that were before us, like the Egyptians and Mayans. Now that my mind is racing with a million fun ideas, I really think this holiday should have been invented years ago!

  49. Bola T. online 12
    My brand new holiday will be Christian Missionary’s Day. This will be a day where Christian missionaries all over the country will be encourage, appreciate and celebrate for all they do. The sacrifices they make preaching the gospel all over the country, taking care of the needy, spending their resources and laying down their life for the sake of the gospel.
    This holiday should be celebrated by encouraging missionaries with words, meeting their needs in the mission fields with money, clothing’s, providing shelter and health care programs. Also they should be appreciated and celebrated with awards by each state governor.

  50. Eric B.12

    Personally, I do not think there is a reason for another holiday. I have always thought that as a society we have at least one day to a week EVERY month that gives us a reason to take time off work and celebrate. Sure, time off from a job is always nice but to need the pretense of a specific day to me takes away from the fact that you have the time off and are spending it with family and friends. I also notice that a few people have in some way offered the idea of a holiday based around loving thy neighbor. This to me seems as ridiculous as Valentine's Day, a holiday focused on loving and caring for your family, these are all things we should do EVERYDAY. Wake up and tell your significant other/ your family that you love them everyday. Pass a stranger in the street and smile or say hello EVERYDAY. Random acts of kindness are what makes society wonderful!

    1. A special day honoring our loved ones may seem ridiculous to you, but I offer the following thought: The fact that we have this special day doesn't mean that we don't wake up every day and honor and love our significant others and family members. It just sets aside a special time to go beyond the normal appreciation and expression of those feelings. A bit like Christmas perhaps where you love and honor Christ every day as a Christian, but we also have set aside a special day to express a greater amount of those feelings? Just a thought for you to ponder.

  51. Well, so many great holidays! My idea of a great holiday would be "Bring your pet to Class" day. I absolutely love my 2 dogs (and my cat for that matter), and if I could, I would bring them to class and keep them with me all day long at school. They ground me and that feeling of constant unconditional love makes me smile. I am also certain that if I encountered other students (and professors) who were having a bad day, my dogs would be terrific therapy and soon the entire campus would be smiling. I guess that would also be my random act of kindness!

  52. Whitney C.10
    If I could invent any holiday it would be a Nation wide F-it Day. It would be a day where no one would have to care about what other people think, no one would judge anyone, no one would feel like they needed to get ready to impress everyone, and no one would care if someone talked crap because it wouldnt matter. We would all just spend the day in our sweats relaxing, enjoying each others company and not listening to all the negative stuff going on on the world. It would be a day just to enjoy life as it is not what people and the media make it. That would be my holiday.

    1. Dustin S. 12
      I would certainly second the vote for National F-it day. Although not much would get done it could be quite entertaining.

  53. Whitney C.10 in response to this..... (it didnt have a name) Let's be honest, we all want Holidays where we don't do anything. We want our Holidays to be full of nothing, and yet something. I think every Holiday has been made up already. Maybe not implemented, but it's there (Just yesterday it was Pancake Day..Really? lol). Maybe National STOP PLAYING CRAP MUSIC ON THE RADIO DAY would be a good idea. A day where there is no Rap, no Pop, none of the crap meaningless music playing on your local radio station. No Sex, No Drugs, none of that, just good music that carries a good positive message. That would make a good Holiday in my book..... I think this would be an awful holiday because to some people that"crap" music helps them get their heads straight and takes them out of whatever funk their in and the music you think is so great could be garbage to them.

    1. Cameron R. in response to Whitney C.
      I think you and I have the best two holidays. who wouldn't want a fun holiday cause most holidays are fun.

  54. If I were to institute a brand new holiday then, it will be a WHITE ELEPHANT MONDAY. On this particular MOnday of the year, all the things that people have but do not want them will be put at the out side of their doors while people go arround searching for what they want from what others do not want and being on a Monday to increase the weekend so that people will have the time to go around so many homes.


  55. Cameron R. 10
    I would have the ultimate holiday. National nudity day, everyone would have to go about their day the same except naked. I think it would be fun to see how people would react to a day like that.

    1. John M. Online 08
      This is literally the most direct answer to this question that I have read so far. This made laugh so much, thanks.

    2. Raygan D. Online 08 in response to Cameron R.

      Oh wow! I have to say this is one of my favorite answers on here and even if we never get a holiday like that just to see everyones reaction to the idea being proposed would be priceless. I'm laughing right now just thinking about it.

  56. Trina H. 12
    If a national HUGS HOLIDAY is passed then SO many more smiles would be given. How many times do we begin to hug our children or our friends and we can't help but smile? There are a few patients that come to our office that have absolutely no one. If we can give them a hug and make them feel special, then it carries forward throughout their day. Giving a hug costs nothing from the giver other than about a 1/2 minute of their time. It opens doors to conversation, smiles, and friendship.
    I have never regretted teaching my son to hug. When he was a middle schooler I noticed when an autistic child ran up to him in the hall and hugged him while I was subbing one day. I never had realized just how much hugging had made my son a boy who was unashamed and NOT embarrased to let another child give him a hug. Most boys would shy away, but not mine! He realized the special needs and became a favorite person to the other boy.

    1. Joan M . 08 in respond to Trina H.12
      I Think that would be an awesome holidays. I have noticed that people hugs less, barely hand shakes and evn say hi to one another, and sometimes that is all we need just a small hug to feel needed, appreciated, important. I would be the First one to give hugs on that holiday.

    2. Giana Deleon
      CRN 41210
      This makes me laugh to think about! I can only imangine how many smiles could cover that day with joy and laughter! This is a cute idea very positive and needed. So many people are content with passing a person by with out showing appreciation and somthing as small as a hug shows great appreciation. A hug can make anyones day. Now to have a day of hugs, sounds like a great day! I love your idea!

  57. Jane N.73
    Oh yes, I would invent a day for prayers. Prayer Day where people take time to seek God's widom and thankful for what He has given us.Pray for our land, people,peace,love and protection from God.

    1. This is a wonderful idea! We are so quick to ask God for things but yet so forgetful when it comes to being thankful for what he has already done for us. I would really enjoy this holiday!

  58. Jane N 73 in reponse to Megan C 21
    This is a good one people should forgive one another especially neighbors and this would be better place.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Heather L Online 08

    If I had to create my own national holiday I would want to make it a Cancer Awareness Day. I have had so many family members struggle with cancer, defeat it, or pass away from it. It affects so many people nationwide but yet we have nothing to accommodate for it. It would be a day filled with parties and festivities to remember those who have passed and celebrate those who have found the courage to fight through it.

  61. Maricela E. 10

    I have a very giving husband that is always helping people that he sees in need. The holiday I would celebrate would be Self-less day. A day when you try not to judge people for needing help and just help them out. weather is buying someone a bottle of water because they are standing in the sun all day on the highway exits or giving someone a dollar to help them out. I know we all see these people out there and think about helping but very few of us ever do because we either judge them for not trying hard enough to have somethin or because we are afraid what people will think of us for helping someone that looks questionable. The logo we would use is of one person helping another stand up. The feeling that I get after helping someone out is priceless.

  62. Joan M. 08
    people have had such great ideas already which are admirable. Some are faisable and some are not. I was thinking about the moral aspect of our lives and how news have great impact in our daily lives. I was thinking about an ONLY GOOD NEWS DAY in the media, newspapers, internet , families, relationships, at work, all over the world, it will be a day where we appreciate each other and everything good that we have, discover, see or happen.
    Joan Mandeng

  63. In Reply to Jane N 73: As a christian I know we already have a day of prayers that is celebrated every year in September. Please try for something else, just letting you know.
    Marcia W 10 Online student.

  64. John M. Online 08
    If I had to create a new holiday it would probably be No Electricity Day. I think it would make a good holiday because most people in our country use electricity for literally everything! The people who would observe this holiday would understand just how much this one technology has changed all of our lives, and that we should be grateful to the men and women who work in the R&D departments trying to discover the next big technology. It would also be pretty funny watching people walk everywhere for a change.

    1. Natasha E. online 12

      This would be awesome. It would allow children to go outside and play. They would know what it was like for older generations that did not stay inside and play video games all day. It would allow people to grow closer because there will be no tv and everybody would have to entertain themselves and have fun together.

  65. Victor V. 01

    I would like a day that I would like to call "Take a Breath Day". Sometimes you just need a break from everything, just sit back, relax, and do nothing you don't feel like doing. Just enjoy some free time and relieve some stress in your life. I would love a day like this every once and a while :P.

  66. Dustin S. 12
    I would institute a National Amish Heritage Day. People could dress like the Amish, eat those delicious apple dumplings, and enjoy all sorts of festivities. Although we are not Amish, perhaps it would harken us back to our earlier days.

  67. Kristina M-W online SOCI1101 900244483

    I would have child appreciation day. To celebrate it not only would we spoil our children with gifts and junk food, we would also all act and do as children do. It would be a day to memorialize a simpler time in our lives.

    1. Edens T .No 29
      replying to Kristina M-W online SOCI1101 900244483
      I think that's a great holiday because there times where i wish i could back and do some the young things i use to do as little kid

  68. Christine W. Online 01

    If I were to create a Holiday it would be called "National Role Reversal Day". On this day the normal roles we play in society and our home life would be switched around. CEO's would take on the duties of their under payed, restaurant managers/ owners would have a day of being a server, children would come home from school to cook, clean, do laundry, and help with their parents with whatever they wanted ect.. I believe this holiday would be beneficial to anyone who participated in it because it is good to take a step back from your life once in a while and see how others around you deal with their responsibilities. For example; I have a friend who works for a major marketing company and I believe her boss (who is also the owner) would benefit to live a day in her shoes. While he wakes up in his million dollar home every late morning and strolls into work as he pleases, my friend has already been up for hours getting the company started for the day. Reading his e-mails, doing pay-roll, managing accounts, setting meetings up, getting his coffee, ect. While she absolutely loves her job, I can see it wearing her down. She is the first person there everyday and the last one there ever night. She is there every weekend and barley has time for her own life anymore. Technically she has the title of three peoples jobs yet she only gets one persons salary. I believe her boss would benefit not only personally from doing her job for a day but also better his company by doing so. Being a younger and successful business owner I'm sure he had to go through a lot to get to where he is, but in doing so many people have a tendency to forget what it is like on the other end. Taking a day to see how it is for others around you gives you a chance to take a good look at how what you do directly effects others and what can be done to make things better or more effective.

    1. Cynthia H. 44 I love this idea of role reversal very creative and that gives people an idea how someone else's job is on a day to day basis. I would love to try this. Great idea!!

  69. Edens T No. 29
    If i created a holiday it would be reflect day a day were you take time to yourself to reflect on how your life is and were its going seeing if your happy or sad or in love or alone a day to figure out who you are

  70. Cynthia H. 44 I would like to create a National Women's Day where all women can take off from work, get pampered and their husbands or significant others take over all the chores, cooking cleaning, caring for the kids and work. This would be awesome. As women we have such a big role and so much is expected of us so I feel like one day a year would be a great way to show appreciation for us.

  71. C.Spears (40201) If I could make a National Holiday it would be National Immigration day. Yes, I understand this is probably going to get me a bunch of hate comments. We are constantly fighting a battle of illegal immigrants, which I STRONGLY support laws against illegal immigration, but lets not forget that immigrants built this country. If it were not for immigrants I imagine America would be a very different place. On National Immigrant day we as a society would celebrate the traditions of the Nationalities which made this Country possible. Now for anyone who knows real history this includes the Native Americans, Spanish, and Europeans. We would eat their traditional foods, ( as we do Corn Beef and cabbage for St.Pattys) and drinks, (Huricans on Mardi Gras) and there music.

  72. Elia V. 12
    It would be "Family Time" I would love for this to be an observed day so families can spend some quality time together. Divorced or non functional families get to spend a day off too, so everything works out perfect.

  73. Elia V. 12
    in reply to Christine W. Online 01
    I love this idea!

  74. Jon W.

    If I were to make a new Holiday then it would be an Environment day. Everyone would make home cooked meals just as if it was Thanksgiving.
    You could spend this with your family or extended families. Everyone would take part on helping clean up their place of residence, park, school, or even roads. It would be a good idea to encourage people to stay off the roads and carpool, take a bus, or ride a bike, maybe even walk. Just for one day if everyone was to do their part and help clean up what trash that is found, the appearance of our streets would look a lot better.

    1. Megan M. Online 12

      This is a great idea Jon!! I know there is an 'Earth Day' but I wish it was taken more seriously and celebrated more.

  75. Megan Manning Online 12

    I think a great holiday would be some sort of a friendship day. A day to appreciate your friendships with others. It could be very similar to Valentines day...with gift, flowers, pink and red colored things, fancy dinners, and cute dates :)

  76. Natasha E. Online 12

    The Holiday that I would have is Family Day. It would be in the summer time and it would kinda resemble a family reunion. On family Day there would be no exchange of gifts since people these days do not have much money. It is a day to spend time with friends and family. Each family member and friend would bring food and drinks. You would celebrate this at a park, lake, or where ever you would like to. The point of having it in the summer is so that you can actually get out of the house, play games, and have fun. On this Family day, there is no work, kinda like Christmas where everything is shut down. If you are employed then you are allotted payed time off. We are losing what family means and families are not getting to spend much time with each other as they should. We need to come together and remember we are all united.

  77. Stand Up Against Day. This day you would stand up to anything that is beating you down, either bullies, the government, your job, anything. Groups can be made for specific issues, like a group standing up against bullies, or a group of veterans standing up against the VA. Or anything else!

  78. Courtney Wintzell online 08
    The new holiday that i would come up with is national no school day that way we wont have to come into school and do homework.

  79. Courtney Wintzell online o8 in response to natasha E. online 12 i think the idea of a family day is very good. All families need that one day that they will share together. You see families today that dont spend that much time together and hardly ever see eachother.

  80. Jessica H
    I would probably do either a "good Samaritan day" or a "children's day." Good Samaritan Day is a good idea in theory, but unfortunately, some people will take advantage of it and, honestly, in today's society it can be kind of dangerous. Children's day is just a good way to let our children and other people's children know that they are loved and appreciated.

    1. Marie P L. 08 Online

      In response to Jessica H.

      That is definitely a great idea Jessica. "Good Samaritan Day" would be perfect but at the same time we can never be too careful these days.

  81. Marie P-L. 08 Online
    I would do " World Teacher's Day." Just to recognize every single teachers in the world because without them the world would have been a sad place to be. Because of their hard work and commitment we are who we are today.

  82. Cam S. 12

    Well if i had to institute a new holiday i would make a "Respect the handicap day". On this day everyone should try and hold doors for wheelchairs, not park in handicap spots, and just be polite all day. In my situation i actually see now how people are so rude and do the opposite of what i named to do constantly. Being in a wheelchair myself i would very much appreciate this holiday in every aspect.

  83. Cam S. 12
    in response to Lucinda S online 08
    I think "Students Day" would be awesome. i know on those long days of classes a free meal and a free coffee from starbucks would be much appreciated.

  84. Crystal White CWhite CRN 41210 ONLINE

    If I could invent a holiday it would be called NENM. No Electronics No Media day. A day when everyone puts down all the cell phones,tablets,ipods, computers, and the news does not air for 24 whole hours and we just engage with each other. A day when we go back to the days before we were obssessed and consumed by our electronics and actually played cars, road bikes, read books, and interacted with our family. Of course there would be no work and no school just quality time spent with those you love. There would be no news to deliver sad information to disturb your day.

  85. Crystal White CWhite CRN 41210 ONLINE
    In RESPONSE TO Cam S.12

    I think that Respect the handicap day would be a great idea. I think many of us don't take the time to respect the handicap as much as we should, I know I don't. I try to hold doors for anyone near me but I have parked in a handicap spot once or twice. A day to show respect to our handicap citizens would be really nice and I'm sure they would appreciate it.Great Idea.

  86. Raygan D. Online 08
    if i could create a holiday it would just be called "Catch up Day" this would be the holiday for people like me who have had some things they have always been meaning to work on like reading that book everyone has been talking about, or watching the newest episodes of your favorite series but never seem to have the time. Well this day there would be no work and no school and no traditions that go with celebrating it we would all have a full 24 hours to ourselves.

  87. Porchia Holden Online 01
    My holiday would be a holiday where everything would be closed, and the thing that would be celebrated would be family! It would be a day when all of the issues and heart aches and everything else negitive would be put aside, and families would instead love and celebrate each other! It would invlove doing whatever your family does to bond! For some thats camping. For others it may be laying around the house all day watching Disney movies while eating ice cream. Each family is different, so there wouldnt be one across the board tradition, aside from everyone agreeing to stop everything in life to spend time with their family!

  88. sandra f. 86
    My holiday would be family day. Where for one day a year every resturant would be discounted so big crowds could get together and eat nice together. A day where just out of the ordinary everything would be 'A reasonable price' so that familys can celebrate together. A day where cookouts are on everycorner while your surrounded by friends and family.

  89. James A 75
    My holiday would be Chinese appreciation day. Which would be a day off which we would spend appreciating our "Made in China" products. It would be the least we could do since we owe china a trillion+ dollars.

  90. My holiday would be mother day because we all need a day aprecciating our mother's. Mother's brought us in this world .

  91. Giana Deleon

    If I could make a new cultural celebration it would be a national family reunion day. Many families such of mine could use a day that gives us that time together that not many families like to have. I feel family ties may be increasingly getting worse or are complete opposite getting better and for those families that are getting worse, they can use some time with family to gather around and make change hopefully within their family groups.
