Monday, February 13, 2012

Technology Vs. Reality

Initially, Facebook was created for college students to get in touch with each other. It has moved off the college campus to help all strands of people stay in touch. In fact, Facebook has worked so well that it might be hurting attendance at real-world class reunions.

High school reunion planners claim there's no substitute for face-to-face connection. Technology comes and goes, they point out, but reality stays.
Historically, part of the draw of attending high school reunions was to see classmates and learn how they been doing over the years. Nowadays much of that is supplied by Facebook connections.

Are you interested in attending your next high school reunion?

What do face-to-face reunion planners need to do to remain relevant?


  1. Brandon M. 93
    Facebook is a great way of staying in touch with people. Everyting you would want to know is right there but I am still interested in attending my high school reunion. You can't interact and just have a goodtime with fun and laughter on facebook as you can in person. The whole experience going back to hometown, games, etc makes it worth while. Reunion planners need to have things and events planned out and make it more welcoming to the people who should attend.

    1. jenn b in response to Brandon, Totally agree!!! And what a great way to market, gather info, and get suggestions than facebook - I think it helps more than it hinders, by far:)

  2. Jenn B 98 - I graduated 22 years ago and haven't attended any of my re-unions mostly because my graduating class is very disorganize and lame:) but because of Facebook, I am more intrested in going to our 25th or 30th if we have one because I'd like to see some of the people I've re-connected with and have that social connectionion that LOL or LMAO or :( can't touch like being "in person" can.

  3. Morgan P. (96) Online
    I've only been out of high school 3 years in May and facebook has been around since I was in high school. I literally can't wait for my 10 year reunion. Watching how people have already changed since graduation day is so crazy to watch over facebook. I LOVED my class and can't wait to see everyone again. I hope North Cobb can organize it well whether it be through facebook or another way.

  4. Peter A. 92

    I am excited about my highschool reunion even if it is nine years away. It is a special time to meet up with friends and revisit highschool. I do not feel that Facebook is stoping face to face interactions. I think there are more pros then there are cons with Facebook. Before Facebook many planners had to find other methods of contacting old classmates, and till then they did not know how thier classmates were holding up. Former classmates should treat renuions like we do our online classes. It is okay to be active on Facebook, but a face to face interaction should occur, so that friends are sure that no one is posing under a account. On Facebook lies can be told, but in person it is more difficult to fake your identity. Face to Face reunion planners should dig back up time capsules, so that former classmates can anticipate the reunion. I would be more excited about going to my reunion if there were a time capsule to dig up!

  5. Peter A. 92 Online

    In Response to Morgan P. (96) Online

    I am also excited about my highschool reunion. My reunion is in nine years, so I have plenty of decisions to make till then. When I think of reunions I think of people showing off. Former classmates trying to see who is the most successful. I doubt that it is this pretentious. However, I am going to work as hard as I can to achieve the success that I desire, and I hope you do the same. I see you have seven years left, and time flies!

  6. Stephanie M. 98 (ONLINE)

    I would like to go to my high school reunion. I went from a very warm, happy person my Freshman year to really unmotivated and anti-social my Senior year. I was avoided and stared at a lot because I preferred to be alone...not to mention I was at my heaviest weight at the time. I almost failed and had to take summer classes. It would be nice to go back and show people how much I've changed, and in turn see how much other people have changed. People that thought they were better or who were like me, going through the motions until school was over.

    Although Facebook helps in some respects, you don't get to see everyone nor does it replace face-to-face interactions. It would be nice to really see people.

  7. Stephanie M. 98 (ONLINE) in response to Jenn B. 98

    I loved the last sentence...made me giggle. And I totally agree!!

  8. Brandon M. 93 In response to Stephanie M. 98
    I agree it's always good to go back and see growth and change in people.

  9. Shalon H. 067 (Online)in repsonce to Stephanie

    I think most people do want to go back in order to show how much the have changed. Even though that would not be my reason I understand it!

  10. Shalon H.67 (Online)

    I have know desire to go back to attend my high school reunion. I am still in contact with a lot of people from high school through facebook, however I really dont care to have an interaction with most of them. Most of the people I want a one on one interaction with I see when I do fly back to my hometown. Facebook has taught me that some people dont grow up and change, and a lot of people I knew from high school are still the same person, just with kids and husbands. Face to face reunion planners need to stay active on facebook, and network to have a good reunion.

    1. I agree. Facebook is a good way to keep up with folks, but its at the bottom of my list.

    2. Alexander Hall 40987

      I may return to paulding for my highschool reunion here in about 7 years but i really dont have to much of a interest in going besides to find out who all actually made something of there selves since highschool. Even then its not likely that the people who didnt make something of them selves will even be there

  11. Lovely A. (ONLINE)
    i personally do not look forward to my class reunion due to the fact that facebook allows me to see what is going on a day to day. it allows me to see births,weddings,events that i would not be able to see via a class reunion.i talk to who i consider my close friends on a regular basis so to me its no need for a reunion. my high school was all cliques so they pretty much are still in that clique to this day and everyone talks to the same people they talked to in high school. reunion planners need to just be updated with the latest technology and events and maybe get on facebook and network

    1. Brian C in response to Lovely A. (ONLINE)

      I agree that facebook erases the need for a face to face class reunion, I also don't have much interest in getting together with people I don't consider my friends or talk to today.

  12. Lovely A.(ONLINE)in response to Jenn B 98,
    your response made me laugh lol!!! our technology is making interactions and communication much less due to text messaging and email. hopefully face to face interaction will allow people to actually have a conversation without saying lol,lmao,brb etc...

  13. Diana C. 98 online

    I do attend my high school reunions and they are a lot fun!! I get to see all of all my friends who moved away. Its better talking and seeing each other in person than it is reaching out on facebook. I actually don't have a facebook account, so this is the only way I get to reach out to my high school friends. Some us do call each other and text each other once in a while but because we have such busy lives sometimes we don't hear from each other for months. But at the reunions when we get together it feels like we were never apart. We just look older and heavier LOL!!

  14. Adrienne K. 97 (online)

    I just graduated high school last year, but I might go to my reunion. Of course, that's another 9 years away. Yes, Facebook, texting, and whatever else allows you to keep in tough with those that you don't see anymore. To me though, it doesn't compare to seeing and meeting up with your old friends and classmates face to face. For planners, they need to just make sure they have everything planned out and try to plan things and do stuff that the graduating class will remember and relate to !

  15. Deidre W. 97-I am interested in going to my high school reunion. Even though I talk to many people I went to high school with I would still like to see them face to face. You can chat online but it's not the same as face to face conversations. In our case our last reunion was cancelled due to lack of attendance. It wasn't that people didn't want to come, but the prices were too expensive. Our reunion is usually 3 days and includes golf, a cook out and then the reunion. Hopefully as the economy gets better more people will be willing to come to tne next one.

  16. Deidre W. 97 in respnse to Brandon M. 93-I agree that face to face interaction is much better. There is something different about getting together with school mates that makes the experience diferent.

  17. Sylvenna H. 96

    I am actually interested in going to my high school reunion. Even though I friends with most of my high school friends i really don't look at their pictures to see what they are currenlty doing and I do not read all of their statuses. Actually hardly even message them to see how they are going. There are a few friends I still talk to everyday from facebook but I want to see how everyone else has progressed and see how they lives are now. I do agree that people do not want to go to high school reunions anymore because my mom said the excat words "Why do I need to go see them if we are face book friends," which I think is tragic.

  18. Sylvenna H. 96
    In response to Jenn B 98
    I agree with you. I love interacting with people face to face, because if I say something funny hot would I actually know if the other perosn thinks it is funny or if I tell a tragedy in my life would the realy mourn with me or be smiling as they read my text

  19. I believe it is much easier to send a quick message or comment on a status on Facebook than it is to take the time and actually have a face- to- face conversation with someone. I think this has made people lazy in the way they socially interact. Looking at someone's pictures or reading what they are doing on Facebook will never replace the physical contact people can have with one another. I am looking forward to going to my high school reunion to actually see the people I made such great memories with. It is much more difficult to tell someone's tone if you're reading their story on a Facebook page. I feel that it is so much more fun to converse and reminisce with someone in person. With the help of Facebook, reunion planners can contact mostly everyone from our class to inform them of the reunion and people can input their ideas in on what special events we could do at the reunion to ensure that most people will want to attend.

  20. Sorry, the above comment was from
    Stephanie L. 96

  21. Stephanie L. 96 in response to Stephanie M. 98
    I agree that a high school reunion is a great opportunity to see how people have changed and grown over the years. Even though people post everything on Facebook and you can see how they have physically changed, by seeing them in person and having a conversation with them you can see how they have emotionally changed.

  22. I am interested in attending my high school reunion. High school was a great time for me. I was popular, cheerleader and made the grades. Its always good to see some old faces of people that you haven't seen in years. I always tell my daughter, "Who cares about the friends you have now you won't ever see them again? Then here comes facebook, and I chat with all of my old friends. Life is funny!

    Face-to-face event planners need to make the Reunion more appealing to the people. Informal reunions, cruises, themes(Hawaiian dress, Japanese attire, etc) something fun besides your regular meet and greet. Most people are already a little uneasy because they picked a few pounds, now divorced, still single or unfulfilled career. A little excitement can take turn that in to fuel to attract them to the event.

  23. I agree with Stephanie that high school reunion is a great time to see how people have grown over the years. Face-to-face reunions certainly gives yoou a better idea of what is going on in their lives. The reunion is a fantastic time to network and rebuild some old lost friendships.

  24. Brian C 92

    I'm not interested in attending my high school reunion because I just don't think it's necessary to get together with people that I don't consider my friends today; if they weren't my friends back then, then I just don't have much interest in getting together and if they were my friends back then, then we still talk on a regular basis anyway.

    1. Shana W. in response to Brian C. (online)96

      I totally agree with you. I mean highschool reunions are really pointless and a waste of time. I mean the friends who I have only a few of them are from highschool. It was just a stepping stone to get to the pinnacle im at now. Facebook is good enough for me!

  25. I'm almost 40yrs old. I've been out of High School over 20 yrs and really not interested in going to my next HS reunion. I think the only reason we have High School reunions are for the popular folks to brag about what they have now. Now as for Facebook, I do agree it does take the personal aspect away from the big picture. it goes to show you how busy we really are in life, or nosey maybe. Although I do use FaceBook to keep people informed of my mission work. I have seen Facebook tear marriages apart just beacause they had to know where the ex-someone was....

  26. last comment by Troy H98

  27. replying to Brian C 92 from TroyH 98

    I can't agree with you more. If they really were your friends you would have kept of with them anyway!

  28. Courtney 67
    Facebook is a wonderful thing, and it's certainly make restoring old connections a lot easier. However, online contact has many restrictions. You can't see subtle clues about facial expressions and body language. Additionally, you only see the surface of other people's lives, if that. You can only see the picture of their life that they portray, nothing more. You also usually only "friend" people that you actually shared a social group with, and let's be honest: that's not what high school reunions are about. They're about seeing who got fat and lost their hair. I've bloomed since high school: I've lost weight, dyed my hair, and gotten engaged. If I really like them, I'd still have them in my life. If not, I was them to see how pretty and sucessful I've gotten. Petty? Yes. Yes it is. But I want to see that jerk that made fun of me with a beer belly and an alimony, and if that's wrong, I don't want to be right.

  29. Courtney P. 67 in response to Stephanie L. 96
    I think you're definitely right about seeing old friends. I was so awkward in high school, it would be nice to just go over to someone I used to know and say, "Hey, you look great! How's life been treating you?" without feeling like a doofus. I hope all my old aquaintences are doing well.

  30. Jamila92

    I think facebook is great I caught up with a lot of my high school classmates that way. People usually are more open on the computer than in person.I think the only way to make face to face reunions more relevant is to place them on facebook as a event. That way people have already conversed with their classmates and would like to see them in person.

  31. Diana C. 98 online in response to Peter A. 92

    I totally agree with Peter about face to face reunions. It is better to interact this way than through facebook. Facebook is a great way to stay in touch but, high school reunions are about getting everyone together to meet and have fun at one time.

  32. Latreecia M 69

    I am still interested in face to face reunions simply because facebook cannot replace that connection that is evident in an "in person" event. There is something much more personable about a meetup as opposed to internet talking. I think the planners should keep doing what they are doing because facebook cannot replace an "in person" reunion.

  33. Reunions are very great and fun time to meet our folks from back in the days. These days we are so preoccupied with lot of events and activities, that it has become almost impossible for us to be physically present for these wonderful events. Well, we in this modern dispensation are grateful for Facebook and other related social media that has evolved in our day and time. Our event has become a relevant smaller space. We can do a lot with a click of the mouse, and with a visual webcam have live interactions with our folks.

  34. Agho N.E Online 88. In response to Jamila92.

    We have come to rely so much in Facebook interactions and express ourselves almost unedited via facebook, online like face to face communication we might hold back information. I agree with you that a host of us will choose to express ourselves more openly on facebook than we will in physical communications.

  35. Amber F. 97
    Facebook is a great tool to use when a person wants to reconnect with family and friends. However, it is only effective and safe when used in the appropriate manner. I would definitely consider attending my high school reunion and take a stroll down memory lane with great friends. Face to face reunion planners should involve participants in interesting activities that would not be available to individuals on a social network. The excitement alone will entice people to attend any reunion to share a few laughs and hugs with family and friends.

  36. Amber F. in response to Latreecia M. 69
    I agree that a social network can not replace the person interactions as a reunion. No social network can replace the joy of reconnecting with individuals face to face who have not seen each other in years.

  37. Morgan Passmore 96 (online) in response to Latreecia M 69

    I am so excited about my reuinion because like you face to face time is so much more personal than on facebook. Plus I think everyone makes themself out to be cooler or more nagging on facebook.

  38. Shenique G.97

    I think that facebook is a great website or online social enviroment to keep people in sync over the years. And personally i would not attend my high school reunion, because everybody that i wanted to keep in-touch with i am in touch with. As far as how o make high school reunions relevant. These planners should think of many different ways to actually intrest the people who will be attending the reunion. Taking a survey to see what they might enjoy at a reunion would be a good idea that way they are looking forward to specific events that should take place upon their arrival.

  39. shenique g. 97 in response to Jamila92

    I completely agree with you. facebook and tweeter are the most active social networks to majority youth. And the best way to get many peoples attention will be to post it as an event and post it with a picture on facebook and tagging whoever you want to attend. That way the invitation will get passed around faster.

  40. Gladys M.98-Online.

    Facebook is really surpresing most of social related fuctions inclusive of the reunions.However,if your competitor gets tough,get tougher and keep competition stiff.I look forward to live reunions as my preference is face to face interactions rather than posted information and pictures which may not be true.People only post what they term good and favourable to them but in a reunoin,you can not help it but portray your true self.I think reunion organizers should utilize these social sites for example facebook and twitter to emphasize the importance of a live reunion.

  41. Gladys M.98-Online

    In response to Latreecia M.69

    Am in agreement with you.A face to face interaction can never be replaced by any other form.Inaddition,it gives an opportunity to have fun and a few laughs with friends out of the busy schedules.It also helps in identifying ourselves as live human beings and not computer objects.

  42. Shana W. (online)96

    I don't know if I'm going to attend my highschool reunion or not. Facebook enables me to keep in touch with everyone I want and need to keep in touch with, honestly I don't want to be reminded of certain people who I went to school with. Highschool was cool and fun while it lasted, but it'sover now and we've all moved on to bigger and better things. Sometimes it's good to leave the past in the past.

    1. Rainey S. 98 (Online)

      I agree with you Shana. I have kept in touch with my close friends from high school as well as a few acquaintances. Personally, I would rather plan something fun with them instead of attending a reunion to see a ton of acquaintances’ that I have not seen or spoken to in years, although I wish them well.

  43. Yes, I plan on attending my next reunion because no social networking could replace the abilitty to hug and embrace some of my long time associates. The ability to play catch up on life. Being able to keep intouch through facebook is truly a wonderful thing but nothing can ever replace that person to person encounter. There's also the element of deception when dealing with facebook and computers in general, sometimes you can alter pictures,be deceitful for what ever reason however being in person....well, your eyes don't lie.Reunion planners need to reiterate the importance of face to face reunions,how important it is to come together and celebrate each others accomplishments,remember those that may have passed on and just enjoy each other's company as we remernence.

  44. Sean O.
    Yes, I plan on attending my highschool renuion. Facebook is a good way to get updates of someones life, but nothing compares to face to face contact. On the internet you can be anyone you want to be and face to face you have no choice but to be yourself. I think it would be a good thing to reunite with friends you haven't seen since highschool because of college, work or becuase of distance. Face to face reunions need to have some technology aspects of the reunion to remain current and interesting.

  45. (Kathy W. online96 response Jamila 92)

    I agree with you somewhat however I disagree with your statement that people are more apt to be honest on the computer. People tend to be more dishonest via the computer. They seem to alter pictures, falsify imformation and so on but in person these things can not be covered up , what you see is what you get.


    no i dont plan on attending my high school reunion. When i was in high school i didnt really communicate with a lot of people. the only people i talked to where the freinds i still talk to today. so i wouldnt want to go. What people who will attend thier reunion they should do anything that will keep them having fun. even if it is just talking and talking about they have accomplished

  47. Ashley H.

    If there were to be a high school reunion for my graduating class i would deff go just to see people in person cause i could fb stalk people all day long but there is no comparison to seeing someone in real life. Im more of a visual person anyways. If they need help getting people interested in going to their hs reunion then give them something to look forward to like an award ceremony of some sort. Or maybe a photo slide memorabilia they all get a copy of. I dont talk to everyone i used to back in high school but the ones that mattered have stuck around. It would be nice to travel back in time to the high school days and i think that could only be really accomplished if you were to revisit the whole hs experience by going to your high school reunion.

  48. Merry B, 97 online
    I don't want to go to any of my school reunions, not because of facebook but because I don't care to socialize with people that picked on me for four years. I have a few good friends from high school and I communicate with them on facebook. Sometimes I think facebook is over used and misused but when it relates to school reunions it doesn't change the fact that you wont catch me at a one.

    1. Angela Reisen 89 OnlineFebruary 17, 2012 at 12:33 PM

      I agree 100% with your views. I quit using facebook because everyone abused it and it started causing too many problems in my life.

    2. Amario J. 97 in response to Merry B. 97
      I agree with you opinion that facebook is misused at times but i believe that you should consider attending you reunion. Its a chance to show the people who picked on you that you have changed. I sure they have to. Of course some unwanted emotion may be re-hatched but in the end you may have the upper hand if you see that the most popular person isnt doing as hot as everyone thought they may be.

  49. Merry B, 97 online in response to Courtney 67
    I didn't look at it that way. your view makes me want to go and it made me giggle.

  50. Molly K, 98
    I do plan on attending my high school reunion even though facebook and other media networks do make it alot easier to stay in touch rather than traveling to a reunion. Since finishing high school I've moved more the 700 miles away from home to get married and have a family and its not exactly right around the corner and I think thats the beauty of it. So many of our classmates have moved across country and maybe even out of the country all together and its a great way interact on a more personal level not just with emails or phone calls.

  51. Tanya G (Online) 98

    No, I actually have never attended a class reunion and do not intend to but I believe my situation is different. I changed schools frequently and wasn't at my graduating high school long enough to really get to know anyone. I know maybe 3-4 people very well from that school and we still keep in touch today. Therefore, I feel no need to attend the reunion.

  52. Tanya G (Online) 98 In Response to Stephanie L 96

    I believe you are entirely correct, it is very hard to tell a person's tone by what they text ot what they put on Facebook. I also believe you are correct in the fact that Facebook has made most people lazy in the way they communicate and socialize. It's made life so easy to sit behind a computer and interact with friends both past and present rather than getting out into the world and actually interacting with true life human beings. If my other school that I attended for a couple of years had a reunion, I would definately go. I do still talk to many of the people I went to school with there but it would be so great to see them in person. It was a small private school so a reunion is something that has never been done.

  53. Jaime H online 96
    I would love to attend my reunion. I am friends on Facebook with all of my old high school friends and pretty much know what is happening in there lives on a daily basis. I feel like I personally know there kids and there families. I have had conversations with old friends through Facebook and without it I would have not been in contact with any of them. It is not the same as seeing them in person though. I look forward to seeing and speaking to them in person and feeling like I have never lost touch with them.
    For organizers of class reunions they could use Facebook as a way to get everyone to the reunion. They can send out invites through Facebook and set up a class reunion page that will entice people to attend.

  54. Jaime H online 96 in response to Molly K.
    I to have moved many miles away from my high school town and all of my old friends. I think the traveling part of attending a reunion adds to the excitement about it. Also, many people like to attend in person to show off "how good they still look". I work in the beauty industries and am constantly getting clients that say they are going to their reunion and need a make over.

  55. Rainey S. 98 (Online)
    I graduated high school 18 years ago and I have not attended any reunions nor do I plan to attend any in the future. I ended up graduating early and moved away so I didn’t even walk with my class; my high school sent my diploma in the mail. I have many friends that I have remained in contact with since graduating high school; that is enough for me. We get together on occasion, although not often, but we do keep in touch using phone, text and/or facebook.

    I think that facebook is a great way to keep in touch with friends and family especially since as we get older it seems that our lives get more hectic. However, I do feel that face to face contact is still important instead of always relying on technology. Cutting up and talking with friends in person to me is by far more fun rather than always relying on technology which can sometimes seem distant and less personable.

    If reunion planners wanted to increase the number of attendees requested to attend their high school reunion, then I would think using a social networking site like facebook as a point of contact could quickly assist in reaching out to people.


    I would definitely be interested in going to my high school reunion. Even though I can keep up with these people on Facebook, it does not compare to person-to-person. You have more of an intimate connection then, and for me, it tends to bring back more memories, and of course you can make more memories together. Although many people have Facebook, not everyone does, so it's still good to have that face-to-face contact.

    As for the planners, they must remain in contact with with as many people, and they should have been very well-known throughout their graduating class. It helps when you have many connections with classmates. I know my class president was a hoot, and everyone adored him, therefore, I know he wouldn't have a problem getting us back together. You must have great connections, communication skills, and a catchy personality, as the planner to remain relevant in our fast growing, modern society. That's all there is to it.

    1. SummerC98:
      I think your right as long as they get their head in the game and make it appealing to our paticular age group, it will definitely be a good time. And having someone that knows how to bring a comical or uplifting light to the situation.

  57. Anna M. 42

    I believe that Facebook is a wonderful way to keep in touch with friends and family. I just recently graduated high school and honestly have not even thought about the reunion. I would most likely still like to go but it would probably not be as much of a shock to see everyone considering I'm friends on Facebook with most of my senior class and I am able to see these people on a daily basis if I want. I believe that face to face contact is important and it makes it a lot easier to catch up if you are in person. I believe the planners should possibly spice up the reunions and make something that no one would ever want to miss.

    1. Bjorn S. 67 in response to Anna M. 42
      I agree that most people don't stray far from home so if they want to keep in touch with people they will. Facebook allows people a means of keeping in touch and monitoring them as they progress through life. As you get older I think that spice of dances and reunions were off and you put that chapter of your life in the past. Those that are close to the fuction will probably attend, those that move on most likely will not.

  58. Anna M. 42 in response to Rainey S. 98

    I agree that reaching out to people threw Facebook in order to get the word out about the reunion would be a good idea. I also agree that most of the people from your graduating class that you would want to talk to you usually do that with or without a reunion, like you said you may not see them as often as you would like but there is a reason you did not keep in contact with the other class mates. Finally I also agree that face to face contact could never be replaced by any technology.

  59. Angela Reisen 89 OnlineFebruary 17, 2012 at 12:31 PM

    Up until recently I had planned on attending my high school reunion, but all of a sudden I don't have a urge to go anymore. I don't stay in contact with anyone that I used to go to high school anymore, and facebook caused me too many problems so I got rid of my account. I think that if someone wanted to go to their reunion bad enough they would contact the school and get the information for who to contact. Face to face contact is always better then technology, even though we live in a tech world.

    1. Bjorn S. 67 in response to Angela Reisen 89

      I agree that face to face contact is the most geniun way to make connections with others. You can see there expressions, feel the tone of conversation, and make more intimate connections with what people have to say. I couldn't agree more about facebook. You read the comments that people make and it defies logic as to why you would post that you just got a slurpy. It seems like such a waste of time. Though I used it when I was going through police academy to see pictures of my daughter, and talk with my family using skype. Technology has its uses but most simply kill time.

  60. Bjorn S 67

    I have no interest on going to my high school reunion. The first reason is that I went to school in California. The second is that the people that I would want to see I still keep in touch with. If these contractors are interested in maintaining the tradition of reunions, they need to make it more entertaining, and offer something that would want to make people go. I am not a sentamental person so I could care less about reunions.

  61. Henry B. 1101

    NO! I honestly could careless about my high school reunion. if i want to see friends from my high school days, well they just better be in my life already on a phone call basis. High school reunions would seem fake to me. Away from that school environment we have more than likely matured, but when that group rejoins together, they can easily become immature and great liars. If you still have contact with friends from high school then that seems like enough. Since Facebook is so dominating at this point in time with such a wide range of age groups, face-to-face reunion planners would have no problem at all creating a scheduled event over Facebook.

    1. Robin 07
      I agree with you Henry. I graduated in 1978...I moved away basically when I went to college. My sister has gone to her reunion and found it to be a drunk fest with poorly behaved people who don't act their age. My life in high school was a good one but my life outside of high school has been soooooo much fuller. I have no need to go back to that time in my life.

    2. I agree, its fake lol. I could care less about them people.

  62. Yes! I would absolutely go to my high school reunion. Being online is nothing to seeing someone in person. I believe that the reunion planners should just put that first. Say that the interaction you get between two people online is totally different than seeing them face to face.

  63. Heather Puckett in response to Bjorn S. 67
    I agree! The feeling you get when you see the person face to face is nothing that you could get from Facebook! The butterflies that might come when you see your high school crush could never be felt just by looking at their picture.

  64. SummerC98:
    There is definitely no substitute then seeing a person face to face. I will be attending my 10 year. I am very excited to attend my class reunion! It is true that we have used facebook to network and reach out to the people we went to school with. And we all should know from expierience that people post too much information at times. So not only are we aware of their marital status, their likes and dislikes, and pictures of everyone on their family tree. Sometimes we even know what they had for dinner! Anyhow, I think that they should invite people to the reunion on FB and give some kind of fun theme. As we get older our lives need excitement! You got to keep it spicy!

  65. Amario J. 97
    I am looking forward to my High School reunion. I believe that facebook has gotten out of hand. Some people have stuck to the script and still use facebook as a way to stay in contact but i see this behavior with the older generation such as my mother but rarely with the younger generation. Technology is constantly changing and it helps to bridge the gap between whats really "real" and what is not but technology should not be used as a substitute for reality. As human beings it is important for us to keep the pureness of face to face interaction and i believe that during an reunion you should sit down with someone and catch up, invite them out to dinner to establish some type of friendship and really connect with them instead of shooting them a message on facebook telling them how great it was to see them after such a long time it would mean more to them to see that you put forward some effort to reconnect. Relationship is the key and i feel that technology tends to water that down.

  66. Nate H 92

    While I am sure I would have fun at my high school reunion, it's nothing that every really crosses my mind, though I have been out for almost eight years. Most of the people I spent time with then are still my friends now, and yes, because of facebook, I can find just about anyone else with whom I have lost touch. If I ever go to a highschool reunion, it will be a "what the hell" kind of thing.

    But the one thing face to face encounters have going for them over internet groups is that an encounter in person is more powerful; whatever comes of this is another story. To stay releveant, I think reunion organizers should focus on this aspect.

  67. Misty H. (92)

    I am looking forward to my next high school reunion. My 10 year one was very interesting in that a fair amount of the graduationg class were ashamed of where we all graduated from. There were also several people who refused to attend as they "did not look the same as they did in high school". (Those replies were my personal favorite! I had gained roughly 50 pounds due to undiagnosed medical condition, but had no problem going.) It is my hope that everyone will have grown up enough by then to just want to see everyone.

    Although technology is a wonderful thing, I truly prefer face to face, physical interaction with people which is one of the main reasons I look forward to my 20 year! :) Well, that and to see how the hot guys from my class have aged... Profile pictures never tell the whole story! LOL :-P

  68. Deana Lasseter
    I have pondered this question my self I have my 10 year reunion in 2 years, I am on facebook and have the majority of friends from HS on my friend list. Although there are still some that are not. I will still attend to see how those people are doing. and actually have a face to face with those people

  69. Assel O. 096

    I graduated high school in 2006 in Kazakhstan, since then i live in The U.S.A. My classmates from high school meet every year without me. I would love to go to high school reunion, would love to see my old friends, visit my teachers, just to see how they are doing, what changed in their life. I cannot wait to tell them a story of my journey to America. No Facebook can replace real communication with friends.

  70. Clint G. (97)
    I really don't plan on attending my high school reunion. One thing that face-to-face reunion planners could do to keep the reunions active and popular is to make it more than a reunion. Maybe a luncheon or something fun. At my high school, the high school reunions are held at a football game. Not really well planned if you ask me, so definitely needs to be something else.

    In response to Nate H.
    I agree with you. Face to face is more powerful and it kind of is a better reconnection than cyber connection. Communication is communication, but there is a difference when you are talking to someone over the internet as opposed to talking to someone in person.

  71. I have never gone to a high school reunion...I keep in touch with who I want to keep in touch with so the money, time and effort to get to mine is really of no interest to me. Facebook does help in keeping in touch with the peripheral friends as well as close friends. For those of us that are too lazy to go to a reunion before Facebook it is going to be a challenge for the planners to get people like me to get there now.

  72. Angelia D 98 (ONLINE) I would love to attend a class reunion with my former classmates. My class has only had one in the 22 years we have been out of school. For whatever reason my graduating class doesn’t seem interested in getting back together to see how we have all changed and what we have all become. I think they need to do what my husband’s class has done. They need to have it somewhere such as a hotel ball or conference room, to meet the needs of out of town guest and have a fun environment. This is what was done for his 20 year reunion and it was a great success. Planning was done in advance and they had a great turn out, by contrast for their 25 year reunion less planning was done, the word did not get out like it did for the 20 year and it was held in a sports bar. Because of all of these factors turn out suffered greatly. That just shows that facebook can’t do it all, that is how they tried to get the word out for the reunion.

  73. Angelia D 98 (ONLINE) in response to Jamila 92. I have to disagree with you that he only way to make face to face reunions more relevant is to place them on facebook as an event. My husband’s 25 year reunion was handled this way and there was very little attendance. I do think that people sometimes take for granted that everyone is on facebook or twitter, and that isn’t the case. I have looked for my old classmates on there and more than half are not. It could also be said that once you have talked to them online what is the point for a face to face.

  74. Nicola F.97 (online)
    I have just been invited to my 10yr reunion, which i will not be attending because 1: Im in the USA and the reunion is in the UK. :) 2: The people I hung about with I still keep in contact with, and the other people either didnt care for me or vise versa, so I wouldn't see the point of going even if I was in the UK.

  75. Nicola F.97 (online)in response to Robin 07
    I feel the exact same way.

  76. Crystal N.97
    I did not have to ponder for a response to this question for too long. Regardless of facebook, I have absolutely no desire to attend my next high school reunion.I have been highly unsuccesful in grasping the concept of high school reunions. I am simply baffled at the idea that people have genuine desire to reunite with old classmates.I feel that if you initially had a valuable connection with someone that there would have been some type of effort to stay in contact. For example, I have stayed in contact with approximately two classmates whom also happen to double as friends.There is an old saying that says " If it aint broke dont fix it". On that note, I dont see any reason to reunite with people that I didnt have a strong enough connection with in the first place. With that being said, I believe that reunion planners should make it more enticing for people to attend. A class reunion cruise, competition, or maybe even come together for a greater cause such as a charity event.

    1. MaureenG62

      I agree with CrystalN . I have been out of high school for many years.I went to my ten year reunion and was bored to tears, it was expensive also. Most of the clics that were in school were still there. It was fun to see how time had affected everyone. I have kept in touch with my friends from high school so I see no reason to go to another reunion. I would however attend a fund raiser for my high school to raise money for a worthy cause .

  77. Christa H. 98 (Online)
    I would love to attend a high school reunion. I think it would be great to see after all those years what people had done with their lives. Also, I never really enjoyed high school because I guess I was more of the loner type that didn't socialize with all of the popular girls and I more tried to focus on my studies. I would love to see where all the socialites went and whether or not they kept their status or if things went down hill. And as far as remaining relevant, planners should use Facebook as a way of tracking people down and making sure people keep in touch so that a real face to face reunion can happen in the future.

  78. Christa H. 98 (Online)
    In Response to Crystal N. 97

    You make a very valid point that people should try their hardest to maintain a relationship with their friends. I know I have moved over and over again and do not go to the same school with my best friend and we make sure we see each other or at least talk to each other. If someone is really your friend, they will try their hardest to keep contact with you.

  79. Aaron E.

    I do not plan on attending my high school reunion, as I am still in contact with many of my high school friends, largely due to facebook actually. As far as these reunions staying relevant, thats a difficult task. Much, if not all, the fulfilment people look for in the reunions is found on facebook and it just doesn't seem logical to go to an event like that, to ask the question you either already know the answers to, or can just as easily ask for through facebook.

  80. CindyH47
    I will not attend my next high school reunion, but it has nothing to do with facebook. I went to my 10 year reunion and it was expensive, lame, and a waste of time. Others will probably feel the same about their reunions. A way they can keep them relevant is by making sure they are fun, and try to keep the cost down.

  81. Acturally attending my 10 year high school reunion is one of my future goals. I mean attending and really having made positive progress in my life is something I look forward to. That's how I see them. Facebook or electronic communication will never over take that physical aspiration to see and know you turned out better than most people. Not to give envy but its human nature I think to accomplish. Reunion planners really only need to keep sending out invites and make sure that their class mates know about them; they will always remain relevant.

  82. Steven T 53 night class TR
    Facebook is a good way to stay in touch with prety much everything.It gave a lot more people to stay in contact with more friends after school. But face to face interactions i think is very important. When you go to reunion its nice to see how people changed. And yes i would love to go to my reunion

  83. CindyH47 in response to ClintG97
    I agree that while facebook is a good way to keep in touch with people, it doesn't compare to seeing each other face to face.

  84. Joseph Clark 96
    Seeing that i just graduated four years ago i am still in touch with all of the people that i went to school with. But if they want to keep atttendence up maybe try making it a more fun atmosphere. such as a mini vacation. Or a night out something fun that people would be able to make more memories out of.

  85. joseph C 96 in response to CindyH47

    I see what you are saying about it being "Lame" that is why it might make people want to go more if it were a fun atmopshere such as a night out or meeting at a big city to have sort of a lil weekend vacation

  86. MaureenG97
    I think high school reunions are going away . With the internet and social media its easier to keep up with people you want to. I also feel that many students are not as invested in their schools because many go to college in 12 grade. I think most students see high school as a stepping stone to college. High school today is much like Jr high 50 years ago. You didn't see Jr high reunions then and I think soon high school reunions will be replaced by college reunions .

  87. CandissR098
    I am not really interested in going to my high school reunion. We have enough funerals, baby showers, and parties and I see about everyone. Facebook keeps me up to date with my classmates. I could care less. And for the reunion planners I would say to stay relevant , have a party but think outside the box.

  88. I am very interested in going to my high school reunion. Yes, I may know a lot about everyone through Facebook, but it is the chance to meet again and hang out. Reunions have happened for many years and I don't think they should stop just because of a social network. Personally, I can't wait until I get to go to mine.

    1. Antonio C. 96 (online)

      I completely agree with you. It's that curiosity that makes people interested to see what others have done. May not be everyone, but most will in fact go to a reunion to see one another

    2. Dashuna L 44
      Really? I figured since I see people and what they are doing on facebook, no need for the reunion right. Great point though.

  89. Micah S 96

    I am very interested in going to my high school reunion. Yes, I may know a lot about everyone through Facebook, but it is the chance to meet again and hang out. Reunions have happened for many years and I don't think they should stop just because of a social network. Personally, I can't wait until I get to go to mine.

  90. Micah S 96 in response to CandissR098

    I agree with the fact that there are many baby showers and events where you get to see some of your high school friends, but don't you want to see everyone together again as a whole. You would get to reminisce about when everyone didn't have responsibilities and the crazy party stories. It's something I would enjoy very much and think you probably would too!

  91. kobra z.96(online)
    Maybe Face book is good way for some people to find their old friends and get in touch with them, but for me, I’d prefer to attend high school reunion because electronics communication like face book, twitter and … never can compare with seeing old teachers and friends in face to face . And it will be wonderful time how they have been doing over the years.
    For remaining relevant, planners should remind it with sending invitation and arrange some type of celebration for students.

  92. Meredith P. 98

    I am definitively interested in attending my high school reunion. First, I might not be everyone's friend on Facebook that I went to high school with, limiting how much I can see about there life today. Second, people can fake them self on Facebook. They can make their life seem like something that is completely false to their real life. Third, I want to see them in person because they can touch up a picture or use older pictures on Facebook. I mean, isn't the whole reason people go to reunions is to see what people end up looking like, who stayed the same, who got fat, who got pretty.

  93. Meredith P. 98 in response to Lovely A.

    What about the people who are not close friends? I personally want to see how everyone is doing not just the people I was close to. Everyone changes over time, you might be surprised who you might become a friend or someone that was a friend you might reconnect with. A high school reunion is about seeing everyone.

  94. Antonio C. 96 (online)

    Despite that I'm friends with most people who i went to high school with on facebook and I know what they are doing with their lives because of facebook, i still prefer face-to-face interaction. You connect with people more when you see them face-to-face than seeing a bunch of photos or status updates on their facebook. Plus people lie on facebook about what their doing, post old photos of them which they may not look now. So always prefer the old fashion way and seeing them. It's funny because the other day i made a status update saying: face-to-face > phone call > text message > facebook. And I got 24 people liking it. More than half of the people who liked it were people who i haven't seen in years! And people who a communicate with on a daily basis i hardly ever communicate with on facebook. But it's still a great tool for connecting with the ones who you haven't seen in a long time. But I am definitely looking forward to my 10 year high school reunion in 2016 to see how people have changed whether I connect with them on facebook or not

  95. Allie S. 98
    Facebook is a great way of staying in touch with friends and family you may not see very often. Although it is great, I feel as if it has been taken to a whole new level. It is taking away the want and need for social interaction. Instead of getting together for lunch, we are checking Facebook. In a way, it is less social. People rely too much on technology, i feel like we should take a step back sometimes. Take time and enjoy the company of your friends and family you have.

  96. Allie S. 98 in response to Brian C. 92
    I do agree with you about the whole high school reunion subject. I only talk to four people i went to high school with, and there’s a reason for that. I don’t find much interest in seeing the people i went to high school with again, and the people I do wish to see, I have their number.

  97. Fese. E 01

    I love everything about facebook, having to keep in touch with friends especially for me, who has family and friends in a different continent and cannot see them as I want. I would like to to attend my high school reunion because sometimes it is a good way to reconnect and make friends with people who maybe we did not get to know in high school, and not just keep up with friends we already know. Sometimes making new friends can open up doors to new found relationships.

    1. Stacey F. in response to Fese E. 01

      Yes I agree that you may come out with more or new friends than you had when you were in high school just be reconnecting and attending the reunion.

  98. Fese E. 01 in response to Brandon M. 93

    I agree keeping up with friends on facebook is good for the time being, when we cannot afford trips to meet in person; however, a face to face meet such as a reuinion is much more beneficial to really see and have a feel for what an old friend has been through over the years, and not have interruptions such as the internet disconnecting, or not being online the same time as the other friend to have a true conversation.

    1. I agree with the comment keep up with friends on facebook is a good thing. especially if you don't have the finances to make trips.

  99. TamikoK40897 in response to Brandon 93
    I totally agree with your comments. I think personal face to face interaction is much more memorable and personal than posting comments on Facebook.

  100. TamikoK 40897
    I am interested in going to my high school reunion. I would like to see how all of my old classmates are and what they are doing.Facebook is a good way to stay connected to people but I do not think it is so great that it could possibly eliminate class reunions. Class reunion organizers should try making the reunions more memorable by incorporating fun games or having the event at a venue that is unforgettable. When you make lasting memories of events, those things are priceless. Technology can not replace that.

  101. Stacey f. 96

    I believe that people need that face to face interaction to maintain social stability for themselves. Going to a high school reunion is an important gathering with people you grew up with and should be attended. The best way I can see it is I would rather laugh with others in the room than simply type "lol" on the computer. Maybe to bring a more current feel to gatherings like these, planners can add fun slide shows with blasts from the past, or make a page on a social website like Facebook specifically for the reunions posting photos and videos showing how much fun it is to spend time together physically instead of virtually.

  102. KEMIO.98

  103. Sarah B. 96 online
    I actually do want to attend my high school reunion. I know that I'm going to be in a better place than most of my classmates. Not to mention I'll be one of the few without kids already too ;P

    For the planners to stay relavent, I honestly think they need to plan awesome stuff. What person, successful or not, doesn't want to relive the last week of sernior year with giant moon bounces and foam pits?

  104. In response to Stacy f. 96

    I agree that moments should be shared face to face. You can't laugh as hard or smile as big with just chatting online. The responses are totally different.

  105. Jewel A. 98

    I definitely plan on going to my high school reunion. Seeing someone in person is better than seeing a picture of them. When you see someone that is when you start remembering what happened in high school. You don’t reminisce as much on Facebook as you would in person. In person you don’t have to wait minutes, hours, or even days for a response. I believe that if the reunion was themed, then it would be more successful.

  106. Jewel A. 98 in response to Tamiko K. 97

    I agree with you completely. Class reunion organizers should try making the reunions more memorable by incorporating fun games or having the event at a venue that is unforgettable. Everyone will then comment on Facebook, and those that did not show up will most likely show up at the next reunion.

  107. Carolyn.W

    As a matter of fact my 10yr is this year and the class president is planning it and asking for our help. Im not 100% if Im going to go or not. Its not a matter of seeing old class mates for me, its kinda pricey the ideas the people in my class are coming up with like booking the aquarium or renting about 10 cabins near a lake for a weekend. Not everyone can join in on this, so maybe when my 20yr comes around I might go. I have other things to spend my money on at this time.

  108. Dashuna L 44
    At first I used facebook to keep up with friends but later on it became a great way to Network. I get paid on Twitter and facebook now due to great networking. Would I go to my next class reunion? I am not sure. If I am available why not, then again I may not want to because I have no interest in seeing those people again =)

  109. Devin K 98
    I attended my 10 year reunion and plan on attending the next one as well. The president of my senior class used facebook to help contact almost everyone in our class. Though facebook is a great way for staying in touch with old classmates, it still doesn't beat getting that face to face time with your click (mine being band geeks :))and reminiscing about the old days. I think that reunion planners should keep in mind the location and activities of the reunion. I think it would have been a lot more fun had they had more activities and games planned.

  110. Devin K 98 in response to Antonio C 96
    I agree that people lie on facebook. People can make it look like they have the greatest life on the planet when in reality everything is falling apart. I'm with you on the old fashioned way of face to face interaction.

  111. Akia G. 97 online I agree that facebook has taken over in allowing students to stay in contact with each other. It is a great way to stay informed and keep in contact with your old peers. Personally, I would still attend a high school reunion. It is a more personally way to communicate, it is a face to face interaction. It takes you away from the fascad. It allows you to really have that direct in person conversation and to really network with people. It also allows an individual to access the intellectual level and be ndirect with facial expressions. Human interaction is always the best , in getting to know people. I would use technology, to help plan future events and get togethers , to maintain that personal interaction.

  112. Akia G. 97 in response to Stacey F.96 I agree the direct interaction with people to maintain that social stability. It allows you to really express yourself with the different emotions. One on one with anyone cannot be replaced.

  113. I've never thought of going to a high school reunion. I never attended any high school social functions durning school and wouldn't consider going now. I keep in contact with very few people from high school and now face book has filled any void I may have experienced when trying to communicate with people with which I don't normally communicate.

  114. crystal n.97 in response to Lovely A. i agree with you. I feel like seeing old classmates on facebook is dissapointing when you realize that they havent changed at all.I actually cancelled my facebook account over a year ago because I was so tired of looking at the updates of people who I really had no connection with. I just would not make an effort to attend an event like this.I would rather utilize my time on something else.

  115. Jamesatta M.02

    I m not Interseted in attending my High School reunion. I had the wrost experance in high school. Those I though were my friends, turn out that they wasn my friends after all.

    I don think face-to-face reunion planners need to do anything to remain relevant.

  116. Jamesatta M.02 in respone to Randy Hamilton.

    I agree with you, facebook have filled and void any experienced I may have though of. I was the outsider in high school and notting about high school I would want to participate in.

  117. Queena G 96

    I love Facebook,just as well as I love texting and talking on the phone or webcam, but its not the same if you can't see the person face to face. I would love to go to my high school reunion because I would get to see everyone face to face and interact with everybody.

  118. Victoria M. 96

    I went to a few different high schools and have so many high school reunions going on all over cause everyones from all over the world its really difficult to pick a place that everyone can attend, so facebook and the internet has made it much easier to stay in touch and meet up with high school friends whenever we happen to be in the same place.

  119. I probably will go to my high school reunion next year. However, I will say that Facebook makes it easier to stay in touch with people. As far as improving reunions, I'm not sure what would make them better. When I went to my high school's homecoming game, there wasn't really anything that set it apart from any other football game. Then again, I didn't expect much.

  120. Jamie M.96 My Mom is 79 and still goes to her class reunion. Being from a small rural farming community children went to the same school K-12th grade all in one building. Today with smaller farems going out of buisness and factories closing many of us in our late 50's and 60's have moved to bigger cites where there is work. For me work growing up school was important , but not as important as our chores. At 57 I enjoy school and look gatefully at it as an opportunity to pick up new skills to stay employed. For those who enjoyed school and partipated in the functions and associations, I hope they will have the opportunity to get together and share memories.

  121. In reply to Christa H online from Jamie .96 I agree with you Using the technology of the computer and facebook to locate classmates and keep in touch. Facebook is a great way to plan a get together for those who can attend a class reunion.

  122. Brian D. Hulsey, Sociology, Chattahoochee Tech

    No i have no need for high school reunions because i have kept in touch with everyone i care to since high school. i guess planners should advertise the face to face issue more or find new jobs.

  123. I will not be attending my high school reunions unless someone really convinces me to. I have a Facebook and i have been in constant contact with anyone that means anything to me. I think that the planners will become eventually dead to us. this will happen over a large period of time though not overnight.
