Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Cost of Living

In light of economic hardships of late here are some cost cutting suggestions from an insurance magazine.

Can you make simple changes like these? If not, what are the deal breakers for you and why?



    Most of these myself and family already do or don't need to because they do not apply to us. My car wash is only $14.00, and it is well worth, and it is something I set money aside for. I pay my bills, put money in savings, and have an account for misc. Therefore, I budget properly to have the money for needs and wants. Another thing that isn't true about this is the price of Mani-Pedis; mine are only $28.00, which is a pretty significant difference in the pricing they have listed. Also, I believe in treating yourself every once in a while, otherwise you will become unhappy with everything. Some people may need to follow this and cut back, but there are smart people out there that know what they need to take care of first and can have fun afterwards.

    1. Alexander Hall 40987
      Most of the dont apply to me or my family already does this, My family growing up never had a abundance of cash at hand so we were always trying to save money in different ways. Hamburger helper does get old after a while.

    2. I agree with the mani pedi thing, we all should be able to put money aside to do something we enjoy!

  2. Jamie M. 96 I always enjoy sharing and listening to ideas on saving or cut backs. Most of the ideas above I already do. I enjoy barb-a-q's and supper at home. Being on both a time and money budget I take my morning cup of brew with me and my lunch. My favorite drink is h2o and I always drink from the tap with out any ill effect so far.(Except in Apach Jct Az. as it was sulphur water and that even had a bad after tast in soup!) The one thing I have and will be giving up and miss is my satellite radio.

  3. Reply to Courtney Marks I agree with you. Mani-n-pedi cures are important to me also. I go every 2 or 3 months doing touch ups inbetween by myself. I always feel better about everything afterwards, it is a social gathering where we catch up with those who work there and share a visit with who ever happens to be sitting next to me.

  4. In my home we have made a majority of these changes. We cut out cable completely which at first was hard but now it's not so bad. We have always made our own coffee at home. The only thin we could not do is the mani pedis. This is a house full of women and we love to get our nails done! But other than that we do pretty well.

    1. Amber I understand what its like to have a house full of women, pedicures and manicures are just a necessity!! We do pretty well with everything else as well. My husband just can't understand why we can't do our own nails. Too bad for him. We tell him to just get over it! Go women!

  5. My husband is definitely all about saving money. There are 6 people in our home and four of them are girls. We have our indulgences but we don't go over board. It can be difficult to cut off some these luxuries but we try. Americans have been spoiled, this is why our economy is the way it is, we find it a challenge to say no to ourselves and our loved ones. I try every week to get better at clipping coupons, putting off pedicures and manicures for one more week. I have my children bathe the dog, home phone is hard to get rid of because I run a business out of it, and we are buying a lawnmower this weekend, so no more lawn guy at $50 a visit. I know we can do it...but it is hard to stop cold turkey. One luxury at a time, we will definitely work on it.

  6. Morgan P. 96(Online)
    I might be the true definition of a broke college student. I work 50+ hours a week but bills sneak up on you. One thing I don't really give up is my racetrack coffee when I have to go to school then straight to work. Its a mini treat for myself thats only $1.50. I wish I could cut out more of eating out or fast food. Another thing I refuse to give up on is my gym membership which is $20 a month. Im not much of a runner so running in the park is absolutely not an option for me.

    1. maureenG62(ONLINE)
      I totally agree I can do with out almost anything but,I do "treat" my self to racetrack coffee.I work at night and I really enjoy their coffee. I'm otherwise quite miserly with my money

  7. Morgan P. 96(online) in response to Amber S

    I have no idea how you cut out cable all together. Besides the gym, Tv reality shows are my calm place. I wish I didnt know so much TV. To go along with that mani/pedis are definitely a good treat to yourself. I wish I could find something to give up so I Could afford them each month!

  8. Peter A. 96 (Online)

    We are in some economic hardships, and things do not seem to be getting any better. I recently graduated from highschool, so most of these expenses do not apply to me. However, my parents have always been frugal with their income, and led by example. They have always lived by their means, and that is why we are very stable in these hardtimes. Therefore, it would be simple to make some of the changes listed above. Most of the things listed are things I do not do,use, or have. However, I could learn to cut off from dining out. These are good tips on how to save money when dealing with economic hardships.

  9. Peter A. 96 (Online)

    In Response to Morgan P. 96 (Online)

    Mr. Morgan you caught my attention when you said you were a "broke college Student", and I can relate. I am taking full time classes, and I took online classes so that I could stop worrying about gas money. (Yessir I admit that lol) However, I have respect for you because we are not going to let our lack of monetary support get in the way of our goals and aspirations. In time, things will improve, and all your work will benefit you. In the mean time do not hesitate to treat yourself!


    I could pretty much do all of them. but the one that i or my family really couldnt break out of even though we should and we should would be the dinning out. That is probably our largest bill because she works all day and i dont have a clue of what the first thing of cooking is.

    1. Dashuna L 44
      You could learn how to cook, or have a friend cook for you. I cook for my friends all the time. I am also guilty of the dinning out. I agree with you

  11. Christa H. 98 (Online)
    I could cut every single one of those out. I pretty much already do. I've learned a lot with my boyfriend of two years about saving money up. He is always trying to get me save as much money as possible but sometimes it is much easier to go through the drive-thru and grab something to eat than to go home and cook.

  12. Christa H. 98 (Online)
    In response to Oliverio Vasquez
    I completely agree that cutting out dining out is very hard. Sometimes it is hard to come home, do school work, and if you have kids, fix dinner and have them in bed by a certain time.

  13. Gladys M,98(online)

    Am the kind of a person who is always trying to save every dime possible.I live in a house all by myself with no one to help or share the bills with.I budget smart to make sure I live comfortably in the most economic way.I do clean and wax my car which helps save a few dollars and keeps me busy when am bored of books and out of work.Am not into eating out and always prefer preparing my own meals which I enjoy.I do not own a pet so pet bills are out of my budget.I recently cancelled cable and now watch the common channels which am only interested in the news.However,things like dry cleaning can not be avoided but can be limited.I try my best to take care of what I value.It gives me pleasure to take care of all my bills as a young adult.No extravagant spending in my house.

    1. Robin M 07
      My hats off to you Gladys...I wish my college age children had the same self control you do. It is vital to be able to handle your money. I always tell me kids money isn't everything but you need it like you need oxygen. To be irresponsible with it is to bring hardship onto yourself. You are wise beyond your years.

  14. Merry B, 97 online
    I have managed to do all of these and I still live in my husband’s parent’s basement. It has added to the money we need to pay off our debt but it’s still not enough, and man do I wish it was enough. When you’re in a situation that takes everything to get out of, there aren't any deal breakers.

    1. Brian C in response to Merry B 97 (online)

      I am in a similar situation as you, when I broke both my legs at the same time I couldn't work so I couldn't afford rent on my house anymore so I moved into my fiance's mom's basement, it's been 2 and a half years now and it has helped tremendously with any debt I have but I still have to cut costs to live comfortably.

  15. Merry B, 97 online in response to Morgan P, 96 online
    i managed to buy a treadmill a few years ago and that saves a lot of money in the long run.

  16. Gladys M.98(Online) in response to Peter (96)

    Am glad you currently graduated from high school which I also did and already recorginizing the need of cutting off unnecessary expenses.I have learnt it with no choice having to be on my own.In this economy,evey dime means much.

  17. Robin M. 07
    I can handle all of these cutbacks although an inexpensive dinner out and a much needed pedicure is good for the soul. I have found it almost a game now to see how little I can spend. After living through the 80's and 90's where it did seem like money grew on trees this new season in our country has been a real wake up call. What I use to think was a necessary is now looked at as a luxury. I hope when things turn around I will still live by my new good habits.

  18. Brian C 92

    Most of these cost reducers I already apply to my daily life. The biggest thing I probably waste more money on than I should would be dining out. It's just convenient to stop and get fast food on a lunch break or when I don't feel like cooking AND cleaning at home, other than that I can deal with the basics.

  19. Jaime H online 96
    My family and I do not spend money on any of these items on this list except for the cable. I have not had a mani/pedi sine I was pregnant with my daughter 4 years ago but BOY do I want one! We are on a tight budget and that is why I am in school. A couple more years til I'm done then we might be able to afford these types of luxuries.

    1. CandissR98. I wish I can manage my money like you and live within my means especially with the mani/pedi because that is something I cannot live without and I know if I cut that out I would save money tremendously.

  20. Jaime h online 96 in response to Robin M 07

    I totally agree that a meal out and a day at the nail salon is good for the soul! We work so hard we deserve it from time to time!

  21. becca jobe t/r 6:00
    i think all of those are fantastic ways to save money, but i do believe cutting out our wants or our "can do withouts" would suffice as well, such as the daily shopping sprees and the monthly new pairs of shoes. i believe that when i am older and have finances of my own i will be very self reliant rather than having other people doing things for me that i myself could do just as easily. am i saying forget taking care of yourself and to never shop again? absolutely not, but cutting down on these things would certainly help us with our needs much rather than just our daily wants. and i happen to believe, doing things yourself helps you appreciate yourself a little more as well, including the people around you who used to do the work for you!

    1. jenn b in response to Becca
      My advise - stay debit free, pay cash for as much as you can and save. It's a hard lesson ans my generation is learning it in spades, but it sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders:)

  22. jenn b 98
    My family of 5 have been living on about $30000 a year for the past few years and we have had to cut all that stuff out, though I am not much of a mani/pedi girl and we don't have a dog. It wasn't a hard ship and my husband and I are proud of what we are teaching our kids. They was the cars, cut the lawn and learn about pride in a job well done:)

  23. Kathy W.(on-line96)
    I can honestly say that I've honestly implemented all the cost cutting ideas. I can't say I have any area that's a deal breaker however I must admit, I MUST get back to setting aside money for date night with my husband, because it's really times like theses ,that you are reassured that you're not in it alone and it also helps to secure the glue of your relationship in times like these.

  24. Kathy W. in response to Robin M.
    I certainly can relate to what you're saying.I too can remember the days when things were so plentiful and we were able to be way more wasteful.I somehow feel there's a lesson in all this. Reading the Sociology book an seeing how little some third world countries survive, well it has really opened my eyes on just how BLESSED we are and we are STILL 100% more well off than some. Thank You for your mercies.

  25. Stephanie L. 96
    My family and I already apply all of these basic cutbacks, but it does not feel like there is an extra thousand dollars anywhere! There are no cutbacks that I would consider deal breakers. In these hard economic times, every penny counts. My parents taught me at a young age to work for what I have and that wants and needs are two totally different things. When I was younger, it was harder for me to understand but as I have grown up I realize how important money management is.

  26. Stephanie L. 96 in response to Robin M.
    I agree that the occaional mani/ pedi and dinner out is a great way to treat yourself. Even if money is tight, it is nice to find the time to do something nice for yourself or go out and socialize over a nice meal.

  27. Sylvenna. H 96
    I feel that this doesn't apply to me and my family. When ever new technologY appears, I bring to attention to my family that this is a new way to save. I also think a lot people should follow these cut backs because many peopl spend a lot of money at starbucks

  28. Diana C. 098 Online

    Because of economic hardships, me and my family have cut out a lot those things, we eat out less, we wash our cars less, we got rid of our home phone since everyone in the household has a cell phone. We don't buy bottle water anymore because our refrigerator has a filter. We need our cable since we don't go to the movies anymore because of ticket prices and now we stay home more because of gas prices!!!!!

  29. Diana C. 098 Online

    I agree with Stephanie L. 96, we need to know the difference between wants and needs to economize our money. I agree that every penny counts.

  30. Devin K. 98
    Most of things things I have already done to cut cost. Especially being a non-working, single mother and full time student. Before I stopped working there are a few things on that list I wouldn't have budged on, like the car wash or my Starbucks, but now I can suck it up for a while until this whole college thing pays off! :-)

  31. Devin K 98 in response to Amber S.
    Boy! That DITY mani-pedi really hit home with the girls. And I do agree that it is nice to indulge yourself. but only from time to time. I think if you have a house full of girls that it would be fun to have a girls night in and include mani-pedis. My daughter and I do this from time to time and she loves it!

  32. Deana L. Yes, and as a matter of fact i have already cut the majority of things that are on this list. A couple that I have not cut is bottled water. Its convenient and with all of the added chemicals they have in the tap water, I prefer the bottled. I have started cutting and bathing my own dogs. and Def brown paper bag lunches are a must! It has saved a ton!

  33. There is plenty that we have cut out already on that list. We have started washing the car at home. We purchased our own dog grooming kit that works quite well. Dry cleaning was never really something we did before but I have found many ways that the dry cleaner can help you save money also. My husband works construction and has to have these really high dollar steel toe boots. Well, when the sole of them started to come apart I called the dry cleaner and go them to just repair it. Saved about $200 just by getting the boot repaired instead of having it replaced. I love all the ideas above. If we actually did these things daily it would save alot of money.

  34. Heather Puckett in response to Deana L. They do make a water purifier that would probably help save some cash on the bottled waters. Also, if you just saved one of the bottles from the bottled waters you buy and just reused it using the purifier I bet you could save a ton!

  35. Sylvenna.H 96
    In response to Kathy W.(on-line96)
    I agree with you. As the pricing of items went up I decided to cut back and started setting money off to the side, so that my family and I can take special trips each month

  36. Victoria M. 96 .
    I pretty much do everything on the list already but i do get my dogs nails clipped at the pet shop every other week cause im terrified to clip them to far( which I always seem to do )and once and while ill go out and get my nails done, but not as a regular thing. when times are hard theres always little ways you can save extra without feeling deprived.

  37. Brandon M. 93
    Most of the things on the list are okay but the cable is something I need. I need to have all of my sports shows, Can't miss a thing. The dinning out sometimes you have to get food fast no time to cook too busy.

    1. Angela Reisen 89 OnlineMarch 2, 2012 at 7:57 AM

      As long as you have internet you can get all the sports that you need to get information on. You can even watch the game/shows on the web now. So there really isn't a need for cable. But I hear ya on that, I only have 13 channels and I get tired of watching the same thing over, and over again.

  38. Brandon M. 93 in response to Morgan P. 96
    yeah we all have that one thing we need thats like a treat to ourselves. We can't cut back on it just can't.

  39. Stacey F. 96
    Many of these items listed I already do like groom my own pets and make my own coffee and lunches. So I fit pretty well with this notion with being economical. I also did cancel my satellite radio a few months ago to save an extra $20 monthly. I do my own nail treatments as well unless its a special occasion. Cable though is hard to give up even though these days you can find many of your favorite shows online for free, but I don't think I can give it up since I have the minimum and it's a way to treat yourself and have entertainment instead of spending at least $30 to go see a movie. Dining out for us is only once a week and sometimes not at all so I feel this isn't affecting our budget too much.

  40. Carolyn.W
    I would say my living situation is not very common, but with the economy as bad as it is, its starting to be common. Im back at home with my parents until I can get back on my feet, due to being "young and stupid". I do have monthly expenses that I pay for on my own, like cell phone, car/gas, and other items I would like that are not a "need". My parents dont make me pay rent. I do help them out with bills and groceries. I think I could cut my dining out almost 2times a day out and take my own lunch to work and make dinner at home to save extra money and also cut my shopping down as well. I tend to do alot of retail therapy sometimes. Those would be the things I could change.

    1. SummerC98:
      Don't feel bad we all have those moments when we are young and dumb. I guess the only thing we can do is try not to make the same mistake twice. lol! Your lucky to have such good folks! I think we have all become custom to eating out a little more than we ought to, but its just so easy! Try the cooking a few meals in one day and freezing them and then taking them out as needed. They dont taste any different and you will love yourself for saving the money when it comes time to move out!

  41. CandissR98
    Most of the items on there I can definitely manage without. I can make my own lunches without hesitation because I do not care for fast food. I can go without cable for a month. The only thing I cannot cut out is my cell phone.

    1. Rainey S. 98 (response to Candiss)

      I agree Candiss, I have cut out most of the items above as well but I could not cut out my cell phone. It's kind of funny when I think back to when we didn't have cell phones. Then it was normal not to have one, you just had to wait to make a call yet now that I have one I couldn't go without it.

    2. Stacey F in response to Candiss

      I totally agree I'd much rather have a fresh healthy lunch than a greasy old burger and fries and it saves A LOT! I need my cell phone too unfortunately even though I'd rather not have it many people depend on me to have it with me at all times. If I forget my phone at home one day I never hear the end of it ha!

  42. Adrienne K 97 (online)

    A lot of those things don't apply to me. We don't have to cut down much anymore cause we've been having to cut down anyway ever since my dad became disabled and my mom is the only one working. However, I think it is nice to maybe once or twice a month be able to go out for lunch or just do something nice for yourself. :)

  43. SummerC98:
    My family and I do not have many of the luxuries listed above. And although I would like to sit here and say that we live in the most basic lifestyle imaginable; that is so not true. Out of the list listed above the only things that would apply to us are the bottled water and the dining out. I have to admit eating out is a bad habit for us because we are constantly on the go. I have a full-time and part-time job, go to school full-time, and raise a child on my own who is currently very involved with after school activities and sports. Needless to say there is not always enough time to cook. However I believe if there is a will there is a way and there is no excuse to be lazy. I've been told to cook meals ahead of time and freeze them and pull them out in the morning before you leave the house. I am trying this and so far it has worked pretty well. As for the bottled water I cant give it up after learning what can make you sick from drinking tap water, I figure it is a small price to pay. To conclude it is always smart to cut and save where you can to provide a cushion so to speak in a time of need.

    1. Bjorn S. 67 in response to Summer C 98
      I have to admit that I am impressed if what you wrote is true. I work full time and go to school full time, and I have a hard time managing my kids and my girlfriend is here to help me. We don't even have to deal with the after school activities yet. I noticed when I was working in New Orleans that a lot of the bottle water that we drank was tap water. Don't know if it applies to you but something to check out. You are amazing for pulling off full time, part time, kids and school. I wish that I was as driven.

  44. Angela Reisen 89 OnlineMarch 2, 2012 at 7:54 AM

    Out of the list that was posted, I already have cut some spending on dog washing, only hand car washes, no more home phone, no professional lawn care, and I don't pay for cable all I have are 13 channels. The only one that I have a problem with is the dining out. For me it is a lot easier to go pick something up then go to the supermarket and cook at home, because then you have all the cleaning to do as well.

  45. I already have cut most of my excess luxiouries, I got rid of cable, home phone, make my own lunch, wash my own car, take my dog to the lake to swim, and do everything by myself that I can. I don't rely on the government for anything other than my MGIbILL and even that is turning out to be a headache. I try to be as self sustaining as possible.

    1. Forgot to post my name, Bjorn S. 67

  46. Well this are very great ideas that were raised by this blog, did we ever asked ourselves which is better? I love doing most of these things for myself, like washing my car when I find the space and time to do that. Most often I wash and clean my dog myself, because I enjoy doing it, not just because I am saving. With this blog I gained a lot and I think we all will feel happier and healthy if we do most of these stuff ourselves.

    1. Shana W.96 (online) in response to Agho N,E 88 (online)

      I agree that by doing things yourself not only will you save money but find even more so that you actually get enjoyment out of doing these tasks yourself.

  47. In response to SummerC98:

    I share in this same pattern with you, and dining out will surely be a challenge for anyone in this society owing to the busy schedule we all have. However I know home cook food will always be healthier and more refreshing.

  48. Rainey S. 98 (online)

    I have already cut out most of the above mentioned items. I have not been able to cut bottled water completely due to my boys playing sports but I try to keep it to a minimum. I have kept my cable TV and I forgo the pedicures except on special occasions, other than that I do them myself. I have kept a basic phone line at home for emergencies as well as for my children to use as needed. I will admit that I love Starbucks coffee but I only splurge for one at most once a month. In order to continue to reduce the cost of eating out, I will spend about 5 or 6 hours on a weekend day cooking meats for homemade casseroles and chicken pot pie to reduce the time of preparing a home cooked meal when I am in a rush. Since the meat is already seasoned and cooked; I can defrost and prep a casserole for the oven that bakes for 45 minutes or have chicken fettuccini ready in about 20 minutes. We eat at home about 90% of the time. I am lucky that my 14 year old son cuts the grass but will say that I cut it myself before he was old enough to do so. I do not pay anyone else to bath my cat or wash my car either. Additionally, I have found other ways to save money. For example, I save money each year by combining my homeowner’s insurance policy with my auto insurance policy. That one small change saves me about $700 per year. There are many things that you can cut in order to save money and in this economy I feel that it is necessary to reduce as much unnecessary spending as possible.

    1. Kobra.z(96)
      I am agree with (Rainey S. 98 (online)).
      I have already cut most of these items.I skipped home phone,cable and mowing lawn . and also I try reduce out dinning and spend more time for cooking at home.
      there are also so many way for saving money such as shopping after season, and online shopping would be good idea for saving gas.

    2. Angelia D. 98 (ONLINE) In response to Rainey S. I agree it is necessary to reduce as much unnecessary spending as possible. Every dollar counts these days, it just seems foolish to spend it when you don’t have to. We all need a little “reward” every once in a while but gone of the days of the daily stop of Starbucks on the way to work. We can all find ways to save, all we have to do is look

  49. Stephanie M. 98 (ONLINE)

    1) Don't own a dog; too much money and not enough space in a one bedroom apartment.
    2) I only go like...once a year.
    3) I try really hard to bring snacks and make sure I have enough food when I'm out, but sometimes it's hard not to get some food. Especially when I work at a grocery store and I'm consistently tempted to buy stuff.
    4) Home-brewed coffee: Don't drink coffee, but I have a coffee pot for when the mood arises.
    5) Done. Re-usable BPA free water bottle: $6.00. Pur water filtration system: $50.00. Filters: $15-20.00. Still save a lot of money doing it.
    6) Get rid of home phone: Never had one on my own to begin with. Don't need it.
    7) Switch to online news: I only buy a newspaper when I want coupons.
    8) DIY mani-pedis: I'm horrible at taking care of my hands and feet. The work I do makes it hard to keep nice nails...and my vice is flip-flops and flats, so my feet kind of suffer. I get a mani-pedi maybe once a year, and try to take care of my feet and hands with home remedies.
    9) Mow my own lawn: Live in an apartment; no need to worry about the lawn.
    10) Cancel satellite radio: Never had it to begin with.
    11) Basic cable package: Already have it. Basic cable+2nd tier high-speed internet = $56.00. Netflix basic = $7.00.
    12) Skip the dry cleaners: I've only been to a dry cleaner once and it was because I borrowed a dress for prom and wanted to return it looking nice.
    13) Limit dining out: This is a tough one...can't say I follow it as well as I should. My husband eats out a lot at work. I try not to as much. It works out.
    So....yep. I can do it.

  50. Stephanie M. 98 (ONLINE) in response to Stephanie L. 96:

    I wish more parents would teach their kids the same thing sometimes. I have so many friends who complain that they don't have any money, yet they go out all the time, party, and buy all of this name-brand stuff every day. I've been taught that if I want it, I get it through work as well. I've been working and paying my own way since I was 15 and I haven't looked back. I bought my own car, I rarely buy luxuries like clothes and decor...it works for me. I have never had to worry about late bills because I always pay all of my bills on the same day every month.

    Some of the things on this list make me so ill. People don't NEED any of that!

    We can be the bigger people and show through example that we know best. :)

    1. Antonio C. 96 (online)

      I completely agree and I was brought up the same way, but i wasn't on my own till i was about 19. Lead by example is huge and will teach the young kids now, so then can learn those values for the future.

  51. Ashley Horne

    I feel that it would be a great idea for everyone to make their own kind of "petty sacrifices" like the example above. How hard would it be to wash your own dog and mow your own lawn? I myself could start with this chart to cut down costs in my own life, even tho im not the type to get nails done or go to the cleaners for anything lol. But to help with the economy, and yes even the familys not struggling right now i think cutting down costs and saving for more important things is a great idea!

  52. Nicola F 97 (online)
    I could cut the majority of the things out, apart from the extra sports channel on Direct TV for all the soccer games. That one is my biggest downfall.

  53. Nicola F 97 (online) in response to Brandon M 93
    Totally agree with you on the sport channels.

  54. M. Dixon (40896 - online)
    when looking at the list above, my luxury is my satellite, mani, pedi and hair. don't own a pet. i do watch my dollars. if its not in the budget, it won't get done. i always tell my daughter, pay bills first and then play with whats left over, or put it aside for a rainy day. i'm a single parent so i do make sure that bills are paid first.

  55. M. Dixon (40896) in response to Robin M. 07
    I agree. there's nothing wrong with treating yourself, its good for the soul.

  56. JamilaJ 92

    Everything on that list is a luxury. I have already cut down on most of those things like dry cleaning,car washing, and taking my dog to Pets Mart. I wash and groom him at home now. I do still indulge in manicures and pedicures every two weeks. My mom always taught me to cater to myself.

  57. Shana W. (online)96

    I believe that it is extremely important to budget everything that your spending your money on. I used to have holes in pockets when living with my parents, I just blew my money because I knew they would take care of everything. However, as I moved out on my own and became independent I had to budget all my money. So now I definitely cut cost's in every category. I am always clipping coupons, looking on the clearance racks and taking the bus to avoid paying for the ridiculous gas. Once you do little things to save your money, you will be shocked at the end of the month to see just how much money you saved by cutting corners.

    1. Temi O.98
      I completely agree with you. Budgeting is everything. If you fail to plan, you will definitely just be spending unnecessarily.

  58. Crystal N.97
    I am one of the most frugal people that I know, and I already cut uneccasary expenses such as those on the list. However, it is embarrasing to admit that I am addicted to Starbucks coffee, and I have a phobia of drinking tap water. I have tried making my own coffee at home, and I have also invested in costly machines, but they just don't cut it for me. I have even tried making Starbucks brand at home, but it doesn't taste the same either. My husband says that it's all in my head,and I slightly agree.I think I just like the whole process of having my coffee prepared in front of my eyes. I know, that's pretty sad. It has been over two decades since I have consumed tap water. I only drink spring water. I think I would have to be on day four,without water, in the desert, to consider drinking tap water. Yes, it is that serious.

  59. Crystal N.97 in response to Stephanie M.98
    I totally agree with you Stephanie. I do think that we learn from a young age on how to deal with money. I also think that parents need to consider teaching their kids how to properly budget, invest and save for the future. I think too many people fall victim to buying name brand clothes. This is taught in our text. It's all about perception for some people.

  60. Shenique G. 97

    those wouldn't have to be things I would have to cut back on, because i'm already doing as less as possible and trying to save as much as I can. I only buy the necessary things for my daughter, the house and myself. I kind of a problem buying things for my little girl. Shes where all my money goes,every time I go to the store I always leave out the store with her something. Even if I did have money to just spend like that I would definately make these changes.

    1. Amario J. 97 in response to Shenique G. 97
      I agree. Now that i live by myself i am doing whatever i can to cut back. I am trying to make sure that i only buy the necessities whenever i am at the supermarket.

  61. Temi O.98
    Majority of the things on the list I won't have to cut back on, because they don't really apply to me yet. Although, if I had to I will. People don't realize that doing things themselves will actually save them a lot of money. I'm not saying completely deprive yourself of any form of luxury, but one has to spend smart. Budgeting is key. There are many ways to save money.

  62. Antonio C. 96 (online)

    LIVE WITHIN YOUR OWN MEANS. If it's more of a want than a need, then you don't need to have it. When it comes to spending I get stuff that will help me save money, and benefit me in the long run. I always make sure that it was money well spent.

  63. Micah S 96 online

    I have definitely made changes like the ones listed above. It is a hard time right now and luxury things have been put on hold in my home. I cut off all of my lights unless it is totally necessary for them to be on. I have basic cable and internet, no home phone, I drink filtered water from the faucet, and I don't use my vehicle unless its for work or things that are necessary. I'm trying to live conservatively so that when we get out of this mess, I'm not left with past due bills that I couldn't afford. Don't get me wrong, I still eat out and splurge ever now and then. After all, you can't work and not spend money on yourself at all.

  64. Micah S 96 in response to Antonio C 96

    My mama always said that to me when I was young, "Live within your means!" After all these years, I know now that she was right. If you can't afford something then you don't need it. It's weird how you think your parents are crazy when you are young but live by everything they said when you are an adult. Well not everything, but the important stuff!

  65. Dashuna L 44

    Well my family and I do half those things any way, I was my dog at home, instead of a house phone we have something similar to the magic jack,brown bag lunches are classic, everyone grew up with those, we dont drink coffee. We eat out everyone weekend, well that include Burger King, Krystals, Wendys etc..My dad and brothers mow the lawn, we have bottled water for workout purposes, we wash our cars ...sometimes go to the car wash but its rare. We have direct tv so that could be a problem, other than that we are 2 steps ahead of you

  66. CindyH47 in reply to Micah S 96
    I totally agree. I make pretty meager wages and make sure that I only buy what my family and I need.

  67. CindyH47
    I already do most of these things. The only thing I should cut back on is eating out, but I do that because I'm on the go all the time. Between working 40 hours a week, taking classes full time, doing freelance art on the side, and raising a kid on my own, I barely have time to be at home let alone cook! But we should definitely live within our means. I see too many people with ipads and fancy cars using food stamps at the grocery store. I know there are exceptions to the rule, but for the most part it really bugs me. I work my butt off and don't get to buy nice things. I can't wait until I'm financially stable and can afford such luxuries. Until then I will drive my beat up old car and pretend it's a 2012 :)

  68. Jewel A. 98

    Not many of these things apply to me, but those that do I need to start doing. I need to start bring my lunch to work and not eating out with my family as much. I have a friend who does competitive shopping and I think I will start doing the same. Saving money is an objective of mine and I need to start doing so as soon as possible.

  69. Jewel A. 98 in response to Cindy H. 47

    Cindy, I know where you are coming from by being on the go all the time. I have three children who are in sport and I’m a single mom. My kids don’t have to want for anything, because I will go without before they do. I have a few friends at work who cook on Saturday or Sunday for the entire week or just part of the week, maybe we both should try doing that!

  70. Shalon H. 67 (Online)

    Cindy-I totally understand not having time to cook. I do not have children however, with school, work, and exercise I dont feel as though I have time to cook.

  71. Shalon H. 67 (Online)

    I do agree that the things that the post list can be accomplished. However, I think that everyone should have a home phone just to be safe, and for single women it would be to complicated to cut the grass. None of the things that are listed are deal breakers, however since I have been getting mani-pedi for years that habit is hard to break.

  72. Lovely A(ONLINE)
    i know me and my family are cutting back on alot of things,especially with the economy the way it is. we got rid of cable and got netflix,we buy our food and make our own meals instead of eating out everyday because if you actually took the time out to look at your bank account you would be shocked to see how much you spend on food!! manis and pedis can be done at home, you can get a file,some nice lotion and some scrub and do it yourself. buying water bottles you can get a filter and filter your own water.little changes make a big difference its just a lifestyle change

  73. Lovely A(ONLINE) in response to Cindy H47,
    i totally agree with you on what you said. you dont have the time that you would like to have being that you work all day,go to school full time, and still have children to raise. you work hard and yet i agree with you, you go to the store and see someone who does nothing all day and gets 600 worth of food stamps but were the ones working all day trying to do the right thing by our children,but thank god for being self sufficient that we are able to take care of them and not rely on the government for every thing,because when its taken away then what do you do

  74. Amario J. 97
    Most of these i already do. I run a car detail business with my father so i save a little extra by not having to go to the car wash. One of the hardest things for me to cut out would have to be eating out. I stayed busy so its hard to actually sit down and prepare a meal. Its easier for me to catch a bite on the fly but it kills my wallet. Ditching bottle water would also be difficult because i only drink water but i realize that im simply paying for the plastic which i have considered buying a water filter.

  75. maureenG62(online)
    I was a single parent when my children were young (1&3) so I learned very quickly how to squeeze every cent. Thankfully I'm better of financially but, I'm still very frugal. I've almost payed off my home and to this day I still take a calculator to the grocery store .If you just look a it as an investment in your future and not as punishment it is much easier to cut things out.

  76. Angelia D 98 (ONLINE) Most of these we have done to save money and are considering doing a few more. With the loss of my job in January of 2011 we had to make some decisions to save money. With the price of things continuing to go up it is time to find ways to save money yet again just to afford gas, food and pay the bills. I think the only one on this list that would be a deal breaker would be the wash the dog at home, we have a toy poodle that there is no way I could groom at home for fear I would hurt in some way. That is something I will let a professional take care of. In the end it all comes down to what are you willing to do to take care of your family, you and only you can make that choice.

  77. Joseph C 96
    These are some great ways to save money for people who might be living outside of their means, but i have given myself a budget and cut out all the extra stuff that i dont need and do most of the house work and repairs myself to save money as well.

  78. Joseph C 96 in response to maureenG62
    I like how you can say that you are well off but still save. I think everyone needs to do this. just becuase you have it doesnt mean you should blow it. Pay off bills and live a decent life but dont be in over your head at the same time.

  79. Troy H 98.
    I think we can all cut back a little here and there, I lost my job about four months ago and we had to hit the brakes on a cuople of the unnessisary things. And we are doing just fine by the grace of God. I think it makes us actually step back and see the crazy spending we actually do. Plus it leaves us more family time.

  80. Troy H 98 commenting on Joseph C 96
    Great point I agree, everyone needs some kind of budget to follow. It keeps us real and humble at times. And we know the bills will get paid on time at least.

  81. Clint Green (97)
    These are definitely some good ways to save money, especially in this day and time. I have even done more cut backs on things I do to save me money. Even though I do have a full time job, times are hard these days.

    In response to Joseph C 96
    I agree with you that everyone needs to budget themselves. A lot of people are not living within their means and that puts them far in debt, so budgeting one's self would be a smart move.

  82. Amber F. 97
    In light of the economic hardship I have already started to limit certain activities. I wash and groom my dogs at home, which saves a great amount of money every few months. I also have eliminated my home phone. I did not realize how little I use my home phone. My cell phone is a primary source of communication with my family and friends. I believe the suggestions listed above are great ways to save money and find alternate ways to do everyday activities.

  83. Amber F. 97 in response to Troy H. 98
    I agree with you that sometimes we spent on unnecessary items or activities. When we are exposed to hardship, we do realize how much we spend everyday and how little we spend with family and friends.

  84. Molly k. 98
    Most of these do not affect myself or my family, however, the cost of eating out for lunch and dinner most night was over $200 a week for us once we starting bring our lunch and making our dinner as a family we were so amazed at how much more we were able to set aside for our saving account.

  85. Molly k. 98
    in response to Robin M. 07
    I completely agree with you its great to cut back on things that you dont need to do everyday, but there is nothing wrong with spoiling yourself once in awhile within reason. We work hard at school and at our jobs not including those of us that are parents we need to do things to remind ourselves that we still matter!

  86. Kelsey Perry

    I've always said, if my family stops eating out for a year my parents could buy a new car. we eat out probably 4 times every 2 weeks. i have an issue with buying my son the most expensive diapers and always getting him clothes/toys that he doesnt need. every 2 weeks i get my nails done and i could save a lot of money by not doing that. the one thing i would not stop doing is buying my hair dye. cant do it. if most of my money is going to my son i have to spoil myself with one thing and that would be my hair.

  87. Misty H. (92)
    Although I agree that the first thing that you should due when times are tough is to cute the extras and keep the necessities, I am not sure that the list the insurance company provided is the most accurate list of extras that the average family has.
    I have been fortunate thus far in the downturn to not have to have cut anything out, but I also do know that if things change, some of the first things to go will be the extras - cable will be revamped, dining out will be a once a month thing as would a few other luxuries. I already do my own hair, manis/pedis so I don't even have those costs now. (Less than $20 colors my hair and I might spend $5 a month on mani/pedi supplies.) I have long been a purchaser of store brands and do use coupons when it gets me a better deal.

  88. Steven Thomas 53 night class 6-7:15 TR
    In my home we made a lot of changes besides the ones listed in magazine. We put a lighter color roof on the house so it reflects more sun light from the house, so we dont have to use a lot of energy to keep the house cool in summer time. Soon we want to put solar pannels on the roof and on the barn. And we grow more and more of our own food. Which is organic and much healthier than the stuff you would buy in the store.

  89. Sean
    I think it would be difficult to change or eliminate certain services we have grown accustom to. For example, no body wants to have just basic cable and watch the same 30 channels day after day. But if someone was to cut out some of the extras that aren't necessary like going to the dry cleaners or going to Starbucks for a $5 coffee then you could save a substantial amount of money. We need to start looking for effect ways to save money on things that we can do ourselves and not rely on a company to fulfill thoes needs with high dollar prices.

  90. Fese E01

    I try to cut back on many things, for instance i do my own manicures and pedicures, and also do my own hair. I try not to spend so much on things i really don't need/use and even considering cutting off cable to save more money. Although I believe in cutting back expenses, I also believe that people should have something that they do for themselves as a treat but should also sped wisely you never know what surprise tomorrow will bring.

  91. Fese E.01 in response to Kelsey Perry

    I don't eat out much myself, and if i do it's probably once or twice a month. I don't have any kids but if I did, I would do the same things you do, not buying themost expensive things and limit myself to a budget for the kids and maybe once in a while spend a little more on things but not too often.


  93. akiag97 in response to sean---I agree we alll need to look for creative ways to save money. IT is there ,but , we are not accustomed to saving. America is about spending to keep the economy moving. We are in a cycle, that is hard to break.

  94. QueenaG 96

    Right now I am on a really strict budget so most of that stuff listed don't even apply to me. I do get my nails done at least twice a month and I do buy bottled water, those are the only two from the list that I buy. I don't buy much things that I really don't need.

  95. Nate h. 92

    Oh man. Considering my monthly budget (including rent and utilities) was, for the last six years, only a couple hundred dollars more than the one thousand bucks this list would help me save, the list kinda' makes me laugh. Car wash, dog wash, basic cable, satelite radio subscription, dry-cleaners, lawn service - when I was living on my own, I didn't even have the things that these services go to. The one expense I did have (and still do)and could have cut out is smoking. Even though I enjoy it, kinda, it is a waste of money, especially in the long run. As for saving any significant amount of money (say one hundred bucks a month), for me it will be a few years before I can even afford that.

    1. Courtney P. 92 in response to Nate h. 92
      I agree, this list doesn't really apply to most students. You should definitely quit smoking, though: my grandfather didn't quit until his second heart attack (which he had while on a roof, which is a terrible place for a heart attack) and it makes me sad to think of how much permanent damage it's done to his body.

  96. Its funny cause I acturaly have made all these changes myself everything but the dry cleaners i mean i still do that but once every year for the winter.

  97. Mark (40892)
    I have made a lot of these changes. They work, like all changes some are difficult at first but all are worth the result. When it comes to my wallet the only thing that is a deal breaker is my kids I will sacrifice everything I have to see that they never suffer, but they have to earn physical goods.

  98. All of these are fine with me. I already mow the lawn, and cable is a waste of money in my opinion since the internet has much better entertainment. However, my downfall is probably buying books and going to the movies. If only I could learn to torrent... (Kidding)... (Kind of)

  99. Meredith P. 98

    There are some things that I have come accustom to making it hard to put in the work myself. For example, dinning out is something my family does every night. Honestly when I here my mom is going to cook I already know I'm not going to eat. Not because she can't cook but, at a restraunt I can order whatever I want. At home I get what my mom cooks. Changing habits to save money would be alternating my life which would be hard for anyone.

  100. Meredith P. 98 in response to Courtney Marks

    I completely agree that if budget accordingly you can have the things you want in your life. My mom always says "you can have anything but not everything". You have to pick and choose what it important to you and your life.

  101. Courtney P. 92
    The only things on these list that applied to me are dining out and drinking bottled water, so I don't really feel like this list is geared towards people in my financial situation. Seriously, how many people pay other people to mow their lawn? Still, it's always good advice to take a look at the luxuries you buy and trim the fat from your budget.

  102. Brian D. Hulsey, Sociology, Chattahoochee Tech

    these are some good suggestions but surly no one can do all of these things. i don't drink coffee, many people don't own pets and some people must have suits drycleaned for work every week.

  103. A lot of these do not apply to me because i do not do a lot of these things. I do not drink bottled water, wash pets at a professional place or drink coffee, etc. Sure these are great ways to save money especially for those kids moving out at 18 now. I think that if people do spend that much money on everything then they should for sure follow this chart here and save themselves a thousand dollars. GOOD TIPS!
