Monday, January 30, 2012

Death as a Deterrent

Tuesday January 31, 2012 at 7:00PM death row inmate, Nicholas Cody, is scheduled to receive a lethal injection in Jackson, GA. Scholars, civil activists, judicial and law enforcement professionals have long debated the morality, constitutionality and level of justice involved in the death penalty.

Our book provides an example that is a very different method of punishing violent offenders (page 149). In the U.S. religion, politics and personal choice all weigh heavy on individuals as they consider capital punishment. Please be mindful of others and be respectful of potential opposing views in your comments.

What is the best way to punish violent criminals?

This link is related to Nicholas Cody.


  1. Bjorn S. 67

    I have studied criminal justice and have a degree in it. I have seen the statistics which state that capital punishment is not a deterent and read the stories of lethal injections, and other forms of punishment going wrong. Having said that I feel that if someone is commited of a crime that is undisputable whether by admission, or another concrete form of evidence that they should be put to death for certain offenses. I feel that there should be a five year period where an individual is allowed to contest there case, and then the punishment should be carried out. Also I feel that we go to ridiculous levels when carring out a punishment. If someone is going to receive a lethal injection, it doesn't make any sence to use an alcohol swab to sterilize the area. I think a bullet to the head would be cheaper, more efficient, and more failsafe than many of the other methods which are used to administer the punishment.
    I think that in this scenerio there is no consequenses and suffering to the perpetrators. I don't see where the family of the victim receives any justice for criminals who make horrible actions, and take away a loved one. In our legal system many of our jails are full of people who try to get arrested to get out of the elements. I don't think that it should be a place that people want to go to, and I don't think that it should be the gulag either.

  2. Peter A. 92

    There are many ways to punish violent criminals, but I feel that none of the methods should be physical. Two wrongs do not make a right, so violence should not be the answer to punishing violent criminals. As much as I like to see justice; I also think it is not right to kill a man, regardless of his past. There are better ways to punish violent criminals. I think violent criminals should be punished by methods that are mental. Methods that they are not familar with. They have to stay in prison knowing that what they did was wrong. There is too much freedom in prison. Inmates are provided with things that I feel are luxuries such as recess and conjugal visits. I think they should stay in their cells more often, so that they can think about the criminal activities that landed them there. Inmates should stay in solitarry confinement, rather than suffer from capital punishment. They should remain in their cells for 3/3 of the day for the rest of their lives. This will ensure mental affliction that is worse than any physical punishment.

    1. Bjorn S. 67 in response to Peter A 92.

      We all have different opinions about what is humane and ethical. Lethal injection, the gas chamber, the elictrical chair, hanging, are not nearly as efficient and humane as a bullet to the central nervous system. As far as solitary confinement goes there have been numerous studies that show the suicide rate and mental insanity are far more prevelant in solitary confinementand I would say that bleeding to death or hanging by suicide in premitive ways is not a humane alternative. To each there own though, these individuals are a massive financial drain on our society.

    2. Assel O. 96

      Horrible, cynical crimes - deserve the death penalty. Such offenders are not fixable, because there is no punishment compares to their guilt. Such people have no right to live on earth, even in cages . After all, no one would ever think to a poisonous snake or tarantula in a cage and hope that 15 years after they turn in to, let’s say, bunny or a squirrel.

  3. Peter A. 92 (Online)

    In Response to Bjorn S. 67

    I respect your opinions, but let me inform you that many of the inmates that are on deathrow have tried to appeal their case multiple times. I am not trying to find faults in your logic, but it is very unethical to put a bullet through one's head. It may be cheaper, but you have to have compassion towards mankind even if he is at fault. However, I do feel like family members and society reap the benefits of justice because there is one more person off the streets who once disturbed the peace.

  4. Courtney Marks

    Unfortunately, this would probably never happen, unless someone ordered a hitman, but I feel that the punishment of violent criminals should be exactly what they did to the person or animal they killed or wounded very deeeply. I believe in the concept of "an eye for an eye". For example, in the relatively new murder case with the 7 year old girl in my home town of Canton, her killer, whom is now dead because of suicide within his prison cell, absolutely demolished her by molesting her, tieing her up, taping her mouth, cutting her, beating her to death in the head with her own rollerskate, and then finally putting her body into a trash compactor, should have the exact same punishment/torture that he committed. That may sound harsh, but it is absolutely equal. Unfortunately, the states would not allow that law, but our judgement day is nothing compared to the man above's, and therefore, if these people do not get what they deserve down here, they will when they return to the Father.

  5. Diana C. 98

    I don't think the death penalty is the answer to punishing criminals. To me, this is the easy way out for them. They need to put these criminals in a 4 x 4 cell for the rest of their lives. They need to suffer just like their victims suffered. This may sound cruel but were they thinking of their victims when they made them suffer? I read more into this story and the guys involved intentionally went to their victims home to rob and hurt them.

    1. Shana W.(online)96 in response to Diana C.98

      I feel what your saying about the 4x4 cell and everything, however I don't think the death penalty is the easy way out! When your put to death your soul goes where it belongs, for these sick-minded criminals to stay alive and just be in prison isn't good enough. In prison, you can wear regular clothes, have cell-phones, eat off commisary, go outside, watch tv....etc! i mean really? cruel and unusual people deserve the so-called "cruel and unusual" punishment of the death penalty!

  6. Diana C. 98 in response to Peter A. 92

    I totally agree with Peter, criminals do have a lot of freedom in prison. I feel that once they do the crime they lose their freedom and should not have any luxuries such as conjugal visits and recess. Solitary confinement sounds good to me!!!

    I don't believe in capital punishment for violent criminals. The way i think criminals should be punished is if they did the crime they should know that once they did whatever it is they did that they are going to be punished for what they did. I think they shouldnt have all the extra benefits they do have in some jails. they lost all privileges. and should be confined in a cell and think for the rest of their lives for what they have done. but we dont have the right to kill anyone just like they dont have the right to kill anyone. its just not the right thing to do.

  8. Assel O. 96

    Electrocution ,Gas poisoning ,Lethal injection are three ways of punishment in U.S.A and these are the best ways , I think. And I cannot come to any idea what other ways to punish violent criminals, other than death.
    Not always there is a hope for correction and redemption. I am for death penalties..
    Death penalty is more effective deterrent to crime than other punishments. Death frees society from defective individuals.

    1. While I agree that the death punishment is good to have as a option. I do think that there has to be a better way than to just waist human life in that way. for some crimes yes the death penalty is one form of punishment. I think that for the most part people should be thinking of ways to make these criminals better members of society.

  9. Christa H. 98 (Online)
    In my opinion, i think it really depends on the crime that was committed. For instance if a man has murdered a group of people than he should get the most painful punishment because of all of the pain he has caused the families of the victims. He made those people suffer for his own selfish reasons and he should feel the amount of pain they had to feel.

    Without the death penalty there would be no serious punishment for people who do horrible things. They would just stay in jail for a long time and be provided with clothes, a bed, and even food. To me that sounds very ironic. I am for the death penalty under certain circumstances.

  10. This topic has always landed me in fueled debates. I am for the death penalty because there are some crimes that are so dreadful that I feel the world would be better off with that person not living amongst the rest of us. The death penalty is a hot topic, I know. When criminals commit terrible crimes against children, the elderly and women I feel there is no punishment greater than the death penalty. People have become so sick, mean and hateful that they destroy the lives of those that are left behind. Recently there was a child that was raped and killed because the psycho was worried about the child telling. He was caught and then hung himself in prison. I thought to myself, Bravo, he finally did something right and saved the taxpayers from taking care of him. Ironically, I don't believe in suicide either. This has always been such a hard topic for me but I can't stomach the cruel things that these people are doing anymore. Sometimes I feel I need to stop watching the news because it makes me feel the world is such a horrible place but unfortunately these creatures are apart of the world we live in we just have to stay clear of them and hope they find help before finding out loved ones. Death penalty....sometimes I don't believe it actually deters criminals from there sick behavior but I rather have it to prevent the others (criminals) from going any further than what they are doing now.

  11. In response to Bjorn S. 67 I do agree with the death penalty and I also feel there should be an allotted time for criminals to remain in jail to try to overturn their conviction if they are indeed innocent because it has happened before. I can't agree with the bullet to the head but it is interesting that we swab their arm first with alcohol....whatever. The people who really suffer are the victims family who are left behind to feel the pain of not having their loved one with them anymore.

  12. Morgan P. 96 (online)

    I believe the punishment should fit the crime 100%. Some crimes are so haneous that I feel that leathal injection after the criminal has had plenty of chances and help to appeal their case. I do not believe in electrocution or even firing squad( which is still legal in some states, upon request). I feel like once on death row you should be given opportunities to prove your innocents, if you really are, and to show good behavior if the person is willing and able to change. Any form of painful or feeling anything at all during the time of death is completely wrong, to me.

  13. M. Dixon (40896) online

    I am for the death penalty but for heinous crimes. i feel that the above said criminal should be put to the death. the crime he committed was heinous and for that he should be killed. anyone who can kill without any remorse should be put to death. the time they spend appealing should be null and void. why wait for years and spend taxpayers money to be put to death. Yes it may be the easy way out, but they deserve it because of the cruelty they did to others.

    1. I feel like if the shoe was on the other foot we all will be singing to a different tune. A tic for a tac never get anybody anywhere. If one of your love one's committed a heinous crime you will want to see them live even if they are behind bars as long as possible.

  14. Morgan P. 96(online) In response to M.Dixon

    I completely agree with anyone who can kill without any remorse and it be a heinous crime should be put to death 100%. But, to think, what if someone was sent to death row and never really commited the crime would break my heart. Our judicial system has flaws and sometimes send criminals away wrongfully. This is why I dont believe there should be an express lane for death row, or as you put it" why wait". Now 30 years on death row is a little much. If you can't appeal your case by then, then you're guilty. So, I agree with you there!

  15. Christa H. 98 (Online)
    In response to M.Dixon 96 online
    I completely agree with your statement. Why waste so much on a person who has done the worst thing. How can we feed and cloth this person when they killed someone and made not only the victim suffer but the victims family and friends as well. Killing is very serious and not something that should be taken lightly. People shouldn't just get away with taking someones life.

  16. Amber F. 97
    There are various violent punishments used in the United States to punish violent offenders. Individuals do have the ability to change and become responsible citizens in society. However, others are not as receptive to change and continue to cause harm to others for their own delight. There is not one punishment that will work for all criminals. Many factors must be considered, such as, the nature of the crime. Murder should be handled very seriouly and a proper punishment should be applied. Although, I strongly believe that if an individual is involved in a crime that individual should do the time, but a person should be convicted only if there is evidence that proves he or she is guilty. The death penalty is very serious and only those convited beyond reasonible doubt should face the death penalty.

  17. Amber F 97. in response to Catina K. 05
    I agree with Catina about the punishment fitting the crime. There are individuals who are heartless and cruel to others just for the sake of it. As Catina stated that the death penalty may not deter other criminals. But at least the criminals that involved themsevles in horrible crimes are no longer amongst the rest of the population to continue to harm other people.

  18. M Dixon (40896) in response to Assel O.

    I'm in agreeance with you. The death penalty is a deterrent for punishment especially heinous crimes.

  19. Merry B, 97 online
    I don't think killing a criminal is any better than the criminal killing someone else. I have deep respect for the families that have to endure the pain of losing a loved one but I feel that dieing is easy and living is hard. If you want them to pay then let them sit in their cell for the rest of their lives. Let them feel the regret everyday. Also, a few people have said that the criminals are lost causes, well I absolutely disagree. I am not saying that if they say they have changed then let them free. I am saying give them a life time to change because the punishment after death will be way worse than anything possible here on earth. I know what you are thinking "well he didn't give that victim a life time". I know but we need to show love not hate. No one is a lost cause. We need to be an example for how others should act and if the criminal decides to take his/her own life then so be it. He made the choice and will have to deal with what he did to others and to himself and it's one last person that my hard earned money has to feed.

  20. Merry B, 97 online in response to Oliverio Vasques
    I am so glad at least one person is on the same page as I am. I also think two wrongs don't make a right. killing someone for killing someone is the same thing in my book. spread the love and show people the way we were intended to live.

  21. Nicola F.97 (Online)

    To a certain extent I don't really see how death is a punishment, particularly something such as death by lethal injection. Unless one believes in hell. In which case the convicted will be going there anyway, whether now or in twenty years time. Given the choice between twenty years in prison and an instant painless death, I think I'd probably opt for death.

  22. Nicola F. 97 (Online) in response to Assel. O 96
    I Agree with your first comment completely

  23. Troy H98
    Being A missionary, it is hard for me morally and with my belief where to stand on this position. On one hand there should be some punishment for the crime that had taken place. But, on the other where do we as human beings have the right to take another persons life. In my belief. God has that authority not man, Because we have all sinned or commited wrong a doing ourselves at some point in our life.

  24. Troy H98 responding to M. Dixon (40896) online
    When I was younger I could see your point. But, let me ask you a question or two. First, What if if was you and you had a true remorse about the crime you had commited? Two, do we as human have the right to take another mans life, That would be saying we have done nothing wrong in our lives, Just something to think about.

  25. Mary H. 97
    I have mixed emotions on this subject. On the one hand, I believe that when someone kills people they deserve to get what they give out. However, I know for a fact that sitting in prison for 50 or 60 years is an amazing way to punish somebody. No matter what anyone says, prisons are a terrible place. If you listen to the stories of an inmate, you would probably lose sleep at night over some of the things you hear. So do I believe it's wrong to inflict the death penalty? No, however I do believe that making someone sit in prison and live with what they have done is a great punishment.

    1. Brian C. in response to Mary H. 97

      I have similar feelings regarding punishment and the death penalty, I agree that sitting in prison is an excellent way to punish those who deserve it but at the same time, some people just don't deserve to continue living and wasting space in society.

  26. Mary H. 97 in response to Peter A. 92
    Although I agree that making someone think about what they have done is a great punishment, you have to consider the loved ones of the inmate. Even are though they are killers and rapist, some do still have families and wives that deserve to be able to have visits with the inmate. There is no need to punish the loved ones for the crime the inmate committed. Also, it would also be inhumane to keep an inmate locked away in isolation and to not let them go to the yard.

  27. Sylvenna H. 96
    I feel that violent criminals should be put to death. I feel that it is right because everyone has choices of doing the right thing and the wrong thing. Everytime a person does something wrong we know that there is a punishment no matter how big or small. (we learn this as we grow up)When they are on death row, I feel they should get as much time outside and communicate with peopl as much as possible so they can have a few things that distract them a little bit. I have mixed feelings though because we are all human and none of us want to die by another person

  28. Sylvenna H. 96
    In response to Amber F. 97
    I agree with you. I dnt think everyone should be put death. The must be a good amout of evidence and a very violent aspect of the crime

  29. Molly K 98
    My view is a little in between the two sides. I don't feel that we should have the right to decide if another human being should die or not, that being said if a person who is a serial killer who has no regard for the lives of other humans and can not be allowed in society should we really have to spend our tax dollars so that they can live debt free with food and drink provided to them while the rest of the country is hard at work providing for our families? The thought of putting someone to death completely turns my stomach but in some cases whats the other choice using my hard earned money to keep them freeloading?

  30. BrandonM 93
    How to punish someone for a crime they have done can be challenging. I for one thinks no deserves death even if the crime committed was very wrong. Being put away for a long period of time of for the rest of the persons life sounds fair to me. That way they suffer,learn, understand that what they did was wrong. I only believe God had the right to take someones life away not anyone else.

    1. jennifer b 98 in reponce to brandon m 93
      I agree with you, it breaks my heart when someone hurts a child and I would love for someone to hurt them the same way but it's not our job to give final judgement - that being said, I don't think we shoud go out of our way to make life comfortable for them while in prison - basic nessesities food, shelter and counciling if there a possiblity the get out, but no A/C, TV, enterainment and smaller cells - we have people all aroung our country living with less then our prisoners, I would rather help those in need with my tax dollars then those who screwed up their own life and someone elses.

  31. BrandonM 93 in response to Troy H98
    I agree who gives someone the right to take away life. Even if the crime done was bad let the criminal sit in a cell the rest of there life don't just take away another life. Only the man upstaris has the right to do so.

    1. Clint G 97
      What I am about to say, a lot of people do not agree with. And that is ok, but I feel that no matter what crime is committed, that death should not be punishment. Whether it was murder, robbery, child molestation, abuse and so on, I do not feel that death as punishment should be an option. The first thing I want to say as why I say this is because life is the greatest gift anyone can receive. I know that some of these people have committed murders and that they should receive the same, but if you look at it my way, you might be able to understand. Putting one's feelings and religious beliefs aside, see it the way I see it. The person deserves punishment most definitely, so instead of giving the accused the easy way out by taking their own lives, leave them alive. Put them in the worse prison known. Make them go through a daily basis where he or she has to fight to stay alive. I know that might not be enough debt to pay for the crime or murder or what ever the accused did, but at least it's not the easy way out for them. A lethal injection is done in three doses; first, an anesthetic to send you into a deep sleep, second a paralytic to paralyze your lungs and diaphragm, and lastly, a toxin to stop the heart. To me, that sounds just as easy as going to sleep and no pain felt. Doesn't sound like the type of punishment that I would want someone who murdered someone I loved. I would want them to feel pain, humiliation and to know that everyday when they wake up, that they don't know what's going to happen to them and to know that they have to literally fight to stay alive. So, I don't really know if that would be the best way to punish someone, but I do feel that lethal injection would be too much of an easy way to be dealt with as a punishment to someone. Definitely a controversial and debatable subject.
      In response to KemiO. 98
      I completely agree with you. No One is born a criminal so there is no best way to punish one. I do believe that rehabilitation and psychoanalysis should be something to under go before something as drastic as taking a life. I said that lethal injection was an easy way out as far as punishment, but before taking someone's life for a crime, give them help first to see it there is mental instability or something. Then, if that doesn't work, a form of punishment.

  32. KemiO.98
    First of all, there is no best way to punish a violent criminal. Nobody was born a criminal. It is a violent act that has been learned and known to be associated with one's environment. Therefore, it would be to society interest to try and rehabilitate before taken a human life.

  33. Adrienne K 97 (online) in response to Kemi O 98

    I agree. Whether the crime is big or small, there is no best way to punish them. We don't even know if the criminal, giving what they've done will learn from this or not. I believe there is no excuse for killing however, but I don't think death penalty is suddenly the answer. I had a discussion with my dad a few days ago and he believes that criminals in jail should go back to working like the way they would do chain gangs however long ago, instead of there being basketballs courts and whatever else and some jails.

  34. I think there are several different ways to punish different offenders. When it comes to the death penalty I think that for some crimes it should be used. The thought of someone that deranged getting back into society, where I am raising my child, scares me. I think the books story letting the prisoners out and giving them buffets to eat is rediculous. It's not punishing them it is more like a vacation to them.

  35. Heather Puckett in response to Kemi O

    I agree that no one is born a criminal. I also believe that if someone has lived their lives just murdering and raping people and it is proven WITHOUT a doubt that the criminal has no right to be in society. The families of the victims have to live their lives in fear that someone has killed or raped their loved ones. What's fair for them? To live in fear when they did nothing wrong or to have the criminal sentenced to death so that these families can go forward with their lives.

  36. Stephanie M. 98 (ONLINE)

    A life of crime deserves some kind of punishment. Living under a roof and getting meals paid on our tax dollars while murderers and rapists get to sit around and "think" sometimes does not seem like enough.

    However, I have a sense of compassion. Everyone makes mistakes. I shudder to think how many people are wrongfully convicted in the country every year...In fact, a good friend of mine is going to prison for something I 100% know he did not do.

    All of that being said, the answer to the question is very hard to come up with. The way that Greenland handles their criminals is too radically positive. However, our system is obviously corrupt since there are one too many career criminals around. Death is a little extreme, but we can't just have them roaming the streets to get drunk either.

  37. Stephanie M. 98 (ONLINE) in response to Clint G.

    I can agree with that in some ways. We all have that animalistic urge to watch someone PAY for what they've done. Doesn't that make us almost as bad as them though? That's how some murderers are. They do it for the sheer sadistic pleasure of it.

    Think about it. ;)

  38. jennifer b 98
    This is tough - I really believe that the punishment should fit the crime and age should have something to due with the decision of sentencing. for example, if an 18 year old kid get caught stealing a car he should have the oppertunity to learn from his mistakes in a work realease type program at a gargae fixing cars for people in need and his wages pay for his counsiling, half way house and court cost. but then you get to a child molester who hurts innocent children, I believe he should live in the most uncomforable situation possible, rural prison, manual labor, no air conditioning, no tv, just counciling, basic food shelter and bathroom. Our prisons are pretty comfortable anf I don't believe they should be.

    1. Rainey S. 98 (Online) Response to Jennifer B. 98

      I agree with you regarding the age issue as well as the punishment should fit the crime. For instance, a teenager or young adult can be convicted and labeled as sexual offender if their partner is say 17 years old. Do I believe that they should receive life in prison or the death penalty? No, I do not. I strongly believe that the punishment should match the severity of the crime. Additionally, I feel that if someone pleads “Guilty” they should not have the right to appeal a death sentence.

  39. When it comes to capital punishment it is a hard topic to discus for many people I personally think that for sociopaths it is one of the only punishments that is an actual punishment for them. and wile yes you are taking another persons life they do not view life death or anything the same. All that matters for them is existence and the opportunity for there next rush. When it comes to most violent criminals it is do to the environment they grow in. Personally I think that taking the dregs of society and locking them all together has to be the worst system of reform anyone has thought up. For people that have had a minor offense to the law yes a short sentience will more than likely keep them out of trouble in the future. But the fact is that human beings are one of the most adaptable creatures on the planet. So by locking someone up for years they adapt. At that point they are not locked up they are just living in there world. Now when it comes to to a better system I do not have that answer but I am sure that someone can come up with a better solution.

  40. Jamila92

    In some cases capital punishment is needed. The judicial system should thoroughly investigate each case and then come to a conclusion of who should be put to death.I agree with Jodie sociopaths should definitely be put to death because there's no treatment for them. People who confess to murder also should be executed. I also think a lot of innocent people get executed.
    For example if the case has to do with a police officer they immediately just want to execute someone,anyone. Their emotions take over the investigation instead of the facts.Look at what they did to Troy Davis they didn't have enough evidence to execute him but they did.I'm torn on this one.

  41. Rainey S. 98 (online)

    I personally believe that in certain cases the death penalty is a fair and just punishment. The reason I feel this way is because there are many crimes that are so atrocious that the perpetrator should be removed from any form of society all together. I feel that in particular, sexual crimes and murder against children are unforgivable; in my eyes, there can be no redemption for such cruel behavior. I do not believe that putting someone in jail (at the expense of the tax payer’s, which by the way include their victims and their family’s) for the rest of their life is a just punishment for taking another persons’ life. I am a mother of two and I believe that castration should take place before the death sentence if the offense involves a sexual crime against a child.

    After reading about the plush penitentiary in Nuuk, I feel that the prison is nothing but a glorified private college dorm room with about the same amenities, rules and regulations. The room and board charge is $150.00 per week with a 9:30 pm curfew. What convict wouldn’t want the right to walk out of prison to go to work, go shopping or take a trip to the local bar? Oh, did I mention that they average about $28,000.00 annually from their job and get a savings account. The privileges’ that the so called prisoners receive seem to be more than what many struggling American’s can afford. I personally think that this so called form of punishment is absolutely absurd.

    I feel that in the case of Nicholas Cody, the execution should have taken place as scheduled. I am deeply disturbed to say the least that a stay was issued by a judge after he pled guilty. Once his punishment was decided, he should have lost all rights to an appeal and the sentence should have been carried out. What kind of message does that send out to other criminals within our society?

    At the end of the day, I feel that if a person commits a crime and is sent to prison they should serve their time in solitary confinement. However, I am in full support of the death penalty if the offense is horrific and involves murder or sexual crimes against children. The severity of punishment should match the harshness of the crime.

  42. Brian C. 92

    I think that the punishment should fit the crime in the most accurate way possible depending on the circumstances of the case such as age or intention. I can understand both sides of the death penalty as a way to punish violent criminals. I think that in some of the most serious cases, there is no hope for any type of rehabilitation for the offender, although they are sentenced to death they still spend a significant amount of time just sitting in prison doing nothing, which I think is a pretty good punishment combined.

  43. Jamie M.96 I am 57 and choose not to vote. It takes away my right to complain - GREAT! I never wanted to be on a jury. I do my best not judge others, and find myself happier for doing so. We lived in Az. when the Gov. decided that the prisioners were there because, they were convicted of a crime. No t.v. no air conditioning and they were required to some sort of work. When we see the costs of what it takes to maintain a prisioner that comes from taxes I can see their point. The matter of deciding what to do with someone who has been convicted of commiting a crime of murder that is a tougph one. Why did they do this? Simply stated:some things we will never know the answer to. We will never get away from taxes, But wouln't it be great if we could decide how much of our check goes to each cause. For example those sympathetic tax payers who feel rehabilitation of murders,supporting them for a lifetime ... Simply increase their taxes to provide these services and I will say " Oh, bless your heart."

  44. Jamie M. 96 in response to Bjorn S.67 I enjoyed reading your response, as I have no background in the legal system or any relatives or friends in the legal system. I agree with you on the costs the tax payer has to pick up. OUCH!!

  45. Deidre W. 93. The death penalty has been debated for a long time and probably always will be as long as it's legal. I believe in the death penalty for harsh crimes. I think there are crimes that deserve the death penalty that don't apply right now. I also believe that death penalty should fit the crime. I think lethal injection is a calm way to go when the victim probably didn't die in a calm manner. I agree with some if the foreign countries sentances. It should fit the crime. The more violent the crime, the more the punishment should fit.

    1. I agree, the lethal injection is way to calm. They need to be electroucuted.

  46. Deidre W. 93 in response to Brian C. 92- Our thoughts run along the same lines. Like I said the punishment should fit the crime. Even though I think they sit on death row way too long.

  47. Ashley Horne

    As far as i see it they are taking our tax dollars to keep people sitting in jail. The longer they sit waiting for the death penalty the more money it takes from the states citizens. If the person on death row did something totally inhumane then he deserves to be there and we should give what is eye for an eye. But to the others who dont deserve the death penalty then they need to be given the correct sentence and restored back freedom.

  48. Queena Garred-Adams

    Well how I see it is that if your a violent criminal then you should be punished, but I do not believe that you should be put to death regardless what your crime is. We are not doing any better if we murder somebody just because they did, no we have to let them sit in a cell for the rest of their remaining life and think about the wrong they did. Now that is punishment not being able to do what you want but what your told everyday for the rest of your life. Only the violent criminals should be in jail or prison, and the rest should have a different form of punishment that is not costly.

    1. Angela Reisen 89 OnlineFebruary 3, 2012 at 7:43 AM

      I agree with your point 100%. They need to sit in jail and think about what they did. By them getting the death penalty they are just getting the easy way out.

  49. Shana W.(online)96

    This is a strong topic and it creates alot of different debates; my view on this is that the death penalty should definetly be a method of punishment. I do believe that the sick-twisted rapists and murderers should endur this punishment. It only makes sense that if you rape an infant baby girl that hasn't even developed in any way, then you need to die...point blank period. This i believe has slowed down crime throughout history, gives the victimm's families a sense of relief that this criminal can't hurt another innocent person, and DNA and other new scientific techniques can pin point if a person is guilty or not, so putting an innocent person to dealth is less likely! So yes those who deserve the death penalty should definetly get it.

  50. Kathy W. (online 96)

    This one Im not too sure of. If the violent crime involed killing someone, raping someone or hurting the defenseless then Im in favor of the death penalty. It also depends on the age of the indiviual and other underlining circumstances as to what a person should recieve as punishment.I personally think if a person has rehab potential, let's try to give them a second chance. This is too hard of a question to answer because so much has to be taken into consideration.

  51. Justice well served could or couldn’t not be justice deserve. There are always two sides to every story; every criminal will always put up the best defense to stay out of jail. Be that as it may, when there are criminals among us that kill, or rape the defenseless, mostly kids, then this criminal is not fit to live among sane people. There are minor crimes that gives room for a well-deserved integration system while in or out of jail, like the one mentioned in Greenland on page 149 of our book (Essentials of sociology).

  52. Agho N.E 88 (online) in response to Kathy W. (online 96)

    I support your stand that the death penalty should be handled out to what I term grade one crimes, like rape and murder. The presiding Judge should then according to the crime committed sentence criminals for a defined period of time. This will serve as a deterrent to other would be criminals to stay out of such crimes and let our society be a better place for us to live in.

  53. Micah S 96

    This one is a hard one for me! If it was something like murder or rape I could see why it could be necessary but every case is different. There could be something wrong with the person mentally and they may need psychiatric evaluation. If the person is considered to be sane, the I couldn't oppose the death penalty! Now if a child killed someone then I would definitely oppose! So depending on the situation I could see both sides of the argument!

  54. Micah S 96 in response to Kathy W

    I totally agree with your statement. There are too many things to take into consideration when making the decision on whether or not to use the death penalty. I think this is best left up to people who specialize in this kind of stuff. I do think that a lot of rapists and murderers don't always get the punishment they deserve though! Drug trafficking charges are a lot of times sentenced longer than the perverts that the government lets go!

  55. Crystal N.97 (online)
    I believe that the use of Capital punishment is inhumane and immoral.Goverment should not have the authority to kill.However, I do realize that violent offenders must be faced with severe repercussions for their actions. With that being said, I believe that ALL violent offenders should be permanently seperated from society. I believe solitary confinement is the best punishment as it is both just and severe.I believe a person should literally spend the rest of their lives thinking about the crime they committed. It is far more harsh than the death penalty as it offers no escape and constant reminder of their inhumane actions.

  56. Angela Reisen 89 OnlineFebruary 3, 2012 at 7:40 AM

    I don't feel that the death penalty is necessary, due to the fact that it is a easy way out for the suspect. They need to sit in jail and rot because they caused someone else so much pain as well as the family, that they don't deserve to just have it all end. This way if they stay in jail for the rest of their life they will have to re-live the situation over and over again, and hopefully feel like crap while just rotting.

  57. Gladys M.-98-Online

    Words can not tell it all, how these criminals torture innocent souls.I just cannot stand their cruelty and sometimes wish if I lived in another world.I do not support death penalty but when I put myself on the shoes of the victims;am triggered to change my mind.I as well do not support imprisonment due to the luxities offered in the current jails.I beleive the best punishment would be detaining the individuals in seclusion where they will be provided with just enough to make them survive.This will give them time to reflect and meditate on their actions and as well a good source of mental torture.Death penalty does not even create time for them to pay for their evil deeds but just gives them rest and peace from a world demanding justice.

  58. Gladys M-98-Online in response to Angela.

    I totally agree with you.Death penalty just gives a break to these criminals.I beleive they should be given an opportunity to be tormented and haunted by the souls that they have taken away or tortured.At the same they should be provided with what is just necessary to make them survive and be denied luxuries like visits,tvetc and be completely secluded as if they are living in the world of the dead.

  59. Jaime N online 96

    I believe that our legal and prison systems are effective and proper. When an individual is sentenced to the death penalty it takes many years for their sentence to actually be carried out. They could spend up to 20 years in prison before they are put to death. For me, they will continue to be punished and tormented after death for eternity.
    After reading about the prison system in Greenland I was shocked. i don;t know how that type of living is referred to as punishment. They seem to have a more comfortable life after they are convicted of their crimes. A punishment so easy would not deter people from committing the crimes in the first place.

  60. Jaime H 96 online in response to Gladys m

    i do agree that the people who commit these crimes should suffer in miserable conditions. Prisoners used to have access to internet and other ways of improving themselves. From what I understand those privileges have been eliminated recently. I do believe that the small time criminals should have a chance to better themselves while in prison so that when they are released that have a chance of giving back to the community.
    Also, I do not think that when a person is executed for their horrendous crimes that they do not rest in peace after death. They will rot in Hell.

  61. Kathy w.(online 96) in response to Micah S. 96

    We feel somewhat alike on this issue. I really do think so much has to be considered before you take that life. i don't know if you're familiar with execution of Tonya Faye Tucker of Texas but this female was raised in a very dysfunctional home, was under the influence of some potent drugs during the crime and there were other circumstances surrounding this case however this woman turned out to be one of the most ideal inmates yet she was sentenced to death. I'm just saying some things should be considered before another life is taken.

  62. victoria m 96
    I am all for capital punishment! Even if its not a deterrent, it keeps really dangerous people away from the public,with no chance of hurting anyone again. Its not so much a matter of morals rather just a definite way to make sure they don’t harm anymore innocent people. If people cant be trusted to be in a civilized society then I don’t think its fair to make everyone else pay to try and rehabilitate them, when in most cases they most likely will turn back to crime, most of the violent crimes committed and sexual offences are not committed by first offenders, but im not saying that death fits all crimes but if a person cant get there act togerther to be trusted enough not to go around killing or raping people then....

  63. Shenique G. 97

    Im not going to say that I agree with it or that i disagree with it. I believe that there has to be a way around lethal injection. I feel as if no group of men let alone one man should be left with the decision of life and death for another man. I was taught that the only man that was allowed to pass judgement or decide weather someone lives or die is God, and being that there is no one on earth that is the almighty God then no one should have the authority to make that decision. On another note I also do believe that every violent criminal should be punished in some type of way weather it be a life sentence or whatever. I mean what about the people that are killing the murderers? Shouldn't they be punished for commiting the same crime they are convicting the criminal for? I just think that the lethal injection & the electric chair are very cruel ways to punish somebody. Living out a life sentence should be enough punishment for one person.

  64. Shenique G. (online97) in response to Gladys M

    I couldn't put it in better words.I completely agree with you! Now a days in prisons and jails they are allowed access to almost everything on the outside including internet, phones, radios etc.. so there fore its not really like punishment. Its just like a long vacation away from friends and family.

  65. SummerC98
    This is definitely a very touchy subject. However, I do believe that people that commit violent crimes should be made resposible even if it means by death. Its difficult to draw the conclusion that everyone who is found guilty in the court of law actually is. Even though the innocent are very few and far between everyone should be alloted a certain amount of time to prove their innocents ecspecially for ones that have no prior convictions. Also, I think that we spend way to much money housing inmates who have commited very heinous acts. While other people who work hard to put food on the table for their family can't afford three meals a day. Yet, the prisoners have housing, food, medical, and even free schooling for certificate programs and even associate degrees. While most of these victims or survivors have little or no say so at all in what happens to the criminal they spend most of their lives terrified, having to endour conseling,psych. evaluations, and even medical treatment for a lifetime. I certainly believe in an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

  66. SummerC98 Reply;VictoriaM96
    I agree with you we should most definitely NOT be punished by allowing dangerous people to be taken care of by the system. It is not fair to the rest of us who have maintained as being a good citizen. ".You got to reep what you sow." And thats just how it goes!

  67. Misty H.(92)
    Ok, here are my two cents. :)
    I think if the world could come to a consensus as to what was a "forgivable" crime and you could once again be a contibuting member of society and what was a "unforgivable" crime and you were in no way fit to be in society, then we could make the Greenland system a viable option for "forgivable" crimes. "Unforgivable" crimes should face life imprisonment with nothing at all - with two exceptions. If you murder someone in cold blood, you deserve to have done unto you as you did to your victim(s). For me the other exception is a crime against a child. Automatically it should be an "unforgivable" crime, but this is one where I am torn on who should get death and who should get life in prison to dwell over what they did. Those who are given life should have to relive what happened from the perspective of the victim, every day of the rest of their life.

  68. Nate H. 92

    Charles Manson and his ilk are pretty terrible characters; I think that 99 percent of us can agree that something, whatever it may be, is very wrong with people like that. Severly disturbed psychopaths, however, not only account for a very small percentage of human beings in general, but also a very small percentage of criminals and even murderers. Most cases of murder do not resemble the awful crimes that make national headlines and linger in our heads as examples of absolute and senseless evil. Fortunately for humanity, the likes of Ted Bundy are exceptionally rare, and such people should not be invoked to defend the application of the death penalty in general.

    Those who are most often sentenced to death are, by psychological examination, "normal" and not beyond the possiblity of reform. How much in terms of resources society should devote to trying to reform these killers is a matter of debate, but it's worth saying that such a thing is at least, possible. It's also worth mentioning that it might be wise for societies to devote more resources to preventing both the causes and occurence of crimes, but that is another matter entirely.

    Even though the U.S. justice system is now far better at not convicting innocent people than say, it was in the 18th century, it is a well known fact that many people serve time or go to the chair still, without ever having committed a crime. For that reason alone, I think capital punishment is unacceptable. Of course, letting murderers live costs money, but how many innocent people are we willing to send to their deaths in order to save an amount of money that, distributed throughout the population and over a lifetime, is really insignificant?

    As for those criminals who commit horrible acts of violence and are completely beyond reform, they should be kept away from the rest of us; that goes without saying. I know that the desire for revenge in these instances can be very strong, but the strength of an emotion does not justify it, and the act of revenge usually leads to more acts of revenge.

  69. I don't see the death penility as a needed thing, unless the crime commited was taking a life. Death is a easy way out and some may argue as a master punishment. Other cultures throught out time used disfigurement as a way of marking criminals. I can imagine that this would deture a lot of folks from copying these crimes if used today in america.

  70. Jewel A. 98
    I believe that the punishment should fit the crime. If you take someone’s life, than your life should be taken. Why should the court have sympathy on person who committed murder? They did not have sympathy on their victims. I also think that a person who victimizes someone should be chained to a chair and the victim should be able to have their revenge on them. Why not make them suffer as much? I don’t think I could hold my composure during a trail knowing that this person took my loved one’s life.

    1. Antonio C. 96 (online)

      I agree why give sympathy for those that inflect serious pain on others? When they say they did it or have no remorse for their own actions. It doesn't make any sense.

  71. Deana Lasseter, I dont think that we should kill people. to me its in humane... just because they killed someone doesnt mean they get to take the easy way out and get killed so they wont have to think of what they did. Its an easy way out for them. and if they are sentenced to life they need to be on a watch so that they do not kill themselves or have the opportunity to. I feel that there are hundreds and thousands of people in jail for little things... whether its a weed charge or there license was suspended while they were driving and in jail for years... i dont believe they should be in there. its idiotic. wasting our tax money. i think if it the person arrested clearly did not harm or harm their selves should not have huge sentences, and should be put in classes, or make other arrangements. to help society in a way.

  72. Jewel A. 98 in response to Mary H. 97

    I don’t think I would lose much sleep knowing that the person that just killed an innocent child is suffering in prison. First of all, how do we know that this person even fill remorseful for what he or she has done? Secondly, don’t you think they should at suffer for the crime? And last but not least, they chose to commit the crime and that is the reason they are in prison in the first place. They will receive three meals a day, a place to lay their heads, and their victim may be lying in coffin six plus feet underground.

  73. Alejandro A. 96

    I believe that both shamming and the death penalty are ways to deal with violent criminals depending on the situation. If a person makes the decision to go and kill a person, or people then I believe that they deserve the same. As with everything yes there are circumstances and yes not every person is ever going to agree on this topic. Ito add to my statement I think that if someone has a mental disorder they should not be pardoned for their crime, but given the aid they need while serving their time. Also for less violent crimes shamming can be an effective way to get their point across. I have read before about the prison that requires the inmates to wear pink and I believe that is belittling to them and helps stress the fact they are no longer free and need to suffer or pay for their crime or crimes.

  74. Antonio C. 96 (online)
    I believe any criminal gets what they deserve. The death Penalty was meant for those who saw others being killed to never commit a crime again. But over time society changed, and now it's almost a luxury when criminals are in prison compared to the old days when they actually suffered for any serious crime they did. For those that oppose the death penalty that's fine I completely respect your point of view. However, I like to give an example when that highly publicized case in Canton back in December the murder of Jorely Rivera happen, how that little girl was sexual assaulted and then beaten to death by that sick S.O.B Ryan Brunn. This guy admitted to killing her too and all the actions he did, if that happened to your little girl would you still feel the same way about the death penalty? It's easier said then done when it doesn't happen to you. Someone that takes a life of a human being for no reason and does intentionally, they inflect more pain on that person's friends and family more than the criminal will ever get to experience or the criminal's family and friends too for that matter.

  75. Alejandro A. 96 (online) in response to victoria m 96

    I agree with your point saying that if a person cannot be trusted back into society why give them the chance? I also agree that the death penalty is not for just any crime and it should also be given a good amount of thought before ever considering it but why have people pay to try and help the people that caused chaos?

  76. Randy w. 92
    okay so as i see it, criminals should get what they deserve. I believe if they kill someone they should be killed no question. They took someones life and screwed up a whole families mindset. Someone like this should not be able to live, in my opinion they should not let these people live so long, they should kill them more quickly. If they did not take a life then punishment should be given accordingly.

  77. Anna M. 42
    What is the best way to punish violent criminals? To me, this question is very difficult to answer. Part of me says "an eye for an eye" and the other part thinks it is not right. Some people may have been set up and unrightfully accused, and if we kill them without giving the truth time to come out, then what? To me letting them sit in prison gives them time to think about what they have done wrong. It is sort of like raising a child, if you beat a child everytime they disobey they will never learn and only be afraid of you; verses if you calmly talk to the child and sit them in time out they can take time to think about what they did wrong and hopefully the next time they will remember and not repeat the action. I believe in a sense the same goes with prisoners, if you simply kill them, they do not have time to think about what they did. I do not completely believe in the death penalty but with some people if would be nice to see them go, such as a rapist or killer, they obviously did not have sympathy for their victim so why should we have sympathy for them?

  78. Anna M. 42 in response to Misty H. 92
    I completely agree about the child thing, If any person harms a child it sould be automatic either life in prison or death. Which one, I don't know either. It would be good for a person to sit and think about what they did but then again any person who hurts a child doesn't deserve to live if you ask me.

    1. MaureenG62

      I personally do not believe in the death penalty . I believe life in prison with no hope of parole is what should happen to violent criminals. I feel with the technical advances in crime forensics to many people on death row have been found to be innocent. The great disparity in the criminal justice
      system leaves to many people at a disadvantage in their defense.

  79. JosephC96

    I think that there is the right situation and consequence for everything. I think that the criminal should have to suffer for what they have done and have to sit in jail for the appropriate amount of time. I also dont think that criminals that take others lives should have the chance to live. It is a hard topic because who gives us the right to kill someone becuase they did it first. Two wrongs dont make a right.

  80. JosephC96 in response to Randy w. 92
    I agree with your post. There is a right punishment for everything. I think that anyone who takes another life doesnt deserve to have theirs but on the flipside they dont have to worry about it ever again because they are now dead. I know that it gives the families of the victims a better feeling so in a way i think it is the right thing to do.

  81. Carolyn W.
    First off I dont like this topic! Next I think before they put someone on death row, the court system should have to prove 100% guilty without doubt that the person being charged did the crime.

  82. Kelsey Perry
    I go both ways when it comes to the death penalty. the first thing that comes to mind instantly is the whole saying an eye for an eye. if you kill someone you should die. but apart of me feels like they get off too easily. chances are these killers wanna die but keeping them in jail for the rest of their life would be torture. when prisoners find out that someone has raped a child or someone usually they will rape the guy over and over again. and most prison guards just look away and let it happen. as much as i hate to say this honestly im okay with that.

    1. I can see where you're coming from, I agree with the death penalty, but I can see how staying in jail would be more torture for them.

      Amber S.

  83. Sean O'Neill
    The death penalty is a matter of states rights and it's their right to have a death penalty or not. It is a matter of geographical history, principals or ideas if the state carries such a "justice" for a crime. I am indifferent about the death penalty. If your going to commit a crime that even has people thinking about sentencing you to death then more than likely you deserve it.

    1. Amario J. 97 in response to Sean O'Neill
      Good point. I am indifferent about the death but if you as given a far trial in the court of law and you are found guilty then you deserve the punishment. We all no right from wrong and we know the consequences of our actions.

    2. MaureenG62
      In reply to amarioJ97
      I feel that the issue is not whether you get a fair trial, but IF you can afford a fair trial.the cost of a major trial runs in the tens of thousands. Most middle class family's would not qualify for a public defender leaving them to pay for a trial lawyer. If you do get a public defender they are usually young and inexperienced. I don't feel a persons life should be left up to their ability to hire an expensive criminal defense team . As much as feel for the victims of violent crime if even one innocent person is put to death that is to much.

  84. kobra Z.96( online)
    I believe if everyone does any thing wrong against appropriate norms and law and make a trouble for other people, threat their life , take advantage of others honesty and trust, should be punished. the punishment's depend on level of the crime.
    sometimes, community service , fine ,jails,... and sometimes for dangerous criminal, like murder, death penalty.
    I believe punishments are essential to deter and keep the people away from the crime.
    if someone was killed by accident not purposely ,he or she could ask for forgiveness and I believe , forgiving is the most beautiful form anything in the word and someone has the big heart of forgiveness who has a great ,generous spirit .
    Also capital punishment is necessary to protect the society from the criminal who threat others life .

  85. Meredith P. 98

    I feel like the best way to punish criminals is to make life in jail not enjoyable. In Mexican jails, prisoners are given three, uncooked meals a day; it is up to the prisoner to buy cooking materials to cook the food. If something more is wanted, it is up to the prisoner to get money to receive this item. Also, there is no running water in the overcrowded cells. Twice a day one prisoner is chosen to fill up jugs of water for the entire cell. I think this is a great way to punish criminals for less aggressive crimes. Jail should not be enjoyable; jail should be hard and tough to teach a lesson. For more aggressive crimes, like murder, should be punished with the same. If someone has taken another person’s life, why should they have the right to live theirs? If someone is just going to sit in jail for the rest of their life and not give to society in any way I believe they should be put to death. It’s not like they were doing anything but, using tax payers money; which they don’t have to pay any money to.

  86. Meredith P. 98 in response to Carolyn W.

    What do you mean by 100% proof. It isn't up to a judge to put someone on death row but, to the jury. Sometimes there is a doubt but, if the jury descides to put them to death then their faith is sealed. If a DA didn't have enough proof to charge the person with a crime, there would not be a question if there is a reason to think they commited the crime or not.

  87. Amario J. 97
    I feel that the prisoners in Greenland are receiving to much freedom. It seems as if they are not punishing them by allowing them to walk the streets. However I share mixed feelings on the topic of putting someone to death. I opposed the death penalty but i believe that if someone has an extensive record of violence and they have committed murder then justice needs to be served. There is a lot that goes into deciding rather of not someone deserves to be put to death. Then again if you put yourself in the shoes of a wife or a young child how has to go through life never knowing their parent then the idea of putting someone to death becomes a little difficult. I believe that every man and women is entitled to a far trial and in the end if they are proven guilty in the court of law then they deserved whatever punishment is handed to them.

  88. Henry Bishop 1101

    Would it make the world a better place to kill someone? Honesty that's a very tricky question to answer. Maybe not for some, but I know it is for me. It does sound right to put someone on death row for taking another life, but I don't know if it's any good. Maybe it should be the right of the family affected by the loss of their loved one to decide whether the killer should be put to death. Sitting in jail for life time seems like the best idea. I wouldn't want to give the killer any extra care though. Just food and water and no social contact. I think that would be a good way to handle a killer if the family choose to keep him alive. It also boils down to if the killer happens to be innocent. Then we just killed an innocent human. We don't always know the full truth. It is wrong that a person would kill someone, so why should we stoop down to their level by becoming murderers ourselves? That's how I kind of view this.

  89. CindyH47
    This is a very tricky question. There have been some people wrongly imprisoned, but it seems with our advances in forensics nowadays that happens less and less. And with violent criminals ie murderers and rapists, do we really want to pay for them to be in jail the rest of their lives? To pay for their food, cable tv, medical bills? I go back and forth, but I'm not really against the death penalty. It's not used as often as people like to think it is.

  90. CindyH47 in reply to Amario J. 97
    Yes I agree! It's easy to say "Oh I'm against the death penalty, it's wrong!" when you've never been affected by violent crime. But a widow or a child that will never know their parent, etc, I'm sure would have a different perspective.

  91. Tanya G (Online) 98

    The death penalty is one topic that I am undecided on. On the one hand, I do not feel it is justice for certain criminals to be allowed the types of luxuries they are given when it is my tax dollars funding these luxuries. If they appeal a conviction, they can remain in confinement for approximately another 10-15 years while waiting for an appeal. I believe in capital cases, appeals should be swifter. Then you run the risk of these criminals being released mistakenly. While there is a part of me that wants to say yes, absolutely... these criminals should be given a swift execution, there is another part that has convictions. I do not feel as though it is our place to judge that person and death be their sentence. I think convicting them and placing them in jail would be necessary but to take someone's life through our own judgement is not our entitlement. It is what God does.

  92. Tanya G (Online) 98 In Response to Jennifer B 98

    I have to agree. As we are seeing more and more convicted criminals are allowed so many luxuries. Such as cable tv and air conditioning, while many of our elderly cannot afford the necessities of life such as their medications. This is very discouraging to me. I'd rather know my tax dollars were spent helping more unfortunate people that giving convicts everyday luxuries.

  93. Stephanie L. 96
    The death penalty is something that I am on the fence about. I can see both sides to the argument, for and against. I think overall, it is a just punishment: a life for a life. However, you then get into the discussion of how every life matters. I always wonder the what if's of a situation. If a criminal killed someone I love in a violent way I know I would want justice and would want them to be put to death. On the other hand, if someone I love murdered someone, I not want them to be punished so harshly. It is a topic that I am sure will be forever debated.

  94. Stephanie L. 96 in response to Jamie N.
    I agree that a lot of prisioners get too much freedom while in jail. I think that if we made our prisons more of a punishment more people would care if they were there for a substantial amount of time instead of looking at jail as "3 hots and a cot".

  95. Stacey F. 96

    I have always liked the old saying "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." Some of the luxuries that prisoners receive is unnerving to me, but I'm sure this is a tactic to make it easier on the guards and staff of the prisons. However, I can also understand the other sides point as well. Sometimes there are prisoners convicted then later found innocent of the crime and released. Some believe that the real punishment is to let them have prison forever rather than death so they can't be put out of their misery in isolation. Either way how any murderer receives his/her punishment, my own belief is that God will always be the true judge of everyone.

  96. In response to Meredith P. and to Carolyn W.
    Stacey F. 96
    Actually Meredith, it is the jury that finds the suspect guilty or not guilty, it is up to the judge to sentence the convicted. It's pretty rare if the justice finds 100% guilt, that is why if someone is convicted of murder with not enough incriminating evidence my belief is that the convicted stay in prison for at minimum 10 years. That would be in case of any additional evidence or a new suspect in the case before sending them to death row.

  97. Robin 07
    This is a difficult subject. I teeter totter about how I feel. I see everyone's view point and find them to be correct. I do not feel that a prisoner should live better in prison then they do at home or wherever they call home home. We are making our prisons look more like day camps with their work out rooms, 3 square meals, a bed and even an opportunity at higher education. Jail should be jail...tough, nasty, dirty and you should have to work like a dog to stay alive in one. It should not resemble a boys club or a girls club. I feel that our society has become so woosified that we have had the areas of black and white turn to gray...we are afraid of hurting someones feelings and/or their psyche so we try to treat each other from the same vantage point. A hardened criminal is a hardened criminal...we have had them around since the beginning of time and they will be with us till the end of time. It can't be just is. execute them or let them stay in jail? I don't want to pay any of my money to keep up the creature comforts of a I guess it boils down to money...spend money on a criminal or save money by executing them...if they are going to stay alive I feel that they should be worked and worked HARD...give back to society within the walls of the prison...I love the sheriff in Arizona who makes his prisoners wear pink and work in the blazing sun...the tougher our prisons get the less likely people will be ok with spending their life there. Too bad there isn't a piece of land like Australia where all the prisoners could be shipped somewhere...dropped off and let them fend for themselves...totally removed from people who choose to live within the laws laid out by society. I don't want to pay for them, I don't want to be the one to make the decision to execute and I would never want to be the one that shot them with an injection or flipped the is an ugly topic and one that has no right answer.

  98. Call me old school or evil or whatever you call it. I believe that violent crimes should be dealt with the death penalty. How would you feel if you lost someone to a violent crime and the criminal did it for no reason? You can give me the sob story "oh they had a bad childhood" blah blah but that does not mean you go out and kill people or do other bad things to innocent people.
    That's just my take on it.

    Amber Sutton

  99. AngeliaD 98 (ONLINE) This subject is one my husband and I were talking about last night after watching a John Wayne movie. I may be in the minority but I feel that if justice were carried out like it was in the "old west" the world would not be as mean as it is today. Do I believe in capital punishment? Yes, if someone is found guilty of a crime beyond reasonable doubt, I don't see the need for appeals take them out and hang them in front of the court house and be done with it. The person who committed that crime did not give there victims a second thought then I feel we should not give them one.

  100. I agree with Meredith...make the prison harsh and offer them NO luxuries what so ever. I also agree with Tanya. We should be pouring our tax payers money into programs that will enrich the lives of people who have already contributed to society (our aging population) or to those up and coming who show promise and a desire to be a contributing member of society. There is NO reason to spend money on any rapist, murdered, cop killer or child molester.

  101. Angelia D 98(ONLINE) In response to Jewel A. 98
    I completely agree, the punishment should fit the crime. As I said in my post I don’t think we should show any sympathy to someone who commits a violent crime against anyone. They should have to face the family and then they should receive their punishment. Be done with them and not waste time, energy, or even think about them anymore.

  102. CandissR98 I honestly see nothing wrong with the death penalty. Depends though on certain situations. A criminal who committed a harsh crime does not deserve to live. That is considered a privilege.

  103. Sarah B. 96ONLINE
    I don't think the death penalty is a good way to display humility...I understand "an eye for an eye", but the death penalty is giving the murderer what they want. Once they are dead, they won't be hunted or in a "living hell" of any kind. America needs to treat murderers like it's Guantanomo Bay. That is something people fear. If you want to make an example out of someone, killing them is not the way to do it. Unless your target is to hurt the person's loved ones...assuming they have any.

  104. Sarah B 9rONLINE in response to Robin07
    Let me tell you what! Me + You together on a debste team = WINNING. We got this. Although the wrongfully accused would probably kill themselves than be shipped off to an isolated continent. Also the insane might get leeway like they already do.

  105. TKimble40897
    I agree with capital punishment, whether its lethal injection or execution. I strongly believe if people knew the consequences of their actions they would think twice before doing the crime.

  106. Tkimble40897 in response to BjornS67
    I totally agree with the comments. If everyone that carelessly murdered someone received capital punishment in return, there would be less crowding in the jails and prisons.

  107. Sheena M. (96) in response to Bjorn S. 67 in response to Peter A 92February 5, 2012 at 1:28 PM

    Bjorn and Peter,

    The two of you ht n extremely valid points in the matter of capitol punishment and punishment for viscious murderers. Bjorn, you mention the financial drain that these monsters impose on our economy and it is certanly unfair. I have teathered back and forth on my views, as I do not feel we have the right to punish murder with murder. However, I do not agree with these criminals who CHOOSE to commit these vicious acts that hinder families, lives and our society. The pose mar threats and view our system and a game. I do not know if will ever be able to side with one view.

  108. I view myself as more spiritual than religious, therefore I do not feel it is any human beings right to punish, better yet, kill any human being as a punishment for murder. It is inhumane and to an extent hypocrytical to take one's destiny and life into our own hand. While it is a tough pillow to swallow that tax dollars we work hard for may contribute to housing a murderer in prison, I can sleep at night better. I would rather view the funding aspect as a fee that helps keep one less dangerous monster off of the streets. Capital punishment does not seem fair for our society. What makes anyone better than another to determine if someone to live. If we kill a muderer for killing someone, we are no better than them.

  109. Shalon H. 67 Online

    I dont think there's a best way to punish people for their crimes, however I do believe there's a right and a wrong way. I do believe in the Bible so I dont think we have a right to determine win someone should die and how. As shown on page 149 in our textbook I see anything wrong with cell. Even when people do crimes that does not mean they should live like animals or in nasty prison cells. Part of the reason why there are so many diseases is due to the prision conditions.

  110. Allie S. 98
    I believe in an eye for an eye. Honestly, they should be treated the same way their victim was treated. Yes, these people are insane for even acting the way they do, but I do not believe that is a reason for their actions. I know it sounds cruel, but I feel like that is the way it should be done. This is an argument that is never going to end, because every person has their own opinion. But I don’t see any help in these people, and I don’t think they should be alive after commenting such crimes.

  111. Akia Gaston 97I feel the best way to punish aviolent criminal is with mixed emotions. I do partially believe in the death penalty, in that it will save tax payers dollars. I also feel that the criminal should be allowed to suffer their consequences. This gives them a quick , short way out.

    1. Temi O.98
      I completely agree with you. I think the death penalty is effective too, but how many citizens can be killed doing that. That's way too many people. Although I'm also considering the amount of money being used to take care of the inmates.

  112. Allie S. 98 in response to Henry Bishop 1101

    That is a very interesting point of view. I think that would be interesting to see how the family affected by the loss of their loved one would decide whether the killer should be put to death, would work. I have never thought of it that way. And even if they are put in jail, just food and water and no social contact. I think that would be a good way to handle to handle this situation as well.

  113. AkiaGaston 97 online response to Ashley Horne..I also feel that keeping violent criminals in jail does constitute ahigh cost for the public tax payers. It should not be a long process if that is the decision rendered..

  114. Temi O.98
    I do not believe the death penalty should be a method of punishing violent crimes. I say this because you have to consider the people that are actually not guilty. Some innocent people have been killed for no reason. They were convicted for a crime they didn't even commit. For the people who are guilty though, I think that's the easy way out. They do not actually get to suffer for the terrible crime they have committed.

  115. Lovely A.(ONLINE) I do not agree with the death penalty because only God determines how we leave this world and not by the hands of man just because they feel just because of how they dealt with the victim that they killed or etc... they should be sentenced to life in prison and made to reflect on what they did everyday and ask god for forgiveness. if thats the case then everyone who killed someone should be sentenced to death no matter what. only god knows the time and the hour of your death.

  116. Lovely A(ONLINE) In response to Stephanie A. 96
    I agree with you Stephanie, because you do have to look at it both ways but at the same time its someones life that is at hand and yes your loved one is gone and you want them to suffer. but what if the tables were turned like you stated?? so i understand what you are saying. i dont agree with the death penalty but its life and it happens

  117. I believe that capital punishment is needed for violent crimes. So many children are abused and raped and killed and these criminals sometimes serve less than a year for their crime. There has to be a deterent from people wanting to commit these crimes and realize the severity of the punishment. If a criminal goes to jail for a few months they get out and life is whatever to some of them. But for each child that has been affected life is never the same. Just because someone is convicted for a violent crime doesnt mean they are automatically going to the chair. There has to be some stricter guidelines for our laws and punishing those for hurting our innocent children and not wasting taxpayer's money by trying to convict Barry Bonds for lying about steroids.

  118. Shalon H. 67 Online

    I do agree with you Anthony that some people who commit crimes dont get enough punishment. Your also right about people who are victims of crimes their life is never the same again because it changes who they are.

  119. Alex Hall 40897

    I believe that the person being prosecuted should be further investigated to see if there were good connections with their family. If so having him sentenced to death is a punishment not only to subject but to the ones who cared about him/her. I think that life in prison is a worse punishment then death.

  120. Steven T 53 Night class 6-7:15 T,R
    I do agree with death penalty for killers and costration for rapeists. Why do we have to pay for them to live out the rest of their life in jail. Thay took someones life so thay shoud pay with theirs. And if they are predators in real world they going to be predators in prison. So take them out.

  121. Fese E 01

    I do not believe in killing anyone, however I am not against the idea that if someone is very violent and kills anyone for whatever reason they deserve that punishment if sentenced to death. Many would argue and say that we should just send them to jail for life however we risk over crowding our jails, and also, I think it is unfair that these murderers get to have free meals, healthcare, a place to sleep, and some jails even have entertainment, and conjugal visits. In a nut shell they are basically living rent free at our taxes expense, while the families of those whom they affected will never enjoy the company of their murdered loved ones.

  122. Fese E. 01 in response to Tkimble 97

    I think majority of the nation is aware of the consequences to killing anyone and even if they aren't it's almost an unwritten rule that killing another human is wrong. I believe that even if we puplished the consequences of murder on every billboard, people will still kill others one way or another out of jealousy, anger etc especially if they think they have the perfect plan to kill and get away with not being cought. Sadly, this vicious crime will be around forever and I don't think there would really be a plan to stop it.

  123. “You have heard the law that says the punishment must match the injury: ‘An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say, do not resist an evil person! If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other cheek also." -Jesus Christ

    As humans, we are all capable of committing terrible acts such as murder or rape. What separates us from criminals? Are our moral standards really that much superior or were we blessed with a healthy childhood, etc.?

    Taking a life for a life does not make everything better. When we entertain such a notion, we are taking it upon ourselves to assign the value of a life. That is not our place.

    I would also like to add that it pisses me of to no end when people take the political stance that abortion is wrong but capital punishment is right. Think about it.

  124. Devin K 98

    I believe that death penalty is fair as long as there is, with a doubt, that the person who committed the crime is guilty. Also, it should depend on the crime committed. The more heinous the crime the harsher the punishment.

  125. Devin K 98 (in response to Bjorn S.67)

    I agree with you that the evidence must be concrete and that the person should have time to plead his case if he knows that he is not guilty.

  126. What kind of evidence is there to convict this person,everyone should have a fair trial,and be able to appeal the verdict within a certain time frame,if we are not positive of their guilt or innocence.In the recent case of the little girl that was killed in Canton by one of the maintenance workers.The killer then pleaded guilty.I feel that we should not wait and the death penalty should be carried out within 6 months.But if there is no confession of crime then they should be able to appeal once or twice but within a reasonable time.

  127. Mark (40892)
    I believe in capital punishment for one reason, it works. But, I believe there should be only 2 reasons why this would have to be done. 1)Treason: I believe treason is something that must be dealt with by capital punishment. I believe treason puts every citizen at risk, and it's not a risk any of us should be willing to take. 2) Violent Crimes: Violent crimes are unacceptable in a civilized society. These people had a choice and chose to harm, maim, or kill. Unacceptable! I believe these 2 capital punishments should be handled very differently though. Treason punishment should be carried out publicly in full view of every citizen as a warning to the next and as reasurance for the rest that we look after our own. Violent crime punishment should be handled behind closed doors as quick and cheap as possible. These offenders shouldn't be paraded they should be punished, not for warning but for justice.

  128. Latreecia M 96

    This is a very deep subject and as stated in the article, very debatable. I find that the death penalty is the easy way out for offenders. There are so many different situations it is hard to place everyones case under one "umbrella". For instance, what about the people that are innocent but for whatever reason the trial did not go their way? There is not way to prove them innocent and every attempt at an appeal is denied. They would be senteneced to death for their "action" that they did not commit. In this case the death penalty would not be suitable in my mind because this person did not commit the crime. Other instances where people like the guy in Norway that killed hundreds of kids on an island do deserve the death penalty. My argument is that it depends on the situtation. There is no "one size fits all".

  129. Latreecia M 96 in response to "AnonymousFeb 6, 2012 05:25 PM
    What kind of evidence is there to convict this person,everyone should have a fair trial,and be able to appeal the verdict within a certain time frame,if we are not positive of their guilt or innocence.In the recent case of the little girl that was killed in Canton by one of the maintenance workers.The killer then pleaded guilty.I feel that we should not wait and the death penalty should be carried out within 6 months.But if there is no confession of crime then they should be able to appeal once or twice but within a reasonable time."

    I agree with you. Unfortunately our judicial system is going to be flawed regardless. There is not always a way to find out whether someone is innocent or guilty. But in a case where they admit to the crime, their punishment should not be 20 years down the line.

  130. Punishments must fit the severity of the crime. If there is not a great deterrent, some will act outside of the lawn encroaching on others rights. Deterrents are in place to protect the potential victims as well as to punish unacceptable behavior and actions in a civil society. Violent offenses will be forgiven by God and individuals but should be punished by the state according to the laws of the land voted on by a representation of the people.

  131. Becca jobe t/r 6:00
    I honestly think that the death penalty is okay. It just depends on the crime really. I belive an eye for an eye. If you steal from me, the whole hand thing. Its not right, that these people have the pleasure of living within a jail who provides everything they need including dental insurance and health insurance as well! while there are innocent humans who do not even have a right to that much. So i feel as though that person should have to suffer a death such as the death he bestowed on whomever he killed.

    1. I have to disagree. Ghandi said "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind". Yes, I'm sure whatever they did was wrong. However, do we really have the right to hold someone else's life in our hands, to say "You deserve to die"? I realize this makes the situation a bit more complicated. Maybe we could brand them and ship them off somewhere, a la Siberia? I honestly don't know.
