Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Free and Public Education

The United States provides a free and public education from kindergarten through the 12th grade. In order to establish the highest caliber workforce, should college and technical studies be offered free as well?

The link below is about an online course at Stanford that was open and free.



  1. M. Dixon (40896-online)
    To establish the highest caliber workforce, free online classes would be a plus. For people who would love to go back to school but cant afford it. But on the flipside, being that classes are free how will an individual establish recognition to further their education or to get a job. What courses will be offered for free? That's something to think about.

    1. Stephanie M. 98 (ONLINE)

      "Free" school has been an ongoing puzzle for me. Public school has always gotten a bad rap because there are so many students that individualized help is rarely given. Studies have shown that a large number of students in public schools make it to the third grade without learning how to read. I don't know a lot about private school myself because I went to public school, but from what I know from friends, the difference huge. The mentality is more focused because your hard earned money goes into the effort you make as a student. That being said, I have found the same thing to apply to my life. I hated public school, but once I paid my own money to get into college, I know that effort will pay off in the end.

      Downsides to free technical and college studies would be that the students will once again not receive the one-on-one help they need from their instructors. The teachers at Standford had an alarming number of students. There is no way they would be able to tackle 100,000 questions or problems all at once.

      If anyone could get into supplementary education, the hard work and dedication of one student would be overshadowed by the millions of others who would inevitably be involved also. It would probably be just as overwhelming for the teachers because they would have to widen their allowance of how many students would be allowed in class. Plus, there would probably be the same problem with students slipping through the cracks and getting into careers that they never took schooling seriously enough for.

      It would be a nightmare. Education after high school is held to such a higher standard because the efforts a student needs to put in and the money it costs to get in are necessary for the assurance of a better life and perspective of education.

      On the other hand...the PRICE of education is simply astounding. There is not enough aid for the students that truly deserve that once in a lifetime opportunity to go to college. I would not know how to remedy the situation, but I think that a small reform of policies and costs would be beneficial to the system.

  2. Diana C. 98

    Not really, it may hurt the ecomomy more than help it. Right now college paying students are graduating with degrees and can not find jobs. If people had the chance to attend college for free and get a better paying job, than who would apply to the lower paying jobs? What they need to do is lower the cost of tuition and book prices so it can be affordable for those who do want a college degree or trade. This would the easiest decision because not every thing is really free. Where would the money come from for this free education, eventully out of our pockets.

    1. I don't think it would hurt the economy. Right now the average students who graduates in higher learning institutions are more likely to be $100,000 in paying back loan debts. When students are coming out of school debt free they automatically start helping the economy.

  3. TamikoK.97

    I don't think that college or technical courses should be offered for free. I feel this way because Pre K through 12th grade is an education that allows people to be able to get through life with the basic skills of knowledge. Like how to receive and maintain some type of employment, how to pay bills and maintain a residence, necessary but easy life functions. People that go to school for a trade or to master some type of skill, pay money for their knowledge and dedicate long hours of studying the material to make the best grades possible. Being able to further your education is valuable. If people could further their educations for free, I think it would be taken for granted. People would not care about going to class on time or ever, and they would not care about whether they made the grade or not. What would that be like for the technical and college professors? Or I could ask, what kind of college professors would there be then, if technical or college education was free? Thats why people who value education and want to take further steps with their knowledge, do pay for their education. It is an honor to be able to be taught and work with by individuals that hold high acheivements, such as a college professor. The people that really do want to further their education, do so. There are too many opportunites available at this time for someone to even say that they can not further their education.

    1. Bjorn S 67 in reply to Tamiko K.
      I agree with much of what you said, and I do think that people would take it for granted. I disagree with public school being free. It comes out of our pay check and we pay a lot for many schools which are sub par. I also think that if people are financialy tied to putting their kids through school the parents would be more attentive to what the kids are learning, and that they are keeping up with their homework. Also more education does not mean a great job waiting for you. The field has to be hiring, and you have to be able to market yourself, many of the millionares and billionares didn't have college degrees when they made their money.

  4. TamikoK.97 response to MDixon.97

    I agree with this comment. I am cool with some courses being available online for free. That way it could give people who are skeptical about higher education a better understanding of what they could expect.

    i dont think it should be free because i would think that if college was also free than more taxes would have to be put on the general public. But, i would think it would be better if the colleges or the books would be a little more affordable, but theirs also financial aid. which helps out lots of students attending college. But students loans? i dont know about that, because i know friends who graduated from college and still cant find a job after having a degree. so no college shouldnt be free but if someone really wants to better their lives and get an education their is plenty of help out there

  6. Peter A. 92

    College and technical studies should be offered free. It is evident that there are many people around the world that will kill for education. Many students will thrive from these non-expense classes. However, there are many things to be considered. How will these colleges be funded? How will professors support themselves if courses are free? These questions and many others will arise if college courses are offered free. Colleges and technical studies should be offered free because education is power. Those that indulge in higher learning courses will have a new found perspective on things. Those that would statistically be put in prison will be given a chance to change those odds and attend college. Highschool students would have more time to focus on academics rather than scholarships or sports. Nobody would have an excuse to why they did not achieve the American Dream. The world will come together as one because sociology courses would be offered free!

  7. Peter A.92 (Online)

    In Response to Tamiko K.97

    I respect your opinion, but I totally disagree with your logic. I think you are getting free online classes confused with grades k-12. There is a big difference between the two. The difference is that no one would force you to take these free classes. During grades k-12 you are forced to attend class or a social worker would come knocking on your door. During grades k-12 you are "mandated" to attend classes because it was your right to an education. However, no one is forcing you to attend these free college courses. In fact, I could drop out of all my college courses today, and no one would question my actions. In conclusion, those that indulge in these free courses would have the characteristics of a hard working individual. They are taking the time out of there day to gain knowledge and improve their lives.

  8. Amber F. 97
    College and technical studies should be offered for free. Many individuals only dream of attending school, but are denied every year because of funds. Many people that work low wage jobs cannot afford to even feed their families, so naturally education would not be a top priority. If people cannot afford to attend college, then the chance of their children going to college is slim. Many people just need a chance to better themselves and their future. Free courses will allow people the opportunity that many of us take for granted.

  9. Amber F. 97 in response to Diana C. 98
    I agree that lowering the cost of education would open doors for many people to receive a college education. However, not all individuals have the same aspirations. Therefore, there will be people who would fill lower wage jobs because that is were they are content. Not everyone wants to become a doctor, lawyer, or investment banker. There are people who strive to become truck drivers, plumbers, or AC repair technicans. We all have different interest that is why we are so diverse.

    1. Jennifer B 98 in response to Amber F
      Very well put Amber!! College is not for everyone and the key word is oppertunity, which is something that should be available to everyone.

  10. Kathy W. Online 98

    No I don't feel as though higher education should be free. I feel that is our bargaining tool so to speak, our incentive to want and do better. To desire better for your life strive for higher highest through education and at this point education should be the responsibility of the receiver.

  11. Sean O. 92
    I believe that having free college courses would create problems and not have adequate funding. If the government could afford to put millions of more people in higher education schooling over years of education, don’t you think they would have already? If every willing person was given a free college education the workforce would suffer. Many of the important jobs to keep a society running are filled by people who didn’t go to college. I’m not saying their education made them a garbage man, but they do serve an important role in society. However, I think if college’s offered some free introductory courses then more people would be willing to give higher education a chance, whereas they might not have before.

    1. Temi O.98
      I completely agree with you. College isn't for everyone. If you get something of so much value for free, one won't appreciate it. If one has to work for their achievements; that including having to pay for it, you appreciate it more. And like you've already stated, people need to do jobs other than office jobs to keep the society running.

  12. Mary H 97
    Although I believe it would be great to offer college courses for free, I believe it's unrealistic. Schools have to be funded somehow and as probably everyone knows books for college classes aren't cheap and schools are not going to hand out free books. However, I think it would be great if there was a program for homeless or low-wage families that would allow them to attend college courses for free. Even though the Pell Grant and Hope Grant/Scholarship are great they aren't available to everyone. But, I don't think free college courses should be available to everybody at every school. Maybe schools should work on better scholarships and grants for the students that truly deserve it.

  13. Gladys M.-98(on-line)

    This is something that leaves a lot of controvesy among nations.I would not recommend free college for everyone but only for the very needy who are vicious.This reminds me of my home country ,where when free education was introduced,teachers and students relaxed and the performance went down.Private schools always lead since then.I beleive if a yound adult pays some fees,it will motivate him or her to work hard to ensure his or her funds are not going to waste.At the same time,some students may be willing to further their studies but are limited by finances;such students should have free college upon providing eligibility.

  14. Mary H. 97 in response to Diana C. 98
    I too believe that something should be done about the cost of tuition and books. The costs are ridiculous and they're only rising. This would be a solution that would help everyone.

  15. Gladys M.-98(Online) in response to Mary H-97.

    I completely agree with you.In our current economy it is very difficult for any government to take care of all college expenses.However students who proof to be eligible should be funded to enable them to persue their dream careers.

  16. Stephanie M. 98 (ONLINE) in response to Tamiko K. 97

    First, I want to say that the comment I put above is not a response to the comment M. Dixon said. I made a mistake in replying to the discussion as a whole. Since I can't delete it, there it is.

    Now....I completely agree with Tamiko. That's exactly what I was trying to say! You pay your money, you work hard and then you MAKE something of yourself. If everything was free, what is the point in all of the dedication? Doesn't it all comply with one of the many things American culture is all about...hard work?

  17. KemiO.98

    Yes, because every household income status is not the same. Therefore, everyone gets a chance to be a productive and working citizens. Not having the finances for school causes people to be discourage, sometimes people go down the wrong path and end up in jail. When you have more educated people you tend to have a better environment in society.

  18. Troy H 98
    I say no on free college education. Our government already has to much control of our personal lives. I do understand the lower income or paying off student loans. But, doing something like getting and paying for you college education will give you a sence of self worth and accomplishment. I have seen what a controlling government can do to a society over seas. Socialism not the way go.

  19. Troy h98
    replying to KemiO.98

    I understand your logic and reasoning but have to disagree. I am a fourty yr old man and have see the world in a different eye. I have seen what free college education is like in a third world country and it is not good. The people feel they owe their government and never prosper themselves.

  20. if you don't do college for free, then how bout low cost - if a college charge $10 per class and you have 100 people sign up that's $10,000 which is small in comparison to the turn out on the article. Doing the the coleges would have more people able to take courses, higher enrollment, oppertunity for a tutoring program that they can charge for, and more than enough money to pay for the instructors and facilities. I think it's awesome, I know the only way my children will have any colege is if they join the military (which I TOTALLY support) but it's really there only option because of their Dad and I's financial statis.

    1. oppsy - I forgot to mark my post above Jennifer B 98:)

  21. Stephanie M. 98 (ONLINE) in response to Jennifer B. 98

    May I ask why you think higher enrollment is ok? And why do you think that the military is your children's only option? Merit in scholarships, money from jobs, financial aid...there are many opportunities out there. You make it work, why not them? :) I ask only out of curiosity; I'm not maiming your reasoning.

    1. Sure Stephanie, because if your dedicated then you will get what you need, especially in online classes - you have to make the most of your resourses so enrolment should'nt affect that. And as for the military, I believe that it is an unbelievable experience, and ccan give huge oppertunities if done properly. Scholarships are hard to come by, it's extremely hard to work, with school and pay to live, financial aid is like a credit card in my eyes and a extremly hard debt to get out of (and it's not talked about or explained very well). I had to wait over 20 years to go back to school and make $30,000 per year as a family of 5 to have enough grant money to start, it will probably take forever to graduate once the "free" funging is gone because I won't do loans to finish. I have been in debt because of forcloser due to unemployment and helthcare bills from no healthcare - I can't do it for school and I don't want that for my children. The military gives them the pride of service, amazing life skills and money for education. Thanks for asking:)

  22. Shenique G. 97

    Yes and no, if that makes any sense, i think that free college courses provided for a certain group of people would be nice. that certain group of people could be based on certain things such as grade point average household income. Some what of a scholarship type thing, because school os not for everyone and some people would try to take advantage of the free college courses just to experiment. If the individual is someone who dropped out of school then they should be required to attend some type of program before being accepted for the free courses.

  23. Joseph c 96
    I think that if college and higher education were completly free everyone would do it and we all would be the same. Only the ones that have the desire actually go back to school and most of the time those are the ones who will achieve more. The ones that want to. We all had the opportunity to go to high school where there were numerous scholarships that could of been picked up. Whether it be one for academic reasons or athletic. The were out there. People just needed the desire to achieve more. Also there are student loans to fund college. Basically i think if it were free people wouldnt have the drive to go cause everyone has it and we would all just be the same.

  24. Joseph C 96 in response to Troy H 98
    I agree with you 100%. If we dont have to earn our education it wouldnt mean as much and we wouldnt strive to better ourselves by going to college because it isnt special to have that degree anymore. everyone has one.

  25. Tanya G (Online) 98

    I think free online classes would be a great idea. However, I think it should be limited to "core" classes, or what Chattahoochee Tech refers to as "Technical Specialist". I believe just the basics should be offered for free to give everyone that much more of a chance to achieve a higher education. Those wishing to aspire to greater things would continue on, paying for college.

  26. Tanya G (Online)98 In response to Shenique G 97

    I completely agree. I believe if free classes were offered, there should be some system in place so people who haven't completed high school couldn't just start taking free online classes. That would defeat the purpose of anyone having to finish high school if they can just jump online take some classes and become doctors, lawyers, engineers and so on. I think to an extent it is a good concept, it just needs a few adjustments.

  27. M. Dixon (40896-online) in response to Tonya G. (98).

    that would be great if core classes are free!!! that way, individuals can still get their education and also be saving up for their specialty classes.

  28. Robin 07

    I can see how this would be a topic you could debate forever. My first thought was "NO". Anything given to you for free is never cherished until it has been taken away from you. People here in this country and around the world will turn themselves inside out for the opportunity of a higher education. Those people with that sort of drive and ambition should be able to reap the rewards for what they have gone through to achieve their education. To make the path to education as well as the education itself effortless just seems counter productive...however...that said...people who would sign up to TAKE a free course have a natural curiosity or they wouldn't be signing up...they would be playing a video game. There are people I know who are brilliant...never college educated but self taught. It know of no one who would want to sit down and take a college course just because they had nothing better to do...it would only be the people with the inner desire to learn more and be better informed that would grasp the opportunity, run with it and see the course to its completion. I guess it could raise the bar for 'traditional' college enrollment. The colleges may want to count the free classes taken as a standard for admission to schools that would HAVE to have interactive, person to person education i.e. doctors, dentists, etc. It is an interesting concept because really the only ones that would take advantage of it would really be the ones most interested in furthering their education

  29. Robin 07 In response to Joseph...I think the HOPE and the PELL has allowed for people who are really not that interested go to school because they can get paid to do it....YES these are wonderful programs and if they weren't in place my two children and I couldn't go to college right now. However, I have met people at Chattahoochee who have taken several courses multiple times so as to get paid either through the Pell or Hope funding....THAT is where you get people who don't care....they are doing it just to get paid...however if there is no financial insentive to make a buck while taking these classes...if you have no stick in the game...all you are striving for is the ability to learn maybe you would cherish the opportunity. It is so hard to say...it all depends on what drives you...

  30. Diana C. 98 in response to Robin 07 response

    I agree with Robin about people taking several courses just to get paid. These students are taking advantage of the government. The money they receive should be going students' who really wants to earn an education not just get paid. That is why college should not be free because people will just take advantage of it and waste the government's money.

  31. Molly k 98
    (in response to Robin 07)

    I completely agree! There so are many younger kids that find out that they get paid to go to school. The pell grants and HOPE and amazing programs and most people would not be able to go to college without them but I don't feel that we should get the left over money. Those programs already give students so much.

  32. Molly K 98
    I do not think the college/techincal classes should be free but I do think that the price does get a little out of control. If it was able to be slightly lowered for those that truly cannot afford it we would have a much more educated country.

  33. Morgan P. 96 (online)

    I do not feel that higher education should be free because like in High school not everyone has the want/desire to higher their education. If it was free you would not be able weed out the people who don't desire to educate themselves. Having to pay gives you more of an incentive to do well in school and gives you a sense of pride when you do complete school. Not everyone WANTS to go to college and if it was free it would only lessen the value of actually completing college.

  34. Morgan P. 96.(online) in response to Troy H 98

    I completely agree that higher education should not be free. The government should not have control on that like they have on most of everything else. Going to college should be our choice and should not be dictated by the government.

  35. Stacey F. 96

    Today it is becoming almost a requirement to have a higher education to provide your family comfortably, but this is not something that should be free to anyone. With that said, I do believe that there should be limitations of cost for further education, by the state for community colleges and smaller universities. It is not the tuition that really picks your pocket in my opinion it is the books. Books can cost up to $200 each some more just for one class. I think the government should have some type of program for students to have books at least discounted since in many instances you will never use it again and they are not easy to resell. I feel that people who really want an education (who are dedicated) will pay for their education, if this were offered free to everyone, people would not take it seriously. For instance if parents buy their child a used car, they may not take as good care of it, but if they buy that car with their hard earned wages, you will keep that car in pristine condition. In most colleges or universities, you are required to take a specific course that is a requirement of the college itself, not necessarily a course that is part of your major, these types of courses in my opinion should be offered free for "in state" students. Other than those minor issues, I believe that those who are truly dedicated and good students for the most part have a lot of funding already through scholarships, and that a higher education is worth the investment.

  36. Stacey F. in response to Molly K.

    Molly, I do agree that sometimes others are unfortunate and cannot afford college, but that is why they should be aware of this while still in high school because if they do well they will have scholarships to succeed a better education. Or if they live in a state that does not offer great programs like HOPE, they should make the right steps to earn other scholarships by the school or to establish credit for student loans. In other words there are many many options for those who really want to achieve it is possible or "do-able" as my former nurse instructor says. When there is a will, there is a way.

  37. Nate H 92
    While I certainly would love to have my undergraduate education payed for, and that of everyone who desired it as well, and it is certainly within the power of the federal government to cover these costs,the issue is not so simple. K-12 education in the US is already lagging behind that of the rest of the developed world, and perhaps it is a good idea to fix that first. Health care is another area where costs are tremendous and where millions of people who, for all intents and purposes, need a service and can not get it. So, we need money to do these things, but where does it come from, budget cuts or income redistribution? Well, blah blah blah... I throw my vote in for yes; and pay for it by insuring that income distribution is much more equitable than it currently is. Maybe, say, "no one is allowed to earn anymore than fifteen times as much as the lowest payed worker working full time." That would ensure funds for all kinds of programs and improve the financial lives of a vast majority of Americans. It would however, likely not be won peacefully. So, I generally stay out of politics.

  38. BrandonM 93
    I feel like the way they have it set up now is fine. Education after the 12th grade shoudln't be completely free. Everything in the world can't be handed to people. If students were to work hard in highschool and have good grades there education would be paid for anyways with scholarships. Plus there are many others way to pay for school if you do your research.

    1. Angela Reisen 89 OnlineJanuary 26, 2012 at 1:48 PM

      I agree with you 100%. Scholarships are a privilege for students who do good. Also if everything was handed to people they would expect that the rest of their life.

    2. Dashuna L 44
      I say for at least the first 2 years make it free but at the same time it should be a G.P.A limit, not a 3.5, I think that is reaching. A solid 3.0.

  39. I believe that the first degree should be free. It would be able to get a person going in the working world. Education is very important and in the economy we have now it is very hard to pay high prices for an education. I would think many people are just looking for jobs to support their families. They would rather keep their lights and gas on than to get further education. I believe that giving free online classes for even just a certification in something would be sufficient. I believe it would definetely help out the unemployment percentage.

  40. BrandonM 93 in response to Joseph c 96
    I agree if it were free eveyone would do it. In highschool there are many ways to get your education payed for people just look into it. People just have to have the want to do it.

  41. In response to Tanya G (Online) 98

    I agree with being able to take the core classes for free. It would be an excellent idea for colleges. That way more people would be able to take classes.

  42. Lovely A.(ONLINE) I am a little in between answers here due to the fact that i have had to come out of pocket for school and i know how hard it is to have to come up with money just to get my education. but at the same time having free classes would be a good thing but some people would use it to their advantage or abuse it. in the economy we are in now it would be to some peoples advantage to go back to go to get a trade,skill or degree.

  43. Lovely A(ONLINE)in response to Morgan A.96
    I totally agree that going to college is a choice not mandatory. you have to want that dream,goal,satisfaction. you have to want it for you no one else. the late nights,student loans,having co signers is all worth it when you walk across that stage and get that degree

  44. JamilaJ 92

    I believe all education should be free. It will give everyone an opportunity to get a higher education.Me, myself I don't like to
    see people that are illiterate or ignorant.It's sad!! A lot of people don't go to college because the costs are so high or the
    fear of having to pay back loans.

  45. JamilaJ 92
    I believe all education should be free. It will give everyone an opportunity to get a higher education.Me, myself I don't like to
    see people that are illiterate or ignorant.It's sad!! A lot of people don't go to college because the costs are so high or the
    fear of having to pay back loans.

  46. JamilaJ 92
    In response to Diana C. 98
    I disagree.First, if schooling was free everybody still wouldn't take the opportunity to go. Let's face it ninety-eight percent of the country makes less than 250,000. If people will go to school and get better jobs the economy definitely will get better. Less food stamps,welfare,help with housing,etc. We're paying our tax dollars to let people sit on their behind and collect. I want them to work and pay taxed like I do!!

    I do not know why my blog is showing up like this!!

  47. f wickham.
    I believe that education should be free.

    1. Rainey S. 98 (online)
      Response to F Wickham

      I agree that education should be free but only to a certain degree. There should be specific guidelines in place for an individual to qualify for free college classes. I do not feel that free classes should be offered to individuals that lack the desire to put in the effort in order to succeed. I do not feel that free classes should be offered for more than 2 years because higher education is expensive and it would cause major funding issues. Even if the government offered free classes for the first 2 years, I don’t feel that it would break the bank so to speak because there are many individuals that would decline the offer anyway because they have no interest in furthering their education.

  48. Jamesatta M.02

    I do not think that Higher education should be free. At the end of the day we are going to pay for it some how.

  49. Jamesatta M.02 In response to Jamila.J92

    I do not belive that education should be free.

  50. Adrienne K 97(online) in response to JamilaJ 92

    I agree . I think all education should be free as well. True, not everyone will take that opportunity to go to school but it should be free for those that want to go. College is very expensive. My dad is disabled and the only income right now is coming from my mom. If it weren't for me having two grants to pay for my education, I wouldn't be able to go to college right now. I believe that the cost of college is what set a lot of people off into not wanting to go to college .

  51. Rainey S. 98 (online)

    I do not feel that free college courses should be categorized as the same free basic education programs offered K-12. These educational programs are provided and available to everyone, regardless of their potential and work ethic. However, I do believe that everyone should have the opportunity to further their education and attend college if they wish to do so. Regardless if education is free or not, the fact remains that college is not desirable to many individuals. For this reason I do not feel that there would be any changes to lower paying jobs and having individuals to fill these positions. Free college courses for qualifying individuals would enable many to acquire the skills necessary to be successful in their professional endeavors. However, I can see the financial issues that would follow. To keep an overall tax increase to a minimum, I feel that there should be certain conditions in order to receive free college classes; it should not be available to those that are not willing to work for it. There should be a cap on the free classes. For example, the program could offer free classes to complete a 2 year degree and if the student chooses to continue further, then they should at that point find other means of funding such as scholarships and/or student loans. Additionally, if the student failed a free class then it should be up to that individual to pay for the same class in the future. I believe that if an individual were required to maintain a high GPA and have only one shot at each class in order to receive it for free, it would provide an amazing opportunity for individuals that are serious about furthering their education. If the individual truly wants to obtain their degree, they would work hard to satisfy these conditions. If you have an individual that is just there; putting in just enough effort to barely get by, it would weed out the individuals who are not in it for the long haul. I do not believe that a free education would be valued less as far as potential employers are concerned as long as specific stipulations were strictly enforced and it is earned through dedication and hard work.

  52. Angela Reisen 89 OnlineJanuary 26, 2012 at 1:46 PM

    I don't think that colleges and technical schools should have free education because then the students would take it for granted. For example, when I first attended college, it wasn't free but it was to me because my parents were paying for it. Due to the fact that I didn't pay anything I did what I wanted to do. I would go to class when I wanted to, not do certain assignments, and I didn't get reprimanded. But the second time around I had to pay for school myself and I learned my lesson about taking it for granted. You end up retaining more information if you pay for it yourself.

    1. Amario J. 97 in response to Angela Reisen. 89
      I agree with your point of view. I attended The University of West Georgia after graduating High School. I received several scholarships but i feel like i didnt appreciate my education. Needless to say i lost my scholorships and when i began to pay for my education i did much better in classes because my hard earned dollars were paying for them.

  53. Sylvenna H. 96

    I have mixed feelings because if college was free people would take it for granted. There would be students that would come and go as the please because the is no determination or anything that would want them to complete. (like getting the book money back). A free school to me is like high school, but in high school your parents forced you to be at school if you didn't want to go. If it were free people that cant afford it could finally go. I would rather the cost of college go down instead of being free.

  54. Sylvenna H.
    In response to Rainey S. 98
    I agree with you because if eveyone went to college who would be our janitors or garbage men? I also agree with the the program where if college is free they have to work for it. I feel that will help out with a lot of problems now.

  55. Christa H. 98 (Online)
    I think offering college education free would be a great thing! Especially online classes. This could help many people who have to hold their jobs to pay their way through life, finally finish their education. This could also bring down the unemployment rate. Considering our country, which is in a recession, the people do not have the money to pay $50,000 a year tuition even with the grants and loans. This could help out not only our countries but people all over the world.

    1. Brian C in response to Christa H 98

      You make a good point about those who have to maintain a job while also trying to complete their education and free online classes would make it even easier and affordable for someone who has to do both at the same time.

  56. Christa H. 98 (online)
    In response to Sylvenna H. 96

    After reading your comment I can see where you are coming from. People would probably slack off it were free and just there to have. Maybe either they could just cut the cost instead of it being free or the students would have to maintain a certain GPA or grade in the class to continue. Say if you got lower than a 75 in the class you would not pass or get any credit for it. Maybe they could have mandatory meetings per semester to make sure you were who you said you were and that you were doing the work and understanding the concept of what the class is teaching you.

  57. Ashley Horne

    This in my perspective just like high school it is a choice if you want to be there or not. Sadly to say there is a high percentage of kids that are dropping out because they are either not head strong about it, not forced by some parental figure, or even raised in a broken home and need to help out the family by getting a full time fast food job to keep their heads above water. If college was free to Americans it would be their choice to have the want to go since money wouldn't be holding them back any longer. My opinion if it should be free? Well it seems almost too good to be true, maybe if books were already in the class like a set for students, and how about the salary of the hard working teachers? Not only is it a career for them but they love to teach too. If the government was to pay the professors then i guess money would really be no problem. But like i said seems like a process our in debt country isn't exactly ready for. But if the young adults or even missed out middle age adults were willing to go to school and want to advance their brains then yes i think it would very much so raise the caliber of the workforce. Could even solve some of our own country's problems.

  58. Kathy W.96 (online)
    In response to Sylvenna H.96

    I to agree that if college higher education was free people would take it for granted. We all know how we seem to cherish something more if we had to pay for it. The country is already in tremendous debt and this would only be another financial burden.So again I say no to government funded education.

  59. Devin K. 98
    Though it would be nice not to have to pay any out of pocket expenses, I don't think that college and technical studies should be free. This is something I think most people would abuse. Thinking they could just pop in and out of college as they please. Thinking if they fail, they can take some time off and then just try again because,why not, it's free. College is something I take pride in and try to work hard at so I can one day provide for my family more comfortably. Getting good at barely getting by just wasn't working for this single mother. Plus there are plenty of scholarships and financial assistance out there, you just have to research it and be willing to put forth the effort to receive it.

    1. AlejandroA96(ONLINE)
      In response to Devin K. 98

      I completely agree with you, people would definitely start to abuse the system and take things for granted. College is supposed to be something you work for and are dedicated to, not something that is handed to you at your own will.

  60. Devin K 98 in response to Diana C. 98
    I agree with you. Who would fill those lower paying jobs if everyone had a higher education" And they should lower the cost of tuition and books for those who can't afford college but would love to. The cost is just getting ridiculous!

  61. Bjorn S. 67
    I have several problems with the presented information. The government doesn't pay for education; the tax payers have money taken from their wages to subsidise public schools. I personaly don't think that the federal government should be involved with education other than maybe setting standards for the safety and well being of the students.

    As far as college is concerned I don't think that it should be free, though for many it is with the use of the PELL Grant and other grants and scholarships. College is not for everyone, and I think that it is the individuals choice whether or not they want to invest the time and money into a college degree. Having said that just getting a degree is not going to make you any more competitive in the outside workforce.
    Far too often people overlook other avenues that they can take, such as working in the trades or becoming a carpenter. I don't want to have money seized from my check to pay for someone to do beer bongs away from home the first time, who is working on a degree in underwater basket weaving.
    I think that college is so expensive is because of the availability of student loans. Kids leaving home for the first time get loans instead of working and paying for school as they go. Also I don't want the government in my education because we already have to deal with tenure which is great for the teacher, but it also means that they will not be held accountable for what they say and teach. The protection of freedom of speech can be a slippery slope, but we still have to be able to get rid of someone who is not meeting standards.

  62. SummerC;40498
    I don't believe that it would be beneficial for colleges and tech schools to offer free schooling for many different reasons. Although, I think that there are many of us who deserve to attend school on a smaller dollar, we would not be as diligent and devoted to our schooling if we didn't have to formulate a plan and work hard for the money used for school. I think that it is true that when a person has to find their own ways to achieve success it is taken much more seriously than it would be if it was just handed to us. Struggling to achieve goals in life such as education and career choosing can only make a person grow while and after the goal is achieved. I sit amongst many of my peers now who attend school and pay it no respect to have any "end in sight" but to use it as an excuse to occupy their time, stay at home, or not work. Education should be taken very seriously.

  63. SummerC98(online)
    In response to DevinK98:
    I think you got a point there. People would definitely abuse the fact that its free. People would not hold a high regard to school whatsoever. It might cause folks to become "lifers" to school as well. And there again nothing wrong with learning as much as you possibly can in a lifetime but it might seem like an endless goal. Not to mention the confusion it would cause for professors trying to keep up with all the students.

  64. AlejandroA96(ONLINE)
    I believe that classes should be free to an extent. I believe everyone should get the opportunity to get their basic core classes don't for free seeing as regardless to whatever major you get, you will most likely need the same core classes everywhere. The principal of school not being free in my opinion is to bring up competition and help keep people committed in school. If all school was free people would begin to take it for granted and in turn not try as hard which could hurt our overall education level.

    1. AntonioC96
      I agree with that it should be to a certain extent; however, i did miss something on my post that you mentioned. Those that take it for granted, if they that happens they should automatically should be forced to drop out. That would make then not take advantage of that opportunity.

  65. Antonio C96

    I think it depends on the person's finances. If they can afford to go to college and not be in debt then just keep as it is for them. Now for those that can't afford college and would like the opportunity then yes, have a program for them so they can go to college for free. And how would that be funded? Just like public education, the tax payer. And every year financial aid should check with them on their taxes, so they won't try to abuse this privilege.

    1. Shana W.96 (online) response to Antonio C.96

      I actually agree with you Antonio, alot of people may try to take advantage of this priveledge so that would actually be a good method to smooth things out. We as tax payers pay for woman who are trifling with 6 six and WON'T worj when their perfectly capable of doing so, so why not help those who actually want to go to school to better themselves but CAN'T due to finances. Education should be free, lik food now is, and child services, housing, utilities, etc...so i do agree with you logic.

  66. Shana W.96 (online)

    I believe school should be free to everyone, and I don't think it would hurt the economy anymore than it already is! Alot of minorities and underprivilaged families simply can't afford school even with financial aid. The cost of tuition and books is rididculous, and if school was free it would give people who really want a better life and a good education the oppurtunity they never had. Those people who are a drain to society will still be a drain to society, the type of people who wouldn't go to school even if it was free can continue to employee mcdonalds and jobs of that sort; however i do believe every one should have a chance to prove themselves and offer their contributions to society with free education. A person who doesn't have the funds to attend college but given the oppurtunity to go to school for free could be the next person to cure a diesease. That's why i think free education should be offered to everyone, why should we have to pay to learn? think about it!

    1. MaureenG62
      I don't believe that school should be free. I believe that where there's a will there's a way. I work in the Health Care field and have meet many people who found a way to pay for college. I also have noticed that those who worked their way though school have a better work ethic ,and are extremely proud of the careers their hard work provided. The pride you get from doing things on your own is something that should not be taken from you . There is no better feeling than looking back over something you fought hard for and achieved.

    2. Bjorn S 67

      I don't think that I could disagree with you any more. If you pay taxes than you are paying for education. I was able to work and provide for a family of four, while going to school, so I don't see why others cant. I didn't have the luxory of state and government aid, and at the end of the year when I pay taxes it infuriates me to see the waste. If someone wants to learn and they don't want to pay go to the library. Otherwise I say put up or shut up. If it's free you didn't earn it, if you didn't earn it you won't appreciate it.

  67. Bjorn S. 67

    I disagree with the premise that public school is free. If you pay taxes than you are paying for public school, and by looking at the progression of the test scores it seems like a large waste of money. Having said that I don't want to pay for people who are not financialy obligated to go to school to get an education.
    My first concern is that there are a number of people who graduate from highschool, and don't have the maturity level to go to school and excel. I know this because I was one of them and chose to go into the marines instead. Second, most community colleges and technical schools are already free through the pell grant, and other funds made available to students, and lastly I don't think that individuals of certain backgrounds or ethnicities should be given preference over others.

    As far as having people go to school and having a better workforce, I don't think that will pan out. All that will happen is that we give government a little more room to encroach into our lives, and take a little bit more to distribute "fairness" If you are given something for free you will not appreciate it. I honestly believe that if people had to cut a check to the government every year, instead of having it taken out of their checks people would have a different outlook. In California over half of the money that I made was taken before I ever saw it.

    I don't see the link for education and better performance without work ethic, reliability, and experience. If you get a degree in Engineering than you will likely be able to get a job, if you choose to get a degree in art appreciation good luck and don't complain if you don't find a job, and I don't want to hear people complain about fair share, and not being able to get a job. Go pick berries, flip burgers, do construction, and put yourself through school.

  68. College or a technical studies should not be offered for free like kindergarden - 12th grades are. If a person wants to better themselves through further education after graduating high school they should begin to invest in their education. Entering adulthood and investing in education should be a priorty. For those who can't afford to do so, there are sponsored forms such as schlorships,loans and grants available to those who can not afford full costs associated with continued education.

  69. Jaime H. online 96
    I have been in school for over a year and have not had to pay for anything thanks to hope and pell. If it weren't for those I dont know if I would have had to ability to pay for it myself.
    If college and technical schools were going to be free there would have to be some rules and reg to control it. Such as, above a 3.0 GPA or income based.
    I do believe the more people are educated the better of the economy and society would be. I think that if lower income people had to option to go to school for free some of them would take advantage of it and it would give them hope.

  70. Jaime h online 96 in reponse to SummerC;40498
    I do agree with your responce but I think if "free school" was limited to people with a 3.0 GPA or better I think people would work for it if they really wanted it.

  71. Misty H (92)
    Ok, first I am going to say that if someone wants to get an education they should be able to. For a large majority of people cost is huge factor and in a lot of cases ultimately the reason people either delay or do not at all attempt college.
    I think that the "free" schooling is a fabulous idea, however I think there should also be some kind of check and balance system set up with it so that the person "earning" the degree is the person doing the work do get it.
    Personally, if I were able to find a program for the degree I am seeking online for free, I would be all over it!!
    It would be really nice to see this take off and gain creditbility especially since the workplace now seems to demand a degree to get hired even though in most cases your degree has nothing to with what you are hired for. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

  72. Becca Jobe (Chelsea) SOC1101 T/R 6-7:15pm

    I think the idea of free courses, is not only terrific, but genious in its own way. We have many people in our american society today, who can not afford a further education. This in-turn prevents them from having an oportunity to go to college at all. I do not believe that people should be held back from gaining further knowledge just based on the soul fact that they cannot pay for it. Everyone has a right to further their education, if they please. In the article it even stated how many people from different races, ethnic groups, and sex's all enrolled into a course because they were able to. I personally do not believe that a 40,000 dollar a year college education will benefit any moreso than my 5,000 dollar a year school. I definitely support free courses, not only because i am a college student myself, but because i believe no one should restrict a persons want to learn.

  73. Deana Lasseter I think that it should be offered for free or at least at a lower cost. I know for me after i graduated high school i didn't have mom and dad paying for all of my expenses like other people do. I have to work for what I have. Nothing is handed to me. So I had to wait to apply for college until i had enough money saved. I would have already graduated college with a 4 year degree if I didn't have to pay. So YES i believe it should be free. Some people don't even want to continue to go to school. so it couldn't hurt the economy. Those people who didnt go to school would be working the lower income jobs. and those who actually wanted to succeed that could. would.

    1. kobra.z96
      I am agree with Deana Lasseter. I believe the college should be free for people who can not effort the college expense which enforce them to work with lower income. Instead they can reach their goal much faster and have better life with this program.

  74. Dashuna M 44
    I say YES!, some can not afford this education that they desire, some people want to learn. But I do think it should be an age requirement to go to school. A G.P.A of 2.0 should be fine, regardless, there a lot of homeless kids in college. Some barely below the hope scholarship and some who do have the hope scholarship.

  75. Henry Bishop 1101

    I think yes! It absolutely would be a wonderful idea. Why should the richer be the only ones with the opportunity to further their education? There are so many people out there who have to settle with not going to college because they have to work first to earn money to go. And probably by the time they save enough, there's a big possibility their grade-school years have slowly diminished from their memory. Trust me, when they say, "You don't use it, you lose it!". Also it's sad to think that people are frowned upon or not able to get a good job just because they haven't had the chance to go to college. People need to understand that college is expensive for some people and just because you don't go doesn't mean you don't care. Education should be free for all, all who want a smart, educated mind, and all who want the job of their dream.

  76. Stephanie L. 96
    I think while free higher education is a wonderful concept, it is completely unreasonable. Eventually, funding would run out and taxes would rise to pay for "free" college. I believe everyone does have the opportunity to attend college. For some, it is easier financially than others. If a person desires higher eduacation, they will find any way possible to make it happen. This is why so many people work hard in high school to make good grades and get rewarded with a scholarship to their college of choice. For those who did not work as hard in high school, there is technical school or comminity college. There are also plenty of financial aid and other scholarships available to those who need it.

  77. Stephanie L. 96 in response to Bjorn S.
    I completely agree that if you are just handed something, you will not appreciate it as much. When someone works hard for something and accomplishes a goal, they take pride in that achievement and it means so much more than something to be given away for free.

  78. Micah S 96
    While I do think that college costs are a little too high I do not think that higher education should be free. The way the system is set up now it perfectly fine. If someone needs assistace it is there but people that can afford it should pay. Some of the guidelines should change though. For instance, you have to use your parents tax information until married or 25 years of age. I don't depend on my parents and their income shouldn't affect me!

  79. Micah S 96 in response to Henry Bishop

    There is funding for people who cannot pay for college. That is why every student files a FAFSA. My family doesn't make very much money so I get tuition assistance but I make enough to pay for the rest of my education. And then I have two friends one of which her education is paid for by the government and the other who her parents pay for hers. I feel that it shouldn't be free for everyone. If you can pay for it do so!

  80. Amario J. 97
    As much as i hate to say this i dont believe that the U.S. government shoulde give college students the luxury of free education. When you are an adolescent youre parents still pay for you to attend school. As a college student (An adult)a mojority of us hold stable jobs and the society we live in we are expected to pay our way through life. The way i see it is in High School we have to work hard and earn scholarships which will help aid us in the next stage of our life. When we are in college we have to prove that we can work just as hard to keep our grades and in doing that we receive financial aid. I am aware that a mojority of college students still struggle with funding their education and I have been in that boat which is one of the reasons i chose to attend Chattahoochee Technical college over a university.

    1. MaureenG62

      I don't think the people who are in support of "free school" understand it's not FREE , it is paid for by someone. The concept that everyone "deserves a FREE education" is keeping with the current entitlement belief that has this country trillions of dollars in debt. It's like the old saying "Give a man a fish he eats for a day , teach a man to fish he eats every day" Yes, it's hard, is it worth it absolutely. The confidence you see in someone who puts themselves through school in amazing , they are better workers, because they learned to do it for themselves.The world comes to the U.S. for it's education , most of these students pay thousands more for their education than we do because it's the best. If you want something go for it ,there is millions in scholarship money that goes unclaimed because nobody applies for it.

    2. MaureenG62

      I don't think the people who are in support of "free school" understand it's not FREE , it is paid for by someone. The concept that everyone "deserves a FREE education" is keeping with the current entitlement belief that has this country trillions of dollars in debt. It's like the old saying "Give a man a fish he eats for a day , teach a man to fish he eats every day" Yes, it's hard, is it worth it absolutely. The confidence you see in someone who puts themselves through school in amazing , they are better workers, because they learned to do it for themselves.The world comes to the U.S. for it's education , most of these students pay thousands more for their education than we do because it's the best. If you want something go for it ,there is millions in scholarship money that goes unclaimed because nobody applies for it.

    3. Clint G. 97
      Even though I wish that college could be free, I don't think that it should be free. If college was free education, probably everyone would go to college and we would have an abundance of every type of worker and we probably would have a high unemployment rate. The more educated workers we have, the more jobs filled, and the less need for more workers.

      in response to MaureenG62
      I agree with you. There isn't a thing in this world that's free. Someone is paying for it, and that's the concept that people don't always understand. Having an education that you have to pay for is more like a goal. Strive to work for it and get through it, and you will be rewarded in the end. That is why we have a lot of foreign students. We offer the best education in the world I believe, and that's why so many come to the U.S. for education. And with the whole issue of scholarships, it is true. A lot of money goes unspent every year because there are a lot of scholarships that never get applied for, so there is no need for free higher education, because there is so many ways to get the financial aid that one needs.

  81. Fese E. 02

    The idea of free education beyond grade 12 is somewhat a good and bad idea in my opinion because; if education is free for everyone this might encourage more people to better themselves and strive harder to attain better jobs after copleting college. On the other hand, I think this could also be a bad idea because many people would abuse the opportunity, for instance some people son't really know what field of study they would like to get in to, so they waste all the resources and financial support of a free education by changing majors frequently for many years; therefor, abusing the system and hindering those who really and focused and are ready to begin their education. I think the best solution right now with the economy would be to reduce the cost of tuition and books to where it is very affordable beacause some people do not have the opportunity or financial means to go to school if they want to for instance those born into a low income household should not be punished because they are poor.

  82. Fese E. 02 in response to Micah S 96
    I do not fully agree with your statement because my parents make enough money; however, they do not support me financially so when I applied for financial aid, I was denied because of their combined income. I am 26 years old and should not be penalized for my parent's income especially since they are not the ones applying for school. Also financial aid sometimes is biased I have a friend my age with several kids and continues to have more she has been going to school for 4 years now and doesn't seem to be anywhere close to finishing yet continues to get free financial aid in my eyes this is wrong because she is being rewarded for having a low income household and having many kids yet I am a hard worker but because I make more money than she does I am punished. I think there needs to be a new system and rules implemented to help everyone regardless of income status.

    1. Micah in response to Fese

      I'm not sure where you are getting your info but you don't have to use your parent's tax information after the age of 25! And if she doesn't finish anything within a certain amount of time they will suspend her financial aid and possibly make her pay it back. Go to the FAFSA website and read the requirements on the dependent and independent worksheets. Also read the terms of the financial aid!

  83. Jewel A. 98

    A free education would be awesome, but I believe you would put more time and effort in your education if you had to pay for some if not all of it. There would be more drop outs if tuition was free. When you have to pay, you become more accountable for your grades. Parents would force their children to go to college just because it is free. Forcing someone to go to school that is not ready only set them up for failure.

  84. Merry B, 97 online
    I don't think college should be free. I think in twenty years college will be required to flip burgers and in that case it should be free. I think if it was free now, people would take it for granted. I would end up in a class of people that do not care about their futures. It would be like high school all over again. It would be hard to learn anything. I do think that classes could be a lot cheaper. It's really hard right now and I know many people that would love to have the opportunity if only they could afford it.

  85. Jewel A. 98 in response to Morgan P. 96

    I agree with you completely. I believe you get more out of paying for your educations verses it just being free. If it was free, those who did not care could fail and continue to come back without any consequences. What lesson would be learned from that? Paying for your education requires you to put things in prospective.

  86. Merry B, 97 online in response to Fese E, 02
    I agree with you that many people will abuse the system. I also feel that the poor should not be punished for the money they don't have.

  87. Anna M. 42

    I believe that having a free education beyond the 12th grade has both pros and cons. One con that I first think of would be that if college were free how many people would go just for that reason. I like the fact that having to pay for college sifers through the people who are serious about going to school and working hard to accomplish their goal, and the people who are going for the wrong reasons and are not really trying hard. For me, having to pay for college is sort of a motivation because I know that if I do poorly that will just be more money out of my pocket. On the other hand if college were free I believe people who can not afford to go to college but really want to would have that opportunity. I believe nothing in life worth having is easy to obtain and having to pay for college just makes that even truer.

  88. Anna M. 42 in response to Jewel A. 98

    I completely agree that if college were free parents would force their children to go to college. Being forced will make the children rebellious and not do well. I also agree that having to pay makes you become more accountable for your grades.

  89. Kelsey P.

    I think that basic courses that everyone has to take for any major should be either a lot cheaper or free. The specialized classes you need for your major would be completely up to you. I know plenty of people wish that they could go back to college or start up but they just dont have the money to go. Free online classes would be even better cause the people who work 3 jobs and have kids can find the time to get on the computer. online classes are a lot easier to take than going to a school.

  90. Aaron E.

    I believe that basic courses and "low-level" degrees should be offered freely. Anyhting that requires little or no in-depth knowledge of the field and can be fairly simply grasped. Examples would include general managment, accounting, and comparable degrees. A more advanced level of education; however, such as a doctorate, should not be offered freely as it devalues the degree itself.

    1. Atleast someone agrees on what I think. Instead I just think the core general classes should be free. Maybe even certificates.

  91. Meredith P. 98

    I think having free college would be have many more pros then cons. Right now we, as Americans, have collected so much debt that this souldn't even be a question to consider. We need to be concered with trying to keep up with the public schools we have now for kindergarden to 12th grade. The public school systems across the United States have had dramaytic cut backs. Recentaly out of high school I notice my classes getting large, sharing textbooks, workbooks now cost if you want your own, and class activities, like labs, can not be done because there isn't any money for supplies. Not to mention the teachers being laid off, less aminstration, and no nurses in schools. Free college would be nice but, we do we say enough is enough. Because tax payers at the end of the day will paying for this.

  92. Meredith P. 98 in response to Henery Bishop

    College is expensive but, it assable for everyone. The amount of scholorships avaliabe is a large amount and you would be suprised how much money goes unrewared due to no one appling. The reason people don't get them is because of the grades. People need to take care of themself and not live of the goverment. Free college will lead to nothing to problems. And anyone can get a students loan; if you are in a lower income family then you can even get a goverment subdizied loan. The only person holding yourself back from college is yourself not money. Thousends of students work full time and go to school at night. It can be done but, you can't be lazy and expect someelse to take care of you.

  93. Carolyn.W

    I dont think college should be free, but cheaper would be alot more helpful. People keep talking about how you need a degree to get a better job, but then they dont add in the cost or everything
    . At our school alone, you either have to get financial aid or pay out front. They dont allow student loans or loans of any kind. Some people dont get granted financial aid and the average person doesnt have the full amount of tuition to pay up front add in the cost of books. So I think they should cut the cost alot, so more people can have a chance do go to college or tech school and get a degree.

  94. Mark (40892)
    I hate to sound like the bigot, but I am one of those horrible people that believes nothing is "free". 1) I believe college courses offered for "free" would be paid by taxes, so everyone paying taxes would be paying for someone elses education. Not only that, but taxes would have to increase, again... just like it does everytime the government gives someone something for "free". And the amount money that tax payers paid, would be dwindled down to pennies on the dollar before it paid for the first book or class. 2) Do teens who are given a car when they graduate highschool tend to exhibit better driving skills, incure lower driving cost (gas, insurance, ect..), or get in fewer self inflicked accidents than their pay for your own $500 ride when you are 22, counterparts? No, in fact it is quite the opposite. According to many studies people only appreciate what they work for themselves. Giving very little thought to what is given to them... until it is taken away, then they believe whoever gave it to them the first time, should give it to them again. I believe you can apply this theory to every human study with the exact same result. If you want someone to care about something make them earn. If you do not have a job that will pay for your schooling, you should invest in your own education. In the long run it will be cheaper and will mean more to you.

  95. CindyH47 in reply to Mark40892

    I completely agree. Nothing is ever free...someone else is always paying for it. And if college was free, more people would have a degree and it would be even harder to get a job! People don't appreciate things unless they earn them.

  96. CindyH47
    Well lots of school IS free. If you aren't able to pay for it you can get grants, loans, or scholarships.

    Many parents now use school as a babysitter and don't care about the quality of education their children get. I wouldn't want to have to deal with students in college who don't want to be there. They usually cause much more disruptions than the students who want an education and make thing harder for everyone else.

  97. Steven T 53 Night class 6-7:15 TR
    I do not think that College Education in the US shoulkd be free, but i do think it should be more affordable. If education would be free a lot of people would take it for granted and there wouldn't be enough funds to provide quality education, good teachers, good facilities, up to date technology and text books.But i do think everytone should be able to go to college. Because it is one of the ways to decrease poverty,crime and other things that come with uneducated society.

  98. In response to Kemi098....This topic has been in discussion amongst my friends and I for many years now. I do believe that college education should be free to the world. I truly believe that the world is missing out on some brilliant people in the workforce because they simply can't afford to attend college. It is vital that Americans become an even more viable part of the country. Other parts of the world such as China are taking over in math and science because less and less people can afford to attend college and/or send their children...what a shame. In order to get this country back on track we have to look for the the best students and a lot of them just aren't able to afford school. Imagine if we all had to pay to send our children to elementary, middle and even high school. How many of our kids would be home? It is obvious that the more educated a society is the better it will be. Living in a world where education is a way of life is the world I want to live in.

    Catina K. 05


    I completely agree with you. Alot of people want to attend college but either they cant afford it or they are not eligible for financial aid. School should be a little cheaper or have some type of payment plan so they can work with you as you get your degree.

  100. Many things in our lives should be free if we had the option of making the choice, but free education even up to college level will be a mess.

    The education will strive to get money to finance ourselves at least from college level, will be the standard we will appreciate and stick with for good.

    Let's do our best to pay for our education, because this way we will have a good value for our money and surely make good grades.

  101. Agho N.E 88 (online) in response to Meredith P. 98

    I agree with you that the tax payer carries the burden at the end of the day if every sector, mostly education has to get a free pass for everything.

    We should look around and check our industries and factories all shutting down or downsizing their staffs. This government already has too much to deal with, we shouldn’t add this to it, otherwise t will be catastrophic at the end of the day.

  102. Nicola F.97 (online)
    Great idea, however... there are Pellgrants, Loans and Scholorships out there to help students get through college and technical studies.

  103. Nicola F.97 (online) in response to Cindy H.47
    I totally agree with what you are saying.

  104. Candiss R.98
    I think maybe just core classes should be free and tuition should be paid for courses that are needed to complete your major.

  105. Courtney Marks

    I think it should be half and half. I feel like the general education classes should be free, but as for your major and your program of study, those should be paid for, unless it's an associate's degree, that could be free. Any degree above that though, should be paid for. The only thing that should be comopletely FREE the WHOLE time are BOOKS!

    1. I didn't think about that, you have a good point.

  106. I don't think tech colleges and regular college should be free. To it me looking at the pros and cons, there are more cons. How will professors make money? How will the school make money? Most importantly what about the economy? I don't know that's just my opinion.

  107. Jamie M.96 Interesting article. I just bought my first computer 6 mos. ago, and was not aware till now that there were free classes offered on-line. The article was well written supporting the ideas for pro ; but before having any opinions to voice, I would prefere to read a well written piece on the cons. It is a wonderful way for teachers to reach many students world wide at much lower costs. Would this mean we need fewer teachers? Would their wages annd benefits be cut, as the market is producing a surplus of teachers?

  108. Temi O.98
    I don't think Technical colleges or Universities should be free. As it has been previously stated, students will take the opportunity for granted. A lot of people don't understand or appreciate the value of higher education as it is now, so making it free for all won't change that. If college was made free, many people will just take classes because they are free. Several students won't be concerned about getting good grades, because they know if they fail, they can just come back and retake the class for free. I think we should leave the system as it is now. Although, I think current prices should be reduced or there should be better financial aid and grants for all.

  109. Sheena M. (96) in response to Stephanie M. 98 (ONLINE)January 29, 2012 at 11:18 AM


    You hit the nail on the head in many regards and I agree with several of your points. Public school is offered free and there are lower success rates with students. It is unfair for the students who receive a subpar public school Education because they are less likely to make it to college. Those who do wish to move onto college and make it happen, are forced to deal with the aspect of forking out for the expensive college tuitions. Luckily there are grants, loans and private funding options available for students. I do agree that between the matter of the class Stanford offers is a nice gesture, but one free class doesnt equal a degree and there is such a high enrollment, the teachers are overwhelmed.

  110. Jamie M.96 reply to Mark 40892 I agree with your opinion and values. Nothing is for free. It confuses me when I read : What if education was not for free; how many children would not be able to go to school from K-12. My husband and I chose to have one child because that is what we could afford. I enjoy learning about different cultures around the world. I respect some parents have many children for religious reasons. Great! Let the church of their choice support them and their children. My taxes are high enougph!

  111. This topic is one that I have battled with, particularly over the course of my college years. I may have a bias opinion, considering I have attented both private and public schools and have had to contribute to my college tuition out of my own pocket. When it comes to private versus public school Education, some would like to argue that Private school graduates have a higher chance of college attendance and completion rate that Public School graduates. I beg to differ. I believe that as with many other choices and turnouts, it comes down to parent involvement and the child's ambition. Regadless of what type of school is given during K-12, the chances to enter college are the same. However, a student who graudated with a 3.0 GPA at a public school may be less college-prepped than a 3.0 private schooled student. Once they enter the college world, the public school graduates may have to apply themselves more, but if obatining a degree is their goal, it will be done regardless. Parents need to be mindful of what the resources offered to better their children from the beginning. There are biases and unfortunately, upper hands given to those who can afford the better things. At the end of the day, college is an additional level that is necessary but considered a luxury in our society. Students who work hard can essentially attend college for free from the Government. With qualifying grades, there are grants and scholarships. I do definitely feel there need to be many more of these free funds made readily available. The class offered by Stanford is a great idea, but it does not contribute to degree completion. If college was offered free of charge to any and everyone, the aspect of "Higher Education" would be lost. You must work hard and find a way.

  112. SabrenaP10

    I think free classes would be great, online or not. However, it is my experience, that nothing is "free". Someone would be paying. It may start with the colleges or private sector but may eventually end up on the tax payer. This is an area that would need a great deal of research to know what to expect in the future. I feel that everyone should have the same educational opportunities. There are many intelligent people that would love to go to college but may have financial or personal restraints. Society may be missing out on some of their best cititzens due to financial inability to further education. We currently have ways for students to get assistance, through scholarships, grants and etc., but I think there are still many that do not qualify for these resources that could benefit from a program like the one Stanford is offering. As enrollment grows I think the process will have to be monitored and there will need to be a checks and balance type system in place.

  113. SabrenaP10

    (response to Rainey S. 98 (online)

    I agree that the free classes should not be categorized the same as the required K through 12 program. However, core classes have become a requirement for most colleges and degrees. I feel that more of them should be offered in the public education system.


  115. C.Nixon 97
    No,I do not believe that technical studies or college should be offered for free because the overall quality of education of the public schooling system in the United States is inadequate when compared to the rest of the world.A recent education comparison study of fifty seven countries placed the United States somewhere around the middle. The U.S. also had one of the largest gaps between high and low performing students. My personal speculation for this big gap is that the higher quality schools are placed in the zip codes of wealthier tax paying citizens and the lower quality schools are placed in the zip codes of the lower paying citizens. This obviously tells us that free is not necessarily a good thing.I believe that offering a free and lack luster education would belittle the tradition and prestige that comes with recieving and paying for a quality education.


  117. Sarah B. 96 Online
    I honestly don't think that education after high school should be free. Children are mandated to go through these grades and have 12 years worth of opportunities to make something of themselves thanks to taxes. College isn't required for every job position in the world and more than half of anyone's given graduating class won't attend college in their lives. Taxes would need to me raised in order to make college free. No one is willing to pay that price for anyone but themselves.

  118. In response to C.Nixon 97
    I agree with you on the school system belittling the potential of any human's mind by have extremely underfunded educational systems.

  119. Sarah B. 96 online In response to C.Nixon 97
    I agree with you on the school system belittling the potential of any human's mind by have extremely underfunded educational systems.

  120. AngeliaD 98(ONLINE) I may be in the minority but I think if colleges would offer classes for free there would be more people who would attend. I have for a long time wanted to attend college to further my education, but could not because of the cost. It wasn’t until I lost my job and was forced to go back to school (because I couldn’t find another job) that I went back to school. With the recent cuts to HOPE I have even had to go and talk with financial advisors at school to let them know that I would not be able to attend if there wasn’t more aid made available. High tuitions, the high cost of books are the only reason I did not go back to school sooner.
    It also seems to me if you have to choice to attend a public or private school for elementary and high school you should also have the choice between a public or private college. If you can afford to attend a private college and pay for your degree that way it should be your choice. If you cannot I don’t think you should be denied an education. Sometimes you do not have enough aid to cover the cost and if you cannot come up with the remainder then you are just out of luck and out of an education.

  121. AngeliaD 98(ONLINE)
    In response to SummerC40498
    I disagree with you; my education right now is made available through Hope and Pell. Without both I would not be able to attend school at all. I work hard for every grade I get in an effort to get a good GPA and keep the all the aid I can get. I am sure I sit among peers with the same lack of respect you speak of, but you shouldn’t include everyone in your thought. I may not pay for my education right now, but that doesn’t make me appreciate it any less. Cost is the biggest reason I did not go back to school sooner.

  122. Latreecia M. 96

    I do believe a higher education should be free. I understand why it is not however it would be beneficial for others. Some cannot further their education just because of financial reasons.

  123. Latreecia M. 96
    In response to AngeliaD 98

    I agree with you. School is very expensive and seems to only be going up every year. I think there are a lot of students that do not appreciate the opportunity that they have and take advantage of it but I do believe that there are a lot of us that do not do that. If a higher education was available free i do believe that more people would attend.

  124. Queena Garred-Adams
    offering free kindergarten through 12th grade is already great that we have for our kids, but college and technical studies shouldn't be free because it is not a requirement but an privilege. They should lower the cost of college and technical studies for people to be able to afford. The economy right now even if you have a degree it is hard to find a job, they need to be focus on providing more jobs for college and technical graduates.

  125. victoria m. 96
    Maybe they shouldn’t be free but they definitely should be a lot cheaper.

  126. Alex Hall 40897

    I think they should be free sort of in the way financial aid works. If you can uphold your work to a certain standard.

  127. I am in the building trade at this moment,and will be getting a computer systems degree when all is said and done,my funding at this point is paid for by the federal government,and as long as I do not earn over 85,000 this year my funding will continue to be provided by the government.Some of this will be through grants and scholarships,it is the love of family that keeps me going so that I can provide a better living for them.So I guess we need to determine who the grants are given too.

  128. No. I don't believe the government should be in the education business. In fact, I've seen illustrated myself that the private sector can more effectively educate with each dollar spent. I also refuse the premise that higher education is not free. Or at least not partially free for those who would statistically vote democrat.

  129. Brian D. Hulsey, Chattahoochee Tech, Sociology
    Absolutely, I think it should be free and required. I realize that their would be many costs especially for tax-payers, but for a country that does not and should not offer free healthcare, their should be much greater concern for education. Also, while this would be somewhat of an expensive endevor, it would also create more jobs in an economy that is in such desperate need of them as the need for educators would rise dramatically. I believe this would possibly be the step that may bring america up to par with booming economies such as china.

  130. I personally think that our education system is in need of major reform. I support the European model. There, children follow the year-round schedule. Also, they take more specified paths allowing them to take less schooling and still be more proficient in their chosen career. They even offer many students internships while they finish their last year of school. A friend of mine in Switzerland graduated the European equivalent of high school with a career at a bank where he made over $40,000/year. Straight out of high school.

  131. Shalon H. 67 (Online)

    In Responce to Grant- I agree that education systems do need to be reformed. I have heard a little bit about the European school system.

  132. Shalon H. 67 (Online)

    I dont think that college educaiton should be free. College teachers and professors should be paid really well. The money has to come from somewhere. However, I do think he should be more affortable. Books should not cost almost the same amount as tuition. Also private online schools should be cheaper as well. A college educaiton should not cost someone over $10,000-15,000. Pre req classes should be offered free or at a reduced cost.
