Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The War on Terror

The most wanted man on the planet, Oussama Ibn Laden, has been killed by military forces. Now that the leader of al-Qaida has been removed, do you see the situation with terrorism getting better or worse? Please give your reasoning.

Please keep your comments focused on terrorism and not on Islam. We have many Muslim students in this course and at our college.


  1. Deborah B. - Online

    Now that the leader of al-Qaida has been killed I think we should be on high alert for retaliation. I don't think his death will end terrorism. He may have masterminded the 9-11 attacks but he had many, many participants and supporters to carry out the operations they did. These people who believe as he did are still out there and operating. We can only hope over time that their organization will suffer without him. I do not know where they get their funding but I hope that is also affected by his death.

  2. I have mixed feeling about the situation. Although I am glad that we have some closure for the mand families and individuals who have lost lives and loved ones, I still feel like the worst is yet to come. At this moment, I am a bit afraid of retaliations and revenge on what happened. I guess the we as a Nation will have to be on our toes, so to speak. We can not let our gaurd down just yet.

  3. In respone to Deborah B: I feel the same way, Osama is dead, not Al-Qaida, not terrorism, and not hatred... it's unfortunate.

    "Can't we all just get along?"-- Rodney King

  4. Megan Mcfarland-Online

    I don't think the war will end. I think it will get worse for a little bit because of people being mad about him being killed. He had followers and they believe in him a lot. I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to attack us again now.

    In response to Aqeelah
    I agree with you. hatred, terrorism and Al-Quida are all still very much alive.

  5. Alton P online
    This is a very good question.
    Im on the fence on this one you are going to have them Radicals out there that are very upset so they will attempt to pull something off, but he was more than just a figure head he was the brains behind the group like Hitler, and Stalin, He was the glue that held the group together he will be very hard to replace. Their will be those who try, but he was doing this for over thirty years, so he was a very smart dude. Terrorism is never going to end it is a fact of our life. It will stay about the same.

  6. Alton P @ everyone above me
    Terrorism will always be here in one form or another. We will have to always be the better chess players.

  7. Moiya H.- Online
    I think that it goes both ways. I'm glad he has been brought to justice because of all the innocent lives he took and tried to take in failed attempts. I think that we as the United States and true Americans should be happy, his judgment day has come. We should also be on high alert. remember the men who carried out the events of nine-eleven lived here for years and planned for years. There are more here and they are pissed off. We should expect something wheather its somethin g they have planned for years or just an unplanned attack because they are mad. Just pray that if something does happen that you and yours are not effected, or just pray that they fail.

  8. Moiya H.- Online
    In response to Alton P.
    You are so right we have to hope that because the leader of the the operation is dead it will weaken them serverly and halt their funding. And that no one in the group is smart enough or brave enought o stand up and take his place.

  9. Nicolette E.-online
    I hate to be the one to say it, but really I've read all I can read from many different sites. I've seen pictures that show Bin Laden shot in the face as the media has stated. I can't help but wonder was he truely killed only recently or has it been for awhile but withheld from us for political reasons. Terrorism will always continue this recent new won't stop anything, and Im quite sure that someone else would like to fill his spot-regardless of my conspiracy theory. By the way in regards to Islam-discarding his remains in the ocean is forbidden-just saying.

  10. Nicolette E.-online
    in response to Aqeelah
    I also have mixed feelings regarding the situation as stated in my post.

  11. ChastityF...Online

    I think that is the step in the right direction, I mean about time. However, I do know we have to be extra cautious for upcoming retaliation attacks on the US. I do not think by any means this is over. I am happy he is Dead, and families and loved ones lost have a sense of closure.

  12. ChastityF in response to AltonP

    I agree with you, Terrorism, Hatred of different races will always exist. I guess its a necessary evil. Americans have issues with hatred to other races. Its still alive we just try to conceal it.

  13. Vanna H. Online

    First of all, I am starting to doubt that the number one most wanted is really dead. There are no pictures, video or any kind of visual evidence reflecting his dead. If Osama Bin Laden is dead, I am quite scared on what the future might hold for us. Now more than ever, we should me more than careful. Bin Laden had many friends that protected him. He was a leader for many minor terrorist. Who knows if someone will try to take his place or take vengeance.

    In response to Aqeelah,

    After reading your post among the others that have been posted I think that we all feel the same in a way. I feel that we have not gotten to the final chapter of this book.

  14. With the elimination of Bin Laden, after nearly 10 years of effort, it won’t have nearly the impact on global terrorism that it might have had several years ago. I believe the “franchising’’ of extremist terror cells to Yemen, Somalia and elsewhere and the home grown terrorist groups, are the real danger. The action has shifted away from Bin Laden’s al Qaeda group. None of the recent terrorist attacks against the United States were imposed by Bin Laden , but all were inspired by a the Yemeni-based cleric, Anwar al-Awlaki, These groups have passed the original al Qaeda in terms of speedy planning and imaginative attacks. These groups no longer rely upon their linkages to al Qaeda senior leadership, but all have started being more as self-sustaining, independent organizations. These terrorist groups do have ties to al Qaeda but operate with a high degree of independence and at a different pace and with a different level of complexity than does al Qaeda senior leadership. History has proven itself repeatedly; when one tyrant falls, there is always someone to take his place in history.

  15. Teri Amos - OnlineMay 3, 2011 at 2:30 PM

    I think Osama being killed gives a little relief, especially to the families of those that were affected by 9/11. I believe that we as a country should be on very high alert for what is now to come. When 9/11 happened the ones who agreed with Bin laden and the terrible scheme he had devised, celebrated like it was a victory because they had managed to devastate this country. I believe that because American's are dancing in the streets and also celebrating the death of one of their leaders, that this will infuriate them and they will plan yet another attack, which will be much worse. I fear for what is yet to come.

  16. Teri Amos in response toMay 3, 2011 at 2:33 PM

    In response to Vanna H.
    I have also wondered if his death is some sort of fake. It just seems to have came at a very odd time and sudden. We don't hear about him for years and all suddenly he is dead. Strange to me. I too fear for what kind of revenge his followers will take.

  17. Danielle S. Online
    I feel that in order for it to get better it will have to get worse, his followers are not going to lie down just because we killed their leader. It would be the same if someone would to kill our leader we would be looking for revenge, the cycle is not going to end but right now we have the upper hand so we should just enjoy it.

  18. Danielle S. Online
    In response to Vanna H. Online I would also want some proof, honestly I would love to see the body.

  19. Charlene G-online

    I feel that we are worse off that he has been killed and just not captured.Just like any terrorist rather in the United States or any other country there are always followers.In his country there followers and they will want to get revenge on their leaders death.So I do believe we are worse off since he has been killed.Terrorism will never go away it will forever be there.

  20. Charlene G in response to Nicolette E- online

    I do agree, someone will want to take his place, so that leaves us in 'wonder' what will happen since Bin Ladens death.Yes terrism will still be around.

  21. Abigail C.-online

    I have had this same conversation a dozen times since hearing about Bin Ladens death.I am very happy that our #1 wanted man was finally killed.The special team 6 that preformed the operation are amazing heros.Unfortunitly we will never know who they are to protect there safty from bin ladens followers.Im not sure whats gonna happen now but I am affraid that it is gonna make terrorism worst.Bin Laden was a leader and he had many devoted followers.If Al-Qiada killed our president we wouldnt just let it go.And honesty Bin Ladens followers are insane and im affraid the terrorism will get worse because these dangerous,aweful terrorists are probably going to be looking for revenge.Of course I pray that I am wrong.

  22. Abigail C.-online

    Response to Teri Amos

    I agree with you completely.It is great that the 9/11 families have closure and all the soldiers that have died surving our country over seas,their families finally have a sense of relief.But bin laden masterminded the 9/11 attack,it was the followers that went through with the horrible attack and they showed they had no fear and would do anything to heurt us.no that their leader is dead,someone will take his place and they will be angry.

  23. Youlinda J-Online

    I believe it will get worst because we went to this man homeland and hunted him down. From news reports he was living in a bigger mansion across the street from the Palestine gov't, now do you think they would have allowed that if they were not ok with what he did and ok with him living there.

  24. Youlinda J-Online responding to Deborah b

    I agree with you there will definitely be retaliation because they will want revenge for their leader whom they looked up and praised. There will be somefrom his group who will try and fill his shoes.

  25. Lauren G
    I think there will be more terrorists threats and attacks now that Oussama Ibn Laden is dead. There is always a back-up leader to finish the drop when the orginal leader is taken down. No one really knows if there will be future attacks till it happens. But I think the United States President is pretty aware that we are now the biggest target for an attack.

  26. Awal U
    I believe the death of Osama has made the United States a target to the remaining Al-Qaida memebers. On the other hand i beleive our country is fully aware of that and will take percussion on how we handle terrorism.

  27. Florence G.
    I believe the situation with terrorism will become worse later in the near future because right now the al-Qaeda group are busy licking their wounds because their godfather has been fed to the indian sea sharks (an unexpected delicacy).But when they get over it they will regroup again.But this time arround they will get the suprise of their lifes.

  28. Bobby w.- Online
    I am sincerely glad that Bin Laden has been brought to justice for the terrible crimes he committed and masterminded. I also believe that this will make it worse, only for another reason. With the top man out of the picture there will be chaos throughout the ranks. Many of his followers will perform their own attacks. I also believe that many people will be trying to take his spot which will skyrocket the number of attacks. We must be prepared for the worst.

  29. Bobby W.- Online in response to Lauren G

    I agree with you about the U.S. being the primary target now. We essentially painted a giant bullseye on ourselves. Preparation is now the key.

  30. Olubusola ONLINE
    It is true that Bin Laden is dead, but his death is not enough to pay for those people who died the September 11, 2001. One thing we all have to put in mind, Ben laden fundamentalist’s mind already creating several colonies of Ben laden to continue terrorizing the West. We as a nation should be very vigilant; these kinds of mentalities have no remedies. I surely think there will be more terrorists’ attacks against the rest of the world, specially the Americans. This is the main raison why the government should take the necessary mean to straightening our security’s laws.

  31. Elizabeth C.
    I am torn between whether things will get better or worse. My first reaction was that things were going to get better but as I thought about it and heard talk on the radio I realized the chance of things getting worse because others may want to get revenge on America for killing him.

  32. Deborah B. online - Comment to Alton P. Online

    I disagree. I do not think we have to accept terrorism as a way of life. I think it can be eradicated but it will take much more than the death of one man.

  33. Lindsey Babcock

    I would like to belive that he is really dead. Yet I have to say this comes at a time with obama is trying to rally to get re-elected. I have real suspitions that he may be saying this just so that he can get political attention from it.

    If Osama really is dead I fear the retrobution that we as a country may recieve. They were saying on News Talk Radio that over in the middle east all the tv's were showing how Americans were celebrating his death. I think it could really stir up some problems.

  34. Lauren Puopolo....

    I think that there will be attacks on the U.S because of it. Simply because he was the leader. No one likes it when someone kills their leader. An attack might not happen this week or this year but it probably will happen.

  35. Lauren Puopolo in response to Elizabeth C....

    I felt the same way when I first heard about it. But I do think that there will be attacks on the U.S. because of it. But justice has been served. but atleast the families that lost loved ones from 9/11 will get to have closer.

  36. J.Barrington
    One of the Hydra's heads is gone but three more will take its place. Nothing will change, some people will still hate us and want to destroy what is ours and will in kind protect all that we hold dear. It’s been this way all around the world, in every country since the beginning.

  37. Tiffany F online
    Now that Bin Laden is gone I think that terrorism will get worst for a minute; but afterwards it will probably be the same. I say this because Bin Laden had many followers so it's only natural that they retaliate.
    I just don't understand why they hate Americans so much anyway.

  38. In response to Nicolete E from Tiffany F:
    I'm reaaly not clear on the whole traditional burial of Muslims anyway, but it does seem kind of odd that they buried him at sea. They acted very quickly with that one!! I think also that some families of the 9/11 attacks would have liked to see some type of photo of him being captured not necessarily dead. Even now there are rumors of him not being dead. Some people need to visually see things before they can believe it happened.

  39. Personally I don't think that it will change the terrorists. Just like in any other part of society, when one position becomes available, someone is gonna fill the space. They may intensify there anger temporarily, but in the long run I doubt that it will change their focus.

    John Busse

  40. Lesley G. Online

    I think America should be on high alert for revenge. It was a great victory for the US to finally find and kill him. But, I do believe that is only going to make al-qaida want to try and prove themselves. Better or worse? It's hard to say at this point...

  41. Lesley G. Online
    In response to everyone speaking on the 9/11 familes...
    I saw an interview this week with the father of a man who was lost on 9/11. He was saying that there wasn't much closer because his son is still dead. I think the people who lost loved ones on 9/11 feel like justice has been done. But, I'm just not sure closer is the right word to describe it.

  42. Cara H. Online
    I just have a hard time believing he is dead. As custom to his religion 24 hours after killed he is to be burried at sea... That sounds code for we will have no proof to back up what we say. I think he is still undergroud somewhere. I am even inclined to believe that the U.S. actually believes they killed him. Im just not buying. Nevertheless, I do believe we will be attacked again. And again. AND AGAIN. We are at war and it will not stop until someone crys mercy. And, well, we are just not the kind of country who will give in.
    Cara H. Online in response to Nicolette E. Online
    My point exactlly! There is reasonable doubt!

  43. Chucky C Online… - In response to Lindsey Babcock
    I don’t personally think any body will like to toy or play the killing of a man like Oussama (world most wanted), for any reason on earth. The consequence will be very dangerous and drastic.
    The truth is President Obama and our Super Intelligent Army did some thing very courageous. They deserve AAA end of story.

  44. Chucky C Online…

    I personally don’t see terrorism getting worst, the group as a whole will certainly be disorganize with out a captain. The impact to the organization will surely weaken in the long run. They may carry out one or two attacks but its stronghold will surely fall apart. It’s important to note that no man can really eliminate evil from planet but God.

    Take for instance Saudi- Arabia, just announce today that one of its Most Wanted leaders of Al-Qaida called the government that he has decided to turn him self up to the authority just a day after Oussama was killed. I think this speaks volume with regards to the long survival of the terrorist network.

  45. BreAuna Jones ONLINE

    I believe that terrorism in america will continue.Oussama was the leader of one of the most dangerous gangs in the world. Although he is dead the mentality and ideas have been taught or passed on. I belive it will continue from generation to generation and gradually get worse as newer and more brave ideas will be created.

  46. Kevin O | Online

    If you are talking about terrorism in the USA then I think that between the Gov. and Media they will stir up the fear machine again since the Big Bad Wolf Bin Laden is dead. Seems that Americans are always focused on the wrong parts of what is happening. For example, to see his [Bin Laden] dead body on TV. What color Snookie's hair is. Katy Perry kissed a girl (true headline today May 5th, 2011 on CNN). Bin Laden worked for the CIA at one time and the USA was funding the Afghan Mujahideen insurgents fighting the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan and the Soviet Army in Operation Cyclone in 1979. Jusayin..

  47. Joey Roberts

    The situation with terrorism may get better in terms of terrorism as a social issue. I think this will get a lot of people who weren't to keen on the issue to begin with to back off. But in terms of an actual issue this seems to be nothing more than taking down a statue, as he played little to no role in the day to day goings on of Al-Qaida, so it feels like when we took out Sadaam, but in reality it's about the equivalent of when we took down his statue.

  48. Eric C.

    The situation will not get better any time soon. Terrorism is alive and well without Bin Laden, as soon as he died, someone else took his place. Americans should be on high alert as stated before, and an attack would not supprise me. However, America has become soft, and is not the power house we were before. We need to take care of our own first, then take care of business over seas.

  49. C. Deans

    I have to agree with Deborah B. She hit the nail on the head. I think you'd be naive to believe that terrorists will cease their activities simply because Bin Laden is dead. If anything it will strengthen their resolve. Imagine you being in combat and your favorite General gets killed by the enemy. Would you drop your gun and start heading back home? Doubtful. In fact most would probably be more inclined to do the opposite. Grab your weapon and charge demading payback.

  50. Michael Bishop-Online

    It is so hard to say what is going to happen. I know what we all want to happen and that is they will become extremely disorganized and the whole organization will implode. What I think will most likely happen is they will use his death as more of an incentive, possibly to pay tribute to their leader. So no I don't think that terrorism is or will ever end as long as there are teachings from radical leaders.

  51. Michael Bishop-Online In response to Cara H.

    I understand how you feel that he might not actually be dead and no one can know for sure except the people that were actually there. I do do agree that we will be attacked over and over but I don't get how we can cry mercy.

  52. R. Roebuck-

    Personally i'm not all too convince that he is dead, especially since there is no body, no actual proof. So for arugement sake, lets just say that he is dead, the military just killed a man. The military did not kill Al-Qaida and just like any other group who has had they're leader killed, retaliation is expected. The problem here is the government doesn't seem to believe nor think that Osama knew this day would come and had prepared for it by making sure the next leader in line would be well trained. As an American it's saddens me to say that Americans are dumb.

    I would agree with Aqeelah in saying: "Osama is dead, not Al-Qaida, not terrorism, and not hatred... it's unfortunate."

  53. Courtney A Online

    Personally, I believe this is the calm before the storm. It is a good thing that the most wanted person in the world is dead but because of who it was and what he repesented we should brace for retalion. But for the most part I think now that we have the Head the world will become a better place without this man and once the head is gone its pretty easy to get rid of the rest.

  54. Courtney A Online

    In Response to Elizabeth C

    I agree with you, I was the same way Torn between things getting better or worse yes things will get better because he is gone but before things get better his followers are going to want revenge.

  55. Matthew Johnson-Online

    I believe terriorism will slowly disappear because of the death of the al-Qaida leader. Terriorism will now be replace with a new term called "Haterism". A widespread of hate will sweep across the world because of how the united states is viewed. For example, I find the killings of Bin laden to be unjust and the way he was killed wasn't right. Even though he may had been guilty, he should not have been killed, for he was a unarmed man. The way the U.S and its allies conduct themselves across the globe with such diplomated/ military force seems to become more unacceptable to people of other countries. Acts like the one that we have seen within the past week is "murderous". As a result, we happen to see the uprising of hatred across the world. More countries will see that their are governments that has no respect for countries that are not like their own laws, beliefs, society; which is becoming an powerful government that simply decides to take over. I feel more hate acts will be conducted for which the chapter of "terriorism" has ended for which a new term will begin.

  56. Matthew Johnson-ONLINE
    In response to Lesley G. Online

    Revenge is possible, I do agree. There is always the possiblity of seeking out more terriorist acts within this country and abroad, but terrorism is never going to be completely over. The era of something new will begin. There will never be closer for some but others it was a sign of relief. Regardless of if Bin laden is dead or not, doesnt bring back the innocent lives that were lost for such nonsense, both in this country and the civilians of others. No life is greater than another and our values have got us in this mess in the beginning. We must live together , not divide and conquer.

  57. Olalekan Oladele: Online
    I personally do not believe that it will get better. Neither do I feel that it will get worst. I do feel however, that his followers are going to retaliate one way or the other.I hope that no one has follow him step by step to become as evil as he was. I pray that we can go back to being a peaceful nation and not live in fear.

  58. Olalekan O:online in response to Florence G

    I do believe that right now they are mourning the death of their "god father" as you call it. However if they strike back I also think that America will be waiting on them to show them that enough is enough.

  59. Josh Fallin

    Mr. Barrington made a great analogy earlier when he mentioned Hydra.

    While it is a good thing that we finally got bin Laden after so long, al-Qaida has only grown since 9/11. There are still so many places in the world that are considered terrorist safe-havens, including the US's so called ally Pakistan. There are so many different cells of al-Qaida with many different leaders, not to mention the possibility of home grown terror cells within the states. The government released a warning to state and local police sometime within the last day or so that said they don't even know if they have all the possible home grown terror suspects names in the States.

    In the end, it is good the we finally have some retribution against those who so harmed this country almost ten years ago, but this fight is far from over. We as Americans still need to be cautious and take the necessary precautions.

  60. Kathy S. Online

    Unfortunately, I see the terrorism situation getting worse. Just because we have killed Oussama Ibn Laden, his number two man Ayman al-Zawahiri is still unaccounted for. I compare al-Quaida with being a "nation" much like the United States. If something happens to our President, the Vice President steps in immediately and there is no disruption to our country. Al-Qaida's branches run deep and now that their leader has been killed, I am afraid that retaliation will be on their mind.

    I am glad that Oussama Ibn Laden has finally been found and killed. What bothers me though is the mass celebrations in the streets of the United States. That really makes us no better than the members of al-Qaida dancing in the streets after the attack on the U.S.. The following quote from Martin Luther King, Jr. sums up my feelings on this so well.

    "I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in
    the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies
    hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness
    cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out
    hate: only love can do that." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

  61. Hannah Sherman

    I believe that the situation will get worse. Since the leader of al-Qaida is dead, his followers will only want to retaliate now. I'm sure he know this day would come when we would find him, so i'm sure he had someone ready to step up and become the new leader.

  62. Kathy S. online in response to BreAuna Jones

    I totally agree with your comment. Oussama trained and passed on his ideolgy to so many for so many years, that it is ingrained within their being. Just because he is dead, it will not bring an end to al-Quaida.

  63. Rondi W Online
    Terrorism will remain the same with or without Oussama Ibn Laden. There will be more extremist that will of course explode themselves in the name of Islam or in the name of Oussama.. The `radicals are always the squeaky wheels that gets the grease. The extreme groups are always in the news broadcast due to the SHOCK factor. Terrorism has been in the world as long as mankind has inhabited the earth. It is all in the perspective of one one’s beliefs, where you were raised and views. The children in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc. have no idea the things their taught, such as strapping bombs to themselves, are not the norm in other countries. It’s like the gangs in the United States just killing to prove your evil enough to kill. Terrorism is the same to me on a small scale or a big scale the clue is the word terror. It may not be terrorism to the media it did not affect the person reporting it. It is terrorism to the person experiencing the ordeal. The whites gave small pox blankets to the Native Americans. I would consider that terrorism. Timothy McVay bombed the Federal building in Oklahoma I would consider that terrorism. He did it because he was pissed at the Federal Government. It‘s all about one society forcing it’s beliefs on another and which one will prevail and be the superior. Of course religion and other issues are brought into the equation to make people care and ignite their passion so there will be an issue they can relate to.
    Rondi W
    In response to Kathy S
    Great point of number two taking over. The comparison to President and Vice President. Liked the inclusion of the quote from Martin Luther King Jr.

  64. Ashanti P. Online

    I am glad that we finally caught him but also scared. I feel that since the leader is dead that it will put a halt to the attacks that they were planed. But I'm afraid that when they find another leader or the next person in charge will retaliate with a greater vengeance.

  65. Ashanti P Online

    In responds to Eric C.

    I agree that someone else will take over and that we should prepare for another attack. Its a shame that it has to be this way but he attacked a lot of innocent people.

  66. Caitlin L. - Online

    My uncle is in the Army.. Special Forces to be exact, and we have had quite a few conversations since the news reports about this topic. I asked him the same question: would we need to worry about retaliation, or should we feel better about the fact that Bin Laden is dead? What he told me is that regardless of his death, there is pretty much always going to be a second in command to take over. The good thing now, however, is that our military knows who to look for and what steps to take next. That said, the al-qaida is more than likely going to try to seek revenge, but I don't feel like we have much to worry about over here.

  67. Caitlin L. - Online
    In response to Kathy S.

    I must agree with the first paragraph you posted, but not so much the rest. Bin Laden was a leader of terroristic acts, he's had thousands of innocent people murdered. I understand that celebrating anybody's death seems inappropriate, but I can understand why so many people who lost family members or loved ones either on 9/11 or overseas have celebrated his.. It probably gives a lot of them closure that they otherwise wouldn't have had.

  68. Carey Denney:
    I think the situation will temporarily get better. Without a CEO, any corporation struggles. Their stock has fallen and they must seek new funding and a new leader to continue. I wonder if Bin Laden's ego let him entertain the idea that he would be eliminated and planned accordingly or not. He certainly provided the cash flow for the organization, at least at one time also. So, without leadership or funding, I can't see how the situation wouldn't at least temporarily improve. But since those that feel oppressed eventually rise up to overtake (Marx), we must assume it is in fact a temporary reprieve.

  69. Reply to Caitlin:
    you answered my question! They feel as though there is a second in command. I agree that we are much better prepared and well versed in the profile of the terrorists, therefore, we should remain on alert and not fall asleep at our own wheel here in the U.S.

  70. Martha-Jane A.

    I think his death will spawn new factions of terrorists, but I also don't think this will change a thing. Terrorists will always terrorize. On the other hand, I don't really know what to believe. I don't think any twenty year-old girl from Cartersville, Georgia is wise enough to understand the ways of the world or the motives of a terrorists. We just call them evil and call it a day. Sorry I didn't mean to offend anyone, but I believe that any repercussions from this act would have happened under a different name under different motives anyway. Just keep you and yours safe and pray for the best.

  71. Martha-Jane A
    In response to Joey Robert:

    I really liked your analogy about taking down the statue the way they did with Saddam...that was clever.

  72. Stephanie S. Online

    I believe terrorism will never end, as long as there is something in a country that another country needs/wants they will fight for it. Killing him didn't do anything but make some people feel better and angry his followers.

  73. Stephanie S. in response to Martha-Jane A.,

    I completely agree. It will never end.

  74. Christina C. - Online

    Bin Laden's death came to me as a surprise and I only knew about it instantly because I was on Facebook at the time Obama was announced he would speak. Hooray for social networking, right? Honestly, I don't think this is the end of terrorism, unfortunately. Where there is a leader, there is a second-in-command and usually that person can be quite worse. However, I think it gives us hope that America can rise up and at least fight terrorism successfully. We are at least one small step closer to seeing its end.

  75. Christina C. - Online in response to Kathy S. ...

    I agree with you somewhat that it was slightly wrong to dance in the street. However, I think comparing us to how al-Queda danced in the street is a tad bit extreme. They sought to hurt us and were dancing because they hurt us. We sought after justice and were not just solely celebrating Bin Laden's death. People were celebrating because it was one step closer to bringing al-Queda down. They took thousands of lives willingly, so of course we would have little sympathy. Most of their paths are their choice, people must remember that. Despite what people thing, they can choose to be evil or good.

    By the way, I do like your Martin Luther King quote! It is true, but I can't apply it to an organization that killed many innocent people that were just living a normal day.

  76. Devyn G.

    I personally don't think that the act of terrorism is going to get any better. All this time he was in hiding he was probably forming another mini him, and he will soon come out and pick up where Osama left off.

  77. Sarah Collett - ONLINE

    Now that Osama is dead I think that terrorism in the long run will be less because he's dead. However in the near future I would not be suprised if acts of terrorism happened to the United States in response to the US killing their main leader.

  78. Sarah Collett - ONLINE

    In response to Nicolette.

    The pictures you've seen are not real. No actual photos have been released because Obama "doesn't want to spike the football". I think eventually they will come out but they havn't yet. Also, I don't really see the reason for with holding that information nor do I think they would. It's more probable but very unlikey that the opposite would happen and he have never been killed rather than they have killed him along time ago and not tell us. PLUS! if they did kill him awhile ago, other members of al-Queda whould have known and taken action. &&& if that happened then Mr. Obama would be in a heep of trouble for with holding that information.

  79. Kevin O | Online

    In response to Lauren Puopolo

    I think with the terrorists, it's like playing 'Whack-a-Mole'. When you bash one down, another one pops up!

  80. Jessica C.-Online

    Unfortunately, I could see terrorism becoming more of a problem for the United States. I hope that this isn't the case though. Just because we captured one terrorist successfully doesn't mean that nobody else in the world had the same beliefs Osama did. However, it is a blessing that he was captured and eliminated for the safety of our country.

  81. Jessica C
    In response to Aqueelah

    I agree that this situation could have made the terrorism situation worse in a way. Although it is great that we have eliminated a terrorist, this terrorist had a family, a culture, and many others who share his beliefs and possibly his desires. It is not a comfortable thought but it is a reality that we need to face and be prepared to deal with.

  82. Matthew S ONLINE

    I feel that the situation with terrorism will just get worse since Osama is dead. His people and followers are going to want revenge and I think that they will come for our country with full force.

  83. Matthew S ONLINE

    In response to Ashanti P, I agree with you 100%. I believe that they will find another leader and try to make more terroristic threats towards our country. It's awful to feel like we may get attacked again, but I know that with our brave troops and Godly support that we will dominate.

  84. Jillian Downs - Online

    I believe that the war on terrorism has gotten worse and will continue to get worse. Now that we have succeeded in killing bin Laden, while it gives off the message that we are determined, that message will just make the terrorists angrier.

  85. Jillian Downs

    Response to: Christina C.

    I agree that killing bin Laden did serve as a good way to lift up spirits! While I don't enjoy celebrating a death, regardless of how cruel the person was, I think that the fact that we have finally killed him is a beacon of hope for us.

  86. it can only get worse i believe the terrorist will retaliate in a big way because of what has happened to there leader.

  87. Alexandra S.
    I think he got what he desrved. But I don't think the situation will get any better. Just because Osama is dead doesn't mean that there isn't someone ready to be their leader or to plan other attacks. Sadly, no matter how good our military is, terrorism is not something we can put a complete stop to.

  88. Micah S.- Online

    Honestly, I see the situation on terrorism getting worse. I think that if his followers that hijacked the airplanes that hit the twin towers would give their life for his rulings then his other followers are not very happy right now. I hope the situation gets better but I don't see it happening soon. Members of his group are very dedicated and I think they have other plans and are waiting for another chance to attack. This whole situation is a victory but it is kind of scary what else they could do.

  89. Micah S in response to Alexandra S.

    I totally agree. We have an amazing military force but their is only so much they can do. Terrorism has always existed and is never going to stop. It is just like the whole world peace idea. There are always people out there who don't want to go along with everyone else and wants attention!

  90. Nina C - Online

    I most definitely do not think this is even close to the end of terrorism. The members of al-Qaida are very dedicated individuals and just because the head of operations is now dead, does not mean that the intelligence to pull off another act of terrorism died with him. Just like any other leader, there are many followers and I do believe that there will be some acts of retaliation (hopefully unsuccessful).

    The common saying on every news network is:

    "Now is not the time to get complacent"

    Hopefully our "President" doesn't get too narcissistic about this (bittersweet victory in my eyes) and stays on his toes because this is not the end.

  91. Nina C - Online

    In response to Christine C.

    Haha I found out about it via Facebook too. I was like, "what in the world are all these people talking about" and then I turned on the news (I despise the news since all is ever on it is bad - quite depressing). Hooray for Facebook for being able to keep up on current events. I definitely agree with you that this isn't the end though. If anything, I almost see it getting worse because now there are going to be people fighting to take his place which means they are going to be competing by seeing who can perform the more extreme acts. God willing, we will be able to stand up to them.

  92. Mayra Ortega (online)May 7, 2011 at 11:41 PM

    Since Oussama is dead, many of his followers will seek revenge. No, the situation with the terrorist will not cease or get much better. Hopefully our nation will be able to stand up to them.

    Response to Deborah B., I do hope his followers and supporters will suffer without him. If they do, eventually all their plans will be demolished.

  93. Nina C - Online

    In response to all the posts above mine

    Just after thoughts after my initial post and after reading everyone's post.

    First, I definitely would like proof - I think this DNA stuff is a bunch of bunk...how do civilians know anything??

    Next, Mr. Obama DID NOT get Bin Laden. Instead of thanking him, I really wish people would give the true credit to the true HEROES - OUR US MILITARY. Mr. Obama is sitting in the White House collecting his paycheck while he lets our country go down the toilet. Lets not forget that a month ago our troops were going to have to risk their lives and work for free. Our troops are the ones out there fighting for our country and freedom against these morons. I swear if I see another tshirt that says "Obama got Osama" I am going to SCREAM!!

    Also, just because this man is supposedly dead, does not mean that there is any closure to the families who lost loved ones on 9/11 or during the course of this war. His "death" is not going to bring them back. Heck, all you have to do is watch the news to see what the families are saying about it.

    Lastly, cut the head off of the snake and two will grow back. He was the "leader" but there are many of his followers that are just as evil as he is that are just waiting to compete to take his place and America is their playing field. I truly believe that this is only the beginning of an even longer battle.

    There will never be an end to this vicious cycle...

  94. Jessica Klingberg - OnlineMay 8, 2011 at 3:35 AM

    I see it going two ways - his followers out for revenge could spurr another global incodent or without a leader could cause the dissolving for al-Qaida. Its been very surreal for me personally because bin Laden has just seemed as a symbol for the grief of 9/11, if that makes any sense at all. So, in that case I lean more towards revenge being their responce. Or just always anticipate the enemy.

  95. Jessica Klingberg - OnlineMay 8, 2011 at 3:41 AM

    In responce to Christina C.

    I also found out of Facebook - I guess my generation doesn't watch the news that much!
    Your post is very simular to mine - I think its just another peg out of the Jenga tower. And I am on pins and needles waiting for them to take even MORE pegs out of our tower. (no pun intended)

  96. Martha W - Online

    I think the situation with terrorism will get worse. These men are trained for years to kill, plus they believe that sacrificing their own lives results in great rewards in their after life, so killing the leader will not stop terrorism. I am afraid it will get worse, because there will be someone to take his place and I believe they will retialate.

  97. Courtney DeBord- Online
    I believe that this is no where near the end of the war on terror. They were alot more people behind the 9/11 attacks then just him. I am glad that the military, military families, and families that have lost loved ones and friends because of his actions will finally have some closure though. They deserve that. As far as everyone else I believe we should celebrate for a second but our focus needs to be on securing our nation agaist retaliation of the followers of Bin Laden. Al Quada was not just one man...
    In response to R. Roebuck-
    I agree with you not believing he is dead. The stories have changed so many times these last few weeks then we find out he was just burried at sea?? This all seems a little wierd to me personally. I also dont agree to keeping the pictures private. If we as Americans want to see the pictures then show them...

  98. Martha W - Online

    In response to Devyn G.

    I totally agree with you. They are fully aware of being killed and would have someone trained to take over as leader. Terrorism does not start or end with one person.

  99. Rory H. - online
    I don't think it will change at all, and my reasoning for this is since man has been around, one group of people has terrorized another group of people. And just like money, fear is power. So, until the day that we can eliminate the portion of society that lusts after power, this will never end.

    In response to Nina C.:
    I agree with you and, not to be a downer, but I fear that the only chance of this type of behavior ever ending is the destruction of mankind.

  100. Ryan M Online in response to Rory H. - online

    I agree that it will not change. One group will always terrorize another in some way, shape, or form.

    Ryan M Online
    I believe it will only get worse from here. Just because we took out the head of a terrorist group, we are not any safer. Quite the opposite. We are in more danger now as the entire terrorist organizations will be after us for revenge. Either way, this is far from over.

  101. Jeryl C. Online

    I'm glad the guy is dead, and I'm glad he was thrown in the ocean and not given any proper treatment after he was deceased. I think his death will quell the al-qaida group for some period of time until the find another bin-laden to take his place. I do think this will come as a realization to some of these people that you can't hide forever and you will pay for your actions.

  102. Jeryl C. online

    In response to Jessica K. online

    I don't think we can take "anticipate the enemy" too far, and as a nation live in fear of the terrorists. If that was the case, then the terrorists won.

  103. Do I see the situation with terrorism getting better or worse? Some form of terrorism will be with us for many many years, this is a victory for our nation but the subject of terrorism and the reasons fueling it are far greater than one man. The world is too interconnected, conflicts of power, reason, religion, wealth and national or ethnic pride will likely continue to divide and with the easy access to weapons and information there will be a means for acts of terror.

  104. Stephen Online in response to Devyn
    I agree that removing the threat of Osama does not end anything. Others likely took over control of his network years ago and run operations in various parts of the world already. Whether they are connected to Al-Queda or not, threats from small well organized, funded and motivated groups have always and will always present a threat to the rest of society. Constant vigilance is key along with diplomacy to prevent others from following in the footsteps of terror.

  105. Maurice G online
    I think now that Osama Bin Laden is gone, I think that we for right now Al-Queda will mourn the death of their leader. I think that yes they are hurt, but somewhere in that camp, someone was being and is being trained to be the successor. I think that we should stay alert and don't think that the threat is gone just because the leader is gone. The threat will always be there.

  106. Maurice G online to Jessica C
    I agree that just because we have gotten one leader and we feeel justice for our country that this is somemthing we should think is over. Just as you said, there are other people who don't like America, or Americans. This could be a problem for us. I know that we have celebrated and we feel that justice was served in some way but hopefully we don't rub it in to possibility creat a bigger problem for ourselves.

  107. I think that Osama bin Laden being gone has really made al-Quada mad. They will mourn, however I am scared that they will retaliate. He may have been there leader, but there is many men who may want to step up, and be just as harmful as Osama was. I think that America needs to be on high alert for a long time.

  108. in response to Maurice G.....
    I totaly agree with you, that someone is going to take over and now they are possibly going to retalliate. It is scary to think of what the future holds.

  109. Tomeka D. online

    Do we see the situation with terrorism getting better or worse? Its unfortunate that any time United States has an interest in a particular country, we label them as terrorist. Therefore is seems to give the United States a reason to "man handle" these smaller countries, in the name of "terrorism". What happened during Sept 11th was horrific, my only brother worked in the towers, but I also have different feelings about what happened right after Sept 11th, the decision to go into war while our nation was still grieving as well as not having all accurate information as to why we are going in to war in the first place, and using the terms "terrorism" as a source of rage and anger towards a specific country. No, I do not see the situation with terrorism getting better. I see the United States has opened its self up to even more terror, from people and places that we already have in this country as well as the number of people that we let into this country on a regular basis.

  110. Tomeka D. online

    In response to Courtney DeBord,

    I agree with what you said about our military & their families having some sort of closure. I also agree with you about celebrating for a second, then getting back to securing not just our borders but educating our local police offices as well as our TSA people at the airports, to better understand that 1. not every person that is Muslim is a terrorist. and 2.terrorist or terrorism cannot be defined or minimized by profiling. So many countries dislike America, we have no idea what the next person can do.

  111. Tori F Online

    This is a hard one for me. On one hand I am glad we killed Oussama and on the other I am scared because we killed him. I believe that it is not a question of if we are going to be attacked but when. I hope and pray that his replacement is not worse than Oussama was. I feel his death will not bring the US peace. I pray our government made the right choice because now we have to live with it.

  112. Tori F in response to Lindsey Babcock

    I do not think Obama is using this as a re-election strategy. The death of Oussma is putting our country at great risk. If something happens Obama will be blamed and not re-elected.

  113. Sun A. - Online

    I see that it's going to get worse. Bin Laden's death has given many americans some type of closure but I don't think they realize that the worse has yet to come. I feel that Al Qaida's main purpose is to destroy americans and is constanly working on new ways to do so. But with us killing their leader I believe we are really in trouble now!

    In response to Deborah B -
    You are right, Bin Laden's death will not end terrorism. If anything, it just made it worse and we are in for it.

  114. Sherena Hines-RushMay 8, 2011 at 1:16 PM

    I do believe that our situation with terrorism will get worse! I was worried even before Al-Qaida confirmed the death of their leader,after which,they have vowed revenge. I just wonder will they come after our president or will they come after the American people. Either way will be tragic

  115. Sherena Hines-RushMay 8, 2011 at 1:20 PM

    In response to Teri F online...
    you said that you hope our military/government made the right choice. Do you believe that they made the wrong choice? I personally dont know. On the one hand they got the man responsible for so many deaths but on the other, you have killed the leader of a violent enemy of the US. I agree with you so not questioning if there will be a retaliation but when and fearing the "new leader" of Al-Qaida.

  116. sadika J. - onlineMay 8, 2011 at 2:21 PM

    I think for now things will be better. we have destroyed their leader which will of course disrupt their infrastructure. we have also sent a powerful message that terrorism will not be tolerated. while there will always be terrorist out there i can only remain optimistic that we will remain on high alert and prevent any major attacks in the future.

  117. sadika J. - onlineMay 8, 2011 at 2:28 PM

    response to tori F.

    I not only think it was the right choice but I think it was the only choice. Bin laden was responsible for one of the most horrific acts of terrorism and justice needed to be served.

  118. Daryn L - Online. I feel our biggest threat at this time is retaliation by Al-Quida and other close followers to Bin Laden. Its unfortunate that its something that this world has to deal with, but we have to continue to find ways to fight and prevent terrorism, especially on our own soil.

  119. Mike G
    The situation with terrorism has a high chance of getting worse. America just killed another leader of a middle eastern country, in addition to Saddam. America just might be the most hated country right now, because we tend to go and try to make peace in other countries when it is none of our business. Osama's followers might decide to strike harder this time around.

  120. I think Osama's death brought justice for what he did. Imagine family members that lost their love ones to the horrible terrorist attack on 9/11 will have a sigh of relief. Al-Quida will always attack if they want to with or without Osama, all we need to do is pray for peace and harmony. At the same time we need to be vigilant of our enviroment and the people around us.

  121. In Response to Aqeelah
    I think you are right, the battle is not over until its over. We can all fight against terrorism, Al-Quida members might want to attack because of the death of Osama; but we should not relent in our effort against any form of attack.

  122. Deideria W. OnlineMay 13, 2011 at 1:06 PM

    I believe that since the death of Oussama Ibn Laden the terrorist attacks will worsen, because al-Qaida wants to retaliate and get revenge. We killed their leader so now they are going to try to get back at of us. They may try to follow through on Bin Laden attacks that he piloted.

  123. Deideria W. Online in response to EsterMay 13, 2011 at 1:23 PM

    I agree Oussama death was a form of justice "an eye for an eye". The plot for Al-Quida to attack of whether Oussama is dead or alive.

  124. Who knows if it really is over yet. There is the factor that Al-Quida, even after losing their "great" leader, will try and elect someone else to take his place. You know as well as I do that they probably even gone as far as already attaining a new leader. Who knows if that leader will be capable or not to lead this terrible group to more acts of Terrorism. I surely hope he is incompetent. Then again, maybe it will boil down to whether or not we will keep our guard up.

  125. Teresia K Online

    I think that, the death of bin laden will not bring war into a complete stop but will definately slow down maybe for a minute. However, we have to put in mind that osama had too many supporters and that is the main reason it has taken quite a while to capture him. There is still need for more alert and readiness for no one knows what his partners may be having in mind.

  126. Teresi K inresponse to Taylor Vaughn
    I do agree with you. We need to stay more alert and prepared for even more action because you never know. Am sure there was an assistant of Osama!
