Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sociological Phenomenon

After twenty-five years Oprah Winfrey brought her award winning and overwhelmingly influential talk show to an end. For a quarter of a century Winfrey has addressed every societal issue imaginable. How is it this one woman managed to cross gender, age, race, class, ethnic, religious and socio-economic boundaries to have a major impact on this country and the world?

Please note, the question is not whether you like Oprah or watched her show. It is: How is it this one woman managed to cross gender, age, race, class, ethnic, religious and socio-economic boundaries to have a major impact on this country and the world?


  1. In my opinion, I believe that Oprah is influential because she took initiative, showed gratitude (even when she had less than enough) and focused on her goals and dreams. Her history alone keeps her humble, grounded, and likely even more grateful. Also, Oprah was not afraid to put herself “out there” so to speak, she was not afraid or her greatness or influence. From what I’ve seen she is a selfless individual and shows much gratitude. When you give, you get. When you get you give. It’s a cycle that Oprah has proven works every time.

  2. Megan Mcfarland-Online

    Oprah has become a great woman and influence because she didn't let men or society tell her she could not reach her goals. she worked hard and kept pushing to get where she is. she also didnt let her horrible past keep her down and from reaching her goals.

  3. Kevin O | Online

    Oprah took risks. She spoke from a lot of personal experience and made people feel comfortable talking about sensitive issues. Like Aqeelah said above, she gave a lot of her knowledge and wealth to uncounted numbers of people. She had a background that many men and women share, unfortunately, in the world. Watching her step out, share her pain, and it feel real, was groundbreaking for people to watch. Also the fact that she's never been married speaks volumes to me personally.

  4. Chris D.

    People have a tendency to identify with Oprah in one way shape or form. She has incredible charisma and a work ethic rivaled by few. I think she has used her difficult past to inspire her to rise above it and help others. I think people see a piece of their own mothers, sisters, and friends in her. I believe her ability to make her audience feel she is genuinely concerned for the welfare of others is key for her ability to transcend social boundaries.

  5. I did not watch her show very much, but what I did see was she was very compassionate, and seemed to be concerned for others. Her shows always pulled at your heartstrings. She broke the racial lines and treated everyone like humans instead of seperate groups. She respected others for whatever reason that had to be on her show and shared her wealth with many people. She was not a follower but a leader, that took life by the horns and made bad situtations, to have closure and acceptance for all.

  6. Youlinda J-Online

    Oprah was able to connect with each and everyone no matter what race, religion, sex, economic status. She seem to feel and show compassion, she sounded sincere and always wante to make a difference in someone's life and she did that no matter if she was told she couldn't or shouldn't.

  7. Lindsey B - online

    Oprah was able to do what she did because she did not have any subject she was not willing to explore and talk about. Everything she handled she did so with act of love, kindness, and a willingness to listen. She did not judge anyone and was willing to try to understand whom ever she was speaking with.

  8. J.Barrington
    She accomplished so much because she wanted to, and made it happen. I don’t know very much about Oprah but from what I have seen she has always been smart, generous, and very entertaining. I believe one of the reasons she made it so far was also because karma. All I ever hear about Oprah, besides couch hopping guests on her show, is how much she gives back to everyone. To me that shows amazing character and she deserves all due credit.

  9. Valli S - online
    I think Oprah was able to do all she did because she was an everyday person. She could talk to anyone about anything in such a way that they were comfortable and her audience was also. She never acted like the star she is.

  10. ChastityF....Online
    I think that Oprah was able to cross all of the boundries listed above by being an intellegent, well spoken, caring, giving woman. Whe topics and issues addressed on her show were topics she cared about and thought they needed to addressed. She has an amazing heart and a nuturing spirit. No one will ever be able to compare....

  11. Michael Bishop- online

    Oprah has broken the social rule of women not being powerful to being one of the most powerful people in the world. She has also taken away the social stigma that black people are poor.

  12. Teri Amos - OnlineMay 31, 2011 at 4:38 PM

    Oprah is such a powerful idol in the world because she was not afraid to take her dreams and force them to come true no matter who tried to stand in her way. She is a very brave lady who, i'm sure, had her share of ridicule and bad mouthing, but she conquered her goals by not giving up. She is constantly encouraging everyone to be kind to one another and i believe she has turned many many lives around just by her good deeds and positive speeches. She never backed down from what she believed she was meant to do and she has surpassed all expectations of her failure.

  13. Rory H. - online
    Before Oprah Winfrey, the closest thing to that kind of program would have been the Phil Donahue Show, which by comparison was pretty boring and also as a daytime tv host, Donahue was kind of flakey. Much like many other things, when you have few choices, sometimes someone that is mediocre can rise to stardom. What I mean by this is, out of the choices of daytime televison, when Oprah first came on, it was either re-runs, soap operas or The People's Court, so I can safely say that Oprah Winfrey was an inovator during that time period, but her meteoric rise to fame is more due to the fact of being at the right place at the right time. As a side note, I think her appeal to the female demographic was because she came across as the every-woman.

  14. Kathy S. Online

    I think there are many things that made Oprah successful. She had a goal-oriented focus, she had the ability to overcome diversity and she had the ability to recognize and seize many opportunities. She also has a sense of responsibility to others and she had the courage to follow her passion. All of these things enabled Oprah to reach new heights.

  15. Lauren Puopolo...

    Oprah had such an impact because she didn't let the facts that she was a women and African American stop her from doing what she wanted to do. She also would talk about the issues that needed to be talked about. Her show wasn't about filling a time slot on TV. She would talk about things that really mattered. She also wouldn't let anything stop her if she wanted something she would go after it.

  16. Caitlin L. - Online

    In my opinion, Oprah has had a major influence on the world for many reasons. She has the amazing ability to overcome not only adversity but diversity as well. She's the type of person every person should strive to be. She'll give you the shirt off of her back if you ask for it. I think more than anything, it is the respect she gives to everybody she meets that made the world fall in love with her.

  17. Alexandra S.
    I think that she was driven to succeed and didn't let her horrible childhood bring her down. She not only related to people because she has gone through some tough times too but she is also very pleasing to watch. Her shows make you feel good. Her main audience are women, not black women not just white or hispanic but all women as a whole. That is why I think she had such popularity.

  18. Because as a child she was promoted from kindergarten to third grade, we know she was intuitive and intelligent. Although she had adversity, her father provided stability and made her responsible for academic achievement. Her intelligence gained her scholarships and beauty pagents gave her notariety. Her father helped her develop her passion rather than try to change her personality. She was humble enough to seek opinions and guidance from mentors. Her education, commitment, and warm personality was a recipie for success. Everyone reveres someone who is smart, warm AND educated-regardless of race, age, sex. And as the text we have covered suggests, women can achieve more when they postpone marriage and family for education and career opportunities.

  19. Reply to Aqeelah-
    Hey and good point to add as you mentioned:that she wasn't afraid to put herself 'out there'. She had amazing confidence. If you don't have that, you can't have all the rest. If you don't believe in yourself, no one else will either.

  20. Tiffany F. online
    Oprah mangaed to change the world by treating and respecting everyone as a human being. She didn't see race, creed, color or age. Through her humankindness she has changed the world. She has paid for the education of thousands of students, opened up a school in Africa, started a book club that got most people reading, helped people become debt free, built homes and communities for people who were in need. I could go on but to know that one person, through the will of God,is responsible for all that is amazing! There are many rich humanitarians out there that do things descretly; but it's nice to just turn on the tv in your livingroom and here about a person helping someone. Bill Gates for instance, gives back as well but he does it through charity. It is not something that is broadcasted for all the world to see.

  21. Oprah broke the barrier because she wanted to make a change. She pushed forward to become something of herself, even when women were still being pushed aside. Her charisma and major help toward society and it's many problems like, poverty, made her a more prominate figure.

  22. Courtney DeBord- Online
    I believe Oprah was so sucessful because she did not let anyone or anything stand in her way of making a difference. She used personally experience to relate to her audience and let them feel comfortable enough to continue to watch her. Every day for years individuals all over watched her show because she made people feel as though they were being understood. For example when Oprah and her friend go on road trips with nothing but a car load of personal belongings. It showed she is willing to give up everything to show people can make it to the top even if they have nothing.

  23. Jillian Downs - Online

    I believe Oprah was and still is so successful because she believed that she could be. She is a very strong woman with a very strong need to help people, and she never let anyone or any negativity bring her down. She has done countless good deeds for every race, religion, class. She has helped women feel more positive about their appearance, she has helped out families financially, she has built schools and housing. The reason she was able to touch so many different kinds of people is because her devotion to helping others is not limited to one culture or race. Her drive is what kept her going. There was never a lack of people who needed her help in any way possible, so she always kept helping.

  24. Jillian Downs - Online
    Response to: Lindsey B

    I agree with you but forgot to mention it! Another reason that Oprah is so successful is because she is so willing to talk about, explore, and help on every topic. It does not matter how personal or extreme the subject matter, she was willing to deal with it. There are not a lot of people out there who are willing to do that.

  25. Kathy S. Online in Response to Everyone

    Wow, I am really impressed by all of the information presented so far in the blog. I have learned a lot about Oprah that I didn't know. I didn't watch her show, so I didn't know the extent of the generosity of this woman. Thanks for sharing!!! What a benevolent person this woman is!!!!

  26. Alton P online
    The reason Oprah Winfrey was able to cross all boundries was she always talked about relevent subjects and their was always a group of people that could relate. She always did shows that showed women how to empower themselves, and did shows that people could see what was wrong and unfair in the world. Nothing like the Springers, the Williams my bady daddy shows she stayed above that only talking about real issues.

  27. Alton P online @ Tiffany F
    You have brought to my attention probaly some of the real major points to me which is much more of a factor in making Oprah Winfrey who she is. I have forgotten about the school and all the humanitarian things she has done. She is just a good person.

  28. Deborah B. - Online

    I have often wondered this myself. The best answer I can come up with is the Oprah had the personality people are drawn to and she drew on her past expericence to relate to others and their problems. She was honest about her background. She realized she was not limited by where she came from but was defined by where she was going.

  29. Melissa D.

    Oprah has risen above and accomplished so much due to the subject matter she covered and how it was presented. Oprah as mentioned covered such a broad spectrum of subject matter that many times her shows appealed to everyone. Oprah represents in many ways the modernized version of someone accomplishing the ultimate American Dream. A minority, growing up poor, rising above and accomplishing great things and all the while helping her community and country.

  30. Eric C.

    I've never really watched Oprah nor have I been attracted to her show. However, from everything I hear and read on this blog, she is a giving and caring person. Her own trial and error have helped her get to the "top" so to speak. People understand where she's coming from and they can relate. All of these things combined is what's helped her break so many boundries.

  31. Sometimes a persons good nature and personality can outshine all of their other traits. She has always seemed to be one of those caring, giving, fun loving, staight to the point (without being too over confrontational), kind hearted individuals. And with the right connections, behind the scene people, media relation companies, managers, fan clubs and a little bit of luck, anything can be accomplished.

    John Busse

  32. Charlene- G online

    Oprah was able to cross those boundaries for several reasons 1.on certain topics she was able to relate to the person she would interview,2. she had a firm stance on what she believed in which is made her more knowledgeable to teach others and talk about on her show, and 3 she made it to where she wanted to help others and inform others and promote positive in the world. These 3 things made it to where she was able to do what she was able to do in the 25 years she was on television.She has a good heart and an understanding of how people are too where she was able to ask the right questions and get the responses she needed to have a good show. Also she gave to charities and opened a school for girls in Africa which is just wonderful.

  33. Lauren G

    I've actually watched the Oprah show plenty of times and have enjoyed watching it. She has changed many peoples lives and told theres stories and i guess that why she is well-respected throughout the country. Shes alos educated, so its not like a dumb person trying to talk about peoples lives. She is liked by all races because of her intelligence, money, show, and she gives to charity; I guess thats why she is not look down upon. Its a shame that she decided to retires from the show.

  34. Danielle S. Online
    Oprah was able to do what she did because she was very open minded and humble. She realized what she came from and let others know, which made others comfortable enough to share their own story.Oprah wasn't born into money either so to know that she made it gives others enough encouragement to continue.

  35. Florence G.

    Oprah was born to succeed and succeed she did, although she wasn't born into money. She has a has a big heart and she is compassionate. She has also fulfill the law of giving by touching many lifes positively all over the world.

  36. Matthew Johnson-ONLINE

    Oprah managed to cross gender, age, race, class, ethnic, religious and socio-economic boundaries to have a major impact on this country and the world by bringing issues that we may have overlooked or even not payed attention to more emotional way . A way that would draw people closer to the situations that she talked about. She is a well spoken woman who had beat the odds of the "norm". I think she was able to reach so many people because she had the tools and opportunity to do so. She brought forth a reality within an reality. Oprah knew what words touched people and what things where important throughout all these years. Its like a book writer for example, when a writer writes a book he / she knows what kind of audience he/ she will attract. But with Oprah she touched areas of almost every person that was drawn to her show in such a informative way. The best of this time I must say.

  37. Elizabeth C.
    I think that Oprah was a woman of power who was proud, confident and caring. Those are characteristics that any person admires regardless of their race. She showed love and kindness that many people wish they could show. For example, spending her time and money on others such as helping kinds in countries that are less fortunate. She could relate to people on their level rather than thinking that she was better than everyone. She was an idol and I think that is stronger than any issues of race.

  38. Olubusola Online

    Oprah had inspired me personally, in fact she was an inspiration for the whole world, and she was able to connect herself with everyone regardless of race, religion, sex, social background and economic status. She was able broke the racial barrier for all social change as a woman. She stood up for all people, particularly less fortunate children here in America and Africa. Because of her generosity, a lot people who were not able to pay for the education, she provided them some sort of way to get their education; she did not only for blacks or whites but she did it for all. Lastly, she was to accomplish so much because of her compassion, dedication, integrity and strength of higher up. We surely going to miss her but knowing her, she will continue to do her humanitarian work endlessly.

  39. Maurice G online
    I think that Oprah was able to cross gender lines, economic lines, and all other kind of lines because she had goals. I think that Oprah probably started out wanting to do one thing, and as she learned from each step she laid out her plan and followed it. I think that treating people the right way being compassionate, and loving what you are doing plays an important part in being successful. I think that Oprah fell into all parts of these catagories to be a successful person. But I think the biggest part was Goals, and Planning.

  40. Josh Fallin

    Oprah was able to become such a massive influence mainly due to how down to earth she was. From what I've ever seen or heard about her, she always seemed to be very relatable to the common person and almost all of her topics were real-world topics. Not only that, but it seems like she treated everyone that she came into contact with equally whether they were a celebrity or average person. Her generosity and initiative to be both inquisitive and to promote change helped elevate her to the position that she holds today.

  41. Micah S Online

    I think that Oprah was able to cross boundaries because she voiced her opinion on different issues and it interested people. Before Oprah, there were certain issues that people didn't talk about and there were definitely boundaries that people didn't cross. She had goals and dreams to reach out to people and help them and she succeeded. She made a bold statement and it helped many people throughout the world!

  42. Lesley G. Online-
    I think Oprah has done so well for a few reasons. I don't know much about her and I never really watched the show, but from what I do know... She started out small and unknown. But, she worked her way up the ladder. She showed determination to get to a place where she is happy. She was also very generous with her millions and billions of dollars. She has given away cars and vacations to the members in her audience. She has also interviewed numerous celebrities. She help Obama with his campaign. People look up to her because she is so powerful and able to do so much for so many. She draws people to herself in that way.

  43. Lesley G Online

    In response to Deborah B. Online
    I like how you out it... "She realized she was not limited by where she came from but was defined by where she was going." And I agree, she just draws people to herself because of the tyoe of person she is.

  44. Courtney A Online

    In my opinion, I believe that Oprah is humble and a very influential pedrson because she took risk. Oprah never accepted the word No from anyone and went from nothing to everything. With the success she came across she never forgot where she can from and always gave back just as much as she recieved to adults and children all over the world. With topic on her show ranging from race to religion she has opened the hearts of many people and Oprah will always be a loved household name.

  45. Rondi W Online
    Oprah has been successful at these things because of listening to her audience and her employer. She listened to society. At one point and time Oprah was headed down the Montel, Springer, who’s the baby’s daddy, road. Ratings and network influence demanded a positive spin on things instead of the negative. Touchy topics can be talked about no matter how uncomfortable and emotional they are if there is compassion and understanding involved. Oprah has had great influence on our society by having President Obama on her show and not having any other candidates until after the election. Oprah did not get the majority of her influence until the money factor was there. The more money someone has the more is given to them. The people on her show that got the cars the cars were donated for advertisement on the show. These people could not afford the taxes on the vehicles! Oprah did not pay the taxes and the vehicles were given by the manufacturer. Bottom line how was she able to do it the MEDIA and MONEY!

  46. Devyn G.

    Oprah wasn't afraid to say what was on her mind. She took MANY risks when it came to what she would talk about. But the thing about it is that she gained a lot of people's respect for it. She's a smart, strong woman, and she holds such a high title because of that.

  47. Sarah Collett - Online

    I think what made Oprah what she was is because she's real. She's someone people could relate to and she was never afraid to talk about her past and her skeletons. She used he past to help people of the future. & people like that. They like to see a hero, and that's what she was.

  48. Matthew Schmidt - ONLINE

    Oprah is an amazing woman. I think that what made her so great was that she was a "self-made" billionaire. She helps people in many ways, and I think that people realize that she is not just in the entertainment business for the money, but to help millions on people.

  49. Oprah is a great person who has done a lot for her people and country. It is great to see that a person with a lot of money and power use it for good and to help the less fortunate. She has done so much for the world to make it better. She is a very successful woman and deserves everything that she has earned.

  50. Martha-Jane A.

    I think one of the reasons is because she has a really sad story to tell, but she didn't let that define her. I think a lot of people identify with and respect that about her character. Also she's personable, intelligent, and genuinely seems to care.

  51. Vanna H. Online

    I think that Oprah was born gifted. God have her the gift of intelligence and humbleness, something not everyone gets in life. She truly takes the whole idea of “thanks to my fans” to the next level. She is always finding ways to help society. I think that she deserves all she has based on her merits.

  52. Martha W - Online

    I think Oprah was able to cross all the boundaries listed and had a impact on this country and the world, because she showed sincere concern for people and the issues all people faced. She was honest and open about her past, which enabled people to relate to her on a personal level. Plus she never appeared to be superior to others and was willing to help the less fortunate in the U.S. and other countries.

  53. Chucky C Online ......

    I was never an Oprah fan but later I started to admire her greatly because she is very compassionate.
    I think she was able to cut across gender, age, race, and class, ethnic, religious and socio-economic boundaries because she did not live a double life (standard). She always stood for the truth and made people believe in themselves no matter how terrible their past me be.

    Above all she has the genuine fear of God in her – a real WORLD HERO.

  54. I believe Oprah was able to make such an impact on the world because she never forgot where she came from. through all the fame and fortune she has remained humble. She is nonjudgemental and has an uplifting spirit.

  55. Christina C. - Online

    I think given her hard-life background, people can relate to her more and open up. If she were just an automatic female star born from another and never had to lift a finger for a penny, people would look less kindly on her. I have never watched her show, but I think the power of media helped unite people and made people feel like they are not alone. As many others have said, she is very hard-working despite her being a female which could have brought her down.

  56. Stephen Brock Online
    I have had very limited exposure to her, except for the book club which brought many people to the library who would not necessarily have visited on their own to pick up a book so brave there Oprah but still very little knowledge of her life and show. It always appeared to me that she tried to focus on and promote positive and uplifting qualities and aspects of a story, not that she neglected to cover harsh realities with her guests but it seems she wanted to improve the lives of her audience and inspire them to live that way as well. That kind of positive energy speaks to most people.

  57. Stephanie S online.

    Oprah became an influential person through hard work. She gave back to her community and reached out to those in need. she gained the respect of others and in return they became dedicated to her show and her contributions.

  58. Tori F Online

    I believe that Oprah's honesty help her over come all the obsticles listed above. Oprah has influenced many people by the way she gives back and by her own personal life story. Oprah could have lied about her past but instead she opened her heart for all the world to see. I believe that all of her followers seen the sencerity and honesty and that is why they remained such loyal followers.

  59. Sherena Hines-Rush onlineJune 5, 2011 at 11:49 AM

    Winfrey's reach to people of both genders, all races, and every socio-economic status speaks of her ability to communicate. Her willingness to be transparent as she sought to explore other's personal issues made her acceptable by most. Confrontation without attacking was her greatest skill.

  60. Nina C - Online

    I think Oprah is a very influential person. She is the true meaning of the phrase "from rags to riches." She was born into poverty and is now one of the wealthiest people alive. I think one of the reasons she has been so successful is because of her communication skills, she sees people as people and not as a race, a religion, a sex, etc. I believe she will continue to be successful because of her understanding, her willingness to help others, and the fact that she shares many of her own experiences and can relate to many different types of people and situations.

  61. R. Roebuck-

    In my opinion Oprah was able to accomplish those things because of her approach. Oprah tackled issues that were real, issues that regular people faced every day. She didn't cater to just one group of people when did her shows. Oprah regardless of her status never turned her head to the realities people are facing every day like most celebrities.

  62. Cara H.-Online
    Oprah Winfrey was a woman taking on a mans world of tv talkshow host. But in the 80's it was more than just a woman but an african american woman. Oprah did not just discuss topics that needed to be discussed but she put herself in the middle of contriversal debate. She did not just talk she took action. That is what made her who she is today!
    Cara H.-Online in response to Christina C.-Online
    I fully agree with you. It is alot easier to open up to someone who you feel understands you and will not judge you.

  63. Ashanti P. Online

    I believe that she reaches a lot of people because of her honesty and concern. She reaches all ages and ethnicity. She is very active in the community and around the world with charities and schools. She gives back and speaks in what she believes in. She touches so many peoples lives with her words and encouragement. She touches topics that many have questions about and she brings important people to give them answers.

  64. Lisa L - Online

    Oprah seems to be a caring person, and a helping person. She seems to be a go getter. She sets her mind to something and does it or goes after it. She has a way about her that people will open up to and talk to her.

  65. Tomeka D. online

    Oprah Winfrey, the epitome of grace. Most people were able to relate to Oprah. She has a calmness within her voice, her character and intentions came across clear as day. Her eyes hold sincerity and concern for a person's well being. Timing also plays a role in her magnificence. With a passion for what is right and a forum for peoples plight, Oprah was right on time. Like Oprah said, "she was destined for this life she created thru the viewers eyes". Oprah is as humble today as she was 25 years ago when she came across our television sets and still holds the same regard about life. She is just a force to reckon with, enough said.

  66. Bobby W. -Online

    Oprah to me has a story that so many people both here and abroad can relate. Her very humble beginnings really hits home with a lot of people that have come from extreme poverty and abuse. I believe that her life experiences has allowed her to adopt a non judgemental way of approaching people from all walks of life. In turn, this made her seem accessible to more and more people and she also would give back to a lot of charities and communities trying to help those that would be struggling with similar issues that she herself had to deal with.

    Oprah has managed to disscuss such diverse and sensitive topics to the public because of her approach. Oprah Winfrey has a curious nbut very much respectful way of approaching topics. She also has a great deal of respect from fans,presidents and other higher powers because of all the donations and help she has given to this world.

  68. Oprah has been able to discuss such diverse subjects and has been so influential to people because of her approach and the respect that she has earned. She is very honest and humble, and these attribute to the positive response she gaines from the public.

  69. Sun A-Online
    I believe Oprah was able to make such a big impact on peoples lives due to the fact that she discussed "real" and wide variety of topics. Oprah has a way about her that is so humble, genuine and easy going which drew people in. She also believed in helping the world and has given so much back.

  70. Olalekan O online

    I personally believe that Oprah was able to accomplish those things because she was so compassionate about what she was doing. She treated everyone with respect and dignity so when she spoke about race or class etc no group felt that she was being judgmental but just wanted to gain information and let the world know.

  71. Olalekan O online in response to Lisa L

    You are so right about what you said. Oprah does have a way of getting people to open up to her. She has aggression that a lot of women don't have. She is definitely a "go getter".

  72. Hannah Sherman

    Oprah has been so successful because she didn't care what society thought a women should do. She did what she wanted, which made her extremely successful in her life. She was never worried about taking on a story that people might see as controversial, instead she was worried about getting peoples stories out to the world. She taught people to be ok with who they are. Also she showed warmth and compassion for everones story and did anything she could to help someone out.

  73. abigail clarke-online

    Oprah was so amazing because she talked about and researched topics that others were to affraid to confront.She asked that questioned that many were scared to ask and she was vedry compassinate with everything she did.She also did alot to help alot op people.

  74. Abigail c-online

    response to Kevin o

    I agree completly.She connected with peple because of her life experiences and she used those experiences to reach out and talk and help others by showing hw she made it through.

  75. Mike G
    I personally think she was is one of those people who was in the right place at the right time. Yes she did overcome a lot of obstacles in the way. The same way Obama became President, is the same way she made it big. Shit happens.

  76. Mayra Ortega (online)June 6, 2011 at 8:29 PM

    I think it's because she really speaks to the people, weather it is by having guests people on her show and/or voicing her opinions/facts on what goes on the world. Many people can relate to her because she tackles issues how other people might like/want to. She is a very likable person who has many support from fans.

    In response to Aqeelah Online: I have to agree that she took initiative speak and "get out there."

  77. Moiya H. - online
    I think Oprah was able to cross so many barriers because of, timing, approach, and attitude. I believe that at the time she chose to make her way on television blacks were making major moves all over the nation. I think her approach and choie of audience worked out good for her. And her attitude was and always has been great.

  78. Moiya H. - Online
    In resonse to Lisa L.

    I agree she has a way about her that helps and/or makes people open up to her. And that comes with the perfect attitude.

  79. Awal U

    I believe Oprah was able to cross such boundaries because she was a very influential person. with a positive attitude and great respect from her viewers, nothing could be taking as false.

  80. In my own opinion, Oprah did a good job with her TV show. She touched so many poeple's lives with her generousity and kind heart. She cross such boundaries with her altitude, wealth, and personality. Apart from been influential, she has a lot of viewers.

  81. Teresia k Online
    Oprah has seen it all in life. Success has not come easy as most people think. she worked extra hard to get where whe is. She stayed focused with her goals and most of it all, she understands life to a greater depth for she experienced hardships when she was growing up.

  82. Teresia K in response to Esther T
    Yes she does have a very kind and generous heart. she also have a great attitude and personality. she is also very very influential.

  83. Deideria W. OnlineJune 14, 2011 at 9:20 AM

    I believe that the Oprah had determination, which allow her to move forward, and allowing her past to dictate her future. It wasn't an easy task to accomplish, but it was an interesting challenge that made it possible. She didn’t limit her hopes and dreams. Because of this people looked beyond the color of her skin and accepted the many views and issue that were brought to light because of her show.
