Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Nursing or Nudity?

Forest Park, GA, recently passed an ordinance making it illegal to breast feed a child over two years in age in public. City officials say it is part of the process to control public nudity. Some suggest if that is truly the case then all public breast feeding would be prohibited, regardless of age. Is this an institutional attempt to stop prolonged breast feeding, or truly an attempt to control public nudity?

What do you think?


  1. Chucky C Online...

    This is not an attempt to control public nudity because breast feeding is not nudity, either is it an attempt stop prolong breasting feeding. The idea of breasting feeding for two year don’t just make sense the reason been that after the age of one breast milk will not satisfy the baby any longer.

    Right from four months old, baby formula has been made as a supplement for babies. Even in remote countries of the world where babies depend only on breast milk they are not breast feed for more that one year. This issue is pointing towards an institutional attempt to stop prolong breast feeding but I question the City officials judgment.

  2. Lindsey B - online
    Wow okay this issue gets me madder then a hornet in a bonet. I am an avid believer in breast feeding. I also have no problem with breat feeding after a year. I have known many children that were breast fed up to the age of three. There is even a lady on you tube that had a documentry done on her because she still breast feeds her eight and five year old. Breast feeding is so important to a child for so many different reasons. For one thing it is extreamly vital for antibodies for a baby. When a baby breast feeds from its mother the baby get its mothers antibodies until it starts to make its own antibodies. The other reason why it is so important for babies to breast feed is because it helps the mother and the baby to bond. A child needs to emotionally, physically, and mentally bond with it's mother. This is vital for the correct mental, and emotional upbrining. I think that breast feeding is a very beautiful thing. It is a mother feeding her child. The God given right to nurture and protect our children. No goverment has the right to take that away from us. Now with the technology that we have now a days there are ways to cover the child and the mother's breast while feeding in public. I do think that mother's do need to be sensitive to the HORRIBLE view of these people, by using these items. I think that this law is truely all about the fact that people for some reason feel they can pass judgement on somthing that they have absolutly no reason or right to pass judgement on. I have a lot more very strongs view on this but due to not wanting to start a internet riot I will not voice them, but honestly I saw breast feed as long as you want.

  3. Moiya H.- Online

    I think this is an ridiculous way to get people to spend extra money on baby food and formula. Babies best nutrition come from breast milk and it has been proven that children who are breast feed have less help problems which means less money for doctors and drug companies. I dont think its to control nudity or stop prolonged breast feeding, its another way to get your money.

  4. J.Barrington
    I would say that Al Bundy already took one this topic but that was breast feeding babies in public. I think it just has to do with the fact that breast feeding babies is a little less eyecatching then when breast feeding a toddler or older. At that point that they can eat real food for the most part, and can move under their own power which looks rather awkward when a woman breast feeds a child and not a baby. Personally, I am all for public nudity, as long as its not mine.

  5. Megan Mcfarland-Online

    I agree with Moiya H. the government want you to just buy baby food and formula to mke more money. Most women I know that are out in public put a blanket around then so who is going to see the breast ayway? I don't think it is cause of nudity because there are ads all over the place with half naked women. if it was for nudity then why not take them down also? Woman does what she thinks is best for her child and if that means breast feeding till the child is 20 then I don't see a problem.

  6. Danielle S. Online
    Breast-feeding is a beautiful thing when a child is first born...its not even a big deal because most men know this fact and realize that this is how the babies get their nutrition and they are fine with this. To tell a mother they cannot feed their baby in public makes no sense. There should not even be a issue, mothers that feed their baby in public are not bothering anyone else and if you choose to look than that is your business. At a certain age though when a baby can eat on their own...its time to stop in my opinion.

  7. Tiffany F online...
    I think this is an attempt to stop prolonged breast feeding. I think most men are okay with the idea of breastfeeding infants... not toddlers or any age above. I say men because no woman would try to tell another woman when to stop breastfeeding her child! That is a personal decision that lawmakers shouldn't get involved in.

  8. Teri Amos - OnlineJune 7, 2011 at 2:01 PM

    I believe this is an attempt to stop prolonged breast feeding. I find it very strange that women continue to feed toddlers and young children, i know this is great for bonding and nutrients for a baby and it's mother but after a certain age, feed them veggies and play with them. I agree that this is a personal choice for a parent and their children, not for anyone to make illegal.

  9. To me it seems that they are trying to stop prolonged breast-feeding, otherwise they would ban it at all ages. I'm not sure where to weigh in on this topic as I can see both sides of the arguement. On one hand they want to allow what they consider a normal mother-child interaction, while on the other hand they aren't wanting to see a basicly half-naked woman with a child attached to her at the restaraunt, grocery stor, mall, movie etc...

    John Busse

  10. Chris D.

    I agree with Johns Busse. If it were an issue of public nudity, logic dictates the policy would ban all public breast feeding. It seems the policy is aimed at prolonged breast-feeding.

  11. Lisa L - online

    This is just a way for the government to control what we do with our lives. It has nothing to do with controlling public nudity or prolonged breast feeding.

    Several so far on this blog have made good points on the bonding and nutrients. Breast feeding is a natural thing. It's all around us in the world from humans to animals. If a woman chooses to breast feed, then it is her choice as to how long to breast feed the baby / toddler / child. "Mother knows best" is the way I was taught. My personal opinion is that once a child is able to help feed itself then it should be eating regular food and drink. But my opinion on that is not the issue. Again, this is just another attempt from the government to dictate what we can or cannot do in our lives. They word it all up nice and pretty so that they come across as trying to do some good, but they really are just turning this country into a dictatorship.

  12. Lauren Puopolo

    Whether this is an attempt to control public nudity or to put a stop on prolonged breast feeding i dont know. Honestly I think if a mother is going to breast feed her child it is her business. Yet at the same time the mother that who is doing the breast feeding should think about who could see them breast feeding their child. It is their right to do that but they should keep in mind who is watching. Just like it is their right to do that it is the right of everyone else not to see that.

  13. Lauren G

    This is definitley a attempt to stop public nudity but whos to say that the government might turn around and make a law stating that breast feeding is not prohibited. Eventhough it may be innocent breast feeding in public, it can still be considered as public indecency. But if the government was to take away those rights to nurture the baby, then they will try to take away other right in that category. for example: thr right to a abortion. Anyways I think its to control nudity.

  14. Alton Patrick Online
    Keeping it real being a man the nudity thing probaly does not bother alot of men of course you have some exceptions. It becomes creepy to me when the baby is walking and talking. I have read stories when moms were breastfeeding babies at three and four years old, and all I can picture is the child walking up and saying okay mom`s whip that thing out babies hungry he or she can open a can of soda for christ sakes at this point he or she can say hold up mom got to run to the potty I will be right back. To me it is not a nuture thing it is a creepy thing. Just one man`s opinion I have raised four kids and all were breastfed and me and wifey had that two and a half year cutoff or Just after they were walking a few months. I think it`s to cause mom`s to break the bond sooner.

  15. Rondi W Online
    This is an institutional attempt to stop prolonged breast feeding. How often do you see a woman feeding a toddler off the breast? I am not a judge of if they should or should not feed a toddler or older, that was not the question posed. How much of a breast can you see if a toddler's big head is in the way?, so how much is about nudity if there is no exposure.

  16. Sherena Hines-Rush onlineJune 8, 2011 at 10:14 AM

    I believe that this is an attempt to stop prolonged breast feeding. As a mother I understand the benefits of breast feeding. At the same time I also understand the feeling that the public gets when it sees a toddler attached to their mother's breast. Personally, I feel that when a child is old enough to pull a woman's breast out, he or she is too old to be attached to the breast. I dont feel like there is anything wrong with a woman using a pump and giving her child that breastmilk.

    I dont feel like this is an attempt to control public nudity. That's really stretching it! I agree that a two year old is old enough to walk up to someone and pull their breasts out. But really... what's the difference in pulling your breast out to feed a new born or a toddler? Nothing! The same amount of breast will be shown!

  17. Deborah B. - Online

    Do they have a big problem with nudity in Forest Park? I know its been hot outside but.....
    Seems a strange law to pass. Too many times I feel government is trying to tell us how to live and how to raise our children. They should not be passing laws like this. Mothers that breast feed should have the sense to do so in a discrete fashion. I would really like to know what brought up this subject and why is it only offensive if the child is over 2??

  18. Rory H. - online
    I don't think that it is either one of them. I think that this is just another case of some uptight jerk getting offended by something and stupid beurocrats passing a law for a few people getting offended. I think that this country has veered very far away from its original intent, which is freedom. It may not seem like a big thing, but these things add up. I don't feel as though its necessary to pass laws on every single little thing. In other words, if you see something that isn't breaking the law, but may personally offend you, please, do everybody a favor and look the other way!

  19. Hannah Sherman

    I believe that this is an attempt to control prolonged breast feeding, since it is still ok to breast feed and infant. Most people don't pay any attention to a women breast feeding an infant, because people know that it is for the infant to get the nutrients they need and to get antibodies to fight off infection. If you see a toddler or older being breast fed in public it will draw more attention, which I think is the idea behind what forrest park is trying to do.

  20. Shyamal Desai

    It seems like an attempt to control prolonged breast feeding because firstly breast feeding by many isn't considered nudity or crude by any means but just a part of life. And secondly most women are careful about what they expose/show when breast feeding by simply being careful or by wearing an apron type thing around their neck that covers their entire baby so there is no exposure of any kind to anyone that may be watching or passing by.

  21. Charlene G- online

    As a breastfeeding mother how has breastfeed (3year old) and is still breastfeeding my 11 month old i think this is to STOP prolonged breastfeeding which is just ridiculous.People are not educated about breastfeeding and what health benefits it has to help with illnesses and obesity ans so fourth.THey need to read back on history which even slaves back when breastfed their masters children(the power of the milk :) ). i think people are getting more into what's the easiest thing to do which is breastfeeding but they believe the formula is better cuz u can just give baby a bottle and do as ur doing. Not knocking formula out of the way to say its bad or anythg but seriously the breast is best and i will continue to FEED my children ANYWHERE they feel they are hungry. I cover myself and even if im not covered its just an area of the boob like a girl wearing a low cut blouse- and people need to get over it. sorry if im sounding harsh but stuff like this really heats me up when people are trying to do what is best for their children. but good topic!!

  22. I think this is an attempt to stop prolonged breastfeeding. I will admit that I've seen moms on the playground whose kid will run up to them and breastfeed and go back to playing, while the other kids just go to the water fountain. There is something wrong with a picture like that in my opinion. If a mom still wants to breast feed their child after 2, I think they should consider using a pump or feed in pravacy.

  23. ChastityF...Online
    I do not beleive that this an issue about public nudity. I beleive it should be up to the mother if she decides to brestfeed and where. I do however believe there should be a limit if the child is forming partial sentences then its kind of creepy that he/she is nursing. Another example is when i see a five year old in a stroller with pacifier. I just dont know how product these kids will turn out to be when their parents are ruinining them.

  24. Micah S. Online

    This is definitely not trying to control public nudity. I have never actually saw someone breast feeding without be covered by a blanket or something. I feel this is an act to stop prolonged breast feeding. Why this was passed I have no clue. Sounds like someone needs to act on more important issues!

  25. R. Roebuck-

    First off, I feel that when a child reaches the age of two, breast feeding shouldn't even be going on. Now if people are still breast feeding at the age of two and beyond, it should be done in the house. There are way to many people in this world these days who are not right in the head, and to see a mother breast feeding a child who isn't a baby, personally doesn't look right. At two or beyond that child shouldn't even be on formula. They should be eating solid food. If your child can run up to you and tell you what they want, they should not still be breast feeding. There is something wrong with that picture, and people wonder where child pornography comes from.

  26. I agree with Micah S. online, they need to address real issues. I don’t think that this ordinance was intended to neither stop the prolonged breast feeding nor stop public nudity. They should have just banned public breast feeding for all ages. I am not against breast feeding but I am on the public aspect of it. I think that breast feeding is one of those things that should be done in private. I have seen women that just pull their boob out and feed their child and, although it is a natural thing, it really grosses me out. Besides, they have these pumps know that you can pump the milk out before you leave the house. Perhaps this was one of those laws that were intended to fine people to increase the cities revenue.

  27. Elizabeth C.
    I think it's purely to stop prolonged breast feeding. Breast feeding is natural and women are not pulling out there breasts for sexual purposes to attract men. I think this law probably will eventually lead to prohibiting breast feeding no matter what the age in public.

  28. Youlinda J-Online

    It sounds like trying to stop breastfeeding because their should be no age limit if its ok then it should be ok regardless of the age. But it does look strange when you see an older child being breastfed period. Usually when a woman breastfeeds she covers her breast they are not just out in the open so there is no nudity just the fact that the mother is breastfeeding.

  29. If they will let people dress the way the do nowadays why is it a problem for breastfeeding in public. Most breastfeeding moms I have ever seen are so discreet you would hardly no they were doing it.Meanwhile folks walk around with their backside hanging out or dressed in such skimpy clothes that everything else is nearly revealed. By the way why even try to put an age limit anyway,just stay out of peoples lives. Be a government and do your job and quit putting your nose in private matters. This is another way the government is trying to gain more control over its citizens.

  30. Awal U.

    i think its a way of stopping nudity. i believe the city might be surrounded by sex offenders and its the closest way to slow it down.

  31. Tori F. online

    There must be alot of mother's with older children breastfeeding in public in Forest Park. This is a waste of money for the tax payers of Forest Park, if not.

    I think this is a way for the government to controll the age of a child breastfeeding. Which, I think is no one in politics business.

    Breastfeeding is great for babies and although I stopped at one with my children I would never tell another Mother she should stop. So what gives the government the right?

    Forest Park must have solved all of its issues such as crime and unemployment "REAL CONCERNS" for their city.

  32. Vanna H Online

    I agree with Micah S. online, they need to address real issues. I don’t think that this ordinance was intended to neither stop the prolonged breast feeding nor stop public nudity. They should have just banned public breast feeding for all ages. I am not against breast feeding but I am on the public aspect of it. I think that breast feeding is one of those things that should be done in private. I have seen women that just pull their boob out and feed their child and, although it is a natural thing, it really grosses me out. Besides, they have these pumps know that you can pump the milk out before you leave the house. Perhaps this was one of those laws that were intended to fine people to increase the cities revenue.

    (forgot to put my name)

  33. Lesley G. Online
    I think it's crazy to try to stop someone from breastfeeding in public. However, I do believe women should have some decency and respect for others around who may not want to see all that goes into nursing a child. If it truly was an attempt to stop public nudity, there wouldn't be an age limit. I would agree that it is an attempt to stop prolonged nursing.

    In response to Tommy H Online- What a GREAT point about the way others dress. If they want to stop breast feeding because of nudity... they better also start cracking down on the way people walk around half dressed. I'm sure people would say, "It's my right to dress the way I want!" But, it's also a mother's right to feed her child.

  34. Stephen B Online
    I would assume some infulential members of the community are merely uncomfortable with anything outside of their views of social norms. More likely is that some incident in Forest Park stirred some group to voice their opinion that breast feeding should not be done in public and this is a typical beauracratic decision and compromise that makes little sense and fails to meet the demands of either side in the debate. I doubt the city deems stopping breast feeding of a two year old to be in the best interest of the citizens and find it more plausible that this is sparked due to some people's perception of this natural human behavior which clashes with their idea of how humans should conform in society and they wish to make it taboo by calling it nudity.

  35. Josh Fallin

    This case truly seems like it is there just to control prolonged breast-feeding. The fact is that there is a growing number of people becoming more uncomfortable with a toddler breast-feeding as they see them being able to eat on their own at that age. The one example that I always like to bring up in a case like this is the movie Grownups where there is a five or six year old that is still being breast-fed.

    It's not about nudity as has been previously stated, or else breast-feeding would be banned at all ages. It's just an attempt to stop something that is starting to be an uncomfortable sight for more people. Whether it's societal change or just personal opinion, who knows.

  36. I think it is a case of institutional attempt to stop prolonged breast feeding. I personnally have never been comfortable with breast feeding, but have no problem with people who choose to breast feed. I also believe people no longer set boundaries for their children including knowing when to stop breast feeding. In my opinion being over 2 years old and still breast feeding is more than ridiculous, but at the same time if government is allowed to dictate this issue, what issue would be next?

  37. Cara H.-Online
    The issue here is that the government is just trying to get a grip on everything in our lives. Breast feeding is personal choice no matter what age the child is. I do feel that it is the best start for all children. To what age is another question. The law is crap in my opinion. They want to do something about it, they should ask them to just cover the breast while in public, thats fair. The government is just looking for more ways to get money. They fight against abortion, but yet now they want to fight parents on feeding their children. rediculous!
    Cara H.-Online in response to Lindsey B.-Online
    Any parent breast feeding their child at 8 has some issues. Feed the kid food.

  38. Michael Bishop- online

    It is hard to say what the true intentions are but I would half to say that it really an attempt to control prolonged breast feeding. I personally feel that prolonged breast feeding is done mainly by mothers who have some form of control issue.

  39. Jillian Downs - Online

    I do not believe that this is an attempt to limit public nudity. Like stated in the question, if that were the case than all breastfeeding would be banned. I think that this is an attempt to stop prolonged breastfeeding. I believe that people can do what they want if they feel it is right for their children, but the thought of someone breastfeeding a two year old does sort of give me the creeps, so I can understand wanting to limit any public viewing.

  40. Jillian Downs - Online

    Response to: Michael Bishop

    You took the words right out of my mouth! I completely agree, any mother who feels the need to breastfeed her child long past the natural cut-off date do seem to have control issues.

  41. Stephanie S. online

    I believe its both. Some say public breast feeding isn't nudity, but some people don't care who sees and don't try to cover themselves. Breast feeding can be done at home so i don't see why this is an issue. If i had a child and chose to breast feed i would do it at home just because i wouldn't feel right doing it around other people. that's why they have pumps. And the age problem, i think people should be able to do it however long they want to, but there should be a cut off. If the child is old enough to were they will be able to remember breast feeding from their mother then that's too old. I'm sure it causes other physiological issues also.

  42. Christina C. - Online

    I think this is ridiculous they had to make a law about this. Personally, I think they are avoiding the prolong use of breast feeding with a quick nudity cover-up. I don't think it is anyone’s business if they are still breast feeding their child. If they believe that it still works after one and want to continue, more power to them. Everyone has their differing views on it, so who are we to make a law about feeding a child?

  43. Kathy Sherman Online

    I think that it is an effort to control extended breast feeding in public. Breast feeding is a personal choice and a good choice to make at least until the baby is around 4 or 5 months old. At that time their own immune system is formed and they don't need the antibodies from the mother. No one cares if a woman is breastfeeding an infant in public and very few see that as nudity. I weaned my children off the bottle at a year old. I happen to agree with Forest Park on banning breastfeeding after the child is two years old. The last thing that I want to see in public is a toddler that has teeth, walks and talks,or has just come off the soccer field sucking on their mother's breast. I am not against extended breast feeding, I just think that after two, it should be done in private!!

  44. Matthew Schmidt ONLINE

    I think that this is way to stop nudity in public. I know that I myself would not want my own children to see a woman's breast popped out while we are trying to eat dinner at a public place, or even shopping for clothes. I think breast feeding should be done at home in the privacy of your own home. Mothers should pump milk into a bottle if they know that they are going to be out in a public place for a long time.

  45. Olubusola Online
    A mother should know perfectlly well the best for her child.It is not up to the government to decide what is best for the child.It has been proven the truth about breast feeding, how it is help to build to child immunity.Quite frankly the government should stay away from people bedrooms and let them choose the way the want to live their lives, as long as it does not compromise anyone else life.

  46. Ashanti P. Online

    Honestly I feel that this is an attempt to stop prolonged breast feeding. But why breast feed in public when you can just simply pump your milk out? Then it wouldnt be an issue in public because they wouldnt know. I know a woman who still breast feeds her 3 yearold and she does it in public to get attention from other people who may be walking or watching her. I just say pump your milk if the child is old enough to hold a cup and drink.

  47. It's rather obnoxious that it was made illegal. But, then again, it may stop the...weird women who still want to gain attention for breast feeding their child. People are weird like that. It may benefit by stopping women from prolonging the breast feeding, but it may also aggravate those women who want to try and breast feed their child up to a certain point. I honestly wouldn't really count it as public nudity though. Unless they were flaunting their breasts all over the place.

  48. Teresia K Online..

    First and foremost, i think the public needs to be taught more on benefits of breast feeling because, this will help everyone see the sense of the whole action. It doesnt matter where its done. What matters most is that that baby is getting health. It is pointless to bring about the issue of nudity, i have seen women breast feeding in public and they surely know how to do it. They just dont expose their whole breast, therefore everyone should atleast mind where they are going and not turn at their heads to look deeper. Let the Babies get what they deserve. Its very important.

  49. Matthew Johnson- Online

    This issue is truely an attempt to generate more money for the state. Nudity nor Nursing is the concern. Money capital, its pathetic. Why in the world are they having an issue about this. For years women have been breast feeding whether in public or behind closed doors , this is not a problem. I think this is so sexiest its ashame. Why in the world are these people targeting these mothers. I do believe that there should be an age limit on what age is to old to breast feed. We all need to get a life and focus on economic issues than this b.s.

  50. Olalekan O- online
    I wouldn't say that it is to stop nudity because breastfeeding is a special bond between a mother and child not necessarily exposing body. I would say however that maybe the state see it as sickening to be letting two year old children hanging on to their moms breast. I mean at what age does it stop ? That is so disturbing when a child is still breastfeeding at that age. I don't think that the state want to generate money because they would have said breastfeeding in its entirety.

  51. Olalekan O-online in response to Michael Bishop

    I totally agree with you that the mothers that are doing it have some control issues. I don't agree that the government want to cease breastfeeding on the whole. I think that we could have been in rage if they cut out breastfeeding for all children.

  52. Sun A.-online

    Control public nudity??? Really?? They could've come up with a better excuse than that if they were banning breastfeeding in public! I think it's rediculous that the government wants to ban "breastfeeding in public". However, if mothers want to breastfeed they need to take in consideration of doing "it" more discretely out of respect for the public.

  53. I think this is an attempt to stop prolonged breast feeding in public. They obviously were not concerned about all the other mother feeding the younger babies. A breast is a breast is a breast if you catch my drift. This is about dictating personal choices that mothers have with their children and should be left out of the legislative arena. If I am uncomfortable with a women breast feeding near me then I will simply get up and move.

  54. sadika J. - onlineJune 12, 2011 at 6:08 PM

    I do not think this is an attempt to control public nudity. breast feeding is a natural and shouldn't be looked at as nudity. besides the nutritional value of breast milk it is a very bonding for the mother and child and should be left up to the parents to decide when is best to stop.

  55. Maurice G online
    I think that this is a step to stop prolong breast feeding. I really don't think that nudity is a problem, but there should be places that breast feeding should take place. I think that there must have been some issues that have made people feel a little uncomfortable around someone that was breast feeding. Now there should be an age limit so that you don't have older kids doing it. If the child can tell you that they are ready to eat breast feeding should be out.

  56. Kevin O | Online

    For thousands of years women have been breast feeding in public. I personally am not offended when I see this in public. As a matter of fact I go out of my way to remove myself from the immediate area to give the mother a tad bit more respect if I can. Its more of an attempt to control both ends of the spectrum. I hope they protest hard if they pass it.

  57. Florence G.

    I think whoever brought up this idea must have lost their mind. They are shot of laws after passing the Arizona type of law (immigration law).
    It is ridiculous because this is something that has been in existence forever and someone now come with some law.

  58. Martha-Jane A.

    I mean, our ideas of indecency have changed. It's possible that people did write their city officials to get an ordinance passed against the nudity problem. I don't think everyone's comfortable with seeing a woman's breast in a Target, and I don't think people are that concerned with other people's parenting styles unless children are being purposely endangered. Prolonged breast-feeding isn't child-endangerment, unless the kid's getting past 6, then it's a bit weird but I don't think any government (even a city government) would be so imposing as to pass a law against that. I think it's the nudity.

  59. Martha-Jane A.

    In response to Matthew Johnson:

    I'm confused as to how this is a sexist issue. I would understand if men were capable of breast-feeding and the law were only against women, but that's not the case.

  60. Breast feeding a baby is very essential when they are the developing not when they are fully developed. Breast feeding is good, but not breastfeeding a two year old baby, because the toddler requires more nutrient than the breast milk can supply. They need to eat other highly nutritious food to supplement all the nutrients required for proper growth. Breast feeding in public has to do with individual, you don't have to sit in the middle of town center or open areas to feed your baby. You don't have to show everybody else what you are doing. Breast feed with respect not with nudity.

  61. Esther Tella Online
    In response to Martha-Jane A.
    I think you are right. Its all about going against nudity in the public areas. some people do it without considering where and how, but the government is just trying to fight against nudity of any form in public areas.

  62. Nicolette E. Online
    This is an attempt to stop prolonged breastfeeding. The government tries to control many of our societies behaviors, so why not control this aspect, too. Regardless of my personal opinion on breastfeeding this is an issue that has to do with control. Its not about when is an appropriate time to stop breastfeeding, even in other countries infants, toddlers and young children are breastfed in public. Breastfeeding is about food not nudity- let people decide for themselves -what's it to them-(maybe their jealous). And I don't get it why is everyone so concerned with being discreet-obviously you haven't ever tried to breastfeed in public or at home. The baby can hardly breath when covered completely, just try being a mother and see.

  63. Deideria W. OnlineJune 14, 2011 at 11:34 AM

    The city officials want to control public nudity. Well, breast-feeding is not a form of nudity, because it isn’t against the law. It must be attempt to stop prolong breast-feeding. It really shouldn’t matter, because breast-feeding is health for the children and I believe it is a woman’s right. And it benefits the children it is a bonding process between mother and child.

  64. Deideia W. In Response to Sun A.June 14, 2011 at 11:42 AM

    I agree that they could have come up with a better excuse for ending breast-feeding than public nudity. I agree when i breast feed I didn't do it in public by choice. It is just that a choice that we all have.

  65. Mayra Ortega (online)June 14, 2011 at 1:39 PM

    I think it's to stop prolonged breast feeding because it they made it illegal to stop after the age of two. It is not about public nudity, or else they would stop breast feeding at ALL ages.

  66. Nina C - Online

    So I have conflicting feelings on this subject. If a person wants to breastfeed, by all means go for it. However, I think people have gotten way too comfortable with where and how they do it. I also think nursing a baby after a certain time is just not right. I worked in a pediatrician's office where we had some people who took breastfeeding to the extreme and still nursing children who were 4 and 5 years old. I honestly think that this law was passed in an attempt to stop the radical people from extended breastfeeding.

  67. Caitlin L - Online

    In my opinion, this is an attempt to stop prolonged breastfeeding. Too many people want to have a say in the way others raise their children. I would never breastfeed past the age of 1, but its not fair for me to tell others to do the same. I just think people are weirded out by the idea of breastfeeding past the age of 1 because it's not a cultural norm in the U.S.

  68. Jessica S. 28
    I believe this is an attempt to cease prolonged breastfeeding. Officials wanted to avoid a much larger controversy by stating they are trying to control public nudity. I breastfed my child as well therefore I am all for breastfeeding, however, I cannot see breastfeeding a child until they are two or older. I do not consider breastfeeding nudity so long as a cover is utilized. Personally, I would feel awkward continuing to breastfeed to such an age. A child is able to eat regular food right after they turn a year old so cow's milk will suffice.

  69. Jessica S. 28
    In response to Caitlin L. online
    I concur with everything you said. It is not my place to dictate how others raise their children and whatnot so I definitely would not say anything to whomever it may be. As I mentioned I personally would not breastfeed past the age of 1 either. People are entitled to raise their children as they please.

  70. Jessica A. 28

    I don't agree with any type of government telling us how we can live our life especially when it comes to parenting our children. Though I am not a huge fan of seeing a mother breast feeding an older child, it is her right to do so. I don't find it disgusting or a form of nudity and if anyone finds breast feeding offensive, I suggest they make a trip to their local Walmart and people watch. I'm curious what psychological effects the prolonged breastfeeding will have on these children who are older than 2.

  71. In response to Esther T Online......

    You made a very valid point, it is essential to a developing baby and not so much to a toddler. Having known someone who breast fed their older child I feel like I should note that these older children eat like any other and are not being exclusively breast fed. Though it is a bit odd to see an older child walk up to his mother, say he is thirsty, lift her shirt and start nursing.

    Overall as long as they are nursing respectfully like you said, it isn't harming the public. They should have the right to parent as they see fit and we have the right to move or turn away.

  72. I believe it's a little bit of both but I believe their main adjective is an attempt to make everyone happy. Those that are for it can do it. Those that are against it can have some relief knowing that they won't have to see or experience breastfeeding out in public anymore on children 2 and up.
    Personally I don't believe that nudity is really an issue when it comes to breastfeeding because I've never seen anyone in the process of feeding and not covered up.
