Tuesday, March 1, 2011

TVs for Tots

What is an appropriate age for a child to have a television in her/his bedroom?


  1. RGonzalez- I don't think kids should have television in there rooms, it distracting and bedrooms should be used for sleeping. 10yr old should be responsible enough in my opinion.

  2. Natavius F. Online:

    I think fifteen years old is a reasonable age for a child to have a television in their bedroom. At fifteen, the child should have the privilege to having a television in their bedroom—as long as their grades are up to par and they have their priorities aligned in terms of keeping up their school work, aside from that, I see no issue.

  3. Michele G -

    I honestly don't know what an appropriate age would be for a child to have T.V. in their room. I can say that both of my kids had one in their rooms by the age of 6 or 7. Appropriate?? Who knows. They loved cartoons, Barney and Sesame Street!

  4. Shannon H:

    Why would you put a tv in a child's room? There is so much junk on there that can harm a child. I don't find television to be very useful to a child's development. In fact, it can certainly work against you as a parent. Fill their room with good books, art supplies, games and a work space to help them feel comfortable when they study. TV should be a tiny part of the day and enjoyed with nearby parental supervision.

  5. Courtney Pruitt: I am not personally sure of an appropriate age a child should be in order to have a television in their room.I know that I am 21 years old and that i still don't have a television on my room, because of choice. I do not enjoy watching television. I'd much rather go out and find other activities to do besides laying in bed watching a movie. I find it rather boring to watch television. I do believe though that if you are old enough to know how to control a remote, DVD player, or television buttons then you can have a television in your bedroom with rules of course. Whatever age that might be, that you teach this to your child. The parents; however, I believe should monitor how much television the child can watch and what type of programs they are aloud and not aloud to watch. Society has came out with a new 'parent lock' on television sets now and I think this can be very helpful in controlling what your child is exposed to.

  6. Loan.N.Online.
    Having a TV in a child's bed room is very hard for parents to manage their children. If they are little, then they may watch TV when parents are sleeping without asking. If they are teenager, they may watch something that they should not to watch at their age.
    So, it does not matter of having TV in child's bedroom. Parents just have to manage them.

  7. Moiya H. Online-
    I think the proper age for a child to have a television in their roon is nine years old. As for someone who has just had their first child, this is something that i have to start thinking about. I feel that nine is resonable because the child has learned that having a television is a responsibilty and a privillige. They use it the wrong way by watch adult programs or not turning it off at the proper time it will be taken away.

  8. Moiya H. online
    In response to Natavius. F
    I think that 15 is a little rediculous because responsibilty of a television is something that cann established at a younger age.

  9. Denice.C online....I don't feel a child should have a television in their room. It seperates them from the family, they would stay in their room instead of doing chores or homework, and they would stay up later preventing them enough sleep for school.

  10. Denice C. on line...In response to Michele G.I don't agree with a child that young having a tv in their room. It takes away from family time, it affects their social behavior, children that young need one on one communication as well as toys to improve their motor skills.In my opinion television is just a way to pass time; instead of doing more productive activities.

  11. Blake Huffman

    I think 14 would be a good age. At 15 you get your learners so let them slowly build up to being responsible enough to drive a car. You could even threaten them if you don’t want them watching TV at a certain time, tell them that will only be putting off there drivers license’s for a longer time if they disobey you.

  12. Jonathan Self 30967

    I like this question. My niece, who is three, suggests she needs a TV in her room to watch Hannah Montana. I said I liked the idea, but only if it were used when "going to sleep". Not all kids are the same, but my niece will fall asleep watching tv. We ended up getting her a tv and she loves and so do we. It gives them somthing to look forward to while the day ends. Age 3 and Up is ok for a tv to be in the room.

  13. Eric Dempsey

    I would say around thirteen, a child should spend enough time outside to have a healthy growth process, which I don't think can be achieved if the child stays inside and in their room all day. Also it takes away from the family aspect of things, if my child wants to watch t.v. I would much rather have them in the living room watching it with the family and interacting with others.

  14. I do not have children but I do have a best friend that lived with me for awhile and her daughter had a tv in her room at the young age of 3. This was a blessing for me, she would go in there and watch barney and other cartoons and we got to watch the "adult" tv! She only did this in the afternoons when she got ready for bed, it helped but her to sleep. I saw no harm in it at all! Thats just my personal opinion as a non parent!

  15. J. Ponders online
    I do not have children but I do have a best friend that lived with me for awhile and her daughter had a tv in her room at the young age of 3. This was a blessing for me, she would go in there and watch barney and other cartoons and we got to watch the "adult" tv! She only did this in the afternoons when she got ready for bed, it helped but her to sleep. I saw no harm in it at all! Thats just my personal opinion as a non parent!

  16. J. Ponders online in response to Denise C
    I agree that maybe tv takes away from family time if all the child does is watch tv but there are alot of cartoons on there that are learning cartoons...my bestfriends little girl has already started learning Spanish from watching Dora and she is only 3.

  17. Samantha Long.Online
    I think the age differs from child to child. Parents can better gauge the appropriate age that their child/children can have their own television. Some kids are not destracted by the tv, and others are. I personally would allow a tv in their room pretty young. I would want them to be able to watch a movie or their cartoons in their room if they wanted to.
    In response to J.Ponders...
    I agree, my nephew had a tv in his room and it was nice to be able to let him watch his shows while me and my sister watched ours. He always fell asleep easier with the tv on as well. I can only take so much Sponge Bob Square Pants. lol

  18. A. Kibathi
    Kids below the age of 17 yrs old should not have any T.V in the room. There is too much junk on T.V that this kids should not be watching. Even the cartoons and some kids programmes have become R. rated. By not having a T.V in the kids bedroom, the parents are able to monitor what the kids watch

  19. Courtney R.
    I don't think a child should be able to have a television in their room until their at an age that they have learned some type of responsibility. Younger children would want to keep the television on all night and stay awake. Then they wouldnt want to get up for school in the morning.I think that an appropriate age for a child to have a television in their room would be fourteen. At fourteen, the child has learned some type of responsibility.

  20. Kendaris H. Online

    I do not believe children should have a television in their rooms. It distracts them from their schoolwork and causes parents not to be able to supervise what they are watching unless they are in the room. Even when they get a older T.V. in rooms takes away from family time.

  21. Natavius F. Online. In response to Moiya H.
    I stand strong behind my position. I see what you're saying but that's how I'd assert the television scenario with my child, I wasn't stating that it was mandatory that you do the same with your own child(ren). We clearly have a different stance on this particular issue, and that's okay.

  22. Kendaris H. Online in response to Courtney R.

    Although I do agree with what you stated I disagree 14 is a good age. I believe that is the time where they would stay up all night and watch those things they are not suppose to. At that age they also watch all the reality T.V. shows which are not teaching them anything productive.

  23. Denice C.on line in response to A. Kibathi... I agree with you 100%. What has happen to family time, and nature and nuture in today's world. TV should not be used as a way of keeping children out of your hair. Life is to short and children grow up too fast. Then, parent wake up one day and their babies are grown and leaving home. Also, has parents really sat down and watched today's childrens' cartoons. If they have not they really need too. Chidren that are watching tv all night especially cartoon network are watching adult swim. Is this really good for our younger children to see?

  24. I think it depends on the child, and the parents. I think children that are less social shouldn't have one in their rooms. It'll encourage them to get out more. Some children, however, will have their friends come over to play games on their TV or watch movies on their TV and I think it gives them a fun opportunity to be social.
    My parents used to hook up TVs in our rooms for sleepovers and then take them out the next day, but we felt so cool having our TV in the room just that one night. I don't think there is any one specific age you can put to it. I think it all depends on the child.

    In response to Shannon H.: I liked what you said about filling their rooms with art supplies and games instead. I think that's a great substitute to having a TV in their room.

  25. Rebekah Tolbert-online. I believe the appropriate age for a child to have there on tv is around 13 or 14. When they can have responsibilities.

  26. Rebekah Tolbert-online. In response to Sarah R. I totally agree it also depends on the child. Its all about how you raise them and if you let them take advantage of you.

  27. Steven S Online:
    I dont really think that there is a certain age limit in my opinion. If the parent can successfully manage to teach their kids when they can or cannot watch tv then it is fine. Also there are parental control to where you can block what shows can be viewed or not, so what shows your kid watches is solely up to you.

  28. Steven S Online....
    In response to Sarah Roberts
    I agree i think that it does depend on the parents and kids. When the parents think that their kids deserve a tv then they should get their child a tv. If the parent doesnt want to give their kid a tv because they dont have friends that is solely up tot he parent.

  29. James O. online,
    As a parent of two young kids(10 and 7) this has come up in our home before. The way I look at it, they have a T.V. in the living room and a T.V. for their Playstation in the sunroom. There is no need for a T.V. in the bedroom. The bedroom is for sleeping or reading or drawing. Their T.V. time is already monitored and limited as it is. I didn't have a T.V. in my room until I was grown and out of my parents home.
    T.V. is secondary in our home to reading,end of discussion,period.

  30. Marcus Key

    I think pre-teen is a good age, but i would give one to my children at an earlier age if they earn it, and it doesn't effect with there responsibilities.. but then again it raises my electric bill alittle more

  31. Steve online:

    Why would a child need a TV their bedroom? I wouldn't allow a youngster to watch TV unsupervised. It may be necessary to have additional TV's in the house for entertainment and educational purposes but young children shouldn't watch inappropriate programs. Parental supervision is the key to watching TV.

    A parent can't enforce rules effectively when the child is out of sight. In fact, I think that parents should be careful about creating rules that they cannot enforce. It would be challenging to prevent a child from watching the TV when they should be sleeping. The bedroom is for sleeping. It may be best to separate other activities from the bedroom so that it is associated with sleeping exclusively. I would permit reading in bed or some other relaxing form of entertainment.

    If a teenager wants a TV in his bedroom let him purchase it. Even then it would require supervision and maintenance of their grades, etc. Establish the rules before permitting them to have this privilege.

  32. sbaty
    we he/she can make enough money to afford their own tv.

  33. Steve online:

    In response to Denice C:

    I agree with you. You made a very good point. There are many important things to do away from the TV. Establishing a healthy relationship with your child and family would be priority one. Everything requires effort. If a child is going to be well adjusted he has to be socialized with family and friends. When a child is left unattended by it's parents then it may establish random, undesirable behaviors. At any rate, these behaviors would not be influenced by the parent. Happy, healthy, well adusted children do not happen by accident.

  34. Steve F. online:

    Political correctness is ridiculous....him in this instance is not gender specific.

  35. M.Njoroge
    kids should not have TV'S in their room,they need to watch one under parent's supervision.

  36. V. Phillips Online
    Why do they need a television at all? I know I've done perfectly fine my entire life without a television in my room.
    All I have is a radio, and really I prefer that.
    Plus, in this day and age, you can watch whatever was on television on the computer, which is a totally different matter.
    Besides, as a parent, I would like to be able to control what my child sees and hears for the first decade or so of his/her life, and electronics make that difficult.

    @A. Kibathi:
    Just to play Devil's Advocate, there are TV blockers which, I believe, can also limit time in addition to channels. I know if I'd had a TV in my room as a kid, I'd probably have watched the History and Discovery channels until my eyes bugged out of my head, but I also know that not everyone was happily innocent as a kid like I was haha.

  37. Donna H Online: I think that the moment your kid starts getting on your nerves, you should put a TV in their room. For my last child, that age was 4, for the older ones, it was about 13 or so. She wonders why she's the last child....

    Seriously, I think it depends on the child and how close you want your family to be. I miss the times when I was a kid, and we either had no TV or 1 TV. We played outside, while the grown ups visited with the neighbors. Now everyone just stays in their room, listening to the 'squawkbox' (TV), while playing on their computers.

  38. Donna H @ James O. online: I'd be interested to know if you currently have a TV in your room now? If so, wouldn't that it defeats the "you can't have a TV in your room" argument.

  39. Rachel C.
    Ok, I must admit this first and foremost...in this situation, I have chosen to be a hypocrite...
    I say this because I love, love, love t.v., but, I do not think children should have a t.v. in their room AT ALL. Our human brain's frontal cortex is the last area for maturity, and, unfortunately, this is the area of the brain that deals with reasoning, something very important when deciding right and wrong consequences. So, in this case, very impressionable children, along with the crap of today's t.v., will probably not result in positive results.

  40. Kevin G Online
    I don't think a young child should have a television in his or room because I think it would create a sense of dependancy when going to bed every night, but I would have no problem if I had a child at the junior high school level wanting a small television in his or her room. I would not allow a big screen video game set up regardless of age.

  41. Kevin G response to Marcus

    Funny post Marcus! I love your attitude! "you would let him or her have one if he or she earned it, but you understand it would raise your electric bill" lol

  42. Jonathan Ridings Online

    I do not have an actual opinion on this issue. Considering the fact that for my whole life there has been a tv in my bedroom. If i were a parent i would probably say by age 5 my kid would probably have a t.v. in their bedroom.

  43. Jonathan Ridings Online

    In response to A. Kibathi. I do not agree with your argument. At this day and age kids have seen and heard it all. It doesn't really matter if the stuff on t.v. is bad because nowadays the material is commonplace.

  44. marie c....


    just a thought with all the junk non educational stuff on television like jerry springer a child does not need a tv in their room there is so much they can do like read a book go out side to the park and the playground ride a bike learn the abc's ext.. the only thing that happens to child when they watch tv is the rottening of their fragile little brian so say no no no to tv's in a child bedroom.

  45. In all reality a TV in the kids room isn't beneficial to either party. Honesty, Going without a TV altogether would be better. But our society here in the U.S. doesn't typically like that idea. If you feel a kid can handle a TV, go for it.

  46. I have chosen not let my child to watch TV in her room at all, because she needs to be more focus in school work instead. There are so many risks out there; I am not willing to let my own child to be exposing to them. She is welcome to sit and watch TV with her father and her mom; we will be able to monitor what is watching and when she should be watching TV. I am from the third world country, I have my own rules and discipline my child has to obey by. She will be able to place TV in room after high school.Of course this is personal opinion,I do not ask anyone to do like I in my household.


  47. JulieS. online
    So I tried this with my children. I don't think it is a good idea. I caught them awake at all times of the night watching tv. They even promised that they would not watch but the temptation was to hard.

  48. Melina Garcia ONLINE- I think children should not have a televison in their room until the age of 14. I have a 7 year old niece who has had a televison in her room since she was a baby and can not fall asleep without it. At that age a good night sleep is everything, and not only does the television keep her up longer at night, it has also hindered her ability to learn how to put herself to sleep.

    In response to Marie C.- I completely agree with you when you say that television is also rotting their minds. Although my niece religiously watches the Disney channel and I do not see her changing the channel anytime soon, I would be upset if she came aross the Jerry Springer show or something as equally trashy.

  49. I admit my boys have a TV in their room and always have. My husband and I argued about it for a while, but honestly, since they're so used to it now, it is not a distraction for them. Unlike my niece and nephew who do not have TV, and whenever they are in a home with a TV, they look like zombie kids just starring at whatever is on, while my kids are begging them to get up and go do something outside!
    We do monitor what they watch, how long, and they can watch TV in bed for 30 minutes only...and they're usually asleep before the timer ever shuts the TV off.

  50. Rebecca D.
    I think its fine to have a TV in a kids room as long as they dont have acess to the channels that are not child appropriate. Many cable companies offer child blocks on certain channels so I dont see it being harmful if the kids can only watch the shows that are age appropriate.

  51. Joy online
    If there is children's sitting room,then television is acceptable but with strict parental supervision. In the bedroom...a definite NO.

  52. @wendi E Joy online
    I agree with Wendi on the point of strict parental regulations.A Time table for activities for the children including when to watch TV could help their overall growth and development.

  53. Christopher K Online
    I dont believe that there should be an appropriate age to when a child should have a television in their room. I believe that every child is different. Some children like to watch educational channels even at early ages. While others use it for entertainment. the child who use it for education should not be penalized.I believe that television should be monitored though by the parents.

    In response to Steve
    I agree with you when you said that parents should supervise what children watch.

  54. Luis Burrion-- OnlineMarch 4, 2011 at 8:44 AM

    I think that its all up to the parents not the childs age that matters. Alot of kids dont have TV's in their rooms because the cannot take care of things or the parent simply dont have the money.

  55. Luis Burrion- OnlineMarch 4, 2011 at 8:46 AM

    Responce to Joy
    I totally agree with you, but technology helps alot in monotering what your kids can and cannot watch on tv.

  56. James O. online in response to Southernchickie,
    As a forty-two year old man I think I can handle the T.V. in my room without too much trouble. The argument is whether or not children should have T.V. in their room, not grown adults.

  57. Donna H in response to James O. - True. But as a parent, I get flack when I pull out the old "Do as I say and not as I do' argument.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  58. Monica G. Online
    I believe this is up to the parents and the guidelines and rules you have at home. I have two boys and each one has his own tv in his room; however, they only are allow to watch tv in their rooms during weekends, and we will monitor them. About violence is everywhere you can not just have them in a bubble.The issue is that we have to be consistents in our discipline and teach them moral norms that at the end of the day come form parents. Anyway you can have your kids enrolled in sports, school and music activities and by the time they are back home they are so tired that the last thing the want to do is watch tv.That is what we do at home.

  59. Moniga G in response to Chritopher

    I agree with you, there are some shows for everyone; family shows. The problem is not having tv in their rooms. The problem is the kind of shows they watch. I believe education and discipline are the key of good parenting.

  60. Your teacher removed my comment. It was not offensive and contributed to the subject at hand. I'm a former student and was told I'd be able to post. Fascism!!!

  61. James O. in response to the lovely Southernchickie,
    Yeah, I hear ya there. I do get the flack.Ive developed a flack filter in my ears that seems to come in very handy.
    Have a great weekend.

  62. Shawn Manley - OnlineMarch 4, 2011 at 4:33 PM

    I personally have a small 11' or so tv in my 3 yr old daughters room. However, it has no hook up to cable or even local tv access. The only thing she uses it for is when she wants to watch one of her Disney movies that her brother doesnt want to watch. I really think it is up to the parents best discretion so long as there is some monitoring by a parent of what is being allowed to be watched.

  63. Shawn Manley - OnlineMarch 4, 2011 at 4:37 PM

    In response to Melina Garcia Online:

    I think that the tv in a childs bedroom should absolutely not be used at all close to a bed or even a nap time. As you have noted, it seems to become a crutch, much as a pacifier can be for infants and young children. A television should only be used for entertainment during day time hours, limited, and monitored.

  64. Leslie Z Online-

    I feel that the parent has the ability to judge whether or not their child is responsible enough to have a TV in their own room. For example, when I was about 7 years old, I got a small tv for Christmas. My mom knew that even though I now had my TV, that I still LOVED playing outside with the neighborhood kids. I seldom watched it, but it was still available if my parents were watching something in the living room. I will probably do the same for my own kids. As long as they are taught to watch it responsibly, I don't see any problems with it.

  65. Leslie Z Online In response to Melina G-

    I understand what you're saying, but the parents are the ones to blame for the child needing the tv to fall asleep. Parents need to have more discipline for their kids. They are CHILDREN, they do not get choices like that. A lot of parents these days are giving their small children too much independence. If your niece is relying too much on falling asleep with the TV, the mother needs to shut it off. Period, end of story. They may kick and scream for a week or two, but habits can be broken.

  66. Jennifer H: online

    I think that it is at the parents discretion if the child should or should not have a T.V. in the bedroom. I have a friend that has a T.V. in their children's bedroom. She takes it away if they are bad or dont do their homework. If they are good on the weekends they get to watch a movie in bed and eat popcorn.
    In response to James O:
    there is an Adult T.V in the bedroom in my house as well, and believe me, my children always said " its not fair". haha

  67. I think that having a television in a child's room depends on their maturity. But if you want to be able to keep your child having a vast opportunity to occupy themselves, then between 7 and 9 is a good age. You are now able to block certain channels and that will prevent your child looking at something they do not need to, but a television is okay. You will just have to regulate how much they watch it, so they will have time for education and physical activities.

  68. That previous comment was created by Mysti C. Online.

  69. Mysti C. In response to Jennifer H. I totally agree with what your saying about it is up to the discretion of the parents to allow a television in their child's room. I also believe in taking the television away when the child is bad and rewarding them when they do good. If one of those privileges is the television, then parents should use it as an advantage.

  70. Rochelle G Online.
    In my opinion there is no good age for a child to have a television in their bedroom. I am only speaking from personal experience. I tried this for my children and found that a tv is very distracting. My children were watching tv when they were supposed to be doing other things. The tv's are no longer in my childrens rooms. If they want to watch a show it is the family room where everyone can see it. This also helps me to monitor what my children are watching. No TV in the bedrooms! This is my policy.

  71. Rochelle G Online In respnse to Christopther K Online. I agree that it is totally up to the parent to make a good decision for their child as to when a child should have a tv in their room. For my house it is no tv at all in the bedroom.

  72. Elizabeth W.

    Children shouldn't have tv in their bedrooms until they are old enough to be trusted that they won't spend their entire time sitting in front of it. High school age is appropriate.

  73. Esther B.Online
    My kids do not paid bills in my house, and to have tv in their room at that early age is a no! no!. Anyway i should be able to see what my kids watch. Because our television station do not have anything productive to show. The right age should be at least sixteen years.

  74. Esther B. Online
    In response to Monica G. I do not agree with you that your kids have their individual TV in their room and only on weekends you let them watch it. First, it is waste of electricity and money. And mostly weekend are for families to watch movies together and some pop corn.

  75. Cynthia T. Online

    I believe 9 is a appropriate age for a child to have a T.V. in their room. As long as there are restrictions in place and the privilege is closely monitored and that the T.V. doesn't take away from family time and interaction with other kids.

  76. Karlie Online-
    I believe that children at a young age should not be allowed to have cable...but rather dvd players or a VHS player and the parent can pick out educational programs, such as Baby Einstein (when they ar elittle of course), The Magic School bus, Schoolhouse Rock, Yo Gabba Gabba, Discovery channel programs, things like that. And let's not be overly dramatic, every kid deserves a cartoon once in a while. Childhood is supposed ot be about imagination and exploration. Certain programs such as Spongebob, I believe are fine...now South Park or Family Guy that is a complete different story.

    Shannon H. I disagree, children should have some tv time even alone, so long as they have somehting educational on. I believe that children will be "harmed" by seeing something innapropriate on tv just as much as they would if they saw random stranger doing something innapropriate or hearing their friends cuss. I don't think they should be glued to the television watching spongebob...but they should be allowed to watch a little tv a day.

    Shannon H

  77. Cynthia T. Online

    In response to Esther B. I must respectfully disagree with you about a kid not having a T.V. in their room until they are 16. Although your kids may not pay the bills you can give them chores and make them earn a T.V in their room or whatnot, and you can keep track of what your kids are watching and put restrictions in place to ensure that they aren't viewing anything inappropriate. But to not allow them a t.v. until they are 16 is a bit much I think it would hinder them from growing as individuals to be that strict on them.

  78. Rebecca M online
    My children do have a tv in their room at age 5 and 12, but if I had it to do over again i would probably not have put on in their room at all. It was used to get them to sleep in their own room when they were about 4 but now my 12 year old says she is not getting good sleep at night and I think it is do to the television being on all night long but when I say to turn it off she is so used to the noise, she is scared to sleep without it on. I think I started a bad habit! So if I had to do it over I say No televisions in kids rooms at all and the bedroom is used to sleeping! and they can watch the television in the living room, also so it can be monitored!

  79. Tyler Lawrence

    I think that the right age of having a tv in your room is when you enter high school. At this point in your life, you should be mature enough to have time management with school, and entertainment. This is when i had my tv in my room for the first time and of course at first, i was obsessed with it like i have never watched tv before, but then i got used to it and learned that if i wanted to have fun on the weekends, i wouldnt watch that tv as much!!!

  80. K Blan Online:
    I had a tv in my room at a young age.Probably around fifth grade. I think that if the parent keeps an eye on what the child is watching it shouldnt matter.

  81. Christian B. Online

    When I was a kid I could barely watch an ounce of television. Whenever I wanted to watch T.V. I had to watch whatever my parents were watching. When I turned thirteen I was finally allowed to have a T.V. in my room. So I say somewhere around the young teens a kid can have a T.V. in there room.

  82. Christian B. Online in response to Rebecca M Online

    I have the exact same problem that your twelve year old is having and it does have something to do with the T.V. My suggestion would be to limit the time that they spend watching television and that should help a little.

  83. Deidre C. Online:
    The television should never be in a bedroom. The bedroom is supposed to be the place where one can relax and go to sleep. Kids need to be outside playing instead of sitting around watching television. (Grace J. Craig, 2007) Parents tend to use the television as a babysitter. The child is zoning out while watching television. There is no interaction with family/caregiver while watching television and no imaginative play, physical activity, or conversation/communication with real people.
    So my answer would be that there isn't a "good" age for a child to have a television in their room, ever. I will take it a step further and state that adults shouldn't have the television in their room either. We need to take the time to sleep in the bedroom, "live, socialize" in the living room, and "eat/fellowship" in the kitchen/dining room. We eat in the dining room for supper and the main rule is to turn all television and radios off. We don't answer the phone if it rings while we are having our family supper either.
    Works Cited
    Grace J. Craig, W. L. (2007). Understanding Human Development. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education, Inc.

  84. Deidre C. Online in response to Shannon H:

    In fact, studies show that there may be a link to obesity due to television/media replacing outside play and exercise. (Bee, 2006) Kids not only sit and watch television they tend to eat/snack while watching. The other point I’d like to make is that the shows on television are not always appropriate for the children watching. My kids have watched some cartoons and I’ve turned the show off because it was inappropriate for my kids to watch. There was too much violence in the show. I agree we need to show the kids that there are other things they can do such as using their imagination and drawing, painting, reading, etc. Family time is affected if the child is watching television in their room. It’s a negative in my book to have a television in a child’s room.
    Works Cited
    Bee, D. B. (2006). Lifespan Development Fourth Edition. New York: Pearson Education, Inc.

  85. Nyrva B online: I personally see no need what so ever for a child to have a television in his/her room. There is too many distraction in this world and too many other alternatives, like reading. Unless the parent is able to monitor what the child views at all times, I believe it should be kept in an open area like the family room.

  86. Julie S online in response to Shannon H. I think you are on to something good when you suggested that a TV should be replaced with art supplies and books. Great idea!

  87. Keica B: Online
    To have a TV in a child's room is at the decision of the parents.

    Personally my kids have had a Television in their bedrooms since the age of one; However we don't have cable, and we only allow our kids to watch educational shows or movies that we have watched and approve of.

    Kids having television in the bedroom is not such a bad thing when it's used in the right manner. At the age of two my kids knew how to count,their alphabets, and not only say them but recognize them as well, that's because of the educational movies CD's and tapes.

    How much time a child watches television is also the major problem. In my home our kids are only able to watch shows that are not educational for a two to three hour period a day. My kids now are 7, 12, and 16.Because the rules were set from the begining we don't have any problems with our kids not even the 16 year old.

  88. Keica B: Online
    Inresponse to K Blan

    I agree totally with you. When I was in the fourth grade I had a television in my bedroom, it wasn't a problem because we knew from the start what to and not to watch, because that was set in stone from the begining, we also didn't have cable television.

  89. Stephanie M. Online:
    I'm not sure if there is an appropriate age that a child should have a television in their bedroom. When my middle daughter was 6 she received a television for Christmas. If I could turn back time she probably wouldn't have one in her room now. I do not use the television as a babysitter and I do monitor what is being watched.

  90. Nyrva B online in response to V Phillips: I agree, why does a child need television at all? Lack of a television will not affect a child in a negative way. Difinetly something a child can live without.

  91. Stephanie M. Online in response to Rebecca D.:
    I agree with you. It's up to each individual parent and as long as the child is watching age appropriate programming there shouldn't be an issue. I have started a bad habit with my children because they want to go to bed with the television on like I do. Thankfully, they go to bed early enough and the television has a 2 hour timer so it does not interrupt their sleep.

  92. Amanda H Online:
    I personally don't think there's any need for a child to have a television in their room. It's not hard to go out into the family room to watch it, and it's easier to keep an eye on children who need to be focusing on their duties around the house or on their schoolwork if they do not have a television in their rooms. At the same time, it may not be a good idea for younger children to have computers in their rooms either. We were not allowed to have computers, and we felt no need to have teleivions in our rooms when we were kids, and I believe it helped us focus on schoolwork and relaxing outside of those distractions in our bedrooms.

  93. Amanda H in response to Keica B:

    I think you make a good point here. Children can learn a lot from TV, and to be fair I don't think that television or computers cause any damage to them aside from being very visually stimulating to a child. This can make the type of archaic learning that is sometimes employed in our schools quite hard for them to sit through, but besides that it's fairly harmless. I think it can be great now especially if you can control the kind of programming that your family can watch.

  94. Charlotte_online
    I think a television should not be put in any bedrooms, expecially in kids bedrooms. I believe that a bedroom is place for sleeping and resting. I don't have television in my kids bedroom, neither do I. I believe TV should be watched in a family room.
    In response Stephane- I think its upto the'er parents to decide whats good for their kids.

  95. Mark McD online:
    I believe a t.v. should not be put in a childs bedroom until they are older.I would say around the age of ten would be okay.If you put one in to early I believe it would be to much of a distraction.Only when the child is mature enough is when a t.v. could be put in.

  96. Mark McD online:
    I agree with stephenie m. I believe a lot of parents do use a t.v. as a babysitter.If parents are going to do this then there should not be a t.v. in the room at all.

  97. Tai W

    I think that a child should have a tv in their room as a toddler. Everyone keeps talking about the adult shows that a child could watch. I'm pretty sure that's what Parental Locks are made for. You can block whatever you feel isn't acceptable for your child. Television is a great supplemental learning tool! There are tv channels dedicated to nothing but toddlers and alot of it is pretty entertaining. I think blaming TV for lack or family interaction and mushing peoples brains is ridiculous. My family is one of the closest I know, and we dont' sit around a table and have family dinner. We don't FORCE ourselves to spend family time, but we do get together because we want to. I've NEVER been an outdoors person. I refuse to be outside for long periods of time and as a kid that was no different, and I turned out just fine. Tv has not warped my brain.

  98. Shane B. -Online

    This seems to be on the same level as to when a child should be given a cell phone. From my experience growing up I believe it should be a child's responsibility to buy a television for their room. I didn't have a cell phone or a television in my room until I started working and could afford it.

    In response to Tai W.,

    In my opinion it's completely ridiculous to use your family as an example as to why it's ok, that's a bit bias. TV is great for toddlers when they're up and about the living room during the day, but their room should be a place for them to sleep or play with toys. I think it's a cheap excuse to lazy parents to keep their children in their rooms. I used to walk about the house and pretend I was helping clean with my mum, and then I'd go and play with my toys with Nick Jr. or Cartoon Network playing in the background, but as soon as I went to my room it was nap time, period.

    In response to Amanda H.,

    I completely agree with you, a child should spend very little time in front of a television. I'm not one to say TV rots your brain, but parents banishing their children to their rooms just seems so wrong and lazy. Like I said earlier, for children of young ages watching television should happen during the day when a child is occupied with toys and such.

  99. Faustina K

    I think is not adviceable to put a television in a child room until at the age of sixteen or above.The television is stealing our children our from us, so to me this is not good to put television in a child room.

  100. I think it is a bad idea to have a TV in the kids room. If they were in trouble and I wanted to ground them, I would not want to send them to their room if there was a TV waiting for them. Not a good idea.

    Because my kids are elementary school age, I think a TV in their room is too much temptation especially when it comes to bedtime. Because I am not always home in the evenings, it will be hard to regulate the TV when either me or my wife are not home.

  101. Vivian M.

    my kids are 2 and 4 and they have a television in their room, and the reason is because i need time to do my school work. so the television takes their attention away from me. secondly television puts them to bed faster than anything else.i dont let them watch anything else except cartoons and kids movies. i also noticed my 2 yr is learning from the movies.

    every parent should be a judge to that question.you decide when you feel your kids can have a tv in their room.

  102. Kristina R. online

    I really don't know what an apprpriate age is, but I do know that my children have had one as long as I can remember. I know that sould awful, but I used it to get them to sleep, as crazy as that sounds. Luckily, none of my children still need to fall asleep with the tv on. I guess it all worked out.

  103. in response to Vivian M.

    I agree Vivian. Sometimes you just can't get anything else done without a tv. I do monitor what they watch, but there is not a huge limit on the amount of time they spend watching it.

    Kristina R.

  104. Marie S
    Children should be restricted from having televisions in their bedroom. many children will abuse these previleges and could possibly develop an addiction to them.
    Personally, I think it's best having the TV in the main room encourages interaction, and makes it much easier for us to monitor how much and what they're watching which we value significantly.

  105. I think that children should be allowed to have a TV in their room around the age of 13 or 14.i think that this is a good age because at this point in life children are smart enough to realize TV is not everything. In today’s society, kids waste their lives away in front of the tv screen and I believe that once they hit 14 they are capable of managing their time more effectively. I believe that part of the problem with today’s children is that their parents allow them to have tvs in their rooms at age 5 and that is not good for the children.
    In response to Courtney R.
    I agree a child needs to know resposibilty before earning a tv in their room. I have actually seen where younger children want to watch TV all day, so if they had one in their room they would not sleep.

  106. I agree with RGonzalez.

    Fifteen is about a good age to allow them a tv in their room

  107. Personally I feel that tv has been a replacement babysitter for american youth. I think it shapes our future generations to demand instant gratification and short attention span. Though I understand its appeal, i wish it wasnt such a part of childhood

  108. Randi H- online in response to Jonathon.

    You said your niece is 3 and has a tv in her room. I do agree that the age shouldn't really matter, it should be when they are to watch tv and for how long.

  109. I have 2 young men and a young girl. I honestly do not want a TV in their rooms until they are 18. There are so many inappropriate things on TV that they could be watching and I think that this would deter them from their studies. At 18, at least they have finished high school and will hopefully have a good base to get through college.

  110. Lenie D. Online in response to Kevin M.

    I totally agree with your babysitter statement. When I was growing up, TV watching was limited in my household and I also wish the addiction to TV was not part of society today.

  111. Caleb Alexandre-Louis Online
    Im 21 and i still dont have a television in my room. i suppose if here were to be such an age i would make it to be about 13. children are now teens and they want to know about the world which is sad to say safer on the television than any computer.
