Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Roadway Hazards

Most of us know Atlanta has terrible traffic. Did you know that according to a national driver's test survey, roughly 18 MILLION of the currently licensed drivers in the U.S. would fail a state driver's test if they took it today?

Should we require a re-test each time to a renew person’s driver's license? Why or why not?


  1. Shannon H:

    Paper tests are not a good measure of driving skill. This would be an expensive and time-consuming effort. Senior drivers do have legitimate slowing reflexes so if any re-testing should take place, it should be with those age groups and only as it pertains to driving skills.

  2. RGonzalez-
    In response to Shannon's response, I disagree with the age groups. It comes down to your driving skills, most people get taught by there parents and if they are bad drivers then you will be a bad driver. The cycle does not get broken. The proper training should be required at a young age and not by parents.

  3. Drivers licenses are renewed every 5 to 10 years? This is a long period of time, so I don't think that it would be unreasonable to require a written test for license renewal. I don't know if it would be practical or not, considering how inefficient our government agencies are. Maybe drivers could have an online option. It might even be possible for private sector businesses to administer some or all, of the driving tests.

    After a certain age, senior drivers are required to take written tests and eye sight exams more frequently. Is this fair to seniors? It may not be. So why not require everyone to pass a written test and an eye sight exam? Most other professional licenses are maintained with continuing education, so why not drivers? If a person is unable to pass the tests then implement mandatory remedial education. If driving is so important than people should have to earn the privilege to drive.

    I drive an ambulance for a living. I spend a lot of time in and around Atlanta traffic. It is amazing and sometimes aggravating sharing the road with drivers that lack basic skills and knowledge of the state driving laws. Maybe it's partially due to the removal of drivers education from our schools? We also have a lot of migration into the Atlanta area from other states and countries. Some drivers are not familiar with Georgia driving laws. The Atlanta metro area is very large and has a lot of traffic congestion. Everyone should be capable of proving that they have the basic knowledge to drive in heavy traffic conditions.

    Instead of installing stupid on ramp traffic lights, teach drivers how to merge into traffic! HOV lanes and intersection cameras-what are these all about? They are devices for obtaining violation revenue. If the government can't raise our taxes then they take our money in other ways!

  4. Steve online:

    See the previous blog.....

  5. Loan.N.Online.
    I think it will wast of time if retake a test, past it, but never want to follow it.

  6. James O.online,
    Driving is not a right, it is a privilege. I think that driving tests should be mandatory once you hit a certain age, say 65. It's not a knock on senior citizens, it's just about safety.
    Also, if you get ticketed for speeding or other moving violations more than once in a certain amount of time, say a year, then you have to re-test. There are too many people out there that take for granted the fact that when you get behind the wheel of a car, you are assuming a very big responsibility. A car driven by someone who is not as competent as they should be is a tragedy waiting to happen.
    And if you are ever caught texting and driving...off with their heads.

  7. Rachel C.
    I think that driver's licenses should be retested based on how many speeding tickets one receives, say three to set a limit. Also if one gets into a car wreck, by way to the one who is deemed at fault. Also for those caught drinking and driving and are legally still driving, as well as if one is caught breaking the law with any cell phone use illegally.

  8. Blake Huffman

    I think that would be ridiculous. It would be so hard for people to take off work and go to the DMV to take a test they have already taken however many years ago.

  9. MARIE C...

    Well i dont agree with retest however it should be a road test rather then the paper test because that is not enough to messure our comprehension on driving and i would like to also add that there should be a law any one pass sixty years of age should not be allowed to drive there should be alternative transportation for the seniors

  10. Denice.C online..... I don't agree with retesting when you renew your driver's licenses. I think if you have never been involved in a wreck, or any type of traffic violation, then it proves you are a skilled driver. I have been driving since I was 13 years of age and I have never had any type of violation; nor have I had a wreck. I am now in my senior years and I don't think it is fair for the senior citizens to be discriminated against. Why not raise the legal age to driving? Look up and see who has the most wrecks; and you will see it is the younger generation that is inexperienced in driving and wanting to show their friends how fast they can drive. How many of you drink and drive? Just recently there was a child at the school where I work that was in a car and another car hit the car the child was in head on, now the child is home trying to get over a accident that should have not taken place due to someone wanting to drink and drive. I think before everyone starts pointing fingers at the senior drivers they need to go and look at facts and figures and see who has the most wrecks. I feel a lot of driving skills starts with common sense and having patience to drive. Look at the road rage that is happening on our roads today. Is most of these case caused from senior citizens. Let's all think about it, where does the problems began?

  11. Denice.C in response of Shannon H. and James O... I totally disagree with you about senior citizens having to retake the driving test. I have seen some senior citizens with good reflexes. I know of a man that is in his 80's that still works everyday in chicken houses and still does all his duties as a husband. He looks nowhere near eighty years old. Now let me ask you this, how many drunk drivers have you seen with fast reflexes that can get under a wheel and drive. I guess this is not what kills innocent people on our roads. How many teenagers have you seen that loss control of a car and comes our a winner or has never hurt a innocent person? How many senior citizens have you seen that gets out and drives like a crazy manic? Do you see any senior citizens in a road rage? You need to go on line and look at the statistics and see for yourself.

  12. Michele G
    I think that is a great idea! Especially if you have car accidents and speeding tickets or other traffic violations. If your record is clean in between renewal periods then you should not be required to take a drivers test.

  13. James O. in response to Anonymous,
    Im in no way saying senior citizens are the worst drivers on the road. Absolutely the younger ones are, and like I suggested if somebody gets excessive tickets or moving violations, they should be required to retest.
    To the senior citizens who took offense to my remark, well I'm not trying to be offensive, just honest.I am just speaking from the point of view of someone who spends about ten hours a day on the metro Atlanta roads as an outside sales rep. I'm in my truck all day long and yes, the younger hot-heads are very dangerous, but there is also a staggering amount of elderly drivers out there who could use a refresher course.I'm not saying all senior citizens are bad drivers, not at all, but if you're not a bad driver then you shouldn't have any problem taking the test and showing it. Also anonymous...you mentioned drunk driving, road rage,inexperienced teen drivers, etc...all these are unacceptable.Like I said, anyone getting behind the wheel of a car needs to acknowledge they are piloting a deadly weapon when in incompetent hands.

  14. If you don't see a difference in reasoning between why a senior citizen should have to retest more often compared to why everybody else does...well...

    Fact of life: People degrade. Physically and mentally. Sorry, it's just true. Comparable to a car...yeah it might last you awhile, especially if you take good care of it, but inevitably over time it's just going to get worse (unless you want to spend a lot of money).

    Point is, don't be blind here people. I've driven on two way roads, the 5th car in a massive line of traffic behind a senior citizen who's going 25 in a 45. That's just not safe. 15 minute trip took almost 40. Traffic should not be like that at 2pm on Lower Roswell. And it's far from the first incident. Hell, South Park even did an episode on it. Like South Park or not, the fact it made it as a parody on a hit prime time TV show says something.

    Not saying every senior citizen is a bad driver, but I think a pretty good handful or two are. Ok, yeah, I'm sure "young people," aka teenagers (16-20) have a lot of incidents too. Well, they JUST got their license, this person has had it for 50 or so years now. Come on, it's that obvious.

    I think seniors should have to retest more often. And I don't see why others shouldn't have to if they go in for a renewal, I have nothing to hide, I'll take a test once every 5-10 years over something I do everyday. If I can't, then maybe I shouldn't be driving.

  15. Denice.C online... if all the dopers,drunks, and speeders would get off the roads; then senior citizens would not have to worry about reaching their destination. How many of you whinners got drunk this week end and got behind a wheel and drove anyway?

  16. Rebecca D.
    I think that everyone over the age of 65 should have to retatke their driving test every year because they can begin to loose their sight and that can cause accidents. I also think that people who have been in multipe wrecks or who have recieved more than two speeding tickets should have to retake their drivers test

  17. James O.online...responding to Denice C,
    I agree that all the "dopers, drunks and speeders" should get off the road. That goes without saying. Drunk drivers are a menace no matter what age they are.

  18. Monica G. Online

    I think tests are waste of time, most people read the booklets just to pass the test and once they walk out the door forget everything. Instead driver license should have restriction for elderies, with all respect they do not have the same reflex and sometimes thay can not see well and can cause a lot traffic accidents.The restrctions should be the same that for teens.

  19. Monica G online in response to Rebecca

    I agree but I believe people over 65 years old should have restriction and have someone with them during driving same way that teens as a I said above.

  20. Mysti C. Online-I can believe those numbers due to all the accidents made from simple mistakes. I feel that people takes those tests with the basic knowledge of driving and also thinking about the lazy moves they make while driving to take the test. I feel that maybe they should come up with a more thorough test for drivers. Driving is so important because you have so many other people's lives in your hands. I also feel that the should come up with a limit of age, where after a certain age, you are not allowed to drive or are restricted to certain times of day, except for in a emergency. We all really need to get better with our driving skills and stop driving so lazy.

  21. Mysti C. In response to Marie C. I do agree with have a more thorough driving test rather than paper test because the driving is the most important. You want to see how a person can really handle the road and be in difficult situations, a paper test will not tell you that. I also do believe that after a certain age, it should be some driving restrictions. Maybe not at 60 because that is not that old, but at a higher age they should do something to protect them and others.

  22. This article is great for drivers Ed classes and it helped greatly with my project. This is a wonderful website.

  23. Kendaris H. Online

    I think that people should be re-tested on an individual bases. How many accidents? How many tickets? How many times have they broken the law? Driving is a privilege and not a right. I disagree that in the state of GA kids as young as 15 should be allowed to drive. The pace of the highways such as 285 are way to fast and teenagers lack the expierence to drive on such highways. People should be re-tested but only if they give a reason to.

  24. Kendaris H. Online in response to Mysti C.

    I agree with you your way of thinking. People do drive lazy. Especially younger teens and the elderly. I think GA should re-evaluate the driving age in which someone can drive. Young or old.

  25. Rebekah T.-online I think that the older people should have to take a test every 10 years. It is usually them that cause some wrecks.

  26. Rebekah T.-online In response to Rebecca D. Yes I think that people who violate the law should have to re take also.

  27. joy online

    If the survey indicate increase in the number of accidents, it only require a careful review to reduce the rate and promote safety. such reviews can include retesting all categories of drivers irrespective of ages, except the survey says that ninety percent of the accidents are caused by the certain age category.

  28. In response tokendaris and Deniece

    In a football match, once you are booked with a yellow card, another booking is a red and suspension. to check recklessness, accumulated tickets should attract compulsory retest.

  29. Joy online
    In response to Kendaris and Denice
    In a football match,once you are booked with a yellow card, another booking is red,and suspension.To check on recklessness,accumulated tickets should attract compulsory retest.

    Sorry i wrote twice, i forgot to type in my name,so pardon me.

  30. Donna H. Online:

    Nope, maybe every 10 or 20 years. The DL office is already awful enough without having people re-take a test every couple of years. I think that the guv'ment finds the worst, most useless, grouchy people to run those places...

  31. Donna H. in response to Denice C:
    Or maybe we should just look at people's driving history (Such as how many tickets they have gotten since last renewal and make people with driving violations take a test.) That would definitely get some of the 'dopers and drunks' off the road.

  32. Jennifer H online:
    In response to kendaris: I am LOL about what you said about rethinking the age to drive. Most teenagers have not learned to be responsible yet behind the wheel of a car. I think getting a license should be the same age as a drinking age. ( just my opinion) just because by then they have grown to be accountable for everyday life. Walking to work, finding rides, and even paying bills. Down the line a few years they will know the tools to use if the car ever breaks down, they will know what to do.
    As far as seniors go, that is a debate that will last forever. I think when you turn 70 you should be required to take the test again. (just my opinion)

  33. There should mandatory DRIVING tests, not paper tests. And these Driving tests should be every 10 years with the exception of driving offenders with tickets, accidents, etc, having to test more often.I think these tests should be extensive, as in on the city streets, as well as on the interstates. This could be done by privately owned driver's ed businesses like you see on the roads with Student Driver on the side. The government would never be able to do it themselves, underfunded and understaffed.

  34. In response to Kendaris: I agree with the age of drivers needing to be reassesed. But more importantly, the requirements to get the priviledge to drive should be improved. The part of your brain that allows you to think LOGICALLY is not fully developed until the age of 21 (on avg). Young drivers die way too often and always have. Too many dumb decisions. Testing and driving MANY times, under MANY different circumstances should be implemented in order for you to get your license initially. Then you should definitely have to re-test every 10-15 years depending on your driving record.

  35. Julie S. online
    There should be an effective way of teaching our children proper driving techniques. And yes there are so many bad drivers out there! Maybe a driving exam would be a way to prevent so many accidents!

  36. Julie S. online in response to Wendi E. You are so right about young driver. So many young people are handed driver liscense and a car, and they have no clue how to drive safely. We as parents are responsible for making sure they know to handle driving conditions before they are thrown into a situation they can't control.

  37. oyebola oyewumi online:
    retest or no retest the high way is still going to be full of reckless drivers anyway.Skill retest can be helpful because it will help bring some people into order but at the same time,it does not stop people from driving drunk and wasting lives.personally i feel there should be a law to stop drinking.

  38. oyebola .o. online
    in response to monica
    i will rather say papper test are a waste of time and resources.road test would be better

  39. Steve online
    In response to Julie:

    I agree with Julie and Wendi about teenage drivers. Atlanta is a big fast paced city. It is not a good place for inexperienced drivers to begin driving. It would be a good idea to increase the driving age unless you were inlisted in the military. Defensive driving courses should be mandatory prior to recieving a drivers license.

    Another thing to realize is that overly cautious drivers are not necessarily good drivers. There is a lot of knowledge that should be passed on to new drivers and others. Learning how to pass, change lanes, and to anticipate hazardous cituations in general. Accidents are not always caused by the driver given the ticket. There are factors that can't be seen and proven by law enforment when they decide who should get a ticket. What if someone collides with another car because they were going too fast but the police couldn't prove it and therefore gave the other driver a ticket?

  40. Tyler Lawrence

    I think that a re-test should be based on your age, vision, and physical health. If you are over the age of 60 i think that a re-test should be definetely required. Both a paper test and a driving test should be issued when the time comes.

  41. I disagree with Jennifer H....driving age is the same as the drinking age? Seriously? That's a horrible idea. You want them to learn to walk to work, find rides pay bills etc....wow. Yeah, let's make our 16-19 age group worry about paying bills. Forget school, life is about working and suffering, right? Have you ever tried to find a job without a car? Clearly not, because it's damn near impossible, much less when you're an inexperienced teen who's had maybe one job.

    Not to mention the fact they'll be able to drink and drive on the same day. Yeah, that's a good idea...

  42. Courtney R

    I think that a re-test should be required for a certain age group. I also think that a person should have to re-test if they have received a lot of tickets over a certain span of time.

  43. Jonathan Self 30967

    I mean, it depends. Maybe when people turn 30 they should take a re-take. But, my grandfather is 80 and hasnt taken test in decades! I do not think it would be smart to make them test every re-newel.

  44. I honestly do not think that this would be a bad idea. Retesting would probably be a great idea, I think that it would be time consuming and keep our DMV people very busy but even if it was just the written test. I mean sometimes you tend to forget things especially if you do not use them all the time. I have saw bad drivers in all age groups.

  45. J. Ponders online:
    I honestly do not think that this would be a bad idea. Retesting would probably be a great idea, I think that it would be time consuming and keep our DMV people very busy but even if it was just the written test. I mean sometimes you tend to forget things especially if you do not use them all the time. I have saw bad drivers in all age groups.

  46. J. Ponders in response to Julie S.
    I agree that good driving does start with the parents, I know that our schools are now trying to better prepare students for thier driver license. I do think that after so many years everyone should be retested again.

  47. by sbaty
    Me and my buddies have decussed this idea in detail. We think that everyone who has a driver lic. must take the test using a big pick up pulling a trailer, they should also be tested on how to properly check and maintain the vechile and fill it with fuel. And the truck has to have a manual transmission

  48. Marcus Key

    I already reponded to this but didnt show.. umm i agree with tyler lawernce.. Eldery people need to re-take a driving test, no neccessarly a written one

  49. Kristina R. online

    I think that once we reach a certain age that it wouldn't be a bad idea to retest. Let's face it, the older we get most of us start to need glasses, maybe aren't as quick to react. I also think that if you have had more that one accident that is your fault or numerous tickets maybe you should be required to retest for you next renewal. If you stay clean before your next renewal then you won't have to test again.

  50. in response to Courtney R.

    I think we are on the same page on this one. Age and driving record should probably determine whether we should have to test each and every time.

    Kristina Rickman

  51. Esther B. Online
    Well it is a good idea for people to be retested because many people drive without thinking about the next driver on the road. Either careless driving by talking on the phone, texting on the phone, and speeding. There are many careless driving that end up killing innocent soul. I will want the state to pass the law for retesting anytime someone have to renew their drivers license, and then the state will be able to revoke a lot of drivers who do not qualified licenses.

  52. Esther B.Online
    I disagree with Blake Huffman saying it is ridiculous for retesting because anyway one have to still take off to renew their license. So that is no excuse to make.

  53. Shawn Manley - OnlineMarch 11, 2011 at 4:23 PM

    A re-test is not a horrible idea. I think personally an active on the road test along with an actual written/computer test would be effective as well.

  54. Shawn Manley - OnlineMarch 11, 2011 at 4:27 PM

    In response to Esther B Online:

    Perhaps having to take a test every time you renew would be excessive, I do agree with you. As some people like to point to the elderly being an issue, I think the far younger generation pose a bigger threat. Your business man or woman busy on their cell phones, or the inexperienced young adult and teen drivers have been a threat on the road to me more than an elderly person. Elderly people typically are easier to avoid, you just drive around them. The younger reckless drivers you have to make more drastic measures to avoid serious accidents with them.

  55. Cynthia T. Online

    I do not think that everyone should have to retake the driving test for renewals, it's too expensive and who wants to have to take a driving test everytime they have to renew their license. I personally would probably fail it because of my nerves being bad and being nervous about the test. However if they did feel it was a neccesary act to make people retake the driving test I think it should be based upon your driving record or how many points you have against you on your license.

  56. Cynthia T. Online

    In response to Esther B. retesting everyone when its time for them to renew is not only not cost effective it is a waste of time. Not everyone should be punished for the carelessness of a few individual who don't feel the need to follow the driving laws. I personally hate standing in line forever at the dmv to do a simple renewal I would hate to have to set a appointment to take a test, actually take the test and then finish the process. As I stated in my own response if people want retesting to take place there needs to be a certain criteria for it, instead of making a blanket law and punishing everyone.

  57. I absolutely think we should retest for licenses. I also think it should be mandatory for everyone to go to driving school. Not the driver education classes but driving school. Cost more upfront but saving in the long run. Germany already does this and they have a MUCH better track record.

  58. Deidre C. Online:
    I believe we should require a "re-test" both written and driving test, too. Why? Because, I know I have forgotten some of the "rules" and some of the rules I've learned may have changed over the last 25 years. I hate 4-Way stops!
    Look at it this way: The new driver wants to be careful and follow all of the rules and caution is always there. Now, someone who has been driving for years may get a little lazy and too relaxed and tend to drive a little faster than the "new" driver. I've seen many older drivers just run a stop sign or do a rolling stop. My neighbor has totalled two of her vehicles...and both accidents were her fault. One was a one car accident...wreckless.

  59. Shannon H:

    Deidre C. Online in response to Shannon H.:
    I disagree with you on singling out just the senior citizens. The tests should be both written and driving.(Even if simulated on video screens with a wheel, break and gas pedal.) We should all be re-tested young and old. I would think every 5 or 10 years have a re-test. Some of the younger less experience drivers and some of the middle aged drivers need to be tested on driving skills.
    I was taught how to drive by my Dad when I was 15. My hands would sweat and my knuckles were white due to gripping the steering wheel. Now, when I drive on the interstates (rarely) I get some anxiety when around those big trucks and just the average car drifting a little in the lane I am in. I was in an accident on 285 years ago. I was hit by two transfer trucks and a pick up truck at 70 mph. Thank God I survived! The accident wasn't my fault. The truck driver clipped my bumper and sent me spinning into the other three lanes. So, actually, I am going to also include that all drivers including commercial trucking etc. Must take tests periodically for driving skills. I believe there is a need to re-test.

  60. Vivian M.
    I would say yes to a retest depending on how many tickets you got in the previous year and how many accidents you were involved in. that is not a bad idea.

  61. Natavius F. Online:

    I don't feel as though people who already have their license should be required a re-test each time every time they were to renew their driver's license. If they have their license they obviously know how to drive and the rules of the road, whether or not they choose to obey those rules is another story. I do however understand if they were to implement that rule but I do not agree.

  62. Natavius F. Online. In response to Vivian M.

    I think what you said was great about those who have outstanding tickets and/or accidents being candidates for a re-test. I had never even considered that an option. Good answer.

  63. LDjobo ONLINE
    I think the senior citizens should be revaluated by a physician and have a clearance from their doctors first, then have them retested to renew the licences.

  64. Keica B Online:
    I've always felt that after a certain age that one should have to retake a road test, only because, I often hear older people say that they didn't have to do all the things we had to do to pass the road test. I also feel that after a certain age people should have to take a reflex test , because to be a defensive driver you have to have quick reflex.

  65. Faustina K
    I don't think, re-test will solve the problem, drivers are suppose to know what to do by following the driving laws Taking this test again is waste of time.
    Also people have to stop drinking and driving, because if you drink, and you are driving, there is no way, you can remenber the driving rules.

  66. Keica B Online:
    Response to Shannon H.

    I totally agree with you about the age of retesting. After a certain age people should be retested on the roads especially the highway and in the rain.

  67. Marie S
    I believe everyone should have to retake the written test each time they renew their drivers license. Anyone with more than two tickets or accidents should have to retake the driving parts too. Every six months they should retest people that are 60yrs and up and teenagers. And I also think doctors should be required to report to DMV those They feel are unable to drive, either due to health problems or medications they may be taking.

  68. charlotte_online
    I think everyone should retake the test when renewing the drivers licence only if you obtain a ticket within that period.I believe this can reduce the number of accidents in our community.

    In response Shannon

    People should retake the test after a certain age.

  69. Rebecca M online
    In response to Julie and Wendi- I definitely agree with with Julie and Wendi, teenagers are very dangerous to themselves and others on the road. They seem to have an "immortal" way of thinking and do not take driving seriously and now with the cell phones and texting it makes for a dangerous environment!

  70. REbecca M online
    I think that DMV instead of retesting every so often they should be a little stricter on the violation and points system. Such as if you have more than one heavy violation- such as going over 15 over the speed limit and other major offenses, then our license priviledges should be taken from you, and then people would take it a little more seriously!

  71. Elizabeth W

    As much as a hassel it would be to have to do that, maybe it would improve our roadways. Also, there should be an IQ portion of the test as well. Also, harsher punishment for repeat offenders to help keep our road safe!

  72. Melina Garcia ONLINE- I do not believe that we should retest every time we have to renew our drivers license, but I do believe that once we reach a certain age we should redo a written exam and an actual driving exam as well. The roads are just not the same as they were 30 years ago and some of the older generation do not get out and drive as often as they should to get use to these new driving conditions.

    In response to Vivian M.- I think it would be something to look into if you have had a certain number of tickets or accidents. If anything people do not want to deal with the hassle of retaking these tests and so they would try harder to follow the road laws which in turn would make the roads safer.

  73. Leslie Zinsmeister Online- I don't think that they should require you to have a re-test EVERY time you get your license renewed, but I do think that elderly people need to take a test once they have reached a certain age. I do believe that they have a much slower reaction time, and that many accidents can be prevented if a test was given to see if they still are functional to drive.

  74. Leslie Zinsmeister Online- In response to Vivan M.- I agree that if you received a ticket, you should have to re-test the next time you have it renewed. I'm not sure if this is a current law or not, but they also need to make drivers Ed mandatory before teenagers get their licenses.

  75. A. kibathi
    I think the senior citizen should definately need to take the test when they reach a certain age especially due to the changes in things like eye sight, hearing, memory etc. The younger generation need to take retest if they have had any accidents or tickets.

  76. This would be stressful but I think it would be a good idea to an extent. Many people forget certain things they learned in their Driver's Ed classes over the years, and it would allow us to see if anyone's doing poorly in their driving. I don't think that we should revoke a person's license if they do not pass this test- I do think however it might be a good idea to add a status on their license that increases the amount of money they're charged for when they get a ticket. I think if they do a poor job on their re-test it means they would have to focus harder and be more careful on the road knowing they would be charged more for breaking the law or being reckless on the road. They should be told what they had issues with, and give them the option to retest or pass a driver's ed class to remove it.

  77. Amanda H Online: This would be stressful but I think it would be a good idea to an extent. Many people forget certain things they learned in their Driver's Ed classes over the years, and it would allow us to see if anyone's doing poorly in their driving. I don't think that we should revoke a person's license if they do not pass this test- I do think however it might be a good idea to add a status on their license that increases the amount of money they're charged for when they get a ticket. I think if they do a poor job on their re-test it means they would have to focus harder and be more careful on the road knowing they would be charged more for breaking the law or being reckless on the road. They should be told what they had issues with, and give them the option to retest or pass a driver's ed class to remove it.

  78. Amanda H to Melina Garcia:
    I think this is a great idea. Perhaps instead of every renewal, this could be done at certain ages. Every 20 years would probably help- and knowing this would happen would keep people focused on their behavior on the road and what they need to know.

  79. Kayla Blan Online-
    I think it may be a good thing to retest as people get older. Their reflexes start to get slower. They would have to open up more dmv's and so that means more jobs!! =)
    Also this could reprevent more wrecks from happening and even save lives!!

  80. Tai woods
    I think that re-testing everytime you renew your license could be a very good thing. I think the longer you've had a drivers license the more bad habits you create behind the wheel. I think the best way to see if it really works is to check a metropolitan area. Follow a group of teenagers before and after they get their licenses. Then make them retest when they renew!

  81. Steven S ONLINE:
    I personally think that some kind of driving course needs to be put in place while taking the test to get your license to to renew it as well. Also i think some kind of defensive driving course needs to be in place so people know how to correct some situations such as hydro planing or how to not over correct. More precautions need to be put in place before operating a vehicle.

    Response to Kayla Blan
    I agree as people get older they need to be tested to see if they are still capable to be driving on the road.

  82. Stephanie M. Online:
    I believe that driving tests should be given at a certain point, but not every time you renew your driver's license.
    The elderly, maybe beginning around the retirement age of 63, should be road tested regularly. Also, people who have had excessive accidents, tickets and DUI.
    They should find a way to incorporate the written test into the road test and maybe shorten the written test or exclude it all together.

  83. Stephanie M. Online in response to Shannon H.:
    I agree with Shannon. Paper tests do not measure the ability to drive correctly or safely. Also, it the extra cost and time would be an issue.

  84. Ashley H.
    Re testing for a driver's license would be a very good idea. We would not have as many crazy drivers these days. Many people who have been driving for years feel far too comfortable behind the wheel, and that's how alot of wrecks are caused. I believe this would be very effective.

  85. Mark McD online:
    No I do not think we should re-test everytime we renew our license.I think maybe after a certain age we should because I find that some older people become a risk to other drivers.

  86. Mark McD online:
    I agree with A.kibathi senior citizens should have to take the tests.Not all but some of todays elders become a risk to other drivers and should be tested to make sure they are not a risk to others on the road.

  87. I personally think that the money and time spent on driving courses for every driver would be somewhat of a was of resources. Yes it would more than likely prove effective enough to save a crash or two, but I dont think that I was any better of a driver after taking the course the first time. Good driving comes from experience, personal ability and concentration. I would definitely like to see better drivers on the road, yet I do not feel that using tax money and additional personal cost to citizens for a course that would show minimal results is the way to do that

  88. In response to Mark McD.

    I do agree that elderly people seem to be less aggressive drivers, however i do not think sending them to any kind of course will change that

  89. Kevin G_Online
    I think everyone should have to take a written test when they renew. I think that the problem with most bad drivers isn't due to poor driving skills. It all has to do with paying attention and being respectful of the laws and the other drivers that surround you. Example: Why do so many people not use their turn signals? The other annoying group out on the road are tail gaters. I average at least 5 miles an hour over the speed limit but still always have a pest on my bumper.

  90. Kevin G_Online
    Response to Shannon
    Shannon I agree about the age testing to some degree but I think it should only be required if the elderly person continues to have traffic violations. I know several people over the age of 70 that are sharp and alert. To be honest (sorry teens) but I would much rather have elderly people surrounding me in traffic than a group of 16 to 18 year olds.

  91. Jonathan Ridings Online

    I do think that their needs to be a re-test policy at a certain point. I guess every time we get our license renewed that would be reasonable.

  92. Jonathan Ridings Online

    In Response to Kevin G.

    I agree with your argument. Paying attention and respecting other drivers and laws is definitely the issue with most bad drivers not driving skills.

  93. Courtney Pruitt: I don't think you should have to re-take the drivers exam every time you renew your license. The DMV already stays very crowded as it is and you wait hours in lines a lot of times when I have been. So if you require everyone to retake the exams there will be even more people having to come in. The writing part of the exam also I think is a waste of time. If you were to retake the drivers test it should be required that you drive around for a little bit and get your score. With the paper exam thats just seeing if you understand the signs and what you should do in certain situations. You get a better experience if it's hands on. If you passed the test the first time then you shouldn't have to keep retaking the test every 5 or so years, it'll just be a waste of money, and time.

  94. Margaret.N.
    It is a good idea to retest but it should be determined by the no. of tickets one has gotten.

  95. Eric D.

    I believe we should have a re-take every time, maybe not the same exact test you took to get your license, but like a watered down version. If you feel as if you are fit to drive the roads that you should be able to sharpen up your skills every 10 years, or how ever long it takes until you have to get them renewed. I think It would also cut down on a lot of wrecks and car related deaths.

  96. randi h-online in response to Marie C.

    I agree that their should be a road test, but not a written test.

  97. Luis Burrion --OnlineMarch 17, 2011 at 9:46 AM

    A retest would be good. It will resfresh everybody on the laws and rules of the road.
    Many people are too busy doing everything else in the car besides driving.

  98. Luis Burrion---OnlineMarch 17, 2011 at 9:50 AM

    Responding on Randi H's comment.

    I totally disagree! There should be more testing done for drivers. There are so many idiots on the road now. If anything the DMV should implement a 3rd testing source.

  99. Christopher K-online
    I do not believe that the test given are sufficient enough to determine if one can drive. Most people who judge the test are just normal civilians who check of to make sure the driver has completed it. Not to many times do they determine the accuracy of these drivers.

  100. Nyrva B. online: Yes, I think that the DMV should retest drivers inorder to renew there drivers license I dont believe it need to be every year but at least ever 5 years.

  101. Lenie D - online

    I think it is an awful idea to retest everytime we need to renew a license. Most professionals forget the instructional learning once they are in their field because the hands on is much diffent than what they learned in school. I think that driving is the same as far as hands on learning. If they started doing this for drivers, then they would have to do it for every license.

  102. Lenie D. in response to Vivian H.

    I did not think about retesting for number of violations received, etc....In cases such as these, I would probably be on board with a retest.

  103. Nyrva B in response to Steven S. online: I agree a defensive driving course should be required to renew your Drivers License.

  104. Caleb P. Alexandre-Louis Onlie
    No, it would be not only a pain to retest but it would no doubt be a large expense. Which in turn could cause drivers to be MORE aware of themselves and other drivers as well as posisbly lowering insurance...but i still wouldnt want it.

  105. I agree with lenie.

  106. Jennifer H online

    In response to who ever responded to my comment:
    I didn't mean to strike a cord with you about teenage driving. When I was a teen I went to school, got out, walked to work every day. I have found a job while not driving and that paid for my car, gas, and necessities.... (just saying) this day and age, teenagers think they have no responsibilities.. Just let mom and dad pay for everything.. well, not in my house... You got to earn it..

  107. Lauren G
    I think that all drivers should be retested because over time people vision changes and what you were able to see 5 years ago can totally change within that time frame. As for teenagers they constantly need to be reminded of the rules of the road. Statistics prove that teenagers are involved in a wreck more than adults. Overall many drivers do not drive cautiously and need to be re-tested.

  108. I think there should be an eye exam not a retest for the seniors if necessary. Why will people be subjected to retest after driving for 10 years or more, because they don't know how to drive or they've lost their driving skills? Driving involves individual personality and sense of humor. Thinking about other drivers on the road and your life behind the wheels is what matters. When you are licensed to drive is your responsibility to drive safe, and avoid breaking the laws by not driving under influence. As for teenagers we can only pray for them, because they don't listen but only do what they have in their minds.
