Thursday, March 31, 2011

First Blog for Sociology- Spring 2011

If you were to have dinner with a well known person--entertainer, politician, athlete or business person, who would you choose? Why would you choose that person?

You must make a choice, and remember to include why you selected that person.


  1. Megan M-Online

    I would want to meet Michelle Duggar. I believe she is a great person and great mother. I believe how she is raising her kids is great. I see nothing wrong with her belief system and God has provided her with lots of love and care. I support her and her family. I would love to be able to know Michelle and Jim Bob personally.

  2. Lindsey Babcock (student)
    I love the fact that Megan chose Michelle Duggar as she is also the same person I would invite to dinner. She inspires me so much on how to be a Godly wife. My husband loves to watch the Duggars with me and it actually causes us to have conversations about Godly marrages. Michelle and Jim Bob understand their roles not only as Godly men and women, but as husband and wife, and mother and father. I would love to sit with them and just soak up their knowledge. The most wonderful part of them is their humbleness. I am sure that if I told them I wanted to Learn their ways they would simply hand me a bible and tell me to read. It is so true. My husband and I goto an amazing church. The two of us watch other christians like our paster, and other christians in our small groups. We apply what we learn from them and what we read in scripture to become more Christ like everyday

  3. Jeryl C - Online

    I would choose to have dinner with Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft and one of the wealthiest people in the world for over a decade. Being a computer enthusiast myself, I would love the opportunity to pick his brain over any business or educational advice.

  4. Normally I would respond to this question by saying that I would want to meet a successful business person to pick their brain on why they feel they are so successful. However, this week I am at a point where I just need a good laugh, so I pick Russell Brand! I think he is hilarious and would be a good dinner partner for a night of fun and frivolous conversation!!!!

  5. Rondi W Online

    I have never had a need to blog. I have never done so but here we go! I would choose Margaret Mitchell. I would love to know what would have happened in book 2 of Gone With The Wind. Would Scarlett and Rhett get back to gether. Also how hard it was, back in the day, to be a female writer in a mans world. What would her reaction be today as to the sucess of Gone With The Wind the novel and the movie?

    As to the other comments of Michelle Duggar I would just cut through all the middle men and go straight to Jesus. He can tell you exactly what you need to do and to change. Question is are you listening?

  6. Charlene G- Online
    My person i would like to meet would be Mariah Carey :D.Ive always liked her voice and tried hard to model it when i was younger but could never reach her voice range. She has had a looong lasting career and great voice. When I was younger ive always dreamed of being a singer and performing with her on stage, but i guess that wont be happening now as i am in a different profession in the criminal justice feild. For now i will just sing to my kids :D But i picked her becasue whenever i feel a certain way or just want to sing, i always pick her music and find that her voice is something ive always admired.

  7. Charlene G- online
    I would like to comment on the Russel Brand dinner guest :D i too would love to have him as a guest as he makes me laugh just by anything he says. He is a very funny person and i love the movies he has been in.

  8. Tori Fuller Online

    I would love to have dinner with Franklin D Roosevelt. I would like to ask him how he thinks our country can get out of the economical state we are in now. If I could invite two people I would have President Obama join us.

    To Rondi W
    I let my daughter watch Gone With the Wind for the first time yesterday. She is five and loved Scarlett. I really love that this movie and book can still be loved by the next generation.

  9. I would like to respond to the dinner with Franklin D. Roosevelt. Good idea to have Obama join the dinner, perhaps he could learn something!

  10. I would spend a night at the pub with C.S. Lewis and JRR Tolkien. I don't think this need's any explanation.

  11. Danielle S. Online

    If I could have dinner with anyone it would probably be Oprah. Not only is she a black female but she is also very smart. It is good to see someone who was not born with money to accomplish what she has done. Everyone thought her show was big and popular, but she did not stop there she now has her own channel in my opinion I would love to sit down with her.

  12. Danielle S. Online

    I would like to comment on Jeryl C I would also want to have dinner with Bill Gates. I did a paper on him in high school and he is a very interesting man that I would also want to hear what he has to say.

  13. Kevin O | Online

    The person I would select to have dinner with would have to be The Dalai Lama. Not only for his spiritual enlightenment, but to pick his brain about so many of today's issues and current events. He has traveled the world over a few times and must have some amazing insight in to many different cultures and religions. Also having traveled to some of the most interesting places and met some of the most intersting world leaders.

  14. Allison P- Online

    I would choose to have dinner with Jesus. I would cherish the opportunity to sit face to face with Him and learn more about His mercy and grace. I would love to hear how he wants us to be more loving and forgiving like Him. I would just sit quietly and listen to Him.

    In Response to
    Megan- Online and Lindsey-classroom

    I applaud you both for your outward expression of your love for the Word of God. It is refreshing to see fellow christians taking the opportunity to share the joy of Christ in a somewhat public forum.

  15. Caitlin L. - Online

    If I had the opportunity to invite any famous person to dinner, I think I would invite John Mayer. Not only is he an incredible singer/songwriter, he also has a hilarious sense of humor. His sarcasm and playfulness is so funny and I feel like dinner with him would be extremely entertaining. It also doesn't hurt that he's so cute ;)

  16. Caitlin L. - Online
    (In response to Megan & Lindsey)

    I can appreciate the fact that Michelle and Jim Bob are so faithful to each other and to God, but I personally don't agree with their styles of parenting. First, I believe it is important for children to experience school in a social, public setting. Also, as much as I like the show, it seems like the older kids do more of the child-raising than the actual parents do.

  17. ChastityF. Online
    If I could have dinner with a well known person it would be Jill Scott. She is a powerful lyricist and poet. I would enjoy hearing her views on the world and life experiences. I know she would appreciate my cooking too, since she represents for the voluptuous women.

  18. ChastityF online
    In response to person having dinner with Russell brand, Who is Russell Brand? I have never heard of him and I love comedy. But if hilarious is the word to describe him would like to be a guest at your dinner.

  19. Micah S- Online

    If I could have dinner with a well known person it would have to be Britney Spears. She is a very talented artist who I have idolized since the start of her career. I think that she is very misunderstood and I would love to just have a conversation with her and get to know the person behind the performer. Just like any other person, I bet she is down to earth and nothing like people portray her!

  20. Sun A-Online

    If I had an opportunity to have dinner with a well known person it would be Michael Jackson(if he was still alive). Michael was and still is definitley the "king of pop" and the one artist that is known worldwide. He's had such a huge impact on many people's lives through his music. The talent that man had is something no artist can ever compete with. He was/is truly one of a kind!

    In response to having dinner with the Duggars, I would have to agree with Caitlin L. I think they are amazing people in all aspects except one. I understand that there are 19 kids between two parents and how difficult that can be but I do not agree with having the older kids practically raise the younger ones.

  21. Christina C. - Online

    If I could have dinner with my favorite artist, it would be Adam Young, also known as "Owl City". His music makes me so happy when I listen to it mainly because he feels no need to reference drugs and sex in his music. I can tell from his music he has a very pure heart, and that makes me idolize him. He is also completely adorable, which is a definite plus! I would ask him where his inspirations come when he is writing his music and where does he see himself in ten years because I am curious what he would say.

  22. Christina C. - Online in Response to Micah S. - Online

    I would have to agree with what you said about Britney Spears. I am nineteen and grew up when she was becoming the big teenage pop star. I do not agree with everything Britney has done, but I do acknowledge fame changes people. I understand she has people around her all the time, reporting on every thing she does and I would go crazy every once in awhile too. I would love to sit down with her and talk to her about how she feels about people constantly on her, but that may just be the future psychologist in me!

  23. Micah S- Online in Response to Christina C- Online

    I don't agree with everything she has done either but we have no idea what she goes through. I wouldn't be allowed out of the psych ward.

  24. After thinking about all of the famous people that there is in this world and the many different options that I could have available. There is only but ONE that I would like to have dinner with. One that loves me no matter what I have done in the past, one that has compassion and a forgiving soul,one that bears my burdens on a daily basis,one that gave his life, the ultimate sacrifrice, for me. My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The dinner would be only one sided though, because I would want to be serving and praising him. Being in the present of his Glory would be satisfying enough for me, even without any verbal communication.

  25. Moiya H. - Online
    I would have dinner with Jerry Jones, the owner of the Dallas Cowbys!!! I am most likly the biggest Cowboy Fan there is and the only other thing that would make me happier is getting into Heaven. I would love to talk to him about every Cowboy that is and has been. I would love to get inside his brain on how he came up with the best stadium in the WORLD!!. And I would love love love to talk to him about his coaching choices. Go Cowboys!!!!!!!!!

  26. Moiya H.- online
    In repsone to Danielle S.
    I would like to have dinner with Oprah also. But mainly to ask her about her hair and why she is the only person ever on her magazine cover. And to ask her out of all the networks to take over why did it have to be Discovery Health Channel?

  27. Alton P. Online
    I would like to have dinner with Barack Obama. To ask him why he has been no different then past Presidents meaning he made alot of promises and really has not kept any. My thing is if you believe in your heart and mind something is right, and fair and just for the people then you do it no matter if it ruins your chances of re-election.

  28. Alton P. Online. In response to Tommy H.
    Mr. Tommy H. I don't know if I could just sit there and not ask any questions. Where should I start. Why did you create us? Did you work six days straight night and day, and did it only take the seventh day to regain your strength? Do you think the sacrifice of your son for our sins is still worth it being that some of us still have not learned to be righteous.

  29. Brandon Wafrock (online)

    Megan...I have to comment on your choice of Mrs.Duggar. The fact that I know who this lady strange. However my wife admires this lady as well. It took a while for me to actually muster up the courage to spend quality time with my wife watching a show on TLC! However I am pleased that there are people like the Duggars out there. I respect that they are icons in a society where Snooki is viewed as cool. All in all...wonderful choice.

  30. Brandon Wafrock (online)

    If I were to have dinner with anyone I would have to dine with John Lennon. It's a given that The Beatles would be a topic of discussion, but John Lennon as a man is what intrigues me. He was a revolutionary, a world renowned icon, a heroin addict, a politcal advocate, and a believer in love and peace. For a man who never made it past 40 years old, he demonstrated such amazing qualities, and had quite a story to tell. I don't feel that I would aim to gain anything from my encounter with Mr.Lennon, but I know I would be enriched by the experience. I would have to meet with him at some dusky ol' pub in Liverpool, hob nob over frothy pints of ale amidst the clouds of cigarette smoke,and conversationally travel across the universe with a man that lived an utterly infatuating life.

  31. Brandon Wafrock (online) - responding to Alton P.

    You do realize that by asking Mr.Obama those questions you would be blown away at his answers. He would simply win you over by his utter concern for your question. You might even consider giving the guy some credit and the benefit of the doubt.

    However there is a great chance there will be nobody there to serve you for dinner since they have been laid off. The taxes on the food would be more expensive than the meal itself, and the conversation would be a lie.

  32. Teri Amos (Online)

    I would choose to have dinner with Robin Williams. Just sitting down and talking to him would be an honor, he seems like a funny, giving person and i love every movie he is in. I think he is an interesting, genuinely good person.

  33. Teri Amos - online
    In response to Tori Fuller: I would Love to join your dinner party with Roosevelt and Obama, how interesting that would be.

  34. Chris D.

    I would love to have dinner with Leonardo da Vinci. I think it would be great to tell him about the future. I'm sure he would get a kick out of learning technology finally caught up to his imagination.

    While you guys are having dinner with Bill Gates ask him about da Vinci's book Codex Leicester that he bought at auction in 1994 for the measly price of $30.8 million, making it the most expensive book that's ever sold. At least he's nice enough to put in on display once a year in a different city around the world. Oh and ask Bill Gates if he wants to buy this blog entry from me for 2 million.

  35. Tommy H. online In response to Teri AmosApril 5, 2011 at 6:28 PM

    Teri , Robin Williams, would be a great choice to have dinner with one evening. The entire night would be filled with laughter and probably a moment or two of near choking episodes. I would have to believe if he were to be his normal comedian self,everyone present would be rolling in floor and would have sore ribs the next day, from laughing so hard. Nah-noo Nah-noo

  36. In response to Allison P-
    Thank you very much, but I do not want to take any credit for it. My faith in Christ moves me so much to the core that He is often what comes out in conversation. It is said many times but seems so hard to understand to call yourself a "CHRISTIAN" it means that you are "CHRIST LIKE"...I am simply a sinner that struggles everyday to simply live up to what Christ wants me to be...On a funny note...Thank God (litterally) for his son's sacrifice or otherwise I would be in big trouble!! lol

  37. Bruce Wayne could probably hold a pretty decent conversation...

  38. Merhaba from Morcco. Please make sure to sign your name to your blogs as this a large part of your grade, and serious as well.

    Someone may want retink the Bruce Wayne bit.



  39. post was about having dinner with Russell Brand and my repost was regarding dinner with Franklin Roosevelt and inviting Obama. First time blogging.......not sure how to sign it!!!!

    Kathy Sherman

  40. Here's another repost........Morocco...WOW!!!!!! Life's tough for the Professor!!!!

  41. Deborah B-Online
    I think I would choose to have dinner with President Obama. I would love to have the conversation with him about where the economy went wrong, how we could improve, and generally find out how he feels about various would be a very though provoking conversation. I would love to invite former President Clinton, former President Carter, and former President Bush (father). These men could really add many dimensions to this conversation. I would enjoy dropping party politics and just focusing on the issues and the people affected.

  42. Deborah B-Online
    In response to Alton P.... although we want to talk to the same person you seem to have less faith in him than I do. I commend you for wanting to have that conversation with him, to ask him why, and listen to his answers. I suspect that he is trying but many Presidents find it more difficult to put forward their agenda than they imagined before getting the job. Maybe we would both learn a lot from that conversation.

  43. Eric C.
    I'm going with Bobby Cox, as I am a huge baseball fan, and more importantly a BRAVES fan. I know he has some stories of the good ol' days when Chipper, Smoltz, Glavine, and Maddox were in the clubhouse together. I can see dinner going well, with a few laughs and some shared memories. I think Bobby would be a pleasure to have dinner with, as he could teach me a little about the game, and a little about life as well.
    GO BRAVES!!!

  44. I would probably choose Sarah Palin. Even though many people don't like her and don't think she is a good politician. She is a very strong woman - not afraid to speak her mind, to make a stand for what she believes in. Even though I consider myself a strong individual - I hate confrontation and bringing up anything controversial, just because I don't want to rock the boat.

  45. Responding to Chris D.....

    That is ironic that you mention Leonardo da Vinci, I just hung one of his drawings in my apartment today. How talented he was just astounds me, and even beyond it with his inventions. I went to the Museum of Science in Chicago and they had an exhibit with all of his inventions. He, in my opinion, is the founder of most of our modern marvels!

  46. Youlinda J-Online

    I would choose Wendy Williams because I am very particular about who I associate myself with and the fact that we both love celebrity gossip. She also appear to one who says what is on her mind instead of lying to protect your feelings, but yet sensitive to them at the same time. I do not like to be friends with someone who do not tell the truth to spare your feelings. That is a person I feel I can't trust.

  47. Youlinda J-Online

    Responding to Sun A-Online

    I would have loved to have dinner with Michael because he seemed like a person who needed to surround himself with people he can trust and feel comfortable with being himself. I pride myself on being a loyal confidant.

  48. Matthew Johnson-Online

    If I were to have dinner with a well known person it would be Michael Jordan. I would want to choose that person because he was my favorite basketball player growing up. There will never be another player better than Michael Jordan in the NBA ever. I use to always say "I want to be like Mike", I believe every child that loved the game of basketball during the early '90s did. Eating dinner with Michael Jordan would be a dream come true.

  49. Matthew Johnson-Online responding to Sun A-Online

    I would have to agree and have dinner with Michael Jackson if he was alive. The main reason I really would like for him to eat with me is to tell me the truth about relationships with all those kids that accused him of touching them. The King of Pop maybe, but he was a man of mystery. Michael just tell the world the truth please!

  50. Kevin O | Online | Response to Chris D

    I have to agree with you there Chris. Da Vinci had such a artistic mind to pull everything together beautifully. When I visited Las Vegas, I went to The Venetian where you can go inside and see a lot of his works full size!

  51. Michael Bishop(student)

    I think I would have to have dinner with Salvador Dali. I would like to see why he painted and drew the way he did and see what kind of person he was and how much of that was shown in his art work. I have always enjoyed his art work.

  52. Michael Bishop - Response to Chris D

    Da Vinci is a great choice with out him we would not have many of the military marvels that we have today.

  53. Michelle B. Online

    If I could meet and have dinner with anybody in the world, it would have to be with Chris Brown. Chris Brown is upcoming R and B king. He can dance, act, sing, and is very attractive. There would be alot of things I would like for him to teach me some dance moves and how he got started with the music business. A lot of people look up to him and he would be aa good person to make friends with.

  54. Michelle B. Online - response to Moiya H.- online

    I would love to meet Oprah. She's had a tough childhood and became a very sucessful woman. She seems like a person every woman would like to meet

  55. Elizabeth C.

    I would like to have dinner with President Obama and Congress tonight to give them a piece of my mind and discuss how rediculous and selfish they are being by not coming to an agreement for the fiscal year budget. Just because they are unable to come to an agreement hundreds of thousands of Americans will be out of a job due to a government shut down, which will include myself and my father, who are both federal employees. They may be able to handle a shut down because they are comfortable in their money situation but for myself and the average american we will not be able to pay our bills. Which in turn will cause another fall in the economy.

  56. Tomeka D. ONLINE

    I would like to have dinner with CORNEL WEST. I would like to know where did his great wisdom and passion for Economic & Social Change thru race, gender and class, derive from? At what age did Mr. West become interested in the plight for black men and women? I would love to soak up his intelligence and philosophical thoughts on race relations and cultures. In closing, I would thank Mr. Cornel West for a lovely dinner and allowing me to pick his brain with the many questions that I would have for him. Just to be in his presence, I am sure I will feel and share his passion for Educating moral insight to a wealth of people

  57. Tomeka D. ONLINE

    In response to Youlinda J. I have met and hung out with Wendy Williams before she became the "Wendy Williams" that the whole world knows. Wendy Williams is a "tell it like it is" person and many people in the NY, NJ and Conn. area are not fond of her because back in the day before it was popular to gossip about celebrities dirty laundry she keep it real with her radio audience and paid the ultimate price for it. And her comeback from that has been even greater. Personally I love Wendy Williams, she is and has always been a refresher from the other closed mouth, scared to speak jocks on radio now.

  58. Sarah C. - ONLINE

    I would love to meet Dr. Oz! Medicine fasinates me! However, the reason I would choose him over any other doctor is because he knows how to "dumb it down" so to speak. It's not that I don't get the information but the way he talks about the human body in some of his books, has away of making perfect sense. For example he compares the human body to a house. The nervous system being the power and the heart being the plumbing. When you correlate heavy material to something very common like he does, the information just seems to stick. Furthermore I would just like to sit and be a sponge because the more knowleadge I can soak up the better nurse I will be.

  59. In Response to Kathy S . . . I listened to an interview with him on the radio the other day. I I think a dinner date with him... and someone else (totally awkward and a little sketch just us two) would be nothing short of interesting. If I could get past his very different accent enough to listen what he actually is saying, I think i would be fancinated. He's been through the crazy day in his life and changed himself for the better. It's pretty inspiring.

  60. The above post was from Sarah C - ONLINE

  61. J. Barrington
    How can we really pick just one person for this? At first I thought about an actor, like Gary Oldman, or what about God, or the president? To be honest Mr. LaPorte I also thought about inviting Bruce Wayne. What about family members who have passed, my brother, or my grandfather? Then I wondered about myself. What would I do if I met me? Would I like me? I'd like to find that out but I must remind myself that this person has to be famous. So, with that in mind I suppose I would want to have dinner with Billie Joe Armstrong, I need to ask him a favor. But if for some reason he couldnt make it I guess Winona Ryder, you never know, I might have a shot :)

  62. Lauren G
    If I was to choose a person to have dinner with it would be Bill Gates. He's brilliant and created the microsoft software. His life is basically involved with computer programming, which is something im fascinated in and I'm also thinking about it being my major. Overall Bill Gates is one of the most intelligent computer programmers in the world.

  63. Megan Mcfarland-Online in responds to whom said this: Anonymous said...
    I would spend a night at the pub with C.S. Lewis and JRR Tolkien. I don't think this need's any explanation.

    I would love to spend the night with them also because the are great writers. I love their books. I would also ask The Harry Potter trio to the mix because all 3 are my favorite movies and books.

  64. Devyn G.
    If I were to have dinner with a famous person it would have to be T.I. He has been through so much just within the past 2 years or so, and I commend him for staying so positive. I would ask him how he got through it all. I would also ask him how did it make him feel coming from where he came from to now living the life of a famous rapper.

  65. Hannah S.

    The person I would love to meet is Ingrid Newkirk. She is the founder of PETA. I would love to talk to her about everything she has done for animals. Being a vegetarian and animal activist myself I could talk to her for hours. I love how she has been through a lot of criticism, but still keeps fighting for what she believes in.

  66. Taylor Vaughn - SOC 1101 (CRN#: 41379)April 8, 2011 at 9:26 AM

    I'm not really all for having dinner with anyone REALLLLLL important, but I guess if I really wanted to meet a famous entertainer over dinner it would have to beeee...Dane Cook. I know that many people find his humor...loud and obnoxious. But I like his humor a lot actually. It fits my humor and I have a feeling we really wouldn't be eating as much as we would be cracking jokes and laughing our faces off. It would be quite an enjoyable evening.

  67. Matthew Schmidt-

    If i could have dinner with a well-known person, it would probably be Jim Carey. That would be probably the most hilarious night of my life. He is the type of person who can turn a cloudy day sunny. I would choose him because I know the whole time we would be laughing at everything. I admire that he has an amazing personality and doesn't care how loud and obnoxious he can get!

  68. Matthew Schmidt-

    Taylor, i completely agree with you about Dane Cook. Him and Jim Carey would make an amazingly hilarious dinner.

  69. I would have to have dinner wih Eryka Badu. She is lyrically talented, and always goes against the grain with whatever she decides to do. She has no problem expresssing herself, whether approved or not. I had the opportunity to see her in a live performance and it was awesome!

  70. R. Roebuck-

    I would also like to comment on meeting with the Duggar family. I personally feel that show takes women back to the days when women were good for nothing other than having babies. Women have fought to long and hard to have a place in society and are still fighting to be seem as an equal to men. I think that show tells not only women they are beneath men but it also shows young girls tha the only purpose they have in life is to bare children. The man according to society is supposed to take care of the family. When does the husband on that show ever go to work???

  71. R. Roebuck-

    I would have to have dinner wih Eryka Badu. She is lyrically talented, and always goes against the grain with whatever she decides to do. She has no problem expresssing herself, whether approved or not. I had the opportunity to see her in a live performance and it was awesome!

  72. Hands down it would be my pastor Bishop Eddie Long. He is one of the most intelligent men that I know. The insight on life that he provides to me every sunday has trully been an inspiration. When life gets a little hectic it's almost always something that I heard from his mouth that gets me through.

  73. I love Eryka Badu. She is so talented and free spirited. I would love to have dinner with her but would settle for a concert anyday. That had to be a great experience.

  74. Jillian Downs-Online

    I would choose to have dinner with Claudio Sanchez, the lead singer of the band Coheed and Cambria. Aside from Coheed and Cambria being my favorite band, Claudio Sanchez is a brilliant man. I would love to be able to pick his brain for a little while, find out how he comes up with the lyrics and stories that he creates. He is a wonderful musician, I would also love to learn how he learned to play all of the instruments he plays.

  75. Jillian Downs - Online

    In response to J. Barrington:

    Aside from finding your post very funny and entertaining, I love the idea you mentioned about meeting yourself. It would be interesting to be able to see yourself from another point of view. Most people have certain aspects of themselves that they don't really understand, some people do not even know themselves completely. I think being able to have dinner with yourself would be a great idea to get to know yourself.

  76. Tiffany F. Online

    If I were to have dinner with a well known person it would have to be Oprah Winfrey. I am so enamored with her because she is an advocate for children and I am as well. I too dream of someday opening my own school and she has already done that. She is such a gracious person, she never takes anything or anyone for granted. She donates millions unselfishly and uses her fame and fortune to help others. The school that she opened up in Africa is so well needed!

  77. In response to Sarah C:
    I like Dr. Oz too! I watch his show sometimes and I love the way he uses concrete examples to describe what is going on in the body. I also like the way he uses audience members to participate in games and experiments. All of his shows are very informative and those are the kind of shows we need if we want to get america moving in a healthy direction.
    From: Tiffany F. online

  78. Stephanie S. online-

    If i could, I would choose to meet Marilyn Monroe. She was a great actress, singer, and model. She was real and not fake like celebrities these days. No matter what people said about her she did what she wanted to do and was successful at doing it.

  79. In response to Lauren G.,

    I would have to agree with wanting to meet Bill Gates. he is a very ambitious and worked hard to get to were he is now. i admire him for actually working for his money and not just have it handed to him.
    Stephanie S. online

  80. Mike G.
    I would choose Drake Graham, because I am a big fan of him and his music. I have watched videos of him being interviewed and I follow his blog, his honesty makes me such a big fan and we have alot of things in common.

  81. Florence G.
    I would have dinner with Michelle Obama, because she is a simple down-to-earth person. Also she is very health conscious and a great person

  82. This is a very hard many people to choose from. I suppose at this moment in time I would choose Barack Obama. I would like to know the reasoning behind some of his choices, and if he thought it would turn out differently than it has.

  83. Martha-Jane A.

    I would choose Anna Pavlova. She was the first ballerina to reinforce her pointe shoes with wooden soles or "shanks" to support her feet, creating the modern pointe shoes that dancers use today. There are many other reasons I would like to talk to her, but thanking her for her invention would be one of the main points of conversation.

  84. Martha-Jane A.

    In response to R. Roebuck:
    I agree that Eryka Badu would be such a great person to have a dinner with! She seems so poised and collected but creative and energetic all at the same time.

  85. Sorry, I'm re-posting with my name. I would choose Barack Obama. I would like to know the reasoning behind some of his decisions and if he expected it to turn out differently.

  86. I would like to comment on the Michelle Duggar post. I think that would be a great decision as well. I love to watch the show, and think it is amazing how calm and peaceful she and her husband are.

  87. Alexandra S.
    I would choose Britney Spears. She has been my idol since I was 10 years old regardless of all of the crazy things she has done I am and will always be her number one fan. To me she could do no wrong, we are all human the only difference is that her mistakes are on tv for everyone to see. I have seen alot of her interviews and she always has such artificial answers and I would love the chance to get to know her on a personal level. I feel like there is so much more to her than Britney the artist.

  88. Alexandra S. - respoding to Brandon Wafrock
    Great person to choose, I would have liked to meet him too. He was amazing, great musician.

  89. Jessica C.- Online

    If I could choose anyone to have dinner with dead or alive, it would be John Lennon because I admire him so much for his work and his activism. I love the way he cared about the world and how he used his success to try to create change in society. I think he had a very peaceful and loving aura and I identify with that a lot so I would love to talk with him about his ideas that he never go to finish and what he would say about the world today. It would be really interesting to see what he would have to say. I am always interested in his interviews and stuff about him. I think he understood sociology in his own way. He was trying to create social reform and he was talking to the people and using his influence to create a change in politics. He was influencing society on a macro level.

  90. Olalekan O online.
    If I were to have dinner with a well known person it would be Bill Gates. I think that he is one of the most influential people in the world. He is so wealthy and does not keep it all to himself. He is very active amongst charitable organizations one of which i have a great interest in "Malaria Project". There have been so many deaths in Africa due to the malaria disease and his foundation has been contributing a great deal to educate people about the disease and also contributing funds for the prevention and treatment of the disease.I admire him so much because I have an affinity for computer information systems myself.Believe or not but nearly all computers uses one software program from Microsoft (in which he is the co founder).My main goal for this dinner would be to pick his brain for his ideas.

  91. Josh Fallin

    Like Eric C. said earlier, I would love to sit down and talk with Bobby Cox. As a lifelong Braves fan and baseball fan in general, I would find it fascinating to have a conversation with one of the most respected people in the history of baseball. Bobby brought a winning attitude to Atlanta every year, and he did it with a modest attitude. I would enjoy the chance to talk with him about how he garnered his players' respect, about his philosophy, and about how the game of baseball has changed since he entered the game.

  92. Olalekan O online in response to Allison P.
    I found it so amazing how you choose Jesus. Not many of us would have thought about that but I myself would also like to have dinner with him.One thing I would like to gain from him is his patience with human beings and his sense of forgiveness. He will always be my idol!

  93. London McQuillen-- online

    If I could have dinner with anyone, I would have to choose Steve Carell. He is funny on so many levels, especially in his tv series "The Office". I feel like he would never have a dull moment, and I wouldn't mind knowing what he's done in the past before he became a big hit.

  94. London McQuillen----Online

    In response to Matthew and Taylor, I agree with you both that Dane Cook or Jim Carrey would make a dinner get together an unforgettable time. Jim Carrey has been a lifelong favorite actor of mine. The first movie I ever saw him in was Ace Ventura, Pet Detective, and he had me sold since. Dane Cook's humor is obnoxious and loud, but he is hilarious. He's also turning out to be a decent actor. They both seem to be good people.

  95. Michael Rice-online

    I think I would probably have dinner with Andy Rubin. For those who dont know, he is the CEO of Danger Inc.(the company that made the sidekick), VP of engineering at Google, and he oversees the entire android developement project. I chose him because he is about as high as you can get in the field I'm trying to get into. Who better to talk to than the number one person in your carrer field when you're just starting out?

  96. Saradawn P.

    After giving this some thought, I think I would have to choose Frank Sinatra. Being a vocalist myself, I think that he could have a lot to teach me. After starting from humble beginnings, he was able to work, or sing, rather, his way to become a performer who can stand the test of time. Not only that, but during his career he hit rock bottom and still was able find his way right back up to the top.

    After dinner we would smoke cigarettes and sing my favorite, I've Got You Under My Skin together in some swanky piano bar in New York City, and thus would begin my career as a modern-day female crooner. After our performance I would join him in one of his most famous toasts:
    "May you live to be 100, and may the last voice you hear be mine."

    Sinatra was right; with everything in life, The Best is Yet to Come.

  97. Abigail C.-ONLINE
    Theres a lot of different people i would enjoy having dinner with.If i wanted to laugh id choose Russell Brand or Robin Williams.I couldnt decide on anyone really, but I would love to have dinner with Xavier Rudd.I love talking to people from other countries and him and his views just seem so different and interesting.His music is so inspirational and peaceful.

  98. Abigail C.-ONLINE

    Response to Megan M.

    I would also like to join you and Michelle Duggar for dinner.I would love to learn how she handles being a mother of so many and how shes managed to raised such great children the wright way.I would love to get some tips from her.

  99. Taylor Reynolds TR 6:00-8:05

    I would love to have dinner with peyton manning. He was my hero as a child playing football for the university of Tennessee. He was the greatest quarterback Tennessee ever had and is arguably the best quaerterback in NFL history. Not only is he great on the field but in his free time he visits childrens hospitals and tries to make the country a better place. Peyton Manning is a great person and i would love to have dinner with him. I would also love to have dinner with Rush limbaugh because me and him share a lot of the same views but he would be my second choice.

  100. In response to matthew schmidt

    I would love to have dinner with Jim Carrey. He is hilarious and all of his movies are great. Liar Liar is probably my favorite.

  101. Awal U.
    If i could have dinner with anyone. i would choose Bill Russell.As an athlete, He was known best of winning championships as a player and coach.

  102. Sherri W - Online

    I would have dinner with Nathan Deal, our State Governor. I would want to talk in detail why he is trying to cut educational funding. I think education for our future generations is extremely important and more finacing should be placed on it, not taken away. Studies have shown that has a country we are low on the levels of our education. Education is key to our future. Is there no other funds that they can take away and leave our education alone.

  103. Ashanti P. Online

    Honestly there are a lot of people that I would love to have dinner with so its hard trying to just choose one. But since it has to be one I guess that I would pick Marsha Ambrosius. She's an r&b singer from England who sings soulful music. I picked her because I can relate to almost all of her songs in some way. I look up to her and her strength. She has been through a lot emotionally and physically.

  104. Sherri W - response Jessica Shuler

    I agree with you totally. I would love to have that conversation and ask about his decision making process. I hope it would be an enlightening conversation.

  105. Ashanti P. Online. In response to Sarah C.ONLINE.

    I would love to meet Dr.OZ too, I feel like he is very intellectual and knows how to explain in simple terms. I love the fact that he asks questions and demonstrates how things work. If I were to see him I would ask him so many questions.

  106. Lesley G Online
    In response to Allison P. Online who was responding to Meghan and Lindsey...
    I also agree that it is a wonderful thing to see fellow Christians who are not afraid to state their beliefs! It is such a blessing!
    Also, in response to Meghan M Online- I would also love to meet Michelle Duggar. It would be fun to listen to all the funny and amazing stories that I'm sure she has!

  107. Lesley G. Online
    I would like to have dinner with Jesus. I would love to hear Him talk of His miracles, life, death and resurrection. I would also love to talk with Him and ask questions about my own life. I agree with Allison P in that she would love to just "sit quietly and listen to Him." But I think it would be hard to sit still because I would want to up serving Him
    and making sure everything was just the way it should be for such a wonderful guest!

  108. Chucky C Online
    In response to Lesley G, having dinner with Jesus Christ is the greatest thing any body should taste for, but is not always the case. I like your courage keep it up.

    Also, in response to Olalekan O, dinner with a person like Bill Gates will be very fascinating. My question for him will be to find out how he feels, for making a POSITIVE Impact in the WHOLE WORLD?

  109. Martha W Online

    I would like to have dinner with Paula Deen (of course she would have to cook). I would like to know if she ever imagined her life going from struggling to provide for herself and her sons, to where it is today. To me she is an example of making the American Dream come true. I am also interested in seeing if she as real and down to earth as she appears to be. The personality she has, would definitely make dinner a fun, memorable experience.

  110. Chucky C. Online
    My dinner choice will be Nelson Mandela – a man I admire so much. He is one of Africa’s greatest men to have ever lived, so good he is still alive today. I will like to know why he opts to remain in prison for 27years for the sake of his country.

  111. Martha W Online

    In response to Allison P. and Leslie G.

    Having dinner with Jesus would be the ultimate experience. Other people listed on these blogs would be fun and entertaining, but nothing would compare to what we would learn from just a few minutes in the presence of Jesus.

  112. Joe R

    I personally would want to meet and talk with Charlie Sheen. I know it seems like an odd, formulaic response, but he is extremely interesting with his mannerisms and thought patterns. I'd like to see how much of what you see of him on the news and in his interviews is just him putting on an act, how much of it stems from his drug use, and how much is just him.

  113. Cara H.-Online
    If I were to have dinner with a well known person I would choose David Pelzer. I would love to tell him how I truly respect him for rising above all the tragedies in his life and helping others. He is a truly a strong and selfless person.

    Cara H.-Online in response to Tori F.-Online
    I can not agree more! I'm sure Roosevelt would have a better idea than shutting down the government to save money!

  114. Lauren Puopolo...
    Out of all the people in the world who have ever lived I would have dinner with Jesus Christ my Savior, my God. I already have a personal relationship with Him and I read His word every day. But I would love to sit with Him and ask Him questions with things that I don't fully understand. Like why would you create the world knowing You would have to come and die and why would You love me a sinner so much that You would die in my place. Mostly I would love to just sit there in His preseance and listen to Him talk about the things of God.

  115. Lauren Puopolo in responce to Lesley G. Online

    I think I would be more like Mary sitting there listening to Him and forgettign about everything else.

  116. Rory H. - online

    I would have dinner with the fictional tv character Columbo - Peter Faulk. We would have some light dinner, then perhaps solve a murder mystery. I find this tv detective fascinating beacuse his biggest strength is his dogged determiniation and the fact that everybody underestimates him.

    In response to Lauren G. -

    I also think that Bill Gates would be a fascinating person to talk with. His ability to see the future of computers or the tech. field is nothing short of amazing.

  117. Ryan M | Online in response to Jeryl C -

    I think Bill Gates would be an exciting choice. Just to listen to some of his ideas would be fascinatig.

    Ryan M. | Online

    My choice of who I would like to have dinner with would have to be Stephen King. I am a big fan of his work. Just to talk about a few of his works and interests would be fun.

  118. Mayra Ortega (online)April 10, 2011 at 8:30 AM

    I would like to have dinner with Seth MacFarlane-comedian, voice actor, creator of Family Guy and American Dad-because he is hilarious and I'm sure I would laugh the whole time he is present. I would ask him if his voice acting skills are a given talent or if he had to practice.

    Response: In a response to Ryan M., the second person I would choose to have dinner with is Stephen King. His work is just amazing. I personally want to ask him how he comes up with some of his stories, which most of them are really creepy.

  119. Olubusola online
    If I will have chosen someone to have dinner with, this person would have been my savior and my redeemer Jesus Christ. I would have thinking him for his mercy, and tell how grateful I am for the gift of salvation he has given me and provided for me, and the absolute victory he has given me through the resurrection. I would have loved to seat by him to talk of his miracles, life, death and resurrection. I would have also love to talk with him and ask some questions about my personal life. I would have a chance to wash his feet then and begging him for forgiveness. I would have also asked him why he loves me so unconditionally. I knew already by writing these words that came from heart, he already present and ready to make me his servant for life.


  120. I would chose Tyler Perry to have dinner with, because he is a talented actor and comedian who has been blessed with a great gift. I believe that he a accomplish so much and came a long way. It is amazing to me that he was homeless and is now a millionare. Some people don't like his work, but to me it is reality. Tyler Perry is a true example of God's Grace!!!!!!!!!!!
    True Beliver!!

  121. BreAuna Jones

    I would love to have dinner with George W. Bush. Our last president had many conflicts with everyone around the world. I would like the real inside scoop of what really happened. I would ask him about september 11th, 2001, Hurricaine catrina, and the downfall of americas economy. Soom would say Bush was missunderstood, others would say incappable of carrying our country on his shoulders. I would like to hear what he has to say for himself.

  122. BreAuna R. Jones ONLINE

    I would love to have dinner with George W. Bush. Our last president had many conflicts with everyone around the world. I would like the real inside scoop of what really happened. I would ask him about september 11th, 2001, Hurricaine catrina, and the downfall of americas economy. Soom would say Bush was missunderstood, others would say incappable of carrying our country on his shoulders. I would like to hear what he has to say for himself.

  123. I would like to hear the answer to that question about KATRINA myself!!!!!! I would like to know why George W. Bush and his staff felt as though me and many others were stranded for several days without food and water.

    Will Always Be In Our Hearts Never Forgetting Just Choosing Not To Talk About Katrina!

  124. BreAuna Jones comment for Mike G: I am a huge dan of darke as well i would enjoy a moment of his time as well

  125. Bobby W. Online

    I would love to meet Alton Brown and have dinner with him. I think he is a very knowlegable person in many different aspects. I also think he is a food genius and would hope he supply the meal.

  126. Bobby W. Online
    In response to Kevin O | Online

    Your comment about meeting yourself is profound. I believe if we are all honest with ourselves there are things we would find repulsive and that we are choosing to look past them with little thought.

  127. Aaron S. Online

    I would have dinner with Tiger Woods. For the longest time he was the best at what he did and recently he has fallen off and I want to know what it takes to get that edge back?

  128. Teresia Kimuhu ONLINE

    I would like to have a dinner with the president of the united states Barack Obama. I think he is very intelligent and humbled. He has another heart that most people dont He really cares about the common citizens and strive to make their lives something. He is s great leader. I would like to talk to him about public speaking and how to aquire leadership qualities.

  129. In response to J. Barrington

    I love the idea about you mentioning about meeting & having lunch with yourself. It would be interesting to see yourself as others perceive you. Would you like yourself, would you not? Again, what a good idea.

  130. Courtney D.DeBord ONLINE

    If I could choose to have dinner with anyone it would not just be one person. Instead I would like to have dinner with a band called Rascal Flatts. They are a country group with three different members: : Gary LeVox (lead vocals), Jay DeMarcus (bass guitar, keyboard, piano, vocals) and Joe Don Rooney (lead guitar, vocals). I would have dinner with them because music is a major part of my life and this band has always produced songs that I can relate too. I would like to ask them why they choose the songs they do and how they have stayed so succeful as a band.

    I would like to agree with BreAuna Jones. I would also like to have dinner with George W. Bush and find out some truthful answers behind his political tatics.

  131. Kathryn Spruill. ONLINE

    I would choose Audrey Hepbern. I'd chose her because she influenced and changed so many lives. She was always modest about her career and used it to benefit the lives of others even after her death.

  132. Kathryn Spruill. ONLINE

    commenting on Aaron S. ONLINE

    I also think that it would be interesting to see how Tiger Woods deals with the pressure.

  133. Cory Ross- ONLINE

    I would invite Howard Schultz, founder of Starbucks. As an employee of this company I would love to hear first-hand his rational behind his unique business practices (extending benefits to part time employees, striving to source as many of the company's products from fair trade sources as possible, etc.), and about the trip he took to Italy that inspired him to bring the espresso experience to America in the first place. I believe that his ideas were truly revolutionary.

  134. Cory Ross- ONLINE

    In response to Jessica Klingberg

    I see how dinner with former governor Palin could certainly be interesting. While I personally don't agree with her politics I feel that she has been terribly undermined by the media. It's a shame that female politicians, no matter which side of the political spectrum they fall on, tend to be portrayed as a caricature of the female gender; the media will always make them out to be some sort of quite, kittenish, demi-vixens (e.g. former governor Palin) or, if they exhibit the stronger more confident characteristics we associate with males in American society, they're portrayed as cold and unfeminine (e.g. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton).

  135. J. Malecek

    If I could have dinner with a very imortant person I would choose Ty Pennington from Home Makeovers. He seems like a very compassonate person. I would love to share with him my families personal story in hopes to be selected for a future home makeover show. We are so thankful and blessed to be a homeowner especially with our economy now. We are in need of adding on to accomodate our family size and to help with a therapeutic room for our oldest son that has autism as well as fixing major repairs. I'm not looking for anything super fancy just to be more functional. I know we are not more important or special than other people who are in need as well but just very hopeful and know that words could never express how much it would mean to our family and how appreciative we would be.

  136. This is the third time i have tried to post so hopefully it will work. If i were to have dinner with a famous person i believe it would be Audrey Hepburn. I am a huge admirer not because she was a famous actress, but because of who she was, what she stood for and the experiences she went through. She was an activist for several charities, she survived the secod world war and no matter what she did, she did it with class.

  137. Stephanie Little

    The one person I would like to meet would be Michelle Duggar. I would love to know how she handles all she does. We try to save as much as we can. But would love to be able to do more as they do. She is a inspiring women. Always has things under control, the children are well mannered.

  138. Online in response to Ryan M.

    Stephen King is a great writer. He would be a interesting person to sit down with and speak to. His books are my grandmothers favorite books, as where my moms as well. I used to watch the movies when I was younger based on his books, as read them. They are all wonderful. For some reason he has slipped my mind till I read through the postings and saw yours. He is truly a great writer.

    Stephanie Little.

  139. This is a hard one. There are so many well know individuals whose brains I would love to pick over dinner, however I can only choose one.

    Because of the nature of what I do and what I am trying to accomplish in my life, with my business, and career-- I would have to say that I would like to have dinner with Patty Stanger (the Millionaire Match Maker). I own a speed dating company and would love to get some insight on how to take my business to the next level. Additionally, I would love to hear some of her stories about her determination and success. Furthermore, seeing her in person would be such a great opportunity that I would cherish and hold dear—I believe it would motivate me to become just as successful.

  140. Responding to Danielle S:

    I totally agree. Meeting Oprah Winery would be a pleasure. She is so talented and diverse... I do not think anyone I know (regardless of age, gender, etc.) is not familiar with at the very least her name... Good choice.

  141. This week, since I am a county library employee, I would want to have dinner with Cobb County Commissioner Tim Lee. I would like to discuss other options to close the budget shortfall this year besides closing libraries, senior centers and other services. These closing would amount to $2 million of the $30 million they need to save and instead they could furlough all the county workers for 3 days and save the same amount so no one loses their job and residents do not lose their services. These are some of the things I would want to discuss with him since he is head of the Board of Commissioners, has proposed the plan and has the most influence on what will be decided Tuesday morning April 12.

    Stephen Brock

  142. Jeryl C - Online
    In response to BreAuna R. Jones ONLINE

    I have to agree that dinner with George W. Bush would be an interesting choice as well. I would ask him how he dealt with all the criticism and negativity he faced from a majority of the American people, when we were all up-in-arms for serving justice to those responsible for 9-11, yet only a few years later those same people questioning our motives for being in the middle east.

  143. Melissa D.

    I have tried and attempted to post in this blog I think four times now and my
    comment is not showing up. I am beyond frustrated right now because I am not
    seeing a reason as to why my posts are not showing.

    The person I would love to have dinner with is Nikki Sixx of Motley Crue. This
    band and Nikki in particular is what opened the door to rock and roll for me
    when I was 11 and I have never looked back. As a teen my mom was addicted to
    pain killers and I had to take care of her and my sisters, my outlet was locking
    myself in my room and listening to music, I knew every note, verse, lyric. Years
    later I found out Nikki at that time was a drug addict addicted to heroin and
    overdosed and was able to be brought back. He is now an advocate on sobriety,
    trying to keep people on a positive and creative track, and helps homeless,
    runaways through Running Wild in the Night Foundation. He has overcame
    negativity, drug addictions and people telling him he will never make it, well
    look at him now, he is a rock icon and still selling out major venues and a best

  144. Lisa L - Online

    Once again, I am trying to post my comment....

    I am sad that I will never get the chance to have supper with the person of my choosing....Patrick Swayze. I am a huge fan of his acting, dancing, and singing. He was a very talented person, and it's a great loss to the entertainment world that we lost him. Of course it didn't hurt none that he was very sexy and good-looking!

    In response to all that said they would like to have supper with Robin Williams, I would have to agree that it would be a funny, entertaining and laugh til you wet your pants evening! (although my daughter would have to say that the funnier and better choice would be Dane Cook).

  145. If I was to have dinner with a well known person I would like to have dinner with miley cyrus because I would like to ask her how it fells to be known as a suspected pot head and I wouldtell her to stop lying and telling people it was salvia.

  146. Brandon Wafrock - response to Jessica C.

    Absolutely what I see!! WONDERFUL take on Mr.Lennon!

  147. Sherena Hines-RushApril 12, 2011 at 7:39 PM

    If i would have the opportunity to have dinner with one famous person i would choose President Obama. I would want to know where is the country headed and will he run again next term.

    In response to Alton P., i agree with you about wanting to know why he thinks he is so different from the other past presidents. But do you honestly think that he is so different? What has he done that nobody else has said or done?

  148. In response to all they have said above, there is absolutely nothing wrong in having dinner with who ever inspires you the most. But I will like to have dinner with Dr. Maya Angelou because she inspired me a lot in her writing. Dr. Maya Angelou is one of the most renowned and influential voices of our time. Hailed as a global renaissance woman, Dr. Angelou is a celebrated poet, memoirist, novelist, educator, dramatist, producer, actress, historian, filmmaker, and civil rights activist. In Stamps, Dr. Angelou experienced the brutality of racial discrimination, but she also absorbed the unshakable faith and values of traditional African-American family, community, and culture. Dr. Maya has a strong personality and I will like to know more about Dr. Angelou's reading of her poem "On the Pulse of the Morning" was broadcast live around the world

  149. Maurice G online
    If I had the chance to sit down and talk to someone such as a political figure or so, I would choose President Barack Obama. I would just simply ask him, how did and how does it feel to be the President of the United States of America, and has it been a point in his presidency to really say I want to give up. We are all human and we have to work through trials and tribulations, but when we seem to have had enough on our jobs, we quit. And just from my circle of friends the way they speak of our president, I sure he would want to quit. But I know he's nothe'll finish and get through the process.

  150. Maurice G online in response to Aaron S
    Interesting individual to lhave dinner with. At one time on top of the world, the first billionare athelete, could have sat out a year and still been the number 1 golfer. Now that he is back, I don't think he has his edge back ye because he is not winning. In this sport, that is how I define edge. I don't think theat the other golfer's are afraid of him like they use to be. Other golfer's would often say we are plaing for second place. What is it going to take to get that edge back.

  151. Response to Megan and Alison P online
    Thanks for sharing more light on the word of God. Having dinner with my savior will be number one. He died to save my life from sin, and to also inherit eternity. What a wonderful God.

  152. Samantha McMichaelApril 20, 2011 at 7:13 PM

    When it comes down to it, any big-time actor, honestly. I love listening to the stories of people that matter, their views on a situation, or how they felt. So honestly, anyone of importance.

    Though, if I had to choose someone, I'd chose Gabe Newell. He has had such an impact on the gaming universe that I would love to listen to his insight.

  153. Nina C. Online

    I'm not sure where my post disappeared to. If I had to have dinner with someone "famous" I think it would be with Jesus. It would be nice to sit and talk with him about the choices he made throughout his life and thank him for being so selfless to die for a sinner like me.
