Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Atlanta Icon

This is from a story on NPR. “Many cities have statues of icons that represent the spirit of those towns. New York has the Statue of Liberty. Metropolis, Ill., has a statue of Superman. And, of course, Philadelphia has statues of Ben Franklin and Rocky Balboa. Detroit's thinking of getting a statue, too: of RoboCop.”

If we were to place a new statue in Atlanta’s Piedmont Park, what should it be and why?


  1. Natavius F. Online:

    Well, if Atlanta were going to place a statue in Piedmont Park, I'd think a statue of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would be great nominee. I choose Dr, King because it seems like the palpable pick; Dr. King was born in Atlanta and spent his life here doing great work during civil rights era and when I think of a statue being placed somewhere, I think of the statue projecting profound honor and pride. I can envision it now: tourist and spectators marveling at the vast marble statue, beaming with admiration and joy reflecting on what Dr. King stood for and what he meant to the world.

  2. Rebekah Tolbert-online. I think it would be great to have a statue of MLK. He founded a lot for Atlanta, and the civil rights.

  3. Rebekah Tolbert-online In response to Nativius F. We have alot in common. I agree totally with all that you said

  4. Blake Huffman

    I think we should build a statue of the Phoenix bird because Atlanta was burned to the ground during the American Civil War. The bird in Mythology was the bird that rose from the ashes and so did Atlanta after Sherman burned it to the ground.

  5. Natavius F. Online. In response to Rebekah T.

    It's great to see you feel the same way I do. I'm amazed there isn't already have a statue of Dr. King. You would think they would considering all the historic MLK sites, exhibits and paraphernalia that are displayed downtown.

  6. Loan.N.Online.
    I really have no idea, because i have not known alot about US, or Atlanta history yet. So, i really just read all your comments to learn. And i think all of you have great ideas. Thank you guys.

  7. Karlie-Online
    IN reference to this online timeline... http://heritage.coca-cola.com/

    A statue of John Pemberton or a combination of the multiple owners of Coca-Cola should be put in Piedmont Park. John created Coca-Cola in 1886 and today it is a popular part of American culture as well as other cultures. This popular beverage has followed society with a positive message through all of the hardships. The 60's, the 70's the 80's, modern day, what's better than going to Turner field and enjoying an ice cold Coca-Cola? How good does it feel to be at a summer cook out with friends and family and grab a cold can of Coke out of the cooler? As corny as it may sound, we don't realize that Coca-Cola is a beverage that ties the world together. All of the advertisements and commercials aren't neccessarily band-wagon propaganda, but more of an influential message; enjoy and come together. In response to Nativius and Rebekah, yes, we could put many great heros and government icons up, but not everyone can directly relate to that certain leader and message they had. Coca-Cola is something that is Universal and started in the heart of Atlanta. I believe the founder and owners of Coca-Cola should have a statue in Piedmont Park. All Americans, including Martin Luther King, enjoyed a Coca-Cola at one time during their life.

  8. Karlie Online

    Here is a video for you to enjoy on my opinion

  9. I think we should build a statue of Martin Luther King Jr, as well. He is a huge historical icon. I think Atlanta should be proud to call itself his hometown. Yes, we do have the MLK center, and yes there are multiple roads named after him, but to have a picture of him sitting in the middle of the most popular park in Atlanta would be a great tribute to him.

    In response to Karlie: I really like the idea of having a statue of him. However, he has the coke center. That center is huge and noticeable from Centennial. To have a statue of him in centennial park would be overkill in my opinion.

  10. Tai Woods

    I'm shocked to learn that there isn't a statue of MLK Jr already up! What's up with that? So he's on the list for sure and I think that Maynard Jackson and Mr. Hartsfield should have statues as well. Hey maybe they could all be sitting at a table and drinking coke! Now that I think about it we should probably get a statue of Scarlett O'Hara made too!

  11. J. Ponders online
    I know that we have the peach drop every year for New Years but how about a HUGE peach monument? Not just the "picture" of a peach that is lowered once a year but a huge peach that is grounded in peidmont park? There are several things that I picture when I think of Atlanta other than the peach as well. I think of MLK, coca-cola, music (there are so many venues and entertainment there every night) A huge bronze music note would even be way cool to me! The possibilities are really endless!

  12. J. Ponders in response to Tai Woods
    Speaking of MLK, Maynard Jackson, and Scarlett O'Hara how about even Rosa Parks? I mean she is a legend and a icon of Atl. I would think personally. As I said before the possibilities are really endless!

  13. I think I would have to agree with Natvius F. Martin Luther King is THE Atlanta icon already. He is a man that everyone knows and somewhat respects. The Idea of Mr. King is greater than the man himself. Thus- An Atlanta Super Hero that could kick SuperMan's (Metropolis, Ill.) butt half way to Sunday. MLK all the way.

  14. Keica Bridges: onlineFebruary 22, 2011 at 5:03 PM

    Keica Bridges: online

    Why have just one statue when we have so many wonderful history about the city of Atlanta and state of Georgia. I feel that we should have a history walk of statue with many statues that represent not only our city but our state as well.

    Statues such as Dr. Martin Luther King jr., and let us not forget the ones that marched with him.

  15. Keica Bridges: in response to Rebekah Tolbert

    I agree totally with you about having a statue of Dr. King, b ut let us not forget to remember the families that marched with him also. Let us also remember the others that marched also such as Andrew young, Maynard Jackson, Ralph David Albanathy, and Jhn Lewis to name a few.

    It would be nice to have a monument that represented them all to finally put a complete face to the freedom march and fight. I feel that this monument woild make a powerful statement around the world to all people. It would show that as a people when we stand together we can get much acompolished.

  16. Shannon:

    I agree to a degree with Natavius that MLK would be good but I wish that I felt that the city of Atlanta and the state of Georgia really embraced the teachings of MLK Jr. Perhaps a statue of him would injspire people to stop trying to stand in the way of basic civil rights for all of us.

    I also like Blake's suggestion of a phoenix. We certainly did rise from the ashes and have made ourselves quite a city.

    Both of these ideas are better than anyone that I could come up with. Nice job, guys!

  17. Monica G. Online
    I do not really know because I am not from Georgia and I do not much about this state; however, MLK would be a good choice.

  18. Monica G Online

    In response of all of you, I think all of you are right you know your state and as I said Dr. King would be the best choice.

  19. Mysti C. Online- If Atlanta were to get statue of someone that represents Atlanta, that would be Martin Luther King Jr.. He would be picked on his merit of being one of the most influential civil rights leaders and also that he was born in Atlanta, GA. I also think a another good person would be Hosea Williams. He has done so much for Atlanta and the less fortunate here. Having charity events on every major holiday to feed and help the less fortunate. I feel anyone of those people would be excellent candidates.

  20. Mysti C.Online In response to Blake Huffman- I think that is a very different and unique idea. I really like the idea of the Phoenix and the meaning behind it to be used for Atlanta. Because I know, going with MLK is the first thought anyone would use. I must say using a Phoenix would be quite different.

  21. Kendaris H. Online

    I would have to say a statue of Martin Luther King. I think he is well deserving of a statue in Atlanta. He is one of the most influential African American people of our history and what better than to have one of him. I think people would like to see one and it will make a great landmark. People can refer to it when giving directions like they do with the Big Chicken in Marietta! hahaha

  22. Kendaris H. Online in response to Monica G.

    Thats funny you said that I too am not from Georgia and thought the first thing that came to mind was Martin Luther King Jr. statue.

  23. If Atlanta chose a staute to represent the state it would have to be a big boombox or a microphone. Every body in "The ATL" or "The A" thinks thir a mucisian, a raper, or singer.
    Since these other cities have chosen thier stautes according to movies that have been filmed there it would have to be a pair of drumsticks for drumline or something like that; a statue of Tyler Perry would also work.

  24. Luis Burrion--OnlineFebruary 23, 2011 at 6:43 AM

    In responce to everyone who said a staue of MLK.
    I totally dissagree. The cities that are posted are not listing stues of importance such as MLK. If they were statues of importance would they be of Superman or Robocop? Cities now a days want to attract tourist and to do that they want to use popularity. Placing statues of fictionary charactes such as Superman will do that.

  25. V. Phillips Online

    I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that we should have a statue of someone other than than MLK. Yes, he was born here, but the majority of is his work was in Alabama, not Georgia. He was put in jail in Alabama, his first church was in Alabama, etc.
    Besides, we have the MLK Memorial! I'm pretty sure that's good enough. It's a nice building, I understand, and it's where he's buried.

    As for the Coca-Cola statue, we've got the World of Coke. I think that's enough of a memorial to the best soft drink ever.

    I would say we should get one of Oglethorpe, but that would be more appropriate in Savannah, and I think they've got one.

    I'm gonna back up the vote for a Phoenix rising from the ashes. Or maybe Scarlett O'Hara, despite her not being a very good heroine, more like an anti-heroine, since all the statues listed in the prompt [except Ben Franklin] are fictional or metaphorical (like Lady Liberty).

    Plus, as someone already demonstrated by wondering who MLK is, Atlanta is a mixture of races and cultures, and so I think the statue should be of someone or something that no one group can claim as their own.

    @Whoever it was that said we should have one of Rosa Parks:
    You do realize that Rosa Parks's bus protest was in Alabama, her home state, right?

  26. Michele G -

    I will have to agree with the majority on this and say Dr. Martin Luther King. He is an Icon in Atlanta and has forever left his imprint in our great city and country.

  27. Courtney Pruitt: IF we were to place a new statue in Atlanta's Park, I think it should be of a Civil War Confederate holding the american flag with a cannon next to him. This would represent how we fought the American Civil War with the states on abolishing slavery. Instead of using Martin Luther King to show how we fought for rights, why not use an actual war story. I think this would be more original and interesting to see.

  28. steven s: online
    i think that mlk is a good idea, but everyone alreayd knows who he is and we also already have the mlk center. I think the whole phoenix idea is good. not everyone knows that atl was burned down. Superman and robo cop are both made up characters, and a phoenix is also a made up animal.

    in response to Blake Huffman
    i agree 100% that a phoenix would be an excellent statue to put up. It tells how our capital was burned down, but we still rose from the ashes. This would be a perfect thing to put up in comparison to either super man or robocop

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Donna H Online:
    I was going to say peach but someone totally stole my idea! So I think we oughta put a big ole' Fried Pie or steal the V from the Varsity and put it in Piedmont Park. I mean where are there more restaurants serving grease covered goodness than in Atlanta? We invented fried pies, fried pickles, friend Oreos AND fried Coca Cola for heaven's sake!

    OK, I have no clue who invented all that stuff, but I think my blood sugar is getting low...so anyway.

    Seriously, I would LOVE to see something from John Portman built in Piedmont. So many people forget, but Portman designed and built more than 30 buildings in metro Atlanta, and he's also an amazing artist, and does alot of work in granite and steel. It's all art deco, so I couldn't even tell you what it's suppose to be, but I like it!!

  31. Donna H in response to EVERYONE who said Martin Luther King:

    Ya'll realize that although that Piedmont Park was segregated right up until the mid 60's right?

    MLK was a great person, but I think he'd be insulted to have his statue placed in PP, and anyway the more appropriate choice would be Booker T Washington. He gave the famous "Atlanta Compromise" speech in Piedmont Park back in 1895.

    It's true, I am the master of Trivial Pursuit!

  32. Samantha Long. Online.
    I believe a statue dedicated to the Atlanta Braves would be extremely appropriate. Not everyone may know the great founders, icons, or historic leaders that derived from Georgia, chances are they can associate the Braves with Atlanta.

    In response to Donna H.
    I completely agree with a statue dealing with landmarks. I love the big V, "What'll ya have?"

  33. Well since Atlanta was only 1 of 2 cities in the US that has hosted the olympics, I think the 5 rings should be made into a statue/structure! MLK is also a very good idea!

  34. Lesile Z Online- Well since Atlanta was only 1 of 2 cities in the US that has hosted the olympics, I think the 5 rings should be made into a statue/structure! MLK is also a very good idea!

  35. Leslie Z in response to Samantha- Braves is a good idea as well!! I love watching the Braves, and would love to see a large statue incorporating them!!!

  36. Tyler Lawrence

    I know everyone has already posted comments saying that MLK Jr. should be a statue in Atlanta, but I think that this is very true! I cant believe that a statue of him is not already up and i don't think anyone would not like it being there because he is a huge part of why the civil rights are the way they are today, and why blacks and whites get along much better today.

  37. This totally makes sense and is 100% American -
    Spend money glorifying an athlete or a movie star or character instead of doing something real with it.

  38. Allison Makarewicz

    I think it should be a Pheonix because Atlanta rose from the ashes after being burnt in the Civil War.

  39. Courtney R: If a statue was built in honor of Atlanta, I dont think that the statue should be representing just one person or thing. I think it should represent many things because Atlanta is just one person or one place, its many. So i would say build a statue with Martin Luther King(civil rights), The Six Rings(olympics), and what ever else that would symbolize Atlanta's history.

  40. Denice C. on line..... If a statue is placed in Piedmont Park it should be Ray Charles. He is a big inspiration to Georgia, due to his song, "Georgia On My Mind,"being our state song. He inspires people with diabilities that they can accomplish anything they set their mind to.

  41. Denice C. in responce to V. Phillilps....We celebrate MLK day and a lot of our cities through out our nations has MLK streets, and there are many memorials. He is the most publicized and remembered rights activist. Therefore, I feel that even MLK himself would like others to be remembered.

  42. Rgonzalez- I agree with everyone and say Dr King. But let's not forget our fallen soldiers, who fought during the Civil War.

  43. Iesha B.-Online... I think that if Atlanta were to have a statue, then it should be of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. because he had a major impact on not only Atlanta but he had an impact on Georgia and the rest of the world.

  44. joy online
    I think the statue of Martin Lurther King will be great for Atlanta, because of his greatness, and fight for civilrights.its gonna be a great idea.

  45. response to phillip
    joy online
    Phillip, why dont we just mount a giant coca-cola bottle so that no race will be offended since almost everything is based on race.

  46. sbaty
    I think there should be a statue ofgeneral robert e lee because like him most goegrians are stubburn to change and are not to be messed with.

  47. In Response to Blake Huffman: I like the idea of the Phoenix. Appropriate on 2 levels. historical and natural, since it would be in Piedmont Park, but understanding the goal of these cities that are placing statues of little significance but great popularity, I'd have to think long and hard on a option that will bring people into the park to see the statue. I do believe that something other than an MLK statue would be more unique since MLK is honored in many ways, in many different locations throughout the city. I'll be thinking about this one for days! Follow up post to come once I hit Eureka!

  48. A.kibathi
    I think the most suitable statue for Atlanta would be that of Martin Luther King.

  49. Julie A. Online
    I think that the Atlanta icon should be something that helps to represent Atlanta. Although I am not sure of what this icon could be, I think we should think of something or someone who demonstrates all of the stuff that has happened in Atlanta. Maybe we could even put up a statue of a musical instrument or an art palette, because Atlanta is known for musicians and artists. I do not know much about Atlanta’s history but I think that we should try to figure out something that represents Atlanta.
    In response to V. Phillips
    I do think that Oglethorpe would be a great choice since he is the one who founded Georgia. I am going to have to agree with you and the other person about the Phoenix that would be a great symbol for Atlanta. I agree with you completely on Atlanta is a mixture of many cultures and races. I also agree that the world of coke is a memorial is good enough.

  50. Julie S. online
    When I think of Atlanta one person that comes to mind is MLK. I am surprised that a statue of him is not already standing in Atlanta somewhere. He was a very important person, that should be represented.

  51. Faustina K

    I think the only statue that would be good in Atlanta's Piedmont Park will be a majestic bird.I choose a bird because of our pride and our freedom to soar our highest potential.
    Also the bird is a sign for most of our sports which people love. Atlanta Falcons, Atlanta Hawks, and Atlanta Thrashers.This shows our competive and our edge never give up.

  52. Ldjobo

    I think a picture of doctor King will be a great idea. To have someone like him will be an excellent inspiration for all human kind. MLK was a great a leader of character for anyone to look upon.

  53. Shawn Manley - OnlineFebruary 26, 2011 at 2:55 PM

    Personally I do not even think we need a statue in Piedmont Park. We have better ways to spend our money than on something frivolous like that. How about directing the money spent to dig ourselves out of debt a little bit instead? Or maybe even put it towards educational programs in public schools.

  54. Shawn Manley - OnlineFebruary 26, 2011 at 2:59 PM

    In response to Blake Huffman Online:

    A phoenix might be one of the better suggestions if we were to do something like this. As I stated, i am not to keen on the whole idea to begin with

  55. Julie S. online in response to Keisa Bridges
    I love your comment. That is such a great idea. Having many statue together would be awesome!

  56. Marie c...

    If Atlanta were to get a statue in Piedmont Park i feel it only appropriate that it should be a statue of Martin Luther King because he fought for the rights of all human king he believed equality,unity,and no violence he also believed in the progressing and moving forward and in education which Atlanta is the base of all those Belives.

  57. Charlotte_online
    I think every should know the statue of Atlanta by now!! Martin Luther King is the statue for Atlanta no question about, because He fought for unity and peace in this country. Every day we live remembering his legacy.

    In response to Marie-Martin Luther King believed in achieving goals by equality and unity. MLk holiday is the man.

  58. Cynthia T. Online

    I don't know how I feel about following the lead of other cities with something like this because I'd prefer that Atlanta be original and do something different. However if it must be a statue it would definitely be of Martin Luther King because of all that he stood for and all that he accomplished to make life better for everyone and bring us all closer to equality.

  59. Cynthia T Online

    In response to Shawn M. I agree with you to a degree but I don't think a statue would be a frivolous exspense. I think we could come up with something original and do that instead, because all the money that is suppose to be going everywhere they say it is going isn't doing much.

  60. Christopher K online
    I feel that it is safe to say that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. should have a statue. Honestly i though he already had one, but didnt realize that it was just the King Center. Albeit there are alot of icons that were branched out of Atlanta, and there are many that came to Atlanta to branch out.For the city to see one stattue go up will cause for an uproar of many others.

    Christopher in response to Natavious and the rest of the class:
    I agree with most of you about Martin Luther King Jr. statue going up and feel that we should actually try to do something about that. He stood for the fight of equality for all of us and we should stand for him in return.

  61. K Blan Online:
    I think that it should MLK JR. as well because he is a big part of Atlanta and he founded civil rights.

  62. Jonathan Ridings online

    I would possibly go a little different here but Hank Aaron would be a different idea. He certainly is an Atlanta historical sports icon. Did a lot for the city of Atlanta in a time when it was tough to be an African American athlete in the south. He's done his share for the city and why not give him statue.

  63. Jonathan Ridings online

    In response to Cynthia T.

    Cynthia, i agree with you about doing something a little different as far as a statue. I also concur with you that if it had to be MLK then that would be just fine as well.

  64. Elizabeth W.

    A statue of MLK is very fitting, but there are also other things that represent Atlanta- Coca Cola, Delta etc.

  65. Melina Garcia ONLINE- I believe that if I had to choose a new statue to go up in Atlanta it would either have to be something that embodies the musical life or Martin Luther King Jr. I know the MLK statue seems more logical then the symbol of the importance of music here in Atlanta, but a lot of great musicians have either come from Atlanta or came here to become something. I think it would be silly not to consider the great art that has come from Atlanta.

    In response to Marie C.-
    That is why I also chose MLK, because his dream of equality and education is one that could and should be used now and in the future. A statue would help us remember that dream.

  66. Amanda H. Online:
    I think we should choose to have MLK as a statue as well.He was a prominent member in our society. Perhaps we could make this statue more awesome by having MLK hold a Georgia peach AND a coca cola in either hand. Then it would be very Georgia pride!

  67. Amanda H to Jonathan Ridings:
    I think Hank Aaron is a great idea too! a lot of people know us for the Braves and it has a very strong history in Georgia. Having that integrated in would be very appropriate.

  68. Deidre C. Online:
    I just remember when my brother skated (in-line)from Athens to Piedmont Park years ago...I would say a statue of the symbol of Breast Cancer maybe? I believe that this could be a place for walker's to meet and encourage one another.

  69. Deidre C. in reponse to Blake Huffman-Phoenix bird

    I believe that this would be a good statue because it could open a door for conversation at the park for visitor's and kids would notice this more than a "person". My daughter was excited when she saw a turle statue at a local mall. It's just something to grab the attention of those in the park/mall and maybe find a teachable moment.

  70. Christian B. Online

    I really do enjoy the thought of a MLK statue in Piedmont Park, but I don't think that he would want us just to focus on him. I mean there are a lot of great people and things that come from Atlanta. Like music, singers, artists and, athletes. If we could somehow fit all that stuff in together I am pretty sure that we would have an amazing statue to place in Piedmont park.

  71. Christian B. Online

    In response to Blake Huffman,

    I could definitely see a statue of the Phoenix bird being symbolic meaning to Atlanta. It would also look really good in there too.

  72. Nyrva B online:
    If a statue were to be placed in Atlanta’s Piedmont Park, the symbol that is chosen should definitely represent the civil rights era.It can be a statue of MLK himself or maybe people of different races marching united in the street of Atlanta alongside MLK. Whenever I think of the history of Atlanta, the civil right movement comes to mind. It’s a part of this city history that will never be forgotten.

  73. Nyrva B. online in response to Christian B:

    I agree, it would definitely be great if the statue would include several significant individual that have played major roles in the developement of Atlanta.

  74. Steve F. online:

    The mythical bird phoenix would be a symbol that is all inclusive. Atlanta is one of the oldest cities in U.S. history and it has survived adversity and adapted to change. Perhaps this would be an appropriate statue due to Atlanta’s past changes and future adaptability. There are not a lot of true Atlanta natives remaining so I think that a statue that represents the past struggles would be an important symbol for Atlanta. We should not forget the past and realize that we will stand up to adversity and thrive in the future.

    Another suggestion for a statue would be one of Margaret Mitchell. She was an advocate for women’s rights, a journalist and a Pulitzer Prize winning author for one of the greatest novels written about the Civil War. Margaret Mitchell was born and raised in Atlanta.

  75. Steve F. online
    In response to Shawn:

    I don't agree that a statue would be a frivolous expense. It is important to have symbols that remind us of our heritage. We should not forget were we came from and be inspired to do better.

  76. REbecca M online
    I think a statue of MLk would be very fitting for Atlanta and I also agree that when I think of downtown atlanta I think "Whatta 'ya have?!" I love some fried peach pies and glorified burger! Good idea SOuthern CHicke- you seem to always habve a humorous insight!

  77. Stephanie M. Online:
    When I think of Atlanta I think Of Martin Luther King, Jr. or something that represents the 1996 Olympics. Atlanta was MLK's home and is where the King Center is located. The 1996 Olympics is something that Atlanta is known for and proud of hosting.

  78. Stephanie M. Online in response to Faustina K.:
    Your idea about using a bird because Atlanta's sports teams are represented by some kind of bird is a good one. It would also go along with the idea that others had for a phoenix.

  79. Rebecca D.

    I think that there a lot of good ideas for statues in Atlanta but I think a statue of MLK would be the best because he worked really hard to make the south a place of equality.

  80. Mark McD online:

    I think we should put a statue of a representation of America.Because Atlanta represents everything that america stands for.From MLK to the Olympics to our favorite pasttime Atlanta caputures what the U.S stands for

  81. Mark McD online:
    I agree with Steve F. a phenix would be a great statue.It symbolize how atlanta has rebuilt itself through a lot of adversity.

  82. Shane B. -Online

    I think a statue showing something that shows a sort of evolution of history that goes to modern Atlanta would be quite interesting. It would highlight various historical moments. To add to it there could be place holders where other portions can be added each decade.

    In response to Christian B.,

    I'm sort of confused as to why a lot of people have the suggestion of MLK. Sure he was a great civil rights figure, but he didn't originate in Atlanta. I could understand this being in Birmingham, AL; however, I just think something else would suit the great ATL better.

    In response to Blake H.,
    This is a wonderful idea. It sort of has multiple meanings that tie to history and the great resolve Atlanta and its people has to overcome difficult situations. Not only does it tie to history, but it also symbolizes how Atlanta as a city is still developing on a grand scale, and will continue to develop.

  83. I think a statue of MLK would be a great pick, Im very surprised there is not one of him already. I think we have all these place of him to go to and remember him by but we dont have a statue and i think we should get one. he symbolizes so much and he is a great reason for why and how we have come so far.

  84. James O. online,
    I think a statue of MLK, Hank Aaron, Rhett and Scarlett sitting at the Varsity lunch counter with Ted Turner behind the counter.( like the famous diner painting)
    It gets all the Atlanta icons in one swoop.

  85. Caleb Alexandre-Louis

    In response to James O. I think that would be the most amazing painting ever painted in the U.S.

    Though, i feel if Atlanta were to put up a statue that represented itself and its people should be bread and milk. To represent how we freaking panic at the thought of change. It should also have the following written, " We are the south,we like it that way..."

  86. EstherB.online
    I will also say that the landmark should be a picture of Martin Luther King Jr. because he was a great leader for civil rights moment for black folks and Atlanta represent the state for black people knowing as hollywood for the black.

  87. EstherB.Online
    In response to Shane B. I do not know why you are confused because Dr. king do not have to originately come from same place to have is landmark. That man is one of the greatest person of all time and everyone know who he is do not need an introduction.

  88. Caleb Alexandre-Louis Online

    In Response to Shane B. As it were Alabama most likely does not have any statue for Dr. Jr. King, so as it were one mans trash, is another mans treasure. It like saying you were born here in Georgia then decided to move to California and somehow lean mankind into the space-age while hauling world peace and solving world hunger in your nap sack. Would the state of California not wish to build a monumental statue in honor of yourself?

  89. Rachel C.
    I honestly do not have a definitive answer for this question. I guess because I feel that this type of spending is a waste. I mean, come on, I cannot in good conscience allow such spending to erect a statue of either someone who is already dead, or, in fact who is still alive and if he/she happens to be this popular to have a statue erected in their honor, they probably are not wanting for much anyhow. Let us use this portion of the budget for housing those that need it.

  90. Rochelle G Online.
    If I were to place a statue in Piedmont Park my first thought would be of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I chose him because his legacey of non-violence and equality for all races and classed of people has passed through generation. We still try to live by the moral characteristics that he gave his life to enforce.

  91. Rochelle G In response to all of my classmates who chose Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In my opinion I can not think of anyone else who could represent Atlanta, GA better. Also for those that believe it to be a waste of money to erect a statue in someones honor but to put that money to other uses, I disagree. To me a statue is an expression of art and vision and it is very inspiring. Also it is a quick glimps of history that will encourage more people to take an interest in.

  92. Moiya H. Online_
    I think if Atlanta were to have a statue it should represent either Dalta Airlines or Coca Cola. Both are mega businesses that stated in Georgia and are world wide. They represent the continuous way that Atlanta is progressing.

  93. Moiya H. Online
    In response to Blake Huffman
    I like the idea of the Pheniox representing Atlanta rising from the ashes and progressing forward.

  94. Eric Dempsey

    If atlanta had an iconic statue I would like to see a big cartoon coke bottle. Coca cola is a huge company in this area, while atlanta also has the coke factory. I would sway more to the mascot aspect because I shows joy and I think atlanta is a fun city.

    i agree with most people MLK.jr.to comemorate his deeds.

  96. Kevin G Online

    I would say Martin Luther King, but I think Atlanta is know for it's music industry as of late (hip hop) and it's diversity.

  97. Kevin_G Response to Rochelle G

    I agree 100% with your comment Rochelle. Very well said.

  98. Jordan L.

    Personally i cant really think of anything that would be good to put in the park. So many great things have happened here that i dont think one thing out rates another.

    response to Moiya H.
    Thats true, I didnt think about coke it is a major part of atlanta

  99. Marie S

    My first thought would be Rosa Louise Parks
    She has been called the "Mother of the modem-Day Civil Rights Movement".By not given up her seat to a white passenger on a city bus.Her quiet, courageus act changed America and redirected the course of history.

  100. Kristina R. online

    I definately thought of Martin Luther King, Jr., but if you look at it from the sports perspective, how about Hank Aaron. In my opionion he will always be the home run king. I don't know. Food for thought.

  101. Kristina R in response to eric dempsey

    I didn't even think of coke. One of my all time favorite drinks is diet coke. I don't know if I could live without it. O.K. maybe I could live without it, but I would be sad for sure. Good thought!

  102. in response to everyone

    Yes i think MLK is the most obvious choice and I think the right one.

  103. Randi h- online

    I agree with most of the post on here that there should be a monument built for MLK. he was a very honorable man and did many great things.

  104. Lenie D. Online

    I agree with all those that said Martin Luther King. When I think of Atlanta, I immediately think of Martin Luther King. He grew up here, he was a life changing figure and there is also the MLK Museum that commemorates him in ATL.

  105. Lenie D. Online in Response to Mary S.

    Rosa Parks is also a logical choice. She is not popular as MLK (I guess because she wasn't the first one to come to mind for me) but I can see why you would pick her.
