Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Do You Believe?

Roswell, New Mexico has taken the subculture of UFO conspiracy theorists and turned it into a marketing brand. Much of the town’s tourism centers around an alleged alien landing in the 1950s.

A memo recently posted on an FBI blog has stirred the extraterrestrial beehive, yet again. Talk of life beyond our planet stirs a wide array of emotions in people from fear, to curiosity and a host of religious concerns.

What’s your take on alien life and UFOs?

For more information follow this link:



  1. Alien life, UFO, I'm sure there is life outside of the human race. I believe that a lot of people are afraid to admit that they also believe the same. Society has conditioned us to believe for so long that "aliens" were green, foreign, and odd creatures from out of this world and that it's a "crazy" thing to think aliens are real. If people can make up a tooth fairy, Santa Clause, or even the Easter Bunny-- what’s so odd about believing in Aliens? Just a thought—

    I've never really been into the whole UFO thing, but I do believe that they're out there. I just heard the other day that the President is allowing private space travel. There is talk about a Space Elevator, Trips to Outer Space, and so much more. I believe this will bring us closer to "aliens"—much closer than we may be ready for.

    Additional Info: Virgin Galactic has plans for those kinds of trips next year. It's pretty interesting. Read up on it for yourself, if you dare.


  2. J.Barrington
    I believe in aliens. There are planets in other galaxies that are very similar to ours, so why wouldn’t there be life on those planets? I don’t see any reason to be afraid however, my theory is that the life on those planets is very much like the life on our own planet. I doubt very much that they can reach here, and even if they can, so what? I think people worry too much on “what if” scenarios. What if the house is hunted? What if God exists or doesn’t. We should deal with what is actually in front of us with courage and a positive outlook; treat those around us who deserve it with respect and love, and above all keep moving forward. In other words, be like Bill and Ted and say “It’s all good, Be excellent to each other, and Party on!”

  3. Alton P online.
    This is my take on the subject.
    I am addicted to National Geographics I watch it everyday when I can they did a story on the vastness of the universe. I find it very hard to believe that is much as they were able to see and it was not even a 1/8 that we are the only lifeform to exist. I actaully believe that as vast as the universe is there is also a alternate universe. With that being said it is almost a definite to me that people have seen UFO,s, and we might even have a couple of aliens on ice.

  4. Alton P online.@ J Barrington
    Im glad we agree that there is other lifeforms, but I don`t believe they are all similiar to us because different planets have different atmospheres and the lifeform would have to have a certain body structure in order to survive just like fish different atmosphere. I do believe there are other lifeforms out there like us just not all like us.

  5. Maurice G. online
    I personally don't believe in UFO's, but I do believe that there could be other life and lifeforms on another planet other than ours. I would guess for aliens to get to us they would have to have some kind of way to travel, but I think that we would be able to tell something about ufo's. I think that other life forms could adapt to their conditions, so even though we may not think that it is possible to survive somewhere else it is easy for that species.

  6. Maurice G online @ Aqeelah Rahim
    Interesting that you stated Santa Clause,the tooth fairy, and the Easter bunny are all made up why can't we believe that there are other forms of life outside the earth. I think as people we just don't want to believe that this is a possiblity. I also agree, we have been conditioned to believe that aliens are green and foreign looking to us and since we all have not witnessed this type of person we just don't believe or want to believe. What they look like, I don't know, but I believe they're out there.

  7. Rondi W ONLINE
    I believe there are UFO's and aliens. I have had one sighting and my friend I was riding with at the time still refuses to speak of it. It was on Ga. highway 27 North. An object that looked like a helicopter with spot light at night was coming dead for us. It was getting closer and closer. You could tell this was not a helicopter but it had control as a hummingbird does. The light was so blinding we had to stop. It hovered and dropped out something that looked like a box with a parachute. It turned and was gone in less than two seconds. This was in Troup County next door to Heard County at 5:30am.

    Did you know that Heard County Ga. is the leader of sightings in the state. It also is the leader for sonic booms with no explination. It was a running joke when I worked in Troup County a few years ago. "Be careful going home don't stop for any UFO's". Several very educated professionals witnessed sightings but most are afraid to share their stories. Can you imagine the surgeon about to do your surgery telling you the story of the UFO he spotted on the way to the hospital. Would you really want him to cut on you? Would you like him to take a drug test?
    Most would run and request another surgeon.

    I also recently watched "Fire In The Sky", again. The guys are in the forest logging and one gets out to investigate the flying object and he disappears for 5 days. The movie is about the experiments and encounters he has while missing. I think it would be really cool to see ET and be beamed up. I would like to return though.

    Rondi W ONLINE
    In response to Aqeelah Rahim
    Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, etc. people want to believe sometimes in the impossible and dream. Imagination is a powerful thing.
    I believe in Santa Claus my father has been Father Christmas at Callaway Gardens for the past 17 years. :)

  8. Martha W Online

    I personally do not believe in UFO's. I have never seen or heard of any logical prove of any sightings. Any sightings or type of proof (unexplained formations in corn fields) has always been proven to be incorrect with logical explanations. All sightings consist of the same descriptions: round flying saucers with little men in gray suits.

  9. Martha West Online

    In response to Rondi W

    Your description of your experience is awesome. I am curious, did you pick up the box? I completely understand why the educated professionals would not admit to the sightings. For me, they would lose all crediability.

  10. Deborah B. - Online
    I have never had an experience or an encounter that I have felt is indicative of alien life. However I would not discount the possibility just because I haven't seen it or experienced it. I think it is possible since there are other planets that could substain life as we know it. I wouldn't assume that any foreign life would be scary or hostile. They could be much like us and just curious of the unknown. I do think that if there is other life out there it is not as advanced as we are since we have never encountered anything indicating such in all our space travel.

  11. Deborah B - Online in response to Maurice G.
    Maybe we haven't yet experienced an actual visit from another planet and the experiences we have had so far (or think we have) are people's imaginations at work. This kind of "sightings" doesn't encourage us to believe since most of them are discounted as hoax or misunderstanding. But you, like me, do not preclude the possibility that another life form does exist that we don't know about.

  12. Rory H. - online
    There have been several different alien races that have particular interest in our planet. Some of them have motivations similar to humans. I believe that those aliens usually get attacked by humans when they come to our planet. Then there's the other ones. Their motivation is to create a hybrid human-alien life form, so as to manipulate our planet. We're still cavemen to all of these life forms.

  13. Rory H. online @ Alton P. online -
    I agree with you on the vastness of space and the possibility of other life forms. I also think that it is interesting that so many people on this planet are willing to believe in a deity that they have never seen, but yet they discount that there are other life forms in all the vastness of space.

  14. I am not so naive to believe that there is not any life beyond our skies. I do not personally believe in the scary creatures from the wild blue yonder that is portrayed by many of our fellow citizens, but there is that possibility that life exist beyond our precious Earth. I serve a mighty and powerful God that is capable of creating anything he wants for his pleasure. Who knows we may have aliens walking and living amongst us a daily basis and we may not even know that it is happening.

  15. Commenting on Rhondi W
    Rhondi , I live in Coweta Co. just minutes from Heard County and hope I never have to come
    across an ailen encounter, I think I would be scared out of my skin among other unmentionable things. I spend a lot of times in the woods in that area by myself hunting and lucky for me I haven't had any type encouter.But nonetheless your story was good to read and opened my eyes that someone close as seen something strange in our neighborhood. I guess there are many different kinds of people who see UFO's. One's that are scared to say anything, those that brag about being abuducted and those that make up their sightings for attention and those that are not really sure what they saw but did see something strange and probaly many other types as well.

  16. I am torn on the subject. I have never seen a ufo or an alien, but at the same time i think it would be close minded of me to think that in the whole universe we are the only ones here and that there is no possiblity of other life forms. I believe in angels and have never seen one so i am not ruling aliens out.

  17. Charlene G-online

    I do believe there is some other form of life out there. WE cant just be the ONLY living things besides the animals we have around living around us. I do think Aliens and how they travel exist. Im a believer of anything is possible. If i were to go to another planet and find other creatures, would I be shocked- yes i would but i wouldnt think for one sec that they are fake.If in the 1950's it was to be believed that there were sightenings of a UFO i would believe it-think about all the movies that have come out, it had to originated from somewhere- no one just comes up with stuff without an origin, i think.

  18. Danielle S. Online
    I have never been into aliens and UFO's but I do believe that there are things out there. I believe that the government knows certain things, but for our own protection they hide it. There are certain things that they probably feel would scare the world and create a panic attack like on TV shows.

  19. Sherena Hines-RushApril 12, 2011 at 7:22 PM

    I do believe that there is "life" outside of earth. I dont think the people are green or can beam here or there but i do believe that there is some other life form out there. Things are changing everyday. If people have evolved here on earth then wouldnt it be more than likely that the same has happened there? I guess a persons answer would go back to if they believed in the big bang theory or if God created the world. On another note, some people are afraid. People fear the unknown. Just like we fear them they probably fear us, too.

  20. Charlene G- online

    commenting on Maurice G

    i used to Not believe when i was younger until i would do research and 'wonder' how things came to be. Then i was like if things can come to be then why cant there be any other life forms around us and on other planets. But it is your belief what u believe in- everyone has their own on what exactly is out there and until we see 'proof' we really dont know.

  21. Lindsey B - online

    As a Christian I find it impossible to belive in such things an aliens. The book of Genesis states that God created man. He created man and women in his own image. Scripture does not talk of other forms of beings on other planets. It talks of the humans that God created on earth. Because of the fact that I belive that the Bible is the infalable word of God I only believe in humans.

  22. Brandon Wafrock - online

    Do I believe there are 3' tall, luminescent creatures with oversized black eyes, 4 fingers, and plasma guns, flying around in cylindrical ships, partying at Area 51!...NO!!

    Do I believe that 40 year old trekkies living in grandma's basement concoct theories on UFO's and alien life forms in between their guild meetings on WOW?....YES!!

    I also believe that our universe is so complex, so massive, and so far beyond what our terrestrial minds can comprehend. I have a hard time actually believing that we are the only intelligent life forms that exist. In our world, we are the only ones that exist. However it is only our world that we have been able to explore!

  23. Brandon Wafrock - @ Lindsey B

    please elaborate you take on this then.....

    Ezekiel 1:5 "Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance; they had the likeness of a man."

  24. Lesley G. Online-
    In response to Brandon Wafrock:

    If you read the verses in Ezekial 1 prior to verse 5, you will see that this chapter describes a vision that God sent to Ezekial. God sent visions to many diffderent people in the Bible. We have to look at the big picture of each vision and not each verse for itself. I don't think this verse helps prove or disprove aliens.

  25. Michelle B.(online)

    Outside of earth, I believe there are UFO's and aliens living outside of us. About flying sausers some photos that reveal the existence of them are available. I think there are aliens in outer space because already in mars microorganism have been found. There might be other such creatures or even complexer than them, but until now i don't think there are UFO or flying saucer from outer space but of course they are from the earth only.

  26. Michelle B. response to Danielle S.(online)

    The government always try to hide things from people because they don't want us to panic and be out of control. Aliens try to kill people so they are probably just trying to protect us.

  27. Caitlin L. - Online

    I go back and forth with my stance on aliens and UFOs. Sure, there may be other life forms on various planets and unidentified flying objects, but I think before I fully believe in anything, I need to see it. I generally assume that these things are made up for attention because people are so obsessed with popularity and having a 'one-up' on others. However, I also have to somewhat agree with Charlene G that the idea of aliens and UFOs had to come from SOMEWHERE. Unless perhaps a 4 year old was using their imagination and came up with the idea, told their gulliable parents, and it spread like wildfire.. I guess we'll never really know.

  28. Danielle S. Online commented on J.Barrington
    I agree with your theory that aliens are probably similar to us but I would still be scared if they were to ever walk on this planet because you just do not know what they are capable of doing to us.

  29. Caitlin L. - Online
    In response to Brandon Wafrock:

    I must say that of all the comments I've read for this topic, yours is the one I agree with the most. I think that many people make up stories to go along with the idea of aliens and UFOs. The fact that we've not fully explored the universe leaves some space for questioning. There is a definite possibility of aliens and UFOs but we really wont know for sure until we have definite proof.

  30. Lauren Puopolo...

    I personally do not believe in alliens. I believe in God and His Word. In Deuteronomy 29:29 it says "The secret things beling to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law." I believe 100% in the Bible...God's Word. In His word He does not state that He has created aliens. So if He did or didn't it is for Him and His glory not for me to know. So I do not believe that aliens exsist.

  31. Kevin O | Online

    I think there have been 'Aliens' and UFO's long before our civilzation existed here on Earth. There are so many different types of hard evidence, but most reputable scientists cannot make such claims. I have seen video of former NASA and other types of Government Officials talking about their accounts at underground bases in mountains. Some say in these mountains and many miles underground are live aliens and other sorts of unheard-of lab experiments. All you have to do is Google 'Underground bases' for a start.

  32. Lauren Puopolo in response to Lindsey B

    I completely agree. No where in God's word does it state that God created aliens. I believe the Scripture and if God did create aliens and He wanted me to know about them He would have put it in His word.

  33. TiffanyF. online
    Growing up my parents would always say that aliens and UFO's were all just a big myth. That's what we were taught and that's what I believe. I never looked into it to actually see for sure, but I don't think there are aliens or UFO's out there.

  34. Michael Bishop

    It is hard to say because on the one hand there is no physical proof a aliens that i have seen so i just want to shrug it off as if nothing is out there; but on the other hand it's that lack of knowledge that intrigues me and makes me want to find out. But unless I received some factual evidence I have to go with the notion that there may have been life on another planet at one point or maybe there still is but unless they try and attack us they are no concern of mine.

  35. Response to Caitlin L. from Michael B.

    Exactly with out factual evidence no one can be sure, so for all we know the government sat down and said what controversy can we make up to day that can make us some more tax money.

  36. Given the size of the universe, I would ventur to say that we are not alone. I believe that there are some forms of life out there. That dosen't mean that the life forms are as advanced as us, but that could also be a possibility.

    John Busse

  37. Tiffany L. online
    In response to Michael Bishop.....I feel like if aliens did exist why haven't they revealed themselves throughout the many years in such a way that most of the whole world would know? I agree with you...unless they try to attack us or something, they are no concern of mine!

  38. Elizabeth C

    Yes I believe in aliens. Why not, anything is possible. I believe that I would be both curious and fearful if I were to encounter aliens. Curious to know how they live and what similarities and differences we have. Yet I would fear them in the sense of fear of the unknown; not knowing what to expect from their behavior and actions.

  39. Jeryl C Online

    I don't necessarily agree/believe that there have been actual "UFO's" in the alien's flying around in our skys, but I do think that somewhere out in the universe there has to be other forms of life. I would think it to be impossible for Earth to be the only life bearing planet.

  40. Sarah Collett - ONLINE

    I think this is such a controversial subject. I am a religious person I do not believe in evolution so much, so I have faith in the unimaginable. So if someone told me there were aliens... ok I might bite. But I guess my answer to this question is I DON'T KNOW. There's really no way to know. It's kind of like columbus thinking the earth was flat. Yes, it was flat until proven other wise. Yes there could be aliens but we don't know. And futhermore, what is an alien? People say alien is another form of life. Plants are another form of life. So what kind of alien are we talking about?

  41. Sarah Collett - ONLINE
    In response to Jeryl C.::

    I agree that it seems impossible that Earth is the only planet to be life bearing. Not to get on a preaching soap box but If god made all the planets what exactly is the purpose of the other 8, if we're the only one with life on it?

  42. Allison P- Online

    I don't believe there are aliens, I do believe the media is interested in ratings so they have a tendency to concoct stories that get the public to panic. And I'm sure the Government wants to act like they have some big secret out in the desert, it's a great way to make some additional money and it makes a great tourist attraction. If by chance I happen to be wrong so be it, I have enough worries with the human life forms in my own house that I can't be consumed with what goes on in space. And if aliens or ANYTHING for that matter where to take over the earth my exit is easy, I'll die and go to heaven.

    In Response to Lindsey B. online-

    I agree with you, the bible doesn't talk about the creation of aliens, only "man" in his image.

    In Response to Michael Bishop -
    While I differ in that fact that I don't believe they exsist, I feel the same way you do in the fact that I am not concerned with it.

  43. Martha-Jane A.

    I don't exactly believe in aliens, but I don't rule them out. I just don't think about it much. However, it is hard for me to believe that we're the only "intelligent" life forms in the universe, but I wouldn't say I'm a believer either. I just have an open mind about it, I guess.

  44. Eric C.

    I personally do not believe in aliens or UFO's. I feel it's all media hype and frankly ridiculous. These stories are made for people like me and you to write blogs about. Until I see an alien or UFO, I will not believe. However, I think there are people out there who just want attention and try to replicate super-natural events like they see on TV. Thank you and have a good day.

  45. Martha-Jane A.

    In response to Elizabeth C-
    I like your "Why not?" kind of opinion on the matter. I agree with your curiosity; I too wonder if we were to have contact with aliens if it would be peaceful, if they would even find us interesting, and if we would be able to find ways to communicate. We both would have curiosity, but I guess different questions.

  46. I personally don’t believe in UFO’S or whatever they are named. I believe God created us in his own image and everything he made was perfect. I don’t know if UFO’S are science fiction or imaginary thinking of people that they exist. The earth is habitable for both living and non-living things and if UFO’S exist where are they, and how can we prove their existence. I believe in what has been tested and confirmed true not mere hallucinations.

  47. I figure I'm not smart enough to rule out the possibilities of either one- aliens or UFO's. Seriously though, if UFO's did come to earth, they would most likely be unmanned scout probes to survey the planet. A being intelligent enough to create a device to make it to our planet would also be intelligent enough to avoid putting itself in a dangerous situation. I'm sure they couldn't expose themselves to our environment. Sounds reasonable to me.

  48. Response to RONDI W..
    Great story! I wish I'd been there. I would have definately tried to find the package. I'm sure you regret not doing that. So many other people have had similar experiences, it's hard to completely discount that population's experience and quite naiive to say we are the only intelligent life. I haven't seen aliens, but on the otherhand, I haven't seen God either.

  49. Lauren G
    I don't believe in Aliens or UFO's. Maybe there could be some type of new species out in the world but either than that I don't think theres Aliens. As for UFO's, the government hides a lot of information from their people and whatever people claim they see, could be a aircraft or some type of machine that was created by the military or government.

  50. Chucky C. Online

    In response to Lauren Puopolo
    I support your opinion and it base on the Bible. Man will always try to help God or try to discredit God but is very unfortunate because such theorem only last for a while. The word of God is forever the same because God is unchanging.

    In response to Carey – One don’t really need to see God to believe He exist, just the fact that we are breathing is enough reason that God exist.

  51. Chucky C. Online
    My take on alien and UFO’s is that neither of them exist. The report or investigation about its existence is just a mere fallacy. The initial FBI investigator was never followed up on and media report was just trying to make a name for the company. The truth of the matter is that nothing came into existence without God. There is no account of alien been created by God and also UFO does not exist.

  52. Matthew J. Online

    I believe in what we call Aliens and UFOs. There must be something out there besides just the human race. Many years I have always thought that it may have been a hoax of some sort just to keep us thinking,of what if? Today, I can say I truely believe that its not something just made up , but there are other forms of life that visit our planet. This country keeps alot of things secret from us, but at the same time , tells it all. Our curiosity even during the bible times , humans knew that there must have been something else in the heavens. People back then even got together to built a tower to reach God in the heavens. If there are angels that fly in and out of our universe , who knows what else may be out there. My stand on the UFOs though, maybe objects the military have created for spying on other countries and experiments. I don't believe that the alien creatures travel inside the object that we think they do of today. I believe that they are so advanced that they teleport back and forth.

  53. Matthew J. Online
    In Response to Lindsey B.

    I do understand what you are saying Lindsey, but in the bible God did create other things. How do u think the dinosaurs got here? God created Giants too. I know you remember the story of how there were giant in the land that was filled with milk and honey. Just because you dont see it in the bible that we read, doesnt mean that it cannot be other life forms. There were alot of other books that we call today "The Lost Books of the Bible" that have alot of information in it about our world and maybe others. So others forms of life just may be out there. Keep your mind open, but at the same time dont believe everything.

  54. Vanna Hernandez Online

    Although I have never seen one, I do believe that there is life outside this world. There are many things in this planet that we do not even know about. I think that it would be safe to say that we do not know what is out there. In regards to the rumors on conspiracy, I believe there is one. More than just the conspiracy, I believe that the government is talking advantage of the attention this fact is talking and using it as a distraction for other matters. For example, the “alien” scandal took high attention in the 1950’s and is now retaking high attention. The great depression included the 50’s and now with the second depression we are, yet again, trying to be blinded by aliens.

    In response to Aqeelah Rahim:

    You’re telling me that Santa doesn’t exist? What about vampires?

    Well said! I completely agree with your opinion. People believe more in unbelievable things, yet they refuse to believe in possible things. Sad to say, there are more ignorant people in this world than the knowledgeable.

  55. I'd like to think of myself as a person that can think outside the box. With that being said, I will say that I believe anything is possible. I can't say I believe or not, but I remain open minded. If aliens do exist I don't think they would fit the stereotypical image that has been portrayed. In letting my imagination run wild I think they would all be pink with sparkles.

  56. In response to Sarah Collett: I am also a religous person. Which is why I am also open minded about the situation. I know that just because we can't see something doesn't mean it doesn't exsist. I liked the Christopher Columbus analogy.

  57. Hannah Sherman

    I am pretty open-minded about alien life and UFO's. I personally have not seen either, but many people claim they have. Wether they make the stories up for publicity or they have really seen them, I don't know. I can't imagine how the universe is so vast and no other life exisits out there. I also believe that many towns in the west use alien siteings as a means to attract people to their town, and that there probably is some sort of conspiracy out there.

  58. Cara H. Online
    Well, the actual definition of an alien is someone born or belonging to another country. I know that we are talking about extraterrestrials so lets define that. It says anything originating, existing, or occurring outside the earth or its atmosphere. So the way I see it we would have to be a fool to believe we are the only living things. The life here on earth is still being discovered every day. They say we started as monkeys so life must be constantly changing as well. Humans need air to survive, fish need water to live... I have heard people say you could not sustain life in space but I feel that is a bold statement to make. I dont know if "aliens" exist but i sure dont think we are "it". We "went to the moon"(now thats a controversial subject!) maybe they came here... Food for thought.

    Cara H. Online in response to Rondi W. online

    I just really need to know if you picked up the box. I am on the fence so to say about whether i "believe" the facts... are they really facts? And no doubt about it I would not be letting that guy cut me open.

  59. Florence G

    The Bible says in the end time there will be strange happenings,wars and rumours of wars.This also tells us that JESUS CHRIST the messiah is coming soon. So we should all be ready for HIM.As christians we should not be suprised about all these alien or UFO stories because the Bible never lies.

  60. Stephanie S. Online

    I believe with the universe as big as it is that there has to be something besides whats on earth out there. whatever is out there may not have big heads and want to kill all humans but hey, that makes money. after all, who wants to watch a movie on little cute aliens who really do come in peace?

  61. stephanie s. online in response to lauren g.

    I believe the government had something to do with it too. they are making alot of money off these people traveling to all these places to see this stuff.

  62. Response to Lauren Puopolo and Florence G
    Thanks for relating the existence of UFO'S with the bible. The bible has said it all, that “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,”.God’s wisdom is vastly superior to human wisdom, even the so called researcher and scientist.

  63. Sun A. Online

    I guess I'm in the middle when it comes to UFO's and aliens. I'm the type to always say "I'll believe it when I see it." However, since our universe is so big and has other planets who's to know if there are or aren't any other life forms. It could definitely be possible.
    I watched a documentary recently and it stated that when you mix two chemicals (can't remember what they were called) it can make a space shuttle move almost at the speed of light. If that's the case then why hasn't NASA already been to other planets? Just something to think about.

    In response to Rhondi W.

    Wow! If something strange like that happened to me I think I would've been scared to death! I'm very curious to know what you did with the box? Did you open it? Why does your friend still refuse to speak of what happened that night?

  64. Megan Mcfarland-Online

    I personally have no feelings one way or another on aliens. I have to may other things to worry about then if some other being is "out there". They don't bother me in everyday life and have not tried to come visit so I just like to watch them in the movies. Once, if they are really out there, start to come visit then I will decide how I feel about it.

    In response to Hannah Sherman

    I also believe the towns out west use it to attract people. Who wants to go look at desert land? I also believe that it is funny that the so called alien abductions are almost always by small town rednecks that want to get attention or want their 20 seconds of fame. Most of them are always drinking beer right before they see the aliens and always poke them in the butt. If aliens were so call so smart then why the butt? I think it is the rednecks had anal sex while drunk and don't really remember to much about it. So why should I believe that aliens exist with witnesses like that?

  65. R. Roebuck-

    I personally don't believe in all this Alien madness. I believe the government is behind everything, from creating this so-called alien sitings to diseases they claim is no cure for. It is all about control, having control of the people is what keeps the governments running. Until there is absolute proof, I'm not buying into the hype.

    in response to Lauren Puopolo and Lindsey B...

    No where in the bible did God mention the creation of aliens, but instead the creation of man and woman. We have had some actual encounter with God's creations. No one has encountered an alien.

  66. Lesley G. Online

    I don't really believe in aliens. The movies are fun to watch and the stories are fun to hear, but when it boils down to it, I'm just not convinced. If we were to discover that there is life elsewhere, I think it would be pretty interesting. But, I honestly don't think we will.

    Let's say though, that there is life elsewhere. I feel that if God had wanted us to know about it... He would have revealed it to us!! And if He didn't want us to know about it... then we won't!! Easy as that! I'm thankful that I don't have worry about it, regardless. God is God no matter what.

    As a quick side note, I think it is funny how people (myself included) hear the word alien and automatically think of little green figures with scarry looking eyes! If we ever do find life elsewhere, who is to say they will look like that??!!

  67. Christina C. - Online

    Aliens, sometimes they occupy my mind, sometimes they don't. I suppose I am a little on the fence with this issue because of myself being on the fence with religion. If I fully took the side of the big bang theory, that the Earth formed life all on its own, then yes it would be highly possible. There are places we can't even reach at this moment, so we can't be sure. However, I feel like if there were alien life, it would have been known by now. I'm a big Doctor Who fan so honestly, whole new worlds would excite me! However, any lien life that would be as advanced as we are is highly implausible.

  68. I do believe that there are other life forms out there where out there maybe. I can’t see God himself, but I know that he is real. Even though you can’t see or touch God doesn’t he it’s real. I know that we have very creative people in this day and age, but to make up some up the movies we seen are literally out of this world. Someone got the idea from somewhere.

    For example, the Alien one, Alien two and, Alien three and the Alien Resurrection and Invasion on the Body Snatchers are all for of outer space. Look how they creative the movie The Mist, “Predators, and Pod People, It’s hard not to believe that something exists out there even though we have yet to see them. The military and scientist are always exploring new idea for instance movies like Hollow Man and the Fly were about the scientist at work creating and discovering.

    Even if the creatures or other life forces aren’t out there we don’t have a problem with experimenting on ourselves or other life forces. So anything is possible believe it or not.

  69. Christina C. - Online in response to Megan M. - Online ...

    I agree with what you said! I personally think it would be cool that to have aliens in our lives, but it's nothing I think about constantly. I do also notice that the alien sightings are always in deserts, ironically just like the movies. If you have ever looked them up on Youtube they are always poorly edited in a desert and it is quite funny.

  70. Deideria W. Online in response to Leslie G.

    Convinced never under estimate what could be outer in a world we know nothing about. If we can go to the other planets anything is possible. The word OUTER SPACE means something

  71. Kathy S. Online

    This is a very interesting topic to discuss in a blog! The logical part of my brain says to not believe in aliens and UFO's, however, the intuitive side of my personality says absolutely........I believe in aliens and UFO's!!! I have never had an encounter with anything "other worldly", but I do believe that life exists outside of our planet. I personally would want to encounter a UFO, alien or a ghost for that matter, so that I could definitively know if they exist. However, I am the type of person that can believe in something without having to see it. How arrogant of the human race to believe that we are the only intelligent life forms created!

  72. Kathy S. online in response to Rondi W.

    What an awesome story!!! I am kind of jealous that you have had a UFO experience!! I had no idea that Georgia was so active for sightings. I guess I will have to venture to Georgia Highway 27 North in the middle of the night and see if anything appears! By the way............did you pick up the box??

  73. Shelby R.
    In my opinion, it is selfish to believe that we are the only planet that is capable of hosting living, breathing...."things". Some people say seeing is believing, but I think it is more fun to just believe and have faith. Do I think aliens are the funny looking green things you see in cheesy sci-fi movies? Probably not. But, I have a feeling they are out there somewhere.

  74. Moiya H. - online
    My personal thoughts about ufo's and alien life is mixed. While the thought of ufo's and aliens entering and exiting our planet scares me to death, I often wonder about the possibility of life n other planets. I absolutely can't watch movies like E.T. or Signs, but I love programs about space and planets.

  75. Micah S Online

    In my opinion, I do believe there is life out there on other planets but I don't think anyone has ever seen an alien or UFO. I feel that the US government would't want to cover anything up. I would think that we would like to be the first to say we have proof that there are aliens. There has to be some reasoning behind the sightings of so called UFOs. Maybe a meteorite or astroid. I have no clue but there has to be an answer.

  76. Moiya H.- Online
    In response to Lesley G.

    I think that you are very right, God is God no mater what and if He wants us to discover new life on other planets or have our worlds cross with ufo landings hen he will. If He doesn't want us to know then we won't.

  77. Micah S in reponse to Rondi

    That is totally insane. I would have flipped out. Did you find the package and see what it was? I am definately going to do some research on this.

  78. Alexandra S.
    I believe that there is other life out in the universe other than just our planet. I think people are scared to think of what might be out there because it's unexplainable and maybe beyond our comprehension. Which might lead them to question everything including their own faith, and that is something many feel uncomfortable with. The size of our planet is nothing compared to the size of the universe and it just seems like sucha waste of space if it's just us.

  79. Olalekan O. Online
    I personally do not believe in UFO's. Until one literally comes knocking at my door and not a halloween costume then i think this belief would stick forever. I feel like whatever is on earth is on earth and in trying to go to other planets in search of the unknown then it is just bringing too much controversy,whether religious or simply putting fear in people's heart. I never really liked watching sci fi and so forth because i feel than anything fictional was not worth watching. The FBI needs to worry about human beings on earth instead of worrying about aliens.

  80. Olalekan O./Online in response to Lauren Puopolo

    I totally agree with your post. In the Bible God talks about wars and affliction, the rich and the poor but he sure did not mention anything about aliens or ufo's. I think that all those people who come on television saying they have seen things are just trying to get attention. If its not in God's word then it is not so.

  81. Melissa D.

    I do believe there may be something out there, but I do not think it is something that God made. Too many people have claimed to have seen and experienced something for there not to be some type of truth to it. Personally the thought scares the crap out of me because my dad used to scare my sisters and I with alien stories when we were young.

  82. ChastityF Online

    I am not sure if there is life outside of planet earth. I do think there is life beyond what we have on earth . I am not closed minded enough to believe we are the only species that exist in the universe. As long as they (Aliens) do not decide to pack up in the UFO and kill everyone on earth, Im good with learning about a new species.

  83. ChastityF...In response to Elizabeth C

    I think that is a wonderful attitude to embrace the unknown. I to would be fearful of their intentions as well, But would not mind exploring and learning about something that is not in the everyday "norm".

  84. Abigail C.-ONLINE

    Response to Rondi-ONLINE

    I think that is really awesome that you,ve had an experience where you,ve sighted a UFO.It will change your beliefs when you,ve seen one for yourself,And it will make you so curious to find out what exactly it was.And no I dont believe I would be nervouse if someone was about to operate on me after telling me about seeing UFOs because thats his beliefs and he could still be the best surgeon there is.Just like how I wouldnt judge a surgeon on their beliefs on god.

  85. Abigail C.-ONLINE

    I do believe in aliens to a certain extent.I dont believe it is anything like the movie "Indepence day" or "ET",but I do believe there is other creatures on other planets.There are so many creatures just in our world from bugs to animals to people that all need different sources to servive.So there could be life on other planets of different shapes and sizes because the sources that planet provides could support life for that creature.As far as UFOs,I believe that anything is possible and we attempt to journey to other planets so its possible that whatever aliens are on other planets are just as curious of us.

  86. Josh Fallin

    While I have never seen a UFO myself, I do believe that there is other life out there. The universe is far too vast for the Earth to be the only planet with life. Life also has too broad of a spectrum, from bacteria to humanity, to not be able to form on another planet. The only real question left is whether there are other intelligent lifeforms like humans, and we may never know.

  87. Sherri W - Online

    Yes, I do think there is alien life form out there somewhere. I think it is crazy to think that we are the only forms of life. I have never experienced a UFO or any other sightings that some individuals have, however, the universe is so complex with the planets and the way things make up. It would a hard to think we are alone. I feel that way too many individuals have seen and experienced things that cannot be explained. I feel that someone just does not want us to know the truth. I'm not sure if they think we could not handle it or not. I do think telling us something other than the fact that these people are seeing military training would be beneficial. I think, we as individuals, could handle more reality that what they are willing to let us know.

  88. Sherri W in response to Rondi W - online

    I have lived in Georgia all my life and never once could I have imagined that there is UFO activity right here at home. Wow! I bet you were scared to death? I can completely understand your friends reaction to what he saw. He is probably afraid they will want to have him committed if he admits what he saw. It is crazy how our society views sightings that they cannot explain. They feel they are trying to protect us, but what is worse making us think we are crazy? Thanks for sharing your story, it was truly enlightening!

  89. Courtney A Online

    I have never just been a huge believer in Aliens. Do I think they exist yes because there are so many other planets and galaxies im sure theres life outisde of planet Earth. Im sure that we're probably considered alien's to those outside of earth. I can only hope oneday to see some real prof and not some picture that could have been created anywhere.

  90. Courtney A Online

    In response to Allison P
    I couldn't agree with you more I believe that the news/media will do anything for ratings even if that means causing a huge panic to the public because of some alien siteing

  91. TR 6:00-8:05

    I have heard and watched many thing about alien life and I came to the conclusion that i really dont care. If there were aliens then that would be cool maybe a little scary but still cool. If aliens did one day be proven to exsist then it would effect my religious beliefs at all and if they are out there then they need to man up and show themselves.

  92. In response to Courtney A

    I can see why people believe and it would be really nice if one day they did show themselves so we could just lay it to rest already

  93. Lindsey Babcock

    Due to this question I watched ET this weekend.It was very cute and made me laugh.

  94. Matthew S Online

    I don't believe that aliens exist. Aliens are just something that someone made up to scare other people, and Hollywood just blows this whole extra terrestrial thing out of proportion just to get film ideas.

  95. Matthew S Online

    @Lindsey Babcock, your comment made me laugh and i love that movie!

  96. Rondi W in response to Micha S Sun A Martha West and Sherri W
    Sorry i just checked the blog again. Unfortunately i did not get to see what was in the box. It looked like wooden crate with a parachute attached and landed in the field nest to us, where we were stopped. Jennifer was scared and I wanted to get out. We did not have a flash light and Jennifer would not stop or turn around. She was driving and she thought it might have been a drug drop and was afraid we would get shot. That thing was hovering and buzzing like a hummingbird and was too FAST, gone in a second, to have been a helicopter or drug plane. Most will never be a true believer unless they are abducted. :)

  97. Saradawn Peck

    I'm not exactly concerned one way or the other. I guess I can believe in other life forms exist just like I believe in everything else. It's not something I'm interested in, nor am I curious enough to find out more information because I really don't know anything about it.

    I think if it were entirely relevant or we had undeniable evidence, I might be more interested in the adventure.

    In the meantime, however, I feel that there are more important things to worry about. Like I said before, I don't know anything more than what Spielberg and Shyamalan have shown me, but any research that might be going on, I feel could be better spent on what is actually affecting our world today. Such as finding cures for Alzheimer's, Cancer, Aids, or Diabetes.

    But that is only what I'm passionate about. Others have different views and I respect that.

  98. i believe that aliens exist but i do not know. i believe they are real because i think the universe is too large for us to be the only living organisms on this one plant. i am not saying i believe they are green, big-headed little men out of scifi movies but i believe there is something out there whether they are as technologically advanced as us or not i just can't believe we are the only thing here

  99. in response to taylor reynolds

    i can see why you believe that but at the same time you have to understand that they could be thinking the same thing you do but they might not have the technology to travel millions even billions of lightyears to come see us and if they did they probably have the mindset that if they showed themselves we would capture them and do crazy stuff to them, which i'm 100% positive we would or at least our government would

  100. Chris D.

    There is an equation astronomers use to calculate how many planets with life may exist. Its known as the Drake Equation and the wiki article does a good job of explaining how we get those numbers.

    I think that statistically speaking there are fairly good odds of extra-terrestrial life, although I doubt any of the intelligent ones fall with-in our 'observable' Universe. You would have to be quite narrow minded and arrogant to think we are the only life in the Universe. And I highly doubt the bible gives any reliable evidence one way or the other. No one can say with any real certainty, me included, but I doubt the answers in the bible. I'm a skeptic and in the words of Carl Sagan, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" so until there is more evidence in one direction or the other I can't be sure, but if I had to bet, Id put my money on ET.

  101. Ashanti P Online

    I don't believe in aliens. I do believe that there might be something out there but not aliens. I think there is something that creates the crops that way or even a person. When I was younger I use to be afraid of the aliens and never wanted to live near a farm. But as I got older I realized that somethings just aren't true and I'm pretty sure if there was we would have found them by now. We can go to the moon, mars, and other planets but we have yet to find the "aliens" I don't think so. And if we haven't gotten that high tech to find them yet, then obviously its for a reason.

  102. Ashanti P Online

    in responds Olalekan O. Online

    I feel the same way really. We need to focus more on things here on earth instead of trying to find more things to worry about. People have been seeing "UFO's" for decades.

  103. Ryan M Online
    in response to Matthew S Online

    I feel the same way. Hollywood will capitalize on any idea the can to make money.

  104. Ryan M Online

    I do not believe that Aliens exist in the form we all think of when the word is mentioned. Do I believe there might be some kind of life on other planets? Yes to some degree. Micro organisms and such. Other than that, no I do not believe.

  105. In response to R. Roebuck

    Jeryl C Online

    God may not have mentioned the creation of aliens, but did he also not mention the creation of dinosaurs, that which pre-date man?

  106. Bobby W Online

    I personally do not believe that aliens are out there in the forms they have been portrayed for so long now. I think life exists on other worlds but more so on the microbial level than anything else. I have to admit that the logical side of my brain will not let me discount aliens totally due to the sheer vastness of space.

  107. In response to Shanti P Online

    Bobby W Online

    I agree with a lot of what you are saying. Wouldn't we have developed technology accordingly if we are supposed to know the answer to that question.

  108. I have to admit the possibility of life existing elsewhere besides Earth, the Universe is too unimaginably vast for there not to be circumstances for life to develop amidst it. Even within our own solar system there are places where life may have flourished or still does to this day so I have to favor the existence of aliien life inhabiting some other place. As to UFOs and alien abductions I do not see how all of it can be discounted and explained away as readily and poorly as authorities tend to and yet I am rather skeptical of the majority of it. There is some phenomenon at work that we do not understand and hopefully we will find the answers to these questions before their invasion fleet arrives.

  109. Response to Carey...
    I agree that if, if UFOs are not of this planet it is likely it would be some unmanned scout or information gathering device like Voyager 1 which is the first probe to leave the solar system and whose mission now is to study intersteller space. Perhaps we'll scare the heck out of a being when Voyager shoots across its sky and crashes into its farm?

  110. That is a very interesting topic - one that my boyfriend and I had about 2 weeks ago. I think, without sounding completely egocentric, that there are not UFOs - or at least what Hollywood would make us think. However, I do feel like there is the possibility of there being UFOs deep in space or even a different gallexy. I think that if UFOs tried to communicate with us that most humans would have a hard time accepting them. Especially if they weren't anthropomorphic.

  111. @ Stephen

    Oh yes, especially with all of the 'sightings' and abduction of perfectly normal humans (having no mental problems). It would behoove us to research this out for ourselves, and maybe even have the Government admit to these phenomenons or confess that they simply do not understand...

  112. Lisa L (online)

    Not sure if I believe in UFO's or aliens as they have been portrayed....but I suppose that other life forms could be out in the universe, after all, the universe is a mighty big place. Surely we humans (not going to say intelligent becasue not all humans ate any kind of smart) of Earth can't be the only life forms living. I've personally never had any kind of "contact" with an alien or UFO (not unless you can consider some people I've had contact with as an alien...). I've heard sotries from people about things they have seen and experienced, so anything is possible.

    In response to Aqeelah Rahim and Rondi W:
    As for the Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, and Santa Claus, I have to admit that I enjoyed (and now miss) "playing" the roles of all three as my kids were growing up. And I tell my kids now that I STILL believe in Santa Claus at my age! Everybody has got to have something / someone to believe in, and want to help make dreams come true.

    In response to Rondi W:
    Tell your dad that I'm glad he still plays the role of Santa Claus and I'd come sit in his lap if I could find the time to get there! (Yes, I do still sit in Santa's lap when I see him at the local Wal-Mart or when he makes a special appearance at my parents house for the LITTLE kids! This BIG kid loves Santa!)

  113. Nina C - Online

    I don't particularly believe in UFO's however I do believe that there is a possibility of the existence of life outside of the human race. There is so much in the universe that we don't yet have the ability to explore, nor do I necessarily think that it should be explored. We do know that there are other places that have similar atmospheres to Earth so who am I to say that there is no other life forms. I do not however believe that "aliens" are green and funny looking. They could look just like us or they could have bodies that are adapted to their surroundings (kind of like people having more melanin to tint and protect their skin depending on where in the world they originate from). In short, I believe that anything is possible. Many people believe in things that they can't see (I believe in God without a doubt) so I think that I would be a hypocrite to not at least believe in the possibility of other life forms. Who knows, one day we might find them. We might interact with them. OR maybe it isn't meant to be that ever know for sure if there is life beyond what we can see.

  114. My thoughts are that if we are here, why couldn't there be life out there? Without acknowledging the religous aspect of this topic and speaking strictly from a universal thought process- this universe is quite expanive. How do we know if we're alone, hopefully we aren't in my opinion? Why should we automatically become fearful when thoughts of ufos come to mind- Just because Hollywoods says to???

  115. Courtney DeBord Online

    I have never been a firm believer in UFO's or aliens. I do believe that somewhere out in the universe their is problem other forms of life but I do not believe the look or act the way that the media potrays them to be. I mean if we went to another planet then we would be "aliens" to their land. I also dont believe in UFOs because of the simple fact that I dont believe in the media image that people has put other forms of life in.
    In response to chanelle holcomb
    I agree with your aspect of believing in angels and not seeing them so you couldnt rule aliens out. Its like believing in a Heaven but no one never knows until they get there. I personal think its what we believe and have faith in.

  116. Mayra Ortega (online)April 17, 2011 at 12:03 PM

    I am not 100% positive that there are UFO's. However, I sometimes do think that there is life beyond our world. If there is life out there, are they as puzzled as we are? Maybe they think that there is possible humans in planet Earth but they are not so sure? Or maybe the government has deals with the UFO's as to not show up in planet Earth? For what reason? Well, these are only my thoughts and speculation. I don't know what exactly to think.

    @NElommal. I agree that the universe is quite expansive. I think the media puts the fear on us when UFO's are mentioned.

  117. In response to Matthew S.

    I agree that do not exist in the way the "society" has protrayed them. But are you saying that you dont believe that there is life outside of earth?

  118. Jillian Downs - Online

    I am sure that there must be life somewhere out there; the universe is huge. It would be insane and egotistical to think that we would be the only intelligent life in the entire universe. As for UFOs, I am not sure. Once again, no one knows exactly what there is out there in the universe, so just because something "unidentified" flies by, that does not mean it is an alien spacecraft. It could be a floating piece of debris burning up in the atmosphere or any number of other simple explanations. Although, since there must be intelligent life out there, it's safe to say that some of these UFOs may be something a little more "alien" than space rock.

  119. Jillian Downs - Online
    Response to: Nina C

    I love how you explained why you believe! I agree that many people believe in things that they don't have the capability of seeing, such as God. It is silly to think that just because you can't see it then it isn't there. After all, there are perfectly normal non-alien species living right here on Earth that we can't see. Just because we can't see them, that doesn't mean the tiny little bacteria in the ocean or the microscopic bugs don't exist.

  120. Devyn G.

    I believe there is another form of life out there. Not necessarily big-head green aliens, but another kind of species or specimen that nobody knows about yet.

  121. David Lewis - Online

    I believe in aliens and i believe that they not only are seen in Mexico but all across the world. personally i think that people that don't believe that we are the only race of existence out of all the galaxy's in the entire planet are a little more crazy that i am.

  122. David Lewis - Online Comment
    @ Courtney DeBord

    I also believe that aliens are not just aliens but possibly demons

  123. Valli S. Online
    I think that it would be conceited of us to think that we are the only life in the universe. We have not even dscovered how big the universeis. However I don't believe in little green people in spaceships. I think that other life sustaining planets are out there we just have not discovered it yet.

  124. in response to Nina C.
    I completely agree to what you are saying. Maybe we're not meant to know what is out there. People will never know everything there will always be something new and exciting to learn.

  125. Teri Amos - OnlineApril 17, 2011 at 1:46 PM

    Im not quite sure if i believe in aliens or not..I believe in ghosts and angels...but aliens?? I believe there are some other life forms on other planets but not quite as intelligent and advanced as we believe. I think that maybe we could not handle the truth of other beings in the universe so it may be a good thing we are sheltered from the unknown, but i do find this topic very interesting and im always anxious to hear about new findings.

  126. Teri Amos online responseApril 17, 2011 at 1:49 PM

    In response to jilliian downs:
    I agree with you 100% that we are not the only life in the universe but i think UFO's are not always aliens.

  127. Tori F online said...

    In response to Michael Bishop

    I totally agree with you unless aliens are tyring to attack us they are really not my concern. In life we have so much more to worry about than aliens.

  128. Tkimuhu online
    Its very interesting human being dont think there is other forms of life that exsist or is it living in denial? I personally dont like to think about aliens. I do believe they esist but in form of spirits. I have no idea who created them and how they survive. i believe the UFOs and ALIENS are all the same and i believe they are evil.

  129. I do believe that their is possibly other life forms in outer space. I mean, if we exist, why wouldn,t their be other life forms on other planets? I don't so much beleive that they are flying around in UFO's, or look like little green men.

  130. Tkimuhu in response to Stephen....

    I with you that the issue of Alien and UFOS is actually beyond human understanding. We do not know how this spirits come about and what they maybe upto. All we need to do is keep our hopes high that soon we shall be able to understand this situation.

  131. In response to Nina C......
    I totally agree with you. Alot of people are scared to believe in things they can't see.

  132. Tori Fuller online

    There may be aliens but I have not seen one and I have definetly not seen one in an UFO. I really do not care about aliens one way or the other. I would only be concerned if they were to attack us.

  133. Kevin O | Online

    In response to Jessica D

    Do you think your dad was telling you all the truth at all but made it sound like a made up story so you wouldn't think he was crazy>

  134. Daryn L. - Online
    As hard as it may be to believe in Aliens, I'm quite sure they exist. This is one planet we live, but there are millions of other stars out there that could have life on them. I'm sure out of the millions of galaxys out there that there is at least one that supports life much like ours.

  135. Tomeka D. Online

    I do believe there is some form of alien life in our universe. I do not believe that the human species is the only form of intelligence. I think if we do believe that we (humans) are the only ones to exists in our many galaxies, then how intelligent are we really? I would say we may be rather ignorant. I do hope that one day we do come across another form of life outside of earth, and that what ever we do find out there will not destroy our planet. As for UFO's, I am not sure what the person who did see these flying objects partake in before they did see the flying objects.

  136. Jennifer M. - ONLINE

    I do believe in Ufo's and Aliens. It would be ignorant to think we are the only life form here.I have never really given much thought to aliens being I have so much other things in my life that I search for answers to questions and I just stay busy thinking about my every day life events. If I ever encounter with them I hope they come in peace and I think there Ufo's would be neat to ride in as long as they brought me back. I would hope they would have stuff to teach us as well as them learning from us.

  137. Tomeka D. online...

    In response to Jessica Shuler,

    I completely agree with what you said about the "little green men". I believe society maybe watching a little bit too much of television. We must get back to reading and understanding the universe and respecting it for what it is.

  138. Jennifer Malecek- ONLINE

    In response to Torri F-ONLINE

    I thought the same thing when I read this question and then I had given it more thought and believed there are other life forms. I hope they wouldn't attack us but rather come in peace. Either way I never have time or really think about them.

  139. Kathryn Spruill--ONLINE

    I thought that the UFO sightings were crazy. There is really no evidence. I feel that the government is trying to help that city and save their tourism.

  140. kathryn spruill-online

    in response to Maurice G. online

    I completely agree that UFO's are not real. I think it is just a way to make that city some money with tourism.

  141. Youlinda J-Online

    I believe aliens and UFO'S do exist and was told they are considered the supreme beings. Was told by my spouse that the Maldekians live under the sea in the Bermuda triangle and use ufo's for transportation and are responsible for all the ships that have been disappearing. Dr York. believe that the mother ship will return and take back the chosen ones.

  142. Joe R

    I believe that UFO's exist, it's clear based on evidence that there are things that have been spotted and photographed/recorded that can't be explained, however aliens is a different story. I believe if aliens were as powerful and advanced as we think, and if they even existed, they'd get our attention by landing in Time Square on New Year's Eve, not abduct Jimbo from the trailer park.

  143. Awal U
    In responds to Martha W
    i believe you are completely right.we don't have enough proof to be considered a fact.

  144. Jessica C-online

    I believe in the possibility of aliens and other forms of life. I have never experienced anything to make me believe that there is other life, but I believe that it's entirely possible considering that i don't know everything about the world. it doesn't make me scared though, just curious. I think it would be interesting to know if there are other forms of life and what their purpose would be. i find stories and reports of UFO signtings interesting and it doesn't make me doubt God. I believe it's possible that God created more than just one form of life. Who's to say there aren't other universes out there? No one really knows for sure.

  145. I definently belive in aliens. They are one of my top fears in life. I would never want to see one, but if they are real and we can have access to them who knows what we will discover.

  146. Nina C - Online

    In response to Lindsay B, Lesley G, R. Roebuck, and Lauren P

    I actually posted something on Sunday but it seems to have disappeared so I am posting again.

    I too am a Christian. However, how can you say for sure that God only created us? There is no where in the Bible where when it says 'earth' does it specify that God was speaking of our 'Earth.' The word 'earth' can be defined as "The softer, friable part of land; soil, especially productive soil" which could be applicable to anywhere. In the Bible it does say that God created man but does that necessarily mean that those men He created are only on our planet?

    Can you show me where it says otherwise? I welcome your opinions. I shall not pass judgment on anyone who does not think like I do as it is not my place, however I shall not be so closed and narrow minded or selfish as to believe that God only created our people. I have to say that I would feel like a hypocrite to be a believer in God (whom I cannot physically see) and not believe that He might have created others to worship him. I am not saying that He did for sure, only that it is POSSIBLE.

    Just a thought: numerous times in the Bible the word 'worlds' is used - don't you think it's possible that God created multiple worlds?

    Hebrews 11

    1Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

    2For by it the elders obtained a good report.

    3Through faith we understand that the WORLDS were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

  147. Samantha McMichaelApril 20, 2011 at 7:17 PM

    Seeing as I watch a lot of Star Trek, it would be silly to believe there wasn't life on other planets. I believe there's life on other planets, so aliens are something I firmly believe in. However, if I didn't watch so much sci-fi, I might not believe that. Haha. There are many planets that support life everywhere, so why wouldn't aliens be likely? Even if there were others just like us, but from a different world, they'd still be aliens, as the term is used to describe anyone or thing that is strange to us. Aliens are very likely!

  148. Okay, well, aliens.... Lemme break down fer ya, I could believe that there is living beings outside our fair planet. I mean, how did we come to exist on Earth without first evolving from something? Seriously, there has to be some form of terrestrial life on other planets and we just don't know about it yet. That's what exploring is for and so, maybe, one day we will figure out if it's true or not.

  149. Shola online

    My take is that there the phenomena of alien visitations and "UFO's" is simply a cultural phenomena with no basis whatsoever in fact, eye witness testimony or not. These are my opinion, of course, but consider what would have to happen in order to be able to travel the distances that likely separate intelligent species in the universe. As for the evidence, much of what passes for credible was reported as radar sightings some of these may have visual reports. What the radar sees may be a number of things, some of them not real at all. So interpreting the blips as "UFO's" is only one of a large number of possible causes, note that there are fewer and fewer such reports, radar is getting much better over the years to come.

  150. Mike G
    I do not beleive there are aliens. As far as UFOs, maybe they are just experimental machines that the government is testing out that we do not know about. Until I personally see an alien with my own two eyes I do not think they are real.

  151. Teresia K Online

    Its very interesting human being dont think there is other forms of life that exsist or is it living in denial? I personally dont like to think about aliens. I do believe they esist but in form of spirits. I have no idea who created them and how they survive. i believe the UFOs and ALIENS are all the same and i believe they are evil.

  152. Teresia k in response to Stephen....

    I am with you that the issue of Alien and UFOS is actually beyond human understanding. We do not know how this spirits come about and what they maybe upto. All we need to do is keep our hopes high that soon we shall be able to understand this situation
