Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Roll with the Times

In the Culture chapter we discussed how items and events carry different meanings over time and place. During my youth in City of Atlanta schools, to have your house “rolled” with toilet paper thrown into the trees and shrubs outside indicated your status as a target and had a negative connotation at best. Being rolled meant you had been targeted out of spite, revenge or pure high school meanness.

Fast forward to present day in Roswell, GA, and for some rolling takes on an entirely different meaning. During Roswell High School’s senior wars a colleague of mine had her house rolled. I expressed my condolences and she advised me that it was a great thing in her household. Her son was ecstatic as the rolling was symbolic of his being liked and acknowledged by the “in” crowd. He didn’t even want to clean it up because he was so proud to have been rolled.

How would you feel to wake up and find that your house and property had been rolled?


  1. I only remember our house getting TPed once on Halloween when I was really young. My mother was pretty pissed about it, I mean she's barely 5 foot and had to get a ladder and a broom to get it out of the trees... I don't blame her! But of course, since then, I've always thought that "rolling" someones house was a huge sign of disrespect.

  2. I agree with Nicole K. I would be really pissed if my house was "rolled". When I was young teens would egg peoples houses which in my opinion is worst. Imagine waking up and having to clean up all that mess. I watched on the news that teens were tearing peoples mail boxes out of the ground and getting in trouble with the law. Teens should be careful because this is an act of vandalism and if they are caught the homeowner can press charges against them and if they are 18 this might go on their record.Its all fun and games until someone gets in trouble.

  3. If i woke up in the morning and looked outside i would be ticked!!! Thats not cool that crap gets everywhere! Especially since its like seattle in georgia and rains all the time that paper all soggy ewwww! So basically i just wouldnt be to happy. These days though kids just do it to anyones house not just a certain person or target majority of the time i noticed it just whoevers house they could get away and the people that own the house not kno who it was. OVer halloween i wake up in the morning and see tons of house rolled i helped the poor old couple one year clean SOME up ...... that stuff blows

  4. **** if i woke up and my house was papered i would be ticked*** my b im stoked when i wake up

  5. Kristen Davis-Online

    I would be pretty annoyed myself. Even if it did mean that I was "well-liked" it would be an inconvenience because in the end I'm still the one that has to clean up the mess. I suppose if I knew for a fact that my friends did it and they were going to help me clean it up I might be a little bit amused but at first I would definitely be annoyed. It is just a lot of trouble in the long run.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. lillian (online)
    I agree with Nicole k n Sardia,it is definitely disrespectful and not funny at all to get your house "rolled". I was a victim of having my house "rolled" with toilet paper and eggs thrown on my car...and what was so bad about it was that they had targeted the wrong house..but i had to clean up all that mess!!!!!!and it was not fun..

  8. Amber Taylor

    That has never happened to me before. I have seen it done as a simple prank. I didnt realize it had a negative meaning to it. I guess it just depends on the area you are in. When i lived in West Virginia, if someone did not like you they would spray paint your house or something else equally bad. So for me i would prefer toilet paper. If my hous would have been toilet papered when I was a kid, i woud have probably thought it was funny and just laughed it off. But now if that happened i would see it completely different and not take it so lightly. Simply because I seriously dont have time for foolishness.

  9. Kasey Waters(online)-
    I wouldnt know what to think. Now a days for some kids/teens to have there house rolled means there in the "in crowd". That is great for them. yet i also see it as desrespect. It is desrespectful to the parents who end up cleaning up the mess.

  10. Kasey Waters(online)-
    In response to Amber Taylor.
    I to agree that toilet paper is better than spray paint. I also agree that if were to happen to be i would be very mad. I also do not have the time to have to clean up after someone else. Maybe when i was a kid i would of laughed it off. I am just glad i never had to deal with that.

  11. Erica C.
    I agree with everyone else. If I woke up to find that my house had been "rolled" I would not be very happy. It is vandelism to me, and is disrespectful to do that to someone elses property. I have never known it to be a sign of being in with the "in" crowd. I have just always known it to be rude and something negative.

  12. Deanna P.
    I would be a little annoyed if anything because I would have to clean it up, but if it was executed as nicely as the picture, then I would have to give some applaud. There are worse things that could be done though.. my neighborhood had a group of teens who went around shooting people's car windows with a slingshot full of BBs, so waking up to toilet paper would probably be the best of all things. Kids will be kids though. When I was a kid my friends and I would doorbell ditch people's houses. I think HARMLESS practical jokes like that are just a part of growing up.

  13. I would be highly upset if my house were to be rolled.The first thing that would come to my mind is who is going to clean all of this up and secondly who did it. To me it is just a sign of disrespect who would want thier home basically demolished....not me. I just hope i never have to deal with that.

  14. Respondse to Sardina I
    I totally agree...although kids may think it is funny and cool they do need to be careful because like you said it is vandalism of someone elses property and aalthough it may seem very small to them the law will see it as a huge issue.

  15. Honestly, the idea of rolling sounds like a lot of fun. However, I don't think I could bring myself to do it because if it happened to me I would be very annoyed mostly since I would have to be the one to clean it up. I wouldn't want to do something disrespectful like that to someone else, especially since I probably wouldn't have a positive reaction if it happened to me.

  16. I would be furious! There was one point in my life I thought it was great. I have been rolled & have done the rolling. This was during my middle school & high school days. Now, all I see is a big mess and a headache to clean up.

  17. Scotty Hendricks said...

    I would be mad because it was stupid and I would have to clean it up. I don't need to be rolled on to know i'm in the in crowd I been known I was in the in crowd all my life. I've always beeen popular!

  18. Felicia Cleveland -Online

    I agree with Erica I would view it as vandalism, and a form of dispect to the person living there. Most people take pride in there home value. I grew up in upstate NY and wasn't aware of alot of rituals and sayings. The only one I can really remember is having your housed egged if candy was given out during halloween. Maybe I am old school.

  19. Lisa W

    If I woke up to my house and property rolled in toilet paper, I'd be pretty mad! My parents would make me and my two sisters to clean it up. So to say the least, I wouldn't be very pleased! I think it would be very disrespectful!

  20. Kelsey Brook

    Speaking as someone who had their entire house vandalized to the most extreme extent, I would be incredibly upset to find that my house had been rolled. I feel that it's entirely disrespectful. They aren't the ones that are going to be cleaning up the mess either. If they really like me so much, they can send a gift basket or some flowers.

  21. Angela Carrozza

    If I found out that my house had been rolled i would be extremely angry. I feel like it's total disrespect to not only me, but my family as well. Plus i would be mad when I had to clean up the mess.

  22. Shana McFerrin (online)

    I have to disagree with the people who would be upset. I have rolled houses and have had my own house rolled growing up. It is all out of fun! Kids play pranks on one another and that is just part of being a kid. Yes it is a pain to clean up, but at the same time the kids who did it could of done something worse. For example vandalizing your house with spray paint. So I would not be to upset about it.

  23. I would be annoyed at best to have to clean up the mess. I have rolled houses in the past out of fun, but I went back to help clean up the next day. I don't know if that breaks the "rules" of rolling houses or not, but that's how I roll. Heh, heh. The Pun was most definitely intended.

    Sabrina N.
    T/TH 6 p.m.

  24. Jennifer O'Dea (Online)
    Although it seems that such an activity is the course of initiation, I would want no part of it. Nor would I want my kids to be a part of it. It may be funny as a kid, or may be rewarding even more if you are a part of the incrowd, but I am sure that not one of them would want the dauting task of having to remove toilet paper from ones property. It would seem embarassing to me. Innocent pranks are fun when all parties involved have a sense of humor, but putting toilet paper around someones house is not even funny, espcecially since it requires work to pick it up. Someone once put hot fudge on my brothers windshield as an initiation ritual and he was not happy even though it was his friends. I think that the act is just plain ignorant. It almost scares me to think what tomorrows kids will find funny!

  25. Jennifer O'Dea (Online)
    In response to Sabrina

    I can't beleive that you had the guts to go back and clean in up! Thats so honest, and you took responsibility for your fun; In that case I see nothing wrong with it. You practically signed your name to the trouble. Thats a pretty good story.

  26. In my country, our culture is different, but there's a similiraty.Some teenagers do the "bandilism" in some houses or nice building, they write bad words and painted it,but If one day and I woke up that my house/property being "role", I think I kinda feel upset but at the same time I "smile", because I never experience that kind of culture.

  27. In Response to Denna P.

    I agree with you Denna, because all those things are just part of teenage life. I think they just having fun. Like my husband, he always reminisc his teenage life how bad they are,and it's fun to hear because I never experienced those kind of stuff, and I don't have story to tell in my teenage life.

  28. Alexis Gregory

    I have rolled a couple of houses with some of my friends back in the day, and that was all of fun. We did it to our friend tho it wasn't like we did it to anyone. When I lived with my parents our house got rolled often, it was always funny to me but my parents did not appreciate it at all. I think there is a lot worse things that can be done then rolling a house.

  29. Response to Erica C

    Vandelising does not improve a persons statist. The vandelist could be craving for attention in which i would recommend Pychological therapy. I would disregard the matter of my lawn being vandelised. Then find out why the vandelist react the way he or she did.

  30. Ruth Njunge (online) In response to Maggie Shaw.

    I agree with Maggie, I believe in treating others as I would like to be treated. There is no way I would take my time to do such a thing, so if it happened to me I would be very annoyed.

  31. Kristen Mallard (online)April 24, 2010 at 5:10 PM

    I think I would laugh, there's not much else I could do. The only part that would possibly annoy me is cleaning up. However, I can't say my mother would feel the same way.

  32. Daniela velezin response to Amber Taylor
    I totally agree with you. toilet paper is not as bad as paint. I actually didn't know that they use to do that. i am from colombia and i've never see anything like that. I actually think is funny. At least they do jokes with you instead of being unsocial and unknown from anybody.

  33. Cathryn Long (online)
    In response to Alexis Gregory...

    Finally, I found someone that I agree with. Back in the day I participated in a few of these events also, and it was done only to friends. Though I am sure their parents were annoyed, my friends had to clean it up. So if it ever happens to me now, I will just have to remember that what goes around eventually comes back around...but this time my kids will have to clean it up! LOL I also agree with Alexis that much worse things can happen.

  34. Karie Manton- online
    When I was in high school (1975-1978) we TPd the teachers houses, generally the ones we didnt like. It was a snall town and I remember a year when even houses of the mayor and police chief were papered. I guess it was a form of juvenile protest. We lived so far out in the country our house never got TPd and I would have been upset if it had.
    If I woke up now and found my house and yard papered I would be ticked.

  35. Like Ruth, I agree with Maggie too: treat other people the way you want to be treated. I did not know much about that practice growing up, but I thing I would be pretty pissed and alerted the police to find the culprit. That's plain insane to do that to people.

  36. Liberty (Online)

    To a certain extent it would be funny, almost nostalgic. It was a negative thing when I was in school too, however, I cannot say that I never participated. If it happened now though I would definitely make my kids clean it up. They would probably extract their own revenge.

  37. If my house were to be rolled I could not answer whether I would be mad or excited. But I do know my initial reaction would be to find out who did it.

    In my high school days, I participated in a few houses being rolled. Only one case involved negative reasons. All the others were more out of good fun; acceptance and just giving a Sunday School teacher a hard time. Another occasion was purely out of the reason we had not seen a good friend in a long time.

    Brent Reese
    Tues/Thurs 8pm

  38. I would be very upset about cleaning the mess up not the actual act itself. When I was a kid my brothers got together (never a good idea) and egged our house while my parents were sleeping. They also let all the air out of the tires to the cars. They probably would have been better off doing this to the neighbors because my parents were PISSED! My younger brother would watch the news and if the weather said that the temp was going to drop below 32 degrees he would sneak outside and wet everything with the garden hose. The stairs, the cars, the driveway...he actually pulled that one twice.

  39. nadia choudhary

    I would vey upset about the mess, and moreover I would shocked on the lose of my expensive rolls because it is not fun for me.

  40. Andrew Salak

    Well seeing as how I don't have any trees in my front yard and the pure fact that rolling my house would mean nothing to me I don't suppose I would be too upset. Though I'm sure my roomates wouldn't like it very much. Therefore, they'd be upset I do believe and I wouldn't be, so they'd clean it up anyways.

  41. If i walked outside and saw my house covered with toilet paper I would be very upset. Even though the thought of it is pretty funny cleaning up the mess is not fun. It has been done to me and is not funny.

    Kyle Guttmann
    T/R 6pm

  42. Trisha Miller OnlineApril 27, 2010 at 11:07 AM

    I would be angry if my house had been rolled because I would have to clean that up. Kids are so weird and backwards now. We have a 15 year old at our house and if she would have loved having the house rolled she would have been out there cleaning it up.

  43. I dont think that I would be to upset to have my house rolled. In high school my friends and i would do it all the time and no one ever really complained or seem to mind. I would be the same way. Yes, it would be a hassle to clean up but everyone has pulled some type of prank before.

    Bryce Cohen
    T/R 6pm

  44. Alaa Abdul Wahab
    i would just clean the mess because i hate mess, i dont think i would be upset if the ones who did that were kids, because i used to do that in my childhood with other kids , we were thinking its fun to do that , so i won't blame the kids now.

  45. Hannah McAlpine
    I remember when I was in middle school, I had a friend who was going into her 9th grade year at Cartersville High school, she came to church extremely happy because her house had gotten rolled. She told me that it meant she was recognized and welcomed into the school. After that, I wanted my house to get rolled, but I went to school in Cobb County at the time and it was different around there. After I moved to Bartow County, I went to Cass and never heard anything else about it. I think I would probably be offended if it happened now. I think its just different in different places.

  46. lamond

    When i was in highschool it would have been cool sence ive rolled a few houses my self ,but now being grown i wouldnt think that at all, because i wouldnt want to clean up all that tissue paper off of my house/lawn.
