Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Is it live or is it Memorex?

A ten year trend indicates real life is more entertaining than sitcoms, dramas and the like. If you were going to be on a reality show; which one would it be and why?
Feel free to invent a new one.


  1. Trisha Miller(online)
    I'd like to be on America's Next Top Model. I have always wanted to be a model so it would be a great growing experience and there would be some hilarious cat fights!!

  2. lillian (online)
    if i would be in a reality show it would be one where the cameras will follow me as i travel to different parts of the world and experience the different ways people live, how they interact with one another, the food they eat, their traditions etc, i think it would be very interesting to know about many other cultures and traditions besides my own.. it's amazing how much you can learn from others that are so different from you...many people are not exposed to other parts of the world and how they see things...that would be fun to do i will travel and enjoy learning from others...

  3. I personally would never be on a reality show or any tv show for that matter but if I had to pick I think it would be Wife Swap. I think it is neat how they go into 2 opposite families and switch wives. It is always funny to see how these women cope with being thrusts into a totally different lifestyle.

  4. Shana M. (online)

    In response to Deborah Beard...

    I love the show Wife Swap. I don't think that I would want to be on it though. It is a little scary to think that you have no clue what type of family you are going to be placed with. They seem to go the extreme opposite of your own family. I think I would go on The Real World. I know the show has gotten a bit ridiculous, but I would love to go somewhere different and meet new people. Most everything is paid for! They set you up with pretty cool jobs too! Plus as a mother, full time student, and a full time employee.....I need a little time away all to myself!

  5. Andrew Salak

    I dont watch reality tv. I can't stand reality tv. However if I had to be on a show I'd be on The Real World I suppose. I can drink, say what I want, and punch people. Punching people that I don't like seems to be smiled upon on that show and I'd love a good reason to let off some steam on some little twit.

  6. Amber Taylor

    Wow thats tough. I love reality shows, but I dont exactly want to be on one. I do agree with deborah about wife swap. That would be interesting but not my first choice.I would definitely want to go on fear factor Because there is a chance I could win some money! Even if I didnt come close to winning it would still be fun testing myself.

  7. Nadia Choudhary

    personly i never been a TV show, but if I have chance to go to a TV show I would like to go to Ammerican funniest video show because I like funny movies or any program thats make me laugh

  8. I'd start my own called, "Best vacations spots in the world." My job would be to go around to the world's so-called best vacation spots and try it out and then rate them. I would also try to give people tips on how to save while enjoying themselves. Or maybe we could call the show, "Filet Mignon on a Hamburger budget."

    I know what show I DO NOT want to be on... "Dirty Jobs."

    - Sabrina N. T/TH 6 p.m.

  9. Scotty Hendricks said...

    I personally wouldn't be on a reality because I wouldn't want to embarrass myself on live television with million of viewers watching. But if I had to pick a show I would go on for the love of money ,because who wouldn't want to beat other people in different competitions enable to win $250,000 especially in this recession.

  10. Kelsey Brook

    I'm not a huge reality show person. Depending on your definition of a reality show, I would like to go on Ghost Hunters or Destination Truth, and investigate. I am very interested in paranormal things along with legends and things of that sort. Other than that, I think I will just stick to watching the t.v. rather than being on it.

  11. Venus Kell (Online)April 14, 2010 at 6:16 PM

    Response to Scotty Hendricks

    I think you are right about not being on a reality TV show because most of the reality show are drama just to make money, and I think some of them are not real. I rather be in Game shows.

  12. Venus Kell (Online)April 14, 2010 at 6:35 PM

    I watched reality show sometimes whenever I have spare time but I only watched a reality show with a "sense" not the trash one. If I have a chance to be in reality show, I would love to be in Paranormal State. It is because I wanted to know if it's real happening, also I want to test my ability because there are times that I felt something different and I always had a weird dream. :-)

  13. Cathryn Long (online)
    In response to Deborah Beard and Amber Taylor...

    I agree that Wife Swap would be an interesting choice. I think you could definitely learn things about yourself from such an experience, but as Amber stated, it wouldn't be by first pick. I would love to be on The Apprentice. I am not such a fan of Donald Trump, but I love to be challenged, and I love to see how the teams stategically pull off the tasks. I also observe how different personalities either work together or clash, and try to visualize myself in these situations.

  14. Deanna P.
    I would want to be on the reality show Keeping Up With The Kardashians!! I absolutely LOVE the Kardashians and I watch their show religiously so having a chance to meet them and be on their reality show with them would be awesome!

  15. james satterfied

    i think i would like to be on a sitcom. mostly due to the fact that it would be interesting to see and pretty much live like another person. althought drawn out or long lasting sitcoms would have unwanted effects to ones life

  16. Kristen Daivs-Online

    This is a tough one. I actually don't watch that much TV and reality shows have never really appealed to me. I suppose if I had to choose a show to go on I would choose True Life. I would pick True Life becauase it is one of the few reality shows I watch and also because I think it would be so cool to be able to show other people the way I look at the world.

  17. Kristen Davis-Online

    Response to Deanna P.

    I love Keeping Up with The Kardashians too! I try to watch it almost every week but I don't think I would like to go on their show. I don't think I would want that much attention drawn to myself.

  18. If I could be on a reality TV show, I would choose The Real World. I love to meet new people and I would like to travel and see other places. It would be nice to meet people from other parts of the world and learn something new as well. The Real World would be fun, minus the drama that goes along with it.

  19. Shawna
    If I could be on a reality show I would probably have my own and honestly like Lillian i would have them follow me as i travel all over the world or just the united states either way it would be a lotta fun and people would probably get a kick out of watch my southern bell self travel anywhere!

  20. If I were to be on a reality show it would have to be bad girls club. Not that im a bad girl im actually a geeky wimp but its cool too meet people from other places and the house is beautiful. The girls seem to have lots of fun I would love to go on that show because they always film it somewhere beautiful and where there is nice wheather. The last season was in LA and next season MIAMI YEAAA!

  21. Kelly Krieg
    I would be on a TV show called "Rich and Rediculous". This isn't your typical reality show, but it will show the reality that some people live in. This would be similar to lifestyles of the rich and famous but funny. I would go around and find rediculous things people have spent a lot of money on. For example, gold plated toilet seats, $3,000 haircuts, designer doggie clothes, and so on. With the owner, I would discuss the object, the price they paid, and why it was important for them to have it. This would be such a great show! Most of us would probably laugh at the rediculousness of it all. Who really needs this stuff? Nobody, that is what makes it all entertaining to me.

  22. Response to Deanna P.

    I absolutely love keeping up with the kardashians. They are so funny and they are gorgeous. I totally agree that would be a wonderful experience to meet them. They seem to have awesome personalities and will keep you laughing for days even the mom.

    Taliesha Latimer

  23. I agree with Sabrina. Except I would like to interview others ideas on solving the enviroment issues. Oil leaks need to be addressed; we are not only killing our food supply but mineral cycle. I also dislike smog, people are building more factories in over populated areas. They need to reduce on build on.

  24. Lisa W.

    My favorite show is American Idol. I never really got into it until this year, and now I'm addicted. I love to sing...when other people can't hear me! If I was brave enough, I would love to give American Idol a shot!

  25. In response to Sabrina,

    I could not be on Dirty Jobs either! I LOVE watching that show, but man some of the crap that he gets into is unbelievable! I have to say that I just about lost it on the sheep episode though. I am not even going to discuss it because if any of you saw it...you will soooo know what I am talking about!

    Melissa Stripling (online)

  26. if i have a chance to go to a TV show , i would be on reality show , because it shows the truth , that make the reality visible to others . which includes happy and sad moments in our life . as we really live it now .

  27. Alaa Abdul Wahab

    if i have a chance to go to a TV show , i would be on reality show , because it shows the truth , that makes the reality visible to others . which includes happy and sad moments in our life . as we really live it now .

  28. Kristen Mallard (online)April 17, 2010 at 8:30 AM

    I think I would go on Amazing Race. Not only would I have the chance to experience different parts of the world, I would be experiencing it with someone that I loved. Also, accomplishing tasks that I never thought I would or could would be a huge growing experience.

  29. Brittany Denslow (Online)April 17, 2010 at 12:19 PM

    In response to Kelsey Brook

    I don't think I could be on any reality tv show but especially not any kind of paranormal lets look for ghosts and spirits show. It is pretty crazy to watch and interesting but that would be way to scary to me!

  30. Kasey Waters(online)
    If i could be on a reality show i would like to be on a cooking one. I love to cook but i am not great at it. Another option is to make one one up about me learning to cook.What i like to cook is desserts so maybe a show like ace of cakes or cake boss.

  31. Kasey Waters(online)
    In response to sabrina
    I too would love to have my own reality show. I would like one about cooking but vacation spots would be so much better. You could just relax and get away. That would be fun.

  32. Felicia Cleveland - Online

    I agree with Alaa I would want to be on a reality that tells the truth. The reality show that I would be on is Let's talk about Pep, it is about being single and dating in today times. It is so true to life that it is scary. I can totally relate to so many of the situations that arises on the show.

  33. Jennifer O'Dea (Online)
    Considering we are living in a time where almost anything is accepted; you would think that the entertainment world would utilize art and creativity; wrong. Television has resorted to reality television as a means to replace sitcoms. Why would I want to watch reality television when I am living real life every second of my life. I prefer to escape from my reality; not replace it with someone elses reality. To me it is disappointing as well as a waste of talent and uniqueness. With that said, I could not be paid to be on a reality show. If anything, I would want to be on the amazing race, but only as a means to travel.

  34. Jennifer O'Dea (Online)
    In Response to Alaa

    I often wondered how much of the reality show is really shown to the viewers; and depending on how much is shown, cutout, or edited; how much of the "truth" is actually produced? Can it be possible that the participants are given guidelines to follow? Can the participants be trying to portray themselves as someone they are not? Or someone they wish to be? If you are recording the lives of people for an example of 8 hours, who determines what is valuable out of those eight hours to use in the one hours worth of air time? Can the truth be objective as per the participant, producer, viewer?

  35. Ruth Njunge (online) in response to Nadia Choudhary

    I totaly agree with you i would never want to be on a TV show, but given the chance I would like to be on America's funniest home videos as well because it's a show that can bring laughter in the family.

  36. Erica C.
    I would love to be on Extreme Makeover Home Edition. First of all I would LOVE to meet Ty Pennington. I think he is so awesome! Second of all, I love what they do on that show, and how much they help people. I would love to help build a house for someone that needed it. Just to be a part of that would be amazing! Those people need it so much, and just seeing the look on their faces when they get their house, would be worth all the work you had to do!

  37. Liberty (Online)

    I think I would be on Amazing Race. I operate better under stress and have a nack for solving the types of issues they deal with. Not to mention I would have to go on with my husband who is also really good at that sort of thing. Not to mention that the money would be GREAT!!!!

  38. From Karie Manton- online
    I guess I would have to go with Lillian on this one.
    I watch very little TV and I have no desire to appear on any reality program but if I MUST choose one it would be program that explored other countries their cultures.

  39. Mark Smith(Online)April 18, 2010 at 6:38 PM

    If I could be in a reality show it would be The Biggest Loser so i could lose weight. It would help me a lot to lose weight.

  40. Chienny Chhun (online)April 19, 2010 at 10:50 AM

    If I had the chance to be on a reality TV show I probably would have to choose to be on The Amazing Race! I love that show and I would be able to travel not only to different places but I would be able to do it with my boyfriend! It would be a great bonding experience and it would help to build out relationship. I don't watch a lot of TV but I make time to watch the Amazing Race!

  41. Chienny Chhun (online)April 19, 2010 at 10:51 AM

    In response to Mark Smith...

    I would also like to be on the Biggest Loser! It is such an inspiring show and it shows that there are people out there that want to help other people get into better shape and to become healthy.

  42. I cannot stand reality tv but if I were to be on a show it would be American idol. I would love it because the show ends in complete life altering opportunities. Also it would mean I could sing which I can't so having that talent would be beautiful!

  43. trisha Miller OnlineApril 20, 2010 at 9:24 AM

    This is in response to deborah beard

    I agree that wife swap would be a really good show to be on. It seems as thought the families come out richer and happier.

  44. I do not like reality shows. I think they are all scripted anyway. People usually aren't as interesting as they portray themselves on TV and those people only act as wild as they do because the show is paying them lots of money to do it.

  45. If I had to be on a reality show it would probably be the amazing race since I love to travel. I wish there was a reality show that would give free advice to people about tax breaks for the middle class. I would watch that show everyday!

  46. If I were to be on a reality show I would be on the Real World. I am not interested in playing games or running races. I have a personality and I think it would be interesting to be in front of a camera and be facing other personalities of others I do not know.

    Though from a personal stand point I have become pretty disgusted at reality shows. Not that I defend any that I saw when I was in High School or younger because they may have been fake as well. But these day it seems they aren't even trying to hide it. The shows are more about ratings than really bringing out a reality show to see where it goes. We are stuck watching reality scripts. Pretty boring. Another reason I can take pride in the fact there is no longer a TV in my room.
    T/R 8pm

  47. Hannah McAlpine

    I would be on the bachlorette. I think it'd be nice to have a bunch of different guys there for me, buying me gifts and stuff! Even though I totally don't believe you can find true love through something like that, it would be a fun experience.

  48. Lamond

    I would love to be a part of survivor, the first of the reality shows I think it was the most intense because you had to mentally and physically do what ever it took to eat, sleep and outwit your opponent to win, and how can you do all that on an empty stomach.
