Monday, October 21, 2013

Blessing or Curse

Government officials in Switzerland are considering a law that will provide an unconditional income of 2,500 Swiss Francs ($2,800) per month to all adults.

If this sort of law was passed in the U.S., what are potential benefits and problems it would create?

More on the story at the link below:


  1. If I understood the blog/story correctly, it is saying that regardless of what job you perform, you will earn $2,800 a month. If that happened in the U.S., I could see a lot of people leaving their current jobs and looking for the simplest, less stressful jobs, if they are going to get paid the same anyway. I thought about how happy some of the people who only had the means of working at some of the lower skilled jobs may love the idea but, they could find themselves out of a job if they suddenly had an influx of competition for their positions. And, how about the lifestyles that so many have already created based on their current salaries? Does that mean they would have to let their homes and cars go? Children can't attend college? Credit ratings drop to an all time low? Some of the positives I could see is people wouldn't be competing as much to get what someone else has, people probably would slow down and not work so hard, and maybe it would cut down on crime because everyone would be on the same level, pretty much.

  2. Julie T. 46
    I think this could be a good or bad thing. It could be good for those that really try to make it in life and need the extra assistance. It could be bad when people receive this and do not even deserve it. Such as people using the money to buy illegal things. I am not sure if this means people will get 2500 only or 2500 additional for those that do work for a living. Where exactly is this money coming from?

    1. Barbara P. 46 in response to Julie T. 46
      I agree...there are a lot of people that use the governments money for selfish reasons and find ways to beat the system so that it makes it more difficult for the ones that ACTUALLY need it to get it...

  3. Julie T. 46
    In response to Veronica Moss, I am not sure if I am understanding the blog either. If people left their jobs like you said then a lot of businesses would shut down. I see this being a blessing at first and that a catastrophe.

  4. Leah Botello 47--- Wow. This sounds asinine. I couldn't really believe what I was reading. I have a lot of questions regarding this information. First and most importantly, how does Switzerland have that kind of money to give their citizens? Is the money being printed and not backed up by any gold or silver? That seems to be a big red flag. What would their credit rating be for their country with a decision like this? And depending on what their cost of living is, $2800 may not be very much. If it is, what kind of production will they get out of their employees? I am sure people will not work as hard as if they have a set amount of pay that they cannot drop below rather than someone who HAS to have the job or they won't eat. Also, in the article it states, "A separate proposal to limit monthly executive pay to no more than what the company's lowest-paid staff earn in a year, the so-called 1:12 initiative, faces a popular vote on November 24." That is absolutely crazy! Even though I don't agree with some CEO's getting an ungodly amount of money every year, I do believe that a CEO of a Fortune 500 company has a ton of stress and is worth what he or she gets paid, with the exception of a few. If top executives in large corporations are not getting adequate pay, what will the level of productivity drop to? There would be no reason to continue to exceed expectations and profitability would dramatically decrease. It would be a domino effect and pretty soon the economy would probably see some sort of economic crash or recession. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is...and this definitely sounds too good to be true.

    1. Yes that's what I am saying where is the money being derived from? And would our cost of living go up? Then it would not make that much of a difference to implement this.

  5. Leah Botello 47 in response to Julie T. 46 ------ I agree with you completely. Where is the money coming from? I understand there is probably some kind of balance but nothing balances out that perfectly with a national budget to where people can live comfortably no matter what. I think that ultimately this is going to be catastrophic for Switzerland, especially with them trying to limit executive pay.

  6. Jennifer O. 46
    This seems rather confusing. The article states that the money will be coming from the 'state' - does that mean more localized government or 'state' as in the national government? If they meant local governments, how will they be able to handle the additional spending? Even the national government may be strained on this additional spending. They may have to cut services, jobs, or who knows what else in order to provide the $2,800 to all adults. In addition, the article also says that this giving to adults is unconditional, which I assume means that all income levels will get this additional money. Those that are already in the capitalist and upper classes do not need this money typically, but it would help the underclass, working class, and the lower middle class. It would definitely help those that are disabled, unemployed, and those in retirement that do not have much to live on. The money provides people with money that they can save up, save on retirement, or on stocks. On the negative side, they can waste it on crimes, unnecessary vacations, or use it as an excuse to quit a needed job, for example. Lastly, it may help boost the lower classes and make them more equal in income, and may lower money-based crime and disorder. This proposal, if voted yes on, could either be really beneficial in equalizing pay or be very negative.

    1. Melissa P
      I completely agree that most people have no idea what to do with extra money, I look forward on seeing what happens with this being passed or not....

    2. I never really thought about people using the money to do bad things. I thought more on the lines of people having excess of items like cars and designer shoes, or spoiling their kids. Then making the an issue later in their life for society to have these I want everything and desire it adults.

  7. Melissa P
    This kind of sounds like welfare for everyone to me. It would definitely stimulate the economy but after a while it will take a toll on it. All prices will go up, minimum wage will go down. In my opinion, this will be a disaster for all involved.

  8. Jade S.
    Im fixing to stand up for the less fortunate; some people cannot work, some have health issues that keep them at home~ and if there is no money coming in; for someone to take care of them, that means a spouse or relative has to- which may keep them from working also. This money would help people like that in ways "regular people" with no problems wouldn't even begin to understand. I'd see it as a blessing; people wouldn't leave their jobs, because they'd want MORE money... the smart thing to do with the money the government gives you is to save, use for emergencies, or utilize it for those times of the year everyone stresses about; ex: Christmas, and birthdays. It'd be a blessing.

    1. Jennifer O. 46 in response to Jade S.

      I agree with your stance on standing up for the less fortunate. I know people that are unable to work due to disabilities and other circumstances. That does not make them less of a person. I feel that the money should be used for positive reasons and be given to those who truly need it - mainly those in lower middle class and below. The cost of living is only increasing, putting more pressure on the lowest classes especially. The cost of healthcare, maybe even in Europe, is rising too, so there is another benefit to this additional money, just as Jade mentioned.

    2. Judy S. ONLINE 50

      The extra $2,800 would definitely give a chance for the unfortunate or just help people who need a little extra through out the months to help get by. I think if the U.S. would pull a law like this, that they should give it to people whose income is very little. I could see this brightening up America but also tearing it down. More free money means more inflation and the U.S. doesn't need anymore of that due to the economy.

    3. I agree Judy S. I don't think the U.S. should pass out money just because. We are a nation built on hard working people. Although I do think the government is part of the problem, discouraging the same hard working people. Hard working people are not able to make it based on the income vs. living cost. The extra money would help in a lot of ways. I would say maybe monthly is too often maybe every other month. That way people can't live off just the bare minimum from that money. And actually still have to go out and be hard working citizens.

  9. Travis Moore

    First off, how does this tiny country have twenty-two billion three hundred ninety-one million six hundred thousand dollars just sitting around ready to give out? In the long run, it will essentially eliminate poverty and give the lower classes a financial boost.
    This article is poorly written. It's lacking details; so we don't know what the regulations are for receiving the money every month. Since this is something new, I'm sure details are scarce and will be updated once new information will arise.

  10. Jazzmin B. 41
    This country CAN NOT afford to hand out money like that to every adult in this country. We are already in debt. Although the benefits of this would be every adult would have money to pay off bills and every adult would be able to afford college for their kids. Also it would benefit the poor people. The downfall to this would be that it would be chaotic in grocery stores, malls, etc. Prices would rise up as well.

    1. Veronica M 47 In response to Jazzmin B. 41:

      We're talking roughly 33-34K a year salary for every adult before taxes. Not so sure if that could afford everyone to send their children to college or go on shopping sprees. Prices would actually probably have to drop in order for people to afford to shop. No more people buying Louis Vuitton or Lamborghini's if they're only making 33k a year.

  11. Jessica S.
    It's hard to say. It could do plenty of good, but also could do some bad. It would help out people that really need welfare. It could also cause people to be lazy and just live off of government checks which is already happening.

    1. Josh C. 55 in reply to Jessica S.
      I agree with you completely, there are already to many people living off the goverment. If the U.S. were to pass a law like this it would just increase the amount of lazy people already living in this country.

  12. Norma C.41
    I think if a law similar to that one was passed in the U.S it would really help people who deserve and need the money to but food or clothes, But I think U.S can't afford to give every adult all that money. First, because of the huge debt and also because I think most unemployed people would stop looking for a job and depend completely on the government.

  13. I think it would backfire. I would love to say that this could be the answer to many people's problems but I am sure the first thing that you would need to deal with is the value of money going down again. By giving money away they would taking the value away. Taxes would go up, people would quit their jobs (who would do the low paying jobs, and what company would want to pay more for those jobs?). Somehow, someway, there would be problems with fraud (people trying to get extra), and many lawsuits for who knows what. I believe it would just open up a can of worms. Obviously, the U.S. couldn't even consider this because we are in too much debt already. Switzerland is a pretty smart country as a whole, they do things that we should mirror in some aspects, but this is not one of them. I did see a documentary that was telling about their healthcare system, which happens to be a lot like the Affordable Healthcare Act.. They have been successful, maybe we can be too in the end, or maybe not, we will have to just wait and see I guess.

  14. If this post is meant to be taken literally... If this law were passed in the U.S. (holder of the world's reserve currency) prices around the world would quickly rise in proportion to the new U.S. minimum wadge. I think that Mr. Laporte is, however, referencing the concept of a "living wadge". As a libertarian, I believe the consequences of legislating the free marketplace are destructive to humanity. Vive in libertate aut morere!

  15. Angela W. 47 in response to Jade S.
    If it would work out without all of the downfalls I would so agree with you! There really is no reason to have as many people struggling as we do. I for one would gladly take the money! :)

    1. We were both writing similar things at the same time, and we both are some of the few who have pictures. Coincidence?

  16. Christopher C. 41
    I can't believe what I just read. How can Switzerland even afford to do something like that without falling into bankruptcy? I don't see any positives for their country at all in the long term. There is no way something like this would happen in America. Welfare is about the closet thing we can see to this but the money people on welfare receive is definitely no where near $2,800 a month.

  17. Christina D.
    I am always for positive spending, and I can see how this could help people in the U.S. I am aware our country does not have the funds to do this however, after all our country is in debt already. I think there are a number of ways to promote the economy and I don't think this is one of them. I would love to have the extra income myself, but would the cost be worth it? I guess we could learn a few things from Switzerland, how will they afford to do this? I guess we will just have to wait and see if it is catastrophic or not. If it is we can just give them a loan, right? JK

  18. Naomi A. 41
    I think that it would be awesome if we passed a law like that! Of course. However, I don't think that our country could afford it. It would be cool because we would all be able to have extra income, but it would cost our economy a lot. I think that people might take advantage of it thought. It could make people in this country a lot lazier than they all ready are.

    1. Sabrina B. 46 replying to Naomi A. 41
      I agree with you. I don't think the U.S. can afford this for our country. It would definitely make up the difference we so desperately need. On the other hand, I believe a lot of people would take advantage of it as well.

  19. Sabrina B. 46 I'm not sure if I understand the story correctly. If it's for the working class and that's the minimal they can make, I totally wish that for the U.S. If it's for all citizens regardless of employment, then I think people would take advantage of it.

  20. William W.
    Good and bad. On the CEO's. This sounds like a restriction on freedoms to make a lifestyle that you work very hard for and therefore keeps you from working as hard as you can. There should be restrictions but this type isn't the answer. On the other hand for every person in your country to at least have the money to put a roof over their heads and food on the table. No more homelessness or hunger in your entire country. This would be an amazing thing. There would obviously have to be rules in place. Let their people decide. I would be interested to see what happens. In the US this would to a total flop. Too much greed and capitalistic blood. We pretend to care about poverty and hunger but truthfully we think more along the lines of what's in it for me. If something like this is going to be successful it would have to be in another country where the society is more able to make the transition.

  21. If the U.S. put this in motion I feel that it could mean the world to some, others it would not matter, and some would abuse it. There are some people who live comfortably and do not need any financial assistance. Therefore do they really need more money to waste on spoiling their kids, a third family car, or other things. Then you have some people who would then never work, sit at home, do nothing, these people would sit at home not contributing to society. Then there are people, like me. This is more than I make in a month. This could change my world completely. I could focus more on school, not stress over, money, and know I could provide for my daughter. So this government assistances could help people be happier with life, maybe pursue going to school and getting a degree, or the opposite. It truly depends on the individual, therefore if this was ever to be thought of there should be certain requirements. And then the next question of mine is where would this money come from exactly?

  22. Maurice L 41.
    #theawkwardmoment in a government shutdown when you realize that the Swiss are voting to grant citizens a minimum $2 800 income per month.

    If the U.S.A would consider this it would improve the lives of lower class and middle class families and very well improve the poverty in the US. also not to mention the unemployment rate. on the negative side of it in America an unconditional income would equal out to lazy people, extreme inflation, and outrageous tax Increases. and possible if this bill was on the table a other gov't shutdown.

    1. Danielle T. 47 in response to Maurice L.41
      I completely agree with your view on this matter. I am sure that extreme inflation and outrageous tax increases would come of such a change. Unfortunately, there would be lazy people out there just living off their monthly income and not contributing back to society. It would make a difference in the lives of the lower and middle class Americans that work hard every day and still struggle to pay their bills every month. Many more questions than answers arise from this article, and it is hard to decide if it would help or hurt our economy.

  23. Misty G 46, I see how this could help some people, but on the other hand you have some people that wouldn't work cause of the gov. giving them money every month. Unless the only way you get this money is if you have a job. I feel on this it raises more questions than answers. What are some of the guide lines on who gets the money, and is this on top of there regular income or does this become there income no matter what job they have. Most of all how would the country keep paying for something like this over the years.

    1. Marissa M. 55
      I agree! People would try to take advantage of this opportunity. There does need to be further information. This could be a great opportunity to those who could really use it though.

    2. Falinda A. 47
      Yes, they would. It's better to have guidelines on who gets the money each month depending on their lifestyles, children etc. if this law might be passed.

  24. Marissa M. 55
    This could be good or bad. My main questions are, where is this money coming from? Also, who would receive this money? Finally, would only people who were employed receive this money? This could be a great idea to help family's out, It would just depend on the circumstances. The U.S.A at this time could not afford to do so though.

  25. Misty G 46, in response to Maurice L. Yes i can see where it will help the lower and middle class. I am like you I can also see where it cause extreme inflation and other things and it would still cause problems with the gov shutdown.

  26. I have so many questions. What would the incentive be to work if the government was going to unconditionally provide the country with livable money? Why would the lower class not abuse this fortune one selfish desire? What are the risks involved with giving away this money? This article sounds too good to be true. I can’t even begin to understand how this will work. Where are they getting this money? Would this not cause horrible inflation? This article raises more questions than it answers.

  27. In response to Travis Moore
    I agree that this article is poorly written and that it leaves me wondering how in the world Switzerland can pull this off or if it is just some kind of joke. One would think that with a grandiose idea such as this one “they” would enlighten us on all the details. How are they getting the money, how are they distributing it to every adult, what are the risks, how long will this last? These questions would need to be answered before I would accept any free money from the government.

  28. Amber H. 78

    As great as this proposition sounds, I'm unsure of how it will actually play out. In America, the prices of most everything is based directly off of minimum wage. As the minimum wage rises, inflation goes along with it. I can only imagine that the same will happen if this is enacted.

    If the Swiss have a similar work ethic and economy to the US, then the results will be disastrous. In the short run, everyone will be happy because they're getting a good income for 'free'. However, inflation will begin to occur. Then people will start getting upset. In short, the Swiss will see the devastating effects from this, that the US has seen with our "free" reforms.

    1. Innocent A. 46 in response to Amber H.78
      I quite agree with you based on the work ethics the U.S practice. Such law could can only bring happiness in a limited time due to the fact that every adult is getting free money but later leads to inflation and causes people to be upset and the economy devastated at the long run.

  29. Amber H. 78 in response to Stephanie Manning

    I agree completely! It's definitely 'too good to be true'. According to the article, this will be all great with no problems. However if their government is similar to ours, then the bad will outweigh the good tenfold.

  30. Judy S. ONLINE 50

    Switzerland's government is taking a big risk with a law the allows every adult to receive $2,800 a month. Although the idea sounds nice for hard working folks, but it could stir up a huge problem for everyone in Switzerland. Adults will always have that guaranteed $2,800 which means the employed will not work as much. There will be a cause of inflation and goods and services will fluctuate. If I knew I had free money coming in, I would not work as many days or many hours. The unconditional income will definitely backfire even if it was $100 for every adult per month.

  31. Innocent A. 46
    You can really tell what life would look like, since the economy has suffered from lost. If such law is introduced in the U.S it could mean both positive and negative to the country economy. For instance, low income earners could afford some certain things which is beyond there reach, health care plan can be bought, a lot of adult can see life as a new haven. But this could also lead to over dependence on the government because human want are unlimited, opportunity for people to engage in drugs, too much money in circulation leads to inflation, and the educational system will suffer a drift, It could even leads to more crime rate. DUI rate will skyrocket with time.

  32. Danielle T.47
    I believe that if the United States granted 2,800 dollars a month to each adult, the changes that society would undergo would be drastic. The prices of most everything would have to increase.Inflation would obviously be underway. The American people would enjoy the "free" money that is provided, but the challenges that come with the increase would prove to be more difficult than anticipated.

  33. Kayley F.
    If this kind of law was passed in the US the positive impact would be decreasing poverty, but it also might have a massive negative effect depending on how people use the money. Some people may be motivated by the money to use it towards things they would love to pursue, but others may stay in their bad habits and continue down that road. Also I agree with what was said by Danielle T. Prices would sky rocket and inflation would be underway.

  34. Staci M 47
    I cant say what this kind of law would do to our economy. I would guess maybe there would no longer be people starving and homeless on the streets, but then again would prices just be raised to match this new law keeping people basically in the same boat they are in now? It all sounds great but it would probably cause more problems then solve problems.

    1. I do agree. to some it would be great at first but eventually everyone would be right back where they started.
      Madlyn M. 47

  35. Staci M 47 in response to Marissa M 55
    I do see your point on this people would take advantage of this. I couldnt see where all this money would come from except the people who are working now and support themselves. How would this benefit them? There are just too many questions to give and real opinion.

  36. Onyimah L.47
    I do not see any potential benefit in this kind of law. Maybe it can reduce poverty.I said maybe because inflation and change in lifestyle and taste can erode the benefits of additional income.Imagine what this law will do to people's morale.A lot of us can comfortably live on $2800 a month.So what will then be the incentive to go to work or to acquire an education. Safety nets like that should be for members of society who for some reason, medical,disability,old age cannot no longer work and contribute to the common wealth.The rest should work.There is a problem with hand outs.

  37. Onyimah L.47 in response to Staci M
    I do not think that such a program will reduce poverty and starvation or even eradicate them. We have welfare programs here too.I do not know if these programs will have here alleviate poverty.Poverty plays a functional role in every society. No welfare program anywhere will eradicate it not even a $2800 check from government to every American. Like someone noted that kind of payment will increase inflation.That will bring everything back to square one.

  38. I don't see any benefit to this kind of law, its is almost guaranteed that inflation would make the extra money amount to nothing. Also, as many others have said, where is all this money coming from? The United States has such a huge deficit already that there should be no logically conceivable way that this would be presented as a solution to anything. If by some miracle they found a way to pass something like this, it would seem great at first. But then people would get lazy, seeking typically low wage (easy) jobs; there would be far fewer people trying to advance their education (thinking they don't need to). Then inevitably, inflation would, like I said previously, make the extra money amount to nothing and we are back at square one, most likely with a larger deficit because the whole program backfired. The system we have now is far from perfect, but it works. In the in, as others have stated, this is definitely a "too good to be true" scenario and would most likely never work.

  39. I don't think I see a benefit. I'd see more of a problem. It's hysterically comical enought at how bad we're in debt, so let's just go ahead and give more money out. And hey, we'll keep relying on China.

    1. Mina S. 46
      I see this as a problem too more than a helper. It just gives me a bad feeling thinking about it. I was just thinking about China and how much debt America has.

  40. Falinda A. 47
    I mostly see this opportunity as both benefit and problem. Benefit: pay bills, school, housing etc. Problem: people will take advantage of it for their own personal needs, not work hard for living but instead rely on the law. Passing this kind of law in the U.S will definitely make a catastrophe in the economy. America already has enough problems with I don't think, adding this law will make it better. If possibility, they should send the money to people who mostly need it than others you know charity such as urban youth, the homeless, the hunger, orphans etc.

  41. This week’s blog on the Swiss voting to be every adult a basic income of $2800, and what potential benefits or problems this law would create if pass in the U.S., in my view is a two-fold answer. First, I would think that anyone currently making below $2800 a month would view this as an awesome cost of living raise for them. But, because we are a nation who does not save money, I think people would again live above their means and spend every penny and again be right back in the same position they were in before they received the higher income. Secondly, for all those making more than $2800 a month already, and the government states that they’re going to give every adult a basic income of $2800 a month is not going to set pretty with this group of people. There will be protest, people will quit their jobs because after all the government is going to give EVERY adult a basic income of $2800 so why work. This would be a bad idea for the US to consider something like that of the Swiss government. This would definitely NOT be a blessing, I think this would drive inflation in the wrong direction. Supply and demand would be off the charts, people would no longer be able to afford the basic standard way of living. BAD IDEA!

  42. Linda H. 46 - Sorry for the double post, I forgot to include my name!
    This week’s blog on the Swiss voting to be every adult a basic income of $2800, and what potential benefits or problems this law would create if pass in the U.S., in my view is a two-fold answer. First, I would think that anyone currently making below $2800 a month would view this as an awesome cost of living raise for them. But, because we are a nation who does not save money, I think people would again live above their means and spend every penny and again be right back in the same position they were in before they received the higher income. Secondly, for all those making more than $2800 a month already, and the government states that they’re going to give every adult a basic income of $2800 a month is not going to set pretty with this group of people. There will be protest, people will quit their jobs because after all the government is going to give EVERY adult a basic income of $2800 so why work. This would be a bad idea for the US to consider something like that of the Swiss government. This would definitely NOT be a blessing, I think this would drive inflation in the wrong direction. Supply and demand would be off the charts, people would no longer be able to afford the basic standard way of living. BAD IDEA!

  43. Linda H. 46 in response to Amber H. 78
    Amber, I agree with your comments, this will not work in America nor do I think something like this will work if the Swiss enacts this type of law. Perhaps the Swiss has a hidden agenda to drive prices up. Although on the onset of getting $2800 sounds like a blessing, but when you peel back the layers down the line only to find that this was a rotten deal, I think the residents of the Swiss government will be very angry, accept now it’s too late to do anything about it.

  44. Madlyn M.47
    I think that having a guaranteed income is good in a way. I know people think it sounds amazing but the types of penalties to go along with that are things like socialized medicine. It's not all it's cracked up to be. However in this country people on welfare are working the system so much that giving them a flat income and maybe cutting out all the extras may actually save this country some money. Then these people could pay for their own health insurance and food! Maybe then we would all have equal opportunity for education instead of me paying for others to go to school while I struggle to pay my bills and pay for school!

  45. Mina S. 46
    Well, I believe that when something has a positive impact, it could also have a downfall. While some people really do need the money and deserve it, there could be other people who would take advantage of that money. There would be people who would try less and be solely dependent on that money. People would become lazy. I wonder why someone would give away money like that. I don't think I can feel any good coming from it. Would it help their economy?

  46. MarcusQ55: Personally there are going to be going to be several pros and cons. It will benefit the people of lower income but it will also hurt the ones who make an extreme amount of excess money. The biggest problem I see with this is that it will reduce the want to succeed. If you unconditionally get a set amount of money what drive will their be to work a lot harder than other individuals to gain a higher master status or achieve a higher social class. No one would be compelled and I feel as f everyone would become lazy. It would do away with the means of consequences. There would be no downfall if you were a high school dropout if it all equated to the same amount of income.

  47. Josh C. 55
    There would be absolutley nothing to benefit from this. Obama already provides for all the lazy ass people in this country, if we were to start giving everybody money everybody would become lazy. Every person that hates their job would quit and would live off the goverment. If all the people in the country that hated their jobs quit we would see a dramatic decrease in production. If were not producing or trading anything our country has no income. So if you really think about it the whole idea is stupid and would never work.

  48. Erin L.
    This new law could be either bad or good. It would be very beneficial for the adults and students who really need the extra money to help pay for school or other sorts of bills. However, it could be a bad thing for the people who don't really have any goals in life or are not doing anything to better their career. This money that the government would be giving them could potentially go to something that would'nt help them in a good way, such as drugs or alcohol.

    1. Florence K.47 in response to Erin L.
      Good points you made in your comment. Goals are important. Good use would like help pay for school and probably further education. The law has a good and a bad side to it.

  49. Ansley L. 47
    I think this law would be absolutely amazing if it was passed. However, in reality I do not think our economy could afford this to happen. Yeah extra income would be fantastic but it could also cause some problems. One of the issues it may cause is people would start quitting their jobs and become lazy since they are receiving this income. I also believe it would be good for the people who actually really do need this guaranteed income, but other people would take full advantage of this significant amount of money.

  50. Ansley L. 47 in response to Madlyn M. 47
    I never thought of those points of how it could actually help. I like how you stated that maybe people could pay for their own health insurance and food rather then me paying for it. Very good points I agree with,

  51. Curcio 47

    I could see both benefits and downsides if this happened in America. The upside is, I do think their are many American people who have a hard time with finding work due to their social surroundings and upbringings. Those who try to do their best but due to their parents or lack of family or whatever the worse case scenario can never go as far as their potential, deserve a little help. We give our money every year to so many people on welfare, and food stamps and other government programs and some of these people simply use it for things they shouldn't or because they are choosing to not work or function like the rest of the hard working citizens. Why not have a program that provides s drug screening, proof of true hardships, or whatever necessary proper qualification's, that can assist them until they are stable. The downside is, I believe people would take advantage like some are already doing now with welfare and food stamps, etc. Also, would the government really pay, or would we like we are now. I agree with Ashley L, our economy also can not afford something like this right now either. Its defiantly a subject of debate for sure.

    1. Chelsea W55 in response to Curcio47

      I agree. I think that it would be a great thing for people who really need that help or have the potential, but I'm very weary of them taking advantage just like every thing else is taken advantage of.

  52. Chelsea B. 47

    Switzerland may have the ability and the people for something like that to work. Our country does not. There are enough people that are living off what the government hands out. Offering a monthly income to the people cheating the system would just take away from the honest, hardworking members of society that actually contribute to our economy. This would also cause a higher unemployment rate as people who do not want to be working would quit. This stops production of items essential to everyday life and we as a country would have nothing to offer in our trades to other countries. I think that for America this idea would be disastrous.

  53. Chelsea B. 47 in response to Madlyn M.47

    I agree and disagree. I think that people should prove that it is necessary for them to receive and income. I agree that taking away all of the extra things being provided to them is a starting point. If they have a steady income then by all means they should be responsible for paying their own way; however, this money has to come from somewhere and it would still be coming out of our pockets.

  54. Chelsea W55

    I think if all the adults in America got $2800 a month, most would go towards drugs. I'm sure not everyone will do that, but I'm speaking of the ones that don't already do much with there life as is. Others however could do great things for themselves and family with the money. I see a lot of different pros and cons, but it just depends on the person I guess.

    1. Claire M.46 in response to Chelsea W.
      That idea does in fact make sense. If people are well off as it is in their current jobs, I sense the money could become extra "throw-away" money and a lure into negative, illegal, or otherwise bad/immoral things. Prostitution, drug use, and gambling could increase greatly.

  55. Emily S. 81
    Who wouldn't like $2800 a month? Hypothetically speaking, if something like this was passed it would benefit a great deal of people. However, as many others have stated, the fallout would be people who take advantage of such a benefit. While many have stated that something like this would lead to laziness, I don't necessarily agree. There are always going to be lazy people wanting to cheat the system, but then there are many others who work hard everyday to achieve something. This kind of money could be a great benefit to those citizens.

  56. Emily S 81 in reply to Chelsea W55
    Your last sentence is something I completely agree on but didn't touch on in my own answer. There are just so many types of people and so many ways in which $2800 could be used, whether for good or not (like on drugs). It just wouldn't seem right to feed the already growing issues our country has, like addiction. Yet, if something like this was possible it seems it would be a great help to a lot of hard working, honest people.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Is it not similar to our Government funded help? The only difference that I see is that all the people are going to receive it not just a selected few. I am just wondering how they are going to be able to pay all there people and for how long?
    I think it would be a blessing for many of the people allowing them to get back on there feet. I just hope that the rug does not get ripped out form under them right after they have started to stand.

  59. It would be great to everyone who is unemployed, but I doubt any kind of law like that would be enforced in the United States. People would just take advantage of it. "If" we did have something like this go into effect, there would have to be some guidelines put into place that would help individuals qualify for the program.

  60. Claire M. 46
    The main thing I think of after reading about this proposition is the lack of motivation the country could experience when all adult citizens are handed a nice $2,800 check each month, not to mention where in the world this money will be coming from?? I don't know that much about Switzerland but I do know some things about human beings and with this kind of incentive, many people would just sit at home all day while gladly living off $2,800 a month (well, $5,600 if it is a family consisting of two parents). Productivity could decline greatly if people decided they no longer needed to work and I would imagine prices would probably soar due to inflation. I don't see this as being a "safety net" for Switzerland's government. As far as implementing this idea into U.S. law-no way! Perhaps this would benefit some lower class, needy citizens who are eager to better themselves but unfortunately human nature tells me that the majority of the money would be used for selfish personal gains.

    1. Jacob J. 55 in response to Claire M. 46
      While I agree with you about your statement of the lack of motivation laws like these promotes, I feel that I should inform you that these types of systems are already in the U.S.. These would be welfare, food stamps, and unemployment checks that are already in place.

  61. Rebecca B.
    The people of the US wouldn't do anything responsible if this happened. It would just raise the number of people who remain jobless and falsify applications for jobs that they apply for each week to get unemployment. This unconditional money would also raise the prices of things around the country from food to cigarettes, alcohol to home needs like soap and shampoo. Even the price of living would rise because the companies would know that every person has at least $2800 to spend each month,

  62. Rebecca B. in response to Matt Duncan

    I agree there would have to be some guidelines but these guidelines would have to be something that there couldn't be a loop hole out of. something that would make everyone HAVE to do in-order to get this money. Like buy a certain amount of things with your own money first or work a certain number of hours to gain this amount of money.

  63. Nadasha C

    I see this as both a blessing and a curse. Blessing for those who don't have money. But will they use for good. What about the people abusing alcohol and drugs. Now the have the necessary funds to support their habits. The rich will get richer if every adult was to get $2.800. They would need some kind of guidlines with no plans to raise taxes

  64. Florence K.47
    $2,800 per month is good money and I believe no one can resist it. However some people will become lazy just waiting for the handout, others will use it on drugs to destroy themselves, on the other hand, there are folks who need the money and can put it to good use to better their lives. It cuts both ways, a blessing or a curse depending on how the money is put to use.

  65. Jacob J. 55
    The benefit of such a law would be that people who are currently searching for jobs would have some way to live until they obtained one. The negative affects of such a law would be the promotion of the laziness and purposeful abuse of the system. This is kind of a trick question because we have food stamps, welfare, and unemployment checks which people abuse all the time.

  66. Barbara P. 46
    I feel it could do more harm than good in the United States...people work differently throughout the world and what may work for them, may not for us. The thought that many might quit their jobs just because they are receiving this extra income is a very real threat...there are a lot of people that use the governments money for selfish reasons and find ways to beat the system so that it makes it more difficult for the ones that ACTUALLY need it to get it...then again it would definitely help those that have to live paycheck after paycheck to just get by...

    1. Ifeyinwa O.47 in response to Barbara P.46
      For real, this free money can make one to quit his or her job and only depend on this income. This can also make one too lazy to work.

  67. Mehdi E.55

    In my opinion, when anything is passed either a law of some sort or benefits by the government there is always a group of people who view this as a bad and people who view this as a good thing. What I believe the benefits of this is that with this more and more people will be able to get out of financial problems. The poverty level will decrease and more people will be able to obtain money because of this check they are receiving. However, even if it sounds good there are problems that would be created. More people who are already stable financially will argue to say why do we all of the sudden give away money to everyone including the poor when us who are financially stable worked hard for our money. This will also create the problem that instead of using the money correctly people will spend it on useless things instead of getting themselves out of poverty. And for my final reason I believe that republicans will argue more with the Democratic Party in saying we are we throwing away money at people when they already have enough financial aids like food stamps, welfare and other benefits aiding the poor

  68. Mehdi E.55 in response to Jacob J.55
    Same thought as mine I also believe most people will abuse this because I mean its free money, who wouldn't? However, in the United States there are carless people who would do that. however as you said it would have a good effect for people who need it in the mean time if they are searching for a job just to keep them in minor good standing.

  69. Michaela M.
    I think it is a brilliant idea and while this may work for them, it will not for us. If we really think about it the food stamps, and other things that we have to help the poor, if we took the money we are giving and add it up, I'm sure there will be a decent sum. Even though Switzerland wants to just give the huge sum amount out, I believe that we are already doing that anyway. Giving out $33,600 dollars a year to everyone will have more people in the United States being lazy. Where as some people will actually use it to help with their money problems. Even though some of the wealthier people may greatly disagree I think that there would also be some wealthy people who would put the money to good use.

  70. Ifeyinwa O.47
    The monthly income of $2800 to all American adults is cool money. The adults will benefit a lot from the money if it is used wisely. It can be used for rents, food, and other necessity of life. This monthly money allocation to adults will pose a problem in future because most adults will feel reluctant to work and will always depend on the government for free money. It will also affect the nation’s budget in the sense that the money allocation will go into spending instead of investment.

  71. Brittany S. 46

    I don't really feel like the article was very detailed about the law, but from what I understand about it I believe if a similar law was passed in America, it would help a lot of people who really need that help since the economy is currently in the dumps. I think it would also create a lot of issues, due to the people who cry out about the so called "lazy" people who don't want to do for themselves. I fully understand that there are people who do in fact take advantage of the system, however to not help those who truly need it just because there are those people who will leech is not right. But I also think that it would harm our country in the long run because where will this money come from?

  72. Brittany S. 46 in response to Josh. C 55

    I for one do not think that people who need federal assistance are lazy and do not want to do anything for themselves. What about the people who are disabled or the people who literally go out looking for a job every day and still cannot find one, they need that assistance to survive. There will always be people who cheat and leech off the government but stereotyping everyone who needs help in that way is not helpful to anyone, and I think it is actually discriminatory.

  73. Devon H. 47.
    Well, I don't know much about an economics for starters. But if there wasn't people getting paid minimum wage and people getting paid around minimum wage, the price of goods would increase; On the account everyone is making atleast 2800 per month. So, not only would the price of goods increase, but people would be less willing to even work at all if they were getting paid regardless.

  74. Devon H. 47. In response to Brittany S. 46.
    The economy would be even more in the "dumps" if everyone got paid regardless. Goods and services would cost more because dealers and merchants would know you atleast got paid 700 that week.

    1. very true!!! This would be a terrible idea for America considering our poor work ethic.

  75. .Shayaz A. 41 I think if the US government should adopt this policy it can help to stimulate the economy with the increase in consumer spending, provide a financial cushion, especially for those in the lower levels of social class, and eventually bring about an economic boom. This however, can happen only in a perfect world. The Swiss being a more tolerant and multicultural nation, may have a better chance at success with this policy.

  76. I believe that if Americans would take full advantage of this surplus. They would receive whatever benefits provided by the government and not get the initiative to work. This may be great for citizens of Switzerland because those people have a great work ethic and would use this as a benefit and could replenish their economy.This would help our society definitely but we have too many individuals that would only use the government. Surprise.

  77. Jessica G. 46

    My question is where is the funds coming from if the United States were to do this. I also don't foresee it actually helping the majority of people. Too many, not only here in the US, but nation wide, have the attitude that the governmnet owes them something. However, for the ones that would continue to work and recieve the extra income puts them in a possible higher tax bracket at the end of yr. I don't think in the long run this would be a solution for the United States

  78. Stephanie F. 47.
    I feel like the working class already pays for enough assisted living in taxes. I feel like this may just create more taxes to provide for those whoa re not working. I feel like instead of this, there should be more programs to create jobs.

    1. Alison B. 46 in response to Stephanie F. 47...
      I absolutely agree. Instead of just giving people freebies, we need to teach people how to work hard and how to help themselves, creating a job program would provide people with not only income but a skill set and a sense of true worth. We don't need to coddle the people of America, what they really need is tough love.

  79. Alison B. 46

    While I see how some people could justify the distribution of wealth, I however believe that for Americans (especially who are already spoiled) this would create an even lazier society that we are already dealing with. We are a country of people who feel entitled, like we have a right to luxury and excess. The last thing we need is the government to hand over more money just for existing. Our economy would crash as well since a lot of people would stop working therefore spending less money, therefore the cycle of our economics starts to crash.

    1. Charles D.46 response to Allison B.46
      I agree that our country will crash under so much financial pressure. Our population is too large and we can not afford it no way. Our educational system will fail.

  80. Charles D. 46
    The idea of giving each 2800.00 per month to each adult will not work. The word get around to other countries this will increase an immigration trouble problem. Our population is 375,000,000 times $2800.00 which is a giant sum of money. This is too much for our government to spend. My personal opinion is I want to make a living my strength that God have gave me. Every person wants to express their self worth.

  81. Ben Gallimore
    The idea of free money to me is insane! It is showing the next generation they do not have to have a high paying job because the government will swoop in and give you that extra running money. The U.S. tried something a few years ago (Stimulus Package). It was a way for the government to give us money to help boost the economy thinking we would all go out and buy stuff with it. Don't get me wrong, I gladly spent the money quick like but a reoccurring program like this would hurt our country more than making it better.

  82. Olivia G.
    The benefit to this idea would be that every adult would have an additional $2500 each month to ensure the families needs or their own needs are taken care of as well as paying off any debt. The main problem I foresee with handing over that kind of money is it will create an even more lazier society as well as an entitlement issue within our own personal communities and on a national level. People will feel as if they do not have to work anymore due to the fact that they are not earning that extra money rather it is just being handed to them on a silver platter. It would create more problems than solving any others.

  83. Donavon W. 47
    The problem with these types of theories is that they deny the reality that men and women have a tendency to mishandle and abuse possessions and privileges of any kind. When that element is put into place, any such commonality of wealth is obviously destructive. This idea would work in a perfect world, but that's not the world we live in.

  84. Christopher Deaton

    Passing this in any country to me seems like a double edged sword. On the one hand, giving this money to the people would promote them to get jobs since they are not worried about making money for their next meal. Plus it would be going back into the economy, so the money would just circulate. On the other hand, producing all that money might cause inflation unless you plan on raising the taxes to compensate for the money.

  85. Marie Andree Jean - Francois
    I believe that some people would start depending on that money which would in some cases circulate the economy but some might just keep it which is the direct enemy to our type of economy. It would relieve some of the stress upon some families but there would be less and less unemployed adults looking for jobs as they would survive on that and unemployment.

  86. I think that people would start depending on that money rather than working for it. They would get used to get it either way, that no matter how much they work they'll still get it. It would create laziness. It Is great they want to help the people, but those people need to work for it and gain it themselves.

    1. Lindsey H. 47
      I completely agree with you. When the money is there no matter what, there is no motivation to work.

  87. Lindsey H. 47
    The benefit of the this law is the removal of poverty from our society. I believe however that it has the potential to create a lazy, non-ambitious society. I think part of the reason that makes our country so great is the ability to achieve greatness, including great wealth. When the possibility is there to achieve great wealth and achievement then the motivation to do these things exist. When you remove to motivation, then no advancement will take place. I believe that a stale do nothing society could result from a universal non conditional pension.

  88. I could see this sort of thing going very wrong in the United States. I have been around the world and I have seen other cultures with my own eyes. The Japanese, for example, as a society is way different from the U.S. Here most people feel entitled to certain benefits and hand outs, regardless if they work for them or not. "I have 15 kids someone needs to pay" is a great example of feeling entitled (and if you don't know what that is from just Google it, it is definitely worth a watch.). In the Japanese culture they don't feel entitled to hand outs, hell you don't even tip servers at restaurants! I have never been to Switzerland, but I can only assume with the government even to consider this radical idea they society as a whole has to have the same mentality as the Japanese. If this sorta of law were passed here people would take advantage of it, feel entitled to it, and work HARDER trying NOT to work for it. Plain and simple the American people have become lazy and always looking for handouts. I am not talking about everyone, but it is true for most people. In my opinion this would be a terrible idea for the United States until we aren't selfish anymore.

  89. Taylor McWilliams
    I think that its basically like government funded help. We have seen how well that goes. People abuse the system so if the United States were to do this people would probably lie about how much they make so they could get the minimum amount on top of what they already make. It is really sad that I think this way about people but in my lifetime I have seen people do it over and over again.

  90. TinaP91 There are definitely more negatives than postives here. The positive "idea" is that everyone would be able to survive and be able to accomplish more. However, this is a horrible idea. Just like raising minimum wage, it is almost pointless. Nothing is ever free. The money being handed out will have to come from somewhere. Typically, the government calls something free and then pulls it out of taxes.

  91. TINAP91 @Josh C. 55
    I don't agree with how you put your opinion, however the basic principle is correct. Giving people more is a useless idea. People need to work for the things they want and that is how life functions. Through personal experience I have learned that many of the poor stay poor because they do not know how to rise up. I have been without food and a home and here i stand today making things happen.

  92. i feel lke this would be a gfreat thing to adults in the US. But at the same time it can cause serious problems. giving 2800$ a month to an adult who is not responsible or doing good in life may backfire. they might spend it on drugs or worse. But to the workin class of this country, it could be a lifesaver.

  93. Cassaundra W. 46
    I feel like this is a good idea and a bad idea. I believe that it could help out a lot of families that are struggling and make it so they can do things and pay for things like food and heat and housing and such. But I think that it could also be a bad thing because there is a fair amount of drugs and bad things going on in this country that this check could be funding. Also where would the money be coming from. There could be a lot of problems with this. I believe that it would need the kinks taken out of it before it should pass.

  94. Michael B. 55
    This idea wouldn't work very long in the US. I think some people making less than $2800 would not put the extra money to good use. Drug use would increase and so would arrests. People who normally make more than $2800 would be furious and not be able to live the life style they are use to. Some people could even quit their jobs to work a more simple job.

  95. Krista p.47
    I think giving $2,800 to the less fortunate would be very helpful, yet it seems like a temporary fix for an ongoing issue. Prices would rise in the future also some may become dependant, with the hope for this one time gift to become an ongoing solution. I think if the government really wants to help, they would be better off giving this money out as college tution checks, daycare expenses ect... Something used as a buffer to assist the less fortunate for the long term verses a $2,800 wal-mart spending spree.

  96. Krista p. 47 in response to Misty G. 46
    I agree with your post, this money has the potential for helping out the lower and middle classes. I also think this money would be better off deligated to the appropriate places to insure this would become a long term benefit for all rather than a temporary fix.

  97. Krista P. 47 Danielle T.47
    I totally agree with you. I also think this "gift" could be used as a benifit to others if used as more of a long term solution not just a temporary spending spree, such as college money, ect.. something that could be used more as a long term benefit.

  98. Alexis Goodie 84- Free Money….I would say blessing crime would be cut down, however when you give something for nothing the situation gets abused and people will start quitting their jobs because of them getting free money every month. However, I think that this would be good for those who do not try and abuse the system maybe it could be given to those who do work…HOWEVER Nothing is given to those who do try it seems that these incentives are given to those who choose to do NOTHING….Curse because this will only last a while before the Country will begin to say that this is draining government funds and then will find a way for working folks to pay for it…. I would say over all a good idea If things are today with everything going up…Food, Gas etc… the cost of living is always raising but not employment or income.

  99. Hannah Turk
    By giving away "free money" (pretty much), people would become lazy and life off the a majority of them do. If our country wanted to participate in somthing like this we should only give it to people who have earned it. For example, you must make atleast 20,000$ a year, or something of that nature. With the obama care laws that have been passed the rich is pretty much paying the poor peoples way for med insurance. This is encouraging the poor to either a. stay poor or b. stay lazy. The last thing we would need to do is add to the laziness. Our country is already one of the top for obesity rates...we dont want to make it the laziest too.

  100. I believe this could go either way. THere would likely be inflation, causing the value of the dollar to go down even further, but on the other hand it may make it easier for low income families to live a little more comfortably. Other problems may arise as well though, like people taking advantage of the system, or people producing low quality work with little effort because they are going to get paid regardless. On the outside it seems beneficial, but it would probably cause more problems than it solves.
