Monday, September 9, 2013

Ain't That America!

Greetings!  Which one of the places below best captures the essence of America? For example, if a friend from another country could only visit one (1) while in the United States, which one would you recommend?
Please state the reason for your selection.

The Golden Gate Bridge, California
The Grand Canyon, Arizona
The National Mall, Washington, D.C.
The Las Vegas Strip, Nevada
Times Square, New York
Mt. Rushmore, South Dakota
Disney World, Florida


  1. That is a thought one. Being I have been to a few of them and the others are on my to do list. They all have their draws but I think I would have to choose Disney. The fact that one man turned a cartoon mouse into a household name and a multi-billion dollar company speaks a lot for the American dream. The architect the parks have is amazing the moment you enter you feel like a little kid ready to explore the new magical world you have just entered. I believe that is why Disney is such a draw for the young and the young at heart. And something everyone should experience once in their life.

  2. Jade S
    I would recommend Mt. Rushmore; just because its not everyday you see past presidents' faces in a big rock.
    A foreigner would probably find it fascinating. Gambling isn't an unusual act; waiting in long lines to ride rides is fun; but what sort of history do you get from that other than learning about how Mickey came about? Malls are everywhere, Arizona is hot, and California is overrated.

  3. Claire M. 46
    Although I have never seen it in person, Mt. Rushmore would definitely be my suggestion to visit. This sculpture embodies America's freedom and democracy with four of the greatest leaders we have ever had. I believe a great deal of dedication and risk were put into the sculpture, a trait that many founding Americans knew very well. This memorial will truly represent the better qualities of America rather than crowded malls and rude people.

    1. I agree that Mt. Rushmore has significant meaning, but I feel for a tourist it would be a short admiration of some beautiful landscape, like the Grand Canyon, but not really portray the essence of America today.

    2. Christina D.
      Although I choose The Grand Canyon, I do agree Rushmore offers a lot in way of its meaning for Americans, and I'm all for staying away from the crowds.

    3. Oneisha Francois 46
      I agree. If was a foreigner, I would want to see some sort of history of the country. Being crammed in malls and having to deal with rude people with give off America a bad impression.

  4. Its hard to choose just one to capture the essence of America, but I think I would say Time Square. I have never actually been, but am wanting too. I feel that Time Square would give a tourist a feel for the technology, fashion, and diverse culture that we as Americans have. The bright lights, tall buildings, loud noise, and the smells of different foods to take in and exploring would be an amazing thrill.

    1. Claire M. 46 in response to Ashley Huskins
      I can agree that Times Square may in fact be a more accurate portrayal of America today as well as a comfortable place for someone visiting the country. One would be able to experience both the highlights and negative aspects of America all while being intermixed within the diverse population New York has become known for.

  5. Jazzmin B. 41
    I have not been to any of these places. I would suggest The National Mall in Washington, D.C. A person who has never been in the United States would be able to grasp the american culture in the mall. They would be exposed to the clothing styles and the eating styles of Americans. Also they would be able to see how we interact with one another.

  6. Christina D.
    I have been to Disney and although it was a lot of fun, there are so many people and it can be over crowded I would not suggest going there if you could only visit one place. I have not been to Rushmore but I know people that have, and they said one you take your pictures there really isn't much more to do. It's a tough one, but I am going to say The Grand Canyon. I haven't been yet but it seems like it might be a surreal experience with lots of natural beauty, and have people from all over with kind American values. And I think you can camp out there, whats more American than roasting marshmallows by the camp fire, with the smell of bug spray in the air!

  7. Danielle T.47
    Although I have unfortunately never visited any of these magnificent places, I would recommend going to Times Square,New York. New York is one of the most populous city in the United States. A tourist can visit Wall Street, the world's leading financial center, experience many different types of cultures, awe at our lavishness, eat our American food, and admire the beautiful architecture that has been created. New York is also ethnically diverse, rich in entertainment and performing arts, and filled with our nation's history.

    1. Josephine b. 44 in response to Danielle T. 47
      I definitely agree with you. Times Square in New York is a wonderful place to visit that captures the essence of America. All of the famous american restaurants and stores are all right there in one place. I have visited Times Square before, and it is absolutely unforgettable.

  8. Danielle T.47 in response to Anna S.
    Although Disney World is indeed a perfect example of an American dream come true, I disagree that our nation's theme is conveyed at the long lines, enchanted castle, or riding circling teacups. New York is submerged into culture. One can see how some people can live lavish lifestyles while others beg on the streets. Authentic food ,entertainment, and our daily living can be viewed in this diverse city.

  9. Julie T. 46
    I believe Disney World captures the essence of America. It is a place that every American would want to visit. I have never been to Disney World, but have always wanted to go. Disney World is a place people can go and get away. If someone from another country went to Disney World they would understand what it is like to be a kid again!

    1. Josh C.55 in response to Julie T.46
      I completely agree with you, I have been to Disney World multiple times and it is definitely a place to "get away". It truely brings out the inner child in most people. Theres so much to do while your there that I have never been around to the whole park in one visit.

    2. Flo K.47 in response to Julie T.46

      Disney World to me is the best place to go have fun. I agree with you and I would recommend a friend to visit during their first visit in America.

  10. Julie T. 46
    I would have to agree with Jazzmin B. I have never been to any of these places, but I would love to visit each of these places one day. I would like to see the different food and styles other people have in other states.

  11. Falinda A. 47
    I believe Mt. Rushmore is a great place to visit to see the faces of our forefathers who helped build America the way it is. The history, achievements, and changes that happened in the past in the faces that made U.S.A. In my opinion, is worth the travel 100% to see history right in the face literally! Plus with the landscape, the trees and looking up high in Mt. Rushmore might inspire people to make a difference too.

    1. Ifeyinwa O.47 in response to Falinda A.47
      Mt Rushmore can be a best place to visit only to those that loves history, and ancient landscape.

  12. I am going to have to go out and say Times Square, New York. This place would have the essence of America. That is one place that has all walks of life from around the globe and isn't that what America represents? I personally think that Disney Land wouldn't really do it because that is all around the world, and doesn't really differ. Grand Canyon and Mt Rushmore although very beautiful and something that you someone would love to see I don't think a foreigner would get a good grasp of what America is just by viewing such wonders. Las Vegas is a very poor representation of America in that it is almost the opposite in my eyes. We can't gamble everywhere in the U.S. and although there is a lot of different culture there I don't think that is a place I would want a foreigner to get his idea of what America is from. The mall is another one of those places like Vegas in that its a poor representation.

    So all in all I would have to pick Time Square New York. Rich in culture, all walks of life live, they have shopping food, things going on in the street. I think someone could really grasp the essence of America there.

    1. Jennifer O. 46

      I agree with your opinions on Disney World and Las Vegas. Those are places where Americans escape from "real life" and the realities of their daily lives elsewhere. I have been to Vegas once and I agree, there's the definite gambling, drinking, and partying pull as well as the idea of false wealth. Yet, when you go outside of Vegas, there's a noticeable drop in the quality of living. As for Disney World, while people come from everywhere to see it, some of its exhibits are from other places around the world and Disney World has made a point to be more world-friendly. It's not exclusively American anymore, then, if there's Disney Worlds in Tokyo, Paris, and elsewhere, and if they don't show just American things.

    2. Above is in response to Justin L.
      - Jennifer O. 46

  13. If I had to choose one place to represent America as a whole I would choose Times Square in New York. In my opinion this location represents the vast variety of style, culture and the constant hustle and bustle of entertainment and working individual. While the other options are good representations of America, they don’t quite encompass the real life American behavior such as the Times Square does.

  14. Josephine B. 44
    I think that this is a tough decision for me. I feel that the The National Mall in Washington D.C., and The Golden Gate Bridge in California both wonderfully capture the essence of America. But if I had to choose one, then I would probably recommend The National Mall in Washington D.C. Washington D.C. holds some of the best memorials, and statues in the world. When I was a freshman in high school, I visited Washington for a week and I will never forget it. I feel as if I learned more on that trip about America and it's history, than I could learn in any history class. It was an amazing experience, as well as The National Mall. I definitely think that The National Mall in Washington D.C. would best capture the essence of America.

  15. Josephine B. 44
    I think that this is a tough decision for me. I feel that the The National Mall in Washington D.C., and The Golden Gate Bridge in California both wonderfully capture the essence of America. But if I had to choose one, then I would probably recommend The National Mall in Washington D.C. Washington D.C. holds some of the best memorials, and statues in the world. When I was a freshman in high school, I visited Washington for a week and I will never forget it. I feel as if I learned more on that trip about America and it's history, than I could learn in any history class. It was an amazing experience, as well as The National Mall. I definitely think that The National Mall in Washington D.C. would best capture the essence of America.

  16. Ifeyinwa O.47
    A place that will best capture the essence of America to a friend that loves fun or social life is the Disney world because it is a place of relaxation and a whole lots of fun. But for one that admires and loves history or culture,then Times Square,or Mt. Rushmore, or National Mall will really capture the essence of America to him or her.

  17. In response to Julie T .46
    I agree that Disney World is a great tourist attraction but I don’t agree that it represents America as a whole. Disney World lacks the true sense of what America is like. Although it includes entertainment which is one of the boldest traits of America, it leaves out the style, diversity, greed, hustle and bustle and growing culture. Disney World is like living in a fairy tale world set apart from reality, unlike how the Times Square which is a more accurate representation of what America is like.

  18. Angela W. 47
    If I had to choose only one I would probably pick Time Square in New York. I chose Time Square because when your there you can see pretty much all walks of life. Its a melting pot of every nationality, every religion, every gender(including those who aren't quite sure)... On top of all of that, you have the booming businesses that are close to the small business in the area. I just feel that you could see a lot of the United States in that one little area.

    1. Innocent A. 46 in response to Angela W. 47

      I Agree with you in respect to the lifestyle in New York. Is actually the melting point where all nationality come together and relate in terms of business, entertainment, and many more.I am quite sure most tourist will choose to visit the Times Square as place to remember.

  19. In response to Ifeyinwa O. I agree with you that it really would depend on what those people would like. All of those places have something to offer.

  20. Oneisha Francois 46
    I would say Mount Rushmore. You're basically your looking at Americas history. A person could learn a little bit about the four American President and why they are so important and how they shaped the future of America

    1. Sabrina B 46 responding to Oneisha F. 46. That is a great idea. Being that it would be there first time in America, what could be more American than visiting Mount Rushmore.

  21. Sabrina B. 46
    I would have to say Times Square, New York. Personally, I have never been to any of the places on this list. I guess I live a sheltered life. It just seems to me after the heroic people of New York overcame the 911 attacks, we should spend more money there to keep re building and striving to make it feel like a safe place to tour again.

    1. Barbara P. 46 in response to Sabrina B. 46

      I don't really think rebuilding for NY because of 9/11 should be the main reason people visit...New Yorkers are strong, independent, and thriving. They rely on themselves. The major reason to visit is because of the people themselves. All the different kinds of people that live there that are from all over the world. America is made up of people from across the world and there is no better place that expresses this than NY.

  22. Mt. Rushmore would be my pick. They can learn about 4 of the most prolific US Presidents! The others choices are great attractions, however, they don't represent America as a whole. There is so much history there it isn't even funny. They can learn about who the faces are, what they did and hopefully inspire them to make a difference. Not to mention the gorgeous landscape! Who wants to spend their Vacay. standing in lines, gambling, spending even more money [than they already have], standing in the heat looking at a canyon?

  23. Chelsea B. 47

    I would have to say Disney World, Florida. The theme park was thought up and started by one man's very large dream. It captures the essence of many places around the world including, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, and many more. The country is called the Melting Pot and I believe that Disney World showcases that. A multitude of countries coming together in one place. It may be crowded but I think it gives a good essence of what our country is about.

    1. Alison B. 46 in response to Chelsea B. 47

      While developmentally it is itself a cultural melting pot, I'm not sure if the result actually showcases this. I do believe that the dream of Walt Disney is about as American as you can get but what about Disneyland actually shows that? Especially as a traveler in a foreign country? Just a few things that crossed my mind when deciding between the destinations I would recommend.

  24. Jennifer O. 46

    As someone who never traveled much outside of my home state (PA) as a kid, I am glad to see several places I've actually been to on the list. I have been to Disney World, the Grand Canyon, and Las Vegas.

    It is very difficult to choose one place that is distinctively "American", and also shows a fairly accurate view of us. The Golden Gate Bridge shows foreigners our architectural feats and marvels, but that's about it. Other countries clearly show their own architectural amazements too. Disney World has been exported out to other cities around the world. It also does not exclusively show American exhibits and products anymore, as they are trying to be more global plus teach everyone about the world. Las Vegas Strip is a definite no. It portrays Americans as gamblers, drinkers, and partiers. It shows that we just want to escape from the daily grind and surround ourselves with false wealth. But, if you drive a bit outside of the Strip, the glitz and glamor is definitely gone. Mt. Rushmore looks good when you first look at it; what is better historically than presidential history? Beyond that, though, there doesn't seem much else to be offered there and shows foreigners little about current-day America. Times Square offers plenty for foreigners to do and many chances to get to know Americans constantly. They may be intimidated by the crowds and the feeling that there may be too much to do in the little time they may be here. However, they would get a very full portrayal of America today from a city standpoint. My personal favorite place is the Grand Canyon, where I was constantly amazed by the views and its unique history as well. There was a wide variety of people there as well.

    My pick, though, would be the National Mall. It is not a shopping mall, it is really a national park surrounding monuments such as the Lincoln Memorial and offering a good amount of museums/galleries. This offers a lot of American history (some distant and some recent), American art, teaches them about our government, and lets them relax in the park areas. While it may and could easily get crowded, it may not overwhelm foreigners as much as Times Square would.

    1. I like your explanation for each place. And did not personally know that the national mall encompassed all those features.

  25. Chelsea B. 47 in response to Sabrina B. 46

    I am not sure recommending Times Square, New York just because of 911 is a good enough reason. I believe that it does encompass the beginning of our country and would be a great place to visit. However, putting our countries disaster onto other people who had nothing to do with it is a bad reason to send them there.

  26. Considering I've only been to three of the options we have to choose from, I wouldn't be able to say about the impressions the other options would make on a tourist. I have visited the National Mall. I would choose that over Times Square (I've been there) just due to the fact that it is there for our history and education of our nation. Once you have the facts in front of you about our country a tourist can then make logical opinions about America.

  27. Innocent A. 46
    If there is any place i could recommend to anyone for visit is the Times Square New York. History has shown that New York city is the most visited state by tourist due to the magnificent buildings and the exotic places with there names. I love to be there to see things myself and experience the life and style of different culture of people and more so the businesses that create market.

  28. I would pick Washington DC, because it is the nations capital a great place to learn are nations history and see some of the historical sites and artifacts. Disney,times square,vegas ect. all are great places to visit but from an education stand point and a good history lesson I would take my friend to the National Mall.

  29. The essence of America is ideological. The National Mall in D.C. would teach the visitor about the philosophies of the Founding Fathers. Also, the museums in the park would teach some history to our visitor.

  30. In response to Ashley Huskins,
    Your comment on Times Square was very eloquent. I noticed that after you said posted it, others began choosing that one as well.

  31. It depends on why they are visiting, if it's to see what America has to offer, I would recommend Times Square, if it's to learn our history, I believe that The National Mall would be a better choice. I think Times Square would be the better choice though, It's showcases more of Americas diverse cultures and subcultures. There are many different kinds of foods, fashions, shopping, and entertainment that embody what America currently is. The culture in the united states is constantly evolving and growing, I don't think there is a place better then New York that will display our ever-changing culture.

  32. Kayley F.
    I would say Time Square would be the best place out of the given choices (unless the person you are taking wants a more historical view on America, then they can go to Washington, D.C.). When I visited New York in general I was in love with the architecture of the city, but once going into Time Square it was even better. Sure it's crowded and chaotic, but that's America in my eyes. Everyone is going around doing what they want, and making sure everyone knows what they want as an individual. Of course I also have to bring up the fact that it is an amazing tourist area. Plenty of shopping and areas to make your "Kodak Moments".

    1. In reply to Kayley F.
      I agree with everything you said! I too would recommend Times Square because it gives a good representation of the American culture. But I do think it really depends on the person coming to visit. Do they want a history lesson? If so, then yes, I may send them to Washington D.C. instead.

  33. Matt M.
    Depending on who you ask the Grand Canyon is one of the seven wonders of the world. It is amazing to see such a massive naturally occurring phenomenon that has shaped the southwest corner of our nation. The Grand Canyon would definitely be my recommendation for a friend to visit.

  34. Matt M. in response to Stephanie Manning
    New York times might represent the fashion and styles of America but might not necessarily represent the essence and history of America.

  35. Josh C.55
    Considering Mickey Mouse is one the most recognizable images in the world, in my opinion Disney World captures the true essence of America. Having been there multiple times in my life it really brings out the inner child in me as im sure does for many other people. Disney World would be the most enjoyable place to visit out of the list of places. With Disney beeing a multi-billion coorperation they have a huge park and lots of different things to do. Sure the Grand Canyon and Mt. Rushmore are beautiful but the only thing you can really do is look at it. If one my friends came to visit the U.S. from another country I would want to make sure they had the most fun they possibly could.

  36. Jessica S.

    I gotta go with Disney. Everyone has grown up with it. My only question would be if they could visit all of the parks or would it be just the Magic Kingdom. Simply because one must visit every park to fully enjoy the experience of Disney.

    1. Marissa M. 55
      Agreed. Everyone knows him and have grown up with him. Disney World is loved by many not just for the park alone, but the magical experience they experience there.

    2. Veronica M 47 in response to Jessica S.

      Jessica, I think if i had to narrow it down without considering any of the persons personal likes, I would probably go with Disney too. I didn't even consider the fact that so many other countries are already familiar with Disney. Good choice.

  37. Marissa M. 55
    It would be hard to pick just one because it would depend on who you are talking to. If there had to be one picked out of them all it would have to be Mickey Mouse, the Disney World star. He is know by many, but his home is in America.

  38. Flo K.47
    I would say The Grand Canyon, Arizona because it is considered one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World, known for its visually overwhelming size, colorful landscape and ancient rocks that make the walls of the canyon so beautiful. I would recommend this natural wonder and much more than a sight to behold for inspiration.

  39. Alison B. 46

    I feel like if I had a friend visiting America for the first time and they could only visit one place, I would recommend that they visit Times Square in New York. New York is the perfect example of what America has always prided itself on being.. the ultimate melting pot. It shows them that we are filled with different cultures and there isn't one type of American and that anyone can call this country home.

    1. I completely agree. I struggled with deciding on Times Square and Disney World. I love that you brought these valid points up for Times Square. It's the perfect visualization to proof all the assortments of culture that are embodied in America.

  40. Christopher Deaton

    I would choose DisneyWorld because it shows the true potential America has. One man took his idea of a cartoon mouse and made it one of the most recognizable images in the world. It shows that in America, you can truly make your dreams a reality. He is a self made man who proves that America really is the land of opportunity.

  41. William W
    I would have to choose Time Square. Most people have heard of Time Square and it would leave a lasting impression because it is quite often in the lime light. New Years Eve, Today Show, Thanksgiving and many other world televised events are held there and when they are it would bring my friend back to that memory of when they visited. Again a lasting impression. Also the diversity of races, foods, art, culture is something to remember.

  42. Jennifer W 55

    I believe that Disney World best captures the essence of America. It is a prime example of living the "American Dream". It started off as a simple cartoon in the 1920's and is now a global corporations that so many of us have fell in love with today and I am sure for many generations to come.

  43. Jennifer W. 55 reply to Sabrina B. 46

    I believe you make a very good point. I agree with you and it would be a great idea to go to New York and give them more income to help rebuild from 9/11. I think it would b a great learning experience for someone visiting America.

  44. Veronica M 47

    That is a difficult decision to make being that I've only personally visited one place on the list. Some of the choices were good for showing someone the beauty of the landscape and some were geared toward activity. I guess it would kind of depend on the personality and the age of the person I was talking to. If they were a more relaxed individual, regardless of age, I would probably send them to one of the land marks. If they like activity and were older, then Vegas. If they were young then maybe the Mall or Disney.

  45. Erin L.

    These are all very good choices but I would have to say Times Square, New York would be my choice. It shows the diversity of not only New York but the United States as well. It represents how we are a melting pot nation that continues to grow everyday. However, it does contain some of the most American attractions out there. The american food, fashion, transportation and every day fast paced routines are definitely very prominent here. Tourists can get a taste of the american every day life by spending even just a short amount of time here.

  46. Hannah Turk

    Surprisingly enough the two average choices are between Disney World and Times Square. I have to disagree with these and go with something a little more boring. If I had to show a foreign friend one siting it would be Mount Rushmore. Yes, it doesn't represent "the American Dream" or the rush of the city but in fact it represents much more then that. It represents where that all came from in the first place. Mount Rushmore represent the founding, the preservation and the expansion of our country. Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt and Lincoln were all wonderful men with alot to do with the development, morals and values of our country today. If a foreigner could understand it from that point of view it has the opportunity to be eye opening.

  47. Ansley L. 47
    This is kind of a hard choice but I believe that Times Square in New York City would be perfect. In Times Square there are millions of different things to look at and and experience. Between the fashion, food, Broadway plays, and all of the people there, there would be no better place to show someone the essence of American culture.

  48. Ansley L. 47 in response to Kayley F.
    I could not agree more. I believe that if the person is more into history of America there would be a better choice than Times Square however, America is more chaotic and fast pace. I am absolutely in love with New York and I believe it would be perfect to show someone.

  49. Melissa Pope
    I believe that Disney World in Florida completely captures the essence of America. It's the land where dreams and fantasies come true. Disney World fulfills the dream that the Princess always gets her Prince, that if you try hard enough; anything is possible. I think that it is "the pursuit of happiness" that every American strife's for. Even an adult can turn into a child in this surroundings.

  50. Linda H. 46.
    If a friend of mine is traveling to the United States from another country, I think the best places to capture the essence of America would be Times Square, New York. You can visit the Statue of Liberty, this is a historical landmark of New York. You can visit the Empire State Building, which is a beautiful view of the city. You can visit the 9/11 Memorial. You can visit Grand Central, Central Park and Central Park Zoo. While visiting Times Square, you can eat and shop. While visiting Times Square you can visit the ball drop that's visited by millions on New Years Eve. Times Square is known for music and the arts, and you will be mesmerized by the City night lights. There are so many different things you can see and do in Times Square, New York. It is one of the most amazing places to visit in the world. Times Square depicts what the United States is all about.

  51. Linda H. 46 in response to Stephanie Manning
    I choose Times Square, New York as well. I agree with your view points of Times Square. It does embrace the business class, working class and those who are looking for entertainment. Times Square represents who American is and will always be.

  52. Barbara P. 46

    I feel that Times Square, New York is the perfect place to show anyone looking towards visiting the United States. I think it really shows the essence of America because it is such an incredible place to visit with people and cultures from all over the world residing in one area. New York City in itself is like its own little world. The experience of seeing all these different people and cultures stays with you and can be such a monumental experience.

    1. TinaP91 @BarbaraP.46 I agree that New York would also be a great place to learn about America. It is one of the most fast paced and historical parts of the United Stated.

  53. Nadasha C

    I would choose Times Square New York. New York on a hold is a very diverse state. Being a fellow New Yorker I know it's a great place where you can learn and be entertain all in one. Lots of museum, Broadway, Grand Central, Statue of Liberty, Ground Zero, Great food, best of fashion and many more. I say it's a great tourist attraction.When you in New York you see people from all over the world and all walks of life. Rich, Poor, Middle class. Watching the ball drop on New Years Eve is a phenomenal experience. All the Macy's Parade are quite entertaining and more.

  54. Brenden D.
    I believe that the golden state bridge would be an awesome sight for the newcomer. I think the Bay area would be a great experience for someone new to the country because there is so many diverse people in San Fransisco. He/She would get many experiences from different people and see many different things.. Although the Bay area would be a great spot for someone new to the country, it does not give the whole experience for our country, but would be a great beginning.

  55. Jeannie Sarli

    Even though multiple of the listed locations are in fact wonderful aspects of America, I believe that in order to capture the true essence of our country would be to use Disney World, Florida, as the best example.
    I only say this because, while the other locations are that of beauty and mesmerizing qualities, Disney World depicts America for what it truly is: A place for people to throw away their money, pretend like nothing else is wrong in the world and immerse themselves in fairy tales, and you'd also see the American people as they are: gluttonous.

  56. Tim F. 47
    While I would hesitate to recommend most tourist attractions to some one vising the US for the first time, I would still have to recommend Disney World. The magic Kingdom is a representation of some of the better points of our culture. It is a place to see our imagination at work, our consumerism in play, an interesting snap shot of the many different types of people in our country, and it is a generally safe place for a person who may or may not speak the language.

  57. Tim F. 47 in response to Nadasha C

    I have never been to NYC myself, but have always wanted to for many of the reasons that you listed, but i have always been put off by the rumors of the gruffer side of the city. My main concern with recommending Times Square to an out of country visitor would be the safety issue.

  58. Staci M 47

    I have driven this entire country three times and once half way. I can honestly say The grand Canyon still amazes me. I tell everyone that i know to go there at least once. I know the other places are amazing in there own right. but, this is a place that can't be built and can't be seen anywhere else in the world. That's the kind of place I would recommend to anyone visiting this country.

    1. Ilisha W. 47 in response to Staci M. 47

      I am curious, where all did you visit?
      I picked Vegas because of how unique and laid back it is. It does not take a complete picture of American living, but it is a one of a kind city. Have you visited there?

  59. Staci M 47 in response to Mellisa Pope.

    I have to say I do believe at one time Disney did represent a few of those attributes, however those days are long gone. It only represents greed with there never-ending rise in prices. I saddens me that they made it that way now. I went there a tremendous amount of times as a kid but haven't even been able to take my children to see it because of there ridiculous pricing.I wouldn't want anyone from another country to experience that.

  60. MarcusQ 55: Reading threw the post I see a lot of people are veering away from things that actually involve other people, Las Vegas and Times square, but personally I see these as being some of the most look things people look most forward to. Given they may not be as iconic as per se the grand canyon or Mt. Rushmore but in a way they do symbolize America. out of the two I would probably rather choose new York because there you will see the diversity of America which I see as being one of our main focuses. Although not everyone who lives here see it as being so but ideally we are more accepting than most countries. A tourist coming from Asia may only be use to seeing oriental people. As soon as they land they will see everyone socializing and interacting in one place! White, black, tall, short, big, small, gay, or straight. We do categorize and profile but I don't think you can get the American diversity anywhere else and New York and all its different cultures represents that the most to me.

  61. Leah Botello 47
    I would suggest the Grand Canyon. It is one of nature's greatest wonders, you can sit and stare at it for hours and never get bored. There is also that glass bridge that swings out over the Canyon that can be an awesome experience along with a possible mule ride down the side of the Canyon. I haven't done the mule ride but I have had friends that have and they said it is something only for a risk taker because the ride down can be very scary!

  62. TinaP91 I would definately have to say The National Mall, Washington, D.C. because that place has a lot of history. I was lucky to visit there with my family while on vacation. You can learn many things about our government there.

    1. Onyimah L.47
      I think that The National Mall will showcase what I will consider a static view of who we are- a people with rich political past and present.The National Mall will expose my friend to only the political segment of who we are.

  63. Leah Botello 47 in response to Marcus Q 55....
    Great point! I love the fact that you mentioned Times Square and the diversity of people! New York has so many different attractions and the culture there is through the roof. Amazing food and entertainment are all over New York City. Great post!

  64. Rebecca B.

    My choice on which would captivate being american for someone not from here would have to between Time Square, NYC and Mount Rushmore, South Dakota. You see Time Square in many movies that are put out across the world and how everyone is around no matter race or religion everyone is just there seeing the sites. Then Mount Rushmore would also be a great one because it put an image of our fore fathers into someones mind. The men who were major helps into building the country we know and love today!

  65. Brittany S. 46

    Although I could see how Times Square would also be a viable choice, I would recommend The National Mall. The fact that there are, in our nation's capital, so many landmarks that are important to the history of our country and the number of museums that explain that history is to me reason enough. There is so much that a person could learn about our country by visiting Washington, D.C.. To me it seems the most logical place to go.

  66. Rebecca B. in response to Staci M. 47

    I do believe and agree that the Grand Canyon is an amazing wonder to see. Although I dont think it truly captivates what it is to be an american or shows about our country and how we live together like Time Square or Mount Rushmore.

  67. Chelsea W. 55

    I feel like I should say New York, but personally I have to go with Disney. I just feel like Disney is much more than just an amazing place for kids to go on vacation. I think New York captures the essence of America, but Disney World captures the way I see America and how I'd want others to see it as well. Disney World is a place that makes you believe all your dreams can come true, and nothing is impossible. That, to me, is the true essence of our country. A lot of people come to America to make their dreams come true, and to have a better life. Walt Disney's life story, to me, shows just that.

    1. DeMario T.46 in response to Chelsea W.55

      I thought about saying New York, but I never been there personally,so I chose Disney World. I agree about everything you said about Disney.

  68. Chelsea W.55 in response to Ifeyinwa O.47

    I agree with you completely. I do believe Disney captures the essence of America the best. Although if one is looking for more history of our country or culture, the other choices are a better choice for them. Culture and history is one thing. The essence is another.

  69. DeMario T. 46
    I would have to say Disney World. The rest of the choices are great but going to Disney World would be a better experience. The things you will see can't be seen anywhere else.Disney has some of the best rides in the world. The Animal Kingdom is great too, you're able to take a tour and see animals you might not see regularly.

    1. Cassaundra W. 46 in response to DeMario T.46
      This was my second choice. I agree with you, Disney World is so great, and there is so many cool things to see.

  70. Curcio47

    I would recommend Time Square in New York city. I feel that this is one of the most places people talk about. There are so many popular things going on in New York, the big apple, the place where dreams come true. All of those other places are awesome to visit as well, but when I travelled around to different countries I heard a lot of talk about New York. I also however, can agree with DeMario because Disney World is a huge topic of conversations and even some where I have never been and would love to visit.

  71. Norma C.41
    This is a hard decision for me since all of the places represent in some way USA's culture. But I would recommend Times Square, New York since it has so many places to visit. Also, because I think New York is a place where you can find so many different cultures from all over the world and I think that is what best represents the USA.

  72. Misty G 46,I feel a lot of people think of Disney when they come to visit America. I know as a kid that is where I wanted to go and now that I have kids of my own they went as well. There is just so much to see and do.

    1. Onyimah L.47
      I would agree with Disney if my friend wanted to see the Alice In Wonderland side of America.From a sociological standpoint,I do not think that Disney captures the essence of who we are as a people.It showcases an utopia which you and I know is not real.

  73. Misty G 46 in response to Leah B 47 The only thing about the Grand Canyon is after you see it there isn't much else to do around there and most people that visit want to doing something everyday for go see a site everyday.

  74. Emily S 81
    While there's definitely no wrong answer, I think I'd be inclined to recommended Times Square in New York. America is a melting pot of culture and I think New York, especially Times Square, is a good representation of this. There would also be a lot for visiting people to see and experience in New York.

  75. Cassaundra Wenzler 46
    This is a very hard decision for me. I think that all of these places are great I have been to most of them. If I had to chose one I think that I would chose Mt. Rushmore more for the history and the quiet of it all. In my opinion that would be the best place to go if you had never been to america before, because it's not too crowded and there is serenity.

  76. Personally, I'd recommend Las Vegas. I mean, who wouldn't? That's a city that never sleeps, and I'm pretty sure you could do a lot while visiting that location. Obviously it'd be a gateway to escape the real world, but personally, I'd love to abandon life for a few weeks.

    Nothing wrong with a little bit of fun!

  77. Madlyn M. 47

    This is a hard one for me because I have not visited any of these places. If I had to choose I think I would probably say New York. I say this because New York has so much to offer and it is seen all everywhere we look. It's in almost every movie! Besides it being a very popular spot for movies and such there is a lot of history there and it also shows the world how hard Americans work. New York is the business capital of this country. I do appreciate all of the other wonders of this amazing country as well but I do think this city has a lot to offer.

  78. Michaela M.

    I would probably suggest the New York one because it has food and T.V. and big screens and things like that. It shows how most of us Americans may think or if we want something. That is if they wanted to sum up America. However, i would suggest going to all these places so you can see the beauty of each. Each place has its own little description of America.

  79. Washington D.C's National Mall is the perfect place to find out Americas History. D.C. in general is the ideal place for someone outside the U.S. to visit. It has all the Monuments, U.S. government Buildings and Museums to learn about the nation.

  80. I'd recommend times square in New York City, because being in a city as large as it is, is a great way to show a tourist the pure ability of Americans and what we can accomplish as a group. How we would go above and beyond to be the most powerful nation in the world.

  81. Brittany S. 46 in response to Anna S

    They have Disney Theme Parks in other countries, so while Disney is an American company, I feel like I would recommend something that they could only see in America.

  82. Shayaz A. 41

    I think that Times Square, New York best captures the essence of America. America was founded by immigrants and is known to be a multicultural country. To me, New York, NY is the city with the most diversity of cultures, and is known for its large mixture of immigrants from all corners of the globe. America is also known for freedom and equality for all races, religions, and creeds. In New York, you see people of every skin color, and are exposed to many religions. There is a unique blend of yamakas, hijabs, crosses and Oms. Furthermore, America is known for capitalism and success. The tall sky scrapers and bright city lights emphasize industrialism and wealth. I will definitely recommend Times Square to a visitor because it dazzled me the first time visited.

  83. Olivia G.
    I would have to recommend Mt. Rushmore because it is monument of four of the greatest presidents the United States has had. Mt. Rushmore represents the first 130 years of this nation's history. It is an excellent attraction to learn about our history and what each president did for this country. I feel it is an excellent representation of the essence of the United States of America. The plus side is the scenery of Mt. Rushmore, it is absolutely beautiful.

    1. Angela M. 47
      I agree that Mt. Rushmore would be a great idea as well because of the history and the tribute to our presidents. I am going to have to visit there myself.

  84. Onyimah L.47
    I have not had the opportunity of visiting any of the listed sites From what I have read and seen about each of them, I will pick the Times Square.Granted that you can learn a lot about a peoples' past and present from her political institutions,I believe that nothing captures the essence of a people like seeing and experiencing them interact with one another.I think that the Times Square showcases America "as is" not a fantasy that Disney is or our political past as in Mount Rushmore,or our architectural prowess as in the Golden State Bridge,or our blessing from mother nature as in the Grand Canyon. The Times Square portrays America as the "melting point" that is famously ascribed to it.Imagine the congregation of Americans from every corner,of every color, and of every status.I think that my friend in observing the way people interact with one another will get more than enough sense of what we are about as a people.Talk about the naked cowboy or cowgirl,the technology that surrounds the square and the liberty with which people mingle will be an eloquent exhibition of who we are.

  85. Christina C.

    I too have not had the opportunity to visit any of those places but I feel Time Square would have to be my choice. I feel one could experience a lot from visiting such a diverse place. There would be so much to not only do and see but to learn also.

  86. Stephanie F. 47
    I feel like Times Square in New York City would be the best place. To be able to see all of the different people in America and see the culture would be the most eye opening experience. Although the other places listed are very "American", they don't show the actual culture, more the history and geography. I think the best way to get a taste of something would be to experience the people.

    1. Judy S ONLINE 50

      I completely agree with your choice of Times Square, New York. The diversity of people from all around the world are attracted to the entertainment, bright lights, and vibes from this location. America's image in my head has a little change to it which is: bigger, diverse, progress etc... Times Square shows how every single person can tolerate each other comfortably in such a congested area. As like you said, "to get a taste of something would be to experience the people".

  87. Stephanie F. 47 in response to Christina C.
    I agree completely. I havent been to these places either but NYC seems like it would be the best place to see what America is all about.

  88. Anthony R.47
    Times Square would be the place that captures America's essence. As an immigrant myself, it was hard for me to fit in with American society that is until I started school and had more interactions with Americans. The point is Times square presents that opportunity to interact with not only Americans, but other immigrants that have been assimilated into society. The other places offer interaction as well but Times square offers diversity. It will be a more in depth interaction.

    1. Mina S. 46
      It was nice to hear your experience. That sounded beautiful. I agree with what you said. Time Square would be a good place to make everyone feel like home when they come to America.

  89. Anthony R.47 in response to Onyimah L.47

    I concur with Onyimah's description of the other listed locations and I also add that America is a society built by immigrants and only through interaction would one come to realize that this notion is true, not that something written in history books. Times Square is such a location where one will find almost every immigrant representation in the United states

  90. I have never had the opportunity to visit any of these amazing places. They all seem to be great tourist places to visit, but i am torn between The National Mall or The Grand Canyon. It would be awesome to visit The National Mall to remember some of the American History and The Grand Canyon to see such beautiful creation. Times Square would be a key one too, to be able to come in contact with other people from the world. My mother had the chance to go a year or two ago, and she loved it because of the huge buildings. I am very torn between these three i would say.
    Juan Coppiano

  91. Naomi A. 41
    All though I personally have never been to Times Square, I have seen pictures. I would choose Times Square because I feel like it best represents America as a whole and its cultures.

  92. Jacob J. 55
    I personally think that if you wanted to capture the essence of America the closest you will get out of all these choices would be Times Square. While it does not have as much in the way of historical and political value as the National Mall and other places it is where someone can witness almost every walk of life and almost all of what America represents.

  93. Jacob J. 55 in response to Cassaundra Wenzler 46
    I am afraid I have to disagree with you. While historically important places such as Mount Rushmore and the National Mall contain vital points of America's History but the do not represent the essence of America. You may have a book that talks about music and what music can make a person feel, but without hearing music you can not feel it's essence.

  94. Michael B. 55

    I would choose Vegas. If a foreigner could only visit one I think Vegas would be the most fun. Just going to look at something and take a few photos doesn't seem that fun to me. It maybe a little wild but I think that most people would enjoy it there. There are lots of people from all over, bright lights, partying, shows, and of course tons of different foods. It could be pricey but even if you don't gamble you have to experience it at least once.

    1. Cheryl R. 33 in response to Micheal B. 55
      I think and every travel agency as well, that Vegas is over rated and because no one goes to visit anymore the prices are lower but the service fees are extremely high for things that you will not be using at all.

  95. Cheryl R. 33
    The choice I would have to pick is Time Square, New York. The reason why I choose this is because so many historic things came from this one location. It would be nice for them to see and re-live some of the events that went on there.

  96. Ilisha W. 47

    If I were to take a friend to any of the cities listed it would be Vegas. There are many sites to enjoy and the pleasure of experiencing such a relaxed tourist community. The city is referred to as "Sin City" but there are plenty attractions for people of all ages.

  97. Charles D. 46.
    If I had to choose the best place to capture the essence of America, I would suggest my friend to visit Times Square, New York. I believe Times Square, New York represent the very essence of who America is. The Statue of Liberty stands for Freedom and Opportunity, this is what America is all about. There is also the 9/11 Memorial, where the Twin Towers stood before the terror attacks. This is a day Americans will never forget, the day in remembrance of the victims from 9/11.

  98. Mina S. 46
    I want to say Washington D.C. because it's Washington D.C. and the place somewhat holds a lot of America's history, but because the place is the National Mall, I'm not sure if I would choose that place specifically. I would most likely recommend Time Square, New York. New York has a good bit of American history and can teach someone a lot about America. Time Square would be a nice place to represent America. I think this would really show what America is really about.

  99. Charles D. 46. in response to Onyimah L. 47.
    I think the selection you choose was a good location to capture the essence of America. I thought you really described each location very well. You are right, Times Square does showcase America well.

  100. Rec Evans

    I definitely had to think about this one, and after some thought, I would have to say Disney World, FL. The other choices are great, beautiful places of our nation, but to me Disney was just a great adventure. If someone was visiting the U.S., especially if they had the whole family with them, I would recommend they go to Disney. I believe that they would be able to see the amazing American dream that Walt Disney brought to reality and made happen for, not just himself, but for an entire world to enjoy. Not only is it a fun and magical place, but it also shows our view on other cultures, so they would be getting to enjoy several nations for the price of one. It also is a great example of how we like to believe that anything is possible in our great nation, and that we value having fun, and thought that we turn hard work into a great adventure for ourselves and others. It will also show them how we as Americans truly appreciate being able to explore other cultures as well as our own. Although, I realize that it tends to get quite busy, there are several times a year when people can go, when it is not that busy, and for everything you get to do and enjoy, it is very reasonably priced. Walt Disney created a magical empire, from just a dream, that, not only Americans, but every one in the world could enjoy!

  101. Lindsey H. 47

    I would choose Las Vegas to capture the essence of America if I could only choose one place. Las Vegas captures many of the characteristics of America in one location. It is a place of adventure, it captures entrepreneurship that America embraces, Capitalism, and that you can turn nothing (the desert) into something great!

  102. Mehdi E.55

    I would choose Disney world in Orlando Florida. Why? Well I have not visited any of the other places yet however, I know as a kid when I went there it rained, but that's Florida weather for you. Even if it rained that did not bring me down. The rides the attractions the water parks and castle was simply amazing it’s a great place if you’re looking for fun. They also have a lazy beach where you lay on an inner tube and just float along the river. I think for someone who is from another country looking for this experience, I would highly recommend it.

  103. I would have to pick Times Square due to the diversity of the people there. If I where allowed to pick a time period, it would have to be throughout the holidays due to the essence of America that woukd be present in that on spot.If they were to see the true America and what the American Dream can produce the Times Square would be the perfect place.The city of New York never sleeps, it always has people 24 hrs a day. You will always find something to do.

  104. Angela M. 47
    Wow this was a hard question to me because the only one I have been to is Disney when I was a little kid but I think that I would choose times square New York because of the diversity first because America is a nation made up of many different cultures and races. Plus I think that there are so many exciting things that someone could see in New York. There is always something to do no matter what kind of things you like. I think it also brings to light that if you want a true depiction of a place you have to see the good and the bad. The slums, beggars, and addicts, homeless and other less than desirables
    are a part of America as well as the beautiful sites.

  105. Mehdi E.55 in response to Lindsey H. 47

    I would agree with you on that. I think Las Vegas is probably one of the best places I would recommend for someone to visit because well it has so many attractive looks to it and as they say whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

  106. Christopher C. 41

    I would pick Disney World because it's a huge cultural hub that many people from all over the nation as well as other countries come to visit. It has everything that screams "Murica" from the cheezy ticket scalpers all the way to the over priced drinks and food! It is a magical place though, having been there only once when I was a child I was completely enthralled by the entire atmosphere.

  107. Amber H. 78
    As for capturing the essence of America? I believe that the Golden Gate Bridge seems to be the best choice. You're able to experience the hustle and bustle of the city life, while looking out over the natural (somewhat industrialized) beauty of the landscape. As for where I'd like to take a friend? I'd choose the Grand Canyon, without a doubt. I'd like to visit their anyways, but I'd love to be able to tell a foreigner that all of America was like that. I believe that it would show a lot of the hidden beauty that America has, that other country's aren't able to experience.

  108. Amber H. 78 in response to Cheryl R. 33

    I definitely see where you are coming from on that. New York would be great on a historical level for tourists to visit. It's a state that everyone should visit at some point in their life.

  109. Ben Gallimore
    Out of the choices given, I will have to go with Time Square in New York. It is the definition of America. I place where you can find every type of social background America has to offer. It shows the acceptance the the U.S. has to offer

  110. Anna Kirby
    I would have to say Mt. Rushmore represents America in the best possible way, it is fullof rich history of our past presidents, and is a very remarkable site due to the fact that these presidents represented on the mountain are the most influencal presidnets of our time, and theres no better way to show America, but through our past presidents.

  111. Taylor McWilliams
    I would say that Mt Rushmore is one of best possible representaion of America. It is a very beautiful and a very historic site to show a person who wants to see one specific site that represents America. It is a way to learn the history of our country and to see the natural beauty of our nation.

  112. Devon H. 47
    I think Times Square would be a great representation. New York city alone represents a melting pot of people. This shows the friend that America is a diverse country with many ethnicities, cultures and religions. Times Square itself also shows technological advancement in advertisement and awe-inspiring sights.

  113. Devon H. 47. In response to Amber H. 78.
    I agree with you completely on the Golden Gate. Grand Canyon would be a great sight and all, just not a good representation of America and the culture. I'm not sure why the Grand Canyon is on this list.

  114. All of these are great representations of America, what we stand for and what we are capable of, but if I had to pick ONE, I would go with Times Square, New York. It is full of energy, it represents the melting pot aspect of our country, and it is crawling with people 24/7. In my opinion it is one of the biggest tourist attractions in the country, not just for fellow Americans visiting New York for the first time, but for people visiting from other countries as well. Though it was not Times Square, New York was the destination for millions of immigrants coming to America in hopes of building a new and better life, chasing the American dream.

  115. Krista P. 47

    I believe all of these places capture some sort of essence of America; they're all different places offering many different views. I believe Time Square in New York provides a very diverse experience. If I were to recommend one of these places to a friend from another country I would most definitely recommend Time Square in New York. My choice is not based off of my own personal experiences, as I've never been there, but I know an overall highly recommended place amongst others. New York's, Time Square is iconified as "The Crossroads of the World", "The Center of the Universe”, and the "The Great White Way". Times Square is the world's most visited tourist attraction, hosting over 39 million visitors annually. I believe this is the world's most visited tourist attraction for a reason, thus leading me to believe my foreign friend wouldn't be disappointed.

  116. Krista P. 47 in response to Christopher C. 41

    I think you brought up a very valid point. I agree that Disney World is a huge cultural hub. I went to Disney World as a child as well, I believe it's nearly every child's dream to vist Disney World. I think this would be a great recommendation for a friend. I would just make sure your friend was totally forwarned of the expense.

  117. Donavon E. 47
    I do have to say that Times Square in NY seems to be the most convincing one for me. In my opinion, it has the most diversity of the settings listed, which correlates strongly with America's diverse heritage. Also, New York itself has been around from the very beginning of the nation's history. That has count for something in regards to the essence of the U.S.

  118. Donavon W. 47 in response to Krista P. 47
    I do agree that all of the places seem to capture bits of American culture, thus it is hard to pick just one. However, I like the fact how you mention how Times Square's popularity as a tourist attraction. That seems to hold some weight in regards to what other cultures might define America's highlights and/or cultural essence to be.

  119. Alexis Goodie 84- Being that out of the list I’ve only been to three and only two of the three to me would be memorable. Those two being Disney World Florida, and of course we cannot forget Las Vegas strip baby!!! I mean we all can agree that it may not be the best BUT, the city never sleeps!! And when you’re on vacation, who wants to sleep.. You have the shows, casino, drinks, clubs and more. Age would be a factor of which I would choose being Disney to me is a family event but it is mainly for the kids, my opinion. However, if you’re asking for the essence which means the intrinsic nature, I would say the Grand Canyon because America is the greatest country of all and this is where everyone wants to be to fulfill their dreams…The Grand Canyon is Grand!!!
