Monday, August 26, 2013

Crime, punishment and gender change

Chelsea Manning, better known as Bradley Manning, the Army Private who released classified information to wikileaks, was recently sentenced to 35 years at Fort Knox for violation of the Espionage Act. Manning has announced a desire to live as a woman and wants to begin hormone therapy immediately.
A precedent has been set in the civil system of law whereas courts have decided that NOT providing hormone therapy to inmates is tantamount to cruel and unusual punishment, a violation of Constitutional rights. This is not the case for the US military system.
What is your position with regard to whose responsibility it is to provide hormone treatment, therapy and surgeries as related to gender reassignment in the Manning case and/or others?

Here is a link to a related story:



  1. Jazzmin B. 41
    In my opinion, I think that it is cruel and unusual punishment. Chelsea Manning made the choice to switch gender and she should have medical treatment with this surgery. Its none of the military business to interfere with what makes her happy. The only thing the military should be concern with is if she is doing her job as an Army Private. They should not be concern with what she does in her personal life.

    1. Yes, but if the expenses of treatment is on them they need to assess the side affects of this long term and if Manning changes his mind in the future. Also they have to think about the way it looks and what it supports. Not to say I think its wrong, however, the army has certain rules and view and if they give this medical attention it could affect that.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Bradley Manning went against the law by violating the Espionage Act, and was sentenced accordingly. The fact that he WANTS this change is ridiculous. Furthermore, thinking we should allow him to do it is equally as bad. We should pay no special treatment to any criminal. If he wants to become a women he should have thought about that before he gave up our nations secrets. Do it on your own time Bradley not on the governments!

    1. Barbara P. 46 in response to Justin Lehner

      I completely agree! Why ask for this after you've been sentenced? Why not do all this when you were not in prison? I feel like he is only using the military's money for his own gain and his behavior should not be condoned. He is simply asking for special treatment after the fact and it is just ridiculous.

    2. If he was a free man wanting the surgery it would be one thing, but considering he is a prisoner it totally changes everything. It is not fair for the military or tax payers to pay for the surgery. Had he followed the law and been loyal to his country he would be free to make this decision on his own.

    3. Nadasha C.Agree With Shanah Eads

      Why should the military and tax payers pay for his surgery. There are far more important things to spend the money on. He should have thought about this before he betrayed the military. I don't see how by not allowing him to have hormone therapy cruel and unusual punishment. He did the crime as a man so do the time as a man.

    4. Totally agree with this. I also like that last sentence. "Do time as a man" haha.

  3. I feel that Manning violated the law and should be charged accordingly. I do not feel he should receive the hormonal treatment due to his want to change sex. I feel maybe if he had been having these treatments prior to these occurrence's then yes the army should have taken that into account and possible continued them. However that is not the case he has done an unlawful act and should be penalized that way with no special treatment just a thief, killer, drug dealer etc. would be.

  4. Amber H. 78
    Personal feelings about the case aside, I don't feel as though it's the court or taxpayer's duty to support this gender change. I think that having this therapy is a luxury for the productive people who need it in society. From my knowledge, hormone therapy is a costly and lifelong process. I question the purpose of the state paying for this therapy for a prisoner? When the founding fathers laid the basis for 'cruel and unusual punishment', this technology wasn't even thought of. Therefore, I don't necessarily believe that it's 'cruel' or 'unusual'. Such a vague amendment needed to be revised, therefore I'm glad this case is in the spotlight at the moment. However, I just don't believe prisoners deserve a free service such as this.

    1. I totally agree with you. I see no reason why our tax-paying dollars should be spent on prisoner's surgies, especially elective surgies such as this. But I'm sure someone will find a loophole for him to get his way just as they are doing with the Nadal Hasal beard incident.

  5. Amber H. 78 in response to Jazzmin B. 41
    Bradley Manning was arrested nearly three years ago for leaking THOUSANDS of pages of top secret national security secrets on the internet. Needless to say, he was arrested and given dishonorable discharge and he did NOT do his job. I just find it quite convenient that Bradley suddenly wants to become a female now that he's been sentenced to 35 years in an all male facility. Personally, I find this an ill-conceived attempt by Manning's attorney to get him sent to a lower security female prison.

  6. Barbara P. 46
    Bradley Manning was sentenced for leaking information and that should be the end of it. Why ask for the medications and treatments to live as a woman AFTER being sentenced for 35 years? Why not do this change when you weren't in prison? This is just ridiculous and I don't believe our military should have to pay for this mans sex change.

    1. Nadasha C

      More than ridiculous the military should be done with him after he got sentenced. If the military pay for his sex change what will they be paying for next.

  7. Misty G 46 After spending 3 years in jail before he even went to trial this never came up, but now after the trial and he is found guilty that Bradley Manning wants to be a women.I just don't think the government should pay for this. This could be another way to get attention or there maybe something going on and he needs help.

  8. Misty G 46 in response to Jazzamin B 41 I don't feel the government should have to pay for his sex change. Bradley didn't live as a women before he got into trouble.

  9. How is it all of a sudden, after getting sentenced to 35 years in prison (which is probably all male), he wants to change his gender? Maybe to use the 8th amendment to his/her benefit? Sounds like he's abusing the 8th amendment to get lesser charges or get sent to an all female prison.

    1. Oneisha F46
      I agree. It seems like hes trying to change his gender so he could be sent to a female prison since he's " technically" a women in order to get less time. BUT, He was sent to jail as a man not a women. So all of this is futile and I'm pretty sure everyone knows what hes up to.

  10. Matt M.55
    Hey whatever blows your hair back is my opinion but I don't think that there should be any exceptions made especially for a person that was convicted of committing a crime. If you can't do the time don't do the crime. He can do whatever he wants once he gets out of prison but no one should be responsible for providing hormones while he is in prison.

  11. Matt M.55 in response to Justin Lehner
    I completely agree with you. You have to be able to accept life's natural consequences to your actions.

  12. Kayley F.

    Bradely Manning is a criminal.In my eyes, it doesn't matter what he wants. Maybe in 35 years you can become "Chelsea Manning" but as a prisoner it shouldn't happen. So I think he should sit back and serve his time as a man. If you wanted to be a woman so bad, you shouldn't have broken the law.

    1. Josephine B. 44 in response to Kayley F.
      My thoughts exactly! Why should Bradley Manning be given anything that he wants while he is in prison. Besides, other inmates do not get that privilege, so why should he? I agree with you, he can be free to do and pay for whatever he wants in 35 years, but until then he can serve his time as is.

  13. Brenden D.
    If this guy wanted to live his life as a women then he should have thought of that before he got charged with espionage. If he didnt leak classified information then he would have that right to live his life as he wanted. once he got charged and sentenced, i believe he gave up that right to choose.

  14. One of the luxuries of the free is horomone therapy, criminals get three hot and a cot. He should be greatful that he commited his crime here in the US and not Korea, where I'm sure his punishment would be far worse. I don't understand why criminals think that prison is a bed and breakfast ran by tax payers who are willing to turn a blind eye to their foolish requequests.

  15. His choice was to commit a crime and now face the consequences. He lost his freedom to make his own choices as to how he wants to live his life. The government now makes those choices for him. The government doesn't have to provide him anything that is not for the benefit of his health.

  16. Oneisha F.46
    I don't have a problem with him wanting being a girl. But he committed a crime which striped away his freedom. If he expecting them to "help" him out, likely its not going to happen. He should just do his time and when hes out, he can do whatever he wants.

  17. Leah B. 47 I am very on the fence with this for many reasons. The first reason would be ethical and very muddy. I don't believe in changing your sex in normal circumstances, according to my own personal beliefs. However, there are cases where people are born hermaphrodites and the parents "choose" their child's gender...who's to say they choose it "right?" The second reason, if Manning is "guilty" like Edward Snowden, I don't agree he should be locked up anyway. I am not sure of what all was leaked, I haven't looked that far into this one. Edward Snowden I believe had the best interests of the American people so depending on what Manning leaked could mean that I don't agree with him (Manning) being locked up. Third, if Manning did leak information out of spite and to try put Americans in harms way, then I believe he should be locked up, and no I don't believe he should have the "choice" on something that is not a necessity and would be considered more of a luxury. That would be like saying if a woman committed murder and was in prison, she should be allowed breast implants to help her "mentally and emotionally." Prisoners should be treated as prisoners. I don't mean tortured, but the luxuries they have are better than some free people living on the streets.

    1. For the most part I agree, but in regards to the hermaphrodite statement has there been any sort of research that proves he was born that way, no. So he cannot use that to try and sway the army's decision therefore that is kind of on a different scenario.

  18. Stephanie F. 47
    I would definitely consider this to be cruel and unusual punishment. As human beings we have the right to do with our bodies what we please. Manning chose to switch genders and should have the right to the hormones needed to help the gender transition.

    1. I love your compassion but prisons are only allowed a certain amount of medical allowance. Think about it like this, if it were between him getting his hormone treatment and another man needing Coumadin for his blood clots , who would you choose?

    2. To StephanieF. 47. I agree with you on that everyone should be able to live how they feel comfortable. Just remember that if you have a job, then you pay taxes. And if you pay taxes, you are paying for his treatment. Personally, I believe this to be the real question. Do you want to pay for his happiness?

    3. TinaP.91... To StephanieF. 47. I agree with you on that everyone should be able to live how they feel comfortable. Just remember that if you have a job, then you pay taxes. And if you pay taxes, you are paying for his treatment. Personally, I believe this to be the real question. Do you want to pay for his happiness?....I reposted this because I forgot my name :)

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Steph F. 47 In response to Shanah Eads
    I completely agree. Violation of a government act as such would have probably been a death sentence in many other countries. America has been lenient on Manning in that sense.

  21. Josephine B. 44
    In the first place, Bradley Manning violated the Espionage Act and sabotaged the Military. He was punished rightfully for what he did. In my opinion, why in the WORLD should the Military or anyone else be responsible for tending to his WANTS. That would be a lot of money being spent for Bradley Manning out of the Military's pocket. I do not think that he deserves the right to have hormone therapy provided to him after what he did.

    1. Sabrina B.46 responding to Josephine B. 44. I agree with you 100%. As a tax payer, we shouldn't pay for anything other than 3 hots and a cot. It's bad enough to provide that for the betrayal he has caused his country. If it's not life or death, they don't get it.

    2. Madlyn M47 in response to Josephine B.44. I couldn't have said it better myself. I think the bare minimum is allowed!

    3. Judy J. 50

      I couldn't agree more with the statement you have posted. He betrayed his nation and leaked nation security information to the public. It would be ridiculous if the US military paid for special treatments for a criminal.

  22. Leah B. 47- in response to Jazzmin B. 41: If he/she is guilty of committing a crime, then he/she should not be allowed regular "rights" as someone who is free. Prisoners should be given what is necessary, which is food, shelter, clothing....but if we tell them they have the right to choose what gender they want to be which is not necessary for survival, what stops them from saying they want rights that are not necessary for survival such as plastic surgery? I think people are so interested in making sure they don't offend any person that they go to extremes to make sure everyone is given "equal rights." Equal rights refers to people who are law abiding citizens. Prisoners are just that: prisoners.

  23. Olivia G.
    Although it may be stepping over the line of cruel and unusual punishment, I believe it is Brandon/Chelsea Manning's responsibility to provide himself with hormone replacement therapy. In no way is it the US military's responsibility to provide this "luxury" to any inmate in the military prison system or any prison system for that matter. There are law abiding citizens and military personnel who do not have the means to provide themselves with their own hormone replacement therapy so why should it be given to an individual in military prison at the government's expense. If Brandon/Chelsea Manning is able to financially afford his desired treatment plan then by all means he should.

  24. Sabrina B. 46
    Bradley/Chelsea Manning has a right to choose to be what ever he/she wants to be. We can't be the judge of that. However, Bradley committed and was convicted of a crime. As a tax payer, I don't think it's fair for the tax payer to pay for anything that is not life or death medically necessary. He gave up that right when he committed a crime. He should have been discussing his medical choices with a doctor instead of telling U.S. secrets.

  25. Lucrecia.O 47
    Whether Manning chooses to be a man or a woman is his choice.But what is different now and the reason why we are wading into this issue is because Manning was a military officer of the US and now has been found guilty and sentenced for a very serious offense.This will entail giving up most of his rights including the choice of sexual switch.I am sure that he is also well aware that military court marshalls are not the same as the civil court.

  26. If Manning wants to be a woman instead of a man is up to him. However I certainly do not believe that prison is the place for that to happen and certainly not on the tax payers dollar. I certainly do not believe that hormone therapy should be given to anyone in prison.

    Madlyn M 47

    1. Christina D.
      I strongly agree with you. Prisoners should be treated as prisoners not as guests on vacation.

  27. TinaP.91 I love this article. I recently watched a show on Netflix that had a character just like this. I believe all people should live how they want to. That is the purpose of what America is about. Happiness and the freedom to make your own choices. If the process of hormone treatment had already begun, then yes they should continue in jail because the hormones are not something you want to keep messing with. If his body is used to the estrogen then he now needs to keep taking it or could have serious psychological effects. However, if the process would begin in jail....well then suck it up man. I hate that I already pay for your food and housing while I barely have food on my table. I would like to see innmates pay for my rent.

    1. Jennifer O. 46
      I agree with Tina P's opinion. What people do with their identities and lives is their business and choice. If Manning did start the hormone therapy, medication doses of any sort are dangerous to play around with. This seems especially true if the meds affect the hormonal balances. It's not only the psychological effects that are in play, there's also physical ones as well for sure. If not started yet, then Manning really has to think through these types of risks, not just whether or not the hormones will be given or not. Also, I agree with your feelings about paying for people in jail. I have no job, no income, and if I were on my own, I'd be worse off than Manning... something feels off about that one.

  28. MarcusQ.55 I do not think it would be cruelty to not proceed with the surgery. At this point in his life why is that his main concern? I believe that is a form of special treatment if he continued to receives surgeries while in jail. I think everyone should have the right to their feelings and what exactly they want to do with their life but I feel like demanding for a sex change to continue while in jail is out of line. That is a decision you should make when you have the freedom to do so. I am not trying to be bias because I do not fully understand what it like to want to be the opposite sex but if I so decided that I would do so after my sentence and in his case I could not be able to do so. I was always raised that if I make a mistake I own up and take the consequence that goes a long with it.

    1. Marissa M. 55
      I agree completely. This is something that he should have to pay for. At this point this should not be a concern of his. He should be focusing on more important things.

  29. Julie T.46
    I believe this is the craziest thing I have heard in a long time. Who thinks that we should be paying for a prisoners treatment? Not I, a treatment like this outside of prison would not be covered by insurance because it is considered cosmetic. So why should tax payers money go toward a man that wants to become a women. He should be happy to eat at no expense to him. There are elderly people and children here in America that are going hungry, so why is there even a thought to let this man become a women at our expense??

    1. Claire M. 46 in response to Julie T. 46
      Vary logical way of thinking, Julie T. Even people who need medication to sustain life have to pay something! There is no justification for this at all.

  30. Julie T.46
    I completely agree with Marcus Q. Once people go to prison they loose any rights they have. I am just blown away by this article. I can not believe they are considering this.

  31. Overton-Graves 46
    Manning is serving time in prison if the government pays for the proceedings of the procedure then how many others who can not afford this are going to commit hideous acts of crime just to proceed their surgeries? Just a thought. I don't believe it is cruel at all to no longer provide the monies for the procedure. However, if an inmate has the money from outside to proceed then that's another discussion. I just believe once in prison you are no longer free.

  32. Jennifer Willoughby 55
    I don't think Bradley Manning should be allowed to get the sex change on "someone elses dime". If Bradley wants this surgery he should have to wait until he is out of prison and pay for it himself. He should not have the same luxurious that a "free" man should have.

  33. Jennifer Willoughby 55 in response to Oneisha F 46
    I totally agree with you, he should do the time for his crime. He can do what ever it is when he gets out. I also don't have a problem with him wanting to be a girl to each their own.

  34. Marissa M. 55
    Bradley Manning should not be allowed to go through with this treatment. He should have to pay for it himself. It is not fair for others to have to pay for his treatment when he is doing nothing. He should not have the same treatment as if he was a free man. He is not. He needs to wait until he is out. He should be focusing on more important things.

  35. Judy J. 50

    Bradley Manning is a criminal for leaking national security top secrets to the public. He got 35 years for violation of the Espionage Act and expects his special surgery or treatment to be payed by the US military's expense. If he wanted the hormone treatment, he should have thought twice before betraying his own nation. The government should discipline him by giving him this unusual punishment by not paying for it. He can do what ever he wants after 35 years. At least he is getting released and not staying behind bars for life.

  36. Christina D.
    ABSURD...The entire thing to me is absurd. Our tax dollars pay for more than we know about in prisons. We not only pay for health care, but inmates get access to the internet as well as education and degree programs. Wow, I've also read about inmates receiving unemployment as well as pensions. My beliefs aside on Manning's personal choices, he should be treated like the prisoner that he is and happy that he is an american and not facing his charges in any other country, he wouldn't have to worry about hormone injections in a foreign country.

  37. Melissa Pope
    I believe that Bradley Manning should be responsible for the surgeries, treatment and hormones. This isn't a medical necessity, it's a personal decision. I feel that he is trying to form a riot with trans genders vs. the government, which is all well and fine but not when you are in prison. Even if he wasn't reprimanded, most health insurance doesn't cover this kind of procedure. It's considered cosmetic. I feel he should hold on to his ambitions until he is released and then act accordingly.

  38. Jazzmin B.41 in response to Stephanie F. 47
    I agree with you about humans doing whatever with their bodies as they please. The body belongs to the human being and not the government. I understand that he committed a crime but why is Manning being neglected for medical treatment over surgery he had done.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Levi Dozier
    I agree with the majority on this one, I don't believe that anybody but Manning should pay for this type of procedure and treatment. It's a waste of American tax money that could be used elsewhere, this man is a criminal and should get no special treatment. If he really wants to be a woman, then he should wait till he serves his time and is released from prison. There are thousands of other people that pay out of their own pocket for this treatment who are upstanding citizens. Criminals do not deserve special treatment, they're in prison for a reason. If he wasn't in prison and was paying for it himself I would completely support him in this; however, that's not the case.

  41. Brittany S. 46

    I believe that Chelsea Manning should be allowed to receive Hormone Replacement Therapy. Manning did not state that she was seeking gender reassignment surgery as well, but to me it shouldn't matter either way. I'm not an expert, but according to the NPR article above, gender dysphoria is a medical diagnosis, and I do not believe that anyone should be denied medical treatment. Also, if civil courts have found that it is unconstitutional to deny prisoners this treatment I do not see why she should be denied this. I understand that military law is different; however, I do not understand why the military, whose members take an oath to defend the Constitution, is allowed to deny citizens their Constitutional rights. I understand that she broke the law but she is still facing the consequences of her actions, she is still going to jail.

  42. Michael B. 55

    This demand is ridiculous! Tax payers would be paying for this treatment. He is a criminal and should serve his time for the crimes he committed. Prisoners have no rights isn't that the point of being in prison? He should not be making such ridiculous demands and expect to receive them. He can be whoever he wants to be when he is released. I think he is just wanting more media attention and is using his desire to be a woman to get it. It is his responsibility to provide these treatments out of his own pocket when he is living as a free citizen.

  43. Claire M.46
    If any individual so desires to change their physical appearance for personal reasons (vanity), then it should be his or her responsibility to pay for the surgery, hormone replacement therapy, etc. I commend the US Military for not going so far as to waste even more money on this absurd proposition. I also stand firm in my belief that God did not make any mistakes when He created each and every individual, therefore there is no reason what-so-ever to perform this act. Instead, it sounds like "Chelsea" Manning needs some counseling sessions. It almost seems as if Manning is retaliating against the military in any way possible.


    In my opinion, I think that EVERYONE who has committed a crime and is sentenced to prison should follow by the rules and regulations equally, regardless if you are a part of the US Military. I do think that it is unfair that officials for the government have special treatment when we are supposed to be a country with equality.

  45. Daniella Silva. In my opinion, when a person loses the right to come and go, that is freedom, and becomes a prisoner, the person also loses the freedom to make some choices. I agree that surgeries are paid to preserve the life and health of prisoners. This surgery to sex transformation, he should do when he is released and he can be responsible for the risks and costs of surgery.

  46. Donavon W. 47
    The reality that we are born into the gender that we are born into is reason enough for me to conclude that so called "gender reassignment" shouldn't be a concern in the first place. That being said, for those who desire such operations and procedures, it is merely a want: it is not a necessity. People want lots of things, but not all things are necessary for survival. The prison's focus is to humanely punish the prisoner. Thus, it is not any prison's responsibility to provide such types of services to any inmate -- military or civilian.

    1. Alison B. 46 in response to Donavon W. 47

      I'm not sure if I exactly think people make up the feeling that they are born in the wrong body, however I don't believe that it isn't a luxury surgery. You won't die without it, you'll just be unhappy. You can be unhappy and survive, It's not a fun thing but prison isn't suppose to be. It's punishment and should be treated as such. Governments aren't paying for female inmates to get breast augmentations so therefore why would they pay for gender re-assignment?

  47. Donavon W. 47 in response to Julie T. 46
    I generally agree with your point here. Many others have said the same thing. It just doesn't make sense to even be considering this issue. It is irrational on many levels. If someone can help me understand the logic behind these concerns, feel free to do so (I say this with sincerity).

  48. William W
    Are you out of your mind! People who pay taxes have to go out and use their own money for "COSMETIC SURGERY" and inmates think they should get it for free. Military or not. NO!NO!NO! On another note we are americans and if you betray your country and betray the oath you took to protect it then you are no longer an American citizen with the rights of an American citizen. You still are a human and have human rights like any other enemy combatant.

  49. Hannah Turk
    Manning should not be granted his request. Although this is a diagnosed medical problem the military law states it is (just like asthma) an un-allowable medical condition. Therefore, it is not serious enough to be treated. Without being treated Manning will not become more ill, disabled or die. It is ridiculous to have the US population pay for these surgeries and therapies through taxes. This is simply a self centered desire from a convicted felon and there are more important...or should I dare say urgent "medical conditions" to tend to.

    1. Linda H. 46. In response to Hannah Turk
      Hum, I did not realize that the Military considers this situation to be a diagnosis medical problem. I do agree with your statement wholeheartedly. I'm puzzled though, the military will allow a convicted felon to get a sex change while incarcerated, but yet, if you take a trip down to the VA Hospital you see so many honorably discharged military men needed urgent care and can't get the surgeries needed or the prosthetic limbs they so desperately need without going though a great deal of red tape. There is something seriously wrong with this picture.

  50. In the case of manning, since manning was convicted of a serious crime manning should lose all military benefits and have to wait until the gov't to release him before any sex change take place. that's goes for any criminal in the legal system they should only be allowed to get the essential medical or dental care required by law and not waste taxpayer money on cosmetic surgeries.

  51. Danielle T. 47
    I cannot believe that this is a debatable topic. Manning should not be granted his request for surgery that is merely cosmetic. He is a solider and one would think that he has seen fallen or wounded comrades that are much more deserving of our tax dollars. If he wants to undergo surgery then he should serve his sentence and then pay for his elective surgery himself.

  52. Danielle T. 47 in response to Amber H. 78
    I completely agree with Amber. Prisoners are not deserving of this treatment. He committed a crime and is being sentenced, and now chants that not allowing the surgery is cruel and unusual punishment. I have seen so many deserving military men and women fall through the cracks because of PTSD and other ailments. The people should focus their attention of the men and women that come back from war and rehabilitate them so they can function normally into a society that they can really no longer relate to. Let our tax dollars help our service men and women with mental or physical war wounds, not sex changes!

  53. Ok, so civilian prison systems will provide hormone therapy to those wishing for a change of gender in order to prevent being "inhumane", but military prisons will not. Who's surprised by this? Once you enter the military you become subject to grey areas that John Q. Public is not. With the military's track record for tolerating "alternative" sexual preferences is not great. As far as we are concerned, we first have to ask ourselves what our opinion is concerning this lifestyle choice. Personally, I don't care that he wants to change his gender, but I do care that he wants to do it on the taxpayer's dime.

  54. man, I should've proofread that..

  55. Linda H.46
    I disagree with the decision to allow any inmate, military or not to under go a sex change and be given hormone treatment while incarcerated. If have a sex change is something an individual would like to do, so be it, just not on taxpayers dollars while incarcerated. For one, I see this as Manning knows the military law and understand his rights as an ex-private. Manning has 35 years to serve in a predominately alpha male environment, and he knows he will not survive the ongoing cruel punishment, if you know what I mean. Manning would rather undergo this drastic sex change and be given hormone treatments so she may serve her 35 years with women who she feels would be a somewhat better living environment then living with alpha males. I would also add, that the current law the Military stands by today should be reconsidered and change immediately.

  56. Falinda A.47
    I disagree period!!Due to the fact that the man wants to become a woman. He should love and respect the way God intended him to be in the first place-- a Man. Now as result of the sex change he desires he want to the military taxpayers to pay for the surgery and hormone therapy. I don't think so if he want those stuff he should pay it himself, the military taxpayers have more important things to spend on other than cosmetic surgery. Maybe he should go see a shrink of why wants to become a woman in the first place if we find the source if this problem, the solution would've already be solved.

  57. Jade S.
    Seeing how he gave classified information, he shouldn't receive anything that he "wants". What does "living as woman" have to do with anything? Inmates should receive food, shelter and the basics; NOT a life change such as hormone therapy.

  58. Josh C.55
    I completely disagree with this. He is a criminal and should be treated as one. If he wanted to be a woman so badly he should have thought about that before he/she committed the crime. But the fact the goverment is even considering paying for the surgeries and hormone treatments is absurd. Its a luxury not a necessity, and the goverment has better things to spend the taxpayers money on than somebody who is not even proud enough to call himself a man.

  59. Josh C.55 in response to Stephanie F. 47
    Everybody has there own opinions, but the fact that it goes against the laws of nature its not cruel and unusual punishment. He should have thought about his sex change before he started putting our nations secrets all over the internet. He knew very well what the consequences were of his actions, and he should have to live his life like every other inmate.

  60. Christina D.
    I agree. And think that the media is wasting our time, giving this attention when there are so many other things that take prescience going on that people should know about.

  61. Alison B. 46

    I feel like this is an extremely sensitive subject, and has a lot to do with whether or not you believe that someone can be born in the wrong body. If you do believe that -than denying an inmate of such things could be considered cruel, however I believe like other luxury items while incarcerated it should be on the inmate to finance it. i can't help but wonder as well how the gender swap would affect where exactly the inmate should be held- until an actual re-assignment surgery I feel like they should be isolated then moved to a female prison camp for their own safety.

  62. I don't think the hormone treatments are something we should give to Manning or any other inmates unless they are in need of them for a serious health issues. I think that as someone who decided to break the law, Manning should only receive needed food, shelter, water and required health care (to keep him from getting sick...not hormone treatments).

  63. He does not deserve to get any type of hormone treatment. He should do his prison time as he is. It is preposterous. Get real!

  64. Mehdi E. 55

    Basically it does not bother me to what Manning life does with his/her however, for leaking classified information that his manning’s fault. Who I think should provide for the surgery and hormone therapies should be the psychiatrist and other followers of manning. Why? Well because if they believe that manning has a point they should at least help him out in it. However, if not manning should pay out of pocket for it and it is unfair that they do not allow him/her to undergo it because basically everyone scientifically it is proven he has a gender disorder so it counts has a medical reason and he should be transferred to a more feminine prison after he has under gone his gender change.

  65. Mehdi E. 55 in response to Donavon W. 47

    I agree with you because I to believe what manning wants is a want and isn’t a necessity but your also right about another thing that the military shouldn’t provide for him it should basically be manning to provide for the surgery or other followers who believe in his cause.

  66. Chelsea B. 47

    I believe it is Manning's responsibility to financially support his decision for gender reassignment. He was sentenced to 35 years in prison as Bradley Manning for violating a law that is in place to protect not only the people of the United States but our military as well. I believe that he should serve his sentence as the person he his now. If Manning still associates as a woman after serving the punishment owed to the people, then and only then should he undergo the process of gender reassignment.

    1. I completely agree with you! Manning should have to pay for the reassignment. It should not be anyone elses responsibility. I do think, however, he should be allowed to go ahead with the hormone therapy while he is serving time. He may have done a deplorable thing, but it's still his right. But he should definitely have to fund it himself.

  67. Rebecca B.

    I believe if Manning chooses to go about his/her life this way that he/she should finance the change his/her self! It is not the way of the government nor the military to support such things. It is your choice to do that as you see fit in your own time. If the Espionage thing is the issue then Manning should see out the punishment and then when he/she is free do his/her own thing.

    1. DeMario T.46 in response to Rebecca B.
      I agree with you so much,I said the same thing. if Manning wants it bad enough his/her should pay for it. The punishment fits the crime.

    2. I agree with you one hundred percent. The financial burden of such treatments should be on his/herself, not the government.

  68. Chelsea B. In response to Sabrina B. 46

    I agree with your statement. Gender reassignment is not a life or death situation; therefore it should not be up to us to pay for it. He should have been spending his time and efforts speaking with a doctor instead of working to undermine the people trying to protect our country.

  69. Rebecca B. in response to Jazzmin B. 41

    It is not right for the government or the military to finance such a thing. Especially for someone who is being held because of something like the Espionage Act. If he/she had not violated the Espionage Act it would not be a problem for he/she to live how he/she wants at all.

  70. Chelsea W. 55

    I think that if he truly feels as though he wants to be a woman, then he should do that. I'm so for gay, transgender, etc rights. I just can't get over what he did. The crime he committed over shadows how I feel about him getting treatment. Even though what he did was horrible, I feel if he's already started the treatment it would be cruel to just make him stop.

  71. Chelsea W 55 in response to Chelsea B.

    I so agree with you. I do believe if he's already started the treatments that he should be allowed to continue. It should just be on his dime, and not ours!

  72. Erin L.

    I do not think that the military should have to pay for his gender change after he had violated our country and broken a law. He had published very private documents and should be punished for doing so. He should not be able to do what he pleases and with the governments funding after going against the nations back. He should have thought about what he wanted before breaking the law.

  73. Veronica M online 47

    The blog reads as if he has not started the hormone treatments, therefore, I do not think it should be funded by the state. If a small breasted female prisoner wanted implants so she could feel more like a woman, would she qualify? And, since he has been dishonorably discharged, the Army should not have to cover the cost either. If a person dishonorably discharged no longer qualifies for VA loans, then that person should not qualify for any other military privileges. If Mr. Manning has already began his hormone treatments, I do believe he should be able to continue taking them by whatever financial means any other non-military inmate's medical treatments are covered. But, any surgery to complete his transition should happen at his own expense and after his sentence is complete.

    1. Innocent A. 46 in response to Veronica M online 47

      I strongly agree with you that since Manning have been dishonorably discharged from the military he no longer qualifies for benefit. He is under the military sentence all privileges should be cancelled. Since it’s not an urgent need to have surgery it can wait after he finished his sentence.

  74. Innocent A.46
    In my own opinion Manning demand for HTR would have made an impact if he had done right and would have represent the interest of the Trans-gender group, but right now is under a military penalty to serve a jail time by releasing classified information to the enemy which is illegal. How did he get security clearance job in the military if not that he agreed to be known as a male? He can't play the American people for fools, no one owe him a sex change.

  75. Jessica S.
    If she wants to be a woman let her be a woman. She's already getting healthcare while in prison anyway. What difference would it make if she got the hormones? In my opinion, not much.

  76. The guy wants to grow a pair of breast by taking estrogen. Estrogen will make him more docile and easier to manage in prison. Many facilities spike the kool-aide with salt peter to achieve the same effect. If the prison psychologist prescribes the hormones than I have no problem with it.

  77. In response to everyone calling him her. He can call himself whatever he wants. You can call him whatever you want; that's freedom of speech. But even the little boy in the movie: Kindergarten Cop knew, "boys have a penis, girls have a vagina."

  78. I don’t like topics such as this one because no matter how much you agree or disagree, a conclusion is never made. There is no point in arguing due to the fact that no one is willing to listen to the other side or come to any sort of understanding. I personally disagree with sex change in general but I refuse to judge anyone who chooses to take that path. It is a waste of time to argue what someone else thinks is right especially if the topic goes against your personal bias. In this particular instance, Bradley Manning is proclaiming that it is cruel and unusual punishment and his constitutional right to be administered hormonal treatment while serving his 35 years in prison. Is this guy for real? Not to mention he licked classified information, giving him special treatment would be seen as rewarding him for his behavior. The question being, “whose responsibility is it to provide hormone treatment, therapy and surgeries as related to gender reassignment in the Manning case and/ or others?” The answer to that is simple; no one should be given the opportunity to have hormone treatment to change their gender. What is stopping every person wanting to change their sex to be admitted into prison and demand hormone treatment? I have a feeling that Manning will be given plenty of hormone shots while serving his time in prison.

  79. Stephanie Manning .41
    In response to Chelsea Bateman .47
    I agree that Manning should wait until his 35 year sentence is over before undergoing hormonal therapy. It’s not like his life depends on this sex change being administered. I believe inmates should only be given special treatment such as therapy or surgery if their life is at stake. He deserves to be in prison and suffer being a man for the next 35 years for what he did to our country.

  80. Christopher Deaton

    I feel that giving him this treatment would be a waste of time and money. It should not be your constitutional right to have a sex change, whether you are a prisoner or not. The money spent to do this procedure could be spent in much more effective ways and does not have to be wasted on a non life threatening problem such as a man wanting to be a woman.

  81. While I whole-heartedly believe that Manning has the right to receive hormone replacement therapy, I do not feel that it is the government, the military, or the tax payers place to pay for this treatment. It is his prerogative to change his gender, it is not vital for his well-being. The government would not pay for an inmate to have a face lift or breast implants, because the inmate does not NEED these things. If Fort Knox could arrange a way for Manning to pay for his own gender reassignment, like everybody else in the general public who has undergone the same therapy, I believe they should allow him to do so; the government, military and tax payers should not be billed for this.

  82. Jacob J. 55
    I think that the government should not have to pay for such a treatment as optional as hormone therapy. The fact that this guy claims to want to be a woman means little to nothing to me. I could care less whether or not the man-lady gets the treatment, but I don't want the money that pays for it to come out of my taxes.

  83. Jacob J. 55 in response to Shawna White
    I highly agree with your suggested solution completely. If the person wants something like hormone therapy, face-lift, breast implants, etc. then the prisoner needs to find a way to pay for it . This of course should not be the case for life-threatening diseases or other sicknesses, but other people should not have to foot the bill for a treatment such as this.

  84. I had to think on this topic for a while. I honestly feel that Manning should be allowed to start hormone therapy if he/she so wishes, and the doctors give the okay. He was dishonorably discharged. I don't know the full extent of what this means, but I would assume that he really shouldn't fall under the U.S. military laws any longer. I may be wrong. It's just my opinion that he should be allowed the right to choose, especially since he is not longer an active part of the military. HOWEVER, he should have to pay for it not the state!

  85. Brittany S. 46 in response to Leah B. 47

    You state that prisoners should be given what is necessary, such as food, shelter, and clothing. I also consider medical treatment a necessity. And while a lot of people do not consider gender dysphoria a medical condition, the medical community does and they would know better than we would. It is not the same thing as cosmetic surgery. Wanting bigger breasts is not a medical condition unless you consider it in the context of Body Dysmorphic Disorder, in which the accepted treatment would be therapy and antidepressants, not surgery. If Manning's doctors have determined that this is her recommended treatment, who are we to disagree. Also, a citizen is a citizen and they are entitled to their constitutional rights.

  86. Michaela M.

    I think that the prisoners should be given necessities along with medical. Who are we to judge and say that they should not have this or that or that but another prisoner is. When it comes down to the medical the doctor's will have their patients best interest at heart and will do what is best. No one else should be able to get involved in that like they are in the Manning case. They have constitutional rights and are free. That is why most of us are in this country otherwise we would leave. So if Manning wants the treatment and the doctor says yes then stay out of it. I'm sure the military and the doctors and everyone else involved can come to an agreement.

  87. I believe every inmate should be receive medical like ordinary citizens to a certain extent. Many people in jail are on anti-depressants, blood pressure and many other medications but i do not believe as a tax payer we should give an inmate an option to live above their means. It goes back to the old saying, "if you cant do the time, don't do the crime."

    1. Ben Gallimore posted previous statement

  88. Charles D.46
    My view on the subject of wrong during and wanting someone to return a favor. The action Officer Manning took does not deserve any hormone injections of any kind. When a soldier take an oath to protect his or her
    fellow comrades and country. He betrayed the trust of everyone.

  89. Charles D.46 is responding to Jacob J. 55. I agree
    the government should not pay for hormone injections. Because this only will be a trend sitter for others like Manning. I think the money and time spent on this man will be waste.

    1. Cassaundra W. 81 In response to Charles D.

      I agree about the trend setters. I was in the Army as well and I know for a fact if there are people out there that want this done and he gets to have it done there will be an uproar. I mean if he can get hormone therapy on the Army's dime then why can't anyone have plastic surgery and the like on their dime as well... It would most likely be chaos... In my opinion.

  90. Angela W. 47
    I have no issue with the someone doing what they need to do in order for them to feel like the person that they feel like they should be. That being said, I do not think that the military or any tax payer should foot the bill. Part of losing his freedom is to lose the right to be who he wants to be. He can't go get a job at the local gardening store because he wants to be gardener, right? I am sure they are technically holding him without him wanting to be there, wouldn't that classify as cruel and unusual punishment? It would qualify if it wasn't a prison! That is the point of prison. I am sure that there are plenty of people that are just heartbroken that they can't become "the person that they are meant to be" but we are not jumping through hoops to make it happen for them either. He chose who he wanted to be when he broke the law.

  91. Naomi A. 41
    I don't think the state should have to pay for his hormone treatment. I could understand if it was life threatening and he needed some type of surgery or treatment, but his life is not dependent on the hormone treatments.

    1. Ifeyinwa O.47 in response to Naomi A.41
      I agree with you Naomi, if he really need the surgery then he has to pay for it and not to depend on the government or the tax payer's money to fund it.

  92. Ansley L. 47
    In my opinion I believe that Manning should be able to do what he wants and what he thinks will be right for him. I think the military should not interfere because changing his gender will not affect how he is performing in the military. If he is still performing his duties he should be able to change his gender. However, I do not think it is right for the government and tax payers to be paying for this surgery.

    1. Flo K47
      In response to Naomi A.41

      Yes, Manning should be able to do what he wants and what is right for him, but this will encourage others to do these elective procedures while the taxpayer foot their bills?

  93. Ansley L. 47
    In response to Naomi A. 41
    I completely agree. If it was a surgery that was life threatening or a necessity I would understand the state paying for it. However, it is just something he wants.

  94. Angela W. 47 in response to Jacob J.
    I agree with you that they should not pay for the treatment. Only problem is that it sounds like they would have to either move him or make special accommodations since they only have men at that specific prison. Unfortunately, it looks like either way we, the tax payers, would have to pay.

  95. Jennifer O. 46
    Taxpayers and the government should only have to pay for life-dependent, medically necessary treatments for prisoners at the bare minimum. I strongly think that holding back necessary medications and treatment is cruel and unusual punishment. It is not a right for prisoners to get medications and treatment that are not vitally necessary - after all, they essentially lose their rights when they get to prison because they violated previous rights. I don't believe that elective, non-medically necessary things such as hormone treatment to change gender (and not, for example, for a thyroid condition instead) should be paid for by anyone other than the prisoner or their doctor/medical team that will provide the medical service. If the prison psychiatrist/doctors find the hormone therapy medically necessary, perhaps due to mental instability, then most likely it will be government/taxpayers paying up instead of Manning. Gender dysphoria is now listed as a disorder in the DSM, so by the books it is a legitimate medical condition one could be diagnosed with. On the Army's side, Manning was dishonorable discharged, yet going to an Army/Military prison, I am assuming because he was one when he did the crime. The Army should not have to pay either. Their money needs to go to veterans and current members whose medical needs are constantly delayed, sometimes lost, and not fully met.

  96. Anthony R. 47
    There has been countless times where the Army does not adhere to government policy and that does not make sense. It is like insinuating the army is not supposed to follow the rules of the constitution, but as part of the United states, every hierarchy adheres and is supposed to adhere to the constitution regardless of their fine print of rules and conduct. There is always a fine print as you sign up for the army, under health care benefits. it states that they have the power to rule a medical condition as an unallowable condition, meaning they do not consider it an illness and thus are not liable to pay. Manning is a United States citizen, who pays taxes; taxes that part of are acquired by the army, which is now refusing him services. I find that to be denying him/she constitutional rights. They should have to pay.

  97. Anthony R. 47 response to Michael M.
    It is as Michael has stated, you need to put yourself in Manning's shoes, what if Manning was your son or daughter how would you respond then; you would probably support him al the way, whether or not you agree with his choices. As a taxpayer and part of the United States, you would fight so manning (your child) gets what is entitled to him under the constitution.

  98. DeMario T.46

    I believe if a person wants to go through a gender reassignment they should have to pay for it out of their own pocket. There is no reason the state, tax payers or the military should have to pay for what an individual wants to change about their body. If the state paid for a gender reassignment people would want the state to pay for any other surgery that would be considered replacement surgery.

  99. Flo K.47

    I believe hormone therapy should be paid for by the individual who needs the change. In my opinion Manning's procedure is elective and taxpayers do not have to pay for his gender reassignment.

  100. Bcurcio47

    First I would like to say that I think it is crazy that this man has a choice to even receive a procedure like this being in a jail. I think is this surgery is permitted, then he should pay for it himself. Lets not forget this man is a convicted criminal. I would not want it to be paid for by mine or anyone else's tax dollars. I strongly agree with Flo K.47 and innocent k.46, makes you wonder how did this man become a part of the military to begin with.

  101. Ifeyinwa O.47
    Chelsea manning should be responsible to pay for whatever hormonal treatment or surgeries he wants to undergo as long as it is permitted by the law court or the US Military acts. If the military refuses him then he have to take their orders because he had made a decree to the military which he should honor.

  102. Ilisha w. 47

    The topic of sex change is still sensitive in our fast paced society. The fact is that we are all citizens of a seemingly free country and possess the right to make alterations to any part of our bodies by several means. Anyone that is unhappy with themselves may need to seek counseling to figure the issues out. Having a sex change will not solve the emotional emptiness. Furthermore, any government funded service should absolutely remain neutral on the subject. How many other sex changes will be done in the future??? Is it now considered acceptable for flamboyant sex-altered homosexuals to represent and protect our country?

  103. Ilisha W 47 response to Anthony R. 47

    Don't you think that this procedure is completely cosmetic? If the US Army were to pay for any of my surgical procedures, I would imagine them being life-saving or life-prolonging. This only opens the doors for future enlisters to join the army, cry to the therapists and get a complete FREE makeover. It will go there someday. Idiots are born everyday! Yes I said it!!

  104. I believe that Manning should be allowed to have gender reassignment surgery, but on his own time and money!! Only when he is released from prison after serving his time should he be able to continue with the gender reassignment. I think having the gender reassignment done should be a privilege that I feel he does not deserve since he is being punished for a crime he has commented.

  105. What is the purpose of being in jail? If a person is in prison, then only basic needs are required to be provided. This was not a primary necessity as he wanted it. Why did the prison fund his sex-change operation? He was being punished so the basic needs only apply. This process should happen after prison and with funding from his own coffers.

  106. Shayaz A. 41
    I think that it’s not the army’s responsibility to pay for Manning’s hormone therapy or sex change surgeries. First, the military has medical regulations that list being a "transexual" as a diagnosis just like asthma, and is therefore an "unallowable medical condition.” An army needs to have strong individuals who are not in constant need of medicine or hormones. Second, in a society where transgender behavior is not widely accepted, taxpayers would be hesitant to pay for such procedures. However, just like any other mental condition, the army should pay for Manning’s psychiatric therapy.

  107. Angela M 47
    I have a really hard time with this kind of thing because to me just because you are locked up does not give you the right to use taxpayer money to cover hormone therapy for a future sex change. I feel that if he is going to receive the hormones he should have to pay for it not the american people. To me not giving the hormone therapy is not cruel it is a part of realizing that you are in jail or prison and are responcible for your own actions. Also I have worked in a jail not prison but I have seen what can happen to someone who looks like a female but is a male. We had an inmate at the jail I worked at that was on hormone therapy and had breast but just had not had the surgery and we rapeatedly had problems with other inmates raping him and other sexual problems because you cant house a male even on the hormone therapy in female population therefore you also have the added financial aspect of keeping him safe around other prisoners. To me something like that should have to wait till he gets out of prison.

    1. Cassaundra W. 81 In response to Angela M.

      I completely agree with you. Well said. He should not get free treatment because he did something illegal.

    2. I also agree with you opinion. Also adding if the precedent is set the what's to stop someone from breaking the law just so they can get free therapy.

  108. Angela M 47,
    In responce to Anna S. I agree that it is his right to complete the surgery and take the hormones on his own time paying for it with his own money. And in responce to Anthony R I also think that even if it were my daughter I would say that you got yourself into a bad situation and as your mother i love you but no the government and american people do not owe you a sex change or hormone therapy that is not a true need. As a parent we have to teach oiur children that there are consequences for our actions.

  109. Staci M 47,
    I had a really hard time with this. I have a friend who is going through this transition so it made it difficult for me to say this knowing what he goes through. I do not believe he/she has the right to complete the transition in prison. I do however believe this is a real and emotional situation for him. I think once you are in prison all your "rights" and "freedoms" you could have enjoyed(other than basic rights) including this is taken away.

  110. Staci M 47,
    In response to DeMario T 46.
    I absolutely agree with that aspect of all this when i comes to who will finance this. I go further to say more importantly once you are sentence and found guilty you shouldn't have the rights free people have. Not to mention I wouldn't want my taxes paying for this.

  111. Staci M 47,
    In response to Emily Starratt,
    I realize its your opinion that he shouldn't be under military law since he got discharged from the military. No disrespect for your opinion. My opinion is that once you take the oath in the military you should be held to it and in his circumstance he should be under military law for his duration of his prison sentence.

  112. Taylor McWilliams,
    i believe that if he really wants this procedure done then he needs to pay for it. The tax payers should not pay for these procedures. The people are in jail for a reason or they are in this military prisons for a reason. They should not have access to these type of procedures or to any other type of benefits while under legal punishments.

  113. Cassaundra Wenzler

    As a fellow soldier I believe that it is his/her choice about what is done in their personal life, but under military law he needs to be put threw the court system and tried for what he has done. After that is all said and done he can do as he pleases but it should not for any reason have to be done on the army's dime. It is his choice and he should pay for it and go threw the motions after he fulfills his legal duties as a soldier and as a person, he needs to be held accountable regardless of his gender.

  114. Lindsey H. 47
    I believe that he should be able to do what he wants and feels he needs, but I also believe he should be responsible for paying for it. If he can come up with the funds while he is in jail then more power to him, but if he can't then he should wait until he gets out and saves up the money.

  115. Krista P. 47

    This question has taken a lot of thought from me, as I’m not in the military, prison, nor Manning’s shoes. In my opinion as an outsider in this situation, Manning has every right to go through with the hormone treatment, therapy, and surgeries, but at Manning’s own expense and only after Manning is released. Manning betrayed the country, thus has lost many of the choices others in this country have, at least for the time being. I believe Manning should have access to a psychiatrist and or psychologist as well as all other inmates should. I believe access to these psychiatrists and or psychologist may have a positive influence not only on the inmates themselves but on society as well once these inmates are released.

  116. Krista P. 47 in response to Cassaundra Wenzler

    I took interest in reading your response especially after reading that you are a fellow solider; therefore, you're familiar with military laws and the way things work once one joins the military. I completely agree that manning is the one responsible for financing these treatments and surgeries. I do believe some sort of counseling would be in order while incarcerated, but not only for the benefit if manning but others in society once Manning is released. I also appreciate and agree with your last comment, because underneath it all gender doesn’t play a role and Manning must fulfill the responsibilities just as any other solider.

  117. I just think it's comical at how he was sentenced, then wants to change gender roles.

    Humans can do whatever they please, because we're Americans, we should be open to do what we want. But It's just profoundly hysterical at how he did this right then and there.

    I'm laughing as I'm typing this by the way.

  118. Alexis G. 84-He has broken the law. I have nothing against him wanting to be a women, however, he is using this situation for his own gain. He should have thought about it before getting into trouble, at which he should/would have been responsible to pay for his procedure\treatment. Since he has now come out about wanting to be a Women, I worry of his safety. Yes, you have Men in jail that turn or were already gay in jail and then you have those other Man who pretend to be Women like Manning. Some Men will still view Manning as a man regardless of the fact he has completely changed his sex. For the safety of Manning maybe we ought to assist....And whats the point we are going to pay our taxes anyway and if government choose to pay what does our opinion matter...BUT I would tell Mr./Ms. Manning GO TO DIRECTLY TO JAIL YOU CAN NOT PASS GO AND COLLECT MONEY FOR YOUR SURGERY/TREATMENT!!!!

  119. Tim F. 47
    Sometimes I read something like this and can't help but wonder what is going on in people's minds. How could it possibly be even remotely close to cruel and usual punishment to not spend tax payer's money on giving an elected medical procedure to an inmate. His/her desire to be consider a female should be respected, but within reason. Allow her to receive the procedure, if she were some how able to pay for it herself, a charity or family might cover the cost, but it is not the financial responsibility of the government.

    1. THANK YOU. I agree completely. This was HIS choice to become a woman so why ask for military funding? People are so quick to toss the "cruel and unusual" based solely on opinion. Its simply "unusual" to pay for someone else's hormonal treatments when it is he or she's personal choice to switch genders.

    2. Devon H. 47. In response to Tim F. 47
      THANK YOU. I agree completely. This was HIS choice to become a woman so why ask for military funding? People are so quick to toss the "cruel and unusual" based solely on opinion. Its simply "unusual" to pay for someone else's hormonal treatments when it is he or she's personal choice to switch genders.

    3. Mina S. 46
      I was also confused when they mentioned cruel and unusual punishment. I agree with everyone else who commented. More power to the person who wants to change their gender and receive treatments for it, but it would be fair to pay for it themselves. I wonder if maybe he thought the government should pay because of him having been in the military.

  120. Tim F. 47 in response to Cassaundra Wenzler
    I agree whole heatedly with you. Gender is a non issue, but the process is something that must be done with personal funds and not government money.

  121. Devon H. 47
    It is solely up to BRADLEY Manning to pay for his hormone treatments. The prison nor military should have to pay for his choice to become a woman. He was not born with a birth defect requiring hormonal treatments. Therefore, HIS body does not absolutely require these hormonal treatments to live. Prisons should only have to pay for necessities, not luxuries.

  122. I think that he shouldve gotten the hormonal treatments before he went to jail. Im not sure if he should receive them while he is in jail because jail is suppose to be punishment. So, I think getting the treatments would be okay after he gets out of jail. As far as anyone having an issue with him wanting to change gender, then I feel like he should be able to do what he wants as long as he's not breaking the law or hurting anyone else.

  123. Mina S. 46
    I think that he shouldve gotten the hormonal treatments before he went to jail. Im not sure if he should receive them while he is in jail because jail is suppose to be punishment. So, I think getting the treatments would be okay after he gets out of jail. As far as anyone having an issue with him wanting to change gender, then I feel like he should be able to do what he wants as long as he's not breaking the law or hurting anyone else.

  124. We all have our rights, and freedom of speech and personal lives in whatever decisions we make. Yes, she might have broken a law and is now in jail but that doesn't give her the fact to be denied to be happy. Although, I don't agree with the whole sex exchange thing, I still don't think the military should be involved in it.

  125. Norma C.41
    I Don't think it is the millitary's responsibility to provide hormone treatment, therapy and surgeries to him if it doesn't harm Chelsea's health.
