Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Hair for every body

In the Gender chapter our textbook discusses the notion of feminine traits being shaped by cultures and societies.  Mainstream practice for women in the US is to shave their legs and underarms.

Some male athletes shave, but why is this not a commonplace expectation for men as it is for women?

Related story at link below:


  1. Kara H.35

    Women shaving is definitely in a "social norm" in the United States. I remember as a child 7-8 years old sneaking and shavng my legs because I wanted to be just like my mom. My mom was pretty, I admire my mom so I wanted to be just like her. At this age I had already decided that I was going to follow in my mom's footsteps. As an adult, I have not only shaved my legs, armpits...I began to be more worried about my appearance and what is "normal" and I pluck eyebrows and keep everything very tidy....because that is normal for me. In fact, I don't even feel comfortable when my hair starts to grow back on legs and armpits. As far as it goes for other people. I think everyone should be able to choose...but for me my choice is shaving :-) For men, I actually think the hair on legs, arms, chest is seen as "manly" and completely acceptable. I am not sure why ...I guess in reality that is what our society has defined as normal and I completely comply with it. What about men having hairy backs? Lots of people find that unacceptable?? That is odd that some things are ok while others are not. Interesting on how that all comes to be a normal in your life.

    1. I agree with you, I learned it from my mother, and then my daughter from me. I do not think a woman should have to do anything she feels is unpleasant or torture, but I know that here in America a woman who doesn't shave is looked on as being unfeminine by the majority of men and women.

    2. Sara A. (64)

      I agree I think it is the norm for American women but is socially expectable for me not to. I learned from my mom also that it was just the right thing to do

    3. Sara A. 64
      I didn't really learn shaving legs as a child. I always remember my mother having naturally bare legs. I was not exposed to shaving until college. But I do feel Like American women frown at others who are hairy.

  2. Joysline N.64
    i think it is kind of neat to shave the legs and under arms. It makes me feel good and refreshed and moreso when sweating it would not smell that bad

    1. I feel that there is nothing more feminine than a clean shaving body and well kept woman.

  3. Joysline N. 64 in reply to kara H i agree with you, for men the hairs on their legs, chest and arms are seen as manly and completely acceptable

  4. I remember going to see the band Wings when I was a teenager ( a long long time ago). I couldn't believe that Linda McCarthy the wife of Paul McCarthy had underarm hair, I was so bothered by it that I had a hard time focusing on the concert. I thought she was grotesque.I read later that some European women don't shave. I believe it is an idea that is so socially burned into our brains as young women here in the Unites States that we never even question why we are doing it! As for me I do not believe I could stop at this point, because I would be uncomfortable and I think my boyfriend would too.

    1. In addition, personally I find that I am not attracted to very hairy men ,but that is my preference. I have friends that think it is sexy...it's all preference. I have recently noticed more advertisements for men to have laser hair removal, so maybe the trend is changing for men also.

    2. Jennifer B 97 to Dodie F
      I completely agree to the socially deep rootedness of shaving into young women's brains. To not shave would be almost otherworldly. And I am glad the social norm is the way it is in the U.S. I've become accustomed and I like it this way. I do find some hair on men to be attractive though, however I like it to be trimmed and kept up with.
      Thanks for sharing!

  5. Casie Molineaux
    Women have always shaved their bodies, its a way to be clean and smooth. Men are not expected to shave their bodies, society has over looked it and excepted them to be harry creatures, I think it is okay for men to shave their backs if insecure or their arms, but i think it looks weird for men to have smooth legs.

    1. Matthew B. 64 in response to Casie Molineaux
      I agree with you in that men not shaving and women shaving is how our society has come to "expect" it to be. men are "manly" and women are smooth, sexy and sophisticated.

  6. Lori D. 64:
    Why do women feel the need to shave their underarms and legs and men don't? I have no idea, but I did find this interesting little bit of info when I put that question in Google: Women did not shave their underarms and legs until the early 20th century. With the advent of the sleeveless tops and shorter (and shorter) skirts, advertising for those items depicted cleanly shaved women wearing those fashions. Before that, the clothes women wore did not expose those areas of their bodies and therefore there was no need to shave. Suddenly, women were being made to feel that there was something wrong with having body hair, so they started shaving. But that still doesn't answer the question: Why don't men feel as compelled to shave their body hair? Some athletes do, and there are some men who practice "manscaping" but the majority don't. Men wear sleeveless tops and shorts, so why don't they feel the need to shave? I really don't know, but I would love to hear an explanation for this from the male perspective!

    1. JudithB.60 in reply to LoriD.64
      Sorry, I am not male but almost all the males Black and White that I asked this question, replied that the would feel like a woman if they ever shaved. I asked about 20 males at my local store, and all answered in almost a similar manner. They all loved their body hair and some said it improves their masculinity. They also all claimed they don't see hair on black women and 3 of them claimed to like a well shaven woman, while the others could not care less as long as a woman looked feminine.
      Majority of Black people esp. women do not shave. The American culture has instilled in women that they look beautiful when shaven. I have a friend who is from Africa, she does not have any hair or none that can be seen(unless you use a magnifying glass). She insists on buying razors esp. the most expensive ones just so she can glide it over her legs as part of her bathroom routine. What can you say about her? She insists that I am the one who cannot see the hair, but she does. I say she is trying 'to be like' or emulate the "White" woman. I feel pity for her.

  7. Lori D. 64 In response to Kara H. 35:
    I do prefer a man with a nice amount of hair on his arms and legs; however, I am definitely one who does NOT like to see a hairy back!

  8. Eddie W.
    with the big picture in mind, men around the world see hairiness as a sign of masculinity. No change because of a few athletes. Besides men are too lazy to shave

  9. Matthew B. 64
    I believe it is not common place for males because of the idea that men are supposed to be strong, brave, hairy chested men like back in the old days. At least, that's our modern idea of how men were back then. Women are supposed to be smooth and free of hair. That's how our society is projecting men and women these days so that is what is accepted as normal in our culture.

  10. Wanda B.65
    I think the shaving of the under arms and legs is a thing of choice but her in America it is a Norm. I personally do not feel that way I am a seasonal shaver myself in the summer I shave my legs but in the winter I don't and do not care what any one thinks because I an a independent thinker and do what pleases me. It is a individual decision. Americans like to dictate what they think someone else should do. They put all the pressure on women and men are free to look and act anyway they want hair or no hair.

  11. Sara A. (64)

    I believe our culture has shaped how we should view men and women. Everyone expects a woman to be hairless but expects a man to have hair. Our minds have been molded that being hairless is feminine and lots of hair is masculine and that is how we try to keep it.

  12. From the time we are small in America we are taught that physical beauty is more important for women, where the ability to provide is more important for men. The same culture that teaches us this also teaches us that body hair is unattractive.

    1. Abdulbari S. 64

      That is indeed true and is a good explanation for why men don't have the same shaving expectations.

  13. Carter Bragg
    i think its because men are naturally hairier and it represents a masculinity that our country has built up to a standard. For starters it would take a much longer time for men to shave their legs than it does women, plus it represents a sign of maturity among men.

  14. Leidy M 60
    since we were kids, we heard on TV, movies, magazines, etc, that women who do not shave do not look good, and men who shave are gay or metrosexual. Society nowadays has shaped our view about men and women. I think we should do whatever make us feel good about our bodies, and just ignore the destructive comments.

    1. Wanda B. 65 in response to Leidy M 60
      I agree with you people should be free to live and look as they please. Society always trying to put people in a box.

  15. Stephanie T. (65)

    Personally, I think shaving for women is great. If I go a couple days without shaving, my legs itch so bad and it is quite bothersome. I don't know if that is because I am used to shaving or not, but I could never stop. I guess it is looked at as being the norm. I saw one of my co-workers the other day who does not, and I found myself staring. As far as men, I can't say I like a hairy man either. Maybe some hair on the legs and a little on the chest, anything else is too much. I think it just depends on the person.

  16. Stephanie T(65) to Lori D. (64)

    I agree. I do not find a man with a bush on his back attractive either! I guess that is just my perception.

    1. I agree. I am not attracted to a man who look like a has a femur bone in his briefcase.

  17. It's been stated several times already. In our society it is looked at as "masculine" for someone to have body hair. I do also believe that facial hair in men nowadays has more often than not been accepted than it was decades ago.

  18. I don't like to judge women who chose to not to shave and walk around a little musty...that's their choice but it is something that I am not into. We are a being who like to evolve and I like changing with the times as I feel needed. I mean, are people gonna walk with loin cloths, a briefcase and a I-phone next?

  19. Elizabeth.A.65 In Africa, both men and women shave the hair under their armpit. female do not have to shave their legs, but here in U.S.A. I saw men leaving the hair under their armpit which I think is disgusting and dirty. I do not like it and I will never like it.

  20. Elizabeth.A.65 In response to Karen Louika. I totally agree with you. Clean shaving body is the ultimate for me.

  21. Abdulbari S. 64

    I think shaving of the armpits does have a cleanliness factor and also think both men and women should shave their armpits to enhance that factor. However, shaving of the legs is a different matter entirely as there is no logical reason for shaving the legs. It seems to be more of a "fashion" expectation for women than anything else. Women have always spent countless hours and money trying to enhance their outward appearance and these enhancements differ by periods and society types. These trends then become the norms and expectations. Men just don’t care that much, which would explain why most appearance expectations don’t apply to us.

  22. Jennifer P.60

    Personal I don't feel to clean when I don't shave. Lots of women these days shave their legs and underarms its just natural to most of us. For men yes I feel to much hair is not good but I do feel men should still have some to show masculin.

  23. Jennifer p.60 respones to stephanie T.65

    I agree with you Stephanie as a women I feel shaving is what makes you feel your best. It is something that I feel i need to do at least every couple of days.

  24. Tanja K. 64:

    Why do we do the things we do? I guess because everybody does it and somehow it is expected. This seems like a lame explanation, but it is the truth. Of course us women say we feel cleaner, etc. but if generally nobody shaved, we wouldn't do it either, because of the simple fact that nobody does it. I personally have encountered women that don't shave their legs and their argument was that nature simply made them with hair so why mess with that and while I can see their point, I really just go with the flow and shave. This trend just hasn't hit men yet, so they don't have to shave yet, but who knows in years from now every man will shave. You never know.

  25. Tanja K. 64 in response to Elizabeth.A.65:

    I think your answer is interesting and somehow proves my point. You explain how your culture works when you come to shaving and you totally support that. So you go with the flow and agree with that. Now what if your culture just didn't shave at all and that's all you ever knew when you grew up?

  26. Samantha Y 65

    I don't know why everyone expects women to shave legs and armpits but not men, I believe men need to as well. I think it looks gross when men have hairy armpits and legs no different than when women have hairy armpits and legs. So my opinion on this is we should all shave men and women.

  27. Samantha Y 65
    In reply to Tanja K 64

    I agree with you why do we do what we do? Good answer. I guess we do what we do because society things that is what we should.

  28. Opeyemi B 60.
    This topic is kind of based on what society accepted as norm for a male or a female. Body hair that is unshaved is socially acceptable for men. It is seen as been masculine as view by the society. On the other hand, for a woman, it is expected of them by the society to shave body hair and look clean. The reason the society think this way is up to that society.

  29. Angel O
    male athletes shave, usually bikers and swimmers, to make them more aerodynamic. shaving your legs is a feminine feature determined by society ages ago.

  30. Winifred Chukwu
    Body hair for men is acceptable by the society and on women shows she's dirty.... I feel men should also shave, but not legs and chest hair....

  31. H0stencia
    If body hair is just nature and why worry to shave it. It is just for beauty reasons right. If that is the case then both men and women should shave their legs and under arms. If for hygienic reasons,then i agree with shaving the under arms.

  32. Mary T. 64
    I shave simply because I feel uncomfortable if I don’t. I think everyone should have their own choice as to if they want to shave or not but I will say that I do not want to see it. I don’t even like or think hairy men are attractive but that is just my opinion. I think this all boils down to everyone should shave or shave based on what makes them feel more comfortable.

    1. Brittany Matarazzo Reply to Mary T.

      I agree with you! If I don't shave I feel like everybody is looking at my legs or my underarms, even if they aren't. I have been doing it for so long that I feel like I have to shave all the time.

      Unless it's the winter then I don't shave all the time :)

  33. Reply to Opeyemi B 60
    I agree that body hair is what society accepted as norm for a male or a female. I think that if you chose to stay in a society then maybe you should accept their norms because if you don’t then you may be mocked for not doing what is acceptable to the society. Although there are many people who do care what others think of them so no matter what society they live in, they may never feel like they fit in.
    Mary T. 64

  34. As a young girl I grew up watching women shave and men were always hairy to me. I started shaving when I was probably 11 or 12, I don't really remember, but it is socially acceptable for a women to shave and for the most part expected. I think that in some peoples eyes, if a women does not shave her legs or underarms it is 'gross', is the term I have heard before. I'm sorry, but in the winter, when I am in jeans and sweats I am not shaving my legs!!

    For men it is socially acceptable for them to be hairy...it is just the norm.

    1. I agree, it's embedded in some ways that a women who don't shave is "gross". That's just the way it is I think.

  35. I feel that women feel less feminine when they do not shave. Most of the time it's the women who usually bring these matters up. I myself like a less hairy of a women than a hairy one. A good example of non-hairy women norm, is the old exhibit at the circus of the bearded lady.

  36. Keli J.65
    Shaving allows women to remain feminine. Not everyone is hairy but some forms of hair whether facial or leg can become unsightly to some if they aren't use to it. I don't have my leg hair never felt the pressure to shave until I attended a friends wedding in Houston where no hair was acceptable. To each is there own, to be honest some men need to shave as well because too much hair makes them resemble animals.

  37. I guess for woman shaving is just apart of our culture, while it makes men seem more masculine. I do not totally agree with it when men who do shave get made fun of because in all honesty, it is very possible to resemble a gorilla.

    1. Jedd D. 64
      Although you have a good point on people should not make fun of other people. But I have to disagree with you on the part where shaving legs for women is a culture. As I woman myself, I really believed that it is more on society. The society definitely plays a bigger role in women's lives. And they influenced many others, especially when women have some self-esteem issues. They tend to copy the society otherwise they're left out.

  38. Charles Wages 64

    i believe it boils down to that hairy arms and legs are signs of masculinity so it is unacceptable for women to display those characteristics.

  39. charles Wages 64 in response to Akil W.

    The bearded lady could be found as a culturally pressured girl to defy the norm by fitting into a non-typical norm

  40. Male shaving is the equivalent to a male lion's mane, or a male peacock's brightly colored feathers; it is a means to attract the opposite sex. If you look back at past fads, the hairier the man the more attractive they were to a woman because it was a sign of virility. To a man, the smoother the woman, the more she is visually and sensually attractive.

  41. Joesph Crowe 54

    Male shaving is not as excepted in today's society due to prior generation's and their views on shaving. A few decades ago, the hairier the male, the more masculine he was percieved to be. Now, if a Male were to shave he would be showing his feminine side of not liking hair on the arms, legs, chest, or armpits.

  42. Joseph Crowe in response to Angel O.

    I completly agree. The acceptance of body hair was established in prior generations. Now, if one were to shave they would be expressing a feminine characterisic; however, it could be benefical to a male if they were in a swimming or wrestling competition.

  43. I think it is a social norm for females. We are expected to always be presentable. Always have on makeup with smooth skin and perfect hair. Men, however, are more rugid. You think of them with facial hair, muscles, even hairy chests. The fact that they may do some type of grooming to help them excel in their sport puts not shame on them or labels them any different. If it were a woman, who did not shave for a sport, she would be labeled as different, weird, or just out of character.
    Shannon Hammer

  44. AndreaA_98
    I feel that saving is a commonplace expectation for men because we expect men to be more manly and in our heads that it’s a feminine trait to shave. So when we come across a man that saves its questionable. I think that its ok, he would just me considered a “pretty Boy” which is a man who is very clean and kinds prissy like a lady. That’s not personally my cup of tea but whatever floats your boat.

  45. AndreaA_98 in response to Joesph Crowe 54

    I agree. It just shows a more feminine side but there is nothing wrong with it. I just feel that if a man saves like a women his sexuality would be questioned more.

  46. Jennifer B. 97
    When I was 11 in 5th grade I hid shaving my legs from my parents. I was disobedient for social acceptance! It was what 'all the other girls at school' were doing and I definitely wanted to fit in. Now however, I look way past the point of the social norm and view it as a form of hygiene. When I don't shave I don't feel as clean and dislike not being clean shaven. I would not look down on someone as a person for choosing not to shave however if we were in a business situation, I would view it as unprofessional, equal to coming to work with a wrinkled shirt or unkempt nails, or a guy coming into work with a scruffy beard. Men have always had more hair but I'm not sure why its socially acceptable for them to have it on certain areas of their bodies while on women its not. Hairy backs on men is not attractive to me however. I'm guessing because its not the social norm?

  47. Jedd D. 64
    I grew up with so much hair in my body, especially in my legs. I got it from my mom. But my mom don't even shave her legs up to now because back from my home country, before nobody really cares if you have hair in your legs. Although I shave or plucked my armpit. I live in a tropical country, so you could imagine how hot it is over there. Sometimes, shaving or plucking some hairs especially the armpits can be very beneficials and for hygiene purposes as well. When I got here in the U.S., I started shaving my legs because I feel weird whenever I see people with their flawless and hairless legs. And sometimes some of my friends shaved even if they don't even have that much hair, still they think it is gross and not acceptable. With that being said, I think it is being shaped by the society. When guys are hairy in their back they shave because mostly guys don't have hairy backs. Although I'm shocked why some male athletes shave their legs.
