Monday, January 21, 2013

Firearms for Faculty

Mass shootings have been a concern for some time now. The tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary brought forth greater passion to the firearms debate. In the wake of the event, parents across the country have purchased bullet proof backpacks for their kids and the spectrum of the political conversation includes everything from banning of all firearms to having armed personnel on all educational campuses.

Locally, some Georgia Tech students are requesting rights for students to be able to carry guns on campus and the Georgia Legislature has mentioned a bill that would allow school administrators to carry firearms.

I know you all may have strong opinions on the matter. This is NOT a Second Amendment debate. Here is the specific question for us. Chattahoochee Technical College has armed personnel on campus. Do you think students and or faculty should have guns as well? Please give two to three (2-3) reasons to support your answer.


  1. Williams, M 10

    Armed guards on Chattahoochee Campus are fine by me. My memories of Columbine shootings are still vivid, like 911 when I lived in New York.
    1. However, as we all know guns in the wrong hands can be a disaster.
    2 Faculty and students having guns on their own personal time, and space is okay by me; e.g, their homes. I am a supported of guns in ones own person home to protect self, and family if possible need arise.
    3. Having guns on campus in the hands of students and faculty could possibe ingnite a whole new agenda. I the the head that wears the crown is the heaviest, the guns should be left at home or when you are traveling by yourself. The armed security officers should suffice on campus. Peace

    1. Sean C
      When something happens like the examples you gave, or any life threating situation, everyone there is praying as hard as possible that someone with a gun comes to save them. You dont think you need it till its too late. I believe liscened carry gun owners be able to go wherever they please.

  2. Jenn L. 08
    So you'll understand where I am coming from, I want you to know that I come from a family of hunters and law enforcers. My dad is a state court judge. My view on guns is usually different than most.

    As far as CTC allowing students and faculty to carry guns on campus, I agree. The reason I agree though is not out of fear or out of the need for protection, I agree because it is a college campus filled with adults. I think any student over the age of 18 should have the right to decide if they want to carry a gun or not. I don't see any difference in carrying a gun on a college campus where 95% of the students and all of the staff are adults verse those same adults carrying a gun into Wal-mart while shopping or the park while jogging. It doesn't make sense to me that it is limited just because it is a place of education. It is a public place where adults go to do business just like any other public place. I don't have issue with the armed security officers but they don't necessarily make me feel any more or less protected on campus. Personally, I've never felt unsafe on any CTC campus, nor any other college campus I've attended (KSU). Also, I personally do not carry a gun or will I. Although I am very aware of how guns work, can fire and clean a couple different types of guns, often shoot them at targets just for practice; I have no desire to carry one on my persons. However, most of my family does carry guns, legally of course, and I have no qualms with that nor with any other responsible adult who has passed through proper legal qualifications carrying a gun to any public venue, including college campuses.

    1. Shacklett H 08

      While I do agree with your statement in theory, It is very disturbing that a young adult is even carryin a weapon in Walmart. Proper legal qualifications are very vague in my opinion. Most mental illness does not begin till late in teen years or early adulthood, well after being able to carry a weapon. College is a time of growing up and learning responsibility for many. They will make many mistakes and bad decisions, however, not allowing guns on campus could perhaps stop one bad decision that could change the lives of many.

    2. Actually, mental illness can begin at birth and most is either genetic or brought about by the child's environment:
      Mental illness often goes unnoticed until teen to early adult age because the system is flawed in recognizing these children and doing something about it, which boils down to money in the school system. A whole other issue!!! It also goes unnoticed because the parent(s) in the home do not know how to go about getting the child help or even notice the child needs help when they, themselves, are trying to just survive a dysfunctional situation. I know this for a fact as I am personally a product of such a home AND I have a mentally ill son. He has Asperger's. Something he was born with, not something that developed in the teen years, as he is currently 9 years old. I would be happy to provide you with more links on scientific research on how and when mental illness starts verse when it is diagnosed. There is a difference, and it really boils down to parental involvement, money and location (school system).

      Legal qualifications do need to be modified, stricter; I agree with you on that point. However, if you are old enough to drive and vote and hold a job and be lawfully responsible for yourself at the age of 18, you should also be allowed the right to carry a gun out in public (with legal qualifications). That, of course, is my opinion.

  3. Howard C. 01

    Unfortunately in life there are no easy answers to the problems that plague us as human beings. This is a difficult question to answer because I do think the slope can be slippery. With that said, I do feel that responsible adults should be allowed to carry a firearm into a school. In today's society, schools have shown to be a place of concern for ones safety and I do not think that citizens who are allowed to carry a firearm should be limited to particular areas. Also, why should an individual not be given the right to protect and defend themselves at all times? History shows that humans can be very violent and I see nothing to suggest this is going to change or evolve any time soon. On the flip side, I would not want to be caught in the middle of a gun fight in school; however, I think this quote from Eleanor Roosevelt sums it up for me. "There has never been security. No man has ever known what he would meet around the next corner; if life were predictable it would cease to be life, and without flavor."

    1. Maricela E. 10 in response to Howard C. 01

      I agree with you and that lovely quote. It is true that life is unpredictable and it never hurts to be prepared for what could happen.

  4. Shacklett H 08

    While I do support a right to bear arms, I dont feel that students or faculty need to be armed on campus. While a certain age is considered adult, that varies from person to person. Life is a very valuable asset that can not possibly be realized by many young students. In stating that, I believe that many young people are still learning coping skills that are not yet fine tuned. This can lead to emotional instability that may find violent outlets if given a chance. Gun ownership is easy, gun responsibility is not. As a mother of grown children, I would not be comfortable with them or thier peers being armed on campus.

    1. Amy H-08 in response to Shacklett H 08
      Thank you for bringing up the maturity issue and the development of coping mechanisms. In speaking for myself, there have been many times that I have been either afraid or extremely angry. I'm not saying I would have, but what if I had had a gun during one of those episodes. Would I have used it without thinking of the consequences? As I have aged and matured, I don't believe I would respond violently, as I have learned more self-control. Do we really want others to struggle with the same decisions and consequences?

    2. Joan M.08. in response to Amy H.08. in response to Shacklett H 08
      I do agree with you guys and Amy you did asked the right questions. If people were actually allowed to carry guns anywhere and everywhere , there will massacre all the times especially in these bad economy times.

    3. Megan M. in response Online 12

      I couldnt agree more with this posting and all that responded. Maturity is a big issue as well as responsibility when owning a firearm and sadly, there is no test that can be given to determine if one is going to take it seriously or not. There are many "adults" out there that still treat guns as toys.

    4. I agree with you, just because legally you are an adult, doesn't mean you have the mature mind frame of one. college is a time of growing and finding yourself and many people in this stage could easily turn something that is suppose to protect them into a weapon against others

  5. Sean Collins

    I believe that educators and students should be able to carry weapons if they choose to. I would hope teachers wouldnt be forced to carry if they didnt want to. As a licensed GA weapons carry owner, I like to acknowledge the fact that responsible, and knowledgable gun owners like myself are at an incrediably low number for gun related crimes. I stand behind our president in his gun law proposal, even tho of my conservative views, i belive we can all come together on this one to say enough is enough.

    1. I would have to respectfully disagree with you on that, the fact that there isn't enough responsible gun owners now should go to show that giving a young adult the right to carry guns on campus will help further decrease the number of responsible gun owners. As far as the gun control law proposal goes, it really doesn't matter what law is put into effect, there are so many ways of obtaining a gun without going through the background and mental health checks that anyone who really wanted a firearm could obtain one and no law is going to ever stop that.

  6. David H.01
    First off, i believe in the right to bear arms. However, arming our students and faculty members, i feel, only creates more opportunities for events to take place like the one at the elementary school. The point can be argued that we are considered "adults" by society now, but legally allowing anyone and everyone in a school to carry a firearm, is potentially putting the weapon in a killers hand. However sad to have to consider, not every individual is the "right" one to be allowed to carry a weapon. I believe if there is a calling for higher security, maybe campus police should be more prevalent. A higher number of campus security officers may dissuade an individual entirely. Being someone who grew up hunting, and has been properly taught how to use a firearm, i do not believe everyone has had the particular experience. Firearm Education may be a ringer for marketing, but maybe a little less practical. Keep the guns to Campus Police and those who are risking themselves to keep us safe, if it wasn't for them more unfortunate scenarios would have already played out. It's their job (not to be condescending), not ours.

    1. Cori S 10
      reply to david H. 01
      I completely agree with you, I am personally on the fence about the entire subject, but this really makes a lot of sense. Why not let the people who are commissioned to protect the school carry fire arms? because, even when buying a permit, who knows what that person is intending to do with that gun?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Lucinda S online 08

    Chattahoochee Tech has a responsibility to protect the students and staff that work and attend classes on campus. Part of that responsiblity, unfortunately is protecting us with armed campus police. I don't agree with staff members or students having the right to carry guns. This will only create situations that go out of control, decisions are made without considerations and tragedy normally happens.
    The campus is like a bank, the bank is protected by trained armed police. The tellers are not armed for their safety, so that if a scarey person comes in, they don't panic and shot an innocent person.
    We have a right to protection, but that right doesn't include everyone to carry a gun.
    Chattahoochee Tech does have a good plan of action to protect us in time of need without the campus being shot up by hysterical students and staff during an emergency.

  9. Lucinda S online 08

    In response to Howard C 01

    I do agree with your statement "History shows that humans can be very violent and I see nothing to suggest this is going to change or evolve any time soon." History does show society has becoming more violent each and every generation. I also agree that we have a right to protect ourselves, but there is a time and place where situations can be handled by provisions and guidelines such as the protection that is cordinated by Chattahoochee Tech.

    1. Howard C 01

      I do agree with you that this is a troubling issue and that there are not any easy answers. Life is not always black and white, and I see this issue being in the gray. I guess I just believe in freedom of the individual. Would I want to be surrounded by guns at school? No, but what are the other options? Do I think that all students or faculty should carry? No, maybe just those who qualify by going through a gun saftey course. Again I have to ask myself, what are the other options? I hear many people saying that there should be armed guards or police at every school. Seriously? This is how republics turn to despots. I know that there are many people who will say that this is absurd and ridiculous; however, history shows otherwise. The more we try to solve problems such as this the more complicated they become, which is why I believe in FREEDOM OF THE INDIVIDUAL. Perfect? I think not, but I cannot help but end this with a quote from Benjamin Franklin. "Those who are willing to sacrifice essential liberties to purchase a little saftey, deserve neither liberty nor saftey." I wish the world were simpler.

  10. While I don't agree with what our politicians are trying to do with gun control, I also don't believe every Tom, Dick, and Kari need carry a weapon wherever they choose. The right to bear arms should be defended and encouraged, but there is a proper time and place. Our society needs to be taught good old fashioned morals in lieu of political correctness. Is gun control the real debate here or do we need to address the underlying causes of the downward fall of the United States of America? To fully answer the question above, no I do not want guns all around me. I don't believe that if something were to occur akin to Sandy Hook, that the results would be less disastrous just because there were more firing power. Can the power to fire be controlled in the midst of chaos?

    1. Entry titled Anonymous Jan 22 at 9:58AM and beginning with While I don't agree with what our by
      Amy H-08

  11. Cori S. 10
    Personally I am really against guns, but if something were to happen like a school shooting; I do believe it would be beneficial for students to carry a gun (WITH A PERMIT). If people can carry a gun anywhere else why shouldn't they be able to take it to school? I do believe whether or not we are allowed to carry guns, there are going to be people that bring them regardless and in a situation such as a school shooting they will use them. So why not regulate it?

  12. Tatrika H.12

    In my opinion, there should be some sort of "armed personnel" on EVERY educational campus for reasons such as this; whether it's an preschool, elementary, middle, high or college setting. There are two obvious ways to deal with campus violence: policing and prevention. Guns in the hands of students, no matter how responsible, makes both options difficult to maintain. The shooting at Sandy Hooks Elementary was a CLEAR example of what can when lawmakers ignore the significance of having a secure environment! Not only that, but 26 people were lost their lives due to this act of violence. Students, parents, and faculty need to let lawmakers know that we're watching and that we care.

  13. Joan M.08.
    This is a very strong subject and everybody , I believe , even the government is trying to find a solution to the problem. US is one of the rare countries where the freedom to buy and carry a gun is permitted. It is a necessity that should not be removed but much more secured as the government ,i believe, is trying to do. The problem , in my opinion, is not to carry gun or not (even if I do not agree people carrying them at schools especially middle and elementary schools) but it is to make sure that those who carry are mentally able to support all the responsibilities that come with it. Also, I believe that the Health insurance should be available for everyone to be treated and followed especially for the mentally disabled. Too many people need treatments and less are taking in consideration because of no money which is just a shame.

  14. Tatrika H. 12 In response to Shacklett H 08

    I STRONGLY agree with you on that. In the wake of shootings in Connecticut and California, I've been giving some thought to enhancing school safety. Considering the fact that some students, if not all, at CTC or any other college already have some sort of security on hand. In this case, how can government legislate what someone has already purchased? There is no specific answer to the problem; we must look at the schools environment more specifically.

  15. Megan M. online 12

    As a student, gun owner, and a mother... I dont think faculty or students should be allowed to carry guns on school property. A lot of students just still dont realize that guns should only be used as a form of self defense. I know a lot of 20+ year olds that still think it's fun to go shoot beer cans and squirrels and not take careful safety procedures while handeling their gun. If anything should be done about on school shootings, I think schools should employee more armed security officers. I think that these security officers should be required to pass a gun safety course as well as a mental health screening (honestly, I think everyone should have to do these in order to be issued a firearm).
    I just dont see students taking the priviledge to carry arms on school campus seriously. As far as faculty members go, I would feel more comfortable if they were to carry guns over students but I still dont like the idea. If the firearm was a simple small magazine pistol that was kept in a locked box at all times with a passcode that ONLY the faculty memeber knew, I might consider the option. But I think just hiring more certified, armed officers would be better for they are the only people I would fully trust to handle a firearm seriously.

  16. Being a member of the U.S. Military, I am a supporter of civilians being able to carry firearms; However, there should be better background checks to ensure that these weapons aren't going into the hands of someone dangerous. When it comes to faculty/students carrying weapons on campus, I'm not fully supportive. Although not every student/faculty member would be carrying a weapon, I believe that in an educational institution like CTC, Trained Security Officers should be the ones carrying weapons. Even though I personally would feel better having a weapon, since ive been trained, I dont believe that every student and faculty member should be able to carry around a weapon just because they can. Outside of school, I'm all for arming yourself. You never know what could happen and you never know when you might need to defend yourself. But, when it comes to a place of education, I believe an increased number of armed guards is more appropriate.

    1. Why would a place of education, a college with adults, be any different than any other public place in carrying a weapon? I agree that the qualifications needed to allow someone to carry a weapon needs to be tightened. But I honestly dont see the difference in an adult carrying one on a college campus verse a public park. Anything can happen anywhere, at any time. It is how the people get the guns that need more scrutiny, in my opinion. Jenn L. 08

  17. Sonya R. 08
    To be really honest, I am afraid of firearms, and would panic if I had to use one. I am totally against firearms in the schools. The only person I think should be allowed to carry a firearm is a Security Officer. There are too many school shootings to allow students to carry a firearm. We never know when a person may get mad and just use the firearm, and an innocent person ends up dead. We need more security in schools so that students will feel more safe.

    1. Megan N. 08
      I completely agree with you. I am also very afraid of firearms and think that officers are more qualified to own and carry them. I would feel obligated to have my own gun if everyone else was getting them and that is something I have never thought about doing, ever!

    2. Megan C. 21 in response to Sonya R. 08:
      I also agree with you. A security guard and/or On-Campus police should be the only person to be allowed to carry a firearm in any educational setting.

    3. I completely 100% agree. Regardless of such tragedies many have been subjected to, I believe we should support more funding towards law enforcement/trained professionals to be held responsible. We have witnessed that even in times of crisis, having a gun for protection is always going to improve ones situation in time.
      Brittany S. Soc. 1101

  18. I really find this very interesting. Compare this map:

    to the map in this wiki article about where open laws are allowed and how restrictive they are from state to state:

  19. William M 10
    I totally agree with you. CTC needs only armed security, because gun in the wrong hands can lead to a disaster

  20. Megan N 08
    In my honest opinion, I think the thought of students or faculty having guns on campus is very silly. Exactly what point would they provide anyway? I don't like the thought of guns around me in the first place, but bringing them into the facility would make me even more uncomfortable coming into school. An alternative solution would be to provide metal detectors or more security on campuses instead. There is no telling who exactly is going to turn on you and shoot unexpectedly. Giving students the choice of whether or not they want guns at school is pretty much giving them permission to cause a little mayhem themselves.
    Also I don't like putting the destiny of my life in someone else's hands. Just because someone passes a test to prove they are stable enough to own a gun doesn't mean they won't snap at some point. I am very opposed to this idea.

  21. Megan C 21
    Although the Sandy Hook Elem. shooting was a tragedy, allowing guns to be carried on school properties will not solve this problem. Neither will bringing stricter gun laws into the picture. Despite what some may think, it is not the gun that is the killer. It is the person behind the gun.
    Putting a fire arm into the wrong hands could lead to trauma and tragedy.
    If this were to be allowed, who's to say that the person you are allowing to carry a gun into the college isn't as mentally ill as the shooter at SHES? Would every person who is allowed to carry a gun be required to undergo a psych evaluation? This would be costly, and not to mention ridiculous!
    I STRONGLY believe in the right to bear arms. It is a right given to us Americans stated clearly in the Constitution. However, I also believe that there is a line that should be drawn.

    1. Eric B.12
      I agree that it is the person behind the gun that ultimately commits the tragedy, however without enforcing stricter gun laws and possibly psych evaluations for EVERY applicant would you better be able to prevent a gun to be placed in the wrong hands. On top of that if you arm at least faculty on a campus then if a shooter were to appear that heightens the chances of the situation being resolved with minimal casualty.

  22. Eric B. 12

    I believe that in the very least faculty on any educational establishment should be able to carry a firearm along side security that is already present. The primary defense of course should be the available security however it is unreasonable to think that security can be present at all times at every section of a campus. That being the case, if an active shooter situation were to unfold and an armed faculty member were around then there is less chance of a major tragedy to occur and the threat could be neutralized with minimal casualty. I have heard on the news that some areas are looking at arming faculty as a viable option and said faculty would be trained in much the same way as a police officer would, this and an extensive background check is also key to making armed faculty a plausible solution.

  23. I believe that both College students and professors should be able to carry on campuses. The reasons are it will provide a safer location for everyone on it and provide a safer community around it. If people know that others were carrying legally, that means with their Georgia Concealed License, which also includes knifes, tasers and stun guns, then people would be less likely to do something stupid. Though no mater what you do, strip all rights or let us carry on campus, you can never prevent anything from happening. It will either lesson the chances of something happening, or raise the chances of something happening.

  24. Selena C.
    I can go either way with this question, but for my own safety im gonna go with no. Teachers and students should not have any type of firearms on school property. They could have a laps in judgement and not think before they do when something doesnt go their way. Some people could come to school mad and just go crazy, more guns on more people is not the fix all for this situation. I think that if security and safety are hot topics then more CTC armed personel need to be hired to do the job for us. I would not feel anymore comfortable than i do now knowing that my neighbor is packing some heat.

  25. Courtney W.08
    i believe in this situation that students and faculty should be able to carry along side a weapon to protect themselves in times like this one. I think that there should also be school security in all schools to keep our schools safer in these situations. I have recently heard that the week after the shooting Cherokee county schools decided to take action and have security for a week on school ground. I think this is a good idea but why would they only do it for a week? If faculty carried armed weapons then this way if a situation comes up they would be able to protect not only themselves, but also their students.

  26. Ely V
    Fireguns are dangerous just like knifes and any other object used to hurt somebody else.
    1. I think security guards or campus police are the ones indicated to carry guns because they are trained to use them and they could be part of their personal protective equipment (or uniform), they need them in case somebody is in danger or being threatened.
    2. I strongly disagree with anybody (even teachers or campus employees) carrying fire arms. They are NOT trained to used them, at least not formally and nobody runs a psychological profile test on them, even police officers could be a potential harm in some situations, however they are trained and that is less likely to happen.
    3. Even if an ammendment is made letting personnel carry weapons, students should not do the same. It is just inconceivable for me knowing that I'm sitting next to somebody that has a gun and that can be high in their marihuana or whatever illegal drug and do stupid stuff like shooting a teacher over his grade or any other reason, lets face it nobody knows or sure who's using drugs or what is happening on that specific student life, or anything. If they do it illegally I just can't imagine myself sitting next to someone with a gun in his pocket (or purse)it is just crazy.

  27. In reply to Courtney W.08
    Maybe guns are not a solution, metal detectors like in the airports (or like in some schools in cherokee county)

  28. Nate B. T/R 6pm

    As a strong supporter of the second amendment and firearms I am still going to vote no on this one. Reasons being....

    1.) Time will have to be taken out of class (which keep in mind WE PAY FOR) to train faculty and staff on fire arms use.
    2.)Too many accidents can happen with that many firearms laying around a campus
    3.)There's always the possibility of a professor or student flipping their lid and blasting someone....not cool

    However, I do think security should be increased. And I think a select few faculty should be allowed to carry a weapon (Professors, Office Staff). They would; on the other hand, be more of a dedicated response team in the event of someone assaulting students or other personnel. They would need to have security training and permits....ya know, all the official stuff.

    1. I think it would be a good idea if some of the faculty were allowed to carry firearms just as a last resort, in case a situation did occur.

  29. James A.75

    In my opinion, Students should not be allowed to carry firearms onto the campus. Since it is usually the case that a student with a gun is the cause of a school shooting in the first place. Sure you could defend yourself if you had a gun, but you could also harm other students in the process. Only the campus security should be able to carry a firearm because they are trained to handle hostile situations.

  30. Emilee A. 12
    I feel that students and faculty should be allowed to carry firearms on CTC campus as long as they have a current carriers permit. I personally carry a hand gun and have a permit as well as my husband. We both know how to handle firearms and have been through training. I feel that if someone comes on campus with intent to inflict harm then they will and I want to be able to protect myself and possibly others around that might be in harms way. If CTC allow faculty and students to carry firearms I think that they should ask for a copy for their permit and have all other info that is also public record. There are laws about consealed weapons and how they must be carried in order to provent possibly dangerous situations like misfire.

    1. Sean B Online 12

      I agree with you, Emilee. Just the thought of a teacher or other members of school faculty, should deter most rational thinking citizens from committing a crime, especially if that faculty member was a veteran of our armed forces. We all have the right to defend ourselves from any danger, both foreign and domestic. It would also be effective for college campuses to have firearm training and other self defense seminars of some kind.

  31. Briana S. 12
    It's hard to learn when you are concerned about your safety, so I understand why some may feel that it is a necessity to carry a gun. However some students may be uncomfortable with students and faculty who may not have the proper training in dealing with firearms being allowed to carry guns. How would we know if the people who do carry firearms are going to use them correctly?
    Also when people bring their guns to school, they run the risk of them being stolen and if an accident or altercation were to happen involving a firearm, situations would escalate a lot faster . For everyone's safety I believe it is a better idea to have trained armed professionals on campus and to educate students and faculty on being aware of their surroundings.

  32. Brittany S. Soc. 1101

    While I am an advocate for personal freedom and protection, I can only find this concept more than a little disturbing. I for one, would not feel comfortable sitting next to a fellow student with a loaded gun. Although, I think a gun safety course requirement for the purchase of any firearm is not unreasonable, I don't think it belongs in public education. I could see some gun right advocates arguing that this stance contradicts with our demand that gun safety education be a requirement for gun ownership. So, I've preempted that argument as follows:

    Perhaps a gun ownership license is going a bit too far, but proving that you've taken and passed a gun safety course isn't. And, no, I don't mean those obvious 10-question hunter safety tests many states require you to pass. They focus more on hunting safety and not on overall gun safety, anyway. Nor do I believe that it is sufficient education to be deemed a safe gun user.

    Even with all that aside, such coursework can only safely be conducted in an environment far from school children and certainly more conducive to one-on-one instructor attention than a single underpaid public school teacher for 30 or 40 students would provide. Seeing as this costs money, the education systems in most states that would approve something of this nature are already underfunded and under-performing. It's ironic that the proponents of this nonsense call public school teachers "union thugs" when they want to cut education funding, but want to arm them when they're afraid the outrage from a school shooting will prompt an outrage of gun bans.

    I'll end with the reminder that instruction of this nature should always be voluntary, and that makes having it as part of public education troublesome. If you make it part of a public school curriculum, some districts may make it mandatory, and that would be highly offensive to students whose religious and/or cultural background prohibits killing people or animals. The list just goes on and on. There are just too many things wrong with this concept to count.

    1. Christine W. Soc.1101 responds to Brittany S.

      I can agree with you. I don't understand why some people act like making stricter gun regulations is so bad. The government regulates a huge array of things in our lives that we don't even question. Something as dangerous as a gun should be closely monitored because there are a lot of people who should not be walking around with a loaded weapon.

  33. Christine W. Soc. 1101

    While I support the 2nd amendment, I do not feel comfortable with just any individual carrying a weapon on school campus. While this idea is appealing, it would be a sudden potential for more harm than good.

    As a country among some of the highest civilian massacres we have witnessed, such as the Sandy Hook elementary shooting, students and faculty carrying weapons would only create more of an opportunity to arise. For example, without proper training and accidents inevitable, someone or many may be an end result victim. While I disagree with students and faculty being armed, I believe in more security and trained law enforcement for the protection of a safe school environment.

    These situations are a rare and far between, but it shouldn't be held upon the responsibility of teachers or students, for our protection if something were to occur.

    1. Jordanna C.

      I agree. I believe in more security. The idea of everyone at school having a gun would make me uncomfortable. I have a gun, go hunting, and shooting, but I wouldn't bring it to school. Just because you are in college doesn't mean you are all grown up and mature enough.

  34. Tate F. Online 08
    I do not think students or faculty should be aloud to carry any firearms on the school campus. This would put everyone at a higher risk of being injured. If students were aloud to carry a gun on campus, it would make an even bigger possiblilty of a shooting to happen. It would not be safe for anyone to be aloud in the school with a gun on them. Faculty should be treated the same way as a student and also not be aloud to carry a gun on them while on campus. I would not want to sit in class knowing someone else in the room is armed with a weapon because not everyone is smart when it comes to him or her carrying a gun.

  35. Tate F. Online 08 In Response to Sonya R. 08
    I agree with you although guns don't really scare me, I would be scared if someone else around me had a gun. You never know if they know what they are doing or if they are smart when it comes to handeling a gun. If anything, I think there should be more security or school police on the campus too. It's safer to have them on the campus rather than a student or faculty carrying a firearm on campus.

  36. Tracy P. 01 I don't think everyone should be able to carry guns. I think teachers or facility should be allowed after extensive back round checks. If just anyone and everyone had a gun I believe it would make a bad situation worse. I would be very on edge just knowing that. If people got in arguments or fights and got angry who's to say if they had a access to a gun like that, that they wouldn't pull it out and shoot .

  37. The answer is "No"
    1.It will be risk for everyone in class incase of the person with gun does not like the fellow student or faculty might decide to shoot the person.
    2.Guns are not a friendly tool to be near it or to carry it.

  38. although there has been many instances such as the elementary school shooting in Conn., where students and/or faculty would have benefited from being permitted to carrying a firearm, I don't think it would be a good idea for faculty and students to be permitted to carry firearms on campus for the following reasons: First off, there are many individuals who would view the ability to carry firearms on campus as an opportunity, which could raise the crime rates on campus because some individuals would use the firearm to threaten others instead of protection. Carrying firearms on campus would be a bad idea because many people who have guns aren't properly trained in safe handling which could result in accidental shootings and mishaps. The last reason I think carrying firearms on campus would b dangerous because as young adults a lot of the time we act in the heat of the moment without thinking about the consequences, allowing firearms on campus could easily turn what would be a fist fight into a shoot out. As you can see, allowing firearms on campus would do more harm than good in my strong opinion.

  39. Elia V. 12
    Fireguns are dangerous just like knifes and any other object used to hurt somebody else.
    1. I think security guards or campus police are the ones indicated to carry guns because they are trained to use them and they could be part of their personal protective equipment (or uniform), they need them in case somebody is in danger or being threatened.
    2. I strongly disagree with anybody (even teachers or campus employees) carrying fire arms. They are NOT trained to used them, at least not formally and nobody runs a psychological profile test on them, even police officers could be a potential harm in some situations, however they are trained and that is less likely to happen.
    3. Even if an ammendment is made letting personnel carry weapons, students should not do the same. It is just inconceivable for me knowing that I'm sitting next to somebody that has a gun and that can be high in their marihuana or whatever illegal drug and do stupid stuff like shooting a teacher over his grade or any other reason, lets face it nobody knows or sure who's using drugs or what is happening on that specific student life, or anything. If they do it illegally I just can't imagine myself sitting next to someone with a gun in his pocket (or purse)it is just crazy.

  40. Elia V. 12
    In reply to Courtney W.08
    Maybe guns are not a solution, metal detectors like in the airports (or like in some schools in cherokee county)

  41. Kirsten H. Online 10

    In response to Megan C 21: I completely agree with everything you said. I also believe that although the right to bear arms may be our right as Americans, however, it has been clear that the true problem behind all of these tragedies are the mentally ill people that have access to these guns. I don't believe that students and faculty should also be allowed to bring guns to school because if there are already trained personal that have guns then why isn't that considered enough? I would rather leave my safety in the hands that have been trained than in my classmate's. & who knows what kind of illness that person may have? I would much rather see our efforts go toward mental health patients than I would gun laws. We go through security checks at airports and schools for a reason. Harmful weapons of any kind should not be allowed to be openly carried on any campus/plane/etc. I'd like to believe that people came up with these rules for a REASON. & as Elia V 12 mentioned, yes there is a possibilty for a trained person to have too much power, but the chances are less likely than a person who hasn't gone through psychological testing. If we sift through all of this debate, all of these laws, security checks, etc we will always end up back at the beginning, which is with the PERSON owning the gun.

  42. Sean B. Online 12

    I do not believe that all teachers should be allowed to carry firearms unless they are military veterans or complete at least a three month firearm safety and use course. I say this because if you allow any teacher to use a gun, they may not have the experience to draw the firearm, aim it and use it to defend their students. My old high school had at eight military veterans who have been asking the state legislature about this ever since the Columbine shootings. I agree with them that veterans should be allowed to carry because they have already had enough firearms training and the discipline to know when is the correct time to use their firearms.

    1. Edens T No.29

      I don't agree with you vets could just as well be as dangerous as any person with a gun and not all vets turn into teachers and what they show on a test they can handle situation like that but they are really the very ones who may cause the problem it doesn't matter who has the most training you trusting that person with life they can protect it or end it

  43. Anthony H. Soc.1101

    I personally I'm for both sides, you can't really say yes and you really can't say no. Having a firearm on campus as just a regular student is very wrong, but having a knowledgeable student on campus with a firearm is very acceptable. If Chattahoochee Technical College did come across a situation where they needed someone to fire the firearm I would want the best knowledgeable student shooting rather then a student who has never held a firearm before. So there would be no guarantee missing the enemy.

  44. Ronald McG.

    i would have to say i am for both sides as well. The gun is there for the feeling of safety and protection, but it can also be a huge down fall for it because it also holds the feeling of power, Knowing you are in control of a situation at all times. Now, knowing this sometimes power can get to some people's head and some would feel the need to do something outrages with this feeling of power. A person does not have to be classified as " mental insanity " to do something wrong. when some people have the feeling of control and power, things tend to get out of hand.

  45. I am really scared of guns, and cannot come to terms whether to learn how to shoot a gun, myself. I have never felt like I was not safe. It is a shame that we are coming to this. Yes,I agree all admistration and staff should carry guns.

  46. Tanya W.01
    Yes I agree that staff and administration should carry guns. We cannot trust anyone anymore and we must be protected. There is no other way.

  47. Jon Walker

    I do not think that students and faculty should be able to carry guns at school. Guns should be kept for self defence. I believe that if firearms are allowed in schools as a carried weapon then that is just "inviting" someone to bring a firearm to gun for the wrong reason. When i was growing up I never heard of such shootings going on. I believe that as the media gets larger then they just exploit events like this. In my opinion when the media puts such events on the television, internet, or what have you, then that is just giving people ideas. Guns should be held in your car, or in a safe in your home. They are for personal use and I do not think it is safe to be bringing them on to campus'.

  48. kyle Rhoades

    I don't have a problem with teachers and students crying guns in class if they have gone through a gun safety class but i don't think someone that knows nothing about guns and how they work and how dangerous they can be if handled wrong.

    1. I do think that a gun safety class might help, but I still don't like the idea of students and faculty carrying around firearms. Seems kind of stressful. That anyone you meet might shoot you. I know I sound paranoid and I am not, but the fact is there. I would rather just increase security than increase the amount of firearms available.

    2. I agree with you! The gun laws, ( especially in Ga) need some altering but why can't responsible people carry firearms? I defiantly think that in an environment as condensed as a campus the firearms need to be registered. Also a firearms safety course should be mandatory for students and faculty planning on carrying. The individuals would also have to pass the firearms safety course.

    3. Leslie T online 08

      If guns are allowed in school they should require a mandatory gun safety class. Although accidents could still happen even if you attend a gun safety class.

  49. I personally love guns and I am a gun owner. I feel that some of the gun rules do need to be altered. Make guns like cars, registration, have a license to own one.. I do not agree with taking our guns away. I mean, I know this has probably been mention, but taking our guns away is not the answer. Criminals will still get their hands on the guns. Everyone else would be unprotected.

  50. I personally am not a big fan of guns. If students and faculty were allowed to hold firearms, that would actually make social interactions very... stressful for me. TO walk around other students who own guns at that moment would create a more stressful enviroment which is detrimental to educaitonal growth.
    And the fact of the matter is we would be increasing the chances of another shooting. A psychopathic person might seize this oppurtunity to shoot other people, despite the fact that they may carry firearms as well. I think whether or not the risk is big, it would not be a fun and helpful learning enviroment. Therefore I am against the fact that students and faculty should carry firearms. Just armed personnel would be fine, like Police and stuff.

    1. This is Mattias E. 41210

    2. Beatrice W 34 in response to Mattias E. 41210

      I certainly agree with you. I wouldn't feel safe either around my fellow students especially knowing they are armed. You might never know if the students/faculty are in a good mind position, you might say something to them and sound offensive towards them leading them to shooting you. Most people nowadays have anger management problem and people like them i don't think so should be allowed to have guns. But i would definitely feel safe when a police man has a gun since they are trained on how to use them.

    3. Chassity H. online 10
      I agree my class encounters would be uncomfortable knowing someone is sitting next to me holding a gun. Just the thought would be uncomfortable.

  51. I do not think that faculty and students should be able to have guns in school because those students with mental illness have access to these guns which is not safe. I think giving guns to everybody would just make school shootings happen much more frequently. Although we would all be armed, there is still a risk of being shot although we have the means to protect ourselves. I also think that proper gun safety is an issue in the sense that a lot of people do not know how to use guns, which makes the situation even more harmful. Overall I dont think that giving students and faculty the right to carry a gun will solve any issues , in fact it will cause more. I believe in owning a gun and keeping it in your home for protection, but i think it is too risky to be able to bring it to school.

  52. Beatrice W 34

    The United States Constitution guarantees our right to bears arms in order to defend ourselves. But to be reasonable, i don't think any student or faculty should be allowed to bring gun in campus due to specific reasons; College students who go out to party and come back in campus when they are not sober maybe lead to massive shooting of people when a tense conversation erupts between them. Since they aren't sober the only solution they could seek to is by using the gun. Secondly, when a teacher brings a gun to campus, i don't think students will be in a safe environment since most teachers can't stand students who are disobedient and run their mouths all the times. This will lead him/her to be frustrated and might lead them to use to the gun especially when the anger is telling them what to do.

  53. Shanna S. 08

    I don't believe it would be a great idea for everybody to carry a gun. I would be for faculty to carry a gun if they were comfortable with it and TRAINED on using such a powerful weapon. I grew up around guns, my father taught me the proper way to have one in a home setting. I would hate to be in a situation that I felt I needed to shoot someone to protect my son or myself. But I believe if a troubled individual would be less likely to go on a killing spree if they knew that there were trained faculty to stop them. What I would like to see happen is maybe retired police officers or retired military patrol schools they would be more calm in a situation like that and know how to handle that rather than a principal or teacher. It's so sad to me that this has happened so many times and not everybody can come together with a solution. It seems like it has become more of a political debate.

    1. Leightonia B. 12 in Response to Shanna S. 08

      Shanna I agree with you. I also feel like not everyone should be allowed to carry a gun either. I also agree with the point you mentioned about training the faculty on using a gun if necessary.

    2. I like your train of thought on this matter. You seem to have a well developed idea on this and also being around guns would help form a vaild opinion on this. But at the same time you never know who will snap out of rage, who may also be trained and certified to use the weapon they use in a situation of rage and anger. You should never put anything past anyone! So with that being said even trained professionals could commit a crime of murder in schools you never can fully control a persons thoughts actions and whatever decision they make.
      Giana Deloen

  54. Edens T.No.29

    I believe that faculty nor the students should be able to have firearms at our school it is not necessary. The 1st account is that school is a place of learning and if you bring something into environment like that it will cause it to change into one that will be hostel itself one can not learn if their eyes are on the weapon of the instructor.2nd there is no need for faculty to have firearms when there is security on campus to handle situations that require gun power.

  55. Courtney W. online 08 in response to Emilee A. 12
    i totally agree with you. i believe it would be right if a student csrries a firearm they should have a permit. if kids had hand guns and didnt have to have a permit, those guns could be in the wrong hands of a student. I think you put it in a good way of asking for a copy of their permit to make sure they have proof that way students are safe.

  56. M. Williams 10, Reply to Jenn L. 08, My grandfather was in lawforcement and was also a hunter; my husband was a police officer also law enforcement. The nut who killed those children over the christmas holiday, mom had guns in her house; that was supposedly (Legal)unfortunately, diagnosing someone with mental health issue before they have a gun in their hand to do harm is still not possible in modern day America, the greatest country in the world. If your cognitive function is off, age really does not matter. I don't want to take my gun to school with me, I know me. Peace

  57. Leightonia B 12

    As I read, I attempted to view this topic with an open mind. I honestly, do not have a problem with the armed personnel on campus. They have been properly trained to handle diverse situations before they result in using their firearms, and they have also been trained to handle their weapon responsibly. However, I do not believe that students and faculty should be permitted to carry a gun as well. I do not own a gun, so I was not sure what the process was to obtain a license to carry. I asked a few of my friends that have a permit to carry, and they stated that all they had to do was pass a background check, and then 24-48 hours later, they were able to purchase their gun(s). I only mentioned that to illustrate how easy it is to obtain a legal gun. I do believe that everyone has a right to protect themselves, but I believe that guns in the school environment would eventually cause havoc.
    A few of reasons why I do not support all students and faculty carrying guns on campus are: inexperience, mental instability, and anger. In my mind, I can vision a young student who just became of age, going to apply for a permit to legally carry a gun because it would be ‘cool’ to have one. Then something happens and they shoot themselves or someone else accidentally because they did not know how to put the safety on, or they are showing off for their friends and the gun ‘just goes off’. Also, a simple background check does not check for a person’s mental stability. Most people can pass a background check, but verifying your previous addresses will not determine whether or not someone is borderline homicidal. What if a group of students were in the library working on a collective project, and one was a schizophrenic, but he was not taking his medication like he was instructed to. He hears a voice that says ‘kill them’, and he just starts shooting everybody in sight. Imagine a student addresses an instructor regarding a grading issue, and ultimately they do not agree. Tempers begin to flare and the student pulls their gun on the teacher, and the teacher in turn pulls their gun out in self defense. You have a stand-off in the middle of the classroom. The eager student pulls the trigger, the gun goes off and an innocent bystander gets shot. Apologies are not going to bring that person back. My examples are far-fetched, but could happen, so I believe that guns should be left in the professional’s hands.

    1. Trina H 12 in response to Leightonia B 12
      The example scenarios you have given are completely reasonable. My agreement with you is 100%. In fact, I think that in applying to a college, I would bypass the ones that allow everyone to carry a gun on campus. That alone would give me a reason to feel unsafe in the environment. We are there to attend class and study. Imagine being a faculty member who didn't carry a gun, and knowing you have students with guns sitting in your classroom. Where would they be? On their person, in their bookbags on the floor? There would be more incidences of accidental shootings as well.

    2. Sara A. 64

      I agree if they have been properly trained I do not see what the problem is.

  58. Emilee A. 12 in response to Williams, M 10

    Yes I agree that armed security guards should be enough... maybe 10-15 years ago. But I personally feel that if you are trained properly on how to use hand guns and you have a valid carriers permit you should be able to keep you gun with you for protection. If someone comes in a building that I'm in with a gun with intent to do harm, then I want to be able to protect myself. I'm not going to run out and be a hero by any means but if it came down to me protecting myself and possibly keeping some others safe then I'm all for it.

    1. (SOCI1101) 900244483- Kristina Williams-Martin

      I agree with you, I also feel that Security Guards cannot be everywhere at once. Sometimes it is up to those in the immediate area to protect themselves and those around them. I think that a world without guns is ideal however not practical.

  59. Trina H 12
    I do not feel that guns should be allowed on campus by students and faculty. The incidence of misfortune would be much greater with more guns on campus. Campus security is there for a purpose, and yes they should have weapons. Allowing students to carry weapons on campus just increases the risk of negative impulse reactions. Remember, development comes in stages, and at eighteen it is not complete. Campus security should be trained in the use and need for use of weapons, as well as the application of such.

  60. Mandy B. Online 10
    As a mom and student, I do feel that anyone who passes a background and has proper firearm training should be able to carry one. I know that after the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary I felt very anxious about sending my little girls to school the following Monday. When we arrived to the school that morning, there were police officers on patrol, which did give me some peace of mind. I know that in the wrong hands a gun can quickly become a deadly weapon, but in the hands of someone properly trained I believe it can save lives.
    As far as students and faculty carrying a firearm on campus, I am all for it.

  61. Mandy B. Online 10 in response to Emilee A. 12
    I completely agree with you. Good for you and your husband for going through weapons training and having your permits. My husband and I want to do the same. I know I would feel alot safer if I carried a gun and was trained to use it in order to protect myself and my family.

  62. Crystal White CRN (41210)

    I do not believe that student nor faculty should be allowed to carry guns on campus. Although one of my professors told my entire class last semester that she carries her gun to campus. I know that there are many pro-gun people who believe that it is their right to carry a gun any where they want but I believe that people who attend school are equivalent to people who attend court, airports or any other public place with large amounts of people. When you go to court there are metal detectors, why? Because there are hired people there to protect the people inside so there is no need for one to bring their own weapon inside. The CTC campus is no different. If there are armed professionals on campus hired to protect us thats what we should allow them to do. There is absolutely no need for students or faculty to bring weapons. I believe that the more readily available a weapon is the more likely you are to use it. So if we allowed students to bring guns on campus, a simply dispute could easily turn deadly. If those same students did not have weapons they may have left campus and calmed down and not been so emotional but when your in the moment and your mad and the gun is right there, instead of maybe arguing, fighting, or just talking it out you may just loose it and shoot the person. Teachers are not void to this scenario, because like us they have feelings, emotions and sometimes get into disagreements with each other and/or students. Also if someone has a gun and they bring it to class and two other people get into a dispute one of those other people could possibly grab the individuals gun and use it. Simply put there is just way too much that could go wrong. Although some people believe we should have the "right" to bring guns anywhere I relate guns to some of our other privileges although they can be done it doesn't mean they should be done everywhere. We can't drink alcohol in school, we can't have sex in class, we can't come to school naked, we can't smoke cigarettes in school, we can barely use our cell phones during class, so we definetly don't need guns their either.

    1. I see where you are coming from with this and you prove valid points quit a few funny but very true valid points especially about phone but I have had teachers there who openly have there weapons visible. now of course some of them were officers but my point is in their class i felt safe knowing they were trained professioanls. So i am conflicted with this matter because I sit on both sides of the fence! I agree with a lot of what you said but I feel if there were guidlines to guns on campus it would be ok but I do not feel just because you have a gun and a permit you should be allowed to carry it where you please as well...
      Giana Deleon

    2. Bola T. online 12 in respond to Crytal
      I agree with you that even the simple dispute can become deadly if student are allowed to bring guns into the campus. I would suggest that guns should not be seen with anyone on the campus except for law enforcement agency.

  63. Crystal White CRN (41210)
    IN RESPONSE TO: Trina H 12

    Trina H I totally agree with you. We have trained campus officials hired for the sole purpose of protecting all beings inside the school. Allowing students/faculty to bring guns would greatly increase the possibility of incidents. People often do things in the heat of the moment that they wouldn't necessarily do if they had taken the time to calm down or step away. We don't need guns on planes nor at court houses our schools are no different. One day my daughter will go to college and I would not feel comfortable with my daughter being in class with a bunch of people carrying guns. There is just too much that could go wrong. Lets keep our schools safe and gun free.

  64. Clint A. Online 58

    I do believe in second amendment. Having firearms is a right. Now for having faculty and staff plus the students caring firearms is ridiculous. That is just asking for a WWIII. Teacher's? that's just funny. Faculty could be a possibility like the principle or assistants or even janitors. But to the furthest extent only possible thing i see is city officials issuing campus police for all schools.

  65. Clint A. Online 58

    I completely agree with M. Williams 10 statement. Having guns at schools seems a little sketchy. I even tend to get nervous when i see a police officer 'protecting us' they still have a weapon that is under there control. Besides the point, weapons at schools is even a worse idea. Maybe what we have to do is have metal detectors and guards at door entries...

    1. Julian L. 09

      The metal detector idea seems most logical, Clint. I attended a public school in a really tough part of Brooklyn NY, fights broke out quite often but they never involved anything lethal and I believe it to be because of our metal detectors. I'm actually stunned to think that this hasn't been the obvious answer to the school shooting problems. Good thinking.

  66. Julian L. 09

    I think that giving students the right to bring in firearms is ridiculous. I'll start out subtly; the environment and entire atmosphere of the building would be thick with suspicion and fear of everyone around you possibly carrying a deadly weapon on them. To this day I remain courteous of everyone around me possibly being hostile or plain crazy, common media portrays that these mass shooters usually don't have psychological disabilities. Simply put, i'd find it hard to concentrate. Also, what's the point of having armed personnel if everyone has the same ability to stop a threat as they do? When the good guys have the guns, an established environment is created where there is order and discipline. If everyone has a gun it would be like walking into an old western town where any conflict can lead to drawn pistols.

  67. Bola T. online 12
    I don’t think students and faculty should be allowed to carry gun on campus. In a social settings or organized society life and properties needs to be saved guided and protected by law enforcement agencies that are well trained to do so, not by individual who are untrained to use guns. This is because students are reported nationwide to be involved with illegal drug usage and drinking of alcohol which affect them mentally. A mentally disturb student under drug or alcohol influence can start shooting everybody. Another reason is the high suicide attempt among students in our colleges. After being frustrated with life, some student can shoot themselves with the gun that is with them without thinking about it the second time. I believe a faculty staff under the influence of drug or alcohol or with a suicide mission will do the same too.

    1. First off the only faculty on Chattahoochee's campus that are allowed to carry on the ones currently still in law enforcement. Secondly Chattahoochee has students who are in law enforcement and who due carry their fire arms on campus every time they have a class. I am sure if someone wanted to commit suicide on a school campus they are going to find any way possible to do it. For example the student who hung himself in the parking deck at KSU two years ago. Responsible individuals having a fire arm on a school campus every day is not a bad thing.

    2. Dustin S Online
      On the same day as the Sandy Hook shooting a man in China stabbed over 20 school children to death. Simply using what if scenarios to justify the removal of peoples rights is dangerous. To quote Ben Franklin "People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both."

  68. I believe that faculty and students should be allowed carry firearms on campus. My support for this is well first of all, we are all adults and should act a such. Secondly The government already has laws in place to register firearms, and if you own a fire arm. not only are these two parameters in place but you must also pass a background check. You must do the same to acquire a conceal carry permit. I would be very open to the school taking action though and making a "rule" that if you are going to bring your firearm onto campus that you first regieter it with the school and show proof of ownership for the fire arm you are registering. Secondly it should be required that all persons carrying a firearm on campus be required to pass a gun safety course. Responsible citizens with guns are not bad and are never bad to have in a social setting.

    1. I completely agree with you in that they should be allowed to carry firearms on campus. I think it is a great idea that everyone who carries a firearm should pass a gun safety course - and perhaps some form of training to properly use the gun. Of course, a person with a permit is responsible and a good thing! Irresponsible or mentally ill citizens with guns happen whether or not there were rules in place as we have already tragically seen. Why not be able to have a responsible citizen with a gun, help to stop a crime in progress if possible.

  69. Jane N-73
    My answer is "No".This is because not everyone knows how to use guns.Also some students are unable to control their anger which may leads them to use the guns.Guns are not friendly tool to be carried around.

  70. Replies
    Jane N-73
    In the response to Trina H 12. I agree that carrying guns will only increase the risk.Especially to those student who never use guns before.Only campus security should be trained in the use of guns.

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. Yes, students and faculty should be allowed to carry guns on campuses. People who have guns illegally already possess and carry their guns - why should citizens who can legally carry guns elsewhere be limited at a school. If they aren't inclined to injure or kill someone outside of a campus or school, why would being on a campus change their behavior. Secondly, as gun free or "safe" zones, schools and campuses are extremely vulnerable and are in essence perfect targets for people determined to do harm. What needs to happen is stricter gun control laws, which make registering them difficult and thorough, including mental health screenings.

  74. Bylia J.08
    No, i do not think that it a good idea for techers and students to carry a fire arm. i believe that students that bring firearms to school intention is to harm another being, therfore why make it easier for them to do so. Also, when in the heat of the moment and your upset with someone some tend not to think because they are angry. This can cause for another to pull out there weapon and harm or kill another due to them being upset at that moment.

    1. Raygan D. Online 08 in response to Bylia J. 08
      I agree with you on this issue I just do not see how mixing guns in the equation, with the stresses of school, and out of school situations along with students who are going through emotional changes and developments and who are more likely prone to impulses and as you said "heat of the moment" situations, can lead to anything good.

  75. Leslie T. Online 08

    I have to say no, to allow students to have fire arms on campus would be a bad idea because it would give more people an opportunity to harm others. If a teacher see's a gun she could report it before the person had a chance to use it, but if she see's it when its legal there is nothing the teacher could do about it. Although i do believe students and teachers should carry something to protect themselves, guns may not be the safest answer. It is possible a gun could accidentally go off in class or walking around on campus. If someone pulls a gun on you who's to say you are going to be able to grab your gun and also that the person has a good aim and wont be able to miss. I do feel it would be a good idea for teachers to have guns and to even be required to learn how to shoot them.

  76. Whitney C. 10
    I do believe that students and faculty members should be allowed to carry guns on campus. The reason I believe this is first because in the chance that there is a school shooting, I dont want to be one of the people in a class where its happening sitting and waiting on one of the few armed people in the school to show up, I mean think about it. If someone pulls out a gun to shoot up the class, how many peoples lives are going to be wasted waiting on an armed person to show up? When if I or another class mate had a gun, you pull it out get rid of the problem and although a few lives may be lost, the expense is going to be a lot less. Second If we were allowed to have guns in the school and it was known, I personally think people would be a lot less likely to try to start anything because they would know you have a gun and your going to fight back.

  77. Whitney C. 10 In response to Elia V. 12
    I completely dissagree with you. I think you are only thinking of yours "fears" and not what would be best for everyone. First of all Ill start with your number 2, if thats how you feel, that NO ONE should carry fire arms that even police can be harmful then your number 1 doesnt even really make sense for campus security to carry guns because if you think a police isnt qualified I sure as anything wouldnt want a security gaurd who doesnt even go through the psychological evaluations and training that a police goes through trying to shoot and protect me.. And as for your number 3, im not exactly sure what kind of drugs youve been around but if your on anything bad enough Im sure your not really going to be worried about showing up for school that day and if you decide to smoke weed before class im pretty sure that doesnt alter your mind to go off and shoot someone. People who do that stuff are usually on some hardcore stuff or have mental history in their blood, but in the small chance one of those druggies do decide to go all nuts and bust out a gun, do you want to wait for the potentially harmful security gaurds to drive their golf cart from building a to buliding b, then find your class and come to the door and get shot at while 15 others are laying on the floor shot or do you think its better for a classmate or yourself to bust out your gun when the person starts and catch them offgaurd and stop them with only 1-2 casualties? I guess it depends on how lucky your feeling....

  78. Cameron R.10

    Most schools do hve some type of security or campus police patrolling the schools during the day. The Main problem seems to be that security is not up to standard or they do not have proper training in a crisis situation. Schools should be funded more money to train faculty and campus police/security to be better prepared for any type of crisis that may take place on school grounds. School faculty should be traind to use weapons and know where they are on campus, along with upgrading perimiter security. I am all for protecting yourself and believe that if giving the proper training these school shootings will happen less.

  79. Cameron R.10 in response to Whitney C.10

    You do have a good idea, however with students being able to carry on campus could cause problems. This could cause a rise in robbery's, if a student is dealing with depression the will have access to a weapon to commit suicide. If a student is having problems in school he could use the gun to do a shootiing his/her self. You cant have a bunch of untrained people running around with guns it is a big liability for a school and a risky chance to take. If their was proper training and card giving to students as proof they have completed safety classes and so many hours on a shooting range then it would be great.

  80. Dustin S online 02
    While I am a staunch second amendment advocate, I do not feel as though students or faculty need to be armed at CTC. While the media coverage and peoples access to that media has increased the number of shootings has not. I believe that a college campus should be treated as a professional environment, and that all persons on campus should conduct themselves accordingly. Part of normal professional conduct, with notable exceptions in certain professions, persons do not carry weapons of any type. I am open to those who are holders of concealed carry permits being able to have weapons in their cars while transiting campus, however these would not lead to the distractions in the classroom that firearms would. People texting during lecture is bad enough without the distractions of someone cleaning and oiling their pistol in class, which I have no doubt would happen.

    1. Natasha E. Online 12
      I agree with you 100% about it is ok to those who hold a concealed carry permit in their cars. You said it perfectly.

  81. Natasha E online 12
    I do not believe that we should be able to carry fire arms on campus. With that, teachers should not either. There can be to many accidents with a bunch of people running around with guns. I believe that we should have more security at the schools, which can create new jobs. We cant stop people from brining guns to school, but if everybody carried them then more people may get shot. For those who do bring them, we know that it is not an accident and they meant to shoot somebody.

  82. SOCI1101- 900244483- Kristina Williams-Martin

    I believe Faculty should be able to carry guns so that they have the ability to protect the student body, I also think that it would deter a potential shooting since everyone would be aware that the faculty members carry firearms. I think this would contribute to the safety of everyone on campus if more professors carried firearms.

    1. Marie L. 08 (Online)

      In response to Kristina.

      I totally agree with Kristina. It should be OK for Faculty to carry guns as long as background check is done and, or even a psychiatric evaluation to make sure this decision is not going to make maters worst.I don't agree with students carrying guns in campus, that could lead to more school shootings in the future.

  83. Victor Vazquez 01

    In my opinion, I think it is perfectly ok for faculty to carry firearms as I think they are responsible enough to safely use them. I worry about students carrying firearms as then anything can happen and a spark could set off horrible events.

    In the end, what matters most is the student and faculty safety, so what ever makes us most safe is the best option.

  84. I feel alot safer knowing that the CTC has armed personnel, I will also agree to some extent that maybe a select few of the faculty should carry a concealed weapon on campus, maybe 1-2 faculty staff in each department to cut down on the number of weapons on campus. However I don't agree that students should be able to carry concealed weapons on campus.
    #1. A student carrying a gun on campus can result in another set of circumstances that can result in tragic outcomes, for example a escalated arguement between 2 students the one carrying the weapon gets angry and pulls his weapon.
    #2. The less guns on campus the better, may elimnate some circumstances on campus. Allowing armed security and select few faculty members elminates certain circumstances.

  85. Cynthia H. 44I feel alot safer knowing that the CTC has armed personnel, I will also agree to some extent that maybe a select few of the faculty should carry a concealed weapon on campus, maybe 1-2 faculty staff in each department to cut down on the number of weapons on campus. However I don't agree that students should be able to carry concealed weapons on campus.
    #1. A student carrying a gun on campus can result in another set of circumstances that can result in tragic outcomes, for example a escalated arguement between 2 students the one carrying the weapon gets angry and pulls his weapon.
    #2. The less guns on campus the better, may elimnate some circumstances on campus. Allowing armed security and select few faculty members elminates certain circumstances.

    1. Tashanda S. Online 12 in response to Cynthia H.44

      I agree with your statement completely. I feel safe knowing that CTC has armed personnel, which really shows no need for students to carry guns. I believe that students are more likely to react to a emotional issue causing more trouble in the end. I also like your suggestion of having maybe a few faculty members armed just in case, because like you said the less guns on campus the better.

  86. I think it's great that CTC has armed personnel and they should be the only people on our campus that have guns. On a bigger campus like Georgia Tech having teacher's with concealed weapons should be an option. Students definitely should have guns but I think they should considering allowing teacher's to carry them if they are comfortable with it. Teacher's are less likely to pull a gun in an argument or disagreement unlike a student might be.

  87. Michelle L.Online.08
    im okay with Chattahoochee Tech Security** Staff having armed personnel on campus, Just as long as they run background check on those who are going to handle them if anything goes down. i dont agree with the students being allowed to carry hand guns on campus: people nowdays are crazy and and im not willing to lose my life because someone feels some type of way about something. Noone wants to pay for school just to be paranoid about their safety.

    1. Shacklett C. 12
      I totally agree with your answer. People over react about the smallest things nowadays and express their emotions way over the top. Certain personnel would make me and most likely other students and teachers much more cpomfortable and sae going to school.

  88. in reply to Jane N-73
    i totally agree, people get mad over the smallest things nowdays. allowing student to carry guns to school is just a tragedy waiting to happen.
    - Michelle L.Online.08

  89. Jessica H

    I believe that security personnel should definitely carry some kind of weapon such as a firearm because it is part of their job to maintain safety at the campus. If something were to happen, it is nice to know that we are not sitting ducks. Also, I think that if students want to carry a firearm, they should be able to. The screening process to get a weapon and to get a concealed weapon permit is quite extensive and you can't exactly fake your way through. I also believe that if a school such as CTC were going to allow students to carry weapons then they too would have to have a screening process to make sure all legal paperwork was copied and and turned in per student that wanted to carry. That being said, if a student passed the state screening and then turned in all paperwork to CTC then I don't see a problem with allowing that student to have a weapon. The students or people that wish to cause harm to others are not likely to spend their time and money to be documented carriers (unless they are sociopaths). They are more likely to come in one day and just charge the campus - in which case they would be met with hell-fire if students were allowed to carry. I feel that with proper handling, screening, and documentation, students carrying weapons could be especially beneficial in case of danger. As for administrators carrying weapons, I don't think that is a good idea at all. Administrators typically are in the position they are in because they care about students and their future. I really don't think that we could trust them to take the life of a student if the situation warranted it. On the other hand, I do believe they should hire armed security for these high-risk schools. Typically just the presence of armed security will deter students with a vendetta.

  90. Florimon Arrey Ndip EttaJanuary 31, 2013 at 1:40 PM

    The general idea of carrying guns around frightens me. I know that there is nothing to do about that but the government and legislature can still do something. I thing they should pass a law banning the carrying of guns around and limit its posession only in and around ones house.
    This means that students should not be allowed to carry their guns to school and also the schools should start looking at mounting screening door on all entrances of the capuses.

  91. Marie L. 08

    I honestly don't believe in guns because it is mostly the base of most violence situations. It is the first thing people have in mind when they think about committing a the other hand, it is also useful in some cases where it can be used for protection. However, It is hard to know whether it is a good thing for students, and or Faculty personal to carry guns in campus because of certain cases of undiagnosed mental illnesses. Sometimes, people who start shooting in our schools are not always fully responsible for their actions. They should be some types of mental evaluation done before to make a decision about that. So far, I never have any reason to feel unsafe at CTC.

  92. Shacklett C. 12
    In my opinion guns on any campus should not be aloud except for a certain few personnel who are trained and have nothing to do with the school but to protect the people attending or working at the campus.That way there is no stress for the people carrying at work related to the school in any way. There are many factors on campuses that do not occur outside of school such as stressful tests, problems between students, problems with the teachers, schoolwork, bullies, and just straight immaturity. So all in all i do agree in guns for protections sake carried by trained protection but i disagree in students or faculty carrying on campus.

  93. Raygan D. Online 08
    The idea of allowing students and faculty to carry firearms on campuses is just asking for trouble if you ask me. It would be the same equivalent as a bar in the Wild West, people are unpredictable and you never know what someone is going to do. But i guarantee that if someone does start a shooting and other kids are carrying firearms as well, lets just say that there is more likely to be far more casualties from a lot of guns firing off on campus than from one shooter.

  94. Tashanda S. Online 12

    While I do believe that students and faculty have the right to carry weapons, I don't feel that allowing it on campuses is necessary. Mass shootings do not occur daily so there really is no need to "prepare" by having everyone in the campus armed and ready. This, I believe, will cause more people to want to carry a gun for the sole purpose of saying that have one without acknowledging the fully responsibility. Instead irresponsible people being armed at the rare occasion where something similar to a mass shooting could occur, I would feel better protected knowing that only the properly trained armed personnel would handle the situation. And I'm not saying that everyone who owns a gun is irresponsible. Its just that, some people even though they have a license to carry a gun, may not know how to properly react in a situation where a gun is needed. Rather than having a "gun war" with people would aren't fully prepared, I would rather leave that to the professionals who would know the full responsibilities of carrying a gun.

  95. Chassity H. Online 10

    I do not feel students should be allowed weapons on campus in result to the recent gun shootings. CTC personnel who are licensed and trained should be allowed to. To me most college students can not handle that type of power and will use a gun in a non life threatening situation such as a disagreement with a classmate. The are several students who can handle it, but we can not just assume every will be bring it for protection against shootings such as the ones that have occurred. My second reason would be that if students have guns they will more than likely try to put there self in a line of fire to save other students and it may become a disaster with several gun fire from diffident directions. I just see it being chaotic.

  96. Maricela E. 10

    I don't have a problem with people that are in their 5 senses to carry a gun. My husband has been bugging me to go shoot at a shotting facilty but I do not like guns. I know guns aren't the problem, people that misuse them are. With all that has been happening have thought about maybe getting one now because my husband travels a lot and in case of something bad happening, I want to be able to protect my kids most of all.

  97. Cristina H. 01
    I think armed gaurds on campus should be the only ones to carry. There should be a type of ratio of armed gaurds to students.
    If it came to students carrying I think there should be requirements of them such as having a certain number of hours at a gun range taking classes.

  98. in response to Cristina H
    I agree with your comment.. There needs to be more armed security guards. This would also bring in more jobs on an off note. There should be a student to guard ratio. I also think that teachers should be armed and trained how to use the weapon accurately. As for student I think if we had a proper safe student to guard ratio and the teachers carried then we would be safe , but if a student were to carry it should be their right to arm themselves based on the health of them mentally, how well they can use the weapon, hrs in a range etc. and have no prior record and have a registry with the school on what students are carrying!

  99. yes i think that students and faculty alike should carry. this tredgy could happen anywhere. the increasing rate of school shootings that have happened the past few years have shown that the world is becoming a more dangerous world since schools are being continued to be a target

  100. Adetola M.10

    As a result of the recent shooting, in CTC, i disagree that gun should be handled by students. Students might misuse the use of this if they are given the priviledged. Only the trained and liceneced personnel shoould be allowed. My second reason is that little disagreement can snap a students with gun , and cause shooting mascare in school environment. Finally, we listen to lot of news of students dealingg in drugs and alcohol which result to dipression or mental problem. Students having mental problem can be trigger by anything to use it. I dont think usage of gun be students should be allow

    1. S. Castro in response to Adetola
      Someone who has a state concealed weapon permit is concidered trained and licenced. And anyone with a clean record can obtain one. My personal problem with obtaining a permit is once you have it there is no follow up (psych) evaluations which in my opinion, should be done.

  101. Adetola M.10
    In response to Chassity
    I agree with all your points. Weapons usuage on campus by students is not appropriate. Some students cannot deal with diagreement, the weapons they have at times makes them feels superior, and at the end they destroy a whole lot, just on a little mild argument.

  102. sandra f. 86
    I dont think that students should have guns on campus. When there is a security guard with guns why would we need one. A security guards job is only to protect the place. Most of the time theyre stuck doing nothing. Students are too unstable theyre still learning not sure which way they wanna go or what they wanna do. Some ready to explode or just snap. Students are very undecisive. They would only be asking for more problems giving students guns.

  103. Firearms in school is a good idea but the million dollar question is, what happens if the holder himself goes insane? Untill this is answered, I guns should not be allowed in school premises.

    Florimon Arrey

  104. S .Castro online 12
    Very tough topic. Even for a firearm collector like myself. In my opinion, obtaining a concealed weapons permit should allow one to carry their firearm in more places than it currently does, but the background checks should include a psych evaluation and other more in depth methods of know who's carrying. That goes for faculty as well. On the other hand, what happens if a carrying faculty member has to use the weapon, could it turn into a case like the Martin case? Faculty would be putting themselves in a vulnerable position.

  105. I think that security police officers should only be allowed to carry weapons. People are very dangerous these days and you never know what someone could randomly do or act. Everyone should be able to own a gun but its all about the safety first.

  106. Sara A. 64

    I believe it is our right to carry forearms wherever we go even if it means to school. I believe that some of the problems could have been solved if the students and teachers would have had firearms in the past.
