Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Soc Fest 2012

Greetings! Namaste! Chao! Saludos! Merhaba! Howdy!

What did you find most interesting about Soc Fest? Was it the display or story of a classmate, or was it information you discovered about yourself and your culture as you worked on the project?


  1. Wendy W 40 ~

    I had a really wonderful time today. I found it extremely interesting and entertaining to walk around and see how everyone portrayed their projects. There was a lot of interesting artifacts and clothing to look at, as well as delicious foods to try from all over the world. My favorite foods were the Persian rice, German apple strudel and some type of Mexican side dish that was made from vermicelli. I wish I had asked for recipes! Thanks for a really great experience, I thoroughly enjoyed it. :)

    1. Chris W, 39
      I totally agree with you that the Sociology fest is found extremely interesting and entertaining. To have a chance to try different foods from all over the world was really amazing. Some of the foods I tried were really delicious and I loved it. The artifacts were pretty interesting and enjoy looking at it.

    2. Tacile B. 40
      In response to Wendy W. 40

      I truly agree with you on the great foods. I was thinking that I wish I'd gotten some recipes. I'm not big on cookies, but i had an homemade sugar cookie that was great. I should've gotten more than just one!

    3. Chris Y. 39
      I enjoyed trying all of the different foods available. So many varieties were available for us to try and enjoy

    4. There were some really good displays that people invested a lot of time in. I was impressed by all the artistic abilities of everyone. I am not that artistic and just displayed a limerick book with Irish poetry, and some Irish pound cake.....I had fun though!

    5. Reply to Lori, I totally agree with you that is why I was so shocked when I seen all those projects it took me back to high school and on top of that I really don't have a creative bone in my body lol!!!

  2. Hey, ya'll. Thanks for making Soc Fest such a grand evening.

  3. Whitney H. Online 38
    I absolutely loved looking at all of the projects, tasting all of the food and drink samples, as well as talking to and getting to know many of the people and learning about their background and culture. I found so many of them interesting and learned so much about other cultures. I realized that even though we may have completey different upbringings and cultures that many of us have many of the same family values and traditions. This was the most fun aspect for me. Learning how much we are all so unique but how we are all connected in either a very small way or by more ways than we could have ever imagined.

    1. Wendy c online 39 in response to whitney h online 38

      I agree! The commonalities across cultures and family traditions was fascinating! It was easy to make connections with most of the folks there!!!

  4. Whitney H. Online 38
    In response to Wendy W. Online 40
    I completly agree with you about all of the wonderful artifacts that were on display. I too enjoyed all of the food, and I believe that my favorite food was made by the gentleman that was from the Dominican Republic, it was absolutely delicious! I also wish that I had made a copy of his recipe. Maybe if he reads this and wants to share he can post it for us. :-)

  5. Tranita J. Online 40

    the fact that so many people had two or three cultural heritages they could share was the most interesting thing to me. It was fun to go around the room and learn about so many cultures and how it affects people's lives. The different varieties of foods and recipes had my mind on edge! Some of the stories were more interesting than others. Loved it!

    1. Kellianne Burdeshaw in response to Tranita J. Online 40

      I agree! There were so many different varieties of foods and recipes, that I was overwhelmed. I didn't think so many people would have brought something for everyone to taste. I thought it was really fun to go around the room and learn about different cultures. I would have never been educated on most of the cultures I saw tonight, without having to attend Soc Fest. I enjoyed Soc Fest as well!

    2. Chris Y. Online 39

      I agree the variety of the food, recipes and cultures were very impressive. I went from German food, a Jamaican flag, to a video of an athletic cheerleader in competition.

  6. Kellianne Burdeshaw Online #21038

    What I found most interesting about Soc Fest was how there were so many different cultures that were represented. I was impressed at how a lot of people put so much effort into their presentations. I thought it was really cool to see what other people chose as their culture and how they chose to represent it. The displays were most impressive to me. A lot of people brought food to share and it seemed like everyone put a lot of effort into Soc Fest. There were many poster boards and displays of many cultures that I knew nothing about. The performances were great as well. It's not easy to perform in front of strangers! I met a lot of nice people at Soc Fest and I learned a lot!

    1. Lauren Paul 40 OnlineOctober 16, 2012 at 10:53 PM

      I agree it was impressive to see how much effort people had put into representing their culture and helping others who didn't know much about that culture understand more. I definately did learn alot of things as well as share my cultural background with other people.

    2. Tranita J. Online 40
      In response to Kellianne Burdeshaw 38

      I agree it was pleasant to see the different displays. All the pictures of family, and/or animals, cultural flags, certificates, and etc.

  7. Chris W, 39

    I had a wonderful time today at the Sociology Festival. I enjoyed tasting all kinds of foods from all over the world and enjoying looking of all the projects that the students prepared to represents about their culture. I was amazed on each project and enjoy learning the culture and heritage from the students. To know the culture of someone is very interesting to me because it helps you understand even though we may have completely different upbringing and traditions we may have a similar values and traditions to the family, food and beliefs. The Sociology Fest is a huge success and I’m so happy to be part of it and I’m glad that each student shared about his or her culture.

  8. Lauren Paul 40 OnlineOctober 16, 2012 at 10:51 PM

    I enjoyed Sociology Fest alot I thought is was really interesting to see different people's cultural backgrounds. The different types of food was what struck me the most as interesting because I tasted foods I never heard of or had even tried. The displays were also nice to look at whether they were pictures or posters it was all very nice. I learned way more than I expected while working on this project especially about the military and the medals recieved for their service it was pretty cool.

    1. Ashley M. online38

      I agree, the food was very interesting because i tried things i don't think i would have ever tried before. Also the displays showed how much respect people had for their heritage. It was an all around interesting site to see. I like to see pride with-in one's self and where they came from. There were so many interesting sites and objects. I had a wonderful time.

  9. William B. Online 39

    I would have to say that SocFest was an amazing avent that, at first, I dreaded going to, but had an amazing time at. The people that you meet there, unfortunately you may never get to see again, were fun to be around and friendly. The food was great. The different types of food that was brought were delicious, and was just a really great experience overall seeing into the lives of other cultures in one area.

    1. Brittany. H Online 38

      William, I can relate to you because I also dreaded going to the soc fest because of not knowing anyone and I was afraid no one would like my first time making buckeye balls! But it was the opposite. Everyone seemed to love them and I had a good time trying new food and talking to new people.

    2. Wendy W 40

      in response to Brittany H 38 ~

      I LOVED your buckeyes!! :) My grandmother made those every year for the holidays and I continued that tradition when I had kids. They are one of our favorite treats!

  10. Tacile B. 40

    I really had a very nice time at the Sociology fest, it was a very interesting night. I enjoyed interacting with everybody. I'm not big on talking to strangers, but I didn't feel like I was talking with strangers last night. Everybody was very friendly. It felt as if I had been knowing these people. Everybody's presentation was great. The food was very good and taste delicious. I real learned that culture is so many different things and it is very large and spread so far.

  11. Chris Y. Online 39

    I had a splendid time at the Soc Fest. Great food was produced and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. My neighbor's picture of Haggus and another's peanut butter balls would have to be the highlight of the evening for me. That and the wonderful conversations.

  12. Dana B.38
    I really enjoyed the Soc Fest. It was really intresting seeing all the diffrent cultures. I loved trying all the new foods that I have never tried before. Everyone did a great job on their presentations. I learned alot about the diffrent types of cultures.

  13. Dana B.38 in response to Tacile B.
    I agree with you! Everyone was so friendly. I had a great time!

    1. Danyelle N. In response to Dana B.38
      I was a little nervous about be around so many people, and how it would be ,but I really enjoyed that everyone was so friendly. I had a great time and some great conversations with so many people.

  14. William B. Online 39

    In response to Chris Y.

    Yes I would have to agree. The Buckeye balls were amazing and the conversations that were held between, at one point in time, the 5 of us made the night very enjoyable.

  15. Brittany. H 38

    I had a wonderful time at the Soc fest! While walking around I found that there were many people who I had a lot in common with such as southern comfort food, music and family morals. I also enjoyed reading about family tradition and how other cultures from different countries live their life. Learning about their clothing, food, religion, music, and unique artifacts from other countries, very much intrigued me. Now that I have been educated on these cultures, I have developed a greater appreciation for countries besides the U.s.

  16. C. Burgess Online 38
    Personally I found out alot about my family history that I didn't know. I was able to trace back to wills and war records near the civil war. I also dug up old photos from 1840. I discovered alot about my heritage and information about ancestors I knew nothing about. I really enjoyed this display of culture. Many participants really got involved in their culture and were earger to talk about it. I would recoomoned this again to anyone.

  17. Susan W.55
    I was really impressed by every ones commitment on this amazing and wonderful project.To see how much respect people have for their culture means a lot to me.This shows even if generation are changing from one generation to another, and life style is becoming modernized, its shows clearly we haven't abandoned our culture. We still relate to it one way or another. It was a beautiful events.I enjoyed every bit of it.

    1. Sam C. 40 in response to Susan W. 55
      I agree about the amount of commitment. Even those who didn't have a lot on display had a wealth of information when you talked to them.

    2. In reply to C.Burgess
      This is amazing that you got a chance to learn about your family history that you didn't know. Our culture is part of us and being aware of your own helps you to relate better with the elders and respect who they are.

    3. Ashley M. online 39. in response to Susan W. 55.
      I agree! It looked like everyone got so into their culture, and showed so much respect for it! It was awesome to experience! SO glad I got to be apart of it!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Sam C. 40
    I would have to agree with the posters so far that the food varieties were most interesting to me followed closely by learning more about areas that I did not know anything about. Erick from the Nuevo Leon region of Mexico had some amazing carne asada and great information. I also enjoyed Melissa singing and Matt's display of outdoor recreation equipment. This was a great experience that brought home many of the aspects we've been learning about.

  20. Danyelle N. 06
    I really enjoyed the sociology fest and enjoyed talking about the things that I know, and also learning new things about other cultures. The food was great and the displays showed all the hard work that people put in to their projects. Its always great to learn about new cultures, but what I really have found out about going to this is all of us have very stong ties with our families not all of us with the family that we grew up with but the families we have made.

  21. Ashley M. online 39.
    The sociology fest was awesome! The most intersting part was a lady from Kenya. I got to try a Kenya tea, that was very popular with her and her family, and it tasted amazing! I kept going back for seconds! It was really cool learning new things and getting to experience all the food!

  22. Brittany C. 36
    Everything about this small festival was interesting! There was so much to experience and learn about from so many people. What I found most interesting was just how different every display was. I didn't realize how diverse the people were that I go to school with. Like everyone who has previously posted, one of the best parts about Soc Fest were all the tasty snacks! I truly enjoyed myself.

    1. kouam M.40
      You right! Diversity is what makes mankind so perfect. I like the spirit of oneness that reigned during the Soc Fest, everybody was desiring to know about others culture. I think this idea need to be promoted to a higher level so that lot of people would enjoy it.

  23. wendy c online 39
    Sociology fest was fabulous! Some folks went all out, from table clothes to 3 course meals! The large tri-fold boards were very informative. Our society truly is a melting pot of different cultures It was very interesting to see what people had chosen as a significant part of their culture.I found myself gravitating towards cultures that were familiar to me, and then sought out those unfamiliar. What a great opportunity for self discovery as well as experiencing others cultures!!!

    1. Kelly S. Online 40
      What amazed me was how many things I had in common with many of the presentations.

  24. Soc Fest was a fantastic event full of culture and fun! I had a great time meeting some of my classmates, and trying the various foods and culture products. I found myself very interested in the food displays and I wish I had not eaten before I got there :)

  25. Melissa S. 90
    I thought that all of the presentations were all very interesting and I enjoyed them all actually! I felt very connected to everyone in the room despite all of the very different cultures. The food and items that were brought was just SO AWESOME!!!! :D I had a really great time!

  26. Mika Edwards 39
    I thought Socfest was much better for me than I expected. Everyone had a great presentation and I got to meet a few interesting people. The food was great, I didn't have to pay for lunch that day so thats a plus.

  27. Jillian D.
    Socfest exceeded my expectations! I was so surprised and impressed by the tremendous effort every student put into their projects. My favorite part about socfest was seeing so many of the student's family members being a part of their presentation or even just staying at their table so they could check out other students projects. In general I just loved how much diversity was in that one room at a technical college in Georgia! I really felt a sense of community and respect for one another's backgrounds.

    1. I agree, I didnt expect to see so many people bring family members. I really dont think my wife would have come with me, she would be made if she knew I said that. My two year old would have destroyed the place, but he would have had a blast. I've taken a few courses at CT and knew we had some diversity, it was great seeing actually what some of there backgrounds were.

  28. Kelly S. Online 40
    Honestly what interested me the most was how many different cultures were represented. Going around and looking at all of the different countries and lifestyles people presented was amazing. I really enjoyed it!

  29. Patrick H
    Intro to Sociology
    I had a great time at Soc Fest. I had the opportunity to learn about many different cultures and try different foods. There were several things that I found very interesting. For example, I learned a lot about Nigeria and the clothes they wear and what the clothes symbolize. I learned a lot about Germany and the different desserts they have and the types of music Germans listen too. One song that caught my attention was, “Ninety Nine Red Balloons,” I have heard that song so many times and never knew that the people who sang that were German. These were just a few of the many things I learned from participating in the Sociology festival. I was truly amazed by how many cultures were represented in the festival. I am definitely glad I went and participated; hopefully I will get the opportunity to go again someday. AWESOME NIGHT!!!!

  30. Elizabeth N – Online.38

    The social Fest was fun and educative. It is good to have a chance to learn about other people’s culture. It was nice to see all the different student and food/items representing their culture. What I found most interesting about the Soc Fest was how we all hold our value on different cultures. We saw that some people presented food, beverages, clothing, art, music etc. The stories from classmates were very interesting too, in the way certain foods are made or the meaning of colors in dressing and also ways of dressing. I also enjoyed the presentations; it is an effort to have to perform in-front of such a big crowd just to show your culture. It was a wonderful and successful event. We should all be proud of our culture even as we appreciate other people’s culture.

  31. Lakin C. 36
    It was great to walk around and see all of the different culutres. There were some people in my class that I had no idea were even part of a certain culture. I got to try all sorts of new foods i've never heard of, and see how traditions were passed down. In the process of completing this project, I also discovered alot about myself and distant family as well. Overall I think it was alot of fun and i'm glad I went!

    1. Eiryn Mason ONLINE in response to Lakin C. 36,

      I agree. I enjoyed watching everyone explain their cultures. I didn't really get a chance to try any food, but I wish I could have!

  32. Ashley M. online38

    I really enjoyed the fact that there was so many people of different cultures. I enjoyed all the foods especially. It was nice to see how people valued their heritage the ways they did. I learned so much about so many cultures, things i never thought i would know. The presentations were so beautiful too. It showed how much pride they actually took in their heritage. I mean, people had things from food, to displays, to their music and etc. It was just an overall enjoyment for me and a learning experience. You would have never thought that some of these people had such a heritage with-in them.

    1. Holly G.38
      In response to Ashley M.38
      I completely agree with you in that it was interesting to see all of the different cultures and how people represented their heritages. I never would have thought that were so many different stories and values to be taught by fellow classmates.

  33. Holly G.38
    I was very impressed with how the sociology fest turned out. There were so many people there with different backgrounds and stories to tell. All of the displays were interesting and unique in their own ways. All of the different foods and drinks were interesting and tasty. I would have never realized that there were so many people from different backgrounds in our class alone! The things I learned about so many different cultures in one evening was much more than I would've ever expected to have exposure to. The evening was a big success!

    1. Megan K. 39 in response to Holly G. 38:
      I too was very suprised with the amount of different cultures in our class! I never really knew that there were so many diverse people in just our state alone! Imagine what it would be like if the whole U.S. got together to display their heritage!

  34. isjour online.38
    I had a great night at the soc. fest. It was amazing how friendly everyone was and the presentations were beautiful.It was intresting seeing how many different cultures there were. And i learned alot that about each culture. The food was great as well. Had a wonderful time.

  35. Isjour online.38
    In reply to Holly G.38
    I agree with you i believe soc fest was a great experience and i to had no idea there could be so much diversity in one class.

    1. I agree! I believe Soc Fest was a great experience and I really had no idea there was so much diversity in one building. It was a neat idea.

  36. Kennedy Alade 038 online

    The Soc Fest.was indeed very interesting. I enjoy different types of food and drinks, especially the tea from Kenya. The display of different cultural materials from countries around the world represented. The dance and song that was presented was very great.

  37. Nick G. 39
    Soc Fest was an interesting array of multiculturalism. Seeing and hearing peoples stories made me feel at home. In the late seventies, My grandmother took it upon herself to research her heritage all the way back to the first settlers and she wrote a historical fiction based on their story. I enjoyed Soc Fest in that I got to talk to different people about their heritage.

    1. Angela J Online 39
      In response to Nick G. 39

      I also found the multiculturalism interesting. I too have researched my family and found that my family has been in Georgia for over 200 years. It's quite interesting to trace your family history.

    2. Ryan Rauch 35
      in response to Nick G

      My aunt did some similar research on our family. The results were very interesting. Turns out that I am a distant relative of Charles Dickens and Little Jimmy Dickens from the Grand Ole Opry

    3. Meredith Hunton

      That is very interesting that your grandmother wrote a story about the history of your family. That is a great way to pass the history of your family to the next generation.

  38. I thought soc fest was a really interesting experience. Walking around and seeing what each person chose as their topic was interesting to me. There were a lot of people who viewed themselves as southerners, and I got to try a wide variety of sweet tea. Others went back into their culture a little further, back to where their families originated. I learned a lot. From songs, to traditional poetry, symbols, etc. There was a lot of diversity which made it all the more fun.

    1. This original post was Jessica W.39

    2. Jordan D. 40 in response to Jessica W. 39.
      It was a fascinating experience in general. I was surprised at how nice and friendly everyone was. Back where I used to live, everyone would've shown up grumpy and irritated in your typical "why'd I have to come to school?" fashion. But instead I was greeted with smiling faces and an overall good learning experience.

  39. Jessica W. 39 in response to Jillian D.

    I too thought it exceeded my expectations. Some people really put a lot of effort into their project. It was interesting to see the different clothing people were walking around in, and the food was amazing! It hard to believe so many different backgrounds in one place.

  40. Elizabeth N - Online.38

    In response to Patrick H

    I agree with you about learning the meaning of clothes in the Nigerian and Indian Culture. It is interesting to know that certain clothes or colors in the clothes people wear would symbolize something so valued in their culture.

  41. I had a wonderful time at the Social Fest. It was really nice to learn about all the different cultures. My wife had a better time than me trying all the different foods she was so amazed. I found a couple of the display really unique and the information that was given about there culture. I was really knowledegeful. This a great event and I hope the school continue.

  42. reply to Kennedy Alade 038 online
    I too had the tea from Kenya. I totally agree with you and everyone else.It was a very interested event and I really enjoyed it and beacme knowledegeful of so many different types of foods and cultures.

  43. Kouam M.40
    You can’t imagine how I enjoyed the Soc Fest! It was for me like I made a trip to visit almost every country of the world in just a couple of hours. This is the first time I came in contact with a lot of cultural representations and ate awesome meals at the same time. I was particularly impressed by Kristen’s project which gave an unusual image of the early southern life style through their familial and communal ways of living, their cooking and their religion: the original Christianity. I won’t also forget Victoria’s fried rice and peanut stew which gave me an opportunity to taste the Congolese cuisine ( close to mine) in depth. Overall, I did have a wonderful time!

  44. Angela J Online 39

    Since nearly everything I own is in storage in another state I really stressed over preparing for this event. After arriving and starting to talk to other classmates I became much more comfortable. It was awesome to see all the presentations. Some had things in common with me and some were completely different. It was very interesting learning about all the other cultures. The food was great. I sampled food I probably never would have had the opportunity to otherwise and enjoyed every sample. After tasting a variety of rather spicy foods, I was glad there were many who brought sweet tea.

  45. Kandi B 38
    First of all I would like to say how much I enjoyed the evening. I had no idea what to expect however the displays were beyond anything I could have ever imagined. I was born and raised in Ga and the display of other cultures was very educational for myself as well as my son. I was really struggling with an idea to do for my presentaion and originally thought being from the south would be too plain for a presentation. After going to Soc Fest, I realize that I may have actually been in the minority.

  46. Kandi B 38 response to Holly
    I also found it interesting that so may cultures were displayed. When I visited the display of someone from Honduras, I realized that two ladies that work at my local convenience store must be Hondurans due to the similarities in their accent and physical features.

  47. Sumpter Bettis 44

    I found most interesting about Soc fest is that there a lot of diverse people that attend school. I was kind of worried about the fest I thought I was not going to enjoy myself but I really did. I not only seen other peoples projects but I also seen how some of the foods that we cook in the US or even in Jamaica is the same but other cultures call it something else. Take Rice and Peas from Jamaica it was some guy from Togo that had the same rice and peas, and people from the south call it Black eyed peas and rice they all are all the same dish. I just really enjoyed myself I meet so many different cultures.

  48. Sumpter Bettis 44 in responce to Kandi B38

    You and i both felt the same way about the fest but at the end of the evening we both was amazed at what we seen.

  49. Ryan Rauch 35

    I wasn’t able to attend social fest but if I was, I planned on bringing some items that my family and I enjoy this time of year. Because of the beautiful fall colors, I am always drawn to the North Georgia Mountains. I would have brought some pictures of the scenery from two of my favorite spots. They are Vogel State Park in Blairsville and Unicoi Park just outside of Helen. My mother has always baked some of my favorites this time of year, pumpkin bread and apple cake. I definitely would have brought one of those for everyone to sample. Last but not least, I love college football and I live and die with the Arkansas Razorbacks. I would have to include some Razorback paraphernalia in my project. I wish I could have gotten off of work to attend.

  50. Lacey K.

    I enjoyed Soc Fest mainly because of the foods. I definitely enjoyed learning how people worshiped and what kind of traditions they shared with their families.

  51. Meredith Hunton

    It was interesting to see every ones culture or heritage. I was great to learn about people and their lives. People were so excited and proud of themselves and their families.

  52. Eiryn M. ONLINE 40

    I loved that everyone was so ready to "brag" or just flaunt their heritage or family culture. It makes it easy to ask questions because everyone was so eager to tell their story. I didn't really learn much more about myself other than my family loves to cook. I learned that there are so many different facets of life that I have yet to experience because of my lack of travel. I need to travel outside of the south and more abroad, maybe even overseas.

  53. Wanda B. 40
    i had a great time at SOC Fest,i enjoyed interacting with the other students, and getting a chance to see differant cultures, it was very enlightning, i am in search of some persian food right now.

  54. Wanda B. 40 in response to Wendy W.40
    i agree i really enjoyed seeing the different culture, i was really taken back about how diverse we are.I loved the rice also it was intriguing

  55. Adriane M. Online 40

    I had a blast at the soc fest. Not only did I learn about different culture, but I left there full of food. The people there was so kind, I love the hardwork that was put into the project and the way everyone greeted each other so kindly as well as the performance. I really enjoyed myself, I did not expect to see all that food and learn so much information.

    1. I did not expect the amount of food or the turn out either. It was intriguing to see so many different cuktures at our school.

  56. Faith Nollie
    I learned so much from the sociology eevent. It was great to hear about other cultures that I didnt know much about. There were so many different foods that I had never tried before, an d all of these foods were delicious. I learned about the Chippewa Indians, translated into English, and so many other things. It was a very Jamaican culture, I heard music from Germany that was also Enlightening experience. I went home telling my friends how glad I was that I had experienced it.

  57. Priscile Fleurimont Pierre
    I had an awesome time at socfest. I'd read alot of comments on prior students on it, it was not at all what I expected. I liked the fact that everyone put in so much hard work into there cultures and that people where so proud. Best thing was that students where very open minded.

  58. priscille f pierre
    response to adriane m
    I really enjoyed the food,little taste around the world.

  59. priscille f pierre
    response to wanda b
    yes like you I went in search of Jamician food this past week. What an eye opening experience.

  60. Quiyana M. Online 40

    I would have love to see all the different cultures represented. Sadly I did have to miss it. I love studying people and where they come from. As well as what's important to them? I feel like a person's culture greatly effects their personality. If I could spend my whole day just studying different people I would! Although I haven't been to a lot of places outside of the country, I have still met a lot of people from different places, which has let me have an open mind about everyone else's culture.

  61. Megan K. 39
    I was very suprised to see the similarities I had with many other students. Whether it was through religion or by having the same breed of dog, there was at least someone who had the same interests as me. It was really nice meeting people with such different types of backgrouns and trying some of their cuisine!

  62. Valentina T 36
    Soc Fest was very fun and interesting for me and my girls. We got to try different kinds of food and drinks from different cultures. We also leanred new things about other countries and their customs. It was great!

  63. Jordan D. 40
    I genuinely enjoyed the Soc Fest. There were a lot of very kind people with very interesting cultures on display and some superb performances by the young women who sang on stage. The food was also spectacular, and I thank everyone for bringing it to share with us all. I found many displays that gave me perspectives into other people's cultures that surprised me, as I'd never had anything to do with them before.

    1. Macy Dobson
      Online 38
      In reply to Jordan D. 40

      I agree. The performances were beautiful, the food was delicious, and the people were kind. It was a great experience.

  64. Macy Dobson
    Online 38

    I thought the Soc Fest was an extremely interesting experience overall. I loved making my project. My boyfriend came over while I was cooking and putting my poster board together, so it was fun to get to tell him and everyone at the fest stories about all the pictures. I even ended up giving one lady the recipe for my chicken casserole. Getting to hear other people's stories and see all the different cultures was very interesting. I loved being able to meet an interact with my classmates. In my opinion, it was a complete success.

  65. Amanda Graham
    Online 39

    In response to most of the blog comments...I find it interesting that almost everyone was mostly excited about all the food. :) I am very thankful for the extra yummy food in this world. God didn't have to create so many ingredients to make our essential "fuel" so tasty but he DID! I am very thankful for that. :)

  66. Amanda Graham 39 ONLINE
    The thing that stuck with me about the Sociology Festival was the sense of family most people seemed to have. I am not close with my family and I feel that’s what I projected through my project. I was surprised at how obvious the absence of my family connection was. I did include a bit about my seventh great-grandfather but of course he died long before I was born. I envy this about my classmates and I know that my children will have the sense of closeness that these people have with their families. Although, I have few connections with the family that raised me, I am a very engaged and loving mother. I hope that if my children are assigned a culture project that their father, their siblings, and I will be an underlying theme.

    1. I noticed that too! Most all of the projects were based around family and the presenter's family lives. Like you, I am not all that close to my family. It's nice to see that there are still a lot of people out there that highly appreciate and hold closely the importance of family life.

  67. LaTia W online 39....I had an amazing time at SOC fest. Everything about it was interesting and exciting. The things I learned from others and the food I tasted from different cultures was alot of fun. Many of the displays were outstanding, for example one display I went to protrayed her culture in Africa. She had so many different instruments and items used for cooking and music. I thoroughly enjoyed SOC fest and all that it had to offer.

  68. LaTia D online 39 in response to Jordan D 40...
    I agree that the performances were outstanding. Everything that was portrayed or made by individuals were so interesting. To see inside other cultures were an enlightenment.

  69. Cameron Curley

    Out of everything at Soc Fest, I enjoyed the performances and the food. The amount of food that was able to be consumed was fantastic! However, learning about different cultures is honestly a hobby of mine, it was very interesting to see everyone's presentations as well! Only if I could have enjoyed a beer or two while walking around!

  70. I mostly enjoyed the atmosphere at the sociology fest. Everyone was friendly and I definitely had a great time visiting others tables and learning more about my classmates. It was alot of fun!!

    1. Nick G. in response to Brad C.
      I thought the atmosphere was really cool too. Everybody was fun to be around. I loved visiting others cultures as well.

  71. I enjoyed other classmates cultural displays best during the SocFest. I already knew about the cultures I brought to share so seeing someone else's culture was quite interesting. There was quite a range of displays, major props to the persons who sang in front of a crowd of strangers. Speaking of strangers, it was nice to meet some classmates. I really enjoy the online class experience, but I do miss talking with fellow students face to face.

    1. Stephen G. online 40 in response to Matt P. 40
      I totally agree with how fun it was to meet some students face to face finally. I am enrolled in the online class so it makes it hard to see any other students through the web i suppose.

  72. Bart S Online 39

    I met a man at Soc Fest who had worked as a communications advisor under both Reagan and Bush Sr. I thought it was the coolest thing ever. He was working as truck driver and had a bunch of awards for that as well. Most interesting person I've ever met. If I hadn't already done my review sheet, he would have made the list. Cool guy!

  73. the lady with the great dane. i think her name was melissa...? but i thought it was interesting that as a puppy it ate more food as a puppy than it does as a full grown dog. and the sheire size of the dog and learning about the vet bills and the other thing the dog needs. just found it really interesting. and wanted to get one one day. and now im just having a couple of thoughts of getting one. like its a little expensive.

    1. i agree! i was at the table infront of her could have listened to her stories about him all night. very interesting!

  74. My favorite part was talking to those around me and asking each other questions about the cultures we represented and not just reading their papers and looking at the things they brought but really getting the back story behind the things they were talking about.

  75. Jessica B 36

    I loved the displays people put up in order to represent their culture. you can tell that they took pride in it. The experience of the Soc Fest in general was great. I loved talking to these strangers and learning more about what they do with their time, where they come from, and also trying the different food.

  76. Debra B40
    I had no idea what I was about to face and was nervous. It was really a spectacular event. I enjoyed seeing the different cultures and some of my own.

  77. Debra B40
    In response to Meredith Hunton, I too enjoyed hearing the excitement that each one had when telling their family story.

  78. I had a wonderful time at SOC Fest! I enjoyed walking around and looking at everyone else's projects. Describing yourself with 3 material items is not a very easy thing to do, but keeping the amount of "stuff" we were allowed to bring to a minimum really helped show the importance of everyone's display. I had no idea what to expect going into SOC Fest, but ended up having a really good time and meeting a number of good folks. It was interesting to see all the different demographics of people that attend school at Chattahoochee Tech.

  79. Ryan Kroeger 10

    I really thought this event was awesome,and everyone that performed did amazing. They had a lot more guts then me to perform. I enjoyed learning about others cultures and seeing the different items that were brought. All in all this event was a good experience for everyone to open up an share stuff about themselves.

  80. Anthony m. 55
    The soc. Fest was a blast i saw so many wonderful things and found out who was kin and how interesting we allare it was fun,fun,fun. Until Mr. La Porte closed up shop. SMILE

  81. Tinashe Mahachi online 20

    I had a great time at the Soc Fest today because there were so many people with different foods and it tasted great. i love food i think that there is nothing that is better than it . Having to just taste all kinds of food really made my day. But also just seeing different cultures was even better for me i think because i love having to learn about how people live and how they make their daily lives.

    1. Alicia H. 38
      Response to Tinashe M. 20
      I also enjoyed tasting the different foods. There was a such a vast difference in the types of cultures represented at SOC Fest. It was interesting to see how engaged everyone was with representing their different cultures.

  82. Melissa Perez 39
    I enjoyed meeting all of my fellow classmates at the Soc Fest. There was one girl I spoke with from Louisana; it was remarkable to learn we both sought refuge in Georgia following Hurrican Katrina in 2005. I also enjoyed the "Southern" table with the lady who made the delicous goodies: brownies, fried chicken, and cornbread. I loved the idea of adding the saying's to her display. I have to say that the Soc Fest turned out to be one of my favorite schools projects so far.

    1. I didnt know what to expect when I got there, I was more nervous than anything and it turned out to be one of my favorite school projects too! Thats amazing that you met someone from Louisiana, shows that people really never know who is surrounding them.

      Renee H 39

  83. Cassie H.
    I had a great time at Soc fest as well as a great time gathering together everything to bring with me. I really enjoyed Wendy's table and all of her southern treats that are very close to home,and the apple cake was delicious also. I thought it was a great assignment and a way to get out of the classroom and meet other students. :)

  84. Ivy M.40
    I had a great time at Soc Fest!!! Most impressive to me was to see what a good time everyone was having. Lots of smiles and laughter. I got the feeling that everyone was excited to share their cultures and subcultures with everyone. Great concept in the study of Sociology.
    In response to Cassie H
    I agree that it was a great way to get out and meet other students..creates w new learning environment.

  85. Alicia H. 38
    I didn't know what to expect for SOC Fest, but it turned out to be a great experience. All the different cultures represented in one room was an amazing sight. Also, I found it "refreshing" to look into my own culture a little more. Minnesota is a great place and has many great assets. I also recognized that no matter how different our cultures may appear on the surface they hold similar family values.

  86. What i found more intersecting about Social fest was the tremendous diversity there is on the class.I learned many things about my class mates, and others countries.It is fascinating what little things may creates someone's tradition. Food,Music,and clothing play a key role on culture, and culture creates personalities.I think. it was a great experiences for all us.

  87. I found it interesting all the different cultures that we present, and it is truly amazing what you can learn about people! Imagine if we had a soc fest in the community and people actually got to know one another. It was also very cool to learn more about my culture and look more into it, i knew about it but now know so much more!

    Renee H 39

  88. I found it most interesting how different the cultures are from one state to the next. I know how different they were, but I was really impressed to see how everyone so proud and knowledgeable to know that. I love to see how everyone was happy to learn about other cultures and represent cultures that might not be their own but they showed what they knew, like myself.

  89. Stephen G. Online 40
    I think the thing i found most interesting and mind blowing was how easy it was to start forming a connection with a complete stranger and how much fun i had. I loved how friendly everyone was while i was there. I was shocked to see how many people had so many interesting things to say and how tallented they all were.

  90. Shaylynn S.
    It was very enjoyable! i loved being able to walk around and get everyone story and yes you could have read there papers but it was better to talk one on one and interact with even student outside of our class becasue we all had the same project so it wasnt weird to talk about, plus being pregnant i didnt mind at all trying new foods from new places that i had never known about;) i hope that everyone liked what i had to show for my display i like these types of interecting projects and feel like teachers should do more of this with other classes even if it requires them to think about how to involve it wit hthe students, it is better for students to feel comfortable wit heach other in classes.
