Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Monkeys or Munchies?

Greetings!  Dr. Jane Goodall gave a compelling speech at Georgia State University (10-8-12). According to Goodall one of the current issues facing wildlife in Africa is the hunting of animals to be sold for “bush meat.”
1.       In that many scientific studies have identified a close relationship, in biology and behavior, between primates and humans, can it be considered cannibalism to eat chimpanzees?

2.       Page 39 of our textbook mentions a practice in the Nantou region of China where people eat the brain of a monkey while the animal is still alive. If you were traveling in this part of the world would you participate in the monkey feast?
Please respond to both of the questions above.


  1. wendy c online 39

    1 - I'm not sure if it would be cannibalism, to eat chimpanzees, but there is no way that I could ever do that! In the US, it does not seem socially acceptable to eat certain animals. I'm fine with eating chicken, pig and cow, but feel that the way our culture has evolved is that these animals were bred for the purpose of feeding humans. Chimpanzees are in a whole different class of animals!!!!

    2 - I would absolutely NOT participate in eating monkey brains of live monkeys! I'm sure in that culture it is very acceptable, but for me it is cruel and repulsive.

    1. Kellianne Burdeshaw Online (21038) in response to Wendy C. Online (39)

      I completely agree with you, Wendy! I'm sure others will agree as well. Eating monkeys in the United States is not socially acceptable. I would absolutely not participate in eating monkey brains of live monkeys either. It might be acceptable in other places of this world, but I, in no way, shape, or form would participate in eating a monkey's brain!

  2. Jillian D.

    1. By definition alone I don't think that eating primates can be considered cannibalism but I personally believe that that is just a technicality. Just the thought of eating monkey turns my stomach because of their universally known similarity to human beings (let alone in the United States). From a US perspective I think society would consider it a close second to cannibalism.
    2. If I were traveling in the Nantou region of China I honeslty don't think I could participate in the "monkey feast". If my saftey or life were at stake for not eating it, I'd do it. But if not, no. Most especially that the animal is still alive! That is just torture and cruelty. If an animal is to die for us to eat, it should just be killed.

    1. In response to Jillian D - (Wendy c online 39)
      I completely agree with both of your viewpoints. I would have to have a gun pointed at my head and my life on the line to eat the live monkey brains...even then it would be difficult!

    2. Meredith Hunton

      Monkey's are also not very sanitary animals to be eating in the first place. Eating them while they are still alive is very cruel thing to do to any animal, they should be killed humanly before eating.

  3. Kellianne Burdeshaw Online (21038)

    I would definitely not participate in a "monkey feast". I have a hard time eating animal meat enough as it is. And that's meat that i'm talking about. Eating a monkey's brain is a whole different story. Especially if it was alive while being eaten. Human, or not, I do not find it acceptable to eat any part of anything while it is alive or is being in pain. Knowing that person or animal is suffering while I am "feasting" on them makes eating it not worth while. I do not think that if a human were to eat a monkey, it would be cannibalism. Although there are many similarities to humans and monkeys, I still think that monkeys are animals. I certainly don't think it's okay for humans to eat monkeys, but I do not think it would be considered cannibalism. If were to talk about humans eating something like buffalos that is not as barbaric as humans eating monkeys because they are so similar to humans. It is strange to think about how people eat monkeys. I could never do so.

    1. Kennedy A 38 online In response Kellianne Burdeshaw
      We have to remember that people have different orientation, culture, religion and believe.Like someone that raced with such meat from when he or she was born has no option and those that depend majorly on killing wild animals so as to race their family also need to be considered.

  4. Kennedy A 38 online
    First of all i want to say i have monkeys of different species times without number.It is very sweet. Before now in my culture we believe a twin should not eat them but in this age since Christianity is the major practice, the biblical right made to have right over all animals either domestic or wild. From where i come from it a good meet, financial source which many families live on. In America, the system is working, but back in Africa the system is not working, everybody struggle for himself and family. Government hardly does noting to better peoples' life.
    People that eat brain might been doing this for centuries but for me to partake is not possible i think.

  5. C. Burgess Online 38
    I understand why certain cultures eat certain things even though I may not agree with it. The fact that they are eating chimpanzees in Africa for food may seem odd to us but to them it’s probably like eating a squirrel. Its food and if they need it, I'm ok with it. I never could eat them! To most of us in the states they are cute little dudes that you see in the zoo along with all the other exotic animals. In Africa they are in the wild like birds, squirrels, lions.... They probably think we are strange for raising cows and then eating them or even chickens. We may think it’s cruel for some islanders to find a rooster and chop off its head and then eat it but really we do the same thing in the states. If we knew how confined most chicken coops were, how some are skinned alive and the same goes for cows, then we would all be vegetarians. When you think about it we are just like them. We see their food as neat and cute and we like to watch them in confinement and most of us think little pigs or calves are so cute and but have no problem having a juicy burger, steak or bacon. Perhaps it’s because we see the food we eat all the time and it’s normal for us. To eat a chimpanzee is no big deal to them. In regards to eating anything alive, I couldn't do it. I saw this in an episode in the 80's on a show called Faces of Death. The strapped a baby monkey in the table and then hit it with a hammer, while still alive they ate the brains. This made me nauseous, cried and turned off that show. To us this is unheard of, but to them it’s no big deal. We don’t catch our food and kill it; usually we buy it at the store. They don’t have stores on every corner and probably are used to killing their own food. They do the same thing in Thailand, Korea and other places by eating live squid and baby octopus. This is the norm for them and gives them a since of power and fresh food. Many cultures don’t cook their food like we do. While I think it is sick and cruel we are in many ways the same. We eat escargot, caviar (baby eggs), sushi, eggs straight from their momma. Some people even eat them raw while others stir/scramble up the eggs and then eat them without even a thought. We attach wealth and upper class to caviar and consider it a royal treat/delicacy. When you really stop to think about it, we are the same. The said thing is we have the land unlike places in china to grow more fruits and vegetables like are bodies were designed to consume yet we still love the pizza, shakes and fries. Wild or not, our goal in life is to survive and we were designed instinctively to do just that and if it meant killing another to live as said as it might be most of us would do it if we had no other choice.

    1. In response to C. Burgess 38

      Wendy W. 40 ~

      I, too, remember that video going around in the 80's. When I heard that it had people eating a live monkey's brain I flat out refused to watch it! I enjoyed how in depth you went with your answer. Great job!

  6. C. Burgess Online 38
    Not sure if the system is having trouble or not but I am unable to click and reply to anyone. I agree with most of you. I don' tink I could eat any live animal just because it would be way to cruel and gross me out. I would have to be killed and cooked. Just the thought of eating a live bug grosses me out and it makes me sicker to think of a warm blooded mammal. If it came down to survial I would eat a monkey but it would have to be killed and cooked and if I had to prepare it would probably be too notious to eat. This is similar to those who are stranded somewhere and have not eaten in a week. Someone in the group dies and they eat him. I wouldn't want too but if he was dead and you had to in order to survive I would probably at least try to eat them.

  7. I do not agree with eating any part of a monkey, but that's just me and my culture. In other parts of the worlds where monkeys are more common, it is probably no different than us eating deer meat or southerns eating raccoons. Monkeys are often compared to humans, but they are not humans, they are still animals.

    1. C Wilson, 39

      I totally agree with you. Monkey is the closest animal compared to human and I'm not really ok of eating any part of the monkey. I think its totally weird and strange that this kind of practice or eating monkey are common to some parts of the other country. I just hope that this just eat chicken, fish or pig.

    2. Reply to mrsschrader, I totally agree when you, How can someone sit there and eat part of a monkey,Really! And it is so sad that they can do this while the animal is still breathing.

  8. Wendy W 40 ~

    I don't think the eating of monkeys would be considered cannibalism... however, it's not something I, personally, would want to do. They are very smart animals that can learn through teaching and I just don't feel that that sort of animal is a 'meat product.' However, in another country, monkey meat may be as common to eat as beef is to our culture.

    As far as the eating of a monkey's brain while it is still alive... I feel that's just plain disgusting! I, too, remember there being a VHS video in the 80's showing this. I never watched it as the very idea was just utterly incomprehensible to me. I think it's cruel and such a horrible, unnecessary way for an animal to die.

    1. Sam C. 40 in response to Wendy W 40,
      I am seriously glad I never saw the video in the 80's. I do remember something about monkey brains in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, but I would always leave the room when that scene was coming!

  9. C Wilson, 39

    1. I don’t think it considered cannibalism to eat chimpanzee because cannibalism defined as an act or practice of human eating the flesh or internal organs of other human beings. Generally, chimpanzees are in classified in different family species than human beings.

    2. Every country has different beliefs and traditions and I respect that but I don’t think I would participate in the monkey feast. I can’t imagine myself eating the monkey’s brain. I don’t care even the monkey is alive or die. To me it is disgusting and cruel. I also don’t want to watch this kind of practice specially if I know what the monkey feast is all about.

  10. Meredith Hunton

    I would consider eating a monkey to be cannibalism. Cannibalism is defined as the act or practice of humans eating the flesh or internal organs of other human beings. I don't personally think that we came from monkey's or are related to them. However, I do not agree with eating them in any way. They are very intelligent and beautiful animals that we should take care of them and enjoy their beauty, not enjoy them as food.
    There are a LOT of odd food the chines like to eat. I would not participate in the monkey fest.

  11. 1)I would think and feel it is cannibalism to eat any part of a monkey or chimpanzee. Being that we as humans have such a so close relations even if they are considered primates. I feel we as humans has some kind of evolvement from their exsistence.

    2)There is absoultely no way I would engage in the monkey feast in any form or fashion. I don't care who it may offend. I do respect and understand other cultures and their beliefs but based on my own belief and my answer in part one of this discussion, I would be totally contradicting everything I said if I participated.

    1. S Elosta 40

      in response to James B 38

      I disagree...if we're some kind of "evolvement" of their existence then why are we driving cars and they're still swinging from branch to branch?

  12. In response to C Wilson 39
    I can't agree with you on this. even though they may be classified as a different species by name generally they have a lot of the human features and characteristics.

    I do agree with you that every country has different beliefs and traditions and I also respect that, but I too wouldn't participate in the monkey feast. You are totally correct it is very cruel especially if its alive WOW. I also wouldn't want to watch it and wouldn't care who beliefs or traditions I offended.

    1. Danyelle N.06 in response to James B.38
      I completely agree that it is cruel. I would not want to watch it becasue it would be very sad to see.I do agree that they have alot of human features, but they are still wild animals, and can be very dangerous

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Sam C. 40
    Although I do not feel that eating chimpanzees would be cannibalism, it is not a practice I could partake in. I am aware that many other cultures eat various animals that I would not consider to be a food source and that to them it is 100% natural and at times essential for survival.

    I would not ever be able to participate in the monkey feast. I am a huge animal rights activist, and although I know their culture feels this is ok, my personal beliefs do not.

    1. Chris Y. 39
      I agree that it would not be cannibalism but also feel that the practice is unsuitable for my tastes

  15. Anthony M. 1101
    I dont think i could eat monkey brain. I might have to canniblise if im stranded on a deserted moutain top and no seigns of help for days and weeks. It might be you that i eat if your the dinner for the night.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Bart S. Online 39 in reply to Anthony M. 1101

      Well, I'm going to make sure I never get stranded on a deserted mountain top with Anthony M. from 1101. Weird.

    3. Ashley M 39 in response to Anthony M 1101
      I agree I could not eat monkey brains either! I consider it a form of cannibalism. I don't think I could ever eat another human though!

  16. Elizabeth N - Online.38

    I do not think eating monkeys would be considered cannibalism because they are not human. It may seem so, though, because they very much resemble humans in their acts but they are still wild animals. I would not participate in the monkey feast if I was visiting China and would not even want to see anybody eat the brain especially if it is alive. However, different cultures eat different types of meat and we cannot blame them. I was raised eating goat meat and am sure most people cannot imagine how one can eat goat meat. It depends on ones culture and what they grew up eating.

    1. Quiyana M. Online 40

      I agree on terms of it not being cannibalism, however goat is not a weird animal to eat. Animals like goats, sheep, pig, fish, cow, are all been used to feed humans. Never have I heard of feasting on a chimp. The idea just seems very disturbing. Although I will agree that each culture has their own weird habits. I'm sure some people look at Americans and are like uhhh wtf! Ha!

  17. Debra B40
    1. I do not think for myself it would be cannibalism. Even though there is a close relationship between us and them, I still cannot seeing it as the consumption of another human being. The form just does not conform to what we know as human.

    2. No I would not. It is not part of my culture and why would I do something there that I wouldn't at home.

  18. Debra B40
    In response to Wendy c online 39, I agree that to each his own. We here have grown up with different standards and that is not acceptable.

  19. ariacna L.36
    1.even with the close relationship i dont think it would be cannibalism,but i still would never eat a chimpanzee.
    2. never would i eat a monkeys brain! so disgusting

  20. Quiyana M. Online 40

    1.) I don't see it being cannibalism for eating a chimp, however, I wouldn't do it myself. What would really be the point. There are animals bred for specifically feeding humans, so what would be the benefit of eating a chimp.
    2.) No way!! That just creeps me out thinking about it!

    1. M Parker40 in response to Quiyana M.40
      I almost think that is the point. We in America dont eat horses or dogs, but in other countries they do. I know some countries dont eat cows while outer cultures dont eat pigs, here in America we consume tons of both. Im sure neither of us would eat monkeys or brains, but really who are we to say that is wrong. Just my opinion.

  21. Bart S. Online 39

    1) No, it's not cannibalism because we are not chimpanzees nor were we ever chimpanzees or monkeys or anything related to such a thing. Except the mammal thing. My grandpa was not King Kong!!

    2) I would never participate in a "monkey feast." That's absolutely disgusting. People in China can stick to their monkey diet. I'll stick to my Twizzlers.

    1. Ryan Rauch 35
      in response to Bart Stever

      Love the answer for #1. LOL

    2. I agree with you, funny answer to number 1, cannibalism is the eating of other humans. GROSS. As I would never eat monkey doesn't mean other people don't see it as "normal".\

      Renee' H. -39

  22. Ryan Rauch 35

    1. If it comes down to feeding your family or not surviving then I think it is acceptable. I still consider Chimpanzees as animals and not human.

    2. I would have to pass on the warm monkey brains. Now, if they were chilled like in the Indian Jones movie, that would be different story.

  23. Ashley M. Online 39.
    1) Eating a chimp is considered cannibalism to me. Now saying most people would agree would be wrong. Most humans view animals below us. People do not value the lives of chimps or animals in general. Most see an animal and see food. To me it is no different than eating a human.
    2)For the monkey feast I would not participate in it. I know it might be seen as disrespectful but I just don't believe in doing that.

    1. Sumpter Bettis 44

      i agree with you we do see most animals are food to most of us. but just some animals are not to be ate.

  24. Priscille F Pierre
    I do not believe that eating monkeys is cannibalism, while they have characteristics of humans there are not. No matter how similar. If I traveled this part in China I would not be eating monkey brains. ewwww. Culture are not I think its just mean, if your going to consume an animal at least do it in a nice way.

    1. Chris Yount 39 online
      I agree that even though eating monkeys brains is disturbing I dont consider it cannibalism.

  25. Priscille F Pierre
    response to Meredith Hunton
    I do agree monkeys are wonderful creaters but if I am ever find myself in Africa dieing of hunger, its gonna be BBQ monkey for dinner.

  26. Priscille F Pierre
    response to Quiyana M
    Just the thought of live monkey brains!!ewww

  27. Angela J Online 39

    By definition cannibalism is a human eating another human or an individual of one species eating another individual of its own species. I do not believe humans eating chimpanzees could be considered cannibalism.
    While I understand other cultures have different habits and behaviors than me, I cannot imagine anyone eating the brain of another creature, especially while that creature is still living. I absolutely would not eat the brain of a monkey under normal circumstances, not even while visiting a part of the world where this is considered acceptable behavior. My life or the life of another would have to be in danger before I would even consider partaking of such a revolting and barbaric activity. I’m not too sure I could participate even if my life was being threatened.

  28. Sumpter Bettis 44

    I feel like if you were to eat a chimp in the US. It would be considered cannibalism because it is not in the US norms it’s done in other cultures not in the US.

    No I would not take part in the eating of the monkey brains, while they are alive not at all. That not a tradition I would consider. I Feel like it is animal cruelty because what is the difference in killing it and eating it compared to having it alive.

    1. I agree. What is considered "normal" to us does not mean that other countries and culures have to agree. It may be abnormal to eat frog legs and pig feet to people in certain areas of the world, but there are many people who love these foods in the U.S

  29. Was Dr Goodall talking about poaching or hunting animals for "bush meat"? Poaching is illegal, hunting is regulated by govt agencies and is managed. 1. Eatting anything other than a human being is just eatting. If you eat any part of a human, that is cannabilism. If you have to eat a human to survive, I have no problem with it. Survive baby! Remember Alive, the movie, crazy. 2. Eatting a brain out of a living monkey, wow, sign me up! I would probable chicken out. Remember Temple of Doom, monkey brains!!! Or... How about Ray Liotta in Hannibal, fed his own sautéed brain!! Sorry about the three movie spoilers! Ha

    1. Kouam M.40
      You right when you said " If you eat any part of a human, that is cannibalism". An animal still animal no matter how close it might be to human being. But that isn't a reason for us to destroy our closer friends. Furthermore,each culture has its own gastronomy which it consider the best in the world.

  30. Honestly it is hard to say whether I would eat the bush meat of a monkey. Although it seems very interesting to get a sence of this culture it would be hard to see myself eating another mammal. I am very curious as to what it tastes like and what other options are easily available to these people but I do feel as though eating monkeys is very close to eating other humans. If these people dont have many other options it is understandable. And just because it is not normal to me does mean that it shouldn't be allowed. Personally I am not very fund of eating wild animals but if it were a life or death situation wild animals may look very tempting to me.

  31. Ryan Kroeger

    1)i don't believe it would be cannibalism because just because they find some similarities in behavior doesn't mean we are the same. Us and chimp,despite our similar qualities, have many different traits that make us each unique. So no,it would not be considered cannibalism.

    2)I would most definitely not participate. i know they may not believe it to be wrong in their society, but i believe it to be wrong. it's one thing to eat chimp brains after they are dead, but while they are alive is wrong and cruel. Now if the chimp was dead and they offered me some brain, i would eat it to be respectful to their culture but That's the only way i would it it.

  32. Chris Yount
    Online 39
    I dont believe eating chimps should be considered cannibalism even though they are considered intelligent animals. Cannibalism as I am aware consists of one human eating another. On the second part of the question, I would feel very troubled to eat an animal's brain, whether the animal is intelligent or not.

    1. Angela J Online 39
      In response to Chris Online 39

      I agree with you on both points. Chimps are not human therefore it would not be considered cannibalism to eat the meat of a chimp. I would not ever want to eat an animals brain under any circumstance. I also would not want to eat any part of a chimpanzee.

  33. Dana B.38
    I think that eating chimps would not be considered cannibalism. First of all that is descusting and very cruel to eat them while they are alive. There is no way I would ever participate in something like that, even if it was disrespectful not to eat it. I feel like chimps and monkeys are diffrent type of animals that should not be eaten.

    1. Jordan D. 40 in response to Dana B. 38
      You have to wonder how they'd react to you declining to eat it. In our culture, we may just mock them at the very worst, and at our best we'd be accepting of their choice. Over there though, you may face expulsion from their home or severe ridicule. I'm slightly ignorant of their policies however; they may be just as accepting as us.

  34. Dana B.38 in response to Sumpter Bettis.
    I agree with you. I feel like this is animal cruelty. It should not be allowed for someone to eat an animal while they are alive.

  35. Patrick H
    Intro to Sociology
    I don’t believe that eating chimpanzees should be considered cannibalism, because cannibalism is the act of eating human flesh and although primates are similar to us they are still animals. However, eating monkeys is horrible and should be made more aware around the world. Despite the efforts of Jane Goodall and governments around Africa and the world, hunters are still illegally killing primates. In addition to this, if I was traveling in a part of the world such as China and came across people eating the brain of a monkey while the animal was still alive I would definitely not take part. To eat an animal is one thing, to eat one while it’s still alive is considered torture.

  36. Susan W.55
    1. Cannibalism is eating the same species. Chimpas are the mans closest relative considered animals. Sometime their taste earns towards cannibalism but considering that they are other species of ape not humans,this changes the idea.

    2. There is no way l would participate in the monkey feast, and especially while the animal is still alive.It sounds torture to me because this monkey must be experiencing pain during this feast. I can not judge the people who live in the Nantou region of China because this could be their norm. If the option when i travell to Nantou only monkey be available to eat,l would rather not go.

    1. In reply to Patric H
      Your are right Patric.Hunters are still illegally killing primates despite the effort of Jane Goodall and the government around Africa and the world.It is very sad that this is still happening.I feel sorry for the animals that have to fear for their life from human.

  37. Aqueelak39
    Yeah, now that sounds crazy! No i would not say that it is cannabalism but its straight up sick. I understand that different cultures have there survival skills or what not but all the animals that are running wild in Africa and you choose a Chimp?!! Thats just like eating your dog or something.=And as far as the whole eating their brain while they are still alive..WHY?? I could never even consider it

  38. Kouam M.40
    In my view of point i think the basic issue here is to answer the question if primates are men.If a chimpanzee can act just like a human being and be almost as intelligent as him,it seems like it's right to say that they are equal.But that isn't the case because the main difference is the fact that man is a double being:body and soul. A chimpanzee doesn't have a "soul" therefore is not an act of cannibalism for a man to eat its meat. However the monkey feast in China shows how men can threat animals bad in order to satisfy their needs.I can't attend this kind of feast.This is a cultural issue.

    1. Alicia H 38 Reply
      Great point in differentiating chimpanzee from man with regards to man having a soul. The people of Nantou probably disagree with our cultural.

  39. I would not participate in eating monkeys, it might be because is not socially aceptable in culture, but I dont cosidered as cannabalism. It dependes what your culture is in other to be considered as cannabalim, for example in some countries people would not eat some of the meat that we eat in the United States.

  40. Vicente Gonzalez

    I would not participate in eating monkeys, it might be because is not socially aceptable in culture, but I dont cosidered as cannabalism. It dependes what your culture is in other to be considered as cannabalim, for example in some countries people would not eat some of the meat that we eat in the United States.

  41. S Elosta 40

    1. Nope...not cannibalism. Would I eat it? NO! lol but in the event that I did( which would be never!) I wouldn't take a bite and think " This could be my cousin"...so nope not cannibalism.

    2. HAHA NEVER EVER EVER! You couldn't pay me to eat a monkey..well idk, maybe if I ended up on Fear Factor lol

  42. Alicia H. 38
    1. This is not cannibalism. Yes, it is true that there is a very close relationship between primates and humans, but they are NOT the same.
    2. If I were traveling to Nantou I would not participate in this in any way. I have a difficult enough time with eating meat off bones (ribs/chicken).

  43. Danyelle N.06
    1. No I don't think this is cannibalism they are still wild animals, and eating them might be accepted in some cultures, but for me I don't think that I could ever eat monkey unless I was on a stranded island and had nothing else to eat.
    2. I could never participate in eating a live monkey or any animal due to fact I feel that is inhumane. I believe that hunting is not wrong, but feel that it is only fair to make sure the animal is dead before eating it.

    1. Danyelle,

      I also think that eating a monkey would not be cannibalism because they are wild animals. Also I agree that the animal should be dead before eating it. If I was on a stranded island with a monkey or group of monkeys, I would try and make friends with them because they could help you make tools to kill other animals, find food or even help build you a shelter to keep warm and dry in.

    2. The above reply is from Brittany H. 38

    3. Holly G.38
      In response to Daynelle.
      I agree with you in that hunting is acceptable for eating purposes. Monkeys may be similar to humans, but still, if that's all I had to eat, then it's what's for dinner. But it would be done so in a humane way.

  44. Brittany H. 38

    1.) I do not think it is considered cannabalism to eat monkeys. They are part of the wild life which is where a lot of American hunters find their food. But in China, since their culture is to eat monkey brains, I do not not think it would be called cannabalism or it would be illegal.

    2.) I would not eat a monkeys brain while it is alive. Nor would I eat any part of the monkey in general. I feel that it is very cruel that the chineese would put the poor monkey through torture just to eat its fresh brain. Researchers have been studying monkeys for years and think that monkeys are very much like humans. They have all of the same body parts as humans do. Even shaped very similar. Their gesters are the same, they have feelings, and they stay close to their family.

  45. Holly G.38
    1. Although monkeys and humans are closely related, I do not believe to eat a monkey would be considered cannibalism. If you happen to be lost in the wilderness with access to a monkey for dinner, it would beat starving.
    2. No, I don't think that eating a monkey is wrong in the situation in that you have to choose between monkey or starvation. However, I think it's horrible that people are eating brains of monkeys that are still alive. This is a cultural issue, and I'm sure that there are activities in our culture that others may disagree with. I just find it inhumane and cruel to treat any animal in such a way.

    1. i agree, the eating it while still alive part is what makes it worse for me.

    2. Jordan D. 40 in response to Holly G. 38
      It's akin to eating a dog or cat, or any other animal that often shows human-like emotion. It's hard for us to imagine doing something like that to a creature we are more attached to than others. Especially considering the fact that these chimpanzees are alive during what must be a very painful process.

  46. WandaB.40
    1. I don’t agree with individuals eating monkeys, yet I don’t feel that it should be considered cannibalism. I am shocked on a regular basis about what people choose to eat in reference to meat/protein. It seems more acceptable if these choices were made out of starvation.
    2. I would never play part in that feast. After watching a video by PETA I am having issues coming to grips with eating chicken.

  47. Wanda B40 in response to JillianD
    I agree the mention of consuming any of it makes me nauseated. It would definitely have to come to me living or dying.

  48. Kristyn Mathews 38
    I disagree with Ashley M38, eating monkeys is not cannibalism, they're not humans in any way shape, or form. I could eat a monkey, but not alive that's just gross.I can respect that that's something natural in their culture but just dont do it around me.

  49. 1. I don't think that eating monkeys is cannibalism even though they are the closest living animal to a human. The act like humans in ways but they are still animals. Does this mean it is socially acceptable, no I don't think so. We have adapted to eating cows, pigs, and chickens in our society but that doesn't mean that in other parts of the word it is socially acceptable.

    2. No I would defiantly don't take part of a monkey fest! Especially since there are alive that's inhuman but as I said before some things we see as socially acceptable may or may not be in other parts of the world and vise verse.

    -Renee' H. -39

  50. -Mika Edwards-89

    Yeah, I don't think I would participate in the eating of a live monkey's brain. I grew up in a culture where eating brains is outside of the norm.
    As far as considering eating monkeys cannibalism, I don't believe so. They may have similar behavior, but if I'm correct cannibalism is the eating of an animal by the same animal. Although we are scientifically in the same family of monkeys, going by the order of kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, then species. It is closer to cannibalism than eating a cow or pig, but it is not cannibalism.
    Although, hunting monkeys for meat just sounds inhumane. Monkeys are awesome! I could never see myself shooting one.

  51. Isjour Beasley Online.38
    1. I don't think i would define eating a chimpanzee cannibalism. But that is not an animal I would eat. They compare to close to humans and it dosen't feel right to eat a monkey. Just like I couldn't eat a cat or a dog.

    2. There is no way I would participate in the mokey feast.I personally am not eating anything while it is alive.

  52. Isjour Beasley.Online.38
    In reply to Renee' H. -39

    I agree with you its very inhumane to eat an animal or anything while it's alive.I also agree with monkeys and how they act. They compare to close to humans for me to be comfortable eating.

  53. Brittany C. 36
    1. Is eating a chimpanzee cannibalism? I'm not sure I necessarily believe that it would be cannibalism. While there have been studies that we have a close relationship primates don't think on the level that humans do. There is a reason why we are superior to them. Until "Planet of the Apes" becomes a real life scenario, eating a chimpanzee isn't cannibalism. With that being said I would like to add that I do not believe you should eat a chimpanzee. It almost seems inhuman.

    2. I know not to travel to that part of the world, because I wouldn't want to offend the people living there. There is no way I would be able to participate in that activity without being sick to my stomach or breaking down and crying.

  54. 1)I would not consider eating a monkey as cannibalism because monkeys are not humans. I personally would never eat Chimpanzees, to me that practices is taboo. In Chapter 6, we learned that what we considered taboo in all culture, it may no be in an others. I think is more cultural than anything else. Personally chimpanzees are not on my diet .

    2) I would never participate in such barbarian feast.! No only monkeys are not on my diet,but I consider it animal cruelty . The human thing to do is hunt just for surviving, and try to make the animal to suffer the less possible.

  55. Lacey K.

    First off, I definitely would not eat chimpanzee! One because that's not the norm for me and because it just sounds disguting. I wouldn't agree that eating chimpanzee is cannibalism simply because your not eating another human. Hey, if that's what they choose to eat then go ahead.

  56. Tranita J. Online 40

    1. Since cannibalism is consider eating your own species, i would not consider eating a monkey cannibalism. Monkeys are considered sub-species to humans. However, i think it would be considered as carnivorism.

    2. Yuck! No way would i participate in eating monkey brains. I would politely decline the offer. i just hope it is not a disrespect to their culture.

    1. Eiryn M. 40 ONLINE

      I agree I would never eat a monkey. Since we do have such similar DNA patterns I might not consider it Cannibalism, but definitely carnivorism.

  57. Jessica B. 36

    I would not consider it cannabalism, technically speaking. But, wouldn't it almost seem as though it is? It would be, for me, the equivalent of eating, say, a dog or a cat. Just doesn't seem right. Like the comments mentioned above, It isn't normal for people in our culture to eat a monkey, or even a live animal-- from their skull! I'm sure if I lived and grew up in the Nantou region I might not think twice about it. It's part of what they as a culture participate in and i understand that. However, If i was visiting, no. It may be part of experiecing the culture, but for me that would just take it to another level of discomfort(emotionally and physically) and inhumane acts.

    Poor Monkey.

  58. 1.) Would it be considered cannibalism to eat the brain of a chimpanzee? According to a somewhat recent study, our human DNA is 96% THE SAME as chimps. Im my opinion, thats close enough to be borderline cannabalism.

    2.) Although I've always been an open-minded person to much taboo, I dont think I would participate in munching down on a chimps breadbasket. Chimps have personality, it would just be so wrong to do.In the movie Pulp Fiction, the two main characters have this conversation that involves pork, and S.L. Jackson's character stated that he doesn't eat pork because he says its its a filthy animal and it disregards its own feces. His character makes several interesting points about pork, nevermind chimps . . . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZA_Tl1kvlQU. Watch <---.

    1. I agree being that chimps DNA is in close proxmity to humans its kind of considered cannabalism to want to partake in a brain eating feast while the poor creature is still alive.

  59. Kristen Durbin,online

    I wouldn't consider it cannibalism however that doesnt mean i would ever eat one myself. While i dont put them on the same level as humans, they are extremely intelligent animals with amazing personalities so it would seem very wrong and inhumane to me.

    1. Kelly S. Online 40
      I agree, although monkey's are not on the same level as human's the thought of eating one while it was still alive and screaming makes me sick to the stomach. Any animal for that matter...

  60. "Sewer rat might taste like pumpkin pie, but I'd never know because I'd never eat the filthy m***** f*****." S.L. Jackson, Pulp Fiction.

  61. I think that it is wrong to participate in something as vile as eating a monkey's brain while its still alive. Animals may not be on the same level as humans especially chimpanzees but its inhumane to even take the poor animals life then devour it. Thats like eating the family dog's brain while its still alive. And we consider dogs a man's best friend.

  62. Eiryn M. ONLINE 40

    1. I think it is to a degree. In no situation would I hope to eat a chimpanzee. I keep it simple: chicken, cows, pigs, turkeys. That is all.
    2. I definitely would not participate in any type of "monkey feast". It is simply disgusting.

  63. Eiryn M. ONLINE 40 in response to Brad C. 36

    This was the first thing I thought of! That was a great movie, in which Samuel L. Jackson made a great point: there are some animals you don't eat.

  64. Angelina V. 38

    No I don't believe that eating chimpanzees should be considered cannibalism. Although I think that is just a technicality, I would never even consider eating chimpanzee meat. It is very difficult for me to eat of any kind to begin with, just because I have always been an animal lover and felt so connected with them. At least in this case the animal is already dead, unlike the next topic.
    In regards to the eating of the brain, that just seems plain cruel and medieval to me. I actually had the pleasure of volunteering at a primate habitat up in North Georgia a couple years ago, and it was remarkable to see how the apes interacted with us, and the other apes there. They really are so similar to us. I usually am very open minded and respectful of other cultures and their traditions, but this particular one is very difficult for me to wrap my head around. I couldn't imagine putting any creature through that torture, let alone one that reminds me so much of humans. It would be heartbreaking for me to witness that.

    1. Stephen G. online 40 in response to Angelina V. 38
      I understand how you feel about animals, but do you mean you do not eat any meat or that you just do not want to eat the socially acceptable animals? such as dogs, cats, or monkeys?

  65. Angelina V.38 in response to Jessica B. 36

    Poor monkey is right! What a terrible thing to put the animal through.

  66. Jordan D. 40
    This is a very strange question to have to think of an answer for. I'd say the measure of what's acceptable to eat or not varies from culture to culture. Even in the United States, there are organizations that declare the eating of meat to be morally wrong and attempt to convince others to drop this habit. While we may view it as cannibalism (or just disgustingly cruel) to eat the brain of a live monkey, we may simply appear to be as whack to them as PETA does to some of us. It is difficult for people in our country I think, to eat something that we tend to recognize human emotions in. Apes have been seen laughing, crying, and throwing fits of anger, and while the line between humans and chimpanzees is still clear enough, it's extremely difficult for most people to eat or even harm one without experiencing the type of empathy that is usually reserved for other humans.

  67. Kelly S. Online 40
    First of all I would have to say the thought of eating a monkey, brains or anything else, is very sickening for me, but if I was raised in another country where that was my main source of food then I'm sure my viewpoint would be different. I don't believe that it would be considered cannibalism to eat a monkey as it is just an animal. While I am a huge animal lover I would not place a monkey's life as more important than a human.

  68. Megan K. 39
    Because of my religious beliefs, I do not think eating any sort of animal is cannibalism. Cannibalism is defined as the act or practice of humans eating the flesh or internal organs of other human beings. A chimpanzee may have some similar traits to a human, but when it all comes down to it their DNA is different. If scientists can find an animal with the same genetic makeup, then maybe it would be considered cannibalism. Though I do not think that chimps or any type of animal for that matter would be on the level of a human, I still prefer to keep their brains in tact especially when they're alive. I do think however that "what's right" and "wrong" differes on what part of the world you are in. I don't know if I had the opportunity to try brains I would turn it down, but if the animal is still alive I definitely would not partake in that practice.

  69. Ivy M.40
    Cannibalism...no. It is still a monkey and not a human.
    In reference to the monkey brain, I will pass. Other cultures practice different food rituals, so I can't say it is unjust. In my situation though what is good for the goose is not for the gander.
    In response to Kelly S.40 online
    I am right there with you. The thought of eating that turns my stomach. Just really hard to swallow the concept.

  70. LaTia W online 39...
    1) By definition I'm not sure that eating a primate wouild be considered cannibilism although their are vast similarities between primates and humans. However, I would not participate in this sort of act anyway whether it was considered cannibilism or not. It just does not seem humane in my opinion. Although I understand that cultures are different.

    2) I would absolutely NOT participate in a monkey feast. This seems not only disgusting but dangerous medically as well. Eating the brain of a monkey who is still alive sounds like infection and disease waiting to happen.

    1. ashley m online38
      Everything you just stated i completely agree with. Its not cannibalism and i definitely wouldnt participate in the monkey brain feast. I find it compelling!!

  71. LaTia White in response to Jessica B. 36...
    I agree with you in the sense of if I lived in that part of the country it may be considered normal. I wouldn't think twice about. For example in some countries pigs or cows are delicacies however, here we consume them. So due to the differing in culture my choice would be NOT to consume the monkey.

  72. Ashley M. online38

    No i don't think it's cannibalism to eat monkey's. An animal is an animal, and a monkey IS NOT a human. Period, point,blank. Yeah they can do some things humans do but that doesnt make them human. If i go act like a dog and do all the things a dog does that wouldnt make me a dog would it? People would be like, "what's wrong with that person(human)!" Also as far as eating the monkey brains while their still alive, i definitely would not eat it ever in my life. That is disgusting to me. I wouldn't eat any type of brains, not something i find tasty by any means. I do however think the monkey's should be dead because they do feel pain. Thats not quite right to me.

  73. Valentina T 36
    I wouldn't consider this to be cannibalism, but I still find it wrong to eat monkeys. They aren't humans, but they are intelligent. There is even a program called Helping Hands that trains monkeys to do human tasks for paraplegics and quadreplegics. It's hard to believe what they can do!
    As for eating monkey brains while the monkey is still alive...if I ever visited a place where this was tradition, I wouldn't take part of it. That, to me, is inhumane and abusive.

  74. Amanda Graham 33 Online

    1) I wouldn't consider eating a chimpanzee as cannibalism. Even though biologically they are similar to humans, they still are not humans. Cannibalism is defined as "humans eating human flesh."

    2) In the case of eating the brains of LIVE monkey...that's disgusting and inhumane. I respect other people's cultures and their ideas; however, that is cruel behavior. I would not even be able to be in the same area when this was happening.

  75. In response to S. Elosta:

    I'm sure there are plenty of people in this country who would eat live monkey brains if there was money on the table. I honestly don't know if there would be an amount of money that would make me do that. :)

  76. Daniel Quintero. 40 online

    I honestly don't consider this much of an issue due to the fact that I don't believe in the thought that we (as humans) are descendents of monkeys or anything like that. Having said that, I was in the Navy and have tried several crazy local dishes throughout the world and I would probably try it just for the experience.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. Melissa S. 90
    1) In the Merriam Webster dictionary, it defines cannibalism as: the usually ritualistic eating of human flesh by a human being; or the eating of the flesh of an animal by another animal of the same kind. Since moneys and humans are NOT the same, I would not consider it cannibalism though we are close in biology and behavior.
    2) I would absolutely never participate in this, that visual alone could give me a nightmare. That is just cruel and unacceptable in my opinion. The fact that they’re alive just freaks me out. Eating any animal alive just is wrong in my opinion.

  79. Kandi B 67 online
    When I read this the saying "When in Rome...." comes to mind. Although I don't think I could go through with the same ritual of eating the monkey brains, I respect the fact that each culture has things that are unique and accepted to itself. I do not believe that monkeys are humans, therefore I do not believe it is cannibalism.

  80. Kandi B. 67 in response to B. Feryate
    I agree with your statement, "but all from animals that were killed with kindness and a high quality of hygenic standards." I have visited some cattle farms and hygeine is definitely something that I pay attention to now that I have seen some of the farms.

  81. William B. Online 39

    1) No, Chimpanzee's may be close in biology and behavior to the human race, but when it comes down to it we are completely different. Since we are of different species, cannibalism is not the word to be used, but we did just eat a monkey, and that's just sad.

    2) I would not participate in this act even if the monkey was dead. Raw meat, especially brains, sounds terrible.

  82. William B. Online 39

    In response to Melissa S.

    I would have to agree with you on the second answer. Eating any animal alive is just cruel and unusual, but it is their culture, and they can keep it.

  83. Stephen G. Online 40
    I think it is wrong to say that it is cannibalism to eat a monkey. If you are a christian you do not believe in evolution so this topic you could care less for. If you believe in evolution then you must think eating a dog or cow or chicken would be cannibalism because we all started from something. So therefore you may not this it is cool or correct to eat a monkey but it can not be looked on as cannibalism. But if I would eat a money that is still alive. Well I suppose it depends on if it is still screaming or not. Please excuse my humor if it offends you. Of course i would not unless some would kill me for not doing so.

  84. Whitney H. Online 38
    1. I do not believe that you would be considered a canibal for eating a monkey. I believe that they are animals and we are humans, and there is a difference. Although they are the closest animal that resembles a human, they are still that... an animal.
    2. I would definitely not eat the brains out of a live monkey! I understand that it may be considered "normal" for other cultures, I am too much of an animal lover to even consider eating a live monkey's brain. I am sure that if I were raised in that culture I would not even think twice about eating the brains. I do believe that it is all about how you are raised and what you are used to.

  85. Whitney H. Online 38
    In response to William B. Online 39
    I completely agree with you in the fact that I would not eat a monkey, whether it be dead or alive. I think that we were just raised in a culture that we eat what we consider the "edible" animals, cows, pigs, chickens and I am sure that in some other cultures, they would not agree with our choice of animals. This comes down to how we were raised and what we are accustomed to.

  86. Adriane M. Online 40

    I would not dare eat the brain of a monkey. Monkey and humans have nothing in common if you ask me. So what do you think, by eatting monkey brain you will become a lot smarter. I don't think so, some people studies these days, I tell you that it's unbelieveable.

    1. Tinashe Mahachi 20
      I personaly dont believe in evolution of humans from monkeys so i believe that if a person wants to eat a monkey they can because it is not human. People eat cows and chicken and they are all animals and they do not care of what happens to them because they are not human, Personally I would not eat a monkey because i did not grow up eating it so it is not my taste. And on the second question i would not take part in eating monkey brains because i dont eat monkeys. But i also think that it is just disgusting and animal cruelty. I have no problem with it but i just think that if they are going to at least put the animal out of its misery first and they eat it.

  87. Melissa Perez 39
    In order for eating chimpanzees to be considered cannibalism, one would have to agree with the theory of evolution which I do not. I would not particpate in the Monkey Feast. I strongly believe that it is humane to kill an animal in such a way. How would they like to be eatin alive brain first? I could not even finish reading the little incerpt much less witness such a horriffic event!!

  88. Cassie H.
    1. I dont think it would be considered to be cannibalism to eat chimjpanzees, only because they are not humans. With the same thought though, i do not think we should eat chimpanzees.
    2. I would not participate in the eating of a monkeys brain in another country, wether he was dead or alive. This is torturous to the animal and definitely not something that i believe in wether it is a culturous activity for some or not, i feel it is wrong. :(

  89. Shaylynn S.
    Although I do not feel that eating chimpanzees would be cannibalism, it is not a practice I could partake in. I am aware that many other cultures eat various animals that I would not consider to be a food source and that to them it is 100% natural and at times essential for survival.

    I would not ever be able to participate in the monkey feast. I am a huge animal rights activist, and although I know their culture feels this is ok, my personal beliefs do not.

  90. Maxx L Online 039
    1. I do not think that humans eating chimpanzees should be considered cannibalism. Having said that, I would never eat a chimpanzee. I feel there are far too many animals that we can eat that we can replace very easily, like chickens, pigs, and cows.
    2. I would not participate in this custom. I feel if I would eat this while that animal is still alive I think it would cruel. If the animal was already dead I would consider eating the brains just to say I tried it.
