Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Price of Cruel and Unusual Punishment

Please read this complex story of a man, in prison with a LIFE sentence, who has successfully sued the state of Massachusetts to pay for his sex change operationn.
Give your reasoning as to why or why not the taxpayers of MA should pay for his gender reassignment? 


  1. Jillian D. 36

    The taxpayers of MA should not have to pay for his gender reassignment. Nowhere in the world is getting a sex change vital to someone's health. A sex change is not a "serious medical need." It is most certainly not a need to someone who is in prison for first degree murder of his wife. A want maybe? Yes. A serious statement of his mental sanity? Yes. But isn't that in question to begin with coming from someone who murdered his wife? Is it a person's right to do as they please with their bodies? Yes. Is it the taxpayer's responsibility to fund those desires? No! Not to mention he took away his wife's rights by killing her.

    1. Wendy C Online 39

      Completely agree! Basic medial care to ensure the health of the prisoners, but this is simply ludicrous!!!!

    2. Isjour Beasley online.38
      Reply to Jillian D.36

      I absolutley agree with you. Having a sex change is not a serious medical need. It is clearly a want. I do blieve as well people can do with their body as they please but on their own expense.

  2. Nick G. 39

    For the state of Massachusetts to give Robert Kosilek a sex change operation would be a failure of the justice system. The eighth amendment states, "Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted",not sex change operations! Mr. Kosilek is a convicted murderer, he took the life of his wife,caused his son to be without parents, and scarred the lives of his in laws. On top of all of these horrible atrocities, he wants sympathy? How arrogant can a person be? As far as I'm concerned, and the Massachusetts Department Corrections should be concerned, Robert Kosilek, or Michelle as he wants to be called, should be content with still being allowed to live.

    1. Shaquanna Brown

      I agree. Being alive should be enough becuase as far as I am concerned, he should have gotten the needle years ago.

  3. Wendy C Online 39

    I believe that prisoners have basic rights in prison. They are there to serve time for various crimes. However, I believe this is absolutely outrageous!!!! Why should the taxpayers of MA have to pay for his gender reassignment? It is not medically necessary. If a prisoner was waiting for a liver transplant, I do not feel the taxpayers should pay for that either. This man is in prison for a murder he cannot remember. I understand the concept of gender identity disorder and sympathize with those that struggle in their daily lives with this disorder. However, many of those free citizens would love to have gender reassignment surgery but can't afford it. So is the message, commit murder and you too can have your gender reassignment surgery free??? This is absolutely absurd that the state of MA is agreeing to this! And most interesting is where will he/she be housed after the surgery???????

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. to Wendy C.Online

      I totally agree with you. I see the message, but Im not buying it. Okay so I can commit a murder as a man then go to jail I tell them I want a sex change so I spend the rest Of my time in jail as a women. Im pretty sure they are going to house him in a women prison. I understand and respect the disorder as well but it just baffles me that he can remember all that and the abuse and struggle, but can't remember killing anyone.

    3. to Wendy C 39

      From Wendy Williams 40 - I agree with you 100%! I'd love a tummy tuck and can't afford it... doesn't this just scream the message - go out, commit murder, don't worry about it, the court will pay for your elective surgery and oh, you want electrolysis as well? Sure, no problem! We'll toss in free cable, a gym and 3 meals a day...

      It's just plain ludicrous!

  4. I think this is going too far. I don't think the taxpayers should be responsible for paying out one cent for a gender assignment to a convicted first degree murderer. Nor should they be liable for his legal fees. This is a man who committed murder, remebers all about his entire life and sex gender disorder but can't remember killing someone. Looking for more attention is my conclusion.He has tried suicide twice and self castration. I feel the taxpayers have already payed enough for just keeping him incarcerated that's not free. Now that's what I think but the justice system has open the can of worms on themselves. They had already been giving him hormone treatments, psychotherapy and electrolysis while serving his life sentence as a woman in an all-male prison. so there you have it. can't start it and now try to stop it. Sorry..!!

  5. Isjour Beasley-Online.38
    I believe this is insane to even consider. There is no way the taxpayers of MA should have to pay for a sex change operation.Robert who was convicted for the murder of his wife is the same regardless of being called robert or michelle.This guy obviously is taken the eigth amendment to the extreme.This is clearly not a serious medical need but a serious mental need. I do believe taxpayers could pay for a mental evaluation but definitely not a gender reassignment.

    1. Chris Y. 39
      Completely agree with you!

  6. Tinashe Mahachi- online. I think that him being able to want to want government spending is really stupid and outrageous. The reason why is because the people do not need to pay off their tax money into supporting a killers crazy thoughts and wanting a sex change. i personally think that if he wants to have a sex change he should be able to pay his own money. It just makes me mad and this is just sad that the government has to be able to award people like this. Its sad to me.

  7. W.Williams 40 - online

    Wow... just... wow... I have no doubt the man truly does suffer from gender identity disorder. However, I do not think that as a person that was found guilty of committing murder, that he should be allowed to fulfill his fantasy and dream of becoming a woman. Clearly, he has mental issues and a history of abuse, add all that to the gender identity disorder he is certainly a hot mess. However, he is in PRISON. Why on earth should he be allowed to have a $20,000 procedure, much less hormone therapy and electrolysis. I think that, if anything, they might be obligated to give him counseling and perhaps drug therapy to help him cope with his past and his intense desire/need to become a woman... but I don't think they are obligated to grant him an elective surgery such as this. Obviously, they cannot protect him once the surgery is completed.. he is still sentenced as a man and must be held in a men's prison. I think it's outrageous his dream gets to come true, at the taxpayer's cost... I'm sure his wife had dreams once as well.. SHE certainly isn't able to see hers come true now... so why should his?

  8. Kimberly M.
    This is absolutely ridiculous and absurd. "This is not a choice. Transsexuals are born and not made" I do agree with this comment. However, why did this person decide to wait until after murdering another human, that he truly wanted to be a she? If this was the case, he should have outed his true feeling before murdering another human being. I believe that he lost all rights to consider such a change in his life when he made the decision and took any and all chances for another human being to even experience life. And I believe it is absolutely disgusting that tax-payers had to pay for his sex change. He's just been able to prove his power over other people. He's sick. The situation is sick. I'm slightly perturbed that this actually happened.

    1. In response to Kimberly M.

      Brandi M. 38

      You made a very strong point when you said that she lost her right to have a sex change when she took the right to live from another human being. I also agree that it's quite disgusting to ask me to pay for your sex change, which is not a life or death surgery, meaning this person isn't going to die of natural causes if they don't have this surgery, nor will it naturally extend their life any further if they do.

    2. Bart S online 39 In response to Kimberly M.

      I agree with everything you said. I actually got a little fired up writing my own response to the article. This is unreal that this has happened. People should be ashamed of themselves. AHHH!

    3. Megan K. 39 in response to Kimberly M.
      I agree with you as well. He waited till after going through life, getting married, and then killing her to decide he wanted to be a woman. If he knew from the beginning what he truly was, why make a lie out of it and marry someone you apparently may not have been attracted to? Then, he writes a book detailing his whole life, but can't remember the one extremely significant event that changed everything for him? There are defiantly some things that do not add up with his story.

  9. Allison S. Online

    I can not begin to express how ridiculous this is to even be an issue! The state should NOT be responsible for paying for an optional sex change for this prisoner. A prisoners time in prison is not supposed to be pleasant! Can women receive breat implants now while in prison? Tax payers should not be responsible for this. I understand major medical issues,but not something that makes one more "comfortable" with himself or herself. We, as citizens of the United States are over taxed as is, so it is more enfuriating when taxes go to waste as in this case with the citizens of Massachusettes.

  10. Adrian C.

    I don't agree with the decision that taxpayers should have to pay for a gender reassignment. It is not cruel and unusual punishment. He was born with male genitalia and went into the Prison System with male genitalia. If he felt the need for a gender reassignment then why did he not do this before incarceration? Law abiding citizens who pay for their insurance are not able to have gender reassignment surgery paid for by their insurance company. Why? Because it is considered an elective surgery. Which means it is not medically necessary. Sure, they can pay for it out of their own pockets and so should this person.

    1. In response to Adrian C.

      B. Feryate 38


      I completely agree with you. She went into prison as a man, and if she was so distraught then, for being a man, she should have been doing all to have the sex change then, instead of killing her wife. By her trying to castrate herself and commit suicide, that does change things a bit and how she should be treated, but I think a sex change is a bit over the top since she didn't try before.

  11. Brandi Feryate 38
    Give your reasoning as to why or why not the taxpayers of MA should pay for his gender reassignment?

    The taxpayers of MA should not be responsible for this or any type of surgery that is not on the basis of life preserving. The story does not provide all the details of the murder it appears he committed, however it is odd that as soon as he was accused, he decided to be a woman. The mind can wander as to what are the probabilities of this sudden behavior. It seems that after 20 years of battles this might now, if not before, be a legitimate issue he has. With all of that, and regardless of my personal opinions, I wouldn't want to pay for someone to have a sex change, performance drugs, weight-loss surgery, or any other type of medical attention that is either in response to something that I did to myself, or something that isn't really maintaining my life. Like my classmates, I question why wasn't this change made before killing another person, and if her wife was abusive to him, she could have left. This is really just too much to ask the citizens to foot a bill that you didn't seem to be bothered with before, and if we let you out of jail, how quickly would you then come up with $20,000 to have the surgery.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Bart S. Online 39

    This is absurd! The man murdered his wife to become a woman. WHAT?! A LEGAL option was divorce. He quickly threw that out of the window though didn't he?! They should throw this case out of the window as well. This is absolutely ridiculous. The taxpayers of MA should not PAY A DIME for this she-man's surgery, or any surgery for any prisoner, unless it is life threatening. He lost his right to have a vajayjay when he took an innocent person's life. In fact, this judge should be removed from his post. Unreal.

    1. Alicia H. 38
      Ha! This case is unreal. I wonder if that judge was reelected? In no way does this benefit the state or for the matter make ruling out cases like this any easier in the future. Murderers do not deserve state funded electrolysis!

  14. Brittany C. 36

    There are some many rude things I would say to this man! He doesn't deserve an operation, and taxpayers shouldn't have to pay for it either! He was born a MAN, and thinks it's wrong that he's been in a all male prison? Disorder or not, he made a decision to kill another human being and needs to pay the consequences just as any other would have to do. This man is a selfish person and doesn't need surgery or any sympathy for his disorder. He was given adequate treatment and that's more than he deserves.

  15. Debra B40
    I do not feel it is the taxpayers place to pay for this type of medical treatment. He was given life for taking a life and should serve it. He should not be given something so freely that most people cannot afford on their own. His basics needs should only be met, not anything else he wants and at our expense.

    1. Holly G.38
      In response to Debra B40
      I agree with you in that only his basic needs should be met. He took someone else's life and now wants to complain that he is being treated unfairly. To have this funded via tax payers is completely ridiculous.

  16. Debra B40
    This is in response to Allison S. online. I agree that to give him this surgery, it would open up new arguments in other prisons of wanted surgery at our expense.

  17. Holly G.38
    This case blows my mind! In no way should this have ever even made it to court. It is a perfect example of how corrupt our legal system can be. I understand from a medical standpoint that the surgery may be deemed as necessary, but that is from a psychiatric point of view. His condition is non life threatening, unless it comes from self inflicted injuries, such as suicide or castration. Personally, I can understand providing him with a psychiatrist and intense therapy, as he obviously has psychiatric problems. However there is a line that has been crossed here. Sex change operations are elective, and allowing this man to have one performed (and at tax payer's expense) is a slap in the face to the murdered woman's family.

  18. I dont think he should be awarded the operation because yes he might have the disorder but that doesnt mean he doesnt function properly it isnt nessicary for his physical health. Im sure there are many people that live everyday lives just like you and me that have the disorder and they arnt able to afford the surgery and forced to live with what they have. The prison has accomidated to his needs enough they allow him to dress as a woman they provide him with his medication and psycho thearpy the surgery is a want not a need.

    1. Kellianne B Online (21083) in response to Kalag C. 36

      I completely agree with you, Kalag! I don't think it is necessary for Michelle to get the sex change. I believe it is a want rather than a need. The prison has definitely accommodated to Michelle's needs and there is no need for a sex change because that is a physical aspect of Gender Identity Disorder, not a mental aspect of it. He has been awarded with psychotherapy, electrolysis, and hormone treatments. A sex change is nothing but a physical aspect of this disorder and it is not needed!

    2. Meredith Hunton

      I don't understand all the rewards he is getting with the sex change and the reimbursement. What is he going to do with that money he in prison its not like he can buy things. With the sex change what is he going to do with that is prison(I don't want to think about that), he said we was worried about being harassed, and he thanks that going to be fixed with the sex change.

  19. Dana B.38
    Thats crazy! Tax payers should not have to pay for his gender change. This man is a murderer and does not deserve this. A sex change is not a serious medical need. He just needs to suffer with the fact of not having a gender change, just like his wife suffered the day he murdered her.

    1. Quiyana M. Online 40.

      I can't believe any judge agreed to this. It is probably the strangest thing I ever heard.

  20. Quiyana M. Online 40.

    What kind of mess is this? Why is the state paying for a murderer to have a sex change? Heck no I don't think taxpayers should be paying for this. What for? I really can't believe this is even real!!

    1. A. McReynolds, Online40

      Response to Quiyana, I totally agree, why should we have to pay for a sex change for a criminal, why should he be entitled to loyal treatment after what he done, wow what is this world coming too.

  21. Dana B.38 in response to Holly G.
    I agree with you! This man has serious issues. They need to consider paying for something like intense therapy, because this man is insane.

  22. Kellianne B Online (21083)

    I do not think that Michelle Kosilek should be awarded with a sex change. The tax payers of Massachusetts have already given her so much. I highly doubt that a sex change will make anything better for Michelle or for anyone else. What Michelle did was wrong. She is now suffering the consequences. If Michelle had not killed Cheryl and was not in prison, how would she get a sex change? She would have to figure it out all by herself... Pay for it all on her own. But because she did a terrible thing and was put in jail for life, does not change a thing. If she wants a sex change then she needs to figure out how to do so without relying on the tax payers of Massachusetts because what do they owe her? Absolutely nothing and I do not agree with the judge as far as considering the sex change for Michelle. Michelle is in jail for life and a sex change will not change a thing for anything or anyone. I do not agree with awarding Michelle psychotherapy, hormone treatments, electrolysis, and now potentially a sex change.

    1. Kennedy A 38 online in response to Kellianne B
      I think the judges made great mistakes.How can group of learners pass such verdicts.

  23. Jessica Ball 36

    Really? It really seems to me that the 8th ammendment was taken too far. She (Michelle Losilek) has manipulated the system, I think. Yes, having a gender reassignment surgery is great for those seeking it and to put mind and body in sync with one another, but to have hard working people pay their tax dollars pay for someone who is a threat to society to have this surgery? No. If I get sick, I pay my own money to go to the doctor. I don't expect to have someone else pay for it. To think that this person believes it is her right to demand this because of stress is ridiculous. And why is the government of Massachusets willing to toss taxpayer money to something like this anyway? It shouldn't be an option. If taxpayers are going to be paying for it via government rule, and the government is supposed to be looking out for the best interest of society, please explain to me how a sex change for a murderer benefits Massachesetts' society....

  24. Kennedy A. 38 online
    It is very unfortunate that this kind of things is happening. This verdict to me shows that the judiciary is making the society to feel that staying in the prison help some people to make some attempt that ordinarily could not make if they are free.It makes the government of Massachusets look wasteful,by using tax payers money for such shameful thing all the name of freedom.

    1. Chris Y. 39
      Such a waste of our money and resources

  25. Alicia H. 38
    This story is absurd. I would let the man castrate himself and let it play out from there. It is clear the man took the life of his wife and this possibly led to the chaos in his mind about his identity/gender issues. He should not have received this any of this because it is not medically just. He needs therapy.

    1. I agree that therapy is needed. I also agree with letting him do whatever he wants to his body. I DEF do not think the state or any tax money from the citizens should be used for this outrageous story. I think this man just needs to be left alone to do whatever he wants to his body.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Ryan Rauch 35
      In response to Alicia H

      Now this is a case worth hearing....

      Should we allow that piece of trash to castrate himself/herself/itself? Should the state have to pay to have his cell to be cleaned up afterwards? Should the state have to pay for the laundry bill? What if the medical staff has to start an IV or stitch him/her/it back up?

      I would deny that request, but grant him/her/it a role of paper towels and some duct tape. Maybe a gator aid for electrolyte replenishment, if there is a surplus. Nothing for pain though, he/she/it needs to really get the entire experience.

  26. Lakin C. 36
    There's no reason that MA taxpayers should have to pay for his operation. He killed his wife, he shouldn't be able to get any sort of special treatment. What judge would actually go through with that? He went in a man, and theres no reason he shouldn't come out a man. It's absurd that it can be considered a necessity.

    1. Ashley M. Online 39. in response to Lakin C. 36
      I completely agree with you. What judge in their right mind would grant that right. He needs to deal with his sentence like a man. He made the choice to murder, now he has to live with it.

  27. Meredith Hunton

    Well the first thought that comes to mind is are you serious....This is ridiculousness. The answer whether or not the tax payers of MA should pay for his sex change is NO. There are so many reasons as to why this should have never been disused in the courtroom, sex changes is plastic surgery which is a voluntary surgery and its not necessary to the health of the person. The fact that he was able to get it payed for by taxpayers as though it was a life or death matter is unbelievable. If he is trying to castrate and kill himself why is he not been trap and thrown into one of those cushy white rooms, he is obviously insane. I don't even know why they are giving to his demands it makes no since, if this is what our justices system is coming to then we are screwed.

  28. Elizabeth N - Online 38.

    Seriously... I do not know whether to call this outrageous or ridiculous; it is beyond the two and any other. In my opinion, the MA tax payers should not be paying for this self-filling procedure. There are innocent citizens who are waiting to have life-saving procedures to be done, but because they do not have insurance and money, God knows what will happen to them. Now here we have a murder, who took his wife’s life…, does he want to become a woman to replace his wife? Whatever his reason may be, those prisoners rights need to be looked into again. The tax payers are already paying for his upkeep which is already too much and not justified. Like his late wife’s niece said, it is a big slap on their family’s face. It should not happen! It does, the government is paying this man for his cruelty instead of punishing him.

  29. I think the state of MA should absolutely not pay for anything for a man who will spend the rest of his life behind bars. I dont think it matters what the state would be paying for or not, it is the point. The man is not getting out of jail to be able to utilize his new gender so what is the point? I think let him do whatever he wants to his body and the state should never be held responsible for this! I think this is an outrageous article and I almost cant believe its true.

  30. Patrick H
    Intro to Sociology
    For a person accused and convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison he/she should not be granted the right to have a sex change, especially when it is going to be paid by taxpayers. This is absolutely ridiculous. Why should taxpayers have to spend their money on a convicted killer’s sex change? People work hard for what they have and make an honest living every day and for this individual to be the cause of them spending taxpayer dollars on something like this, is an insult. With that being said, a prisoner’s health is important. If a prisoner is sick or ill in any way they deserve to seek medical treatment, which is fine. It’s not fine, however, if a prisoner wants to do something to his or her body that is unnatural, such as a sex change. In conclusion, I think this is a huge mistake for the state of MA to force their taxpayers to pay for this.

    1. That's right!taxes are for community well-being and not for individual purposes that go against acceptable social manners.The desire of sex change is selfish and will never be a solution to any social problem but will rather create more issues to the whole society.The State of MA need to reconsider this case.

  31. Ashley M. Online 39.
    No the tax payers of MA should NOT have to pay for this. This is absolutely ridiculous. First having murdered his wife, and now her relatives are helping him get a sex change? I understand its the rights of the prison to pay for heart conditions and everything, but you've already gotten treatment. He does not need to have a 20,000 dollar operation that he is not paying for himself. And as much as he has the 'right' to it, he should look at the fact that he took every right from his wife.

  32. I'm sorry, but that article raised my blood pressure so much that I wasn't able to finish reading it.

    What has our country become? That judge should be removed from his post immediately.

    Criminals, especially murderers, rapists, and child molesters, should have zero rights once they are convicted. I applaud that prison warden in TX that makes his inmates sleep in tents and work on chain gangs doing manual labor.

    This case is ridiculous, that piece of trash is lucky to have three hot meals and a roof over his head. It blows my mind that a judge would rule in his favor and waste much needed tax dollars in a deep recession on this convicted murderer. Every time I read something like this, I lose more faith in our nation.

    This was not what our founding fathers intended when they drafted the constitution. The worst thing about this is that we are helpless and can do nothing about it.

    I work in the medical field and I can assure you that a sex change is not a necessary medical treatment on any planet in our universe. It is 100% elective. I could understand having surgery to correct a life threatening condition and even then, there would have to be a risk/reward study on the individual considering it's situation.


  33. Ryan Kroeger

    I think this is a load of crap. They shouldn't have to use their money that THEY worked for to pay for this dude to get a sex change. He may have that disorder or may not, I don't know, but what i do know is that he is a murderer and doesn't deserve it. It's one thing to have that disorder and deserve the operation, i'm not saying he doesn't deserve it because i don't agree with it because i know some people truly have it, but it's another thing to not deserve it. I think that should be part of his punishment.

  34. Blake Peterson
    This is the most ridiculous thing I've read in a long time! The fact that denial of a sex change can be contituted as cruel and unusual punishment under the 8th Amendment is unconscionable! I supposed that obese prisoners should be given gastric bypass surgery, and those with an overbite should receive orthodontia while we are at it. The fact that many insurance companies don't cover sex change surgery should in and of itself be a red flag. If law abiding citizens have to pay for their own sex change surgery, then convicted felons shouldn't get special treatment. If convicted murderer Robert Kosilek actually receives a sex change at the expense of the tax payer, then perhaps this is a strategy for those of us who are uninsured. Commit a crime, go to prison, and let the citizens of America pay for your surgery! Shame on you Judge Wolf!

  35. Christopher Bowdich

    In what way is a sex-change vital or even semi-vital to a persons physical or psychological health? Of course the MA taxpayers shouldn'teven consider paying for the surgery. The person in question is alreadya convicted felon with a life sentance and furthermore he was married to a woman; he cant arbitarally choose that he is a woman on the inside and proclaim that being forced to be in the same area as men is a good reason to demand surgery at the taxpayers expense.

  36. This im going to say simple and sweet. He has been givien what he desrves and no more. juat bread and water. and nessessary medicl care not cosmedic medical care. He also was given life let him live the life he has chosen as a so called woman in a mens prison. GOOD LUCK BUDDY ON SURVIVING!!! He needs to be violated again,and again and agin and again and again and again and againg and again and again and again and again and again and so on UNTIL DEATH DO US PART!!!!!

  37. Elizabeth N - Online 38.

    In reply to Quiyana M.

    Like you say, this is a total mess. I also cannot believe it is real. At first, I thought it was just a discussion topic, but after reading the article, it seems like something the judge has already concluded. I wish somebody would say it is not real. It sounds very absurd, the most unbelievable judgement I have read in my entire life.

  38. Adriane M. Online40

    Wow, so you are able to kill someone and be able to have rights in order to request a sex change and take tax payers hard earned money, really. How should he be able to live freely and we are liable to pay for it, this article is unbelievable. But I guess we are in a free country, but you should not be entitled to that is you are spending you life in prison.

  39. Chris Yount. Online 39
    Why are our tax dollars going to pay for a convicted killer to have a sex change?? This is outrageous and part of the reason our country is in such a financial mess.

    1. Eiryn M ONLINE 40 in response to Chris Yount. Online 39,

      I agree. Do people want to know why our country is frowned upon in other countries? Because we allow nonsense like this to happen. I wonder if the U.K., China, or Australia would think of allowing their tax payers to pay for this stupidity? I doubt it.

  40. Kandi B Online 67
    My head is still spinning from reading this article. It is shocking to say the least. I am sure if I knew what all went on in prison I would be appalled anyway, but to think that this man is getting special treatment because he can't cope with being a man is horrendous. He is receiving allowances and special treatment because he has a genetic disorder, while others that have been abused and hurt are probably still being abused and hurt. For example, many people that go to prison come from families that abused them as children and their crimes are a by-product of that abuse.
    (not excusable just a fact)Why not spend our tax money on rehabilitating those that have potential to go back into society and lead productive lives? I feel that money should be allocated to "Robert", which was born a man,but not for a sex change. He/She needs extensive therapy to cope with the fact that he was born a man and just deal with it. As far as the crime he committed, he should consider himself lucky just to be alive. I am sure there are alot of people that would be satisfied if he was the opposite.

    1. Angela J Online 39
      In response to Kandi B Online 67
      I agree with you, this person needs extensive therapy. I also believe he gave up his right to live however he chooses when he committed murder.

  41. Kandi B Online 67
    In response to the post that says GOOD LUCK ON SURVIVING. I was already thinking the same thing and wondering why the other inmates haven't done away with him?

  42. Honestly, I don't even understand how this is possible or how they allowed this person to use tax dollars for this operation. The operation doesn't seem like it was needed at all.This shouldn't happen no matter how long ago the case took place. I feel as though he shouldn't have the right after committing such a foul crime. Kosiliek sounds as though he is mentally ill by trying to kill hiself, castrate hiself, and wanting a sex change. But it is hard to refuse his request after using his amendment rights to have this done

  43. In response to Bowdich

    I totally agree with your view. This should not be allowed, and definitely should not be paid for with tax dollars. This also makes me wonder...if becomes a woman will they have to send him t a womens prison? Will it be fare for him to be in a womens prison or mens??

  44. Eiryn M. ONLINE 40,

    So let me get this right. He committed murder, then now he wants a sex change that taxpayers have to pay for? So the people that don't kill others have to pay for his "wants" not "needs"? He needs food, clothes, shelter, and that is it! All other things are not needed, which is why when you go to prison, you lose all assets a free person would have. I thought that your rights are stripped from you when you break the law? Does he get to sue to have a laptop and internet access in prison too, so he can post Facebook pictures of himself? I think this is way overboard. What judge or court system for that matter allowed this to happen? I definitely want to know who his lawyer is though. I know that has to be the world's best lawyer at his job.

    1. C. Burgess Online 38
      Not sure why this didn't show up before I will add it again. I agree with y'all and completely agree with you. You couldn't have said it better! When when you go to prison, you lose all assets a free/innocent person would have!

  45. C.Burgess Online 38
    I defiantly think the state of MA should not have paid for this convicts surgery!!! While I understand that this person feels they should be a woman and not a man, the fact is he was not born that way and he should pay for it himself if he wants the change done! The state should not pay for it. It is not the tax payers fault that this person feels they do. The main focus should be that this person killed someone. Another human being, his own loved one. It's as if the state is rewarding him. He committed the crime and should serve the time. We have to have certain laws in order to maintain a sense of equality and the laws help assure that we live in a fair and just place. The fact that a man is sentenced to live in jail amongst other men is the law and what should have happened. Imagine if they would have put a man who thinks he is a woman in with other woman. The woman could have tortured him out of retaliation for killing a woman or just because they hate men in general. Or even worse. He should have done his time, saved up money and then paid for the surgery himself. Having the state pay for this is like saying you killed everyone with a small nose because your nose is big and you felt ridiculed by society and they drove you to do it. While in jail being even more ridiculed you felt like the state should pay for your nose job since you were born this way and it is the only way you could feel normal. What’s next boob-jobs for everyone? Where would this craziest end. Sometimes we all feel like someone else trapped in a different person’s body, that doesn’t give us the right to force the state to pay for our happiness. More people would commit crimes in order to get free surgeries. The tax payer’s money should be used for roads, orphanages and other ways to help the state as a whole to prosper, not specific individuals. Personally I wish he would have cut off his thing and died from bleeding out. Prisoners have it too good already, free TV, a GYM, free room and board, free food and a chef and the list goes on and on... They can even have a free college education, I think it’s ridiculous!! All this why we pay for it and yet we can barely afford to send our own kids to school. This judge should been forced to resign.

  46. Jessica W. 39
    I can't believe this is even an issue. The idea that they are unsure if taxpayers should pay for an inmates elective surgery? Really?? Why don't we give all the inmates who have broken noses, nose jobs so they can feel more confident or we could make the pedifiles look younger becuase they feel rejected by the young kids they want to attract. This is about as ridiculous as this case sounds to me. "Michele" at this point has put herself in this position by murdering her wife. If she never would have done that, then she would not be in prison and she could go out and have the elective surgery done. But by no means in this the taxpayers responsibility. If her family wants to collect the money for her so she can get the surgery done then that is thier own thing, but it should not fall on the people of the state. Gender reassignment is not a medical necessity. I like how they compare it to a bad heart. That's like saying the engine of your car is as important to it's ability to run as the paint color.

    1. I agree with Blake's point of view I do think the state of MA is wasting their time and money on allowing this inmate who clearly went to jail for a reason to have this sex change surgery done.

  47. Jessica W. 39 in response to Blake Peterson
    I agree with your view. If it ends up the state of MA had to pay for this guys surgery it is like saying, "hey if there is an elective surgery you want, why don't you go out and murder someone and the prison system will pay for it!"

  48. I think its ridiculous that someone's hard earned money has to go towards paying for a procedure that doesn't improve or help our economy.I don't think anyone should have to pay for something like that because it isn't something positive and it's not helping them as the tax payer. I don't even think it should be up for discussion as to if the inmate should be granted to have a sex change. He went to jail a man let him stay that way. That is money wasted on something stupid.

  49. Melissa S. 90
    I strongly disagree with any person in MA having to pay for this crazy man’s procedure. He killed someone. I understand if he may be confused about his gender but this guy is just messed up. He claims that tax payers would pay for hip replacements and kidney transplants and that it’s all the same OH NO ITS NOT. Those people are in critical states that have to be cared for in order to survive. If he wants to go and castrate or kill himself, let him do it! Just don’t let anyone else pay it for goodness sake.

    1. Tacile B. 40
      in response to Melissa S. 90

      I totally agree with you on that. I work in dialysis clinic, I've been at my clinic for 5 years and I see my patients 4 days a week (if not more) year in and year out. These people struggle daily just to come and get treatment when someone cause fund them with the money to get a kidney transplant. some of them don't even have money for food and we're throwing away money on mess like a sex changes. FOOLISHNESS!!!!

  50. Whitney H. Online 38
    I DO NOT believe that the tax payers should have to pay for his sex change! I believe that when you decide to end the life of somebody else without regard to their well being or their families well being, then you should lose all rights to your own when it comes to "elective" surguries and other such things. I personally believe that he should not have the right to all of these procedures, let alone have them for free. I think that all the claims of castrating and suicide are to get attention to better help him claim his case, and it apparently worked! If he comes to trial as a "woman" are they going to let him free because he is a changed man? He was put into prison as a man, because he chose to kill his wife, so he should accept his punishment like a man. Instead he is trying to become a woman so that, in my opinion, he can get more attention. Next he will want to transfer to an all women prison... and unfortunately at the rate they are granting things to him, he will get his way.

    1. Reply to Whitney H.38

      I totally agree with you. The judicial system really messed this one up. Do you think if he has a good enough lawyer he will be able to get out of jail since he is no longer the man who killed his wife? Maybe in Massachusetts ?

  51. Whitney H. Online 38
    in respnse to Jessica W. 39
    I completely agree with your point of view! If he had chosen not to kill his wife, he would have the freedom of choice to be who or what ever he wants to be! If they are going to make this possible with taxpayers money for one inmate, they will have to start performing surgeries for all of them. I do not think that this should be an option at all!!! I do not even believe that if the family saves the money, he should be able to get the procedure. Due to the fact that he had no regard for the life of another person why should everybody cater to him?

  52. In my view,the State of MA wasn't supposed to pay for Robert Kosilek gender reassignment sugery,neither for his juridical procedures because he has shown social deviance by killing his wife and is without a doubt subject to a mental disorder which lead him to act in such a way.I think the fact that he has tried to kill himself twice and also threatened to castrate himself because he is so distressed over his gender identity was the main cause of his wife murder.In one word if a social institution fails to regulate behaviors it will end up legalizing them as norms.

  53. Sumpter Bettis 44

    I DO not believe that the state should have paid for him to have a sex change that is a personal matter. Whoever was the judge should be taking off the bench for ruling in the inmates favor. We have people in the world who don’t have health insurance and fight to see a doctor and we are going to give this guy a cosmetic make over. I worked at a Maximum security prison and I saw something similar to this it was a 67 year old child molester who the Florida department of corrections gave corrective eye surgery to but you have guys who really have medical issues but they will not help them because they said they are not going to be in prison long. The last thing is there was a Quadriplegic housed at the prison they let him go because he was costing the state to much money. So in closing I am really sore when it comes to that the USA really has its priorities mixed up.

  54. Sumpter Bettis 44 reponce to Jessica W. 39

    You are right they can not compare him wanting a sex change to having a bad heart. You can live and deal with you not wanting to be a man but you cant live with a bad heart for to long. So the state goverment has its issues mixed up.

  55. Buffie M. 40
    I honestly can't believe what I just read. This is nonsense, and I can't believe that nay court would grand this man's , or now woman's, request for the sex-change surgery much less give him/her money. This shows a blantant disreguard for the tax-payers of MA. I understand that prisioners have rights but I think that any medical surgery should only be for life-threating situations.

    1. Renee' H.-39
      I agree with you, how is a sex change a serious medical issue?! When I think of serious medical issue is a long term disease like...cancer maybe. I think that the court system really failed us here!

  56. Tacile B.40

    This is a bunch of foolishness, I just don't believe this mess. What judge in his/her right mind would award some mess like this? I totally disagree with this foolishness.
    After reading this story I am convinced that this world is ALL messed up. We need to pray something serious. I work in the dialysis world and I can't tell you how many people I see need a kidney. Their making themselves sick or dieing trying to get better and we're wasting money on this sick mess. These patients could use that money for stem cell treatment, kidney transplants, more supplies in the medical world, just a number of things, but we'd rather let someone die of congestive heart failure (like my grandmother just did on this pass Monday) and waste funds on something like a sex change. That's something that need to be taken up with that individual and his maker.....no body else can't help that problem. One can change everything about their outside, but one thing for sure, no matter how they change their skin the problem will always remain within.....

  57. Lacey K. havin

    I absolutely disagree with the taxpayers having to pay for this man's sex change. It's beyond me that they would even consider such a thing simply because of the situation he is in. I think they should allow this man to simply because he took another's life, so why should the taxpayers help him hold on to his life if it medically needed for him to get the operation? He should remain as is and i he dies I guess it his time to go, and if he doesn't, well good for him.

    1. I agree with you Lacey, the taxpayers or anybody else is not responsible for the sex change of the murderer. Why wasting the money for this freaking murderer. This is the pathetic and stupid story I ever heard in my life. He's not deserving at all.

  58. LaTia W online 39... I honestly can not believe this story. This is absolutely ridiculous on so many levels. How unfair it is that tax payers have to fund his psycho mind. Is anybody thinking of the victims family. She's dead, she doesn't get any choices of any sort and the actual murderer is able to get a sex change. This is absolutely asinine. I dont believe this is the tax payers responsibility for a murderer. I dont mean to be blunt but people in hell would love ice water, it doesnt mean that they will get any. Sad and ridiculous story; makes me wonder what our world is really coming too.

    1. Ashley M online38

      I completely agree with you. This is complete nonsense. If i lived there i would be extremely upset that i had to pay for this murders gender change. This is definitely not vital for his health. This is crazy to me. The world has it's priorities all wrong.

  59. LaTia W online 39 in response to Sumpter Bettis... I completely agree with you that is seems as if our priorities are extremely mixed up. In my opinion this is not a serious health condition but a personal cosmetic procedure. For tax payers to pay for this procedure is really ridiculous. We have individuals in the world who actually work their entire life for health benefits and still are unable to get beneficial health care. This is just so unfair. How can an inmate have so many rights but upright citizens are fighting for theirs.

  60. Chris W, 39

    I do not agree that the State of Massachusetts should pay the murderer for the sex change. He was a born a man and killed his wife. He don’t deserve anything at all. If he choose to have a sex change, then let it but there is no tax payer or anybody should pay for it. If he suffer a complication, he deserve it I guess, that’s not enough punishment for killing his wife. I don’t have sympathy for people for killing other people. I believe that if you kill someone you deserve a death penalty. Why taxpayer is wasting money to raise the criminals. They don’t belong to the society .

  61. Ashley M. online38

    They say transgenders are born right? Well why did he ever get married and have a kid in the first place? If this is his condition he hasn't been suffering from it his whole life according to the article it just started some years back. If he wants to make such a big deal about it now why not back then? He doesnt deserve anything. Hes a murderer. A cold blooded one at that that has no remorse for what he did or the family and his son he made suffer from what he did. Okay so he tried to castrate himself, so what? He knows he could bleed to death from it. Let him do it and let him die, and like they didn't know. That's what he deserves. He knows the consequences to that action. MA residents should not have to pay for this mans surgery. That's ridiculous. This man is in his older years anyway, why now? I would be extremely upset to have to pay taxes for this mans gender change. It's just not fair. He doesn't deserve it. Its not a medical matter.

  62. WandaB40
    Wow, i can't imagine this taking place.A judge actually ruled in favor of this.I wonder if this was a previous problem what steps wer he taken to fix it before the incarceration. If he was a free man whould he have the surgery? would he be able to afford the surgery? I just cant believe that the tax payers are already footing the bill for his incarceration and now to pay for this surgey is a kick in the teeth.Is ther in consideration n what come next, after the surgery.

    1. Tranita Jones online 40
      in response to Wanda B 40.

      I agree with your point. The judge must be insane to agree with this ruling. it is unbelievable.

  63. Wanda B. 40 in response to Ashley M. 39
    I totally agree, when he chose the path of murder, why didn't he kills his self years in advance, he has no consideratin for life, so let him resolve his issues the best way he sees fit, with shaking down the taxpayers

  64. Wanda B. 40 in response to Ashley M. 39
    correction of above statement
    (without shaking down the taxpayers)

  65. Angela J. Online 39
    I do not believe the taxpayers should be burdened with the costs of this man’s gender reassignment surgery. His argument is cruel and unusual punishment. I don’t believe the prison officials are guilty of cruel or unusual punishment. The prison officials have no control of this man’s gender identity issues. The gender reassignment surgery is elective surgery. His life is not endangered without the surgery except by him threatening suicide. There are many other prisoners living with gender identity issues. This decision will most certainly set a precedent for more prisoners to sue states for gender reassignment surgery.

    1. Jordan D. 40
      In Response to Angela J.
      This is a good point that I don't think many are considering. One can claim the state of their assigned toothbrush is making them suicidal, but that does not mean the state is required to pay for new ones. This could be the start of a problematic trend in prisons across the country.

  66. Danyelle N. 06
    I think that this is crazy,but I think it also opens up alot of doors for homosexuals,because if you want a sex change in the state of MA I think everyone should be able to get it especially the law abidening citizens because they pay there taxes and have not commited murder.This prisoner will probably have to be moved to a womans prision after the gender reassignment, because he can no longer be in an all male prision, because he will get raped. I think if he had been put to death then the state of MA would not have to pay for this. We as the people need to find cost efficient ways to pay for healthcare and this prisoner is getting it for free what a shame.

    1. Sam C. 40 in response to Danyelle N. 06,
      Danyelle, not all homosexuals want sex changes, and not all transexuals are homosexuals. Most homosexuals are quite happy with their gender at birth and actually can not understand wanting to have a different gender other than the fact that they wouldn't have to face the persecution they do if they were a straight member of the opposite sex,

  67. Danyelle N 06 In response to Ashley M.38
    They should have let him die for what he's done. He strangled his wife to death. I think he is playing the system when people who really need the system dont even get to use it. Its a shame that our government has come to this and has given a murder a life choice when he shouldn't even have it. It's called life in prision no life in luxury.

  68. Jordan D. 40
    This is a very awkward topic for a number of reasons. The ability to get a sex change is still a fairly new advancement in the modern world, and as such it is not yet labeled as a luxury or as a necessity for a man who believes himself to be a woman. On one hand, he lost most of his rights the day he chose to murder that poor woman. On the other hand… the judicial system is probably not able to deny him a sex change operation. It’s not a life threatening illness he’s suffering from, it’s a disorder, one that many tax payers will refuse to recognize, not to mention the safety concerns revolving around him living as a woman in an all-male prison. The state has many reasons to deny this man what he wants, but due to the sensitive nature of the operation they'll never be able to.

    1. Matt P40 in response to Jordan D. 40
      This is an issue of a judges opinion that this sex change/ gender confusion falls under the cruel and unusual punishment. In my opinion it doesn't. I have a feeling this case will be seen by another judge eventually, and the green light for a taxpayer funded sex change will be shut down. Good for this guy/girl for trying to take advantage of the system. If she gets her sex change paid by the state of MA taxpayer, the $20,000 is only a drop in the bucket is wasted tax funds, like millions wasted yearly. My opinion.

  69. Valentina T 36
    I don't think that this person should have undergone a sex change covered by taxpayer dollars. He should've gone to prison, paid his dues for commiting a murder, and recieved basic medical care just like everyone else. A sex-change surgery definately does not fall in the category of basic medical care.

  70. Tranita Jones Online 40

    This article shocked me. A man in jail, convicted of murder, claims to have a sexual gender disorder, sues the court for a $20,000 surgery, and MA's taxpayers are paying for it? Its unfair! he should not be able to sue for such an uncanny reason. The taxpayers should not have to pay for that nonsense because it is an indirect purpose. It is bad enough that most of the money coming from the taxpayers goes to things that does not benefit them. Those in jail are entitled to their rights but this defeats the purpose of allowing a male to be incarcerated in all male prison if they allow him to have a sex change. Just imagine the hardships the guards will have to go through to protect him/her. Yuck!

  71. Ryan B 38

    No matter what kind of argument put foward from anyone, There is no way to explain that taxpayers should pay for this. It is not vital to his health this is strictly a want and not a need. This should not be a issue at all.

  72. Shaquanna Brown

    This is utterly th most disrespectful and unconsiderate thing I have ever heard of judge doing. How is it the taxpayers responsbility to pay for the sex change of man, even worst a murderer. It like they are allowing theis man to make a mockery of his victim, her family and the U.S Consitution. If he felt he really wanted to kill or castrate himself them let him. His problem is not with the way he looks, his problem is with what he has done to his wife. Killing someone is not an easy task. Many people later regret and try to forget the murder even occured and that is what he is doing. He is trying to change his outward appearance hoping that will hnge the way he feels in the inside. Either way, the taxpayers should not be have pay for a unnecessary surgery of a sick, twisted murderer.

    1. Sakeenah E 40

      Couldn't agree more, if he really wants to castrate himself, let him

  73. Megan K. 39 I can not believe this incarcerated man/woman is actually getting ELECTIVE plastic surgery paid for by the taxpayers of MA, but unfortunately I can somewhat see how he/she is getting away with it. Before anyone jumps to any conclusion, I think this whole story is ridiculous and the people supporting it should be ashamed. A man kills his wife, goes to jail, feels bad about the way he looks, and wants everyone to pay for his surgery to make himself feel better. On the other hand, anyone in jail has legal rights to obtain any type of mental or physical assistance if needed. If someone's leg is broken causing them excruciating pain, it gets fixed. People with a mental illness also get help. The same can go with the man mentioned in this article. He feels as thought he has the wrong body parts and its supposedly causing him mental/physical trauma, so because the system has to properly feed, clothe, and provide medical treatment to the inmates they are being forced to perform surgery to cure his "critical" illness. Once again, I completely disagree with MA taxpayers having to pay for all this, but I understand why it is able to occur.

    1. Sam C. 40 in response to Megan K. 39,
      I agree with you 100%. I understand that there is a disorder, but I don't agree with the tax payers having to foot the bill. If she was trying to injure herself continuously because of the issue, move her to a psychiatric facility and monitor her more carefully or allow her to pay for the surgery out of her book profits (if any). There needs to be some reform in how situations like this are addressed.

  74. Sakeenah E 40

    Sooooo let me get this straight...This guy murders his wife, gets sentenced to life, and we should care about his happiness why? He needs to rot in jail unhappily for the rest of his sad pitiful life. If he continues to try and take his own life away, put him in a straight jacket. Jail is jail for a reason, you do something wrong, you get punished...Taxpayers money should have nothing to do with this whole ordeal. Unless of course you want all homosexuals to start killing people as a way of getting the financial aid they need for a sex change

    1. Kelly S. Online 40
      I agree! I just do not see the reasoning behind this ruling. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever to involve taxpayers hard earned dollars to make this man happy.

  75. Kelly S. Online 40
    Reading about this frustrates me so much. Here is a man, and I call him a man because that is what he was when he came into this world and no matter what he does to his body that is how he will go out, that killed his wife. Why in the world should our tax dollars be wasted for his choices? Seriously?? He knew what he was doing and yet he did it anyway and then tried to cover it up. I doubt his wife drove herself to the mall and strangled herself in the backseat. What is wrong with our justice system that it condones a thing like this? Where in our constitution does it say, "If you kill your wife you should be granted a sex change with the government picking up the bill"? I think if he really wants to get rid of his “member” that badly, then let him castrate himself. It’s his decision. All this is doing is setting the stage for hundreds of lawsuits that will waste even more of our tax dollars paying for stupid things such as this.

  76. Ivy M.40
    No they should not pay for this!!! Are they joking!!!! I feel most of us are in agreement that this is insane, ridiculous and probably one of the most bizarre things I have heard of in a long time. Is this where the Red Tape falls into play? Personally I think they should go ahead and let him cut it off to see if there are any feelings of pain and agony that he seemed to have misplaced while killing his wife.
    In responce to Wendy C.39 Online
    I completely agree with you, however after reading Megan K 39 post she has a valid point due to the way their rights are listed and have to be upheld...unfortunately it will happen.

  77. Sam C. 40
    I find this assignment particularly difficult. In general I feel a great deal of sympathy for someone who has gender identity disorder, but I feel this is an extreme situation. I do not feel that, as a convicted murderer, the state should have to pay for this surgery. This individual will not be able to live outside the walls of the prison ever again and has already been living as a woman. If she has written a book, let the proceeds from the book go to her surgery, but not the tax-payer dollars. If there was some underlying mental disorder that caused the murder in the first place, the appeals should have dealt with that and the sentence could have been served in a psychiatric facility and maybe things would be different. Nothing I read lead me to believe that the killing was a result of the gender identity disorder or any other mental issue.

  78. Hayes. B 38

    I do not think that the MA taxpayers should be forced to pay for this sex change. I think that after this man killed his wife he started having psychiatric problems.I think he realized he was'nt ever getting out of prison so one way to stay busy would be making many appearances to the hospital for sex change treatments. Him changing his sex will not change his way of thinking or way of living in any way because he is already known as a crazy person with psyciatric issues.

  79. Wow! If I lived in MA I would be completely upset for having to pay for this surgery and for his legal fees. I am not opposed to getting him the proper medical therapy and medication to deal with his illness, but undergoing cosmetic surgery at the expense of the taxpayers is insane! Many people suffer from self esteem issues because of their appearance but the taxpayers should not be responsible for providing cosmetic surgery for them, especially if they are a convicted murderer! I know he has rights but he should be grateful to be breathing after stealing the life of his wife who was a mother and a daughter from all the people who loved her. Shame on him and shame on the people that made this happen.

  80. In response to Samantha's reply:

    I also agree that inmates in need of care should be helped but that this is taking it to the extreme. She/He should be on suicide watch, receive the appropriate medication to mellow her out and closely monitored. I'll be willing to bet that her "troubles" will not miraculously go away after the surgery. She will still be a crazy person that killed someone.

  81. priscille f pierre

    I do not think Michelle are what ever he wants to call himself should be able to get the sex cahnge let alone it be paid from taxpayers money, this is just silly. He does not remember killing his wife, yeah right, They should have let him killed himself when he tired to.

  82. priscill f pierre
    reply to Hayes B. 38
    I agree this is just something for him to do while he is in jail and keep him busy. No matter what sex he is he is still crazy.

  83. Priscille f pierre
    reply Ryan B 38

    yes yes yes this is not even a discusion he should not be able to do any of this its just silly.

  84. William S. online 39

    In response to Ryan B.38

    I agree that only vital health needs should be taken in to concideration when it comes to tax dollars.

    On the topic it self I believe something like this should never happen. Its hard to even believe something like this happened and even made it to a topic for debate.

  85. Melissa Perez

    I believe inmates should receive medical care but once you are committed for a crime and detained in jail you lose your right to be different. This is just another method he is using to cry out for attention. I believe we as Americans have already done enough.
    Even if he does not receive a sex change he has already gotten the media's attention.

  86. Renee' H. 39
    I totally do not agree with this! What an awful thing tax payers have to do! Pay for a murderer to be comfortable in his own body...uhh no! Obviously he has mental problems but that does not mean that the MA taxpayers should be responsible for him! I am not against people who have sex changes but under his circumstances he doesn't deserve the luxury.

  87. i think this is absolutely outrageous! this guy is a criminal and as the video at the bottom said "he's lost some of his civil rights" i think this is goes against our civil rights to pay for it. essentially its cruel and unusually for us to pay taxes but thats beside the point. the fact that we have to pay for a criminal to get a sex change is a punishment and cruel and unusually. so it violates our 8th amendment. but the fact that he is getting away with this is stupid! he a prisoner and prison isnt supposed to be fun or enjoyable so why does this guy get such special treatment? i think its outrageous, stupid, and just plain weird.

  88. Well I have to agree with everyone, this is insane. I love this crazy country we live in. If she has high blood pressure, diabetes, CAD, ect we fix him up, this is over the top. Miss, i'm sorry you want a sex change, I want a bunch of things myself that I wont ever get, get over it, go to your cell, be quiet. This will not happen, Mitt will stop it...ha ha.
    One thing i'm not so concerned about is the wast of tax payer money. I hate tax payer waste. This is a $20,000 operation, look up some of the ear marks for appropriations that Capuano, Kerry, and late Kennedy had for there state. To me very few of those should be tax payer funded and they add up to multimillions!!

  89. I would be furious if as a taxpayer i had to pay for an inmates sex change. When you kill someone and get a life sentence in prison i feel you lose your rights to the prison. Things like sex changes shouldnt even be considered

    1. Macy Dobson
      In reply to Kristen Durbin

      I agree. He committed a crime, so he must deal with the consequences. He should not have the right to make decisions such as this, and he certainly shouldn't be able to take tax payers' money.

  90. Mika E. 89

    Stories like this that make it to the news should never happen in the first place. I'm not sure where anyone thought that allowing this man the opporitunity of having a sex change. This is just an awful example of where our money is really going.

  91. Cameron Curley

    Life sentences should be spent in full, or open up a hole in the earth and bury him in it with a bullet in his head. Tax money shouldn't go to this sort of cause, and now he wants to be transferred to a Females prison. I've got a feeling one of three things will happen: 1, He will be killed by the inmates. 2, He will use his strength(as a man), to violate the inmates in that prison, or 3, he will be put in solitary confinement for the rest of his life so he can diddle with himself for the rest of his days. Third will probably happen, but tax dollars shouldn't even go to this.

  92. Cassie H.
    i personally do not believe that sex change should have a run in this case. Citizens should not be paying taxes for him to be in our prisons as a murderer, and him be transferred to a female prison. i feel like he is using this to his advantage and as a reason to get outr of the male prison

  93. Macy Dobson

    I think that it is completely absurd for something like this to even be considered. It is not the tax payers' responsibility to ensure that this man gets what he wants. There is no serious medical condition in his case; he is simply attempting to use the gender change as a way to get out of the murder he committed.

  94. William B. Online 39

    I believe this is a man who attempted to plead insanity and failed to prove it in the beginning, now he is just coming up with something to get the system tied up. I will admit, using this is extremely clever, but should not be funded by the government in any way.

  95. William B. Online 39

    In response to Cameron Curley

    Thank you for that, I enjoyed reading your little paragraph and agree with you every bit. Even if he tries to use his/her manly strength to violate the inmates, I'm pretty sure he/she won't be alive long with the others in there.

  96. Kristyn G online38
    I agree with Wendi C people who are murders should not be granted any privlages, especially gender reassignment. That's horrible that the tax payers should foot the bill as well.

  97. J Walther online 70:
    It's easy to judge this guy and throw him under the bus for being different; ostricize him for killing his wife, and nearly immediately after, being found at the scene of a vehicular accident dressed in womens clothing, but as the judge stated, it's important in a case like this to not allow conflict of legal and personal aspects of the case. Now, I agree with those of you in this class that believe MA should not pay for the surgery, but only because it's personal. I don't like this story, and it's obvious this guy's a bit off as far as our normal societal standards are concerned. It's easy to let our emotions get in the way of seeing the problems at hand. Keep in mind, our country operates as a legal system, not a justice system. As far as the law is concerned, his disorder is (unfortunately) one that needs to be attended to, seeing as he has jeopardized his life, and hi is clearly unstable. Unfortunately, most of the prisons in the U.S. are funded using taxpayers earnings (some are privately funded). Imagine if we knew what all of our taxdollars actually went to. Can you say Tea Party?

    1. Stephen G. online responding to J Walther online 70
      It is not about judgeing someone. It is about someone being punished and about wasting tax dollars on things that are not necessary.

  98. Aqueelahk 39
    I really feel that there are obviously other issues going on with MA government if a person can get a "basically free" sex change in prison and have to pay who knows how much for that same procedure as a free individual..it just seems wrong!!!

  99. Cassie H.
    I do not feel that the people of MA should have to pay for this individuals sex change. It is not medically neccessary for them and it should not be honared. Also, why should the tax payers be paying for such a thing? And where will this individual then stay, with the males or females in prison?

  100. AnsleyC.
    In my opinion i do not think that the people of MA should have to pay for each person's sex change. I think that this procedure is a choice of the person who wasnts it done. It does not interfere with their health for one, and two women who get breast bigger or smaller have not required each state to pay for such.

  101. Stephen G. online 40
    There is honestly no question what so ever. No one should have to pay for that for anyone in prison. You are in prison for a reason and im sorry for you but you are being punished. There is no reason to make others pay for something you might not use. Please forgive me if i offended anyone

  102. Shaylynn S.
    Why should the taxpayers of MA have to pay for his gender reassignment? They shouldn’t have to nor should they be liable for his legal fees. This is a man who committed murder, remembers all about his entire life and sex gender disorder but can't remember killing someone. This has been taken a little too far and if it were happening in my state I would be doing everything possible to help back up the argument because I would not want my hard earned money going to something like this is it ridiculous. If the guy wants a sex change that’s fine really I am not bothered by that but I would not want to be the one paying for it.

  103. Maxx L Online 039
    How is this even a question? No they should not have to pay for this man to turn himself into a women. While I think we should provide medical treatment for prisoners, this is absolutely ridiculous. This man killed a innocent person. I believe in the rule eye for an eye and I think this man should be executed. I find it crazy that we house and feed and provide medical attention for people that can't follow simple rules, like don't kill anyone. I am a firm believer in the death penalty. But that is a different issue.
