Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Free For All

Greetings! I read this story and knew it had to go on our discussion board.

Please comment on any portion of this story that caught your attention.

An Acworth woman is charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor, for allegedly driving her underage daughter to a pre-arranged fight with another girl.

Cobb County Police say the girls had set up the fight by texting each other, and on the evening of March 12; forty-one-year-old Natalie Fequiere allegedly took two carloads of relatives and friends to an address on Odessa West Inlet.

She reportedly fled when she found out someone had called the cops, but was arrested several days later. A relative has been charged with attacking the rival girl.



  1. What is the world coming to? I have four kids of my own and I understand that parents can be very protective of our children but what is the example of this behavior for the child? We as a society have to do a better job with setting better examples for our kids or we will pay for it later in the future with people who can not control themselves in challenging situations and rather physically fight their way out of it versus using simple communication to deal with it. Parents of teenagers have to get a grip and stop teaching these children that violence is the answer...it isn't. We need to teach our children about tolerance, turning the other cheek, seek out an adult that they trust who will guide them in the right way, not rally all of their friends and family in a pickup truck looking for trouble. We are going backwards as a society if the only way we can handle problems is being physically abusive to another human being. Let us educate our youth on making mature decisions and stop believing that violence is the only way. Remember these are the people that will be apart of making decisions for us in the future. Do you really to go back to a society that believes that beating people is the only avenue to get their way? I certainly do not. This forty-one year old mother should be ashamed of herself.

    1. SummerC:98
      I agree with you! We need to protect our children but setting up a fight is definitely not the way to go. It just adds to all the violence in this world and doesn't do any of us any good.

  2. Morgan Passmore 96(online)

    This really just blows my mind. I understand teens are going to do what they are going to do. But parents should never encourage violance. This is extremely petty and very immature. Doing violance, too me, actually shows weakness because you have no other outlet on how to handle your anger except to lash out. The fact she brought her to the fight and an entourage is rediculous to me. Catina, you are exactly right, this mother should really be ashamed.

  3. Lovely A(ONLINE)
    what is this mothers problem,instead of being a role model to her child she is encouraging her to do the wrong thins. does she not know the consequenses of her and her daughters actions!. these kids these days are not just fighting they are killing each other and not thinking about the ramifications behind it.

  4. Misty H. (92)

    All I can really say is WOW! That Mom is so not a great role model at all. Yes, kids are going to fight - that is part of growing up, but to drive your child to another child's house for a fight AND you bring other people to watch it? WOW, WOW, WOW!! Clearly this Mom has some issues to begin with, but how could she possibly have thought this was the right solution? In what world does this make sense and how does it solve anything at all? let the girls go at it on the school-yard playground and move on.
    I can't help but wonder if there is more drama to the story than what is in the article - like do the girls Momma's have a history and it has just carried on from one generation to the next Hatfield and McCoy style?

    1. Dashuna L 44
      I am not sure about my parents driving me to a fight but I know If a fight was brought to me my parents would expect me to fight And If I lost I would get a whooping lol.

  5. Devin K. 98
    This is just ridiculous. I try to teach my kids to love their enemies and to be the bigger person no matter what the situation, though it is not always easy. Fighting with someone will never solve the problem, it will only exacerbate it. We have to teach our children how to calmly solve their problems not just add fuel to the fire. This mother is clearly wrong in the things that she did and obviously did not have a positive role model in her life. So it turns onto a vicious cycle from generation to generation until one of them realizes that it is wrong and breaks the cycle.

    1. Brian C in response to Devin K 98

      You make a good point about the cycle continuing, chances are that as a child, the mother in this situation was probably taught and encouraged to handle her problems the same way so she only passes that onto her own child.

  6. Devin K. 98 in response to Catina K 05
    Amen! I concur! Well said!

  7. In response to Devin K. 98 that is exactly my point. Teach children to be the bigger person even though it isn't easy to do. I don't know this mother but I can just imagine that she has some personal issues and was raised to believe that violence is the way to solve problems. It is a vicious cycle from generation to generation and unfortunately no one taught this mother to turn the other cheek. Please break the cycle and teach YOUR children that violence only breeds violence. Help our future leaders to do better.

  8. Peter A. 96

    Blood is thicker than water, but families are mostly sweet with a few nuts. It is sad day when a mother puts her child in danger. However, I am not surprised because these types of antics happen all the time. I did my research and I saw the mothers mugshot. I do not want to turn this situation into a cultural one, but it is sad when I see fellow African Americans act a fool. We have been through so much as a people, and it is sad to see this mother degrade her family, herself, and her heritage. However, I am sure she learned her lesson, and felt the humiliation and stupidity.

  9. Peter A. 96(Online)

    In Response to Misty H. 92

    I am right with you, and I understand what you mean. What was this lady thinking? Honestly, I think she was having a bad day, and needed a hug! It is sad because there are many people who think like this. It is "them" againt "us" is the worst mentality one can have. Misty you are so right she is not a good role model at all, and she probably was not raised by a good role model either.

  10. Nate H. 92

    Like Peter said above, the mother probably didn't have a good role model to follow either, so where does the chain get broken? I don't know anything about this story, but I've seen and experienced far too often parents who: say one thing and do another; encourage behavior in their kids which will eventually hurt them (badly); take out their frustrations and shortcomings on their children without thinking that it (just might) have a hugely detrimental effect on them; are incredibly selfish and lazy when it comes to parenting duties yet justify it by superimposing those duties onto their kids or others they interact with ... Of course some of this is unavoidable in every family, but in this story the example is over the top. Unfortunatley, stuff like this, though maybe not as dramatic on the surface, happens more often than at least I used to think, and it cuts across all classes of people. I've come to believe that our generation is going to have a much tougher time in this world than our parents did, and part of the responsibility for that, let's be honest, is on them - sorry Mom and Dad, but this is the world you're leaving us with. let's hope we can rise to the challenge.

  11. Diana C. 098 Online

    Its sad when a grown woman is contributing to violence instead of trying to bring the two girls together and work out their issues. I can't believe she actually took relatives to the fight like it was boxing match. Sometimes i wonder who is the adult in some of these teenagers lives.Serves her right to go to jail.

  12. Misty H. 92
    In response tp Peter A. 96(Online)
    In Response to Misty H. 92

    Peter, you may be right, she may have been having a bad day but I am not sure I would want to try to hug her! :)
    I relly do hope that she sees how what she did is very wrong and that her daughter in turn also sees that this is not behavior that should be continued with any children she might have. I also think that you are right on with there likely being a lack of a good role model for the Mother of the story too.

  13. I read about this incident as well. I must say I found this to be very sad. It made me wonder just what kind of up bringing is this child recieving.I believe all children are a gift from God and how we mold them is our gift to the world and unfortunately this young lady has the potential to be NOT much of a gift. Im just saying.

  14. Kathy W (online 96) that's my comment above, I forgot to place my name and online course

  15. Kathy W.(online 96) in response to Diane C(online 98)
    Sad but true,this makes me wonder,is this a sign of the times?.This whole incident is mind bogling and scarey too because to know I have kids too and they can possibly run into such a person. All I can say is raise your child up in the way they should go and just maybe, your child's actions can have an impact on such a person.


    Although I do not agree with what this mother has done in this story, you must see both sides to any situation.

    I agree that it was absolutely wrong for the mother to allow herself to bring her daughter to a physical fight, knowing that there could be harm involved on both sides. I think it's a terrible way to parent a child, and I think she is absolutely wrong in doing so. I would never encourage that with any of my children (whenever I have some).

    However, I was raised in a house where you handle your own, and you fight when you need to, regardless of the situation. I have experienced this directly with myself and indirectly with my sister. In our house, this concept was called "tough love", and if you started something with someone you better finish it and win, or your butt was going to get beat a lot harder when mom had to come pick you up from school or wherever. Even though these were the rules of the game in our house, my mother would have never brought me to a fight, she wouldn't have even known about it until she was contacted by someone, usually meaning one of us was in trouble after it all, but some parents are just not meant to be parents, and in this case, this mother is not, and her daughter should be placed somewhere else.

  17. Stephanie L. 96
    This is crazy! I think it is sad that this mother felt she was doing the right thing in driving her daughter to an arranged fight. It would be totally different if it was planned and no adults were involved. This woman is just teaching her daughter to solve problems the completely wrong way. I think it is good that the daughter told the mother about her problem, but a parent should be guiding the child towards the right thing to do and the right way to handle the situation. Children learn how to act from their parents' examples. Hopefully this woman learned from this incident.

    Stephanie L. in response to Courtney Marks
    I agree that one needs to handle their own and that some people are not meant to be parents. Hopefully, there will be conditions of this woman's parole/ bail that will involve counselling with this whole family.

  18. Gladys M-98(online)
    This is unbelievable.I think the woman should first have a mental check up to ensure she is not running out of her mind.What kind of a role model is she setting to her child and the society too?I really do not understand how she would even afford to drive her child to fight with another child.She should face the law accordingly so that she may send a warning to any other person with such ill decisions.We must protect our generations from violence.

  19. Reply to Misty 92:from Jamie M'96 WOW! That was the first thought that entered my mind also. I agree it sounds to me there is more to this story than the author is writing. Working in the health field I have seen a high burn-out rate among social workers, It is difficult to reach out to a teenager with behavior modifications when the example being set at home is one that is of differnt values.

  20. Gladys M-98(online) in response to Stephanie

    I agree with you.I wish too if the case was dealing with kids only who can make some bad decisions out of immaturity.But this is a four decade old woman who can differentiate between a right and wrong decision.Poor parenting!

  21. Jamie M.96: WOW! As the world becomes a smaller place we will hear and read more incidents of people marching to a different drum. I am not saying their ways are wrong, it is appaarently right for them and part of their culture. I am thinking of the effect and cost they are putting on our tax dollars. School systems, police, courts and prision systems. Raising our tax dollars is a given, however, I would like to see it go for teachers,education,health care Well pretty much anything that helps those who are contributing to society not just taking.

  22. M. Dixon (96-online)

    Wow!!!! evidently this woman has no sense of morals!!!! she should be jailed for even thinking about taking her daughter. What is she telling her child, that its ok to gather up the family to see a pre-arranged fight between two teenaged girls. wow. she really need some help and maybe have her child taken from her.

  23. M. Dixon (96) in reponse to Gladys M. (98-online)
    i totally agree with you. this lady should be mentally checked out for even thinking about taking her child to a pre-arranged fight. Wow!!!!!

  24. Merry B, 97 online
    there is no wonder why the girl arranged a fight! look at how the family reacts. you do what you know and apparently fighting is a family occasion for her. the mom should be ashamed. if something doesn't change the girl will end up in prison or dead. i feel sorry for her because she needs an adult in her life and she doesn't have one.

    1. Amario J. 97 in response to Merry B 97.
      I completely agree. My father came from a long line on fighters and my grandfather was a fighter. After my father spent 15 years in prison he blames it on the environment that he was brought up in.

  25. Merry B, 97 online in response to Diana C. 098 Online
    i agree with you! i don't understand why the family went. i don't understand why the mom went. i just don't understand. wow, some people really need help. i feel bad for the kid.

  26. I am so glad she got put in jail for this. It amazes me that parents encourage this type of behavior in the first place! I do not know the situation but I do know that there is no way I would take my daughter to a fight. That is quite ridiculous. The citys do have officers if there is an issue with someone starting a fight. Another thing is I try to raise my child in an enviroment where she should NEVER be faced with an issue of someone trying to fight her. If it was something to do with bullying.... like I said there is law enforcement to take care of that. I do think that self defense is a good quality to have to defend yourself but not to start a fight. This mom needs a good time away. To think about how stupid her actions were.

  27. Heather Puckett in response to Mary B 97 Online
    My thoughts exactly! It is all about how you raise your children. Parents are their childrens biggest role model.

  28. Clint G. (97)
    I think it is just wrong that the parent was in on this. It's kind of bad when a parent is encouraging her child to fight or have any bad behavior.

    In response to Heather Puckett
    I agree with you. Fighting is not the answer. Though some may think that "teaching a lesson" is the way to solve some conflict, there are other and more mature ways to deal with issues.

  29. Amario J. 97
    Its sad to say that some ones parent would advocate their child fighting. I guess this is the world we live in. Its obvious that the girl is not getting the proper leadership at home. Her mother deserves to be in jail. She is leading her daughter down a path of destruction.

    1. I agree with you. The mother should be talking to her on how to resolve problems with people without fighting. And what is the point of fighting anyways? It does not resolve any problems it just makes you hate each other even more.

  30. Diana C. 98

    I agree with Amario J. 97, the mother deserves to be in jail, she is not being a leader and she is not teaching her daughter right from wrong, hopefully the young girl will learn from this lesson and not do the same with children.

  31. Morgan PAssmore 96 (online)
    in response to Diana C. 098 Online

    I agree. The most upsetting part is that she brough her family and the family actually went. It seriously blows my mind!

  32. I am not a parent, so I can't possibly understand why she would even feed into this. But from the outside looking in, it's not right. For one it's immature, and a bad example she is setting for her child. She should not have even gotten in it in the first place. So she is facing charges that could have been prevented. For the rleative to jump in is wrong also, they should not have even fought in the first place. But being "grown" now your boundaries.

  33. This is a reflection of bad parenting. Hey mama!!! What do you expect when you become a grand mom, if you so choose. And the same situation presents itself again, hope you will be strong enough to take your grand kids to a fight, I bet not, because by then you would have been old enough to know good and bad.

    1. Angela Reisen 89 OnlineMarch 22, 2012 at 12:01 PM

      I agree with you 100%. I don't have any kinds but I put myself in that situation and I don't think i would follow in the same path that she did.

  34. Response to Catina K. 05 (98)

    I agree with you that this mother should be ashamed of her disgraceful role in this situation. She most have been badly hurt, but I strongly believe there would have been better ways the situation should have been handled.

  35. SummerC98:
    I think it is wrong for a parent to encourage fighting/violence. The way we act now will ultimately depict how our children will act when they are grown. It seems to me that our society seems to be bearing children at very young ages. Ultimately this immature behavior is due to a lack of maturity and psychological development thus resulting in a lack of parenting skills. I am not speaking for everyone when I say this but I would say that its true in most cases. Kids just can't raise kids. I would be willing to put money on the fact that either the mother of this daughter was either a single mother or very young when she started having children. No bueno! Our kids depend on us to teach them everything they need to make it through this roller-coaster of a life. We have to set a good foundation of morals for our children otherwise they will just add to the negativity in this world.

  36. Brian C 92

    I think this was a really really poor decision by the mother, not only was she endangering her own child by encouraging violence and encouraging her to fight but by bringing a crowd and inviting others, she was only setting things up for an even bigger problem involving even more people and it could have escalated unexpectedly.

    1. Crystal N.97 in response to Brian C. 92
      I agree. The mother was not using the sound judgement. The circumstances could have easily escalated to something much more serious. I'm just glad everyone lived through that experience, and hopefully the mother can learn from this mistake.

  37. Angela Reisen 89 OnlineMarch 22, 2012 at 12:00 PM

    This is just crazy. What has the world come to these days. The mother shouldn't have even chipped in and let the girls deal with it themselves. And then on top of that they brought in more family members into it.

  38. Deana L.What kind of parenting skills does this mother have? she should be in jail and the child should be under custody of a mature adult. She is not teaching her daughter any morals at all. This is why the world is what it is today. bc of people who shouldnt have children. Whos to say that next time the child gets in trouble that the mother wont bring the in laws too with guns... awful..

  39. Ashley H.

    I know when i become a mom there is noooo freakin way i will ever act that irresponsible. People like that give other moms and women a bad name. I also know that if my daughter was in a position that she really had to fight another girl i would tell her that whatever she does she will have to face the consequences just like my mom has told me my whole life. Being a parent is hard enough why put yourself in a situation that makes life harder for the whole family especially the ones you freaking brought to this awesome event. And DUHHHH the cops are going to get called if you bring you daughter and 2 car loads of people to another family's address...what an invasion of privacy. I really wonder how this other little girl's parents felt about this situation, oh man i would chew me out one stupid lady!

  40. Jaime H online 96
    I find it so appalling to see a parent/child relationship like this. I am a mother of two and my priority is to teach my children to be functional and valuable members of society. It is also my priority to maintain a respectful and loving relationship throughout my childrens' lives.
    This mother probably did not have a good role model in her own life and is raising her daughter as her friend without any rules or structure.

  41. Jaime H online 96 in response to Summer C
    I agree with everything you said. I vow to teach my children respect for themselves and for others. The sad part is that this mother is 41 years old and at this point in her life she is participating and promoting such delinquencies.

  42. Brandon M. 93
    I think it's wrong for the parent and family to support that. They should be trying to set an example and solve problems not create more. That was a big lack of parenting for all of them.

    1. Shana W. online 96 in response to Brandon M. 93

      I totally agree with you Brandon. I can't believe grown adults had the nerve to stoop to the level of children. This was unbelievably immature on all of their behalf's and I really hope that they learn their lesson from all of this and grow up!

  43. Brandon M 93 in response to Morgan Passmore 96
    Parents should be trying to stop this and find a better way handling things. I don't understand what they think is good about what they have done.

  44. Amber F. 97.
    There are thousands of videos on the site Youtube alone that display fights of minors. This particular behavior seems to be encouraged by the media and peers. Providing the acceptance of such behavior can lead to more alarming acts in the future. A parent that is willing to drive their child to an unfamiliar home to engage in such dangerous behaviors, should be evaluated. There could have been weapons at the home that could have been used against the girl during the fight. The mother clearly contributed to the harming of her child. However, the child needs to learn that there are other ways to handle a situation. Fighting, although glamorized in our society, is not an effective way to handle certain situations.

  45. Amber F. 97 in response to Jaime H. 96.
    I agree that their mother/daughter relationship is quit peculiar. The mother was probably raised just as she is raising her daughter. She is probably learning from how she grew up.

  46. Anna M. 42

    I honestly cannot believe that any mother would do this. This woman is obviously immature and isn't smart enough to figure out a mature civil way to help solve her daughters problems. Chances are this was a fight over some petty little argument that doesn't even matter; and now this woman is sitting in jail because of something that could have easily been avoided. Being a grown woman with a child she should be a role model for her daughter; not influencing her bad behavior.

  47. Anna M 42. in response to Amber F. 97

    I completely agree; we as a society have glamorized fights and made it seem like fighting will be a good thing for people to do. I also agree that they had no idea what they were getting themselves into going to some random house not knowing if they have guns, knives ect. That woman is lucky this situation ended like it did; because it definitely could have ended a lot worse.

  48. Shana W. online 96
    I honestly could not believe this when I read it, then again it didn't amaze me, because people have lost sight of parenting and become more like friends. For you being a grown woman and condoning this behavior is immature and ridiculous. I was friends with a girl in highschool who's mom let her drink and smoke weed in her house, she would even go as far as buying the illegal goods for her, I had no parts of this. A parent should stay in their position as a parent not a friend.

    1. Rainey S. 98 (online) Response to Shana W.

      Shana, I completing agree with you. I feel that the parents’ responsibility should be to serve as a positive role model for their children, not their friend. I think that this is a must in order to raise respectable self sufficient adults with good morals, values and decision making skills.

    2. Candiss R 98
      It did not amaze me either. A lot of parents now days are their children's friends and are not responsible at all.

  49. Sylvenna H. Online 96
    This story blew my mind. I would expect another teen relative to participate in a pre arranged fight but not someone over the age of 18. A parent is supposed to guide their kids to do the right thing, not encourage them to attack someone else. I remember in high school the same thing happend with me and my friends. We had arranged a fight and was getting ready to go to where we were meeting at, but my friends mom stepped in and told us we were wrong. My friends mom also made the other childs mom aware of what we had planned, which is what this mother should of done. This mother is a very good example of bad parenting

    1. Robin 007

      Your story Sylvenna is how a childish act SHOULD be handled. It does take a village to raise a child...but it is a hard thing to do when the village idiot like the one in the story is residing in your community.

  50. Sylvenna h. 96
    In response to Anna M. 42
    I agree. this was between high school students, odds are this fight was over a boy, bestfriends, or gossip. This woman really needs a wake up call

  51. Misty H. 92
    In response to Shana W. online 96

    I think you have a great point about parents trying more to be friends than parents. And that does seem like what could be happening here too.

    As a parent, your job is to be just that, the parent. Yes, you should know what is going on and if they are having problems, but you don't have to throw out the parent/child boundaries in order for that to happen. If you raise your kid right, they will come to you with their problems without you having to be in that friend role. They will come to your because you are their parent and they know you have their best interest at heart and will do what is right for them and not drive them and two car loads of relatives to fight another child...

  52. Wow! To be young again! I made some dumb mistakes in my time but, they never top this one! I am glad I'm almost 4o yrs old. Who is being the parent here anyway, it sounds like the mother just wanted to one of the girls instead of being the responsible one! Cell Phones, can be used for good and bad also, plus, do you really think teenagers think out the whole plan. No!

  53. last posting by Troy H98

  54. Troy H98 ersponding to Jaime H online 96
    I agree with all of what you said. A food for thought, How will this teenage girl raise her own children when she grows up with an infulence like her mother? I have three children of my own and I try to raise them with good Godly morals and some commom sense! Great posting

  55. Rainey S. 98 (online)

    I feel that this is a prime example of appalling parenting tactics. What mother would encourage let alone partake in such conduct? I would never condone any behavior of this kind much less participate in any way shape or form. After reading about this incident, I feel fortunate that I have never been faced with this kind of issue personally in childhood or involving my children. I will say that all parties in this matter should be held accountable for their actions. It is obvious that the children involved are not getting the proper lessons at home to encourage respectable behavior. I can only hope that the children involved will learn a lesson from this situation and take it upon themselves to make better choices in the future.

  56. Crystal N.97

    I should feel somewhat perplexed by this story, but unfortunately I'm not. I , like many others, have grown somewhat immune to these stories of preposterous parenting skills in today's society. Everything from discontent mothers who convince their todddlers to compete in raunchy and severely competetive pageants, to mothers who actually force their chidren into prostitution. These types of parents are simply the products of their parents or guardians, and a vicious cycle of poor values that must come to an end. You reap what you sow, and as a society, we have sown some very bad seeds. However, these people don't need a finger pointed or shook at them. They need help. The kind that comes from a higher source.

    1. jenn b 98 in response to crystal n 97

      Totally agree with you Crystal, I almost think arents have kids to se if they can make the news or receeive somke publicity. It's become a very sad state of society that has lead us here.

    2. I completely agree with you. Some people with children are not fit to be parents. Matter of fact, people should need a license to have kids nowadays. Although, I feel really badly for the children though. Now they have no one to lead and guide them the right way.

  57. Robin 007

    This story just makes me sad. I really don't know what is happening in society anymore...gosh that makes me sound old...but where are these parents coming from? With all the books, internet, education, Dr. Phil and all his theories on conflict management as well as all the other resources we have available to us...if there is an issue you can find help on how to resolve it...this is mother's actions are just beyond barbaric...there is a missing link in this picture. Unfortunately, I feel that this will be a generational characteristic that will continue to perpetuate itself within that family. Our children will make mistakes...and how lucky if they make them under our roof so we can guide them into making the right decisions and catch them when they fall...but when you have the guidance of a full fledged idiot what are the chances of getting the foundation and grounding needed to be a solid, upstanding member of the community. There is truly something lacking in that mother's very being that would encourage this type of behavior not only in her child but in the others that she rallied with her...I don't understand any of the logic behind it...it was FLAT WRONG

  58. jenn b 98
    Completely idiotic, I understand teaching your kids to stand up and defend them selves, but at what point is it ok to grab the poisie and kick some a** - what is this East LA - if you need to get involved as a parent, talk to the other parents, if that doesn't work, talk to the school and the authorities, set an example, do be an example of poor judgement!

  59. Tanya G (Online) 98

    I just don't understand this. As a parent, we are supposed to protect our children, teach them right from wrong, and lead by example. I believe you need to defend yourself when absolutely necessary but violence is never the answer. Fighting solves nothing. I don't believe parents should get involved in children's quarrels until it looks as though it may become violent and at that point we should be there to prevent the violence. Not encourage it.

    1. maureenG62(online)
      I completely agree with tanyaG, as parent you should never enable a violent reaction, this behavior endorses the children's inappropriate behavior. The parents should have found a more appropriate solution to the children's disagreement.

  60. Tanya G (Online) 98 In Response to Summer C 98

    I agree with you. This was a very immature act. I was very young and immature when I had my children. However, I was very fortunate to have a loving family that let me know when they thought I was making a mistake in the way I was handling a situation with my children. It seems there is no one in this child's life to help her. The mother drove her to the fight and all the relative's tagged along for the "show". I find this incredibly sad and I believe this child needs a better role model. This entire family needs help in knowing right from wrong.

  61. MaureenG62(online)
    I'm an older student and my children are grown, I defiantly learned to stay out of minor disagreements with my children and others. I would definitely not allowed my child to engage in a fight,and would never have enabled this by bringing them.

  62. Angelia D. 98 (online)
    This article really makes me wonder what this world is coming to. Why would any parent in their right mind do such a thing? I have two children and my husband and I have always told our children that fighting isn’t the answer to anything; it is ok to defend yourself if someone attacks you but you do not start a fight. This “parent” needs to suffer some stiff consequences for her actions, as does the relative who attacked the rival girl. I think that both girls would also benefit from a dose of “Scared Straight” to help drive home the point that this isn’t the way to solve your problems. If this is how these parents want to raise their children then maybe they don’t need to be placed back in the home with them. Not only did the mother go along with this she also felt the need to bring an audience with her, then fled when the police were notified. What another great lesson she had gave her child, when you do something wrong, don’t face it just run. The story really just makes me sick.

  63. Angelia D. 98 (online) in response to Robin 007
    You are so right, this was FLAT WRONG. This mother if you can call her that is a full-fledged idiot. I hope that her daughter and the others she had with her will learn from this colossal mistake and know this isn’t the way to resolve anything or the way to raise a child.

  64. CandissR098
    The mother was wrong for even feeding into this non sense. I can see if she was going there to solve it, but to push for the kids to fight is irresponsible on her behalf. She deserved to be punished for her careless actions.

  65. Temi O.98
    Wow! This is something. I wasn't raised a fighter, so I would never even bother scheduling a fight with anyone. Now if for some reason I had to, the moment my mother found out about it,not only would I be in trouble but all the plans will be completely terminated. My mother will never allow me to go around fighting people, not to talk of call my entire family and take a family bonding trip to go fight some random child. The mother is completely dumb and now she's teaching her child to be equally as dumb as her, if not even more. At 41, no one should be acting like this.

  66. Micah S 96

    This does not surprise me a bit! People are crazy. It is totally childish and immature for a parent to take their children to engage in a fight with another child. And for the relative to join in? That is ridiculous. Children are children and they are going to do stupid stuff like fight and try marijuana, but the parents have no excuse. A parent is supposed to set an example for their children not direct them into harms way. Shows how much they really love their child!

  67. Molly K. 98
    That is just gross! What type of examples are you showing your children? Growing up my parents would never approve of fights let alone having my mom drive me to a fight and bring relatives along like it was some trip to the zoo. This is what is wrong with the world! I would never raise my son to believe that fighting is ok. What are you solving with harming another person?

  68. Micah S 96 in response to Angelia D

    I agree with your post fully. Both the parents and the girls need to be scared straight. The parents more so than the girls, I believe. I would love to know what was going through their head during the event and how stupid they feel now!

  69. Molly K. in response to Tanya G 98
    I completely agree with you! I am also a young mom but i have an amazing support system from my now husband and both of our families but never have either sides of out families encouraged our would even dream of attending a fight unless it was to break it up. It's sad the children do not have remodels to looks up too and give them the strength and courage to become strong, educated and functional members of our communities.

  70. Shenique G. 97

    Honestly in my own opinion I don't think the parent should have gotten arrested. This isn't and wouldn't be the first time any parent has taking their child to a fight another child.I wouldn't necessarily encourage my child or any other child to fight but if they are going to it might as well be supervised then unsupervised because what if someone decides to pull out a knife or someone decides to jump in on a one on one fight. I understand that everyone sees things differently or whatever but you also have to realize that it is really just a form of protection on the mothers behalf. I think that the mother was just being protective.

  71. shenique g. 97 in response to everyone

    I dont disagree with anyone but at the same time you all have to look at it from every prespective. What if the child told her mom about the fight, let her go alone and like 5 hours later she hears that he daughter is dead due to a stabbing gun shot wound, or being jumped by multiple children. Of course she shouldn't encourage it but protect her child. The government is always interfering with the way people raise their children! Your not the parent of the child, as long as the child is in school and passing the parent is doing his or her job. In some cases anyway. Like i said before i just think that everyone should try to look at it from more then one view.

    1. Stacey F. 96 in response to Shenique G.

      I understand your rationalization of the mother going with the child for protection, but was it necessary for the rest of the family to come along too? Was it even necessary for any of them including the daughter to show up? My thoughts are if you have control of your child, and want her to be safe from any harm, you would keep her from leaving anywhere at all. If this situation were in my hands, I would contact the other child's parents as well as the school and go from there. If this meeting was scheduled during a time I could not contact or meet either I would simply take my daughter with me everywhere I go until the matter is solved.

  72. JamilaJ92

    I don't agree with the mom taking her child to an arranged fight at someone's house. Any one of them could have gotten hurt. If they came to my house it would be a different story. The law would be on my side! I hope the other girl's mother was there.

  73. Carolyn.W
    This is nuts. That lady should not have a child if she feels busing family and friends to a prearranged fight between her daughter and another child is the right thing to do. There are other ways to solve these problems besides violence. She should be arrested for child endangerment and whatever else they can charge her with.

    1. Antonio C. 96 (online)

      Exactly i couldn't agree more. This mother doesn't know how to raise a child

  74. akaig.97 online.I feel this was not avery rational thing to do. It is apparent the mother did not have a functional upbringing, with values and morals. therefore, this can lead to not knowing the proper way to handle conflicts.
    . unfortunately, it will be learned the hard way. This will be a lesson for the future, to make the child and mother aware that there are consequences to be paid. It is sad when these things happen, It is the only way this mom knew how to handle the situation. This will defintely be a lesson learned and will pave the way for a more functional way to live in society with all the rules and regulations. This will change the trend of thinkings in that family and will have a positive effect on their next generation. This will truely teach a lesson in communications and staying constructive in everything that they do.. Theyy will think before they act , because a new light has been shedded before them. I hope all the best with the family.

  75. akiag 97 in respose to tanya g--I do agree that this family does need help. We certainly are aware that we are fortunate to have positive role models in our lives, and we cannot assume or take for granted she knew right from wrong. It is apparent that was never taught, to handle conflicts and to think before making decisions..

  76. CindyH5847

    Wow really? That is insane that the mom would do that! That sort of behavior is supposed to be looked down on, not encouraged. I agree with the mom being charged because that is very irresponsible parenting. And how weird is it that Odessa West is in my store's delivery area? heh. I really should pay more attention to the news!!

  77. Assel O. 96

    Well, I have an example to make about this type of situation. I grow up in Russia, and went to Russian school. While I was living there and studying I saw a lot of violence between teenagers. I remember young girls and boys arranging place and time for a fight. They did not have serious reason or a motive for a fight. It was just their ignorance and lack of control, and discipline, I think. Parents think their children are at school, while they are making stupid decisions, wasting school time, FIGHTING. I remember even kids injuring each other, getting in trouble with police.
    Parent helping and arranging a fight between youngsters, inviting relatives and friends to watch like it is some sort of a dog fight is terribly frightening. Mother is the one who guides a child on a right track, protects and loves, not make her child to fight. This lady needs to spend solid amount of time in jail.

  78. CindyH5847 in reply to CarolynW
    I totally agree with you. Some replies on here I see people are saying that the mom was just trying to protect her daughter. No, if she wanted to protect her she:
    1) wouldn't drive her to a fight
    2) make sure her daughter STAYS HOME away from the fight
    3) If her daughter left anyway for the fight, call the polices.

    And she should have been instilling better values in her kid. Obviously the mom thinks fighting is the answer. DFCS should probably get involved in my opinion. And that's saying a lot from me because I'm all for the government staying out of our business. But when it comes to children and violence, something has to be done.

  79. Stacey F. 96

    I believe that one of the most important values for parents to instill to their children is simply to take the higher road when it comes to instances like this and to provide a positive role model to their kids. This woman I feel is looking for trouble just to gain a little power boost to her own self image and doing so through her own daughters social life. Violence is never the answer only in times of extreme danger to you or your family is violence permissible and I seriously doubt this other young girl was going to rob or threaten the family's lives. The mother should have handled this with more maturity and she deserves the punishment that is enforced.

  80. Jewel A. 098

    Don’t think anyone ever told this woman to every action there is a reaction! How could she even think about putting her child in harm’s way? She don’t know what kind of day this other girl was having or if she had a weapon waiting on her daughter or not. I guess she figured she would bring back up just in case her daughter could not win the fight. Just because you can reproduce don’t mean you should! This woman is the prime example of that statement.

  81. Antonio C. 96 (online)

    Wow this pretty pathetic mom if you ask me. Why does she encourage and help her daughter engage in the activity? Parenting goes a long way of how a child grows up. You lead by example so the kid follows. Driving your driving your daughter to a fight some other girl? She's just a little girl! She's not a grown woman to go to a boxing ring and duke it out with another chick. If this mother loved her daughter, there are other ways of handle that situation than what she did

  82. Jewel A. 098 in response to Shenique G. 97

    How do know that the other girl would not have killed the mother as well if she did have a gun? The mother just made the wrong decision. She was not protecting her child; she was putting her child in more danger. How do you know that they were not there just to make sure that their family member is the one to win the fight? This woman was just wrong for what she did.

  83. Fese E01 inresponse to Diana c98

    I agree with your comment, sometimes I wonder who the parents are in some households, it seems many parents today are more of friends to their children, instead of assuming the parent role, and showing their children right from wrong or dicipling them. I'm glad the mom was cought and taken to jail...violence only creates more chaos.

  84. Fese E.01

    I cannot believe a mother would take her daughter to a fight and even take more family memebers to aide/support her daughter. This was a very childish move on mom, and very dissapointing that she would condone such unlady like mannerisms. I hope that she gets the punishment she deserves, and hope that her daughter learns right from wrong from some reponsible adult.

  85. Meredith P. 98
    I think it is the job of a mother to tech children how do deal with problems life gives them and find a solution that is mature. A mother driving her child to a fight is just wrong. What happens when her child gets a job? When a co-worker makes her made it she just going to beat her up. It sounds like the mother has a lot of growing up to do. I understand kids have arguments but, what the mother should have done it drive her daughter there to talk it out with the other individual. I feel like this mother should have gotten arrested and might need to attend parenting class as well as anger management classes.

  86. Meredith P. 98 in response to Jewel 98

    I completely agree. Anyone of the people in attendance to the fight could have gotten hurt. With her bring her family and friends for support it sounds like none of the people there had a great upbringing. And people wonder what is happening to the youth, they are raised by parents who act like children themself.

  87. Kobra Z. 96 (online)
    It’s sad news. Sometimes we are quite surprised by some parents. We are used to looking at parents like a positive role model and adviser for children; I totally disagree with the way that Acworth woman chose; she should’ve tried to solve her children’s problem in a better way. She could talk with her girl and convinced her not to fight.
    Children can be convinced if they trust parents and accept them as an appropriate model, but at first, the parents should ask themselves: “what we expect of our children,? Is that exact things what we taught them?”
    All parents owe honesty, love, responsibility, forgiveness and patient to their children that should teach them; with this task, duty is done.

  88. Dashuna L 44
    I am not sure about my parents driving me to a fight but I know If a fight was brought to me my parents would expect me to fight And If I lost I would get a whooping lol. It was how I was raised although I was never in drama some females would bring drama to me because they were jealous. But If it was in the neighborhood I am sure they might take me. Like I say this is how some are raised to fight and/or raised to stick up for themselves. At this point teachers/counselors do not do anything and the only way they think a bully will stop picking on you is to actually physically stand up for yourself.

  89. Joseph C 96
    WOW where to start on this one. Well to start off with in that area im not surprised one bit. I used to live on odessa west inlet and the people on that street are a trip. We had to call the cops numerous times because people find it amusing to fight. Thank goodness we were only there for a couple months till we bought a house in kennesaw. And for a mother to be so inamture and irresponsible to take her own child to a fight, is being rediculous. Its a shame what morals people now a days are being raised with.

  90. Joseph C in response to Dashuna L 44
    I want to start off by saying im not trying to be rude but fighting is never the way to go. Fighting will lead to legal problems and if someone is always fighting they have some problems that doctors need to be able to look at. I know for a fact there isnt any responsible teacher that condones fighting. There are so many ways to goa round it. What ever happened to being a grown up adult about things and talking issues out and settling differences in a mature way??? Im not saying if someone is pounding your face in sit there im saying why on earth would you plan a fight or let someone even get close to you? It sounds like something i would expect to hear from some preschoolers fighting over a toy.. not full grown adults who can express themselves in a mature way. Fighting is not the answer and is just a gateway to other legal problems and is why so much of our population is in jail. Learn to use your adult mind and work things out verbaly.

  91. joseph c 96 to everyone
    How can anyone support letting their own children fight??? Does this country have any morals and are we becoming so inmature we cant use our brains and work things out? very inmature and to think a mother doesnt have enough controlover her own child to stop something like this.. I know if my children would have brought something like this up or i would have found out they wouldnt be going anywhere.. Im lost for words.. such a shame

    i agree with you Jaime, what mother thinks that it is ok to take her daughter to a fight, i mean what kind of role model are you for your daughter,because the apple will not fall from the tree unless the daughter decides to change only she can other than that the cycle will continue

  93. Steven T 53 night class 6-7:15 TR
    Thats messed up. The whole story, This is not how people should act in civil society. First Mom is an idiot. Why would you brihg your daughter somewhere where there is a good chance for her to get hurt. I hope she is going to jail. Second Daughter Why would you involve your own Mother in some fight, deal with your own problems. And have your family attack the other girl. This girl deserve to get the shit kicked out of her.

  94. Queena GA. 96

    I think this situation is really sad. We suppose to be teaching our kids that violence it wrong, not encouraging them to do it. This mother should be ashamed of herself to have arrange something like this.


    That is the craziest thing iv ever heard. why would a mother want to participate where her child could potentially get really hurt. Just go to show how some people live in this world. the punishment the mother recieves will be well worth it.

  96. Stephanie M. 98 (ONLINE)

    That is one of the sickest things I have ever heard. There's standing up to a bully and then there's crossing a line. Are people to starved for violence and attention that they have to resort to something so hideous to get their jollies off?

    Some parent that is! Setting GREAT examples for their kids.

  97. Stephanie M. 98 (ONLINE) in response to Dashuna L 44:

    In regards to your comment about fighting to avoid a beating: I can understand that. My dad expected us to fight our own battles. We wouldn't be beat, but we certainly wouldn't have gotten in trouble for doing what we could on our own to get the bully off us. In fact, my dad got in trouble for allowing my brother to call a kid a nasty name because the kid was calling my brother something equally nasty. My dad told him to and the school called a meeting. It was embarrassing for everybody, but you're right: sometimes, that's what it takes.

    However, isn't there a certain point where this sort of behavior crosses a line? :P It's ridiculous.

  98. becca jobe t/r 6:00
    Its absolutely ridiculous, are moms actually that insane now of days? I mean dont get me wrong if and and when i have children i will not stop them from defending themselves, but as far as getting as heated to taking my daughter to kick someones ass? not only is it trashy, and unbecoming its absurd. I mean thats your daughter? and youre raising her that way? unbelievable. I have always been the type of person who refuses to let anything come down to physical violence, it is not how i believe things should be handled and it never has made a situation better, it resolves nothing at all. But then again, all of this is my opion. and I mean if you choose to participate in childish texting threats as an adult i guess all people like me can do is laugh at you.

  99. Sean O. IN CLASS
    I think a mother advocating violence as a way to solve things is ridiculous. She obviously is a horrible mother because she is not protecting her offspring by an means. Put her in jail and forget about her if you ask me.

  100. Mark (40892)
    I believe the mother should definately be brought up on charges, for being an idiot. While I miss the days of settling things with a friendly backyard brawl and then a handshake, what this mother did is assinign.

  101. It's difficult for me to comprehend this situation. For a parent to knowingly help the kid fight someone else boggles my mind. Petty fights are a waste of time. I'm certain whatever issue the students had could've been worked out any number of different ways.

    1. Courtney P 92 in response to Grant Ereddia
      I completely agree - this woman is teaching her daughter a horrible lesson.


  102. Courtney P 92
    I am amazed how much crazy there is in this article. This woman brought her entire family to beat up an underage girl over text messages? And it wasn't even the daughter that attacked the other girl, it was another relative. Still, I wish there was more information in this article. I'd like to know exactly how things went down, and how old the daughter was.

  103. kemi o.98 I think she should have called the parent of the rival girl to find out what the situation was. When she is driving her daughter over there to fight she is sending the wrong message as well as sending her daughter one day to her early death.

  104. Brian D. Hulsey, Sociology, chattahoochee tech

    as rediculous as it seems young people should be allowed to resolve their own problems. bullying is a very real occurence and should be stopped. somtimes the only way to stop it is to resort to "dukin it out" and for it to be suppervised in a safe invironment. however, parents and relatives should never get involved physically. it would have been better resolved in a boxing ring with gloves on the girls.

  105. There should never be an arranged fight, there should only if necessary be an argument. The Women should not have taken the kid to the fight and rather should have told someone that the fight was going to happen.. If the kid was being bullied tell the principle and have the other kid expelled. If this was an outside school problem go as far as calling the police rather then encouraging your child to fight and bring your family as backup to hurt the other kid... what have we come to in the world...
