Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Romance or Playboy

Romance novels tend to include ideal gender roles and graphic depictions of sex. In our culture these book are marketed toward and appeal to a predominantly female audience.

Playboy and other adult magazines tend to include ideal gender roles and graphic depictions of sex. In our culture these magazines are marketed toward and appeal to a predominantly male audience.

Both genres of entertainment perpetuate stereotypes of females and males. Knowing what we do about exploitation and sexism; how is it that these materials not only maintain a place in our society and marketplace, but continue to increase in popularity?


  1. On a personal note, I do not know. I stay away from secular books about sexisms. However, each genre appeals to its targeted audience. Women are more interested in the relationship and emotional side of sexual feelings, but on the other hand, men are are only interested in the visual. They like what they see and tend to not think about the deep emotions of a sexual relationship. It's quite sad that the popularity of these sources are increasing. Each target is being taken advantage of when it comes to sexuality.

  2. Shelicia H (70)in reponse to sarah H(01)

    I agree I'm not sure why they are popular since so many people will say that they are wrong, but people still read them. I guess it like the hot stove your mom told you not to touch yet so many people can tell that story and say they touched it not knowing why. I agree men are more visual and women are more emotional.

  3. Shelicia H (70)
    When a man looks at the magazine all the work is done for him. women will think about the story and often protray themselves as the main character. They will switch roles with male characters. They use their imagination alot. I think it's more psycological. Men can see a woman not know her and have relations and no emotional attachment and I think thats what the magazine provides.It is the oposite for women and the book gives that emotion and story line.

  4. Lelia C.

    I am surprised that these are growing more popular. I agree that women are far more emotional when it comes to relations with a male. And yes, men are far more visual than women when it comes to relations. When it comes to being attracted to someone, men only have to use their sight in order to feel an attraction or not. Women use their emotional perception to determine if a male is suitable. They have to feel a "connection" with someone in order to be attracted to them. I believe sex is more of a physical act for men and a much more emotional act for a woman. This determines which books and magazines are more popular with which gender. It is difficult to understand why the male brain is set up for needing more of a physical stimulation whereas a woman's brain needs more of an "emotional" stimluation in order to feel attracted to someone.

  5. In response to Shelicia H (70):

    I agree with you. Men have all the work already laid out and done for them in the magazine. Women love a good story of love and romance. We desire to be caressed and not to be taken advantage of. Its like you said, I think it all is a psychological process.

  6. SandraS/69
    I don't want to sound like a recording but I agree with all the responses above me. A woman can get lost in a romance novel. I know I do when I read them. We like to fantasize about our "dream man" and the way we are made love too, lovingly yet with lots of passion and lust. The men are more visual than emotional. It's funny because I got into Romance novels when I was a teenager before dating and recall my mother saying,"Romance novels are great but it's not real life" she was right. Here is a good example---which gender likes the "Twilight" series....take a guess... mostly women. There is your romance novel on the big screen. Why is that so popular? Because a lot of us women and girls wish and dream for that kind of love story. Not many boys, men care for it. To them it is a lot of work. The men just like it simple and direct. Show them a beautiful woman in underwear or naked, their happy!! See simple not a lot of work!! Men also like a lot of variety.. so therefore why the magazines are popular. This also reflects on the past chapters about gender role. It is how we are taught and grow up. We, the girls, are taught to wait to have sex till we are married or find that special person because it is a special time and should be with someone we love. But on the other hand the boys get "you go boy" or "just make sure you are protected" so therefore there is a less emotional attachment to the relation. I believe that if a man shows any kind of emotion, loving, romatic, they would be ridiculed as feminine. But all in all I believe we girls mature faster than boys. We take things more to heart. I have a teenage daughter and I'm always talking with her and guiding her. I have a 12yr old son and having to have that talk and want him to learn and know that woman are to be respected, cherished, etc. I want him to be that special man... years down the road. I guess we will see....
    So all in all those books and magazines will still be growing in popularity. I don't think that will ever die out.

  7. I am like the rest, I really do not know the answer either. Women like romance and the men are drawn to the magazines such as playboy. I personally like books with mystery and an ending that makes sense.

  8. In response to SarahH.....I agree with you. Women are completely different from men.

  9. For women love & romance is emotional porn for them & they believe in "happily ever after", they enjoy a heartfelt love story that meets their fantasy expectations. As for men, well - they are and will always be visual creatures, unfortunately most of them, not all, will always think with their eyes & penis. Playboy magazines or similar magazines are very disrespectful and degrading to women, however there are always going to be those women who take full advantage making money exploiting themselves in these magazines. For some women, they need to realize their self respect is not for sale. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder & a perfect naked female body is not all there is to a woman & it should not be the only thing that is important to a man. The body will eventually get fat, saggy, wrinkly, & mushy for both men & women, so then what will you have - ? If looks are the only important thing to men, they are going to be very lonely creatures sooner or later. Males of all ages will always be curious about the female naked body & will always be intrigued by these magazines, these magazines fulfill their sexual fantasies & that is only one reason why I feel they are so popular in our society.

  10. ..........and by the way, when men say they get these magazines for the articles, that's BS! I guess they think we are stupid too! Men, grow up already......

  11. Honestly I feel that it has a lot to do with how women and men enjoy particular things.Women simply enjoy reading about romance and the lustful desires of people, while men and more visual. They would rather see a nude picture then to read a long detailed literature which also includes non-sexual context. Men are simply wanting to "get off" while women live indulge themselves into a novel and piratically live a life of those characters. It's all about catering to the public's demands. As long as they do that then they will continue to thrive.

  12. In response to Melissa D. I agree men and women enjoy things differently. Men should not lie about purchasing the magazines for the articles...be a man and screw what others think..we are all human!

  13. Tracey D (67)
    Research and studies have shown that men and women think and act differently. Not only do they think differently, men have different hormones than women. So we are just made differently.

    I agree that woman enjoy or want to feel the romance in addition to the passion and we use our minds to visualize where a man enjoys the "actual" visual of a female body. Women are taught to be "prim and proper..."lady like" from a very early age. By reading a novel we can be distreet in our thoughts about sex.

    Even though I am a female, I do enjoy the visual of a man's body. I don't necessarily have to see the entire package to be excited by a good looking man. Nor do I think men have to "look" at a magazine to be turned on.

    The truth is...these things (books, magazines, movies, etc.) remain popular because sex is a great thing. Just my thoughts on the subject matter.

  14. In response to SarahH - I disagree that men are "only" interested in the visual aspect. I know alot of men that enjoy a woman's company for their mind, their personality and the way a woman "makes" them feel about themselves. I've heard that over and over from men that ATTITUDE is everything. My body doesn't look anything like those women in the magazines, however I have a man that truly loves me and enjoys making love to ME.

    TraceyD (67)

  15. Patti S 70
    I think the romance novels are becoming more popular because women need to feel the emotional excitement they get from reading these novels. Very few men can excite our emotions as often as it is needed. I think our society tends to focus more and more on careers and money and less on family and love. We still need love and due to the continued strain on families financially and emotionally we tend to look to other places to full fill our inner desires. Men and women just aren't spending as much time together anymore and when they do they are usually tired. Because women need to full fill their emotional needs and men need to full fill their sexual needs, these types of products are gaining popularity.

  16. Patti S in response to Tracey D 70
    I agree with you that men and women think differently. I also agree with you on the fact that sex sales. I think it is becoming more popular because we are becoming more open about our sexuality in this generation.

  17. Andrea B. (67)
    I am not surprised that these publications are increasing in popularity; we will continue to see growing interest in these two genres as we continue to pass on our cultural interpretations of gender roles. Because females in our culture have been inadvertently taught to hope for the romanticism detailed in the books, in their own lives; they live vicariously through the romantic novels they read, by role playing mentally (especially when their life proves to be different to their dreams). Women do this to at least have the fantasy of a romantic life or romantic interludes, and they indulge even more as their desire for the fantasy increases. As for the males in our society, they are taught (and not so inadvertently) that women are their instrument for the fulfillment of sexual pleasure; not necessarily meaning to be disrespectful or demeaning, but to explain a relative function for their (women’s) existence. They are also taught what features are attractive and what’s not, based on their subculture. Because a man is physically stimulated before being emotionally/mentally stimulated, all it takes is a picture of the “right” set of attractive attributes and he will be as immersed as a woman reading a love story. These forms of entertainment are geared to provide the ultimate experience to its desired audience. They print pictures of voluptuous women, with curvy, slim bodies, because that has been identified as attractive attributes in our culture. The male characters in the love stories are tall, with great muscular definition, attractive but warm smiles, and anything else that would appeal to both the mental and physical triggers of the female audience. Entertainers pull out all stops on stereotyping and exploiting sexism, but I believe it is our perpetual explanation of gender, and its roles, based on culture and subcultures that is passed from one generation to the next that causes the increase in popularity (as the population rises, so does the popularity of these forms of entertainment).

  18. Maria S.
    Very interesting topic. I feel that women read this kind of books because they are in the search of that charming prince who someday will come and rescued them. Since women were little, they have been read stories about beautiful princesses being rescued by a handsome princes. Everybody, everything is beautiful... only the bad, the mean and the wicked are to be ugly ones... But as we grow we are suppose to begin to understand that not everybody is beautiful like a princess, we are suppose to learn that sometimes no one is coming to help you and you must rescued yourself... and most importantly we should be able deal with the reality that all endings are not happy endings. Women who like to read this romance will tell you that they like to be able to just dream with this perfect world that no matter what is happening, they know that at the end it will all turn out ok. Why men read playboy type of magazines... I guess because since I can remember women have been objetised by men. I know plenty of man who do not like that kind of publications... they were thought very early in life that it degrades women. But I have also known men who did purchase this kind of magazine, and they do it just they have always done it. They would see it with their friends, and some of them found the magazines in their dad' stuff. So I guess that to some men you are not a men if you do not act that way...sad but true. Why have their sales gone up? Maybe the economy is the reason why. Maybe both women and men are wanting to escape from their realities and they are wanting to go to a place that signifies a "happy place", where you can forget about the fact that you do not have enough money, or that you have not been able to find a job.

  19. Tonia D 15

    The sales of these stereotypical and sexist forms of entertainment are always going to maintain their place and continue to profit. Like the cliche says, "sex sells." Yes, females are definitely more emotional and enjoy a good romantic story with a happy ending and males enjoy are usual more interested in fullfilling their sexual needs more so than their emotional needs.

    In response to Sandra S/69...
    I definitely agree. When or if a male shows any kind of emotion they're ridiculed as feminine. You see it all the time, either on TV or real life.

  20. Domenic R.70
    There are many differences between men and women. My mother used to tell me, "A man loves with his eyes and women love with their ears. Watch out for the smooth talker". For the most part women want to feel connected to their partner. Long conservations and romance lets a woman know that she is loved. For men, sometimes they don't want to talk and playboy can give them that escape.

  21. Rob T said....I do not those kinds of books. I’m a sure that the female genre likes the emotional and relationship side of books. The men like to the visual side of things. If the see they can image it happen. It’s not hard to image that these book and stuff popularity is increasing. Each company is being taken advantage of people when it comes to sexuality to promote there product.

  22. It's amazing how I set down and read everyone comments, and majority of people feel the same way; man are more visual, women are more emotion.I would say that I agree with the percentage of the majority because if you sit back and watch to people that are in a serious relationship, you will find out that the man is probably with her because she has a nice profile, body, and so on... while the women is with him because of his great personality, sense of humor and so on... which to me that is not cool but that is just how we operate in this society today.

    Marsha Vernet

  23. Megan C.

    First off I think it's sad that sex is such a selling point for both men and women. Because if the mans looking at it, that's how he expects women to look. So some women do all that they can to fit that mold. Most of the time that is not possible without surgery or some other extreme form of conforming. Sad really... I do agree with most others, that men are more visual and women more emotional. The books that women read have attractive qualities such as romance and sex. By reading these novels women begin to want/desire these characteristics in a man. That's not bad ,but if you're already married or in a relationship and that's not the way it is, the women ends up putting pressure on the man to conform to that idea. If that doesn't happen she's left wanting. Neither one of these things ,the books and magazines,are benefical because the person is setting themselves up for dissappointment. If the men are looking a graphic pictures of perfect women they're going to be disappointed because most women don't look like that. The women are reading novels about romanic scenios are gonna be disappointed because all men aren't romanic. I'm not saying that people shouldn't hope or desire those things. But if thats what you're consistantly putting in your head, that's what you're gonna expect. Dangerous game to play... just my opinion.

  24. Jason H-67

    I feel as if the reason why these materials maintain such a dominate place in the marketplace is because the basic human emotion is to have sex. We are naturally attracted to the opposite sex and to some, the same sex. For the most part we all want or would like to be in love and to often we are disappointed in what relationships we have invited in our lives. Therefore, we tend to live out fantasies in these publications.

  25. Jason H-67 response to Marsha Vernet

    I agree with Marsha. Men are more visual because for the most part all we care about is how she looks. Women are more into personality traits because they were brought up to look at what's inside. It will never change and this debate and subject matter will continue to go on and on forever. That's what makes the world go around.

  26. La Tonya C-67
    Funny I don’t really see were the romance novels and playboy magazines are all that different. As the end result for both parties is the same, noticeably the only difference is the amount of time it takes one to get there. It’s no secret once you examine most of these romance novels the intimate scenes are more than explicit. And to be honest, those fascinating and tantalizing words combined with the creative minds of most women makes Playboy and its skintastic illustrations read like the Sunday Comics. I mean… lead males with bodies built by the Gods, dark and smoldering, proud and fierce never to be claimed by one woman coupled with the fiery, hot-headedness of a stubborn heroin who won’t be tamed, which just so happens to be the one, he just can’t seem to purge from his system… makes for a really, really long, antagonizing and utterly complicated climax, leaving female readers panting and wanting more. Were as many male readers are more than likely interested in getting the job done and done right, scoring a perfect 10 frequently and efficiently as possible, without the detours and rest stops of dreamers row. I’d imagine for them its performance and getting back to the line of scrimmage, having tweaked and perfected the play posting better stats and higher averages in the hopes of receiving maximum dividends on their return investment. In the end, desirability really all boils down to acceptance. She’s simple yet complicated and wants to be wanted to- the- point were a life without her is bleak and dismal and He is “The Pillar” he just wants to be needed with the means to provide any/all provisions that his mate can dream up. Worlds of passion were he/she is all capable and in complete control, with the ability to alter or change the outcome of their fantasy aided by the skillfulness of printed black and white letters and the power to imagine. As long as writers continue to make men and women imagine a life that’s more enticing, more spontaneous, edgier and sinfully gratifying with the readers playing stars or co-stars in the publications of these fantasy themes, there will always be a demand for these types of books/ magazine.

    La Tonya C 67 in response to SandraS/69
    I agree that this falls in line with the chapter on gender and the way some men and women are brought up. Girls are usually raised with the upbringing that sexuality is private and not discussed; displays/ discussions of sexuality are intolerable for young respectfully ladies. So, girls learned to speak about these things hidden or in secrete away prying adults, just as these same topics lie hidden in the pages of the novels women read today. Boys found it more acceptable to speak freely and openly about sex and all that, that entailed without ridicule or fear that those types of thoughts/ feelings made up the characteristics of an unprincipled person.

  27. Domenic R.70
    In response to La Tonya C 67
    I agree with you completely. I thought the same thing about the two items not being all that different. They are both fantasy items.

  28. Latanya K-95
    I believe that romance novels,adult magazines and playboy are becoming increasingly popular despite how we feel about exploitation and sexism because of consumer demand. Many of us live out our fantasies in our minds. Everyone wants to be that attractive person that people desire, and if we can't achieve that, the next best thing is to stimulate our minds and fantasize visulaing ourselves through others. Females tend to gravitate more towards romance and a happily ever after with the man of their dreams while men on the other hand love to fantasize about the perfect women with D cups and a curvacious body or they see in another man what they aspire to look like. And last but not not least, i think people purchase these items for inspiration in dealing with their own lives.

  29. Latanya K-95 In response to Melissa D.

    Your statment caught my eyes and had me rolling with laughter. " when men say they get these magazines for the articles, that's BS! I guess they think we are stupid too! Men, grow up already" Sounds like a been there, done that moment. I thought i counldn't think of any more excuses they could come up with until i read yours, intresting.

  30. Kudi
    I believe that romance and sex is more expectable in our culture today. Everywhere we look there is sex on TV, in magazines, in books and novels, at the movies, and even when you buy clothes. We are told that it is o.k. for men and women to have equal sex and romance and that it is needed; that is why I believe that the need continue to increase in popularity.

  31. Elizabeth V.
    I am not suprised to find that these publications are increasing in popularity. I think it has more to do with desensitization than auctual sex. The fact that it isn't taboo anymore to look at or talk about sex might account for the increased sales. I personally have never read a romance novel or looked at a playboy magazine.So as for sexism I would be interested to know if the way romance novels are written has changed any. Women no longer think of themself as damsels in distress needing to be saved and giving herself to the man who saves her. It is no longer a need to be with a man but a want. Has the men in the novels changed not in apperance but in attitude? Do they reflect the change in social times, and depict a "perfect" man that acknowledges the new independance of women? As for play boy is it "helpless" women just "waiting" for a big strong man to make their dreams come true? How perfect to have a woman that doesn't talk or nag and their olny purpose is physical gratification. I was heard a musician say that even though men talk about wanting an independant woman in reality they really don't. It is demasculating to have a woman that doesn't need you. Obviously both men and women want a little escape from reality and I think it goes way beyond a sexual aspect for both.

  32. Dana M.70

    I think it is a form of escape for women. I do not think there is perfect relationship anywhere. They all take work, and "happily ever after" rarely happens. Since women are made to be emotional this form of entertainment carries them away to emotional perfection and happily ever after. For men...they are free to be what they are created to be without guilt. This type type of media feeds the visual cravings of men and men do not have to give anything back emotionally. I definitely think it enforces the sexism but I think it is ignored because it is a form of entertainment.

  33. Dana M. 70
    In response to Melissa D.

    Very well said. I have never thought of romance novels as emotional porn but this is so true.

  34. Denell B-70

    Well, I am sure those that market these different genres of entertainment know exactly who their audience is. There are probably more men working for Playboy magazine than women. It is about marketing and making money. Yes, we all know that women are from Venus and men are from Mars and will always have different views and feelings. I guess that is why we have such an attraction to the opposite sex. These materials will always maintain a place in our society and marketplace because it is an “out” for both men and women and the money maker will continue to arouse each!

  35. Denell B-70

    In response to all:
    As many have stated I agree that men are more visual and women are more about romance. That is just the way it is and will always be. When a woman read a romance novel she is actually visualizing an image as she reads. To each his own.

  36. HERB-67
    Both make their publishers enough money to pay the staff and issue subsequent installments, which signifies demand. As long as there is demand, there will be product of all types, whether they cater to the purely artistic or prurient interests.

  37. @SarahH01 from HERB-67
    What a delightfully mature and tolerant assessment of the issue. Personally, I have no interest in either, and it's much easier to look away than to complain.

  38. I think the romance novel or magazine is becoming more popular because women tend to be emotional, and men visual. However, each genre appeals to its targeted it audience. Women are emotional when it comes to sex, they are more interested in relationship than sexual feelings, but on the other hand, men are more interested in the visual, like what they see and tend not to think about the emotions of a sexual relationship. It's quite sad that the popularity of these sources are increasing, because most women are selling them self to men, by not waiting for them to be approach by a men, and if they approach them they don’t keep their pride as a women, to be tough on them.. This target of sex is being taken advantage of, when it comes to sexuality in the nation.

  39. ALICE –P- (70)
    I think the romance novel or magazine is becoming more popular because women tend to be emotional, and men visual. However, each genre appeals to its targeted it audience. Women are emotional when it comes to sex, they are more interested in relationship than sexual feelings, but on the other hand, men are more interested in the visual, like what they see and tend not to think about the emotions of a sexual relationship. It's quite sad that the popularity of these sources are increasing, because most women are selling them self to men, by not waiting for them to be approach by a men, and if they approach them they don’t keep their pride as a women, to be tough on them.. This target of sex is being taken advantage of, when it comes to sexuality in the nation.

  40. Sarah B 16
    Alright, the woman inside of me agrees with the majority of these womens responses. Yes I do believe women are more emotional creatures that fall in love through their ears and not neccesarily their eyes (like men do..) However, I'm stradling the fence on this bc I personally want the whole package.. I want to fall in love through my eyes and ears... thats not too much to ask? I mean thats what "mr right" is all about right? I also believe it takes a certain individual to be able to sell themselfs on film (video or pictures) for money.. I could never do this myself but do know people who have no problems with it. I feel as if stripping is along the same guidelines..
    I know majority of viewers are men for pornography.. but women also are a pretty good portion of this clientel. probably not as much as men.. but I know plenty of women who admit secretly that they have in the past watched this material.. most of it begins with "curiosity" ... Women have sexual urges just like men do.. and it varies from each individual. I also feel as if the younger generations are becoming more open and expressive and allowing women to break out of that mold of "unsexual pure innocent creatures".. and free themselfs from the double standard views held against women ..
    ex: a woman has sex with a random guy she is a slut.. or even if its her boyfriend or a man she loves.. a man does the same thing.. and HE IS THE MAN and has game??
    It takes 2 to tango right? I believe the younger generation is becoming more and more sexually oriented and women are embracing their sexuality like men have been all along...

  41. Sarah b 16
    in response to Sandra S.. you hit it on the nail about twilight being a romance novel on the big screen (although i did read the books in 2 wks before the movies came out) and every twilight fan wants to be treated the way bella is by edward.. protected, and he would do anything for her.. kiss the ground she walked on and moved mountains to be with her.. that is our "dream man" I even say edwards name in a pathetic sort of love struck kind of way haha.. but for the most part that is not the way it is... us girls have to find a real life edward. and even if you find a really good man he isnt perfect all the time.. he is human after all (and not a vampire :) )

  42. MSherer69

    I think that romance novels remain popular to women because they dream of having the perfect relationship (which never exists like depicted in romance novels)and can escape their everyday stresses of reality through the imagery painted in the novels.

    Men are visual creatures, and they like to see/look at beautiful women. That's the main reason Playboy is popular today (I'm sure there are many men who purchase this magazine unbeknownst to their wives).

    Both are exploitive to men and women, but it seems that our society is becoming more acceptable of these things, and it's not as offensive as once thought to be.

  43. MSherer69

    In response to Elizabeth V.

    ”I am not suprised to find that these publications are increasing in popularity. I think it has more to do with desensitization than auctual sex. The fact that it isn't taboo anymore to look at or talk about sex might account for the increased sales.”

    I agree with this statement. Our society is becoming less offended by nudity and sex, so the increased sales isn’t too shocking.

  44. RebeccaG 69
    I could really not know why men are more likely to read and look at a porn magazine than women. But, It is true women portray more emotions into reading a romance novel. One cannot rule out that women do admit to liking porn as much as men do.

  45. RebeccaG 69
    In response to Alice P70...
    I agree women are and have been for a long time taken advantage of sexually. Women are the humans who produce new life and take care of that life along with her mate. But I also do agree women tend to be more emotional during sexual relations and men tend to just like the visual and physical part. Not all men and women are stereotyped like that though.

  46. MauriceR
    While I find these formats exploitive, sexist, and objectifying, I think today’s marketers know how to play the money game. This doesn’t mean I haven’t done my own research… The adult sex industry has planted the seed, done their homework, and checked the research—which is based on their billion dollar industry bottom line and real science. The brain is truly a creature of habit. So, knowing what features appeal to that brain makes a company more profitable.

    The scientific research show us that the male and female brains are indeed wired based on gender specific attributes. For example, today’s adult male brain responds to more visual stimuli. I haven’t research this, but I am sure that’s who pays for most of the pornography in the US. In addition, today’s adult female brain is wired for responding to more relational and romanticized ideals still stuck in their brains from watching parents and innocent role playing with their dolls, make up, and peers. I mean, why does The Lifetime Channel even exist?

  47. Andrea B. (67) in response to Maria S.

    Maria, I agree with your reason for the increase in the popularity of these two genres of publication. I think the economy is a great factor in their sales increase, because even though it takes money to get the publications, its relief may be thought of as worth the sacrifice. I am not into the love stories, but my sister is and I have friends that will do anything for the next book in the series of X’s or Y’s romantic novel; they will save or cut back on another recreation to make the purchase when the book comes out. I could only imagine that men do the same for their playboy.

  48. constance Cooper 67

    For the play boys im not sure why they are still around other then the simple fact that it gives guys an excuse to look at other girls naked or almost naked without getting in trouble for it. they can fantasize about whatever they want and everything is okay to them. For the romance novels the majority of it is females reading books and letting their imaginations run wild with the possibilities of what they're lives could be like.

    Everyone has their idea of what a perfect relationship is, whether its what their spouse looks like or what their spouse does, or how good their spouse is in the bedroom (or wherever they please).

    These things are still around because it gives people a break from reality and lets them have some time to their imagination, you know that thing most people forget about these days.

  49. Constance cooper 69
    in response to
    M Sherer 69

    I agree with Sherer that part of the reason is because women like to read and come up with their own visual of what they perfect guy or relationship if like while most guys dont want to have to imagine it, they want it right there in their face to see.

  50. I don't read either of these but it's a known fact that sex sells. As long as there is a market for it, business will grow. I don't necessarily think it's a horrible thing, it's just not something I could ever get into (although some of the desctiptive terms were horribly humerous!).

    Linuel S67

  51. Linuel S67

    In response to...the whole board!
    I agree with most everyone else that women generally like the romance aspect of a novel and men like the visual.

  52. I believe it is because they appeal to each gender in their own way. Woman seem to care more about romance and love than sex. Men seem to care more about sex and sexuality than romance, and men generally want to see certain things. With these in mind, companies can market to these groups in a certain way and help grow their business.

    In response to Linuel S67,
    I completely agree. Sex does sell. Most movies that come out in theatres that are targeted towards teen/young adults today have some form of sexual appeal. Take "Transformers", they had to add a sexy young woman to the script to make it more appealing for guys. When Megan Fox wasn't brought back, she was quickly replaced by another young super model.

  53. Sexism and exploitation are concepts developed from man's 'higher centers of the brain'. Sex itself is something deeply embedded in our psyche and physical body. The 'deep' stuff will normally win out over the 'high thinking' stuff. Only a right relationship with a living God can triumph over such things, and help us keep sexuality within the boundaries that result in long-term happiness and joy....we cannot think our way out of our nature.

  54. In response to SarahH01....

    You say, "Each target is being taken advantage of when it comes to sexuality".....I agree. Of course, in this case the targets are mostly willing.

  55. These materials are for entertainment purposes in majority, and to the people who come across them, they mostly serve those purposes. They catch attention, even of people who look at it and then do not "approve." To those who do "approve" in ways, it is because it is interesting to look at. People use sex for advertisement and say that sex sells because everyone is assumed to have fantasies that are somewhat fulfilled by sexually suggestive photos and stories. It is interest and imagination that attracts people to these kinds of materials, but note that my choice of the word "imagination" denotes that it is all just for fun, and our disapproval of sexism and exploitation does not keep these fun and untrue stories and possibly photoshopped pictures off the shelves.
    -Niyah Miles

  56. Samisha S67

    Even though exploitation and sexism is wrong, our society loves money, sex, and drama. Therefore, Romance or Playboy will continue to sell. Romance novels are very popular, women can put themselves in character as they read. Men are always going to like half naked and naked women, so as long as Playboy continues to reveal, it will be a top seller.

  57. Samisha S67

    in response to Kudi

    I agree with you, sex is very big in our society. Every time you turn around you see sex advertised in many different ways, so its going to sell.

  58. Brisa L. 70

    Both kinds of entertainment focus on the basic necessities of a male and females. Women want to feel love in a relationship, where man's idea of a relationship is all based on sex. However, the internet plays a mayor role because it is easier to access this kind of entertainments.

  59. Brisa L. 70 in response to Msherer 69
    Sadly, our society is becoming more acceptable of this kind of things, nevertheless it is still offensive and unmoral to view some of these publications.

  60. In response to MauriceR...
    I agree with what you are saying about the brain being a "creature of habit." It is natural that males are more stimulated by visual aspects and more women are stimulated by emotional aspects accompanying visual things. Members of both genders are naturally interested by certain things because of habit, especially by association of things they learned and saw as they grew up. Like MauriceR said, girls see their parents and play house with their dolls as if Barbie and Ken were in love. Romance attracts most females from childhood before they're even old enough to read these novels.
    -Niyah Miles

  61. Tameca T85

    I believe that women are very emotional and we love a good romance book that will betray the type of relationship that we would like to have. and men are very sexual and love to just open a book and everything is just laid out for them. and i feel as long and we have these books available for use it will continue to increase in popularity.

  62. Tameca T85

    I agree with Brisa L70

    that both entertainment deal with likes of each sex. women emotional sense and men sexual sense.

  63. Daquan F-70

    I don't believe sexual exploitation is right whether it's provided in a well formatted and plotted scenario of passion within the confines of a book, or simply a revealing sexual picture in a magazine. These are just fantasy's that are raising people standards/expectations in the real world. It's not surprising that they are growing in popularity, it just shows how worse the world is becoming.

    In response to Elizabeth V.

    You made a very good point, the fact that it isn't taboo anymore to look at or talk about sex, helps it give more influence to the consumers. Sadly, censorship is just starting to fade away. Even commercials are getting extremely bold with sexual content.

  64. Men are drawn by the eye and women are emotional beings. Men would rather look at the pictures than read. Women would rather imagine the are in the story than look at pictures. I fault women because they exploit their bodies and give nothing for the imagination. If women don't pose nude it would leave the men's minds waundering, then men would be drawn to pick up a novel.

  65. Women are more emotional and look for that "intimate relationship" while men look for a more physical relationship rather than emotional. Men have always been told to "be a man, or act like a man" and were constantly being lectured to on how a man should't cry and how that was a weakness. Overall men have been accustomed to this and believe that showing emotion is a weakness. That being said these adult magazine tend to appeal to men simply because that are no emotions attached, just physical, and visual, while the women read into the romantic and intimate readings. SO yes I agree with Sarah.
    I don't like the sexism but it's something that has been taught to us society since we were young and it will continue.

  66. Thomas L 67

    There is one thing that is almost always on everyones mind. Sex, women want sex with men and men want sex with women. Some feel that is the only way that they can be loved. But, in my opinon having sex with just anyone can leave you hurt in the long run. Society puts these sex things like pornos and love novels in our heads to make us belive that everyone is an amazing partner in bed or looks like a super model. The reason its so addictive is the same way crack is, once we have had it once we can never put it down.

  67. Eureka B70 in response to Alice P70November 6, 2011 at 12:48 PM

    I agree with Alice that the target of sex is being taken advantage of, when it comes to sexuality in the nation.

  68. Octavio P41
    I grew up in another era …in another world. That doesn’t make it a better place in history. Not everything that happened before this time was “the good all times “. For example Sodom and Gomorrah. All men are created equal and then free will kicks in. If we are thinking beings, by default we have the capability of differentiate between good and evil. In my opinion filth is filth.
    As adults living in this society we have options that are forbidden in other societies. As adults we make decisions about everything we do every day. Some of us will become adults; some of us will just get old.
    Everything forbidden seems to be an attraction for us. We must decide what to embrace and we do. We are being told that we can do whatever we want to do as long as we don’t break the law or hurt anyone else. That doesn’t include moral, common sense, ethics, dignity… It’s just a broad suggestion that keeps the government out of our business, an idea that I personally like since in my opinion, government is run most of the time by power hungry idiots. I believe these publications as well as many television programs are design for a particular audience that forever will be present. Imagination is like thinking, too hard for some.
    I don’t want to be stereotyped in any category, not race, age, gender, etcetera.
    Believe it or not, I have read Leo Tolstoy, Elie Wiesel, Maya Angelou, Miguel Cervantes Saavedra, Alejo Carpentier, Og Mandino and some other literary works in my lifetime. I listen to Sergei Rachmaninoff, Yo-Yo Ma, Bach and some other gifted musicians. I just celebrated my 30th anniversary with the woman of my dreams. I’ve known many decent men in my life, for example my father and my grandfather. I’m not gay but have friends that are. What a concept. I’m far from whom I like to become, a work in progress.
    Plenty of good women and men out there make sure you are in the right place.
    Some of us will become famous, some of us will become infamous, but the majority of us (by human standards) will make no waves or leave a visible mark on earth at the moment of our departure. However, make sure we engrave in our children’s character those ideals and morals that forever would stand tall.

  69. Octavio P. 41 in response to those that don’t see light at the end of the tunnel

    “The problem is not that we set our goals to high and we don’t reach them. The problem is that we set them too low and we do”

  70. BJ C says... I think these magazines are so popular because they fill a void in our lives in a way that makes people feel good. Whether they are politically correct or not they are accepted in society because they remain so popular. They allow you to read a book as a woman and fantasize about what a perfect life you could have. It also allows a man to step outside of this boring everyday life and see what it could be like as a man to be with a pinup calendar girl even if only for a moment. These are sad but true facts.

  71. BJ C in response to Octavio P. 41
    in response to those that don’t see light at the end of the tunnel

    “The problem is not that we set our goals to high and we don’t reach them. The problem is that we set them too low and we do”

    Truer words couldn't be spoken. I guess we should all be asking ourselves were our goals are set on that ladder?!

  72. Rachael H~69

    I think these things continue to maintian a place in our society, because it they allow both men and women to enter some type of fantasy life when reading them. Take Twilight for instance, girls are obsessed with the idea of Edward Cullen. He is the perfect guy that every girl looks for when we read those books it allows us girls to enter a world where Edward Cullen is ours. We enter that fantasy world for a little while.

  73. Jasmine Jackson67

    I believe women are more in tune with the romance novels because we are emotional and loving creatures. Men are more physical sao playboy touches hom for them. In my opinion though, Playboy is popular amongst women as well. These Playboy Bunnies are what some women want to look like and they see that as a perfect image. Personally Im not a reader so the romance novels do not appeal to me.

  74. Jasmine Jackson67

    In response SarahHo1

    It is quite sad these sexual magazines are growing in popularity. I believe its popularity is more among young people because they are just hitting puberty. It is a shame. But this is the type of society that we live in.

  75. Frank J 67
    Reason why these filth rags are so popular is because it is a praphic depiction of where our society is and is headed. These mens magazines can be found at every gas station and family bookstores like Borders. The womens boojs can be found at the oft visited grocery store. Its part of the deliberate attack on marriage and family. These rags take the intimate nature out of sexual relations with spouses. These rags tear apart families and leave an everlasting crater in the memory of children and teenagers of those who unfortunate enough to come in contact with them. Nowadays kids are learning about sex at younger and younger ages and its because of the early expoaure to this filth.

  76. Sharise H. 70

    These types of reading materials allows an escape away from the norm. It sounds so cliche' however it is so true. This includes single and married individuals. There is an author by the name of Zane and I had all her books up until 2007. I realized I had no real intimate relationships and therefore I found intimacy by reading her novels. Right or wrong, people feel like they are missing out on something in their lives or have an addiction to something when they enjoy reading explicit scenes. We live in a society where sex is constantly hinted at through television, printed ads, clothing, and music. Its everywhere! It takes a lot of self control to ignore it.

  77. Sharise H. 70 in response to BJ C

    Both of us agree that people are searching for something to fill a void. I wonder if married folks could channel that same energy into their partners. Be creative and role play with costumes. I think we make excuses and give up to easy to Satin's trickery. I think single people should make themselves more available to meeting new people than reading so much of these romance novels. The novels can have an unrealistic view of what is really out there.

  78. Ryan H, 69

    I do not consider romance novels or adult magazines as exploitation or sexist. Both are legitimate businesses that provide products that people want to buy and have informed employees that are compensated for their work. If an individual feels it is immoral or degrading, do not buy it. With that said, I think the industry is increasing in popularity because of its accessibility via the internet. America’s moral guidelines on sex made it difficult for anyone to talk about it or purchase products pertaining to it without being scrutinized, but today’s internet market place provides privacy against this along with easy access.

  79. to put it plain and simple
    sex sells and thats all there is to it.
    women tend to have emotional ties while men just wanna see the action. not true in all cases im sure but thats how the entertainment world sees it.

    in response to
    Megan C.

    point very well said. it is a dangerous situation to put 'yourself' in. people are really just setting themselves up.

  80. I have never picked any one of those up personally, but in my opinion females like the emotional and males like more of the action associated with sex it's not always true but it is for the majority

  81. George M 67

    I think that it is so much apart of our lives to identify with roles, that it seems to be only natural that popularity will increase. From birth boys are taught to like blue, and girls are taught to like pink. Roles are stereotypes that we continue to perpetuate by marketing books, toys, films and other things to the masses. I feel it is something that can be broken, but it would take a long time.

  82. George M 67 in response to Tameca

    I agree that stereotypically men are viewed as more sexual, and women more romantic. But my thought process is that women are taught to be demure, and men to be sexual creatures. It sucks, but it seems to be something that people have a love hate relationship with.

  83. Porsha p 69
    I believe playboy magazines has increased in popularity because of the society today. This generation is more sexual expressive. People are no longer afraid to talk about sex like they use to in the past. The music industry play a huge part in the advertisement of sex. The music lyrics today is more explicit than it was years ago. The majority of popular songs have lyrics pertaining to sex. Music put thoughts in people minds. Some perfer to look at sexual graphic material and some perfer to read between the lines and read books.

  84. Porsha P 69
    In regard to Jasmine Jackson
    I agree that playboy is popular with women as well. I know alot of women that enjoys adult entertainment as in porn and going to strip clubs. I also have notice that men are starting to enjoy romancce movies and novels. Men are noticing that its more to a longterm relationship than sex.

  85. Michelle J.

    These novels and magazine appeal to a person’s sexual desires and give him/her free rein to be whatever he/she wants to be without seemingly encroaching on the rights of others. Personally, I have read and seen these books and magazine. They gave me a distorted view of sex, when I was very young. I have come to regret my decision to satisfy my curiosity with sex this way. Therefore, I recommend people look to Jehovah, God’s view on the topic of sex because he created this ability in us for a noble purpose. You can read about this subject in the latest Watchtower magazine (November 1, 2011) entitled, “What is the Bible’s View of Sex?” This magazine can be access at www.jw.org.

  86. I'm very curious as to the ages of everyone who responded. I'm a young adult male in my early 20s and let me tell you...times have changed. For those of you who think women are more interested in the "emotional" side or a guy's "personality and sense of humor" are clearly misinformed or trying to cover something up. It's funny how this is the popularized claim, yet girls 90% of the time will go for the good looking guy, regardless of him being an ass hole or dumb as a brick. Maybe he's funny, but still doesn't know what land locked means.

    I'd say about 85% of the females I've met love sex and have no inhibitions about it, not to mention what they're "in to." Whereas males have lost their dominant control and are now on a much more equal level. Perhaps this is the case only with the youth as that's mostly the demographic I've experienced in my life, but it doesn't change the fact it's men and women who are equally interested in sex. This is fact, not trying to "cover anything up" or be sexist or anything like that. This is my experience. Girls aren't all innocent and sweet like they were in the 50s. In fact, a girl asked ME to my senior prom.

    Point is, drop the whole "men are only interested in sex and women care about emotions" mentality. In 15-20 years, when my generation is the "adult" generation, traditional Christianity will have declined in popularity and people, both genders, will be much more open about their sexuality. Just look around you. Like I said, times have change and are only changing faster and faster. Tens of millions of people look at porn daily, at least, yet we're still trying to convince ourselves it's evil to show the naked body. Yet our commercials are full of bikinis and sexist jokes...??

    I love how women are all about being treated as equals yet only act upon this when it involves other women. I was in an x-ray certification class one time and it was mostly female receptionist or assistants there. I was literally the only male out of about 25ish people. One of the ppt slides was a cartoon of a guy wearing "x-ray glasses" looking at a women who was covering up. The teacher ACTUALLY had the nerve to single me out and say "uh oh, looks like we have a male in here we all better cover up!" And of course everyone laughed...everyone but me. Was I offended? Not really, but that doesn't take away from the fact I was a male singled out by a large group of females and called out and insulted based solely on my gender. Reverse the situation, a girl sitting in a room full of guys, and the male teacher says all the guys in the room are checking her out. Does that make it less acceptable as it's the male calling out the female?? I'm actually not incredibly interested in sex, brains are the most important aspect to me. But, because I'm a guy, it's simply assumed I'm sitting in the back checking everyone out. Not to mention this lady was like 50 years old, married, and in all honesty not the least bit attractive. Make of this what you will, but I think EVERYONE needs to open their eyes a little bit wider and embrace the gender changes in our society. Take it as you will...

  87. Also I wanted to add, I'm not at all denying men are "visual" but that doesn't mean we don't listen and it CERTAINLY doesn't mean women aren't...

  88. Lafarah P

    I believe that they are each targeted for a specific group and therefore of course they sell, I think they continuously sell because people are shy and don't like to admit it but everyone is curious about sex!

  89. These Novels and Magazines are increasing in popularity due to the crazy imagination. It sparks the imagination in both men and women to fill ideas about sappy love stories in the women , or in the mans case it rises the imagination in his sexual fantasy. The far fetched soap opera stories can attract women because of the idealistic men and the way they come off in the stories, it's easy for women to either relate or fascinate. The magazines are realistically makes every man think of how they want that chick and such..

  90. Meghan Williams
    I am not suprised that they are growing in popularity and i think that will will continue to be popular because in our society sex sells. like many people have already said the romance novels are apealing to women becasue since your a little girl you dream about finding your prince and these romance novels allows women to escape into the fantasy of the novel and picture themselves. it makes women use there imagination and gives them more of a connection to the story. men will always like playboy because they dont need that connection they are visual and just need to see it.

  91. I am surprised to find that these forms of "entertainment" are increasing in popularity, especially pornographic magazines, with the growth of the internet. As for the romantic novels, I believe there will always be a market for them, as they are a widely accepted as actual works of fiction (by some people). I suppose that the magazines may have some literary value also, as every man I have ever spoken too only reads them for "the articles". I think that they remain popular because they are cheap, easy, and for the most part acceptable....unless your wife finds one.

  92. I believe that these forms of entertainment remain relevant due to the fact that humans love to fantasize. People engage in fantasies multiple times a day, whether it's just for a split second or a full on day dream. We think about what it would be like to drive "that" car, have "this" much money, be with "that" man/woman. These books/magazines are just pinpointing and amplifying specific fantasies men and women have.

  93. Sparkle R.
    these materials still hold a place in our society because sex and advertisements of sex is what people mostly men love to see. Girls love the fame they get from it and men/women love to look at it. It's a form of entertainment to them. It increases popularity because of the way the society is made to look at it.

  94. Isabelle 44
    I guess they still exists because people read them me personally I will never buy them nor read but some people enjoy them and that why Hollywood and them still make money and again it is a personal choice but young kid have easy access to them which sadden me.

  95. I think it exists because whats forbidden for the mind is what the mind wants. Romance or playboy, they are both about sexual fantasies. Its all fitlh to me. The badness is what drives us to get it. Its kind of sad because people do not really realize that. In the old days when tv and magazines and all that stuff existed only the rich and the elite were the only ones who could afford porn or nasty sexual things like prostitutes. But as the years passed and people demanded equalness it became something that anybody could obtain. I think that is why the demand for these things keeps increasing.
    Its like all the tv shows and soap operas they are usually love stories where one lady cheats on her husband or vice versa. its kind of gross and sad the messages that these things send out. I think that is why there are more and more divorces now.

  96. David G.
    Sexism is really quite natural for everybody. Preferring people LIKE ourselves is superceded only by prefference FOR ourselves. The default position is to be chauvanistic, when we aren't actively trying to not be. In a healthy relationship, all of the sexes charachteristcs, steriotypes and all, can be expressed in a healthy way. People who don't have this ideal in their lives try to recreate it on the cheap. Out of context it is always a little twisted and destructive but not enough to overcome the desire to fulfill that part of who we are. When women can be comfortable about being women and men can feel comfortable about being men, then we will have taken awey much of the impitus for these lesser outlets.

  97. Susette R. 67-

    I think the key to keeping romance novels and Playboys on the shelves and selling is the fact that whoever is putting them out there knows exactly what men want to see and women want to read. In romance novels, you notice a lot of explicit verbal descriptions of sexual acts but there is ROMANCE. Men don't care about romance, women do. Why? Because we are emotional beings. In Playboys you have visual depictions of sex and naked women, because men are physical beings and all they think about is sex. So, until this changes, they will continue to sell. I don't think they are sexist because they are catering to our natural instincts and makeup as men and women.

    In response to Sparkle R.

    I agree with your view on how women like the fame it brings. They like the attention and notoriety they get from it. They like attention.

  98. Like many have said, women tend to be more emotional and are more concerned and very careful about romance.On the other hand men are more interested in what they see and more physically oriented.That in mind, due to the interesting stuff gotten from these materials focusing on what both genders want, I think that is the reason for their increase in popularity.


    Like many have said, women tend to be more emotional and are more concerned and very careful about romance.On the other hand men are more interested in what they see and more physically oriented.That in mind, due to the interesting stuff gotten from these materials focusing on what both genders want, I think that is the reason for their increase in popularity.

  100. Men and women enjoy different things, and following a fantasy in a bit of literature will always be indulged in, and because of that I say these materials will only increase in popularity.
