Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Til Death Do us Part

Pat Robertson holds a tremendous amount of social clout in this country as a long time religious broadcaster with the 700 Club and as a political pundit. Last week Robertson proclaimed to viewers, "Divorcing a spouse with Alzheimer's disease is justified."

What's your take on this highly controversial statement?


  1. Sharise H. 70

    I am a true believer that the Bible sets guidelines for us to follow. With that being said, the Bible states that there are two reasons in which a married couple can divorce; death and infidelity. To divorce a spouse simply because they do not "function" the same is a very selfish reason. We all expect to grow old and simply not be able to do the same things we were use to doing or living. I do not think thats an acceptable reason to call it quits.

  2. Latanya K-95

    I believe that marriage must not be broken under any circumstances. If you are to be called a man or women of God...Pat Robertson, and spreading his teachings to others so that they may live right,you should not be practicing you should be living what you preach! You can't pick and choose which ever covenants you want to follow in the bible. Am i shocked that statement was made? No. So many of us have lost sight of what the real sanctity of marriage is and what it stands for. Pastor Jeff Owens couldn't have said it any better, " divorce is the sin of hate, selfishness and unforgivenss. So many peole are woefully ignort of the scripture, just as Jesus said." But who am i to judge?

  3. Latanya K-95 in response to Sharise H. 70

    I agree that's just plain wrong on all levels.I can't imangine loving someone one day and just because their sick dropping them by the way side. I would be extremly consumed and weighed down with guilt but that carma is something else.

  4. Kudi A

    I believe that marriage is for life unless there is abuse, but to leave your spouse because of an illness is not justified to me.

  5. Mary O-70

    I am appalled that a man who supposedly knows the word of God would suggest such a thing. The Bible is very clear on God's view of divorce...
    in the book of Matthew 19:3-6 it states:
    3 Some Pharisees came to him to test him. They asked, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any and every reason?”

    4 “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female, 5 and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’ 6 So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

    I don't see where God says, except for the case of Alzheimers. As a matter of fact the only circumstance where God allows divorce is infidelity. In Malachi God says:

    Malachi 2:16 “I hate divorce,” says the LORD, the God of Israel, “because the man who divorces his wife covers his garment with violence,”
    I pray Pat Robertson would rebuke his statement and speak the truth!!

  6. Mary O-70
    I am in complete agreement with Sharise H...the only reasons God would permit divorce is death or infidelity.

  7. Megan C.

    I believe that marriage is a gift ,but also a choice. Not everyone has the opportunity to share their lives with someone else. If you do, it should be cherished even up to the end of life. I'm not saying those two people won't have to work at having a good marriage.Once you say "I do" in my book that's forever.
    For better or for worse... with few exception. I am a believer so I live my life the best I can by the bible. In the bible the reasons for divorce are death, and infidelity. I do believe if it's an abusive relationship it's justified to get a divorce ,but if the other is sick it's not.
    I've been first hand in a situation with someone was very sick and dying. She could not really function almost at all as a wife or a mother anymore. It wasn't easy on her or her family ,but her husband stood by her and cared for her and his family the best he knew how.
    I believe that is what is meant by those "I do". Marriage to me is a committment made bewteen you, the other person and God forever.

  8. Lafarah P.

    I Don't believe that divorcing a spouse with Alzheimer's is right. When you get married and take vows to each other its for better or for WORSE! Yes dealing with the disease is a very huge struggle but if you claim you love this person why wouldn't you be with this person in their greatest time of need?

  9. Sparkle R.

    I think that statement is very cruel and unjustified. Nobody should be able to divorce somebody just because they are physically/mentally ill especially if it's not causing them any physical harm.

  10. I don't think that is right. You should be with your spouse through thick and thin. If she has Alzheimer's it shouldn't matter if you love her you will stay with her.

  11. "Pat Robertson holds a tremendous amount of social clout in this country"......not sure I agree with this premise. No doubt, there are lots of folks who watch Robertson's 700 Club show, but to classify him as having 'tremendous' social clout? Really? Compared to me, no doubt, but.....I guar-an-damn-tee you that the vast majority of evangelical Christians do not hang on Pat Robertson's every word. Not to put too fine a point on it, but the words "uncle" and "attic" come to mind.....Pat has developed a bit of a rep over a long period of time.....the overwhelming majority of evangelicals may feel fondly toward Robertson, but are quite aware of his, er, limitations. Matter of fact, if you were to listen in to a group of average evangelicals, and if they were (doubtfully) conversing about this statement by Robertson on divorce and Alzheimers, you'd be likely to hear them say something like, "Have you heard the latest from Pat Robertson?", and "Can you believe what Pat Robertson said this time? What is up with him doing this crazy stuff over and over again?".....and, possibly, "Maybe he's the one with Alzheimers."

  12. In response to Latanya K-95.....
    Gotta disagree with you regarding infidelity being the only acceptable reason for divorce. I cannot believe that God would want me to stay with my wife if she was in the habit of beating my children with a baseball bat or some such crazy thing (not talking about mental illness, but rather evil).

  13. RebeccaG69 said...
    I think Pat Robertson is full of himself honestly. Leaving your spouse because one cannot have the life one used to have with his or her loved one. It shouldn't matter how bad the illness is. It matters how much love one has for his or her partner. Divorce is becoming common but divorcing because his or her partner may not live the same life or die earlier than expected is just cruel and careless.

  14. RebeccaG69 said...
    In response to Lafarah P...

    I agree with you in divorcing a spouse because of a disease. It is true that if one loves some one and committed fully to his or her partner should not just leave when the spouse is in time of serious need of love and support.

  15. Megan G-70
    I am a firm believer in marriage meaning what it says, Till death do us part. Yes, like many others have stated a divorce is justified in the bible only to death and infidelity. I also believe it is justified if there is an abusive relationship, but other than those things, people know what they are signing up for when they say I do. that is why its called marriage! When you commit yourself to someone it is fully. I dont think its right that you get to leave your husband or wife because they get sick! Its not like they intentionally did it as it would be if they had commited adultery or something else!

  16. Megan G-70 in response to Rebecca G-69
    I agree! Leaving your spouse because they get sick and now your life isnt going to go just as you thought it would is just plain selfish! Sick or not sick, if you love someone you stand by them! This is not a justified reason for a divorce in my eyes!

  17. Latanya K-95 in response to MarkS-72

    I respect your opinion and I’m more than certain that God would never condone any type of violent behavior. I believe that the reason we experience some of these problems are because we don’t follow the bible's guidelines for choosing the right spouse for us. Remember we choose that person. In God's eyes marriage is until death, so before we commit we need to make sure that person is the right person for us. I remember Oprah saying that when your dating or meeting someone and you start seeing all these red flags pop up, not to ignore them because they may come back to bite you years later, just walk away. You'll save your self a lot of head aches.

  18. MauriceR
    Based on yet another unfiltered and controversial statement, evangelist and media mogul Marion Gordon "Pat" Robertson may be reliving symptoms of early onset dementia or shooting for television ratings.
    I am not a professional doctor or clinical psychologist. However, I did get an “A” in PSYCH 101. Also, I have watched extensive hours of “Dr. Drew”, “Dr. Phil”, Judges Judith (Judy) Scheindlin and Greg Mathis, “Oprah”, and earliest seasons of “Jerry Springer” to actively deduce when someone’s internal filter is a bit off. Since then, I have learned that symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease usually develop slowly and gradually worsen over time, progressing from mild forgetfulness to widespread brain impairment.

    Ironically, in one statement this 81 year-old evangelical Christian broadcaster/preacher has forgotten some basic biblical teachings regarding God’s grace and covenants. Christianity teaches that marriage is a covenant ordained only by God; and grace is His unmerited favor to all for the taking. Let’s hope and earnestly pray that his wife or family don’t divorce him as he might be unknowingly experiencing the first stage of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease.

  19. Denell B-70

    I believe in the guidelines set in the bible about marriage, but marriage is about love. I look at this as if I were the one with Alzheimer's disease. I would not want the person that I love to suffer due to my illness.

  20. Denell B-70

    In response to "many".
    I understand your point of view and all of the quotes from the bible. What about our famous Bible quote: section 1 Corinthians 13:4-7,13: "Love never seeks it's own gratification but rather the interest of others. Again I am speaking as if I were the person with Alzhemimer's desease.

  21. Patti S -70
    I also do not believe in divorcing your spouse because they develop Alzheimer's Disease. I believe in "till death do us part". This is the vow you make before God. It doesn't say "till Alzheimer's do us part". I believe there are reasons for divorce, but this is not one of them. I love my husband dearly. Even though he is forgetful about everything, I do not want a divorce!

  22. Patti S in response to Megan C.
    I completely agree with you. I believe that marriage is for better or worse and until death do us part. I have a friend who lost her mother to cancer at an early age. Her dad stood beside her mother through years of sickness and treatment. Mom did not stop being a mom or wife because she had cancer. She may not have been able to perform all of her motherly or wifely duties, but she was still mom and wife. I believe someone who would divorce due to an illness is just plain SELFISH!

  23. My opinion is one based on Faith. I, too, believe that marriage should remain for life unless an act of adultery is committed. Ethically it is appalling to think that someone could leave their life partner due to illness. On a religious level, it is even more unsettling. I am not familiar with Pat Robertson, but apparently he needs to re-read the Book he's preaching.

  24. MelanieP.70

    I believe it is absolutely justified to leave your spouse because of their disease. Taking care of a sick loved one may be too much to handle, especially if you yourself are sick or elderly. Not to mention if the illness we’re referring to is Alzheimer’s, your spouse may not remember too much of you anyway. I agree that it is a selfish thing to do, but I believe being selfish is sometimes justified.

  25. MelanieP.70 in response to what Sharise H. 70 Said…..

    I couldn’t disagree with you more. If I get married and 10 days, weeks, or years later I decide I’m unhappy for any reason at all I would not hesitate to end the relationship. I would not feel obligated to stay in an unsatisfying relationship (whether that’s due to an illness, or anything else) just because my religion told me to do so. I mean no disrespect to you or anyone else on here, I know my opinion is of the minority.

  26. Domenic R.70
    I read this and started wondering if Pat Robertson is getting Alzheimer's. If you watch the video, he says Alzheimer's "is a kind of death". With that outlook, I wonder what other diseases or if old age itself "is a kind of death". I'm not sure I have much of an opinion on his comments. Marriages dissolve over lesser issues. But Pat Robertson is not practicing what he preaches.

  27. Domenic R.70
    In response to people quoting the Bible,
    Are there really only two reasons you can divorce? I am quoting from Mary O-70's comment, "the only reasons God would permit divorce is death or infidelity". It is not in the Bible, but I also believe you can divorce for other reasons. The Bible is very black and white (not to mention dated), and life is not black and white. There are other reasons to consider divorce that are not in the Bible, which are abuse (of any kind) and abandonment.

  28. Michelle J.

    When two people take a marriage vow it usually says, “Until death do us a part.” Death can be perceived when the person is no longer with the person, literally. When the person still has breath in their body they are not dead but still living. The life may not be the same as when the happy couple entered the marriage, but as long as they both have the breath of life in them, they are still living.

  29. Meghan Williams
    I think that it is completely wrong to divorce your spouse because they have Alzheimer disease. "Till death do us Part" is pretty self explanatory until someone is actually dead. That means they do are not breathing and no longer have a heartbeat. I know how hard it is to be around someone that has Alzheimer, Its very sad and upsetting for loved ones. But that does not justify a spouse being able to divorce them. They are losing there memory but what about the days that they can remember and their spouse divorced them how awful would they feel to know that they left them because they were sick from a disease that was completely out of there control. I know if it was me i would feel very lonely and be extremely depressed. Your spouse is supposed to be their for you through everything and if they just divorced me once i got sick i dont know what I would do. Anyways i think that was a horrible untrue thing to say because it DOES NOT justify a divorce that is just cruel.

  30. I am very much a Christian and a firm believer in the Bible. I think his proclamation is selfish and definitely not scriptural. It us just more proof that this country beliefs and morals have diminished to nothing more than a "drive-thru" mentality. Everyone wants every thing right now and if they change their mind, just throw it away and get something else. People now days do not want to work for anything. They want everything to free and easy. The second it gets hard they quit. And this idiot just gave them permission. Marriage is great but it is not easy. I have NEVER heard wedding vows that say "until things get rough or you are not who you used to be". They say "for better or worse, in sickness and in health". If you truly love your spouse more than yourself the thought of leaving when they need you most would not even cross your mind.

  31. The last post was posted by Dana Morgan70

  32. Dana M. 70
    In response to Domenic R. 70

    I was brought up in a traditional Southern Baptist Church where the "only 2 reasons for divorce" sermon was preached. I know the Bible talks addresses those 2 things but I agree with you. There are other reasons that the loving God I serve would forgive. I do not think God would expect anyone to stay in a marriage where their life or their children's lives were in danger every day.

  33. My opinion about marriage is very solid because in the bible, it tells you when two people exchange vowels in the church of god in front of families and friends saying, "Through death due as part and through sickness and in health." People don't realized that is what they supposed to do. When you say these vowels it means you have to be loyal and faithful no matter what the situation is with your other half, whether they are sick, paralyzed, burned, or have Alzheimer's disease and etc... It doesn't justified a good enough reason for the other partner to leave their spouse. So stay married because that is the right thing to do and just keep Jesus Christ your Savior closed to your heart and he shall prospered.


  34. My opinion about marriage is very solid because in the bible, it tells you when two people exchange vowels in the church of god in front of families and friends saying, "Through death due as part and through sickness and in health." People don't realized that is what they supposed to do. When you say these vowels it means you have to be loyal and faithful no matter what the situation is with your other half, whether they are sick, paralyzed, burned, or have Alzheimer's disease and etc... It doesn't justified a good enough reason for the other partner to leave their spouse. So stay married because that is the right thing to do and just keep Jesus Christ your Savior closed to your heart and he shall prospered.


  35. Constance C. 67

    When you Love someone, you marry them. For BETTER or for WORSE. Divorcing someone because they have an illness that can't be fixed is a weak persons way out. If you had the guts the marry that person and spend any of your life with them then you should have the guts to stay with them even when they are sick. however this does not go for someone who has an abusive spouse, that would be an entirely different story.

  36. Constance C 67
    in response to Chris A.

    As Chris said I am not familiar with Pat Robertson but he definitely needs to read through his bible again. On the level of faith and what marriage means it is very disheartening and disrespectful to your spouse and god to divorce someone simply because they are ill.

  37. Rachel A-69
    I believe that marriage is a sacred bond between two people. There are promises you make and commitments you should intend to keep.I believe in sickness and in health is a major part of marriage. I do not believe that it is justifiable to leave someone just because they got sick. if someone who loves them and has been married to them for so long leaves them, then who is going to take care of them?

  38. Rachel A-69 in response to Michelle J
    I do agree with you. I think that as long as someone is breathing they are still a person. I would want my spouse to take care of me in sickness, and I would intend on taking care of my spouse til death do us part.

  39. Tracey D (67)
    Well I've never heard of this man, but he has a right to say what he believes just as we all have a right to say what we believe. That doesn't mean we have to agree with him. I don't think it is right to divorce a spouse because they have a disease any more than it is right to abandon a child with a disease. When you love a person, you love them. All that being said, I'm also not going to judge anyone that does divorce a spouse for whatever reason.

  40. Tracey D (67)
    Just another thought on this matter, because I don't think I feel as strongly as most of the other responses - not being raised in a church and not having very strong religious views. This is my other thought....perhaps by divorcing your spouse with a disease they could benifit from certain medical assistance that they would not be able to get with the status of married, due to financial reasons. I've seen this happen in our State where a parent has to turn over rights of a mentally handicap or physically handicap child in order to get them medical attention, because the parent's insurance will not cover certain in-patient residental facilities that the child MUST have to survive. Would you be willing then to divorce your spouse in order to safe their life? Just a thought provoking question.

  41. Domenic R.70
    In response to those posting wedding vows...
    Are there wedding vows in the Bible?

  42. Ssmisha S 67
    I strongly disagree with the statement, "Divorcing a spouse with Alzheimer's disease is justified." That is totally wrong!! Maybe, I feel strongly about it because, I am legally disabled. Two years ago, when I was 25, I was diagnosed with Guillain Barre Syndrome, which left me paralyzed from the waist down. I couldn't feed or bathe myself, and I lost so many friends, well people I thought were my friends. When you are sick you need the people close to you to be by your side. ESPECIALLY your other half. I don't know what I would have done without my fiance and family. They motivated me and helped me get better. Besides in your vows, it says through sickness and health. His statement was very very ignorant in my opinion.

  43. Samisha S 67

    in response to Sharise H. 70

    I totally agree, that is very selfish. A person can not help if they become sick. If someone divorces a person because of sickness, they married for the wrong reasons.

    To me, that statement sounds offensive. That is a don't care altitude.When you get married, you say vows and promise to be with each other no matter what. The only solid reason for divorce is adultery(cheating). But, divorcing someone because of a certain disease like Alzheimer is a big sin. That person needs your help, and you as her/his spouse should be there for them always.

  45. ToniaD15
    I believe divorcing an individual with Alzheimer's disease is very selfish. If you took those vows and truly do love that person, you would stick it through and help them in their time of need.

  46. ToniaD15

    In response to Domenic R. 70:

    I definitely agree that there are more than those two reasons, death or infidelity, to divorce. I believe abuse or abandonment are definitely legitimate reasons to divorce. I also believe that someone who would divorce and individual with Alzheimer's disease is the one doing the abondoning.

  47. Porsha P 44
    I believe that divorcing a spouse with alzheimers is justifiable. Each person circumstance is different. A person should be able to enjoy life to the fullest. If I had alzheimers i would perfer my husband leave me. I would want my husband to live life happily. Alzeheimers can place a great burden on care givers. Care givers of people with alzehemers have to do do whats best for them. Sometimes it is best to divorce in that situation.

  48. Porsha P 44
    In response to the majority
    The bible says so much. Yet people continue to sin everyday. People continue to throw stones and judge other people. People quote bible striptures but they go againt bible scriptures everyday. Human beings are not perfect. It really depends on that persons situation. God is forgiving and he understands.

  49. Brisa L.70

    Divorcing a spouse with Alzheimer's disease is justified. This is wrong because it is not honoring the agreement people have when they get married. Marriage is being there in good and bad times, supporting, loving, and encouraging each other in all times throughout the adversities that life brings along, so I am strongly disappointed at Pat Robertson’s statement because he supposedly proclaims the word of God, and that statement is the opposite of what the bible says.

  50. Brisa L. 70 in response of Marsha Vernet
    I completely agree with Marsha Vernet in all that she said when someone gets married we do not realize the really meaning of "Through death due as part and through sickness and in health." until something bad comes along. Personally,I would not like for my husband to leave me or cheat on me when I need him the most.

  51. I disagree with this statement because marriage should not be broken unless one has cheated or passed away;As Sharise H. 70 stated above.
    When you marry someone you agree to be with them through sickness and in health. Divorcing someone because of this Alzheimer disease defeats the whole purpose of a marriage. You should love and support your spouse rather than hate and abandon. I suppose if your own mother was to be diagnosed with this disease would declare her no longer to be your "mother" ?

  52. I disagree with the fact that her sickness justifies his reasons for divorce. Marriage is 'till death due us part and through sickness and in health. I do beleive that divorce is necessary but only when the partner is phsyco or violent, or a cheating person. But, becoming sick is not a reason to be left alone.

  53. In response to Porsha P 44
    I would have to disagree with you. I don't beleive that it is justifiable. When you get married to someone it is because that person is the joy to your life. It is because that person is the one who makes you happy. I agree a person should live life to the fullest, but if you are leaving the person you "love" then you aren't going to enjoy your life. I think it would be better to enjoy the rest of your life with your happiness whether he/she is sick. And, like you said God is forgiving and He does understand but that does not justify a persons actions.

  54. Frank J 67

    I can't believe someone has the heart to say this let alone say it on tv to millions of people. I could not see myself doing this to my wife and being able to call myself a man. I don't believe in "til death do us part". I'm my religion, "LDS", we are taught that once we are married here on earth and sealed together, we are husband and wife and fathers and mothers to our children in the life after this one. I do not agree with Pat Robertson's view. I couldn't imagine any man who truly loves his wife, to be ok with divorcing her at the time when she truly needs him. I'm sure the kids and even grandkids of any person who does this wouldn't be able to justify it. It doesn't only say "til death do us part".....it also says "for better or for worse, in sickness and in health".

  55. Frank J 67

    In response to Emma A.

    I agree with you on what should constitute a divorce. A person in an abusive or violent relationship as well as an unfaithful relationship should, as long as they aren't able to work through the differences, divorce for the benefit of both parties.

  56. Mary M 82

    I disagree with Pat Robertson's statement. My Aunt has early onset Alzheimer's and I cannot imagine my Uncle leaving her because of it. Yes, it is difficult for him to deal with at times, but he loves her and would never abandon her. She needs him now more than any other time in their marriage. She relies on him for everything and feels uncomfortable when he isn't around.

    In response to Brisa L 70

    I agree with your statement about marriage. It is about being there through the good and the bad no matter what life throws at you. I also agree that it is wrong for Pat Robertson to proclaim the word of God and go against what the bible says. Marriage should be "for better or for worse...in sickness and in health."

  57. Daquan F-70

    Trying to justify a divorce because your spouse has Alzheimer's disease is absurd. If these disease makes divorce okay, then who's not to say if your spouse attains any other disease or medical disorder, will give you a reason to divorce. I don't know Pat Robertson, but I'm assuming there is some situation or another person influencing him to make this statement.

    In response to Sharise H. 70

    I agree with you, to divorce a spouse because they do not function the same is an extremely selfish reason. And you must think of the facts, most people who have Alzheimer's, are over the age of 60. Assuming that the couple has been together for a great amount of years, it's unlikely they would divorce simply because of this disease. I'm curious why Pat Robertson would even bring this up.

  58. I beleive divorce can happened for only 2 reasons death and infidelity. So I don't understand why he would divorce his wife because she has Alzheimer disease that doesn't make sens to me , he should be there for her and that what the vows said for richer and poor and also darkness so this not a good move for him to do .It is really selfish from him.ko44

  59. Renee A 67

    Wow what a terrible statement for this "man of god" to say. Alzheimer's is a terrible disease that affects a lot of the elderly. At this time in your life you would want your spouse to be there for you. Walking away from someone in need is abandonment and I think "divorcing" a spouse because of a disease is a crime. That is ridiculous. He obviously doesn't realize what
    "till death do you part" means. Someone with this disease needs all the love and attention they can get even if they don't remember who you are. You should still be there for them. I would hope my husband is by my side if this affects me and hope that people don't take this "tv joke" seriously.

  60. Sheena M. in response to Mary O-70October 2, 2011 at 10:28 AM

    Mary, I appreciate the effort and detail that went into your posting. I am in complete agreement that it is blasphemous for a a God fearing man to state "special circumstances", as reasoning to leave a spouse. He must have forgotten the part of vows that state "in sickness and in health". Perhaps if Pat Robertson had not been so public with his Christian beliefs, his comments, while disturbing, would not have held such shock value. I do not feel it is justified to leave a spouse because of Alzheimer, nor any other sickness.

  61. Pat Robertson is a well respected figure who has simply put, "Put his foot in his mouth". Robertson has been straightforward about his Christian faith and beliefs; therefore his statement comes across as contradiction to me. Even removing the religious backing of the situation, it is inhumane to leave a spouse due to a health issue, including Alzheimer's.
    Unless the sickness is causing detrimental harm and abuse, a spouse has a bound DUTY to continue be supportive and loving. I am appalled at such ignorance. There is no honor or loyalty in abandoning any love one because of a illness. This is just as bad as people who claim to degree with Capital Punishment, unless it is from the murder of a child. People cannot play God and take these "exceptions" into their own hands. If you refer to the Bible, the only mentionable reason for divorce is adultery. I would like to know how Robertson would react or feel is he were diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, or better yet, would he leave his wife if she were to have it?

    It reminds me of the movie, The Notebook. Perhaps, I am just a hopeless romantic, or maybe vows hold value to me. If your spouse forgets who you are every day, you spend that day getting them back.

  62. La Tonya C. 67

    I understand that many have different beliefs and choose to follow varies teachings of Spiritual leaders. Having said that, it has always concerned me that many find what religious figures in particular say to be so finite. Some of these men and women do have gifts of Spiritual intellect on a level possible more in tuned than others, coupled with the gift of teaching. But that is just it the comments of Pat Robinson are of a person who happens to teach religion. As in all intuitional settings and yes that includes the church, it’s his role to present and our role to study, review and apply. Your walk with whomever you believe in is as weak or as strong as you make it. It’s hard to dispute written word; however it’s the interpretation of that Word, which disputes gains fuel. For Pat Robinson or anyone else, to dictated whether a spouse stays or goes in a relationship where… the person they loved/ vowed to keep, no longer knows their name much less their face, having that recognition of oneness taken from their grasp. In some case, daily conversations of getting them to re-write you back into memories were their mind has erased all parts of you. I cannot say the right and wrong of his statement, as I have watched it most recently tear down a once strong man. Who now pleads for some sign of remembrance and on the flip I seen a family member treat it as just another chore on the to-list, not having made her weaker, or stronger but indifferent in her own marriage. So who’s to say Pat Robinson or even you and I are right or wrong?

  63. La Tonya C.67 in response to Porsha P 44
    I happen to agree with you… if “we” were all so great a choosing good over evil and Mr. or Mrs. Right from Mr. or Mrs. Wrong at the jump there would have been no need for the 10 Commandments or our governing laws… yes the Bible does say the Lord said “I hate divorce” I believe he also covered judgment.

  64. Susette R. -67

    I think it is absolutely absurd. When you marry someone it is supposed to be for life. However, many people do end up getting divorces. The reasons may vary, and they may all be justified. However, I do not think that if your spouse becomes ill with Alzheimer's you should just give up on them and divorce them. Who cares if they remember you or not... you made a promise to stand by them... through sickness and in health. If you divorce them you were either just looking for a way out to begin with or you are too selfish to stick by your spouse while they endure their illness.

    In response to Porsha P. 44-

    Do you really think that at the age that Alzheimer begins to affect most people that it would even be a considerable idea to try and go meet someone else to marry? Sure, some people get it early but, the truth of the matter is, when illnesses such as Alzheimers begin to take their course your spouse is an elderly person who needs assistance and needs someone who loves them and is committed to them to look out for them and be by their side to help them get through it. So... I disagree with your statement.

  65. There is nothing to justify this statement. A man and woman say, "Till death do us part" for a reason. The bible only gives one acceptable reason for divorce, but sickness or disease is not one of them. The loved one may not remember who their surrounding loved ones are, but in God's eyes it still is not right for the other spouse to go and do as he/she pleases. They will have to answer to God in God's time. Part of the traditional wedding vows are also, "In sickness and in health." It does not matter what the sickness is, the other should be willing to do whatever he/she needs to do to care for their sick loved one.

  66. In response to Sheena M. (69),

    Their is a responsibility of the well spouse to the sick spouse. A duty he/she will be held accountable for. A man is called to be the priest of his household. So when his wife is sick, doesn't matter if she knows who he is or not, his mission is to care for his household and be there to pray, support, and protect his household.

  67. I truely believe marriage is a bond between two people who decided to join together , and spend the rest of their life together in dealt do us apart.There made a promises and a commitments they should abide and intend to keep.I believe if there is sickness, fianacial problem and poor health is where the marriage should be bond together to fight what ever trying to destroying marriage. I do not believe that it is justifiable to leave someone just because they got sick, poor health and no more money, is a selfishness, remember it can happen either one.

  68. ALICE P-70
    I truely believe marriage is a bond between two people who decided to join together , and spend the rest of their life together in dealt do us apart.There made a promises and a commitments they should abide and intend to keep.I believe if there is sickness, fianacial problem and poor health is where the marriage should be bond together to fight what ever trying to destroying marriage. I do not believe that it is justifiable to leave someone just because they got sick, poor health and no more money, is a selfishness, remember it can happen either one.
    October 2, 2011 12:27 PM

  69. When you said I do some of your vows to one another and God was in sickness and health, through good times and bad times, until death do you part. It didn't say that when the person gets confused that was grounds for divorce. The problem is that people are getting married for all the wrong reasons. Those wrong reasons causes divorce. So many people are just looking for reasons to divorce like you're to fat, I don't like your hair color, and so on. People are getting divorced way to easily. If you stand on the bible and the grounds that marriage should be based on you will have a stronger foundation or have grounds for a biblical divorce.

  70. EurekaB76 in response to SaraH01October 2, 2011 at 12:40 PM

    I agree with Sara that you will have to answer to God. The bible gives you your vows and reasons for divorce. This is what we will be held accountable by God for. Is the man that gave you the wrong information going to stand before God during judgement day and say I told her or him that God?

  71. MichaelS 69

    I do believe we should love our spouse unconditionaly no matter what. We did marry under an oath that states through sickness and health, and good times and bad, till death do us part. So it must be our duty to obey our vows. So I dont like this statement at all from Mr. Pat Robertson, and being a man of God he should preach that we should stand by our spouse in the times when they need us most. I think thats a very selfish act and dont see how anyone could live with thenselves after doing such a thing.

  72. Till death do us part. I think this saying is in every traditional american wedding, right? Well, with that said if you really love someone, you can't just toss them to the side, that thing called unconditional love should kick in. If you really love someone the average person will stick through it, and only show more love. I believe that is what this statement is meant to mean, right?

  73. MichaelS 69 in responce to AliceP-70

    I agree with Alice one-hundred percent. Marriage is an absolute fight and struggle. You cannot just walk away when things get a little tough. If anyone has been in a relationship for any lenght of time knows how much work goes into it. We need to really focus on being their for you another no matter what the issues may be.

  74. I do not agree with this statement because it involves giving up. With this being said, I do think the spouse has the privilege of free will and can do whatever they want. It is all up to them because whether or not we agree with it, its their life and they have to deal with the consequences of their choices.

    In response to Susette R 67-
    I completely agree. The spouse was either looking for a way out or they are selfish. Divorce is common but I don't know how common it is in regards to illness.

  75. Posted by BJ C....My take on this controversial topic is that it is absolute bull!! I have just lived this scenario out with my grandfather for the past 15 years. My grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s almost 15 years ago and has steadily gone downhill from there. My grandfather took his marriage vows very seriously and has taken care of her just like he promised “in sickness and in health”. He has worked very hard to afford her medicine and the things that she needs to make her life comfortable. Well in the past month she has gotten very bad and has become bed ridden. He had begun talking with home health and the nursing home knowing full well he would have to mortgage his home to be able to afford this kind of care. He didn’t care! He would have done anything to make sure she was comfortable and had what she needed. Monday she was rushed by ambulance to the hospital where she died of complications. We as a family are devastated. He never once considered a divorce. All he considered was how much he loved her and that she was his wife and what he could do to make her life better. This is how he has lived for the past fifteen years. This is how I would be if I was ever faced with this challenge. I married my wife until the day she or I die. Period end of Discussion!

  76. Responding to MichaelS 69 by BJ C.... I totally agree with you. Marriage is the ultimate fight! You aren't supposed to run away when times get hard you are supposed to turn around and fight for your family. That is what love is all about!

  77. Thomas L 67

    To just get up and leave the person you care about most in the world just because they become a little sick is completely unjustified. A lot of the comments above me are you using that "till death do us part" quote a lot. That probably is the winning statement right there, because through sickness and health two people in a marriage are supposed to continue the bond that holds them together. All you need is love, and if its real it will last. Somebody needs to sit this Pat Robertson guy down for a good 2 and a half hours and watch a movie called the "Notebook" I bet then hell change his mind.

  78. I believe if Pat Robertson calls himself a Christian than he has missed the whole concept of it. Marriage according to God is for life. Like you say when you take your vows,"Till death do us part." I am not suprised, since many religious leaders prefer to please the patrons of their churches instead of the one being whom they really should please -God.

  79. Many of the comments I am in complete agreement with. There is no way that a person can claim to love someone and when they need them the most divorce them.

  80. Octavio P.41
    Mr. Pat Robertson as any one of us has the right to express his opinion about any matter. The difference is that he has an audience that must agree with him in order to keep his program alive. In my opinion, people that listen to religious programming of any kind do it because they agree with the views of the host, they need someone that they hold in high esteem to tell them what to do, they feel that their intellect is not appropriate to decipher the word of God, and sometimes is someone that‘s missing childhood indoctrination and is trying to follow a “leader” that a friend recommended.
    Me, I’m not a follower of men. I want to believe that my conscience is God taking to me, and if I follow that “little voice” deep inside my soul, I always will do what’s best for all that I come in contact with. That doesn’t happen every single time, of course, because as a sinner, I do not always follow my “conscience”. By default, I do not follow Mr. Robertson, which in situations like this makes me feel good about my decision.
    Most of us appear to venerate the sacred union of matrimony which sounds wonderful. Taken in consideration that Mr. Robertson is still married to Adela Elmer since 1954, he must really love her and believes in marriage. Marriage is under attack in our country, and by seeing so many couples living together with the promise of a future wedding, shows to me that, either they are afraid of committing to the same mistake their parents made, or that they don’t want to get married before that trial period in which they decide if they are compatible in every single possible way. Back then , they called that trial time being boyfriends and girlfriends, not living together. I have news for anyone and everyone that still single: you can try all you want and live together for as long as you desire. Marriage is not about compatibility, it is about love and respect until death.
    Mr. Robertson is either preparing the grounds for him or his wife for what they might know is coming their way. I will be there until the last breath and I know my wife will, too. And then whoever is behind will live from memories, good and bad, because that’s what makes a marriage; that’s how two become one.

  81. Rob T....
    I beleive in the bible and I really do not believe that what Pat Robertson said is true. I can honestly said I have not read that in the Holy Bible.

  82. Ryan H, 69

    I am not a religious person and I honestly do not feel that this issue concerns religious beliefs. I understand that others would refer to marriage vows when discrediting his statements, but I feel that his statement is wrong from a moral perspective beyond religion. To abandon your best friend and life companion during a time when they need you the most (whether they know it or not) is evil and weak.

  83. Octavio P.41 in response to Ryan H,69

    I must congratulate you for such a bold and sincere statement. Religious or not, in my opinion, like I said several times, ethics and morals belong to all humanity.

  84. SandraS/69

    I cannot believe that someone of such religious stature and preaches religion can even think of it being okay to divorce his or her partner because of an illness and say its justified. We take our sacred vows of marriage to be with or partner for" richer or poorer, in sickness and in health till death due us part" These vows are not meant to be bent or broken. Just because we become broken we should not be thrown out like a piece of trash. Just like Jesus he could have saved himself from death but instead he died to save us.

  85. Reply to Ryan H. from SandraS/69

    I agree with you wether you are religious or not it is true that ethics and morals belong to all humanity.

  86. in response to AliceP/70 from SandraS/69

    It is true that marriage is a tough and always having to work together. We are together and including with the help of God we should be there for one another. There will be tough times and that is the reason we are there for each other. I can name several times my spouse could have called it quits with me but we made those vows and we love each other unconditionally. We just pick each other up and keep going. It will be 22yrs this year that we have been together.

  87. As one who has seen the devastating effects of Alzheimer's' disease, I understand how hard it must be to see one's significant other deteriorate into a shell of a human. Saying that, as a Catholic person I strongly disagree with Roberts' Notion that divorce may be condoned. It is shocking to hear, as most protestant Christians believe that marriage is until death. I am even more shocked at Roberts' statement from a moral standpoint, as it is ones obligation to take care of the indigent, especially if it your wife or husband. I find this simply disturbing. Maybe Pat Roberts is exhibiting signs of Alzheimer's himself!

  88. I am a firm believer that marriage is forever unless there is abuse, addiction or child molestation. When someone meets someone that someone they truly love, marry and vow to death do us part. This is the most sacred thing a couple can do with one another. In those vows it also states in sickness and health. That includes Alzheimer's disease. This is when that person needs his partner in life to be there for them. They need this more than ever. That is when the partner needs to give to their partner all they have to give. This is not easy for anyone to watch that person go from a loving spouse to someone who does not even know them. The Alzheimer patient is locked in a very scary world that no one else can even imagine. In my opinion Pat Roberts has gone to far on this one. He needs to sit down and read his bible a little bit closer....what god has joined together let no man put asunder.

  89. This is in response to Michael S....I totally agree with you. When we marry we are in there for better or worse.

  90. Sharise H. 70 in response to Ryan H. 69

    I think the majority of the class all agree that whether you are religious or not this is wrong. This illness totally transforms a person and it will be a time when companionship and trust is needed most.

  91. JWilliams-67
    I don't believe that one single answer regarding this problem can solve it. It would seem that the statement was regarding someone who is consumed by alzheimer's disease and no longer recognizes their spouse for more than a few minutes in the day.

  92. Latreecia 69

    This is tough. I am a firm believer in marriage lasting a lifetime. I do not believe in divorce. If you truly love someone and you married them to be yours then i dont believe a divorce is justified because of a disease. Marriage isn't "only if youre healthy".

  93. Latreecia M 69 in response to Sharise H 70

    I agree. That love that brought them together should be the comfort the ill spouse needs. Whether they recognize it or not.

  94. HERB-67
    I think Pat Robertson is a cash-grabbing, self-absorbed exploiter of people's fear of dying and what happens to their consciousness once they pass.

  95. In response to KeithR67

    Bravo, sir. Alzheimer's took my wife's grandmother, and a relative on her father's side last year. You'd better believe I'll be by her side to the end adn beyond, come what may.

    You see, it's the promise I made because I love her.

  96. Mr.Robertson forgets his place in the world. I am offended by what he said, but mostly from it's context. If he had said that in a private conversation and limited the scope of what he said to his personal views or how he would act in that case it could be considered appropriate. As a major leader and teacher in the community he has a higher standard to point people to. It's not hypocrisy for an imperfect person to recognise an ideal and to teach that it should be our aim.

  97. I do not think leaving a spouse just because they have a ailment such as Alzheimer's. If anything they would need your support even more.
