Tuesday, September 20, 2011

How does Jerry keep going?

The Jerry Springer Show celebrates twenty-one years of broadcasting this year. The show and its host have been heavily criticized in the media and in public, yet both continue to do well.

When asked, individuals claim not to like the format and not to watch the show. Still the show remains in high demand. It gets syndicated into three (3) time slots in the Atlanta area alone.

What you think accounts for the shows popularity and staying power? This not a question of whether you like the program or not, just speculate on how the Jerry Springer Show holds strong in the face of so much criticism.


  1. shereseb21270
    Jerry springer show has lasted this long because people hold a tight grip to what is familiar. This world is full of baby daddy drama, husbands, and wives cheating and volience. He supply the audience with what they want it is just like saying I don't like hitting people and then you are put in a place of authority in a prison as a guard and you have the ability to use any means necessary to make the person submit to you many will go the distance and hit another person. Even though they say they don't like volience. It is the same way with the Springer show people will say that is aweful but just like the soap opera they still watch it. It is all about supply and demand. The demand here for years as been feeding ourselves off of other people troubles.

  2. Lafarah P

    i believe that the springer show keeps so much attention because people of this day and in this time they love watching other peoples drama. plus the show has gone from helping people out and dealing with their problems to just a publicity stunt for people to fight and get maid gras beads, i believe that people stay tuned into the show just for the antics.

  3. Michelle J.

    Our troubles in life and our reactions to them is what the Jerry Springer show capitalizes on. Every difficulty people encounter in life has its own expression and is more human than what we’d like for it to be. The spiritual values about the right and wrong of things rarely enter the arena of the show. This is why it pulls on viewers to judge their peers. They do this by shouting in response to how the guests on the show are poorly living up to the standards of right and wrong that society holds dearly to.

  4. Patti S 70
    I believe the show has lasted this long because of sheer entertainment. I do not watch the show personally, but have seen an episode or two. I think people watch this show simply to escape the problems in their own life. People with a lot of problems or drama would watch to make themselves feel better because someone else has it worse. It is just hard to believe people would want to air out their dirty laundry on national television.

  5. Patti S 70
    In response to Lafarah.
    I completely agree with the fact that everyone wants in everyone else's drama. You have to wonder how much crazier this show can get.

  6. Rob T.

    Show stays on the air because of the drama plain and simpliy. Everybody life have problems now and then but when it comes on tv people sometimes say "Damn I would not put up with that shit!" But let the truth be know they will. People in general like that wild behavior.

  7. Sparkle R.
    The Jerry Springer show has stay on for so long because a lot of people enjoy the show. It is a form of entertaintment for a lot of people because they are amused by all the "drama". People go on there for publicity and to be on TV. As long as they have their fanbased then they will continue to air on TV.

  8. This is an easy question to answer. Jerry Springer has been able to survive because his topics are controversial. The most controversial programs, books, movies, and people are usually among the most popular. In his show he frequently has topics that are among the controversial, such as: teenage mothers, men who cheat on their women, women who cheat on their men, homosexuality, lesbianism. If their is a topic that is controversial then it has probably been on the Jerry Springer Show.

  9. Kayla W. - 69
    The Jerry Springer Show is controversal in every area and gets alot of flack from all walks of life, but I believe thats why people watch it. People watch tv in general to get away from their own lives, to worry about other people lives instead of their own for a change. What better way to get away from your own life then by watching Jerry Springer. I myself hate the show, I think it is trash and that they deserve every criticism they get. Yet, I still occasionally watch the show. Its the controversial things that get me to watch the show.Im sure that I am not the only one who feels this way and that is why the show is still alive today. Not to mention that Jerry Springer was famous long before the Jerry Springer show, people could be watching just to see him.

  10. Kayla W. -69 in response to Patti
    I think by you saying that you dont even watch the show is another example of how popular the show is. Even if you dont watch the show you know exactly what is, this shows sucess and popularity to the show. When people stop talking about it thats when the show will die, but if they keep putting drunk midgets who cheat on their wives on the show i dont think they have too much of a problem.

  11. Meghan Williams
    I believe the show is still popular because it is very entertaining to watch. Like others have already mentioned our society likes to get involved in other peoples drama and this show is very dramatic and entertaining with all the fights and arguing. also all the topics on the show are extremley controversial and it makes good tv.

  12. RebeccaG 69
    The Jerry Springer show brings a lot of drama to people and everyone knows one loves drama no matter what. I think this show continues because they want to see people react in crazy ways to be entertained. They will keep up with the show because people do need a break and want to see how other peoples problems compare to his or hers.

  13. RebeccaG 69- in response to Meghan Williams...
    I agree with you and how people are attracted to the drama. That kind of drama relates to people and are good topics to discuss.

  14. Domenic R.70
    I think "The Jerry Springer Show" holds popularity because at some point in time the people who don't watch it will stop to get a reminder of how trashy it really is. After accidentally watching for 30 minutes, you realized that the acting is horrible, wonder where they found these people, and finally question if the mother and daughter are both pregnant by the daughter's boyfriend. I do not watch the show myself, but if I am scrolling through the channels and see it on, I would have to stop and watch. I would wonder the entire time why the show is still on T.V.

  15. Domenic R. 70
    I almost spit my coffee out reading Kayla W.69's comment. Kayla's comments are so correct. The fist thing I thought about when I read Jerry Springer's name is midgets. I wonder how many of his shows have midgets in them or if at some point we have all watched the same one. It may have been an infomercial on how to buy one of the seasons.

  16. Tracey D (67)
    I have three different thoughts about why this show is popular and why it continues to do well in the ratings.

    My first thought is that by watching other people and their crazy problems, which seem so extreme in nature, it causes us to react or feel superior.

    My second thought is that it is a form of voyeurism or spying into the private lives of others. This is way people read and buy tabloids, to be able to see into other peoples private lives.

    Lastly, I have watched a few of the episodes and although I think they are ridiculous in nature; wondering how anyone would allow themselves to be on such a show and if they are even real or made up, I sit and laugh. So lastly I must say that people may continue to watch just for entertainment purposes.

  17. Tracey D (67) in response to Patti S.
    I couldn't agree more with your post, some people watch to make themselves "feel" better. I mean if you think you have problems in your life all you have to do is watch one of these ridiculous shows to know "it could be alot worse".

  18. Tracey D 67 in response to Patti S.
    I couldn't agree more that some people watch this show to escape their own problems or make them feel better. All you have to do is watch an episode to get the feeling that "wow, my life could be a whole lot worse" which makes you feel like you can handle your own problems.

  19. Porsha P.44
    I believe this show is popular because of sexual content. People are no longer being secretive about there sexual orientation and their sexual needs. The show is focused on sexuality and that sparks interest for most Americans. I believe the show relates to most Americans personal lives. The show face critisim for its sexuality and vulgar language.

  20. Porsha P.44
    In regard to Sparkle R
    I agree the show is amusing to many people. Drama is a form of entertainment. The Jerry Springer is a way for people to get a chance to become popular. Many people also want to get aired on television.

  21. Brisa L.70
    I believe the reason for the Jerry Springer show popularity is the stories presented are out of the normal standards of living, and it shows drastic ways of living that many people are not used to. The unfamiliar life styles of some people are fascinating to watch because it makes viewers appreciate their own lives and not feel so bad about their own families and relatives.

  22. Brisa L.70 In response to Porsha P.44
    I agree with Porsha that the criticism of the show is sexuality and vulgar language ,which is very common in the show because the show is shown at an inappropiate time where children can watch this television show.

  23. Christina B 69
    I think any Television show that have real life situations on it will stay strong for along time. Jerry Springer show is full of different types of drama that goes on in the lives of everyday people, so the majority of people that takes interest in the show most likely been through similar situations or know someone who has been through it. I actually think running a t.v show that reflect the drama and lives of everyday people is a smart idea and a good way to make money. After all its all about business.

  24. Christina b 69
    I have to agree with Tracey D, most people watch it for entertainment. After watching it myself I don't know how people will embarrase theirself on national television. I guess alot of people fined it very amusing to watch thats why Jerry Spring show will continue to be on the air.

  25. J Hunter-67

    I think what account for the show's popularity and staying power is that so many people love to see other people in pain. Whether it's physical pain or emotional, for some reason we tend to get a natural high from this. It's exciting, it's funny, it's interesting and for the most part, it's not us! I think that Jerry's popularity is still high simply because he was the pioneer in exploiting these people. He not only exploits them, but he also was once in hot water himself when he was the mayor of Cincinnati and because of that alone, people feel as if he is one of them.

  26. J Hunter-67 in response to Brisla.70

    I agree with Brisla 100%. I feel as if we tend to watch in huge numbers because it does make us feel a little better when we can witness other people lives a little worse off than ours. And in a strange kind of way, it really does make us feel a little better.

  27. Rachael H-69

    The Jerry Springer Show has lasted 21 years because people watch it. Although some people may not admit to their guilty pleasure of watching the show, they still watch it. It's entertaining, and society can (sometimes) relate to the topics. It also is a way to show how crazy some people and their lives can get. The baby daddy drama, the cheating, the lying are all real topics that occur in every day life. The show is (no matter how ridiculous it may be) is an outlet for those things. I think that as long as those issues are present in society The Jerry Springer Show will continue to air.

  28. Rachael H-69

    I agree with you @Christina b 69. It is a form of entertainment for society. As long as people continue to voluntarily humiliate themselves on TV for our benefit Jerry Springer will still have a show!!

  29. As sad as it is to say, I believe people of today's society are twisted to some degree. Most people claim not to watch it but if they are surfing the stations, stumble across Springer and see a woman who is missing both legs who claims to be a million dollar prostitute, they will stop to watch just to get the gory details. People love the "crazy" stuff. Any thing extreme will get the attention that is required to keep that show on the air.

  30. Dana M-70
    In response to RebeccaG69.

    I think you are so right about every one loving drama. Every one talks about how teenagers are so full of drama, but adults are just as bad. In my opinion it is worse. Adults should know better than to behave that way or endorse it.

  31. Jasmine Jackson67

    I believe the Jerry Springer show has been around for so long because people love drama. I believe that younger generations accounts for its success. As much as people say they do not like they find it hard not to watch because its something familiar.

  32. Jasmine Jackson67 in response to Patti S

    I definitely agree with Patti S. People definitely watch Jerry Springer for entertainment. Escaping reality is the way that most people deal with problems and thats what Jerry springer provides.

  33. The Jerry Springer Show is still around because of the drama and similarities of people's lives. So many people relate to the shows that are being aired, like who's my baby daddy, my husband is cheating and sleeping with my best friend, and so on . The people who can't relate are the one's who are looking for action like fighting and yelling.

  34. Constance c 67

    the jerry springer show is in fact a show that most people do not like or agree with, however, it is one of those shows that sucks in the viewer as they are flipping through channels. While people do not agree with it they will watch it in disbelief that some people could actually live their lives in such ways. Some watch it to see if that hot girl is really in fact a guy. Some watch just to see who the girl will pick the cheating boyfriend or the guy shes been seeing on the side. It is a show that lets people see another side of life, even if some of the guests on the show are staging the whole situation. People are intrigued about the things in life that they do not know or have not experienced themselves. The Jerry Springer show brings these things into the homes of unknowing spectators.

  35. Constance c 67 response to Rachael H 69

    I also agree with Rachael. The fact that the topics chosen are everyday situations is another reason why people watch the jerry springer show. People feel better about themselves knowing that there are strangers out there having the same problem as they are, wether its a cheating boyfriend, someone denying to be the father of their child, or whatever other crazy ideas you can come up with. These will always be issues on our society and for that reason the Jerry springer show will never run out of ideas and guests.

  36. Linuel S67
    This show is purely entertainment. I personally can't stand to watch it, but I can't stand to watch wrestling or soap's either and they all have a big fan base. They are all scripted and it's all about what is entertaining to a large audience base.

  37. Linuel S67

    I agree with Constance c 67. Watching Jerry Springer is like watching a train wreck, you just have to see how it ends.

  38. Denell B-70
    WOW...First, I can't believe that it has been broadcast for twenty-one years! But I guess as many have suggested, it is entertainment. People enjoy seeing someone's dirty laundry being put out there, even if it is mostly "role-playing" It gives people something to talk about at the water-cooler the next day at the office. It is quite sad that our society enjoys such inappropiate behavior.

  39. Denell B-70
    In respose to Brisa L. I too believe that most stories presented are out of the "normal" standard of living. Which makes it fascinating to watch."Can You Believe That They Did That!"

  40. Lelia C.

    Well, it's like the horrible train wreck you know you shouldn't watch, but you do anyway.
    First of all, I think people lie about watching the show...statistics don't lie...somebody is out there watching it...a lot of somebodies. I believe people watch the show to actually make them feel better about their own life. They have problems that they are going through...but it looks little when compared to your mom is really your dad who married your sister who is really your aunt..so, life is all great when compared to the tragedies shown on this popular "train wreck" show.

  41. Kudi A
    I don’t really know why the show is so popular; I can only compare it to a bad car accident on the highway, you know you should not be looking, but you just can not help yourself. In today’s world of reality television, where we see the good ,the bad and the ugly, I believe that it takes us out of our so called life or makes us believe that our life is not so bed or that our morals are better then those people on the show.

  42. Micah S. 67

    I think that the show has held on this long because of course many people watch the show. When asked many people do criticize and say they don't watch the show but evidently that's not the truth. There is no other way the show could still be on air unless people weren't watching it!

  43. Micah S. 67 in response to Kudi A

    I agree. It is like a bad car wreck but everyone's eyes are glued. It doesn't matter if you like the show or not, everyone has to watch!

  44. MauriceR

    “The Jerry Springer Show” survives today because the show’s formula goes after a core fan base, age group, educational level, voyeuristic mindset, and socio-economic demographic; which includes the show’s creators, producers, participants, and audience. The “Jerry Springer Show” definitely has a formula. Much like the cliché of Lifetime Channel movies, the stories are familiar and similar, even though each episode’s participants are different and yet inter-changeable. The formula tricks a voyeur’s brain to say, “I know, this same story was on last week/month/year, but now it’s a different player (male/blonde/female/teen/relative/friend/parent/thug/nerd/redneck/stranger/co-worker/baby (mamma/daddy), etc.) who is smack in the middle of an already dysfunctional relationship.” Historically, the Romans and Greeks use to go to the coliseums to enjoy such mayhem; as well, Americans use to watch public lynchings and executions. Are we truly more evolved, learned or modern?

  45. Mary O-70

    I can truly say I have never watched an episode of Jerry Springer. I have however caught a glimpse or have seen cuts from his program. I am amazed at the show's popularity. I would have to agree that individuals must do so because they are intrigued by other peoples disfunctional lives. I remember seeing Jerry Springer when he hosted America's Got Talent and I thought why in the world would they have this guy as the host. However, I was so surprised at what a nice guy Mr. Springer seemed to be...he talked about his handicapped daughter and had tears in his eyes. Its funny how you can make judgements about people before you even know anything about them. I certainly would not have thought this sweet, tender hearted man to be the host of such a, in my opinion, low class program. Since I have never watched the show maybe he is just as sweet and caring in this program.

  46. Mary O-70
    In response to Maurice's post...I did not think about it but it is so true that in ancient times people would go the the Colisieum to watch men kill each other or be eaten alive by lions. I guess human nature has changed much in these thousands of years!

  47. David G.
    It seems that the key to Jerry Springers perennial popularity must be the demographic that he serves. They are teenagers and adults with a teenage mentality. Certainly the majority of teens grow out of that stage, but new 'tweens are always there to take their place. Then there are the die-hards who never move past that stage of developement and solidify an intergenerational link of interest in the show. These types are known to exhibit poor impulse control, just like advertisers are looking for, and thus ensure corporate backing year after twisted year.

  48. Isabelle 44
    The Jerry springer show is still going strong because of its humor and craziness. It is entertaining and show people how crazy some other people can live and react. It is the way that people life and play on the set that makes the show fun an alive.To me it is just a waste of time watching it because it has nothing positive and doesn't show a positive kind of life so I guess people like it it is entertaining just to kill time.

  49. MelanieP. 70....

    I believe The Springer show stays popular for a number of reasons. Some people enjoy the prospect of watching other's "real life drama". Many people also watch it for pure comedic value, asking themselves "What kind of wild mess do I get to laugh at during this episode?". Among some groups it is even considered cool to watch Springer,in the same way Chuck Norris is cool.

  50. MelanieP.-70....

    In response to Denell B-70

    WOW...First, I can't believe that it has been broadcast for twenty-one years! But I guess as many have suggested, it is entertainment. People enjoy seeing someone's dirty laundry being put out there, even if it is mostly "role-playing" It gives people something to talk about at the water-cooler the next day at the office. It is quite sad that our society enjoys such inappropiate behavior.

    I agree completely, it is sad that our society eats that stuff up, but the bottom line is people DO watch it. We love seeing other peoples problems. As some others have suggested we just "can't help but look." In addition to that, I agree that its also used as a conversational piece.

  51. I think the reason that the Jerry Springer remains popular is because of the shock value the show has. A lot of people find it entertaining to watch people in dysfunctional relationships reveal their "secrets" on national tv. Most episodes will show many profane things, such as explicit language, fights, and nudity. "Shock value" is an effective tool when it comes to boosting ratings, which is the reason I believe the show has lasted for so long.

  52. Shelicia H. (70)
    I think the show is popular and people tend to do things that are poplar. When I first heard of the show I thought it was a trend and wouldn't last like most shows of its nature. How it been on the air for 21 years is mind baffling to me. I think the things on the show are so outlandish that people watch it for the "wow" factor. I would think the show falls in the same catagory as that movie "The Hangover". The things depicted are so unreal and yet many people watch it and love it. I also think the unemployment rate in atlanta might have something to do with it. When you are bored and there is nothing to watch, anything is appealing.

  53. Shelicia H.(70) In response to patty s. (70)
    I think that is so true. Alot of media is doing very good for that reason. People are so down about their own life, that shows like that make them feel better where other shwes that depict celebrities make people feel bad. For that moment that exscape but they always have to come back to reality.

  54. shereseb70 I agree with RebeccaG69 everyone loves drama and where there is drama there is people. It is easier watching everyone elses problems. And funny enough I remember the midgets to.

  55. Latanya K-95

    The Jerry Springer show touches on many topics such as infidelity, paternity, sex changes, teen pregnancy just to list a few. People like to see drama, violence, and nudity whether we admit to it or not. You can't find that kind of entertainment anywhere else. Jerry Springer is popular because he talks about what people want to hear and he also talks about what's happening in people's everyday lives. People are not going to stop cheating and lying so therefor Jerry's not going anywhere.

  56. LatanyaK-95

    In response to RebeccaG-69
    I agree that people watch to see how other peoples problems compare to his or hers. I believe that ither we or someone we know can relate to at least one of his episodes because we've been through it.

  57. George M 67

    I think people like to watch things that make them feel better about themselves. Jerry Springer and its antics allows people to say, "glad thats not me" or " wow look at them". Its a form of escapism that allows people to see just how crazy others are. This in turn makes the person watching drawn into the drama.

  58. George M 67

    In response to Kayla 69

    I agree. I think that even if someone has never watched a full episode of Jerry Springer, the show has impacted society enought to where people know its "trash tv" or the antics that go on. You can ask someone do they watch or have they watched and they might say " I dont watch that trash". But they know what it is, and branding is what Jerry Springer has succeded at.

  59. Elizabeth, GUILTY PLEASURES! I think alot of people having pretty boring lives, school, work, homework, kids, dinner, bathtime, bedtime. You get to see others peoples B.S. and know my life doesn't suck that bad. But I do agree who airs their dirty luandry on national TV?

  60. I believe what keep people drawn to Jerry Springer shows is the fact that his stories are unique and weird at the same time.


  61. I haven't seen much of the Jerry Springer show.....mostly what I've seen of the show has been the commercials advertising the next show. I don't really know what to make of it. Maybe it's kind of like the world of professional wrestling, where people get to have the excitement of taking sides in an conflict fraught with hyper-emotion and violence. It also brings to mind the use of gladiator games in Rome, wherein the lower classes demanded games as a constant source of entertainment, with little regard for the contestants or for the fact that the empire was crumbling around them due to the strain of the welfare state. Of course, if I had seen the show on a regular basis, then I would probably have a more nuanced and informed opinion.

  62. in response to Kudi A.......
    Your car wreck analogy is spot on. Just as in Atlanta we often drive by a wreck and think, "Man, that looks horrible....glad that's not me or my family"......maybe it's the same with the Springer show.

  63. It saddens me that the Jerry Springer show is so popular. I'm sure we have all watched the show at least once and know how stupid it really is. There is absolutely nothing positive or educational about that show. The show proves just how many uneducated, mentally unstable, bipolar, violent, drama loving, sex addicts there are in the world.......how distrubing! Maybe people watch it to make there own troubles seem not so bad - who knows????? To watch it for entertainment purposes only is strange to me, because it really isn't entertainment - to me it's pathetic! Of course, Jerry Springer is loving every minute of his fame. He's rich and has the spot light, what isn't appealing about that to anyone? People will do just about anything for money these days......how sad! Jerry Springer is no psychiatrist & he's not helping any guest from the show in any way. He's only making his wallet fatter. I guess for those individuals who love other peoples drama and like to have a laugh over peoples unfortunate situations. it would be entertaining & I'm sure this is why it's so popular. To me the show is depressing, sad and pathetic.

  64. ALICE –P. (70)
    Jerry Springer has been able to survive because of his outrageous topics and controversial but indeed it entertains people in other ways in the community. The most controversial issues are between people that are usually in relationship or families. This show has a frequently topics that are among the controversial, between: teenage mothers, lovers, men who cheat on their women, women who cheat on their men, parent and children who mistreat each other, homosexuality, and lesbianism. It can be very dramatic at times, by seeing what the show go through, fight, use some offensive language to each other. I think also he put up this show to show the world, the drama most people go through in their lives, and how to voice it out. I myself watch the show sometimes not that I like it but just entertainment.

  65. sarah b 16...
    The Jerry Springer show is like watching a train wreck that is happening. Its awful but you can not turn your eyes away. The level of drama that the show portrays is on the extreme side considered to most peoples lives. Therefore, it makes people feel a little better about their own lifes. I work in a hospital and 9 out of 10 patients TVs are tuned into the jerry springer show when I enter. The age, race, and stero type of the patient range and yet they all can not seem to turn their eyes away from the crazy circus shows that is before them. Its lasted for so long because no matter how awful or wrong it may be it interests many types of people.

  66. David G I have to disagree with you. I think several people are Jerry Springer closest fans!! Yes the younger generation have no shame in admitting they like to watch other peoples drama. I mean look at all the reality tv shows out there now a days. You pick what you wanna watch and Im sure they have a reality show about it.. or soon will. However, I work in a hospital so I see patients of ALL ages and TYPES. Jerry Springer is the NUMBER one show that is playing in my 12 hours shift time and time again. Its not just the impulse buyers, teenagers, or the people who havent grown up yet. It is EVERYONE. Old, young, teens, middle aged, man, woman, etc etc etc. I find it funny when I walk into the room and the ones you wouldnt expect to be into a show like that begin to stumble for an excuse.. like uh oh im caught!!! However, I simply say this show is CRAZY.. its like watching a train wreck you cant turn away!!! and they say YEA!! Then we go onto joke about how we would NEVER accept an invitation to be on the show.. bc you know IT CAN NEVER BE A GOOD THING!!! You may be an exception to the majority but dont think there are many like you who ARE watching this show secretly.

    sarah b 16

  67. Samisha S67

    The Jerry Springer show is so successful because it is like no other show. People love shows that are full of humor, excitement, and drama, and that is what the show is full of. In the past, I have found myself saying I do not like that show, and I am not going to watch it, but often find myself looking and laughing at the show. So,I am pretty sure many other people do the same thing. They have midgets, men who really look like women, things we do not see everyday, which makes it even more entertaining.

  68. Samisha S67

    in response to ALICE –P. (70)

    I totally agree!! Jerry Springer's show, was the first show where I saw a man who looked like a woman when I was younger. It shows you things that are crazy but you love to watch it.

  69. I think that the show stays on air because it is what holds peoples attention. All of the drama and fight is ridiculous, but entertaining. It is like a second hand soap opera with different characters.

  70. In response to Isabelle 44 I agree that it is a waste of time to watch it especially if you are dealing with work and drama in your own life.

  71. HERB-67
    Let's not single Jerry out, broadcasting in general caters to some primal urge to watch so-called "undesirables" get what's coming to them in the form of public humiliation. I liken it to the throng of people that used to turn up for witch burnings and public lynchings.

    Anything controversial that will provoke a response is guaranteed to draw a crowd, and that's why Jerry is still on the air. It's not because it's a good show, it's because we can't look away, and his sponsors are quite aware of that.


  72. @Lelia C. from HERB-67
    Boy, you said it... TRAIN WRECK. We can't look away. Think of all the tsunami and earthquake footage everybody stays glued to on their Focks News and CNN 24/7, despite having seen the same 15 second clip repeated over and over and over... Because of the "humanity" of it all.

    This is why I boycott 24 hour news networks. I read BBC News every morning, and by that evening Diane Sawyer is reporting everything I read 12 hours earlier.

    But I digress...

    We should all remember this the next time we pass an automobile accident on the highway.

  73. America loves their hair snatchin, back slappin, and finally chair throwing drama. I think that the viewers are drawn in by all that takes place on that show. They watch in excitement to hear the next backyard beat-down or the man who slept around on his wife, and to find out the woman he thought was a woman was actually a man! In some ways the stories are way to far fetched to even seem legit, but so many shows are like this; we still seem to watch them. As I stated before it's the drama the pulls us in, no matter how unrealistic things are.

  74. ToniaD15

    I believe that the Jerry Springer show stayed on air for so long because people love drama. The drama is enticing, it grabs hold of people's attention. Although the show has some ridiculous topics, its serves as entertainment for most people and everyone has a desire to be entertained in one way or another.

  75. ToniaD15

    In response to sarah b 16:

    I completely agree with your statement, "The Jerry Springer show is like watching a train wreck that is happening. Its awful but you can not turn your eyes away." That is so true. Like I stated in my post, the drama is enticing. Just like when there's an accident on the road, there's always people slowing down, causing traffic just to see what kind of "drama" is going on. It's just human nature to want to see or know what the "drama" is.

  76. Ryan H, 69

    I think sensationalism plays a major role in the show’s popularity and staying power. The fact that people like to see dramatic takes on real life is indisputable. Also, the Jerry Springer show always centers on a controversial issue that many people feel very strong about and want to see what others have to say or do about it. I bet there are many "in the closet" Jerry Springer watchers among those that claim they do not watch it.

  77. MichaelS-69

    I feel that Jerry Springer remains so incredibly popular because it's a way for people to disconnect from reality and become engrossed in something that is highly entertaining and has the biggest "wow" factor you can find. With the stresses of everyday life, it's great to be able to come home, turn on the tv, and be entertained with someone eles's drama (even if it is fake).

  78. MichaelS-69

    In response to SarahB-16:

    I agree that Jerry Springer is a way for you to feel that your problems are not so bad. Yes, I may have some bad days at work, but it's never anything compared to what the people on that show go through.

  79. Jerry Springer has been popular because people watch to see what antics that is on that day. I know someone who was on Jerry Springer and made up the whole thing. In my opinion this is just for show. The fights, screaming and accusing is just for show and they get paid for it.

  80. In response to George M.....I agree with George M. People watch just for the fun of it. Most think I am glad that is not me.

  81. I believe the Jerry Springer show allows us to see the unbelievable, sometimes familiar, lives of others. Some of us look at it to live vicariously, while for others it’s a case of “Misery likes company” and for the most part the viewers can relate to some aspect of what is being viewed; whether it is to say, “If it were me,” or “Been there.” Some of us don’t watch often and would like to say we don’t watch the show at all, but evidently someone is watching (evident from the syndication and number of years it’s been on the air). The Jerry Springer Show has evolved over the years, in my opinion, what it has become is a mirror of what is prevalent in society now, cheating and other sexual immorality, violence, and whatever else we can think about that is wrong in our lives. As many of my colleagues said, if you can think of it, it’s been on the show; and that is what keeps this show on the air. It’s all about relate-ability.

  82. In response to Ryan H, 69
    Ryan I agree with you views. I have always thought that the reactions were overdone and sometimes look a little rehearsed. The closet viewers was funny, I agree with you on that also because I find it hard to believe that in their 21 years of programing there are only so few admitted viewers (even if we were to use this class as a representation of general public).

  83. In response to shereseb21270
    Sherese I completely agree with you. We as people tend to hold to all the negatives in our lives instead of the positive. This is the way the media attracts attention of the viewers, by using the negatives.

  84. Rachel A-69
    I believe that Jerry Springer's show has lasted as long as it has because that people feed off of others people's drama. This show gives people a way to feel better about themselves by watching other peoples drama. We as people tend to focus on the negative and not the positive, and we all know this show does not have much positive in it.

  85. Rachel A-69 In response to Ann L
    I agree that most of the people that come on this show do it just for the show of it. I believe this show has also lasted because people get paid to look like idiots.

  86. I believe Jerry Springer is still on because of all the drama that happens on the show and the reputation it has. I don’t think it’s on because of who watches it I think the title itself is very popular. The show may not be the most viewed but its name is still very popular. People use that show as an insult.

    I also agree with what shereseb21270 stated about supply and demand!

  87. Jerry Springer show is just an entertainment forum focusing on what happens in the real world.Many people may not like the format but still want to watch it just to see the drama on a T.V.
    I think the survey does not really represent the real funs of the show thus the contradiction with criticism and people not watching the show otherwise the ratings wont be that high. On the other hand, may be individuals are not honest not to be seen supporting a show with no values. My view is that people will watch anything just to make a day move as well as be entertained.

    Jerry Springer show is just an entertainment forum focusing on what happens in the real world.Many people may not like the format but still want to watch it just to see the drama on a T.V.
    I think the survey does not really represent the real funs of the show thus the contradiction with criticism and people not watching the show otherwise the ratings wont be that high. On the other hand, may be individuals are not honest not to be seen supporting a show with no values. My view is that people will watch anything just to make a day move as well as be entertained.

  89. the answers simple people feed off other peoples drama.. people wouldnt watch the show if it didnt compare to them or others they know.

    in response to

    youre right its all about supply and demand
    jerry just supplies everyone with what they want. somehow he gets people to go against their own morals on his show to please others demands.

  90. Daquan F-70

    Reality Television is one of the most successful forms of television because people love watching real drama and conflict. The main reason people watch television is for drama and conflict. If you were to go to the movies, would you even consider watching a movie that had no conflict in it? There was just happyness throughout the entire movie. When there is a fight in public, what do people do? They gather around and see what's going on. Jerry Springer thrives upon people thirst for "real" drama. There are even rumors that people even get paid to fight eachother on the show.

    In response to RebeccaG 69

    I agree with you on this completely. Everyone has their own drama going on at home, it's unavoidable, thats life! People just need a break and want to see how other peoples problems in comparison to theirs. They can even be doing this to make themselves feel better about their own lives.

  91. Gina W. 62
    I believe the Jerry Springer show does so well becuase it is entertainment to society. The things that happen on the show is a little outragous but watching other peoples drama is what society feeds off of. People like to see that some have it worse than others and they like to see people act a fool on television.

  92. I think the show is ridiculous but others may think its great. People watch this "drama" of other peoples lives because they may relate to it. And how much is real or show? I think the crazier the story - the more viewers Jerry gets.
    It always involves violence - is that what we need to be watching on tv? Seems to work for him as he continues to have these crazy life stories on the show for people to laugh at.

  93. Renee A 67 comments on above "forgot my name"

  94. Ashley F 67

    I think that Jerry Springer is so popular and has such staying power because of the topics he chooses to focus on. The show is so ridiculous and completely scripted. I truly believe people watch it for the exact same reason they watch wrestling- it's for entertainment purposes. People like to watch other people fight and Jerry Springer's show allows that to an extent although his show focuses more on verbal attacks to bring that entertainment

  95. Ashley F 67 in response to Rachel A-69

    I completely agree one hundred percent! People are paid to do this show and they really do look like idiots. In fact I think the fact that people get paid for their stupidity is the reason the name Jerry Springer is so popular.

  96. We as a society like the shock and awe factor. We love to see people acting ridiculously and to get a good laugh from it. We want to see people get upset and be irate towards each other, and maybe even see them fight. I don't personally watch the show, but when flipping through channels I'll catch it every now and then, and I'll see two girls grabbing each others' hair and I have a good laugh.

    In response to Daquan F70...
    I completely agree. We love to see real life drama because it is usually something we can relate to. And like you said, there are probably some kind of kickers for people who get into fights on these types of shows.

  97. On a personal note, I have never seen the show. I was never allowed to watch it. However, I have seen tid-bits. Some people may get a good laugh out of it, but I think its just right out ridiculous. There is no reason for people to broadcast their lives or their "fake" lives out on tv like that. No one needs to know their business. From what I have heard from other people, I would not even want to watch that show from the beginning., I hear about some of the topics, and I just think to myself,"Jesus help them because they are acting stupid." However, its popular because people do think stuff like that is funny and entertaining.

  98. In response to MelissaD,

    I totally agree. Not only is it sad and pathetic, it is stupidly ridiculous.

  99. Tameca L85

    i believe the Jerry Springer show remain strong because people love excitement and drama. people love seeing other people problems and seeing how they react in different situations.

  100. Tameca L85

    i agree with Lafarah P because people enjoy watching other people drama.

  101. La Tonya C – 67
    I think that that one of the reasons Jerry Springer has managed to be resilient over the years is the fact that his people found that key element that gets many to lend their ears and sight to anything considered to be someone’s form of entertainment. Humor at the expense of another, drama in situations that defy all common sense, and the pondering of what “will they come up with next,” not to mention for some the ability for even a short period of time to escape real life. Many have at some time gravitated to the loose minded, careless, dumb and ignorant. From various movies to TV shows and even comic books. This is an outlet that transcends economics, back grounds and status. Entertainment in any form has always been popular. History shows us that beheadings/ hangings were considered entertainment, gladiators fighting the death, to the not so long ago up to current shows like Bart Simpson, Beavis & Butt Head, Jack Ass and The Real HouseWives of Anywhere; people thought of and still do of these shows as being ridiculously entertaining; However, while people laugh and others shake their heads at those who find these elements entertaining and humorous, the media has continued to build multimillion/ billion dollar fortunes around these sources of entertainment. That’s why reality TV has taking has taking off the way that is has. The license to achieve fame and notoriety from loose, grose, and stupid behavior has dividends.

  102. LaTonya C- 67 in response to shereseb21270

    I happen to agree with you, that as along as life continues to dictate art or some form of it… and profit is the dividend of that art… then we will continue to see an influx in life’s skewed depiction of entertainment.
    "Cash is King" in the cylce of life, for some.

  103. Latreecia M-69

    Jerry Springer is so successful in his endeavors because he is giving America what they want to see. We say we that his show is distasteful however it is interesting to see someone else struggle or to hear about the ridiculous things that go on in other peoples lives. Finding humor in other peoples bad situations keeps his show alive. Jerry Springer definitely has an eye for drama and America loves it.

  104. Mary M 82

    I think that people love watching the drama unfold on the Jerry Springer show. They like the fighting and the soap opera stories. I believe the show remains in high demand because people actually do watch the show even though surveys say that people don't like the format and don't watch it. It is probably a guilty pleasure for the people who watch it therefore they probably don't want to admit it in a survey.

    In response to Rachel A 69

    You made a good point when you said that it gives people a way to feel better about themselves by watching other people's drama. Most of the stories on the show are completely outrageous and I'm sure they help some people to feel better about the drama in their own lives. Losing your job doesn't seem so bad when you look at someone else who has lost their job and their wife left them for their twin brother.

  105. Susette R.-67
    I can remember the days when Jerry Springer was one of the most popular shows on television and everyone loved it. People would walk around shouting "Jerry! Jerry!". Unfortunately, I have to admit to watching it a few times myself. The truth of the matter is that as Americans we love drama and outrageous things that we don't see every day. Jerry Springers show is just that. It is outlandish, trashy, drama at it's finest (if you like over the top drama) and noone will stop watching it... EVER. I don't think it should be on television only because of some of the issues and topics they have on the show but... what can you do? Ratings are everything nowadays.

    In response to Latanya K-95...

    I agree with you completely. It's sad when cheating and sexual immorality is at the top of the charts. And you're right, Jerry is not going anywhere. He knew when he created the show that people like to watch that type of thing and they can't get enough of it.

  106. Octavio P.41
    Many years ago when my oldest daughter was in high school, we were talking about her day at school. She explained to me a new term that she had learned that day: Infatuation with abomination. It helped me understand the need that we humans have to experience horrible things that happen around us every day. Back then I realize that I wasn’t the only one that drove through a car crash looking for a body bag.
    The media thrives around misery around the world every day. We experience how quickly a new disaster sends the previous to the last page of the daily news paper. In my opinion, we are losing real compassion for the misfortune of our fellow human beings. We are taking in consideration a television show that is vulgar and nasty. People are rejoicing in acts and stories that thirty or forty years ago would have landed people in jail if known to the authorities. We have not grown too far from the Roman Circus times. Back then people enjoy people devoured by wild beasts, today we devour ourselves through the magic of television. In my opinion television works as a shield that protect us from others to see what we are capable of celebrating behind the window shades. This show still makes money because serves the need of humans to feel and believe that out there someone is not as good as them.

  107. JWilliams-67
    I beleive that popularity of Jerry Springer is closely tied to the drama. Many people, in the face of a poll regarding something of such ill repute, will answer in accordance with what they feel is socially acceptable, but when they are at home they watch it because no one will know or judge them for it. That should account for the show doing so well in against public decrying.
    As far as why people watch it, I think some people don't get enough of the drama that they use to cause and must get their "fix" somewhere. It is, in my opinion, very sad.

  108. Frank J 67

    I believe that the show has done so well for so long because, sadly enough, it shows where as a majority our society is. We are now in an age where so many Americans care about reality shows more than reality. They would rather keep up with which celeb is dating who, or which couple is breaking up. Jerry Springer's show has one driving factor, confrontation, whether it is staged, which I know for a fact that most of it is (i had a friend that went on it and was made to promise that she wouldn't say that she acted on the show or that they would come after her through the courts) or whether it is genuine bad and hostile feelings the have towards each other. The show does not generate any other emotion other than the same that they present on the show and sadly enough, it's such a strong emotion that we all have that it makes those people who get sucked into it, keep coming back for more. Again, it just shows where the majority of our society is mentally.

  109. Frank J 67

    I agree with Andrea B. Most of the shows were usually about cheating spouses as well as some completely off the wall topics. And to think, nothing like would have dared been on tv when my parents we young.....it's sad to see how much society has changed.

  110. Octavio P41 in response to Tracey D

    Tracey I think your first comment may be the reason behind the existence of this show and others like it. The human need for a sense of superiority over others is in my opinion what pushes us sometimes to watch and enjoy this type of shows.What are the alternatives to fulfill this urge? I think history already answered this question.

  111. BJ C says....I believe that this shows staying power is just plain old popularity. People love to watch other people’s dysfunctional lives. It really makes them feel better about themselves when they can say “hey look at those idiot asses”. It is also ridiculously hilarious. I mean were do they really find these people?!! Who in there right mind would mud wrestle naked with a transvestite midget on live TV? I would definitely never do this but would I mind watching someone else do it? Sure! Jerry Spring is like a bad car wreck. You want to turn away, you know you should definitely not look, but you just can’t help yourself! You just can’t stop watching because you never know what is going to happen next!

  112. BJ C in response to Octavio P41 in response to Tracey D
    I totally agree with you! In my own comment I said that people just want to feel better about their own messed up lives. You just want something to make you feel better so seeing messed up people with lives like these gives a person a sense of superiority.

  113. Thomas L67

    The Jerry Springer is still going becasue it was way a haed of its time. It has had the stuff we see on T.V. today. From fights to nudity it has had everything. People enjoy for some sad reason seeing how bad the lives of couples have gotten. Also, it has a wide range of baby mama drama and people who constantly try to get involved from the crowd. What alot people dont know though, is that the show comes on ppv and its uncensored for those really weird people who get an excitment out of this kind of stuff.

  114. Niyah Miles...
    While some may find this show idiotic and degrading, America loves entertainment, and in today's society, whether people want to admit it or not, drama and violence and funny, entertainig, and fun to watch. This show is not mentally stimulating, but most are not, and watching Jerry Springer has become a mindless but consistent and enjoyed past-time for many over the years, and this is still lasting today.

  115. Niyah Miles
    In response to Frank J 67, I believe people today really are more concerned with reality tv than actual reality. While these may sound similar, they are not so much because in true civilized reality, most people would not usually act like this for everyone to see. But on Jerry Springer, the people that sign up and go on let go of their inhibitions and put on a show, and it is entertaining to watch people do stupid things that most are too civilized and conservative to do, and it becomes interesting, although it is "stupid" and sometimes degrading and even stereotypical.

  116. Sheena M. (69) In response to Lelia C.September 25, 2011 at 3:23 PM

    I am certainly in agreement that people seek entertainment in the drama of others. The statistics are proof that there is not only an audience, there is a demand for this show. With three showings per day, people love what they see. There are hundreds of shows and channel options, yet people CHOOSE to watch Springer's show.

  117. I am completely fascinated, not by the show, but by the success of a show that has such a simple concept of falsely conjured drama. Audiences are watching with high demand, which is proven by the network numbers. I believe people find entertainment in dramatic talk shows and reality television, because it allows the opportunity to escape their own drama. Human nature entails a sense of nosiness and interest in what is going on in someone else life (even if we know it's falsified). Jerry Springer may use his show to expose simple tales and individuals, however he is a well educated and respected man in his community. As a Mayor, I feel people have allowed his show to grow into the media empire it has, due to the fact it is what he does, not a reflection of who he is. What we watch in our own homes is private, at least in conversation. People have a guilty pleasure of watching The Jerry Springer show, and will likely continue to watch the wreck, all the while in secret. Americans relish in the entertainment of others misfortune and drama.

  118. Ryan H, 69
    Response to Niyah Miles

    I do not think some find the Jerry Springer Show to be idiotic and degrading, I think EVERYONE finds the show to be that way. Some are able to handle that sort of entertainment, some are not able, and some are able but are afraid to admit it. I have always thought it strange that our society (myself included) find the conflict and troubles of others to be entertaining.

  119. I believe that people still watch the Jerry Springer show for all of the craziness.. Where else can you watch midgets and other people fighting.. Some watch to see the audience get there "Jerry Beads"lol. BUt i think pope mainly watch the show to see what will be next , but we that have watched jerry for some time all know that its all a/b your sister sleeping w/t your husband and your mom having sex w/t your boyfriend and so on..

  120. people still watch it because people have become very desensitized. i once read that people never like to hear good news on the news and its true if u here good morning america is having puppies on the sho but hello atlanta is going to have an interview with an ax murderer that is what people go for. it is the same in this case people want to know how srewed up other people are and talk about them or just see it as entertainment. my grandmother doesn speak a lick of english but knows where and when to find maury and jerry and then sits there shaking her head about how foolish they act. It is just how we have come to be.

  121. Maria S

    Jerry is still in the air because he is a good business man. He knows that there is an audience who will always want to watch a show about people who have no respect for themselves,peoples who's moral values, standards are much lower than the norm... they are scandalously lower than what is acceptable. Why people watch? I am not sure. I have seen the show but I quickly decided that it was not for me. Ive had friends who loved the show....they laughed so hard, they thought that it was so funny to watch people being so stupid on tv. They just felt better after watching the show. It makes me wonder. Did they feel better about themselves? maybe laughing about others misfortunes or stupidity does have a positive effect on people... they are not that bad, because they havent done wht those other people on tv have done.

  122. Sharise H. 70

    I believe the Jerry show has been so successful because the value system of our society has changed greatly since I was a young child (I am 35). Even though the majority of us might not like the show, there are millions of people that enjoy watching people fight, hurt one another, and lie constantly. I think the people they put on the show "mirror" many of our own personal lives. It easier to laugh at others than "fix" our own problems.

  123. Megan C.

    I think, like many others, people like drama. Let's face it Jerry Springer is a great example of drama. Even though it is super messed up, I will never understand why people go on t.v. to display publicly their personal problems.

  124. I think the show stays in high demand because people love to watch the drama that unfolds throughout the show. Also I think people watch it because it might give them a nice laugh.

  125. I think this show is trash, however I know many people that love this show to this day. I think one must have a disposition for drama to watch this show. I would not know how to explain the ratings , as I despise this type of programing. I believe that watching this "trash T.V." could, possibly make one even more ignorant, but there is no denying that the show has millions of followers. I, personally will stick with a more intelligent show (if any T.V. shows can even be considered intelligent today).

  126. The Jerry Springer Show is still around because of the drama and similarities of people's lives. So many people relate to the shows that are being aired, or just want a good laugh. As long as people are still watching the show should survive.
