Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Truth Is Out There

Do you believe? Whether you do or not, many people across the globe believe in UFOs. According a NPR story (link posted below) a member of the European Union is calling for ALL governments to release information related to aliens and unidentified flying object sightings. Interestingly he has only garnered a little support.

Please answer the following two questions.

Do you think the United States government is keeping secrets from its citizens related to life beyond our planet?

Why would the US or any government keep such information hidden from the people?

The full NPR story can be accessed here.


  1. Hi everyone. Guess I'll go first.

    Interesting questions, but likely polarizing any way you look at it. While I'm not necessarily a card-carrying conspiracy theorist, given the nature of large groups of people to panic and overreact I believe that the US government likely keeps many secrets from the general public, some of which I believe may be related to extra-terrestrial activity. I find it somewhat humorous, given the massive contents of the galaxy, that we would be so narcissistic as to believe that only our planet could inhabit life. The size of the available space for other similar planets alone should be reason enough to at least envision the probability.

    As far as why to keep this from us, as Agent K stated in "Men In Black", "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it."

    Just sayin'

  2. Greetings! Thanks for being the 1st and for a good response. Please check back in and add your name so I can give you credit. You need to add your name at the top OR bottow of every blog.

  3. Allison Smith, Online..
    I totally agree with the men in black quote.. Awesome movie by the way!!! I do believe without a doubt that we are not alone on the planet Earth and for mostly the same reasons I believe the government hides tons of information everyday from the public. Lets face it, people are crazy. I dont think that I necessarily believe that there little green alien creatures with antennas out there but i do believe that there is something. Maybe even another planet just like ours wondering if we really exist.

  4. Nanci Lamborn - ONLINE
    Oops sorry, jumped ahead of the assignment before reading the rules. :-)
    Nanci Lamborn (aka The HR Ladi)

  5. Nathanial Hornsby (online)
    I believe that governments are hiding info of Extraterrestrial life, as well as many other things. I am sure they hold back such knowledge in order to keep their people calm and in order, but I believe that it is very important information and the scientific community could benefit greatly from being allowed access to this information. The Earth won't last forever ,especially how we are treating it, so knowledge of life on other planets could save the human race.

  6. Diamond Darden (Online)
    Yes. I believe that the government is hiding information regarding life on other planets. With all of the advanced sciences that we have I'm sure there is a "cloned version of earth". I think some messages are being sent through movies such as I am legend or Men in Black. No imagination is that great and the story lines are so realistic. Not to mention the destruction we are doing to our Earth. The reason that they are keeping this information private is "QUOTE ON QUOTE" ITS FOR THE SAFETY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE" WHY IT COULD CAUSE A STATE OF PANIC,THE NEW WORLD ORDER, AND WHO KNOWS WHAT ELSE!!

  7. Jenny Denker (Online)July 9, 2010 at 7:49 PM

    Yes, I believe that the government is definitely hiding from the general public that there are more lifeforms out in the universe. The Milky Way is just one tiny galaxy amongst millions of other galaxies. How someone could really believe that there is not anything out there but dead space is beyond me. The government would not tell us anything like that because of what all the former commenters have said, there would be mass panic. Ignorance is bliss, and we are a society full of bliss.

  8. Tasha Wardrop (online)July 9, 2010 at 7:52 PM

    Ok first off i totally respect the views stated above... but with that said you have GOT to be kidding me. Are we supposed to believe that if there are in fact intelligent beings in the universe other then us why would they go through all the trouble to come here only to be hidden. I am not one to deny that with the vast amount of space that continues on there is not something else out. I would be naive to think we are the most superior beings. But im not sure that the government no matter how tactful is capable of hiding such a large secret. If in fact they are kudos' to them!! Looking back on a secret not to long Area 51, i do believe it came out to admitting that is was F17 stealth fighter jets and others. You are not allowed to take photo's outside a military installation for security purposes which then make the masses think conspiracy. My point is everyone has the right to believe what they want. I just don't think i will be worrying about E.T. probing me anytime soon!

  9. Molly DePriest onlineJuly 10, 2010 at 10:13 AM

    First, anything is possible. I personally do not think other life forms exist on any other planets. And if the government published these "sightings", I'm sure people would still have their doubts. It wouldn't proove anything. Gees, there are still people who don't believe we put a man on the moon. So, what's the point? How would "knowing" benefit us anyhow? Knowing would probably cause human beings to panic.

    However, if the gov does have access to prove that other life forms exist outside of the human race, they probably wouldn't release any info until they were absolutely sure of what these things were or capable of doing. Bottom line is, nobody knows, not even the US government.

  10. Kennie West online
    I personally would not put anything past our goverment they have in recent years gotten away from the whole honesty thing. I feel that area 51 does exist and the goverment is most definitly hiding somthing there I have never seen a ufo or alien but would not discount such a thing. If the U.S. is hiding somthing then its probobly as with everything else they feel that they can use their weapons and technolgy to take over other countries you have to admit that anyone who can justify blowing billions of dollers on two doller projects is hiding somthing big.(*I will try to comment on a regular class mate if they ever post)

  11. Ashley Hansen ( ONLINE)
    I think that it is possible there are other life forms outside our gallaxy and that our government tries to hide the informstion they know. I do agree with several of you and think that all these movies and other such texts have to come from somewhere and could potentially have truth to them.
    I do believe that all the world's goverments have something to hide from it's people. They have hidden all kinds of things from us and most of it I'am sure is to protect our society from a mass hysteria. Really how do you honestly think we would react if we were to find out that it was a solid fact that E.T did exist? I personally think that I would be a little freaked out my self. I think for the most part the government is just tring to do its job and keep their citizens safe.

  12. Christen King
    I do not believe that there is life beyond planet Earth, human life anyway. I believe so because of my personal spiritual beliefs. Therefore, I do not believe that the US government is hiding evidence of other forms of alien life from its citizens.
    If there were such a thing as alien life, I believe that the government would hide such information from its citizens to either hoard the knowledge or to protect its citizens from falling into hysteria.

  13. Christen King, this is Nathan H(online)
    I respect your personal beliefs but i believe that it is a thin argument to say that extraterrestrial life does not exist because of your spiritual beliefs, being that the Earth is comprised of many religions and no religion can be called the right one.

  14. T Lewis;
    "For the people, By the people" this old Government creed is for the most part remains in effect.All Govt' levels operate on a as a need to know basic. So when it comes to "Top Secret" infor' which i am sure that (ET) would be placed. We common folks :0) do not have a need to know. My faith guides me to believe that their daily top prioity of things to do list, always begins with "SAFETY FIRST" for all of their constituents.Yes, i do believe that there are other life forms in outter space; however, we have several social challenges and issues here on earth that deserves all of our available energy, before we add some extras at this time. So at the moment i vote for the Need to Know rule to cover any and all (ET) issues. Thank you-i remain...

  15. Daisy McMickens (online)July 10, 2010 at 9:08 PM

    Daisy McMickens(Online)
    No,I do not think the United States Government is keeping secrets from its citizens related to life beyond our planet. If such information was hidden there probably would be a logical explanation for not revealing it. If it would cause pandemonium then the US or any other government would have to make some very important decisions pertaining to this information.

  16. Christen King,this is Daisy McMickens(online) and I totally agree with you. The US government is not keeping secrets from its citizens.I respect your stand for your spitiual beliefs,I am also a believer. I have never thought there was human life beyond our planet. We are definitely on the same page concerning this.

  17. Diamond D (online)July 11, 2010 at 6:58 AM

    T. Lewis this is Diamond...I agree with you that some things should remain in a need to know basis. We have enough issues and concerns affecting our daily lives. I also believe that in some aspects the government does have make our safety a top priority.

  18. Peter Nganga (Online)
    Yes, i agree that the Government should keep clasiffied imformation from the citizen for security purposes.

  19. Cassie Williams (Online)July 11, 2010 at 11:48 AM

    Cassie Williams (Online)

    I absolutely believe that the government is keeping information from us. Although the reason is up for debate, the government has unprecedented access to worldwide information that we might never see. I read over everyone's comments and I have to agree with many others who believe that the gov't prohibits outside access to avoid sheer panic and the massive spread of global fear of the unknown. While I do think that the information could lead to many scientific benefits, it has to be placed in the right hands, so as not to cause an uproar. I mean think about all of the unanswered questions we have for the government: Area 51, Watergate, JFK and Marilyn Monroe....The list goes on and on. I hate to bring up Conspiracy Theories, but did anyone see Transformers?? Before you totally reject that thought, just give me a chance to explain my point. While we all know that the world isnt filled with talking robot cars, the movie did explore the fact that the gov't knew of their existence and said nothing to the public, much like our topic of UFO's. There is a definite parallel there. I think the gov't keeps things from us because the amount of fear would be overwhelming and might do more harm than good.

  20. Samantha Morris (online)

    I believe there are other beings out there. Whether our government and other governments choose to allow that information to be public knowledge is up to the eye of the beholder.

    Most people want to be naive about extra terrestrial (ET) life because so many stories are unvalidated. The association over time from the unvalidated story to the person that tells the story, has caused a stereo type that has evolved into a generalization of the subject itself being crazy and in turn makes the person making the statement sound crazy.

    I believe many governments find it easier to deny these stories because they themselves don't want to lose any voters. Politics has more bearing on why governments choose not to release the stories.

    It would be very interesting to see what has been reported and to hear the reason as to why the governments choose not to release them.

  21. Cassie Williams (Online)

    This response is for T Lewis. I agree with you that the gov't keeps things on a need to know basis. I wrote in my comment that the gov't wants to avoid worldwide panic and the hysteria that would probably accompany the release of such unfamiliar information. While I dont believe in aliens/extra-terrestrials myself, I agree with you that there are many more deserving issues that we need to deal with before delving into the abyss of the unknown.

  22. Christen King,

    Samantha Morris (online) - I respect your spiritual beliefs. Although, I find you are a contradicting yourself in your post. What about Area 51, probably the most talked about instance in the US involving UFOs?

  23. Jenny Denker (Online)July 11, 2010 at 1:07 PM

    Christen King,
    I also respect your spirtual beliefs, but in another sense what does that really have to do with the fact that there are more than likely other lifeforms out there somewhere. I am not sure what your beliefs may be, but I do not recall in any Bible or other spirtual writings the writers stating that there were or were not other lifeforms out in space.

  24. Ashley Logan (online)
    I think that there is life on other planets and I also think that the government is keeping alot of things for us. They only tell the citizens what they think we should only know. Also I think that they keep things from us because as humans we are not that smart and we could not handle knowing to much information about the other lifes that are out there. I also think that some of these movies that are out are close to what is happening out in space.

  25. Ashley Logan OnlineJuly 11, 2010 at 2:06 PM

    T.Lewis, this is Ashley Logan (online)
    I think that the people should know what the government is hiding from them. I understand that many people probably could not what the government is hiding from them, but at least they would know what they had to look forward to. I think that the government does like to keep us safe but then again we also know what is best for us.

  26. Jason Mccleary(online)
    Yes I do believe that there is some other kind of life form out there space is just to big to be just sitting there with nothing else living on it besides us. So, yes I do believe that the government is keeping alot from us they might have a good reason to and then againg they might not have, but all I know is until ET lands in my yard and bothers me im not really ready to bother him cause im sorry they have to have those big heads for a reason.

    I think that they keep what they keep from us because most people cannot handle what is really out there and will mess up space just like they have pretty much messed up our planet and habitats in nature.

  27. T. Lewis, this is Jason Mccleary(online)

    I pretty much feel the same way you do we are on a need to know basis and some of us(not saying all) just really don't need to know because i don't think some people could really handle knowing that there is something living out there besides what is on our planet. But i also think that we should determine what we want to know and what is safe to us so i guess you could say i have a mixed opinion

  28. I do not think the United State's Government is hididng information relating to life beyond our planet. I am confident that there is life beyond; however, I feel that the government has no knowledge that they are hiding and would have no reason to hide such information.

  29. Motunrayo Akerejola (online)

    I do not think that the US Government is hiding any information about the existence of extra-terrestrial life. All that it knows has been released. My belief is that if life forms had been discovered, the Goverment would make it public knowledge. However, I believe that life forms exist beyond our planet and have not been discovered because the search is being conducted with a mindset as to the form or shape of extra-terrestrial life.

    The Government could probably keep it secret if life form is discovered and is probably threatening to the existence of mankind.

  30. Tim Hamilton (Online)July 11, 2010 at 8:06 PM

    I believe that if the US government is keeping anything from us it is not about real UFOs. Based upon my life experiences and the drastic changes that have happened in my life (changes that I didn't want to happen before they happened but delight in now that they have) I believe in Jesus Christ as the son of a real God. Therefore, I believe in the supremacy of the Bible in regards to truth. I see no evidence in the Bible that supports intelligent life on other planets. In regards to why the government would keep information from us there could be a few motivating factors. Some people in the government could believe that the withholding of the information is for good, they could just be trying to control, or they could want to do more research before admitting anything.

  31. Tim Hamlilton (Online)July 11, 2010 at 8:12 PM

    I do agree with the HR ladi because while our government certainly isn't perfect I'm sure than whoever in our government is withholding information is doing so because they at least BELIEVE it is best for our society.

  32. Yelena Kanayeva onlineJuly 11, 2010 at 9:05 PM

    Yelena Kanayeva, online
    I do not believe there is life beyond our planet, therefore there is no secret for the US government to keep. But if there were an extra terrestrial life, I am sure any information about it would be hidden from regular citizens, just because the less you know the better you sleep at night.. In other words ignorance is bliss.

  33. Novella Noble - Online. I was reading the responses to the question and my take on it is that we are creating this prospective of the Government being supernatural and having these amazing abilities to control of some type of supernatural object / notion called UFO's. I think the government is great from a number of prospective and have the ability to hide many things from its citizens of the world but this one I have to say it not believable. And that's to say if we actually believe that UFO's do exist. "I don't... And i don't believe there's any conspiracy specific to the discussion topic. It’s a theory!!!!

  34. Debbie Pinson (on-line)July 12, 2010 at 3:35 AM

    I think that it is possible that there could be other beings out there. Other planets are constantly being discovered and there could be other lifeform that requires a different atmosphere from us.

    If the government were to know of any othe life form out there I don't think they would let us know anything.

  35. Heck yeah I believe the government hides information, and while I am not a big advocate or take on great concern for UFO's or ET's, I do believe that the government keep secrets in regards to extra-terrestrial activity. The reason why? well it can be speculated that maybe it is because they are not too eager to speak in regards to something they know little to nothing about. I think that it is a very selfish thought to think that earth is the only planet that can house life...Jamie Smith

  36. I agree that government should keep some informations for security purposes .

  37. Mabel online .
    I dont think the government is keeping any secrets from its citizens, regarding life beyound the planet, already we have enough concerns and challenges affecting our daily lives here on earth .

  38. Mabel online.
    I agree that the government should keep some informations for security purposes.

  39. Christen King-- (this is Stephanie L. online)

    i totally agree with you, i don't think that the govt. is keeping anything from us because of one, because of what my personal religion belief is, and two we can't even make it to mars so how could any of the govt know if there is something else out there. plus i think the govt is full of idiots to begin with.

  40. Tasha Wardrop (online)July 12, 2010 at 7:52 PM

    Jamie smith this is Tasha Wardrop ( online)

    While i do agree that it is not a concern to me if the government is hiding secrets about ufo's. I just can't simply believe that they are capable of hiding it. If that is in fact the case they have years to study these so called UFO's and should have some sort of knowledge by now. I do believe there or others out there in that vast universe just don't believe they are here.

  41. While other planets can be inhabitable, I do not believe that the US Government is hiding anything from the US Citizens. If there was something that was found, I am sure that it would have leaked by now. There is no way to hide something that huge from a mass amount of people.

    If there was live from beyond found on Earth, then I think that the US Government would hide such things because they would not want to cause a massive flip out for lack of better words. If you have ever seen the movie "War of the Worlds," I believe that would be the way the American people would react.

  42. Judith Miller (online) in response to Jamie Smith...
    Jamie, while I do agree as well that it is selfish to believe that Earth is the only planet capable of housing life, I completely disagree about the government hiding information from us about alien life forms and such. The reason I do not believe they are hiding information is because I don't believe it would be possible to hide anything these days with technology age that we live in. We live and breath complete media filled lives in the United States. If a celebrity changes their hair color then CNN is probably going to know about it 20 minutes! There is no way that keeping a secret such as alien life would be possible from the media hungry networks out there today. With the internet, iphone, television and other forms of mass media we use every day, I just don't see a secret that big being fathomable in today's technological society.

  43. Laura Mills (on line)
    Yes, I think the US government is keeping secrets from its citizens related to life beyond our planet. I believe the US or any government would keep such information because this world runs ruff just on the problems our government faces now. I think the government releases information to the public like a rat in a cage if the rat hits the right button enough times. He is going to get something. I really believe the government treats us like a rat experiment. Like the NPR story he is just hitting the button. Each side has its reasons and I am spooked easily. There is no way I could handle some other life form that didn’t look like a person. How does a government explain that UFO’s are here on this planet or out in the universe?

  44. Jamie Smith in response to Laura Mills....
    I am not saying that the government is hiding ALIENS from the general public, however, just by nature I am a very analytical being, and I would have to pose the question...If there is no such thing as aleins and the government don't hide information, then why when people have these "sighting" (I am not naive, I do know people will pull a prank, but will they all?)and photograph them the government inquisitively feel the need to debunk even the idea, and with hast...Inquisitively meaning that they do seem to be interested in something that they claim don't exist.

  45. Kelley Holt (online)July 13, 2010 at 7:21 PM

    I do believe that the U.S. government is keeping secrets from tis ctizens related to life beyond our planet. I used to believe there was UFO's and aliens when I was younger. In the summertime, me and my friends would sit in the backyard and try to make contact with the aliens. We did this after we watched the movie E.T. We would make hats out of aluminum foil and we would make the anteneas. We even had Reese's pieces to see if we could capture any of E.T's friends or family. The plan would never work because we would eat the candy and fall asleep before we could capture or at least see them. Today, I still believe there are aliens diguised as people. In my case, I have dated some men in the past that acted like they were from another planet. Maybe this would explain a lot. There is too many movies and TV shows for anyone to make up all non human life stories. I think that there are seveal reasons that the U.S. government would keep secrets from its citizens related to life beyond our planet. They don't want to admit tat there was pronems after they found the aliens. I think they got in over their heads when the experiments did not go as planned. They also don't want to admit how much money was really spent on research that is not perfected. I think that the truth will finally come out when the time is ready. But of course, ho knows when that will be.

  46. Kelley Holt (online)July 13, 2010 at 7:41 PM

    Kelley Holt (online) responding to Christen King.... I have to disagree with you on your opinion. You seem to contradict youself. You say that you believe there is no human life beyond planet Earth, but what about alien life beyond Earth? Do you really think that at night, the only lights in the sky are the stars and planes?

  47. Olalekan Oritogun (online)
    I do not think that the U.S government is keeping secrets from it's citizens. This being said because anytime there are new discoveries one will hear about it, whether it being broadcast via media or being leaked out from other sources. That is why I totally agree with Angela Lamonte when she said that there was no way to hide something of this from a large mass of people.
    Even if there was life beyond our earth, I think that the govt may have kept it a secret because of security purposes. Some people may be in panic mode, running around like chickens with their heads cut off and it would be hard to maintain order;.

  48. Mollian Wacheje, I do not believe that USA govt is keeping secrets from its citizens about UFO.Their is no life beyond our planet.There is no proof of photo or video taken of UFO.How comes the airforce has never intercepted them?

  49. Laura mills(online) responding to Mollian Wacheje.
    The Government kept an aircraft secret for ten years before the citizens knew about it. My father-in-law worked on the stealh aircraft and could not say a word about it not even to his family. I am almost certin that man took secrets to his grave. Makes you wonder if the lights people claim to see were not UFO's just top secret missions.Partly this may be true.So you believe we are the only life form that exsit?I would have to disagree the government is full of secrets.

  50. lynnette muthoni(online)
    i dont believe there is another life in another planet,if there was the government could/would have done something.if there was life in others places how come they nevercome/came opinion is the only place that has life is heaven.

  51. Brad Henderson

    I think the government isn't keeping anything alien or ufo from us. I do believe the government would keep things like this from us. There are things that the government wont ever tell us whether its for our on good or not .

  52. Keniel O Oline
    Yes, I do think that the US government is keeping secrets from us citizens related to a of of things I dont think it is aliens but I think another form of human life may exist on other planets and I also think that they too may see us a aliens because we dont all look and live alike
    I think the Governments keep if from people because if we all really knew the truth about what was really going on we would be living in complete chaos all the time and us a citizens like the thought of peace at times instead of all ways on edge

  53. Keniel O Oline responding to Jamie Smith
    I agree with you about the US keeping secrets I also think that they haven told us much because they know little to nothing about it and really dont have them time to find out cause we are at war with others here on earth

  54. Keniel O Oline responding to Angela LaMotte I do not agree with some of the things you said I think that the Government does hide things from us because if we knew what was really happening out there we would act like the people in the WAR OF WORLDS

  55. Keniel O Online responding to Mollian Wacheje I dont agree with the things that you said about the US government not hiding things from it's citizen I think that they do hide things from us and the reason they don't have pics or videos out is because they want to keep it under the table until they either get more info about it or know more about it so that we as citizens wont freak out and the Airforce is part of the US government so they wont tell either

  56. Keniel O Online responding to Mollian Wacheje

    I do not agree with what you said I however do think that the government is hiding things from us due to the face that they may not have enough information to give us if we start to ask questions and know little to nothing themselves so to keep it under the table they keep it all a secret ( dont they pay the people for the pictures of videos that the do capture so they dont say anything else about it?) They have no pictures or videos that YOU have seen to make you believe, however you dont know if they dont have them and the Airforce have not said anything because theyt are part US government to

  57. i think they should release the info. and i think they just like making themselve feel specail bc they know something we dont

  58. Debbie Pinson (Online) response to Jamie SmithJuly 17, 2010 at 11:57 AM

    Jamie I think also knowing the government, they could cover up anything. I think it would be possible for other planets to have life of a different form.

  59. Brook Hilton (0nline)
    I do agree what colt holt has said. I believe that the govn't is trying hide the fact that they don't want to cause the public panic. Now come on, we have a right to know. I know that there is life in the beyond earth and the govn't has a right to tell us that we are not ready to see the information! Now that is whack!

  60. Melanie Jenkins (online)
    I absolutely believe the government is keeping secrets from the public. Whether it’s about the existence of aliens or something else on there agenda, I have no clue. To work in politics I think you have to be at least a little corrupt. As for life on another planet, I would have to say I highly doubt we are alone. Though that doesn’t mean I think little green men (or grey if you watch the x-files) are coming all the way to earth to abduct people to conduct experiments.

  61. Jamie Smith this is Melanie Jenkins (online) responding
    Jamie, I agree and like the thought you put out there about it being a selfish thought of being alone. I’m also glad to see you also believe the government is holding back the trust. It’s probably true that the government has little knowledge therefore they don’t comment.

  62. Jamie Smith this is Melanie Jenkins (online) responding

    Jamie, I agree and like the thought you put out there about it being a selfish thought of being alone. I’m also glad to see you also believe the government is holding back the trust. It’s probably true that the government has little knowledge therefore they don’t comment.

  63. Janki Patel (online)

    I dont think the United States government is keeping any secrets from its citizens related to life beyond our planet. i think US government itself is not aware of the lives beyond our planet.

  64. Terri, I agree with Asley Logan that it is life on other plants.the Government is nothing but a lair, and a cover up. for every flash, or bright light,one may see a flying object. the government will always say it was false. when it all comes to life, we have a lot of ETs here on earth wearing false face.

    I do think that the goverment is keeping secrets from the public becauese if they were to let the public know about everything they know then number one there would be no reason to have a goverment and number two the public would start going crazy and would also panic. and try to take pacautions to protect themselves if the public was to feel indangered and the goernment does not want tht to happen nor deal with it they want the general public to be calm as much as possible and feel SAFE

    RESPONDING TO Brad Henderson
    Brad i thank you should look into the fact that the goverment is keeping alien and ufos information away from us. why would they let us know about that kind of stuff and they feel like we do not have to know everything when in fact we should have the right to know if we want to. if they were to tell the public about this then most of the public would become terrified im not personaly but that is because i believe that they are present.

  67. First of all, I can't help it but I find the whole UFO and life on other planets idea a little creepy! Maybe it is the fear of the unknown. (I loved "ET" but wouldn't want to find him in my living room!) I really don't believe the U.S. is keeping information regarding this subject from the public; just think it would "leak out" at some point. I'm NOT a conspiracy theorist. However, if a government did choose to hide the facts of UFOs or life on other planets, I believe it would be to avoid mass hysteria!
