Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Everything’s alright with the family

Greetings! The photograph above is a magazine advertisement. Don’t focus on the ad, look at the photo, and write at least three comments that come to mind related to what you have studied in Sociology over the previous nine weeks.

You can click on the picture to make it larger. That may be helpful.



  1. Angela Carrozza

    1. In this picture, there seems to be a lot of inter-racial relationships and families.
    2. There is one gay couple who seems to have adopted a baby.
    3. And, this family seems to know how to take care of themselves physically and mentally because there are a lot of generations of men and women.

  2. Amber Taylor

    Wow alot of things come to mind when I look at this picture.

    There are two inter-racial families. One gay couple. The guy with the crazy lookinh hair stands out, I guess he could be a deviant.Their clothes show their social status. Also there are alot of older folks who are probably retired.

  3. Bryce Cohen
    The first thing that stands out is the gay couple right up front. The two inter-racial families stand out too. It also looks like everyone doesn't make too bad of a living either.

  4. Alaa Abdul Wahab

    This photo shows that all races live together happily in Peace and interact , and it shows the freedom of everyone , which makes everyone practice his own life in the way he or she likes.Also they are a nice big family that they are able to understand eachother regardless to their age , gender , and race

  5. Scotty Hendricks said...

    This photo shows people in inter-racial relationships who are happy. It shows a gay couple with a baby. And finally it has people who are all different ages that are from different eras who all look happy and pleased with the different characteristics of the other people even though those things you didn't see in their era so they have come to accept it.

  6. lillian (online)
    The first thing I noticed is the 2 interracial families. They appear happy and in harmony.
    The second thing that I noticed is the gay couple with the baby.
    The third thing I noticed is the older generation, they appear well educated, healthy and happy. They appear to be from the upper class. The elderly women holding the baby stands out. She appears to me very classy, sophisticated.
    I know you said 3 things but the tri-colored hair young man definitely stands out!!

  7. Shawna
    So i see in this photo that there are:
    1 a lot of mixed racial family or interracial and then
    2. I see a gay couple with baby
    3. and then i see the punk or crazy haired kid in the background which reminds me of when we talked about the stereotyping and you put the picture of sexy brad pit up with a cig... it was from the movie the mexican ahhh *sigh* lol any how that is all i got in then i also see the different age groups
    All done

  8. Ruth Njunge (Online)

    Three things in this picture:
    1. people in inter-racial relationships who are happy.
    2. It shows a gay couple with a baby.
    3. Old folks with a little baby.
    It seems a big family accepted one another for who they are and what they do.

  9. Hannah McAlpine
    This picture reminds me of something I never had, a big family! It was always just my parents, my sister and me. Now my sister is married and had a baby seven months ago, so thankfully its growing. So, in a way I guess I would consider this family lucky, or blessed. It looks liked there are some grandparents in this picture. All four of my grandparents passed away when I was very young so I never really got the chance to know them.

  10. Kasey Waters(online)-
    First i noticed the boy with the spiked hair, It made think back to the divence chapter.Secound i noticed that Most are dressed nice and it caused to think back about the social class. Third i noticed the how they are related by faily but might have different backgrounds. so that made me think about culture.

  11. Karen Wiseman-Online
    This picture seems to be full of things that come to mind from reading the book. They may not necessarily be a family, but certainly a group of people that seem to accept one another, no matter the race, age or sexual orientation. They are well dressed, seemingly educated and well taken care of. They all look very happy.

  12. Cathryn Long (online)

    1.) I see a very large family of what appears to be 4 generations.
    2.) The family is diverse.
    3.) I see a very happy child with Downs syndrome.
    4.) Homosexual couple with baby.
    5.) Great-grandmother holding great-grandchild (oldest and youngest generations)

  13. Karie Manton (online)
    1) Looks like this family covers it all.
    2) Two interracial couples with children, a gay couple with a baby, a middle aged couple with a downs syndrome son, the punkie looking kid, the Parents, Grandparents and Great-Grandparents.
    3) No one looks unhappy or poor or excluded.
    4) My conclusion is that I'm a little suspicious.

  14. Lisa W.

    A big family, with many generations.

    1. inter-racial relationships
    2. homosexual couple with a baby
    3. young boy with weird hair
    4. boy with downs syndrome
    5. they're all dressed nice, so they look middle or upper class.

  15. Venus Kell(online)June 10, 2010 at 7:39 AM

    I think this picture is a happy big family. From what I learned and read in the book, this family is in-group or small group, they don't care about the ethnicity or race becasue I can tell they are not in the same race, so racism and descrimination is not present. Also, their status in life are different like the kids are in the early or childhood life, the couple are in early adult and the old couples's one are in their late life about 65+. Another is this picture show a positive character because everybody looks happy. I can also tell this family group is in a middle class.

  16. Chienny Chhun (Online)June 10, 2010 at 11:05 AM

    In this picture...

    1. There is a gay couple and by the looks of the picture they have adopted a baby.
    2. There are many inter-racial relationships
    3. All generations of the family seem to be in the picture meaning that they have been in good health their whole life.

  17. There seems to be a noticeable amount of interracial relationships present. Also, I believe that to be a child with down-syndrome at the top left. I also noticed very generalized "punk rocker" on the left as well. Another noticeable is inclusion is the age demographic. Not many areas of age are left out. As well as there is a decent representation of gender. One politcally correct comment. Where is the lesbian couple?

    Brent Reese
    Tues/Thurs 8pm

  18. Shana M. (online)

    The first thing I notice is that there is many different generations in this picture. The second thing is there is a lot of cultures in this picture. I also notice that that there are a interracial relationships. Everyone in the picture seem to be happy too!

  19. Nadia Choudhary
    there are so many things that attrect me in this picture, first a big happy family, second many generation with out a generation gap because every body looks same, third same sex married happy couple with adopted baby, every one in the picture looks carefull, many cultures with out any races.

  20. Kelsey Brook

    There are several different things going on in this picture. 1) You have a group with a lot of diversity. (Race, age, sex, etc.) 2) There are different types of couples. (Homosexual, different age range, interracial, etc.) 3) I could relate the younger gentleman to our deviance chapter.

    It would be nice if we all could live together and be this happy.

  21. Andrew Salak

    1. I see a lot of mixed relations, interracial, gay, straight, old, and young couples.
    2.I notice a child with what looks like down syndrome.
    3. And i then notice the guy who is supposed to be the deviant looking one.

    But this pic bothers me!

    Where are the obese people, the so called 60% of our popluation, were they not invited?

    Where are the smokin' hot lesbians that everyone wants to see in cultural group photo?

    If the guy was so deviant then why is he in the picture? The deviant ones don't stand there and smile, no one tells them what to do!

    Whats with Col. Mustard? No one wheres a bow tie anymore!

    I understand the whole cultural diversity in this shot. That people of different races, genders, sexual orientations, and age can come together but I just think that they left a lot out. Not seein' any lesbians, overweight people, or mexicans, and why is everyone paired up? Where is the divorced, unhappy couple standing on either side of the stairs glaring at eachother with their kid in the middle having to choose?

    I guess the biggest thing I notice about this picture is that no one wants to see the reality of things. Everyone in this pic is happy and content looking, now I'd like to see a pic of these people just standing around, lets see how many of them are smiling?

    Sorry, ads kinda erk me sometimes.

  22. Andrew Salak

    I thought I'd catch myself before anyone else did. I meant Latinos, not mexicans, I didn't mean to steroetype, my B.

  23. Kristen Mallard (online)June 11, 2010 at 3:07 PM

    It is interesting the many different types of relationships and people represented in this picture. It either is a family that truly is happy to be together or pretending to be happy together. It is interesting that they have shown relationships that are very controversial in society, yet for the most part they are becoming more generally accepted.

  24. felicia cleveland online

    I see inter racial family, a gay couple that may have adopted a child, I see three generation, I see a child with down syndrome which probably mean older parents. They appear multi diversed.

  25. Christina Irazaba

    In this picture I see an extended family. From grandparents to maybe aunts and uncles all living under the same roof. I see a close knit family. But like all pictures they capture the moment but not everything there is to know. I see longevity in this picture as well.

  26. This phto shows a family that gets along great! I see inter-racial relationships, gay couples and they also have a baby,They are all well dressed so i assume that they are middle or upper class I see a disabled indiviual and a grandmother holding her grandchild or great grandchild. There seems to be a lot of different generations in this photo....awesome.

  27. Liberty (Online)
    I notice the little boy with Downs first. How beautiful! The gay couple out front with the baby stands out. And we know that the matriarch did not birth that baby herself. This picture brings to mind several things and the limit of three seems wrong. They have diversity, deviance, and definitely the family and marriage chapters.

  28. Daniela velez(online)
    this picture represents almost every that we has study during this 9 weeks. culture, subcultures. clases, races, babies, teenagers, adults, rights, families. the first thing that i think looking at this picture is that it is a a family composed of different cultures,races etc but they accept each other the way they are and that is why everybody in the picture looks soooo happy!

  29. The generations have become very diverse. Seeing as it is some sort a reunion, family values are important to them. The gay couple with the child demostrates the acceptance of gay couples with children.

  30. Jennifer O'Dea (Online)

    There are a number of generations present; and all of them are diverse. I also notice that the family is very large- and in order to get all of them together in one place at the same time must have taken a lot of planning; maybe they all live in the same proximity.

  31. Sardia Irvine
    This is definetely an example of an extended family. There is alot going on. There is old and young, grandparents and babies. There are black, white, asian, gay, straight. A little bit of everything. This is an example of how America should really be. I hope this family is really as happy as they seem to be!

  32. I don't take this as all one family. I think the company is trying to cover all the bases and include all kinds of different families that America has today.

  33. Deanna P.
    I think of extended family..looks like grandparents, aunts and uncles. Secondly, I think of different cultures or backgrounds since I see different skin tones. And lastly, I think of family values. This must have taken a lot of planning to get everyone together, and they seem to be one big happy family!

  34. Lamond

    I would like my family to come together during Memorial Day to celebrate the true meaning of the holiday and to have us recognize our forefathers who died a paved the way for us
