Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I cannot tell a lie.

Greetings! Please follow the link below. Once you have read the article feel free to speak freely via this blog.

Tyler S. from the face to face class forwarded this one as a possible discussion starter.




  1. Let us give a big round of applause for ignorance incarnate for his innate ability to be completely and utterly ludicrous. I laugh at people like this dumbfounded idiot who is clearly unversed in political discussions like our recent presidential candidate: John McCain. His defense is nullified by his lack of reason and inability to present a valid point supported by evidence; the World Trade Center attacks, whilst still somewhat hazy in their origins, undoubtedly occurred and documentation of the death toll was taken(death certificates were obviously issued for population census along with a public reading of the victims who perished). Ahmadinejad's suggestion of the attacks' origins("a result of mismanaging and inhumane managing of the world by the U.S") and his rationale for our "motives" for retaliation are absurd and are an exemplary example of the East's bias towards the west spurred from age old religious tensions. This smear of motives to thwart uranium enrichment efforts is Iran's poor effort to shine the ill spotlight upon an "enemy" with an ill supported, irrelevant tangent filled with bias and unsupported viewpoints...hmmm, sounds like someone else that I know of...


    This might as well have been a parody of the presidential debate!

  2. Kerri Bertram (online):

    Well, i'm not much for world politics but this guy just seems ignorant. I don't agree that the US denied his visit to the World Trade Center site; however, his comment towards the reevaluation of the causes and conditions is absurd. I don't understand why he should be the one who's telling us the we need to "examine" this. I think that the US (someone internally) should be the one that is telling these thoughts not someone in another country.

  3. First off, this the same man, that has to ship in people from the out skirts of his country to be held at gun point to cheer for their "Independence Day" Celebration while the rest of the country riots in protest to a fixed election. This is the man who controls the "State Run" media channel. He is a small little man that uses the Police State to stamp out freedoms of his citizens, he means nothing, just another tyrant in the long line of dicators in the middle east. Of course, if you support Barrack Obama, you should get use to the these policies, because that is where Obama is trying to lead the country. Socialist Healthcare, buying land in the west to control our natural resources which could free the U.S. from the foreign dependence for the next 100 years (imagine what technology, we'll have then!) Taking the right own a gun, away from you. Obama is the step down from this nut in Iran. If you want to really be scared for you country and your children's future, research Obama's menitor while growing up in Indonesia, his mother's beliefs and influences, Obama's childhood influences. Soviet Communist Russia had thousands of Political agents and spies running around and influencing and teaching their Ideology. It will scare you to death. As far as this nuts claims to 9/11, I will not degrade the people that lost their lives with an comment on his asinine claim.

  4. Coming from Mr. Holocaust denier himself absolutely proves that 911 was an inside job. Mr. Ahmadinejad, although the president if Iran, is merely a puppet in the Muslim theocracy of Iran. The Ayatollah makes all the political decisions including what propaganda to spread through Iran's state controlled media.
    Natalya W.

  5. Suzie C. (online) I don’t know if it’s my age or what, but the ignorant remarks of an ignorant man do not arouse any passion in me. I just consider the source and his remarks have so little relevance to me or even to history that I don’t know why we would even bother talking about it. I noticed that his remarks seemed to have really provoked an angry response in the few other students who have commented and I think it must be the passion of youth or something because I can’t seem to muster enough sentiment about this person, whom I consider to simply be ignorant, to even get mad. I can get mad at what happened on that September 11 and will never forget the horrible feeling I experienced while watching this tragedy unfold before my eyes while watching morning television that day. I can get very mad at any group that would terrorize others for any sort of agenda and I can get senselessly mad at extremists that kill people in the name of religion. But as for Ahmadinejad, he isn’t even a blip on my radar and I certainly wouldn’t waste any emotion on him.

  6. Suzie C. (online) in reply to Joseph Gates: Joseph, you definitely seem to be passionate about your opinions and I’m betting an intelligent person such as yourself realizes how lucky you are to live in a free society where we are all allowed to express our opinions without any fear of retribution. America is not perfect, since only God is perfect, but our system is definitely one of the best ones out there, in my opinion. I love the fact that each and every one of us has the freedom of speech to express ourselves in open forums such as this. And while your opinions seem to be quite different from mine I find it very refreshing to see that the free society our forefathers imagined is alive and well in Atlanta, Georgia. For it truly is the differences among all of us that keep our society balanced and livable. Just think how terrible it would be if everyone was liberal or if everyone was conservative, there would be no balance and we would live in a closed, extremist society. I don’t see any chance of that happening here any time soon. Viva the USA!

  7. Thinking about this guy makes you think that Bush wasn't so bad after all. Seriously, he should consider spending a little less time antagonizing everyone else in the world, and investing money from his nuke program into the needs of his people. The real losers in all of this are the Iranian citizens, who have no say over what their government does, and who continue to live impoverished lives because of their ASSHOLE president (not that he ever won any election to his office anyway).

    Keith Hendershot

  8. I am angry about what happened on 9/11 however, I do not care what Ahmadinejad says. That is what's wrong with the US, we care too much about other countries think of us. We should not let their actions dictate our reactions. If we left other countries alone and stayed out of their business then we wouldn't have terrorists trying to attack us. I know some of you will say that it's wrong to let people be treated inhumanely by their country. I too agree that it's wrong, however we did not care what happened to the people in Rwanda when they were being killed until after the fact. We pick and choose who we care about. Let's just leave those people alone and they will leave us alone.

    Rashida Matthias online

  9. In response to Joseph Bates, President Obama cannot be compared to Ahmadinejad. The President wants what is good for the people of this country unlike Ahmadinejad. Besides, what is wrong with Socialist Healthcare? What is wrong with EVERYONE having healthcare as opposed to some? That is really selfish. If you were not able to afford healthcare you would surely be for the Socialist Healthcare that you are so against now. Put yourself in someone elses shoes.

    Rashida Matthias online

  10. Seriously...I mean really, did he ACTUALLY say this? And expect people to BELIEVE that it was all just a lie? I mean it really doesn't make a difference to me what he says. I feel like Suzie C., reading this isn't really bringing up much emotion. The only part that gave me any kind of reaction is where it says he questioned the death toll because the names were never published. I'm pretty sure I have pictures from when I visited NYC of the numerous 'banners' i guess you could call them hanging on the gates around ground zero with the names of those who lost their life.
    Ashley Lawson

  11. No doubt, the 9/11 events happend, and they will are very real to the United States (especially the people who lost their loved ones in these attacks). Makes me wonder how this leader's ideals and poltical views were shaoed by his predessecors. It makes me wonder how much their news is controlled by the government, that even theie own president is so ignorant to the truth. Brainswashed are even the leaders of these Isalmic countries. He knows what happend, and it was a poor crack at trying to cover up the terroristic acts of his own counrty. Our new may be filtered, but thank God it's not as filtered as their news is.

  12. Whoops, the upper post..."No doubt, the 9/11 events happened"...was mine. Ashton Showalter (Online Student)

  13. Ashton Showalter (Online Student)'s response to Keith Hendershot's posting

    It is very sad that this ignorant presdient's citizen's have no say, and that most of them are just as brainwashed. What a sad attempt to try to rectify the 9/11 attacks. Let's just deny it...pshhh...what a loser.

  14. This guy is wrong. He will make up with any excuse to make America look like it is at fault. He is ignorant and does not know what he is talking about. How can anyone fake something like 9/11 it is impossible.
    -Radwa Hassan

  15. This is ridiculous. I think its very disrespectful to say we created 911 and caused the death of the thousands who died. He just wants to bad mouth the U.S. any way he can. Really though im not that surprised because hes hated westernization, especially the U.S., since before he came to power.


  17. Kerri Bertram (online):
    In response to Natayla W.

    I couldn't agree more with what you are saying about 9/11 being an inside job. Why would he tell us what we need to be doing if he didn't already know what the cause of it was.

  18. Jacqueline Williams - OnlineMarch 14, 2010 at 1:14 PM

    I'm unlikely to have a very outraged opinion on this matter since is opinions don't really matter much other than people in his country may also take his views and run with them. 9/11 obviously really happened. Whether we have the whole story or not may never really be known, but it happened and a lot of people lost loved ones which is a tragedy regardless of who was behind it. The fact that terrorist groups were willing to take credit for it in the aftermath makes the "war on terror" necessary. It is obvious that some groups hates our country.

    Jacqueline Williams (Online)

  19. Jacqueline Williams - OnlineMarch 14, 2010 at 1:16 PM

    In response to Natalya W.:

    I think that your point about holocaust deniers is well-founded. There are still groups that will say that the holocaust was made up even with so much proof that it was not. We cannot control the crack-pots of the world. Why even try?

    Jacqueline Williams - Online

  20. Cassie Samples (online)March 14, 2010 at 1:41 PM

    Okay, this guy is nuts. There is proof every where. If America just made this up, then maybe that guy really isn't the president, you never know. He could be being used as the president to try and outsmart the U.S. so the real president doesn't get bombed! Its all a conspiracy, the media controls what you know. I do remember where I was and what I was doing when the towers were bombed, and I am sure many americans can tell you the same thing. And what about the people who lost a loved one in those buildings, that guy should be arrested on charges of terrorism for just saying that. What is his plan blow something else up and act like it didn't even happen. If it would have been the other way around and we would have killed his people, they would have done the exact same thing only their soilders would probably have bombs strapped to them.

  21. I think this guy is an idiot. The 9/11 attacks were real and it caused a lot of hurt and pain to many Americans. People till this day are scared to fly because of those attacks. I completely agree with the WAR on Terror. I just think this guy was completely stupid for saying this.

  22. I love how the article ends:
    "He (Ahmadinejad) has also questioned the Sept. 11 death toll of around 3,000, claiming the Americans never published the victims' names.

    On the 2007 anniversary of the attacks, the names of 2,750 victims killed in New York were read aloud at a memorial ceremony."

    It is as if in his mind we caused the September 11th attacks ourselves just to blame middle eastern terrorists and start a war with them. Ok, I too was always a little skeptical of the 'war on terror' just like a lot of other people. The desire for retaliation from the U.S. attack has caused this war to happen, and I too am not sure that has been fair. The obvious method would be to search out and find those who specifically are involved and responsible for the crimes, and judge them accordingly. But, instead war has broken out in many places over many things. It is all so clouded and gray now, to the point to where it seemed pointless to begin with. But back to the stupidity of Ahmadinejad; I mean, come on dude! To nullify and completely disregard something that obviously massive is completely stupid. It's like looking at the pyramids of Egypt and saying "it's just a mirage, a hologram." Even though it is documented, filmed, and tangable where you can reach out and touch it, it might as well be invisible to him. Dispite the hurt and pain it has caused thousands or even millions of people, to disregard something so plainly obvious discredits his competence as a leader.

    I love the comment made above by Keith Story, and I agree that his defense is nullified by his lack of reason and inability to present a valid point supported by evidence. He has made himself look like a fool, and anyone who agrees with his point will look just as foolish.

    Candice Ammons, Online

  23. Tiffany jordan online-I think this man's comment is absolutely ridiculous. To say that september 11th is a lie could not be further from the truth and he just sounds very ignorant saying that. It was at the bottom where he inputs that there were 3000 victims but no mention when in fact 2750 people were acknowledge in 2007 at the ceremony for the attack. That comment right there i think just shows that this guy obviously does not no what he's talking about because if he was going to use that as defense for the attack being a lie i would have thought he would have researched that and made sure that the comment he made was not another pot of bullshit. Excuse me, but that's what it is.

  24. three letters. lol.

    _Nick Horn

  25. IN RESPONSE TO SUZIE C: You might what to check your history, Liberals are now starting to call themselves, Progressives, in the past they called themselves Socialist or Communist. I am neither a conservative, I believe in small Federal Govt, State's right to run their own States, Strong Military for defense only, non-interventionist and not getting involved in the affairs of foreign nations, least their problems will bring us down. Fiscally conservative. Socially, I do not care about what be people do with their lives, as long it does not infringe on someone else's life. Although, I am Pro-Life, because the spark of life begins at conception, not 20 weeks later. I believe in the Constitution and the GOVERNMENT that our fore fathers created under Providence.

    IN RESPONSE TO Rashida Matthias:
    Here is what is wrong with Socialist Medicine, you have to pay for it, someone has to pay for it, now if someone is to lazy to get a job that has healthcare benefits or cannot afford healthcare, then get another job or second job. I am a Paramedic, and I see the medical abuse of our system everyday, people going to the ER for toe or knee pain, it is sad. Health insurance was initially set up to fund major operations or medical procedures, not everyday doctor visits or ER visit, but it has been abused. I am a farther of three children, and have any had insurance only for the past two years since getting out of the military, I saved my money (cash) and paid for each doctors visit when I went. Why should I have to pay for your or someone else's medical expenses because they are to lazy or dont have a good enough job to pay for it themselves? This healthcare bill will put a big tax on all middleclass, because the goverment system like all others will be abused. So tell me, how you like having 28% of paycheck going to someone's else healthcare bills when you can barely pay your families healthcare bills when you have a family. Life, Liberty and the Prusuit of Happiness. Life and Liberty are entitlements, the happiness you gain is from your hard work, not someone else's.

  26. ok ive done alot of thinking on this matter and there are alot of things i agree with and things that i dont agree with. first off i hate our government period. All they are doing when they say this is for your safety is to gain more control, but we need safety so this a catch 22. Second that stupid idiot alham what ever his name is is a bullshitter if ive ever seen one. Yeah my husband is in the army and i dont like the fact that he is being sent over somewhere where we really dont need to be anymore. But, we got to get even right? we got to get control over terrorists? ksometimes i dont know what to believe. But yes 911 is real and the ppl who died are real. But the funny thing is we trained that son of b**** osama bin laden yrs and yrs ago so whos fault is it really? How do you think those terrorists new how to get into the cockpits of the planes? it aint rocket science its common sense im sick of the government and all the people with them our country aint going no where but down hill. Next they are going to be taking away our guns and right of free speech. all i can say is just leave them alone now that we got even and live our own lives again.

    stephanie smithwick

  27. Dana Cook - Online

    As long has our men and women are fighting the war on terrorism, I am behind the United States completely. There will not be one soilder that will die in vein as far as myself and my family is concerned. The war on terror is to protect us from another 911.

    I know that our government has been guilty of alot of things. The men that were used in the syphillis research, our men and women that returned from the vietnam confict ahd how they treated them our government was wrong. I can not stand by and protest any war that our bothers and sisters are fighing. They will not become victims as the men and women did in the vietnam conflict. Rather or not someone supports the war on terrorism, the fact remains the United States is fighting it and everyone serving in the United State's Military is a heroe. If you don't like or understand what I am conveying, think past yourself and look at the families that have lost loves one in the name of the "War against Terrorism".

    Setember 11 was the most tragic event that the United States and its citizens have experienced in recent history. For this Ahmadinejah to insult us and make false accussations against the United States is herific. This is a direct slap in the face to all American. Why is he permitted on US soil is beyond me.

  28. Dana Cook - Online

    In response to Stepahnie Smtihwick. To be a military wife. I know the toll on you having a husband across the sea is enormous. I salute your family and your husband. I hope he returns safe to you soon. God Bless

  29. I did not read every comment but I went through and it seems that the majority say this is a complete lie and that it is the Iranian president being ignorant. I am not disagreeing but I would like to bring up how this is not the first time he has said this, or the first president. The former Italian president, Francesco Cossigo also said that 9/11 was an inside job. Pretty interesting research if you look into it. An American radio show had the guts to say that building 7 was brought down by the fire department using explosives. If you watch a video of when the building came down it does resemble a demolition video of any other big building being taken down.
    I was just giving information on that side though, my opinion was that the government would not do this to it's own country on that big of a scale at least, and that the Iranian president was just trying to clear his record. But as long as these articles, and videos are being produced, the topic of 9/11 being a fake will always being talked about.
    -Tyler Stevens

  30. Araceli Tran (Online)March 15, 2010 at 3:44 PM

    First of all... I hate the fact that Ahmadinejad questions 9/11 and the death toll. 9/11 is real and the the fact that many lost their lives that day is real. His comments should be ignored as they come from an ignorant person whom apparently isn't familiar with the word priority... Instead of badmouthing the U.S he should focus more on his country and its poverty.

    -This is not the first time Ahmadinejad badmouths a tragedy. In December 2005 he called the Holocaust A "MYTH"

  31. Araceli Tran (Online)March 15, 2010 at 3:59 PM

    In response to Radwa Hassan

    I agree.. This guy is simply ignorant. How can the U.S make up something so big and such a great loss.
    -In a debate in NYC on Sep. 2007 he said that Iran did not have any homosexuals that it was unheard of and that it did not exist in his country like it did in the U.S. He later claimed it was a misunderstanding and that Iran did not have as much as the U.S did.

  32. Kamilla McNac
    WWHHAATTT!!!! Can you believe the things that people think of? Why would 9/11 be a lie if the U.S. wanted to attack then believe that it would have been done no need to kill our own people just to justify atttacking. I am not a fan of politics but this guy is out of his wits!!

  33. Jami Phelps:
    ok, so this is so unbelievable. This ignorant man had to come on T.V. and make up a bunch of bull just to make himself look better. This just proves to the WORLD that this was an inside job. How ignorant and insane is this guy? He is clearly making these statements on America because he knows he is guilty. He is a joke.

  34. Craig Z.

    This article is pretty ridiculous. Why would anyone believe that we would do this to our own country. If you love America you won't believe this at all. This article needs to be on The Onion for those who visit the site. Plan and simple, Mr. Ahmadinejad is full of it.
