Monday, June 30, 2014

Not playing kid games

Originally, video game consoles were marketed to children. Over time the games became popular with adults (some young people continued to play them into young adulthood). Video game makers saw this and expanded the market, including explicitly adult content (violence, sex, gore, drugs, etc). 

Women across ages have become more engaged in gaming as well. In the US market, gaming crosses sociological boundaries of race, gender, ethnicity and increasingly age.

From your experience or speculation, why do you think video games are so widely popular among ADULTS 21-45? 


  1. Erin H. 67

    I think video games are widely popular, because, now, you can actually get paid to play the video game. If you are good enough, that is. Adults like to waste time just like little kids. Games are "just fun", but a lot of people take the game very seriously. Some just like the "adrenaline" rush that the games give them. I enjoy playing video games, but I only play to an extent.

  2. joseph garland
    as kid who grew up with console games
    they are just ingrained In me and I enjoy them now because they have become more technical and realistic

    1. In reply to Joseph G,
      I have never played a video game before, so that means i never enjoyed it growing up.. The games we played when i was younger were mostly outsides games like marble, hopscotch, and so on. Now that I am older I would love to learn how, especially since you said they have become more technical and realistic.

    2. I write the post above, but forgot to put my name
      Samantha P.67

  3. in respond to Joseph Garland,
    i never played a video game in my life, strange isn`t it?. I would really like to learn even though i think they are full of voilence. Its just the know how that intrigues me.

    Samantha P, 60867

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Amanda P. 67
    In my opinion, video games are popular among adults because they have been heavily marketed to since childhood and adolescence. Our society is rather corporate and wherever marketing agencies place their attention is usually where Americans tend to spend their time and money.

  6. Jennifer D. 73
    Video games are so popular because they offer an outlet to a fantasy world where you can pretend to be someone you are not if only for a little bit. It also allows you to do something you may wish you could do in real life but without the consequences. And then of course there is the fact that they are just super fun to play. And now there are a lot more "educational" type video games for younger children that are introducing the even younger generation to the world that is video games.

    1. You make a good point.

    2. The "You make a good point" comment was from Douglas.

  7. Luisa W. 60

    I think gaming has become more popular with adults ages 21-45 because...I think of my Dad and how he would play for hours. I remember, "Black Ops" and it could have been on PS2 however, he was competing with someone in Japan with a head set that he was communicating back and forth into. Perhaps, the social networking aspect gaming was attractive to this particular demographic.

  8. Playing video games gives you an outlet from a stressful life that you are having. With all the built up stress and emotions video games give you an outlet to just have mindless fun.

  9. I think playing video games in moderation gives people an outlet for either stress that is going on in their lives or just anything that is on their minds at the moment that they just want to block out for a little while and relax and have fun for a few hours.

  10. In honesty, I can't stand video games. I have no reason of why they are so popular among GROWN adults. I do understand that each person has their own reason behind playing video games. I, however, find them to be a distraction to life. I enjoy being outdoors, playing ball or some other productive activity that releases endorphin's. But again this is my opinion. Alan H-67

    1. Alan H
      I am totally with you on your comment. I agree with the fact that video games are a distraction in life, I totally think TV is a distraction in life, I pay generously to Comcast each month to have a television I watch maybe 3 hours a month... I believe video games take away learning time and time spent on more important issues in life, like family time or learning. I'm an outdoor person myself and cannot stand to be indoors sitting idle.

    2. Thank you Donna for your reply.- Alan H

  11. Katelin S 67
    I think that they are so popular for many reasons. Now a days, adults have more time to play with convenience foods,microwaves, cars, etc. Also family time has been devalued/transformed-depending on your perspective-, so families spend more time on technological endeavors. Also, such adult games allow users to fulfill their dream lives which they are not able to do in the real world.

  12. Gaming has become a multi-billion dollar business. The graphics have come a long way from their 8- bit beginnings. A lot of people enjoy gaming because it makes things even in a sense. Someone may not be very athletic or popular, anyone can be a hero in gaming. Gaming has made it to where you can create your own world in the comfort of your own home. Back to social aspects, people who aren't very popular or social can have lots of friends from on-line gaming. Working together to achieve common goals in a game that is enjoyed by millions of people. Bonds are built with people who live in far off places.

  13. James m. 67
    The popularity of video games among 21-45 year olds has gained popularity for a few reasons. First of all, video game programmers are casting a broader net in order to appeal to various ages. At one time, most games were geared towards children, but now games cover a larger demographic. By creating games that contain more mature subject matter, programmers have doubled their target audience. That being said, one still might contemplate on why adults are playing video games. Perhaps, it gives them a means of escape from reality, and allows them to become someone else. The act of becoming someone else may help him or her to live out his or her fantasies. In any case, one might question where gamers find the time. There is a whole world out there, and it is full of adventure, so get off the couch and go live life.

  14. I believe that video games are popular among the 21-45 yo's because they entered our culture in the 70's, 72-74 I believe. Therefore, gaming has become a way of life for most of this age group. They have grown up with them, and have seen parents participate, etc. Maybe a learned social behavior for the most part. It is a way to socialize, achieve status, create fantasy and become a virtual character of your liking. It is a focal point of socialization within many cultures of adolescence and adults.

  15. My personal opinion of the matter is that it's human nature to explore. As kids we all got into trouble by being curious. Children now can sit inside and explore through media. Once that human reaches a certain age, they tend to try move dangerous activities.
    Men who live confined most likely play video games try to live a life where they can do whatever they want and start over when an issue arises. I live with some men who are college students. They rant on and on about how they wish they could actually do that without getting caught.
    These video games are a secret life apart from ones own. It's bonding time for men and aggravating time for woman from my experience.

    1. Reply to Alaina. I agree that gaming has opened the door to exploration, some good and some bad. The good is some get to communicate with people around the world while gaming, on the other hand I feel for children it has taken away from their outside time. Growing up we didn't have video games until we were teenagers, but as young kids we spent the majority of our day outside. Kids now would rather be on the computer or game than to go out and play. Video games can be a great way to relieve stress or to zone out for a while but like everything else moderation is key.

  16. I believe gaming has become very popular for adults because just like social media people enjoy being able to communicate and play with other people around the world. Some of the older adults enjoyed playing video games starting with Atari, Nintendo, and play station as children, and it has continued into adult hood. There is also a huge variety in games now you have games that the family can play together and there are games for fitness, these days there is a game for everyone to enjoy.

  17. Marcus A. 67
    Video games can be a great way to relieve stress and especially with the internet now being involved in video games for some it is becoming and has been a social thing to do. Although I do not personally play video games I mean it would be hard to find a 21 to 45 year man today that has not played some form of a video game in their life.

  18. Video games are so widely popular among adults 21-45 because it is money making event, fun, and social, though some are educational while others are violent. Adults play to occupy themsleves, to relieve stress and boredom and maybe to give company to the little ones.

  19. Reply to marcus. Video games are so widely popular among adults 21-45 because it is money making event, fun, and social though some are educational while others are violent. Adults play to occupy themselves, to relieve stress and boredom, and maybe to give company to the little ones.

  20. A. Smithers 60
    It is popular in my opinion because it's an escape, a fantasy, and they are in control. I feel like so many people girl, guy, or child do not benefit from constant gaming in any way. I hate video games. I think its just another way to distract people from reality and it has nothing but negative influence!

  21. Adunola S.67
    Video games are commonly played by adult because it reduces stress and some use it to while away time.Some Adult are addicted to it because it started when they are toddler. A friend of mine told me that her husband is so addicted to video game to the extend that whenever he comes back from work he goes directly to the game and also do the same thing early in the morning around 4 am before going to work,sometimes he find it difficult talking to his wife whenever he is playing the game. Some adult believe that video games does not make them bored and lonely.

  22. Adunola S.67 In response to Smithers A. 60

    I agree with you that video games really "distract people from reality."I don't play them because they have no positive impact to me. Most of the games are for kids.

  23. I think the reason so many adults these days are into video games is because of how realistic they are now. its almost like an interactive movie. Yes, I agree that they are a complete waste of time but the're still fun and sometimes more stimulating then reality.


  24. I think the reason so many adults like video games is because these days video games are a lot like movies in that they are so realistic now. Its true anything that distracts people from reality is probably negative and a waste of time but I think its okay in moderation.


  25. Hamilton F. 67Video games have come along way. They've been re-invented to cater for the adults who played with them when they were kids (an extension of childhood) Also is a form of relaxation ( takes you away to a fantasy land even if it's for those couple of hours)

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