Monday, April 9, 2012

Scrambled Eggs

Spring holidays rank among the most important and the most enjoyable. Regardless of religious affiliation egg hunting has become a major cultural endeavor in the United States. The city of Macon, GA had to cancel their annual egg hunt due to “violent parents” and children being “trampled on” during the event.

How did this this fun tradition move from holiday to horror?

Feel free to speculate.

More on the story:


  1. Peter A. 96 (Online)

    It is clear that Easter Egg hunts are meant for children, but parents are allowed to assistin their children's progress. I feel that the event organizers are the ones at fault because they should have forseen the incident. I am sure that there were signs of this occuring last Easter. The media makes it seem as if parents just started becoming aggresive this Easter. Once you forget about the trampling,it seems awesome that parents are bonding with their "little ones" on Easter!


    I completely agree with the writer of the article. This is ridiculous for parents to be acting like children basically. The kids are happy they are out with friends and finding eggs. It's not really about how many you get. It's not like there was money in them. My town went through a situation similar to this a couple of easters ago. They decided to do an egg drop in a park, but there was money in them, and there were a ton of people, including children and adults, that were injured and hurt. It just goes to show how ignorant our society can be. I blame the event holders as well as the parents. Let kids be kids, and let's make it all about them, their fun, and their safety - that's it, instead of ruining it like everything else we seem to do.

    1. Crystal N.97 in response to Courtney Marks
      I totally agree with you Courtney! Easter is not about money drops and competitions. It should be a fun time for children, and events like the one you mentioned just take away from that. It's hard enough to get kids away from video games and cartoons in this day and age,and now we have to go and ruin holiday events like this! What a shame!

  3. Meredith P. 98

    Easter Egg hunts are for a fun tradition for children to partake in but, parents tend to get involved. It seems that in today's world, if children have an argument about who got to the egg first or that the egg is for them the parents run to back them up. Parents need to let children learn how to deal with situations of disagreement by themselves. It's natural for parents to support their child in any situation but, they should also teach their children. Parents need to stop getting involved with every problem their children are having unless someone is physically getting hurt.

  4. Meredith P. 98 in response to Courtney Marks

    I agree that the parents were completely acting like children. I feel like having an egg drop with money is a bad idea from the beginning. Instead of people having the thought it would be great and a blessing to eggs with money in it, they are determined to get money. It just shows how selfish people are becoming. Parents need to realize that the purpose of egg hunts for children to have fun, it's not for them.

    1. Angela Reisen 89 OnlineApril 10, 2012 at 12:57 PM

      I agree with you 100%. Easter is a time to be with friends and family. The candy helps a little bit, but money shouldn't make the holiday.

  5. Peter A. 96 (Online)

    In Response to Meredith P. 98

    I agree with everything you mentioned, and it really sums everything up. Parents do need to just let children learn how to deal with situations of disagreement by themselves. Children need to learn how to problem solve because parents will not always be around. Those kids should be given the right to succeed or fail.

  6. C. Nixon 97 This story is so sad.I feel so sorry for the kids who were looking forward to this event. I could understand if this was an isolated incident of one irrational parent, but to have a group of parents behave in this manner, blows my mind! Is it really that serious? This story is a dreadful reminder of the society we live in, and the by-products being groomed by it. We have so much to look forward to!

  7. Jamie M.96 Oh what a shame. Holidays are a time for family and friends to get together and have fun. How can anyone blame the sponsors of an event? Who would have imagined that parents would act in such a manner? I am so glad that our daughter is in her 30's, and I am not around such going ons.

    1. Dashuna Loney 44
      I wouldn't blame the sponsors so much. More like the parents should know to be well behaved. Sadly we must have order and rules to keep them from ruining what is meant to be a fun activity. But I am not surprised parents act this way. I think I have seen it all lol

  8. Reply to C.Nixon 97 I agree with you. I can not even imagine my parents acting in such a manner, nor did I as a parent. I hope this is an isolated incident and am hopeful that it is not a reflection of our society on a whole. Our grand-daughter is only 2. We keep our egg hunts around home. Sounds like a great idea to continue doing so. Jamiem.96

  9. Brandon M. 93
    The Easter egg hunt is for children to do not parents to be all involved in like it's some kind of sport. People need to remember what Easter is about and not so much trying to be greedy gathering eggs. The reason I think it's like this is because society let it happen.

  10. Brandon M 93 in response to Peter A 96
    Yeah it's for the kids not the parents. The people in charge should be making it clear about whats allowed and what isnt.

  11. Angela Reisen 89 OnlineApril 10, 2012 at 12:55 PM

    Easter egg hunts are for kids only, I don't think the parents should be involved at all. Now-a-days parents are wanting the best for their kids but I think sometimes they need to fight their own battles. They are kids so if they fall they will get right back up. Easter is all about being with family and friends anyways so I don't know what the big deal is, just let the kids have fun.

    1. Rainey S. 98 (Response)

      Angela, I agree with you that the parents should just observe and let the children have fun. Children need to learn valuable life lessons and they need to understand that the world will not come to an end because they didn’t find the egg first. Easter should be a fun day spent celebrating with friends and family, not fighting over eggs. I feel that those parents should set better examples for their children.

  12. Merry B, 97 online
    I am tired of people taking this special day so lightly! Easter egg hunting has nothing to do with Easter however I think it is okay in a small setting to entertain the kids. Sometimes I think adults are less mature than the children. Jesus died for these peoples sins and they don't even care. It's just an egg! i get so mad at the way people act.

  13. Merry B, 97 online in response to Brandon M. 93
    it's sad but i agree. people have forgotten the reason for Easter and have made it earthly. it hurts my heart that things like this can occur.

  14. Dashuna Loney 44
    Most parents want their kids to win and succeed in everything they do. Kind of how my parents were. Losing and failing weren't an option. Some parents want their kids to be the best at everything so they intervene with the kids and try and help their kid in getting the most eggs. Some parents even have a little kid left in them so they decided to play a long. Could be why they cancel it. A few times growing up I would do the whole Easter thing with my cousins and sisters and brother who were around my age. I help my little nieces and nephews lol just joking. But it should be all in fun

    1. Dashuna you are right about parents want their kids to succeed at everything they do but this is a fair goal for the children. Its almost impossible to believe that your child will prevail in all things. They are setting the children up for failure. I also did the easter egg hunt with my family and it can be very competitve but we didn't have our parents jumping in and falling over us to make sure their kid won. They taught during that time that you may not have found as many eggs but you did a great job in trying or you found the most eggs so you should now go and share with your family that didn't do as well. Its all teachable moments to train kids what to do when they are faced with those same challenges when they are not with you and as they age. My mom always told us to do our best but try not to step on someone else's toes in the process.

  15. Rainey S. 98

    I have to admit that I was appalled when I heard about the parents’ behavior during the Easter egg hunt. I just don’t understand how some people think that this behavior is setting a good example for children. We have an annual egg hunt for the kids every Easter and the children love it. We hide real eggs, eggs with candy and special prize eggs with money. We have never had children fight over the eggs; who ever finds it and picks it up first gets it. I think that hiding a couple with money is exciting for the kids but we have never dealt with fighting over them. I feel that children must learn how to deal with disappointment at times because in real life, you don’t always “get your way.” It is unfortunate that this incident took place and ruined a fun day for the children.

  16. Easter Egg Hunt is supposed to be a fun occasion for our children. It is a time when our kids laugh and get a little exercise outdoors or inside with their friends and peers. Some adults will always put a damper on kids being kids. Easter egg hunting is a great time to teach our children about fair play and being happy for someone else. Competition is a good thing and this creates an environment where kids get a little exercise and have a little fun doing it. Unfortunately some bad parents come in and ruin it for the kids. Shame on them. Its a sad day in America when our kids can't attend an event and learn what a friendly competition is. Its a teachable moment for good parents to let the children know that sometimes you win and sometimes you lose but its all about how they played the game. Win or lose that is a great time to teach kids what behavior is acceptable and what isn't. We do not need parents who trample over kids that are simply trying to enjoy themselves. When did this behavior become okay? What they need to do is have unrelated adults participate to keep the kids excited and keep the parents off to the side away from them. Good sportmanship can be learned during these types of events and it is too bad that these parents take over and turn it in to something ugly. Moments like that are suppose to be memorable for the kids...let's go back to that. At the end of the day, its all about our children.

    1. Catina K (98)

    2. SummerC98:
      Well put! We need to learn how to set a good example for our kids. If we don't we will just add to the problems in this world by allowing these kids to become the same adults that cause many of the problems we have in society today.

  17. Ashley H.

    From what ive seen, egg hunts have turned violent because when the parents see their kids being pushed by other kids to grab obvious eggs the parents get enraged and then start to pull their own kids around and grab eggs before those other pushy kids grab them. Hints why everyone just gets rowed up and the egg hunt becomes un enjoyable for not just the kids but all the head strong parents that dont want their own kids to go home empty handed. It can still be enjoyed as a holiday favorite not a horror if the parents just let the kids have fun on their own even if some kids get pushy, go talk to their parents instead of taking it out on the kids...let their own parents take care of their bad behavior.

  18. SummerC98:
    Easter egg hunts among many of the holidays is supposed to be an enjoyable game for children. However even this holiday has become somewhat of a "rat race". The American culture in itself has become so greedy, competitive, and materialistic. So even the adults tend to allow these to get passed onto our children. And seeing as though these parents that assist their children in these Easter egg hunts, don't want their kids to go home empty handed; they will go to the extreme to see to it that their child gets what they want by going to any extreme.

  19. Steven T 53 night class
    Yea thats not how parents should act on Easter egg hunt. It's a day for kids to have fun not get trampled by some kids parent. These parents are bad examples to kids.

  20. JamilaJ 92

    This is just outrageous!! Never knew egg hunting could be that serious!! I'm embarrassed for them and the kids!!

  21. Nate H 92

    I concur with Summer above. American culture continues to become increasingly "greedy, competitive, and materialistic," and I would add to that; belligerent, asocial, cynical and nihlistic. Parents trampling the children of other parents makes me want to write about much more than an instance of petty violence, because I see it as a symptom of something much greater, but I will resist the temptation to jump too overtly onto the soapbox. If, however, this recession continues much longer or gets worse, and you mix that with prevalent cultural attitudes in this country, it isn't hard to imagine all of us heading into territory in which parents bullying children will pass as light humor. A bit hyperbolic perhaps?

    1. Robin M07
      Well said Nate
      Such horrific behavior...such a sense of entitlement...such a loss of self control and good manners...recession no recession...good times bad times...where is our society headed?

  22. Fese E01 online

    The fact that a religious day like Easter has turned into a day to make money out of a competition is ridiculous and I am ashamed that parents/adults have forgotten the meaning behind easter and have made it an opportunity to make money by engaging enrolling themselves into egg hunting competitions and want to win so bad they run over themselves forgetting their children are with them. By turning Easter into a day to have fun and not teaching our kids what this day signifies, children grow up clueless about this special day and grow up thinking it is as day for candy and competitions. We have got to do better as adults so our kids learn from example.

  23. Fese E01 in response to Summer c98

    I agree with you we have got to do better and teach our children what is right.

  24. Diana C. 098 Online

    Parents should be ashamed of themselves, more and more I have been watching and hearing on the news about how bad certain parents behaviors are. Those parents need a time out and start being responsible and teach their children respect towards others. Imagine how the future will turn out when these children have their own children.

  25. Diana C. 098 in response to C. Nixon 97

    I agree with C. Nixon, i feel bad for the kids, the parents need to remember it's for fun! Parents need to stop being competitive with other parents, it's all about the kids having fun!

    I think in the times we are in parents are just out of control period. this was clearly an event for children, now if your child needed help is one thing but hurting someones child is a whole other thing. if it was that serious then go to the store and buy them some for themselves and they can have all they want. but the parents should be ashamed of their behavior because then the children will think its ok to behave that way. when this is a fun event turned bad

    1. Brian C in response to Lovely A (Online)

      I agree that in general, parents can be really out of control when it comes to kids sporting events and kids games. Parents tend to get more serious and wrapped up in their kids games than the kids do.

  27. Stephanie L. 96
    I haven't been to an Easter egg hunt since I was little as my daughter is 14 months old and too young to actually get the excitment behind huting for eggs. It is unbelievable to me that parents would allow their kids to behave this way at a function that should only be for fun. I think parents today should focus more on teaching their children what the true meaning of Easter is and what the sacrifice Jesus made for us. I think their is a place and a time to be competitive and it important for kids to realize that losing is a part of life and they will have to be able to handle it well. Getting injured for finding a prize in an egg hunt is definately not the example to set for impressionable youth.
    Stephanie L. in response to Fese E.
    I agree that parents have forgotten to teach kids the meaning of right and wrong. It is crazy to me that the possibility of gaining money through an event that should be for fun and for kids has turned into something violent.

  28. Gladys M-98.On-line

    Kids are kids.Individual responsibility of adults is what ruins kid's fun activities and events.It is very rare for kids to cause major horrors while on their own without any interruption from adults.Therefore I put the blame on the adults who interfered with such a fun event for the kids leading to its withdrawal.Leave the kids alone to have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Am in total aggreement with you.Parents should learn how to behave responsibly and leave kids alone to have fun.One would think they would make it better and safer only to make it worse and more dangerous.WHAT A SHAME!!!!

  30. Robin 07

    This is such shameless behavior...
    The idea that this is acceptable for the"sake of the children" is beyond comprehension. In a land of so much, WHY would people act so uncivilized over things that don't matter. The sad thing is that this must not have been the first time this has happened...I don't think the festival would have been cancelled on just one Easter Egg hunt gone wrong. It is very very discouraging!!

  31. Misty H. (92)

    This is a damn shame! First of all, adults have no business in an Easter Egg Hunt unless it is a) for adults only or b) there is a hunt that is geared for ages 2 and under - and even then, they should just hold the basket.

    I understand that no parent wants their kid to be a "loser" and that their kid should always be the "best" at whatever it is they are doing, but really??? Why can't parents let their kids learn how to navigate something like this without interfering?

    Kids need to be allowed to fail, to have someone do better than what they did at something, to be cut from a team because they are not good enough, and learn that they will not always get what they want just because they want it. It is called life, they will be ok. I am a parent and I do not like seeing my child hurt or sad, but it does build character and helps her to learn to do something a different/better way or even figure out that if it is hard and she isn't that good at it, maybe it's not something she wants to do. As a parent it is my job to let her do all of this on her own - not get in the middle and take out a kid or two because I am bigger and she has to be the winner. I am there to guide and support her and keep her as safe as I can.

    Unfortunately though, I don’t think parents like the ones who have ruined things like this will disappear anytime soon. It only seems to be happening more and more, which in itself should be a wake-up call that too many people are too damn selfish and don’t care enough about anyone (themselves included) to worry about what effect their actions will have on anyone else.

    1. Assel O. 96

      I agree with Misty. I don't have children yet, but i think every parent should teach their children to be independent in decisions they make from their young age.


    Its very clear that egg hunt and fun for children. But parents probably get mad and turn whats fun for kids to bad because they maybe see their kids being pushed by other kids or the simple human reaction of one trying to compete with anyone else on getting the most eggs than anyone else

  33. Assel O. 96

    I don't have children, and have no experience with treading them. I remember being a child, i participated in School games and different types of events, but cant remember my parents encouraging me in anything, pushing me to do something, to win, or fighting with other children or their parents. I believe that if a person encourages his/her child too much in their activities, and show them too much support, a child more likely not going to be self-sufficient in his/her adulthood.

    1. Jenn B 98 in response to Assel -
      In most cases the Parents arn't incouraging their kids, they are accually excluding them all together and taking over like the event is for them and not their 2 year old - craziness:)

  34. Sylvenns.h 96

    I feel that these parents have gotten way out of hand. Usually the parents are just supposed to watch and cheer on their kids on just by their efforts. The is just supposed to be a fun game where kids can hang with their friends and then get a sugar rush afterwards.In other child like games parents get angry too like, little football or baseball (little leagues of course. I just think parents push thier kids to hard and put a lot of unnecessary presure on them. Parents need to chill out.

  35. Sylvenna.h 96
    In response to Assel O. 96
    I agree with you, I feel that too much encouragement is a bad thing because the child may think the only way to make their parent happy or to be loved by them, is to win at the activities they participate in.

  36. Brian C 92

    I think this is one of the most ridiculous stories. There is no excuse or reason for the parents to get violent over an Easter egg hunt for children. I think that in general, parents tend to take kids sports games and events too serious and even more serious than the kids, which doesn't make it any fun for the kids when their parents are screaming and causing problems from the sidelines, that was always one of the most annoying things when I was on sports teams growing up.

    1. Stacey F. 96 in response to Brian C.

      I totally agree that there are parents who are overbearing when it comes to activities like this and especially sports! You are suppose to help your child build a self esteem and confidence when they play sports! Not make them feel like they are not good enough or a loser how's that going to have a positive outcome?

  37. Stacey F. 96

    I remember egg hunting as a child at my grandmothers house with my brothers and cousins. I look back now that I'm older thinking of how grateful I am for my grandmother and mother making it such a special day for us. From decorating her 4 acres with trees filled with egg ornaments to the wagon ride and the bunny cake! I think the problem is that it's simply to many to handle. I think when I have children I'll keep on our family traditions and within the family so we become closer and make memories.

  38. Deidre W. 97-It seems everything, including egg hunting has become a competition. Especially for the parents. Egg hunting used to be for fun. Trying to pick up the eggs and seeing how many you got in your basket. Now it's about did Johnny get more than Steve. And the parents are the ones teaching their kids to get as many, and as fast as they can to beat out the other kids. So it makes the kids aggressive and it got away from being fun

  39. Deidre W. 97 in response to Brian C.
    I agree parents have gotten away from the fun of things and are taking things too serious. That in turn is making the kids too serious. And that is taking all the fun out of being a kid

    1. Amario J. 97 in response to Deidre W. 97
      I totally agree. The parents are stealing the show by acting out and the children are missing out on all the fun.

  40. I think its becoming so ridicules how competitive the simplest things are becoming, a healthy sense of competition is good but during an Easter egg hunt??? Parents becoming violent?? It gone way to far why is it harder for people to just enjoy an activity, especially an activity that builds good memories for children.

  41. Jaime H online 96
    I think that for parents to act this way is so absurd. They are creating so many negative thoughts and emotions in their children's minds. For example they are teaching their children to take extreme measures in order to succeed and be "the best". They are also teaching their children that winning is the only option and creating a fear of loosing. Children need to figure out how to be successful on their own, independence is one of the best life lessons we can teach our children. These parents are not teaching their children good moral problem solving skills.

  42. Jaime H online 96 in response to Victoria M

    It is ridicules. We are seeing parental behavior like this in sports and all the other activities our children participate in. I do not understand what drives these parents to act this way!

  43. Morgan Passmore 96(online)

    This is really sad an almost pathetic. Easter egg hunts are mostly for the kids. Clearly its a lot of work for the parents to hold the egg hunts so why ruin the fun for the kids. Parents these days feel the competition is way more important than the fun. If you want the award then enroll your kid in football.

  44. Morgan Passmore 96(online) in response to Diana C. 098 Online

    I really agree you with. Its very shameless. Kids are a product of their parents raising and if this is how they are raised its only going to cause a vicious cycle when they have children of their own.

  45. Jenn B 98
    The saddenst part about stories like this is that the In most cases the Parents arn't incouraging their kids to particaipate in bad behavior, they are accually excluding them all together and taking over like the event is for them and not their 2 year old - craziness:)

  46. Amario J. 97
    As i was driving to work i heard about this issue over the radio. Its a shame to think that an Easter egg hunt would get out of hand but people are competitive especially when it comes down to their children but when it comes down to it the parents arent teaching their children the true meaning of Easter but instead they are encouraging them to participate in bad behavior. Its almost like the old saying monkey see monkey do. If the parents become violent then the kids are bound to reenact what they see. Its sad that the parents cant refine from violent behavior and let the children have fun with other children.

  47. Amber F. 97.
    The Easter Egg hunt was initially intended for children to have fun among their family and friends. However, parents are very protective of their children and what activities there children want to engage in. Of course, some parents will be involved in the assistance of younger children during the egg hunt. Parents can also be very competitive through their children. For instance, pageants are another activity that can become violent because of tempers and the feeling that their children are being judged or treated unfairly. Unfortunately, their are individuals that can ruin fun and family oriented events for everyone.

  48. Amber F. 97 in response to Jenn B. 98.
    I agree with you regarding the fact that if the event was meant for the children, then let the children enjoy the event.

  49. Kathy W.(online96)

    This is just another example of the world we live in. It happens in a multitude of surpposively innocent activities. Parents been banded from all sorts of games and practicies but of there over involment and why you ask? I think we've placed too much focus on winning and not enough on the child and their entering the games.

  50. Heather Puckett in response to Amber F.97

    Parents do get too involved in wanting to assist their children. I believe that some of the parents want to re-live that moment through their kids.

  51. Ok, so my thought on this whole situation... I think they should just make a huge hunt for just the parents to do first. That way the parents get the competitive thoughts out and the children are able to enjoy the egg hunts. I know as a parent it seems quite rediculious that these parents ruined the hunt for their children. Iunderstand how they want to just make sure their kids get what they want and all but the way I was raised "you get what you get and you dont pitch a fit". These parents need to think about the influence that they have on the children. Showing them that it is ok to fight and argue over some simple egg hunt... It's absurd.

  52. Stephanie M. 98 (ONLINE)

    I think that it's become less about the thrill of the fun and the hunt....and more about greed or distrust. When we were kids, we enjoyed finding the eggs we dyed ourselves. Now it's become all about who has the most candy, chocolate, plastic eggs filled with toys, and money. Even though I do not celebrate Easter thinking in the more traditional Christian aspect, I think that Easter has strayed more and more from that initial meaning. Parents in this Easter egg hunt want more, more, more for their child not to ensure that all is fair and their child is happy with a few items here or there...but that their child collects everything they can no matter the cost. It makes me just as sick as Black Friday shopping.

    People are crazy.

  53. Stephanie M. 98 (ONLINE) in response to Courtney Marks

    YES. I completely agree! Adults need to back off and let the KIDS shine in their little moment of fun and glory.

  54. Nicola F.97 (Online)
    This is crazy!!!! Maybe parents living through the children!?!

  55. Nicola F is response to Jamila
    Totally agree with you

  56. Micah S 96

    I'm not really sure what the reason is for this change. First, my family would never go to a public egg hunt because it is something that we do every year at our home. Second, it sounds like other people should probably do the same. Parents are crazy these days. Fighting with other parents because of what their kids said to each other. It's insane! Kids are going to be kids. They are going to do stupid things and parents should respond maturely. As far are children getting trampled on, adults and older kids shouldn't be involved in this. It's not a competitive sport. It's a family event that is supposed to be fun. People need to get a grip!

    Micah S 96 in response to Heather Pucket

    The egg hunt for the parents is freaking hilarious. It's sad that they ruin the event for their children. Egg hunting is not supposed to be competitive between parents. When I was being raised my brother and I competed with our cousins to see who could get the most but we were kids. Adults shouldn't act like that!

    1. It's sad to see that people act this way, completely agree.

    2. maureeng62(online)
      I feel that the parents today are so competitive with all aspects of their children this is just a carry over. The world is so competitive now that parents feel their children have to a excel at EVERYTHING .They cant even allow their children to enjoy a simple activity with out putting pressure on them to "get the most".

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Every good parent is protective of his or her child, but this protection shouldn’t make parents disregard the feelings and fun of another child. The egg hunting game is or should be an affair for kids. To make it more enjoyable the organizers can group kids of about same age together in different categories. It will be a sad day for the kids and organizers to see some parent wanting to turn the fun day to a day of horror.

  59. In response to Micah S 96.

    I agree with you that people need to get a grip. Sometimes is said when I see the way some so called parents treat another child with disgust. The kid is not yours shouldn’t give you the impetus to disregard them or spoil their fun.

  60. Clint G. (97)
    I thought this was just ridiculous. Not the canceling of the egg hunt, but the violent parents and the trampling of kids. The whole event is for kids to have fun and enjoy the egg hunt. But, so many of the parents are competitive and want their child to be "the top" kid, that they get overlook the reason as to why the kids are really there. The egg hunt isn't Black Friday where there is that one item that is for sale at the cheapest price and there is only 10 of them available at that price that you have to beat everyone there to get it. It's an egg hunt where the kids can go and have fun. Jeez parents are getting so ridiculous these days.
    In response to Agho
    I completely agree with you. The parents are disregarding the feelings and enjoyment of other children. These egg hunts probably should be divided into age specification so that maybe these kids won't be trampled over like a stampede and that it might be less violent.

  61. Shenique G. 97

    I find this very childish of all parents that became violent during this event for children. I mean I understand that you want your child to win or get the most eggs or whatever the case may be, but if the event is canceled due to parents that just can't let their children have fun then the whole day all together is ruined. I kind of feel bad for the kids of the parents that was the cause of the closing of the event. How would you explain to your child that they have to leave because the parent "accidentally" ran hurt someone else child. I know if my mom tried to explain it to me when i was younger i would have been in tears asking, why did you hurt him mommy???

  62. Shenique g. 97 in response to Stephanie M. 98

    I completely agree. I didn't really think of it that way at first but that is so true. Instead of the parents just letting their children to enjoy their selves they try to get involved to the extent where they might just scare the kids. I miss the traditional at home with your family egg hunt.

  63. Wow. This story is ridiculous. Why in the world is finding eggs for your child that serious to hurt another child in the process? I really don't have words for this because people are just too idiotic for words.

    1. Shana W. in response to Amber S. (online96)

      I totally agree with you! When I read this I just could not believe it, I mean like it's just ridiculous for grown adults to act like this especially during a fun and care-free event. IT's just unbelievable and ridiculous.

  64. Seems to me that a lot of parents now a days like to see their children succeed, and with that its easy for them to get carried away and forget the bounds between being a kid and an adult. Really that bounds should not be crossed and is need to help a child develop. To much help from a parent leaves the child not really to learn anything or the way the game should be play with others their age.

  65. Shana W.(online)96

    I think parents get a little too carried away when it comes to things like this. It should be something fun for the kids and that is it. I csn;t believe the example that some parents set for their children. How do can you turn something so innocent into something so violent? It's crazy to me, they need to get a grip on reality and chill out.

    1. Queena Garred-A 96
      You are so right about that. They turn a fun game into a war game for no apparent reason.

  66. Anna M. 92

    I honestly can not believe that grown adults would act this way. This is intended to be a fun time for children, parents sould simply be rooting on and standing by their child, not trampling over other children and making this fun time turn into a violent one. These parents need to realize that this is intended for the children, NOT them. A little hint now and then is fine but when the parent is the one doing the whole thing there is a problem. Even if your child does not get as many eggs as they would like most of the time they still had fun doing it and it doesnt even matter to them 30 minutes later. Parents should set an example for sportsman like behavior and not being greedy!

  67. Anna M. 92 in response to Shana W. 96

    I agree, parents need to realize the example that they are setting for their children. This is going to teach their children to be hateful, violent, and greedy. These parents really do need to grow up and realize that this is suppose to be a fun time for the children and that they need to stay out of it.

  68. Carolyn.W

    Did this egg hunt have some major prize that greed took over. It thats the case that is just sad and why would grown adults ruin something that should be so innocent and fun for children to enjoy. The adults need to go back to elementary school and learn how to be nice to one another. I guess when you get older you dont feel the need to keep up good character parent or not.

    1. Antonio C. 96 (online)

      That's very true and the sad part. Some kids are just better well behaved than their parents

  69. Kobra Z.96(online)
    I wasn't familiar with this tradition,but now after a few search on internet I found out ,it is beautiful and meaningful celebrate for Christians " which is a reminder that Jesus rose from the grave, and that those who believe will also experience eternal life."
    overall I agree with almost all classmate. Easter Egg hunts are for children and makes them happy and shouldn't be ruins by adult.of course aggressive parents ruins their kids either.I think these parents should be trained before the celebrate and before teaching their kids hunting shills.

  70. becca jobe t/r 6:00
    I think thats crazy, maybe its the size of the hunt and the amount of children who participated. Nevertheless, its insane that children cannot enjoy themselves during a traditional egg hunt.

  71. maureeng62(online)
    The world to day is very competitive,and parents feel that their children must excel at everything. This is very sad children, are no longer allowed to enjoy anything any more its all about being the best. I feel this is very stressful for children making them sad, aggressive and angry.

  72. Lovely A(ONLINE) in response to Shana W.
    I agree, children follow by example and this is just a mess. you would think that its a million dollars in the eggs when its just some candy. its not that crucial for the parents to be acting irate and ignorant over some eggs

  73. Antonio C. 96(online)

    Wow that's unbelievable that an event like egg hunting had to be canceled because some parents can't lead good examples for their kids. That's honestly very embarrassing and sad. And I'm sure some kids are disappointing as well as some parents too. But what they should have done is only invite the well behaved parents and kids back, why didn't they do that?

    1. M. Dixon (96 online)

      I totally agree. Invite the kids and parents who were well behaved. They should have everyone sign in before the egg hunt begins.

  74. CandissR.98
    I seen this on the news and all I can do was shake my head. Its sad that grown adults want to egg hunt and take the fun out of it for the kids. Its embarrassing how these grown people cannot behave.

  75. M. Dixon (40896 - online)

    Wow. the things that parents will do in order for their child to be on top. Let the child be a child and perhaps learn from their mistake. its okay, if you don't find as many eggs as your friends, the point is you find some. Parents should stand by and watch and enjoy.

  76. Angelia D 98 (ONLINE) I am a parent, and I will be the first to admit that when it comes to my kids I am like a mother bear meaning if you harm my kids then look out. Having said that my kids both play sports with our local rec. department which myself and my husband both either coach or help their coach. I am a firm believer that kids only learn when you turn them loose and let them learn. Somewhere along the way there are some parents out there who either never figured that out or just don’t want to turn loose and let their child learn that. Parents who hover are doing more harm to their child than good. There is nothing wrong with helping say a three year old child on an egg hunt, but those kids should be separate from kids who are old enough to know how to hunt eggs (like my kids who are 8 and 10). It is because of parents like that, that my kids do not go to big egg hunts. Parents need to remember who the child is and who the parent is and stay in those roles. Reliving childhood through your kids is unfair to the child; the parent is stealing their childhood from them.

  77. Angelia D 98 (ONLINE) in response to Misty H (92) I’m with you all the way. The only way anyone learns is by mistakes. Kids need to stumble along the way to learn. We tell our kids all the time life isn’t fair, if you want to get better at something you have to practice, and only you are responsible for your actions. I tell them I will defend them with my last breath if someone has done them wrong, but if they are in the wrong, didn’t play fair, or follow the rules in any way then it is a learning experience for them.
    Like you have said parents like these will not fade into the back ground anytime soon. They will continue to ruin events for the kids who have parents who will follow the rules and give their kids room to grow. The parents who are acting more like spoiled kids should be made to suffer some consequences for their actions instead of making the kids suffer, but I feel that won’t happen anytime soon.

  78. TroyH98 Well, this is traget let quite humorus. Leave it up to the human competition to get in the way of an american tradition that has been going on for years. I think this is pretty selfish and stupid. Let kids have fun and be kids for once. Enjoy Life!

  79. TroyH98 commenting on Angelia D 98.
    Great views! The parents should be the role models for their children. But, maybe it's the children that are having children that aren't to sure how to enforce the roles and rules at hm. We only use the tools that are given to us at a young age.

  80. Sean O. IN CLASS
    Honestly I think this is hilarious. If the parents weren't so concerned with their child sucking at finding plastic eggs filled with melted, nasty chocolate then maybe the kids would actually enjoy the event. Parents need to stop trying to live their life's through their children and be a parent not a 35 year old teenager.If your that old and still get a rush over searching for a plastic egg that some imaginary bunny hid then it's amazing you were smart enough to conceive a child in the first place.

    1. Molly k 89
      I could not agree more parents are trying to live through their kids I stead of letting them just have a good time. They are turning a fun event into a competition and not thinking about what they are teaching their kids. What horrible examples of parents

  81. Christa H. 98 (online)
    Wow, that's pretty much all I can say. I mean I understand wanting your kids to get as many eggs as they can but easter is a time to enjoy fun like that and not hurt other children just for the sake of your kids. People can be so competitive and want their kid to be the best but your child will never learn the right way if they see their mom or dad trampling other kids just to get eggs for them. That's not a lesson I would want to teach my children.

  82. joseph c 96
    I think that this holiday tradition became a horror event because of the competion world that we live in. Everything is a race and a game to see who can do the best.

  83. joseph c 96 in responce to M. Dixon (40896 - online)
    I agree i think that the adults should stay out of it and let the kids be kids and have fun. its not all a race or a game

  84. Christa H. 98 (online)
    In response to Sean O.
    I completely agree with you, parents need to stop living through their children and let their children just have fun!

  85. Molly K 98
    It seems that everything that was once a fun and playful time for kids has turned into some type of my child is better than yours competition amoung the adults. Each generation of parents seem to be more and more competitive than the last. Parents should say out of it and let their kids be kids and not sour a good spirited event.

  86. akiag 97 online Easter egg hunt has been afun tradition. It is unfortunate that this tradition was cancelled due to unruliness. This is a behavior that we teach our children.. We definetly need to practice what we preach and have more discipline and love and concern for each other. i just feel society is so stressed out, that we lose sight of plan fun and separate children events from adults. This wil have the tendency to have an affect on our children as they become addults. It is very important have our children perceive our actions and reactions

  87. Deana L. It has to do with the parents.. as why most of our whole society has gone to nothing... simply bc the parents choose Not to teach their children the correct way to behave. If parents were in control of their children this would have never happend.

  88. akiag 97 in response troy 98--Parents should be a role model, always positive. I feel the same that we can only use the rules that we were taught.. It is an unfortunate thing.

  89. Jewel A. 98

    Parents today have become so competitive to the point that they think their child should win at everything. The problem with parents being this way is the fact that they take the fun out of everything. Most children could care less if they only find one egg, because they had fun searching and playing with other children. A lot of parents are still trying live their youth through their children instead of letting their children enjoy their own youth.

  90. Jewel A. 98 in response to Molly K 98

    I agree totally with you. Every child should have the opportunity to just be a child without their parents parading them around saying my child is better than yours. There are some things that children should be competitive about, but eater egg hunting is not one of them.

  91. Henry B. 1101

    I've never really known why a big community would get together to have an Easter egg hunt. A church community a can understand, but some of those people going to like city egg hunts just think the whole celebration is a sport! It's not! It's no way ever intended to be a competitive event! It is suppose to be a fun little get together for kids to play around and find eggs filled with goodies. At least that's how I always remembered it. It's a family get together, an occasion to take pictures and watch their children run around and have a blast. Not to get trampled on and crush for one little Barney color egg. Those were my favorite, but I wouldn't put someone in the hospital because of one.

  92. Kathy w in response to Joseph 96

    I agree with you whole heartily . This world has become so competitive which is sending a sad message to our youth. What happened to trying your best , this is what most important. We as a people really need to get a life.

  93. Queena Garred-A 96

    Easter egg hunting is a child's holiday where they can enjoy coloring eggs, and doing egg hunts. Parents are just suppose to watch and help out but not interfere with the children hunting for eggs. Its not fair to the other kids who are looking for the eggs themselves and those that have their parents doing the work for them. Parents need to let the kids enjoy themselves and have fun, who cares if your child doesn't find any eggs, well you should assure them that its OK maybe next time, and take them to go buy some eggs.Parents ruin the fun when they have to be violent at kids events just because their child got lesser than the other kids.

  94. Mark (40892)
    Simple, Kids by nature do not play well with kids they do not know. By nature they are selfish and hate sharing. Add to that the fact that every parent wants their kid to be the best,and you have a competition to be the biggest toughest egg hunting little bastard in the crowd. Mix it all together and you have a recipe for mayhem. Kids pushing kids, parents protecting their kids. Where you find more people than toilets you find shit everywhere and it all stinks.

  95. Devin K. 98
    I'm not sure what would make a parent do this! I am a mother of 2 and I think this is very sad that a parent would be so competitive that it would hurt another child just to get their child more eggs! We had an Easter egg hunt at a local park this year and the child with the most eggs got ta prize basket, but you didn't see parents knocking over other small children to make sure their child got the most!

  96. Devin K. in response to Henry B 1101
    I agree that it is a family or church event, but then again there are those who do not have enough family or a church they attend so they go to these events, so that I can understand too. Growing up with a big family we always had our own family egg hunt or we would have it at our family church. I having my own children have done both a family hunt and a community hunt. I know from my own experience that, even though I never seen anyone get trampled or hurt, the community hunts can get a little out of hand at times.

  97. GAH! This story hits a nerve. Why do parents get so worked up on things designed for kids? Parents must think if they don't tell their kids they're special once every five minutes they'll grow up and kill 42 people with an axe or something! Chill out, you're smothering (and trampling)the kids. They don't care that much about plastic eggs.

  98. Courtney P. 92
    It's a shame that some parents go so crazy over this sort of thing. I'm sure they think they're protecting their kids, helping them to succeed, but all they're really doing is showing preventing them from learning the very important lessons of self-reliance and sportsmanship. When I failed up as a kid, my parents didn't punch someone - they picked me up, dusted me off, and encouraged me. Like normal, sane people do.

  99. Courtney P 92 in response to Devin K. 98
    It's good to know that this craziness is a somewhat rare event. I wonder that made that particular egg hunt go crazy?

  100. This definitely sounds like an interesting study of mob psychology. Where did the mania start? How did it spread? Were the children or parents responsible?

    I can only speculate, but there could be an element of adult competitiveness pushed upon children. One would think that children would simply be happy to find some eggs, so perhaps the aggressive behavior was encouraged by adults.

  101. CindyH47
    It is very sad that the obsession parents have with their kids getting the most/being the best/super special snowflake has ruined old fashioned fun. It's the crazy mind set that parents on shows like Dance moms and Toddlers and Tiaras. It seems to have become acceptable since it is on TV.

  102. CindyH47 in reply to Courtney P. 92
    It's so true. I wonder what has caused this shift in parenting? They always seem to want to find someone to blame for everything other than themselves or their kids. Sad.

  103. Shalon H. 67 (Online)

    Niq- I agree with you, reagarding it is adults being competitive and pushing their children. You are so right.

  104. Shalon H. 67 (Online)

    I think that the holiday traditon turned horror because adults sometimes take things way to serious. Being to serious takes the fun out of things. Also when adults are being a little overbaring with wanting their child to win, it makes other adults upset and react. Not a single parent likes for anyone to be rude to their child over a game.

  105. kemi 0.98 You have to remember that at any event there are going to be some families that don't know how to control their kids. For my family we traditionally will have the Easter egg hunt in our back yard because you can't control other kids behavior.

  106. Brian D. Hulsey, Sociology, chattahoochee tech

    some people just shouldn't compete for anything. competition can be a good thing for some, but many people don't understand how to compete with sportsmanship and in larg groups such as in this event there are a mix of people many of which no nothing of fair competition.

  107. Parents need to understand that they are not in complete control of their children and that they need to let them have some fun. It is quite a shame that parents go so crazy that they would have to cancel something fun like an Easter egg hunt... What is the world coming to now.
