Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween Happenings

Halloween rose from obscurity to become a major cultural celebration in the United States. Numerous customs and practices take place throughout the month of October.

Other than costumes and candy what do you find the most interesting about Halloween?

**I realize we have students in this class who for cultural or religious reasons do not celebrate Halloween. For those of you, all I’m asking is; What do you find interesting?


  1. ~Katie H.(online)~

    Growing up in a relgious home, my grandma would always say we needed to dress up on halloween to scare away the evil spirits before all saints day. Looking back I find this very intresting, I never really understood as a child, I kind of just thought my grandma was crazy. However it makes more sense to me now, I beleive in a world beyond the one that we see, so I also believe in the possibility of evil spirits trying to come back and possess the body of a human. I might not be as serious about it as my grandmother was but I still carry on the tradition, and have a big halloween party every year.

  2. Sabrina M.

    The most interesting part of Halloween for me is that a large amount of haunted houses open in October. This past weekend, I went to the Netherworld Haunted House in Norcross, GA. Not only was it really frightening, but it was interesting to see thousands of people waiting on a line for hours just to be scared out of their minds. My experience is quite different from what Katie H. described above where people dress up on Halloween to scare away evil spirits, since haunted houses hire people to dress up in creepy costumes specifically to scare people.

  3. Brendan B tue-thurs
    what i find interesting about halloween is that some people or groups have actually made it like a religious holiday or gathering for them to celebrate the spirits and its a big thing for them like christmas or easter might be for some. Another interesting thing is how candy associates with gools and goblins it just makes no sense.

  4. Kavi G
    I was introduced to this form of a holiday when I arrived to the states about 14 years ago. I admit I have also taken part in occasion. The most interesting fact about Halloween in my opinion is it gives everybody who celebrates to mimic who they admirer or the complete opposite. Plus you get candy that can last for weeks :)

  5. Amanda Caputo- Online

    The most interesting part of halloween to be is all the haunted house that are found in Atlanta. Also the corn mazes and pumkin patchs and carving pumkins are also fun to me. All the parties to go to and still get to dress up and have fun with friends.

  6. Ashley F.—Online

    What I find most interesting about Halloween is how it can be such a family time of year. My husband and I have an 8 ½ month old little boy, and this October we have made it fun for him. We went to Bert’s Pumpkin Patch the week before Halloween to pick out pumpkins, and we did the hay ride which he LOVED. He loved crawling around all the pumpkins too, and it was so wonderful to see him so excited! Since it was his first Halloween, my parents came over and we cooked dinner on Saturday night, (because apparently everyone celebrates Halloween on that Saturday, instead of the 31st, which I think is ridiculous) and we dressed our little man up as a monkey, and took him trick or treating. What I found MOST interesting, is watching all the parents that drive their kids from house to house. What has happened in our society??? When I was growing up, we walked and our parents did too. I was appalled at the laziness. It is still one of my favorite holidays.

  7. Ashley F.—Online
    In Response to Katie H:

    You are very close to dead on of the tradition of Halloween. Hallows eve is a day in Celtic times where they believed the 31st is that day that the line between the living and dead worlds becomes very minimal, allowing spirits good or evil to pass through. People wore costumes to scare off or appease the spirits, for fear they would destroy their crops. I am also a firm believer in the world which we cannot see.

  8. Madeline Cook

    The most interesting thing about Halloween for me is that it is one time a year when this country (as a whole) has no race dividing issues. Black, white, red, brown, we all have a common similarity and goal to let loose and have fun. Enjoying each others company without all off the political correct b.s. that most of us have to deal with on a daily basis.

    We all have family, children, friends with children that we enjoy seeing every year whether it's to check out their costume, pass out the best candy, or be the house with the coolest decorations on the block. It's a chance once a year for everyone to let their guard down and let a little bit of childlike innocence back into your world and just have fun. Thus the reason it's my favorite holiday!!

  9. Timmy T.
    What I find interesting about this occasion is how others act at a social gathering disguised as another person or being. They all seem to keep in character or just wear the costume as a t-shirt or such and just act as theirselves.

  10. Courtney F

    I find it interesting that some of us, including myself, go out every year to party and drink to celebrate dressing up. It's also once a year you can be anything you want and not have to worry about being judged about it, just go out and have fun with no worries.

  11. Rachel Hudson online

    I have never celebrated Halloween so there is not any tradition that I ever experience. What I find interesting however, is really just how it all got started. I was talking to my boss about this just the other day and she had no idea of what it was really about or why we even did it. I guess I just find it interesting how people will celebrate this and yet really have no idea why or what they are really celebrating.

  12. Rachel Hudson online
    In response to Courtney F

    I have to say I agree with you. I find it interesting as well how people will just dress up like that and it means absolutely nothing. No one could ever imagine doing such a thing any other day.

  13. Tracey D. Bailey

    I always found it interesting to see how creative peolpe are when it comes to making a custome. Each year gets more and more interesting with what people think of to buy. I really don't belive in the whole "evil' part of it all...I just enjoy giving out candy to the children.

  14. Amanda Caputo- Online

    In response to Courtney F

    I do the same thing as you for halloween and you are also right about dressing up and being anything and whoever you want and not being judge from anyone about what you are.

  15. Kourtney C...ONLINE

    to me its a big celebration of death!! What does the true meaning of HOLLOWEEN mean??I like the fact that you get free candy though! :)

  16. Kourtney c..in response to Tracy D. Bailey

    i second that...to see the children light up when you give them candy is a good feeling. My children love dressing up as cartoon characters..they havent discovered the scary part of it yet

  17. Amanda O Online

    The Encyclopedia Americana says: “Elements of the customs connected with Halloween can be traced to a Druid [ancient Celtic priesthood] ceremony in pre-Christian times. The Celts had festivals for two major gods—a sun god and a god of the dead . . . , whose festival was held on November 1, the beginning of the Celtic New Year. The festival of the dead was gradually incorporated into Christian ritual.”

    I find it interesting that people will celebrate a holiday for fun and not care what the origins are or think that the origins don't matter since they just want to have a good time with family. I personally believe that if something has a pagan origin that wether or not it is fun shouldn't be the deciding factor in wether or not you ignore where the practice came from. My husband celebrates Halloween as having fun and getting dressed up to get candy but it bothers me that even the modern day version is trick or treat. Give me candy r I'll play a trick on you isn't something I like my child learning. I know several will disagree but this is my opinion. Why don't we all have candy and parties where we dress up whenever we want?

  18. Amanda O Online In response to Brendan B tue-thurs

    Right - what do ghouls and goblins have to do with candy? I know at one time they were thought to appease the evil sould that rose that day with gifts etc.. which turned into candy but kinda reminds me of the commercialization of valentine's day - great for the card and candy companies too - isn't it?

  19. Courtenay Seay_online

    Halloween, Samhain, All Hallows Eve, All Saint's Day, Dia de los Muertos are all celebrations of our deceased ancestors. I appreciate the idea that you are not forgotten when you leave. My family incorporates traditions from as many different cultures as we can on any given holiday.

    In response to Brendan B tue-thurs,
    The candy is meant to be an offering to the spirits. Costumes are to disguise yourself from the evil spirits that may be around as the veil between living and dead is the thinnest on that night. Like everything else sacred, Americans took it for their own and turned it into a marketing campaign.

  20. Sarah Thompson-online

    What I find most interesting about Halloween is the obbession with being frigthened. I love it. I love the thrill of my heart racing, my palms getting cold and clammy and the anticipation of what is to come. My parents always took pleasure in scarring me and my siblings and now it is my turn to get my kids. This year I took them to a really good haunted corn maze...and laughed my butt off at them the whole time. Now please dont think I am a bad parent. Throughout the maze they were shrieking and pleading for their life, BUT as soon as we ran and I do mean ran out of the maze they were begging to know if we could come back next year. So even though they were terrified, they loved it. I just dont get it. Even I love the thrill of a good scare but I couldnt really tell you why!

  21. Sarah Thompson-online

    in response to Courtney F

    I love that there is a day to dress up without getting any funny looks. It is fun to pretend to be someone or anything else. I love to see how creative people get with their costumes. It can really show someone's personality and train of thought. The ones that stay in character with their costumes are great. Halloween is one of my all time favorite holidays. Plus letting loose and partying is never a bad thing.

  22. Atiya D. Online

    I find trick-or-treating the most interesting. I always wanted to dress up and go around to different neighborhoods in the dark. I have a big family so that would have been awesome. The elementary schools even allowed you to come dressed in your costume and trick-or-treat around the classrooms on the Friday of Holloween weekend.

  23. Atiya D. Online in Respnose to Timmy T.

    I disagree with that one. People go out showing sides of themselves the world doesn't get to see,say for instance portraying James Bond like sex kittens. And like the other folks said above, it's party without being judged. So all those women dressed as sexy nurses and guys in The Crow accoutrement are living it up for one night in fantasy land. Whoo Hoo!

  24. The most interesting thing about Halloween is just seeing the kids all dressed up and excited about getting their bags filled with candy. I know growing up it was a time for neighbors to all get together, hang out at each others homes and enjoy all the little ones and seeing who had the best costumes.
    Denise Miller- Online student

  25. In response to Amanda- online

    I am glad that you put that info from the Encyclopedia! I had no idea that it had something to do with the Celtic New year. I think sometimes we just celebrate events like Halloween , not really knowing why we do or where the tradition comes from. Thanks!
    Denise Miller- online

  26. Robert P. - online

    What I find most interesting is the excitement and enjoyment that people get from being scared. There are haunted houses, haunted hayrides, and scary movies everywhere. I have been on a haunted hayride and loved it. I noticed that zombie shows/movies seem to get a lot of air time this year.

    What does candy have to do with Halloween? The tradition was started in the early 1900’s to pacify the delinquents that were playing “tricks” (i.e., taking wagons apart, placing lawn furniture on the roof of the house, etc.) on people in the community. Someone came up with the idea of giving them a treat instead of receiving a trick. Originally the sweet item was a homemade backed item. Creativity, capitalism, and marketing brought candy into the “tradition.”

  27. Ayanda B Online-
    What I find interesting about Halloween is how popular it is. A lot of people including my neighbor go all out to get dressed up in a particular costume. Halloween decorations, costumes, haunted houses are a big deal to many, but not to me. Growing up Halloween was not celebrated in my home. It was considered an evil day in which we did not go trick or treating.

  28. Ayanda B Online- In response to Brendan B
    I agree with you on the fact that Halloween is considered by many a big to do. I personally don't get caught up in it because it was not considered something for a good cause in our home. We went to church and called it Octoberfest to celebrate the fall season and fellowship.

  29. Ronesia- Online
    There are a lot of interesting festivals and feasts that go on during that time of the year. People get around bonfires and tell stories about the good and evil. I believe Halloween is a way of celebrating summers end.

  30. Ronesia-Online
    In response to Sarah Thompson
    The thrill is great. You would think that a lot of adults would get bored of Halloween. Not me!!! I love the thrill of being in frightened, not knowing whats going to pop out at me. My daughters love it just as much:)

  31. What is so interesting to me is how many different ideas are out there about the origin of Halloween. Over the past few years I have taken a special interest in the subject of the “origin of holidays” and I am still confused as to what to believe. One thing I am certain is for sure is that Halloween and even Christmas, are Pagan holidays and not from God. Some may argue that its origins are biblical, but I just cannot see any light in them. And darkness and light cannot occupy the same space.

  32. Courtney B.- Online

    The most interesting thing to me on Halloween would be have to be the thrill of getting scared. I love going to Haunted houses and watching scary movies for the whole month of October. It's just a fun time of year and doing everything with your family makes it all the greater. The candy,costumes, and pumpkin carving is all a bonus as well!

  33. Courtney B.-Online
    In response to Sarah Thompson-

    I agree with you! I love the feeling of being terrified. The entire month of October I watch scary movies and go to haunted houses. I love the thrill in it!!

  34. Christopher P.

    I find it interesting that celebrating “evil” things is accepted for one day of the year. People dress up as demons and other things that symbolize Hell or Satanism and its fine. That doesn’t bother me because I don’t believe in anything of that nature but I do enjoy it. I love horror films and haunted houses. Ever since I was a kid I would tape horror films on Halloween and on Friday the 13th. I don’t do that anymore but I always watch at least one horror movie on Halloween. If it did exist my hotel room of choice would be on the 13th floor in room 666. It’s all just numbers to me but the way society associates the numbers makes it fun. I thank the people that invented all of this scary stuff.

  35. Angela R.

    Back in 8th grade, I did a research paper on Halloween. I've got to admit that this was the most fun I've had doing a research paper, because it was all so interesting. What I find most interesting about how we now celebrate the holiday is the fact that we usually think the opposite of what most of the traditions are for. For example: we commonly think that jack-o-lanterns are supposed to be scary and evil, but they were originally used to ward off evil spirits.

  36. This year to me seemed much more different than years past. It seemed that there were much fewer trick-or-treaters out. With the whole controversy over Saturday or Sunday night, it seemed like most people ended up going to parties or church functions and forgoing trick-or-treating altogether. I wonder if this is going to be the standard or if it only happened because of the day of Halloween.

  37. Kavi G said
    "I was introduced to this form of a holiday when I arrived to the states about 14 years ago. I admit I have also taken part in occasion. The most interesting fact about Halloween in my opinion is it gives everybody who celebrates to mimic who they admirer or the complete opposite. Plus you get candy that can last for weeks :)"

    I'm always interested in how outsiders view our different traditions here. And Halloween is one of the oddest ones we have, where kids get dressed up and go door to door to threaten people to give them candy or something bad will happen.

  38. Lisa Womack-online

    I think it's interesting how costumes, candy, pumkin patches, haunted houses, and corn mazes all tie together for Halloween rituals. For some people, Halloween is celebrated religiously. Even some churches celebrate Halloween! It's also neat how we go door-to-door to get candy from people we don't know. This is the only day that this is acceptable.

  39. Lisa Womack-online

    In response to Chadwick....

    I was wondering the same thing. We didn't have many trick-or-treaters either. We bought a ton of candy, and had a bunch left over! I hope its not like that in years to come!

  40. Jessica C.

    Growing up my mom always took us trick or treating and we grew up in a Baptist church. What I find interesting about Halloween now is how people celebrate it. Many people who are involved in religious organizations and such, do not believe in celebrating because what Halloween is about has gotten mislead. Lots of people think Halloween is the devil's holiday, when in actuality Halloween is meant as a day to celebrate fall and harvest. Shortly after people started adding in the if you set treats out on your porch on Halloween then the ghost or spirits would not hurt you. There for the has been turned into the Halloween is the devil's holiday. So how people interpret Halloween is what I find most interesting.

  41. Jessica Chandler Responding To Kavi G.

    I think that is a big part of dressing up on Halloween. For most people it is the only chance to be someone they are not. Halloween allows us to open up and I believe it allows us to be what we truly wish to be.

  42. Jamie K. - Online

    I think the most interesting part of Halloween to me would be the haunted houses. Some can be very realistic and scary. The corn mazes, costumes, candies, old haunted buildings, masks, etc. make up the rituals for Halloween. I think Halloween in general is a very interesting holiday, and the rituals behind it are the most interesting part to me.

  43. Jamie K. Online In response to Christopher P.

    I definitely agree with you! The scary part of Halloween makes it very fun! And it is very true how the evil things are all accepted on this day and even for most of October.

  44. LeQuise C.-Online

    One thing intersting about Halloween is; why is it fun to scare the hell out of people? Now on Halloween its ok, but any other day of the year its not cool. What is fun about being so scared out of your wits that you can't sleep at night? Another thing is why do people allow their children to basically be 'beggers" on Halloween? Why would I want to give someone candy who looks like Michael Myers or Freddie Krueger? The only thing I'm going to reach for is some "holy water." I know Halloween is a tradition that didn't start over here in the United States, but some stuff that is brought to our culture shouldn't be taken on or picked up. It's a personal preference of mine not to celebrate Halloween and I think I'll keep it that way.

  45. Angelyn A. Online

    My neighborhood celebrates Halloween in a very cool and interesting way. Everyone gets out their portable fire pits and gathers with their loved ones at the end of their driveways. We grab our camping chairs and baskets of candy and make our way to the campfire to await the little ghouls and goblins that will come by and yell "trick or treat". It is a very fun time for people of all ages. I like to glance down the street so watch everyone laugh and carry on with the orange and red hews from their fires dancing on their faces. Although, I do steer clear of our neighbor, Keith's, driveway since he like to pose as a statue on his bench with bladeless chainsaw in hand waiting for the most unsuspecting teenager to raid his candy jar. Quite humorous!

  46. Angelyn A. Online in response to Katie H. Online

    I like what you wrote about Halloween :) My husband was born on Nov. 1, which is also known as All Saint's Day. He has taught me a lot about what Halloween, or All Hallows Eve, and All Saint's Day mean and where they came from. He puts it like this: Halloween is the day our guardian angels trade shifts, so to speak. So, while they are gone and the new shift returns it leave us here on Earth vulnerable to evil spirits to do their mischief and scare us. I take it all with a grain of salt but it is most definitely an exciting time of year!

    And your grandmother sounds like a very cool lady ;-)

  47. Franklin Chapman -online

    I think that one of the most interesting parts of halloween is all of the people want a scare somewhere from anything.I think it ois really awesome , all of the people going to the scary places, and all of them opening, and the effort that actually goes into it all is just awesome.and its just a great time with friends and all, not really just the scares, but fun with your friends, is the most awesome thing on halloween, whether you believe in whatever it is a fun thing.

  48. Franklin Chapman - online
    in response to sarah thompson
    Thats awesome, i like the scares too, its a awesome thrill. But i do make it more interesting by doing stupid things... im not so easily scared so instead i make jokes and make it really funny, by like hugging the dude in the costume, orjust bust out laughing at some of their things, and eventually i make the "actors" laugh with me and other people.... its actually a pretty interesting time coming with me to a place scary place like that.

  49. Jennifer Ashley (online) In response to Sabrina M.

    That's an interesting point. There are many haunted house around the area. Some even last until a few days after Halloween. It is also interesting how many of us enjoy to feeling scared. In a controlled situation, it is a good release to feel a feeling we don't experience a whole lot.

  50. Jennifer Ashley - (online)

    I think an interesting fact about Halloween is that as adults we enjoy being scared. We go to haunted houses, watch scary movies, and decorate our houses with items that we typically would not put out or we would find offensive. I think when we grow up we tend to lose some excitment and passion in live. We go to work, clean the house, etc etc. But when do we really feel the excitement we felt as a kid. Responsibilities get in the way. So during Halloween, we can feel 'alive' again in a safe controled environment like a movie theater, haunted house, or on our own front porch!!! I love Halloween!!!

  51. I grew up in a religious home and I wouldn't say we "celebrated" it but we were always allowed to dress up and go Trick-or-treating. We always had a good time and it seems that kids and adults alike are still enjoying it. What I find interesting is that it is still being celebrated to the magnitude that it is, and that adults now are more enthusiastic about dressing up for the festivities than the children are. Not a big fan...don't really get it.
    Heather D

  52. Halloween was held to honor the Samhain the so called lord of death. It was a Druidical belief that on the eve of this festival Samhain, lord of death, called together the wicked spirits that within the past 12 months had been condemned to inhabit the bodies of animals.

    It was a pagan belief that on one night of the year the souls of the dead return to their original homes, there to be entertained with food. If food and shelter were not provided, these evil spirits would cast spells and cause havoc toward those failing to fulfill their requests.

    Sacrifices were offered on this night to the dead spirits because it was thought they visited their earthly dwellings and former friends.

    There was a prevailing belief among all nations that at death the souls of the good men were taken possession of by good spirits and carried to paradise; but the souls of the wicked men were left to wonder in the space between the earth and the moon, or consigned to the unseen world. These wandering spirits were in the habit of haunting the living...But there were means by which ghosts might be exorcised.

    To exorcise these ghosts, that is to free yourself from their evil sway, you would have to set out food and provide shelter for them during the night. If they were satisfied with your offerings, they would leave you in peace. If not, they were believed to cast an evil spell on you.

    In modern day Satanism and Witchcraft covens, this is the day when Satan himself comes to fellowship with his followers. Many changes have occurred over the centuries, but one thing ha stayed the same, the practice of giving an offering has stayed the same. Oh we do it under the name of fun but what is the real meaning? Is it still the same as in the old days? I dont really know.

  53. Peggy A:on-line
    Is Halloween seen as innocent and delightful or a diabolical dark side? First off, it is a multi-billion dollar industry, second only to Christmas. What I find interesting is that it is a holiday that many people celebrate, and are not familiar with its original origin. In fact, it was considered a diabolical and pagan act, but over the years it evolved into a commercialized consumer-driven holiday. Halloween does seem to invoke differences of opinions in many people, but all in all it does come down to personal preference.

  54. Peggy A/on:line
    In response to: ida sarah ogado
    I appreciate all the information you related with regard to Halloween. I think we should be more educated about past events concerning the origins of different holidays that we celebrate without any regard to its meanings. Holidays when celebrated, should hold a personal conviction to some extent; not celebrated merely on the basis of mainstream ideals, but rather on traditions that we want to pass on to our own family and children.

  55. Lynn - Online
    I find it interesting that we have been so successful in turning the Catholic religious celebration – All Saints Day – into a totally secular holiday that has nothing at all to do with any religion in any way. In my lifetime it has gone from something I don’t even remember, to plastic masks and buckets and a few pieces of candy, to a month long celebration with some people decorating more for it, than they do Christmas (another holiday that is quickly changing from religious to secular). I see no reason why anyone of any religion could not join in on our nationwide masquerade party at this point.

  56. In response to Jessica C
    Lynn - Online
    After reading everyone's post I agree with you; the most interesting part is how everyone interprets the holiday. It seems we have all made into something that we are comfortable with.

  57. Sims, Billy ( online )November 5, 2010 at 9:13 AM

    I find Halloween one of my favorite holidays of teh year. The weather is great and it is the best time of the year due to the fall air and the leaves falling on the ground. I have two children that beleave that werewolfs and vampires exist. I enjoy listening to them and talking about what they are going to be for the holiday. We join family and friends at get togethers and share time with others at carnivals and hay rides during this season.
    I like to watch the scary movies that always comes on the month of October and check out peoples decorations for the event.

  58. I agree with Jennifer Ashley with her thoughts on the subject. I enjoy getting scared and watching others get scared.

  59. Angela A.
    I was always curious about the carving of pumpkins because that didn't jive with the whole Halloween thing. But, thanks to your post, I did a little research and figured it out! Now I'm trying to figure out what's in my memory that I can throw out so I can remember why we carve 'jack-o-lanterns'.

  60. Chelsea J.- Online

    What I find most interesting about Halloween is how adults still say Halloween is their favorite holiday. I went through the "party til dawn and dress provocatively" phase when I was a young adult, but now that I'm older I am shocked at the way even older adults still carry on. Halloween to me is nothing more than letting kids dress up and giving them candy and letting them have a good time. There aren't any real reasons for me to celebrate Halloween anymore and honestly, this year I forgot it was Halloween until 10 that night.

    Halloween has become bigger than New Years Eve or St. Patrick's Day or Mardi Gras or Cinco De Mayo when it comes to drinking and partying, and I just don't understand how it evolved to that.

  61. Chelsea J.- Online

    In response to Christopher P.

    I agree that the fun part of Halloween for me is being scared. I can't really do scary movies or frightening things on my own, but give me a group of people that enjoy the same things and I'm game! This past October we rented at least 3 scary movies a week and I enjoyed all of them. We were on vacation for Halloween weekend and the whole time was spent trying to scare each other every night in the hotel rooms. It was amazing!

  62. There are more things to Halloween besides candy and costumes. Many people like Halloween because its scary, and watch scary movies on Halloween night. For adults, they're plenty of parties on Halloween night. Go out to costume parties are common at every college in the USA.

  63. ~Katie H. (online) in response to Robert P. (online)~

    I've never been to a haunted house, but your post really makes me want to go next year. I guess when i was old enough to actually go to a good one i was to busy with my kids and my sons birthday falls close to halloween so it made it even more difficult to get out. I never thought i was missing anything until I seen how much joy other people get out of going.

  64. Ann M.-online
    As I child I never celebrate Halloween. When I came to the U.S as a young adult, I was applaude at the idea after reserching the reason behind this yearly ritual...What is interesting to me is that parents will allow their children to dress like a demon "for a day", and believe this is just innocent "fun"...Isnt it possible that this fantasy, may become a way of life?...There are serial killers in the world, who are still eluding the police, is it possible that this holiday can "create demonic behaviors in people?".

  65. Ann M. response to Peggy A.
    I do agreee with you that it is now the second biggest profit generating holiday, next to Christmas...I wonder, who is pushing this tradition the most- is it parents, or merchants?...And what about the media, the only movies available to watch during this time are "scary movies"...Everyone is entitled to their believe regarding Halloween, and as a christian I hope more people will research it, before getting their children involved in this yearly ritual.

  66. Jillian

    i find tricker treating and haunted houses to be the most interesting, its dark and scary and you never know what is going to pop out and scare you... its actually kind of fun. Its nice to see the all the kids costumes and see how creative people can get.

  67. I think that Halloween superstitions are an interesting part of the day. One I heard was if you hear foot steps behind you on this night, don't look back. It may be the dead following you. Turning back could mean that you will soon join the dead. Another one I thought was funny is if you go to a crossroads at Halloween and listen to the wind, you will learn all the most important things that will befall you during the next year. I wonder who came up with these ideas. I think the superstitions really add to the scare factor of the day.

  68. Kristyn B. - Online
    I wrote the comment about superstitions.

  69. Kristyn B. - Online
    In response to Rachel Hudson
    I also think it is interesting that people celebrate Halloween and have no idea what the point of the day is. I don’t think Halloween is the only marked day that people celebrate without knowing the origin or reason either. These days seem to be just another day for people to be greedy and have an excuse to sin. I also found that when I asked people what they were celebrating and why nobody could really give me a straight answer. The main answer I heard was that it is tradition so just go with it. But why?

  70. Jessica V.-Online
    I think the Haunted Houses are interesting. Some of the costumes and ideas are scary, but cool. Whoever comes up with these ideas is very talented. I visited one this year and was amazed of how many people were there. It was fun and interesting at the same time. I also find the ocstumes people where interesting. People get creative.

  71. Jessica V.-online
    In response to Chelsea J.- I agree with you, I also believe it is for the kids to dress up as their favorite charater and get candy. I don't understand why adults consider it a night to party. Everybody I know had hangovers the next day.

  72. Juliana W.

    I love Halloween! It’s my favorite holiday. I’ve always found it fascinating how this holiday works. When I was little, I couldn’t understand how an entire neighborhood, mostly people I didn’t know, would all hand out candy on the same night. I thought it was organized by the government or something. It’s the only holiday I can think of where you depend on strangers for it to work. Christmas and Easter, you can just celebrate with your family. Even the 4th of July you can still celebrate on your own. But with Halloween, you’re relying on strangers to cooperate. I think that’s awesome.

  73. Chelsea Bush

    Halloween is definately one of my favorite holidays. I put a lot of thought into my costumes and always try to pick a topical or clever costume. This year my roommate and I were Chilean miners, which was really fun! What interests me about Halloween is how much time and effort are willing to put into a night of fun that is not based on religion or patriotism. To some people it is even sacreligious to celebrate this holiday, yet many people throw parties and have fun. Another phenomenon that I find troubling is female Halloween costumes these days. I know I sound like an old woman, but I can't believe when I go to a store and see the array of themed bikinis that girls wear as costumes! In the end though, the fun of Halloween is being able to dress up as something you are not and get away with it, so if that if girls today choose to present themselves that way maybe it does make an interesting comment about modern female self esteem.

  74. Maureen O
    What I find intresting about Halloween is the costume which people try to buy the most scarest one. Ths is a holiday that units family together in that parents go to costume shopping together with their kids, do the tick or threats with them. I love the time spent together in celebrating.

  75. Margaret F.-online
    What I find interesting about Halloween is not many people know the true meaning of Hallow's eve. Being from a mixed religous upbringing, where one side didn't celebrate any holidays and the other made sure everything evolved around family and knowing how or why certain holidays were celebrated. All this holiday is just a time to remember the dead and family that have gone before and still watching over us.

  76. Ashley T.
    I find it interesting that so many people from every different ethnic background celebrate Halloween. People are very creative and some make a huge deal about going to haunted houses and parties. I feel it is a day were so interesting people can truly be themselves.

  77. Margaret F-online in response to Ann M.
    I agree with you to an extent. The celebrating even though I was born here my parents weren't and I never celebrated I tried with my kids once but it just didn't feel right. I had them do as my parents did to me research the meaning and it now becomes another day but has christian meaning and understanding for us.

  78. Andrew G. Online

    I also find it fascinating that people enjoy being scared. I can't help but wonder if monsters WERE real and one actually terrorized someone, if a haunted house would ever have the same effect. Probably not. I think it's more a fact of people wanting to test the unknown and see in the dark than actually be scared. People are naturally curious and like to experience things that keep them on their toes. Thus, we love to be scared. Though I think Halloween is all about having fun and not at all about getting scared...and that's perfectly fine. It's a marketed holiday that brings people together and let's us wear costumes of things we'll never be...sounds good to me.

    In response to Juliana W, I've never thought about it that way, but you're totally right. For Halloween to REALLY work we do rely on strangers to cooperate. It's ironic how the only two things that get people to do that are national disasters and free candy...

  79. JULIAN .E. Online
    It quiet a pity that people do celebrate Halloween. To me, it is a pagan belief. So, what I find interesting are how could people spend their hard earn money on decorations, buy candies and have it shared among people who are silly dressed.

  80. Kaila C.-Online
    Well Halloween has been a big holiday in my house since I can remember. My mom's birthday is on the 31st so we celebrate by wearing t-stirts, socks, earrings you name it we probably have it. The most interesting thing for me this year was handing out the candy to the trick-or-treaters this was the first year that I didn't trick-or-treat with my younger siblings. But we decorated and a couple of 5 year olds walked up to my door in pure amazement at our 7 foot inflatable ghost on a motorcycle. I was just tickled and wondered if I was so easily fascinated.

    In response to Margaret F.
    I agree that most people don't know the meaning of Hallow's Eve but people also don't know that in some Spanish cultures it is celebrated as the day of the dead in which they celebrate their family members that have passed on.

  81. LuShawna G.-Online
    I really don't celebrate Halloween. Its not a big deal in my house. Even when my kids were younger we didn't get into it. My kids dressed up every now and then and now that they are older they really don't. I do like attending haunted houses and seeing little ones dressing up in there cute costumes, but thats about it for me.

  82. LuShawna G.-Online
    Response to Margaret F.
    I agree with you about the meaning of Hallows Eve. I did not know what it meant until I read this. You are right many do not know the true meaning. Makes you wonder if they really did would the continue to celebrate.

  83. Linda s

    I enjoyed halloween very much. I handed out candy for hours and i had my front porch decorated with lights and ghosts. The kis in the neiberhood said that my house is the best on the block. I was taught as a little girl that halloween was not evil but the eve of all saints. I felt that it was strange that I had to go through so much trouble to find out what night I was handing candy. I figure if its on the 31st it should judt stay that way and if people are that religious about it, they just skip it for that year and not try to change the day for the rest of us.

  84. Linda S.

    I agree with this post. Halloween is just a day to were goofy costumes and get candy and just have a good time.

  85. Trevor B. - Online

    What I find interesting about Halloween is that somehow the idea of scary stories was brought around. It is really interesting to me because it is truly the one day a year in which everyone is up for a scary tale, even though it isn't even a real holiday. It seems odd to me that this day brings out so much more activity than some REAL holidays. Such as Easter, or any other small holiday we get out of school for.

  86. Trevor B. - ONline
    In response to Linda S.

    I don't really understand where the whole candy aspect came from but I do agree that I was handing it out without even knowing why.

  87. Trevor b. - online
    in response to andrew g.

    I think that would be pretty awesome if monster were actually real and around all the time. I wonder how different the world would be and laws?

  88. Deborah G. online
    throughtout my childhood, i grew up on celebrating halloween and would always go trick or treating. I never understood it. We celebrate once a year, a day for "evil" some people call it. It did come from a evil holiday and we still do celebrate it. I think alot of people do not think of it as evil, just fun.

  89. Deborah G online
    In response to Linda S.
    I do think halloween is just for fun, some people take it too seriously.

  90. Nicole L./Online

    The most interesting part of celebrating Halloween is that most people have no clue where this tradition originated from. So, if they don't know where it came from, how can they know why or what they are celebrating? People just want to fit in and do something because October 31st has been designated as scary dress up day! All these holidays we celebrate are outdated now and are just celebrated because people find fun in it, but not for any good reason.

  91. Anna G.-Online

    I find the most interesting part of Halloween is why we actually celebrate it. I have always celebrated Halloween, but is it something to celebrate? Is it a day where the evil spirits come out to play, or a fun holiday that was created years ago? I personally don't know the answer. I will say that I do believe in the Higher Power and I will always honor Him first, but I think it is OK to celebrate a fun holiday like this as long as you don't go crazy killing black cats and searching for ghost.

  92. Anna G.- Online

    In response to Jessica V....
    I completely agree with you! Why is Halloween considered a day to get plastered? I think it is a holiday for children to have fun, and once we are too old to trick-or-treat, we are the ones to hand out the candy to pass on the tradition! I don't think we are supposed to be shotgunning beers and seeing how drunk we can get without puking. haha There are other holidays for that. Soon, we will have people celebrating Easter with a drunk party!

  93. Nicole L./Online

    In response to Ann M./Online

    I like your interpretation on this subject. It is interesting that parents never give Halloween a second thought, they just see "fun." People should open their eyes to the fact that Halloween promotes violence in a child growing up, year after year seeing these bloody scenes and scary costumes. After all, the U.S. does produce more serial killers than any other country. Nice post Ann!

  94. Lauren G.-Online

    What I find interesting about Halloween is the holiday itself. I think that it is interesting that people put aside a day(night) all to get sacred out of their minds. Yes, the dressing up and receiving candy if fun and all, but it doesn't see to make sense that we celebrate being scared/scariness, since not really many people in the world (or at least the people I know) like being scared. It is definitely an interesting holiday.

    In respnse to Ann M. I totally agree with you! It is hard to take in that parents let their kids dress up as little demons (or even serial killers) for a night. There are real people out there like that, and it can be scary. Parents really do not realize sometimes how wrong that is. I agree with Nicole L. Great thinking Ann!

  95. Linda M. Online

    The costumes are most interesting to me. Not just wore by the kids but also the adults. It seems to me that Halloween is becoming more for the adults.

  96. Linda M. Online
    In response to Jillian

    I agree it is fun to see the kids. Also to see all the creative costumes.

  97. Anita D. Online
    I'm not as religious as most of the people in my family but I always found it interesting that my grandmother said Halloween was the devil's holiday. As a kid I never really cared just wanted to dress up and get candy. At church it was almost like they had their own Halloween celebration but instead of calling it that it was called hallelujah day. Kids received alot of candy, as though you went trick or treating. To me its very similar and is done on the same day.

  98. Nicholas L - Online

    I find it interesting that Halloween has really balanced out as a celebration for both children (traditionally) and adults (a newer development). As I've gotten older, I've noticed more and more adults having their own Halloween celebrations in addition to taking their kids trick-or-treating.

  99. Nicholas L - Online in response to Heather D

    I definitely agree with your perspective about Halloween becoming more a celebration for adults. I guess I haven't had a whole lot of experience with the adult side of Halloween, but it's something I found interesting as I participated in some of the festivities this year.

  100. Anita D. online
    In response to Linda M.

    I agree with you it does seem like halloween is becoming more for adults. At one point and time it seemed as though this holiday was gained towards kids, but now it seems as though adults are doing much more. Costume parties are promoted heavily with 2500 dollar prizes for best costume....crazy. However two years in a row my younger brother havent had a tattoo and
    I've had 1 each year.

  101. Olugbenga A.-Online
    What I find interesting about Halloween is how it is the one time of the year that people actually want to be scared. They go to haunted houses and watch scary movies to see and experience fear. Any other time of year, the haunted houses are gone and the scary movies minimal, but around Halloween people embrace this feeling of fright. Another aspect of Halloween that I find interesting is it is not only about dressing up to receive candy. Dressing up has become a way for people to be someone else. For one night they can wear whatever they want and be whoever they want to be with almost no limitations.

  102. Jonathan P. Online

    What I find most interesting is for some reason the only time of year people care or liked to e frightened or scared is Halloween. Personally I wish haunted houses would and could afford to stay open all year. But there is something about halloween that brings that out in people.

    In response to Katie H

    Why do religious people always want to find the bad in something. Let the kids enjoy the holiday like you do with christmas. I just do not understand. It is always thats evil! Or thats the devils day! What a joke! Enjoy life and have fun!

  103. Daria Glukhikh - online
    response to Kavi G
    I completly agree - it gives people a chance to become what they want to be in their dreams - kids can be bigger and stronger (Hulk, Superman); adults can be younger and funnier(Lady Bugs and Princesses).

  104. Daria Glukhikh - online
    I find it interesting how SO MANY traditions are present on the same day -
    candy giving
    carving pumpkins
    decorating the houses
    I don't celebrate it, but it's interesting to observe. And it's nice to see that so many people open doors and just give!

  105. I think it is interesting how Halloween has become like a "Who can wear the least clothes" Contest.
    I mean, to me it seems like girls just wear the sluttiest outfits on Halloween, I thought it was supposed to be a scary holiday, not a sexy one. This just fascinates me.

  106. for the above comment

    Brian B

    TTR 6pm

  107. The thing I find most interesting is that now I'm older is just as many adults celebrate Halloween as children. There are many costume parties for adults to socialize and have fun. It's also the only day that its fun to be scared.

  108. Steven Thompson-Online
    The thing I find most interesting is that now I'm older is just as many adults celebrate Halloween as children. There are many costume parties for adults to socialize and have fun. It's also the only day that its fun to be scared.

  109. Steven Thompson-online
    In response to Sabrina M.
    I agree that it's weird that all these haunted house open up for people to go to. I don't understand why anyone would pay to be scared.

  110. Emma A.
    Hollowen is spooky,but children look for to it, it make them happy to dress up and go out and hunt for the candys. Any thing that put a smile in a child face I am for it.

  111. Beth M. - Online

    What I find the most interesting about Halloween is the excitement, not only in children, but in adults too. It's the one time of the year not only can children dress up an feel like they're in a fantasy, but we as adults can relieve the times we didn't get to be what we wanted to or we can be outlandish. It's also the one time of year that socially, anything goes and nobody will really judge you for how you look.

  112. Beth M. - Online
    In response to Brian B.

    I'm not really sure what fascinates you about the girls wearing barely nothing. The idea is that they are able to push the envelope and nobody will judge them, it's Halloween! Take a dive into your fantasy world and join them next year, wear a diaper!

  113. Kristien S - Online

    I find it interesting that we decorate our houses ,and costumes, to terrify young children; while everyone else abandons social norms for a night to live out a fantasy of who they might want to be perceived as. Typically, girls wearing as little as possible and men dressed either as something violent or humorous. I'm no better, last year I was Freddie and this year I was a redneck. My girlfriend, on both occasions, found reasons to wear less and less.

  114. Lindsey Miller

    I think Halloween is so interesting because i think its the time where the two worlds come close to the same frequency. There is a certain smell in the air, where things get scarier, and things seem 'off'. i love the sensation and fear that comes with the time of year!

  115. Donald W. Online
    The only thing that I find intresting about Halloween is the fact that people dress up and make them selves look like all sorts of outrages creatures. People really find pleasure in dressing up. Sometimes I think people fix themself up to show the world what they wish they were or are like on the inside.

  116. Halloween is just another day for me, so at least I thought. My granddaughter(3yrs) came home from school and said that she wants to be a butterfly I said you can't be a butterfly because you are a liite girl. She said:Nana not everyday just for Halloween". So I purchased a butterfly costume and took her trick or treating and learned that Halloween doesn't have to be about devils and scary ghost just fun for little kids playing dress up.

  117. Zach Bragg TR 6-8pm

    What I find most interesting about a Halloween is how its become a holiday more known for being one time of the year a woman can take literally any character or everyday job and make it sexy and barely wear any clothing. Don't get me wrong i like it, but I have know idea how that happened.

  118. Maureen O.Online
    In response to Zach B.
    I completely agree with you, it is just funny how people get to dress on Halloween, Ilike it but I just could not dress that way.
