Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Famiy Figures

Greetings and Happy Thanksgiving! This distinctly American holiday is known for a time of giving thanks, over-eating and spending time with family.

If you had to create a sticker set describing your family what would they be?


  1. Jamie K.- Online

    Thanksgiving is an awesome time of year. It is a time of laughter, happiness, and lots of amazing food! Many people will donate to charities, and raise funds for the needy. My family and I love this time of year because we can help others who really need it and help provide a Thanksgiving meal to families who otherwise afford it. I have a twin sister, an older sister, a dog named Tucker who is half lab half pitbull, and both of my parents are remarried. My family is huge! If I had to create a sticker describing my family, it would be very bold. Everyone would be smiling or laughing together, and we would all be holding hands. I would have to do two seperate ones though, because one would represent my mom, step dad, step sister, step brother, and my sisters, and the other would represent my dad, step mom, and sisters, and my dads puppies. One is a shitzu and one is a maltese.

  2. Rachel Hudson Online

    I love thanksgiving!! It is by far one of my favorite holidays. The best part of it is spending time with my family. My family has always gone out of town to be with grandparents and cousins for thanksgiving. So, if I had to create a sticker for my family it would be one that included a lot of people! My grandparents, parents, cousins, and siblings and would also include something to do with football since my family all watches football on Thanksgiving Day.

  3. Kourtney C.ONLINE.....My bumper sticker would include Football and Birthday cakes due to the fact that my children's birthday is the 29th of Nov. And we love to watch football while eating with the family!! This yr. Will be my first yr. That I will be cooking by myself and I'm super nervous...either way I will be thankful for all my blessing and have a good holiday with the kids

  4. Nicole L./Online

    Although a large portion of my family celebrates Thanksgiving, my husband and I choose not to do so. My bumper sticker would be about family and life itself. It would include me and my husband standing side by side, symbolizing our respect for each other as our four daughters hold hands while standing in front of us. The holding of hands would represent our unity. We'd have music notes in the right hand corner to make known the influence of music in our life. We'd all be standing on a Maat which represents truth, justice, morality and balance. I'd also be holding a Lotus flower acknowledging the sun and how it brings us a new day to celebrate. Sounds like a lot to include on one sticker, but I think it would look perfect.

  5. Angelyn A. Online

    Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday, mainly because it only involves giving and eating and spending time with the ones you love to give thanks, no gifts expected. My family is very big, we have no less than 30 people at our home each year for Thanksgiving. But, if I were to create a bumper sticker for my immediate family, it would include myself as a student and my husband, Jhion, with his drumsticks and toolbelt on, and of course our fuzzy kitty, Pixie <3. I love my family and am so blessed to have everyone so close to be able to spend this wonderful time of year together.

  6. Angelyn A. Online in response to Kourtney C. Online...

    Good luck on your first year hosting Thanksgiving!!! :)

  7. Timmy T.

    A sticker that would represent my family would be something reflective to the asian cultures. Such as the yin yang. Or something like that of the sort.

  8. Sabrina M.

    If I had to create a sticker set for my family, I would probably make them ducks. My parents would be grown ducks, and my brother, sister, and I would all be little ducklings following them wherever they went. The girl ducks would have cute little bows. The ducks aren’t really relevant to Thanksgiving at all, but there are a lot of ducks where I’m from on Long Island!

  9. Margaret F-online
    Thanksgiving is a good time to reflect on all that we have. If I had to create a sticker to represent or discribing my family it would be one of family and friends helping and sharing with others.

  10. Kaila C.-Online
    For my family thanksgiving has always been a big celebration whether we were in South Georgia or in North Carolina. This year is going to be quite a day I have over four dinners that I have been invited to and I plan on attending all. If I had a sticker for my family it would include everyone standing around a table with our elders sitting at the table. Everyone would be close together, heads bowed, and everyone would be holding hands.

  11. Courtney B.- Online

    Thanksgiving is such a wonderful time of year! If I had to create a sticker set describing my family it would be my parents, grandparents, my 4 sisters and my one brother! My family is huge. A sticker would have to be huge to fit everyone that is important to me on it! Im am very thankful that I have so many people around me that love and support me in everything that I do!

  12. Maureen O. Online
    Thanksgiving is that period of the year our family gets together to celebrate.If I had to make a sticker, it will be a Sticker that will represent my family and our extended family. Normally we rotate from one family to another but this year everyone will be comming to my house.

  13. Maureen O. Online
    in reference to Kourtney, I will also be including a birthday cake in my sicker because my daughter's birthday is on the 24th. So it is always a time of alot of celebration and counting of blessing for us.

  14. Amanda Caputo- Online

    Thanksgiving is a time to get together with all of your family. In my case I dont get to see my family that lives out of state on Thanksgiving but we always go the weekend after. Its also about laughing and telling old stories and just being thankful that we get to send another thanksgiving together. If I had to make a sticker my my family it would be the browning symbol which is a deer. The reason why is because my family is big on deer hunting and my dad would be a big camo on and my mom would be a big pink one where as I would be a smaller pink one and my brother would be a smaller camo one.

  15. Amanda Caputo- Online

    In response to Sabrina M.

    I like your idea of the duck thats a cute idea and also the girls ducks with bows. You are also right that there are a lot of ducks in Long Island. I had family that use to live there.

  16. I think Thanksgiving is my favorite time of year, even over Christmas! But I do love Christmas! I guess it is because everyone is together and we just chill and watch the games and play games and do a bon fire in the yard and go see movies that night. If I had to do a bumper sticker it would be each of us doing our own talents as characture figures, my husband would be riding a motorcycle, I would be knitting, reading or painting, my oldest son would be drumming, my daughter would be shopping and my youngest would be playing his marimba! And of course our 2 cats and pug would just be them!

    Denise Miller- online student

  17. TO Jamie K- 0nline

    I loved reading your story and you have a maltese! Sounds like our family. Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    Denise Miller
    online student

  18. Courtenay Seay -online

    I always felt slighted at the Holidays. Everyone talks about close families and warm dinners,but I never experienced any of that. Sure, we have a Thanks giving dinner but my family has never been one for traditions,and closeness. I feel like I am missing out.

    I think a sticker to represent my family would have to include not only my husband, three kids, dog and cat; but my friends as well.I am closer to my friends than I am my family.

  19. Lindsey Miller

    Thanksgiving is AWESOME. i love to eat, so its great for me. My family would be a wolf pack. because we are all close-knit. and my mom is definitely the alpha female. we are fine by ourselves but work best when together. Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Juliana W.
    First of all, that picture of the gun stickers is hilarious. I don’t know what stickers of my family would look like, but I know there would be a lot. There would be my parents, nine kids, and then I guess we’d have to add our three dogs and a cat.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  21. If I have to create a family poster, it would be a band, my daughter playing her cello and complaining about everyone, especially her brother. He is banging the drums (notice I didnt say playing), and I am trying to sing. My daughter has her fingers in her ears at this point.
    Happy Thanksgiving to all. Be safe.

  22. Ann M-on line
    oops, I forgot.

  23. Angela A.
    A bunch of people standing around watching the deck burn.

  24. Thanksgiving is a great time of the year due to being with family and the cool weather. Its great to be with family and friends. I like to see everyone around this time of the year. If I had to make a sticker I would have myself and my wife with two little boys scuffling and having a great time.

  25. response to Amanda caputo,I like the Browning signia and it would be different. Good idea.

  26. i by far has had the worst thanksgivings in the 3 years i have lived in america. my first year i was by myself the whole day, i had no car and i took a bus to have dinner at a restaraunt and after that i went back to a family friend who wasnt home and spent it by myself, the second year i had to work an 8hr shift at a nursing home and my very first patient died on me , i cried!! my mom had traveled and i had no friends nor a boyfriend so after work i went back to an empty cold house i didnt even cook, i cried half the night to sleep.the third year was okay but it wasnt with family my mom went to a friends and i had it with friends. this year however was different, all along we were to have it with my boyfriends family but his mom moved to florida so we had it at his inlaws parents. i actually enjoyed it. so i am quite skeptical about thanksgiving. a sticker to represent us would be one of me my boyfriend and our dog

  27. Amanda O Online - A sticker set to represent my family would include a Noveske sticker for my husband, a vacuum for me since I am always cleaning, electronics and a kayak for my son, a music note and dance shoes for our daughter, a baby for our daughter morgan then our dog kylee who is so sweet and our new german shephard puppy. I don't celebrate Thanksgiving so I can't really say anything about it.

  28. In response to Sarah Ogado by amanda o online -

    That sounds horrible! I am so sorry for all the stress you went through, ugh! I am happy for you that you were able to spend time with family and friends. What kind of dog do you have? Have a great weekend!

  29. Amanda O Online to Nicole L online -

    I like the image you project of your sticker. The respect and unity is great to have in a family. Have a great weekend!

  30. To Sabrina M from Amanda O Online -
    I have never been to Long Island so I especially love the picture of ducks to describe your family. The bows for the girl ducks are so cute!

  31. Lauren G.-Online

    Thanksgiving has been such an amazing holiday this year. My family is so precious to me especially since we have been through some trying times. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family. If I were to have a family bumper sticker, all four of us would be holding hands and in the background there would be a cross signifying our fervent belief in Christ. Its not much, but it is a sweet symbol of my family.

  32. Ayanda B.- Online

    Thanksgiving has always been a time of thankfulness and gathering. My family love to eat like most families do. My sticker set would include my mom and my seven siblings holding hands. This time of year is for reflection and of gratitude for seeing another time when we get together and enjoy each other and fellowship.

  33. Lynn - Online
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    My Sticker set would be a daddy made of all types of sports balls, a mom made of books wearing scrubs and running shoes, a daughter wearing very fashionable scrubs, a son made of a fishing pole, a daughter-in-law singing, a son in catchers gear, a grandson in a super hero outfit, and a granddaughter in a princess ballerina outfit – all with big smiles on their faces- laughter if possible, crosses around their necks, and hearts floating all around…. Oh, and the Dad would have to have a Coca-cola in his hand.

  34. Lynn - Online
    I forgot my Dachshund dog - she would be asleep belly-up under a blanket.

  35. I like some of the family stickers, but the idea of putting basically a description of your family on the back of the car strikes me as unsafe. Could give a kidnapper a clue on which family to attack or take based on where the small kids are and how many they have. The ones that take it a step further and put the names of the family members with their cartoon dopplegangers is just asking for trouble.

    To answer the question, there is a set of stickers out that uses AT-ATs to represent the family members. I would take it a step further and use AT-ATs for the adults, AT-STs for kids, and AT-PTs for babies.

  36. Sharon W.online

    Thanksgiving for me is special. My husband
    seldom spend dinner time with me and the children
    because of his work schedule, so we would make it
    up at Thanksgiving Day. My sticker is obvious that
    it will be the four of us, my 13 years old son, 2 1/2
    year old daughter, my loving husband, and precious
    me along with our cat sitting around the table praying
    over a lot of food giving thanks and also praying for
    other people to have the same thing as we on that
    day. I wish it would have been more people than us
    but unfortunately I do not have a big family, and
    friends, the little family that I have is in different

  37. Thanksgiving has officially been ruined for me, which is sad because the food associated with the holiday has always been my favorite! I ended up with food poisoning this year, and have spent the last 48 hours sick as anything. Now this was the first year my husband and I spent Thanksgiving with his father and stepfather, so lets hope it wasn't intentional on her part.. HAHA!
    To be honest I really think those little stick family stickers are so incredibly lame, and they are a target for rich suburbia. They scream, "break into my car!!!" But for the purpose of the question, I will be creative and say that I would have a nurse, for myself, a firefighter for my husband, and a monkey for our little boy since that is his nickname. I would make them incredibly small however... I don't feel like everyone on the roads really need to know about my personal family. The world just isn't as safe as it used to be, unfortunately. So, I would definitly put our two 90 lbs german shephards on there too.

  38. I forgot to put my name above, Ashley F.-- Online

    "Thanksgiving has officially been ruined for me, which is sad because the food associated with the holiday has always been my favorite! I ended up with food poisoning this year, and have spent the last 48 hours sick as anything. Now this was the first year my husband and I spent Thanksgiving with his father and stepfather, so lets hope it wasn't intentional on her part.. HAHA!
    To be honest I really think those little stick family stickers are so incredibly lame, and they are a target for rich suburbia. They scream, "break into my car!!!" But for the purpose of the question, I will be creative and say that I would have a nurse, for myself, a firefighter for my husband, and a monkey for our little boy since that is his nickname. I would make them incredibly small however... I don't feel like everyone on the roads really need to know about my personal family. The world just isn't as safe as it used to be, unfortunately. So, I would definitly put our two 90 lbs german shephards on there too.

  39. LaVette M-Online

    I also love Thanksgiving. It is a time where you truly can sit back and think of all the things you should be thankful for, even though you should be thankful everyday. I think a sticker that would best describe my family would be a sticker with a table and all the food we all enjoy for thanksgiving on it, and beside it all the family houses we visit for more thanksgiving dinners. And beside that it should a big tv with an Auburn and Alabama game on it. War Eagle!!

  40. Peggy A/on:line
    Family and Friends are always a central part of most holidays and that's what makes it a special celebration; without them, holidays would be uneventful and stick figures on the rear windows of minivans would be non-existent. But fortunately, I am blessed with three incredibly handsome and extremely gifted boys, who will one day accomplish great things in life, which makes me a proud mom and my husband a proud dad. So my stick family is handsome, gifted, successful and proud. By the way, how would you make a stick figure look handsome? or gifted? or successful? or proud?

  41. Courtney F

    I would have to have two separate stickers because I have two houses to visit on holidays. The first one would be my mother, half sister (from my mom), her son, and myself, but it would show my mom and sister fighting. I don't intervene any longer because no matter what I do they still fight and me and my sisters son just go and play. My other side of the family is much bigger. It consists of me, my dad, his wife, my sister (half sister from dad), her husband and three children, Holley my step sister and her husband and two children. This side is a lot more fun and crazy so the picture would be of us all laughing and/or doing crazy things.

  42. Andrew G. Online

    My sticker wouldn't actually be of my family or refer specifically to them, but would rather be some quote on life that calls for you to appreciate everything you have. Not everyone appreciates their family in the same way, and I feel like this works for multiple cultures and orientations as I'm sure this is a universal message which anyone can understand and relate to. Plus, in all honesty, I think those stick figure stickers are incredibly lame and would rather read an insightful quote. But that's probably just me...

  43. Ronesia I- Online
    I love Thanksgiving! It feels like it's a mini family reunion. If I had to create a sticker to represent my family it would definitely be us showing love and affection towards one another. It would also show praying hands because we believe in the power of prayer. On the flip to complete this sticker a deck of cards would have to be on there because we love playing spades :)

  44. Ronesia I.- Online
    In response to Andrew G.online
    I agree with you on quotes being more significant and relating to everyone as a whole. I think quoted expands the minds of people. They give us something to think about.

  45. Sabrina M.

    In response to Chadwick M.

    I do agree that the safety of a family could be put at risk by having stickers of them on their car windows, but I think it’s much more likely that the family’s safety would be compromised because of the obstruction of view it would cause for the rear window. I know that where I’m from in New York, the police will pull you over and write you a ticket if you have any decals on your rear window.

  46. LaVette M-Online
    In Response to Sharon W

    I agree with you on the family sticker. It says everything without saying anything. Family is the reason for the season.. Without family where would all of us be truly.

    My family never cook on thanks given day because we are always invited by other family relative to join in the celebration of thanks given. So, if I had to create a sticker for my family, it would be one that include a turkey on a kitchen table surrounded by a bunch of people, children under the table, and the whole people are busy praying before they eat the turkey.

  48. Robert P -online

    My family sticker would be the family flanked on both sides by the American flag.

  49. My husband is a workaholic and very attached to his laptop and I-phone; he would be in a suit holding those items. I wear many hats in my family; is there one sticker for that? Although I really like the one with the woman carrying a chihuahua in her purse. Last but certainly not least, my eldest son would be on a skateboard, and my youngest would be a train conductor.

    I don't like the Pee-guy... I might have a sticker of the pee-guy, peeing on the pee-guy.

  50. Kristien S. Online

    My family sticker would have my sisters son in the middle, flanked by his mother, our mother and our grandmother. Behind them would be my sisters and behind them would be myself and my dad.

  51. Kristien S. Online in response to Cristi M.

    I agree, the pee guy is a little immature!

  52. Olugbenga A.-Online
    Thanksgiving is one of the great event in the history of America.People visit family members,exchanging of gifts,eating and wacthing of movies.
    If l am to create a sticker it will include me, my cousins, and my nice, because my immediate family are not in United State.

  53. Jessica V.-online
    I love Thanksgiving for fact that my distant family and I get together and catch up on things going on in our lives. It is a wonderful holiday. If I was to create a sticker describing my family it would be crosses of my husband, me and my two kids. We are close to our Lord and give thanks everyday for all the blessings we get.

  54. Anna G.-Online

    Wow, this is a hard question. I can't even begin to imagine summing up my family in one sticker! Thanksgiving is one of our most favorite holidays. Every year we look forward to getting my whole family together because we are all so close and have the best times together. I would say that our family sticker would be all of us holding hands because no matter how angry and frustrated we get with one another, we would still kill for each other! HAHA Nothing can break the bond of my family. We are also so thankful that we have a family! There are many people who don't have a close family like mine that God has blessed me with.

  55. Anita D. Online

    I would have to say thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love to eat food and most of all my family is very important to me. We all laugh and cry together but through it all we are all there for eachother to guide oneanother up the stairs of life. If we a had a family sticker I would have my family going up a flight of stairs.Each step is an obstacle that we overcame and used as a stepping stone to get to something better!

  56. Anita D Online

    In response to Sabrina M.

    I think that a group of ducks is a great symbolism for family. Being that they travel as a flock that means they have a close bond. I would also compare them to my family.

  57. Chelsea J.- Online

    If I had to create a family bumper sticker it would take up the entire back window. I have a huge family and everyone is always on the go. There'd be people playing sports, people working at computers, 4 dogs, people cooking, and people playing music. We have a chaotic family environment, but I wouldn't change it at all.

  58. Jennifer Ashley (online) in response to Sabarina M.
    Cool, the duck idea is creative. I enjoyed reading about it.

  59. I really think that Thanksgiving is boring. I have tried to spice it up with new traditions, but with family all over the country, we spend it with my parents who are close. They are home bodies so we eat and talk. My husband has to go get his mom from an assisted living center which keeps him away for two hours, but her feelings are as important as mine.
    As for a bumper stick, I would make us all cats because we love cats. My husband would be a computer nerd cat. I would be typical mom cat acting whimsical, because I like to think I am a cool mom. You would need to ask my kids. :) My daughter would be a pretty feminine cat holding her husband cat's hand. He would be a tall one with a huge smile because he is always laughing. My oldest son would be a cat with a helmet and sitting on a bike because he is a great bicyclist. My smallest would be a litte boy kitten with a train in his hand and his hair would be all messed up because he is a wild man. My two cats would be sweet purrfect cats. ;) If I added my parents, my mom would be a cat with an apron because she loves to and is a great cook. My dad would be a cat in an uniform and have a gun because he loves Civil War reenactments.

  60. Andrew G. Online

    In response to Chadwick M.,

    If I did have to choose a representative sticker, I love your Star Wars idea. Very classy.

  61. Christopher P.
    At this point in time family life isn't too great and all I can think of are negative things. So I'm not answering the question because it's pissing me off!

  62. ~Katie H. (Online)~

    If I had to make a sticker set on my family I would only include god my son, my daughter, and myself. There would be a cross in the background, my son dressed in one of his authentic mexican outfits completed with the cow boy hat and aligator boots, my daughter would be dressed to the nines in one of her party dresses and topped off with a little tiara, and I would be standing in the middle of them holding their hands with a huge smile.

  63. Deborah G. online
    I always look forward to Thanksgiving With my family. We always have at least 5 differnt dinners to go to every year. And we enjoy and always over eat! If we had a sticker on the back of our car it would consist of both my parents and my two younger brothers.

  64. Beth M. - Online

    I think if I created a sticker set describing my family, I would use my immediate family. Such would include my son, my spouse, our three (3) dogs and myself. I am thankful for the world around us, which includes other family and friends across the world. Therefore, my sticker would be the world with my immediate family holding out their arms as if we were all holding each others hands/paws and hugging the world.

  65. Katie H. (Online) in response to Christopher P.

    I understand what you are going through. I kept putting off answering this question because i didnt want to think about it. My family is fake and my ex fiance wasnt worth the energy i put into our relationship. But with every negative there are several positives. Just look to the bright side. :) I hope everything gets better!

  66. Atiya D. Online

    If I had to design a family sticker it would definatley be colorful. It would have a handful of different races and about 4 different generations. Our Thanksgiving is a big to-do. We always meet in a central place every year and do it big!

  67. Nicholas L - Online

    My family's sticker set would most likely be our last name written like the Godfather (movie) logo. Not only is this one of our favorite movies, but it would symbolize the unbreakable bond we share as a family and the relationships we respect more than any other in the world. And maybe a soccer ball off to the side since the sport has always meant a lot to us as well! Haha

  68. Atiya D. Online in Response to Oblugbeng A.

    I think maybe you are a little confused. Thanksgiving has turned into a holiday of over eating not exchanging gifts. I think you are referring to the days of the Puritans where this was more closely practiced and people had something to truly be thankful for.

  69. Franklin chapman-online
    First off thanksgiving is a awesome time of year i always enjoy seeing relatives that i bever get to see throughout the rest of the year. I also love to just throw back some foor maybe a few drinks with the family and just matter what and thanksgiving just helps us be have fun. I would think my family is just a nice but strange mix but we are always close no closer to one another and settle any issues we have with anything.

  70. Linda M. Online

    If I had to create a sticker for my family it would be something funny. We have a lot of family to come visit for Thanksgivings and it is always a lot of fun. My family is not your typical family we are very funny and disfunctional.(In a good way):)

  71. Daria Glukhikh - Online
    I would create a sticker with a group of 10-15 people - representing my huge family with aunts, grandmas, cousins and nieces. The motto would read - Your relatives are your blessings - count them!
    Happy Thanks Giving!

  72. Tracey D. Bailey

    My sticker would show nine peolpe on thier knee's looking up to the sky giving thanks to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

  73. Jessica C. In Response to Courtney F.

    I definitely feel the separation that is going on between you and your first family to me as an outsider it sort of feels like you don't really want to be a part of them.

  74. Jessica C.

    My family sticker would be not only with people who are my real family, but with people who are not my real family, but with whom I call family. It would be me, my mom, my brother, my uncle Jesse (moms brother), my aunt Lisa (Jesse's wife), and there son my cousin Cameron, my grandma (my mom's mom), Nikki (she calls herself my daughter even though she is not, because I have raised her), and her brother Brandon, and our two cats Chandley and Lil Bit. We would all be chasing each other and laughing.

  75. Mary L. -Online

    The on thing I could think of for my family would be the simple text "dysfunction=function." We can never have a family get together with out at least one all out argument, even if it is only over the simplest idea. Not to mention the conversations and actions we share while getting along. This year for example my poor cousin decided to bring his girlfriend for the event, so of course she was the target of the rants. My sister proceeded to tell her how mad she was for taking her boyfriend (our cousin) from her, and that is the lightest moment of the day. Needless to say not many outsiders stay around long enough for a second visit and those that do we are not quiet sure why. Ultimately though once part of the family there is a strange draw that brings us all together every year and we always are looking forward to the events, even with all the dysfunction that ensues.

  76. Lisa Womack-online

    I love Thanksgiving. It's a time where my family gets together and share a few laughs, eat, nap, and get ready for Black Friday shopping! If I made a sticker for my family, it would include my boyfriend, dog, cat, mom, dad, 2 sisters, and best friend of 11 years.

  77. Steven Thompson-Online
    Thanksgiving with my family is always a holiday to remember. If i were to create a sticker that describes us, it would be a family of five standing next to each other, and we all would be joking with each other. We would also be holding a turkey because we love to eat. We all get along with each other even though we poke fun with each other.

  78. Nathan Fawcett
    A sticker that would describe my family might be a family of animals.

  79. Angela R.

    My family is broken up into two parts, so Thanksgiving changes every year. My brother and I switch between my dad's family and my mom's family for every holiday. Thanksgiving with my mom is not very big and we only have about 8 people. Thanksgiving with my dad is big and complicated. I have tons of cousins and aunts and uncles on that side of my family. My dad's mother is a wonderful cook, but my mom's mother usually buys most of the food instead of making it.
    If my family was a sticker set, it would be me and my brother in the middle, with my mom and her family on one side and my dad and his family on the other.

  80. Kristyn B. - online
    A sticker of my family would be a forest of trees. Each person in my family would be a special kind to show our uniqueness. Like a large hardwood for my dad, a pretty dogwood for my mom, a plumeria tree for me and a circus tree for my sister. The branches would all be intertwined symbolizing our loving bond.

  81. Guy P Online

    All holidays are great. My family moved to Georgia a few years ago, so we have an extended family, even a extended international family. Our bumper sticker would be a star, like the one a child draws with all the intercesting lines on a string. It shows how each of our family touches another and the string that we are never far away, just pull us close.

  82. Brendan B 6-9
    the best stickers to describe my family would be big round country looking stickers with a bunch of food in it and stupis stuuf that we do

  83. Jillian G.

    the best stickers that would best describe my family would probably be the smartasses.. haha not typical but it would definitely fit my familys description.

  84. Emma A.
    Thanksgiving to me is everying day that I wake up and breath, everyday is a thanksgiving day to me and for my family, but on the last thursday of november, I really enjoy it because I have all I can eat with no guil, and a licence to shop the following morning too.

  85. Zach Bragg TR 6-8pm

    Oh God if i had to make a sticker of my family it would take up the whole window. There would be my super buff dead chewing me out while my brother waits for his turn and my mom talks on the phone. My aunt would be partying and my grandpa would be drinking with his buddies on the golf course, and yes it would all be tied together somehow.

  86. Brian B
    TTR 6pm

    My sticker would include my dad with a broom since he is a HUGE clean freak. My mom would be shown with some pots or pans because she spends most of her free time cooking up wonders in the kitchen. M brother would be next to a car stereo because he has an obsession with making his car louder than anything imaginable. My sister would be in front of a mirror because I could swear she is putting on make up all day long! I would put myself in front of a computer because I work pretty much all the time and I fix computers

  87. Thanksgiving is one of the best holidays of the year. My family come together everytime this year and spend time with each other. If I have to make a sticker for our family,it would be of food and shopping. My family makes plenty of food for thanksgiving, and as soon as we finish eating thanksgiving food. We take a nap then get ready to shop for black friday.

  88. Sarah Thomspon-online

    I so love my family. We are a loud, energetic and unique bunch. There is never a dull moment with us. We celebrate Thanksgiving in the usual manner, lots of good food and plenty of people. Family and friends come to our dinner. It is always loud due to all the children and eclectic people we tend have there. So my sticker would be one I was recently on a t-shirt. It was of a squirell and a tree full of nuts. And it said..."All the nuts in my life are crazy!"

  89. Sarah Thompson-online

    in response to most everyone's post

    I am so happy to see that almost all the post refernce all kinds of inside looks at their families. Everyone made sure that everyone's personalities would be represented. I hope everyone has big windows, because wow there are alot of big families. Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate and be thankful for our families.

  90. Taneshia C -Online
    Happy Thinksgiving!
    A sticker that would represent my family would be a picture of a mom, a dad, three kids, and a dog on the beach playing volleyball. Our family likes to have fun at every chance we get. I am so thankful for my family.

  91. Donald W. Online

    If I had to design a sticker to represent my family it would most likely be a circle of hands. The reason being that we hold each other up and accountable thus we are our brothers keeper. That's how we make it.

  92. Heather D
    My sticker would be my dad sitting in his recliner watching football with his eyes closed, my mom asleep on one end of the couch, me on the other end, my brother patiently caring for my nephew, and my sister in law complaining because the smell of food makes her sick to her stomach and she needs to go run 3 miles...she makes me sick!

  93. Amanda D. Online

    Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I hate how people go straight from halloween to christmas. It really annoys me! Thanksgiving is just as important. My family bumper sticker would include me, my mom, and my dad. I'm an only child. My mom and dad are both workaholics, so their sticker would definately need to show them with a brief case and blackberrys (HA).

  94. Amanda D. Online
    In response to Donald W. Online

    Wow! I never looked at things like that. I would totally buy that bumper sticker.

  95. Ashley T.

    Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It is the time to show the people you love how thankful you are. My family sticker would have a cross for my mom, then my dad, my brother, me. And of course it would have my two dogs cause they are family as well.
