Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Equal Playing Field?

Women have made tremendous strides in professional sports, particularly in individual events like golf and tennis.

Why do women’s professional team sports (baseball, basketball, soccer) struggle or fail?


  1. Women's sports teams struggle and fail because unfortunately there are those people who won't fund "just for women" being it sexism or what have you. While I do think that women should, by all means, be considered a part of the athletic field, I honestly think that the general population does not support women athletically because originally athletics was something only men could take part in.

  2. Nanci Lamborn - online.
    I believe that women in general are much less physically competitive than men. We are driven by relationships, by emotional connections, and by intimacy, all of which in certain sports situations can seem threatened. It is as if we must choose between these innate traits and the competitive nature of sports creates an inherent conflict. We often have a harder time separating our emotions from some aggressive emotions involved in competitive sports, so perhaps there is a tendency to avoid the conflict. For some reason it seems that most guys have an easier time of separating interpersonal emotion from the aggression on the field than most girls. For this reason I think the more team oriented sports which require shared advances (such as track teams or soccer or softball) will find larger numbers of successful girls' teams.

    Also there is an obvious physical difference in most girls. As a rule we are smaller and less muscular, and these physical difference are notable when females play a male sport, so a ball which is easily kicked 100 yards by a guy may take twice as many kicks to reach the same distance by a girl. Sports which were designed around the male capabilities are bound to be more difficult.

    It's interesting thinking about this, growing up the only girls I recall in high school who were very successful in contact sports were the "mean" girls...

  3. I think womens sports fail simply because people refuse to give it the same reconization that an all male sport recieves therefore they fail most americans including female hardcore sports fanatics refuse to even reconize them as sports
    and or athletes

  4. Women lack the testosterone men have. Men have been since the beginning of time the brute almighty force. Why change it now? There is nothing wrong with women playing sports and succeeding at playing sports. Men are just easier to except when being tackled or checked or whatever they may encounter in physical sports.

  5. T Lewis;
    The male,female old conventional double standard between the genders still exist.The man's place is this... and the womans place is that...However; i think in time, when that old good old boy club dies off, that D.S. will die with them. There is a wave of change that is moving with this new generation (social network) They are more open minded and liberal pro-active. This will allow for the women sports league to "Rise Up". Out with the old' In with the new. Get ready folks, the wave of change is upon us.

  6. Peter Nganga (Online)
    There is a double standard in coverage which exist in all women sport, the media does not cover enough like they do when men are playing. Also sponsorship, and it comes down to "what's there for me". A good example, just a month ago ESPN had a special one hour everyday coverage for LeBron "THE DECISION" why? simply because they were getting paid by the sponsors. This is still happening in 2010. Lets get real.

  7. Kelley Holt (online)August 24, 2010 at 9:37 PM

    I think that women and sports struggle and fail because most people think of sports as only for men. I really don't know much about sports because it really does bore me to sleep. Maybe one day in the future it will all change.

  8. Terri, I agree with Peter Ngang(online)that women and sports struggle and fail It's all about the MONEY. No money ,No media,No sponsors.

  9. Allison Smith (online)
    I do agree with Nannci to some extent, I do think that physically men are more "built" for competition and rough sports, I also agree that most sponsors are alot more skeptical about supporting womens sports than mens and this is the main reason that womens sports dont make it. However at the same time you have to look at the very successful women in the athletic field and think about how much money their sponsors are making. I think that it is a hit or miss when dealing with sports. A man can be just as unsuccessful or succussful as a woman.

  10. motunrayo akerejola(online)
    I have observed that most individual sport that women engage in are played during the same tournament where men play for example, Tennis.As a result people tend to watch this. However, team sports involving women are played on their own. Because men have the energy, and build than women, their sports tend to have more intensity, and are considered to be more interesting. Having watched men, it will be kind of boring when you watch a woman play the same game.
    I think its for this reason that male team get better sponsorship deals e.t.c.
    As a result of this, women will succeed at individual sport where they share the same spotlight with men, and fail in team sports where they are alone.

  11. I think that the women teams fail or struggle because they have less advertisement than men and that the women are looked at as "weak" compared to men yes a double standard is a reason that this tends to happen

  12. Samantha Morris to motunrayo akerejola -

    Interesting observation about the individualized vs team sport. Maybe men are just better suited for team sports?

  13. Jenny Denker (Online)August 26, 2010 at 7:26 AM

    I believe that women's team sports have failed or struggled because people just aren't as interested in seeing the games. Just like other people have mentioned the sponsors don't see a demand for it, so they don't support it, and without sponsor support there is not really much money to hold the sport up. I do believe that change is happening and more people are becoming slowly interested in women's team sports and more than likely in 20 years it will be much larger then it is at this time.


    i think womens sports fail because poeple are just generally dont care for womens sports. women are less competative and most sports are usually for men to play. i think people enjoy watching men play, therefore less sponsers for women and no money to get them going.

  15. janki patel (online)

    I think women's sports struggle or fail because people think that women's are less competitive than men. People also think that womens are not physically fit for some sports like men are so I think thats the reason why women’s struggle or fail in team sports.

  16. Ashley Logan (online)

    I think that they struggle because they do not have alot of support and they do not have enough to keep themselves going. I think that men have alot more passion about sports than women. I think that there are some women that have the same passion as men with sports but I do not think that they put that much into as men do.

  17. Jason Mccleary(online)

    I think that menhave a higher drive and a more competitive spirit. They can be friends one minute but as soon as they get on the court or field there are no friendships just rivalries. I think women care to much for the friendships and they dont want them hurt and men have way to much pride to lose or quit. Fans want to see action and men give more action and fans are the ones that pay the bills and fill the stands without them you dont have a game.

  18. Wow. Such a rough topic. HAHA Just kidding Dr. LaPorte.

    For decades where it all started with that grand ol' game of Baseball was a group of men. From then on, it was more and more men sports. Now these days, I won't say that ALL sports for women fail. You have to look at individual tennis players that are women. There are women out there that are making millions. But I am getting off topic here.

    I believe that women's teams fail or struggle is because the lack of interest. Back in the day, when I was in high school, in the 9th grade, I was playing on the varsity soccer team (dreams of UNC faded away once the injury occured) and we RARELY had anyone in the stands except for our parents. I don't think that people find women sports appealing to them. For years we have watched hockey? WHY? Because men will beat and club each other to the point where it has actually become entertaining. Let's look at baseball. You will have a pitcher hit a batter and then the batter charges the mound and yet, ANOTHER FIGHT! In women's sports, women are taught to act like ladies, and congradulate the other team after a win. Rarely do I see a hockey player contradulating their opponient (spelling) for smacking them in the face with the puck or hockey stick.

    Since men's sports are a little more "rough" and bascially the players are told "Take no prisoners" more fights break out. In women's sports, no fights break out. Now if some have, then I sure as heck have not seen them. I believe that in the end, it all boils down to entertainment purposes.

  19. Daisy McMickens onlineAugust 26, 2010 at 6:45 PM

    I think women's professional team sports struggle of fail because society associates professional sports with the male gender. Yes, there are some very talented female athletes that have taken there talent to the next level but the support and attendance to their events does not equal that of their male counterparts. Femininity is also a factor in the struggle or failure of women's professional sports-women are not protrayed as being rough and physical.

  20. Daisy McMickens onlineAugust 26, 2010 at 6:54 PM

    To: Kennie West

    I agree with you, they just won't get the same recognitin. The female athlete has to work harder to succeed professionally.

  21. Molly DePriest OnlineAugust 26, 2010 at 8:20 PM

    I'm going to be honest. Women sports are just not that interesting. Don't get me wrong, it's really amazing that women can compete and compete extremelly well. They have my respect. But who wants to watch the WNBA with their lay ups when you can watch slam dunks of the NBA. Women are not "made" physically nor have the testosterone running through their veins, that men have. Sorry, it's the way God made us.

  22. Nathanial Hornsby (Online)
    I believe that women sports are not as popular because a lot of people still have that inherited sexism. We were raised seeing men do the physical work and watching men play sports. So a lot of people probably think it is still a man's domain. Women are just as competitive and can be just as physical but i think a lot of people brush them off as being not "real sports" still. i think as we grow up in more free environments they will become more popular as this stereotype wont take it.

  23. Since I was out of school by the time Title IX was enacted (1972), I sadly missed any opportunities to play sports. I do enjoy women's sports (basketball, softball, tennis and soccer, are my favorites), but have to agree with A. LaMotte that men's sports are traditionally more "entertaining." I also fear the old-school thought that women who engage in many sports are considered "masculine" still lingers. Female sports seem to thrive thru the college level. After that point, the spectator draw greatly declines and, therefore, corporate sponsorship is minimal.

  24. Tim Hamilton (Online)August 28, 2010 at 12:04 PM

    Because the majority of profit involved in sports comes from men and men have a stigma against watching women sports. (I'm speaking generally) Therefore women sports fail because of a very small fan following

  25. I agree with the opinion that women are seen as less competitive and "built" for sports both physically and mentally. And it might be true in a way. Personally for me sports is associated with masculine, not feminine. I mean there is a reason women were not allowed to participate in Olympics before.

  26. Diamond Darden onlineAugust 28, 2010 at 1:10 PM

    I think that women sports are failing due to lack of support and advertisement. They do not have a real large group of fans that continuously follow and support them. You see very little advertisements and endorsements focusing on womens sports. For years many sports have been considered a mans game and they have more of a support system that makes them more successful. They are more competitive and exciting to watch.

  27. In my opinion, womens sports teams are not as successful as mens teams because there are not as many corporate sponsors willing to give. The majority of sports fans are men, and male fans tend to watch the male teams more frequently. The sponsors will always follow the viewers and support the most watched teams. The lack of viewers makes it difficult to raise money from sponsors and keeps ticket prices low. The lack of revenue is, in my opinion, the downfall of many professional womens sports teams.

  28. Debbie Pinson (on-line)August 28, 2010 at 9:42 PM

    I beieve that the reason sports for women fail is because women just don't have the respect that men seem to get in the sports field. They are not supported like men or have the recognition for being able to succeed in the sports field although we do have some great women atheletes, like Laila Ali. She is a great boxer, but probably not watched near as much as mens boxing. I think that people just seem to see the sports field as a man's world.

  29. Cassie Williams (Online)August 28, 2010 at 11:33 PM

    I believe women's sports teams fail for a few reasons. People dont take women's sports anywhere near as seriously as men's sports. Even myself, I'd rather watch the Superbowl more than Women's soccer. People see sports as something that males are involved in, and although women are acknowledged in the sports field, men receive the most money, the most press, and the most money. Another reason would be because of the lack of sponsorship. Sponsors want to make money, and the best way is to sponsor the most watched teams and players. Advertising during March Madness will make more money than doing so in WNBA finals. When there is no sponsorship, there is basically no financial support, and women's sports fall down the totem pole. Its sad but true. Women were not physically built like men, and like Molly DePriest said, who would want to see women do layups when you can see slam dunks?? Good point.

  30. Olabimpe Soyemi (Online)August 29, 2010 at 8:38 AM

    Women sports tend to fail because of gender sratification. Women are expected to be more involved in more emotional and domestic affairs than aggressive sports. Women involved in aggressive sports like basketball may be viewed differently from the traditioanal way of viewing women. They are also not considered as serious sports people as men and as such may not receive as much support(financially or otherwise) as men would.

  31. AlonzoJordan(Online)said...

    I belineve women sports fail because they are not as exciting to watch as are male sports. Please understand I think that female athletes who are in good shape are very sexy, but them play sports I'll pass. There are a few exceptions in my opinion. They are track and field, tennis and mud wrestling. Have a good weekend. LOL!!!

  32. I believe that women sports fail because I believe that most people look at women as being less athletic than men. That men are more physical and stronger than women. And most people feel that women need to be involved in baking cookies and being submissive than being althletic. Most women that are athletic are judge as not being feminin.

  33. Most women's sports are watered down version of men dominated sports. There is a reason why they call baseball softball when comes to women, and the women's basketball are not as competitive as the men's basketball. Does anybody ever see women playing American football" (I know some men that are clamoring for that). Who are we kidding, the world is still a men dominated place, and men still see women as second class and mediocre at best, when it comes to sport. I am sure there are sports that are dominated by women; unfortunately they are all on food network.

  34. Judith Miller (online)
    I think that women's teams either fail or struggle because they are not able to get as big of a fan base that men's sports teams are. Men's team tend to be more aggressive and therefore for sports lovers, more entertaining to watch. If fans are not going to games and spending money for tickets or concessions and fan gear, then less teams will be given money, sponsored or paid to play since there is a less of a fan base.

  35. Alonzo Jordan(Online) said in response to Titilola Adeboye(Online)...

    That was funny!!! the food network;lol!!!! Still laughing but true very true. lol!!!

  36. Laura Mills (online)
    I think womens sports are failing because this is still a mans world when it comes to sports. They dominate the games. It really is a guy thing any way. Girls are not concerned about sports or it would not fail but we would rather get our nails done and are hair did. I don't want to break a nail tring to catch a ball or break a sweat for bragging rigts. I would rather be shopping.

  37. MABEL IBUOFFOR (online)
    The women profssional team sports struggle and fail, because most people think that sports sould be just for mem only, and people refuse to give much reconization to the women sports. Also most sponsord are skeptical about the support of the women's sports , and the majority of sports fans aremen they beleive that women are less competative in games.

  38. Mollian, i agree with Olabimpe online that women are created different from men.Mostly women are created to deal with family matters and when they engage themselves with sports nobody is ready to sponsor and support them thats why they fail.

    Women sports well these particular ones fail because their are people out in our society who just will not except the fact that women can be good athletes and take care of bussiness. i play college basket ball myself and as a female i see that people and men in particular cant except it and will not no matter what i mean it has got better but will never be like male sports.

  40. Michael Nunoo..Online said....
    It all boils down to entertainment. When it comes to sports people want to see strength, speed, agility and they want to see things that most people would consider to be out of this world. Though women are very talented in certain sports, they do not bring that entertainment appeal that men bring.

  41. women sports fail because it is still a man's world.people still believe women are not suppose to do certain things and also the women sports fail because there are no sponsors,couch or enough team players

  42. lamond

    My opinion on this topic is that women are not build for every sport some are just to ruff iam not knocking women from doing what ever they want but baseball and soccer and sports that reguire lot of strenght and stress and pressure i think this is the reason women struggle in these sports.

  43. Brad Henderson

    I say they fail because the sheer fact that if you watch a female game then watch a male the male seems more interesting and fun. Not many girls can hit or take hits like needed in sports today. Sports are a testosterone game and some woman can do it but not enough for entire leagues

  44. Melanie Jenkins (online)
    I think some women’s sports teams fail because there is a lack in interest. While baseball is less popular for women’s teams other sports like softball are very popular.
