Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Deviant Today Tame Tomorrow

Deviance can be defined as violation of cultural norms. However, over time what we define as “normal” changes. American society used to recognize the following behaviors as deviant:

Having visible tattoos
Exposing bra straps or boxer shorts
Interracial relationships
Childbirth out of wedlock

Granted the above examples are not completely socially acceptable by all people or in all places, but the Norm Police will not get a 911 call for these behaviors.

Give at least two (2) examples of behaviors that we currently recognize as deviant you predict will become normal in the next 25 years.


  1. Laura Mills(online)
    I wear clothes that most people think are deviant one example is my mid drift shirts that expose my stomach and the piercing in my belly button. I wear these clothes because i like the way they make me feel. But others don't like it because it is exposing my stomach. In time people will look at mid drifts as a norm. Another example is same sex couples. Today we look at them as a culture shock. Both of my sisters are in same sex relationships so i am use to it. But people looking in don't accept it. It will be a very normal part of life in the future.

  2. Sofia Syed(online)
    I think same sex couples will become the norm in the next ten years. The culture has some how accepted it more and more. People high school aged are now becoming more widely accepting it and some people are "coming out" sooner than 30 years ago. I also think that sex before marriage will be a lot more widely accepted. I think that since so much of our culture is accepting it, that in the next 10 years it won't even be mentioned as much.

  3. Ohh my gosh!!! I totally agree with wearing belly botton shirts and same sex couples! I think they are totally in... right? I mean it is like 2010 not 1972!!!

  4. I think that people being able to carry around fire arms in all public places wont be talked about as much. I think we all should have firearms but only in our homes where we need to be protected in the case of a break in. I also think downloading music from the internet will become a norm because you will be able to pick and chose what you want to listen to and not have to purchase a entire album for it. Just like Vinyl records and atraks are not a norm now. Those are my choices

  5. Terri, I think pants on the ground will be a norm in the next 10 years. you never know you might find the president with his or her pants on the ground. and the next thing is ALCOHOL will be sold in ALL STATES ON SUNDAY.

  6. One thing is something that is commonly seen here on the North Metro Campus. I am not sure about the others, but wearing your pants down to where you can see your boxers. Not only do men do this but I have seen women (YES WOMEN) do the same darn thing. I tend to wonder sometimes if the people that wear their pants down to their ankles go to job interviews like this. I don't know about all of you whether you are in the online class or in my Tuesday and Thursday class, but I come here to learn, not see other people's Fannies! So I hope and think that when the generations get older that they will learn that it is not acceptable to wear pants down to their feet and show their (insert explicit word here)

    The other thing that we face is people who wear tattoos. Now I have nothing against tattoos, but I know of some places where they will not hire you because you have a visable tattoo. Now here on our campus (again) we have a couple of employees that have a tattoo that shows. It is a full arm tattoo. I believe that hopefully in the next 25 years people won't judge a person by what kind of ink is on their body and judge them by the work they do, and how they treat others. The person that works on this campus has an arm tattoo, and this person is one of the hardest working people that I have ever seen. So Hopefully in the future, we won't be judging people about showing tattoos while working. Tattoos are just a way to show your individual self, and in no way judges you. Most people that have tattoos are not bad people (well at least the people that I know)

  7. I agree with the above person. I think pants on the ground will definitely be a norm within the next ten years. also, I think that indie music will takeover moreso than it already has nationwide. I think within the next ten years our society will be an indie rock society rather than a diverse society when it comes to music.

  8. Nanci Lamborn -- online:

    While we tend to consider acts of deviance as those which are inherently negative, when expanding the understanding of the word to include acts which are simply outside the norm, I believe that one type of behavior which may be currently viewed as deviant by some is that of a "green lifestyle", holistic living and local, individual sustenance. It used to be, and still is by some, considered to be wacky if you are concerned about recycling or organics or independent sustainability. But there is a growing trend in some regions of the US towards the preference of locally produced goods as well as a trend towards family sustenance gardening and the increase of food-producing green spaces. Parts of our country already embrace these trends, so I believe in the next 25 years that these concepts will be commonplace.

    I also believe that the way we view committed relationships as normal today is going to look completely different in 25 years. I would be willing to bet that trends towards much more casual, much less formally committed relationships will take the place of the traditional lifetime committed relationship, with individuals having a higher number of partners over their given lifetime. However, I don't believe that this change would be a positive one.

  9. Nanci Lamborn - online - responding to C_Mich_King - interesting concept on the Indie Rock music movement, however I believe that people will still pursue their personally favorite style genres, and that labels will continue to segment and differentiate by genre as long as this continues to make them a profit. Also with more financial resources, it's easier for a large label to push a certain group (including paying for their play time), and economies of scale make this prospect next to impossible for indie groups. But I do believe American music tastes are growing up somewhat, and that indie music will definitely make up more of the total music share in the future.

  10. I may sound crazy, but I know a ton of people who smoke marijuana. I personally do not like or accept it, but so many people do. I feel like it won't be long before it is widely accepted and legalized. I also think that drinking alcohol before 21 will become normal. America is one of only a few countries with such a high drinking age. It is not realistic to enforce this law, as most kids I know started drinking around 16.

  11. Angela,

    I definitely agree with you. Having a tattoo does not make you a bad person; however, it is definitely not considered a norm for someone who wants a professional job. Perhaps in the next 25 years it will become even more widely accepted than it is now and having visible tattoos will not automatically stop you from getting a particular job.

  12. Yelena Kanayeva, OnlineAugust 3, 2010 at 9:03 PM

    I am sure that same sex couples will be normal within the next 25 years. They are accepted more and more by society, so not only it won't be viewed as deviance, but the U.S. might legalize same-sex marriages as well.
    Another thing that will be normal is smoking marijuana, and it is going to happen much sooner than in 25 years, considering all the recent debates about legalizing it. Not that I support it... Just saying.
    Also, I want to go back to interracial relationships topic. Even though it's been mentioned that it's not viewed as a deviance anymore, I would like to completely disagree. I am in interracial relationship myself, and I can tell it is not a norm in our society yet. Unfortunately. So I am just going to hope that in 25 years it is going to change and people will be color-blind and see beyond race.

  13. Yelena Kanayeva, OnlineAugust 3, 2010 at 9:37 PM

    Responding to Angela LaMotte:
    I agree with you that tattoos don't define what kind of person you are and people wearing tattoos should not be judged. But at the same time, if we talking about professional environment,I can understand why it can be a problem. And quite honestly I don't see the difference at this point between having a full arm tattoo and wearing sagging pants. Both just express individuality, but both are unprofessional.

  14. I think what is going to become an accepted norm(I am not sure if it is yet in some states) is giving the same benefits granted to married couples at work to same sex couples like health insurance, FMLA to take care of spouse etc. I also think we are going to get to that time when it will become a norm for pets to be counted as part of family members when it comes to receiving benefits from the government.

  15. Olabimpe Soyemi(Online)August 4, 2010 at 6:29 AM

    I response to Angela LaMotte,
    I agree with you about people wearing their pants down. Oh how that disturbs me! I don't know for what reason they do that!! It is very unprofessional and uncomfortable too. I see how they drag their feet and walk very inconveniently along. I don't know what I will do if that becomes accepted in any professional enviroment. I had worked in an enviroment where a supervisor actually wore his pants like that!! So I am so scared it will soon be an accepted norm in professional enviroments!

  16. lynnette muthoni (online)August 4, 2010 at 1:12 PM

    inthe next 25yrs same sex marriage will be normal and legalizing meth

  17. Allison Smith(online)
    I agree with many of the comments above, I think that within the next twenty five years same sex marriages or couples will not be looked at any differntly than any other couple.
    And Angela, I also agree with you about tattoos not making a person or telling anything about who they are but at the same time I do not see anything wrong with it being required to keep them covered up at work. I have several myself and I am not allowed to let them show at work. To be honest I dont think I would want a doctor that is covered in tattoos and piercings to be doing any major surgery on me personally. I do not necessarily think that meth will ever be legal but i do think that one day the use of marijuana will be treated like the use of alchol.

  18. Ashley Logan (online)

    I think that same sex marriage will be the norm in 25 years. I also think that legalizing marijuana will also be another norm. I think that there are gonne be alot of things that are gonna be considered norms. I do not like seeing peoples boxers or any bra straps. There are times when I have had some shop but it was because of the shirt I was wearing and it made me feel uncomfortable. I think that alot of people do not have enough respect for themselves to make sure that their under wear or bra straps are not showing.

  19. Ashley Logan (online) reply to:
    Angela LaMotte

    I agree, there are lot of girls that walk around with their underwear hanging out and they think that it is so attractive. I have a tattoo on the back of my neck, and when I put my hair up it is visible, but it is a cross it is nothing bad. I think that people who do have tattoos mainly have them for a certain reason. Those that have nick names or their own name on them... Well that is another issue.

  20. Novella Noble "Online" writes....

    Karen Ruper I totally agree with you I think that the legalization of marijuana will be legal and not seen as a deviance in the very future. California have already created the prospective of making it legal for medicinal purpose. As we know CA is generally the trend setters for broader prospective and changes. Even more and more physicians are prescribing it to patients with chronically ill sicknesses and data and results are showing it is working. While I am not a smoke of any sort I think if it is something that can be dispensed appropriately with great governance why not be open to it.

  21. Diamond Darden onlineAugust 4, 2010 at 6:24 PM

    I think that same sex marriages and legalization of marijuana will be considered the normal. You see an increase of same sex relationship and now in certain states the can be married. Marijuana will become legalized in an effort to help certain medical conditions.

  22. Diamond Darden onlineAugust 4, 2010 at 6:32 PM

    Response to above post by Angela.I think both tattoos and sagging pants can be inappropriate. Although some people are tasteful with tattoos, others tend to take it out of hand. I personally dont have any tattoos due to personal beliefs but to each its own. I do have a 12 year old and from time to time see the sagging pants!

  23. motunrayo akerejola online
    I agree with ahsley about the issue of marijuana,
    about 13 states in the United States have legalized the use of medicinal marijuana while in other states it is still up for debate. I Saw a show some time last week about parents who use medicinal marijuana for their sick children,this to so many is beyond comprehension.I believe that 25years from now, marijuana will be legalized in all states, and will be a norm. I can only hope that it does not become an OTC.

  24. Ashley Hansen(ONLINE)

    I completly 100% disagree with Lynnette Muthoni and Karen Ruper. The only Point I half way agree to is that marijuana may be leagal in the next 25 years. The thought of Meth being leagal is so far out there and insane that I cannot fathom any person would agree that METH would ever be a leagal drug, this is why the "project meth" has been implimented. Many kids are dying everyday from this drug, and more and more people are being put in jail because of it... it will never be legalized!There are NO benefits from doing meth unless you consider having your teeth rot out of your mouth or having literal holes in your brain a good thing. Secondly, I very seriously doubt that the drinking age will be decreased at all because it too is a major killer of teens. DUI's are very serious and there has been several studies on teenagers and young adults that tell researchers that the human brain is not completely finished devloping until about age 20. This is a large contributing factor to why the drinking age is 21. Futhermore they are talking about raising the drinking age again to 25 because young peoples brains have not completely matured and most car accidents in this age group stem from drunk driving. In conclusion, I am pretty confident that we will never see any debates on the leagalization of meth or allowing these young teens to turn to a bottle... Don't you agree?

  25. Ashley Hansen (ONLINE)

    I think that interracial relationships will be a norm in the next 25 years. Even just 10 years ago it was very much frowned upon and many parents disowned there children for dating outside there race. I believe that it has become more and more common in many societies not just our own and it is becoming more and more acceptable and being practiced everywhere. I know that there are still many people who adamently disagree with interracial relationships and the consequences in many families and towns can be harshly severe, but I think that because it is being seen so much today that in the next 25 years it will just be normal and accepted as a way of life. I also think that in the next 25 years gambeling will be leagalized. In the last ten years poker has exploded with new players and tournament poker has branched out into virtually every bar you go to. I think with it's increased popularity and high demand it will be leagal in the next quarter cenrty... I absolutlty love to play tournament poker and everyday there are many more rookie players and new online poker members. This is a good stress reliever and pastime from everyone in working class all the way to white collar and its definitlty "comming out" guns blazing!!!

  26. Samantha Morris - Online

    I have really put a lot of thought into this topic and haven't really been able to come up with anything. I thought maybe if I waited a couple of days to see what everyone else has written to see if I would be able to think of something by bouncing my ideas off theirs, but I have fallen short. There have been some topics brought up that I personally have already thought society has already put behind them.

    With that in mind, if everyone is raised in a different household and each household has different beliefs, society as a whole will not let one deviance become accepted. Although, reading the examples given it seems possible. but as far as:
    "Having visible tattoos
    Exposing bra straps or boxer shorts
    Interracial relationships
    Childbirth out of wedlock"
    I know lots of people that frown on each of these categories, not that that says a lot about those people. But have those deviants really become the norm?

  27. Samantha Morris - Online -

    In response to Angela LaMotte -

    I absolutely agree there is a stigma with employers hiring people with visible tattoos. But in order for anything to change over the next 25 years society will have to embrace those people. I don't foresee a very conservative, southern baptist woman, hiring someone with sleeve tattoos. Each generalized group of the examples I just gave have such different morals, backgrounds, ethics, and upbringings that it would be very difficult no matter how much time went by for either to see eye-to-eye on many view points.

  28. Shelley Stump -
    Like Samantha, I have spent a lot of time trying to come up with idea(s), but am still struggling with this. As one of the "older generation" (a baby boomer!) I am saddened by so much of what is considered the "norm" today in our society. I absolutely understand the concept and need for individual expression, but really think the "pants on the ground" style (?) is laughable at best. Also, it always looks like the wearer is having a difficult time walking! When I am walking behind someone whose pants are almost falling off, I ALWAYS see them "hitching" or pulling them up every few steps. What is the point of that?
    As far as legalizing marijuana, believe it or not, I agree it should be legal! It is no worse than alcohol and probably about as harmful to the lungs as tobacco smoke. At least this would cut down on some of the street sales of pot!

  29. Tim Hamilton (Online)August 5, 2010 at 12:15 PM

    Let's stir things up a bit. I believe that it will be a norm to be in poverty in America because it seems as though the vast majority of my generation (late 80s early 90s generation) don't know how to handle money and are already in massive debt. When this generation steps out of its "adultolesence" the "baby boomer" generation will be well into retirement and getting close to the elderly stage. I believe that with this transition a drastic shift will happen in our economy for the worst. Then the next norm will inevitably come. With materialistic (false) comforts out of the way masses of people will be found by true enJoyment, dElight, and SecUritieS. .

  30. Tim Hamilton (Online)August 5, 2010 at 12:26 PM

    My response is directed to anyone who said homosexuality will be a norm. I believe that it already is a norm. Case and point it is generally abnormal now to disagree with homosexuality. For example, I work at Starbucks and I was talking about [7] friends of mine who have left the homosexual lifestyle (while still having the same sex attraction because they believe it was given to them by emotional scars from their fathers or something similar therefore it is ingrained) and now relating with Jesus. When I said this my co-workers were somewhat taken aback that I would express a view contrary to homosexuality. Therefore, homosexuality is no longer an abnormal thing it is a abnormal thing to say it is abnormal.

  31. Kennie west online

    I am just going to shoot from the hip here I see things changing rapidly everyday thia nation we live in has become one big if it feels right just do it partier by this I mean that if you are a homo then by all means go get married if someone insults you or the stata make a law against it just sue. We then move on to abortion (used to if you got preganent then you had two choices raise it or give it up for adoption) now most girls and boys have sex with anyone and then they decide to murder the result
    Staying on the sex as free and willing as possiable you have aids and all other sorts of filth coming in and effecting everyones lives

    But as a christian who wants and must stand against this filth and evil straight out of hell We are called ( hatemongers racist anti political and so on ) I think in 25 years it will be socially exceptable to do away with and illegal to be a christiuan and stand up for what saith the Lord
    As for any and all who cant keep their closths on pants up and the filth of whoremongering I totally disagree with all of you

  32. T.Lewis
    In twenty-five years the two deviants that we frown on today that will be normal will be the sociable use of marijuana and same sex marriages......At least in the state of Cally:0)

  33. Laura Mills(online)responding to T. Lewis.
    I do not agree that marijuana will ever be legal. The government will never be able to find a way to put a tax dollar on the substance. I am not for or agianst marijuana. I have never seen any one over dose on it before. Beer you could bottle up and sale. Just not the same as marijuana because it can be easly grown.

  34. I think that having visible tattoos, expoing bra and boxer shorts,and interracial dating will be the norm in the future.
    You can not judge someone with tattoos. Who would you rather hire Ted Bundy (with no tattoos) or someone else with no criminal background and the best worker (with tattoos)?. Ted Bundy was not a bad looking person but he was a serial killer. Made you think, didn't I?

    As far as visible bra straps and boxers I just think it is tacky and looks stupid. Every 2 seconds they just keep pulling them back up and they can not walk good in them. I would hate to see if a bear got loose and the guys tried to outrun the bear.

    I think that interracial dating is the best thing that happened since sliced bread. It is good when you can get people from different backgrounds and cultures together.

  35. Kelley Holt (online)August 5, 2010 at 9:44 PM

    I forgot to put that I was in the online class.


    i agree ashlay logan, i think same sex marriages and marijuana will be pretty much the norm with in the next 25 yrs because there are so many people that do it, or atleast try it that it can just keep growing. also so many people are getting more comfortable being gay now more than ever and that will just keep growing too.

  37. Molly DePriest OnlineAugust 6, 2010 at 7:14 AM

    What is deviant depends on what part of the country your from. For example, in California interracial relationships, gay marriage, and marijuana are all the norms and accepted. In the southern states, the good ole bible belt, none of these issues are accepted.

    I am from the great state of Mississippi. In the Delta of Mississippi on 2009 a local high school experienced their first interracial prom. Believe me, if a black and white couple showed up together, it would be consider a deviant deed. You can't purchase alcohol in some counties in MS. Gay marriage in the south? You can forget it! It appears that the only norms in the south are: having children out of wedlock, becoming obese, and divorce.

    For the United States as a whole, I believe legalization of marijuana will become the norm and gay marriage. Since the south is behind the times, they may come around in twenty five years or so.

  38. Jason Mccleary(online)

    i think the two defiant acts of today that will become the norm of tomorrow will be buying beer or alcohol on Sunday and the legalization of some drugs not just marijuana. Because pretty much alot of people already do it now so the government will want to make money off of it like everything else so it will happen sooner or later

  39. jason Mccleary(online)

    responding to Kelley Holt I think you are very right everyone says you cant judge a book by its cover but yet everyone one does either openly or secretly. if everyone actually took the time to know someone we would all probably get along alot better around here.

  40. Peter Nganga (Online)
    25 year ago it was human right and people were judged by the the color of their skin. In the next 25 year same sex marriage will be not in question, it will be normal, also sagging pants which i can not stand it. Things are changing, animals to will be more powerful more than humans, and thats the way i see it. The world will turn to be just like the planet of the aps.

  41. Daisy McMickens onlineAugust 6, 2010 at 8:35 PM

    I think wearing sagging pants will be the norm in the next 25 years. At the present time this is frowned upon by many and strict rules have been enforced in our schools to eliminate them as part of the school's dress code.There is a growing number of wearers of this trend, that's why I think it will be the norm in the future.
    Also, in the next 25 years,I think,illegal drugs will no longer be regarded as illegal but legal. Even today people are trying to justify why they use certain drugs,(one reason they use- for medicinal purposes)therefore in the future it probably with be the norm.
    Things unheard of in society years ago are the norm now and what we regard as deviant now will be accepted as normal.

  42. Daisy McMickens onlineAugust 6, 2010 at 8:44 PM

    To Kelly Holt,

    You made some good points. Yes, visible tattoos, exposing bra and boxer shorts and interracial dating will be the norms in the future. Each of these has surfaced in our society today and with the increasing number of people already engaging in them we can expect them to be the norm 25 years from now.

  43. In my opinion, tattoos are no longer "deviant" in most circles. Yes, some older folk may find them offensive or unsightly, but the majority of people accept them in moderation.

    In my opinion, same-sex relationships and marriage is going to become more accepted in the near future. There is already a same-sex lobby in almost every state in the country, some of which (in the case of CA) are having an effect on the laws in their state. It's only a matter of time before it lands in the lap of the Supreme Court for a final decision. Our generations (X & Y) seem to be more accepting of different lifestyle choices than the previous generations in America.

    I also feel that interracial relationships will become more common in the next 25 years. Again, our generations seem to be more relaxed when it comes to dating. In high school and now in college I have not noticed any stigmas being attached to people who decide to date outside their race.

  44. Tim Hamilton (Online)August 7, 2010 at 9:58 AM

    With love to Kennie West.
    While your passion for Christianity can be honorable. Please Kennie consider how your views will be perceived by others before you post (or speak) because you just made Christians look like hateful people. God does not hate or condemn God is grace and the fullness of His gospel is right relating with Him because of Christ. Grace should be our focus as Christians. How can someone be receptive to condemnation?

  45. Officer, he stole my pot (Marijuana)!!!
    I think 25 years from now, smoking Marijuana is going to be considered legal. There has been a big push for it lately. Some states have even made it legal for medical purposes. Many states want to legalize it to generate tax revenues. This may actually be the plant that saves the economy.
    Just four days ago, a land mark judgment was passed against proposition 8. It was deemed unconstitutional. This is the clause of the constitution that protects the minority against the decision of the majority. 25 years from now, polygamist may also lay claim to that single decision. The individual right (to marry as many as he/she likes) and the pursuit of happiness (I am sure they will not mention equality).

  46. Judith Miller(online) in response to Angela LaMotte about tattoos:

    Angela, I agree with you about the tattoo judging. Tattoos in no way, shape, or form pass a judgment on the person staring at the tattoo, and also they in no way hinder a person's ability to do a job correctly. When I worked at the hospital they didn't like to have visible tattoos showing on their employees. How does the fact that a person might have a flower or a skull on their arm effect the way they save a life? I guess this policy is instilled for people who have offensive tattoos, but in my opinion, what's offensive to one may be beautiful to another....

  47. Nanci Lamborn - online - responding to Tim Hamilton - great thoughts on the poverty concept. At first it is a difficult concept to label poverty as a deviance; however you're right as there is certainly a large part of society that frowns upon property in general, and is that not what the definition of deviance is? I wholeheartedly agree that we may be heading for perhaps one of the worst economic periods in human history, and that we will have a higher percentage of poor than we have ever known. We can only hope to see a shift in human values at that time. Also I must say, very clever use of the true enjoyment, delight and securities line.

  48. Nathanial Hornsby(Online)
    I believe that recreational marijuana use and more profanity/nudity on TV and radios will become norm within the next 25 years. We can see already a huge push for marijuana legalization as well as many surveys showing several different age groups involved in this activity, and it has proven about as dangerous as the currently legal tobacco and alcohol. Also the profanity and nudity are becoming slowly more acceptable as we see hidden innuendos in different shows, as well as more words being slowly phased from taboo to acceptable.

  49. Nathanial Hornsby(Online)
    to Shelley Stump
    I completely agree with the legalization of marijuana and like you stated the same facts of its not being more harmful then other legal drugs, the word caffeine just came to mind as well as tobacco and alcohol. Now with the pants of the ground i agree that at some point it does become a hassle and seems quite pointless, but i wear my pants lower because it feels more comfortable. Now this probably has a great deal to do with the norm while i was a teenager, but i always wear a belt to compliment my pants as it is not enjoyable to worry about holding them up constantly.


    I think same sex marriage and sleve tatoos wiil be excepted in the near future. more and more people are cuming out and not scared to show their sexuality, to the point were they are getting married. and also it is now legal in 50 states, so it has to be expected anyway. tatoos will be excepted because people are noticeing that tatoos does not make the person and has nothing to do with their work ability. for example i just found out my doctor has a sleve.

    i agree with you on the music part i should have that myself. but i do not know about the long pants i mean i guess we will have to sit back and see. but yes the music will take over way more than it already is.

  52. Cassie Williams (Online)August 7, 2010 at 11:18 PM

    I had to read the topic carefully because although I understand what deviant behavior is, I want to make it clear that what I write does not mean I personally support it. The obvious and probably most deviant behavior that will probably be an everything accepted by most people is homosexuality. While I personally do not support it (nor do I hate it), I can definitely see how this way of living can become common. With the recent overturn of Prop 8, it more obvious that gay and lesbian couples are being more accepted and recognized positively by society. Another deviant act I think will become more common is those we see on TV and radio. Some choice words are not said, and choice actions are not seen, but they might as well be. I think within 25 years, profanity and sexual acts will be seen as common everyday things. I know that they are seen much that way presently, but I believe censorship on these 2 specifically will become a thing of the past. Not that I'm a fan of this either, I am just reflecting on the past leading up to today. There was a time when people werent allowed to be seen in the same bed let alone show what goes on in it. Nowadays they can show everything but the actual thing. In 25 years who knows what might be seen as deviant.

  53. Cassie Williams (Online)August 7, 2010 at 11:28 PM

    In response to Angela LaMotte:

    I havent seen the girls with the "pants on the ground" style, and I hope I never do, but I know what you mean about the whole idea. I dont want to see your business or anything regarding it, and personally I would be embarrassed to have my underwear showing at all. I wouldnt celebrate my underwear with everyone else, thats why its called "underwear," not "outerwear." Keep your pants on kids. We're adults now. As for the tattoos I also agree. My boyfriend tried to enlist in the Marine Corp and was rejected because he has a tattoo that violates their dress code. It isnt explicit or anything, it can just be seen while in dress uniform. That is ridiculous. Thankfully the Army paid it no attention and he unfortunately (for me) he leaves for Basic Training soon. I myself have been considering a tattoo, but havent made any decisions yet.

  54. Judith Miller (online)
    Besides the tattoo argument, another thing that I hope is no longer seen as a "deviant act" in the future is the stipulation of teenage or young mothers. Just because a person has a baby at 16 or 18, does not mean that that person is going to a terrible mother. So many looks and presumptions are given to young mothers as if they are the worst example and will surely ruin their child's life. I have seen several young mothers including myself work their butt off and become wonderful parents and examples for their children. However, I can't tell you how many nasty looks I have received over the years and have been treated differently at parent teacher conferences or kids doctor visits because of this stipulation. So many other cultures across the world welcome young mothers and brides. Also, I'd be more pissed at a 35 year old mother who is popping out her fourth kid when she can't afford to pay for the 3 she already has! I'm not saying that there is not a problem with teenage pregnancy in this country, I'm just saying that if you see a young mother, don't always immediately judge because sometimes she may be supporting herself and be one of the most caring, active parents out there whether she is 17 or 37.

  55. Akilah Scott OnlineAugust 8, 2010 at 1:50 PM

    I do apologize if I offend anyone based on my blog. Remember this is just an opinion of one not of my instructor of Chattahoochee Techincal College. I believe that gay marriages are an example of defiancy right now. I truly believe it is disrespectful to flaunt same sex partner around and tell everyone that you are married when you are not having wedding ceremonies men dressed as women and women dressed as men and walking around other children who are only led by examples that this is ok. Since they are trying to pass different laws to get this approved 25 yrs from now this will be the norm. You will see plenty of individuals of the same sex wearing wedding rings, having big fancy weddings, and also showing marriage certificates that they are married . Another thing that will be seen as ok. where children at a young age will have the choice to whether or not they want to be raised by their parents. although you see it mostly at an age of 15 or 16 where children want to be emancipated I also feel that in 25yrs that is going to be the norm. because in these days and time children tend not to have respect for mother or father and feel that they are grown. I feel that is going to get worse and children are going to be living on their own.

  56. Melanie Jenkins (online) said...

    I hate to repeat the majority of the people on here but I agree that it is only a matter of time before marijuana use is legalized. I also think that same sex marriage will be a social norm within the next 25 years. Along with same sex marriage I believe that same sex adoption will become socially acceptable. Another thing view as a deviant act that I believe is on its way out is swearing. In 1972 George Carlin first listed the “Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television” since then three of the original seven are heard on television all day long and after certain hours all seven words are heard on television today. I’m not saying every “bad” word is going to be used in the next 25 years but the amount of profanity will increase to the point of some of these original “bad” words will become ordinary every day words.

  57. Akilah Scott online in response to Judith MillerAugust 8, 2010 at 1:59 PM

    I have tatoos that I feel should not be visible to the public. If Iam in a hospital or different setting I dont want to see anyone with a skull or even a cute butterfly on their necks. I think that should be in the privacy of your home or maybe on the weekends not when your in the hospital or at church. If I knew then what I know now. I probably wouldnt have gotten one. My nephew has a tatoo of a dollar sign on his hand he is 15yrs old did not ask I told him unless your going to be a rapper or ceo or your company you just lost out on the job. I asked him does that mean you are worth a $1.00. Anyway, I think it is inappropriate and save that for weekend I dont want to see your tatoos, tongue piercing or anything else when you are saving my life.

  58. Melanie Jenkins (online)
    Responding to C_Mich_King
    I have to disagree with you on the pants on the ground thing. It’s a fashion choice (though I think it is a stupid one) that will be gone in the next few years. It’s going to leave like teased hair and acid wash jeans of the 80’s. As for the music, how is Indie music deviant?

  59. janki patel online

    I think that same sex marriages and legalization of marijuana will be considered the normal in next 25yrs.

  60. Jenny Denker (Online)August 8, 2010 at 2:37 PM

    I believe that in 25 years, gay marriage and interracial marriages won't be looked down as much as they are today. It was stated that interracial marriages aren't viewed as deviant nowadays but I have to disagree. In many areas, especially of the south it is still looked down on to be in an interracial relationship. It is very sad and ignorant that they are looked down on, but that is just a fact until hopefully the next generation comes up smarter and with an open mind. Gay marriage is the same way. People say they want to protect the sanctity of marriage, but honestly it is just another "other" to keep out. There has always been, and always will be some sort of "other". The "other" is a group of people that people use to pick out of the crowd to make them feel superior. I believe in 25 years though, gay marriage and interracial marriage will completely be the norm, and not be viewed as deviant behavior.

  61. Jenny Denker (Online)August 8, 2010 at 2:43 PM

    In response to Janki Patel,
    I completely agree with you on the fact that legalization of marijuana will be another behavior that is viewed as deviant today that will be the norm 25 years from now. I personally don't have a problem with marijuana right now and I believe that most people are steering in that direction. We were all lied to by the Reagan administration, who began this war on drugs. They were trying to get us to believe that marijuana and crack were one in the same, and I believe now people are a little less ignorant, and don't buy into that.

  62. Mollian, I agree with many comments about same sex marriage in 25years to come it will be seen as normal.Though nowdays is more common but most of the people find it deviant,wearing pants on the floor its deviant but mostly it depends with age though it might not be seen as deviant in some years to come .In my own view i cannot hire somebody who is dressed half naked,i wonder why people like to expose their parts of the body that is not supposed to be.Its really disgusting!

  63. AlonzoJordan(Online) said...

    Think one deviant behavior that will become a norm is have have children out of wedlock. There is so much sexual activity being promoted in the music and on television these days it will be unavoidable; kids having kids. Another will be visible tattoos. People think its a violation of their freedom to express themselves if not allowed to show off some new ink as I've heard it expressed. Therefor I feel that naturaly people will just get use to it and let it slide, like with everything else in the U.S

  64. AlonzoJordan(Online) response to Angela LaMotte(Traditional Class)

    I agree with you. I dont feel like where you pants below your waist says nothing, except you are sloppy in your appearence. Unfortunately it is becoming more common in the youth and one day soon may actual be excepted as a norm. Lord I hope not. Thanks for sharing

  65. Tasha Wardrop (Online)August 8, 2010 at 7:30 PM

    Tasha Wardrop ( online) in response to Diamond Darden

    I also agree with you, as well as most others that same sex marriages will become normal over the next several years. I think also to follow that will be marijuana as a legally used drug. Im no completely sure that i agree either of these should become legal but i am not going to doubt that they do. I disagree that having children out of wedlock is a deviant behavior. I believe that is mainly factor a factor according to age. A 16 year old girl would be frowned upon having a child married or not, but a 30 something women would not first be asked if she was married.

  66. Debbie Pinson (on-line)August 8, 2010 at 8:55 PM

    I believe as with so many others on this blog that same sex marriage will become the norm. It has not been accepted for so long, but times have changed and you see alot more people that don't see anything wrong with it anymore. I also think that people living together before they get married has changed and is accepted more now. It use to be looked upon as sinful if you weren't married, but that seems to have become the norm now.

  67. Debbie Pinson (0n-line) in response to Angela LaMotteAugust 8, 2010 at 9:00 PM

    I also agree with you about people showing their boxer shorts. Not very attractive in my opinion, and it looks very annoying to the one wearing them to constantly having to pull up their pants. Must be very tiring for them to wear these things. Tatoos are o.k. if their entire bodies are not covered.

  68. I must agree with laura Mills, although my culture and most cultures don't accept same sex relationships and marriges, i tend to believe that people have the choice to decides who they want to be with and eventually same sex couples will be an everyday norm. I don't think that we, being creatures of error, have the right to judge people, that should be left for a much higher power.

  69. Mabel Ibuoffor (online)

    I think that same sex marriage in this country will become norm in the next 25 Years ; becaouse most of the states are already leglizing it. i beleve it will be a good thing for people to protect the sanctity of marriage . Another thing is about those wearing sarge pants; it is inapporpriate most time you see people wearing thier pants on their legs walking as if something is roung with them .if one is looking for a job and he or she dresses like that belive it or not you will never get the job becaouse this dressing is unprofessional so why do it

  70. Mabel Ibuoffor (online)

    Response toKanayeva Yelena
    I agree that wearing tatoos dose not defined who you realy are or your type of person; it gives me no concern , but since it can be a problem in the professional enveronment then it makes no sense wearing them .

  71. Keniel O responding to Angela LaMotte
    I agree with the things you said about the tattoos and the "Pants on the Ground" While I dont have a visible tattoos I know and see how people get judge for having visible tattoos. I dont believe they think about the long run when their skin starts to wrinkle however they do tend to have to prove there self more than people with no visible tattoos. Now for the people with the Fannies out intentionally or not (low waist jeans) I think that it will go back to being how it was in the older days when wearing them down (In prison) meant that you were Homosexual I dont believe that they know the history behind it If they did they would pull them up or buy high waisted jeans. I also think that they schools all over the country should have a ban against it cause it is disrespectful to people who see it

  72. lamond

    i beleave same sex marrige will be a norm real soon and people will look at it like its ok i also beleave that some illegal drugs will soon be a norm which there are people protesting to have both

  73. michael nunoo..online said....

    I think same sex marriage would be a norm in the next 25 years. Right now we have a black president and people are still in denial of that. I think in the next 25 years there will be more presidents of different race and hopefully we can see past the color of a person skin and worry about what they maybe able to do for our country.

  74. Brad Henderson

    I say gay marriage will be a norm in the next 10 years. I don't think its right but i do believe it will be a norm

    and i see prostitution becoming more of a norm if we are not carefull
