Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Are you prepared?

There are television shows, movies, websites, books and lots of merchandise related to surviving a Zombie Apocalypse.  This is not just a catch phrase, many people believe in the possibility of flesh eating, living dead beings bringing about the end of humanity.

Do you believing that zombie preparation is prudent or extreme?
This link is to the state of Kansas Ready website: http://www.ksready.gov/default.asp?PageID=9


  1. Mary C online 64
    I think it might happen there have been news reports about people eating other people, even mothers eating their own babies. I don't think it would be the dead coming back to life but a drug that will make you lose your mind and eat people.

    1. Angel O.
      1) canabilism
      2) bath salts

      enough said.

  2. Chris C 17

    My favorite bumper sticker i have ever seen (and one I plan to purchase shortly) is asking "Are you prepared for the Zombie Apocalypse?" Am I prepared? No, but i do plan on having some supplies stored in my garage for an emergency event. I do believe it is prudent that we are prepared for some sort of global outbreak. Swine flu, H1N1, "bath salts", we are one genetically engineered drug away from a horde of un-dead, hungry monsters.

  3. Extreme. Zombie Apocalypse?? Really?? Sounds to me like the brilliant marketing of some opportunistic entrepreneurs, who are taking advantage of the fears of the masses.

    1. Thank you for making that statement. I've think we've all failed to mention how they are also making movies on the Government collapsing and the end of the world. I.e Worse case scenarios. I think we all know that these things will not happen in the relatively near future and if-they do will not know about.

    2. Sarah B 65 In response to Michal Holnaider & Ra&#39Quayle
      There are always "Opportunistic Entrepreneurs" that are going to take advantage of "someone" about "something", but this isn't one of those times. Zombie shows and movies are just the next generation of Godzilla, Shark, or Alien invasion type horror flicks. It is just entertainment. There isn't anyone being exploited or taken advantage of, you know exactly what you are getting into, and it is your choice to either view it or not.
      If you read the article on the website, it is abundantly clear that the purpose of the campaign is to raise public awareness of storm readiness. There will always be the few who jump to conclusions and panic ("OMG Zombies!!") without any research or facts to back it up.
      I don't see the relevance of someone making end of the world movies in regard to this topic, they have been making "end of days" scripts for centuries, just reference the Bible's book of Revelations for starters.

  4. Joseph C 54

    If a Zombie apocalypse occurred, it would be due to an artificially created gene, mutation (etc). I believe that people are not in the wrong for preparing for anything, as in global warming, floods, war or even as strenuous as a zombie apocalypse. In fact, being prudent towards an apocalypse can have its advantages. For example, one may be preparing for a Zombie apocalypse for years and worry every day. If that day ever comes, which I think is highly unlikely, the person who has prepared for years will be ready and have a game planned where as compared to me, I'd be in serious trouble.

    1. Mary C Online 64
      I think it all comes down to just being prepare for any kind of disaster.

  5. Hostencia
    I think it is prudent to have all these shows about the Zombie in other to prepare our minds and selves of the unforeseen.We even have living Zombies, people eating others . They don't necessaryly have to be dead before coming back to eat people.You just have to know that Zombies do exist. What of natural disaters, we know, we prepare but we can't stop it. So believe or not,they do exist and there is no smoke without fire.

  6. Elizabeth A. 65
    Whao! Zombie preparedness? That sounds like preparing for evil. This is putting fear in the mind of people.Oh my God!How I wish people will believe the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and prepare for it the way they believe and prepare for Zombie, this world would have been a better place to live, and people will act right.I think Zombie preaparation is extreme,and this is avenue for some people to exploit people.

    1. I Completely agree! If people would worry more about the salvation of others rather than an Zombie apocalypse.

    2. I second the salvation of others!

    3. Reply to Elizabeth A. ^^^^^

      AMEN SISTER!!!!!!!
      Girl I agree with you 1,000,000%

    4. Brandy W. 64

      I think this year alot of peoples eyes will be opened to Jesus and his open arms!

    5. Wanda B. 65 In Response to Elizabeth A.65
      I also believe that the second coming of Jesus Christ is more of a reason to prepare for than the non sense of an Zombie Apocalypse.

    6. I agree with you WandaB. I also believe in the second coming of Jesus Christ and how the bible predicts and teaches us about these events and how we could never fully prepare for them. I think though, as human beings we have developed a will to live at any cost.

    7. Sara A. 64

      I agree the second coming of Jesus Chris is way more important!!!

  7. Sara 900116455
    I think zombie preparation is a little extreme. That is not to say that I don't believe in being prepared for other events. I believe in being prepared for more natural disasters or terrorist attacks.

  8. Kara Hall. 35

    Let's just say we are a house divide when it comes to the zombie apocalypse. That is the best of both worlds I guess you could say. My husband reads up on survival methods, stocks the emergency pantry, stocks on all things we might need to survive and destroy zombies. I on the other hand take the lighter approach....Tend to ignore the "what ifs". I take life day by day enjoying the goodness in today. There is a definite possibility of a natural disaster or the government issues but I doubt there will be an outbreak of zombies....

  9. Maria T. (65)
    I think zombie preparation is justa little too extreme. I personally don't believe in Zombies but I do believe that instead of all these talks about being prepared for Zombie Apocalypes, preparing what possibly could happen is a much more realistic approach.

  10. I am sure that some people really do eat other peoples body parts, but to have to be ready for a zombie attack is a little much. I can understand being prepared for something that might really happen but I don't see that one happening any time soon. There are way too many more things to be worried about then to think about zombies.

  11. I agree with Sara 55. I would rather be prepared for a natural disaster witch is more likely to happen then a zombie apocalypse. I understand being making sure that you are ready for anything to happen, but I just don't see this one really ever happening. If you really think abut yes people do eat other people like I said. Does that mean that we all are going to start going out and eating on others flesh? I think not.

  12. Abdulbari S. 64

    I consider zombie preparedness a bit extreme. The zombie phenomenon has been around for a while, albeit not as popular as it has become in the past couple of years. I think zombies are just your typical horror movie fantasy that just happen to resonate with people, perhaps, due to the fact that it portrays everyday, normal people turning into them as opposed to some sci-fi monster that pops out from out of space, for example.

  13. Opeyemi B. 60
    Zombie apocalypse is a kind of situation that is not likely to happen. However, situation like it may occur. Natural disaster, disease outbreaks, massive fire outbreak and all kind of emergencies could be a " zombie apocalypse". Therefore, making plans and preparing for Zombie apocalypse is very much like getting ready for a real potential natural disaster like flooding, earth quake, severe storm attack or outbreaks which can strike at any time. This kind of preparation can give you the idea of what and what to do in case of an emergency mention above.
    Opeyemi B. 60

  14. I am addicted to A.M.C.'s The Walking Dead! That being said, I am not concerned about an attack or an apocalypse..( my idea of being prepared is having plenty of wine). I really do not spend time worrying about disasters in general. I do think it is a bit extreme to prepare for a zombie apocalypse, but if it makes someone feel better to do so, than prepare away. I will be the unprepared wine drinker at your door asking for supplies if it ever happens.

    1. Abdulbari S. 64

      Lol @ unprepared wine drinker at your door. Hopefully, you can exchange some of your wine with a can of soup or something.

  15. Angel O.
    I do not believe in the zombie apocalypse. I have a couple friends who are really getting ready for it. they have bought books and informational videos, all that kind of stuff. If you are dead, you are dead. If you are alive, you are alive. There is no "undead"... The prefix "un" means the opposite of, so undead would mean opposite on dead - which in turn means alive.. but zombies are dead?? The whole thing, to me, is stupid. Its just something that some people choose to believe in because they can't control it. I am a HUGE conspiracy theorist when it comes to the world ending in catastrophic ways or religion being invented... but what's goinmg to be the next "cause" of the zombie apocolypse? The government made the zombies to kill us off, like pearl harbor or the stock market crash of the 1920's?

  16. Eddie W.
    No, I do not believe in a zombie like event, not in this world anyway. In Hell, yes but then we should be asking different questions. No fear of zombies

  17. JudiB.60
    What is a Zombie? Perhaps that is what we should be asking first instead of stereotyping Zombies like from the movies.
    I think that with all the Natural Disasters that have stricken Kansas, all the Governor is saying is that we should prepare to have people who were considered dead, walk straight back into our lives.
    The dead cannot come back to life, unless Doom's day is here.

    Some People lost their loved ones and their bodies have never been found. Assuming they give someone some time to surface after a Disaster? What if they walk back home? would you not all think its a Ghost? Now add the fact that they cannot remember what happened, are so traumatized, and do not have the will to live? All they do is act like a zombie!
    How will you live with it? that's the big question.
    Should we not be prepared for such events?
    and the Zombie preparedness arises.......

  18. Lori D. 64:
    I don't really believe in the possibility of a zombie apocalypse, so my answer would have to be that zombie preparedness is extreme. People should focus more on living in the present moment than about something that most likely will never happen. In 1999, people went to extremes preparing for the end of the world in 2000, and just how did that turn out? On the other hand, if a natural disaster strikes, or the end of the world does happen soon, or if (God forbid) a zombie apocalypse does happen, we won't be thinking their preparation was so extreme will we?!

  19. Lori D. 64 In response to Jeanine C. 64:
    I agree completely - there are things much more important for people to concern themselves with than a zombie apocalypse!

  20. I think that a zombie apocalype is very extreme! People should just live their lives and try to make the future become better. The future will effect our children.

  21. Jennifer P.60
    I think a zombie apocalypes is very extreme! People should just live their lives and try to make the future become better. The future wil effect our children.

  22. Jennifer P.60 I agree with Lori D. 64

    I feel the same way on the zombie apocalypes people should live in the moment. Also focus on the future for everyone.

  23. j. Erving
    I believe the idea of a zombie apocalypse is a little extreme because I do not believe anything deceased will come back alive and eat humans causing the end of the human race. I is just something for peoples imagination and the scifi channel

  24. I do think that every home should be prepared for a apocalypse. I do not think it is going to be zombies that will kill you if they touch or bite you, but I do think at the end of the world there will be no supplies for anyone and everyone will be fighting for food and running from people to not get killed. I am prepared, with 2 months of food in my home at all times. I do not think it is necessary to have a bunker or a special hiding place, a little over the top. There are things in the bible that still have not happened for the end of the world to come.

  25. Brittany M. Online 64

    I honestly think that this whole "zombie apocalypse" is way too extreme. I personally think it is just another hype. Because there are so many TV shows and movies and books it is all people can talk/think about right now. I think if Twilight was still big, and they continued on the the 'vampire' theme, the world would be 'taken over' by vampires at some point. So I think it is just super extreme and the world may be taken over by something else once the zombies die down.

  26. Sarah Berger 65
    Personally, I don't believe that a Zombie Apocalypse could ever be a reality. A horrific worldwide pandemic, sure. Either way, I think preparedness is a great thing. Many people don't even think to keep water or batteries on hand. So if zombies is what it takes, then great! I think it was a fantastic idea by the state of Kansas to tap pop culture to raise awareness.

  27. Leidy Marulanda
    I personally believe that a zombie preparation is extreme because many people want to believe what they see, or hear on the TV or the internet. On the other hand, I think that it is really important to be prepare for anything. You never know.

  28. I believe that zombie preparation is extreme. I do not get where the idea of a zombie apocalypse even came from. in my opinion people who truly believe that this will happen are influenced way to much by what they see on tv.

  29. Elizabeth A.65 response to Eddie W. People should remove fear from their mind, and ask or be inquisitive about something that is real. JESUS ah ah ah! laugh.

  30. Stephanie T.(65)

    I think it is extreme if taken litrerally. I do think it is a great attention grabber as far as how the CDC uses it to get people to read about being prepared for an emergency. I do not think we will taken over by zombies in real life.

  31. Stephanie T. (65) reply to Sarah B.

    I completely agree that is great to get people to prepare for an emergency. Everyone really takes it out of context.

  32. Winifred Chukwu
    I believe zombie preparation is extreme and uncalled for, there are many other things to prepare for than zombies..

  33. Jane K 64
    Zombie Apocalyse preparation have been taken to an extreme level, which have brought fear in some people that either Zombies are there or soon they will come to life. In life you became what you socialize with, if a person take too much time watching movies and reading books concerning horrific things, at the end a person will tend to believe in what he/she is reading or watching. Thats why it has brought fear among people. In my opion, these are just fiction and imagination of human being that will never come to be in this world.

  34. Jane K 64 response to Johanna Marulands

    I agree with your opion but I do not agree with your last sentence "You never know". These things are just fiction and imagination of human being. If there were to happen , we could have witnessed them along time ago because in many Vampire movies, they always claims that Vampires have been in this would in thousands of years, like a Vampire could have 3000 years old. Nobody in the history have ever attain even 1000 years. No worries about the future, these are just evil imaginations.

  35. Tanja K. 64:
    Part of me believes that this is just a new trend. Shows, games and books about zombies, vampires, gene mutated creatures, etc. are just the kind of things people like to watch and read about these days. But then there is another part of me that does see the endless possibilities, but also danger that comes with science and DNA research these days. Who am I to say that there is not one secretly hidden lab out there that is trying to create a super human being that might get out of control and try to destroy us all?

  36. Tanja K. 64 in response to Angel O.:
    I agree with what you say. I'm not afraid of a mysterious creature that will suddenly appear out of nowhere, but I am afraid of what mankind can accomplish in their constant thrive to make people stronger and invent new things.

  37. Brandy W. 64

    My friends and I always joke and play "what if?" since we LOVE Walking Dead. This world is always coming up with new drugs and inventions and I dont think its too far stretched to say that the human race could turn into flesh eating humans. I dont think the dead will rise and attack us, however bath salts do leave me open to zombies!

  38. Carter Bragg
    I believe that the zombie preparation is very extreme. You can't go through life preparing for something that has never happened before. One reason is because you don't know exactly what you are preparing for. The bath salts argument is quite invalid simply because you have to intentionally ingest something and not every person that has ingested bath salts has been found eating another human. Sure, thats a sign of being a zombie, but what happened to that person when they came down off the high? They weren't interested in consuming people anymore. Preparing for the unknown seems rather extreme and almost meaningless. I find that people that prepare for world wars have more sense then those that are preparing for a zombie apocalypse.
    Carter Bragg

  39. Charles w 64

    The zombie apocalypse may happen, just as it might start raining money or any other outlandish concept. Although it is possible it isn't probable. On the flip side of the coin though, people who take it seriously have there survival plans, which are usually applicable to other scenarios other than just the zombie uprising, which can be helpful in any catastrophe. So it isn't a matter of are we prepared to come face to face with zombies; it seems more likely it is just another apocalyptic scenario that we as humans want to say we are ready to take charge of.

  40. Charles W 64 in response to Carter Bragg

    Carter i have two points to make. Firstly the bath salts argument isn't an arguement it is a point of interest; today's chemicals come with a laundry list of side effects and those who believe in the zombie apocalypse do not believe it will be the dead rising from the grave. Most of them believe it will simply be a virus or some kind of chemical agent to cause a mutation of sorts. The bath salts incident was isolated yes but it proves the point that chemicals can reduce people to extremely primal levels of being. Secondly you labeled yourself wrong per the instructions of the blog.

  41. Wanda B.65
    I believe the Zombie apocalypse is extreme. I do not believe dead humans can come back to life and eat people. I do believe in being prepared for emergency natural and man made. It have to be a lot of verified cases for me to consider it possible.

  42. Is there no longer a belief in God? Personally,I don't believe there will be a such thing as a zombie apocalypse or the fact that we will know when the world will end. This is too much of an extreme. This country needs to sit down with their loved ones and reevaluate their live, put their priorities in perspective and go about their daily lives. On the plus side teaching people about disaster preparedness is a plus. Kudos.

    1. I couldn't agree more. Life is way too short to worry about such silly things, or events that are out of their control. I guess being prepared for an emergency is good, if it doesn't take on a life of it's own.

  43. Samantha Y.65

    I believe that a Zombie Apocalypse is extreme. Where I work at as a nurse I had a patient that came in a few months ago needing anxiety medications due to believing that the Zombie Apocalypse was soon to happen. It was so ridiculous to me that I almost broke out in laughter while registering him. To me this is something that could never happen, I may be wrong but is just seems to extreme. That being said I also think there is much more to worry about than zombies.

    1. Keli J. 65 replying to Samantha Y.65
      It does seem ridiculous especially when it was presented to you in that manner. I agree preparing would be extreme, beside how would one prepare is there like a metal costume that we could wear or would we hide in a storm shelter? Instead of planning we should just wait patiently to see if anything happens.

  44. Samantha Y.65
    In response to Sarah Berger 65

    I couldn't agree with you more a Zombie Apocalypse could never be a reality! On the other hand a worldwide pandemic could occur. Preparedness for such disasters is a great thing. We should all have supplies but up incase a disaster occurs so we can be prepared.

  45. Samantha Y. 65
    In response to Sarah Berger 65

    Did not mean to put but meant put. ooops!

  46. Zombies will not come rising out of the grounds like we originally believed from watching old school movies. They will be created from bad side effects brought on by government and private company experiments on unsuspected and/or poor people. I believe that a Zombie Apocalypse is inevitable because there is no stopping these experiments and it is a only a matter of time it all gets out of control.

    1. Matthew B. 64
      In response to Kareen Louika.

      I agree with you! There are already fungi and viruses that can animate insects to the point of taking over their minds and making them walk to environments that they can grow and thrive in. Biologist are already studying these and whos to say not developing something from them.

    2. Jedd D. 64
      I have the same comment like yours about how some experiments have some side effects and one of those are human brains got affected and force them to eat flesh. But it is also our duty to take care of ourselves, eat healthy foods to strengthen our immune system.

  47. Matthew Bennett Y.64

    I believe that weather the zombies come or not, it IS important for people to be prepared. Preparing for the zombie apocalypse can be benificial in other extreme cases as well. Stocking up on food can help with being stranded in your home for whatever reason. Having guns and ammo could help with a country invading the U.S. Having first aid available to your family can be helpful in almost every situation involving injury. So maybe preparing for a "zombie apocalypse" may not be good, but it certainly wouldnt hurt.

  48. Jedd D. 64
    I believe it's extreme. I know there are some people out there that has mental disability or suffering from a bad experiment that cause a side effect and it leads to a human being eating flesh, but I don't think it is going to be a lot of people, maybe a few especially if their immune system is weak. Although it is alright to take pre-cautions and that we should take care of our body and believe in your instinct. Also, it is important for us to read and educate ourselves before taking some medicines.

  49. Mary T. 64
    I think this is a very funny topic. I do not believe in flesh eating, living dead beings bringing about the end of humanity. Although, there is always the possibility of it. Anything could happen. I actually had a amazing opportunity of being a photo double for a major zombie in The Walking Dead. I even some people who actually have start preparing for a zombie apocalypse. They had some good reasoning behind it but I still can’t wrap my head around a real zombie apocalypse happening. I do not think zombie preparation is needed yet but is people keep taking bath salts, then I might have to consider it.

  50. Reply to Matthew Bennett Y.64
    I think that you should always be prepared for anything. I hate to say it but I bet some of the people who are actually crazy enough to start preparing for a zombie apocalypse, will be ones to survive it because they are prepared. I agree with you that it wouldn’t hurt to start preparing. Although, I won’t be.
    Mary T. 64

    1. Giovanni Currie.22
      I understand what you are saying. I also agree with you on the fact that i wont be preparing for a zombie apocalypse either.

  51. Keli J. 65
    I think preparing for a zombie apocalypse is a tad bit extreme. I will be the first to admit that I have never really watched any zombie movies or shows, but it all seems farfetched. I could think of about 20 things that I would prefer to prepare for than zombies. I will admit that question has raised new questions for me, like where would a zombie come from? I guess I will catch an episode of The Walking Dead so I won’t be completely clueless.

  52. Amanda B. 64
    I believe that zombie preparation is prudent. It's basically preparing for any disaster or emergency. Extreme zombie preparation, in my opinion, would be living within the walls of a compound and cutting yourself off from all thats around.
    I lived in AK for several years, and in some extreme areas, preparation is vital. So what some people call prudent others would see as extreme. I still have an emergency backpack in my car with water, canned goods, and extra clothes. You're not too far from civilization here in GA, but in AK its a far stretch between cities so it becomes habit to have.

  53. Amanda B. 64 in response to Michael Holnaider
    I agree with Michael. It's all marketing. They take a basic emergency preparation pack, slap a bright green sticker on it, double the price, and call it zombie. And because it's the latest fad people buy it.

  54. Giovanni C.22

    I honestly believe that zombie preparation is extreme. This World has been going on for hundreds of years there has not been any proof of zombies yet. If it was possible for someone to turn into a zombie, someone would have already.

  55. Charlie M 64
    One thing is for sure this (TYPE) of threat is real Take a look from a more straight forward approach. Like the widespread use of hard core Antibiotics and the synthesized infectious disease’s listed by the CDC. No, I am not a survivalist but I do believe in being prepared for living. The studies of MERSA one of the most deadliest forms of flesh eating infections on our planet eats tissue and bone….. This is not fiction medical hysteria leading to a real problem IF one of the real diseases’ take hold it will devastating… 1st our antibiotics will become far less effective on the super viruses are Dr. and Nurses will be the first to go and it will look much like a Zombie Dooms Day. The Idea is to educate the masses with Fact not Fiction Just remember it is better to avoid using an anti biotic for this years chest cold of slight fever and save it when you will need it to work.

  56. Charlie M. 64
    Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) is a type of staph bacteria that is resistant to antibiotics called beta-lactams. These antibiotics include methicillin and other more common antibiotics such as oxacillin, penicillin, and amoxicillin. In the community, most MRSA infections are skin infections.
    ************More severe or potentially life-threatening MRSA infections occur most frequently among patients in healthcare settings.

    1. Lacee P. Online 65
      In response to Charlie M. 64

      I found your topic very interesting. I too believe it to be important that antibiotics not be used unless the body cannot fight the bacteria otherwise. This is a smart topic of education. As people become more aware of the cause and precautions on disease so too will we see less of outbreaks such as MRSA. There are many natural ways to help aid the body in healing without the use of many chemically toxic pharmaceuticals. Knowledge and self help can also educate and heal.

    2. I have heard of what you have written about and think about the cockroach and how they become immune to insecticides. Not comparing the human race to a disgusting insect, but evolution is something we associate more with the past instead of as something that is related more to the present and how it will affect our future.

  57. Lacee P. Online 65

    Zombies are an outlandish scare tactic for marketers to make adults stay with "the herd". Fear drives humans to do or not do... and the marketing that sales survival kits for Zombies feeds that fear. It would be more tactful to prepare for natural disasters and have some food storage on hand. Emergencies do happen but how often have you had to run to a bomb shelter or kill a zombie this year?

    1. Sci Fi plays on a person's imagination. I watched this show called Doomsday once and thought it was ridiculous, the preparations that some people take to prepare for the end were extreme. Yet I can't help but to think that if something did happen, it would be those people that I thought were crazy who would survive.

  58. Ithink with all the testing with viral diseases and the development of new viruses, it is very possible. The degree or perception might be different but have similiar effects. Something like a shortage of food supply might bring something like that in affect.

    1. A shortage of food and water would definitely turn us into zombies. Everyone would be going crazy killing for food and such. Not a good world to be in.
      Casie m

    2. KaraH.35

      I completely agree that a shortage of food supply and normal everyday things that we take for granite could cause a zombie apocalypse in other words just make people go crazy and rebel doing out of the ordinary things!

  59. I am attaching the link to Crack.com on zombie genes.


    Apparently our DNA have a zombie gene that can be activated in the future. Due to all the human testing and gene splicing going on, not to mention experimental medical techniques to cure and create human disease and biological warfare. I have no doubt that something terribly wrong will happen in the future. There is no limit to what humans will do to survive, which includes cannibalism, which has already been proven. So yes, although zombie preparation is extreme, it might be a wise decision in the long run, but only when the signs of the end of the world are obviously displayed. When this time comes and I am still alive, it's every person for themself.

  60. Jennifer B. Online 97
    I believe that preparing for a zombie apocalypse is extreme. I believe the idea of zombies are derived from humans who have contracted rabies. You can look up videos of rabid humans and their qualities are dead on with the ways that zombies are perceived. I believe the only way we could go through a zombie apocalypse is if a Rabies pandemic were to occur. I believe it is extreme to prepare for a zombie apocalypse because the chances of it occuring are so minute and efforts may be better suited focusing on another type of pandemic or something more probable.

  61. Tiffaney Davis
    I feel that all of the zombie talk is extreme. I don't think this at all has anything to do with the end of the world or it would be mentioned in the bible. I think that this happened twice earlier this way, or last last year, in FL, and it was such an unexpected thing that America has taken it to the extreme and found a way to turn the idea into revenue.

    1. I do feel it's extreme but possible in different ways like dieses or shortage of food.

  62. AndreaA_98 in responce to Tiffaney Davis

    I agree the zombie talk is soooooo over the top and extreme. Nowadays people say and do whatever to make a profit. You are right i have seen so such talk in the bible.

  63. Joysline N 64
    Zombie are not real to me but he fact still remains that if we had to go for some days wihout food people might go extream miles just to satisfy themselves.
