Thursday, November 8, 2012

420 every day

Colorado and Washington became the first states in the union to legalize marijuana for recreational use. In both states residents over the age of 21 will be allowed to possess up to one ounce of the herb, marijuana accessories. In Colorado people can have up to six marijuana plants, though no more than three can be mature, have flowering plants, at a time.

What are your thoughts on this controversial topic?


  1. I honestly don't see an issue with it. I feel if we are allowed to drink alcohol knowing all its negative effects, then we might as well allow marijuana...with limitations ofcourse. Im not sure of all the negative affects of marijuana but it does not seem as unhealthy as alcohol and just as unhealthy as tobacco. Extreme drugs such as cocaine, meth, and extacy should remaim prohibited

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Sam C. 40 in response to Faith N.
      I agree that hard drugs should still be prohibited. I do like that part of the legislation in Washington state is a blood test limit for driving. I think that has to be a part of any legislation for changing the laws regarding recreational use. I wonder what effect it will have on private companies and drug testing....

    3. I agree as long they keep the hardcore drugs prohibited and limitations on marjuana like they do alochol.

    4. Chris Y. in response to Faith N
      Totally agree with you and feel that making the drug illegal just gives the government more money in their pocket.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sam C. 40
    I actually think it's past due. The amount of money we spend as a country on prosecuting and incarcerating people on marijuana related crimes could be much better spent on education or reducing the national debt. Legalize it, TAX it, and regulate it and we can actually free up resources to tackle more dangerous criminals and drugs. People are going to smoke marijuana whether it is legal or not. You would have thought we could have learned from the failed alcohol prohibition of the '20s.

  4. Debra B40

    I have always been against doing drugs of any kind. They alter your being and cause you to do things that is not right. Just because someone legalizes it doesn't make it ok. There are strong reasons why doing this should be avoided.

    1. Agreed. It'll be interesting what happens in these areas.

  5. Wendy C Online 39

    It should be interesting to watch the crime rates in those areas especially driving under the influence. I think it needs to be taxed at a higher rate than alcohol or cigarettes. I also think that those things that are more taboo are more sought out. If the community is given free access, while that increase the drug use or will it level out?

  6. Bart S Online 39

    I'm highly against the use of weed personally, but it should be interesting to see how many people jump at the chance to smoke some of that dankity dank. MJ is safer than alcohol anyways, so the accident rate won't be much higher unless you're so high that you're seeing leprechauns while you drive. Drug use is definitely going to go up in these states though. Especially in Washington. Their sports teams are awful and Twilight is filmed there.

    1. Jordan D. 40 in respond to Bart S. Online 39
      If anything, it will attribute to better ideas and films coming out of the state as a result of smoking-induced visions! Or they may be complete garbage, only time will tell I suppose.

  7. Patrick H

    This is a very controversial topic. Many people are for it and many people are against it. I FOR ONE WOULD NEVER use drugs legal or not, but it is a free country. There is no doubt that this will cause problems though. If the government is going to legalize it they also need to tax it and regualte it and strictly enforce the rules if they're any.

  8. Nick G. Online 39
    The legalization of Marijuana is far overdue. You can not legislate morality. So much money is thoroughly wasted on "The War on Drugs", that it offsets things like education and rebuilding the infrastructure. Marijuana is only illegal due to the smear campaign by a newly formed Federal Bureau of Narcotics in the 1930's to illegalize the drug.It threatened the lumber industry's profitability so it was effectively made illegal through propaganda films. There are over a million uses for cannabis, not just as an intoxicant, and it grows ten times faster than lumber. So much revenue can be made through taxing the sale of Marijuana, its good to see that Colorado and Washington have made a step forward!

    1. In response to Nick G~

      by Wendy W 40

      Agreed! There are so much more important things money could be spent on instead of chasing after marijuana sellers - not to mention a vast profit for the government if they taxed the sale of it!

  9. Lacey K.

    I feel like they should be able to do whatever it is they want to do. If people want to get high, let them. Why is it illegal anyway?

  10. Jordan D. 40
    I am glad to hear about this. Less money dumping into enforcement of the illegality and the detainment of teenagers who would be more likely to go into a crime-filled life after being arrested over something that is fairly minor. Now, money will be pumped back into the economy as a result of the taxation and less people will be going through prison. What's there not to support about this? I've never touched the stuff but I have had friends who have, and they're extremely chill and relaxed people while under it's influence. The only possible problem to see here is that it MAY act as a gateway drug to more dangerous ones, like meth or cocaine. But there's really just not enough evidence to support that.

  11. Dana B.38
    I think that marijuana should be legal. There is a large amount of people that die each year from alcohol and cigarattes. I dont think I have ever heard of anyone that has died from marijuana. Other drugs such as cocain, meth, etc. should deffanely stay illegal. People should be able to smoke marijuana if they want.

  12. Dana B.38 in response to Lacey K.
    I agree. I dont understand why it isnt already legal. Cupcakes and fried chicken harm our bodies, so why isnt that illegal.

  13. Wendy W 40

    I think it's a step in the right direction - however, it is still not allowed on a federal level and from what I understand, people can still be arrested for use or carrying it based on federal law. It will definitely be something that will be fought over a long period of time in the courts. I think smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol should receive a higher tax, as should marijuana. All of these items are a choice by the person choosing to partake in them, and in excess, all of them hurt your body. Accidents, cancer - all of these things in turn affect our healthcare system and the cost of insurance, medicine, and treatment. Everything affects something else. So there is a great deal of facts to take into consideration I think. But personally, I think if people want to do it, it should be there choice, but by regulating and taxing at least the government is making money off of it... and as some others mentioned there are many non-smoking uses for marijuana as well - paper products especially. It's a crop that has been taboo for far too long and really, if it's readily available it probably wouldn't even be as popular as it is now among the people that choose to use it.

    1. Wendy, I agree with you. I also think that the legalization of marijuana is in the right direction. It's freedom of choice and people are going to do what they want to do anyway. It will be interesting to see what will happen in the future with this and how it will effect health insurence and new taxes.
      -Brittany H Online 38

  14. Brittany. H Online 38

    I Honestly think it's a great law and it should be regulated just like alcohol. Unlike alcohol, marijuana reacts as a medicine to many different types of medical issues. It does not harm the body like alcohol does.Marijuana can cure anxiety, pain, adhd and more. I think it's awful that innocent people get incarcerated for possession of marijuana when the law could be out there filling up the jails with true criminals such as rapist, murderers or catching people drunk while driving.

    1. In response to your post I also think its great to regulate marijuana just like alcohol. No harm no foul.

  15. Sumpter Bettis 44

    My opinion is that the states have a motive for them allowing it to even get on the ballot. I feel like the only reason it even got on the ballot is the state is going make money off of it. They are going to tax the crap out of it so that’s my take on it

    1. Danyelle N 06 in response to Sumpter B.44
      I completely agree with you there the government doesn't do anything unless it has a purpose for it, and usually its done to better themselves, and put more money in there pocket.

  16. Kristyn Mathews (38)
    I dont feel the need to legalize marijuana, there are plenty of substances in our society today that the local population abuses. We dont need to add something else in the mix that can become abused by the general public. Marijuana is helpful for medicinal use and it should be left at that.

    1. Tacile B. 40
      in response to Kristy Mathews 38
      I agree with you on that. I'm almost sure that everybody thought that it was a great idea to legalize cigarettes and alcohol. Now look at the this crazy world today. People will always abuse substances of any kind.

  17. LaTia W. online 39... This topic has been very controversial for quite some time. I believe that this will create increased drug use in those states. I do not think that legalization is the best decision. Although it will decrease the amount of money allocated toward the illegalization of the drug, I believe that the long term effect will far outweigh the monies used for prevention.

  18. LaTia W 39 online in response to Debra B 40... I agree drugs of any king alter your thought process and your well being. I do not think that this should be legalized due to the mass impairment that it causes. I believe that this will cause more harm than good in the long run.

  19. J Walther 70:
    Just because it's legalized in 2 states doesn't necessarily mean the other states will quickly follow (not that it would be a bad idea). We all "know" the benefits and downfalls of legalization. In starting with these particular two states, I believe the nation will gain a better understanding of how legalization will influence number of consumers, how it will fluctuate budget and goverment spending/ savings in these states, and what will happen to the population of innmates. Seeing as Colorado and Washington have a vast user population, the numbers will most likely benefit in favor of a more "mass scale legalization/ decriminalization".

  20. If you dont like my fire, then dont come around......Ben Harper. Way to go WA and CO, this dumb red state we live in will never even allow it to be used for medical reasons. Idiots are driving drunk over pedestrians on side walks, persons smoking weed are eating munchies and watching tv. I say legalize it all, Darwin is going to win eventually!

  21. L Baumgardner Online
    I definitely think that the legalization of marijuana in any state is progress from where we use to be only 2 years ago. Marijuana is not as bad as alcohol and I think this has been a long time coming. People drink and drive and kill people every single day in America. I know that marijuana does not impair you to the extent of alcohol. Just look up the statistics. I also think Colorado is going to be a state now that makes their own rules, and ends up making more money than any other state. I really dont see any negatives in this new law.

  22. Elizabeth N online-38

    I am not sure, I would vote for marijuana to be legalized. However, like everyone writes, legal or illegal those who want it still use it. That is why it is up to the people in authority to decide. I thought it was only being legalized for medical use only. Am surprised that residents will be allowed to possess some as well. Resdients of different states will be going to the states where they can have it. They might as well legalize it nation-wide if this is what they want to do.

  23. Marijuana should have been legalized a long time ago. It's only a matter of time before its sold in gas stations and head shops across the US. It has too many benefits to ignore, including to people who don't even use it.

  24. Meredith Hunton
    Marijuana has its positives and has its negatives like anything else. there are some medical benefits to smoking it, its also great for people dealing with physical pain. But you have to keep in mind that all the benefits of marijuana is in smoking small amounts of it, but knowing the american people they will probably ignore that fact and smoke a whole crap tun of the stuff. Which in the long run will grow the already existing large amount of unproductive and stupid people that live in this Blessed, Free, Endless Opportunity country.

  25. Danyelle N. 06
    I think that marijuana should be legalized and taxed. Although its something I would never do myself I see that it is no worse than drinking or smoking cigarettes. Marijuana is used for medicinal purpose so I think that it can't be any worse than legalized stuff and actually think it might be better for young kids who are smoking synthetic marijuana and having seizures. Marijuana is from the land and nothing is added to it has some purpose in this world. I know marijuana is alot better than meth, crack, cocaine, ect. Maybe the legalization of marijuana in all states would cause people to cut back on other drugs if legalized.

    1. Holly G.38
      In response to Danyelle N.06
      I completely agree with you and your reasons as to why marijuana should be legalized. It is a lot safer than most of the other drugs out there. I don't think it's any worse than alcohol and should be allowed in moderation.

    2. Ryan Rauch 35

      in response to Danyelle
      It's been proven in other countries that when Marijuana is legalized, the crime rate is almost cut in half. Our countries laws dealing with this are completely out of wack. We have citizens caught carrying marijuana doing the same amount of prison time as murders and rapist.

  26. Holly G.38
    I think that marijuana should be legalized. From a medical standpoint, it is a lot safer than most drugs out there, even alcohol. It does not usually cause violent behavior like alcohol can, and it isn't known to cause seizures and other major issues that the synthetic forms can. The fact of the matter is, that it really is not that hard for people to get if they really want it. So why not make it a legal and taxable product?

  27. This is so far over due. Alcohol and Tobacco are much worse on our bodies than Marijuana. For medical purposes, opioid based pain medicine is so much more harmful and addictive that it's not even close. Now we need the rest of the states and the federal government to follow suit. I would love to see how much money Colorado and Washington will save by not having to fund their massive drug task force teams anymore. I'm sure their crime rates will also plummet.

  28. Priscille F Pierre
    I am really on the fence about this topic, on one hand I think it is a good idea in hopes of it stopping crimes related to drugs. On the other hand I think this can really back fire and cause a whole lot of laziness and fast food eating, making this recession alot worst.

  29. Priscille F pierre
    response to Rhyno Hawg
    I agree with you opioids are alot more dangerous. I to would like to see how much money is saved and lives that are spared from doing these drug raides.

  30. Priscille f pierre
    response to brad 36
    I think it would be great for it to be sold at gas stations the only thing i hope that legalizing it would not increase the crime rate at gas stations. I hope it would become like cigarette sales.

  31. Tacile B. 40

    I disagree with legalizing marijuana. Substance abuse has messed up this world so bad already. Now one more substance added to the the bunch will mess this place up even the more. More crack, meth. cocaine and etc. users start with marijuana. The little substance leads to something stronger. That would be a mess.

  32. I honestly think that with laws already being broken, under age drinking and smoking marjuana illeagally, this legalization of marjuana in Colorado and Washington is just the beginnig I feel that many other states will follow pursuit just because many people are already being caught with it illeagally if it was made legal people would really be smoking that stuff with no care in the world.

  33. Isjour Beasley
    I agree with the decision of legalizing marijuana. They are a lot of things that can harm your body, but it's up to you to participate. If your 21 your an adult and can decide for yourself. As long as there is an age restriction I see no harm.

  34. Isjour Beasley
    In response to Priscille F pierre
    I think that is just a sterotype becoming lazy and eating fast food. I've witnessed different. People do it to calm nerves just like a cigarette or a glass of wine. But they still work hard everyday. Most cases i have seen are self medicating themselves. They don't smoke to chill and eat but they smoke because they are trying to forget pain. Not saying it's a good decision either way but i don't think it would be wise to make a decision off of being lazy and eating fast food.

  35. Ivy M.40
    I have very mixed emotions about this becoming legal. That's all I have to say....

  36. Kandi B. 38
    I will preface this by saying that I am not familiar or educated about drugs other than I drug test my employees, however yesterday I ahd a discussion with my 12 year old son about his friend's choice to smok marijuana at 13 years old. It is interesting to me that as adults we think it is ok to legalize it and assume it will happen, however what is our opinion when children and teens are becoming addicted to a drug? I read somewhere that smoking pot can lead to experimenting with harder drugs. As a parent, my opinion is that drugs that alter the mind to a state that affects making good decisions should not be legal. I have no idea about marijuana for medicinal purposes. I have watched my sister suffer with arthritis so bad she had to crawl, I wonder if she would have smoked it if it was prescribed to her?

  37. Kandi B 38
    Reply to Ivy M.
    I would have to agree with you. As with anything else, we have to choose what is moral and right for ourselves as individuals. My convictions may be different than others, which I can assuredly say for most everyone in the world.

  38. I personally don't have a problem with it. I believe firmly in to each its own.I think that it will cut down on crime in such a manor, but there will be alot of job openings thats for sure. This is something people do anyway so why not and just put a tax on it and make money. I think later on alot of other states will follow, but the federal goverment will be the problem. it will cut down on tax payers money being spent in the justice system most of them get probation anyway.

  39. James B. 38
    reply to Isjour Beasley Online. 38
    I agree with the decision as well of legalizing marijuana. You did make a valid point about there being a lot of things that can harm our bodies, so do make all those things illegal as well. I also said to each its own. But we both know the age restriction without heavy punishment is really useless.

  40. Chris Y. 39 online
    Even though I've never used the drug I dont feel that our jails and tax money should be spent arresting individuals whom decide to participate in its use. If marijuana is illegal then drinking alcohol should be illegal as well

    1. Ashley M. 38 Online

      I completely agree with you. Our tax money is being wasted on a drug that does no harm to anyone or anything. Because regardless it's going to be done whether its legal or illegal.

  41. Shaylynn S.
    I think that if you are going to smoke, sell, grow this drug that it is probbaly already happening and this wouldnt change your mind about it. I think that it is something people might increase of in the beggining while it is new but then it will die down. I feel as though if you do to much of anything it can be a bad thing so they can limit that to smoking this drug just like drinking to much. There is always going to be a harm about it. My question is just that if this is legalized what on earth could be next??

  42. Many go into drug any way.But this is the opportunity for the government to get rich through this. No mater what ? people will still smoke it. Moreover it will the tax impact might makes some people to stop. I will there will be anough regulations.

  43. kennedy A online 038
    Many go into drug any way.But this is the opportunity for the government to get rich through this. No mater what ? people will still smoke it. Moreover it will the tax impact might makes some people to stop. I will there will be anough regulations

  44. Ashley M. Online38
    I say this is a great idea for the rest of the United States to do. This will bring so much money to the economy, help reduce a lot of our debt and help clear some of the jails out so that the money can go towards the things the US needs to focus on instead of the money having to support jail. I mean regardless of if it's legal or not, people are still going to grow, sell, buy, and smoke. It'll just make things so much more simple if they would legalize it. There wouldn't be so much crime around weed.

  45. Melissa Perez
    I believe all states should leagalize marijuana. There are several benefits of cannabis consumption. Not only does THC, the active ingrident, blind our brain's endocannabinoid receptors to reuduce our anixety and pain level but it has even been proved to stop the development of Armentano, a type of cancer. Smoking marijuana also allows paitents or people with eating disorders to obtain an appetite. Some will still argue this is a gateway drug, it will stunt your growth, and it will shorten your attention span; However, I believe these are just continous excuses covering up the fact the government will never be able to properly tax the herb. I do not understand why the people who choose to smoke cannot obtain a liscence allowing them to possess and buy a logical amount at a time. Add a yearly tax like home owners have and start building our economy back up. Most people do not even understand the true reason marijuana was banned from The United States. The true reason for the outlawing of the "drug" was based on racism, not only to the Mexicans distributing the product to our country from Mexico but also among African American Jazz players. Our loyl government began to base the violent threat of these minorities to the use of marijuana. If that was so, why is there still such a great number of violence in the US today?

  46. Maxx Lowe Online 039
    The amount of money the US government spends on arrests dealing with marijuana is pathetic. In the history of mankind not a single person has ever died from marijuana, while an average of 400,000 people die every year from cigarettes and another 75,000-100,000 from alcohol. If you look at those stats one starts to wonder why the only one that doesn't kill people is the only one that is illegal. So we know that health reasons obviously aren't the reason for it being illegal. The real reason it is illegal in so many states as well as federal is because they cannot control it enough. It is too easy for the average American to grow their own plants at home and then there is no money for the government. Having said that, if they did legalize it everywhere the amount of new tax revenue would be staggering. You can already see it in California. There is a single dispensary that pays well over a million dollars a year in taxes. Imagine how much money would come to a city like Atlanta with hundreds of them around the metro area.
